Site To Site VPN Troubleshooting Template
Site To Site VPN Troubleshooting Template
Site To Site VPN Troubleshooting Template
Firewall details Verification:
Secure Internal communication is checked and found working fine? (Remember if SIC is not
working; please check the Master file in splat firewall module)
Routing Verification:
Verified the route in management router, R5, R6 of respective zone routers and cluster 3/5, 4 of
respective zone firewalls, found to be ok ?
Found udp 500 messages are being negotiated between the two vpn peers. (If not please run
TCPDUMP log tool in both end gateways and provide the result)
In smartview status, firewall is showing disconnected/error state/up and able/not able to see the
encrypted/decrypted traffic
No of tunnels formed --- (you can check in smartview status)
DHCP settings are verified in splat module and the required DHCP rules are allowed in
smartdashboard respective policy package.(be informed that sometimes firewall may not be a
DHCP server and market will have its own DHCP server)
Smart view tracker log verification:
In smartview monitor logs are populating from the respective market subnet x.x.x.x and the tunnel
negotiation is happening.(if not please check the master file again)
License update:
No license error observed in smartview tracker log. (Be informed sometime license file may have
an issue, in that situation please detach and attach the license again. You can do the same from
smartupdate. If license error found please inform the respective Zone lead and Nestle SME)
Policy Push:
Traffic checking:
Traceroute is given from <location name > to the Internal subnet ip < > and find the results below
Ping is given from <location name > to the Internal subnet ip < > and find the results below