CIVL 2170: Infrastructure Systems Engineering and Management
CIVL 2170: Infrastructure Systems Engineering and Management
CIVL 2170: Infrastructure Systems Engineering and Management
Lecture 1
Introduction to Systems Engineering
Satish Ukkusuri
Lecture Overview
• Say Cheese!
• Administrivia
• Why are we here? Motivation
• What is Systems Engineering? Example from CEE
• Everyday Examples
• Elements of Systems Problems
• Welcome!!
• Instructors: Satish Ukkusuri and Jack Cheng
Satish Ukkusuri:
Visiting Professor, HKUST
Office: 3587; Office Hours: Tues: 12:30 – 2:00pm
• Teaching Assistants: Li Lu, Li Lubing, Cen
CIVL 2170 At a Glance
• Optimization
•Network Analysis
•Game Theory
• Engineering Economics
Conceptual Knowledge
of Systems Engineering Applications
• Global Trend
• Sustainability
• Resilience
Administrivia: Course Material
Reading will be distributed on the Canvas
Canvas will be used to distribute lecture notes,
homeworks, syllabus, solutions, example exams,
project guidelines
There is one textbook for this course. All relevant
material will be distributed.
ReVelle, C. S., Whitlatch, E. E., and Wright, J. R.
(2003). Civil and Environmental Systems Engineering,
Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA.
Prerequisites required: An inquisitive mind, Basics
of calculus and algebra, proficiency with Excel.
Grading Policy
Two exams in the semester
Homeworks will be mainly numerical problems
and some conceptual questions
– Two Exams 80% = 40% + 40%
[Tentatively Exam 1: Mar 17, Exam 2: XX]
– Homework 20%
– 10% HW for Part 1 and 10% for Part 2
– In 10% for Part 1, 4% for in class Quizzes
Tutorial Session: Every Wednesday and Thursday
Sessions for week 1 are cancelled
Central Question of the Course
Overview of Course: Philosophy
Civil Engineers can fundamentally contribute to grand
challenges in the modern world using integrative
To effect change, civil engineers require tools to identify
“better” notions of design and operations
Civil Engineers are trained in silo approaches (structures,
transportation etc)
Receive less training on holistic approaches
Emerging problems such as climate change, sustainability,
green design require multidisciplinary approaches
Overview of Course: Learning Objectives
Motivate CEE students towards systems engineering
Ability to identify different phases of CEE systems
Proficiency in various tools related to solving civil systems
engineering problems such as uncertainty analysis,
simulation, optimization, network analysis and economic
Ability to understand the planning and operational aspects
of civil engineering systems
Appreciate and develop the ability to apply systems
concepts to solve grand challenges such as climate change,
sustainability and green design and awareness to policy
OK. So why do we care? Motivation
Curtis Island LNG Project
Examples of Systems
Movie Theatre Movie Theatre Queue
Counters Enter the queue at
Cashier back
Seats Stand in one queue
Security Proceed to front of
Utilities queue
Leave queue after
ticket is given
A set of entities:
Physical System A set of rules:
Operational System
Traffic Signal as a System
Traffic Signal as a System
1. Main Street
Green – 17 seconds What type
Yellow – 3 seconds
of System
Red – 10 seconds
2. Side Street
is this?
Green – 10 seconds
Yellow – 3 seconds
Red – 17 seconds
Definition of Systems Engineering
Areas in Civil Engineering and Examples
Area Example of System Physical Operation Goals and Objectives Performance Measures
Transportation Interstate 465 Highway, Vehicular use Provide mobility around the Congestion levels
Freeway System, Road Signs, Indianapolis area
Structures Steel Truss of a Steel Sections and Loading Safe and economical support of Deflection, shear, corrosion
Bridge Joints live and dead loads
Hydraulics/ Levee System Walls and Pumps Holding back high Prevent flooding % of time overspill
Hydrology water Nr. of breaches
Environmental Indy Waste Filtration Units, Effluent Treatment Maximize amt. of waste treated Volume of waste treated /hr
Treatment System Sedimentation
ponds, etc.
Geotechnics Foundation System Footings and Loading Safe and economical support of Settlement, Cracking
for a Building rafters loads
Materials Asphalt Mix Aggregates and Loading Safe and economical support of Rutting, Raveling
Bitumen Pavement vehicle loads
Construction Critical Path Method None Scheduling of Minimize construction delay Construction Period
(CPM) Work Maximize resource utilization Equipment Utilization
Geomatics Location Precision none Set of Minimize error of locating Percentage of time a point is
Systems mathematical facilities correctly located within some
models precision range
Phases of Systems Development
Terminal System Phases Needs Assessment, Goals
(Demolition, Failure, etc.) Identification, etc.
- Assessment of System Vulnerability to disaster, Does a problem exist?
- Failure Analysis Assessing the Need for the System
-Analysis, Description, Optimization and Establishment of System Performance Goals
Evaluation of Alternative Demolition Processes
System Planning
Analysis, Description, Optimization and
System Preservation Evaluation of Alternative System Plans,
Analysis, Description, Optimization and Locations, and Policies
Evaluation of
Alternative Preservation Practices
and Maintenance Systems
System Design
Analysis, Description, Optimization and
System Inspection/Monitoring Evaluation of Alternative Designs and
Analysis, Description, Optimization and
Evaluation of Alternative Inspection
Policies and Methods
System Operations
System Construction
Analysis, Description, Optimization and Analysis, Description, Optimization and
Evaluation of Alternative Policy and Evaluation of
Operational Systems Alternative Construction Systems 25
What will this course teach?
Will give you the tools to answer questions such as:
1. How should I design my system? What factors to consider
in the design? What steps should I follow?
2. How can I best describe (or predict in future) the physical
structure, condition or performance of the system to any
interested party?
3. How do I choose from several alternative systems? What
factors should I consider?
4. How can I tell if a given system is doing well?
5. How can I optimize the operations of my system? What
should I minimize? What should I maximize?
Group Exercise
Area of Civil: ________________________________________
System: ________________
Type(s): ________________
Elements: ______________
Inputs _________________ Outputs
_________________ _________
_________________ _________
_________ _________
_________ _________
_________ _________
_________ _________
Tasks at each Phase:
(1) Description
(2) Analysis
(3) Optimization
(4) Evaluation, and
(5) Selection (of the best from multiple
Tasks at each Phase:
The task of “Description”
Describing the system’s physical structure:
How can I describe the composition or physical structure of my design?
Graphically? Blueprints, Artistic sketches? If the structure changes over time,
can I predict the future physical structure say, 10 years from now?
How should I describe proposed physical modifications to an existing
Tasks at each Phase:
The task of “optimizing”
Tasks at each Phase:
The task of evaluation”
Evaluating the system’s physical structure:
Is the system structurally sound?
Are bending moments and deflections acceptable?
Is the system physical condition OK?
Tools for Systems Engineering
• Recall the Phases of CE Systems Engineering
• All of these phases need specific tools to solve
Planning (P), Design (D), Construction (C) Operations
(O), Maintenance (M) etc.
• Different Tools we will discuss:
– Uncertainty Analysis (Probability, Stats) – P, D, C, O, M – we
will NOT discuss this
– Optimization – P, D, C, O, M
– Game Theory – O, C, D, P
– Multi-criteria Decision Making – P, D, O, M
– Engineering Economics – P, D, C, M
– Queuing Analysis – C, O, M
Preliminary Steps in Systems Modeling
Identify the Problem
Is there a need for systems
Is there a need for a new highway?
Do we need to reinforce the bridge decks
Does the city need a new sewerage plant?
Should we build a reinforcing wall for
flood plains
Think about what factors impact this
Identify the level of need and demand
Problem can be identified by various people including
engineers, users, administrators, policy makers etc.
Then, identify what is the level of need –
How urgent is it?
Do you need to solve it on a recurring basis or is it a
one time solution?
Does it require change in operational procedures?
Once need is determined, determine what is the level of
demand for the system: the extent to which users are
willing to use the system
Estimation of Demand primarily using data collection
and Modeling
The demand influences the size of the project and costs
Identify the Desired Outcomes
Values or
Effectiveness, Efficiency, Equity
Overall Goals Example: To Enhance Well-being of Residents of Townsville City
To increase customer satisfaction.
To decrease cost of water production
To ensure that most people benefit
Effectiveness Equity 40
2. Defining Specific Goals
Desired end state toward which effort is directed.
May include:
- physical condition/durability of the system,
- operational characteristics,
- “external effects” of the civil engineering system.
Who are the Stakeholders?
• the owner or operator of the system (Public or private
4. Identify Performance Metrics (MOEs)
Is simply an objective that is stated in measurable terms.
For example,
the corrosion index on any bridge should not exceed 0.04%.
the travel time on a particular highway is less than 40
Characteristics of a good MOE
• Appropriateness and Measurability:
Should reflect at least one objective of the CES.
Should enable quantification of a cost or a benefit of the proposed physical
or operational system.
• Dimensionality:
Should be able to capture objectively the required level of each dimension
associated with proposed system.
Should be comparable across different time periods or geographic regions.
• Realistic:
Should be possible to generate or extract reliable data relating to the
MOE without excessive effort, cost or time.
• Unambiguous, Defensible:
Should be clear and concise.
Should be capable of effective communication to decision-makers, general
public, etc.
Group Exercise
Area of Civil: ________________________________________