Registration of Labor Organization: Eureka Jane S. Rivera

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Types National Union or Federation Chartered Local or Local Chapter Independent Union Affiliated Unions

Definition  Group of legitimate labor A labor organization is a labor A labor organization operating at An independent or
unions in a private organization without an independent the enterprise level that required unregistered union affiliated
establishment organized registration whose legal personality is legal personality through with a federated, national
for collective bargaining or derived from its mother union or independent registration under Art. union or chartered local which
for dealing with employers federation, upon issuance of a 234 of the Labor Code and Rule III, was subsequently granted
concerning terms and Charter Certificate. Sec. 2-A of the Implementing Rules independent registration but
conditions of employment and Regulations. did not disaffiliate from its
of their member union or federation, reported to the
for participating in the Regional Office and the Bureau
formulation of social and in accordance with Rule III,
employment policies, Sections 6 and 7 of the
standards and programs, Implementing Rules and
registered with the Bureau Regulations.
of Labor Relations in
accordance with Rule III,
Sec. 2-B of the
Implementing Rules and
Regulations of the Labor

 Composed of at least ten

(10) affiliates or local
An application should be A duly registered federation or Application for Registration must Documents needed for
accompanied by the following national union can directly create a be accompanied by the following: Affiliation
documents: local chapter. They must submit the
following documents to create a local  Statement indicating: Requirements for Affiliation by
 Statement indicating: chapter: an independent Union:
◦ the name and principal
◦ the name and principal  Charter Certificate issued by address of the labor  The majority of the
address of the the Federal or national union union; union members must
federation or national indicating the creation of a approve the affiliation
union; ◦ the names and in a general
local chapter;
addresses of its officers; membership meeting
◦ the names and  Names and addresses of the duly called for the
addresses of its ◦ no. of employees in the
chapter's officers; purpose;
How to officers; bargaining unit;
Register?  Principal office of the local  The board of directors
◦ names and addresses ◦ that it is not reported as
chapter; and of the union must
of the companies where a local chapter of any
execute a Resolution of
the affiliates operate;  Constitution and by-laws of federation;
Affiliation; and
the local chapter.
◦ list of all the members  Minutes of the
 The Union must submit
in each company organizational meeting;
a Report of Affiliation to
involved;  List of employees who the DOLE Regional
participated in the Office that issued its
 Minutes of the
organization meeting; Certificate of
organizational meetings;
Registration. Said
 List of employees who  Names of all its members Report must be
participated in the said comprising at least 20% of accompanited by the
meetings; the employees in the following documents:
bargaining unit;
 Annual financial reports if ◦ minutes of the
the federation or national  Annual financial reports if general meeting;
union has been in existence the labor union has been in
existence for at lease 1 ◦ list of members who
for at least 1 year;
year, unless it has not approved the
 Constitution and by-laws, collected any amount affiliation;
minutes of its adoption or from the members, in
ratification, and the list of which case a statement ◦ resolution of
the participant-members; to this effect shall be affiliation executed
included in the by the board of
 Resolution of affiliation of application; directors of the
at least ten (10) legitimate
labor organizations,  Constitution and by-laws,
whether independent minutes of its adoption or ◦ certificate of
unions or chartered locals, ratification, and the list of affiliation issued by
each of which must be a the participant-members; the federation; and
duly certified or recognized and
bargaining agent in the ◦ written notice to the
establishment where it  Proof of payment of employer, if the
seeks to operate; and registration fee. affiliating union is
the incumbent
 Proof of payment of bargaining agent.
registration fee.
Requirements for Affiliation by
an unregistered labor union
with a federation:

 Charter Certificate;

 Principal office of the


 Name and addresses of

the officers of the local
chapter; and

 constitution and by-

laws of the local
Where Bureau of Relations Bureau of Relations DOLE Regional Office where the Affiliation by an independent
applicant principally operates. union, to the DOLE Regional
to file? Office that issued the
Certificate of Registration.

Affiliation by an unregistered
labor union, to the DOLE.

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