CS 179: GPU Computing: Lecture 2: More Basics

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CS 179: GPU

Can use GPU to solve highly parallelizable problems
Straightforward extension to C++
◦ Separate CUDA code into .cu and .cuh files and compile with nvcc to
create object files (.o files)
Looked at the a[] + b[] -> c[] example
If you forgot everything, just make sure you understand that CUDA is
simply an extension of other bits of code you write!!!!
◦ Evident in .cu/.cuh vs .cpp/.hpp distinction
◦ .cu/.cuh is compiled by nvcc to produce a .o file
◦ .cpp/.hpp is compiled by g++ and the .o file from the CUDA code is
simply linked in using a "#include xxx.cuh" call
◦ No different from how you link in .o files from normal C++ code
.cu/.cuh vs .cpp/.hpp
.cu/.cuh vs .cpp/.hpp
.cu/.cuh vs .cpp/.hpp
.cu/.cuh vs .cpp/.hpp
Thread Organization
We will now look at how threads are organized and used in GPUs
◦ Keywords you MUST know to code in CUDA:
◦ Thread
◦ Block
◦ Grid
◦ Keywords you MUST know to code WELL in CUDA:
◦ (Streaming) Multiprocessor
◦ Warp
◦ Warp Divergence
Inside a GPU

The black Xs are just

crossing out things you
don’t have to think about
just yet. You'll learn about
them later
Inside a GPU
Think of Device Memory (we will also
refer to it as Global Memory) as a
RAM for your GPU
◦ Faster than getting memory from the
actual RAM but still can be faster
◦ Will come back to this in future lectures
GPUs have many Streaming
Multiprocessors (SMs)
◦ Each SM has multiple processors but
only one instruction unit
◦ Groups of processors must run the
exact same set of instructions at any
given time with in a single SM
Inside a GPU
When a kernel (the thing you define in
.cu files) is called, the task is divided up
into threads
◦ Each thread handles a small portion of
the given task
The threads are divided into a Grid of
◦ Both Grids and Blocks are 3 dimensional
◦ e.g.
dim3 dimBlock(8, 8, 8);
dim3 dimGrid(100, 100, 1);
Kernel<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(…);
◦ However, we'll often only work with 1
dimensional grids and blocks
◦ e.g. Kernel<<<block_count, block_size>>>(…);
Inside a GPU
Maximum number of threads per block
count is usually 512 or 1024 depending
on the machine
Maximum number of blocks per grid is
usually 65535
◦ If you go over either of these numbers
your GPU will just give up or output
garbage data
◦ Much of GPU programming is dealing
with this kind of hardware limitations!
Get used to it
◦ This limitation also means that your
Kernel must compensate for the fact that
you may not have enough threads to
individually allocate to your data points
◦ Will show how to do this later (this lecture)
Inside a GPU
Each block is assigned to an SM
Inside the SM, the block is divided into
Warps of threads
◦ Warps consist of 32 threads
◦ All 32 threads MUST run the exact
same set of instructions at the same
◦ Due to the fact that there is only one
instruction unit
◦ Warps are run concurrently in an SM
◦ If your Kernel tries to have threads do
different things in a single warp (using
if statements for example), the two tasks
will be run sequentially
◦ Called Warp Divergence (NOT GOOD)
Inside a GPU
(fun hardware info)
In Fermi Architecture (i.e. GPUs with
Compute Capability 2.x), each SM has
32 cores
◦ e.g. GTX 400, 500 series
◦ 32 cores is not what makes each
warp have 32 threads. Previous
architecture also had 32 threads per
warp but had less than 32 cores per
Halo.cms.caltech.edu has 3 GTX 570s
◦ This course will cover CC 2.x
Streaming Multiprocessor
A[] + B[] -> C[] (again)
A[] + B[] -> C[] (again)
A[] + B[] -> C[] (again)
Questions so far?
Stuff that will be useful later
Stuff that will be useful later
Stuff that will be useful later
Next Time...
Global Memory access is not that fast
◦ Tends to be the bottleneck in many GPU programs
◦ Especially true if done stupidly
◦ We'll look at what "stupidly" means

Optimize memory access by utilizing hardware specific memory access

Optimize memory access by utilizing different caches that come with
the GPU

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