Amme1362 Course Overview

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The key takeaways are that this unit covers materials classification, atomic structure, mechanical properties, processing methods, and applications of metals, ceramics, and polymers.

The topics that will be covered in this unit include atomic structure, mechanical properties, manufacturing and applications of various materials like metals, ceramics and polymers.

The assessment components for this unit include a final exam, a group seminar presentation and report, three quizzes and laboratory work.

AMME1362/9302: Materials 1

Unit of Study Overview

This Unit of Study requires the textbook: “Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction”, 9th
Edition, Wiley 2013 by W. D. Callister, Jr.

In conjunction with the textbook, extra supplementary notes will also be available in the Blackboard
before the lectures.

Concepts learnt in this Unit of Study and corresponding chapters in the textbook (Callister)

Introduction to Materials Chapter 1

Atomic Structure & Interatomic Bonding Chapter 2 (self-learning)
Structure of Crystalline Solids Chapter 3
Imperfections in Solids Chapter 4
Microscopy Techniques Chapter 4
Mechanical Properties of Metals Chapter 6
Dislocation and Strengthening Mechanisms Chapter 7
Phase Diagram Chapter 9
Metals Chapter 10
Processing of Metal Alloys Chapter 11
Ceramics Chapter 12
Polymers Chapters 14 &15
Composites Chapter 16
Corrosion and Degradation of Materials Chapter 17
Physical Properties Chapters 18–21
(overview only)

It is required to attach the University Plagiarism Compliance Coversheet (can be downloaded from as the first page of seminar report and lab report to
comply with the University Plagiarism Policy.

No mark will be given without the coversheet.

The University has authorised and mandated the use of text-based similarity detecting software
Turnitin for all text-based written assignments. Please submit your seminar report and lab report
through Turnitin and also hand in a hardcopy to your tutor/lab demonstrator.

Late submission of your seminar/lab report will result in penalty of 10% per day.

AMME1362/9302 Materials 1. The University of Sydney 2017 1

Unit Outline:
AMME1362/9302: Materials 1

This is a year-1 core unit of study for the degrees in Mechanical, Biomedical, Aeronautical, and
Mechatronic Engineering.
Unit of Study Description (from the Engineering Handbook)
6 credit points
Semester: 2
Classes: 3 one-hour lectures and 1 two-hour tutorial per week plus 1 two-hour lab session in the
whole semester.
Prerequisite: None
Prohibitions: CIVL2110 and AMME2302
Assessment: One two-hour final exam, one group seminar presentation and group written report,
three quizzes in lectures, and laboratory work.
Syllabus Summary
Materials classification; atomic bonding; crystal structures; crystalline imperfections; electron
microscopy; mechanical properties; physical properties; phase diagram and phase transformation;
materials processing; metals; ceramics; polymers; composites; corrosion and degradation.
To understand the classification of engineering materials, and their properties in relation to
Expected outcomes
Students should be able to appreciate the properties of a range of engineering materials and how and
why these are connected with microstructure and forming and treatment methods.
Unit of Study Aims/Goals:
AMME1362/9302 is your introductory course in engineering materials. It has no prerequisite
subject and is therefore intended for students with little or no previous background in engineering
materials. A background in mathematics and science commensurate with a first year engineering
undergraduate student is sufficient.

There are four key focus areas:

1. Atomic structure of the solid state: atomic bonding, crystal structure, crystal imperfections,
and diffusion.
2. Mechanical properties and microstructure: the relationship between properties and
microstructure, and the effects of heat treatment and other materials processing methods on
properties and microstructure.
3. Manufacture and applications of materials: metals, ceramics, and polymers.
4. Electrical, magnetic, thermal, and optical properties of materials.

The aims of this subject are:

1. To gain understanding of the ways in which atoms are arranged in the solid state and of the
ways in which their arrangement and the imperfections of their arrangement affect the
macroscopic properties of a material.
2. To gain understanding of the various types of mechanical properties of materials, how to
measure and calculate them, and how to use these skills in engineering design and failure
3. To gain understanding of the means by which the mechanical properties of materials can be
manipulated via heat treatment, alloying, and other means.
4. To gain understanding the physics behind the electrical, magnetic, thermal, and optical
properties of materials.

AMME1362/9302 Materials 1. The University of Sydney 2017 2

In passing this subject you will then be able to apply these analyses and design skills in more
advanced ways. You will have the ability to design, manipulate, and analyse materials in greater
depth, and learn to understand and control more complex materials, in MECH3362, the third year
materials subject.

Relationship between this UoS and University generic graduate attributes

The University of Sydney has a set of generic attributes that it believes a graduate should attain
upon completion of their degree which will provide them with the opportunity of being “more
employable, more able to cope with change and more developed as people”. These attributes can be
seen at and This UoS will
provide the following generic attributes:

1. Research and Inquiry – be able to create new knowledge and understanding through the
process of research and inquiry.
2. Information Literacy – be able to use information effectively in a range of contexts.
3. Personal and Intellectual Autonomy – be able to work independently and sustainably, in a
way that is informed by openness, curiosity and a desire to meet new challenges.
4. Ethical, Social and Professional Understanding – hold personal values and beliefs
consistent with their role as responsible members of local, national, international and
professional communities.
5. Communication – recognise and value communication as a tool for negotiating and creating
new understanding, interacting with others, and furthering their own learning.

Student learning outcomes:

The outcomes of this subject are:
1. To be able to describe, in relatively simple terms, the crystal structure and associated crystal
imperfections of materials, electron microscopic techniques for materials structural
characterization, describing theoretically, schematically, and mathematically.
2. To be able to describe the main mechanical properties of materials, how to test for each, and
how to analysis and calculate the results of a test.
3. To understand the basics of binary phase diagrams and to be able to use them in describing
and measuring the effects of heat treatment on microstructure. The significance of
metastability will be a key focus, particularly in relation to metallurgy.
4. To be able to describe, in relatively simple terms, the manufacture of metals, ceramics, and
polymers and the effect of manufacturing process on properties, and the significance of this
in terms of engineering design and applications.
5. To understand the basics of electrical, magnetic, thermal, and optical properties of materials
and be able to describe them theoretically and schematically.

Learning Situations
There will be three lectures per week where the theory, ideas, and engineering implementation to
real systems will be discussed. The lectures will be held in:

Wednesday at 10 am [wks 1 to 13] in ABS Auditorium (B2010)

Thursday at 12 noon [wks 1, 2, 4–8, 10 –12] in Seymour Centre Lecture Theatre S301 (York)
Thursday at 12 noon [wks 3, 9 and 13] in Seymour Centre Lecture Theatre 309 (Everest)
Friday at 9 am [wks 1 to 13] in ABS Auditorium (B2010)

You are required to attend one two-hour tutorial per week from 2 pm to 4 pm for the Monday,
Tuesday and Friday classes, and 2 pm to 4 pm or 4 pm to 6 pm for the Wednesday classes.
Attendance is compulsory and will be marked on a roll. Absence from one tutorial class will

AMME1362/9302 Materials 1. The University of Sydney 2017 3

result in a loss of 1 point in the final mark. Tutorials begin in week 2. Your timetable will tell you
which tutorial to attend. In tutorial classes you will work through the allocated problems, seeking
assistance from your tutor as required. You will be expected to complete the pre-tutorial work
before attending tutorials.

Some tutorial classes will be devoted to student group seminars. Each group will include 4 – 5
students and will give a 15-minute presentation followed by a 5-minute question-and-answer
session on a fundamental engineering material, as per the list below. There are 36 topics available.
Some of these materials have more relevance to Aeronautical, some to Biomedical, some to
Mechanical, and some to Mechatronic Engineering. Many are relevant to more than one area. The
seminar topic will be chosen by students in the same groups through negotiation/discussion among
themselves. Tutors will do their best to organize students with common interest into the same
groups. The seminar topics and the date for your seminar will be decided in your first tutorial class.
Each group is required to submit a written report (~3000 words) by 5 pm Friday 06 October
(week 9). Please submit your seminar report through Turnitin and also hand in a hardcopy to your

Metals Polymers Ceramics

Aluminum (Aero) Epoxy resin (Aero) Alumina (Biomed, Mech, MX)
Magnesium (Aero) Phenolic resin (Aero) Zirconia (Biomed, Mech)
Nickel (Aero) Polyester resin (Aero) Silicon carbide (Mech, MX)
Superalloys (Aero) Polyethylene (Biomed) Tungsten carbide (Mech)
Titanium (Aero, Biomed) Polyurethane (Biomed) Porcelain (Mech, MX)
Stainless steel (Mech, Biomed) Silicone (Biomed) Heavy clayware (Mech)
Cobalt chrome (Biomed) Polycarbonate (All) Glass (Mech, Biomed)
Tantalum (Biomed) Polypropylene (All) Other ceramic of your choice
Gold (Biomed, MX) Perspex (All) Composite materials
Steel (Mech) Nylon (All) Fibreglass (Mech)
Silicon (MX) Teflon (All) Carbon fibre composite (Aero)
Copper (MX) Other polymer of your choice Concrete (Mech)
Other metal of your choice Nanomaterials Timber (Mech)

Laboratories will be held in S152, commencing from Monday week 3, on Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons from 2 pm to 4 pm. Each student is required to attend
only once during the semester for the Mechanical Property Laboratory. Your specific date has been
allocated to you by the Timetabling Unit. Unless an application for special consideration is
submitted and approved, you are not allowed to change the date allocated to you. Swopping with
other students also need advanced approval from your lab demonstrator. Attendance at the
laboratory event is compulsory. Non attendance will result in a fail in this Unit of Study. Please
show up at 2 pm sharp for your lab. Your lab demonstrator will email you your raw experimental
data after you lab session. Individual lab reports have to be submitted to your lab demonstrator two
weeks after the lab. Plagiarism of the lab report will result in 0 mark. No open-toe shoe is allowed
in the lab.

Assessment – Tasks:
There are three quizzes in lectures and each quiz will last ~ 45 minutes. The quizzes are based on
concepts/problems from the textbook (Callister 9th Edition, see below) and from the lecturers. The
quizzes will be held in ABS Auditorium B2010 on Wednesdays in weeks 5, 9 and 13. The purpose
of the quizzes is to assess if students have understood important learning contents that they learnt in
previous lectures.

AMME1362/9302 Materials 1. The University of Sydney 2017 4

Assessment – Timetable:
No. Component Due date Weight
1 3 quizzes (~ 45 minutes each) Weeks 5, 9 &13 21%
2 Laboratory: Mechanical properties of engineering Reports due 2 weeks 10%
materials after lab attendance
3 Group seminar + group written report Reports due on 10% +
Friday week 9 10%
4 Exam (Individual, written assessment of entire course) Exam period 49%

To pass the UoS, the final exam mark must be at least 45%, regardless of the total marks.

Assessment – Grade Attributes:

The following grade descriptors describe what is required from you to achieve the following grade
Grade level Descriptor
Pass Students who aim for a Pass should be able to
50% - 64% Understand the concepts of atomic structure and microstructure
Identify the various properties of materials
Use simple equations for problem solving and enumeration
Be able to interpret phase diagrams
Credit Students who aim for a Credit will have to accomplish the requirements of a
65% - 74% Pass and should be able to
Understand the complexities and their significance of atomic and
microstructural modification techniques
Clearly describe the relevance of material properties, and their relative
significance, in terms of design with materials
Manipulate simple equations in order to test new theories and be able to
graph them accordingly in a clear and concise manner for
communication purposes
Explain and understand the assumptions behind phase diagram:
equilibrium, metastability, solution, and immiscibility, and their
relationship with reality.
Distinction Students who aim for a Distinction and higher will have to accomplish the
75% - 84% requirement of a Credit and should be able to
& Describe in detail the various atomic and microstructural modification
High methods, their relative merits, and suggest other possibilities
Distinction Describe, in a comprehensive manner, the overall relationship between
85% - 100% the various strands of the course, within the context of responsible
engineering design: atomic structure and microstructure, properties,
heat-treatment and chemical composition.
Manipulate equations from first principles to new systems

AMME1362/9302 Materials 1. The University of Sydney 2017 5

Unit of Study Program:
The following program is indicative only.

Week Lectures and lecturers Tutorial

1 Introduction to Materials (Chapter 1) No tutorial in week1
31/07- Mechanical Properties of Metals (Chapter 6)
Mechanical Properties of Metals (Chapter 6)
2 Mechanical Properties of Metals (Chapter 6) Organize seminar
07/08- Structure of Crystalline Solids – Crystal Structures (Chapter 3) groups in the 1st hour
Structure of Crystalline Solids – Crystal Structures (Chapter 3) 6.2, 6.4, 6.10, 6.21,
3 Structure of Crystalline Solids – Indexing Crystals (Chapter 3) 6.30, 6.42, 6.43,
14/08- Crystalline Materials and their Characterisation using X-Ray 6.60, 3.10, 3.14,
Diffraction (Chapter 3) 3.25, 3.36, 3.48,
Imperfections in Solids – Point and Linear Defects (Chapter 4) 3.49, 4.37, 4.44.
4 Imperfections in Solids – Planar and Volume Defects (Chapter 4)
21/08- Dislocations and Plastic Deformation (Chapter 7)
Strategies for Metal Strengthening and Effects of Thermal
Annealing (Chapter 7)
5 Quiz 1 (Chapters 3, 4 and 6) 2-hour seminars in
28/08- Phase Diagrams – Definitions and Basic Concepts (Chapter 9) week 6
Phase Diagrams – Binary Phase Diagrams (Chapter 9) 7.2, 7.6, 7.12, 7.20,
6 Phase Diagrams – Binary Phase Diagrams (Chapter 9) 7.21, 7.23, 7.25,
04/09- Phase Diagrams – The Iron–Carbon System (Chapter 9) 7.33, 9.3, 9.21, 9.25,
Phase Transformations (Chapter 10) 9.33, 9.44, 9.54,
7 Microstructures & Mech. Properties of Fe-C Alloys (Chapter 10) 9.61, 10.14, 10.21,
11/09- Applications and Processing of Metal Alloys (Chapter 11) 10.25, 10.29, 10.33,
Applications and Processing of Metal Alloys (Chapter 11) 10.35.
8 Ceramics – Structures (Chapter 12) Seminars in week 8
18/09- Ceramics – Mechanical Properties (Chapter 12)
Ceramics – Types and Applications (Chapter 13) 11.19, 11.24, 11.30,
9 Quiz 2 (Chapters 7, 9 – 11) 11.D14, 12.1 12.3,
02/10- Ceramics – Fabrication and Processing (Chapter 13) 12.5, 12.16, 12.22,
Polymer Structures (Chapter 14) 12.32, 12.41, 14.3,
10 Polymer Structures (Chapter 14) 14.4, 14.6, 14.7,
09/10- Characteristics & Processing of Polymers (Chapter 15) 14.11, 14.12, 14.22.
Composites – Classification (Chapter 16)
11 Composites – Mechanical Behaviour (Chapter 16) 15.1, 15.5, 15.8,
16/10- Composites – Production Methods (Chapter 16) 15.14, 15.33, 16.1,
Microscopy techniques – Atom Probe Tomography 16.2, 16.3, 16.4,
12 Microscopy techniques – Electron Microscopy 16.6, 16.7, 16.8,
23/10- Corrosion & Degradation (Chapter 17) 16.12, 16.22, 16.D4,
Corrosion & Degradation (Chapter 17) 17.1, 17.2, 17.4,
13 Quiz 3 (Chapters 12 –16) 17.5, 17.8,
30/10- Overview of Physical Properties (Chapters 18–21) 17.9, 17.11, 17.12
Overview of Physical Properties (Chapters 18–21) 17.20, 17.D2.

AMME1362/9302 Materials 1. The University of Sydney 2017 6

Unit of Study References:
1. The textbook by WD Callister, Jr: Materials Science and Engineering, 9th Edition will be used.
2. Lecture notes will be available at the Unit of Study web site before lectures

General notices will be emailed to students

Staff Contact Information

Name Position Classes Office Phone Email
Prof. Xiaozhou Liao Coordinator S522 12348 [email protected]
& Lecturer
Dr. Xianghai An Casual lecturer Chapters 9 – 11 S516 18608 [email protected]
Dr. Young Jung No Casual lecturer Chapters 14 – 16 S203 17158 [email protected]
Dr. Zibin Chen Casual lecturer Chapters 12, 13, S342 18689 [email protected]
18 – 21
Hesamodin Jami tutor TUT1A, TUT5C S307 12252 [email protected]
Kenneth Tam tutor TUT1B, TUT2B, Civil 360 15155 [email protected]
Alec Day tutor TUT2C, TUT3D, Madsen Bldg. 17551 [email protected]
TUT5A 324
Hamed Kalhori Tutor TUT2D, TUT3A, S415 12272 [email protected]
Jessica Houang Tutor TUT1C S342 18689 [email protected]
Paul Gao Tutor/Lab TUT2A, Fri. Labs S342 18689 [email protected]
Ranming Niu Tutor/Lab TUT5B, Thu. S342 18689 [email protected]
demonstrator Labs (wks. 3–7)
Qianwei Huang Lab Thu. Labs S342 18689 [email protected]
demonstrator (wks. 8–12)
Majid Parvizi Lab Tue. Labs Madsen Bldg. 17679 [email protected]
demonstrator 324
Ade Kismarahardja Lab Mon. & Wed. S507 12305 [email protected]
demonstrator Labs

Time and location of tutorial classes:

TUT1A – Monday 14:00-16:00 in Peter Nicol Russell Learning Studio 311
TUT1B – Monday 14:00-16:00 in ABS Collaborative Learning Studio 3190
TUT1C – Monday 14:00-16:00 in Carslaw Lecture Room 351
TUT2A – Tuesday 14:00-16:00 in Mechanical Engineering Drawing Office (S319)
TUT2B – Tuesday 14:00-16:00 in Peter Nicol Russell Learning Studio 315
TUT2C – Tuesday 14:00-16:00 in New Law School Seminar 028
TUT2D – Tuesday 14:00-16:00 in Carslaw Tutorial Room 274
TUT3A – Wednesday 14:00-16:00 in Eastern Avenue Seminar Room 116
TUT3B – Wednesday 14:00-16:00 in Civil Engineering Seminar Room 361
TUT3C – Wednesday 16:00-18:00 in New Law School Annexe SR 340
TUT3D – Wednesday 16:00-18:00 in ABS Collaborative Learning Studio 3190
TUT5A – Friday 14:00-16:00 in Carslaw Lecture Room 351
TUT5B – Friday 14:00-16:00 in ABS Collaborative Learning Studio 3090
TUT5C – Friday 14:00-16:00 in Carslaw Tutorial Room 359

AMME1362/9302 Materials 1. The University of Sydney 2017 7

Laboratory Report AMME1362/9302
Basic Mechanical Properties of Engineering Materials
Tensile mechanical testing will be undertaken. The aim of the experiments is to investigate the basic
mechanical properties of engineering materials (mild steel alloy, aluminium alloys and plastics)
under static loading. The mechanical properties to be evaluated include Young’s modulus, elastic
limit, yielding stress (strength), maximum stress (strength), and elongation at failure of materials.

Each student is to submit their own lab report, which is limited to no more than five A4 pages. The
lab report is to be structured as detailed below. The essential information to be discussed in the
report is also detailed below.

Aims: In a few sentences, outline the aims of the tensile test.

Include (brief) information regarding the definition of load, gauge length, engineering stress and
strain for a tensile test.

Methods: Briefly describe the testing procedures used for the test.
Include aspects that are not a result in this section, these are:
a) Description of the testing procedure.
b) Representative sketch/drawings of specimens used.
c) Dimensions of the specimens in table format.

a) Plot of resulting stress-strain curves for each specimen of the tensile test. On these plots
indicate the Young’s modulus, elastic limit, yielding stress, maximum stress, and elongation
at failure.
b) For each specimen, list the calculated values of the mechanical properties listed in a) in a
table with correct units.
c) Describe deformation and failure mechanisms (necking and stretching).

a) Compare the experimentally obtained values with literature values, and discuss possible
sources of error.
b) Discuss the differences between each material by comparing results.

Do not use point form. Structure report with concise sentences and paragraphs that elaborate the
points mentioned above. Do not merely answer the points listed; these are a guide as what to
document and discuss in your report. Please submit your reports to the lab demonstrator’s office.
Plagiarism of the lab report will result in 0 mark.

There may be statistically and educationally defensible methods used when combining the marks
from each component to ensure consistency of marking between markers, and alignment of final
grades with unit outcomes and grade descriptors.

AMME1362/9302 Materials 1. The University of Sydney 2017 8

Guideline for Seminar Presentation and Written Report
Students will be asked to work in a group to prepare and present a group seminar. Normally each
group will include 4 students. In case the student number in a tutorial class is not 4n (where n is an
integer), we can have 5 students in some groups. The seminar topic will be chosen by students in
the same groups through negotiation/discussion among them. Tutors will do their best to organize
students with common interest into the same groups. The seminar topics and the date for your
seminar will be decided in your first tutorial class. Seminars will be presented in weeks 6 and 8.
Students who present their seminars late are expected to have better understanding of materials than
those with early seminars and therefore will be marked with higher criteria.
Students in a group are expected to meet at least three times to discuss the seminar topic and how
they will investigate the topic. Students, not the tutors, will be responsible for negotiating their
group meeting schedule. They are also expected to have more communications via email when
preparing for the seminar. Students are encouraged to present their seminars in a way that
demonstrates their deep understanding of synthesis/processing-structure-property-application
relationships of materials. Sources for their investigation can be internet, textbooks, professional
monographs, and research journal articles, etc.
Each seminar will run for 20 minutes. 5 minutes in each seminar will be dedicated towards the
question and answer session. Thus each group should prepare for no more than a 15-minute talk
about your material. Each student in the group is expected to present part of the talk.
Each talk will be cut off at exactly the 15-minute mark to ensure every group can get through on
Non-attendance at your seminar will result in a 0 mark for the seminar presentation and the
subsequent written report for the non-attending individual unless you have a valid MC. The
seminar allocations are FINAL.
Marking for the seminar will be subdivided into the following and will be weighted based on each
individual student’s contribution toward the seminar:
a) 1/3 of mark for Content - how much useful information was in the seminar?
b) 1/3 of mark for Communication - how easy was it to follow, how interesting was it.
c) 1/3 of mark for Questions: Each student is encouraged to ask their peers questions during
their presentation at least once throughout the semester. Your own presentation mark will also
be influenced on your ability to question your peers also during their presentation.

In addition to the group seminar, students are also requested to submit a group written report,
which will be due on the Friday of week 9. Each written report should be limited to 2,500 – 3,000
words (not including references) and no more than 10 A4 pages (including pages for figures and
references). In addition to the University Plagiarism Compliance Coversheet, the report should
include (1) the title of your seminar topic, (2) your names and student numbers, (3) a statement on
the contribution of each group member, which must be signed by all contributors, (4) the body of
your report and (5) references.
Arguments and discussion in the written reports should be scholarly, logical, structured and
coherent (weighted 40%). The arguments should be based on sound evidence and supported by
references (50%). References should be numbered consecutively in order of first appearance in the
reports and should be given in a separate list at the end of the reports (10%). The preferred
reference style can be found from any paper published in Applied Physics Letters.

Note: There may be statistically and educationally defensible methods used when combining the
marks from each component to ensure consistency of marking between markers, and alignment of
final grades with unit outcomes and grade descriptors.

AMME1362/9302 Materials 1. The University of Sydney 2017 9

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