Engen - 100/ENGEN - 200 Engine Generator Controller: Features

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The ENGENÒ engine/generator controller is an integrated genset controller contained in a single, easy to install
package. The controller contains a microprocessor-based digital speed governor for the engine, engine start/stop
control, engine protection and voltage regulation for controlling the voltage output of a brushless synchronous
generator. Just add metering and the ENGENÒ system has everything else for the complete control of your
emergency stand-by generator system.

• 12 or 24 VDC systems ENGINE SPEED CONTROL
• Integrated package for reduced installation costs • Mag Pickup input for speed sensing
• Small size, reliable, low cost • 1/4% isochronous speed control
• CSA certified, File #LR23131-137 • Up to 10 A dc rated output
(actuator stall current)
ENGINE CONTROL • Coarse and fine speed adjust
• Auto/Off/Run switch • Adjustable PID stability network
• Selectable start delay • Proportional actuator supplied
• Adjustable number of crank cycles - Push or pull type
• Adjustable crank/rest time - 4, 6 or 15 pounds of force
• Auto start will accept a remote run signal • 0.3, 0.7 and 1.3 footpounds torque
• Run will allow manual starting of the engine • Remote speed adjust (ENGEN-200)
• LED test switch DESCRIPTION
• Fuel solenoid control relay ENGINE PROTECTION Page 2
• Glow plug control • Shutdowns
- Low oil pressure
GENERATOR VOLTAGE REGULATION - High coolant temperature
• 1/4% voltage regulation - Overspeed SPECIFICATIONS
• 50/60 Hz operation - Overcrank Pages 3-4
• 63 V dc at 4 A dc continuous output - Loss of Speed signal
• Underfrequency compensation - Actuator failure CONNECTIONS
• Overexcitation shutdown - Internal microprocessor fault
• Sensing input 240 or 480 V ac • Local LED annunciation
Page 5
• Solid state buildup - Low oil pressure
• Coarse and fine voltage adjust - High coolant temperature ACCESSORIES,
• Adjustable stability - Overspeed INDICATORS, CONTROLS,
• Remote voltage adjust (ENGEN-200) - Overcrank DIMENSIONS
- Diagnostic problem
Pages 6-8
• Common alarm output contact
• Common alarm input
Request publication 9329600990

P. O. BOX 269 HIGHLAND, ILLINOIS, U.S.A. 62249 PHONE 618-654-2341 FAX 618-654-2351

ELECTRONIC GOVERNOR Generator shutdown occurs when the RUN/OFF/AUTO
The electronic governor consists of a powerful micro- switch is placed in the “OFF” position or in the “AUTO”
processor-based controller driving a precision propor- position when the ATS contact is opened.
tional actuator, connected to the engine’s fuel control
lever. The governor provides isochronous engine ENGINE PROTECTION
governing through a wide speed range. The ENGENÒ unit also provides for engine protection.
The engine shuts down when a contact is received
The controller processes the speed signal received from the oil pressure sending unit (Low Oil Pressure),
from the speed sensor and compares it to the desired coolant temperature sending unit (High Coolant Temp-
speed setting. The output of the controller is a pulse erature), or when the speed signal from the magnetic
width modulated signal to the actuator. The actuator pickup is lost (Loss of Speed Signal) or when a signal
converts the signal to an output shaft position, propor- is received that indicates engine speed is above 105-
tional to the amount of current in the coil. 125% of desired setspeed (Engine Overspeed). The
ENGENÒ unit also provides for overcrank protection.
For remote speed adjustment, order ENGEN-200.
Once the predetermined number of crank/rest cycles
has expired, the ENGENÒ unit ceases cranking and
locks out the ENGENÒ controller. If the engine needs
The voltage regulator is entirely solid state and uses an
to be shut down from a remote location, then connect
electromagnetic interference (EMI) suppression circuit
a normally open contact to the Common Alarm In
to reduce EMI generated by the regulator. Voltage is
terminals. The contact closing from either a common
internally adjustable. The regulator has a switch selec-
alarm or a remote switch shuts down the engine and
table, frequency compensated operating characteristic
lights the "Alarm" LED on the ENGEN-100 front panel.
as shown in Figure 1. During start-up, the solid state
If remote annunciation is desired, the Common Alarm
voltage buildup circuit operates from generator output
Output contact may be used to indicate engine
residual voltages as low as 6Vac. The built-in over-
shutdown. This contact, normally open, closes when
excitation limiting removes the output power if the ex-
the engine is shut down due to an alarm condition.
citer field voltage exceeds a predetermined level (See
Figure 2.). After removing power, the regulator moni- For systems using glow plugs, the Glow Plug termi-
tors the generator output and resets when the voltage nals should be connected such that they control a
has decreased below 6Vac. user-supplied interposing relay that applies power to
the glow plugs of the diesel engine. The glow plug
For remote voltage adjustment, order ENGEN-200.
contacts, normally open, close at the beginning of the
crank delay period. They open once the crank discon-
nect speed is reached.
The engine control portion of the ENGENÒ unit allows
the user to either manually start the genset by putting
the RUN/OFF/AUTO switch in the “RUN” position or by
selecting “AUTO” and allowing the transfer switch to
start a preprogrammed crank/rest routine. After the
machine reaches a predetermined speed, cranking will
be discontinued. The number of crank/rest cycles and
the duration of the crank/rest cycle are adjustable.

Figure 1 - Frequency Compensation Figure 2 - Overexcitation Shutdown


Refer to Tables 1, 2 and 3 for the electrical specifications and to Table 4 for the physical specifications of
ENGENÒ. Table 5 lists the specifications for the linear actuators.

Output Power (with a 4 Adc @ 63 Vdc (252 W) maximum continuous.

240 Vac Input): 6.66 Adc @ 105 Vdc (700 W) forcing for one minute.

Exciter Field DC Resistance: 15.8 W minimum to 100 W maximum.

AC Input Power: 190 to 264 Vac ±10%, single-phase, 50/60 Hz.

Input Burden: 650 VA maximum.

AC Sensing Voltage:
240 Vac Tap: 190-240 Vac ±10%, single-phase, 50/60 Hz.
480 Vac Tap: 380-480 Vac ±10%, single-phase, 50/60 Hz.

Sensing Burden: 1 VA maximum.

Voltage Adjust Range: 170 to 264 Vac @ 240 Vac Tap, 340 to 528 Vac @ 480 Vac Tap.

Regulation: Better than 0.25% no load to full load, average sensing.

Voltage Drift: Less than 1% for 40°C (72°F) change.

Response Time: Less than 1 electrical cycle.

Frequency Compensation: Refer to Figure 1.

EMI Suppression: Internal filtering provided.

Voltage Buildup: Buildup occurs from generator residual voltage as low as 6 Vac.

Overexcitation Shutdown: Refer to Figure 2.

Power Dissipation: 9 Watts maximum continuous.

Table 1 - Electrical Specifications - Voltage Regulator Functions

Output Current: 10 Adc @ 24 Vdc (192 W) maximum continuous.

Actuator Resistance: Refer to Table 5.

DC Input Power: 9-30 Vdc. (Battery dip ride through to 6Vdc for 0.5 sec.)

Speed Signal Input: 250 Hz to 10,000 Hz (16 selectable ranges) from magnetic pickup.

Speed Adjust Range: 0 to 110% of rated speed.

Speed Regulation: ±0.25% (isochronous governing).

Speed Signal Voltage: 40 V rms maximum continuous, for 15 kohm load.

2 V pk-pk minimum during cranking.

Actuator Failure or Engine shutdown occurs if actuator fails or if output signal is lost.
Loss of Output Signal:

Power Dissipation: 6 W maximum continuous.

Table 2 - Electrical Specifications - Governor Functions


Overspeed Shutdown: Engine shutdown occurs if speed exceeds 125% of setpoint.

Overcrank: Cranking terminates once the selected number of cranking cycles

(1-5) is completed and engine fails to start.

Loss of Speed Signal: Engine shutdown occurs if speed signal from mag pickup is lost.

Low Oil Pressure Signal: Engine shutdown occurs if low oil pressure is detected.

High Coolant Temp Signal: Engine shutdown occurs if high coolant temperature is detected.

Common Alarm Input Engine shutdown occurs if a contact closure is detected across these terminals.

Common Alarm Output A closure of this contact indicates that the engine shutdown has occurred.
This contact is rated at 10A (10Vdc or 227Vac.)

Crank/Rest Time: Adjustable to give the desired cranking/rest times from 2 to 30 sec. ±20%.

Engine Crank Time Delay: 0 to 60 seconds.

Crank relay and Fuel 10A @ 30Vdc.

Solenoid Contact Ratings:

Table 3 - Electrical Specifications - Engine Control

Operating Temperature: -40°C (-40°F) to +60°C (+140°F).

Storage Temperature: -40°C (-40°F) to +85°C (+185°F).

Shock: Withstands up to 15 Gs in each of three mutually perpendicular axes.

Vibration: Withstands the following accelerations at the stated frequency:

1.2 Gs at 5 to 26 Hz,
0.036 inches double amplitude at 27 to 52 Hz,
5.0 Gs at 53 to 500 Hz.

Weight: 3 pounds (1.4 kg.)

Table 4 - Environmental and Physical Specifications


Stroke 0.8 inches (max.) 1.0 inches (max.) 1.0 inches (max.)

Net Force 4.0 pounds 6.0 pounds 15.0 pounds

Spring Shutdown 0.5 pounds 1.7 pounds 4.5 pounds

Force @ Full Stroke

Work Ratings 0.3 ft-lbs. 0.7 ft-lbs. 1.3 ft-lbs.

Voltage 12 or 24 Vdc ±20% (differential actuators required)

Current 4.5 amps (12 Vdc), 6.8 amps (12 Vdc), 7.1 amps (12 Vdc),
2.0 amps (24 Vdc) 3.5 amps (24 Vdc) 3.4 amps (24 Vdc)

Response Time 30 msec for 10-90% 65 msec for 10-90% 80 msec for 10-90%
of stroke of stroke of stroke

Shipping Weight 1.5 pounds (0.7 kg.) 3.0 pounds (1.4 kg.) 6.5 pounds (3.0 kg.)

Temperature Range -40°C (-40°F) to +121°C (+250°F)

Vibration 15 Gs

Shock 200 Gs
*Available in push and pull, base or flange type mount actuators.
Table 5 - Linear Actuator Specifications

Figure 3 - 480 Vac Interconnection Diagram


Low voltage power isolation transformers can be used Using electronics built into the ENGENÒ and a current
to provide electrical isolation and to match voltages transformer to tap the generator line current, the CBS
from the generator to the regulator. Basler part num- boosts the field current during short circuit or large
ber BE 18674 provides isolation and matches volt- motor starting.


With an electronically regulated output, this control
offers backup excitation for the regulator in critical


ENGENÒ shuts down the engine after one second This LED flashes a specific number of times, or
when low oil pressure is detected; the Low Oil Pres- remains continuously illuminated, to indicate the
sure LED is illuminated. On start-up, this function is following conditions:
inhibited for 10 seconds after Crank disconnect.
# of Flashes Alarm Condition
HIGH COOLANT TEMPERATURE LED 1, 2, or 3 Microprocessor-related faults
5 Actuator or governor-related
ENGENÒ shuts down the engine after one second faults
when high coolant temperature is detected; the High 7 Loss of Speed Signal
Coolant Temperature LED is illuminated. On start-up, Continuous Common Alarm Input contact
this function is inhibited for 60 seconds after Crank
disconnect. NOTE: Flashing codes 4 and 6 are not used.

OVERSPEED SHUTDOWN LED NOTE: Any one of the above functions is latched as
ENGENÒ shuts down the engine immediately when the “first-up” fault and subsequent faults are ignored.
speed in excess of 105-125% of set speed is detected; The indicated fault can only be reset by removal of
the Overspeed LED is illuminated. power to the ENGENÒ unit by switching the main front
panel switch to the center “OFF” position. It should be
OVERCRANK LED noted that if the engine should stall or stop for any
If the engine fails to start after the preset number of other reason (such as running out of fuel or other
start attempts, the cranking is terminated and the mechanical reason), ENGENÒ will detect a loss of
Overcrank LED illuminated. speed and latch this as a fault.

NOTE: The “LAMP TEST” pushbutton enables all front

panel LEDs to be tested simultaneously.



Figure 4 - Engine/Generator Controller Adjustments (Front View)

Figure 5 - Engine/Generator Controller Adjustments (Rear View)


Figure 6 - Physical Outline

Figure 7 - Recommended Mounting Hole Pattern

ENGENÒ-100 has internal coarse and fine adjustments. ENGENÒ-200 has all the same great features as ENGENÒ-100
and it adds Remote Fine Speed and Voltage adjustments.


PHONE 618-654-2341 FAX 618-654-2351
http://www.basler.com, [email protected]

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