Concrete Durability-An Approach Towards Performance Testing
Concrete Durability-An Approach Towards Performance Testing
Concrete Durability-An Approach Towards Performance Testing
3 Final Report
Former and present full and corresponding members o f the TC as well as members o f the research consortium:
C. Andrade, Spain; A. Bettencourt-Ribeiro, Portugal; N. R. Buenfeld, UK; M. Carcasses, France; N.J. Carino, USA;
F. Ehrenberg, Germany; C. Ewertson, Sweden; E. Garbocczi, USA; M. Geiker, Denmark; O. E. Gjorv, Norway;
A. F. Goncalves, Portugal; H. Gr~if, Germany; H. Grube, Germany; H. K. Hilsdoff, (chairman 1989-1992), Germany;
R. D. Hooton, Canada; J. Kropp, (secretary 1989-1992, chairman since 1992 and project coordinator), Germany;
S. Modry, Czech Republic; Ch. Molin, Sweden; L. O. Nilsson, Sweden; J. P. O]livier, France; C. L. Page, UK;
L.J. Parrott, UK; P. E. Petersson, Sweden; F. R. Rodriguez, Spain; M. Rodhe, Sweden; M. SaM, Portugal; N. Skalny,
USA; A.M.G. Seneviratne, UK; L. Tang, Sweden; F. Tauscher, Germany; R. Torrent, Argentina; D. Whiting, USA.
rarely cast companion specimens for either pre-testing or in the first work package of the project a preconditioning
quality control purposes in concrete production. method was developed to install a controlled water content
Increasing attention has also been paid to on-site testing with a homogeneous distribution in the test specimens.
of existing concrete or reinforced concrete structures for The effectiveness of preconditioning was evaluated in an
the transport properties of the concrete, in particular the initial intercomparison testing. Subsequently, a selection of
concrete cover. More recent developments of specially- frequently used test methods for laboratory and on-site
designed equipment for in-situ testing and their applica- testing of the gas permeability, the absorption of water and
tion are presented in [2] and [3]. the penetration of chloride ions were applied to a range of
Within the Technical Committee 116-PCD, a sub- concrete grades. This enabled evaluating the suitability and
group of 10 research laboratories continued the work on range of applicability of the methods, proposing improve-
test methods for the characterization of concrete trans- ments and correlating the measured transport parameters
port properties with an experimental research project. with durability characteristics.
The work program and all experimental results and their The Cembureau set-up was then selected as a stan-
evaluation were discussed in the Technical Committee; dard method for gas permeability measurements; for the
thus, the conclusions and recommendations emerging capillary absorption of water, a modified ponding test was
from the research program do represent the position of recommended. For the measurement of chloride ion
the Technical Committee 116-PCD. ingress, a migration test and an immersion test were eval-
Under Contract No. MAT1-CT93-0001, the uated; these tests had been used in the past for pre-testing
Commission of the European Community granted finan- of concrete mixes and in production control during the
cial support to conduct an experimental research work erection of advanced structures. However, both methods
which was aimed at developing standard test procedures for have not yet been recommended as routine tests in qual-
hardened concrete with an emphasis on durability control. ity control. In a final intercomparison testing, the
As contractors and partners of the research consortium, the selected methods showed good agreement among the
following European research and testing laboratories par- participating laboratories. Test instructions, which may
ticipated in different steps of the experimental program serve as drafts for European standards on test methods for
according to the agreed work plan: (1) Institut fiir concrete, are proposed for the preconditioning of test
Massivbau und Baustofftechnologie, University of specimens, for the measurement of gas permeability and
Karlsruhe, Germany; (2) Instituto Eduardo Torroja, for the determination of the capillary absorption of water
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Scientificas, Madrid, on separately cast companion specimens.
Spain; (3) COWI Consulting Engineers and Planners AS,
subcontracting Ramboll, Hannemann and Hojlund AS,
both in Lyngby, Denmark; (4) Laboratorio Nacional de 2. INTRODUCTION A N D OBJECTIVES
Engenharia Civil, Lisbon, Portugal; (5) Forschungsinstitut
der Deutschen Zementindustrie, Diisseldorf, Germany; In current national and international codes and stan-
(6) Department of Building Materials, Chalmers Technical dards on the production and use of concrete as a structural
University, G6teborg, Sweden; (7) Laboratoire Mat&iaux material, minimum requirements are specified for the qual-
et Durabilitd des Constructions, Institut National des ity of the concrete-making materials and their proportion-
Sciences Appliqu&s, Universitd Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, ing as well as for placing and handling of the flesh concrete.
France; (8) Institut fiir Baustoffe, Massivbau und However, no requirements have been set forth as of yet for
Brandschutz, University of Braunschweig, Germany; the actual performance of concrete under a corrosive attack.
(9) Department of Civil Engineering, Aston University at For the majority of the corrosion mechanisms encountered
Birmingham, Great Britain; and (10) Swedish National in practice, the ingress of aqueous solutions, whether gases
Testing and Research Institute, Boras, Sweden. or ions, from the environment into deeper sections of a
In the summary report hereafter, an overview of the concrete member is required to initiate and support damag-
work completed and the major results are presented. ing reactions. Thus, the perviousness of concrete for delete-
Details on the work plan of the project and the results rious media controls the corrosion rate and transport para-
are given in the interim reports of the individual partners meters which provide quantitative information on the
to the project coordinator (TC chairman, Stiftung penetration of various media into concrete and could serve
Institut ftir Werkstofftechnik, and Hochschule Bremen, as a performance criterion for concrete durability.
Bremen, Germany) and his four Milestone Reports to The objective of the research project lies in developing
the European Commission. standard test methods for the determination of concrete
transport coefficients, i.e. the coefficient of gas permeabil-
ity, the capillary absorption of water and the chloride ion
1. ABSTRACT diffusion. These three transport mechanisms have been
selected because they are either directly involved in corro-
In the experimental research project, standard test sion reactions or they exhibit a close correlation with a
methods are developed for the measurement of transport corrosion rate of concrete [1]. Since the transport capacity
coefficients of concrete for gases, water and chloride ions. of concrete largely depends on its water content [4, 5], the
Since the moisture concentration in concrete is a most test methods must also consider a standardized precondi-
important parameter in affecting the transport parameters, tioning, which must then result in a controlled average
Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions,Vol.32, April1999
TC 116-PCD
Materials and Structures/Mat~riaux et Constructions, Vol. 32, April 1999
Fig. 4a -
Profiles o f
across the
o f the test
Fig. 4 b -
Profiles o f
across the
of the test
TC 116-PCD
Materials and Structures/Mat6riaux et Constructions, Vol. 32, April 1999
Materials and Structures/Mat~riaux et Constructions, Vol. 32, April 1999
TC 116-PCD