Kop Flex Coupling New Manual Form - 16-601-1E

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Power Transmission Solutions

Regal Beloit America, Inc.

7120 New Buffington Road 16-601-1E
High Performance Florence, KY 41042 Revised
Disc Coupling Application Engineering: 800 626 2093
November 2015
“RM” and “RZ” Style

• Read and follow all instructions carefully. • Periodic inspections should be performed. Failure to perform proper maintenance
• Disconnect and lock-out power before installation and maintenance. can result in premature product failure and personal injury.
Working on or near energized equipment can result in severe injury or death.
• Do not operate equipment without guards in place. Exposed equipment can
result in severe injury or death.

WARNING! Because of the possible danger to person(s) or property from accidents which may result from the improper use or unapproved modification of the product,
this product must be installed, maintained, and operated in accordance with the procedures, standards and engineering information specified in the product
brochures and illustrations. For safe operation, this product should be inspected in accordance with the instructions described in this form. Proper guards and
other suitable safety devices or procedures as may be desirable, or as may be specified in safety codes, should be installed by the user. Guards and other
safety equipment are not provided, nor are they the responsibility of Regal Power Transmission.

1.0 General Instructions

The KOP-FLEX® High Performance disc coupling is dynamically balanced Prior to installation, inspect the coupling for any signs of damage during shipment.
and must be assembled with all parts in the positions specified Check that all parts are on hand and are as ordered.
by the match marks on the coupling.
Components should be cradled or supported during handling to avoid damage and
Each coupling assembly has a unique serial number marked on every should be wrapped for protection. Flanges and rabbets should be kept free of nicks
and burrs.
major component. Make sure that the serial numbers match exactly
on every component used for a complete coupling.
The preassembled coupling halves are made rigid during manufacturing by shipping
screws (see figure). The red locking screws (setscrews) hold the disc pack in the
The spacer bolts and nuts are individually weight balanced so that neutral position. The yellow collapsing screws (socket head capscrews) lock the half
any nut may be used on any bolt. coupling assembly in place. DO NOT REMOVE OR LOOSEN THESE SCREWS
WARNING! Only bolts and nuts supplied by Kop-Flex are to be used.
Read all of the installation instructions and review the procedure before the acutal
coupling installation.
For optimum coupling life, balance quality, and ease of installation,
KOP-FLEX High Performance disc couplings are supplied in factory






2.0 Installation of Coupling Halves
2.15 Remove the hub pusher after the bore oil has drained and verify the
correct advance of the hub on the shaft. Install the shaft nut (if used)
Note: The half couplings are preassembled from the factory and locked in and lock in place.
place by the shipping screws, see general section.
CAUTION: If sufficient time is not allowed for the oil to drain from the
bore, the hub could move off the shaft with great force when the pusher
Keyed is removed. Make sure proper safety procedures are followed.

2.1 Check the hub bore and shaft for nicks and burrs, dress if necessary. WARNING! If heat is used at any time for installation, DO NOT allow
Make sure that the bore and shaft are clean. the coupling temperature to exceed 450 degrees F (230 degrees C).
DO NOT apply an open flame to to disc packs. An oil bath or oven is
2.2 For taper bores, check the fit of the bore to the shaft. recommended.

2.3 Keys must be precisely fitted to the keyways in the shaft and hub.
Each key should have a tight fit on the sides with a slight clearance
on top. To maintain dynamic balance, the keys should fill the keyways
exactly and not be too short or too long. 3.0 Solo Operation
After the half coupling is mounted on the shaft the equipment can be soloed
2.4 Clean the hub bore and shaft. Record the position of the hub on the
(i.e.., run uncoupled for testing purposes).
shaft as the “start” position for advancing taper bored couplings.
3.1 If a moment simulator plate or solo adapter is required, see
2.5 Heat the entire half coupling to expand the bore; DO NOT allow the
Form 16-611 “Moment Simulator and Solo Plate Installation Instruc-
coupling temperature to exceed 450 degrees F (230 degrees C).
tions.” Note that API 671 specifies the use of plates for solo operation
DO NOT apply an open flame to the disc packs. An oil bath or oven is
and also pecifies that they are piloted on both the hub and sleeve.

2.6 Place the half coupling in the proper position on the shaft. For taper
bored hubs, the hub must be advanced the correct amount as specified
by the machine manufacturer or as given on the coupling drawing. 4.0 Alignment
2.7 Hold the hub in place as it cools. For taper bores, verify the hub Note:Exact values and procedures for aligning equipment are nor-mally
advance and install the shaft retaining nut. specified by the equipment manufacturers.

The amounts given below represent values that would provide excellent
coupling performance in operation.
Good initial alignment to the minimum possible values will promote
Specific instructions for hydraulic mounting of coupling hubs are given by the optimum machinery performance and eliminate potential operating
manufacturers of the connected equipment. The following general instruc- problems.
tions on mounting are given for reference. Make sure that the equipment
manufacturer’s instructions are supplied and are followed. Offset and angular misalignment

2.8 Check the hub bore and shaft for nicks and burrs, dress if necessary. 4.1 Reverse dial indication or optical methods of alignment are recommend-
Make sure that the bore and shaft are clean. ed. A cold alignment and a hot check (with corrections if necessary) are
required. The sleeve flanges of the assembled halves can be used to
2.9 Check the fit of the bore to the shaft, at least 85% contact is required. mount the alignment equipment (the flange outer diameter is machined
Make sure there are no O-rings or backup rings in the oil seal grooves. to be concentric to the coupling bore and can be used as the reference
DO NOT lap the hub on the shaft to obtain the required contact, use diameter). If the shipping screws have been released, the flange outer
special gauges. Record the position of the hub on the shaft as the “start” diameter concentricity to the bore will have to be zeroed by adjusting
position for advancing. the shipping screws until the runout is minimal.

2.10 Clean the hub bore and shaft and install the O-rings and backup rings 4.2 The maximum recommended operating misalignment is:
(if used).
0.10 degrees per disc pack
2.11 Place the half coupling on the shaft and install the necessary hydraulic (0.0035 in/in TIR offset)
mounting equipment.

2.12 Place the hub in the “start” position and inject oil to pressurize the bore
Note that improving the alignment below these values will promote optimum
and expand the hub. Check for leaks.
machinery performance.
2.13 Push the coupling onto the shaft to the specified advance. Keep the
proper pressure in the bore. DO NOT exceed the maximum allowable
assembly pressure specified on the coupling general arrangement
drawing or on equipment manufacturer’s installation instructions.

2.14 Release the bore pressure slowly and allow some time for the oil
to drain from the bore. Leave the pusher in place to hold the hub in

2  MCIM15111E • Form 16-601-1E • Printed in USA

4.3 Check the axial position of the coupling halves by measuring the sleeve 5.0 Final assembly
flange separation. The correct separation at the coupling installation
is equal to the design flange separation given on the coupling drawing 5.1 Remove the red locking screws and tighten the yellow screws; this
plus the installation prestretch. collapses the disc pack and pulls the sleeves apart to allow clearance
of the spacer rabbets. Tighten the screws progressively and in small
CALCULATED FLANGE SEPARATION = increments; DO NOT tighten them one at a time.
5.2 Place the coupling spacer with the correct amount of shim between
The installation prestretch accommodates thermal growth and initial the two halves and line up the match marks, make sure the identifying
axial misalignment. letters or numbers with the match marks are the same.

If the shipping screws have been released, the sleeve flange face will 5.3 Release the collapsing screws; this must be done progressively and in
rest in approximately the neutral position, and measurements can be small increments. DO NOT loosen them one at a time. Store the yellow
taken from the flange in this condition. Use an average of at least four collapsing screws for future use.
(4) measurements at 90 degrees.
5.4 Line up the match marks exactly and push the spacer and sleeve
4.4 Compare the measured flange separation to the calculated flange flanges together. KOP-FLEX High Performance disc couplings are
separation and adjust the connected equipment accordingly. designed with interference rabbets so they must be pressed or lightly
tapped together. DO NOT use excessive force.
4.5 If the correct flange separation cannot be obtained by moving the
equipment, the spacer flange shim packs can be used to adjust for 5.5 Install the flange bolts and nut in the direction as shown on the coupling
axial position. Two packs are supplied with individual shims of various general arrangement drawing. The proper tightening torque is listed on
thickness; the coupling is designed so that one pack is installed if the the coupling drawing; they are also marked on the coupling flange for
measured flange separation is EQUAL to the calculated separation. reference.

4.6 If the measured flange separation is LESS than the calculated value, 5.6 Recheck the coupling alignment after the machinery has reached a
remove shims from one pack equal to the difference between the stable operating temperature and correct if necessary.
measured and calculated values and install the remainder of the shim
pack on the spacer (the shims have a piloted fit with the spacer rabbet).
Store the removed shims and the other shim pack for future use.
6.0 Removal
4.7 If the measured flange separation is MORE than the calculated value,
install one complete shim pack on the spacer and install shims form 6.1 Remove the spacer bolts and nuts and break the flanges apart using the
the second pack equal to the difference between the measured and jacking screw holes located between the spacer bolt holes.
calculated values (place the shims on both spacer rabbets, DO NOT put
all the shims on one rabbet). Store the remaining shims from the second 6.2 Install the yellow collapsing screws in the counterbored clearance holes
pack for future use. in the sleeve and tighten them to collapse the disc pack. The collapsing
screws must be tightened progressively and in small increments; DO
4.8 The axial shim adjustment can be represented by: NOT tighten them one at a time. This operation will pull the sleeve away
from the spacer and allow the rabbets to clear so that the spacer can be
SHIM ADJUST = removed.
6.3 KEYED - Install a puller on the hub using the tapped holes provided
If SHIM ADJUST is zero, place one shim pack on the spacer and store in the hub face; pull the hub off the shaft. DO NOT PULL ON THE
the second shim pack. SLEEVE OR DISC PACK.
If SHIM ADJUST is a negative number, remove shims equal in thickness 6.4 HYDRAULIC - Install the hydraulic equipment and remove the hub
to SHIM ADJUST form one pack and put the remainder of the pack on from the shaft, reversing the installation procedure. DO NOT exceed
the spacer (store the removed shims and the second pack), see 3.5. the maximum allowable assembly pressure specified on the coupling
general arrangement drawing, or on equipment manufacturer’s installa-
If SHIM ADJUST is a positive number, place one shim pack on the tion instructions.
spacer and remove shims equal in thickness to SHIM ADJUST from the
second pack and place them on the other end of the spacer (store the CAUTION: If heat is used in removing the half coupling from the shaft,
remainder of the second pack), see 3.6. apply it directly to the hub. DO NOT use extreme temperatures. DO
NOT apply direct flame to the disc pack.
WARNING! Do not put more than one shim pack on any spacer flange. If direct flame is required to remove the hub, the disc pack MUST be
protected with insulating wool or flame resistant material.
Excessive heat on the disc pack will destroy the disc coating and reduce
the service life of the coupling.

3  MCIM15111E • Form 16-601-1E • Printed in USA

7.0 General recommendations 8.0 Reference instruction sheets
KOP-FLEX High Performance disc couplings are designed to operate for
extended periods without the need for lubrication or maintenance. Visual
Form 16-602 - “MP”, “MS” Style Installation Instructions
inspection of the disc packs is sufficient to assess the operational condition of
the coupling. Form 16-611 - “Moment Simulator and Solo Plate Installation

All high speed machinery should be constantly monitored to detect unusual Instructions
or changing vibration levels. The KOP-FLEX coupling, under normal opera-
tion conditions, has no wearing parts and will retain its original balance
quality. Any change in vibration levels should be investigated and remedial
action should be taken immediately.

The serial number of the coupling is marked on every major component

of the coupling. It is required for accurate identification and is sufficient for
ordering an exact duplicate of the coupling or its components.

CAUTION: The self-locking nuts on the spacer bolts should be replaced after
they have been assembled and removed from the bolts TEN (10) times.



WARNING! KOP-FLEX High Performance disc couplings are factory preas-

Important Safety Instructions
Before start-up . . . for reasons of safety and to extend shaft coupling life,
DO NOT TIGHTEN OR LOOSEN THE DISC PACK NUTS. follow these requirements.
1. Coupling guards protect personnel. ALL COUPLINGS MUST BE
FACILITIES. 2. Recheck alignment after all foundation bolts and mechanical connections
are tightened.

3. Make sure all fasteners are properly installed and tightened.

4. Take the time to double check your work.

5. Only authorized KOP-FLEX replacement parts are to be used.

6. Call KOP-FLEX for any clarification or questions.

Kop-Flex is a trademark of Regal Beloit Corporation or one of its affiliated companies.

©2015 Regal Beloit Corporation, All Rights Reserved. MCIM15111E • Form 16-601-1E • Printed in USA

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