Capital Markets Promotion
Capital Markets Promotion
Capital Markets Promotion
Capital markets are like any other markets, but differ in terms of the products
traded and their organization. Capital markets deal with the trading of
securities. Capital markets provide avenue where companies can raise funds
to expand on their businesses or establish new ones by issuing securities
owned by the companies. Like businesses in the private sector, Government
issue its securities to raise funds in capital markets to build electricity damn,
construct new roads, bridges by issues.
Stocks and bonds are long-term fixed interest bearing securities issued by
Government and companies. When one invests in stocks and bonds, one
gets interest income, which is paid periodically until the loan matures or is
called back by the issuer. The holder of stocks and bonds gets interest even if
the issuer does not make a profit.
Any individual or company who at one time or the other lent money or
bought shares through the Stock Exchange can also sell back the relevant
shares or stocks through the stock Exchange at any time.
The Stock Exchange has its rules and regulations which govern it. These rules
and regulations are designed to protect all market participants, including the
individual who puts up some funds to invest.
Yes, Collective Investment Schemes (CIS) such as Mutual Funds or Unit Trusts.
These are formalised system of Community Savings Schemes otherwise known
as Osusu. The CIS allows individuals to make periodic contributions of various
There are two types of unit trust schemes: open-ended and close-ended.
Mutual Fund is another name for Unit Trust in some jurisdictions e.g. the United
The Osusu schemes will therefore stand to benefit from the development of a
capital market which will provide the enabling environment for the effective
and secure operation of the schemes which are registered with recognised
regulatory body, like the Bank of Sierra Leone.
What Are The Benefits To Be Gained By A Formalised Community Savings
What Does The Saver Stand To Gain By Saving With A Registered Collector?
Investing in a number of different securities helps reduce the risk of investing.
When the investor buys a share/unit in a fund, he/she buys an interest in a
portfolio of dozens of different securities, giving him/her instant diversification,
at least within the type of securities held by the fund. For example, a portfolio
made up of shares from various companies is a good example of
With many funds, the investor can begin buying shares/units with a relatively
small amount of money (e.g. about Le.50,000 for the initial purchase). Some
funds allow investors to buy more shares on a regular basis with even smaller
monthly instalments.
Professional Management
Performance Monitoring
The bid and offer prices of CIS are reported in the press and on many internet
sites as obtains in other markets, allowing the investor to continually monitor
the performance of his/her investment.
How are Investors Protected
There are rules and regulations governing all participants in the market.
Companies must meet certain conditions before approval to issue shares or
debt instruments to the public and list on the Exchange, is granted.
Increased investment by companies will lead to employment
expansion, income generation, and with a larger percentage of the
population earning income, savings and consumption will increase
resulting in a cycle of increased investment, increased production,
enhanced economic growth and wealth creation.
What developments have taken place in the Sierra Leone’s Capital Markets
Industry so far?
The capital markets industry in Sierra Leone is in its infancy. There are
however, shares of at least six public companies that can be traded in the
capital market. These companies include:
Two discount houses, First Discount House and Capital Discount House have
been established to serve as players in the market. First Discount House has
already done Over The Counter Trading (OTC) in shares of Rokel Commercial
Bank (SL) Ltd. and Sierra Leone Brewery Ltd.
Going public and trading on the OTC market is normally seen as a stepping
stone to seeking trade on the stock exchange.
A share issue allows companies to increase the equity base of the company
and raise capital without bearing the burden of interest payments associated
with borrowed funds.
The public profile of the company is improved thus attracting greater business