4th PT in English g9

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Bascaran, Daraga, Albay


Name: ____________________________ Yr. and Section: _________ Score:______

I.A. VOCBULARY. Give the meaning of the underlined words in these sentences.
Choose your answer from the synonyms in the box.

a. proud and arrogant d. dull

b. complaining e. destroyed calmness
c. overbearing and demanding f. worried

_____1. Mrs. Stevenson is identified as a querulous and self-centered neurotic.

_____2. She became imperious when she could not connect to the number she dialed.
_____3. When she dialed again, she only got a bland buzzing signal and heard the
conversation on the cross line.
_____4. The telephone operator’s failed attempts to connect to her husband’s office
number unnerved her.
_____5. She gave a highhanded reply when she sensed Sgt. Duffy did not take action
on her complaint.

B. The words contains three sets of synonymous words. Group the words with almost
the same meaning.

amble drowsing appreciation

running credit slow walk
sleeping cold-blooded inhuman

III. GRAMMAR. Encircle the gerunds then label its function as a subject, direct object,
object of the preposition, or appositive in the sentence.
Example: Exercising is good for our health. subject

1. Cooking is one of her pastimes every weekend. ______________

2. Our class learned weaving in one of our TLE lessons. ______________
3. We decided to have coffee after shopping. ______________
4. John’s job, teaching, is tiring yet fulfilling at the same time. ______________
5. The trainer advised enrolling in a business school across the street instead. _______
6. Helping people is a responsibility of every citizen. ______________
7. Take time getting used to refusing people’s requests. ______________
8. When it comes to helping, ultimately, it’s not even about expecting money or just
helping friends out. ______________
9. Lester does boxing in the gym twice a week. ______________
10. Lyka’s favorite exercise is jogging. ______________
IV. MULTPLE CHOICE. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. A meaningful musical expression of significant human experiences where powerful words are
used to signify the beauty and grandeur of life.
a. prose b. poem c. short story d. parable
2. It is a combination of two words to create an evocative and imaginative alternative
a. contraction b. antonyms c. kennings d. synonyms
3. It is usually defined as a word ending in –ing that is formed from a verb and that
functions as a noun specifically used as a subject, a subjective complement, an object
of a preposition, a direct object, and an appositive.
a. Gerund b. noun c. adjective d. adverb
4. The greedy monster and the main opponent of Beowulf.
a. Hrotgar b. Heorot c. Grendel d. Danes
5. Rewriting lines from songs, poems, stories, and other articles is one way of
a. organizing b. paraphrasing c. summarizing d. outlining

III.READING. Read the poem below the answer the questions that follow.

HARLEM 1.What do you think the “ dream” is?

Langston Hughes ___________________________________
2.How would you define “a dream
What happens to a dream deferred? deferred”?________________________________
3. What five similes does the poet use to restate the first question-
Does it dry up that is, to what does he compare a “ dream deferred”?
like a raisin in the sun? _____________
Or fester like a rose- _____________
And then run? _____________
Does it stink like rotten meat? _____________
Or crust in sugar over- _____________
like a syrupy sweet? 4. What is the message of the poem to the people today? Explain.
Maybe it just sags _______________________________________________
like a heavy load. _______________________________________________
Or does it explode? _______________________________________________

B. WRITING. Arrange the events according to their occurrence in the radio play “ Sorry,
Wrong Number ”. Write numbers 1-5 on the blanks provided.

______She accidentally overheard a conversation between two men planning a murder.

______Desperate to prevent the crime, she began a series of calls--to the operator, to
the police, and others.
______Mrs. Stevenson is an invalid confined to her bed and her only lifeline was the
______One night, while she was waiting for her husband to return home, she picked up
the phone and called his office.
______Her conversation with Sgt. Duffy made her realize the description of the crime
scene and victim.
V. Fill in the information that will complete the table below on the different personalities
with their advocacies.

Personalities Nationality Advocacy

Melinda Gates American

Ghalib Khalil

Educate street children

Efren Peñaflorida through a push cart

Mark Hyman

Arnel Pineda Filipino

Evans Wadongo

Narayanan Krishnan

Julia “ Butterfly” Hill




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