10 09 Art Education Online Art Museum Hop Craig Roland

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ArtEd Online

Art Museum Hop

audio, video, and interactive Discover Design

resources. You can then save, designmuseum.org/discoverdesign
arrange in sets, and custom- Discover Design, from the Design
ize items using the Art Col- Museum in London, consists of four
lector; plus comment on, tag, sections that explore different aspects
and rate everything. Art Collector that designers have to consider when
Sets are assigned a URL, making them designing a new product; namely,

Craig Roland easily available for online viewing in appearance, materials, function or
rt museum sites can be the classroom. They can also be pre- purpose, and impact. While developed
rich sources of knowledge sented offline using PDF software. A to help prepare students for a visit to
and learning for teachers great resource for art teachers! the museum, this interactive resource
and students in the class- can also be used to stimulate criti-
room. In addition to online access Click! Photography Changes cal and creative approaches to design
to their collections, many museum Everything click.si.edu education in the classroom. Notes for
sites offer interactive learning games, Sponsored by the Smithsonian Photog- Teachers are included.
teacher guides, lesson plans, pod- raphy Initiative, Click! Photography
casts, videos, and more. Here are six Changes Everything is a collection Waltee’s Quest:
museum sites with something new to of essays and stories submitted by The Case of the Lost Art
offer. invited contributors and Web visitors www.walteesquest.com
showing how photography shapes Waltee’s Quest: The Case of the Lost
ArtBabble Artbabble.org our culture and our lives. The site Art is an online interactive adventure
ArtBabble is an art video-sharing is organized around six themes that game for children, ages 5–12, and
site, created by the Indianapolis illustrate how photography changes their families from the Walters Art
Museum of Art, that features videos who we are, what we do, what we see, Museum in Baltimore. Participants
from a variety of sources such as the where we go, what we want and what help Waltee, the museum’s mascot,
Museum of Modern Art, the Smithso- we remember. High-school photogra- search for missing artifacts in seven
nian American Art Museum, and the phy teachers will find this site espe- imaginary spaces and return them
PBS series Art:21. The quality of the cially informative, but should preview to their rightful place in a virtual
art content on this site is exceptional the content to determine whether it’s museum exhibition. Kids learn about
and promises to grow in scope. Each suitable for their students. the various artifacts while playing by
video includes accompanying notes reading the object narratives in Wal-
that provide additional material. By Curious Corner teepedia, a virtual book and database.
signing up for an ArtBabble account, www.artic.edu/aic/education/CC Certificates are awarded to those who
you can store selected videos for later The Art Institute of Chicago designed complete the game and are displayed
viewing in the classroom. Curious Corner for children (ages on Waltee’s Wall of Heroes. Young
3–12), their friends, and families. It learners may need some guidance to
Artsconnected artsconnected.org consists of three sets of interactive get started.
The recently relaunched ArtsCon- art games that involve children in
nectEd allows you to search over exploring and learning about world Craig Roland is an associate professor of
art education in the School of Art and
100,000 resources in the collections art, looking closely at artworks, and
Art History at the University of Florida
of the Walker Art Center and Min- connecting their own personal experi- in Gainesville, Florida. He is the author
neapolis Institute of Arts using Art ences with artworks. The site is easy of The Art Teacher’s Guide to the Internet
Finder, including works of art, texts, to navigate through and is especially (Davis Publications, 2005). rolandc@ufl.
suitable for young learners.
28 October 2009 SchoolArts

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