Abadar Medical Center

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Situated in most districts of Absalom Station, Abadar corp. provides medical
and healing centres to denizens, star travellers and, of course, their own employees.
Since Absalom Station does not provide a state hospitals nor medical insurance,
Abadar priests rushed to fill this gap in the market. Their buildings can normally be
identified by long yellowish windows and a golden key over the main entrance. Their
services provide both magical and technological healing and they can treat most
illnesses and injuries although the rarest ones might be charged extra. They do not
provide emergency services for customers without the Abadar Health and Life
Insurance as the clergy believes all prices must be transparently and fairly presented
to the costumer beforehand. Don’t forget to stop by their gift shop on your way out
and buy yourself some healing supplies.

Scientific services offer extreme precision procedures. It is easy to calculate
exactly what the outcome of each treatment will be, although the take longer than
magic services.

B A S I C S U R G E R Y : One of Abadar corp.’s intern surgeon will treat the patient’s

deadly wounds.

Cost: 10 credits
Benefit: 1 hit point per patient level
Duration: 15 minutes of surgery + 1 hour of bureaucracies
Limit: Maximum 2 surgeries per day

B A S I C C A R E : Patient will be in a ward with up to five other patients where they

can rest and medbot will treat your wound and provide basic health care.

Cost: 60 credits

Benefit: 2 hit points per patient level

Duration: 8 hours of care + 1 hour of bureaucracies

Limit: Once per day

I N P A T IE N T B A S IC S E R V IC E : Patient will be in a ward with up to ten other

patients where they can rest and the sister nurses will treat your wounds and
provide basic health care over a period of time.

Cost: 180 credits

Benefit: 4 hit points per patient level

Duration: 24 hours of hospitalization + 1 hour of bureaucracies

P R E M IU M S U R G E R Y : A priest-surgeon will treat the patient’s deadly wounds
with a personal staff of 2 nurses.

Cost: 30 credits

Benefit: 5 hit points + 1 hit point per patient level

Duration: 15 of surgery + 15 min of VIP access

Limit: Maximum 2 surgeries per day, only available in Major centres

P R E M IU M C A R E : Patient will be in a solo room where they can rest and state-
of-the-art medbot will treat your wound and provide health care. Includes a small

Cost: 80 credits

Benefit: 3 hit points per patient level

Duration: 8 hours of care + 15 min of VIP access

Limit: Once per day, only available in Major centres

I N P A T IE N T P R E M IU M S E R V IC E : Patient will be in solo where they can rest

and the sister nurses will treat your wounds and provide health care over a period
of time. Includes 2 small meals

Cost: 240 credits

Benefit: 6 hit points per patient level

Duration: 24 hours of hospitalization + 15 min of VIP access

Limit: Only available in Major centres

Magic Services are for patients who are in a hurry. It only takes a few
seconds for the priest to chant his incantation and the healing is done*. They are,
however, less predictable and only available at Major centres.


Cure Level 1 heals 1d8+4 hit points and costs 100 credits
Cure Level 2 heals 3d8+4 hit points and costs 350 credits
Cure Level 3 heals 5d8+4 hit points and costs 1000 credits
Cure Level 4 heals 7d8+4 hit points and costs 3000 credits
Cure Level 5 heals 9d8+4 hit points and costs 9000 credits
Cure Level 6 heals 11d8+4 hit points and costs 30.000 credits

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