The Little Blue Book On Ballast Water

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The key takeaways are that the BWMC aims to prevent the spread of invasive aquatic organisms by ships' ballast water and sediments by establishing standards and procedures for the management and control of ships' ballast water and sediments. Ships must have ballast water management plans and those over 400 GT are subject to surveys.

All ships are required to have a ballast water management plan and those above 400 GT are subject to surveys. Compliance with the BWMC will typically entail mid ocean exchange of the ballast water (D-1) during the Convention’s first years to be substituted by a stricter regime (D-2) at a point in time defined by the ship’s IOPP certificate.

The D-1 standard requires ballast water exchange. The stricter D-2 discharge standard necessitates installation of a treatment system that removes or sterilizes organisms before discharge of ballast water in port. New ships must comply with D-2 by certain dates depending on their size.

The Little

Blue Book on
Ballast Water

The Convention
The Ballast Water Management Convention (BWMC) was adopted by IMO
in 2004 and entered into force on the 8th September 2017. With a few
exceptions it will apply to all ships in international trade beginning in
2017 and fully implemented in 2024.

The BWMC aims to end the transfer of

non-indigenous species travelling in the
Ships not regulated by BWMC ballast water to new aquatic ecosystems
causing serious economic and environ-
mental impacts.
1. Ships without ballast water
2. Ships with sealed or
permanent ballast water All ships are required to have a ballast
tanks water management plan and those
above 400 GT are subject to surveys.
3. War ships, naval auxiliary
Compliance with the BWMC will typically
and other government ships entail mid ocean exchange of the ballast
water (D-1) during the Convention’s
first years to be substituted by a stricter
regime (D-2) at a point in time defined
by the ship’s IOPP certificate. The D-2 discharge standard necessitate installation of
a treatment system that removes or sterilizes organisms before the discharge of bal-
last water in the port of call. All new ships, i.e. keel laid after 8th of September 2017,
must comply with D-2.

Ships < 400 GT must comply with D-2 at the latest on 8th of September 2024.

- Ren
Existing ships D-1 Standard ewal D-2 Standard

8-Sep-2017 8-Sep-2019 8-Sep-2024

New ships D-2 Standard

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Introduction & Certificates D-1 & D-2 Standard
Certificates & Documents

The Certificates
If vessel is > 400 GT you must have one of the following certificates onboard:

International Ballast Water After BWMC enters into force this is the key
Management Certificate certificate provided your flag state has
(IBWMC) ratified the Convention

If your flag state has not ratified the

Statement of Compliance
Convention you are issued this document

The Documents

Preparation for Port State Control

You must have the following documents onboard:

This document is ship specific and must

An approved Ballast Water now include BWMC relevant issues including
Management Plan (BWMP) compliance with D-1, D-2 or
exception/exemption regime

This document must now include BWMC

A Ballast Water Record Book relevant issues and is the place to record
(BWRB) accidental or exceptional discharges and
the circumstances justifying them

For the majority of vessels, this must be

present once your vessel is subject to D-2 or

US requirements
Type approval Certificate for a treatment system is installed prior to this.
Treatment System Does not apply if you are using an “Other
method” or operate under an exception or

When calling the US

ØØ Ballast Water Management Plan and Ballast Water Record Book;
Deficiencies & Glossary

ØØ US type approval certificate for BWMS or

ØØ Alternative Management System (AMS) or an
ØØ Extension letter

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Ballast Water Exchange Standard D-1

Existing vessels shall apply the D-1 Ballast Water Exchange standard (BWE)
until they must comply with the D-2 standard. The compliance standard is
recorded in the IBWMC.

Where can you perform BWE?

PP 2
 00 nautical miles from the nearest land whenever possible, but in all cases at
least 50 nautical miles and in water at least 200 meters in depth
PP In areas designated for ballast water exchange

What is the idea of BWE?

PP BWE provides at least 95% volumetric exchange of tank water and reduces
the transfer of invasive species

How is BWE performed?

 equential method: The ballast water tank is first emptied and subsequently
refilled with replacement ballast water.

Flow-through method: Replacement ballast water is pumped into a ballast tank

and at least three times the tank volume is run through the overflow or other

Dilution method: At least three times the tank volume of replacement ballast
water is filled through the top of the ballast tank. The water is discharged in the
bottom in the same speed and maintaining a constant level in the tank
throughout the ballast exchange.

The BWMC states “A ship shall not be required IMPORTANT: Make an entry in
to deviate from its intended voyage, or delay the BWRB stating the reasons. If
the voyage, in order to comply” with BWE. relevant, inform Port State Control
The Shipmaster can decide not to do an (PSC) before arrival.
exchange due to:
BWE areas may change. Consult
PP Heavy weather conditions your Safety Management System
PP Ships safety or stability in danger (SMS) or contact company
PP Extraordinary operational impracticality responsible.

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Introduction & Certificates D-1 & D-2 Standard
Ballast Water Performance Standard D-2

Once the vessel has to comply with the D-2 standard it

must have onboard:
PP IBWMC confirming compliance with D-2 standard
PP A type approved BWMS installed
PP An IMO type approval certificate
PP An approved Ballast Water Management Plan
PP Operational and safety manual for the BWMS
PP An installation survey report to confirm compliance if type approval requires

Which treatment system is onboard?

PP You must be familiar with the operational principles of the BWMS
PP Understand the ballasting and de-ballasting procedure
PP You must have a clear understanding of the limiting conditions for your
BWMS, which are found in the type approval certificate

Preparation for Port State Control

PP Be observant of safety procedures, e.g.:
o Handling and storage of chemicals
o Crew safety and emergency procedures in event of spillage, fire
or explosion
o First aid measures after contact with chemical
o Special cleaning procedures, handling of clean-up residues
o Risk assessment of specific treatment system

The ballast water treatment process for a typical in-line BWMS with a filter
and a treatment unit. Some systems avoid the filter unit, some treat a second
time on discharge and some include a neutralisation system for the discharge
water. A few BWMS are in-tank systems that treat during voyage.

BWMS filter
filter treat-
BWMS treat- Ballast tanks
Ballast tanks - Discharge in
US Requirements
unit -- back-
back- ment unit
ment unit - -including
Uptake in Discharge in-
arrival port
Uptake in port flush
flush waterisis
water desinfection
departure - desinfection minimum hold-
minimum arrivwal port a
may involve
departure port discharged
dischargedto to by chemical,
by holding
ing time time 2nd treatment or
the departure
departure UVchemical,
light or UV during
port during voyage neutralisation
other means

The IMO has decided that the first five years after BWMC entry into force is an
“experience building phase” for the management of ballast water.

If a vessel operates under exception or exemption valid for certain locations no

Deficiencies & Glossary

discharges are allowed if mixing with unmanaged ballast water and sediments
from other areas has occurred.

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Preparation for Port State Control

Initial inspection More detailed inspection
PSC officer will: PSC officer will:
• Inspect documentation •C  larify whether detailed BWMP
(Certifications, BWMP and BWRB) operational procedures are followed
• Check that an officer has been (safety, sediments, record keeping
appointed for the BWM on board cross check)
• Check familiarity of the responsible • Check if BWM has been conducted
officer and crew with the BWMS according to the BWMP
• Visual inspect overall condition • Check of BWMS operational record,
of the ship, the equipment and including self-monitoring devices
arrangements detailed in the • Follow up on bypass and
certificate BWMP and BWRB emergency issues

PSC shall provide clear grounds for proceeding to next stage of inspection procedure

Check List for Compliance with D-1 Standard

Perform Ballast Water Exchange in due time and record in BWRB
Check national requirements of the arrival port
Check if you need to send a Reporting Form before arrival
If relevant, send pre-arrival note of incident/problems to PSC

Necessary Documents:
IBWMC stating compliance with D-1
Approved Ballast Water Management Plan for D-1
Updated Ballast Water Record Book

Be familiar with:
Where are the sampling point(s) for ballast water
Existence of ballast water exchange areas
Optional: When is the installation planned (IOPP schedule)

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Introduction & Certificates D-1 & D-2 Standard
Preparation for Port State Control

Indicative analysis Detailed analysis
• Limited sample taking is expected •F ull verification of compliance may
• Indicative analysis may involve involve large scale sampling typi-
the use of portable analytical cally requiring specialists onboard
instruments assisting the PSC officer
• Samples for compliance testing
are sent to laboratories onshore
and analysis are time consuming

Preparation for Port State Control

Check List for Compliance with D-2 Standard
PRE-ARRIVAL check → same as D-1 except performing BWE

Necessary Documents:
IBWMC stating compliance with D-2
Approved Ballast Water Management Plan for D-2
Updated Ballast Water Record Book

Be familiar with:
The system installed, its type and technical characteristics
System requirements, e.g. service intervals, consumables
BWMS’s capacity

US Requirements
Sampling procedure
Considerations regarding auxiliary power requirements from the BWMS

Maintain and operate BWMS in accordance with maker’s instructions and-
design limitations
Check installed self-monitoring equipment. This will vary according to type
of BWMS, and may include, e.g.:
Deficiencies & Glossary

Power consumption Flow rate

Filter back flush frequency pH, salinity
Active substance dosage rate Temperature
Neutralizer dosage rate Transmittance
TRO (Total Residual Oxidant) UV Sensors

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US Requirements

At the entry into force of the BWMC the US is not a signatory to the
Convention and has a separate national legislation on ballast water.
The US Coast Guard (USCG) regulations are coupled to the scheduled
drydocking date, but the discharge standards are similar to IMO
The USCG regulation is in force on BWE and a when a ship’s compliance
is due a BWMS must be installed or an other accepted method applied.

vessel’s • Perform BWE beyond 200 nm at more than 200 m depth or beyond
compliance 50 nm, if not possible

• Install and use US type approved BWMS

After • Self-monitoring and records as required

• Obtain an extension from USCG allowing continued use of BWE

• Use an IMO type approved BWMS accepted by the USCG as an
OR Alternate Management System (AMS) (5 year limit)
Other • Use of ballast water obtained exclusively from a U.S. public water system
accepted • Discharge of ballast water to a reception facility
methods • No discharge in US waters according to BWMP

The USCG regulations also contain some additional requirements regarding a ship’s
operational procedures that go beyond the IMO’s requirements.
 aintain a BWMP covering US requirement (need not be approved)
 Submit a Reporting Form at least 24 hours before calling at an US port
 lans for Management of Biofouling and Sediment must be available, e.g. in the
BWMP, and records of ballast, sediment and fouling management must be kept

Additional requirements are found in the Vessel General Permit (VGP) for periodical
sampling of the discharge:
 Calibration of sensors
 Sampling of biological indicators
 Sampling of residual biocides
The records of the periodical sampling must be retained onboard for 3 years.

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Introduction & Certificates D-1 & D-2 Standard
US Requirements

US requirements may change or be clarified. Always consult your

SMS or contact company responsible prior to US calls.

Check List for US Calls

PRE-ARRIVAL check → same as D-1

Ballast Water Management Plan,
Current extension letter granted to the vessel,
Vessel certificates,
Contracts and/or records verifying the date the vessel entered its last

Preparation for Port State Control

BWMS installation documents, and
Vessel log books
If the vessel has NOT installed BWMS at original compliance date you must
have onboard:
Letter of extension of the vessel’s compliance date, or
If using an “other accepted method” formal documentation must be
available, e.g. receipts from reception facility or public water utility
When vessel has installed a BWMS you must have onboard:
Certificate for USCG approved BWMS or
Acceptance by USCG of your IMO compliant BWMS as an AMS
When inspected you should demonstrate knowledge on the following in
addition to that listed under IMO PSC:
US Requirements
When next drydocking or the installation of a BWMS is scheduled,
Expiration of extension and other permits

Other proper documentation that are all subject to evaluation during compli-
ance assessments include crew knowledge, system installation, maintenance,
and operation, and discharge quality.

Documentation and records related to VGP: Any vessel greater than 300 GT or
more than 8 m3 ballast tank must submit Notice Of Intent to EPA to discharge in
Deficiencies & Glossary

compliance with VGP.

If the installed BWMS stops operating properly during a voyage, or the vessel’s
BWM method is unexpectedly unavailable, the vessel owner/operator must
report the problem to the nearest Captain of the Port as soon as practicable.
Vessel owners/operators are encouraged to include “contingency plans” in the BWMP.

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Detainable deficiencies
Non-exhaustive list of deficiencies that may warrant detention by the PSC:
Absence of an IBWMC, a BWMP or a Record Book;
indication of substantial lack of correspondence with IBWMC and BWMP;
the designated officers or crew are not familiar with essential BWM
procedures including operation of BWMS and associated equipment;
no BWM procedures have been implemented on board;
no designated officer has been nominated;
the ship has not complied with the BWMP for management and
treatment of ballast water or fails compliance by sampling; or
ballast water has been discharged other than in accordance with the
regulations of the BWMC

If possible avoid taking Common BWMS hiccups

Ballast Water and malfunctions

In shallow water Design limitations are violated (can be found

on the type approval)
In vicinity of sewage out-falls or dredging
operations Filter clogging and excessive backflushing
In areas with toxic phytoplankton blooms Power shortage or failure
(harmful algae blooms such as Red tides)
Consumables depleted
Where tidal flushing is poor or where the
Poor performance due to infrequent use, e.g.
incoming or outgoing tide is known to be
valves leaking
Equipment failure or underperformance
At night when bottom dwelling organisms
may rise up in the water column
Near a known outbreak of diseases commu-
nicable through ballast water (e.g. cholera)

Acceptable reasons
The Master is ultimately responsible and decides what necessitates a by-pass or
uptake or discharge of BW not managed according to BWMP. Reasons include:
 Measures to ensure the safety of the ship or life at sea
Damage to the ship or equipment
Avoiding or minimizing pollution from the ship
Uptake and discharge of ballast water in the same location
It is paramount to
Document discrepancies in the Record Book
Contact the company responsible
Inform PSC in arrival port

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Introduction & Certificates D-1 & D-2 Standard

AMS: Alternate Management System

BW - Ballast Water: Water with its suspended matter taken on board a

ship to control trim, list, draught, stability or stresses of the ship

BWE: Ballast Water Exchange

BWMC: Ballast Water Management Convention

BWMP - Ballast Water Management Plan: Document describing the

ballast water management process and procedures implemented on board
individual ships

BWMS ‐ Ballast Water Management System: Any system which pro-

cesses ballast water such that it meets or exceeds the ballast water perfor-
mance standard in regulation D-2. The BWMS includes ballast water treat-

Preparation for Port State Control

ment equipment, all associated control equipment, monitoring equipment
and sampling facilities

BWRB: Ballast Water Record Book

BWRF: Ballast Water Reporting Form

Captain of the Port: The Coast Guard officer designated by the Comman-
dant to command a Captain of the Port Zone

Exemption: An exemption may be granted to a ship or ships on a voyage

or voyages between specified ports or locations, or to a ship which operates
exclusively between specified ports or locations

IBWMC: The International Ballast Water Management Certificate US Requirements

Non-indigenous species: Any species outside its native range. Whether

transported intentionally or accidentally by humans or transported through
natural processes, some become invasive species

PSC: Port State Control

Sediments: Matter settled out of ballast water within a ship

Deficiencies & Glossary

USCG Extension: US Coast Guard can grant an extension to a vessel’s

compliance date

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The Little Blue Book on Ballast Water was initiated by Danish Shipping and
developed by LITEHAUZ through a donation from the Danish Maritime Fund.

This brochure is a guideline on the various aspects of implementing the

Ballast Water Convention and is intended to be used by the vessels’
masters, officers and the shore based personnel involved in the

A number of members of Danish Shipping sponsored parts of the work and

supplied artwork.

Version 02 Sept. 2017


Nothing in this guideline exonerate any master, officer or shore-based person from following Company
procedures, e.g. SMS and Ballast Water Management Plan. In the event of special circumstances that
may raise doubt on which procedures there should be followed, the Company appointed responsible
person ashore should always be consulted prior to such an operation.
At the same time it should be emphasised that according to the ISM Code § 5.2, the master has the over-
riding authority and the responsibility to make decisions with respect to safety and pollution prevention.

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