International Macroeconomics: Slides For Chapter 9: Determinants of The Real Exchange Rate

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Slides for Chapter 9:

Determinants of the Real Exchange Rate

International Macroeconomics

Schmitt-Grohé Uribe Woodford

Columbia University

May 1, 2016

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

The Law of One Price (LOOP)

says that a good should cost the same abroad and at home.

Formally, if the LOOP holds for good i, then

Pi = Pi∗S,

Pi = domestic currency price of good i

Pi∗ = foreign currency price of good i
S = nominal exchange rate, (domestic currency price for 1 unit of
foreign currency)

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Examples of goods for which the LOOP holds:

Luxury Consumer Goods (Hermes neckties, MontBlanc pens, Rolex
watches, Beats, etc. )

Examples of goods for which the LOOP fails:

Big Mac [will discuss the Big Mac Index later]
Restaurant Meals

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Reasons Why the LOOP May Fail

• a good has non-traded inputs such as:

– labor

– rent

– electricity

• government policies/regulations (taxes)

• barriers to trade (tariffs, quotas)

• pricing to market (pharmaceuticals)

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

From the idea of the LOOP to PPP Theory

PPP stands for Purchasing Power Parity

Generalize the law of one price (LOOP)

P = domestic currency price of a domestic basket of goods
P ∗ = foreign currency price of a foreign basket of goods
S = nominal exchange rate, [domestic currency per unit of foreign
e = real exchange rate (RER)

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Define e, the real exchange rate as follows:

SP ∗
e= (*)

units? = domestic baskets

foreign baskets


e = 1, we say PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) holds.

e > 1, home basket is undervalued, or foreign basket overvalued. If

∆e > 0, we say the RER depreciates

e < 1, home basket is overvalued, or foreign basket undervalued. If

∆e < 0, we say the RER appreciates.

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Suppose the LOOP holds for all goods, does PPP (i.e., e = 1) have
to hold?

Not necessarily. Why? Because the foreign and domestic baskets


– contain different items

– have different weights for the same items.

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Absolute PPP
We say that absolute PPP holds, when


Relative PPP
We say that relative PPP holds, when

∆e = 0

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

How to test relative PPP?

Take logs of (*):

ln et = ln(St Pt∗) − ln(Pt )

If relative PPP holds, then ∆ ln et = 0 and hence ln(St Pt∗) should be

moving over time in tandem with ln(Pt)

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Test 1 of Relative PPP in the long run:

The next graph tests relative PPP by plotting ln(St Pt∗) and ln(Pt ) for
the dollar pound real exchange rate over the period 1820 to 2001.

The broken line is ln(St PtU K )

The solid line is ln(PtU S )

The vertical difference between the broken and the solid line is et,
the dollar-pound real exchange rate.

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Dollar-Sterling PPP Over Two Centuries

Note: The figure shows U.S. and U.K. consumer price indices expressed in U.S. dollar terms over the period 1820-2001 using a log scale with a base of 1900=0. Source:
Alan M. Taylor and Mark P. Taylor, “The Purchasing Power Parity Debate,” Journal of Economic Perspectives 18, Fall 2004, 135-158.

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Observations on the figure

1. Overall the comovement between U.S. and U.K. prices over the
past 180 years has been very high! This suggests that relative
PPP holds in the long run.

2. Over the past 180 years the dollar has appreciated significantly
vis-a-vis the Pound in real terms.

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Test 2 of Relative PPP in the long run:

Pt — U.S. Price level in dollars;

Pt∗ — foreign price level in foreign currency

Take the k-period log difference of (*)

∗ ∗
ln et − ln et−k = ln Pt /Pt−k − ln Pt/Pt−k + ln St /St−k

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

If relative PPP holds in the long run, then

ln et − ln et−k = 0

This implies that

∗ ∗ 
ln Pt /Pt−k − ln Pt/Pt−k = − ln St /St−k

This equation says that the difference between foreign long run
inflation and U.S. long run inflation should be equal to the rate
of depreciation of the foreign currency against the dollar.

This is intuitive, the currency of a country with a higher rate of

inflation than the United States should depreciate against the dollar.

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Taylor and Taylor test whether relative PPP holds in the long run by
considering average inflation differentials and average depreciation
rates against the U.S. dollar over the 29 year period 1970 to 1998
for 20 industrialized countries and 26 developing countries. Each
country is one observation. If relative PPP holds in the long run,
then a plot of long-run inflation differentials against long-run depreciation
rates against the dollar should lie on the 45 degree line.

The next graph shows that this is indeed the case — providing more
support to the claim that in the long-run relative PPP holds.

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Consumer Price Inflation Relative to the U.S. Versus Dollar Exchange

Rate Depreciation, 29-Year Average, 1970-1998

Note: The figure shows countries’ cumulative inflation rate differentials against the United States in percent (vertical axis) plotted against their cumulative depreciation
rates against the U.S. dollar in percent (horizontal axis). The sample includes data from 20 industrialized countries and 26 developing countries. Source: Alan M. Taylor
and Mark P. Taylor, “The Purchasing Power Parity Debate,” Journal of Economic Perspectives 18, Fall 2004, 135-158.

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Q: Does Relative PPP hold in the short run?

A: No. As we saw above in the time series plot, the real exchange
rate, which in that plot is given by the difference between the two
lines, changes from year to year, and hence relative PPP fails in the
short run.

Also recall from Chapter 8 that in monthly data we observed the

following average changes in real exchange rates: over the short
period September 1982 to January 1988

ln et − ln et−1 (in percent)

Germany -6.35 %
Switzerland -8.35%
France -6.25%
Mexico -3.32%

We conclude that in the short-run relative PPP does not hold. In

fact et is VERY volatile in the short run.
International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford


• Relative PPP holds over the long run.

• Relative PPP fails to hold over the short run.

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Absolute PPP

Absolute PPP holds if et = 1, that is if the purchasing power of $1

is the same in the United States and abroad

To test relative PPP all we needed were observations on

%∆St , %∆Pt∗, %∆Pt

. . . but to test absolute PPP we do need to observe the level of Pt

and not just an index.

It is very hard to get data for the level of Pt, because statistical
agencies that produce the CPI typically publish an index and not the
actual price level of a typical basket.

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

We will proceed in 2 steps. First we will analyze whether absolute

PPP holds for a single good, MacDonald’s Big Mac sandwich, and
then we will look at data from the International Comparison Program.

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Q: Does absolute PPP hold for the Big Mac

Compute the real exchange rate for a Big Mac

BigMac S × P BigMac∗
e =
P BigMac

If absolute PPP holds, then eBigMac = 1.

eBigMac = 1 tells you how many U.S. Big Macs it takes to buy one
foreign Big Mac.

Here is some data on eBigMac = 1 for January 2015

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

The Big-Mac Real Exchange Rate January 2015

Country P BigMac∗ S S·P BigMac∗ eBigMac

Switzerland 6.50 1.16 7.56 1.58
Norway 48.00 0.13 6.30 1.32
Brazil 13.50 0.39 5.21 1.09
Sweden 40.70 0.12 4.97 1.04
United States 4.79 1.00 4.79 1.00
France 3.90 1.16 4.53 0.95
Italy 3.85 1.16 4.48 0.93
Britain 2.89 1.52 4.38 0.91
Australia 5.30 0.81 4.31 0.90
Germany 3.67 1.16 4.27 0.89
Turkey 9.25 0.43 3.97 0.83
South Korea 4100.00 0.00 3.78 0.79
Mexico 49.00 0.07 3.35 0.70
Argentina 28.00 0.12 3.25 0.68
Japan 370.00 0.01 3.14 0.66
China 17.20 0.16 2.77 0.58
India 116.25 0.02 1.89 0.39
Russia 89.00 0.02 1.36 0.28

Source: The Economist Magazine.

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Observations on the table:

• Absolute PPP fails. Big Mac real exchange rates are not equal to
unity. They are as high as 1.58 (for Switzerland) and as low as 0.28
(for Russia)
• In 2015 BigMac prices in Switzerland, Norway, Brazil (!), and
Sweden were higher than in the United States.
• Big Mac real exchange rates are high for rich countries and low
for poor countries. For example, look at India, the Big Mac real
exchange rate is 39, which means that for 1 Big Mac in India one
can only buy 39 percent of a Big Mac in the United States. Later in
this chapter, we will explore in more detail whether absolute prices
are lower in poor and emerging countries than in rich countries.

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Over and Undervaluation of a Currency:

Let St denote the PPP exchange rate, that is, the nominal exchange
rate that would make PPP hold, . That is,
St Pti = PtU S
This is the nominal exchange rate that would make the real exchange
rate equal to one.

StP P P > St ,
PtU S > St Pti
then we say that the dollar is overvalued (and the foreign currency
and iff StP P P < St , then
PtU S < St Pti
and we say the dollar is undervalued (and the foreign currency

If one believes that in the long run PPP should hold for Big Macs,
then one would regard the currencies of Switzerland, Norway, Brazil,
and Sweden as overvalued and would expect them to depreciate
against the U.S. dollar over time. Similarly, one would expect all
the countries with a Big Mac real exchange rate less than one to
appreciate against the U.S. dollar over time.

This is an argument sometimes suggested in The Economist Magazine.

This week’s homework asks you to evaluate this hypothesis empirically.
International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

We have just seen that absolute PPP fails for Big Macs. But is
there other data on price levels that can be used to test whether
absolute PPP holds. Yes. There is one source on actual price levels:
The International Comparison Program (ICP)

It represents the most extensive and thorough effort to measure

absolute PPP rates across countries. The ICP was established in the
late 1960s on the recommendation of the United Nations Statistical
Commission (UNSC). It began as a research project carried out
jointly by the United Nations Statistical Office and the University
of Pennsylvania. The first comparison, conducted in 1970, covered
10 economies. Now, 40 years later, the ICP is a worldwide statistical
operation whose latest comparison—ICP 2011—involved 199 economies.
The program is led and coordinated by the ICP Global Office hosted
by the World Bank.

The 2011 ICP round collected over 7 million prices from 199 economies
in eight regions, with the help of 15 regional and international
partners. It is the most extensive effort to measure PPPs ever
International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

The ICP reports the real exchange rate, which is referred to as the
‘Price Level Index’
SP ∗
e = PLI ≡
where now P ∗ and P are actual price levels (and not indices!).
Here is what they find for the year 2011 (most recent available):
Foreign Country e × 100
United States 100
Ethiopia 29 What do these numbers mean?
Bangladesh 31 Take India, a PLI of 32 means that
India 32
you can buy a basket that costs
Pakistan 28
China 54 $100 in the United States for $32
Germany 108 in India.
Sweden 136 ⇒ Absolute PPP fails!
Switzerland 162
Japan 135
Data Source: Purchasing Power Parities and Real Expenditures of World Economies, Summary of Results and Findings of the 2011 International Comparison Program,
Table 6.1, The World Bank, 2014.

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Application: PPP Exchange Rates and World Shares in GDP

What is the world share of GDP of high income, middle-income, and

low-income economies? Comparisons of the size of economies (in $)
tend to overstate the size of rich countries and understate the size
of poor countries.

Look at the next chart. It shows that in 2011, middle-income

countries produced 32 percent of world GDP at market exchange
rates but 48.2 of world GDP at PPP exchange rates. The flip-side
of this is that GDP of high-income economies becomes significantly
smaller when PPP-based GDPs are used, their share in world GDP
falls from 67.3 percent to 50.3 percent. The largest relative difference
obtains for low-income countries whose share in world GDP doubles
from 0.7 percent when measured at market exchange rates to 1.5
percent when measured at PPP exchange rates.

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Share of World GDP (exchange−rate based) Share of World GDP (PPP−based)

< 1% 2%


50% 48%



The income categories are as follows: low income—per capita gross national income (GNI) less than $1,025 (32 countries); middle income—per capita GNI from $1,026
to $12,475 (84 countries); and high income—per capita GNI greater than $12,475 (56 countries).

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Is China the largest economy in the world?

Not yet, in 2011, ICP reports that it is the second largest both at
PPP exchange rates and at market exchange rates. U.S. GDP at
market prices still twice as large as China’s. And to assess economic
power, it probably makes more sense to look at GDP at market
exchange rates.
GDP (PPP-based) GDP ($-based) Economy
Rank World Share World Share
1 17.1 22.1 United States
2 14.9 10.4 China
3 6.4 2.7 India
4 4.8 8.4 Japan
5 3.7 5.2 Germany

Data Source: Table 7.1 of “Purchasing Power Parities and Real Expenditures of World Economies, Summary of Results and Findings of the 2011 International
Comparison Program.”

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Application: PPP Exchange Rates and Standard of Living


• standard of living comparisons are tricky because of differences in

relative prices.

• comparisons of per capita income (in $) tend to overstate the

differences in real purchasing power between rich and poor countries
because rich countries are systematically more expensive than poor

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Higher Prices in Rich Countries




160 Luxembourg
PLI, (World=100), 2011

140 Germany
United States


80 Kuwait
Congo, Dem. Rep. Macao SAR, China
Brunei Darussalam
60 Niger

Burundi India

500 2000 8000 32000 128000
Natural Log Scale, GDP per capita at PPP exchange rates, 2011

Data Source: ICP, 2011.

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

GDP per capita comparisons at such huge differences in relative

prices cause important differences in the basic measurements of real
incomes and real standards of living
Country Per Capita GDP
United States 49,782 49,782
India 1,533 4,735
US/India 32 11

At market exchange rates GDP per capita in the United States in

2011 was 32 times as large as that of India. However, at PPP
exchange rate U.S. per capita GDP was only 11 times as large as
that of India.

⇒ $1,533 can buy 3 times as many goods in India (at Indian prices)
than it can in the U.S. at U.S. prices.

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Why does Absolute PPP fail?

One reason is that many goods are not traded internationally, and
hence price discrepancies will not be arbitraged away via trade.

The price index is an average of all prices in the economy, traded

goods prices, PT , and nontraded goods prices, PN

P = φ(PT , PN )

P = (PT )α(PN )1−α

Suppose the LOOP holds for traded goods:

but not for nontraded goods


Suppose the foreign price level, P ∗, is constructed as

P ∗ = φ(PT∗ , PN

The real exchange rate then is:

SP ∗
e =
Sφ(PT∗ , PN
φ(PT , PN )
SPT∗ φ(1, PN∗ /P ∗ )
PT φ(1, PN /PT )
φ(1, PN∗ /P ∗ )
= T . (1)
φ(1, PN /PT )
If the relative price of nontradables is higher in the foreign country,
then the real exchange rate is greater than 1,

if P ∗ > P
N , then e > 1.
International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Determinants of the Real Exchange Rate in the

Medium Term:

The Balassa-Samuelson Model

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Recall that:
φ 1, P ∗
e =  PT 
φ 1, PN

From here clear that the real exchange rate depreciates if P ∗ increases
relative to PN

Q: What could make P ∗ go up relative to P

A: Productivity growth in the traded sector relative to the non-

traded sector in the foreign country being faster than in the domestic

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

The Balassa-Samuelson effect is the tendency for countries with

higher productivity growth in tradables compared to nontradables
to have higher prices (and hence appreciated real exchange rates.

The Model

2 goods: QT and QN
QT = traded output
QN = nontraded output

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford


Production of Tradables:

QT = aT LT

Production of Nontradables:

QN = aN LN
LT = labor input in the traded sector
LN = labor input in the nontraded sector
aT = exogenous labor productivity in the traded sector
aN = exogenous labor productivity in the nontraded sector
W = wage rate

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Traded Goods Sector

Firms choose QT and LT to maximize profits

profits = PT QT − W LT .
subject to
QT = aT LT .

Eliminate QT
profits = PT aT LT − W LT
Choose LT to maximize profits
= 0 ⇒ PT aT = W (*)

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Nontraded Goods Sector

Firms choose QN and LN to maximize profits

profits = PN QN − W LN .
subject to
QN = aN LN .

Eliminate QN
profits = PN aN LN − W LN
Choose LN to maximize profits
= 0 ⇒ PN aN = W (**)

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Combining (*) with (**) yields

PN a
= T (2)

That is, the Balassa-Samuelson model predicts that in equilibrium

the relative price of nontradables in terms of tradables is inversely
related to the ratio of labor productivity in the traded sector to that
in the nontraded sector.

Is this prediction of the Balassa-Samuelson model borne out in the


International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Take natural logarithms of (2) and consider changes over time

%∆ = %∆aT − %∆aN

This expression says that the percent change in the relative price of
nontradables is equal to the growth rate differential between factor
productivity in the traded sector and the nontraded sector.

We wish to test whether this relationship holds over the long run in
actual data.

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

De Gregorio, Giovannini, and Wolf (EER, 1994) collect data on

%∆ P
PT and on %∆aT − %∆aN for 14 OECD countries over the
period 1970-1985

That is they have 14 observations.

The next slide shows what they find

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Differential Factor Productivity Growth and Changes in the

Relative Price of Nontradables

Note: The figure plots

the average annual
percentage change in the
relative price of
nontradables in terms of
tradables, %∆ P ,
(vertical axis) against the
average annual growth in
total factor productivity
differential between the
traded sector and the
nontraded sector,
%∆aT − %∆aN ,
(horizontal axis) over the
period 1970-1985 for 14
OECD countries.
Source: José De
Gregorio, Alberto
Giovannini, and Holger
C. Wolf, “International
Evidence on Tradable
and Nontradable
Inflation,” European
Economic Review 38,
June 1994, 1225-1244.

Comments on the figure:

• If Balassa-Samuelson model is true, then all 14 observations should

line up on the 45 degree line. This is not quite the case.

• Still the figure demonstrates that 15-year averages  for OECD

countries display a positive relationship between %∆ P and %∆ aaT ,
as predicted by the Balassa Samuelson model
International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

What are the predictions of the Balassa-Samuelson Model for

the Behavior of the Real Exchange Rate?

A relationship like equation (2) must also hold in the foreign country
PN∗ a∗T
= ∗
PT∗ aN
PT∗ = foreign currency price of traded goods abroad
PN∗ = foreign currency priced of nontraded goods abroad

a∗T = exogenous labor productivity in the traded sector abroad

a∗N = exogenous labor productivity in the nontraded sector abroad

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Thus the Balassa Samuelson model predicts that,

PN ∗
φ 1, P ∗
e = 

φ 1, P

a ∗
φ 1, a∗T
φ 1, aaT


Hence e ↑, if a∗ increases relative to aaT , that is, the real exchange
rate of the domestic country depreciates if relative productivity growth
in the traded sector relative to productivity growth in the nontraded
sector is faster in the foreign country than in the domestic country.

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Suppose the price index is given by

φ(PT , PN ) = PT1−αPN
α, α ∈ (0, 1)

then the Balassa Samuelson model predicts that

" ! !#
%∆e = α %∆ − %∆
a∗N aN

This prediction can be confronted with data. What is needed?

Observations of growth rates of technology in the traded and nontraded
sector and observations on real exchange rate changes.

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Can the Balassa Samuelson model explain the observed real depreciation
of the German mark against the Japanese Yen and against the Italian
Lira in the 1970s and 1980s?

Canzoneri, Cumby, and Diba (JIE, 1999) collect data on productivity

differential for the United States, Germany, Italy and Japan over the
period 1970 to 1993.

Consider the bilateral real exchange rate between the German Mark
(DM) and the Italian Lira (£): According to the Balassa Samuelson
model we have
aIT aG
" ! !#
%∆eDM/£ = α %∆ − %∆ T
aIN aG

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Over the long run, here 1970 to 1993, Balassa Samuelson explains
well the observed real depreciation of the German mark against the
Italian Lira. For it shows that the relative growth rate of labor
productivity in the traded sector, relative to the nontraded sector,
was higher in Italy than in Germany.

These authors, however, also present evidence that the Balassa

Samuelson model fails to explain the observed real appreciation of
the Japanese yen against the U.S. dollar (not shown).

What to make of this? In some episodes long-run changes in

real exchange rates can be explained well by differences in relative
productivity growth rates but not always. This is not necessarily
evidence against Balassa Samuelson because clearly there can be
other explanations for real exchange rate movements.

We will turn to such alternative explanations next.

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Add discussion on effects of trade barriers on real exchange rates

International Macroeconomics, Chapter 9 Schmitt-Grohé, Uribe, Woodford

Add discussion on micro foundation of price indices.


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