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Design: Chris Harris
Development and Editing: Steve Winter
Art Director & Graphic Design: Marc Radle
Cover Art: Dio Mahesa, Marcel Mercado, Nakarin Sukontakor
Interior Art: Marcel Mercado
Publisher: Wolfgang Baur

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Open Game Content: The Open content in this book includes the feats, runes, rituals, Tupilak monster text, and spells.
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© 2016 Open Design.


Rune Magic
ccessing the magic inherent within runes creatures gain the benefits of Rune Knowledge and
requires the Rune Knowledge feat. If the Rune Mastery for a single rune. The rune selected
option to gain feats isn’t being used in your must fit thematically with the creature’s nature,
campaign, then Rune Knowledge can be gained origin, or abilities.
in place of level-based ability score improvement,
if your GM approves. Alternatively, characters RUNE KNOWLEDGE
might need to accomplish other, story-related tasks Prerequisite: Wisdom 12 or higher
determined by the GM to gain Rune Knowledge. You are wise in the lore of two runes of your choice.
Once those obstacles are cleared, all characters who You always have access to their rune bonuses. In
meet the prerequisites can gain Rune Knowledge and addition, every day you can invoke one rune power for
Rune Mastery. each rune you’ve learned, provided you meet any other
Rune-Using Monsters. Some northern creatures requirements such as a minimum level.
are born with a natural attunement to a rune whose You can select this feat multiple times. Each time you
nature is similar to their own. These rune-born do, you gain the bonus and powers of two additional
runes of your choice.
RUNE MASTERY Rune Power (7th level): Sketching ansuz on the
Prerequisite: Rune Knowledge floor or a wall allows all worshipers of the Aesir
You have mastered the secret powers of one ancient within 10 feet of it to add 1d4 to each of their attack
rune. Choose one rune that you already learned rolls, similar to a bless spell. Sketching the rune
through Rune Knowledge. Once per day, you can takes 2 actions, and it remains effective while you
invoke one of its Rune Mastery powers. concentrate, for up to 1 minute.
You can select this feat multiple times. Each time Rune Mastery Power (11th level): When traced
you do, you learn the Rune Mastery powers of a on the forehead of a willing creature, ansuz sends
different rune from your repertoire. the creature into a trance during which it receives
a message from the gods, identical in effect to a
Runes divination spell. A creature can experience only one
Where a rune calls for a saving throw, the DC equals such trance per week. Tracing the rune takes 10
(8 + the rune maker’s ability bonus + the rune maker’s minutes, and the trance lasts 1 round.
proficiency bonus). The rune maker’s applicable Berkanan

ability is the same as the ability being used for the Birch tree, love, new beginnings; the Bear
saving throw unless a different one is specified; i.e., Maiden
if a rune calls for a Charisma saving throw, the rune
maker’s Charisma modifies the DC. Rune Bonus: You get a +1 bonus on
Charisma (Diplomacy) checks.
Algiz Rune Powers: When traced on a living creature,

Elk and reindeer, evading danger; the god this rune grants that creature advantage on a single
Heimdall Charisma (Diplomacy) check of its choosing.
Rune Bonus: You can make an elk horn wand Tracing the rune takes 10 minutes, and it remains
(see New Magic Items) in 6 hours, and you effective for up to 24 hours. This benefit can be
gain a +1 bonus on initiative checks. granted only once per day.
Rune Power (5th level): Living creatures that are When berkanan is traced on a living plant, an
within 10 feet of an algiz rune when it is etched on effect identical to spike growth erupts in a 20-foot
the ground or on a wall gain a +2 bonus on Wisdom radius around the rune. Tracing the rune on a
(Perception) checks and have advantage on saving plant takes 1 action, and the effect lasts while you
throws against sleep and other magical effects that concentrate, for up to 10 minutes.
cause unconsciousness. Both effects last for 8 hours. Rune Mastery Power (8th level): You can create a
Scribing the rune takes 15 minutes. philter of love once per week.
Rune Mastery Power (8th Level): Marking a

creature with the algiz rune transforms the creature
Day and laying the dead to rest
into an elk or reindeer, as per polymorph. Drawing
the rune on the creature takes 1 action and the Rune Bonus: You always know exactly
change lasts while you concentrate, for up to 1 hour. how long it will be until the next sunset
or sunrise.
Ansuz Rune Power (4th level): Spending 10 minutes

Gods and outsiders tracing dagaz onto a creature cures it of magical
Rune Bonus: You get a +1 bonus on blindness.
Intelligence (Arcana) checks made to Rune Power (6th level): Tracing dagaz onto an
identify the type, powers, or weaknesses object makes it glow brightly in a 60-foot radius and
of aberrations, celestials, fey, and fiends. dimly out to 120 feet. Magical darkness of 3rd level
Once per day, the ansuz rune can be sketched on an or lower is dispelled if this light overlaps it. The light
object to ward off giants and fey hostile to the Aesir. is blocked normally by opaque objects or structures.
The rune must be presented boldly toward such Tracing the rune this way takes 1 action, and the light
creatures, each of which makes a Charisma saving lasts while you concentrate, for up to 1 hour.
throw. Creatures that fail the saving throw must stay Rune Mastery Power (13th level): Once per week,
at least 5 feet away from the rune and cannot touch or dagaz can be sketched onto the ground or a wall
make melee attacks against the creature presenting to create an instantaneous effect identical to a
it, as long as the symbol is boldly and aggressively cleric’s Channel Divinity: Turn Undead class ability.
presented (which requires an action each round). Sketching the rune takes 1 action, and it affects
Sketching the rune takes 1 action, and the marked undead within 30 feet that can see it at the moment
object remains effective for 1 hour. of its completion.
Ehwaz hour. This works equally well on a single object, such

Horses, freedom, the Nithing Pole as a block of stone, or on a collection of objects that
Rune Bonus: You get a +1 bonus to Wisdom are bundled together, such as a large chest stuffed
(Animal Handling) checks made to control with coins.
a mount, and to Dexterity checks made to Rune Mastery Power (8th level): By spending 1

Deep Magic Rune Magic

wriggle free of bonds. minute tracing fehu onto your own skin, you can
Rune Power (5th level): Spending 1 action to trace cast dominate beast as though from a 6th–level spell
ehwaz onto a lock or shackles has the same effect as a slot. The spell must be cast within 10 minutes of
knock spell but without the loud knocking sound. completing the rune or the rune’s power fades.
Rune Mastery Power (8th level): When sketched Gebu

on the ground, ehwaz summons a phantom steed.
Generosity and hospitality, and gifts
Sketching the rune takes 5 minutes, and the
summoned steed remains for 1 hour. Rune Bonus: You have advantage on
Intelligence checks to estimate an item’s
Rune Mastery Power (9th level): You can create a
nithing pole (see New Magic Items) once per month.
The process can only be performed during a new Rune Powers: When 1 minute is spent carefully
moon, takes 12 hours, and requires bloodletting that examining an item while tracing gebu on it, you learn
leaves a permanent scar in the shape of the ehwaz the item’s name and magical properties the same as if
rune on the rune maker’s left hand. Each creation of you’d cast an identify spell. Alternatively, if 1 action is
a nithing pole creates a new scar; those after the first spent tracing gebu on a willing creature, that creature
don’t need to be on the hand, but they must be on the gains sanctuary as if affected by the spell. The rune
hands or arms. maker can’t invoke sanctuary on him or her self. The
sanctuary effect lasts while you concentrate, for up to

Eiwaz 1 minute.
Yew tree, Yggdrasil Rune Mastery Power (8th level): Gebu can be rapidly
Rune Bonus: You have proficiency on (1 action) scratched or sketched onto a wall, floor,
Intelligence (Arcana) checks. or other surface of an enclosed space in a way that
makes it clearly visible. For up to 1 minute, the rune
Rune Power (4th level): Spending 1 action to trace
maker can activate the rune with a command word,
eiwaz onto a suitably-sized piece of wood transforms
provided he or she is within 20 feet of it. All creatures
it into a shillelagh for 1 minute.
within 20 feet of the rune and with a clear line of
Rune Mastery Power (8th level): Sleeping for sight to it (regardless of whether they can actually see
at least 10 minutes under a tracing of eiwaz on a it) must make a Charisma saving throw. Those that
blanket, a wall, or the ceiling causes the rune maker fail are affected as if by a calm emotions spell that lasts
to dream of the Nine Worlds. These dreams produce while you concentrate, for up to 1 minute.
answers the same as contact other plane (including
possible side effects). Hagalaz

Rune Mastery Power (11th level): When carved on Hail and winter weather
the bark of a living tree, eiwaz allows the rune master Rune Bonus: You have advantage on
to travel between that tree and another tree within Wisdom (Survival) checks made to
500 feet also marked with eiwaz, as if under the effect accurately predict weather conditions for
of tree stride. Each carving takes 1 action, and the the next 24 hours in your vicinity.
effect lasts while you concentrate, for up to 1 minute
Rune Power: Spending 1 action tracing hagalaz on a
after the second carving is done.
willing creature grants it protection from energy (cold)
Fehu while you concentrate, for up to 1 hour.

Cattle, livestock, and wealth Rune Mastery Power (9th level): When sketched
on the ground under the open sky, hagalaz conjures
Rune Bonus: You have advantage on
a sleet storm centered on a point of the rune maker’s
Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks made
choosing within 150 feet. Sketching the rune takes 4
on domesticated animals that aren’t used as
rounds and the storm lasts while you concentrate, for
riding mounts.
up to 2 minutes.
Rune Power: Sketching fehu on an object makes that
Rune Mastery Power (14th level): When sketched
item easier to lift or drag, as if it weighed only half
on the ground within the area of a magical storm
its actual weight. Sketching the rune takes 1 minute,
caused by sleet storm, ice storm, control weather (hail
and the effect lasts while you concentrate, for up to 1
and blizzard only), or comparable magic, hagalaz
acts as a dispel magic spell cast with a 7th-level slot. 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10
If the storm being dispelled is from 8th or 9th level feet, and it does an extra 1d4 cold damage on a hit.
magic, the rune maker uses Charisma as his or her Tracing the rune takes 1 action and the effect lasts
spellcasting ability to test the rune’s effectiveness. while you concentrate, for up to 1 hour.
Sketching the rune takes 2 rounds. Rune Power (7th level): A shield marked with
Rune Mastery Power (14th level): When sketched this rune glitters like frost in the morning sun. As
on the ground within the area of a natural an action, a wielder of the shield who is in direct
(nonmagical) storm, hagalaz has the effect of a control sunlight can focus its reflection on a single enemy
weather spell. Sketching the rune takes 1 hour and the within 30 feet; the target must make a successful
control lasts while you concentrate, for up to 8 hours. Constitution saving throw or be affected by the first
stage of snow blindness (see Conditions). The DC

Ingwaz for the saving throw equals 8 + your Dexterity bonus
Ancestors, Northmen; the god Wotan or Odin + your proficiency bonus. If the target creature is
Rune Bonus: You have proficiency on already affected by the first stage of snow blindness,
Intelligence (History) checks. a failed Constitution saving throw brings on the
Rune Power (4th level): When 1 action is spent second stage of snow blindness. Marking the shield
tracing ingwaz on a spear, the rune gains favor from takes 1 action, and the rune remains effective while
the Aesir for the first character who throws the spear you concentrate, for up to 1 hour.
over the heads of an enemy force consisting of nine Rune Mastery Power (8th level): You learn the create
or more opponents; the spear thrower adds 1d4 tupilak ritual (see Rune Rituals).
radiant damage to his or her weapon attacks. The

bonus can be gained up to 8 hours after the rune is
traced, and once triggered it lasts 1 minute. Abundant harvest; the gods Freyr and Freyja
Rune Power (5th level): When ingwaz is traced Rune Bonus: You have proficiency on
on the face of a willing creature, it turns the Intelligence (Nature) checks.
creature into a berserker, granting it the benefits Rune Power (4th level): When traced on the
of a barbarian’s Rage class feature as though the belly of a living creature, the jera rune guarantees
recipient were a barbarian of the rune master’s level. that any sexual union involving that creature in
Tracing the rune takes 2 rounds, and the effect lasts the next 24 hours proves fruitful. If traced on a
1 minute. pregnant creature at least once per month during
Rune Power (7th level): You learn the calling to the its pregnancy, the rune guarantees a successful birth
vaettir ritual (see Rune Rituals). and healthy baby or babies. Tracing the rune takes 1
Rune Mastery Power (8th level): When traced on action.
the nails and flesh of a corpse, this rune acts as a Rune Power (6th level): When jera is traced on a
speak with dead spell. Tracing the rune takes 1 minute wooden table, plate, or platter, all food and drink
and the effect lasts while you concentrate, for up to that’s spoiled, rotten, diseased, poisonous, or
10 minutes. otherwise contaminated within 20 feet becomes
pure and safe for consumption. Tracing the rune
Isaz takes 1 action.

Ice, imprisonment, and paralysis; the gods Boreas Rune Mastery Power (8th level): When marked in
and Mara the earth among living plants, the rune has the effect
Rune Bonus: When you take cold damage, you of a localized (100-foot radius) plant growth spell.
take 1 point less than normal. Sketching the rune takes 1 action.

Rune Power (4th level): When 1 action is spent
tracing isaz on the ground, slick ice spreads out Kaunen
to cover an area of 225 square feet. The iced area Flaming torch, enlightenment, and ulcers
can have any shape the rune maker wants; if you Rune Bonus: You gain darkvision (30 feet).
use a grid of 5-foot squares, the ice covers 9 squares. If you already have darkvision, you gain
Every square of ice must be connected to at least proficiency on Wisdom (Perception) checks.
one other along one or more sides. Ice-filled squares Rune Power (4th level): When 1 minute is spent
are difficult terrain, and the difficulty of Dexterity tracing kaunen on the ground, it burns like a
(Acrobatics) checks in the area increases by five. The campfire for up to 8 hours. The fire is 2 feet in
ice is nonmagical and melts normally. diameter and the flames are magical, causing 2d6 fire
Rune Power (5th level): When the isaz rune is traced damage per round to any creature in the fire. Neither
on a weapon, the weapon sheds bright light in a the rune nor the fire can be moved once created,
but the fire can spread normally to inflammable Rune Mastery Power (9th level): Invoking mannaz
materials. upon a plant or animal awakens it, per the awaken
Rune Power (5th level): Tracing kaunen onto a spell. Invoking the rune this way takes 8 hours, and
weapon causes that weapon to shed bright light in a the effect is permanent.
10-foot radius plus dim light for another 10 feet, and


Deep Magic Rune Magic

the weapon does an extra 1d6 fire damage on a hit.
Tracing the rune takes 1 action and the effect lasts Necessity and need
while you concentrate, for up to 1 hour. Rune Bonus: Once per day, you can cast spare
Rune Mastery Power (8th level): When traced on the dying.
a living creature, kaunan burns away illness and Rune Power (4th level): By spending 1 action
ailments the same as a remove disease spell. Invoking to trace naudiz on an item, you grant guidance or
the rune takes 1 action. resistance to any creature that touches it (the creature
chooses which). A number of creatures equal to your

proficiency bonus can benefit from this effect. Both
Water, the sea; the god Njord the rune and the effect last while you concentrate, for
Rune Bonus: You gain Aquan as a bonus up to 1 minute.
language. If you already know this Rune Power (5th level): Naudiz can be traced in the
language, you have advantage on Charisma air in such a way that five creatures within 10 feet of
(Diplomacy) checks with creatures from the you have their hit point maximums increased by 5,
elemental plane of water. and they gain 5 hit points. Tracing the rune takes 1
Rune Power (4th level): When you spend 1 action action, and the effect lasts 8 hours.
tracing laukaz on an object, it becomes more Rune Mastery Power (15th level): When naudiz is
bouyant. Anyone grasping the object has advantage traced on an object weighing no more than 20 lb.,
on Strength (Athletics) checks to swim or to stay for the next 24 hours you can call that item to you.
afloat. The effect lasts 24 hours. The item teleports into your hand instantly when
Rune Power (7th level): When you trace laukaz on a you spend an action calling it. The maximum range
living creature’s chest, it grants them water breathing. is 400 feet. If another creature is holding the object,
Tracing the rune takes 1 action, and the effect lasts 24 that creature prevents it from teleporting with a
hours. successful Charisma saving throw; use your Wisdom
Rune Mastery Power (11th level): When the rune modifier to set the DC. Tracing the rune takes just 1
is sketched on a lakebed, riverbed, or sea bottom, action, and it remains until it’s used or for 24 hours.
laukaz allows the rune maker to control nearby water
as a control water spell. Sketching the rune takes 1
action and the effect lasts while you concentrate, for The passage of time, the seasons, and the phases of the moon
up to 10 minutes. Rune Bonus: You have proficiency with Wisdom
(Survival) checks.

Rune Power (5th level): When the rune is sketched
Humanoids, especially humans and dwarves on the ground, nyköping allows up to six creatures
Rune Bonus: You get a +1 bonus on of your choice to each regain hit points equal to 2d8
saving throws against petrification + your wisdom modifier. You must be able to see the
and effects that alter your form such as creatures, and they must be within 30 feet of you.
lycanthropy, polymorph, or flesh to stone. Invoking the rune this way takes 10 minutes.
Rune Power (5th level): When traced on the ground, Rune Power (6th level): When 1 action is spent
a boulder, or a wall, mannaz produces an effect tracing the rune on the ground under open sky,
identical to a calm emotions spell on all living creatures nyköping creates a gust of wind. The wind lasts while
within 20 feet of the rune. Tracing the rune takes 1 you concentrate, for up to 1 minute.
action and the effect lasts while you concentrate, for Rune Mastery Power (9th level): Tracing nyköping
up to 1 minute. on a creature grants it haste, per the spell. Creating
Rune Mastery Power (8th level): When traced on the rune takes 1 action and the effect lasts while you
the flesh of a creature, mannaz returns a lycanthrope concentrate, for up to 1 minute.
to its humanoid form or dispels (as dispel magic) Rune Mastery Power (11th level): You learn the curse
a polymorph effect the target is currently under. of the wild moon ritual (see Rune Rituals).
Unwilling creatures resist this with a Charisma Rune Mastery Power (13th level): When nyköping
saving throw; use your Wisdom modifier to set the is sketched on the ground beneath open sky, the
DC. Tracing the rune takes 1 action. weather in the area improves toward clear skies, the
same as if you’d cast control weather. The rune can Raido

only improve the weather, not make it more severe. Travel
Sketching the rune takes 1 hour, and the effect lasts
Rune Bonus: Your speed increases by 5 feet,
8 hours.
and you always know which way is north.
Otalan Rune Power (4th level): The possessor

Property, inheritance, and family of an object that’s had raido sketched onto it has
advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks made to
Rune Bonus: You gain proficiency on
ski, skate, or control a sled. Sketching the rune takes
Charisma (Persuasion) checks.
1 minute and the effect lasts while you concentrate,
Rune Power (7th level): When traced on up to 1 hour.
a reflective surface (for example, on a mirror, a
Rune Power (5th level): A living creature with raido
polished shield, or even on still water), otalan
traced on its skin gains the benefit of water walk for 1
lets you scry on an object that you’ve possessed
minute. Tracing the rune takes 1 action.
for at least one week, or on any member of your
immediate family within three generations of Rune Power (7th level): A living creature with raido
you, per the scrying spell. Tracing the rune takes 10 traced on its skin can undertake a forced march for
minutes and the effect lasts while you concentrate, an additional 4 hours before suffering exhaustion
for up to 10 minutes. penalties. Invoking the rune takes 10 minutes, and
the effect lasts 4 hours.
Rune Mastery Power (13th level): When otalan
is invoked on an object, the rune’s power lingers Sowilo

harmlessly in the item until the death of the item’s
The sun; the god Baldur
owner. The moment that creature dies, the object
teleports into the hands of another individual whose Rune Bonus: You gain immunity to
identity was specified when the rune was created. snow blindness (see Conditions).
This person can be identified by name, by a title, or Rune Power (5th level): When invoked
by relationship (for example, “the king of Noatun” on a creature, the rune grants it magical confidence
or “my firstborn son”). This power functions over and charisma, enabling it to enthrall an audience, per
any range as long as the object and target are on the the spell. Tracing the rune takes 1 action, and the
same plane. If another creature holds the object effect lasts 1 minute.
when its owner dies, that creature can try to prevent Rune Power (7th level): Spending 1 action tracing
the object from teleporting by making a Charisma sowilo onto an object makes it glow as if with the
saving throw; use your Wisdom modifier to set the daylight spell for 1 hour.
DC. The rune remains effective until it’s triggered, Rune Mastery Power (13th level): Spending 1 action
but it ends when the rune maker uses this power to invoking sowilo on the brow of a creature causes its
invoke the rune on a different object. Creating the eyes to emit a sunbeam, per the spell. The creature is
rune takes 10 minutes. immune to blindness for the duration of the effect,
which lasts while you concentrate, for up to 1 minute.

p Tewaz

Things are not as they seem; the god Loki
Rune Bonus: You have a +1 bonus on Fearlessness, assemblies or councils, the god Tyr
Wisdom ability checks to solve riddles or Rune Bonus: You have advantage on saving
puzzles, and on Wisdom saving throws throws against the frightened condition.
against illusions.
Rune Power (4th level): Tewaz can be
Rune Power (4th level): When you spend 1 action sketched on an object to ward off wolves, worgs,
tracing perto on a creature, you can change the werewolves, and other lupine creatures. The rune
creature’s appearance, following the guidelines must be presented boldly toward such creatures,
for disguise self. If the creature has Intelligence 3 or each of which makes a Charisma saving throw.
higher, it can change its own appearance. The rune Creatures that fail the saving throw must stay at
remains effective for 1 hour. least 5 feet away from the rune and cannot touch or
Rune Mastery Power (8th level): Spending 1 action make melee attacks against the creature presenting
to trace perto on the ground causes all objects within it, as long as the symbol is boldly and aggressively
10 feet of the rune to be undetectable through presented (which requires an action each round).
divination magic or scrying sensors. The effect lasts Sketching the rune takes 1 action, and the marked
for 8 hours. object remains effective for 1 hour.

Deep Magic Rune Magic
Rune Power (4th level): If you spend 1 action tracing Uruz
tewaz onto a shield, it gains the properties of a shield Wild ox, sacrifice to the gods, and strength
of missile attraction for 10 minutes.
Rune Bonus: For the purposes of carrying
Rune Power (5th level): When tewaz is sketched capacity, treat your Strength score as if it
somewhere clearly visible, it acts as a calm emotions were 2 points higher.
spell on all creatures that can see it within a 20-foot
Rune Power (4th level): The wielder of a shield that’s
radius. Sketching the rune takes 1 action and the
been inscribed with uruz gains the benefits of the
effect lasts while you concentrate, for up to 1 minute.
Charger feat. Tracing the rune takes 1 minute, and
Rune Mastery Power (9th level): You learn the tyr’s the effect lasts 1 hour.
peace ritual (see Rune Rituals).
Rune Power (5th level): When uruz is traced on
the flesh of a living creature, the creature’s carrying

capacity doubles and it has advantage on Strength
Giants; thunder and lightning
checks. Tracing the rune takes 1 action and the effect
Rune Bonus: You gain Giant as a bonus lasts while you concentrate, up to 1 hour.
language. If you already know this language,
Rune Power (7th level): You learn the scourge of hateful
you have advantage on Wisdom (Insight)
nettles ritual (see Rune Rituals).
checks involving giants.
Rune Mastery Power (8th level): When invoked on
Rune Power (4th level): A weapon marked with
an appropriate sacrifice (food, a symbolic weapon,
turisaz does an extra 1d4 lightning damage with each
an animal), this rune assures the sacrifice will amend
hit. Marking the weapon takes 1 action, and the effect
any offenses the sacrifice giver has made against
lasts until it’s been triggered five times or up to 1 hour.
the gods (treat as remove curse). Drawing the gods’
Rune Power (5th level): Armor marked with turisaz attention this way isn’t always entirely beneficial;
has resistance to lightning damage and applies a +2 they may also place a geas or some other effect on
bonus to the wearer’s Strength score. Marking the an especially bold or interesting person, at the GM’s
armor takes 1 action and the effect lasts while you discretion. Tracing the rune onto a sacrifice takes
concentrate, for up to 1 hour. 1 hour, and the sacrifice must be offered within
Rune Mastery Power (8th level): When inscribed on another hour.
a surface, the turisaz rune acts as a glyph of warding.
Sketching the rune takes 1 hour, and the effect lasts
until it’s triggered or dispelled (as a 4th-level spell
Wunjo call, depending on the nature of the ancestor interred.

Happiness and joy You can ask the creature to perform one task, such as
defending you against attack, bestowing or removing
Rune Bonus: Whenever you receive
a curse, retrieving a stolen object, avenging an insult,
Inspiration, you have a 20% chance to
providing information, or a similar favor. The undead
retain it (for a second use, but no more)
will keep at the task until it’s completed or until
after using it or gifting it to another character.
28 days have elapsed. The task must be within the
Rune Power (4th level): Tracing the wunjo rune undead’s power to accomplish or it simply ignores
on the ground or on a boulder acts as the animal the request and returns to its repose. For example,
friendship spell. Creating the rune takes 1 action, and a vaettir can’t journey to the elemental planes to
the effect lasts 24 hours. retrieve something.
Rune Mastery Power (8th level): If you spend 1 Persuading the vaettir to undertake the task
action sketching wunjo onto an object which you requires explaining why you need it done and how it
then hold aloft, your allies within 120 feet have also benefits the vaettir to help—blood relations are
advantage on saving throws against effects that cause strong motivators here—followed by a successful
fear, charm, or domination. The effect lasts while Charisma (Persuasion) contest opposed by the
you concentrate, for up to 10 minutes. vaettir’s Charisma (or a Bluff contest if the caster lies).
Vaettir usually awake with an indifferent attitude;
disagreeable, but not outright hostile. If the vaettir
Rune Rituals is not persuaded to help or is offended, it’s likely to
These rituals are gained by learning and mastering attack. It may cast bestow curse or geas on you, or rise
individual runes, as noted above; they stand alone, from its mound to demand tribute, or physically
and are not simply spells that can be cast ritually. Any attack you and any associates nearby. At no time
character who learns to use a rune can eventually during this process is the vaettir under your control.
master its associated ritual. The ritual simply gets it to listen to you, but it makes
its own decisions.
CALLING TO THE VAETTIR The creature typically returns to its barrow or grave
Necromancy ritual when the task is done and it’s collected its payment,
Casting Time: 90 minutes tribute, or praise. If anything has been stolen during
Range: within 20 feet of an appropriate burial place its absence, it’s certain to seek recompense or revenge
Components: V, S, M (wine or mead poured onto the against the person who called it out.
ground, gifts for the vaettir worth 500 gp, 2d6 hit
points of the caster’s blood, and the wound can’t be CREATE TUPILAK
healed until an agreement is reached with the vaettir) Necromancy ritual
Duration: up to 28 days Casting Time: 9 hours per night for 9 consecutive
“Come forth from your mound, sleeping hero. Come nights
forth for the honors I would bestow and the honor of Range: touch
those who dwell in your shadow. Come forth by the Components: V, S, M (tupilak construct)
blood I spill and the gold I give you. Come forth and Duration: until destroyed, or it destroys its creator
aid the children of your land.” This infamous ritual was learned from the enigmatic
You call for aid from a vaettir—one of the dead and skraeling of the farthest reaches of the Northlands.
undead ancestors or former occupants of the land. It creates a tupilak, a construct that tracks and kills a
You must be related to the creature, must have lived hated enemy, usually a rival.
nearby for at least a year, or must have a relative of the First, a body must be constructed for the tupilak
creature present at the ritual of their own free will. from the body parts of recently-dead animals and
Entreaties can raise the vaettir from their barrows to children. The body is wrapped in seaweed or vines
protect, bestow blessings, or remove curses. and then encased in an outer shell made from bone
The vaettir, however, are greedy and demanding treated with icy unguents and sealing salves worth
allies. They’re also difficult to send away once roused, 3,000 gp. The body can’t be animated until a tupilak
requiring a successful Charisma (Persuasion) contest idol (with a material cost of 2,500 gp) is inserted, to
at the least, bribery or even a sacrifice at the most; the serve as its heart. The verbal component is an ancient,
specific price is determined by the GM. hours-long song of revenge, sung over the construct’s
The ritual summons an undead creature from body during each night’s ritual. This construction
beneath the earth. Typically, a vaettir (Tome of Beasts) is process consumes nine consecutive nights with a
summoned, but sometimes other undead answer the 9-hour ritual each night.
The final ritual captures a hungry spirit of How much are you willing to suffer to inflict pain
Ginnungagap to animate the construct. These spirits on your enemy? Scourge your own flesh with a whip
are vengeful and mercenary; many intended victims of nettles and briars, and as long as you can stand
of tupilaks have saved their own lives by figuring out the flogging, the target suffers three times the pain
how to turn a resentful, murderous construct against you do. The target’s flesh first itches uncontrollably,
its creator. then turns raw and blistered, then bleeds freely. The

Deep Magic Rune Magic

slightest movement or weight on his back is agony.
CURSE OF THE WILD MOON The target of the ritual must be within 10 miles of
Transmutation ritual the caster.
Casting Time: 90 minutes To represent the first hour of the ritual, the caster
Range: 25 feet takes 1d6 psychic damage and the target and caster
conduct a Constitution contest. The loser of the
Components: V, S, M (animal of the kind you wish
contest gains one level of exhaustion.
to create, which is killed during the ritual, plus
powdered silver worth at least 500 gp). The caster can continue the ritual for as long as he
or she is willing to take the punishment. In practical
Duration: instantaneous
terms, a caster is unlikely to continue the ritual after
You trace runes in a circle around a sacrificial animal losing the first contest because exhaustion often
and a bound target, chanting courtesies and praise to puts him or her at a disadvantage on subsequent
the old ways and the wildness hidden in all, as a lunar Constitution checks.
eclipse signals that the witching hour approaches. Only living creatures that feel pain and injury can
By creating a circle of arcane and wild natural cast this ritual, which lasts as long as you continue
glyphs from powdered silver, sacrificing an animal, scourging yourself. For each additional hour spent
and sprinkling its blood onto a target while imploring scourging, the caster takes another 1d6 psychic
the spirits of the wild and old ways to heed your call, damage and the target and caster conduct another
you transform a living creature into a lycanthrope. Constitution contest, with the loser gaining one level
The type of lycanthrope matches the animal that
of exhaustion. The caster can recover from exhaustion
was sacrificed (bear, wolf, boar, etc.). An unwilling
normally through rest, but the target’s exhaustion
target must be bound and helpless, and it still makes
can be removed only by limited wish, remove curse, wish,
a Charisma saving throw; the DC equals 8 + your
or comparable magic. If the caster’s pain, damage, or
Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus. If the
exhaustion is treated in any way during the ritual, the
saving throw succeeds, the intended target resists the
ritual ends immediately. When the ritual ends, the
transformation and the curse descends on you instead!
caster takes another 1d6 psychic damage and gains a
The affected target transforms into its lycanthropic
final level of exhaustion.
form 10 minutes after the ritual is completed.
An unwilling target afflicted with lycanthropy
through this ritual is driven to hunt and slay the
person who conducted the ritual. They can control Necromancy ritual
their bloodlust when in human form, but when the Casting Time: 5 hours
beast takes control, they seek the one who cursed Range: 35 feet
them. Because their rational mind and memories are Components: S, V (a promise of safe passage and an
suppressed in animal form, the hunt isn’t organized oath to do no unlawful violence; oaths need not be
or efficient, but sometimes they stumble onto a scent sincere but must be explicit)
that puts them on the right trail. In their murderous Duration: up to 9 days
rage, they’ll kill anyone related to the target of their You call upon Tyr to ward off treachery and violence
hate. A lycanthrope created by the ritual rebounding at a meeting. At least nine men and/or women must
on its caster tends to be the most savage, unreasoning swear the oath of amity, and they must include
of all; they’re known for slaughtering their own representatives of each faction (family, clan, nation,
families, friends, and neighbors. felag, etc.) being covered by the ritual. The duration
and area of effect (which can be as small as a single
room or as large as 12 square miles—a radius of 2
Necromancy ritual miles around the ritual site) are set during the casting.
Casting Time: 4 hours Performing the ritual adds one level of exhaustion to
Range: Self the caster, and the blood offerings demanded by Tyr
Components: V, S, M (a whip made from nettles; and the ancestors cause 1d6 slashing damage to each
blood, hair, or other sympathetic object from the participant in the ritual.
target, smeared or hung around your neck) Once it takes effect, the ritual punishes anyone from
Duration: 1 hour per check an affected faction who spills blood in the area. Legal
executions, religious sacrifices, and sanctioned duels Ranger Spells Warlock Spells
of honor are exempt. The ritual’s protection covers 1st Level 1st Level
only those factions that were invoked and swore the
Fire Under the Tongue Fire Under the Tongue
oath of peace in the casting, either as victims or as
perpetrators. Anyone who kills or harms another is Flurry Flurry
cursed (as the bestow curse spell), as is every intelligent Gliding Step Freeze Potion
creature complicit in the misdeed. The curse manifests Goat’s Hoof Charm Hearth Charm
as bloody hands (no amount of washing can clean Hearth Charm Loki’s Gift
away the blood) and disadvantage on Charisma Wolfsong Mosquito Bane
checks. The curse can be lifted by limited wish, wish,
2nd Level 2nd Level
remove curse, or comparable magic, but the curse must
be lifted individually from each affected person. Grudge Match Grudge Match
3rd Level Unluck On That
Wotan’s Rede
Rune Magic Spell Lists Hero’s Steel
Potency of the Pack 3rd Level
Bard Spells 6th Level Spiteful Weapon Potency of the Pack
1st Level Curse of Boreas 4th Level Spiteful Weapon
Loki’s Gift Druid Spells Snow Boulder 4th Level
2nd Level 1st Level Jotun’s Jest
Sorcerer Spells
Unluck On That Deep Breath 5th Level
1st Level
Wotan’s Rede Fire Under the Tongue Grasp of the Tupilak
Deep Breath
3rd Level Flurry Not This Day!
Freeze Potion
Freeze Potion
Hero’s Steel
Gliding Step
Goat’s Hoof Charm Wizard Spells
4th Level Mosquito Bane 1st Level
Goat’s Hoof Charm
Binding Oath Hearth Charm 2nd Level Deep Breath
Cursed Gift Mosquito Bane Snowblind Stare Freeze Potion
Jotun’s Jest Wolfsong Unluck On That Goat’s Hoof Charm
Mosquito Bane
Cleric Spells 2nd Level 3rd Level
1st Level Snowblind Stare Freezing Fog 2nd Level
Deep Breath Spiteful Weapon Snowblind Stare
3rd Level
Flurry Thunderclap Unluck On That
Freezing Fog
Freeze Potion Potency of the Pack 4th Level 3rd Level
Loki’s Gift Cursed Gift Freezing Fog
4th Level
2nd Level Jotun’s Jest Spiteful Weapon
Snowblind Stare 5th Level Thunderclap
Snow Boulder
Wotan’s Rede Grasp of the Tupilak 4th Level
7th Level
3rd Level Hod’s Gift Brittling
Triumph of Ice
Hero’s Steel Prismatic Ray Cursed Gift
Spiteful Weapon Paladin Spells 6th Level Jotun’s Jest
Thunderclap 3rd Level Curse of Boreas 5th Level
Hero’s Steel Grasp of the Tupilak
4th Level 7th Level
Binding Oath 4th Level Hod’s Gift
Triumph of Ice
Blade of My Brother Binding Oath Prismatic Ray
Blade of My Brother 6th Level
5th Level
Grasp of the Tupilak 5th Level Curse of Boreas
Hod’s Gift Rain of Blades 7th Level
Not This Day! Triumph of Ice
Rain of Blades

Components: V, S, M
Duration: instantaneous
New and Updated Spells This spell uses biting cold to make a metal or stone
item brittle and easy to shatter. The item’s hit points
BINDING OATH are permanently reduced by a number equal to your

Deep Magic Rune Magic

4th-level necromancy (ritual) spellcasting level, and Strength checks to shatter or
Casting Time: 10 minutes break the item within 1 minute of the spell’s casting
Range: 30 feet are made with advantage. If the item isn’t shattered, it
Components: V, S, M can be repaired as normal.
Duration: Until dispelled
You seal an agreement between two or more willing
creatures with an oath in the name of Tyr, using ritual 6th-level transmutation
blessings and toasts of the symbel, during which both Casting Time: 1 action
the oath and the consequences are clearly set out. Range: 100 feet
If any of the sworn break this solemn vow, they are Components: V, S, M
struck by a curse. The caster can choose either an Duration: Permanent
effect appropriate for bestow curse or another penalty, If the target fails a Charisma saving throw, it and its
subject to the GM’s approval. Binding oath can’t be equipment are frozen solid, becoming a physically
dismissed by dispel magic, but it can be removed with inert statue of ice. The creature is effectively paralyzed,
dispel evil and good, remove curse, or wish. Remove curse but mental activity does not cease and signs of life are
functions only if the spell slot used to cast it is equal to detectable; the creature still breathes and its heart
or higher than the spell slot used to cast binding oath. continues to beat, though both happen so slowly as to
When the oath is broken or the effect removed from be almost imperceptible. If the ice statue is broken or
one of the participants, all targets are immediately damaged while frozen, the creature will have matching
aware that this has occurred, but no other details. damage or injury when returned to its original state.
Depending on the nature of the oath, this may or may Dispel magic can’t end this spell, but it can allow the
not invalidate the oath for the other targets. If so, the target to speak (but not move or cast spells) for 1 round
spell ends for all other affected creatures, but curse per the spell slot used. Greater restoration or more
effects already bestowed remain until dispelled. potent magic is needed to free a creature from the ice.
Boreas and certain of his followers can use scrying to
BLADE OF MY BROTHER spy through the target’s senses, and the target receives
4th-level transmutation no saving throw against this effect. Those touching a
Casting Time: 1 action frozen target can request an audience with Boreas, and
Range: Touch if they make a successful DC 15 Charisma check, he’ll
Components: V, S, M (melee weapon owned by a respond to their request through the ice.
dead ally of the target)
Duration: Concentration, up to 4 rounds CURSED GIFT
You touch a melee weapon that was used by an 4th-level abjuration
ally who’s now dead, and it animates and flies into Casting Time: 1 action
combat. The weapon leaps into the air and flies to Range: Touch
another ally (chosen by you and within 15 feet of you), Components: V, S, M (an object worth at least 75 gp)
where it enters that ally’s space and never leaves their Duration: 1 day
side as they move. If the weapon is forced to move Cursed gift imbues an object with a curse or other
more than 5 feet from the chosen ally, the spell ends. unwanted, harmful magical effect that the caster or
Its attack modifier equals your spellcasting level + the another creature in physical contact with the caster
weapon’s inherent magical bonus, if any; it receives is currently suffering from. If this item is given to
only its own inherent magical bonus to damage. The someone who freely accepts it during the duration
weapon fights for up to 4 rounds, at which point it of the spell, then the curse temporarily transfers to
falls to the ground. them. A successful Charisma saving throw negates the
transfer. If the saving throw fails, the original target of
BRITTLING the curse no longer suffers from the affliction, which
4th level transmutation transfers to the recipient of the item for the duration
Casting Time: 1 action of the spell. Returning, destroying, or giving away
Range: Touch the item a second time has no effect. Remove curse and
comparable magic can relieve the person who received
the item, but the curse still returns to the original same penalty applies to attack rolls into, out of, or
victim when the spell expires. through the area.
Cursed gift can also be cast on a cursed object. This
allows the object to be given away to someone who FREEZE POTION
freely accepts it, but it returns to the previous owner
1st-level transmutation
when the spell expires.
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a see a creature within range of the spell about to use
spell slot of 5th level or higher, the duration of the a potion
spell increases by 1 day for each slot level beyond 4th.
Range: 25 feet
DEEP BREATH Components: V,S
Duration: Instantaneous
1st-level transmutation
A blue spark flies from your hand into a potion vial,
Casting Time: 1 action
drinking horn, waterskin, or similar container,
Range: Touch
instantly freezing the contents. The contents melt
Components: V normally and are not otherwise harmed, but it’s not
Duration: 2 hours possible to consume them while they’re frozen (they
The recipient of this spell can breathe and function won’t come out of the container).
normally in thin oxygen, suffering no ill effect at At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
altitudes up to 30,000 feet. If more than one creature spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the range of the spell
is touched during casting, the duration is divided increases by 5 feet for every spell slot beyond 1st level.
evenly among all creatures touched.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a FREEZING FOG
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the duration of the 3rd-level conjuration
spell increases by 2 hours for each slot level beyond 1st. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 100 feet
Components: V, S
1st-level transmutation
Duration: Concentration, up to 5 minutes
Casting Time: 1 action
The spell creates a 20-foot-radius sphere of mist
Range: Self
similar to a fog cloud spell centered on a point you can
Components: V see within range. The cloud spreads around corners,
Duration: 24 hours and its area of effect is heavily obscured. A wind of
You have mastered the skraeling art of keeping fire moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour)
under your tongue. You can consume a nonmagical disperses it in one round. The fog is freezing cold,
fire up to the size of a normal campfire. The fire is so any creature that ends its turn in the fog takes
stored harmlessly in your mouth and dissipates if not 2d6 cold damage and gains a level of exhaustion;
used before the end of the spell’s duration. You can a successful Constitution saving throw halves the
vomit forth the stored fire as an action. If you’re trying damage and prevents the exhaustion.
to hit a particular target, then treat this as a ranged At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
attack with a range of 5 feet. Campfire-sized flames spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases
cause 1d6 fire damage, while torch-sized flames cause by 1d6 for each slot level above 3rd.
1 point of fire damage. Once you’ve spit it out, the fire
burns normally. It goes out immediately unless it hits GLIDING STEP
inflammable material and sets it alight. 1st-level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
1st-level transmutation
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Duration: 10 minutes
Range: Self
Provided you’re not carrying more than a normal
Components: V, S, M
heavy load, you can walk on the surface of snow
Duration: 1 round rather than wading through it, and ignore its effect on
A flurry of snow surrounds you in a 5-foot radius. movement. Ice also supports your weight no matter
While it lasts, anyone trying to see into, out of, how thin it is, and you can travel on it as if you’re
or through the affected area (including you) has wearing ice skates. You still leave tracks normally
disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks. The under these effects.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a A spellcaster who’s been affected by grasp of the
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the duration increases tupilak can’t recover stolen spell slots until the stolen
by 10 minutes for every slot above 1st. slot is used, you take a long rest, or they receive remove
curse, greater restoration, or comparable magic. Unused
GOAT’S HOOF CHARM stolen spell slots disappear from your inventory when
you take a long rest or when the creature you stole

Deep Magic Rune Magic

1st-level transmutation
them from receives restorative magic.
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M (a goat’s hoof) 2nd-level evocation
Duration: 1 minute Casting Time: 1 action
The target creature traverses craggy slopes with the Range: 100 feet
surefootedness of a mountain goat. When climbing Components: V, S
slopes and inclines (but not vertical surfaces) that
Duration: 1 round
normally reduce speed by half, the target moves at
three-quarters normal speed instead. The target also You reveal how the Norns have entwined the fate of
gains a +2 bonus on checks to prevent falls, to catch a nearby allies and enemies. For every ally targeted by
this spell, you must also target an enemy within range.
ledge or otherwise stop themselves when falling, and
If the number of allies and enemies targeted isn’t the
on Dexterity checks to move along narrow ledges.
same, the spell fails. For the duration of the spell,
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a every target gains a +2 bonus on saving throws, attack
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the duration increases rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage
by 1 minute for every slot above 1st. rolls made against targets also affected by the spell.
All affected creatures can identify fellow targets of the
GRASP OF THE TUPILAK spell by sight. If an affected creature makes any of the
5th-level necromancy above checks against a non-subject, it has a ­­–2 penalty
Casting Time: 1 action on that check.
Range: Self At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using
Components: V, S, M (tupilak idol) a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the duration is
Duration: 1 hour or until triggered increased by 1 round for every slot above 2nd.
This spell is infamous for its use among feuding
wizards and witches, because it lets the caster steal
one or more spell slots from the target. Grasp of 1st-level transmutation
the tupilak remains effective for 1 hour or until it’s Casting Time: 1 action
triggered. When you make a successful melee attack, Range: 25 feet
besides doing normal melee damage, the target takes Components: V, S
an additional 2d4 necrotic damage and one or more Duration: 24 hours
of the defender’s spell slots are transferred to you, for This spell makes flammable material burn twice as
you to use as your own. Roll 1d6; the result equals the long as normal.
total levels of the slots transferred. Spell slots of the
highest level possible are transferred before lower- HERO’S STEEL
level slots. For example, if you roll a 5 and the target 3rd-level transmutation
has at least one 5th-level spell slot available, that slot
Casting Time: 1 action
transfers to you. If the target’s highest available spell
slot is 3rd level, then you receive a 3rd-level slot plus a Range: Touch
2nd-level slot, or a 3rd-level slot and two 1st-level slots Components: V, S, M
if no 2nd-level slot is available. You can steal either Duration: 1 minute
arcane or divine spell slots, at your preference. You infuse the metal of a melee weapon with the
Crucially, however, spell slots can be stolen only fearsome aura of a mighty hero. The weapon’s wielder
from casters who prepare spells in advance. If the has advantage on Charisma (Intimidate) checks
target has no available spell slots of an appropriate made while aggressively brandishing the weapon. In
level—for example, if you roll a 2 and the target has addition, an opponent that currently has 30 or fewer
expended all its 1st and 2nd-level spell slots—then hit points and is struck by the weapon must make a
grasp of the tupilak has no effect, including causing no Charisma saving throw or be stunned for 1 round. If
necrotic damage. If a stolen spell slot is higher than the creature has more than 30 hit points but fewer
you’re able to use, treat it as your highest-level slot. than the weapon’s wielder currently has, it becomes
frightened instead; a frightened creature repeats the
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the MOSQUITO BANE
effect on itself with a success. A creature that succeeds 1st-level necromancy
on the saving throw is immune to this effect on the
Casting Time: 1 action
same weapon for 24 hours.
Range: Self
Components: V, S
HOD’S GIFT Duration: Instantaneous
5th-level transmutation This spell kills any insect or swarm with fewer than 25
Casting Time: 1 round hit points within 50 feet of you.
Range: Touch At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
Components: V, S, M spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the number of hit
points affected increases by 15 for every slot above
Duration: 1 hour
1st; thus, a 2nd-level slot kills up to 40 hit points of
The target gains blindsight to a range of 60 feet. insects, a 3rd-level slot kills 55, etc., up to a maximum
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using of 85 hit points for a 6th-level slot.
a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the duration is
increased by 1 hour for every slot above 5th level. NOT THIS DAY!
5th-level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
4th-level transmutation
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M
Range: 25 feet
Duration: 24 hours
Components: V, S
You mark the target’s body with a unique rune that
Duration: 1 minute represents their fate. The rune protects against death
Giants never tire of having fun with this spell. It from either a specific damage type (slashing, poison,
causes a weapon or other item to vastly increase in fire, radiant, etc.) or a category of creature (giant,
size, temporarily becoming sized for a Gargantuan beast, elemental, monstrosity, etc.) that must be
creature. The item weighs 12 times its original weight named when the spell is cast. For the next 24 hours,
and in most circumstances cannot be used effectively the target has advantage on saving throws involving
by creatures smaller than Gargantuan size. The item that type of damage or creature, including death
retains its usual qualities (including magical powers saving throws if the attack that dropped the target to
and effects) and returns to normal size when the spell 0 hit points is covered by this spell. A character can
ends. be under the effect of only a single not this day! rune at
one time; a second casting on the same target cancels
LOKI’S GIFT the preexisting protection.
1st-level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 action POTENCY OF THE PACK
Range: Self 3rd-level transmutation
Components: V Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: 1 minute Range: 25 feet
Loki’s gift makes even the most barefaced lie seem Components: V, S, M (a few hairs from a wolf)
strangely plausible: you gain advantage to Charisma Duration: 1 minute
(Deception) checks for whatever you’re currently You bestow lupine traits on a group of living creatures
saying. If your Deception check fails, the creature within range. Choose one of the following to be
knows that you tried to manipulate it with magic. If gained by all targets for the duration. All targets
you lie to a creature that has a friendly attitude toward receive the same effect.
you and it fails a Charisma saving throw, you can also • Thick Fur. Targets sprout fur over their entire
coax him or her to reveal a potentially embarrassing bodies, raising their armor class by 2 points.
secret. The secret can involve wrongdoing (adultery,
cheating at tafl, a secret fear, etc.) but not something • Keen Hearing and Smell. Targets have advantage on
life-threatening or dishonorable enough to earn the Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or
subject repute as a nithling. The verbal component of smell.
this spell is the lie you are telling. • Pack Tactics. Affected creatures have advantage
on attack rolls against a target if at least one of the
attacker’s allies (also under the same effect of this
spell) is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t The blades cause 6d8 slashing damage to creatures in
incapacitated. the area at the moment the spell is cast, or half damage
with a successful Dexterity saving throw. Intelligent
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
undead injured by the blades are frightened for 1d4
spell slot of 4th level or higher, the duration increases
rounds if they fail a Charisma saving throw.
by 1 minute for every level above 3rd.
Most of the blades break or are driven into the

Deep Magic Rune Magic

ground on impact, but enough survive that any type
of piercing or slashing melee weapon can be picked up
5th-level evocation from the affected area and used normally. When the
Casting Time: 1 action duration ends, all the weapons disappear amid roars
Range: 100 feet of laughter.
Components: V, S At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
Duration: instantaneous, or 5 rounds spell slot of 6th level or higher, nonbroken blades can
A ray of shifting color springs from your hand. be picked up and used as magical +1 weapons until
Make a ranged spell attack against a single target. they disappear.
The ray’s effect depends on which color happens
to be dominant when the beam strikes its target, SNOW BOULDER
determined by rolling 1d8. 4th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
d8 Color Effect Saving Throw Range: 90 feet
1 Red 1d6 fire damage Dexterity Components: V, S, M (handful of snow)
per caster level Duration: Concentration, up to 4 rounds
2 Orange 1d6 acid damage Dexterity A ball of snow forms within 5 feet of you and rolls in
per caster level the direction you point, growing larger as it moves. As
3 Yellow 1d6 lightning Dexterity a bonus action, you can move the sphere up to 30 feet.
damage per caster If you roll the boulder into a creature, that creature
level must make a successful Dexterity saving throw or be
knocked prone and take the damage indicated below.
4 Green Target Poisoned Constitution
Each round the snow boulder increases in size and
5 Blue Target Deafened Constitution effectiveness. Hitting a creature doesn’t stop the snow
6 Indigo Target Frightened Wisdom boulder’s movement or impede its growth.
7 Violet Target Stunned Constitution
Round Size Damage
8 Shifting Target Blinded Constitution
Ray 1 Small 1d6 bludgeoning
2 Medium 2d6 bludgeoning
A successful Dexterity saving throw reduces damage
3 Large 4d6 bludgeoning
to half. A successful Constitution or Wisdom saving
throw negates the effect; an affected creature repeats 4 Huge 6d6 bludgeoning
the saving throw at the end of its turn, ending the
effect on itself with a successful save. On a critical hit,
the spell causes no additional damage but the caster
can choose the color of the beam that hits the target. 2nd-level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 action
5th-level conjuration Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: Concentration, up to 2 rounds
Range: 25 feet Your eyes burn with a bright, cold light that inflicts
Components: V, S, M (shard of metal from a weapon) snow blindness on a creature you target within 30
Duration: 4 rounds feet of you. If the target fails a Constitution saving
throw, it suffers the first stage of snow blindness
You call down a rain of swords, spears, and axes,
(see Conditions, below), or the second stage of snow
thrown to earth by the sacred dead of Asgard. The
blindness if it already has the first stage. The target
blades fill 150 square feet (six 5-foot squares, a circle 15
recovers as described in Conditions.
feet in diameter, or any other pattern you wish so long
as it forms one contiguous space at least 5 feet wide).
SPITEFUL WEAPON Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
3rd-level necromancy You transform one of the four elements into ice or
Casting Time: 1 action snow. The area of effect is a sphere with a radius of
100 feet, centered on you. The specific effect varies
Range: 25 feet
depending on the element targeted.
Components: V, S, M (a melee weapon that has
• Air. Vapor condenses into snowfall. If cast on a fog
injured the target)
cloud, stinking cloud, or a similar magic effect, this
Duration: concentration, up to 5 rounds spell negates it. Creatures of elemental air who
You create a connection between the target of the are targeted take 8d6 cold damage, and if airborne
spell (“target”), a creature that attacked and injured must make a successful Constitution saving throw
the target in the last 24 hours (“attacker”), and a to avoid being knocked prone (no falling damage).
melee weapon that was used successfully in the attack • Water. Open water (a pond, lake, or river) freezes
(“weapon”), all of which must be within the spell’s to a depth of 4 feet. Creatures in the water at its
range of you when the spell is cast. For the duration surface must make successful Dexterity saving
of the spell, whenever the attacker takes damage throws to avoid being immobilized in the ice. A
while holding the weapon, the target takes the same trapped creature can free itself by using an action
amount and type of damage; a successful Charisma to make a successful Strength (Athletics) check.
saving throw by the target halves the damage it takes, Creatures of elemental water take no damage
with each attack calling for a new saving throw. The from the spell but are paralyzed for 1d6 rounds
attacker can even turn the weapon against himself or unless they make a successful Constitution saving
herself and cause identical damage to the target. Self- throw, and they pay double for movement in the
inflicted wounds hit automatically, but damage is still affected area.
rolled randomly. Once the connection is established,
it lasts for the duration of the spell regardless of • Earth. Soil freezes into permafrost to a depth of
range, so long as all three elements remain on the 10 feet. Creatures burrowing through the area
same plane. The spell ends immediately if the attacker have their speed halved until the area thaws, unless
receives any healing. they can burrow through solid rock. Creatures
of elemental earth who fail a Constitution saving
At Higher Levels. The target has disadvantage on its
throw take 8d6 cold damage from stress fractures
Charisma saving throws if spiteful weapon is cast with a
in their bodies.
5th-level slot.
• Fire. Flames transform into shards of ice and their
THUNDERCLAP area becomes difficult terrain. Creatures in the
burning area take 2d6 slashing damage when the
3rd-level evocation
spell is cast and 1d6 slashing damage for every 5
Casting Time: 1 action feet they move through the area unless they are
Range: Self unhindered by icy terrain; a successful Dexterity
Components: S saving throw halves the slashing damage. Lava
Duration: Instantaneous cools into a solid crust 4 inches thick. Creatures
You clap your hands, emitting a peal of thunder. All of elemental fire must make a successful
creatures within 20 feet of you take 8d4 thunder Constitution saving throw or take 8d6 cold
damage and are deafened for 1d8 rounds, or take damage and be stunned for 1d6 rounds.
half damage and aren’t deafened with a successful
Constitution saving throw. A creature that fails the UNLUCK ON THAT
saving throw by 5 or more is also stunned for 1 round. 2nd-level enchantment
This spell doesn’t function in an area under the Casting Time: 1 reaction
effect of a silence spell. Very brittle material such as
Range: 25 feet
crystal may be shattered if it’s within range, at the
GM’s discretion; the GM can allow a character Components: V
holding such an object to protect it with a successful Duration: Instantaneous
Dexterity saving throw. Cast this spell when a target makes an attack roll, a
saving throw, or an ability or skill check. With a swift
TRIUMPH OF ICE curse (“Unluck on that!”), you bring misfortune
7th-level transmutation to the target’s endeavor; the affected creature has
Casting Time: 1 action disadvantage on the roll.
Range: Self At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the range of the spell
Components: V, S, M
increases by 5 feet for every spell slot beyond 1st.
1st-level transmutation Wondrous item, rare
Casting Time: 1 action A nithing pole is crafted to exact retribution for an act
Range: Self of cowardice or dishonor. It’s a sturdy wooden stave,
6 to 10 feet long, carved with runes that name the
Components: V

Deep Magic Rune Magic

dishonored target of the stave’s curse. The carved shaft
Duration: Instantaneous is draped in horsehide, topped with a horse’s skull,
You let out a howl that can be heard up to 5 miles and placed where its target is expected to pass by;
away outdoors. The howl can convey a message of typically the pole is driven into the ground or wedged
up to nine words, and it will be understood by all into a rocky cleft in a remote spot where the intended
canine creatures within hearing and up to one specific victim won’t see it until it’s too late.
creature that you name during the casting. The range A pole is created to punish a specific person for a
of hearing is 3 miles for creatures that are indoors or specific crime. The exact target must be named on
1 mile underground. No creature is compelled to do the pole; a generic identity such as “the person who
anything by the message; beasts with low intelligence blinded Lars Gustafson” isn’t precise enough. The
are unlikely to take any action unless they’re innately moment the named target approaches within 333 feet,
curious or feel threatened. the pole casts bestow curse (with range 333 feet instead
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a of touch) on the target.
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can name another The DC for the target’s Wisdom saving throw is 15;
specific recipient for every slot above 3rd. if the target’s saving throw succeeds, the pole recasts
the spell every round until the saving throw fails,
WOTAN’S REDE the target retreats out of range, or the nithing pole is
2nd-level divination (ritual) destroyed. Anyone other than the pole’s creator who
Casting Time: 1 action tries to destroy or knock down a nithing pole is also
Range: Self targeted by a bestow curse spell, but only once.
The effect of the curse is set when the pole is created.
Components: V, S
The pole becomes nonmagical once it has laid its curse
Duration: Instantaneous on its intended target; an untriggered and forgotten
You recite a poem in the Northern tongue, sent to nithing pole remains dangerous for centuries. The curse
your lips by Wotan himself, to gain supernatural lasts 8 hours and doesn’t require concentration.
insight or advice. Your next Intelligence or Charisma
check within 1 minute is made with advantage, and Conditions
you can include twice your proficiency bonus. At the
GM’s discretion, this spell can instead provide a piece Snow Blindness
of general advice equivalent to an augury. Northerners believe that snow blindness is caused
At Higher Levels. When casting Wotan’s rede with a by light glittering on snow or ice, and sometimes by
spell slot of 4th level, it provides advice equivalent to malevolent spirits. The real cause is intense ultraviolet
divination. When casting with a 5th-level spell slot, rays burning the eye.
the spell provides advice equivalent to a single answer Snow blindness becomes a danger after 4 hours of
from commune. When casting with a 6th-level spell exposure to a brightly sunlit snowscape. Starting at
slot, Wotan’s rede provides advice equivalent to three the end of the 4th hour of exposure, a character must
answers from contact other plane. make a Constitution saving throw at the end of every
hour; the DC equals 10 + hours exposed beyond 3 (or,
for simplicity, 7 + hours of exposure).
Magic Items Travelers have devised effective precautions.
Characters can avoid making a check by taking a
ELK HORN ROD short rest after 3 hours, or by wearing dark goggles
Wand, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster) or snow visors (similar to goggles but made from
This rod is fashioned from elk or reindeer horn and an opaque material such as bone with a narrow,
marked with the algiz rune. As an action, its wielder horizontal slit instead of tinted lenses). Monsters
can grant a +1 bonus on saving throws against spells native to the environment are immune, as are
and magical effects to a target touched by the wand, constructs and undead.
including him/herself. The bonus lasts 1 round. If Failing the saving throw imposes the first stage
the elk horn rod is held when performing the somatic of snow blindness: the character has disadvantage
component of dispel magic or comparable magic, it on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight,
grants a +1 bonus on the caster’s spellcasting ability weapon and spell ranges (for visually targeted spells)
check. are halved, and all attack rolls are made with a –2
penalty. A second failed saving throw brings on to do simple things. More complex tasks, such as
the second stage of snow blindness: severe pain starting a fire with flint and steel, are impossible.
in the eyes, sight range is limited to 15 feet, and •Stage 4: Frostbitten. The character gains a level of
disadvantage on attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) exhaustion and becomes incapacitated. Eventually
checks that rely on sight. Spending two days in a organs fail, flesh dies and becomes gangrenous, teeth
dimly-lit environment reduces snow blindness by one freeze and shatter, fingers and toes snap off, and
stage. Sight is restored completely by lesser restoration other permanent injuries occur. The effect of such
or comparable magic. losses is determined by the GM. Every additional
FROSTBITE AND HYPOTHERMIA failed Constitution saving throw at this level of
exposure adds another level of exhaustion. The
Basic rules for surviving cold weather can be found character can survive and recover if rescued, but only
in the Dungeon Master’s Guide. Characters who aren’t magic can restore lost limbs and damaged organs.
prepared for cold weather or who are exposed to
extreme, unnatural, or magical cold can experience
both hypothermia and frostbite. Under those
conditions, characters must make Constitution
saving throws to avoid harm; the GM determines
when saving throws are called for and the DC for each GOLEM, TUPILAK
one. Each failed saving throw increases the risk and Loping forward, eye fixed hungrily on its target, this
damage, as described below. grotesque creature sports a rictus grin on its almost skeletal
• Stage 1: Frostnipped. The skin itches, aches, and face. The smell of death and brine surrounds it.
becomes numb. Yellow and white patches form. Tupilaks are constructs created via ritual to attack
Frostnipped characters have a –2 penalty on a hated enemy, often a rival spellcaster. A tupilak
Strength and Dexterity checks. doggedly tracks its victim until it devours the prey
• Stage 2: Shiverstruck. The character gains one level and steals a portion of its soul and magical power
of exhaustion, shivers uncontrollably, and his or her
teeth chatter. A shiverstruck spellcaster must make
a successful DC 10 Constitution check (with
disadvantage because of exhaustion) to cast a
spell with a verbal or somatic component; if
the check fails, the spell slot isn’t expended.
Tasks such as getting into or out of armor
take twice as long.
• Stage 3: Kissed by the Ice Maiden
(Hypothermia). The character gains a
level of exhaustion and can’t recover
from exhaustion until after a long
rest in a warm environment. The
character’s skin develops black
blisters but the character’s body is
numb—which may initially seem
a relief. A hypothermic character
is only superficially aware of his
or her surroundings and may
trudge past shelter or blunder
into monsters or hazards without
realizing it.
Even simple activities such as drawing or
sheathing a weapon, loading a crossbow,
or retrieving something from a pouch or
pack require a successful DC 10 Dexterity
check (made with disadvantage from
exhaustion) to accomplish without fumbling
and dropping the item. This can be avoided if the
character takes four times longer than normal
for the tupilak’s master. All tupilaks are animated by Servant of Strength. A successful dispel magic spell cast
a spirit of Ginnungagap, which resides in a tupilak on the tupilak does not harm the golem but instead
idol embedded in the creature’s body where its heart turns it against its originator, who becomes the golem’s
should be. target.
The tupilak is a hideous creature with a bony
carapace and bestial head. Wounds to its bone-and-

Deep Magic Rune Magic

ivory body reveal its innards of vine, seaweed, and Multiattack. The tupilak makes two slam attacks.
tiny, broken limbs. Its head is made from the skulls of Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
savage beasts—bears and wolves being favored— and target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
it usually sports a hideous, skeletal grin. Although
mindless, its eyes burn with an evil longing.
Tupilaks have no sense of loyalty but only hunger VAETTIR
and anger, and this makes them risky to create. Once A hulking form in ancient mail emerges from its barrow,
set loose, a tupilak cannot be recalled but it can be bronze axe gripped in its withered hands. A rictus grin
redirected; if dispel magic is cast successfully on the stretches its moldering face as the stench of death fills the air.
construct, the golem is released from the magical Vættir are ancestral spirits, sometimes protective and
restraints placed on it when it was created and its helpful but demanding of reverence and wrathful if
creator becomes the sole target of its homicidal offended. Landvættir dwell in barrows while sjövættir
impulse. The original target is forgotten, and the live beneath lakes, rivers, or the sea. Servants of the
golem’s creator can save himself or herself only by land, they are favored by the Vanir, who grant them
destroying the construct. the ability to curse those who disrespect the wild or
ancient laws and traditions.
TUPILAK GOLEM A wrathful vættir typically rises from its mound in
Medium construct, unaligned response to the theft of items they consider theirs
Armor Class 10 (including heirlooms passed on to living descendants)
Hit Points 90 (12d8 + 36) or perceived disrespect (leaving the dragon prow
Speed 30 ft. attached to a longship coming into land is a common
offense, as is failing to make offerings to them). Vættir
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA jealously guard both honor and treasures, becoming
19 (+4) 9 (–1) 16 (+3) 3 (–4) 11 (+0) 1 (–5) relentless enemies over matters as small as an
accidental word or a single coin.
Damage Immunities lightning, poison, psychic; A vættir’s skin is typically blue-black in color, taut
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical over its bones and sinews, lips drawn back in a cruel
weapons that aren’t adamantine grimace. There exists a rarer, bone-white variety that
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, cares little for material possessions, instead guarding
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned their honor or a patch of land with equal ruthlessness.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 Both varieties can be called upon by descendants and
Languages understands the languages of its creator but those who live nearby for aid, although there’s always
can’t speak a price. A vættir’s ‘help’ is often more than the asker
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) bargained for.
Aversion to Fire. If the golem takes fire damage, it has VAETTIR
disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the Medium undead, lawful evil
end of its next turn.
Armor Class 15 (chain shirt)
Immutable Form. The golem is immune to any spell or
Hit Points 67 (9d8 + 27)
effect that would alter its form.
Speed 30 ft.
Lightning Absorption. Whenever the golem is
subjected to lightning damage, it takes no damage
but instead regains hit points equal to the lightning
20 (+5) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)
Magic Resistance. The golem has advantage on saving
Saving Throws Dex +4, Con +5, Wis +3, Cha +4
throws against spells and other magical effects.
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
Magic Weapons. The golem’s weapon attacks are
magical. Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, poisoned
Relentless Pursuit. A tupilak golem knows the direction Senses truesight 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive
and distance to its quarry as long as the two of them Perception 12
are within 2 miles on the same plane of existence.
Languages the languages it knew in life Corpse Breath (Recharge 5–6). The vættir spews forth
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) a 15-foot cone of putrid gas. Those caught in the area
must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or
Covetous Bond. ‘Corpse-black’ vættir can see the face become poisoned for 1d4 rounds.
of any creature in possession of any item the vættir Maddening Gaze (1/Day). The vaettir can lock eyes
ever claimed as its own. It also detects the direction with a creature and drive it mad. Any creature within
and distance to items that were ever in its possession, 30 feet of a vættir that is the focus of its gaze must
so long as that item is currently possessed by another. make a successful DC 12 Charisma saving throw or
If the item changes hands, then the new owner become confused (as the spell) for 1d4 rounds. If the
becomes the target of the vættir’s hunt. ‘Bone-white’ save is successful, the target is immune to the effect
vættir instead detect individuals who have offended for 24 hours.
them. Neither time nor distance affects these abilities,
so long as both parties are on the same plane.
Deathless. The vættir is destroyed when reduced to 0
hit points, but it returns to unlife where it fell on the
next nightfall with full hit points. It can be killed only by
removing its head, burning the corpse, and dumping
the ashes in the sea, or by returning it to its burial
mound, placing an open pair of scissors on its chest,
and driving pins through its feet.
Innate Spellcasting. The vaettir’s innate spellcasting
ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12). It can innately
cast the following spells, requiring no material
2/day each: gaseous form, hunter’s mark
1/day each: enlarge/reduce, phantom steed
1/week each: bestow curse, geas, remove curse
Sunlight Sensitivity. Vættir avoid daylight. A
vættir in direct sunlight has disadvantage on
attack rolls and ability checks.

Multiattack. The vaettir makes two
greataxe attacks or two longbow
Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d12 + 5)
slashing damage plus 3 (1d6) necrotic damage.
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing

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Magic Knows a
Thousand Roads

There’s more to spellcasting than flying and fireballs! The Deep Magic series
gives you access to entire new schools of magic, including:
• Clockwork Magic: Your hand on the levers of the universe!
• Rune Magic: The ancient magic of giants and the North!
• Blood Magic: Turning life’s blood into raw magical power!
• Angelic Wardings: Signs and seals to repel evil!
• Void Magic: Mysteries from the outer darkness!
• Battle Magic: Martial spells of wrath and ruin!
• …and more!
Each installment comes with new spells, new archetypes, and new school-specific
powers. Go beyond the ordinary, and unlock the power of Deep Magic!

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