Candlestick Book

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Everything you wanted

to know about
candlestick charts

• Read candlestick charts accurately

• Spot patterns quickly and easily
• Use that information to make
profitable trading decisions

Chapter 1.
What is a candlestick chart?

Chapter 2.
Candlestick shapes:
Anatomy of a candle

Chapter 3.
Candlestick Patterns
Harami (bullish / bearish)
Hammer / Hanging Man
Inverted Hammer / Shooting Star
Engulfing (bullish/ bearish)
Morning Star / Evening Star
Three White Soldiers / Three Black Crows
Piercing Line / Dark Cloud Cover

Chapter 4.
The history of candlestick charts

Candlestick Chart Sheet

Chapter 1.
What is a candlestick chart?

Before I start to talk about candlestick patterns, I’d like to get right back
to basics on candles: what they are, what they look like, and why we use
them …

Drawing lines

When you look at a chart of market prices, you can usually choose from
line charts or candlestick charts.

A line chart will take its price levels from the opening or closing prices
according to the timeframe you have selected. So, if you’re looking at a
one-minute line chart of closing prices, it will plot the closing price for
each one-minute period – something like this …

Line charts can be useful for looking at the “bigger picture” and finding
long-term trends, but they simply cannot offer up the kind of information
contained in a candlestick chart.

Here is a one-minute candlestick chart for the same period …

At first glance, it might look a little confusing, but I can assure you that
once you’re used to candlestick charts – you won’t look back.

Candlesticks are now such a familiar part of our trading scenery, it’s hard
to believe that only 20 years ago, they were a strange and mysterious
import from Japan.

Understanding the clues candles hold

One of the best things about the clues we find in candlesticks is that
they are visual and very intuitive to the trader.

Think you’re not intuitive? Well try this simple test …

Which of these patterns signals an up trend, and which signals a


1. Dark cloud cover

2. Morning star
3. Three black crows

If you answered “down”, “up”, “down” – you’d be absolutely right. And

you’ve just passed your first test in candlestick theory!

With practice, reading candlesticks will become second nature – a quick

glance can give you confirmation to enter a trade you’re dithering over, or
it can tell you that now is the moment to exit and take profits.

Over the following pages, I want to show you how you can learn to spot
these patterns quickly and easily. I’ll also let you in on the patterns that
are really worth listening to – and the ones that can be unreliable
and should be approached with caution.
Chapter 2.
Candlestick Shapes

Basic candlestick anatomy

Whenever you look at a price chart, you will select a timeframe for that
chart – perhaps it’s a minute … or an hour … or a day.

Rather than simply plotting the open or close price for that time frame,
the candlestick gives you information about what went on during that
period of time …

Having all this extra information, gives you a heads-up about market
sentiment – and can offer invaluable clues about the way the market will
The Doji

The Doji is a candlestick where the opening and closing prices are the
same (or almost the same). It can take many forms, as shown here,
depending on what the trading activity was in that period.

What’s key with a doji is that neither the bears nor the bulls have gained
control, and that the price has ended where it began. It’s a sign of
indecision in the market, and could (in conjunction with other indicators)
signal a change in market direction.

Applying doji candlesticks: a good trick is to look out for a doji near
the edge of a price channel (i.e., if a doji appears at the top of a channel
it could indicate a bearish correction.)
The Marubozu

The text-book marubozu is a long candle, which implies that the day’s
trading range has been large. And it should have no upper or lower wick
(“marubozu” in Japanese means “shaved”).

A green (or white) marubozu signals strong conviction among buyers, while
a red (or black) marubozu indicates that sellers hare eager to flee.

In practice, when you’re looking at charts, a marubozu will often have a

short wick at the top or the bottom.
Chapter 3.
Candlestick Patterns

Throughout this chapter, I’ve grouped candlestick patterns in pairs where

the patterns are very similar, except that one is bullish, and the other is
its flipside bearish pattern.

The Harami (Bullish & Bearish)

The harami is one of the most common candlestick patterns you’ll come
across, so it’s important to recognize it – to understand what it means,
and to understand its limitations.

A harami is a two-session reversal pattern – i.e. it’s made up of two

candlesticks and implies that the price is about to turn.

It is indicated by a small body of the opposite colour, completely

contained by the body of the previous session. It is not essential for the
two candles to be opposite colours, but this tends to give a more
reliable signal.

As you can see here, the body of the small black candle is completely
within the confines of the body of the previous white candle. This indicates
that the upward trend is running out of steam.

Here are a couple of examples:

This bullish harami shows the sellers beginning to

dominate as they come back into the market:

This bearish harami has a shadow that extends
beyond the body of the previous candle – some
traders wouldn’t regard this as a “true” harami.
However, it’s body is entirely within the previous
green candle, and a reversal follows:

I’ll be blunt with you – a harami doesn’t always live up to its hype. While
it is touted as a “reversal indicator” – you may find yourself disappointed
by its reliability.

The psychology behind a harami is that a possible change in sentiment

may be happening. The small candle does not necessarily mean a strong
reversal is coming. Often with a harami pattern, several days of tight
range trading, referred to as “congestion” or “consolidation,” will follow. A
harami on its own says “the chart MIGHT reverse.” It is best to look for
confirmation and to combine the harami with other longer-term patterns.

Be aware of haramis, and watch for what they are telling you about
market sentiment – but don’t have a blind faith in them.
The Hammer (bullish) & The Hanging Man (bearish)

This is one of the best-known reversal indicators …

It is a candlestick pattern that consists of just one candle (although with

candlesticks it is always best to view them in context of the candlesticks
around them – in particular the candle that follows immediately after).

The hammer or hanging man candle has a long lower wick, short body,
and little or no upper wick. Strictly speaking, the lower wick should be at
least two times longer than the body – the longer, the better. And
depending on where you find it on a chart, it is called either a hammer or
a hanging man.

A hammer: is found in a downtrend, and signals a bullish reversal. The

long lower wick shows a period in which sellers where in control, but the
body shows buyers coming back in. From this we can tell that there is
strong buying by bulls as the period of sell-off declines.

As with all single candlestick patterns, we should wait for next candle to
confirm that buyers are in control.

Here’s a chart for Eur/USD. Note how the

strong selling action and increased volume
(indicated by the long lower wick) on the
candlestick is reversed as buyers come back
in, and that this coincides with an oversold
indicator on Stochastics. The green
candlestick opening above the body of the
hammer confirms the bullish trend.
A hanging man: is the same shape as hammer, but found in an uptrend.
We don’t expect to see strong selling pressure (seen in the long lower
wick on the candle) in an uptrend, so here it suggests a change of market
sentiment and a reversal to downside.

Here’s an example from a FTSE 1-minute


In this case, the hanging man shape coincides

with the Stochastics showing the price to be
overbought, and the next candle confirms the

There's no hard and fast rule about what colour a hammer or a hanging man
should be – the fact that they have a short body already means that there's
indecision coming into the market. However, a green (or white) hammer and
a red (or black hanging man) are stronger indicators.

(The chart above is quite a good illustration, because you’ll probably be able
to spot a couple of hammers on there, too – see what you can find!)
Inverted Hammer (bullish) & Shooting Star (bearish)

This candlestick is, as you would expect – a hammer turned on its head …

It is a candle with a small body and long upward wick, signally a possible
reversal. Where it appears in a chart affects whether it’s an inverted
hammer or a shooting star.

An inverted hammer forms after a downtrend or

at the bottom of a period of consolidation. The
reversal isn’t confirmed until you have a bullish
candle in the next period.

A shooting star forms after an uptrend or at the top

of a period of consolidation.

Inverted hammers and shooting stars can have green or red bodies –
what’s important here is that the body size is small, that the upper wick is
at least twice the length of the body, and the lower wick is negligible.
Engulfing (Bullish & Bearish)

An engulfing pattern signals a reversal, and can be bullish or bearish. It

comprises two candles. The body of the second must engulf the body of
the first, and must be the opposite colour to the first.

For a bullish engulfing candle, we have a smaller red

candlestick, followed by a green candlestick, the body of
which is greater in size that the previous candle.

For a bearish engulfing candle, the first candlestick is

smaller and green, followed by a red candlestick, the body
of which engulfs the previous candle.

In this example of a bearish engulfing pattern, we have

a clear uptrend, where the final candle has a red body,
which engulfs the body of the previous candle. This
suggests that strong selling pressure has come into the
market, and could indicate a reversal or period of
Morning Star (Bullish) & Evening Star (Bearish)

The morning star and the evening star patterns are among the most
reliable candlestick signals. They are strong signals – rather like a
hammer or shooting star will bells on!

A morning star is a three-candle pattern, beginning with a

candle that is strongly down. The second candle’s real body
should be small and should not touch the prior candle’s real
body. The third candle should be strongly up.

An evening star is the same idea, just in reverse.

Therefore, its first candle is strongly up. Its second candle’s
real body should be small and should not touch the first
candle’s real body. And the third candle should be strongly

The small body of the star represents indecision by both the bulls and the

While the larger trend may be strongly up or strongly down, the presence
of the star indicates that the prevailing direction may have come under
profit taking or that the other side has actually taken control. Remember,
the previous bar should be a strong bar in the direction of the trend which
indicates that the bulls (in an up-trending market) or the bears (in a
down-trending market) are in control. This strength in direction is what
makes the appearance of the star that much more important as this
conviction has suddenly evaporated.

Here’s an example of a major turning point in the euro last year.

As you can see, we have a

strong upward candle, in the
direction of the trend, followed
by a gap up to a small candle,
showing indecision. The next
candle, moving strongly
downwards confirms the
morning star signal. And traders
who spotted this evening star
reversal signal will have enjoyed
a big downward swing.
Three White Soldiers (Bullish)
& Three Black Crows (Bearish)

Here’s a great example of three black crows I spotted on the AUD/USD

chart …

Three long red (or black) candlesticks with lower and lower closes appear
within an upward trend (in this case, a rising triangle). They show
powerful selling action which strongly suggest that more selling is
imminent. And, as we see, the price continued downwards through long-
term support at 10536.

The flip-side to three black crows are three

white soldiers – three strong green (or white)
candlesticks within a downtrend. These are a
bullish signal of strong buying action at work.
Piercing Line (Bullish) & Dark Cloud Cover (Bearish)

The piercing line and dark cloud cover are reversal signals similar to the
engulfing pattern except the second candlestick doesn’t completely engulf
the body of the first – it should close at least halfway into the real body of
the first.

A piercing line pattern occurs in a downtrend. A strong

red candlestick is followed by a candlestick that opens
below its close, which perpetuates the downtrend.
However, the price then moves up and closes above the
midpoint of the previous candle. This suggests to the
bears that a bottom could be forming.

Dark cloud cover occurs in an uptrend, when a red

candle opens above the previous candle’s closing price,
but then the price retreats to below the midpoint of the
previous candle.

As a reversal signal, these are not as strong as engulfing candles. The

further the close of the second candle cuts into the body of the first
candle, the more valid the signal. What piercing line and dark cloud cover
do offer traders is cause to pause – a minor top or bottom may be about
to form, or you may be entering a period of consolidation.
Chapter 4.
History of Candlesticks

I will freely admit to being a bit of a

candlestick anorak. And my obsession for
watching them pop out of the right-hand side
of my trading screen at me could be
compared to train spotting!

For that reason, I couldn’t help but include a

bit of background about where these funny-
shaped trading tools came from, and their
slow rise to fame …

Back in Japan

While Japanese candlesticks have been around for hundreds of years -

they have only been widely applied by Western traders in the past couple
of decades.

The man we can credit for introducing Japanese candlesticks to the West is
one Steve Nison – but I should really start this story at the beginning …

Four hundred years ago ...

… Seventeenth century Japan was under the control of military leaders, or

Shoguns. If you remember the old Richard Chamberlain movie, you've
probably got the idea - plenty of samurais wielding swords.

A number of attempts at creating a hard currency had failed dismally, so,

rice had a status pretty close to cash.

That meant that rice merchants were the seventeenth-century equivalent

of big-city bankers.

However, regional imbalances in supply of rice meant that its price lacked
any stability. Merchants attempted to set rice prices, but those who were
seen to be doing too well, ran the risk of having their heads chopped off by
the local warlord. (There's an idea for dealing with bankers' bonuses.)

However, towards the end of the century, the Dojima Rice Exchange
developed, which allowed merchants to grade and sell their rice at set
prices – without the need for bloodshed.
Derivatives market here we come ...

By the mid -1700s this process had developed into a sophisticated

exchange, where a receipt (or coupon) for rice in the warehouse could
effectively be used as currency.

This Dojima Rice Exchange, also saw the dawn of the futures market -
where merchants could "sell" crops from next year (or many years to
come) in return for cash in the here and now.

These futures were called "empty rice" coupons, and the futures market
had developed to such a degree, that in 1749, 110,000 bales of rice were
traded on the exchange, while only 30,000 bales of rice existed in the
whole of Japan at the time.

Where do the candlesticks come in?

Don't worry - I'm getting there.

Onto this scene steps our hero - Munehisa Homma. The Homma family
were to rice what the Murdochs are to newspapers. There was even a
saying at the time: "I will never become a Homma, but I would settle to
be a local lord." Not very catchy, but you get the drift.

At the age of 26, Munehisa Homma took over the family business, and
turned out to be rather good at it.

He kept careful records of rice prices, weather conditions and of trading

on the local exchange.

These records led to the development of a theory on forecasting market

direction, which came to be known as Sakata rules, and is the backbone
of candlestick theory as we know it today.

For his services, Homma was honored with the title of samurai. Not even
Warren Buffet has managed that!

Candlesticks move westward

Candlestick charting remained the exclusive preserve of Japanese traders

for the next two-hundred-plus, and never really caught on in the West
until Steve Nisson published his book, Japanese Candlestick Charting
Techniques in 1991.

Nison tracked down and translated a huge collection of Japanese texts

that described the many candlestick charting methods that traders take
for granted today.
Candlestick Chart Sheet :-

Basic candle shapes

Doji Reversal: a sign of Marubozo Continuation: a sign
market indecision that the trend is

Bullish patterns Bearish patterns

Bullish Reversal indicated Bearish Small body of
by small body of opposite colour
Harami opposite colour Harami contained in body
entirely contained of previous session
in body of previous signals possible end
session. of uptrend.

Hammer Buyers have come Hanging Suggests that many

in – the downtrend longs have positions
may be about to
Man they are trying to
reverse. sell – may indicate a

Inverted The small body at Shooting Price gap followed

the bottom of the by small body to
Hammer trading range Star bottom of trading
should concern range suggests that
bears. Could form bulls are protecting
a “morning star”. their gains.

Bullish First candle Bearish Second candle

Engulfing reflects trend; Engulfing opens above the
second candle’s first but is followed
body engulfs size by a sell off that
of first candle’s engulfs body of first
body – a reversal is candle – the bears
indicated. are gaining ground.

Morning First candle is long Evening The small range of

and black; second the second candle
Star gaps below first’s Star suggests indecision,
close and trades in and the lower close
a small range; third of the third candle
is long and white. confirms the bears.

Three Three long white Three Three consecutive

White sessions with Black sessions of selling
higher closes each will worry bulls and
Soldiers day –powerful Crows may snowball into a
buying action is at sell-off.

Piercing Long black session Dark This pullback in the

Line is followed by Cloud second session will
opening at a new cause bulls to
low, but closes Cover question their
above midpoint of stance.
first session.

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