Clonex Propagation Guide HDI2017

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A Guide To Successful Cloning

The Clonex Propagation System

The Clonex Propagation Guide
Why You Should Clone

Getting Started

Taking A Clone


The Clonex Propagation System

Cloning is a tried and true method for continued success in your garden. To
keep your favorite strain in rotation you will need to take clones.

A clone is a cutting (a small piece of plant that’s been cut off) that has
re-established roots and is a genetic replication of the mother plant.

This guide will take you through the steps to successfully root a cutting. Once
you’ve mastered the art of cloning you’ll be well on your way to keeping your
favorite genetics in rotation and having a self-sustaining garden.

No more buying clones from questionable outlets or worrying about bringing

in pests from someone else’s garden.

Mother Plants

A mother plant is a plant that has been specifically grown to provide cuttings for starting
new plants i.e. clones.

The cutting will be genetically identical to the mother, which is why you want to choose a
mother that is a strong grower with good genetics. In other words, a healthy plant.

Using a fertilizer formulated for the needs of mother plants, like MotherPlant brand
fertilizer, is important for the successful rooting of clones. A good fertilizer for mother
plants is one that limits excess nitrogen and provides the important building blocks for
carbohydrate accumulation. The excess nitrogen contained in standard fertilizers results in
low carbohydrate reserves and poor rooting of clones.
MotherPlant fertilizer is formulated to strengthen the cell walls of plants, improve water
holding capacity and stress tolerance. This results in energized cuttings that are better
prepared to generate healthy new roots.

MotherPlant nutrients can be found online and in hydro stores across the United States. For
the serious grower that wants to successfully clone their favorite strain, or just keep their
garden going, this is an important step.

Your mother plant should be watered a few hours before you plan to take cuttings. This
ensures that the cuttings will be well nourished and hydrated, preparing them for successful

It’s also recommended to spray Clonex Mist on the chosen donor sights a few days before
taking clones. This will help to stimulate root development in your cuttings.


Taking a clone can be as simple, or as complicated, as you want it to be. There are multiple
techniques and products on the market for cloning.

For this guide, we’re going with a simple but effective method. The following are items
you’ll need to successfully clone.
• Mother Plant
• Rooting Gel
• Shot Glass
• Scalpel or Razor
• Scissors aren’t recommended as they can crush the cutting’s delicate tissue.
• Be careful not to cut yourself when taking your cutting.
• Starter Cubes
• Propagation Tray
• Humidity Dome
• Clonex Mist

Your mother plant is picked out and all your supplies are ready. Now it’s time to take some

Step 1. Sanitize
Wash your hands. Then sterilize your equipment. Rubbing alcohol is an ideal choice for

Step 2. Set up your work area.

Have your items laid out and ready to go. A few things you’ll want to do now include:

• Pour Clonex Rooting Gel into your shot glass.

• Take packaging off your Starter Cubes
• Root Riot Starter Cubes are available in a ready-to-use propagation tray and come with
a packet of Clonex Gel.
Step 3. Choose your cuttings.
You’ll want to choose a branch that looks healthy. Things you’re looking for in a cutting are:
• Branches on the lower part of the plant
• Strong growing tips
• Multiple nodes (leaf nodes are where the leaf connects to the stem)

Step 4. Take your cutting.

Once you’ve chosen a branch, use your scalpel to remove the branch. You’ll want to cut just
below the node (the area from which leaves grow) at a 45-degree angle.

Step 5. Dip the cutting in Clonex Rooting Gel.

Dip it directly into the rooting gel you’ve added to your shot glass. Make sure the entire cut
area, and its surrounding stem, is covered in the rooting gel.

This will stop air from affecting the cut surface area. Air exposure at this point can cause air
bubbles that will prevent your cutting from taking up water and eventually rooting.

At this point you should clip the fan leaves, reducing the leaf area by 50%.

Step 6. Place the cutting into your Root Riot Starter Cube.
Once you’ve finished taking your cuttings and placed them in a propagation tray it’s time to
add your humidity dome. You do not want to have leaves pressed up against the dome walls
or stuck between the dome and the tray. Make sure you’ve spaced your cuttings to avoid
either of these from happening.

Step 7. Spray your cuttings.

Place tray under suitable lighting. Spray your cuttings with Clonex Mist every other day to
ensure they don’t dry out. Beyond that, leave the cuttings alone. Most plants will root in 7 –
10 days, but some could take up to 2 weeks or longer. When you see roots coming out of the
cube then you’re ready to transplant.
Cloning In Four Easy Steps

Prep Cut Start Feed


Once you see roots coming out of your starter cubes it’s time to transplant. Most growers
tend to use a cup (like the small, red Solo cups) to transplant their newly rooted clones into.

The clones are still fragile at this point and should be treated the same as they were when
they were cuttings.

Step 1. Prep
Fill your cup halfway with your chosen soil or soilless mix. Sprinkle Clonex Root Maximizer, a
mycorrhizae, on to the exposed roots.

Root Maximizer will help to extend the overall reach of your plant’s roots. This means your
plant will be able to reach water and nutrients that might not be available otherwise.
Basically, it helps the plant get more of what it needs to thrive.

Step 2. Transplant
Place your rooted clone in the center of the cup and fill in the remaining space with your
soil, or soilless medium, and pack it just over the top of the starter cube. The soil should be
packed gently so as not to disrupt the delicate roots or stress the clone, but also tightly so
that the clone will not tip over.
Step 3. Feed
Water your clone with Clonex Clone Solution, a clone-specific nutrient.

A regular Grow formula at this stage can burn your plant, most likely resulting in a stunted or
dead clone.

Clonex Rooting Gel has been helping growers successfully clone for three decades. Billions
of clones are proof of the effectiveness of using Clonex.

Clonex Rooting Gel

Clonex Rooting Gel contains a unique blend of hormones, anti-fungal agents, vitamins, and
minerals in a gel base. Clonex Gel is recommended over powder rooting agents.

Powder rooting agents:

• Can and will be blown around
• Will wash off the stem when watered
• Contains talc - a carcinogen

Clonex Rooting Gel is EPA registered in all 50 states plus Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico.
This means it’s approved for use on all crops, including food or ingestible crops. It’s also the
only rooting gel approved by the Colorado and Washington Dept. of Agriculture for
propagating medical marijuana plants.

Clonex Rooting Gel is used at the beginning of propagation to help seal your cuttings
delicate root tissue and provide the necessary items for successful rooting.
Clonex Clone Solution
Clonex Clone Solution is specifically formulated for rooted clones and seedlings. It contains a
special blend of minerals and vitamins that encourages rapid root development.

Clonex Clone Solution contains specific micro nutrients, and the highest quality minerals
including Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Calcium, plus Vitamin B1 which reduces the
risk of transplant shock.

It is formulated to nourish new root cells in plants. Used with Clonex Rooting Gel, it
encourages rapid root development while helping to minimize stress.

Clonex Mist
Clonex Mist is a foliar spray that is for both mother plants and clones to
stimulate root development.

It is formulated to boost the health and vigor of young plants while promoting robust root
development and the elongation of root hairs.

Independent trials showed that the use of Clonex Mist vs. water alone to mist cuttings
resulted in:
• Rooting up to 10 days sooner
• 30% longer roots
• Up to 156% more roots

Clonex Root Maximizer

Clonex Root Maximizer is a mycorrhizae fungus product
which increases the surface area of your clone’s roots.
Mycorrhizae fungus extends the plants reach, allowing
it to get more of what it needs.

Mycorrhizae fungus is a network of filaments that grow

in and around the plant root cells. This forms a mass
that extends considerably beyond the plant’s root
system, making the plant stronger and more resistant
to stress. It even protects your plant against unwanted

Clonex Root Maximizer puts life into your soil by

adding bountiful amounts of mycorrhizae fungi,
beneficial bacteria and Trichoderma that combine to
improve the overall health and vitality of plants.
Root Riot Plant Starter Cubes
Root Riots are ideal for rooting plant cuttings. They have a great spongy texture which
retains the perfect air/water ratio for healthy, rapid root growth.

These cubes are specially inoculated with micro nutrients and biologically active ingredients.
This gives your young cutting a slight nutrient charge that nourishes young plants and aids in
root development.

MotherPlant Nutrients
MotherPlant nutrients are formulated for mother, or stock plants but can be used throughout
the vegetative cycle of your plants with impressive results.

It contains the perfect diet for mother plants without excess nitrates. Rich bio-organics are
added to improve the uptake of nutrients and strengthen the plant’s natural immunity
resulting in strong, vibrant clones.

Rockwool Conditioning Solution

Europonic Rockwool Conditioning Solution is an advanced formulation of ingredients that
stabilizes and adjusts the pH of rockwool for maximum nutrient utilization by plants.

It is ideal for pre-conditioning rockwool and stonewool cubes before starting clones or

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