Alternating Current Circuits and Electromagnetic Waves

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Chapter 21

Alternating Current Circuits

and Electromagnetic Waves
AC Circuit
An AC circuit consists of a combination
of circuit elements and an AC generator
or source
The output of an AC generator is
sinusoidal and varies with time
according to the following equation
v = Vmax sin 2t
v is the instantaneous voltage
Vmax is the maximum voltage of the generator
is the frequency at which the voltage changes,
in Hz
Resistor in an AC Circuit
Consider a circuit
consisting of an AC
source and a resistor
The graph shows the
current through and
the voltage across the
The current and the
voltage reach their
maximum values at
the same time
The current and the
voltage are said to be
in phase
More About Resistors in an
AC Circuit
The direction of the current has no
effect on the behavior of the resistor
The rate at which electrical energy is
dissipated in the circuit is given by
i R
Where i is the instantaneous current
The heating effect produced by an AC current
with a maximum value of Imax is not the same as
that of a DC current of the same value
The maximum current occurs for a small amount
of time
rms Current and Voltage
The rms current is the direct current
that would dissipate the same amount
of energy in a resistor as is actually
dissipated by the AC current
Irms 0.707 Imax
Alternating voltages can also be
discussed in terms of rms values
Vrms 0.707 Vmax
Power Revisited
The average power dissipated in
resistor in an AC circuit carrying a
current I is
av I rms R
Notation Note
Ohms Law in an AC
rms values will be used when discussing
AC currents and voltages
AC ammeters and voltmeters are designed
to read rms values
Many of the equations will be in the same
form as in DC circuits
Ohms Law for a resistor, R, in an AC
VR,rms = Irms R
Also applies to the maximum values of v and i
Capacitors in an AC Circuit
Consider a circuit containing a capacitor
and an AC source
The current starts out at a large value
and charges the plates of the capacitor
There is initially no resistance to hinder the
flow of the current while the plates are not
As the charge on the plates increases,
the voltage across the plates increases
and the current flowing in the circuit
More About Capacitors in
an AC Circuit
The current reverses
The voltage across
the plates decreases
as the plates lose
the charge they had
The voltage across
the capacitor lags
behind the current
by 90
Capacitive Reactance and
Ohms Law
The impeding effect of a capacitor on
the current in an AC circuit is called the
capacitive reactance and is given by
2 C
When is in Hz and C is in F, XC will be in
Ohms Law for a capacitor in an AC
VC,rms = Irms XC
Inductors in an AC Circuit
Consider an AC
circuit with a source
and an inductor
The current in the
circuit is impeded by
the back emf of the
The voltage across
the inductor always
leads the current by
Inductive Reactance and
Ohms Law
The effective resistance of a coil in
an AC circuit is called its inductive
reactance and is given by
XL = 2L
When is in Hz and L is in H, XL will be
in ohms
Ohms Law for the inductor
VL,rms = Irms XL
The RLC Series Circuit
The resistor,
inductor, and
capacitor can be
combined in a
The current in the
circuit is the same
at any time and
varies sinusoidally
with time
Current and Voltage
Relationships in an RLC Circuit
The instantaneous
voltage across the
resistor is in phase
with the current
The instantaneous
voltage across the
inductor leads the
current by 90
The instantaneous
voltage across the
capacitor lags the
current by 90
Phasor Diagrams
To account for the
different phases of
the voltage drops,
vector techniques
are used
Represent the
voltage across each
element as a
rotating vector,
called a phasor
The diagram is called
a phasor diagram
Phasor Diagram for RLC
Series Circuit
The voltage across the
resistor is on the +x
axis since it is in phase
with the current
The voltage across the
inductor is on the +y
since it leads the
current by 90
The voltage across the
capacitor is on the y
axis since it lags behind
the current by 90
Phasor Diagram, cont
The phasors are
added as vectors
to account for the
phase differences
in the voltages
VL and VC are
on the same line
and so the net y
component is VL
- VC
Vmax From the Phasor
The voltages are not in phase, so they
cannot simply be added to get the
voltage across the combination of the
elements or the voltage source
Vmax VR2 (VL VC )2
is the phase angle between the
current and the maximum voltage
The equations also apply to rms values
Impedance of a Circuit
The impedance,
Z, can also be
represented in a
phasor diagram

Z R2 ( X L X C )2
Impedance and Ohms
Ohms Law can be applied to the
Vmax = Imax Z
This can be regarded as a generalized
form of Ohms Law applied to a series
AC circuit
Summary of Circuit Elements,
Impedance and Phase Angles
Nikola Tesla
1865 1943
Key figure in
development of
AC electricity
Transport of electrical
power via AC
transmission lines
Beat Edisons idea of
DC transmission lines
Problem Solving for AC
Calculate the inductive an
capacitive reactances, XL and XC
Be careful of units use F, H,
Use XL and XC with R to find Z
Find the maximum current or
maximum voltage drop using
Ohms Law, Vmax = Imax Z
Problem Solving, cont
Calculate the voltage drops across
the individual elements using the
appropriate form of Ohms Law
Obtain the phase angle
Power in an AC Circuit
No power losses are associated with
pure capacitors and pure inductors in
an AC circuit
In a capacitor, during one-half of a cycle
energy is stored and during the other half
the energy is returned to the circuit
In an inductor, the source does work
against the back emf of the inductor and
energy is stored in the inductor, but when
the current begins to decrease in the circuit,
the energy is returned to the circuit
Power in an AC Circuit,
The average power delivered by
the generator is converted to
internal energy in the resistor
Pav = IrmsVR = IrmsVrms cos
cos is called the power factor of the
Phase shifts can be used to
maximize power outputs
Resonance in an AC Circuit
Resonance occurs at
the frequency, o,
where the current
has its maximum
To achieve maximum
current, the
impedance must have
a minimum value
This occurs when XL =
Then, o
2 LC
Resonance, cont
Theoretically, if R = 0 the current would be
infinite at resonance
Real circuits always have some resistance
Tuning a radio
A varying capacitor changes the resonance frequency
of the tuning circuit in your radio to match the
station to be received
Metal Detector
The portal is an inductor, and the frequency is set to
a condition with no metal present
When metal is present, it changes the effective
inductance, which changes the current
The change in current is detected and an alarm
An AC transformer
consists of two coils
of wire wound
around a core of soft
The side connected
to the input AC
voltage source is
called the primary
and has N1 turns
Transformers, 2
The other side, called the secondary, is
connected to a resistor and has N2 turns
The core is used to increase the
magnetic flux and to provide a medium
for the flux to pass from one coil to the
The rate of change of the flux is the
same for both coils
Transformers, 3
The voltages are related by
V2 V1
When N2 > N1, the transformer is
referred to as a step up transformer
When N2 < N1, the transformer is
referred to as a step down transformer
Transformer, final
The power input into the primary
equals the power output at the
I1V1 = I2V2
You dont get something for nothing
This assumes an ideal transformer
In real transformers, power efficiencies
typically range from 90% to 99%
Electrical Power
When transmitting electric power over
long distances, it is most economical to
use high voltage and low current
Minimizes I2R power losses
In practice, voltage is stepped up to
about 230 000 V at the generating
station and stepped down to 20 000 V
at the distribution station and finally to
120 V at the customers utility pole
James Clerk Maxwell
1831 1879
Electricity and
magnetism were
originally thought to be
in 1865, James Clerk
Maxwell provided a
mathematical theory
that showed a close
relationship between all
electric and magnetic
More of Maxwells
Electromagnetic theory of light
Kinetic theory of gases
Nature of Saturns rings
Color vision
Electromagnetic field interpretation
Led to Maxwells Equations
Maxwells Starting Points
Electric field lines originate on positive
charges and terminate on negative
Magnetic field lines always form closed
loops they do not begin or end
A varying magnetic field induces an emf
and hence an electric field (Faradays
Magnetic fields are generated by moving
charges or currents (Ampres Law)
Maxwells Predictions
Maxwell used these starting points and a
corresponding mathematical framework to
prove that electric and magnetic fields play
symmetric roles in nature
He hypothesized that a changing electric field
would produce a magnetic field
Maxwell calculated the speed of light to be
3x108 m/s
He concluded that visible light and all other
electromagnetic waves consist of fluctuating
electric and magnetic fields, with each
varying field inducing the other
Heinrich Rudolf Hertz
1857 1894
First to generate and
waves in a
laboratory setting
Showed radio waves
could be reflected,
refracted and
The unit Hz is named
for him
Hertzs Basic LC Circuit
When the switch is
closed, oscillations
occur in the current
and in the charge on
the capacitor
When the capacitor is
fully charged, the total
energy of the circuit is
stored in the electric
field of the capacitor
At this time, the current
is zero and no energy is
stored in the inductor
LC Circuit, cont
As the capacitor discharges, the energy stored in
the electric field decreases
At the same time, the current increases and the
energy stored in the magnetic field increases
When the capacitor is fully discharged, there is
no energy stored in its electric field
The current is at a maximum and all the energy is
stored in the magnetic field in the inductor
The process repeats in the opposite direction
There is a continuous transfer of energy between
the inductor and the capacitor
Hertzs Experimental
An induction coil is
connected to two
large spheres
forming a capacitor
Oscillations are
initiated by short
voltage pulses
The inductor and
capacitor form the
Hertzs Experiment
Several meters away from the
transmitter is the receiver
This consisted of a single loop of wire
connected to two spheres
It had its own inductance and capacitance
When the resonance frequencies of the
transmitter and receiver matched,
energy transfer occurred between them
Hertzs Conclusions
Hertz hypothesized the energy transfer
was in the form of waves
These are now known to be electromagnetic
Hertz confirmed Maxwells theory by
showing the waves existed and had all
the properties of light waves
They had different frequencies and
Hertzs Measure of the
Speed of the Waves
Hertz measured the speed of the waves
from the transmitter
He used the waves to form an interference
pattern and calculated the wavelength
From v = f , v was found
v was very close to 3 x 108 m/s, the known
speed of light
This provided evidence in support of
Maxwells theory
Electromagnetic Waves
Produced by an Antenna
When a charged particle undergoes an
acceleration, it must radiate energy
If currents in an ac circuit change rapidly,
some energy is lost in the form of EM waves
EM waves are radiated by any circuit
carrying alternating current
An alternating voltage applied to the
wires of an antenna forces the electric
charges in the antenna to oscillate
EM Waves by an Antenna,

Two rods are connected to an ac source, charges

oscillate between the rods (a)
As oscillations continue, the rods become less charged,
the field near the charges decreases and the field
produced at t = 0 moves away from the rod (b)
The charges and field reverse (c)
The oscillations continue (d)
EM Waves by an Antenna,
Because the oscillating
charges in the rod
produce a current,
there is also a
magnetic field
As the current changes,
the magnetic field
spreads out from the
The magnetic field is
perpendicular to the
electric field
Charges and Fields,
Stationary charges produce only
electric fields
Charges in uniform motion
(constant velocity) produce electric
and magnetic fields
Charges that are accelerated
produce electric and magnetic
fields and electromagnetic waves
Electromagnetic Waves,
A changing magnetic field
produces an electric field
A changing electric field produces
a magnetic field
These fields are in phase
At any point, both fields reach their
maximum value at the same time
Electromagnetic Waves
are Transverse Waves

The E and B fields are
perpendicular to
each other
Both fields are
perpendicular to the
direction of motion
Therefore, em
waves are
transverse waves
Properties of EM Waves
Electromagnetic waves are transverse
Electromagnetic waves travel at the
speed of light
o o
Because EM waves travel at a speed that is
precisely the speed of light, light is an
electromagnetic wave
Properties of EM Waves, 2
The ratio of the electric field to the
magnetic field is equal to the speed of
Electromagnetic waves carry energy as
they travel through space, and this
energy can be transferred to objects
placed in their path
Properties of EM Waves, 3
Energy carried by EM waves is shared
equally by the electric and magnetic
Average power per unit area
2 2
Emax Bmax Emax c Bmax
2 o 2 o c 2 o
Intensity (I) is average power per unit area
Properties of EM Waves,
Electromagnetic waves transport
linear momentum as well as
For complete absorption of energy U,
For complete reflection of energy U,
Radiation pressures can be
determined experimentally
Determining Radiation
This is an apparatus
for measuring
radiation pressure
In practice, the
system is contained
in a vacuum
The pressure is
determined by the
angle at which
equilibrium occurs
The Spectrum of EM
Forms of electromagnetic waves
exist that are distinguished by
their frequencies and wavelengths
c =
Wavelengths for visible light range
from 400 nm to 700 nm
There is no sharp division between
one kind of EM wave and the next
The EM
Note the overlap
between types of
Visible light is a
small portion of
the spectrum
Types are
distinguished by
frequency or
Notes on The EM
Radio Waves
Used in radio and television
communication systems
Wavelengths from about 1 mm to 30
Well suited for radar systems
Microwave ovens are an application
Notes on the EM
Spectrum, 2
Infrared waves
Incorrectly called heat waves
Produced by hot objects and
Readily absorbed by most materials
Visible light
Part of the spectrum detected by the
human eye
Most sensitive at about 560 nm
Notes on the EM
Spectrum, 3
Ultraviolet light
Covers about 400 nm to 0.6 nm
Sun is an important source of uv light
Most uv light from the sun is absorbed in
the stratosphere by ozone
Most common source is acceleration of
high-energy electrons striking a metal
Used as a diagnostic tool in medicine
Notes on the EM
Spectrum, final
Gamma rays
Emitted by radioactive nuclei
Highly penetrating and cause serious
damage when absorbed by living
Looking at objects in different
portions of the spectrum can
produce different information
Doppler Effect and EM
A Doppler Effect occurs for EM waves,
but differs from that of sound waves
For sound waves, motion relative to a
medium is most important
For light waves, the medium plays no role since
the light waves do not require a medium for
The speed of sound depends on its frame of
The speed of EM waves is the same in all
coordinate systems that are at rest or moving
with a constant velocity with respect to each
Doppler Equation for EM
The Doppler effect for EM waves
fo fs 1
fo is the observed frequency
fs is the frequency emitted by the source
u is the relative speed between the source
and the observer
The equation is valid only when u is much
smaller than c
Doppler Equation, cont
The positive sign is used when the
object and source are moving toward
each other
The negative sign is used when the
object and source are moving away
from each other
Astronomers refer to a red shift when
objects are moving away from the
earth since the wavelengths are
shifted toward the red end of the

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