Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
Propagation Channels
A Practical Approach
Pascal Pagani
Friedman Tchoffo Talom
Patrice Pajusco
Bernard Uguen
Series Editor
Pierre-Noël Favennec
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Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
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Ultra-Wideband Radio
Propagation Channels
A Practical Approach
Pascal Pagani
Friedman Tchoffo Talom
Patrice Pajusco
Bernard Uguen
Series Editor
Pierre-Noël Favennec
First published in France in 2007 by Hermes Science/Lavoisier entitled: “Communications ultra large
bande : Le canal de propagation radioélectrique”
First published in Great Britain and the United States in 2008 by ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Enquiries concerning reproduction outside these terms should be sent to the publishers at the
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www.iste.co.uk www.wiley.com
The rights of Pascal Pagani, Friedman Tchoffo Talom, Patrice Pajusco and Bernard Uguen to be
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Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Cover image created by Atelier Isatis, based on an original photograph by Denis Stenderchuck.
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Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Acronyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
A. Baseband Representation of the Radio Channel . . . . . . . . . . . 177
B. Statistical Distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
B.1. Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
B.1.1. Rayleigh distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
B.1.2. Rice distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
B.1.3. Nakagami distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
B.1.4. Weibull distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
B.1.5. Normal distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
B.1.6. Log-normal distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
B.1.7. Laplace distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
B.2. Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness-of-fit test . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
C. Geometric Optics and Uniform Theory of Diffraction . . . . . . . . 189
C.1. Geometric optics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
C.1.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Contents 9
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
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IR Impulse response
ISB Incident shadow boundary
ISM Industrial, scientific and medical
ITU International telecommunication union
LDC Low duty cycle
LNA Low noise amplifier
LO Local oscillator
LOS Line of sight
MB-OFDM Multiband orthogonal frequency division mutliplexing
MIC Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
MIMO Multiple-input multiple-output
MoM Method of moments
NLOS Non-line of sight
OFDM Orthogonal frequency division mutliplexing
OOK On-off keying
PAM Pulse amplitude modulation
PDA Personal digital assistant
PDF Probability density function
PDP Power delay profile
PLL Phase locked loop
PN Pseudo-noise
PPM Pulse position modulation
PSD Power spectral density
QAM Quadrature amplitude modulation
QPSK Quadrature phase shift keying
RF Radio frequency
RFID Radio frequency identification
RIR Ray impulse response
RSB Reflection shadow boundary
SAGE Space alternating generalized expectation
SHF Super high frequencies
SIMO Single-input multiple-output
SISO Single-input single-output
SWR Standing wave ratio
UHF Ultra high frequencies
UMTS Universal mobile telecommunications system
UNII Unlicensed national information infrastructure
US Uncorrelated scattering
UTD Uniform theory of diffraction
UWB Ultra-wideband
VCO Voltage control oscillator
VNA Vector network analyzer
WBAN Wireless body area network
Acronyms 19
1.1. Introduction
By the end of the 20th century, studies in the telecommunication field had
made significant progress. The advent of new radiocommunication technologies
allowed telephony to change from a telegraphic transmission support to a
radio transmission support. Over the last few years, the processing speed and
storage size of the computers have increased considerably. This explains the
general public’s passion for communicating objects, which require the high
speed transfer of a great amount of information.
This chapter presents the UWB technology and its applications for wireless
communication systems. After a definition of UWB and of its historical
evolution, its characteristics are first outlined, then the considered applications
and the regulation spectrum in the USA, Asia and Europe are detailed. The
chapter ends by presenting the modulation techniques proposed for UWB and
by a state of the art of standardization today.
22 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
1.2.1. Definition
The generic term UWB is used to represent a radio technique which was
studied under various names. In the earliest writings on this field, we can find
the terms impulse radio, carrier-free radio, baseband radio, time domain radio,
non-sinusoid radio, orthogonal function radio and large relative bandwidth
radio [BAR 00]. The relative bandwidth is defined by:
fH − fL
Bf,3 dB = 2 · [1.1]
fH + fL
where fH and fL respectively represent the upper and lower cut-off frequencies
of the band defined at −3 dB. Initially, UWB signals were defined by a relative
bandwidth of 25% or more [TAY 95]. In 2002, the American regulation
authority, the Federal Communication Commission (FCC), extended this
definition to a broader category of signals, by including signals with a relative
bandwidth Bf,10 dB higher than 20% or with a frequency band higher than
500 MHz [FCC 02]. Typically, the bandwidth of UWB signals is about
500 MHz to several GHz. Thus, the denomination UWB not only includes
impulse techniques, but also all the modulations presenting an instantaneous
band higher than or equal to 500 MHz.
Conventional kHz
Power spectral density
(dBm.MHz -1)
Bandwidth (Hz)
The study of electromagnetism in the time domain began 40 years ago. The
first research was concentrated on radar applications because of the broadband
nature of the signals, which implies a strong resolution1 in the time domain.
It was in 1960 that impulse radars were developed by the American and
Soviet armies. Indeed, impulse systems have good space resolution properties.
The resolution in distance of a system is conversely proportional to its
bandwidth; the brevity of an impulse signal determines its spectrum width.
In the 1970s, Bennett and Ross presented a complete study of the first
research carried out on UWB [BEN 78]. Two decades later, Taylor described
the bases of the UWB technology applied to radar [TAY 95]. Since the middle
of the 1960s, research on this field regularly progressed, as mentioned in the
historical bibliography published by Barrett [BAR 00]. However, the use of
UWB signals for radio communication was not really considered before the end
of the 20th century. In 1990, the Department of Defense of the US government
published the results of its evaluation of UWB technology. These results were
mainly concentrated on radar systems, since no application of UWB technology
to communication systems was considered at that point [FOW 90].
In 1998, the FCC launched the first study on UWB. In February 2002, a
first regulatory report was published, allowing particularly for the transmission
of signals in the 3.1–10.6 GHz band for wireless communications, with strong
constraints on the power spectral density [FCC 02]. From this date, intensive
academic and industrial research was undertaken with the aim of proposing a
powerful communication systems using UWB technology.
1. The resolution of a system is its capacity to separate very close energy paths.
24 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
With the need for increasing the data rate of wireless systems, the UWB
technology seems to be an ideal candidate for future radio communication
systems in various types of networks, which can be residential, office, ad hoc,
As shown in section 1.2.1, the main characteristic of the UWB signal is the
width of the occupied frequency band, typically about 500 MHz to several GHz.
Information theory teaches us that with the use of an appropriate code, it is
possible to transmit data with a binary error rate (BER) lower than a fixed
arbitrarily low threshold, that is, if the data rate is lower than the theoretical
value of the transmission channel capacity. Thus, channel capacity C gives an
indication of the theoretical maximum data rate reachable with a given channel.
It can be obtained using Shannon’s theorem [SHA 49]:
C = Bw · log2 1 + [1.2]
We can note that for a given bandwidth the channel capacity increases in a
logarithmic way with the signal to noise ratio. In the case of a constant signal
to noise ratio, the capacity increases linearly with the signal bandwidth.2
2. We can note that for a given signal power level S, the capacity increases nonlinearly
with the bandwidth and reaches the asymptotic value of Clim = NS0 · log2 (e), where
N0 is the noise power spectral density.
UWB Technology and its Applications 25
3. Thus, we can consider that UWB radio signals are transmitted “under the noise
level”, although the imposed limits remain above the thermal noise.
4. The processing gain of a system is a parameter which gives an indication of the
resistance of this system against the jamming caused by the other systems.
26 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
Bluetooth or WiFi, the UWB technology presents a very low level of emission.
However, we can reach transmission data rates that are definitely higher than
the two other technologies.
Figure 1.2 shows the position of UWB in comparison with the leading
WLAN and WPAN standards in terms of rate and maximum achievable
ranges. We can note that contrarily to WiFi standards, UWB technology
mainly addresses short range WPAN networks. However, its potential data
rate exceeds the performances of all current WLAN and WPAN standards.
Maximum bit rate (Mbps)
802.15.3 WiFi 802.11a WiFi 802.11g
10 WiFi 802.11b
1 Bluetooth
10 20 30 40 50 100
Maximum indoor range (m)
Figure 1.2. WLAN and WPAN main standards: rate and maximum ranges
In order to provide a high data rate anywhere, the future networks will have
to be designed considering an optimization of the space capacity, namely the
global available data rate per unit of area.
For UWB systems, the transmission level or the transmitted power spectral
density must be kept sufficiently low because these systems operate in already
≤ 54 Mbps ISM 2.4 GHz 0.1–1 W BPSK, 16-QAM, QPSK, IEEE 802.11g
occupied bands. These low levels are compensated by the use of a broad band.
So, compared to the existing wireless systems (see Table 1.2), UWB technology
has a low spectral capacity. Thus, it is more correct to speak about the spatial
capacity [GHA 04b]. This parameter corresponds to the maximum data rate of
a system divided by the surface covered by this system.
Table 1.2. Comparison of the spatial and spectral capacity of some wireless systems
Wireless and very high data rate radio technologies like UWB will make
it possible to considerably increase the spatial capacity, by the development
of dynamic ad hoc networks [POR 03b]. Finally, we can note that a
standardization work is currently in progress in the IEEE 802.15.4a work
group to use UWB spectrum within the framework of low data rate and short
range radio links. The expected data rate is typically the same as that of the
Zigbee standard, with a range of about a hundred meters.
Thus, the potential applications of UWB radio technology are mainly related
to two techniques: high data rate for short range systems (typically 200 Mbps up
to 10 m), and low data rate for long range systems (typically 200 kbps at 100 m).
These two ways of using the UWB radio spectrum allow us to consider a
given number of typical applications for UWB systems [YAN 04, POR 03b].
Firstly, UWB technology will make it possible to increase the data rate of
traditional personal wireless networks. So, it will be useful for WiFi networks
which make wireless access to the Internet network possible, or for connections
between various peripherals (printer, readers, etc.) in limited size environments
of, for example, one or more rooms. Because of a potential of very high data
rate in short range, applications requiring a higher data rate are also possible
with a range from 1 to 4 meters, for example a high quality multi-media transfer
between a DVD player and a screen. In the same manner, the UWB promoters
also proposed a wireless alternative for the Ethernet standard.
30 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
In order to limit the UWB signals effects on the other radio systems, the
regulatory agencies agree on the use of the 3.1–10.6 GHz band for UWB
UWB Technology and its Applications 31
signals [AIE 03b].5 This part of the radio spectrum allows us to use a
bandwidth as wide as 7.5 GHz, while avoiding telephony systems and GPS.
The very low authorized power spectral density, located under the level of
unintentional emission fixed by the FCC (−41.3 dBm.MHz−1 ), is compensated
by the bandwidth, allowing it to emit a total power of 0.6 mW.
Bluetooth, 802.11a,
Power spectral density
802.11b, HiperLAN
ovens Unintentional
radiation limit
(-41.3 dBm.MHz-1)
In the USA, the regulatory agency FCC launched its first works on UWB
radio technology as early as 1998 [MOR 03, POR 03a]. In May 2000, a first
proposal for a regulation was published (Notice of Proposed Rule Making),
which led to the current regulatory text Report & Order of February 2002
[FCC 02].
The FCC rules of the UWB spectrum regulation enable it to emit signals
mainly in the frequency band 3.1–10.6 GHz, by respecting a power spectral
density lower than the one applied to non-intentional radio transmissions. Three
different classes of equipment are considered:
• Visualizing systems: ground penetrating radars, through-wall visualizing
systems, medical systems and monitoring systems.
5. We will see that in certain regions of the world (Europe, Asia), only a part of the
3.1–10.6 GHz band is considered.
32 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
• On-board radar systems: for example, the radars for cars in the 24–29 GHz
• Communication and measurement systems.
Each class of equipment has its own emission mask. Figure 1.4 presents the
emission mask of the communication systems, for indoor use. The spectrum
was defined to ensure a protection of the sensitive systems, more particularly
the GPS (1.2–1.5 GHz), and the bands dedicated to civil aviation.
UWB EIRP emission level (dBm.MHz-1)
6–8.5 GHz band with a power spectral density of −41.3 dBm.MHz−1 , are
shown in Figure 1.4. The emission is also authorized in the band 3.8–6 GHz
with a power spectral density of −70 dBm.MHz−1 . However, we should
note that such a power limitation does not make it possible to carry out
reliable communication systems for a distance of about one meter. In
order to encourage a fast emergence of UWB systems in Europe, the ECC
currently considers the possibility of using mitigation techniques to ensure the
compatibility of UWB systems with the other radio services in the 3.1–4.8 GHz
band. Among these mitigation mechanisms, we can find the detection and
avoidance (DAA) systems which allow us to avoid bands already used by other
systems and the use of low duty cycle (LDC). Hence, all UWB systems using
satisfactory mitigation mechanisms could be authorized to emit with a power
spectral density of −41.3 dBm.MHz−1 in the 3.1–4.8 GHz band. Temporarily
– until June 2010 – the ECC authorizes the emission in the 4.2–4.8 GHz band
with a power spectral density of −41.3 dBm.MHz−1 .
do not come from the effect of only one UWB system, but from the aggregation
of hundreds of devices using this technology, creating a sum of signals which
can possibly interfere with other systems, like the navigation or safety systems.
So, the UWB scientific community currently works to test and define systems
which remain inoffensive, even when using several colocalized equipments.
The emission mask of UWB radio signals established by the FCC allows
the use of various signals. Figure 1.5 presents various solutions which can
be considered. For each approach, the used frequency band as well as the
emission mask of the FCC are presented in the left-hand graph. In each case,
the right-hand graph presents the time domain signal corresponding to the
band represented in solid line. As we can observe, the duration of the obtained
impulse is inversely proportional to the bandwidth used.
The mono-band approach consists of using all the frequency band available.
It is characterized by very short impulses, therefore resistant to the effects of
superimposed multipaths, and the signals can be created from an arbitrary
impulse modeled by an adequate filter. However, this approach allows little
flexibility in the use of the radio spectrum, and requires us to use very powerful
radio frequency (RF) components.
using the UWB spectrum in 2002. The choice of the type of modulation for
this system was the subject of a procedure of very strict selection, within the
802.15.3a work group. The debate for a single solution was mainly articulated
around two proposals: Direct Sequence UWB (DS-UWB), proposed by the
consortium UWB Forum [FIS 04] and MultiBand Orthogonal Frequency
Division Multiplexing (MB-OFDM), proposed by the consortium MultiBand
OFDM Alliance/WiMedia Alliance [BAT 04b]. In January 2006, as no
consensus could be found for a single solution, the IEEE 802.15.3a group
was disbanded. Today, only one industrial standard exists concerning UWB
systems: the standard ECMA-368 [ECM 05], developed by the consortium
WiMedia Alliance and based on MB-OFDM.
The impulse radio concept, developed from radar studies, corresponds to the
emission of impulses of very short duration (around 100 ps to 1 ns). Typically,
this type of impulses occupies a very broad spectrum (about 1 to several
GHz). It is thus a mono-band approach. The impulse signals generally adopted
for UWB communications include the Gaussian impulse, its first derivative
(Gaussian monocycle), and its second derivative, as represented in Figure 1.6.
The drawback of the Gaussian impulse lies in its non-zero mean value, which
corresponds in the frequency domain to an important continuous component.
Thus, the Gaussian impulse cannot be propagated without deformation, and
we generally prefer the Gaussian monocycle [BAT 03].
The term j · Tf allows a uniform spacing of the impulses. Indeed, the signal
defined by:
s(t) = w t − j · Tf [1.4]
36 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
(a )
-40 1
density (dBm.MHz -1 )
Normalized signal
-50 0.5
Power spectral
-60 0
-70 -0.5
-80 -1
0 5 10 15 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
-40 1
density (dBm.MHz -1 )
Normalized signal
-50 0.5
Power spectral
-60 0
-70 -0.5
-80 -1
0 5 10 15 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
-40 1
density (dBm.MHz -1 )
Normalized signal
-50 0.5
Power spectral
-60 0
-70 -0.5
-80 -1
0 5 10 15 0 2 4
Frequency (GHz) Time (ns)
Figure 1.5. UWB spectrum and signals: mono-band approach (a), dual-band
approach (b) and multiband approach (c)
UWB Technology and its Applications 37
0.5 Gaussian
Normalized signal
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Time (ns)
In relation [1.3], the modulation used to transmit data is PPM. Indeed, the
term Δ represents a time interval of about T2c , and the dk terms are the 0 and
1 symbols to be transmitted. The index d j , where · indicates the integer
part, shows that the same symbol is used over the whole length of the code.
There is thus a redundancy of information, which makes it possible to increase
the processing gain. Under these conditions, when zero is transmitted, there
is no temporal shift in the emission of the data, while a duration shift of Δ
is applied over the entire code duration when one is transmitted. These two
states are shown in Figure 1.7(b) and (c). We can note that PPM modulations
using a greater number of states are possible.
states, 1 and -1. Under these conditions, 2-PAM modulation may be regarded
as a form of binary phase shift keying (BPSK). This BPSK modulation has a
good robustness to the effects of the channel and simplifies the synchronization.
Indeed, the position of the impulse remains fixed, and it is only its phase which
Power spectral
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Frequency (GHz)
The advantages of the MB-OFDM radio access technique are mainly related
to its low complexity of implementation, as the OFDM modulation shows a high
degree of maturity. Moreover, it is currently the only UWB communication
technique developed as an international standard, ECMA – 368, available since
December 2005. The restriction on the used frequency band to the first group
of subbands allows it to use existing systems and RF components. However,
in order to achieve an international deployment of the MB-OFDM solution,
it will be necessary to develop systems operating under the European and
Asian frequency regulations. In technical terms, it should be noted that signals
are no longer impulsional, and the technology no longer benefits from the
advantages related to a very wide frequency band, such as the robustness
to the radio channel effects or the possibilities of localization. The integrated
circuit UBLink proposed by the company Wisair is an example of commercially
available MB-OFDM design.
1.7. Conclusion
and its strong temporal resolution, made it possible for the scientific and
industrial communities to propose a certain number of interesting applications:
high data rate WLAN networks, home automation applications, etc. As
developed in this chapter, various types of UWB modulations were proposed
in standardization, in particular DS-UWB and MB-OFDM. UWB regulation
has been effective in the USA since 2002. In Europe, a mask of emission for
UWB signals was established in 2006, but the coexistence of UWB systems
with other applications is still under study.
2.1. Introduction
The existence of electromagnetic waves was theoretically predicted by
J.C. Maxwell as early as 1855 [MAX 55]. The German physicist Hertz tried to
demonstrate that electromagnetic waves travel at a finite speed, and in 1886
he performed the very first radio propagation experiments. The oscillating
circuit designed by Hertz consisted of two discharging metallic spheres, which
produced an observable spark on an open wire loop [SCH 86]. Interestingly,
the signal used by Hertz consisted of a short duration pulse, which could
hence be regarded as an ultra-wideband signal [AIE 03a].
Transmission channel
Emitted Received
signal signal
e(t) s(t)
Propagation channel
Let us first consider an ideal case where the transmission system is placed
in free space, i.e. in an environment where no obstruction is present. Denoting
by GE the emission antenna gain and PE the emitted signal power, the power
density observed at a distance d is given by [PAR 00]:
W = [2.1]
λ2 GR
PR = W AR = W [2.2]
where AR represents the effective area of the receiving antenna, and λ represents
the wavelength at the working frequency.
Radio Wave Propagation 45
Equations [2.1] and [2.2] yield the Friis formula, giving the signal attenuation
in free space:
PR c
= GT GR [2.3]
PT 4πf d
where we used the relation c = f λ existing between the wavelength λ, the
frequency f and the propagation speed c.
It should be noted that this relation holds for a distance d large enough for
the receiving antenna to be considered in the far field region with respect to
the transmitting antenna [AFF 00]. A receiver is situated in the far field if the
distance d is larger than the Fraunhofer distance dF , which is related to the
largest dimension of the transmitting antenna D and to the wavelength λ as
dF = [2.4]
1. It should be noted, though, that for systems operating at different frequencies, the
antenna dimension D is generally adapted to the wavelength. For a wire antenna, the
antenna length is for instance defined as D = λ2 , and hence the Fraunhofer distance
follows dF = λ2 .
46 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
Transmitter Waveguide
Owing to the different interactions between the radio waves and their
propagation medium, significant variations of the channel characteristics are
observable at different scales. When isotropic antennas are used in free space,
the resulting power attenuation is proportional to the square of the distance
d between the antennas (cf. section 2.2.1). However, actual observations
present large scale power variations linked to the propagation environment.
In practice, the obstacles within the environment as well as the combination
of multiple propagation paths lead to an additional attenuation of the
48 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
V t1
direct path
V t2 reflected path
(case 1)
V t2 + ǻt reflected path
(case 2)
case 1
global signal
case 2
2. A RAKE receiver combines the signals from different multipaths, by using several
reception branches in parallel [HAY 01].
50 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
In most radio systems, the transmitted signal spreads over a frequency band
which is not centered around zero. A given signal x(t) may thus be represented
by its complex envelope γx (t) defined as:
x(t) = γx (t)ej2πf0 t [2.10]
where {·} represents the real part of a complex number and f0 represents
a given frequency in the considered band. The complex envelope γx (t) is also
named the equivalent baseband term of x(t).
52 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
It can be shown that there are two ways of defining the baseband filter
heq (τ ) equivalent to the passband filter h(τ ) (cf. Appendix A):
heq1 (τ ) = γh (τ )
2 [2.11]
−j2πf0 τ
heq2 (τ ) = h(τ )e
e(t) s(t)
- h(τ ) -
γe (t) γs (t)
- heq1 (τ ) = 1 -
2 γh (τ )
γe (t) γs (t)
- heq2 (τ ) = h(τ )e −j2πf0 τ -
The representation of the radio channel in the form of an IR h(τ ) is valid for
static channels only. In practice, the environment or the antenna position may
be modified, and hence the radio channel may vary with time. The IR h(t, τ )
is thus dependent on both time and delay. The inputs and outputs of a linear
filter may be described in the time domain or in the frequency domain. This
leads to a set of four transfer functions that may be used to describe the radio
channel [BEL 63]. Figure 2.5 illustrates the relations between these functions.
Radio Wave Propagation 53
h(t, τ ) @
F −1 @ @ F −1
F F@ @
@ @
delay-Doppler @ @ frequency-time
R @
S(τ, ν) T (f, t)
@ I
@ @
@ @ F −1 F −1
F@ @ F
@ @
@ H(f, ν)
relates the received signal spectrum S(f ) to the transmitted signal spectrum
E(f ) as follows:
S(f ) = E(f − ν)H(f − ν, ν)dν [2.13]
The function T (f, t) is related to the functions h(t, τ ) and H(f, ν) through a
simple Fourier transform. If the bandwidth of the considered channel is narrow
enough, the time-variant transfer function may be directly measured using a
network analyzer.
The radio channel variations may thus be regarded as a random process and it
is no longer valid to describe them deterministically. The propagation channel is
thus characterized in a statistical way. In practice, the statistical description of
the channel is limited to the second order, and we consider the autocorrelation
functions of the channel system functions only. These functions are defined as
Rh (t, u; τ, η) = E h(t, τ )h∗ (u, η)
RH (f, m; ν, μ) = E H(f, ν)H ∗ (m, μ)
RT (f, m; t, u) = E T (f, t)T ∗ (m, u)
RS (τ, η; ν, μ) = E S(τ, ν)S ∗ (η, μ)
where E[·] represents the mathematical expectation and (·)∗ represents the
complex conjugation operation.
The first and second order moments are sufficient to completely describe
the output signal s(t) in the case of a Gaussian signal.
Rh (t, t + ξ; τ, η) = Rh (ξ; τ, η)
RT (f, m; t, t + ξ) = RT (f, m; ξ)
This last relation indicates that the spectral content of the signal is
uncorrelated for different Doppler shifts. Physically, this means that echoes
generating different Doppler shifts are uncorrelated. Similarly, we may write
the autocorrelation of the frequency domain function as:
RH (f, f + Ω; ν, μ) = RH (Ω; ν, μ)
RT (f, f + Ω; t, u) = RT (Ω; t, u)
Radio Wave Propagation 57
Figure 2.6 illustrates the simple Fourier transform relationships linking the
four autocorrelation functions for a WSSUS channel.
Hence, the term Ph (0, τ ) corresponds to the temporal average of the impulse
response power. This function is called the power delay profile (PDP).
Ph (ξ, τ ) @
F −1 @ @ F −1
F F@ @
@ @
delay-Doppler @ @ frequency-time
R @
PS (τ, ν) RT (Ω, ξ)
@ I
@ @
@ @ F −1 F −1
F@ @ F
@ @
@ PH (Ω, ν)
[2.24]. In order to mitigate the local effects of fast channel fading, the PDP is
calculated from a set of M impulse responses, successively measured over a
path length in the order of 20–40 wavelengths [LEE 85]. This calculation is
valid under the stationarity assumption. The following equation presents the
PDP calculation:
1 2
Ph (0, τ ) = h tm , τ [2.25]
M m=1
The root mean squared (RMS) delay spread τRMS , sometimes simply
referred to as delay spread, represents the standard deviation of the PDP. It is
calculated as follows:
∞ 2
τ − τm Ph (0, τ )dτ
τRMS = −∞
∞ [2.26]
P (0, τ )dτ
−∞ h
The RMS delay spread is a significant parameter for the analysis of the
intersymbol interference. It is also closely linked to the correlation between the
different frequencies of the signal spectrum. In order to quantify this frequency
dependence, the n% coherence bandwidth is defined from the autocorrelation
of the channel transfer function RT (Ω, ξ):
RT (Ω, 0)
= min Ω : = n [2.28]
RT (0, 0) 100
Noise level
IJ0 IJ1 IJ2 IJ3 Delay (ns)
and the energy which is outside the window is split into two equal parts. The
delays τ0 and τ3 are the delays at which the PDP first rises and finally falls
through the signal noise level.
L(t) Kl (t)
h(t, τ ) = βk,l (t)ejθk,l (t) δ τ − Tl (t) − τk,l (t) [2.31]
l=1 k=1
where L(t) is the number of clusters, Kl (t) is the number of rays in the lth
cluster, and Tl (t) is the arrival time of the lth cluster. Parameters βk,l (t),
θk,l (t) and τk,l (t) respectively represent the magnitude, the phase and the
arrival time associated with the kth ray within the lth cluster. Theoretically,
all these parameters vary with time. Defining the PDP from a set of
measurements according to equation [2.25], and assuming that the delay of
each ray is approximately constant during the measurements, the Saleh and
Valenzuela formalism yields the following formula:
Ph (0, τ ) = 2
βk,l δ τ − Tl − τk,l [2.32]
l=1 k=1
As shown in Figure 2.8, the magnitude of the PDP rays generally follows
a decay which is close to an exponential function. This exponential decay may
be observed at both the cluster level and the ray level within a single cluster.
The inter- and intra-cluster exponential decay constants, respectively denoted
Γ and γ, are thus defined so that the magnitude of the rays obeys the following
Tl −T1 τk,l
βk,l 2
= β1.1 e− Γ e− γ [2.33]
Power (mW)
T1 T2 T3 Delay (ns)
Figure 2.8. Power delay profile following the Saleh and Valenzuela formalism
When expressed in dB, equation [2.3] corresponding to the Friis formula for
free space propagation is written:
4πf d
P L(f, d) = 20 log − GT (f ) − GR (f ) [2.34]
where P L(f, d) represents the ratio between the transmitted power and the
received power.
characterize the double frequency and distance dependence of the path loss,
the parameter P L(f, d) is approximated by the following formula:
f d
P L(f, d) = P L f0 , d0 + 10Nf log + 10Nd log + S(f, d) [2.35]
f0 d0
where f0 and d0 correspond to an arbitrary frequency and an arbitrary
distance.4 Nf and Nd are called frequency and distance dependent path loss
exponents. Parameter Nd accounts for the interactions between the radio wave
and the environment, such as the transmission phenomenon or the waveguide
effect, and can significantly differ from the theoretical value Nd = 2. Parameter
Nf accounts for the frequency dependence of the propagation phenomena,
and also includes the variations of the effective area for an ideal isotropic
antenna. By considering the propagation channel without antennas in a LOS
situation, this parameter should be close to its theoretical value Nf = 2. Some
authors consider antennas as a part of the propagation channel; in this case,
additional variations of the parameter Nf may be observed, which is linked to
the measurement antenna gain. Finally, the term S(f, d) corresponds to the
slow variations of the propagation channel. As the parameters Nf and Nd are
calculated by linear regression, the parameter S(f, d) presents a zero average.
When expressed in dB, this variable is generally considered as Gaussian, and
it is characterized by its standard deviation σS .
1 2
PT (f ) = T f, tm [2.36]
M m=1
4. We may use the central frequency in the considered band for f0 , and the distance
d0 is generally 1 m.
64 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
while verifying that the channel stationarity condition holds. The distributions
generally used to assess fast fading include Rayleigh, Rice, Nakagami,
Weibull, and log-normal laws (cf. Appendix B). In order to select a specific
theoretical distribution, a goodness-of-fit test is employed, such as the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (cf. Appendix B.2).
Some useful tools also exist to characterize the temporal behavior of a signal.
The level crossing rate consists of determining the frequency at which the signal
magnitude decreases below a given threshold. The average fade duration is an
estimate of the time during which the signal magnitude stays below a given
threshold [PAR 00].
2.5. Conclusion
3.1. Introduction
Sounding UWB channels raises some particular issues, which are developed
in this chapter. The different sounding methods for wideband channels are
then exposed, by distinguishing between frequency domain and time domain
techniques. In order to observe the UWB channel fluctuations in more detail,
it is necessary to employ a real time measurement technique. For this purpose,
we present an advanced sounding technique, exploiting the performances of a
wideband, single-input multiple-output (SIMO) sounder.
The end of the chapter illustrates the different channel sounding techniques
by presenting a few measurement campaigns. First, the most significant UWB
channel measurement campaigns are listed. For each experiment, the equipment
and the measurement conditions are described. We then present the setting up
of a sounding campaign through a few examples.
Measured impulse
Unresolved response
Delay (ns)
between the channel impulse response over an infinite bandwidth and the
sounder’s impulse response over the analyzed band (see Figure 3.1). The
latter may be obtained by directly cable-connecting the transmitter and the
receiver. The time resolution is generally defined as half the width of the
sounder impulse response peak. As an approximation, it may also be defined
as the inverse of the analyzed bandwidth. In order to avoid the shadowing of
some paths by the side lobes of the sounder impulse response, a weighting
window may be applied [HAR 78]. Such a window is selected as a compromise
between the level of the side lobes and the width of the main lobe.
• Maximum Doppler shift: when the propagation channel varies with time,
we can measure its frequency dispersion by studying its Doppler spectrum (see
section 2.4.4). For this purpose, the sounder needs to be able to quickly measure
successive impulse responses. The measurement repetition duration ΔT (meas)
is defined as the duration separating two successive channel measurements. It
encompasses the measurement acquisition duration t(meas) and some time for
data processing and storage. It is then possible to measure a maximum absolute
(meas) 1
Doppler shift νmax = 2ΔT (meas) . However, it should be noted that during the
measurement of a single impulse response, the channel should be considered as
static. Thus, a sounder capable of measuring the time varying channel needs
to present a very low acquisition duration t(meas) .
In the case of the UWB propagation channel, the time resolution is generally
high, due to the wide analyzed bandwidth. Consequently, developing UWB
sounders with a low measurement duration is a challenging task.
used. Some examples of these antennas are given in Figure 3.2. In any case, it
is necessary to properly characterize the antennas used for the measurement
[SIB 04]. The properties of some other pieces of equipment, such as cables or
amplifiers, may also vary in frequency, and it is important to characterize each
item accurately before the measurement.
Bowtie planar
Ideal biconical antenna
This section presents the main UWB radio channel measurement methods:
frequency domain methods and time domain methods. For each method, the
basic principles are presented, and the advantages and drawbacks of this
method are detailed. We finally present an innovative hybrid method for the
real time measurement of UWB channels.
UWB Propagation Channel Sounding 71
The frequency domain method is the most commonly used UWB channel
sounding technique, on account of its ease of implementation. It consists of
sampling the channel transfer function T (f, t). This is done by transmitting a
narrowband signal at a fixed frequency, and by measuring the attenuation and
the relative phase of the received signal [GUI 99]. In practice, the analyzed band
is divided into N samples separated by a frequency step Δf (meas) . The impulse
response is obtained using an inverse Fourier transform along the frequency
(meas) 1
Rt = [3.1]
N Δf (meas)
(meas) N −1
τmax = [3.2]
N Δf (meas)
In general, a sine signal is used to sweep the analyzed band. The received
signal is down-converted towards an intermediate frequency (IF), where it
is pass-band filtered around a fixed frequency and analyzed. Hence, this
device is capable of sweeping a very wide frequency band. Using narrowband
filters at the receiver leads to a very good measurement dynamic, but also
increases the overall measurement duration. In addition, the measurement of
the transfer function phase requires a very good synchronization between the
local oscillators (LO) at the transmitter and at the receiver. Figure 3.3 gives a
schematic view of this device.
S21 measurement
at IF
and storage
Tc Tc Magnitude Bc
Bc > 98%
practice, we use pulse generators enabling the emission of short signals with a
duration Δt in the order of 100 picoseconds. Denoting by ΠΔt (t) the emitted
pulse, the received signal is given by:
The main advantage of the pulsed sounding technique is its low acquisition
duration, the channel impulse response being recorded in real time. This
technique should thus be selected for the measurement of space or time
channel variations. However, this method also presents a number of drawbacks.
Firstly, generating short duration pulses requires the amplifiers to deliver
a high power directly followed by idle periods. The resulting low average
power leads to a poor signal to noise ratio, and this method is not suited
to large distances in NLOS configurations. Secondly, the power dynamic at
the amplifier stage does not allow for an accurate control of the pulse shape.
Finally, this technique requires a perfect synchronization between the emitter
and the receiver, which may be solved by connecting the terminals using a
Synchronization DSO
and storage
be generated using a shift register with m bits and an adder, which results in
a sequence of length 2m − 1. Its autocorrelation function presents a theoretical
dynamic of 20 log(2m − 1) dB. In the frequency domain, the −3 dB analyzed
bandwidth is equal to the clock frequency fc used at the PN sequence generator.
sequence Synchronization Fast acquisition
(e.g. shift
and storage
or inversion
function between the transmitted signal and the received signal is calculated
at each instant.
This technique has been used by the University of Kyoto Sangyo (Japan)
to develop a UWB sounder operating in the 5.5–8.5 GHz frequency band
[TAK 01]. The main drawback of this technique is the duration of the impulse
response calculation, which precludes any Doppler analysis of fast time varying
78 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
E ∗ (f )I ∗ (f )
GWiener (f ) = [3.5]
|E(f )I(f )|2 + α
where E(f ) represents the transmitted signal spectrum, I(f ) represents the
sounder response spectrum, and α is a non-zero constant linked to the signal
to noise ratio [BAR 95].
For the sake of comparison, Table 3.1 presents the main advantages and
drawbacks of the presented frequency domain and time domain techniques.
Chirp significant possible for low 100–300 MHz (limited by complex no experiment
Doppler spreads signal generation)
Pulsed low possible 1–2 GHz (limited by easy frequent
pulse generator) out of FCC band
Correlation significant possible 1–5 GHz (limited by complex marginal
clock frequency and
Sliding high possible for low 1–3 GHz (limited by complex marginal
correlation Doppler spreads clock frequency)
Inversion significant possible 500 MHz–1 GHz (limited complex no experiment
by DAC and acquisition)
For practically implemented solutions.
repetition duration of 300 μs [KAT 00]. In the following, we present the different
issues linked to the development of such a sounder, and we illustrate how it can
be implemented on the basis of a wideband SIMO sounder [PAJ 03].
Figure 3.7 presents a simplified block diagram of the receiver. To repeat the
measurement as quickly as possible, a fast switch selects the following antenna
every other sequence. The first PN sequence is used for the measurement,
while the antennas switch during the next PN sequence. The signal is then
amplified using a wideband (3–18 GHz) low noise amplifier (LNA). It is then
pass-band filtered around the RF carrier frequency. A first down-converter
stage driven by an external frequency synthesizer displaces the signal around
an IF at 1.5 GHz. Automatic gain control (AGC) is then applied using variable
attenuators to compensate for the power variations in the received signal.
AGC is regularly performed, before the measurement of the signal received
by the different sensors. Thus, the AGC duration limits the measurement
repetition duration. In a traditional configuration with 10 antennas, the
minimum repetition duration is about 1.2 ms. A second down-converter stage
displaces the signal around a second IF at 250 MHz. The received signal is
then sampled using an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) at a sampling rate
of 1 Gsample.s−1 . We may note that the transmitter and the receiver use the
same IF at 1.5 GHz. Thus, the LO frequency is the same for the external
synthesizers at the transmitter and the receiver. All LO are synchronized
using a reference rubidium at 10 MHz.
Fast switch
10 1
A 250 1.5
External D MHz GHz
linked to real time measurements (see section, this solution cannot be
The extension of the SIMO sounder towards a real time UWB sounder
exploits the duality between multiple-input measurements and multiple-band
measurements. The main idea is to reuse the fast antenna switching module,
in order to switch between the carrier frequencies of each partial band to be
synthesizers LNA AGC
f1 Fast switch
10 1
A 250 1.5
f10 D MHz GHz
the emitter
Figure 3.8. Block diagram of the modified receiver with UWB extension
and delay, the procedure used in the SIMO configuration is still valid. In
addition, regarding the fast switching of partial bands, the overall switching
time through all partial bands may be as low as 1.2 ms, which allows for the
measurement of channel variations with a maximum Doppler shift of 416 Hz.
In the original version of the SIMO sounder, the filter preceding the first
down-converter stage was only a few hundred MHz wide to reject undesirable
signals and reduce the noise level. The same type of filtering was performed at
the emitter. In the UWB configuration, however, the sounded frequency band
needs to be filtered by one single pass-band filter, in order to avoid unnecessary
filter switching. In its current version, the UWB sounder is equipped with filters
of 1 GHz bandwidth.
Figure 3.9 presents the results obtained during a real time radio channel
measurement in a dynamic environment. During this experiment, the
transmitting antenna was fixed and the receiving antenna was held by a
moving person. This configuration corresponds to the practical situation where
a user with a mobile terminal walks in the proximity of a fixed access point.
2 (b) -5
4 -10
8 -20
(d) -25
16 (e)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (s)
interpretation, the path delay on the y-axis has been converted to path length
in meters. In the first part of the trajectory (between t = 0 s and t = 7 s), the
person is moving towards the emitter antenna, reducing its relative distance
from 6 m to 2 m. Hence, we can observe a main path with increasing power
(a). In the second part of the trajectory (between t = 7 s and t = 11 s), the
person is moving away from the transmitter antenna, partially obstructing
the line of sight. This explains the shadowing experienced by the shortest
path (b). In this part of the curve, three other main paths are observable, one
with increasing length (c) and two with decreasing lengths (d, e). These two
last paths might correspond to echoes transmitted via a reflection on a wall
opposite the transmitter location.
This feasibility study shows that it is possible to develop the UWB channel
sounder by applying minor modifications to a wideband SIMO sounder. By
exploiting the duality between multiple inputs and multiple bands, most of the
SIMO-capable sounders could be extended towards UWB channel sounding.
The prototype presented here allows for the measurement of UWB channels
over a band of 1 GHz with a dynamic of 40 dB.
Among the first UWB studies, the UltRaLab laboratory from the University
of South California undertook two measurement programs in 1997, but most
UWB experiments started from the year 2000 onwards. Most measurement
programs used the VNA frequency domain method. Other experimental set-ups
are based on a time domain method, using pulses or PN sequences. Different
indoor environments, such as the office or residential environments, and some
outdoor environments (forest, urban) were sounded. We may also note some
original experiments, on a metal ship or in an industrial environment. Finally,
regarding the analyzed band, only seven measurement campaigns cover the
entire FCC band [KUN 02a, BUE 03, ALV 03, CAS 04c, KAR 04b, HAN 05,
PAG 06b]. Within the FCC band, three experiments only permitted real time
UWB measurements [PEN 02, CAS 03, PAG 06a].
Measurement Date Reference Sounding method Antennas Analyzed band Environment Link Spatial
campaign configuration
UltRaLab 1997 [WIN 97a, Pulse generator and Patch diamond Width Forest; office LOS/ 49 locations
WIN 97b] DSO dipoles >1 GHz NLOS on a 90 cm ×
90 cm grid
UltRaLab SS 2000 [GUN 00] Pulse generator and Patch diamond 700–1.8 GHz, Metal ship LOS/ —
Curtis DSO; VNA; Pulse dipoles with 1 MHz NLOS
generator and step
correlation receiver
Stanford 2001 [OPS 01] Pulse generator and Wideband 1–1.8 GHz, Office; LOS/ —
University DSO; VNA antennas with 2 MHz laboratory NLOS
AT&T Labs - 2002 [GHA 02a, VNA Monoconical 4.375– Residential LOS/ —
Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
Measurement Date Reference Sounding method Antennas Analyzed band Environment Link Spatial
campaign configuration
CNAM - 2003 [TER 03] Pulse generator and Wideband 0–3 GHz Corridor LOS —
Thales DSO antennas
France 2003 [PAG 03] VNA Patch 4–6 GHz, with Office LOS/ 60 locations
Telecom omnidirectional 2 MHz step NLOS on a rotating
R&D antennas arm (27 cm
Hong Kong 2003 [LI 03] Pulse generator and Omnidirectional 1.2–1.8 GHz Office; LOS/ x-positioner
University DSO dipole laboratory; NLOS (length
meeting 120 cm) with
room 61 locations
NETEX - 2003 [BUE 03, Pulse generator and Omnidirectional 100–12 GHz Office LOS/ 49 locations
Virginia Tech BAY 04] DSO; VNA biconical NLOS on a 90 cm ×
antennas and 90 cm grid
Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
TEM horns
New Jersey 2003 [DAB 03] VNA Omnidirectional 2–6 GHz Office; LOS —
Instit. of monoconical laboratory
Tech. antennas and
UCAN - 2003 [ALV 03] VNA Omnidirectional 1–13 GHz, Office; LOS/ 9 locations on
Cantabria monoconical with 2.5 MHz laboratory NLOS a 6 cm × 6 cm
University antennas step grid
Measurement Date Reference Sounding method Antennas Analyzed band Environment Link Spatial
campaign configuration
Ultrawaves - 2003 [CAS 03, PN sequence and Omnidirectional 3.6–6 GHz; Office; LOS/ 625 locations
Rome Tor CAS 04c] DSO; VNA; PN monoconical 2–12 GHz, laboratory NLOS on a 48 cm ×
Vergata sequence and antennas with 5 MHz 48 cm grid; 73
University correlation receiver (EM6865); step positions on a
prototype non-uniform
antennas grid
Chiao-Tung 2004 [CHA 04] VNA Not 3–5 GHz, with Office LOS/ 64 locations
University communicated 2.5 MHz step NLOS on a 26 cm ×
26 cm grid
ETH Zürich 2004 [SCH 04] VNA Planar 2–8 GHz, with Corridor; LOS/ 45 locations
omnidirectional 1.875 MHz lobby NLOS on a 28 cm ×
antennas step 56 cm grid
Instit. for 2004 [BAL 04a] VNA Omnidirectional 3–6 GHz, with Urban; LOS/ 9 or 49
Infocomm conical antennas 1.875 MHz office NLOS locations on a
Research step 10 cm × 10 cm
or 30 cm ×
30 cm grid
Lund 2004 [KAR 04b] VNA Omnidirectional 3.1–10.6 GHz, Industrial LOS/ Two
University monoconical with 6 MHz NLOS x-positioners
antennas step (transmitter/
receiver) with
7 locations
UWB Propagation Channel Sounding
along 30 cm
Measurement Date Reference Sounding method Antennas Analyzed band Environment Link Spatial
campaign configuration
Oulu 2004 [JAM 04] VNA Omnidirectional 0.5–10 GHz, Office LOS/ x-positioner
University monoconical with 6.25 MHz quasi- with 7.9 mm
antennas step NLOS step
Samsung 2004 [CHO 04b] VNA Planar dipoles 3–10 GHz, Residential LOS/ 25 locations
with NLOS on a 60 cm ×
4.375 MHz 60 cm grid
Tokyo Instit. 2004 [TSU 04, VNA Monopoles and 3.1–10.6 GHz, Residential; LOS/ Up to 10 × 10
of Tech. HAN 05] biconical with 10 MHz office NLOS × 7 locations
antennas step at transmitter
and receiver
Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
France 2005 [PAG 06b] VNA Omnidirectional 3.1–11.1 GHz, Office LOS/ 90 locations
Telecom monoconical with 2 MHz NLOS on a rotating
R&D antennas step arm (20 cm
France 2005 [PAG 06a] Multiple-band time Omnidirectional 4–5 GHz, with Office LOS —
Telecom domain sounder monoconical 2 MHz step corridor
R&D antennas
Rotating arm
Port Port
Webcam USB
1 2
Rotating HP8510C
arm driver RS 232
Driving and
(a) (b)
Figure 3.11. Measurement equipment: (a) HP8510C sounder and (b) rotating arm
In order to estimate the local PDP and assess the signal spatial fluctuations,
a rotating arm with radius 20 cm was used to measure the radio channel at 90
different locations (see Figure 3.11(b)). This configuration corresponds to a
circular path of 45λ and to a distance between two successive sensors below λ2
at the maximum frequency of 10.6 GHz.
Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
Figure 3.13. Measurement locations during the UWB sounding campaign over
the 3.1–10.6 GHz band. Black squares represent fixed locations (receiver)
and white circles correspond to the rotating arm locations (transmitter)
UWB Propagation Channel Sounding 95
HP 8753 D
PC GPIB Cable 20 m
Labview Rx Ant
Rx (Port 2)
CMA – 118/A
Figure 3.15. Measurement locations during the UWB sounding campaign over
the 2–6 GHz band. Squares represent fixed locations (Tx: transceiver)
and circles represent mobile locations (receiver): (a) modern house;
(b) old house in LOS; and (c) NLOS
UWB Propagation Channel Sounding 97
A few channel sounders only are currently capable of measuring the UWB
channel in real time. This experimental study has been performed using the
UWB sounder presented in section 3.3.3. The channel impulse response was
measured every 10 ms, which enables the measurement of Doppler shifts
up to 50 MHz. The analyzed band extends from 4 GHz to 5 GHz, with a
resolution of 2 MHz, which corresponds to a maximum delay of 500 ns. At the
transmitter and the receiver, CMA118/A antennas were used, as presented in
Rx antenna
Tx antenna
3.5. Conclusion
4.1. Introduction
The FDTD used for modeling consists of solving Maxwell equations using
regular spatial discretization in time. All derivations are simplified by algebraic
systems of equation. The studied volume is discretized in various elementary
cells, the size of which is related to wavelength of typically λ/10 or λ/15. The
solving method fixes some restrictions in term of the considered cells sizes and
time grid in order to ensure computation stability. The studied environment is
limited by absorbing walls limiting the reflection phenomena on the boundaries
[IBA 00].
The MoM is based on the use of an integral form of Maxwell equations. The
integral system is transformed by an impedance matrix discretization which
represents the interactions between elementary cells of the environment. The
accuracy of the solutions obtained with this approach depends on the size of
the considered cells.
Deterministic Modeling of the UWB Channel 101
This approach is used when the structure size is roughly a few wavelengths.
It can also be considered complementary to other approaches like the ray based
approaches in order to obtain hybrid models. Nevertheless, the MoM based
approach is mainly used to validate results obtained with other approaches like
the ray based approach [YAN 98].
Before the determination of the propagated field, we need to find the rays
from which the GO and the UTD will be applied. This step of ray finding can
use various techniques. There are two main techniques of ray determination: ray
launching is considered to be a forward technique and ray tracing is considered
to be a backward technique [SAR 03] (see Appendix D). When the rays are
obtained, the propagated field can thus be calculated from the transmission to
reception side.
The ray based approach needs less numerical resources than the FDTD and
MoM approaches for wave propagation prediction. Consequently, it is mostly
used for deterministic propagation modeling [IKE 91, MCK 91, TAM 95,
TAN 95, SAN 96, CHE 96, RIZ 97, VIL 99, ZHA 00]. Such approaches are
not valid for low frequencies (typically lower than 100 MHz), when the size
of objects interacting with rays become small or have the same order as the
signal. Indeed, we consider that the bandwidth is narrow enough to only focus
the propagation study on the central frequency.
So, the use of site specific tool for deterministic modeling allows us on the
one hand to study the waves propagation in various types of environments and
in specific configurations, and on the other hand to physically understand the
effects observed on measurements.
In this section, the four principal deterministic models which appear in the
literature are described, with a main focus on their respective specificities.
Some authors consider the study proposed by Qiu [QIU 02] on the diffraction
undergone by an UWB signal as a UWB deterministic model. In the study made
by Qiu, he mainly focuses on the distortions and dispersions introduced in a
link and on system performances by single and multiple diffractions.
for the effects of the propagation channel interactions [YAO 03a, YAO 03b].
These time domain coefficients allow us to directly express the impulse
response of each interaction [VER 90, BAR 91, ROU 95, YAO 97]. This
approach can appear appropriate for the UWB channel propagation modeling
as the reconstructed signal is a sum of each ray contribution. The contribution
of each ray at the receiver side is a successive convolution of the impulse
responses of each interaction of the considered ray with the transmitted signal.
Another difference between Yao and Attiya’s deterministic model lies in the
consideration of antennas, something Yao neglected entirely. Attiya’s proposed
model takes into account the antennas by inserting analytical formulations of
antenna radiation in the expression of the reconstructed signal. In his model,
he focuses on the case of horn antennas for which he proposes a time domain
characterization technique [ATT 03].
This model is quite similar to the one proposed by Attiya [ATT 04].
However, unlike the Attiya model, the antennas are better taken into
account in the model proposed by Uguen and Tchoffo Talom. Moreover,
the construction of each ray contribution is made separately, which allows
us to naturally access to the direction of departure (DoD) and direction of
arrival (DoA) information. So, each ray is affected by the antenna functions
corresponding to the actual DoD and DoA of the ray, defined in the frequency
The signal after the receiving antenna is obtained by summing all the
vectorial and complex component of the field coming from the rays arriving
on the receiving antenna. After the frequency sweep on the band of interest,
the signal is expressed in the time domain using an inverse discrete Fourier
transformation. So, this signal can be considered as the convolution of the
signal p(τ ) with the SISO impulse response of the propagation channel.
Deterministic Modeling of the UWB Channel 105
r(τ ) = rk τ − τk [4.1]
rk (τ ) =
hk (τ ) ∗ p(τ ) [4.2]
r(τ) τ
r̃1 (τ − τ1 ) τ r̃1 (τ)
r̃2 (τ − τ2 ) τ r̃2 (τ)
Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
r̃k (τ − τk ) τ r̃k (τ)
τk T FFT
Figure 4.1. Building of received signal r(τ ) by the sum of shifted rk (τ )
Deterministic Modeling of the UWB Channel 107
ck (τ ) is a 2×2 matrix corresponding to the consideration of attenuations and
distortions introduced by the reflection, transmission or diffraction interactions
appearing on the k th ray when propagating through the channel. This term does
not consider the delay introduced by propagation τk . This delay is directly used
when adding all the rk (τ ) at the appropriated time position (see Figure 4.1).
ŝtk and ŝrk are the directions of departure (t) and arrival (r) of the k th ray.
They are respectively the couples of polar coordinates (θkt , φtk ) and (θkr , φrk ) in
the entire spherical base.
k (f ) = Fr ∗ f, ŝrk C
R k (f ) Ft f, ŝt P (f ) [4.4]
Ft f, ŝtk = Gt1 f, ŝtk Ut f, ŝtk [4.5]
Fr f, ŝrk = −j Gr2 f, ŝrk Ur f, ŝrk [4.6]
Gt1 f, ŝtk = η t (f ) 1 − Γt (f ) Dt f, ŝtk [4.7]
Gr2 f, ŝrk = η r (f ) Dr f, ŝrk [4.8]
Ut,r f, ŝt,r
k = Uθt,r θ̂t,r + Uφt,r φ̂t,r [4.9]
108 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
The terms Ut,r are unitary vectors defined in the basis corresponding to the
directions of departure ŝtk and arrival ŝrk for a given ray. These terms follow the
U∗ U = 1 [4.10]
The term −j 4π
in the expression of Fr corresponds to the integration
operation made at the receiver side.
k the field at the receiving antenna and Einc the field coming from the
with E k
transmitting antenna in the direction ŝtk by:
k = F f, ŝk P (f )
k = Ek e+j2πf τk
E [4.13]
corresponds to the spherical nature of the wave coming from the
transmitting antenna.
Deterministic Modeling of the UWB Channel 109
τk = τki [4.16]
Ak = Aik [4.17]
t in,1
MBk →Bk is a matrix used to change the description of a field from a basis
Bk related to a given departure direction of a k th ray to the incoming basis
k of the first ray interaction.
110 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
MBk is a matrix used to change the field from the outgoing basis
of the last interaction to the incoming basis Brk of the arrival direction
of the k ray.
out,i−1 in,i
MBk →Bk
is a matrix allowing for a k th ray to express the field,
initially in an outgoing basis Bout,i−1
k of the (i−1)th interaction in the incoming
basis Bk of the i interaction.
with Ep the energy of the impulse signal p(τ ) and p̂(τ ) a Gaussian impulse
normalized in energy.
where Bα,β is the band of p̂(τ ) given at −α dB, β is a scaling factor allowing
us to adjust the time domain support of p̂(τ ) and fc is the central frequency of
p̂(τ ).
P (f ) = Ep P̂ (f ) [4.23]
! √
β π −[π β (f +fc )]2 2
P̂ (f ) = √ e − e−[π β (f −fc )] [4.24]
So, |P (f )|2 is the energy spectral density (ESD) of the impulse signal. The
impulse energy Ep is then obtained by integrating either the square of the
Deterministic Modeling of the UWB Channel 111
So, the impulse energy can be determined with respect to the emission
1 MHz
limits specified by regulation using Pmax , the pulse repetition period Tr ,
1 MHz
the considered modulation given by σ, and γmax the capability of the
transmitting antenna to emit an amplified signal in the channel over a 1 MHz
Figure 4.2 shows two impulses obtained for a central frequency fc = 4 GHz
and an ideal1 transmitting antenna. We can note that the signal time spreading
conversely increases with the band as well as the maximum level.
The material properties of the environment shown in Figure 4.3 are reported
in Table 4.1. These properties are obtained from material characterizations
[TCH 05a]. The frequency dependence of the materials is introduced by the
permittivity expression in the interactions coefficients (see Appendix C). In
this table, we can note that the floor and the ceiling are in reinforced concrete
because the environment is the ground floor of a house with two levels.
Table 4.1. Properties and structure of various elements of the considered environment
We can note in these figures that the field level is weak on the cross
components (cθ,φ and cφ,θ ). So, in order to obtain the received signal, the
antennas considered at the transmitting and receiving sides will project these
c(τ ) matrix components according to their characteristics [TCH 05b]. The
shape of the final obtained signal will strongly depend on the components of
c(τ ) modified by the chosen couple of antennas.
Figures 4.6(a) and 4.6(b) show the reconstructed signal r(τ ) obtained
respectively for a couple of antennas polarized along θ and φ.
In the case of a real antenna, the received signal r(τ ) will probably be a
less simple projection of different matrix c components. So, it will no longer be
easily identified to one of the matrix c(τ ) components.
One of the interests of the deterministic model detailed in section 4.5 is the
ease of identifying DOA and DOD information. This is because the signal r(τ )
is reconstructed thanks to the rays obtained after ray tracing which directly
gives the information corresponding to the direction of the rays. The other
interest is that no sum is beforehand applied on the contributions of each ray.
So, it is easy to extract the contribution associated with each ray.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Deterministic Modeling of the UWB Channel
Figure 4.4. Channel matrix component c(τ ) for the scenario of Figure 4.3 with the
impulse p(τ ) of Figure 4.2(a): cθ,θ (τ ) (a), cθ,φ (τ ) (b), cφ,θ (τ ) (c) and cφ,φ (τ ) (d)
(a) (b)
Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
(c) (d)
Figure 4.5. Channel matrix component c(τ ) for the scenario of Figure 4.3 with the
impulse p(τ ) of Figure 4.2(b): cθ,θ (τ ) (a), cθ,φ (τ ) (b), cφ,θ (τ ) (c) and cφ,φ (τ ) (d)
Deterministic Modeling of the UWB Channel 117
Figure 4.6. Received signal r(τ ) for the LOS scenario of Figure 4.3, the pulse p(τ )
of Figure 4.2(b) and the ideal omnidirectional antennas at Tx and Rx sides:
Tx-Rx antennas polarized along θ (a) and Tx-Rx polarized antennas along φ (b)
118 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
2. By comparing the two figures, it seems that the second RI is less dense. In fact, it
is the first and main ray which has more energy in this case.
Deterministic Modeling of the UWB Channel
The previously described studies were made for materials whose properties
are reported in Table 4.1. So, the received signal reported in Figure 4.11(a)
is obtained for a LOS link (see Figure 4.3), the waveform transmission in
Figure 4.2(b) and the use of a couple of CMA antennas. This signal is the
same as that reported in Figure 4.9(a).
The signal received with these new material properties shows important
differences in comparison to the previous signals (see Figure 4.11). There are
rays arriving after the direct path which show a higher level. These rays are
those which connected the transmitter and receiver and reflected on the floor or
the ceiling. So, the conductivity increase σ of the reinforced concrete introduces
a high level contribution on the received signal for the rays which interact with
the ceiling or the floor.
Deterministic Modeling of the UWB Channel 121
Figure 4.9. Received signal and ray contributions corresponding to the CMA
antennas: received signal after the receiving antenna (a) and 3D rays
with their corresponding contribution (b)
122 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
Figure 4.10. Received signal and ray contributions corresponding to the CMA
antennas (rotation of 35◦ in θ for both Tx and Rx antennas): received signal after
receiving antenna (a) and 3D rays with their corresponding contributions (b)
Deterministic Modeling of the UWB Channel 123
Figure 4.11. Received signal obtained with CMA antennas for two configurations
of building material properties: case of materials in Table 4.1 and
case of materials in Table 4.2
124 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
In this section, comparisons are made between the results of the realized
measurements (see section and the performed simulations using the
deterministic model described in section 4.5. These comparisons allow us to
evaluate the impact of the antenna characteristics in the described model and
the received signal building for various LOS links.
this evaluation, two antenna couples are used: directive horn antennas and
omnidirectional CMA antennas.
In the anechoic chamber, the antennas are placed at the same height and
directed, in the case of horn antennas, so that both antenna directions of
maximum gain face each other. This configuration is reproduced in simulation
for the same departure and arrival directions as in the measurement.
The simulation uses antenna characteristics data obtained from wideband
measurement made in the Stargate 32 engine [TCH 05b].
Figure 4.12 illustrates the impulse response and transfers functions obtained
with measurement and simulation in the case of the couple of horn antennas.
These illustrations concern four typical LOS situations extracted from 126
measurements points made in the environment described in section
Figures 4.14 and 4.15 represent the results obtained considering the four
following positions corresponding to 1.14 m, 4.38 m, 6.78 m and 8.94 m
126 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
4.9. Conclusion
For a long time, the deployment of narrowband technologies has used the
deterministic modeling of the radio propagation channel to establish coverage
maps. With the use of UWB technology, some deterministic models have
been proposed for signal prediction in new context. These models allow signal
prediction and the rapid study of various environments with low costs in
terms of channel transmission effects on the UWB link.
From all the deterministic models presented, those which use frequency
domain formalisms clearly seem better suited for the study of UWB wave
propagation. More especially, the detailed Uguen and Tchoffo Talom model
allows us to easily insert the antenna radiation information in the model.
Moreover, this model naturally enables the access to DoD and DoA information
as the electromagnetic calculations are performed ray by ray. The contributions
of all the rays are then summed to obtain the overall received signal.
Deterministic Modeling of the UWB Channel 127
delay (ns)
Freq (GHz)
Freq (GHz)
Figure 4.12. Measurement (gray) and simulation (black) received signals for
the couple of horn antennas: (a) impulse response and (b) transfer function:
magnitude and phase
Deterministic Modeling of the UWB Channel 129
delay (ns)
Freq (GHz)
Freq (GHz)
Figure 4.13. Measurement (gray) and simulation (black) received signals for
the couple of CMA antennas: (a) impulse response and (b) transfer function:
magnitude and phase
Magnitude Magnitude
(leve l)
(leve l)
Freq (GHz) Freq (GHz)
Phase Phase
Freq (GHz) Freq (GHz)
(a) (b)
Magnitude Magnitude
(leve l)
(leve l)
Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
(c) (d)
Figure 4.14. Measured (gray) and simulated (black) transfer functions for 4 distances
between Tx and Rx: (a) d = 1.14 m, (b) d = 4.38 m, (c) d = 6.78 m and
(d) d = 8.94 m
delay (ns) delay (ns)
(a) (b)
Figure 4.15. Measured (gray) and simulated (black) normalized impulse responses for
Deterministic Modeling of the UWB Channel
4 distances between Tx and Rx: (a) d = 1.14 m, (b) d = 4.38 m, (c) d = 6.78 m
and (d) d = 8.94 m
This page intentionally left blank
Chapter 5
Table 5.1. Estimation of the frequency dependent path loss exponent for different
analyses of the UWB channel. The published values have been adapted to the
definition of the parameter Nf used in this book
extracted from the power transfer function at the selected frequencies. In order
to remove the distance dependency, each power transfer function was initially
normalized by arbitrarily setting the attenuation of the total received power
over the whole measurement bandwidth to 0 dB. The resulting normalized
path loss P Lnorm (f ) can be compared to a model in the form:
P Lnorm (f ) = P Lnorm f0 + 10Nf log + S(f ) [5.1]
where S(f ) represents a residual term with zero mean expressing the difference
in dB between the measurement and the model.
(f) (dB)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Frequency (GHz)
and calculation methods, this value may be considered close to the theory
(Nf = 2). Hence, we recommend using the theoretical frequency loss of
20 log(f ) in the modeling of UWB propagation channels, as suggested in
[BUE 03].
Attenutation (dB)
0.6 0.8 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 20 30 40
Distance (m)
For each measurement location, the accounted path loss is the median
attenuation in the FCC band, after shifting each measurement to the reference
frequency f0 . Path loss exponents were obtained by linear fit in each LOS and
NLOS situation. Figure 5.2 presents the obtained results. The measurement
plots mainly follow a linear decay in log-scale, which corresponds to an
Statistical Modeling of the UWB Channel 137
exponential decay of the received power with respect to the distance. In the
LOS situation, a path loss exponent Nd = 1.62 was recorded, with a standard
deviation σS = 1.7 dB.1 In the NLOS case, the measurement plots are
somewhat more dispersed, with a distance dependent path loss exponent Nd
= 3.22, and a standard deviation σS = 5.7 dB.2 The values of the parameter
P L(f0 , d0 ) were respectively evaluated at 53.7 dB and 59.4 dB. Table 5.2
shows that these values are in line with other analyses of the UWB channel
published in the literature. For comparison purposes, the UWB path loss
parameters proposed by the standardization organization ITU [ITU 04] are
also reported.
Figure 5.3 presents typical PDP measured in LOS and NLOS configurations,
as well as one of the 90 impulse responses. The delay on the x-axis has been
converted in path length in meters, to ease the interpretation of the main paths.
In both LOS and NLOS situations, we may observe one or several clusters,
corresponding to a main echo followed by an exponential decay of diffuse power.
In the LOS case, walls or pieces of furniture in the vicinity of the radio link
generate significant reflected or diffracted echoes, which explains the presence
of peaks in the PDP. An attenuation of 10 dB to 20 dB has thus been observed
between the power of the main path of each cluster and the power of the
secondary paths. The general shape of the PDP is globally smoother in the
NLOS case.
1. In the LOS case, the value of Nd may be lower than in the theoretical case of free
space (Nd = 2). This is due to the waveguide effect, frequently observed in indoor
configurations (see section 2.2.2).
2. This significant value of the standard deviation in the NLOS case may be explained
by the diversity of NLOS configurations, as the obstruction between the transmitter
and the receiver may result from a single plasterboard or several concrete walls.
138 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
Table 5.2. Estimate of the distance dependent path loss for different analyses
of the UWB channel
Statistical Modeling of the UWB Channel 139
0 IR
0 20 40 60 80
Distance-delay (m)
0 IR
Relative power (dB)
0 20 40 60 80
Distance-delay (m)
Table 5.3. Estimate of the delay spread for different analyses of the UWB channel
Statistical Modeling of the UWB Channel 141
RMS delay spread (ns)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Central frequency (GHz)
Figure 5.4. Mean delay spread for different partial bands. The length of the vertical
line represents the corresponding standard deviation
0 Inter-cluster decay
Intra-cluster decay
Relative power (dB)
0 30 60 90 120
Delay (ns)
Figure 5.5. Extraction of the inter- and intra-cluster exponential decay constants
Among all PDP measured in a LOS situation, between 3 and 8 clusters (5.6
on average) were identified. The mean exponential decay constants have been
evaluated as Γ = 15.7 ns and γ = 7.5 ns. In NLOS configuration, the PDP
encompass between 1 and 4 clusters (2.4 on average). The mean exponential
decay constants have been assessed as Γ = 16.5 ns and γ = 12.0 ns.
Table 5.4 compares these experimental values with results published from
similar experiments. In some analyses [CAS 02, ALV 03], the whole PDP was
considered as a single cluster, which explains the lack of results regarding Γ.
The value of the parameters Γ and γ is generally between 7 ns and 30 ns,
even if some higher values have occasionally been reported [CRA 02, ALV 03,
CHO 04a]. The inter-cluster decay is generally stronger than the intra-cluster
decay. Results published in [KAR 04b] are a particular case where this tendency
is inversed, and where the values of Γ and γ are quite low. This may arise from
the measurement environment, as the experiment took place in a factory. For
this experiment, a dependency of the parameter γ with the delay has been
observed. In [CRA 02], the authors suggest that the constant Γ is linked to
the building architecture, while γ is determined by the objects in the vicinity
of the receiving antenna. The diversity of the sounded environments may thus
explain the variety of the obtained results.
Measurement Γ (ns) γ (ns)
Whyless.com [KUN 02a] 13.6
UltRaLab [CAS 02] 16.1
UltRaLab [CRA 02] 27.9 84.1
UCAN - CEA LETI [KEI 03] 14.5 to 21 9 to 20 6 to 8 5 to 15
UCAN - Cantabria University [ALV 03] 100 125 to 167
NETEX - Virginia Tech 7.1 21 2 8
[BUE 03, MCK 03]
Intel Labs [FOE 03b] 7.6 16 1.6 8.5
Ultrawaves - University of Rome 13 10.83 to 13.97 7 to 58
“Tor Vergata” [CAS 04b]
Lund University [KAR 04b] 2.63 4.94 4.58 5.58
Samsung [CHO 04a] 22.1 to 24.0 36.9 to 51.5 14.3 to 30.8 27.4 to 38.6
Instit. of Infocomm Research [BAL 04b] 27.8 24.6 to 30.4 14.1 25.3 to 33.8
France Telecom - INSA [PAG 06b] 15.7 16.5 7.5 12.0
Table 5.4. Estimate of the PDP exponential decay constants for different analyses
of the UWB channel. The published values have been adapted to the definition
of the parameters Γ and γ used in this book
Statistical Modeling of the UWB Channel
144 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
By considering successive echoes of the main path, we may identify two main
sources of attenuation. On the one hand the propagation of the wavefront over
a longer path induces a stronger power loss. On the other hand, delayed echoes
undergo more propagation phenomena, which can be of a different nature, such
as reflection or diffraction. This physical interpretation leads us to model the
multipath attenuation following a similar approach to that used for distance
path loss. We may recall that in this case, the observed attenuation at a
transmitter-receiver distance d is proportional to d−Nd , where Nd represents
the distance dependent path loss exponent. Regarding the different rays of the
impulse response, the length of a propagation path is proportional to its delay.
Hence, we suggest an adaptation of the Saleh and Valenzuela model, where
the cluster and ray amplitudes decrease according to a power function. In the
classical formalism presented in section, the amplitude βk,l of the k th
ray in the lth cluster (see equation [2.33]) is replaced by the following formula:
−Ω −ω
2 2 Tl τk,l + Tl
βkl = β11 [5.3]
T1 Tl
where Tl represents the delay associated with the lth cluster and τk,l is the delay
of the k th ray within the lth cluster. The parameters Ω and ω are respectively
called inter-cluster and intra-cluster power decay constants.
As for the case of exponential decay, the values of the parameters Ω and ω
have been assessed by linear fit on the PDP clusters. In each case, the standard
deviation σε of the error in dB between the model and the measurement
has been calculated, in order to validate the proposed approach. Figure 5.6
illustrates the extraction of the parameters Ω and ω. It can be compared to the
results reported in Figure 5.5.
0 Inter-cluster decay
Intra-cluster decay
0 30 60 90 120
Delay (ns)
Figure 5.6. Extraction of the inter- and intra-cluster power decay constants
NLOS case. Regarding the intra-cluster decay, the average modeling error σε
decreases from 1.9 dB to 1.8 dB in the LOS case, and from 1.7 dB to 1.6 dB
in the NLOS case. This validates the proposed model, which is closer to our
experimental measurements. Finally, in the LOS configuration, we observed a
significant power attenuation G between the main path of each cluster and the
following rays, as may be seen in the example of Figure 5.6. This phenomenon
was already observed for UWB channels in [CAS 02] and [KUN 03].
Over the whole set of PDP presenting more than one cluster, the average
inter-cluster duration was ΔT = 27.4 ns in the LOS case and ΔT = 40.1 ns in
146 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
the NLOS case. The graphs in Figure 5.7 are percentile-percentile diagrams,
representing the experimental distribution percentiles of ΔT on the x-axis, and
the theoretical percentiles of an exponential distribution with parameter Λ on
the y-axis. The best fit leads to a value Λ = 27.41 ns = 36.5MHz in the LOS case,
and Λ = 40.11 ns = 24.9 MHz in the NLOS case. In both cases, the alignment of
the plots on the diagram diagonal shows that the exponential distribution is a
reasonable approximation to modeling inter-cluster duration.
(a) (b)
120 180
100 150
Theoretical ΔT (ns)
Theoretical ΔT (ns)
80 120
60 90
40 60
20 30
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Experimental ΔT (ns) Experimental ΔT (ns)
of the arrival direction [HAN 03]. It should be noted that these two studies
were based on measurements performed with a large number of co-located
(τ ) = βk δ τ − τk [5.5]
where K represents the number of rays, and βk and τk are the real amplitude
and delay linked to the k th ray. The parameter βk may take negative values,
in order to account for the phase inversion linked to some interactions, such as
the reflections.
Over the whole set of measurements performed in both LOS and NLOS
configurations, the average inter-ray duration was respectively evaluated at
Δτ = 0.168 ns and Δτ = 0.161 ns. Figure 5.8 presents a percentile-percentile
diagram used to compare the experimental distribution of Δτ to an exponential
distribution with parameter λ = 0.168
ns = 5.95 GHz in the LOS case and
λ = 0.161 ns = 6.19 GHz in the NLOS case. In this case, some differences may
148 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
be noted between the theoretical and experimental data, but the exponential
approximation still provides an acceptable fit to the measurements.
(a) (b)
0.8 0.8
Theoretical ΔT (ns)
Theoretical ΔT (ns)
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Experimental ΔT (ns) Experimental ΔT (ns)
The experimental values obtained for the cluster arrival rate Λ and the ray
arrival rate λ are compared with the results available in the literature, shown in
Table 5.5. Regarding the cluster arrival rate, the observed values are generally
in the order of 10 to several hundreds of MHz. The average duration between
two clusters is thus in the order of 10 ns to 100 ns. It should be recalled that a
cluster within the PDP corresponds to a main path, arising from transmissions
or reflections on walls, on the ceiling or on the building ground. The parameter
Λ is thus dependent on the structure of the building where the measurement
took place. The ray arrival rate λ presents variable values depending on the
experiment. Indeed, values obtained depend highly on the ray identification
technique that was used in the analysis. For this reason, researchers from the
German institute IMST advise to arbitrarily setting the inter-ray duration at
the temporal resolution value obtained [KUN 02a]. In this case, the ray arrival
rate would be equal to the width Bw of the analyzed band.
The last characteristic of the UWB radio channel studied from the
experimental campaign (see section 5.1) is related to the fast fading of the
impulse response. During the campaign, a rotating arm was used, which
enabled the measurement of the channel impulse response at 90 locations
Measurement Λ (MHz) λ (MHz)
Whyless.com [KUN 02a] 100 to 1000 Bw
UltRaLab [CRA 02] 21.98 434.78
UCAN-CEA LETI [KEI 03] 10 to 25 10 to 800 45 to 180 1500 to 5500
NETEX - Virginia Tech 200 100 1429 714
[BUE 03, MCK 03]
Intel Labs [FOE 03b] 16.7 90.9 2000 2857
Ultrawaves - University of Rome 26 59
“Tor Vergata” [CAS 04b]
Lund University [KAR 04b] 70.9 89.1
Samsung [CHO 04a] 85 to 115 47 to 64 1160 to 1960 1390 to 1790
Instit. of Infocomm Research [BAL 04b] 18.6 2.4 to 13.4 280 270 to 360
France Telecom - INSA [PAG 06b] 36.5 24.9 5946 6194
Table 5.5. Estimate of the average cluster and ray arrival rates for different
analyses of the UWB channel. The published values have been adapted
to the definition of the parameters Λ and λ used in this book
Statistical Modeling of the UWB Channel
150 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
Nakagami m
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Delay (ns)
The study of the effect of moving people on the UWB channel is based on the
analysis of a measurement campaign performed in an indoor office environment.
For this campaign, a UWB sounder enabling real time measurements over the
4–5 GHz frequency band was used. During the measurement process, a group
of 1 to 12 people was walking in a corridor in the vicinity of a fixed radio link.
A complete description of this campaign is given in section
Power attenuation (dB)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Distance-delay (m)
A first observation of the effect that moving people have on the UWB
channel is given in Figure 5.11. The time varying impulse response is
represented in the case of 12 people walking back and forth through the radio
link. Successive measurements are represented from left to right, while the
vertical axis represents the excess delay converted in path length (m). The
influence that moving people have on the CIR appears clearly on this graph.
The main paths (a) and (b) are regularly obstructed by moving people, during
both forward (t = 15 s to t = 27 s) and backward (t = 63 s to t = 74 s)
displacements along the corridor. At other values of the excess path, we can
observe strong signal fluctuations, with respect to the stationary part of the
Figure 5.12 presents the aggregate effect of several people passing through
the main signal path. In general, the progression of one person through the
LOS path yields a maximum attenuation of about 8 dB, the shadowing effect
lasting for about 4 s. The obstruction duration increases with the number of
people, up to about 15 s for a group of 12 people. In this case, the maximum
attenuation of the mean power is about 15 dB. We clearly see that the
shadowing pattern obtained for groups of people is composed of superimposed
Statistical Modeling of the UWB Channel 153
0 0
20 (b)
30 25
35 30
40 (c) 35
0 20 40 60 80
Time (s)
Figure 5.11. Time varying impulse response in the case of 12 moving people
individual contributions. However, the particular effect that each person has
on the received signal is not always observable, as, for example, in the case
involving 4 people.
0 0 0
-5 -5 -5
Figure 5.12. Typical large-scale fading patterns for the LOS component.
Effect of 1, 4 and 12 people
Statistical Modeling of the UWB Channel 155
The Rician K parameter is defined as the power ratio between the dominant
component and the random fluctuations. As the dominant component presents
a slowly time-variant amplitude, the parameter K varies over time accordingly,
depending on the obstruction of the main path. We may notice in this example
that the mean signal power of the random component is about 12 dB below the
unobstructed signal level. Depending on the attenuation level of the dominant
signal, the parameter K varies from about 12 dB down to less than −20 dB.
In this case, the total received signal follows a Rayleigh distribution. These
results were observed on other measurement records, with maximum values of
the parameter K varying between 8 dB and 13 dB.
-50 ↑
14 16 18 20 22 24
Time (s)
↓ ↓
Phase (rad)
14 16 18 20 22 24
Time (s)
Figure 5.14. Fast fading of the random component. LOS path, 12 people
Relative power (dB)
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
Doppler shift (Hz)
modeling of the path loss is not practically addressed. It can also be noted that
the measurements used for the model calibration [PEN 02, CHE 02] are limited
to at most 6 GHz bandwidth (2 GHz for the models CM 1 and CM 2).
γl = kγ Tl + γ0 [5.7]
where Tl represents the time of arrival of the lth cluster and kγ accounts for
the increase of the coefficient γl with increasing delay.
The main difference between the IEEE 802.15.4a model and the IEEE
802.15.3a model is that the former accounts for a realistic path loss, in both
the distance and frequency domains. The proposed model is independent of
the transmitter and receiver antennas. After some changes in the proposed
variables, this path loss model can be expressed in the form given in equation
[2.35], and the model provides the parameter values equivalent to Nf , Nd ,
P L(f0 , d0 ) and σS .
In addition, the small scale variations of the ray amplitude are modeled using
a Nakagami distribution (see Appendix B.1.3). As for the Cassioli-Win-Molisch
model, the parameter value m is a delay function.
160 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
Nine channel types were identified within the IEEE 802.15.4a work group.
Each channel type is defined by a given set of parameters as follows:
• the CM 1 and CM 2 models correspond to the indoor residential
environment (respectively in LOS and NLOS configurations);
• the CM 3 and CM 4 models correspond to the indoor office environment
(respectively in LOS and NLOS configurations);
• the CM 5 and CM 6 models correspond to the outdoor environment
(respectively in LOS and NLOS configurations);
• the CM 7 and CM 8 models correspond to the indoor industrial
environment (respectively in LOS and NLOS configurations);
• the CM 9 model corresponds to the outdoor environment in an NLOS
configuration, in the specific case of a farm area or an area covered with snow.
This model is more detailed than the IEEE 802.15.3a model, but is
also somewhat more complex. The provided parameter sets are based on
experimental measurements for each environment: residential [CHO 04b], office
[BAL 04a, SCH 04], industrial [KAR 04b] and outdoor [BAL 04a, KEI 04].
A survey of the results from the literature complements these measurement
campaigns. It should be noted, though, that the measurements performed in
the office and outdoor environments covered frequency bands limited to 3 or
6 GHz.
but a single cluster is observed. Following the Saleh and Valenzuela formalism
(see section 2.4.1), the PDP model can be expressed in the form:
Ph (0, τ ) = βk2 δ τ − − (k − 1)Δτ [5.8]
where d indicates the distance between the transmitter and the receiver.
The main concept of this model is to reproduce the channel transfer function
T (f, t) in a statistical way. As for the time domain approach, each parameter
162 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
can be described using a statistical law. The value of the frequency domain
approach lies in its opening up the possibility of describing the transfer function
components in a regressive way. The model can be expressed in the form of a
filter with infinite impulse response, which can be mathematically represented
T fi , t + a1 T fi−1 , t + a2 T fi−2 , t = ni [5.10]
where ni represents the input white Gaussian noise. The model can be
represented using five variables: the parameters a1 and a2 , the input conditions
T (f1 , t) and T (f2 , t), and the standard deviation of the Gaussian noise σn .
Each of these parameters is then described in a statistical way as a function
of the distance. The model is complemented with a power attenuation law.
Nd 1.62 3.22
σS (dB) 1.7 5.7
P L(f0 , d0 ) (dB) 53.7 59.4
In order to account for the clustering of multiple paths, the impulse response
is modeled using the Saleh and Valenzuela formalism (see section 2.4.1). At a
given instant, the UWB channel impulse response is thus described by the
following formula:
h(τ ) = βk,l ejθk,l δ τ − Tl − τk,l [5.12]
l=1 k=1
(L̄)L exp(−L̄)
pL (L) = [5.13]
164 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
The rays are iteratively generated for each cluster. The arrival time of
each ray is calculated using inter-ray durations following an exponential law
[SAL 87]:
p τk,l | τk,l−1 = λ exp − λ τk,l − τk,l−1 [5.16]
A power function is used to calculate the ray amplitude (see section
τk,l + Tl
= 10− 10 β1,l
2 2
βk,l [5.17]
where ω represents the intra-cluster power decay constant and G accounts for
the observed attenuation between the first path of each cluster and the following
multipaths. For each cluster, the ray generation stops when the ray amplitude
reaches a given threshold D, fixed at −50 dB.
Finally, the phase θk,l of each ray is generated using a uniform law over
the interval [0, 2π[. This approach was also adopted in the IEEE 802.15.4a
model [MOL 04]. Figure 5.16 presents the rays obtained in a LOS situation
for a transmitter-receiver distance of 6 m, where we may observe 5 clusters. It
may be noted that this representation corresponds to an infinite observation
bandwidth, each ray being represented by a Dirac function.
Relative power (dB)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Delay (ns)
Figure 5.16. Impulse response simulated over an infinite bandwidth. LOS situation,
with the parameters d = 6 m, Λ = 36.5 MHz, λ = 5.95 GHz, Ω = 4.4, ω = 11.1 and
G = 12 dB
fmin (GHz) 3.1≤ fmin < fmax
fmax (GHz) fmin < fmax ≤ 10.6
D (dB) 50
Λ (MHz) 36.5 24.9
L̄ 5.6 2.4
λ (GHz) 5.95 6.19
Ω 4.4 3.9
ω 11.1 10.2
G (dB) 12 0
Figure 5.18 presents two typical PDP obtained by simulation. One of the
90 constituting impulse responses is also represented. Note that on the x-axis,
Statistical Modeling of the UWB Channel 167
0 20 40 60 80 100
Delay (ns)
Relative power (dB)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Delay (ns)
Figure 5.17. Impulse response simulated over a limited bandwidth. Identical set of
rays, observed over the 3.1–10.6 GHz band (a) and the 3.1–4.1 GHz band (b)
0 IR
Relative power (dB) PDP
0 20 40 60 80
Distance-delay (m)
0 IR
Relative power (dB)
0 20 40 60 80
Distance-delay (m)
Parameter Measurement Simulation Measurement Simulation
τRMS (ns) 4.1 4.0 9.9 9.7
W75% (ns) 7.6 9.7 23.7 21.2
(x0, y0) x
HAN 05, VEN 05]. To determine the azimuth of each ray in the impulse
response, we can use the model derived by Spencer et al. from wideband
indoor measurements [SPE 97]. In this model, the arrival azimuth of the
k th ray within the lth cluster is decomposed in Φl + ϕk,l , where Φl is the
mean arrival azimuth in the lth cluster. Without further knowledge about the
environment, we may consider that Φl is uniformly distributed in the [0, 2π[
interval. ϕk,l represents the distribution of the ray azimuth within a cluster,
and follows a Laplace distribution with zero mean and standard deviation σϕ :
1 −|
pϕk,l ϕk,l =√ e σϕ
In [HAN 05], the standard deviation of the arrival azimuth σϕ is lower than
or equal to 6.7◦ .3 As a first approximation, we recommend using this value
for the parameter σϕ . This value could be refined as more experimental data
becomes available. For instance, [VEN 05] proposes a 2-cluster model, where
the azimuth distribution follows a Laplace law in the first cluster (σϕ = 5◦ )
and a uniform law in the second cluster.
From the impulse response generated at the location (x0 , y0 ) and knowing
the arrival azimuth Φl + ϕk,l of each ray, we can calculate the transfer function
Tlim (x, y, f )
⎪ L Kl
⎨fc 1
βk,l ej(θk,l −2πf (Tl +τk,l +Δτk,l )) if fmin ≤ f ≤ fmax
'L 'Kl 2
= f β
⎩ l=1 k=1 k,l l=1 k=1
0 otherwise
Δτk,l = − x − x0 cos Φl + ϕk,l + y − y0 sin Φl + ϕk,l [5.22]
0 0
(a) -5
Distance-delay (m)
10 (b) -15
15 (c)
20 (d) -30
(e) -40
0 50 100 150 200
Location x (cm)
This section describes a method to model the effect of people, based on the
experimental analysis given in section 5.1.4. The main idea is to reproduce the
time variance observed on each ray of a given impulse response. This model
is based on the results of a real time UWB measurement campaign performed
over the 4–5 GHz band (see section As a result, the presented model
is valid for simulating UWB channels with bandwidths up to 1 GHz only.
However, the modeling methodology may be used in other configurations as
more experimental characteristics of the time-variant UWB channel will become
iv) Generate additional fast fading fluctuations rk,l (t) following a Rayleigh
amplitude distribution and having a Laplacian scattering function. As observed
from the experimental data, the Doppler spread νRMS should be in the range
of 1–3 Hz. The mean power Pr of the random component rk,l (t) should be 8 dB
to 13 dB below the power level of the dominant component αk,l (t0 ).
v) Finally, calculate the time-variant amplitude αk,l (t) for rays within the
main path of the lth cluster as:
αk,l (t) = αk,l t0 dl (t) + rk,l (t) [5.25]
Regarding step iv), several methods for the generation of a random signal
presenting a Rayleigh distribution and an arbitrary Doppler spectrum are
thoroughly discussed in [PAE 02].
Having calculated the amplitude αk,l (t) for all impulse response rays, the
time variant transfer function is given as:
Tlim (t, f )
⎪ L Kl
⎨ fc 1
αk,l (t)e−j2πf (Tl +τk,l ) if fmin ≤ f ≤ fmax
'L 'Kl 2
= f β
⎩ l=1 k=1 k,l l=1 k=1
0 otherwise
174 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
The proposed model was used to simulate the motion of 4 people in the
vicinity of a radio link in a LOS situation. For selected realistic passing instants
with respect to the main path of each cluster, the delays Tl and the passing
instants tn were calculated using a ray tracing tool, from which only the
most significant rays were extracted. Figure 5.21 illustrates the simulation
configuration. The five selected paths correspond to the main path and to
the reflections on the four walls. The dashed arrow indicates the motion of the
group of 4 people and circles present locations where the group crosses one of
the main echoes.
Figure 5.22. Simulation of a time variant impulse response. Circles indicate the group
passing instants for the five main paths of the impulse response
5.4. Conclusion
Two extensions of the impulse response were finally described to account for
the spatial and temporal variations of the UWB channel. The spatial variations
model emulates the effects of antenna displacement, by including the arrival
direction of the delayed wavefronts. The temporal fluctuations model integrates
the effects linked to the motion of people, and can be used to simulate a UWB
radio link in realistic conditions.
Appendix A
There are several ways to define a complex envelope γ(t) able to represent
the signal x(t) according to relation [A.1]. We will use here the complex envelope
defined by the analytical form of the signal x(t) as follows [BAR 95]:
where F{·} is the Fourier transform operation and U (f ) represents the unit
step function (Heaviside step function).
178 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
There is a second way to represent the equivalent baseband filter [GUI 96].
Indeed, relation [A.6] allows us to write:
So, the baseband filtered heq (t) which is equivalent to the real band filter
h(t) can be expressed in two ways:
heq1 (t) = γh (t)
2 [A.10]
heq2 (t) = h(t)e−j2πf0 t
Baseband Representation of the Radio Channel 179
Statistical Distributions
B.1. Definition
This section defines the main distribution laws presented in the book. Unless
otherwise mentioned, most of these laws are generally used to characterize
the magnitude of the channel impulse response for a given delay. For each
distribution of the random variable X, we give the probability density function
(PDF) pX (x), the cumulative density function (CDF) F (x) = P (X ≤ x), the
first and second order moments E[X] and E[X 2 ], and the variance V ar[X]
when it can be simply expressed.
The Rayleigh distribution [PAR 00] is defined from the parameter σ which
is related to the standard deviation of the distribution by a constant value.
⎧x x2
⎨ e− 2σ2 if x ≥ 0
pX (x) = σ [B.1]
0 otherwise
⎧ x2
⎨1 − e− 2σ2 if x ≥ 0
F (x) = [B.2]
0 otherwise
E[X] = σ [B.3]
182 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
E X 2 = 2σ 2 [B.4]
Var[X] = σ2 [B.5]
The Rice distribution [PAR 00, LAU 94] is defined from two parameters, s
and σ.
⎪ 2 2
⎨ x e− x 2σ+s2 I0 xs if x ≥ 0
pX (x) = σ 2 σ2 [B.6]
⎩0 otherwise
d2 y dy 1
x + (1 − x) + y=0 [B.10]
dx2 dx 2
E X 2 = s2 + 2σ 2 [B.11]
k= [B.12]
2σ 2
Statistical Distributions 183
The Nakagami distribution [LAU 94] is defined from two parameters, m and
⎧ m
⎨ 2m mx2
x2m−1 e− Ω if x ≥ 0
pX (x) = Γ(m)Ω [B.15]
⎩0 otherwise
where γ represents the incomplete Gamma function defined for x > 0 by:
γ(a, x) = e−t tx−1 dt [B.18]
Γ(x) 0
Γ m + 12 Ω
E[X] = [B.19]
Γ(m) m
E X2 = Ω [B.20]
184 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
Numerous estimators exist for the parameter m. The one used in the book
is the following [ABD 00]:
m 2 [B.21]
x4 − x2
The Weibull distribution [LAU 94] is defined from the two parameters, a
and b.
abxb−1 e−ax if x ≥ 0
pX (x) = [B.22]
0 otherwise
1 − e−ax if x ≥ 0
F (x) = [B.23]
0 otherwise
− 1b 1
E[X] = a Γ 1 + [B.24]
2 2
E X 2 = a− b Γ 1 + [B.25]
The normal distribution is defined from two parameters, the mean μ and
the standard deviation σ.
1 (x−μ)2
pX (x) = √ e− 2σ2 [B.26]
1 x−μ
F (x) = 1 + erf √ [B.27]
2 2σ
Statistical Distributions 185
The log-normal distribution [WIE 03] is defined from two parameters, μ and
σ. This distribution corresponds to the normal distribution of a signal complex
envelope expressed in dB.
(10 log(x)−μ)2
⎨ √ 10 −
e 2σ 2 if x ≥ 0
pX (x) = 2πxσ ln(10) [B.32]
⎩0 otherwise
⎨ 1 1 + erf 10 log(x) −μ
√ if x ≥ 0
F (x) = 2 2σ [B.33]
0 otherwise
μ 1 σ 2
E[X] = 10 · 10 10 + 2 ( 10 ) [B.34]
μ σ 2
E X 2 = 10 · 102( 10 +( 10 ) ) [B.35]
We can estimate the parameters μ and σ by calculating the first and second
moments of the variable expressed in dB:
E XdB = μ [B.36]
E XdB = μ2 + σ 2 [B.37]
Var XdB = σ 2 [B.38]
The Laplace distribution [SPE 97] is often used to model the arrival angle
associated with the cluster rays. In the book, this distribution is also used to
describe the Doppler spectrum observed on the fast variations of the signals
186 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
Figure B.1 illustrates the calculation of the variable Dn , for which the
distribution has been studied by Kolmogorov [KOL 33]. For a decision threshold
α and the critical value dα , we note:
The critical value dα has been tabulated for various values of α and n. We
can demonstrate for example that for n > 80:
d0.05 1.3581 · n− 2
d0.01 1.6276 · n− 2
For a sample size n = 100, for example, we can conclude that the probability
– 95% that F0 (x) is totally situated between F100 (x) − 0.13581 and
F100 (x) + 0.13581;
Statistical Distributions 187
P(X x)
– 99% that F0 (x) is totally situated between F100 (x) − 0.16276 and
F100 (x) + 0.16276.
C.1.1. Introduction
Geometric optics (GO) have been developed for the analysis of light wave
propagation which corresponds to high frequencies. In propagation problems,
the GO is valid only for frequencies higher than 100 MHz.
s, ω) + jωμ(s)H(
∇ × E( s, ω) = 0
s, ω) − jω(s)E(
∇ × H( s, ω) = 0
s, ω) = 0
∇ · (s)E(
s, ω) = 0
∇ · (s)E(
with U (s, ω) the electric or magnetic field and k = ω √μ = 2π = 2π √r μr the
λ λ0
wavenumber of the propagation medium. λ and λ0 are the wavelengths in the
propagation medium and in the free space respectively. r = r − j(r + 60σλ)
and μr = μr − jμr correspond to the relative permittivities and the
permeabilities of the medium. The conductivity of the medium is represented
by σ.
φ̂ θ̂
ŝ propagation
P(s) direction
ρ2 ρ1
As there is always a scale for which a wave can be considered as locally plane,
the properties of transverse electromagnetic plane waves can thus be generalized
to all the electromagnetic waves [GAR 87]. This is the electromagnetic wave
Geometric Optics and Uniform Theory of Diffraction 191
locality principle. The electric and magnetic waves are strictly transverse to the
propagation direction s. The electric field vector is in the plane orthogonal to
the propagation direction. The trihedron (E, H,
s) is orthonormal, direct and
follows relation [C.3].
= μ
E (H × s) [C.3]
The study can thus be restricted to the case of the electric field E which
is expressed in a local basis B = (ŝ, θ̂, φ̂). This local basis depends on the
propagation direction. For reasons of readability, a simplified notation is
adopted in the following text which allows us to mix up the vector E with its
vectorial representation E.
According to the work of Luneberg and Kline, the electric field is expressed
in GO by [GLO 99]:
A(s, ρ1 , ρ2 ) corresponds to the ratio between the field magnitudes E(s) and
E(0). It is also called the divergence factor:
ρ1 ρ2
A(s, ρ1 , ρ2 ) = [C.6]
(ρ1 + s)(ρ2 + s)
ρ1 and ρ2 are the two main curvature radii of the wavefront measured on the
central ray at the reference point P (0). This point corresponds to the source
position or the interaction point between the wave and a surface.
192 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
The curvature radii ρ1 and ρ2 vary along the ray trajectory. They have to
be recalculated whenever the ray is obstructed because the interactions modify
the ray trajectory. An interaction can be a reflection, a transmission (or double
refraction) or a diffraction.
B1 = (ŝ1 , α̂1 , β̂1 ) and B2 = (ŝ2 , α̂2 , β̂2 ) are the direct orthonormal bases in
which the incident field is expressed at the interaction input.
MB1 →B2 is the transition matrix allowing us to express the incident field in
the new basis. This matrix corresponds to a projection of the vectors α̂1 and
β̂1 in the basis B2 :
B1 →B2 α̂2 · α̂1 α̂2 · β̂1
M = [C.9]
β̂2 · α̂1 β̂2 · β̂1
ρi1 and ρi2 are the main curvature radii of the incident wavefront.
Br = (−ŝi , êr , êr⊥ ) is a direct orthonormal local basis at the receiver side.
It corresponds to the basis described by the direction −sˆi . If we consider a
spherical frame, êr and êr⊥ can be assimilated to the vectors êθ and −êφ which
form with −sˆi a direct orthonormal basis.
field at the point P in the good basis. This matrix corresponds to a projection
of the vectors êi and êi⊥ in the basis Br .
Bi →Br êr · êi êr · êi⊥ 1 0
M = r i = [C.11]
ê⊥ · ê êr⊥ · êi⊥ 0 −1
Most of the time, we consider that the incident wavefront is spherical. So,
the field is expressed by:
1 Bi →Br i
E (0)e−jks
Er (si ) = M [C.12]
The reflected field is the field received at a point P after the reflection of
a ray at a point Qr placed at a distance si from the source point S and at a
distance sr to the point P (see Figure C.2).
The incidence and reflection planes are the same and the incidence angle θi
and reflection angle θr are equal (see Figure C.2). The incidence plane is defined
194 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
êr⊥ local basis Br
êi⊥ n̂
local basis Bi θr
tangent plane of a surface
by the normal n̂ and the incident ray given by the vector ŝi . The reflection plane
is defined by the normal n̂ and the reflected ray is given by the vector ŝr . The
use of the locality principle in the case of the reflected field corresponds to
the introduction of a reflection dyad R which is expressed according to the
reflection coefficients R and R⊥ by:
R 0
R= [C.14]
0 R⊥
Thus, the reflected field Er (0) at the point Qr and defined in the basis
B only depends on the dyad R and on the incident field Ei (si ) defined in the
basis B at this same point. It is thus necessary to express the field in the correct
incident local basis Bi = (ŝi , êi , êi⊥ ).
Er (0) = R MB→B Ei (si ) [C.15]
Γ,⊥ are the Fresnel coefficients in the case of an infinite plane surface with
a permittivity r :
r cos θi − r − sin2 θi
Γ = [C.19]
r cos θi + r − sin2 θi
cos θi − r − sin2 θi
Γ⊥ = [C.20]
cos θi + r − sin2 θi
Γ = +1 Γ⊥ = −1 [C.21]
196 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
δ = kr l and δ k0 d2 are the phase terms associated with the delays
introduced by each reflected field (see Figure C.3). kr = k0 r corresponds to
the wavenumber of the medium with permittivity r and l = e/ cos θt is the
one-way distance in the medium. The incidence θi and refraction θt angles are
defined by:
sin θt = √ sin θi [C.22]
0 r 0
Incident ray
0 r 0
d d
d = 2l sin θi sin θt
multiplying the coefficients Γ,⊥ by the roughness factor ρ (see equation [C.23])
[BEC 87] [COC 05]. h is the height standard deviation in the rough interface.
ρ = e−2(kr h cos θi ) [C.23]
The refracted (or transmitted) field is the received field at the point P after
refraction (or multiple refractions) of a wave at the point Qt placed on an
interface at a distance si of the source point S and at a distance st of the point
ê i
ŝ i
local basis B i
ê t
θi θt
n̂ Qt
ê⊥t ŝ t P
local basis B
Tangent plane
at the refraction
The refraction law, also called the Snell-Descartes law, comes from the
Fermat principle. It establishes the relation between the incidence angle θi and
the transmission angle θt (see Figure C.4) at the interface and in the direction
air → medium (see equation [C.22]). The Fermat principle implies that the
incidence and transmission planes are the same and defined by the incident
ŝi ray and transmitted ŝt ray directions, and the reflection surface normal
198 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
The field Et (0) after the transmission point Qt depends on the coefficient
T and on the incident field Ei (si ) at this same point, taking care to define the
incident field in the incident local basis Bi = (ŝi , êi , êi⊥ ) (see equation [C.25]).
Et (0) = TMB→B Ei si [C.25]
B = (ŝi , α̂, β̂) corresponds to the orthonormal basis in which the incident
field Ei (si ) is defined. As in the reflected field case, the transition matrix
MB→B allows the expression of the incoming field Ei (si ) in the incident local
basis B i .
ρt1 is the first main curvature radius of the transmitted wave. Its expression
is different from the case of simple refraction (see equation [C.28]) and the case
Geometric Optics and Uniform Theory of Diffraction 199
ρt2 is the second main curvature radius of the transmitted wave. Its
expression is also different from the case of the simple refraction [C.30] and
the case of the second refraction [C.31] [PLO 03].
C.2.1. Introduction
The GTD allows us to solve the problem of field existence in the shadow
zone of the GO. However, it presents a singularity at the boundary between
a lighted zone and a shadow zone. So in 1962, the theory has been completed
by Kouyoumjian and Pathak in order to ensure the total field continuity in all
space points [KOU 74]; henceforth we talk about UTD.
A(s) is the divergence factor of the ray diffracted by the dihedron and is
expressed by:
d d d ρd
A s , ρ1 , ρ2 → 0 = d 1 d d [C.38]
ρ1 + s s
The diffraction law, coming from the generalized Fermat principle, connects
the Keller angle β0 to the incident ray direction ŝi and the diffracted ray
direction sd as well as the tangent t̂ of the dihedron wedge (see Figure C.5) at
the diffraction point Qd by:
ŝi · t̂ = ŝd · t̂ = cos β0 [C.39]
The incidence and diffraction planes are thus defined by the tangent of the
wedge t̂ and by the incident and diffraction ray directions. Generally, these two
planes are not merged, as illustrated in Figure C.5.
The vectors of the bases Bi and Bd are obtained using the following
êi = −ŝi × êi⊥ = ŝi × êi
sin β0
êd = ŝ ×
êd⊥ = ŝ ×
sin β0
In the case of a 3D ray, the dyad D is diagonal and directly expressed from
the two components of the diffraction coefficients D and D⊥ :
D 0
D= [C.41]
0 D⊥
n P
tˆ tio
Incidence plane ŝd
local basis Bi êd⊥
êi local basis Bd
ŝi Qd
S φd
(2 − n)π
φi and φd are respectively the incidence and diffraction angles. They are
specified from the wedge face 0 (see Figure C.5).
F (x) corresponds to the transition function which uses the Fresnel integral
[LEG 95]:
√ 2
F (x) = 2j xe jx
e−jt dt [C.44]
sd ρd1
L = sin2 β0 [C.46]
ρd1+ sd
//,⊥ are the correcting coefficients which allow us to consider the grazing
incidences on the faces 0 and n of a dihedron.
⎪ 1
⎪ for φi = 0 and |1 + R//,⊥
⎪ 0
⎨ 1 + R//,⊥
G0//,⊥ = 1 [C.50]
⎪ for φi = nπ
⎪ 2
1 otherwise
⎪ 1
⎪ for φi = nπ and |1 + R//,⊥
⎨ 1 + R//,⊥
Gn//,⊥ = 1 [C.51]
⎪ for φi = 0
⎩1 otherwise
(1 − T)Ui Qd D φd − φi √ = [C.53]
sd 1/2(1 − T)Ui area III
Zone I Zone II
incident + reflected + diffracted incident + transmitted
Zone III
diffracted + transmitted
diffracted wedge
Each of the dyads (D, R
and T
) are expressed in their respective local
basis. It is thus necessary to calculate the base change matrices in order
to express all the fields in the local basis of the diffraction. α is the angle
between the incident-reflection plane as well as the incidence-transmission
plane and the incident plane. The diffraction plane is given by π2 − α. In 2D,
206 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
ne - re
ce pla
−α n̂
2 θr
ŝi Qd
S φd
(2 − n)π
The relations between the reflection and diffraction local bases are
illustrated at Figure C.8 allow us to establish the matrix of basis change
necessary to express the reflection R
(see equation [C.57]) and transmission
dyads in the diffraction local basis (see equation [C.57]). In these equations,
the exponent terms correspond to the plane nature (i for incident and d for
diffraction) as well as the interaction specifying the plane (r for reflection and
d for diffraction).
⎡ ⎤
êi,d i,r
êi,d i,r
· ê · ê⊥ − sin α
MiR→D (α) = M(α) = ⎣ i,d i,r ⎦ = cos α [C.57]
ê⊥ · ê êi,d · êi,r sin α cos α
⊥ ⊥
⎡ ⎤
êd,d d,r
êd,d d,r
· ê · ê⊥ cos α sin α
MdR→D (α) = M(−α) = ⎣ d,d d,r ⎦= [C.58]
ê⊥ · ê êd,d d,r − sin α cos α
⊥ · ê⊥
Geometric Optics and Uniform Theory of Diffraction 207
⊥ êd,d
⊥ êd,r
α α
before diffraction after diffraction
In the case of transmission, the same basis change matrices are used. They
are denoted M(−α) because we turn conversely. The dyadic matrices are thus
expressed by R and T by using equations [C.59] and [C.60].
R = MdR→D (α) R MiR→D (α)
= M(α)TM(−α) [C.60]
T cos2 α + T⊥ sin2 α (T − T⊥ ) cos α sin α
(T − T⊥ ) cos α sin α T⊥ cos2 α + T sin2 α
1 − T cos2 α − T⊥ sin2 α −(T − T⊥ ) cos α sin α
(I − T
) = [C.61]
−(T − T⊥ ) cos α sin α 1 − T⊥ cos2 α − T sin2 α
In equations [C.63] [C.64] [C.65] and [C.66], the terms R,⊥ and T,⊥ are
the reflection and transmission coefficients, the expressions of which are given
by [C.18] and [C.36].
Appendix D
Ray launching is a forward approach which consists of sending rays in all the
directions from a transmission position of coordinates (Tx) with an incremental
angular step (Δα) which can be set to various values. Then, the receiver position
coordinates (Rx) are specified (see Figure D.1) [CHE 96, KIM 97, STA 98,
LIN 89].
The speed of ray determination with the ray launching approach is directly
related to the chosen Δα. When the Rx position is fixed, the rays connecting
the transmitter Tx and the receiver Rx are obtained considering a receiver
sphere of diameter Δd which can be set to various values. So, the launched rays
connecting Tx to Rx will be considered if they intersect the receiver sphere (see
Figure D.1). The number of rays obtained increases with the sphere diameter
Δd (for a given Δα), but the precision of the calculated field and the received
signal decreases.
The specificity of this approach is the increase of the number of the potential
images combinations with the complexity of the considered environment. This
can lead to important ray calculation time.
210 Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
δd Rx
Figure D.1. Ray launching principle: (a) rays launched from the transmitter
and (b) rays obtained considering intersection of receiver sphere
Im Im Tx /s1 /s2
Im Tx /s1
Tx Rx
In the literature, other techniques are also proposed and used for ray
determination. Some of these techniques are hybrid and combine ray launching
and ray tracing [TAN 95, TCH 03, AVE 04], while others require a visibility
tree to be built [AGE 97, AGE 00], or rely upon calculation time speed
improvement techniques borrowed from the image processing domain. These
last techniques use octree, raster or Voxel matrices for ray determination
[FOL 84, LEG 05].
This page intentionally left blank
Appendix E
The determination of a time domain signal x(τ ) from its frequency domain
expression X(f ) is generally made using an inverse Fourier transform (see
equation [E.1]). As the frequency domain expression X(f ) of the signal x(τ )
shows a Hermitian symmetry (see equation [E.2]), the obtained signal x(τ ) is
x(τ ) = X(f ) ej 2 π f τ df [E.1]
X (f ) = X(−f ) ∀ f ∈ R [E.2]
Nf −1
h(τ ) = δf H(fk ) ej 2 π fk τ [E.3]
The transfer function H(f ) does not show a Hermitian symmetry because it
is only defined between fmin and fmax . The signal obtained after discrete inverse
Fourier transform is complex and corresponds to h(τ ) + j ĥ(τ ) (see Figure E.1).
0.08 0.08
0.06 0.06
0.04 0.04
0.02 0.02
0 0
−0.02 −0.02
−0.04 −0.04
−0.06 −0.06
Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
−0.08 −0.08
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
delay (ns) delay (ns)
Figure E.2 shows the time domain signal obtained after discrete inverse
Fourier transformation is applied on H1 (f ). We can notice that the sampling
of the obtained time domain signal is improved. Nevertheless, it is still complex.
0.08 0.08
0.06 0.06
0.04 0.04
0.02 0.02
0 0
−0.02 −0.02
−0.04 −0.04
−0.06 −0.06
Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
−0.08 −0.08
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
delay (ns) delay (ns)
±f f min f max fe f
Operation of symmetric f orcing
0.08 0.08
0.06 0.06
0.04 0.04
0.02 0.02
0 0
−0.02 −0.02
−0.04 −0.04
−0.06 −0.06
Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels
−0.08 −0.08
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
delay (ns) delay (ns)
Figure E.4. Reconstruction of h(τ ) after discrete inverse Fourier transform applied
on H2 (f )
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ESD (Energy spectral density), 110 Laplace distribution, 170, 173, 185
Exponential decay constants, 61, 141 Level crossing rate, 64
Log-normal distribution, 64, 150, 185
F LOS, 105
fast, 48, 63, 148, 153, 172 M
flat, 48 M-BOK, 39
slow, 48, 152, 172 m-sequence, 75
Far field, 45 Maxwell equation, 189, 204
FCC, 22, 25, 31, 33, 34, 40, 111 MB-OFDM, 35, 40–42
FDTD, 100 Mean delay, 59
Fourier transform, 103, 178, 213 Measurement campaigns, 85
Fraunhofer distance, 45 examples, 91
Free space propagation, 44 overview, 85
Frequency correlation function, 59 Model
Frequency domain function, 53 statistical, 157
Fresnel law, 46 Cassioli-Win-Molisch, 160
Friis formula, 45, 134 dynamic, 169
frequency domain, 161
G IEEE 802.15.3a, 158
General theory diffraction, 200 IEEE 802.15.4a, 159
Geometric optic, 189, 200 principles, 162
field expression, 191 MoM, 100
field locality, 190
GO, 101 N
GPS, 31, 32 Nakagami distribution, 64, 150, 159,
GSM, 30 161, 183
NLOS, 105
H Normal distribution, 184, 185
Hermitian symmetry, 177, 213, 215
Hilbert transform, 178 O
Huygens’ principle, 47 OOK, 39
Impulse radio, 35, 38–40 PAM, 38, 39
Impulse response, 51, 103, 137, 163, Path loss, 62, 134, 162
166 exponent
time varying, 53 distance dependent, 48, 63, 136
Intersymbol interference, 50, 59 frequency dependent, 63, 134
Inversion sounding technique, 78 Power decay constants, 144
ISB, 202 Power delay profile, 57, 58, 137
Power spectral density, 25, 33, 37, 177
K PPM, 35, 38, 39
Kolmogorov-Smirnov, 186 Processing gain, 25
Index 239