What is the TIMING ADVANCE? Measure distance MS -BTS w/ resolution of 550 meters
How long is it in time and in space? 1/2 bit where the bit rate is 270kbps ~ 550 meters
What are BER and BEP? Bit Error Rate and Probability
Can you explain what is NBLO It is used in CBCCH and it measures the difference
measurement and how it is used? between BCCH and non-BCCH layer
CBCCH advantage = Trunking Gain + you can assign the
call to the slave (e.g. other layer) w/ call assignment w/o
Which is the main advantage of using HO
CBCCH Vs. Multiple BCCH? MBCCH advantage = Give BCCH channel to both bands
… especially here in US where there are a lot of legacy
phones in singleband @ 1900
Could you please explain the basic
signalling of a Mobile Originated Call RACH, AGCH, SDCCH, TCH …
Could you please explain the basic
signalling of a Mobile Terminated PCH, RACH, AGCH, SDCCH, TCH …
Call Setup?
What are the important GSM
3.22, 4 series esp. 4.08 & 4.60, 5 series esp 5.08, 5.05
specifications for radio performance?
What is the channel spacing in
200 kHz
What is the duplex frequency of
45 MHz for GSM850 and 80 MHz for GSM1900
GSm850 and GSM1900?
in GSM, What is the multiple access
and duplex used?
What is ARFCN? What does it Absolure Radio Frequency Channel Number. Basically it
mean? is the frequency in use.
Is ARFCN = 120 in GSM850 or
GSM1900 band?
How many ARFCN do you have in
ch 128 -251 (124 Ch)
How many ARFCN do you have in
Ch 512 - 811 (300 ch)
Which is the number of frames in a
Which is the number of frames in a
What's the difference between
MECHANICAL and ELECTRICAL Electrical reduces also side lobes and back lobes.
How does the ELECTRICAL Put a signal w/ different phases which deletes part of the
DOWNTILT work? initial one creating smaller lobes
What is the difference in propagation
7 dB. The higher the frequency, the more the loss.
between 850Mhz and 1900Mhz?
Also known as shadowing, caused by large obstructions
What is Slow fading? such as hils, building trees. Behaviour is a slow change in
Also known as multipath or Rayleigh. Caused by
constuctive or destructive interference as a result of
What is Fast fading?
reflections, multiple propagation paths. Fades as deep as
30 dB over distances of half a wavelength
In the slow moving mobile
Fast Fading.
what kind of fading has more impact
to signal?
When the RF signal is distorted around an object.
Happens to all EM waves, it seems as though the wave
"bends" around an object, therefore can provide coverage
What is Diffraction? behind an obstruction. Happens when there is no LOS or
the 1st Fresnel zone is obstructed. Commonly modelled
as knife edge, either single or double. Epstein-Petersein
is a multiple edge model.
What is the effect of transmit
None. Diffraction is independent of frequency
frequency on Diffraction?
Coverage is provided by the signal propagating to an
What is the difference between
area. Service is useable coverage, affected by
"Service" and "Coverage"?
interference or GSM distance constraints
Interference is unwanted coverage. The same signal can
What is the relationship between
be both coverage or interference depending on whether
Coverage and Interference?
the signal is useful or not
Site location (Lat, long), Antenna configuration (diversity,
What is the required information HPBW, gain, type), Antenna line information (feeder
from site survey activities? And what length/loss, spiltter, diplexer, MHA), Rooftop layout.
are their purpose? This is used for link budge calc., coverage planning and
prediction simulation, optimization analysis
Customer wants to give to ----- a
new service, coverage planning of a
new market. You need to tell him
Coverage Polygons (Rural, SubUrban, Urban, Freeway) #
which are the inputs you need in
Different RxLevel for each polygon # Coverage Probability
order to start your work. Please do
so … which are the inputs you need
to ask him for.
What is the Coverage Probability?
You have normally 2 Coverage
Cell Edge. Cell Area.
Probabillity … which are their
Cell Area Coverage Probability ~ 90% is a typical value
Which is a typical Coverge
you can use and that you have to put in the Propagation
Probability you can use for coverage
model as an input in order to have the Cell Range and
dimensioning purposes?
from that the Cell Area.
The customer has given you the
input you have requested him 1. You need to decide the type of equipment and
(Polygons, RxLev, Coverage configuration you want to have. Normally this is a
Probability) now you need to decide standard one (e.g. ULTRASITE, w/ LNA, 2 TRXs) 2.
which are the tools you need in order Calculate the LINK BALANCE for that specific
to give him an initial understanding configuration. 3. Propagation Model (e.g. Okomura Hata)
of how many sites he needs. Please correction factors (e.g. mean and standarddeviation)
tell me which are the tools you need
10 dB + 14 dB 24 dB
10 dBm + 14 dB 24 dBm
What are the main MML families in EA: Adjacency, EE: BSC, EQ: BTS, ER: TRX, EH: HOC,
manipulating radio objects? EU: POC
What does the initial "Z" stand for in It makes MML interpret the command from the main level,
an MML command? even if you are inside another family
What is frequency reuse 4/12 ? There are 12 frequency ch reuse on the 4x3-sector sites.
If it is not set, what will happen? MS is not possible to measure the cells e.g. no HO.
Where really do you need this
National Borders
Do you know which is the PLMN
All of them
setting used in CINGULAR?
Can you use TRAFFICA tool in the
CINGULAR network? Blue? Only if you have our core … means Orange
Orange? Why?
If you increase the LA size do you
expect an increase in the A I/f traffic?
If you increase the LA size do you
expect an increase in the Abis I/f YES
If you increase the LA size do you
expect an increase in the Air I/f YES
What do you use the FACCH for in
HO, CALL SETUP if you have the feature
UL and DL?
What do you use the SACCH for in
System Info (DL), Measurements (UL), SMS during a call
UL and DL?
How many SDCCH can you put in 1
Which is the difference between
combined = CCCH + 4SDCCH; separated = CCCH and
SDCCH are in different RTSL
Which channels have no power
Measurement report is sent to BSC
every period of which channel and SACCH = 480 ms
how long does it equivalent to?
What is the different between sync in non-sync HO, there is physical information is require for
and non-sync HO? And in which MS to perform HO. The information contains TA
case it will happen? And what information and it requires when the cell HO to different
parameter is used to define this? BCF cell. The parameter is in each ADJ pair "SYNC"
is following statement correct?
There is no problem if the neighbor False. MS report only BCCH and BSIC to BSC, therefore
list contains the same BCCH and BSC will not be able to differentiate which ADJ is the right
same BSIC from different cells as one and that could cause HO failure and eventually call
long as the 2 neighbour are far away drop
and not interfere to each other.
Nx is the total number of sample in the evaluation.
What is the Nx/Px parameters in
Px is the number of samples within Nx that below or
handover parameters defined? And
above threshold.
what is the impact on setting large
The large number could lead to the longer time for HO
number of Nx/Px?
decision making
What's the difference between HO HO Attempt is before the check if target has available
ATTEMPT and HO command in RTSL. HO Command is after. There are more HO
-----? attempts than HO commands
Which is the 1st thing you should
check in the formula when the
If counts HO attempts …
customer is telling yu he has a very
high HO failure rate?
1) Interference (uplink or downlink)
2) Uplink quality
3) Downlink quality
4) Uplink level
5) Downlink level
6) Distance between MS and BTS
Please name 5 types of HO reasons 7) Turn around corner MS (special case of rapid field
8) Any other rapid field drop
9) Fast / slow moving MS (special case of umbrella
10) Any other umbrella or power budget handover
11) traffic reason ho
1) Adjacent Cell Load Threshold : Can be checked only
for cells belonging to the same BSC as the serving one
What is the 4 criteria in ranking the
2) Adjacent Cell Priority
ADJ for HO candidate?
3) Overloaded Cell -> Reduction of Priority
4) RX level (if same priority)
What is typical value use for PBGT
6 dB
HO margin?
dualBandCell Y indicates cell as dual band cell
What are the 3 parameters in BSS multiCellBandReporting 0..3 number of adjacent dual
that need to change to make sure band cells taken into account for measurement report
that dualband is working? earlySendingIndication Y enables MS to send classmark
3 message as early as possible
it reduces the amount of same band reporting. Normally
What is the impact of setting higher
there are only 6 cells report from MS. Deducting by MBR,
number of mulitcellBandreporting?
the rest will be used for same band.
What feature could be used to help
the situation?
What is the RLT parameter? RLT = Radio Link timeout.
When is a HR unpacked to FR? When the RxQual of the HR call reaches a pre-set limit
Does ----- supports all the GSM AMR No doesn't support HR 7.95kbps because it should use
codecs? 16kbps TRAU and NOKIA doesn't have it.
Name of a CINGULAR idea to maximize capacity.
Basically while testing it they have found that our BSS
had a problem and wasn't unpacking if a candidate for
What is MAXCAP feature?
Quality HO wasn't available. When it was introduced we
saw a sudden increase in drop call during unpacking. That
is the reason why we want to have MAXCAP = OFF.
Do you have more signalling
In band singalling, but it is transparent
channels in AMR HR?
Does the overall bit rate on the Air
No it doesn't …
I/F changes w/ AMR?
Dynamic Frequency and Channel Allocation, is a BSS
radio resource management functionality that selects the
radio channel individually for each connection from a
What is DFCA? dedicated channel pool based on C/I criteria. The different
degrees of interference tolerence of different connection
type such as EFR,AMR FR, HR are taken into account in
the ch selection process.
-BSC2i + CP2MX CPU cards or BSC 3i
-BSC-BSC connections for BSC using DFCA and have
What are the DFCA HW adjacent service area.
requirement? -Ultrasite or metrosite BTS
- Wideband combiner
- LMU in every BTS
What are the DFCA SW - CX4.1
requirement? -OSS4
Three frequency bands are defined
BCCH band, Regular band (optional), DFCA band
in DFCA, what are they?
-The range of Malist is 1-32
-The DFCA MA list must be defined the same way in al
What are the requirement/limitation BSCs within each continous BSC area
in DFCA band? -DFCA MA list do not contain consecutive frequency
-Any two DFCA MA lists containing adjacent frequency
are required to be of the same length.
-non real time information I.e. Background inteference
What are the inputs for DFCA -near real time information I.e. Mobile measurement
channel allocation? report
- realtime information I.e. Radio channel usage
What are the 4 methods in DFCA C/I
incoming DL, Incoming UL, Outgoing DL, Outgoing UL
BSS Synchronization
-Sync MUST be on prior to switching to DFCA Mode.
-FN and TS offsets should be set (not left at 0)
Interference Handovers
-nterference based handovers should be enabled on all
Apart from DFCA parameter, what Dynamic Power Control
are the parameters shall be checked -Should be enabled on all DFCA BTS for UL and DL
for DFCA activation? Timeslot Type
-TCH timeslots only supported on DFCA TRX’s
-All signaling (e.g. SDCCH) and GP timeslots must be
Idle & Active BA List Usage
-BA list must be created and attached for Idle & Active use
in each DFCA BTS
2i: 2 per BSCU, 8+1 BCSU max, 3i: 4 per BSCU, 6+1
How many are there in a BSC?
BCSU max
How many EDAPs can be attached There is no limit. It could be one per site or one per TRX,
to a site? although this is inefficient
Throughput, TBF est fail, TBF fail, TBF lost due to flush or
MS lost, GMSK share of EGPRS, TBF/TSL, Payload,
Name some EGPRS KPIs
EDAP congestion (mins/Gb), territory upgrade rejects,
territory downgrades, PCU congestion
What is PoC? Push-to-Talk over Cellular. It is a real-time service
What elements need to be added for
PoC Server, possible Presence server
It is merely a transport layer, PoC is a service that uses
How is EGPRS used for PoC?
Are there re-transmission in PoC? Not from the PoC server. EGPRS uses normal algorithm
Start to Talk (STT) time, Voice Through Delay
What KPIs are used in PoC? (VTD),Glitches (delay in packet arrival), Lost data), Round
Trip Delay (RTT) (depends on user reaction)
What values are normally expected
STT: <2s, VTD: <4s
for STT and VTD?
What is the Adv: greater possibility of the data being decoded for MSs
advantages/disadvantages of a low in bad quality. Dis: Less range if 8PSK due to power back-
initial MCS off
A small capacity cell with an antenna not more than 5m in
Define a Microcell
In a grid system, on the side of a building. Not on a corner
What is the best position for a otherwise the canyon streets will propagate the signal too
microcell antenna? far. In a non gird system, side or corner of the building
wherever best serves the target area.
Fast moving mobiles may select it and then leave the
What are the disadvantages of a
coverage area very fast. Local congestion because of
micro cell?
high traffic
Use C2 penalty time to make the cell attractive only to
How can these be solved? slow mobiles. Run the cell as barred and use hierarchical
handovers to move the calls from the overlaying macros
Name some RF systems used in in- Active or passive Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS),
building cells leaky feeders, Yagis in the lift shaft.
If you don't know an answer to a NED, Jump, Quickplace, mailing lists, ETSI Specs, Nokia
question where do you look? Feature Descriptions, Training course material.
Why don't we suggest to have a
More intracell Ho. Eat up PCU capacity