2017 The Secret Trader Ebook
2017 The Secret Trader Ebook
Tips and tricks on trading
binary options and forex
The Secret Trader is a comprehensive education on the secrets of trading. Whether you
want to become a professional Binary Options Trader or a Forex Trader – Education is
the only secret to your success.
The Secret Trader is aimed at rookies, newbies, and freshmen! This E-book is a complete
university education in simplified form! It is designed to help you acquire, skills, knowl-
edge and lets you on secrets that will turn you into a successful trader. But without the
heavy jargon!
Starting from the basic steps for beginners, the Secret Trader will walk you through high-
er levels of education with unbelievable tips and tricks which make trading as easy as
You will start this E-book by going through the Elementary Level. Gradually we change
your uniform to the Intermediate Level. Once you qualify from the Intermediate Level,
you are ready to go to Advanced Level.
What you will manage to achieve by going through this E-Book is the biggest secret of all.
It is your financial success and liberation.
Each lecture is visualized with real life trading that makes it practical for everyone seek-
ing the Secret of Trading to understand.
You have just set yourself into the secret journey of Trading Success.
Mariella Sheriff
How to join?
The Secret Trader Content
What are Binary Options and how does Binary Option Trading differ from Regu-
lar foreign Exchange Trading? 1
Why Trade Binary Options? 3
Quick Start Tutorial for trading Binary Options 5
Forex Market Analysis – 3 Types of Market Analysis 9
Trending Market for Binary Options 12
Support and Resistance Levels – 15
The Ten Commandments 18
Trading Charts for Forex and Binary Options 20
Japanese Candlesticks and Binary Trading 23
Basic Japanese Candlesticks –Pattern 26
Japanese Candlestick Patterns – Dual and Triple Patterns 31
Fibonacci Retracement and Extension Lines 35
Binary Options Risk Management 39
The word Binary in Itself means that it is according to how the market will move,
a base-2 numeral system. It may sound you will know whether it has moved in
complicated but actually all it means is your favour or against your direction. If
making a choice of up and down – this is let us say, you took your call option, when
your Option. And there is not much else to the rate was at 1.1111 – this is called your
it in terms of mechanical operation of the STRIKE PRICE and the market swings up
Binary Option platforms. Okay, so perhaps and down for a couple of minutes but
this is an oversimplication of Binary Option eventually steadily climbs to 1.1122 – at
Trading, but we shall go into more detail the end of the Half Hour, which is your
immediately. So you are faced with a ques- Expiry Time – you will win your stake. Clap
tion.Will the EURO rise against the USD your hands and shake your booty… you
Dollar in the next half an hour? That is the are IN THE MONEY or ITM as the lingos like
question. to say.
This post will analyse the advantages of Trading Binary Options over
Forex Trading There are plenty of advantages for Trading Binary Op-
tions even over Forex Trading – although they are based on the same
market principles. Here are some of the benefits and advantages of
trading Binary Options.
Trade Binary Options – Simplicity in Exe- Trade Binary Options with Calculated
cuting Trades Risk
Binary Options have taken the market by The day trader can exercise Risk Manage-
storm because of their simplicity to exe- ment by knowing exactly the potential of
cute. The Binary Options Brokers provide his loss and maximum earnings BEFORE
easy to use platforms. The day trader has setting up the trade. The value of the trade
only got a few choices to make is the maximum amount of loss that can
Choose the Trading Asset eg., currency be experienced by the trader if the trade
pairs, Indices, Stocks and Top Commodities ends OTM or Out of The Money. Unlike
Choose the Time Frame within which to Forex Trading, there is no leveraging and
trade. Generally speaking, good brokers therefore a trader is not exposed to poten-
offer from 60 seconds trades to 5 minute tial losses greater than his risk value. Like-
trades, called Turbo Trades. Then offer wise, the potential profit if the trade ends
classic trades which range from 10 minute ITM or In The Money is known at the outset
expiry all the way to end of day. The trad- by the payout given by the Broker.
er has to choose from any of the expiries
Trade Binary Options with No Commis-
Choose the direction of where the day sion or Middleman.
trader thinks that the price will go. Gener-
ally this will be UP/DOWN or BUY/SELL The day trader does not have to pay any
Execute the trade for the value chosen. clearing fees, government fees or bro-
This again may range from $1 all the way kerage fees. The Broker makes his profit
to $25,000 for any single trade, again de- from the difference between the value
pending on the Broker.trade binary op- of the trade and the pay-out by netting
tions. out against other traders who have lost a
trade. Trade Binary Options on a market
that runs 24 hours a day for 5 days a week.
Anywhere you may be in the whole wide
world, you do not need to wait for a spe-
cific time to trade. The Stock exchange in
Australia is the first to open on Monday
Watch this video why trade binary op- morning (which is still Sunday afternoon
tions or continue reading. in the USA). To know what your Time Zone
is vis-à-vis other countries you may check
this out HERE. The binary options and
forex trading market never sleeps. It only
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
The Trading Market cannot be manipu- Trade Binary Options using Trading Tools
lated The Binary Options Industry like the Forex
Industry is aided with tools which arrive in
The Forex and asset market is such a huge a variety of forms such as signal software
market that no one entity can manipulate and auto traders. These tools will give you
it. No central Banks, not even politicians signals and may even auto-trade on your
have the ability to move the market. The behalf with varying success. Choosing a
market moves only on the Market Senti- legitimate signal software system or auto-
ment. Trading can be enhanced or avoided mated trading is crucial to your success.
during volatile periods whenever there is The market is inundated with scam soft-
an Economic Update. ware systems, and we recommend that
you due your due diligence and always
check out our Recommended Signal soft-
Trade Binary Options because of High ware systems as well as our Hall of Horrors
Liquidity in the Blacklist page.
Here is a Quick Start Tutorial into Bina- of your verdict take the profit pay-out.
ry Options Trading Pay-outs can vary from as little as 65% of
your Trade Stake or even as High at 90%
Choose a Recommended Broker with an depending on the asset you choose and
option to a Demo Account. Paper Trades or your Broker.
Dummy Trades are the first steps you need
to take BEFORE committing your capital to Sounds Simple Yes? Actually placing Trades
Trade Live. on Binary Option platforms is a No Brain-
Start off with Trading Classic Binary Op- er.Forecasting the correct direction is the
tions. difficult part.
Choose an asset you would like to Trade.
Eg., A currency pair like EUR/USD In order to Trade Profitably, a Trader needs
Speculate on the direction in which the to Have a Trading Strategy.
pair will move ie., UP or DOWN.
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
How to start gaining binary options?
Knowing WHEN to trade Binary options is ney Session Opens first, followed by the
quintessential in keeping you IN THE MON- Asian Sessions or the Tokyo session. The
EY. If you are a new Trader, you are proba- big boys then start Trading a couple of
bly asking why should it matter? The Mar- hours later, and this is the London Session,
ket is Open 24 hours a day – right? Wrong! followed by New York Session which is
The first maxim to keep in mind as a new the last session and blends again into the
Trader, is that you want to trade when the Sydney Session.
markets are Trending not when the Market
is ranging. A Trending Market offers you a Since Europe and the US have a Summer
perfect opportunity to prepare your strate- and a Winter Time Frame the Down Time
gy, take your Tools From the Tool Box, and Sessions vary from summer to winter.
Trade. You can Trade successfully when
the market moves UP or when it moves SUMMER SESSION – APRIL TO OCTOBER
DOWN but you cannot WIN trades when Time Zone EDT GMT
the market is moving sideways. Sydney Open
Sydney Close 6:00 PM
3:00 AM 10:00 PM
Recommended highly profitable auto- 7:00 AM
trader. Tokyo Open
Tokyo Close 7:00 PM
To understand the best time to trade, 4:00 AM 11:00 PM
a Trader needs to understand the time 8:00 AM
frames of Different Trading Sessions all London Open
over the world. London Close 3:00 AM
12:00 PM 7:00 AM
4:00 PM
New York Open
New York Close 8:00 AM
5:00 PM 12:00 PM
9:00 PM
Watch this video with live trading or con-
tinue reading.
Time Zone EST GMT
Sydney Open
In a 24 hour day trading can be broken Sydney Close 4:00 PM
down into four major sessions. The Syd- 1:00 AM 9:00 PM
6:00 AM
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
Tokyo Open affects market movement in a completely
Tokyo Close 6:00 PM different manner from a Trending Market.
3:00 AM 11:00 PM Establish What kind of Trader are you in or-
8:00 AM der to see which style of trading suits your
London Open personality.
London Close 3:00 AM
12:00 PM 8:00 AM News Announcements = Volatility =
5:00 PM Opportunity = Risk
New York Open
New York Close 8:00 AM The ForexFactory Calendar gives you a
5:00 PM 1:00 PM complete forecast of the upcoming News
10:00 PM Announcements and the strength of their
impact on the markets.
BEST HOURS OF THE DAY TO TRADE Note also that towards the end of the Eu-
ropean Sessions EU Traders may be closing
As can be seen from the grid above – there their positions whilst the US Traders will
are times when the sessions overlap – and be contemplating lunch and not on their
these are the busiest time frames for Trad- best trading behaviour – this can reflect in
ing Binary Options. Since there is more a choppy market.
volume of trading, the market will reflect in
stronger trends.
best time to tradeThe European Session is BEST DAYS OF THE WEEK TO TRADE
the session which usually provides most
movement and as with a great TV Series, We have established that the busiest ses-
this is when their ratings or liquidity are sion to trade in is the London Session – but
peaking. there are also days of the week which are
particularly better to trade in than others.
The overlap between the Tokyo and Lon- Understandably the slowest date and time
don session is the thinnest – at the end of the week would be Friday Afternoon.
of day of a long Tokyo day the Japanese As most Traders are busy planning how to
traders are thinking of their sushi whilst enjoy the spoils of their week’s profits, this
the slow English Traders are contemplat- time frame becomes particularly sluggish.
ing their Earl Grey. As liquidity dries up, The slowest and absolute time to avoid
the movements on the markets become is the Friday Afternoon of the US Session
very slow – and this becomes a lazy time since all other Sessions will have closed,
for trading. If you are a Newbie and you do and the US Traders are the only players in
not avoid this time – you will find that an the field.
Option you have taken may scarcely move
from the original price. A very risky situa- Mondays are the slow start for the week,
tion. with Traders reminiscing over their lovely
weekends – so until strategies are planned
On the other hand the London and New for the coming week – Monday mornings
York Overlap is when all the drama en- are relatively slow and probably nervous
folds. You can literally feel the energy from hours for most sessions. Once again it is a
the force of trading. This is when you can time frame to be avoided particularly if you
see some big price movements in the mar- are a Novice Binary Options Trader.
Best days of the week would be Tuesdays,
A careful watch for Economic Calendars Wednesdays and Thursdays, when every-
is very advisable. If there is any important one’s adrenaline is pumping.
news to be announced, you may want to
avoid trading if you are a Newbie. News
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
Forex Market Analysis – 3 Types of
Market Analysis
There are three types of Forex Market Analysis which can both
apply for binary options as well as for Forex markets. These are
Technical Analysis, Fundamental Analysis, and Sentiment Analysis.
In this post we are going to understand each type of analysis and
understand how each and everyone one of them is pertinent to
learning how to make money online trading binary or forex.
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
In order to get a reconfirmation of whether the indicators which can establish confir-
a trend is clear, it is always best to look at mation of the trending market as opposed
different charts values. Looking from a five to a ranging market.
minute chart, to a fifteen minute chart, and
all the way to an hour chart, can give you a If you are new to trading we recommend
confirmation on the trend. that you open an account with a Regulat-
ed Broker and receive a DEMO ACCOUNT
Naturally, if you are trading Binary Options, which will help you trade safely and with-
you need to be looking at charts with a out any risk exposure, until you have es-
lower time frame than if you are looking at tablished a winning pattern.
Trading Forex. The difference is that if you
are trading Binary on a ten minute expiry, We also recommend that you learn trading
then you should be looking at the 5minute, by joining a social trading group. We can
10 minute charts, all the way to 15 minute offer you an introduction to Mike’s Manu-
charts. But looking at 1 hour charts will not al Signals Group of Facebook with a 5000
give you the information you need to see subscriber base. Follow the best traders by
because the time frames are too far away copying their trades with an 80% success
from the time you will take your trade. rate. Drop us an email from the subscrip-
With Forex, if you are looking at trading tion form for a free introduction.
end of day, then need to be looking at lon-
ger term charts, starting with an hour and
going all the way to 12 hours and daily.
There is no doubt that understanding
what is a trending market is imperative in
trading binary options and forex. We have
established that we do not want to trade
during a sluggish and sleeping market
which is called the Ranging Market as this
Watch this chapter on You Tube
is considered the “No Man’s Land” market
and will not give us direction or profits.
Click to open
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
Support and Resistance Levels –
Trading Tips
Support and Resistance levels have to be the keywords for best used
concepts in Binary Options trading. Even if everyone has their own
idea on how to measure support and resistance levels, there are some
rules which cannot be denied.
What do Support and Resistance Levels Market is a clear rise or a clear fall, but in
look like on a Candlestick Chart? the meantime we have what are known as
PULL-BACKS. Pull backs are reactions from
If you look at the screenshot from a live bears and bulls fighting to gain their foot-
trading session above, you will see that ing. Whoever prevails in the end, will set
there is a clear zig zag pattern. We see the trend. When a trending market moves
that the assets are climbing up. When the up and then pulls back, the highest point
assets are climbing this is called a BULL is called the “Resistance level” whilst the
MARKET. When the assets are sliding lowest point reached is called the “Support
down we call this a BEAR MARKET. Level”.
Remember Bulls are the fighters. They As the market soars upwards, we see new
are fighting to rise higher. They are strong support and resistance levels being cre-
and aggressive. A rising market is a Bullish ated continuously. As such the old Resis-
Market tance becomes the new Support on the
next flight of steps upwards. The reverse
Bears are protective. They are strong and happens when the trending market is a
they will try to keep their ground. One rip slipping for falling market.
from the Bulls horns and they are done! A
sliding market is a Bearish market.
There is never a clear rising to the stars, or
a staircase to hell. What we see in a Trend-
ingSupport and Resistance levels - trading
binary options .
Watch video explaining Support and Re-
sistance Levels in an easy to comprehend
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
out and sets a trend! Many times, the can-
dlesticks form shadows at the point where
they are testing the support or resistance
In the example shown, it is clear that the
market was being tested on the “support”
level. It seemed to be at a point of “break-
ing out” the previous trend. But in fact
it did not. What it was doing, was simply
‘testing’ the market.
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
The Ten Commandments
Tips for Smart Trading
If you have been following our intensive course on binary options trading, it means that
you are serious about making money online. However, being the human beings we are,
it is very easy to loose the wood for the trees. Therefore for this purpose, we have pre-
pared a cheat list which you should refer to periodically as it will keep trading real.
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
Trading Charts for Forex and Binary
Whether it is Binary Options Trading or Forex trading, the principles
of understanding price movement, charts and candlesticks remains
the same.
Here is an example of a line chart for the Therefore each time frame is called a
EUR/USD currency pair. BAR. Sometimes these Pin Bar Charts are
also called the ‘OHLC” or else simply put
the Open, High, Low and Close history of
the segment of time it represents. Bar
charts are also known as OHLC O=OPEN,
H=HIGH, L=LOW, C=CLOSE. Each Pin Bar
represent the opening price, the highest
and the lowest point it reached during the
time frame and at what price it closed.
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
If the body is red, it means that the price
will have closed lower than it started. The
size of the body is the difference between
the opening and the closing price.
Trading charts are a very helpful visual aid
to trading. Although there are these three
types of trading charts, the candlesticks are
without a doubt, the more visual ones and
have several advantages over the other
two types of trading charts.
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
What are Binary Options Signals? Robots?
Auto Traders? Semi Auto Traders? Manual
Watch this lecture on You Tube GO TO -> List of TOP autotraders and reliable
signal software.
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
Japanese Candlesticks and Binary
Japanese candlesticks as the name implies, were invented by the
Japanese. It was as their way of making technical analysis in order
to trade rice. This system was discovered by Steve Nison from a
Japanese broker. The technique gained popularity in the nineties
and started being used as a measure to calculate trading volumes.
Without Steve Nison, there would be no Japanese candlesticks.
The size and shape of the Japanese candle- Japanese Candlesticks – Their shadows
stick tells a story about the trading nature tell us mysterious stories.
of bulls and bears in that particular time
frame. In forex and binary trading, Bulls Shadows which form at the top and bot-
are the aggressive traders hitting with their tom of Japanese candlesticks give us very
horns, and they are the Buyers. Bulls are important information about a trading
the protective ones and the are the sellers. time frame or trading session.
A Bullish market is a buyers market and
will create an uptrend. A Bearish market As explained earlier the upper shadows
is a sellers market and will create a down- signify how high the price rose in that
trend. Never for an is trance underesti- specific trading session. Whilst the lower
mate the Bears. They are just as strong as shadows signify how low the price fell.
the falls. This is a clash of the Titans. Candlestick with very long shadows tell us
that the price rose or fell far past the open-
ing and closing prices. They also signify a
lot of action, very much like the long can-
dlesticks with long bodies. The difference
is that whilst the candlesticks with long
bodies signified that either the Bears or
the Bulls were the net winners, in the case
of long shadow candlesticks the net winner
had only a marginal success. The price was
a tug of war with no one winning much
brownie points in that trading session!
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
In the next session we shall be dealing with
Basic Japanese Candlestick Patterns and
see how the behaviour patterns in pairs or
trios will tell us much more about how the
market is reacting to prices, than when we
look at Japanese candlesticks individually.
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
Basic Japanese Candlesticks –Pattern
Spinning Tops
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
in the price tug of war. The price may move
above and below the opening price, but in
the end closes in the same position or very
close to it.
None of the traders will have managed to
take control of the price and therefore the
price remains at a standstill.
Below are examples of the four tyes of Doji
basic Japanese candlesticks. Although you
see that there is a variation from the upper
and lower shadows, sometimes there is
absolutely no movement. The result shows
that negligible price movement.
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
price bolstered, they did not manage, and
although the sellers did not make a signif-
icant impact on the price, they were still
the net winners. This usually indicates a
reversal in an uptrend. As with the invert-
ed hammer, a trader needs to ensure that
the trend set by the shooting star candle-
stick is confirmed with future red candle-
sticks which close at a price lower than the
shooting star basic Japanese candlestick
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
Japanese Candlestick Patterns – Dual
and Triple Patterns
In this third chapter about Japanese candlestick patterns we will be
looking at how dual and triple patterns can help us understand the
direction of a trending market and when to prepare for a reversal.
These Japanese candlestick patterns are strong signals which can
help us set the perfect trade.
Tweezer Tops and Bottoms Japanese Here are some characteristics that can
Candlestick Patterns help us spot tweezer tops and bottoms
formation in Japanese candlestick pat-
When looking for the perfect trade set-up terns:
we are always searching for the right entry
time. Therefore finding a strong reversal • The first candlestick has in the same
pattern is the signal we need to pay special behaviour pattern as the general trend.
attention to. Therefore, if it is an uptrend then the first
candlestick will also be a blue candlestick
or a buyer’s candlestick.
• The candlestick that forms immediate-
ly after the first candlestick will have the
same shape but will be in the opposite
direction. If the previous candlestick was
a bullish candlestick, then the subsequent
one will be a bearish candlestick.
• The shape of the candlesticks will be
almost identical. Their shadows should be
of equal length. Their bodies should also
have the same volume. The difference
The “tweezers” are dual candlesticks which
stands only that Tweezer Tops will have
show us a reversal pattern. After an long
the same highs whilst the Bottoms will
set of candlesticks which will have set an
have the same lows.
uptrend or downtrend, spotting a pair of
tweezer top or bottoms candlesticks may
well signify that there is going to be a re-
Bullish and Bearish Engulfing Candle-
versal in pattern.
The shape of the candlesticks are literally
From the visuals above we can see that a
like a pair of tweezers and when they form
bullish engulfing pattern occurs when a
their function is to tweeze off the direction
large red candlestick forms after a negative
of the previous trend.
(red) candlestick of lower value. The larger
bullish candle is literally engulfing the pre-
vious bearish candle. This signals that the
bulls are coming on strong and may see a
reversal and uptrend.
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
candlestick has a long body closing well be-
low its opening price. The baby bar will typ-
ically be a bearish candle which will close
higher than its opening price. The opposite
is true for a Bearish Harami.
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
second candlestick. The longer the third close above the first and bearish candle-
candlestick is, the better for a confirmation stick’s low thereby confirming that the
that the trend has fully reversed. This can- buyers are now stronger and have control
dlestick as the previous one ought to have of the market.
very little in terms of shadows. This shows
that the buyers are now in full control of A three inside down trio will form in an
the market. opposite scenario. This trio form at the top
of an uptrend and indicates that the trend
The soldiers are marching in! is probably about to reverse.
The three black crows are Japanese candle- These are the Characteristics of Three
stick patterns which act out the opposite Inside Down Trio!
situation from the three white soldiers.
When this formation occurs after a strong • The first candlestick is a Bullish candle-
uptrend we know that the dark and sinister stick which is quite long and strong
crows will be ruling the market and a rever- • The second candlestick is the first rever-
sal has occurred which sinks the price to a sal candlestick and will be short and stout
new downtrend. but in a Bearish direction.
• The third and last candlestick is strong
and long and closes below the first candle-
Three Inside Up and Down – A Trio of stick’s low – therefore signifying that the
Japanese Candlestick Patterns sellers have taken over the market!
Who was Leonardo Fibonacci? This is the basic teaching of “The Fibs”
which are also known as the “golden
Leonardo Fibonacci mean”. However you do not need to both-
Wikipedia describes the great Leonardo er your head about all these numbers and
Bonacci or Fibonacci as “the most talent- work them out for yourselves, because
ed Western mathematician of the Middle luckily today Fibonacci Retracement and
Ages” He introduced Europe to a sequence Extension levels are tools which are incor-
of Fibonacci numbers. He popularised the porated in most of the Free Charting Sta-
Arabic numerals in the western world from tions.
He became very popular when he dis- What a trader should know that the Fibo-
covered ratios arising from the following nacci Retracements Levels and the Exten-
sequence of number 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, sion Levels are both formulated on this
21, 34, 55 etc., incredible study.
As you can imagine this series of numbers Software which incorporates the Fibonacci
is derived from adding 0+1 = 1, 1 + 1=2, Numbers for AutoMated Trading and Sig-
2+1 =3, 3+2 = 5 etc, nal Software
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
Market movement is watched by millions if you are looking at the Fibonacci Exten-
of scavenger eyes all over the world at the sion level, you will want to discover the
same time. Because of this, many are buy- best resistance level, and take a “put” trade
ing and selling at the same time – thereby whilst watching the trade plummet to the
creating the prophetic support and resis- support level.
tance levels.
If you are not sure what support and resis-
Since many traders are plotting the Fibo- tance levels are, we recommend that you
nacci retracement and extension tool at read our article of this subject HERE.
the same levels, it follows that most trad-
ers will be using the tool as a benchmark
to take profits.
The Fibonacci retracement levels were at Fibonacci Trend lines. Fibonacci Retrace-
23.6%, 38.2%, 50%, 61.8% and 76.4%. ment and Extension levels
But in the opposite direction!
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
How should Traders use the Fibonacci If you took a “down” trade or “sold” at any
Retracement + Support and Resistance point in time on the ovals, you would have
to take trades? certainly been able to make some money
trading online.
When a trader is able to spot potential sup- Remember that the Fibonacci numbers are
port and resistance levels, that is the point not Foolproof and that they are there to
where a trader can enter the market and give us an indication of price entries. Com-
make some money. bining this information with other tools
such as the Bollinger Bands will give you
Since many other traders are watching the price confirmation!
same support and resistance levels, taking
a trade where the price settles means that Next post will be dealing with using Fibo-
you will have a much better chance of see- nacci Retracement with Trend Lines and
ing the price bouncing from that level. Japanese Candlesticks.
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
Binary Options Risk Management
If you are new to trading binary options, and your scope is to make
money, risk management is the most important subject that you
need to master. Unless you learn how to reduce your risk of poten-
tial losses you will never be able to successfully see your capital
New to Trading?
If you wish to start trading immediately
without too much knowledge, the best way
to do it minimizing your capital risk, is to
copy trades made by successful traders.
Trading binary options carries risk of loos-
ing your capital unless you know how to
trade. Join a signal group such as Mike’s
Manual Signal Group and copy traders who
are plotting strategies round the clock.
Send us a quick email at support{at}bina-
ryoptionsheriff.com so that we can give
you an introduction.
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
Bollinger Bands – How to use in Binary
Bollinger Bands are very simple and useful indicators, which a day
trader needs in his toolbox. There must be a multitude of ways to
gain winning trades, but applying the Bollinger Bands is definitely
one of them.
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
Martingale Strategy – Is a Betting System
How did the Martingale Strategy origi- trades starting off at $5 and keeps up the
nate? trading pace at $5 until he loses. Once he
loses he doubles his trading stake. Accord-
Wikipedia describes the Martingale sys- ing to Keith Jones in this video you can
tem as A martingale is any of a class of make as much as $1 per minute trading his
betting strategies that originated from and strategy. According to Keith Jones a 70%
were popular in 18th century France. The payout is required for a 60 second trade,
simplest of these strategies was designed which should be taken according to market
for a game in which the gambler wins his sentiment. READ FURTHER – WE DISPROVE
stake if a coin comes up heads and loses IT WITH REAL LIFE TRADING!
it if the coin comes up tails. The strategy
had the gambler double his bet after every In principle if you start off with a $5 trade
loss, so that the first win would recover all with a minimum payout of 72 % you
previous losses plus win a profit equal to should be covering your losses simply by
the original stake. The martingale strategy doubling up your capital.
has been applied to roulette as well, as the
probability of hitting either red or black is
close to 50%.
Therefore with a payout of 72% the Martin- Pros and Cons Using the Martingale
gale strategy of doubling your trade value Strategy
does not really work. You need at least a
90% payout in order to cover your losses. Here are the Cons of Trading Binary with
the Martingale strategy:
Alternatively as we did in our trading ses-
sion you will have to increase your trades • You will need to have nerves of steel to
to more than double in an exponential keep trading and to recover your losses
manner. • You will need to have a big capital be-
cause the speed at which you can burn
In this nerve wrecking session, we have your account is too fast and without the
traded live on our Tropical Trade platform buffer of a large capital you will not be
and managed to earn $55 in 20 minutes, able to recover your losses when using
but not before risking at trade of $600 to the Martingale strategy.
cover all previous losses. • If you try to use this strategy without
consulting an excellent signal software,
but rely only on the preferences shown
by your broker, the results can be cata-
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
NEWS 2017
Today’s Bitcoin Can Be Tomorrow’s Digital Gold
resorted to Bitcoin time and again in times
of crisis.
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
Elliot Wave Theory – Practical Tips
Who Was Ralph Nelson Elliot? Creator of the analogy is based on emotions, there
the Elliot Wave Theory was still a collective pattern.
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
impulse wave establishing a downtrend.
This is usually caused by a slow number of
traders who are testing the market. As we
can see, the market was previously on an
uptrend, and therefore
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
Conclusion – How to Trade Binary and If you can understand this, and catch Wave
Forex Using the Elliot Wave Theory! 3 at its opening stage, then you are practi-
cally guaranteed to be looking at a success-
As we well know, picking cherries from the ful trade!
Top of the Tree, or harvesting the potatoes
when they are ripe from underground is
the key for our profits. Therefore when we Now here is a Quick Cheat List
look at the Elliot Waves, what we need to to help you summarize the Elliot
understand is the “Timing” of when to pick
Wave Theory
the next trade up or down! Let us have a
look again at the same chart, that we have
• We have seen that Elliot Wave Theory
been using all along in this argument.
is based on Fractals. Each wave is split
into parts which are similar copies of
If you have been closely following this
each other. Self-similarity waves.
lecture, you will understand perfectly well
• Trending market acts itself out in 5-3
that you will have had at least 2 or 3 op-
wave patterns.
portunities to profit in trading, by either
• The 1-3-5 wave pattern is called the
“Selling” in Forex or taking a “Put” option in
Impulse Wave.
Binary Options.
• The 2-4 pattern is called the Corrective
Timing is a crucial phenomenon, but
• Although in theory there are 21 types
armed with great tools like the Elliot Wave
of corrective patterns the fundamental
Theory, it becomes a self-fullfilled prophe-
ones are zig-zag, flat and triangles
• There are three Cardinal Rules in the
Elliot Wave Theory
• Wave 3 should NEVER be the shortest
impulse wave
• Wave 2 MUST NEVER go beyond the
start of Wave 1
• Wave 4 SHOULD NOT cross into the
same price area of wave 1.
The Forex Economic Calendar – How to hand corner on the clock and this will in
use it. turn prompt you to choose the setting
of the clock to coincide with your trading
The Forex Economic Calendar is one of the charts and your trading platform. You will
most useful tools that you need to have on also in this case know the exact time when
your screen 24/7. It is useful whether you a news announcement is due in real time.
are trading Forex or Binary Options. It is of
particular use also when you are trading
using a signal software or an auto trader.
The news updates which are announced
throughout trading days, have a direct
effect on how currency pairs react, and can
dramatically alter results of trend trading.
There are a couple of different types of
economic calendars, but the information
The Currency Column of the Forex Eco-
they process is identical. Usually it is the
nomic Calendar
format which changes. Our favourite site
for checking the Economic Calendar is
The currency column refers to the main
forexfactory.com and below is a typical
currency which will be directly impacted
chart which portrays the Economic Calen-
by the news announcement. Since in Forex
as well as in Binary Options Trading, the
currency is always quoted against another
currency, the impact of the news will affect
the currency in question vis-à-vis any other
currencies quoted against it.
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
Volatility around the currency can start as
early as an hour prior to an economic up-
date, and will continue to be volatile until Conclusion: To Trade or Not to Trade
an hour after the release of economic data. during the Economic Calendar Updates.
This completely upsets a trending market,
and most signals and indicators will not Trading can be very exciting, but can also
work effectively anymore. The price of the be very risky. If you have any open po-
currency affected with an economic update sitions, which expire close to a news an-
usually finds its earlier equilibrium after nouncement, it may be wise to consider
an hour, and then it will be safe to trade a closing or hedging. Always control your risk
trending market again. by exercising the basic money manage-
ment rules. If you are new to trading we
The use of auto traders should be strictly recommend that you open an account with
avoided during areas of volatility. Although a Regulated Broker and receive a DEMO
auto traders can be very sophisticated, for ACCOUNT which will help you trade safely.
the most part, it is impossible for a Bot to We hope that this post and the related
read market sentiment. Auto traders are videos have gone some way to help you
excellent tools during a trending market, choose your trading style and to hold key
but can have negative results during pock- information which is essential to trading.
ets of sharp volatility. Don’t forget to subscribe to our site. Leave
a comment or send an email from the sub-
This video on the Economic Calendar runs scription form if you want us to help you
you through the Forex Factory site visually, with successful trading.
and therefore easy to follow the informa-
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
Benefits of joining a social trading group
Social Trading is the best place to start for a Newbie or New Binary
Options Trader. If you are new to trading, Social Trading is the best
way to start your new education and the best way to learn how
to trade. In a Social Trading Group, a Newbie will expect to meet
like-minded individuals who are either new to trading, as well as
other members who have been trading successfully.
How Do I Join a Social Trading Group? How Does a Social Trading Group Work?
A Social Trading Group is a place where, New members are initially asked not to
day traders who are members to a closed post live comments during active trading
group, trade together on social media. sessions. They are however allowed to
Our group invites new members for free. fire any questions related to trading as a
The only pre-requisite is to choose a le- private message. The senior traders send
gitimate binary options broker which is out the signals. The live traders follow the
recommended from the list below, open signals and the logic behind the signals.
an account through the links and send us a Results are shared live. Later traders chat
copy of your funded account. about their trading results. The success
rate of our Social Trading Group is as high
There is no subscription fee to join the as 75-90% success rate of ITM or In The
Social Trading Group. All you will be re- Money Trades. As a new trader, you can
quired is to have a live trading account. expect to start making money online as
We will also help you open a FREE DEMO soon as your trial period on a demo ac-
ACCOUNT where you will be requested to count is over. Social trading is very much
trade on for the first couple of weeks until like entering an Elite Club as a new Mem-
you are comfortable making “paper mon- ber. It is daunting until a Newbie meets
ey”. This is a risk free trading style, which fellow Trading Members, and finds there
will help you learn trading without the fear is a hierarchy. At the Top of Social Trad-
or risk of losing your capital. If you are ing – sit the Administrators. Ranking below
trading in Europe we highly recommend are the Seasoned Traders who farm out a
that you chose a regulated broker in the lot of information. In the Lower rungs of
EuroZone. Social Trading are the New Traders. Bina-
ry Options Newbie Traders will find that
If you are trading in the United States we there is more to learn about the subject of
recommend that you trade with NADEX Option Trading without having to do it in
which is the only regulated broker in the the solitude of their home.Social Trading
United States and Canada. Anywhere else is belonging to a group where the Ad-
we are providing lists of recommended ministrators or Admins as they are better
and non scam brokers. known– Trade Live and in Real Time and
have a Trading Record of at least 7/10 In
The Money. Once you are admitted in a
group, traders copy Signals that the Ad-
mins send periodically. In excellent groups,
Signals are leaked in different time zones.
Admins are usually living in different parts
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
of the world. New Traders can catch the synched with a GMT Clock. You will see the
signals in any time frame irrespective of price going up and down. SR = Strike Rate.
their geographical position.
When the price falls below 1.1110, the
After a few weeks in Social Trading, Trad- trader takes a Call signal which expires at
ers develop a pattern with their favourite 11.00 a.m GMT time.
Admin. This may be either time zone relat-
ed, performance related or simply because
the interaction is better. Most Admins Terms like:
provide Live Webinars. Live Webinars in EOD = End of day
Social Trading are real time live trading. SR = Strike rate
The Admins select a Time Frame which is Call = Take an UP Signal
optimum for Trading. They then Trade Live Put = Take a Down Signal
whilst explaining their strategies and how
they are analysing charts and News Feed.
In Social Trading and Live Webinars, the If you wish to join the Group, we
Trader is given a full explanation on how can offer you an invitation by fol-
and why the Trade Signal is announced.
lowing the steps below.
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
Copy Trading as a Means of Social Trad-
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
Traders Manual
This short manual will explain how to trade and your rights.
on a classic binary option platform and
what to expect once you process your reg- 4. Verify your account by sending the
istration. broker all the identification verifications
required. They are usually a confirmation
1. Registration. The registration pro- of your identity, by means of a passport,
cess will require a new trader to enter all identity card or driving license. You will
fields with the required information and need to verify your address with a utility
accept all legal terms and conditions. A bill. And finally if you are paying via credit
validation email follows and activation oc- card, you will need to produce a scanned
curs once a trader clicks on the activation copy of your card. Make sure that you
code which will be sent in the validation hide the first twelve digits and only leave
email. the last four. Never give credit card details
over the phone!
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
What Are Moving Averages – How Can
They Help Us With Trading?
A moving average is an average of the price between one time
frame and another, smoothened out over time. By taking the aver-
age closing price of a currency pair, over a number of periods, you
will be finding out the “moving average”. By a period we mean the
time frame of each candlestick.
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
above the trend line. If you are not aware
Exponential Moving Average (EMA) that there is a news update, you may think
that this is an indication of a price change.
As the name indicates for SMA – the price But in fact, what this is actually is a “fake
configuration is “Simple” therefore price out”. After a short while, the price settles
action can be determined by simple arith- back to the slippery road of downhill.Get-
metic. However, SMA’S can give rise to ting faked out is not fun. It is easy to get
many spikes and zig-zags, which could caught in the cross-fire. So how can this
affect our judgment in the way we use problem be avoided, or at least decreased?
them. For example, if there is a spike due
to a news release, than you may be seeing
the price movement as a serrated tool.
EMA’s or Exponential Moving Averages,
give more weighting to the recent periods.
The price is loaded heavier to the recent
days, than the SMA. As such spikes, which
could be very sharp with the SMA’s are
now smoothened out by the EMA’S. As
such the price represented by the EMA’s
are more accurately represented in recent
price action. It is a smoother line. EMA’s
give more emphasis on the recent turn of
events. This is important, because when
you are trading, it is much more important
to see what is happening NOW rather than
One of the best solutions is to plot differ-
just look at the past.
ent time frames. Let us have a look at the
same scenario but this time with 10 and 20
SMA’S. Naturally, the shorter time frame
One of the very good value of a simple
is much more reactive than the longer
moving average is finding a trend. In an
time frames. As such you will find that the
uptrend you can see that the price action
20-period SMA is a much smoother line
tends to happen above the moving aver-
than the 10-period SMA. Naturally you can
age line plotted on the chart. Alternatively,
add even more slow averages by putting a
when the price action is happening below
30 or 60-period SMA. What has to be borne
the moving average line plotted on the
in mind is that the lines should be placed
chart, we are generally speaking looking
in order. Ideally use different colours to
at a downtrend. This is all fair and square.
identify them. The movement is fastest to
However the problem with looking at just
slowest in an uptrend, and slowest to fast-
one time frame, is that it is too simple.
est in a downtrend.
As the name implies, with simple moving
averages, they react according to price
movements, within their time frame. But
they are latent.
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
Spot Trends
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
Binary Vs Forex – Investing and Earning
Binary vs Forex – which is the better solution for online trading?
Are you looking at making money online trading? We highly recom-
mend that you read this extensive review on the different options
available for investors for online earnings. Binary vs Forex is an
impartial post, being written for the sole purpose of explaining the
similarities and difference between Binary vs Forex and to provide
Binary vs Forex – Make Money Trading rency pair or the asset will be heading “UP”
Online or “DOWN” within a chosen time frame. All
the trader has to decide, is direction and
Whether you are a new trader, or even a hit the “execute” button.
seasoned one, finding the best option for
investing your spare cash and generating However, this is not the whole truth! The
an income online is not an easy choice. reality of binary options trading is some-
Binary Options trading is made to look what different. When trading binary op-
like it is super-simple, yet when traders try tions, you are not trading on the open
their luck, they end up using the platforms market. You are in effectiveness trading
like slot machines. Many new traders end against other traders on the broker’s
up gambling off their investment, instead platform. The broker needs to balance
of trading properly. off between “players” on their platform.
They will net the difference between the
On the other hand, Forex is presented as pay-out and the original investment. If for
super-complicated, when in fact, if the ba- some reason however, all the “players” are
sics are followed, it is easily mastered. choosing on the same side, the Broker is
Nowadays, Forex trading platforms are the net loser.
being designed in such an intuitive man-
ner, that even new traders can learn to For this reason, it is of great importance
navigate quickly. The crux of the matter is that you pick a legitimate broker when
only one! trading binary options. A broker who is
Can you make money online trading Binary properly funded, and can afford to be the
vs Forex trading? net payer, in case many traders win on the
same side.
Trading Binary vs Forex Trading – Which
is The Better Option? Of particular importance it is essential that
you invest your initial capital with a Broker
The first and very obvious downside to the that is properly licensed and regulated in
“easy to trade on” binary options, is that your geographical area.
there are plenty of scam brokers.
Therefore identifying how to avoid binary Guidelines to Safe Investment in Binary
option scam brokers, and scam auto trad- Options
ers, is your first key answer.
In case you are new to trading, you should If trading in the United States – you should
read our post of “What are binary options”. only trade with NADEX – this is the only
In a nutshell, binary option trading, is pick- Binary Options Broker that is licensed by
ing a trade and deciding whether the cur- the CFTC to solicit U.S trading in Binary
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
Options. In case you are trading in other Forex is really complicated, that is another
countries, particularly Europe, you should question. Forex is based on leveraging.
definitely have a look at 24 Option. 24 What is Leverage in Forex?
Option are licensed by CYSEC and have an Here is an explanation a brief and visual-
impeccable reputation for pay-outs. Read ized explanation of leverage in Forex.
the full 24 Option Review HERE
Learn how to trade binary options by
opening a FREE DEMO ACCOUNT with IQ
Options. IQ options offer a no commitment
free demo account, which is funded with
“virtual money” and is therefore absolutely
useful to a new trader. It is the only risk
free way by which to trade and learn. Read
the full review on IQ option HERE
Bottom line, stay safe and trade only with
the highest quality brokers. Small and Another downside to Forex is that you
non-regularised brokers, although not al- either learn how to place your “stop loss”
ways the case, can go broke. They may not and “take profit” or else you are stuck in
pay you, if they happen to have a major front of a computer, monitoring the move-
player winning against them. They just go ments of your trades!
Here is how to easily solve this matter,
especially if you are a new trader. We rec-
Trading Strategy – Binary vs Forex – Is it ommend that you visit the eToro platform.
Really Complicated? eToro is probably the world’s leading social
trading platform. eToro have devised a us-
We will now quickly evaluate Forex Trading. er-friendly platform, where you can either
Forex trading, is trading the currency mar- trade solo, or better still discuss with other
kets. Today, most broker will offer also a traders before placing your “order”.
wide range of other assets, which includes With over 5 million traders subscribed to
commodities, shares and other financial eToro, you are networking with like plen-
instruments. ty of like-minded traders, who are either
In this review of the Binary vs Forex for and seeking or giving advice. Best of all, eToro
against strategy, we will however also show has two important features which are
you the differences between trading binary
and trading forex. Copy Trader – you can select the best per-
Whereas in binary options you are trading forming traders and have part of your cap-
against the broker, which is also called “in- ital allocated to automatically copy trades
house” trading, in Forex you are trading in of professionals.
the open market.
In Binary you are “betting” in the eventual- Copy Funds – this is a very new feature,
ity of the currency pair going in the direc- whereby traders can copy entire funds in-
tion you pick. Whilst in the case of Forex, stead of a single asset. So one single trade
you are choosing the direction that the will be weighted against the net result of
currency pair will go, in the open market. an entire portfolio.
In case your direction is correct, you will
make “pips” or “profits measured in frac- You are given a demo account for $100,000
tions” depending on how far the direction with unlimited usage the minute you join
goes in your favour. eToro. Minimum investment is as low as
The broker only provides you with the plat- $50
form you trade on, and makes several pips
of profit off your trading. If you are a new trader, eToro is the best
As to the question of whether trading choice for trading forex. It is not just us-
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
er-friendly and offers automatic trading
options, but it is fully regulated by CySec.
Read the full eToro review HERE
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017
You have just finished big junk of educa-
tion !!!
Now you know the basics plus some tips
and tricks about binary options/forex trading.
We hope this material will help you make bet-
ter decisions when placing trades. If you’ve
liked this ebook and want to continue trading
education subscribe to Sheriff University for
free lectures, strategies and live trading ses-
sions. We’d like to hear from you.
SN: 00172203 eBook: “The Secret Trader” Copyrights Binary Option Sheriff 2017