Choose The Word That Best Fits The Sentence

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Choose the word that best fits the sentence.

1. Your ________ look a little flat. Maybe you should check the pressure.
a. tires
b. wheels

2. In Germany it's possible to drive very fast on ________.

a. pay roads
b. highways

3. P1: How long have you had your ________? P2: Since I was 19.
a. driver's license
b. driver's permission

4. You have to turn right at the next ________.

a. intersection
b. intercross

5. I couldn't see the other car in my ________ mirror.

a. back view
b. rear view

6. Most people know that wearing a ________ is a good idea.

a. car belt
b. seat belt

7. Don't ________. There's always a police car behind that tree.

a. speed on
b. speed up

8. P1: Do you know how to drive ________? P2: No, I only know how to drive automatic.
a. gears
b. standard

9. During ________, roads are normally very congested.

a. rush hour
b. hours of peak

10. The front lights of a car are called ________.

a. headlights
b. taillights

1. We're in the middle of a heat- (streak/wave). It has been very hot for two weeks.

2. It looks like the sky is (shining/clearing) up. It's going to be a beautiful day.

3. That man was (struck/beaten) by lightning twice in the past year.

4. A (drought/draft) is a long period without any rain.

5. Summers in states like Tennessee are very hot and very (humidity/humid).

6. We got caught in the thunderstorm and got completely (socked/soaked).

7. The coastal areas of California have an (ideally/ideal) climate.

8. Did you check the weather (forecast/foreplay) for tomorrow? Is it going to rain?

9. Q: Was it cold in Canada? A: Yes, it was 20 (under/below) zero.

10. Another word for "cloudy" is " " (clouded/overcast).

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