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Objective Questions s
Problem -1: For the gaseous phase reaction
2A + B C+ D,
 1 
 3

The value of Kp is 10  2.30310 
. What is the value of G° at 27°C.
(A) – 600 K cals (B) – 6 Kcals
(C) 10 Kcals (D) 10 Kcals
(E) None

Solution: G° = – 2.303 RT log K

 1 
= –2.303  2 cal. K–1  300 K log 10  
 2.303  10 

= – 2.303  2  300 cals   log 10
2.303  10  3
= – 600 Kcals

Problem-2: For the reaction

A+B 2C + D
The initial concentration of A and B are 1M each. The value of K c is 10 .
What is equilibrium concentration of A?
(A) 2  10 M (B) 2  10 M

(C) .005 M (D) .0025 M (e) None

Solution:. A + B 2C + D
t= 0 1M 1M 0 0
–(1–x) (1–x) (2–2x) (1–x)
xM x (2–2x) (1–x)
(2  2x )  (1  x )
2 1
K=  = 108
xx x2
 x = 2  10–4

Problem- 3: The solid dissociates as H2NCOONH4(s) 2NH3(g) + CO2(g)

The equilibrium total pressure is 0.3 atm. What is the value of K p
(A) 4  10 (B) 4
(D) 8  10
(C) 10

Solution: NH2COONH4(s) 2NH3 + CO2

2x x
3x = .3
x = .1


Kp = (2x)2  x = 4x3 = 4  .13 = 4  10–3

Problem-4: For the gas phase reaction 2NO(g) N2(g) + O2(g) , H = –43.5 kcal,
which one of the following is true for N2(g) + O2(g) 2NO(g)
(A) K is independent of T (B) K decreases as T decreases
(C) K increases as T decreases (D) K varies with addition of NO

Solution: The given reaction N2(g) + O2(g) 2NO(g) is endothermic. Therefore,

according to Le–Chatlier’s Principle, high temperature favours forward
reaction and hence K increases as T increases or K decreases as T
 (B)

Problem-5: For the reaction PCl3 (g) + Cl2(g) PCl5(g), the value of KP at 250C is
0.61 atm . The value of KC at this temperature will be
–1 –1
(A) 15 (mol/l) (B) 26 (mol/l)
–1 –1
(C) 35 (mol/l) (D) 52 (mol /l)

Solution: PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) PCl5(g)

n = –1, KP = 0.61 atm .
KC = KP (RT)–n
= 0.61 (0.0821 523)+1 = 26 mol /l.

Problem-6: In the reaction A2(g) + 4B2 (g) 2AB4(g) , H > 0. The decomposition of
AB4 (g) will be favoured at
(A) low temperature and high pressure
(B) high temperature and low pressure
(C) low temperature and low pressure
(D) high temperature and high pressure

Solution: 2AB4(g) A2(g) + 4B2(g) H = –ve

It is an Exothermic reaction and hence favoured at low temperature. n
for the reaction is +3. Therefore low pressure will favour the forward

SO3(g) Kp = 1.7  10
Problem -7: For the reaction SO2(g) + O2(g) at 20°C and 1
atm pressure. Calculate Kc.
(A) 1.7  10 (B) 0.7  10
12 12

(C) 8.33  10 (D) 1.2  10

12 12

Solution: For the reaction SO2(g) + O2(g) SO3(g)


Given KP = 1.7  1012 at 20°C and 1 atm pressure

 1
KP = Kc (RT)n; n = 1– 1  
 2
1.7  10 = Kc (0.0821  293)–1/2

1.7  1012
Kc =
(0.0821  293 )1 / 2
Kc = 7  1012  (0.0821  293)+1/2
= 8.338  1012

Problem-8: Applying the law of mass action to the dissociation of hydrogen Iodide
2HI(g) H2 + I2
We get the following expression
(a  x )(b  x )
4x 2
Where a is original concentration of H2, b is original concentration of I2, x is
the number of molecules of H2 and I2 reacted with each other. If the
pressure is increased in such a reaction then
(a  x)(b  x) (a  x)(b  x)
(A) K = (B) K 
4x 2 4x 2
(a  x)(b  x)
(C) K  (D) none of these
4x 2
Solution: For the reaction H2 + I2 2HI (g) since n = 0. Equilibrium constant KC
will be uneffected by change in pressure.
 (A)

Problem-9: For a gaseous equilibrium

2A(g) 2B(g) + C(g) , Kp has a value 1.8 at 700°K. What is the value of Kc
for the equilibrium 2B(g) + C(g) 2A at that temperature
(A)  0.031 (B)  32
(C)  44.4 (D)  1.3  10

Solution: For 2A(g) 2B(g) + C(g)

KP = 1.8 at 700°C
 For 2B(g) + C(g) 2A(g) at 700°C
KP = n = 2 – (2+1) = –1
1 .8
KP = Kc(RT)n
Kc =
(0.0821  973 )1
Kc = KP  (0.0821  973)1


=  0.0821  973
1 .8
Kc = 44.3796
 (C)

Problem-10: The following equilibrium when methyl mercaptan (CH 3SH - the smell in
onions) is dissolved in water, which statement is false?
– +
CH3SH + H2O CH3S + H3O
(A) CH3SH is weak acid
(B) H2O is a weak base

(C) CH3S is the conjugate base
(D) H3O is the conjugate acid of H2O

Solution: Since CH3SH is acid, CH3S– will be its conjugate base.

 (C)

Problem-11: In a closed container at 1 atm pressure 2 moles of SO 2(g) and 1 mole of

O2(g) were allowed to react to form SO3(g) under the influence of catalyst .
Reaction 2SO2(g) + O2(g) 2SO3(g) occurred
At equilibrium it was found that 50% of SO2(g) was converted to SO3(g). The
formal pressure of O2 (g) at equilibrium will be
(A) 0.66 atm (B) 0.493 atm
(C) 0.33 atm (D) 0.20 atm

Solution: For H2(g) + O2(g) 2SO3(g)

t=0 2 moles 1 moles 0
t = equilibrium 2(1 – 0.5) 1(1– 0.5) 1 mole
2–1 + 0.5 +1 = 2.5
P = P  mF
P  0 .5 5
P2 = =1 = 0.20 atm
2 .5 25
 (D)

Problem-12: For the reaction N2O4(g) 2NO2(g) the reaction connecting the degree
of dissociation () of N2O4(g) with its equilibrium constant KP is
(A)  = (B)  =
4  KP / P 4  KP
1/ 2 1/ 2
 KP / P   KP 
(C)  =   (D)  =  
 4  KP / P   4  KP 
Solution: N2O4(g) 2NO2(g)
t=0 1 0
t = equilibrium 1– 2
n = 1 + 


 2 
P  1   
Kp =  
 1  
P  1   
 
P  4 2
Kp =
1  2
Problem-13: 40% of a mixture of 0.2 mol of N 2 and 0.6 mol of H2 react to give NH3
according to the equation: N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g) at constant
temperature and pressure. Then the ratio of the final volume to the initial
volume of gases are
(A) 4:5 (B) 5:4
(C) 7:10 (D) 8:5
Solution: N2 + 3H2 2NH3
t=0 0.2 0.6 0
at = t 0.2–n 0.6–3x 2x
40% of N2 = 0.2 0.4 = 0.08
40% of H2= 0.6 0.4 = 0.24
 number of moles of N2 remaining = 0.2 – 0.08 = 0.12
number of moles of H2 remaining = 0.6–0.24 = 0.36
number of moles of NH3 formed = 0.16
Total number of moles = 0.12 + 0.36 + 0.16 = 0.64
Final volume Final moles 0.64 4
  = 
Initial volume Initial moles 0.80 5

Problem- 14: One mole of N2O4(g) at 300 K is kept in a closed container under one
atmosphere. It is heated to 600 K when N 2O4 (g) decomposes to NO2(g). If
the resultant pressure is 2.4 atm, the percentage dissociation by mass of
N2O4 (g) is
(A) 10% (B) 20%
(C) 30% (D) 40%

Solution: N2O4(g) 2NO2(g)

Equilibrium 1– 2
Where  is the degree of dissociation
P2  Pressure of N2O4 at 600 K =
(  V is constant )
P1 Pressure of N2O4 at 300 K 300


 P2 = 2 atm
Ater dissociation of N2O4 at 600K,
PN2O4 = 2 (1–) = 2–2
PN2O4 = 2  2 = 4 
Total pressure = 2–2+4 = 2+2
2+2 = 2.4 (Given)
 = 0.2
 Percentage dissociation = 20%
Problem- 15: K for the synthesis of HI (g) is 50. The degree of dissociation of HI is
(A) 0.10 (B) 0.14
(C) 0.18 (D) 0.22

Solution: 2HI(g) H2(g) + I2(g)

 
1– Where  is the degree of dissociations
2 2
1 1
K diss  
K synthesis 50
 

1 2 2

50 1   2
 1

21  2 5 2
5 2  = 2–2
2+5 2=2
= = 0.22
25 2

Subjective Problems s

1. The value of Kp for the reaction
2H2O(g) + 2Cl2(g) 4HCl(g) + O2(g)

is 0.035 atm at 400oC, when the partial pressures are expressed in atmosphere.
Calculate Kc for the reaction,


O2 (g) 2HCl(g) Cl2(g) + H2O(g)

2. Kp for the reaction N2O4 (g) 2NO2 (g) is 0.66 at 46C. Calculate the percent
dissociation of N2O4 at 46C and a total pressure of 0.5 atm. Also calculate the
partial pressure of N2O4 and NO2 at equilibrium.

3. The density of an equilibrium mixture of N2O4 and NO2 at 1 atm. and 348 K is
1.84 g dm-3. Calculate the equilibrium constant of the reaction,
N2O4(g) 2NO2(g).
4. Ammonium hydrogen sulphide dissociated according to the equation
NH4HS(s) NH3(g) + H2S(g). If the observed pressure of the mixture is 1.12
atm at 106oC, what is the equilibrium constant Kp of the reaction ?

5. In a mixture of N2 and H2 initially in a mole ratio of 1:3 at 30 atm and 300oC, the
percentage of ammonia by volume under the equilibrium is 17.8. Calculate the
equilibrium constant (KP) of the mixture, for the reaction,
N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g)

6. 25 c.c. of H2 and 18 c.c. of I2 vapour were heated in a sealed tube at 456C and
at equilibrium 30.8 c.c. of HI were formed. Calculate the degree of dissociation of
pure HI at 456C.

7. The pressure of iodine gas at 1273 K is found to be 0.112 atm whereas the
expected pressure is 0.074 atm. The increased pressure is due to dissociation
I2 2I. Calculate KP.

8. 0.0755 gm of Selenium vapour occupying a volume of 114.2 ml. at 700C exerts

a pressure of 185 mm. The Selenium is in a state of equilibrium according to the
reaction ; Se6(g) 3Se2(g). Calculate (i) the degree of dissociation of
Selenium (ii) KP and (iii) KC . [At. weight of Se = 79]
9 A sample of air, consisting of N2 and O2 was heated to 2500 K until the
equilibrium, N2(g) + O2(g) 2NO (g) was established with an equilibrium
constant KC = 2.1 10 . At equilibrium, the mole percentage of NO was 1.8.
Estimate the initial composition of air in terms of mole fraction of O 2 and N2
assuming the moles of N2 were greater than of O2, initially.
10. To 500 ml of 0.150 M AgNO3 solution we add 500 ml of 1.09 M Fe2+ solution and
the reaction is allowed to reach equilibrium at 25C.
Ag+ (aq) + Fe2+ (aq) Fe3+ (aq) + Ag(s)
For 25 ml. of the solution, 30 ml. of 0.0832 M KMnO4 were required for oxidation
under acidic conditions. Calculate KC for the reaction.

11. N2O4 (g) dissociates as follows: N2O4(g) 2NO2 (g)

The density of equilibrium mixture is found to be 3.62 gL–1 at 298K and at 1
atmospheric pressure. Calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction.


12. When –D–glucose is dissolved in water, it undergoes a partial conversion to

–D–glucose to exhibit mutarotation. This conversion stops when 63.6% of
glucose is in –form. Assuming that equilibrium has been attained,
calculate KC for mutarotation.

13. The KP for the reaction, H2 + I2 2HI at 460C is 49. If the initial partial
pressure of H2 and I2 each is 0.5 atm respectively, determine the partial pressure
of each gas at equilibrium.

14. N2O4 is 25% dissociated at 37C and one atmospheric pressure. Calculate (i) KP
and (ii) percent dissociation at 0.1 atmospheric pressure and 37C.

15. When 3.06 g of solid NH4HS is introduced into a two litre evacuated flask at
27C, 30% of the solid decomposes into gaseous ammonia and hydrogen
sulphide. (i) Calculate KC and KP for the reaction at 27C. (ii) What would happen
to the equilibrium when more solid NH4HS is introduced into the flask?


1. Two solid compounds A and C dissociates into gaseous product at temperature

T as follows:
(i) A(s) B(g) + D(g)
(ii) C(s) E(g) + D(g)
At 20C pressure over excess solid A is 50 atm and that over excess solid C is
68 atm. Find the total pressure of the gases over the solid mixture.

1 3
2. For the reaction NH3 (g) N2 (g) + H2 (g)
2 2
Show that the degree of dissociation of NH3 is given as
 3 3 P 
 = 1  
 4 K P 
where P is the equilibrium pressure. If KP of the above reaction is 78.1 atm at
400C, determine the value of KC.

3. Calculate the total pressure at 400C that must be applied to a mixture of three
parts of hydrogen and one part of nitrogen to give a mixture containing 10%
ammonia at equilibrium.
Given: N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) 2NH3 (g); Kp =1.60  10-4 bar-2 at 400C.

4. Given the following equilibrium constant at 1476 K


CO (g) + O2 (g) CO2 (g); KP = 2.5 105
C (graphite) + CO2 (g) 2CO (g); KP = 1.67 103
Find KP for the reaction C (graphite) + O2 CO2 (g)

5. When one mole of benzoic acid (C6H5COOH) and three moles of ethanol
(C2H5OH) are mixed and kept at 200C until equilibrium is reached, it is found
that 87% of the acid is consumed by the reaction.
C6H5COOH(l) + C2H5OH (l) C6H5COOC2H5(l) + H2O(l)
Find out the percentage of the acid consumed when one mole of the benzoic
acid is mixed with four moles of ethanol and treated in the same way.

6. For the reaction, A+3B 2C, the reaction was carried out at a temperature of
400C and pressure 1 atm in a closed container with the molar ratio of A:B as
1:3. At equilibrium the mole percent of C was found to be 20%. Calculate KP and

7. 15 g sample of BaO2 is heated to 794C in a closed evacuated vessel of 5 litre

capacity. How many gm of peroxide are converted to BaO (s)?
2BaO2 (s) 2BaO (s) + O2 (g); KP = 0.5 atm

8. Consider the vapour phase dissociation of an oxyacid HXO3 according to the

4HXO3 (g) 4XO2 (g) + 2H2O (g) + O2(g)
1024PO2 

P  7P 
Derive the expression : KP = 4
, where P is the total pressure and PO2

is the partial pressure of O2.

9. A mixture of 0.373 atm of NO(g) and 0.310 atm Cl2(g) is prepared at 500K.
The reaction 2NO(g) + Cl2 (g) 2NOCl (g) takes place. The total pressure at
equilibrium is 0.544 atm. Determine KP for the reaction.

10. For the reaction I2 (g) 2I (g), KC = 1.0 10–2 mol lit–1. What volume of the
vessel should be taken so that at equilibrium 1 mole of I2 and 0.5 mole of I are
present at equilibrium?

11. Show that KP for the reaction

2H2S(g) 2H2 (g) + S2 (g) is given by the expression
 3P
KP =
2   1  2


Where  is the degree of dissociation and P is the total equilibrium pressure.

Calculate KC of the reaction if  at 298 K and 1 atm pressure is 0.055.

12. The density of an equilibrium mixture of N2O4 and NO2 at 101.325k Pa is 3.62 g
dm–3 at 288K and 1.84 g dm–3 at 348K. What is the heat of reaction for
N2O4(g) 2NO2(g)?

13*. For the equilibrium

LiCl.3NH3 (s) LiCl. NH3 (s) + 2NH3,KP = 9 atm2 at 40C. A five litre vessel
contains 0.1 mole of LiCl.NH3. How many minimum moles of NH3 should be
added to the flask at this temperature to derive the backward reaction for

14. What is the percent decomposition of H2S if 1.0 mole of H2S is introduced into
1.1L vessel at 1000K? KC for the reaction:
2H2S(g) 2H2(g) + S2(g) is 1.0 10–6.

15. At a certain temperature, equilibrium constant (KC) is 16 for the reaction:

SO2(g) + NO2 (g) SO3(g) + NO(g)
If we take one mole of each of the four gases in one litre container, what would
be the equilibrium concentration of NO and NO2?

Objective Problems s
Instruction: In each of the following objective questions, 4/5 alternatives are given. In
each one, one or more than one may be correct.

1. In the reaction C(s)+ CO2(g) 2CO(g) the following amounts of substances

were formed in 0.2 litre flask at equilibrium: C = 0.1 mole CO = 0.05 mole CO 2 =
0.06 mole. The equilibrium constant is
(A) 0.208 (B) 4.10
(C) 0.30 (D) 0.416

2. The vapour density of PCl5 is 104.25 but when heated to 230C, its vapour
density is reduced to 62. The degree of dissociation of PCl5 at this temperature
will be
(A) 6.8% (B) 68%
(C) 46% (D) 64%

3. For the reaction,


PCl5(g) PCl3(g) + Cl2(g), the forward reaction at constant temperature is

favoured by
(A) introducing an inert gas at constant volume
(B) introducing chlorine gas at constant volume
(C) introducing an inert gas at constant pressure
(D) increasing the volume of the container

4. For a reversible reaction, if the concentrations of the reactants are doubled, then
the equilibrium constant will
A) be halved (B) be doubled
C) remain the same (D) will become one fourth
5. The vapour density of fully dissociated NH4Cl would be
(A) less than half of the vapour density of pure NH4Cl
(B) double of the vapour density of pure NH4Cl
(C) half of the vapour density of pure NH4Cl
(D) one fourth of the vapour density of pure NH4Cl

6. vant Hoff’s equation giving the effect of temperature on chemical equilibrium may
be represented as
d Ho d Ho
(A) ln KP = (B) ln KC =
dT RT 2 dT RT 2
d HoT 2 d RT 2
(C) ln KP = (D) ln KP =
dt R dt Ho
7. For the reaction A + 2B 2C at equilibrium [C] = 1.4 M , [A]O = 1M, [B]O = 2M,
[C]O = 3M, The value of KCis
(A) 0.084 (B) 8.4
(C) 84 (D) 840

8. The equilibrium constant KC of the reaction : A2 (g) + B2 (g) 2AB (g) is 50. If
1 mol of A2 and 2 mol of B2 are mixed, the amount of AB at equilibrium would be
(A) 0.467 mol (B) 0.934 mol
(C) 1.401 mol (D) 1.866 mol

9. In an aqueous solution of volume 500 ml, when the reaction of

2Ag+ + Cu Cu2+ + 2Ag reached equilibrium the [Cu2+] was x M. When 500 ml
of water is further added, at the equilibrium [Cu2+] will be
(A) 2 x M (B) x M
(C) between x M and x /2 M (D) less than x/2 M

10. A 10 litre box contains O3 and O2 at equilibrium at 2000K. KP = 4.17  1014 for
2O3 3O2. Assume that PO2 >> PO3 and if total pressure is 7.33 atm, then
partial pressure of O3 will be
(A) 9.71 10–5 atm (B) 9.71 10–7 atm.


(C) 9.71 10–6 atm (D) 9.71 10–2 atm

11. In the system, LaCl3(s) + H2O (g)+heatLaClO(s)+2HCl (g), equilibrium is

established. More water vapour is added to reestablish the equilibrium. The
pressure of water vapour is doubled. The factor by which pressure of HCl is
changed is
(A) 2 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 5

12. Which one of the following statements is correct?

In a reversible reaction, catalyst
(A) increases the rate of the forward reaction
(B) decreases the rate of the reverse reaction
(C) increases the rate of the forward and reverse reactions equally
(D) alters the equilibrium constant of the reaction

13. In what manner will increase of pressure affect the following equation?
C(s) + H2O (g) CO(g) + H2(g)
(A) shift in the forward direction (B) shift in the reverse reaction
(C) increase in the yield of H2 (D) no effect

14. The reaction A + B C + D proceeds to right hand side upto 99.9%. The
equilibrium constant K of the reaction will be
(A) 104 (B) 105
(C) 10 (D) 108

15. A chemical reaction is said to attain equilibrium when

(A) reactants get completely converted into products
(B) equal amounts of reactants and products are formed
(C) the rate of forward reaction becomes equal to the rate of reverse reaction
(D) the concentration of reactants and products are same

16 Chemical equilibrium is dynamic in nature because

(A) the equilibrium is maintained rapidly
(B) the concentration of reactants and products become same at equilibrium
(C) the concentration of reactants and products are constant but different
(D) both forward and reverse reaction occur at all times with same speed

17 For an equilibrium reaction involving gases, the forward reaction is Ist order while
the reverse reaction is IInd order. The units of KP for the forward equilibrium is
(A) atm (B) atm2
(C) atm (D) atm–2

18. In a reversible reaction, two substances are in equilibrium. If the concentration of

each one is doubled, the equilibrium constant will be


(A) reduced to half its original value

(B) reduced to one fourth of its original value
(C) doubled
(D) constant

19 In a slow reaction, the rate of reaction generally -------------------- with time

(A) decreases
(B) increases
(C) sometimes increases and sometimes decreases
(D) remains constant

20 The yield of product in the reaction A2(g) + 2B (g) C(g) + Q kJ would

be high at
(A) high temperature and high pressure
(B) high temperatue and low pressure
(C) low temperature and high pressure
(D) low temperature and low pressure


Instruction: In each of the following objective questions, 4/5 alternatives are given. In
each one, one or more than one may be correct.

1. In which of the following equilibrium, the value of KP is less than KC?

(A) N2O4 2NO2 (B) N2 + O2 2NO
(C) N2 + 3H2 2NH3 (D) 2SO2 + O2 2SO3

2. For the reaction PCl3 (g) + Cl2(g) PCl5(g), the value of KP at 250C is 0.61 atm–1.
The value of KC at this temperature will be
(A) 15 (mol/l)–1 (B) 26 (mol/l)–1
(C) 35 (mol/l) (D) 52 (mol /l)–1

3. In the reaction A2(g) + 4B2 (g) 2AB4(g) , H  0. The decomposition of AB4 (g)
will be favoured at
(A) low temperature and high pressure
(B) high temperature and low pressure
(C) low temperature and low pressure
(D) high temperature and high pressure

4. The equilibrium constant for the reaction

N2(g) + O2(g) 2NO(g) is 4 10–4 at 200 K. In the presence of a catalyst the
equilibrium is attained 10 times faster. Therefore the equilibirum constant in
presence of the catalyst at 200 K is
(A) 4 10–3 (B) 4 10–-4
(C) 4 10 (D) None
5. In a system A (s) 2B (g) + 3C (g)
If the conc. of C at equilibrium is increased by a factor of 2, it will cause the
equilibrium concentration of B to change to
(A) two times the original value (B) one half of its original value
(C) 2 2 times the original value (D) 1/2 2 times the original value

6. For the decomposition reaction

NH2COONH4 (s) 2NH3(g) + CO2(g)
The KP = 2.9 10–5 atm3. The total pressure of gases at equilibrium when 1 mole of
NH2COONH4 (s) was taken to start with would be
(A) 0.0194 atm (B) 0.0388 atm
(C) 0.0582 atm (D) 0.0766 atm

7. For the gas phase reaction C2H4(g) + H2(g) C2H6(g); H = –32.7 kcal carried out
in a vessel, the equilibrium concentration of C2H4 can be increased by
(A) increasing temperature (B) decreasing pressure
(C) removing some H2 (D) adding some C2H6


8. KP for a reaction at 25C is 10 atm. The activation energy for forward and reverse
reactions are 12 and 20 kJ / mol respectively. The KC for the reaction at 40C will be
(A) 4.33 10–1 M (B ) 3.33 10–2 M
(C) 3.33 10 M (D) 4.33 10–2 M

9. For the reaction CaCO3(s) CaO(s) +CO2 (g), the pressure of CO2 depends on
(A) the mass of CaCO3(s)
(B) the mass of CaO(s)
(C) the masses of both CaCO3(s) and CaO(s)
(D) temperature of the system

10. For the reaction H2(g)+I2 (g) 2HI(g), the equilibrium constant Kp changes with
(A) total pressure (B) catalyst
(C) the amount of H2 and I2 present (D) temperature
[IIT–JEE 1981]
11. An example of reversible reaction is
(A) Pb(NO3)2(aq) + 2NaI (aq)  PbI2(s) + 2NaNO3 (aq)
(B) AgNO3(aq) + NaCl (aq)  AgCl (s) + NaNO3 (aq)
(C) 2Na(s) + 2H2O(l)  2NaOH (aq) + H2(g)
(D) KNO3 (aq) + NaCl (aq)  KCl (aq) + NaNO3 (aq)
[IIT–JEE 1985]
12. Pure ammonia is placed in a vessel at a temperature where its dissociation constant
() is appreciable. At equilibrium
(A) KP does not change significantly with pressure
(B)  does not change with pressure
(C) concentration of NH3 does not change with pressure
(D) concentration of H2 is less than that of N2
[IIT–JEE 1984]
13. When NaNO3 is heated in a closed vessel, O2 is liberated and NaNO2 is left behind.
At equilibrium.
(A) addition of NaNO2 favours reverse reaction
(B) addition of NaNO3 favours forward reaction
(C) increasing temperature favours forward reaction
(D) increasing pressure favours forward reaction [IIT–JEE 1986]

14.For the reaction, 2NO2 (g) 2NO(g) + O2 (g), KC = 1.8 10–6 at 185C. At 185C,
the value of KC for the reaction:
NO(g) + O2 (g) NO2 (g) is
(A) 0.9  106 (B) 7.5 102
(C) 1.95 10–3 (D) 1.95 103
15. The oxidation of SO2 by O2 to SO3 is an exothermic reaction. The yield of SO3 will
be maximum, if
(A) temperature is increased and pressure is kept constant
(B) temperature is reduced and pressure is increased


(C) both temperature and pressure are increased

(D) both temperature and pressure are reduced

Answers to Subjective Problems s

1. 39.7 (mol l–1)–1/2

2. (i) Partial pressure of N2O4 = 0.167 atm (ii) Partial pressure of NO2 = 0.333 atm

3. Kp = 5.2 atm

4. Kp = 0.3136 atm2

5. Kp = 7.31  10–4 atm–2

6. Degree of dissociation of HI = 0.245

7. 0.16

8. (i) 2 = 0.59 (ii) KP = 0.1687 (iii) 2.645  10–5

9. Mole fraction of N2 = 0.788

Mole of fraction of O2 = 0.212

10. Kc = 3.178

11. Kp = 6.41  10–3 atm

12. Kc = 1.747

13. PI2  PH2  0.112

PHI = 0.776

14. (i) Kp = 0.266 atm

(ii) 2 = 63.27%

15. (i) Kc = 8.1  10–5 mol2 litre–2

Kp = 4.90  10–2 atm2
(ii) Addition of more NH4HS will cause no effect on this equilibrium because
concentration of NH4HS is not involved in the expression of KC or KP



1. 84.34 atm
2. Kc = 1.413 mol / lit
3. 30 bar
4. 1.04  1014
5. 90%
7. 9.65 gm
9. 50.07
10. 25 L
11. 3.71  10–6
12. H = 75.17  103 J
13. 0.7837
14. 1.3%
15. [NO] = 1.6 mol / lit, [NO2] = 0.4 mol / lit

Answers to Objective Problems s

1. A 2. B
3. C,D 4. C
5. A,C 6. A
7. A 8. D
9. D 10. B
11. B 12. C


13. B 14. C
15. C 16. D
17. A 18. D
19. D 20. C


1. C,D 2. B
3. C 4. B

5. D 6. C

7. A,B,C,D 8. C

9. D 10. D

11. D 12. A

13. A,B,C 14. B

15. B

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