A Randomized Controlled Trial of A Computer-Based Physician Workstation in An Outpatient Setting: Implementation Barriers To Outcome Evaluation

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340 ROTMAN ET AL., Physician Workstation Evaluation

Research Paper

A Randomized Controlled
Trial of a Computer-based
Physician Workstation in an
Outpatient Setting:
Implementation Barriers to
Outcome Evaluation



Abstract Objective: A research prototype Physician Workstation (PWS) incorporating a

graphical user interface and a drug ordering module was compared with the existing hospital
information system in an academic Veterans Administration General Medical Clinic. Physicians
in the intervention group received recommendations for drug substitutions to reduce costs and
were alerted to potential drug interactions. The objective was to evaluate the effect of the PWS
on user satisfaction, on health-related outcomes, and on costs.
Design: A one-year, two-period, randomized controlled trial with 37 subjects.
Measurements: Differences in the reliance on noncomputer sources of information, in user
satisfaction, in the cost of prescribed medications, and in the rate of clinically relevant drug
interactions were assessed.
Results: The study subjects logged onto the workstation an average of 6.53 times per provider
and used it to generate 2.8% of prescriptions during the intervention period. On a five-point
scale (5 = very satisfied, 1 = very dissatisfied), user satisfaction declined in the PWS group (3.44
to 2.98 p = O.OOS),and increased in the control group (3.23 to 3.72, p < 0.0001).
Conclusion: The intervention physicians did not use the PWS frequently enough to influence
information-seeking behavior, health outcomes, or cost. The study design did not determine
whether the poor usage resulted from satisfaction with the control system, problems using the
PWS intervention, or the functions provided by the PWS intervention. Evaluative studies should
include provisions to improve the chance of successful implementation as well as to yield
maximum information if a negative study occurs.
n JAMIA. 1996;3:340-348.

Affiliations of the authors: Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care Fellowship Program. Supported by a grant from the Am-
Care System, Palo Alto, CA (BLR, ANS, TWM, DKO); Division bulatory Care Education Initiative, Department of Veterans Af-
of General Internal Medicine, Stanford University, Stanford, CA fairs.
(BLR, TWM, DKO); Department of Health Research and Policy, Correspondence and reprints: Douglas K. Owens, MD, MSc,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA (BWB, DKO) Hewlett-Pack-
Section of General Internal Medicine (lllA), Veterans Affairs
ard Laboratories, Palo Alto, CA (PDS, DG, MCH, HJS, CY).
Medical Center, 3801 Miranda Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304.
e-mail: [email protected]
Dr. Owens is supported by a Career Development Award from
the VA Health Services Research and Development Service. Drs. Received for publication: 12/6/95; accepted for publication:
Rotman and McDonald were supported by the VA Ambulatory 5/14/96.
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association Volume 3 Number 5 Sep / Oct 1996 341

Collecting, processing, and recording information zation of users to experimental and control groups,
during an outpatient visit is already difficult. It is the traditional approach for clinical evaluations, is the
growing more complicated because more health care most suitable method for ensuring comparability.
services are delivered in the outpatient arena, an ag- However, experimental designs must allow user ac-
ing population has more chronic diseases, and ex- cess to the existing system unless the new system con-
panding medical technologies have created more di- tains all the clinically relevant information available
agnostic and therapeutic options to know and use. In through the existing one. A second threat to the va-
addition, with the advent of restrictions on govern- lidity of an evaluation of clinical information systems
mental funding for health care and the growing prom- is the secular trend: changes in the clinical environ-
inence of managed care, health care providers are fac- ment that occur during the study period and that may
ing increasing pressure to maximize their efficiency. affect the study outcomes. For example, the results of
New clinical information systems can assist providers a study of the influence of a computer-based clinical
with this challenge by enhancing data management information system on pharmacy costs may be con-
and providing decision support. founded if changes in the hospital formulary during
Prior evaluations of clinical information systems and the study period reduce (or increase) drug costs. Ap-
expert systems that provide patient-specific advice propriately designed control groups enable investi-
have found both successes and failures.lm6 A system- gators to control and adjust for such confounding
atic review found that three of four studies of com- trends in the analysis of results.
puter-assisted drug dosing, one of five studies of com- In the Physician Workstation (PWS) project, we eval-
puter-aided diagnosis, seven of nine studies of uated an innovative, computer-based PWS designed
computer-aided active medical care, and four of six to facilitate essential information-processing activities
studies of computer-assisted preventive care showed in ambulatory care. An internally developed research
improvement in clinicians’ performance.’ Only three prototype,10-16 the PWS was designed based on eth-
of ten studies that examined patient outcomes found nographic studies during a process of formative eval-
improvements, however.5 Information systems also uations.13”7 We evaluated the PWS in a two-period,
reduce costs in certain settings. For example, Tierney parallel design that assigned subjects randomly, con-
and colleagues conducted a randomized controlled trolled for secular trends, and maximized statistical
trial of computer-based feedback during order entry power. The objective of our study was to evaluate the
in a hospital that showed a reduction in drug effects of PWS on user satisfaction, on health-related
charges.” outcomes, and on costs. Because the intervention sys-
Rigorous evaluation of clinical information systems is tem was used infrequently, we were not able to eval-
important for two reasons7 Simply providing more uate whether such an intervention, if used, would af-
information, or providing it in a more usable manner, fect health or economic outcomes. This paper reports
may not be sufficient to improve clinical outcomes or the study design, describes the implementation prob-
to reduce costs. Provider behavior is notoriously dif- lems that contributed to low usage, and recommends
ficult to influence.” Also, innovative systems may ways to avoid these problems in evaluative studies.
have unexpected limitations, even if these systems
have certain clear advantages over current ones.7 Lab- Methods
oratory evaluations of clinical information systems are
insufficient for determining clinical utility.’ Thus, it is
Clinical Environment
essential to demonstrate that an information technol-
ogy actually change health and economic outcomes. We performed our study in the General Medical
As with studies! of other medical interventions, eval- Clinic (GMC) at the Veterans Affairs (VA) Palo Alto
uations of information systems may be subject to bi- Health Care System from July 1994 to June 1995. The
ases that undermine the validity of their results.’ Two GMC provides continuity care for a patient popula-
threats to validity warrant particular attention. In a tion of predominantly elderly men who have multiple
study comparing two groups of users, the users in chronic illnesses. During the study, 2,071 patients
each group should be comparable in terms of skill, were seen in the GMC. Our study subjects were 37
training, interest; and clinical needs. Otherwise, selec- Stanford University Internal Medicine residents. Each
tion bias may occur because the users of the new sys- resident cared for GMC patients one half-day per
tem are those with particular a interest or aptitude. week. Each examination room contained a computer
This type of selection bias is particularly relevant to terminal connected to the hospital’s medical infor-
evaluations of clinical information systems, and it mation system. For the intervention period, we added
may lead to speciously optimistic results. Randomi- PWS terminals and printers to the examination rooms
342 ROTMAN ET AL., Physician Workstation Evaluation

of the intervention physicians. The internal review Intervention

boards of the Palo Alto VA and the Stanford Univer-
The PWS system contains features designed to reduce
sity Medical Center approved the study.
prescription-drug costs and to reduce the number of
adverse drug interactions. To reduce costs, the PWS
Computer Systems system contains a knowledge base that provides ad-
vice and information, such as drug costs, institutional
The Palo Alto VA uses a comprehensive hospital in- prescription policies, and recommendations for cost-
formation system, the Decentralized Hospital Com- effective drug substitutions. Thus, when a provider
puter Program (DHCP), which has a menu-driven, prescribes a drug using the PWS prescription module,
command-line interface that allows the user to choose the PWS alerts the physician if another effective but
between simple data retrieval (including laboratory less expensive drug is available in the formulary. For
tests, radiology reports, appointments, and discharge example, if a physician prescribes terfenadine for al-
summaries) and data entry (including test and consult lergic rhinitis, PWS will automatically alert the pro-
ordering). Also, DHCP provides comprehensive vider that chlorpheniramine is available and will pro-
health summaries, which include all of the most re- vide the following advisory: “Terfenadine is non-
cent study results, as well as medication lists, which formulary. Please first try more cost-effective antihis-
residents use to review and renew patients‘ medica- tamines (e.g., chlorpheniramine). Among nonsedating
tions. The residents staffing the GMC receive a print- agents, astemizole is least expensive.” The message
out of these reports at each patient visit. appears in a yellow outlined box across the screen;
the user can either acknowledge the message or erase
DHCP does not contain a mechanism for monitoring it or receive an expanded text pertaining to the alert.
drug interactions. Physicians write prescriptions on
prescription pads or renew medications by using a The PWS system provides alerts about potential ad-
preprinted medication summary. These prescriptions verse drug interactions. For example, while using the
are read by pharmacists, who can recognize potential drug-ordering module to prescribe warfarin for a pa-
interactions. However, the system contains no com- tient who is already taking aspirin, a physician will
prehensive screening to detect drug interactions. be warned by a yellow outlined message appearing
in a box across the screen that the combination might
The PWS system uses seven Hewlett-Packard 700 X- increase the patient’s risk of bleeding. Users can sim-
Terminals connected to two Hewlett-Packard 735 ply acknowledge the alert or receive additional text.
UNIX workstations, employing a client-server archi- Physicians receive alerts about potential drug inter-
tecture; the PWS system uploads data from the hos- actions during the patient visit only if they renew
pital information system via a local-area Ethernet net- medications using the PWS system; if physicians write
work using 10 base-T and 10 base-2 cabling. prescriptions with the paper-based system available
in the clinic, the PWS receives the updated medication
The PWS system offers features that are not available list after pharmacy staff has entered the new medi-
in the current hospital information system. It presents cations into the DHCP (usually the next day). A more
data uploaded from the DHCP using a graphical user comprehensive description of the PWS has appeared
interface that allows data stored in separate files to be in earlier publications.‘0-‘7
presented simultaneously in an integrated context.
The system allows users to track medications, prob- Study Design
lems, and laboratory values in a graphical format that
displays changes over the course of time. Using the We chose a two-period parallel design (Fig. l), with
PWs’s drug-ordering module, physicians can renew, the study subjects randomly divided into two groups:
cancel, or order new medications, and they can print the PWS group and the DHCP group.” We used a
out prescriptions on a printer installed in their ex- stratified block randomization method, stratifying by
amination rooms. The module allows physicians to year of training, and balancing the total number and
point and click with a mouse to select medications percent of first-year physicians in each group. During
and instructions from a template, or to use a keyboard time period 1 (July 1, 1994, to March 30, 1995), both
in order to enter free text. However, if physicians re- groups used the standard hospital system, the DHCI?
new prescriptions or prescribe information by using During time period 2 (April 1,1995, to June 30,1995),
the paper-based system available in the clinic, the the PWS group used the PWS, while the DHCP group
PWS cannot provide alerts; the information from the continued to use the DHCP. The study was terminated
paper-based system is not immediately available to on June 30, 1995, at the end of the academic year,
the PWS. when one-third of the subjects completed residency
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association Volume 3 Number 5 Sep / Oct 1996 343

Preintervention phase Intervention Phase

Baseline user survey Final user survey


!w” P
Figure 1 Design of the study. A two-period parallel design with the study subjects randomly divided into two groups,
the PWS group and the DHCP group. DHCP = Decentralized Hospital Computer Program, PWS = Physician Work-
station. During the nine-month preintervention phase, both groups used the standard hospital system, the DHCP.
During the three-month intervention phase, the PWS group used the PWS, while the DHCP group continued to use
the DHCP.

training. For each physician, we calculated the differ- We developed a definition of drug-drug interactions
ence in the outcome variables between the two time that emphasized clinically relevant interactions. Using
periods. the Drug Therapy Monitoring System (DTMS), a com-
mercial database developed by Medispan, we selected
We chose to assess the effect of the PWS system on only level-l interactions, the most dangerous and
drug costs, drug-drug interactions, and user satisfac- best-documented category of the five possible levels.
tion. We analyzed GMC prescription data from the Additionally, we defined a clinically relevant interac-
1992-93 academic year to select outcome variables tion as one with,no laboratory evidence that the pro-
that would be feasible for analysis and sensitive to our vider monitored the patient for adverse events related
intervention.‘“,” Because our intervention targeted to the interaction.” Many interactions, even those at
physicians’ prescribing behavior, we expressed our level 1, are inherent in the practice of medicine and
drug cost and drug interaction variables in terms of may cause no morbidity if the provider carefully mon-
quantities prescribed by each physician. itors for potential deleterious effects by performing
laboratory studies. For example, if a physician gen-
To derive drug costs, we performed a two-step pro-
erated a level-l interaction by concurrently prescrib-
cess, generating a mean daily cost per patient and
ing warfarin and allopurinol, the increased risk of
then aggregating each physicians’ panel of patients to
bleeding would require laboratory monitoring. For
generate a mean daily cost per physician per patient.
this interaction, we examined the patient’s laboratory
This procedure allowed us to correct for the fact that
data for evidence of a prothrombin-time study within
different physicians cared for different numbers of pa-
14 days of issuing the interacting prescriptions. If
tients and for patients who were not enrolled in the
these data were absent, we assumed that the provider
clinic for the entire study. We used drug purchase
prices at our institution. We calculated each patient’s was unaware of the potential for a serious drug-drug
mean daily drug cost by dividing the patient’s total interaction. We calculated the percentage of drug in-
prescription cost by the number of days that the pa- teractions as the number of clinically relevant inter-
tient was followed in GMC, as defined by an algo- actions generated by each physician divided by the
rithm based on appointment and prescription data. total number of prescriptions written by each physi-
We obtained patient-visit information, prescription cian.
data, and drug costs from the DHCP.
To determine users’ reactions to the PWS and DHCP
We determined the influence of recommendations for computer systems, we designed a questionnaire that
cost-effective drug substitutions by measuring com- evaluated user satisfaction with each computer sys-
pliance with the recommendations. We defined com- tem, usage patterns, and computer-based and other
pliance as the proportion of prescriptions in which a sources of information retrieval. At the beginning of
provider accepted the recommended drug substitu- the study, both groups answered the questionnaire
tion. We calculated this proportion as the number of concerning the DHCP computer system. At the end
recommended drug prescriptions accepted by the pro- of the study, we administered the same questionnaire,
vider divided by the total number of prescriptions for but the DHCP group replied about the DHCP, and the
both recommended and substitutable drugs. PWS group replied about the PWS. We used a series
344 ROTMAN ET AL., Physician Workstation Evaluation

Table 1 mat that displays current laboratory data, appoint-

ments, and medications simultaneously without ad-
Demographic Data for Study Subjects ditional user requests, whereas the DHCP displays
PWS DHCP only requested data and requires users to navigate
Group Group p Values
through a hierarchy of menus.
Average age (years) 30.2 29.6 p = 0.408”
Gender Subject Education
Males 11 11
Females 8 7 p > 0.9999t We provided individual instructional demonstrations
Year of training to each physician in the PWS group to familiarize
Intern 6 6
Resident 13 12 p > 0.9999t
them with the functions and limitations of the PWS
Undergraduate or graduate during a two-month run-in period. A research assis-
degree tant explained how to use the PWS, provided each
Computer Science or 0 0 user with a password, and helped the physician use
Engineering the PWS for the first time. In addition to signing a
Other 16 17 p > 0.9999t
Home computer use
consent form, users were also asked to read and sign
(hours/week) a form detailing the PWS’s differences from the
0 to 5 10 14 DHCP, such as specific laboratory tests or procedures
6 or more 5 4 p = 0.697 that could not be found in the PWS. The physicians
Work computer use were told to use alternative sources of information,
0 to 5 9 10
such as the DHCP, if they could not locate relevant
6 or more 8 7 p > 0.9999t patient information with the PWS. During the trial
Computer training period, the users were encouraged but not required
Formal training 13 14 to write prescriptions using the PWS.
No formal training 4 (4 p > 0.9999-t
The DHCP group was treated in a similar but more
*Two-sample t test (two-tailed)
tFisher’s exact test
abbreviated fashion. These physicians were told that
they would not have access to the PWS and would be
expected to continue using the DHCP. They were also
of 25 Likert-scale items to assess the physicians’ sat- offered a brief training session in its use.
isfaction with the relevant computer system. We in-
cluded items relevant to the process of providing care Data Analysis
(e.g., “I know how to find the lab results I need.“) as
well as to the performance of the computer system For our analyses of baseline data, we used Fisher’s
(e.g., “PWS displays data clearly on the screen.“). Ad- exact test and Student’s t test. To analyze the outcome
ditionally, we transcribed subjective remarks users variables, we calculated the difference in the variable
made during the trial. between each time period for each physician. We com-
pared the means of the differences for the PWS and
To measure how well the users thought the computer DHCP groups using Student’s test.
met their clinical information needs, we asked them
how many other sources of information they required We performed power calculations for a two-sample t
for various queries. Also, we asked users to check test and assumed n = 16 per group (total sample size
which information source (DHCP or PWS, medical = 32), a single-tailed alpha = 0.05, and power (l-beta)
chart, health summary, telephone call, or interview = 0.80. We estimated that our two-period parallel de-
with the patient) they used to retrieve various types sign would have an 80% chance of detecting a change
of clinical information (laboratory values, medication in our primary outcome variable, the mean drug cost
lists, etc.) per physician per day of 10.9~ (the effective size), or
11.0% of the total drug cost per physician per patient
To assess PWS performance, we randomly sampled 50 per day.‘*
clinic patients and recorded the time that lapsed from
when the request was entered until (1) all laboratory For our survey instrument, we assessed the internal
data were available for display and (2) all clinical consistency of the Likert scale items on the baseline,
data, including medications, appointments, and radio- as well as postintervention DHCP and PWS responses
graphic results, were available for display. We could with Cronbach’s alpha on Testat (Systat, Inc.). We per-
not perform a comparable assessment of DHCP per- formed data processing and statistical analysis using
formance because of the difference in data display for Excel (Microsoft) and Statview (Abacus Concepts)
the two systems. The PWS employs a graphical for- software.
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association Volume 3 Number 5 Sep / Oct 1996 345

Results 95% completed the final questionnaire. Our 25-item

Likert satisfaction scale demonstrated internal consis-
Our randomization procedure distributed subjects tency, with Cronbach’s alpha equal to 0.868 for all
equally according to gender, level of residency train- subjects at the beginning of the study. For the postin-
ing, and prior computer experience (Table 1). Fifty- tervention questionnaires, the PWS group had a Cron-
nine percent of our study subjects were men; none bath’s alpha equal to 0.906, and the DHCP group had
held undergraduate or graduate degrees in computer a Cronbach’s alpha equal to 0.724. At baseline, there
science or engineering. Fifty-six percent of subjects was no significant difference (p = 0.11) between the
used computers for fewer than five hours per week at mean satisfaction score for the control and interven-
work, and 73% used computers fewer than five hours tion groups (based on a five point scale, with 1 = very
per week at home. However, 77% of the subjects had dissatisfied and 5 = very satisfied). The physicians in
received formal instruction in computer use. the control group reported increased satisfaction with
their clinical information system during the interven-
Our assessment of system performance indicated that tion period, while the PWS physicians demonstrated
the PWS required a median time of 20 seconds until reduced satisfaction (Table 2). After physicians used
all laboratory data were available and 50 seconds until the PWS, their user-satisfaction, score decreased by
all clinical data were available. The time required for 0.34 Likert-scale units (approximately one half of one
full retrieval differed substantially among patients, standard deviation of the mean score, p = 0.008). In
depending on the amount of data available on a pa- contrast, the mean satisfaction in the control group
tient. Interruptions of PWS functionality were caused (DHCP) increased by 0.49 Likert-scale units (p <
by network instability, interruption of DHCP func- 0.0001). Overall, the two groups diverged with a dif-
tionality, and PWS system failures. We estimate, sub- ference of 0.83 Likert-scale units between the two
jectively, that the PWS system was unavailable for the groups (p < 0.0001). In responses to individual Likert-
entire user session in at least 10% to 15% of sessions. scale items about the usability of the two systems,
Users’ comments reflected the importance of such in- PWS subjects responded favorably to detecting clini-
terruptions (e.g., “I couldn’t gain access to the com- cal trends and locating study results.
puter twice.“). Also, PWS users expressed frustration
with the speed of data retrieval (e.g., “The slow speed
makes [me] ‘uneasy’: kind of high stress just sitting Discussion ’
there waiting for stuff to come up.“).
During the intervention period, the physicians in the We sought to evaluate whether an outpatient com-
PWS group wrote 2,645 prescriptions; of these, the puter workstation containing a drug-ordering module
physicians wrote 75 (2.8%) prescriptions using the would modify provider prescribing behavior and sat-
PWS system and 2,570 (97.2%) prescriptions using the isfaction. Our study ‘is unique in comparing two com-
paper-based system. There were no significant differ- puter systems in a randomized controlled trial in an
ences in health or economic outcomes between the outpatient setting. Despite the innovative features of
control and intervention groups. the PWS-such as a graphical user interface, the abil-
ity to graph laboratory data chronologically, and
point-of-care decision support-we found that user
User Satisfaction
satisfaction decreased and that changes in health out-
All of our subjects completed the initial questionnaire; comes and costs were not statistically significant. Pro-

Table 2 l

User-Satisfaction Rating* ‘.
Preintervention Intervention
Phase Phase Difference
(mean t SD) (mean 2 SD) (mean % SEM) p Value

PWS group (N = 16) 3.44 k 0.533 2.98 z 0.547 ( -0.343 -t 0.112 p = 0.008t
DHCP group (N = 18) 3.23 k 0.400 3.72 z 0.333 0.488.~ 0.084 p < 0.0001t
Group difference comparison 0.831 1.0.138 p < 0.0001~
(PWS vs. DHCP)

*Values are based on responses to a five-point Likert scale, with 1 = strongly disagree and 5 =. strongly agree.
tPaired t test (two-tailed) for difference between pre- and post-satisfaction ratings for PWS and DHCI?
*Two-sample t test (two-tailed) for difference between PWS group and DHCP group (PWS group difference minus DHCP group
346 ROTMAN ET AL., Physician Workstation Evaluation

viders used the PWS system for writing only a small better suited to the menu-based data transfers of the
fraction (2.8%) of their prescriptions, so it is not sur- DHCP (in which small amounts of patient data were
prising that the number of drug interactions and the transmitted at a time) than to the PWS model (in
prescription costs were not affected. The implemen- which a patient’s entire record was transmitted ini-
tation of the intervention at our institution precluded tially). Users’ perceptions of the PWS’s lack of speed
requiring the intervention subjects to use only the may have been related to this initial delay, when the
PWS. Thus, the low level of usage may reflect the dif- entire record was transmitted. In addition, the syn-
ficulty users encountered in using the PWS, or it may chronization between the DHCP’s Massachusetts
reflect our clinicians’ satisfaction with the comprehen- General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System
sive computer-based and paper-based systems that (MUMPS)-based database and the PWs’s object-ori-
were already available in our outpatient setting. The ented database was difficult to maintain. The nightly
DHCP gained many new features during the one-year uploads of new patient data were disrupted by ma-
study; these changes probably explain the increased chine or network downtime, and frequent mapping
level of satisfaction in our control group. The low changes between databases required a manual resto-
PWS usage limits our ability to draw conclusions ration of the data bridge, which also led to interrup-
about the usefulness of its novel features, such as a tions in PWS availability.
graphical interface and decision support.
Third, evaluators should investigate what works and
How can researchers design evaluative studies that does not work with the current clinical workflow. A
maximize the chance of observing changes in the rel- major component in our intervention involved mod-
evant outcomes yet also provide useful information if ifying the prescription-writing workflow in our clinic.
the intervention fails? The first task requires identi- We assumed that the potential reduction in drug in-
fying and reducing potential impediments in evalua- teractions and drug costs would be sufficient moti-
tions and selecting an appropriate design. The second vation for users to adapt to a new system. However,
task requires incorporating a “just-in-case” mentality we underestimated the value of our current paper-
in experimental design to ensure that information ca- based system. We did not assess users’ perceptions of
pable of explaining a negative study is collected. Our problems in their work environment and, thus, may
experience illustrates crucial areas that require consid- not have been providing the most beneficial technol-
eration. ogy for the users.
First, investigators and developers should specify the Fourth, investigators should provide sufficient train-
performance characteristics and support for both the ing time for users, Our users were in the clinic one
experimental and control systems required for the afternoon per week and had about a fourth of the
evaluation. These specifications should include pa- clinics canceled because of vacations and rotations to
rameters that assess completeness of data, speed of other hospitals. We provided training over a two-
operation, reliability, and accessibility of the system. month period before our intervention. This may not
This step will help reduce problems related to the new have been enough exposure to the PWS, especially
information system itself. The PWS project was an in- because users were already familiar with the DHCP
dependent study that was not part of the Palo Alto and continued to use it.
VA’s overall information-management strategy. The
DHCP was upgraded frequently during the study pe- Finally, investigators should choose an experimental
riod, and these upgrades often changed the DHCP’s design that maximizes statistical power to detect
underlying schema, which led to further development differences in the relevant outcomes. We selected a
requirements and to significant downtime for the two-period parallel design that improved our experi-
PWS. mental power compared with a traditional random-
ized controlled trial.” Depending on the variances of
Second, investigators and developers should assess the outcome variable, the two-period parallel design
the reliability and speed of the computing infrastruc- may reduce the number of study subjects required.”
ture. The PWS system used terminals connected to a Randomization should account for all providers, in-
server over a local-area network (LAN). The server cluding attendings, if possible. Other experimental
was connected to the DHCP. Thus, an interruption in designs, such as the crossover design:’ may further
DHCP function, a problem with the LAN, or a prob- enhance statistical power but may introduce sources
lem with the PWS itself could potentially lead to the of bias in interpreting results.
PWS being unavailable for the user. In a client-server
architecture, network stability is of paramount impor- In addition to these steps, we recommend that inves-
tance. The network infrastructure in our clinic was tigators design evaluative studies to be informative,
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association Volume 3 Number 5 Sep / Oct 1996 347

even if a study does not find positive effects on health vice for assistance with prescription analysis; Merlynn Bergen
or economic outcomes. A negative study is useful if for assistance with questionnaire design and analysis; Andria
Cardinalli for help with preparation of the manuscript and data
the investigators can determine why their system analysis; Lyn Dupre for comments on the manuscript; and the
failed to affect the outcomes of interest and how to reviewers for their helpful suggestions.
correct the problem. We suggest the following guide-
lines, with examples from our study First, the design
of the study should enable the investigators to distin- References n
guish between an intervention that was not used and
one that was used but was ineffective. For example, 1. Tape TG, Campbell JR. Computerized medical records and
we documented that the number of prescriptions writ- preventive health care: success depends on many factors.
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sign would have enabled the investigator to deter- 3. Tierney WM, Miller ME, Overhage JM, McDonald CJ. Phy-
mine which aspects of the intervention required sician inpatient order writing on microcomputer worksta-
improvement. For example, were recommended drug tions. JAMA. 1993;269:379-83.
4 Tierney WM, Miller ME, McDonald CJ. The effect on test
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5. Johnston ME, Langton KB, Haynes RB, Mathieu A. Effects
The study should link user feedback to objective of computer-based clinical decision support systems on
measurements of system performance. We suggest in- clinical performance and patient outcome: a critical ap-
corporating objective measurements into the study praisal of research. AM Intern Med. 1994;120:135-42.
that help corroborate and explain user feedback. For 6. Safran C, Rind DM, Davis RM, et al. An electronic medical
example, our subjects commented on the system’s record that helps care for patients with HIV infection. In:
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348 ROTMAN ET AL., Physician Workstation Evaluation

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