Quantum Field Theory I
Quantum Field Theory I
Quantum Field Theory I
Edouard B. Manoukian
Field Theory I
Foundations and Abelian and
Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
Graduate Texts in Physics
Series editors
Kurt H. Becker, Polytechnic School of Engineering, Brooklyn, USA
Sadri Hassani, Illinois State University, Normal, USA
Bill Munro, NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Atsugi, Japan
Richard Needs, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
Jean-Marc Di Meglio, Université Paris Diderot, Paris, France
William T. Rhodes, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, USA
Susan Scott, Australian National University, Acton, Australia
H. Eugene Stanley, Boston University, Boston, USA
Martin Stutzmann, TU München, Garching, Germany
Andreas Wipf, Friedrich-Schiller-Univ Jena, Jena, Germany
Graduate Texts in Physics
Graduate Texts in Physics publishes core learning/teaching material for graduate-
and advanced-level undergraduate courses on topics of current and emerging fields
within physics, both pure and applied. These textbooks serve students at the
MS- or PhD-level and their instructors as comprehensive sources of principles,
definitions, derivations, experiments and applications (as relevant) for their mastery
and teaching, respectively. International in scope and relevance, the textbooks
correspond to course syllabi sufficiently to serve as required reading. Their didactic
style, comprehensiveness and coverage of fundamental material also make them
suitable as introductions or references for scientists entering, or requiring timely
knowledge of, a research field.
Edouard B. Manoukian
The Institute for Fundamental Study
Naresuan University
Phitsanulok, Thailand
This textbook is based on lectures given in quantum field theory (QFT) over the
years to graduate students in theoretical and experimental physics. The writing of
the book spread over three continents: North America (Canada), Europe (Ireland),
and Asia (Thailand). QFT was born about 90 years ago, when quantum mechanics
met relativity, and is still going strong. The book covers, pedagogically, the wide
spectrum of developments in QFT emphasizing, however, those parts which are
reasonably well understood and for which satisfactory theoretical descriptions have
been given.
The legendary Richard Feynman in his 1958 Cornell, 1959–1960 Cal Tech
lectures on QFT of fundamental processes, the first statement he makes, the very
first one, is that the lectures cover all of physics.1 One quickly understands what
Feynman meant by covering all of physics. The role of fundamental physics is to
describe the basic interactions of Nature and QFT, par excellence, is supposed to
do just that. Feynman’s statement is obviously more relevant today than it was
then, since the recent common goal is to provide a unified description of all the
fundamental interactions in nature.
The book requires as background a good knowledge of quantum mechanics,
including rudiments of the Dirac equation, as well as elements of the Klein-Gordon
equation, and the reader would benefit much by reading relevant sections of my
earlier book : Quantum Theory: A Wide Spectrum (2006), Springer in this respect.
This book differs from QFT books that have appeared in recent years 2 in several
respects and, in particular, it offers something new in its approach to the subject, and
the reader has plenty of opportunity to be exposed to many topics not covered, or
R. P. Feynman, The Theory of Fundamental Processes, The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co.,
Menlo Park, California. 6th Printing (1982), page 1.
Some of the fine books that I am familiar with are: L. H. Ryder, Quantum Field Theory;
S. Weinberg, The Quantum Theory of Fields I (1995) & II (1996), Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press; M. Peskin and D. V. Schroeder, An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, New
York: Westview Press (1995); B. DeWitt, The Global Approach to Quantum Field Theory, Oxford:
Oxford University Press (2014).
vi Preface to Volume I
just touched upon, in standard references. Some notable differences are seen, partly,
from unique features in the following material included in ours:
It is rather interesting to point out that the theory of neutrino oscillations was written up in this
book much earlier than the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics was announced on neutrino oscillations.
With the development of non-abelian gauge theories, unfortunately, it seems that some students
are not even exposed to such derivations as of the “Lamb shift” and of the “anomalous magnetic
moment of the electron” in QED.
viii Preface to Volume I
in classical physics does not necessarily hold in the quantum world. Chapter 4, a
critical one, deals with the concept of a quantum field, the Poincaré algebra, and
particle states. Particular attention is given to the stationary action principle as
well as in developing the solutions of QFT via the quantum dynamical principle.
This chapter includes the two celebrated theorems dealing with CPT symmetry
and of the Spin & Statistics connection. A detailed section is involved with the
basic quantum fields one encounters in present day high-energy/elementary-particle
physics and should provide a useful reference source for the reader. Chapter 5 treats
abelian gauge theories (QED, scalar boson electrodynamics) in quite details and
includes, in particular, the derivations of two of the celebrated results of QED
which are the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron and the Lamb shift.
Chapter 6 is involved with non-abelian gauge theories (electroweak, QCD, Grand
unification). 5 Such important topics are included as “asymptotic freedom,” “deep
inelastic” scattering, QCD jets, parton splittings, neutrino oscillations, the “seesaw
mechanism” and neutrino masses, Schwinger-line integrals, Wilson loops, lattices,
and quark confinement. Unification of coupling parameters of the electroweak
theory and of QCD are also studied, as well as of spontaneous symmetry breaking
in both abelian and non-abelian gauge theories, and of renormalizability aspects of
both gauge theories, emphasizing the so-called BRS transformations for the latter.
We make it a point, pedagogically, to derive things in detail, and some of such
details are relegated to appendices at the end of the respective chapters with the
main results given in the sections in question. Five general appendices, at the end
of this volume, cover some additional important topics and/or technical details.
In particular, I have included an appendix covering some aspects of the general
theory of renormalization and its underlying subtractions scheme itself which is
often neglected in books on QFT. Fortunately, my earlier book, with proofs not just
words, devoted completely to renormalization theory – Renormalization (1983),
Academic Press – may be consulted for more details. The problems given at the
end of the chapters form an integral part of the book, and many developments in
the text depend on the problems and may include, in turn, additional material. They
should be attempted by every serious student. Solutions to all the problems are given
right at the end of the book for the convenience of the reader. The introductory
chapter together with the introductions to each chapter provide the motivation and
the pedagogical means to handle the technicalities that follow them in the texts.
I hope this book will be useful for a wide range of readers. In particular, I
hope that physics graduate students, not only in quantum field theory and high-
energy physics, but also in other areas of specializations will also benefit from it
as, according to my experience, they seem to have been left out of this fundamental
area of physics, as well as instructors and researchers in theoretical physics. The
content of this volume may be covered in one-year (two semesters) quantum field
theory courses.
QED and QCD stand, respectively, for quantum electrodynamics and quantum chromodynamics.
Preface to Volume I ix
Edouard B. Manoukian
Entitled: Quantum Field Theory II: Introductions to Quantum Gravity, Supersymmetry, and String
Theory” (2016), Springer.
xii Acknowledgements
1 Introduction
Donkey Electron, Bare Electron, Electroweak Frog, God
Particle, “Colored” Quarks and Gluons, Asymptotic
Freedom, Beyond Resonances into the Deep Inelastic
Region, Partons, QCD Jets, Confined Quarks, Bekenstein
– Hawking Entropy of a Black Hole, Sparticles, Strings,
Branes, Various Dimensions and even Quanta of Geometry,
AdS/CFT Correspondence and Holographic Principle,
CPT, and Spin & Statistics .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Recommended Reading .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2 Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
2.1 Wigner’s Symmetry Transformations in the Quantum World . . . . . . . 46
2.1.1 Wigner’s Symmetry Transformations .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
2.2 Minkowski Spacetime: Common Arena of Elementary Particles . . . 50
2.3 Representations of the Dirac Gamma Matrices;
Majorana Spinors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.4 Differentiation and Integration with Respect
to Grassmann Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
2.5 Fourier Transforms Involving Grassmann Variables .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
2.6 Functional Differentiation and Integration; Functional
Fourier Transforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
2.7 Delta Functionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Problems .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Recommended Reading .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
3 Quantum Field Theory Methods of Spin 1=2 . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
3.1 Dirac Quantum Field, Propagator
and Energy-Momentum Transfer: Schwinger-Feynman
Boundary Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
xiv Contents
Problems .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506
Recommended Reading .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511
General Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513
Index . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583
Notation and Data
ı Latin indices i; j; k; : : : are generally taken to run over 1,2,3, while the Greek
indices ; ; : : : over 0; 1; 2; 3 in 4D. Variations do occur when there are many
different types of indices to be used, and the meanings should be evident from
the presentations.
ı The Minkowski metric is defined by Œ D diagŒ1; 1; 1; 1 D Œ in
ı Unless otherwise stated, the fundamental constants „; c are set equal to one.
ı The gamma matrices satisfy the anti-commutation relations f ; g D 2 .
ı The Dirac, the Majorana, and the chiral representations of the matrices are
defined in Appendix I at the end of the book.
ı The charge conjugation matrix is defined by C D i 2 0 .
ı D 0 , u D u 0 , v D v 0 . A Hermitian conjugate of a matrix M is
denoted by M , while its complex conjugate is denoted by M .
ı The step function is denoted by ™.x/ which is equal to 1 for x > 0, and 0 for
x < 0.
ı The symbol " is used in dimensional regularization (see Appendix III).
used in defining the boundary condition in the denominator of a propagator
.Q2 C m2 i
/ and should not be confused with " used in dimensional
regularization. We may also use either one when dealing with an infinitesimal
quantity, in general, with
more frequently, and this should be self-evident from
the underlying context.
ı For units and experimental data, see the compilation of the “Particle Data
Group”: Beringer et al. [1] and Olive et al. [2]. The following (some obviously
approximate) numerical values should, however, be noted:
1 MeV D 106 eV
1 GeV D 103 MeV
103 GeV D 1 TeV
1 erg D 107 J
xx Notation and Data
1. Beringer, J., et al. (2012). Particle data group. Physical Review D, 86, 010001.
2. Olive, K. A., et al. (2014). Particle data group. Chinese Physics C, 38, 090001.
Chapter 1
Donkey Electron, Bare Electron, Electroweak Frog, God Particle, “Colored” Quarks
and Gluons, Asymptotic Freedom, Beyond Resonances into the Deep Inelastic
Region, Partons, QCD Jets, Confined Quarks, Bekenstein – Hawking Entropy
of a Black Hole, Sparticles, Strings, Branes, Various Dimensions and even Quanta
of Geometry, AdS/CFT Correspondence and Holographic Principle, CPT, and
Spin & Statistics
The major theme of quantum field theory is the development of a unified theory
that may be used to describe nature from microscopic to cosmological distances.
Quantum field theory was born 90 years ago, when quantum theory met relativity,
and has captured the hearts of the brightest theoretical physicists in the world. It is
still going strong. It has gone through various stages, met various obstacles on the
way, and has been struggling to provide us with a coherent description of nature
in spite of the “patchwork” of seemingly different approaches that have appeared
during the last 40 years or so, but still all, with the common goal of unification.
As mentioned in our Preface, Feynman, in his 1958 Cornell, 1959–1960 Cal
Tech, lectures on the quantum field theory of fundamental processes, the first
statement he makes, the very first one, is that the lectures will cover all of physics
[76, p. 1]. One quickly understands what Feynman meant by covering all of physics.
After all, the role of fundamental physics is to describe the basic interactions we
have in nature and quantum field theory is supposed to do just that. Feynman’s
statement is obviously more relevant today than it was then, since the recent
common goal is to provide a unified description of all the fundamental forces in
nature. With this in mind, let us trace the development of this very rich subject from
the past to the present, and see what the theory has been telling us all these years.
When the energy and momentum of a quantum particle are large enough, one is
confronted with the requirement of developing a formalism, as imposed by nature,
which extends quantum theory to the relativistic regime. A relativistic theory, as
a result of the exchange that takes place between energy and matter, allows the
creation of an unlimited number of particles and the number of particles in a given
physical process need not be conserved. An appropriate description of such physical
processes for which a variable number of particles may be created or destroyed, in
the quantum world, is provided by the very rich concept of a quantum field. For
example, photon emissions and absorptions, in a given process, are explained by the
introduction of the electromagnetic quantum field. The theory which emerges from
extending quantum physics to the relativistic regime is called “Relativistic Quantum
Klein [128] and Gordon [101].
Dirac [50, 51].
1 Introduction 3
positive charge Cjej relative to the Dirac sea. This has led Dirac eventually,3 in
1931 [52], to interpret the “hole” left behind by the transition of the negative energy
electron to a positive energy state, as a particle that has the same mass as the electron
but of opposite charge. It is interesting to note that George Gamow referred4 to
Dirac’s predicted particle as a “donkey electron”, because it would move in the
opposite direction of an appropriate applied force. The physics community found
it difficult to accept Dirac’s prediction until Anderson5 discovered this particle (the
positron eC ), who apparently was not aware of Dirac’s prediction at the time of
the discovery.6 With the positron now identified, the above argument just given has
provided an explanation of the so-called pair production ! eC e by a photon
( in the vicinity of a nucleus).7 Conversely, if a “hole” is created in the vacuum, then
an electron may make a transition to such a state releasing radiation giving rise to the
phenomenon of pair annihilation. A Pair created, as described above, in the vicinity
of a positively charged nucleus, would lead to a partial screening of the charge of
the nucleus as the electron within the pair would be attracted by the nucleus and
the positively charged one would be repelled. Accordingly, an electron, in the atom,
at sufficiently large distances from the nucleus would then see a smaller charge on
the nucleus than an electron nearby (such as one in an s-state). This leads to the
concept of vacuum polarization, and also to the concept of charge renormalization
as a result of the partial charge screening mentioned above.
The Dirac equation is Lorentz covariant, that is, it has the same form in every
inertial frame with its variables being simply relabeled reflecting the variables used
in the new inertial frame. It predicted, approximately, the gyromagnetic ratio g D
2 of the electron, the fine-structure of the atom, and eventually anti-matter was
discovered such as antiprotons.8 It was thus tremendously successful. Apparently,9
Dirac himself remarked in one of his talks that his equation was more intelligent
than its author.10
Thus the synthesis of relativity and quantum physics, led to the discovery of the
antiparticle. The Dirac equation which was initially considered to describe a single
particle necessarily led to a multi-particle theory, and a single particle description
in the relativistic regime turned out to be not complete. A formalism which would
naturally describe creation and annihilation of particles and take into account this
Dirac [50, 51] assumed that the particle is the proton as the positron was not discovered yet at that
time. Apart from the large mass difference between the proton and the electron, there were other
inconsistencies with such an assumption.
Weisskopf [242].
Anderson [5, 6].
Weisskopf [242].
The presence of the nucleus is to conserve energy and momentum.
Chamberlain et al. [30].
Weisskopf [242].
For a systematic treatment of the intricacies of Dirac’s theory and of the quantum description of
relativistic particles, in general, see Manoukian [151], Chapter 16.
4 1 Introduction
multi-particle aspect became necessary. The so-called “hole” theory although it gave
insight into the nature of fundamental processes involving quantum particles in the
relativistic regime, and concepts such as vacuum polarization, turned out to be also
not complete. For example, in the “hole” theory, the number of electrons minus the
number of positrons, created is conserved by the simultaneous creation of a “hole”
for every electron ejected from the Dirac Sea. In nature, there are processes, where
just an electron or just a positron is created while conserving charge of course.
Examples of such processes are ˇ decay: n ! p C e C Q e , muon decay:
! e C Q e C , and ˇ C decay: p ! n C eC C e , for a bound proton
in a nucleus for the latter process. Finally, Dirac’s argument of a sea of negatively
charged bosons did not work with the Klein-Gordon equation because of the very
nature of the Bose statistics of the particles. A new description to meet all of the
above challenges including the creation and annihilation of particles, mentioned
above, was necessary.
After the conceptual framework of quantum mechanics was developed, Born,
Heisenberg, and Jordan in 1926 [26], applied quantum mechanical methods to
the electromagnetic field, now, giving rise to a system with an infinite degrees of
freedom, and described as a set of independent harmonic oscillators of various
frequencies. Then Dirac in 1927 [46], prior to the development of his relativistic spin
1/2 equation, also extended quantum mechanical methods to the electromagnetic
field now with the latter field treated as an operator, and provided a theoretical
description of how photons emerge in the quantization of the electromagnetic field.
This paper is considered to mark the birthdate of “Quantum Electrodynamics”, a
name coined by Dirac himself, and provided a prototype for the introduction of
field operators for other particles with spin, such as for spin 1/2, where in the latter
case commutators in the theory are replaced by anti-commutators [125, 126] for the
fermion field.
The first comprehensive treatment of a general quantum field theory, involving
Lagrangians, as in modern treatments, was given by Heisenberg and Pauli in 1929,
1930 [116, 117], where canonical quantization procedures were applied directly
to the fields themselves. A classic review of the state of affairs of quantum
electrodynamics in 1932 [68] was given by Fermi. The problem of negative
energy solutions was resolved and its equivalence to the Dirac “hole” theory was
demonstrated by Fock in 1933 [83], and Furry and Oppenheimer in 1934 [90], where
the (Dirac) field operator and its adjoint were expanded in terms of appropriate
creation and annihilation operators for the electron and positron, thus providing
a unified description for the particle and its antiparticle. The method had a direct
generalization to bosons. The old “hole” theory became unnecessary and obsolete.11
The problem of negative energy solutions was also resolved for spin 0 bosons by
As a young post-doctoral fellow, I remember attending Schwinger’s lecture tracing the Develop-
ment of Quantum Electrodynamics in “The Physicist’s Conception of Nature” [202], making the
statement, regarding the “hole” theory, that it is now best regarded as an historical curiosity, and
1 Introduction 5
similar methods by Pauli and Weisskopf in 1934 [170]. The fields thus introduced
from these endeavors have become operators for creation and annihilation of
particles and antiparticles, rather than probability amplitudes.12
The explanation that interactions are generated by the exchange of quanta was
clear in the classic work of Bethe and Fermi in 1932 [18]. For example, charged
particles, as sources of the electromagnetic field, influence other charged particles
via these electromagnetic fields. Fields as operators of creation and destruction of
particles, and the association of particles with forces is a natural consequence of field
theory. The same idea was used by Yukawa in 1935 [249], to infer that a massive
scalar particle is exchanged in describing the strong interaction (as understood in
those days), with the particle necessarily being massive to account for the short
range nature of the strong force unlike the electromagnetic one which is involved
with the massless photon describing an interaction of infinite range. The mass
of the particle may be estimated from the expression „=Rc, obtained formally
from the uncertainty principle, where R denotes the size of the proton, i.e., R D
1 fm D 1013 cm. In natural units, i.e., for „ D 1, c D 1, 1 fm 1=.200 MeV/.
This gives 200 MeV. Such a particle (the pion) was subsequently discovered
by the C. F. Powell group in 1947 [136].
As early as 1930s, infinities appeared in explicit computations in quantum
electrodynamics by Oppenheimer [168], working within an atom, by Waller
[233, 234], and by Weisskopf [239]. The nature of these divergences, arising
in these computations, came from integrations that one had to carry out over
energies of photons exchanged in describing the interaction of the combined
system of electrons and the electromagnetic field to arbitrary high-energies. By
formally restricting the energies of photons exchanged, as just described, to be
less than, say, , Weisskopf, in his calculations, has shown [239, 240], within the
full quantum electrodynamics, that the divergences encountered in the self-energy
acquired by the electron from its interaction with the electromagnetic field is of
the logarithmic13 type ln.=mc2 /, improving the preliminary calculations done
earlier, particularly, by Waller, mentioned above. That such divergences, referred
to as “ultraviolet divergence”,14 are encountered in quantum field theory should
It is important to note, however, that the matrix elements of these field operators between particle
states and the vacuum naturally lead to amplitudes of particles creation by the fields and to the
concept of wavefunction renormalization (see Sect. 4.1) independently of any perturbation theories.
The corresponding expression occurs with higher powers of the logarithm for higher orders in
the fine-structure constant e2 =4„c.
That is, divergences arising from the high-energy behavior of a theory. Another type of
divergence, of different nature occurring in the low energy region, referred to as the “infrared
catastrophe”, was encountered in the evaluation of the probability that a photon be emitted in a
collision of a charged particle. In computations of the scattering of charged particles, due to the
zero mass nature of photons, their simultaneous emissions in arbitrary, actually infinite, in number
must necessary be taken into account for a complete treatment. By doing so finite expressions for
the probabilities in question were obtained [22].
6 1 Introduction
(a) γ (b)
γ γ
e− e− e−
Fig. 1.1 Processes leading to an electron self-energy correction, and vacuum polarization, respec-
See also the discussion in Sect. 5.19.
See also the important contribution to this by Kramers [130]. This reference also includes
contributions of his earlier work.
See also Appendix B of Schwinger [193].
1 Introduction 7
e− e−
E= p 2 + m2 , p E = p 2 + m2 , p
Fig. 1.2 As a result of the self-energy correction in Fig. 1.1a, where an electron emits and re-
absorbs a photon, the mass parameter m0 , one initially starts with, does not represent the physical
mass of the electron determined in the lab. Here this is emphasized by the energy dependence on
the physical mass m of an electron in a scattering process. The dashed lines represent additional
particles participating in the process
appearing in the theory, such as mass, say, m0 , vis-à-vis Fig. 1.1a, and the electron
charge, say, e0 , vis-à-vis Fig. 1.1b, that were associated with the electron one starts
with, are not the parameters actually measured in the lab. For example, the energy
of a scattered
q electron of momentum p, in a collision process, turned up to be not
equal to p C m0 but rather to p C m2 , self-consistently,18 with m identified
2 2
with the actual, i.e., tabulated, mass of the electron, and m ¤ m0 , with a scattering
process shown in Fig. 1.2, where the dashed lines represent other particles (such as
; e ; eC ), where the total charge as well as the total energy and momentum are
conserved in the scattering process.
Similarly, the potential energy between two widely separated electrons, by a
distance r, turned up to be not e20 =4r but rather e2 =4r, with e2 ¤ e20 , where
e is identified with the charge, i.e., the tabulated charge, of the electron. As we
will see later, the physical parameters are related to the initial ones by scaling
factors, referred to as mass and charge renormalization constants, respectively. An
electron parametrized by the couple .m0 ; e0 /, is referred to as a bare electron
as it corresponds to measurements of its properties by going down to “zero”
distances all the way into the “core” of the electron – a process that is unattainable
experimentally. On the other hand, the physical parameters .m; e/, correspond to
measurements made on the electron from sufficiently large distances.
One thus, in turn, may generate parameters, corresponding to a wide spectrum of
scales running from the very small to the very large. Here one already notices that in
quantum field theory, one encounters so-called effective parameters which are func-
tions of different scales (or energies). Functions of these effective parameters turn
out to satisfy invariance properties under scale transformations, thus introducing a
concept referred to as the renormalization group. Clearly, due to the screening effect
via vacuum polarization of eC e pairs creation, as discussed earlier, the magnitude
of the physical charge is smaller than the magnitude of the bare charge.
An arbitrary number of photons of vanishingly small energies are understood to be attached
to the external electron lines, as discussed in Footnote 14 when dealing with infrared divergence
8 1 Introduction
This is well described in their Nobel lectures: Schwinger [201], Feynman [75], Tomonaga [225],
as well as in the collection of papers in Schwinger [198, 201].
Stueckelberg and Peterman [209], Gell-Mann and Low [93], Bogoliubov and Shirkov [25],
Ovsyannikov [169], Callan [28, 29], Symanzik [213–215], Weinberg [237], and ’t Hooft [218].
The best sources for these approaches are their Nobel Lectures: Schwinger [201], Feynman [75],
Tomonaga [225], as well as Schwinger [198].
1 Introduction 9
(a) (b)
ϕ ϕ
γ γ
e e e2
e ϕ ϕ
Fig. 1.3 Local couplings for photon emission by an electron, and by a spin 0 charged particle
described by the field ', respectively
Quantum Electrodynamics, was not only the theory of interest. There was also
the weak interaction. The preliminary theory of weak interaction dates back to Fermi
[69, 70]. Based on weak processes such as ˇ decay: n ! p C e C Q e ,
he postulated that the weak interactions may be described by local four-point
interactions involving a universal coupling parameter GF . The four particles of the
process just mentioned, interact locally at a point with a zero range interaction.
The Fermi theory was in good agreement in predicting the energy distribution of
the electron. For dimensional reasons, however, the dimensions of the coupling
constant GF involved in the theory has the dimensions of ŒMass2 , giving rise to a
non-renormalizable theory.22 In analogy to quantum electrodynamics, the situation
with this type of interaction may be somehow improved by introducing, in the
process, a vector Boson23 W which mediates an interaction24 between the two
pairs (so-called currents), .n; p/ and .e ; Q e /, with both necessarily described by
entities carrying (Lorentz) vector indices, to ensure the invariance of the underlying
description. Moreover, in units of „ D 1, c D 1, a dimensionless coupling g is
introduced. The Fermi interaction and its modification are shown, respectively in
parts Fig. 1.4a, b.
In order that the process in diagram given in part Fig. 1.4b, be consistent with
the “short-range” nature of the Fermi interaction, described by the diagram on the
left, the vector particle W must not only be massive but its mass, MW must be
quite large. This is because the propagator of a massive vector particle of mass
MW , which mediates an interaction between two spacetime points x and x 0 , as we
will discuss below, behaves like ı .4/ .x x 0 /=M 2W for a large mass, signifying
It is interesting to point out as one goes to higher and higher orders in the Fermi coupling
constant GF , the divergences increase (Sect. 6.14) without any bound and the theory becomes
A quantum relativistic treatment of a problem, implies that a theory involving the W particle,
must also include its antiparticle W C , having the same mass as of W .
Such a suggestion was made, e.g., by Klein [129].
10 1 Introduction
(a) p
(b) p
n GF n g
(x) (x)
(x )
W− g
Fig. 1.4 (a) The old Fermi theory with a coupling GF is replaced by one in (b) where the
interaction is mediated by a vector boson with a dimensionless coupling g
GF : (1.1)
M 2W
Here is the Minkowski metric.
This expression will be derived in Sect. 4.7. For a so-called virtual particle k2 D k2 .k0 /2 ¤
M 2W . The i 0 in the denominator in (1.3) just specifies the boundary condition on how the k0
integration is to be carried out. These things will be discussed in detail later on and are not needed
1 Introduction 11
4C .k/ ; (1.5)
M 2W
1 k k
4C .k/ ! ; (1.6)
k2 M 2W
The damping provided by the propagators of a massless vector particle, a spin 1/2 particle, and
a spin 0 particle, for example, in the ultraviolet region vanish like 1/energy2 , 1/energy, 1/energy2 ,
It was later observed that the product of charge conjugation, where a particle is replaced by its
antiparticle, and parity transformation “CP”, is also not conserved in a decay mode of K mesons
at a small level [38, 39, 82]. As the product “CPT”, of charge conjugation, parity transformation,
and time reversal “T”, is believed to be conserved, the violation of time reversal also follows. For
a test of such a violation see CPLEAR/Collaboration [36].
12 1 Introduction
constructed out of the pairs of fields: .n; p/, .e ; Q e /; : : : in the Fermi theory to
reflect, in particular, this property dictated by nature. The various currents were
eventually expressed and conveniently parametrized in such a way that the theory
was described by the universal coupling parameter GF . The construction of such
fundamental currents together with idea of intermediate vector bosons exchanges to
describe the weak interaction led eventually to its modern version.
Quantum Electrodynamics may be considered to arise from local gauge invari-
ance in which the electron field is subjected to a local phase transformation ei#.x/ .
The underlying group of transformations is denoted by U.1/ involving simply
the identity as the single generator of transformations with which the photon is
associated as the single gauge field. In 1954 [247], Yang and Mills, and Shaw
in 1955 [203], generalized the just mentioned abelian gauge group of phase
transformations, encountered in quantum electrodynamics, to a non-abelian29 gauge
theory, described by the group SU.2/,30 and turned out to be a key ingredient in the
development of the modern theory of weak interactions. This necessarily required
the introduction, in addition to the charged bosons W ˙ , a neutral one. What
distinguishes a non-abelian gauge theory from an abelian one, is that in the former
theory, direct interactions occur between gauge fields, carrying specific quantum
numbers, unlike in the latter, as the gauge field – the photon – being uncharged.
As early as 1956, Schwinger believed that the weak and electromagnetic
interactions should be combined into a gauge theory [97, 159, 199]. Here we
may pose to note that both in electrodynamics and in the modified Fermi theory,
interactions are mediated by vector particles. They are both described by universal
dimensionless coupling constants e, and by g (see (1.1)) in the intermediate vector
boson description, respectively. In a unified description of electromagnetism and the
weak interaction, one expects these couplings to be comparable, i.e.,
g2 e2 D 4 ˛; where ˛ ; GF 1:166 105=.GeV/2 : (1.7)
in units „ D 1; c D 1. From (1.1), we may then estimate the mass of the W bosons
to be
4 ˛
MW 90 GeV=c2 ; (1.8)
Non-abelian refers to the fact that the generators do not commute. In contrast a U.1/ gauge
theory, such as quantum electrodynamics, is an abelian one.
SU.2/ consists of 2 2 unitary matrices of determinant one. (The letter S in the group stands
for the special property of determinant one.) It involves three generators, with which are associated
three gauge fields. This will be studied in detail in Sect. 6.1.
1 Introduction 13
re-inserting the constant c for convenience, in good agreement with the observed
mass. We may also estimate the range of the weak interaction to be
RW 2:2 1016 cm: (1.9)
MW c2
See also Salam and Ward [189].
See also Salam and Ward [187–189] and Salam [181].
Some key papers showing how spontaneous symmetry breaking using spin 0 field may generate
masses for vector bosons are: Englert and Brout [63], Englert et al. [64], Guralnik et al. [110], and
Kibble [127].
Apparently the Legendary Victor Weisskopf was not impressed by this way of generating masses.
In his CERN publication [241], on page 7, 11th line from below, he says that this is an awkward
way to explain masses and that he believes that Nature should be more inventive, but experiments
may prove him wrong.
Higgs [119–121]. This work followed earlier work of Schwinger [200], where he shows, by
the exactly solvable quantum electrodynamics in two dimensions, that gauge invariance does not
prevent the gauge field to acquire mass dynamically, as well as of the subsequent work of Anderson
[7] in condensed matter physics.
This name was given by Lederman and Teresi [137].
Neutral current couplings also appear in Bludman’s [23] pioneering work on an SU.2/ gauge
theory of weak interactions but did not include electromagnetic interactions.
Hasert et al. [112, 113] and Benvenuti et al. [15].
See, e.g., C. Rubbia’s Nobel Lecture [176].
14 1 Introduction
e− e−
the resulting theory with massive vector bosons. Proofs of renormalizability were
given by ’t Hooft [216, 217].40 It seems that Sydney Coleman used to say that
’t Hooft’s proof has turned the Weinberg-Salam frog into an enchanted prince.41
The “Electroweak Theory” turned up to be quite a successful theory.42
Another interaction which was also developed in the “image” of quantum
electrodynamics was quantum chromodynamics, as a theory of strong interactions
based, however, on the non-abelian gauge symmetry group SU.3/. Here one notes
that a typical way to probe the internal structure of the proton is through electron-
proton scattering. The composite nature of the proton, as having an underlying
structure, becomes evident when one compares the differential cross sections for
elastic electron-proton scattering with the proton described as having a finite
extension to the one described as a point-like particle. With a one photon exchange
description, the form factors in the differential cross section are seen to vanish
rapidly for large momentum transfer (squared) Q2 of the photon imparted to the
proton. As Q2 is increased further one reaches the so-called resonance region,43
beyond which, one moves into a deep inelastic region, where experimentally the
reaction changes “character”, and the corresponding structure functions of the
differential cross section have approximate scaling properties (Sect. 6.9), instead of
the vanishing properties encountered with elastic form factors, the process of which
is depicted in Fig. 1.6. Such properties indicate the presence of approximately free
point-like structures within the proton referred as partons, which consist of quarks,
gluons together with those emitted44 from their scattering reactions. This led to the
development of the so-called parton model,45 as a first approximation, in which
these point-like particles within the proton are free and the virtual photon interacts
See also ’t Hooft and Veltman [221], Lee and Zinn-Justin [139–142], and Becchi et al. [13].
See Salam [183], p. 529.
The basic idea of the renormalizability of the theory rests on the fact that renormalizability may
be established for the theory with completely massless vector bosons, as in QED, one may then
invoke gauge symmetry to infer that the theory is also renormalizable for massive vector bosons
via spontaneous symmetry breaking.
A typical resonance is
C , of mass 1.232 GeV, consisting of a proton p and a 0 meson.
See, e.g., Fig. 6.7c.
Feynman [73, 74] and Bjorken and Pachos [21].
1 Introduction 15
} Anythin
Fig. 1.6 In the process, “Anything” denotes anything that may be created in the process consistent
with the underlying conservation laws. The wavy line denotes a neutral particle (, Z 0 ,. . . ) of large
momentum transfer
(a) (b)
Fig. 1.7 (a) If interactions between quarks may be represented, as an analogy, by people holding
hands, then pulling one person would drag everybody else along. In the parton model, the situation
is represented as in part (b) rather than in part (a)
with each of its charged constituents independently,46 instead of interacting with the
proton as a whole.
The non-abelian gauge symmetry group SU.3/, is needed to accommodate
quarks and gluons, involving eight generators with which the gluons are associated.
Here, in particular, a quantum number referred to as “color” (three of them)47 is
assigned to the quarks. One of the many reasons for this is that the spin 3/2 particle
CC , which is described in terms of three identical quarks (the so-called u quarks)
as a low lying state with no orbital angular momentum between the quarks, behaves
as a symmetric state under the exchange of two of its quarks and would violate the
Spin & Statistics connection without this additional quantum number. The color
degrees of freedom are not observed in the hadronic states themselves and the latter
behave as scalars, that is they are color singlets, under SU.3/ transformations.
As the group SU.3/ involves “color” transformations within each quark flavor, it
may be denoted by SU.3/color or just by SU.3/C . The gluons also carry “color”
and direct gluon-gluon interactions then necessarily occur, unlike the situation with
For an analogy to this, see part (b) of Fig. 1.7b.
Greenberg [104], Han and Nambu [111], Nambu [163], Greenberg and Zwanziger [105], Gell-
Mann [92], and Fritzsch and Gell-Mann [87].
16 1 Introduction
This was discovered by Gross and Wilczek [106] and Politzer [172]. See also Vanyashin and
Terentyev [229] for preliminary work on vector bosons.
Chromodynamics means Colordynamics, and the name Quantum Chromodynamics is attributed
to Gell-Mann, see, e.g., Marciano and Pagels [158].
See, e.g., Fig. 6.7d, and Sect. 6.10.3
The name “Standard Model” is usually attributed to Weinberg.
Unfortunately, no complete proof of this is available.
See, e.g., Georgi et al. [94] for pioneering work. See also Beringer et al. [16] and Olive et al.
1 Introduction 17
somewhere around 1015 –1016 GeV. This, in turn, gives the hope of the development
of a more fundamental theory in which gravitation, p which should be effective at
energy scale of the order of Planck energy scale „c=GN ' 1019 GeV,54 or
even at a lower energy scale, where GN denotes Newton’s gravitational constant,
is unified with the electroweak and strong forces. If the standard model is the
low energy of such a fundamental theory, then the basic question arises as to
what amounts for the enormous difference between the energy scale of such
a fundamental theory (1016 –1019 GeV) and the defining energy scale of the
standard model (300 GeV)? This has been termed as the hierarchy problem which
will be discussed again later. We will see in Vol. II, in particular, that the above
mentioned couplings seem to be unified at a higher energy scale of the order
1016 GeV, when supersymmetry is taken into account, getting it closer to the energy
scale at which gravitation may play an important role.
One may generalize the symmetry group of the standard model, and consider
transformations which include transformations between quarks and leptons, leading
to a larger group such as, for example, to the SU.5/ group, or a larger group, which
include SU.3/ SU.2/ U.1/. The advantage of having one larger group is
that one would have only one coupling parameter and the standard model would
be recovered by spontaneous symmetry breaking at lower energies. This opens the
way to the realization of processes in which baryon number is not conserved, with a
baryon, for example, decaying into leptons and bosons. The experimental55 bound
on lifetime of proton decay seems to be >1033 years and is much larger than the
age of the universe which is about 13.8 billion years.56 Such a rare event even if it
occurs once will give some support of such grand unified theories.
We have covered quite a large territory and before continuing this presentation,
we pose for a moment, at this appropriate stage, to discuss three aspects of
importance that are generally expected in order to carry out reliable computations
in perturbative quantum field theory. These are:
1. The development of a powerful and simple formalism for doing this.
2. To show how the renormalization process is to be carried, and establish that the
resulting expressions are finite to any order of perturbation theory.
3. The physical interpretation will be completed if through the process of renor-
malization, the initial experimentally unattainable parameters in the theory are
eliminated in favor of physically observed ones, which are finite in number, and
are generally determined experimentally as discussed earlier in a self consistent
The Planck energy (mass) will be introduced in detail later.
See, e.g., Olive et al. [167].
A decay of the proton may have a disastrous effect in the stability of matter over anti-matter itself
in the universe. See, however, the discussion given later on the dominance of matter in the visible
18 1 Introduction
See Feynman and Hibbs [78] for the standard pedagogical treatment. See also Feynman [75].
We use a general notation .x/ for the fields as functions of spacetime variable and suppress all
indices that they may carry to simplify the notation. These fields may include so-called Grassmann
Feynman [72], DeWitt [43, 44], and Faddeev and Popov [66].
Op. cit.
Schwinger [194–197, 201].
There is also the canonical formalism, see, e.g., Mohapatra [161, 162] and Utiyama and
Sakamoto [228].
1 Introduction 19
via the
Path Integral [66],
or via the
Action Principle (Quantum Dynamical Principle) [150].
2. Historically, Abdus Salam, was the first “architect” of a general theory of renor-
malization. In 1951, he carried out a systematic study63 of renormalization [180],
introduced and sketched a subtraction scheme in a general form. Surprisingly,
this classic paper was not carefully reexamined until much later. This was
eventually done in 1976 [147] by Manoukian, and inspired by Salam’s work,
a subtraction scheme was developed and brought to a mathematically consistent
form, and the finiteness of the subtracted, i.e., renormalized, theory was proved
by the author64 to any order of perturbation theory.65 by using, in the process, a
power counting theorem established by Weinberg [235] for integrals of a special
class of functions, thus completing the Dyson-Salam program. The subtraction
was carried out directly in momentum space and no cut-offs were introduced.
Shortly after the appearance of Salam’s work, two other “architects” of a
general theory of renormalization theory, Bogoliubov and Parasiuk, in a classic
paper in 1957 [24], also developed a subtraction scheme. In 1966 [118], Hepp
gave a complete proof of the finiteness of the Bogoliubov-Parasiuk to any order
of perturbation theory, by using in the intermediate stages ultraviolet cut-offs,
and in 1969 [251], Zimmermann formulated their scheme in momentum space,
without cut-offs, and provided a complete proof of finiteness as well, thus
completing the Bogoliubov-Parasiuk program. This scheme is popularly known
as the BPHZ scheme.
The equivalence of the Bogoliubov-Parasiuk scheme, in the Zimmermann
form, and our scheme was then proved by Manoukian,66 after some systematic
cancelations in the subtractions. This equivalence theorem67 unifies the two
monumental approaches of renormalization.68
Salam [180], see also Salam [179].
Manoukian [149].
For a pedagogical treatment of all these studies, see my book “Renormalization” [149]. This also
includes references to several of my earlier papers on the subject as well as many results related to
renormalization theory.
See Manoukian [149] op. cit.
This result has been also referred to as “Manoukian’s Equivalence Principle”, Zeidler [250],
p. 972. See also Streater [207].
I was pleased to see that our equivalence theorem has been also considered, by completely
different methods, by Figueroa and Gracia-Bondia [80]. For other earlier, and recent, but different,
approaches to renormalization theory, see, e.g., Epstein and Glaser [65], Kreimer [131, 132],
Connes and Kreimer [34, 35], and Figueroa and Gracia-Bondia [79, 81]. See also Landsman [135]
and Aschenbrenner [11].
20 1 Introduction
Fig. 1.8 Developments of the general theory of renormalization from the DS and BP programs.
The intricacies of this layout also appear in Zeidler [250], pp. 972–975. Regarding the author’s
work shown in the above layout and of his completion of the renormalization program stemming
out of Salam’s, Streater [207] writes: “It is the end of a long chapter in the history of physics”
The layout in Fig. 1.8 is based on Manoukian [149], and it also appears in Zeidler [250], p. 974.
See also Streater [207] and Figueroa and Gracia-Bondia [80].
For a detailed study of this see, Manoukian ([148]; Appendix, p. 183 in [149]).
Attempts have been made to include such fields as well for generalizations of Einstein’s theory,
but we will not go into it here.
1 Introduction 21
at a given point and at a given time. At the point in question, in the particular
frame in consideration, gravity is wiped out and special relativity survives. The
reconciliation between special relativity and Newton’s theory of gravitation, then
readily leads to GR, where gravity is accounted for by the curvature of spacetime
and its departure from the flat spacetime of special relativity one has started out
with upon application of the principle of equivalence. By doing this, one is able to
enmesh non-gravitational laws with gravity via this principle.
Quantum gravity (QG) is needed in early cosmology, black hole physics, and,
in general, to deal with singularities that arise in a classical treatment. QG must
also address the problem of the background geometry. A common interest in
fundamental physics is to provide a unified description of nature which is applicable
from microscopic to cosmological distances. A fundamental constant of unit of
length that is expected to be relevant to this end is the Planck length as well as the
Planck mass. Out of the fundamental constants of quantum physics „, of relativity
c, and the Newtonian gravitational one GN , we may define a unit of length and
mass, the Planck length and Planck mass, respectively, relevant in quantum gravity,
through the following
r s
„GN „c
`P D ' 1:616 1033 cm; mP D ' 1:221 1019 GeV=c2 :
c3 GN
In units „ D 1, c D 1, dimensions of physical quantities may be then expressed
in powers of mass (ŒEnergy D ŒMass; ŒLength D ŒMass1 D ŒTime; : : :), and, as
gravitation has a universal coupling to all forms of energy, one may hope that it
may be implemented within a unified theory of the four fundamental interactions,
with the Planck mass providing a universal mass scale. Unfortunately, it is difficult
experimentally to investigate the quantum properties of spacetime as one would be
working at very small distances.
GR predicts the existence of Black holes. Here it is worth recalling of the
detection (“Observational waves from a binary black hole merger”, Phys. Rev. Lett.
116, 061102 (1–16) (2016)) by B. P. Abbott et al. of gravitational waves from the
merger of two black holes 1.3 billion light-years from the Earth. Recall that a black
hole (BH) is a region of space into which matter has collapsed and out of which
light may not escape. It partitions space into an inner region which is bounded by
a surface, referred to as the event horizon which acts as a one way surface for light
going in but not coming out. The sun’s radius is much larger than the critical radius
of a BH which is about 2.5 km to be a black hole for the sun. We will see that
for a spherically symmetric BH of mass M, the radius of the horizon is given by
RBH D 2GN M=c2 .72
This may be roughly inferred from Newton’s theory of gravitation from which the escape speed
of a particle in the gravitational field of a spherically symmetric massive body of mass M, at a
distance r, is obtained from the inequality v 2 =2 GN M=r < 0, and by formally replacing v by
22 1 Introduction
One may argue that the Planck length may set a lower limit spatial cut-off. The
following formal and rough estimates are interesting. Suppose that by means of a
high energetic particle of energy E, hE 2 i hp 2 ic2 , with hp 2 i very large, one is
interested in measuring a field within an interval of size ı around a given p point in
space. Such form of energy acts as an effective gravitational mass M hE 2 i=c4
which, in turn distorts space around it. The radius of the event horizon of such a
gravitation mass M is given by r BH D 2GN M=c2 . Clearly we must have ı > r BH ,
otherwise the region of size ı that we wanted to locate the point in question will be
hidden beyond a BH horizon, and localization fails. Also:
˝ 2 ˛
hp 2 i p hpi „2=4ı 2 . Hence M „=2cı,
ı> 2
3 ;
c cı
which gives ı > rBH D „GN =c3 D `P .
Interesting investigations by Hawking73 have shown that a BH is not really a
black body, it is a thermodynamic object, it radiates and has a temperature associated
with it.74 In Chapter 7 in Vol. II , we will see, considering a spherically symmetric
BH, that its temperature is given by75
TBH D : (1.11)
8 GN M k B
where kB is the Boltzmann constant. Note that a very massive black hole is cold.
Recall that entropy S represents a measure of the amount of disorder with
information encoded in it, and invoking the thermodynamic interpretation of a BH,
we may write
@S 1
D ; (1.12)
@.Mc / T
which upon integration with boundary condition that for M ! 0, S ! 0, gives the
celebrated result
c3 k B A 2GN M 2
SBH D A D kB 2 ; A D 4 (1.13)
4„GN 4 `P c2
the ultimate speed c to obtain for the critical radius Rcritical D 2GN M=c2 such that for r < Rcritical
a particle cannot escape.
Hawking [114, 115].
Particle emission from a BH is formally explained through virtual pairs of particles created near
the horizon with one particle falling into the BH while the other becoming free outside the horizon.
A pedestrian approach in determining the temperature is the following. By comparing the
expression of energy expressed in terms of the wavelength of radiation : E D h c=, with
the expression E D kB T, gives T D hc=kB . On dimensional grounds 2 GN M=c2 , which
gives T „c3 =GN M kB . This is the expression given for the temperature up to a proportionality
1 Introduction 23
Bekenstein [14].
Manoukian [149] and Anselmi [9].
Stelle [204].
Unitarity (positivity) of such theories in a non-perturbative setting has been elaborated upon by
Tomboulis [224].
24 1 Introduction
matter of fact the derivatives occurring in the action, in a momentum description via
Fourier transforms, may be considered to be small at sufficiently low energies. In
view of applications in the low energy regime, one then tries to separate low energy
effects from high energy ones even if the theory has unfavorable ultraviolet behavior
such as in quantum gravity.80 Applications of such an approach have been carried
out in the literature as just cited, and, for example, the modification of Newton’s
gravitational potential at long distances has been determined to have the structure
GN m1 m2 h GN .m1 C m2 / GN „ i
U.r/ D 1C˛ C ˇ ; (1.14)
r c2 r c3 r 2
for the interaction of two spin 0 particles of masses m1 and m2 . Here ˛; ˇ; are
dimensionless constants,81 and the third term represents a quantum correction being
proportional to „.
Conventional quantum field theory is usually formulated in a fixed, i.e., in, a
priori, given background geometry such as the Minkowski one. This is unlike the
formalism of “Loop Quantum Gravity” (LQG) also called “Quantum Field Theory
of Geometry”. The situation that we will encounter in this approach is of a quantum
field theory in three dimensional space, which is a non-perturbative background
independent formulation of quantum gravity. The latter means that no specific
assumption is made about the underlying geometric structure and, interestingly
enough, the latter rather emerges from the theory. Here by setting up an eigenvalue
equation of, say, an area operator, in a quantum setting, one will encounter a
granular structure of three-dimensional space yielding a discrete spectrum for area
measurements with the smallest possible having a non-zero value given to be of the
order of the Planck length squared: „GN =c3 1066 cm2 .82 The emergence of
space in terms of “quanta of geometry”, providing a granular structure of space, is
a major and beautiful prediction of the theory. The 3 dimensional space is generated
by a so-called time slicing procedure of spacetime carried out by Arnowitt, Deser
and Misner.83 The basic field variables in the theory is a gravitational “electric” field,
which determines the geometry of such a 3 dimensional space and naturally emerges
from the definition of the area of a surface in such a space, and its canonical conju-
gate variable is referred to as the connection. By imposing equal time commutation
relation of these two canonically conjugate field variables, the quantum version of
the theory arises, and the fundamental problem of the quantization of geometry
follows. The basic idea goes to Penrose [171] whose interest was to construct the
concept of space from combining angular momenta. It is also interesting that the
proportionality of entropy and the surface area of the BH horizon in the Bekenstein-
Hawking Entropy formula has been derived in loop quantum gravity.84
Donoghue [55–57] and Bjerrum-Bohr et al. [19], Bjerrum-Bohr et al. [20].
Recent recorded values are ˛ D 3, and ˇ D 41=10 Bjerrum-Bohr et al. [19].
Rovelli and Smolin [174], Ashtekar and Lewandoski [12], and Rovelli and Vidotto [175].
Arnowitt et al. [10].
See, e.g., Meissner [160] and Ansari [8].
1 Introduction 25
Here we recall the well known statement of Dirac, that a theory with mathematical beauty is
more likely to be correct than an ugly one that fits some experimental data [53].
This is such that the total number of fermion degrees of freedom is equal to the total bosonic
See, e.g., Veltman [230].
26 1 Introduction
such a quadratic dependence on and obtain a physical mass of the Higgs boson
of the order of magnitude of the minute energy88 . 10 2 GeV/, in comparison,
characterizing the standard model, and this seems quite unnatural for the cancelation
of such huge quantities.89 This unnatural cancelation of enormously large numbers
has been termed a facet of the hierarchy problem. Supersymmetric theories have,
in general, the tendency to cancel out such quadratic divergences, up to possibly of
divergences of logarithmic type which are tolerable, thus protecting a scalar particle
from acquiring such a large bare mass. So supersymmetry may have an important
role to play here.
SUSY relates fermions to bosons, and vice versa, and hence a generator is
required which is of fermionic type, that is, it carries a spinor index as in the
Dirac field90 to carry out a transformation fermion $ boson. Since the spins of
fermions and bosons are different, this necessarily means that such a generator does
not commute with the angular (spin) momentum operator as supersymmetry unites
particles of the same mass and different spins into multiplets. Bosons and fermions
have, in general, different masses, which means that SUSY is to be spontaneously
broken if such a symmetry is to have anything to do with nature. If supersymmetry
breaking sets at such an energy scale as 1 TeV or so, then some of the lowest mass
superpartners may be hopefully discovered.91
Of particular interest was also the development of the superspace concept as
an extension of the Minkowski one, where one includes an additional degree of
freedom usually denoted by92 D .a / to the space coordinates .t; x/, which
turns out to be quite convenient in defining and setting up SUSY invariant integrals
such as the action of a dynamical system.93 To describe dynamics this, in turn,
necessitates to introduce superfields of different types94 as functions of these
The extension of the algebra of the Poincaré group to a superalgebra was first
carried out by Gol’fand and Likhtman in [100] to construct supersymmetric field
theory models, and with the implementation of spontaneous symmetry breaking
Aad et al. [1] and Chatrchyan et al. [31].
As mentioned earlier, the question, in turn, arises as to what amounts for the enormous difference
between the energy scale of grand unification and the energy scale that characterizes the standard
This point is of importance because an earlier attempt by Coleman and Mandula [33] to enlarge
the Poincaré group did not work. They considered only so-called “Bose” generators (that is tensors,
and not spinors) in their analysis.
Perhaps an optimist would argue that since antiparticles corresponding to given particles were
discovered, the discovery of superpartners associated with given particles would not be out of
the question either. The underlying symmetries involved in these two cases are, however, quite of
different nature.
This is called a Grassmann variable.
See Salam and Strathdee [185, 186].
Details on superfields will be given in Vol. II. The explicit expression of the pure vector superfield
has been recently obtained in Manoukian [155].
1 Introduction 27
by Volkov and Akulov in [232]. In [243], Wess and Zumino also,95 independently,
developed supersymmetric models in 4 dimensions, and this work has led to an
avalanche of papers on the subject and to a rapid development of the theory. In
particular, supersymmetric extensions of the standard model were developed,96
supergravity, as a supersymmetric extension of gravitational theory, was also
developed.97 Unfortunately, things do not seem to be much better for supergravity,
as far as its renormalizability is concerned.98
Now we come to String Theory. String Theory is a theory which attempts to
provide a unified description of all the fundamental interactions in Nature and,
in particular, give rise to a consistent theory of quantum gravity. A string is a
fundamental one dimensional extended object, and if it has p to do with quantum
gravity, it is, say, of the order of the Plank length `P D GN „=c3 1033 cm,
involving the three fundamental constants: Newton’s gravitational constant GN , the
quantum unit of action „, and the speed of light c. Since no experiments can probe
distances of the order of the Planck length, such a string in present day experiments
is considered to be point-like. When a string, whether closed or open, moves in
spacetime, it sweeps out a two dimensional surface referred to as a worldsheet.
String Theory is a quantum field theory which operates on such a two dimensional
worldsheet. This, as we will see, has remarkable consequences in spacetime itself,
albeit in higher dimensions. Particles are identified as vibrational modes of strings,
and a single vibrating string may describe several particles depending on its
vibrational modes. Strings describing bosonic particles are referred to as a bosonic
strings, while those involving fermionic ones as well are referred to as superstrings.
The remarkable thing is that the particles needed to describe the dynamics of
elementary particles arise naturally in the mass spectra of oscillating strings, and
are not, a priori, assumed to exist or put in by hand in the underlying theories.
The dimensionality of the spacetime in which the strings live are predicted by the
underlying theory as well and are necessarily of higher dimensions than four for
consistency with Lorentz invariance of spacetime at the quantum level, consisting
of a dimensionality of 26 for the bosonic strings and a spacetime dimensionality of
10 for the superstrings. The extra dimensions are expected to curl up into a space
that is too small to be detectable with present available energies. For example the
surface of a hollow extended cylinder with circular base is two dimensional, with
one dimension along the cylinder, and another one encountered as one moves on
its circumference. If the radius of the base of the cylinder is relatively small, the
cylinder will appear as one dimensional when viewed from a large distance (low
energies). Accordingly, the extra dimensions in string theory are expected to be
These basic papers, together with other key ones, are conveniently collected in Ferrara [71].
See Fayet [67], Dimopoulos and Georgi [45].
See Freedman, van Nieuwenhuizen and Ferrara [84], Deser and Zumino [42].
See, e.g., Deser et al. [41], Deser [40], Stelle [205, 206], and Howe and Stelle [124].
28 1 Introduction
with a universal slope W D ˛ 0; ˛ 0 Š 1 GeV2 ; (1.15)
dM 2
defining so-called Regge trajectories. Veneziano postulated and wrote down a
scattering amplitude of meson – meson scattering: p1 .m1 / C p2 .m2 / ! p3 .m3 / C
p4 .m4 /, which, in particular, showed that the amplitude involves the exchange of an
infinite number of particles (corresponding to arbitrary integer spins). This is unlike
the situation in conventional field theory as QED or the standard model, where they
involve the exchange of a finite number of particles to any given order. String theory
shares this property of the Veneziano amplitude. As a matter of fact the Veneziano
An idea used by Kaluza and Klein in their attempt to unify gravity and electromagnetism in a 5
dimensional generalization of general relativity.
See also Horowitz [122].
Townsend [227], Witten [244], and Duff [58].
Duff [58] and Schwarz [191].
Cremmer et al. [37].
The GSO method of projection was proposed in Gliozzi et al. [98, 99].
Veneziano [231], see also Lovelace and Squires [145] and Di Vecchia [54].
1 Introduction 29
amplitude may be derived from string theory. Nambu [164], Nielsen [166] and
Susskind [211] have shown that the famous expression of the amplitude postulated
by Veneziano may be interpreted as a quantum theory of scattering of relativistic
strings. Although, a priori, this was assumed to describe a strong interaction process,
Yoneya [248], and Scherk and Schwarz [190] made use of the fact that string theory
(involving closed strings) contains a spin 2 massless state, which was identified
with the elusive graviton, in addition to a whole spectrum of other excitation modes,
to propose that string theory provides a framework for the unification of general
relativity and quantum mechanics. As early as 1971, Neveu and Schwarz [165],
and Raymond [173] included fermions in their analyses, which eventually led to
the notion of superstrings, and during a short period of time, several types 106 of
superstrings were introduced in the literature.
Due to the assumed non-zero extensions of strings, it is hoped that they provide,
naturally, an ultraviolet cut-off .`P /1 and render all processes involving
strings ultraviolet finite. This is unlike conventional quantum field theory inter-
actions where all the quantum fields are multiplied locally at the same spacetime
points, like multiplying distributions at the same point, and are, in this sense, quite
In string theory, two strings with given vibrational modes, identifying two
given particles, may combine forming one string with an arbitrary number of
different vibrational modes associated with a myriad number of particles, defining
generalized 3-vertices. The combined string may again split into two strings with
associated vibrational modes, identified appropriately with two more particles,
describing a scattering process of 2 particles ! 2 particles. Thus interactions
involve string worldsheets of various topologies arise.
Other extended objects are also encountered in string theory called branes which,
in general, are of higher spatial dimensions than one, with the string defined as a one
dimensional brane. For example, an open string, satisfying a particular boundary
condition, referred to as a Dirichlet boundary condition, specifies a hypersurface,
referred to as a D brane, on which the end points of the open string reside. On the
other hand, the graviton corresponds to a vibrational mode of closed strings, and
since the latter, having no ends, may not be restricted to a brane and moves away
from it. This might explain the weakness of the gravitational field, if our universe
is a 3 dimensional brane embedded in a higher dimensional spacetime. Massless
particles encountered in string theory are really the physically relevant ones because
of the large unit of mass .`P /1 1019 GeV in attributing masses to the spectrum
of massive particles.107 As we will see a massless particle may acquire mass if,
Green and Schwarz [102, 103] and Gross et al. [107, 108].
A systematic analysis of all the massless field excitations encountered in both bosonic and
superstrings are investigated in Manoukian [152–154], in their respective higher dimensional
spacetimes, and include the determinations of the degrees of freedom associated with them. Note
that in four dimensional spacetime the number of degrees of freedom (spin states) of non-scalar
fields is always two. This is not true in higher dimensional spacetime. For example, the degrees of
freedom associated with a massless vector particle is 8 in 10 dimensions, while for the graviton is
30 1 Introduction
for example, the end points of the open string are attached to two different branes,
instead of a single brane.
We will learn the remarkable facts that Einstein’s general relativity as well as
Yang-Mills field theory may be obtained from string theory.
Interesting high energy scattering amplitudes have been computed in string
theory over the years,108 which provide a hint that space may not be probed
beyond the Planck length – a result shared with “loop quantum gravity”. It is worth
mentioning that the Bekenstein-Hawking Entropy relation has been also derived in
string theory.109
In recent years much work has been done, which is worth mentioning here
but rather briefly, indicating that general relationships may exist between field
theories and string theories, and consequently considerable attention was given
trying to make such a statement more and more precise, with the ultimate hope
of providing, in turn, a consistent and acceptable quantum theory of gravitation
relevant to our world but much work still remains to be done. In particular,
much study has been made to study the equivalence relation between certain four
dimensional gauge theories and superstring theories, referred to as the AdS/CFT
correspondence, where AdS space stands for anti-de-Sitter space, and CFT stands
for conformal field theory.110 Such correspondences have been also referred to
as Gauge/Gravity duality, as well as Maldacena duality, a duality which was
first proposed by Maldacena.111 Without going into technical details, the aim
of this work is to show, for example, the existence of an equivalence relation
between a certain supersymmetric SU.N/ Yang-Mills field theory in 4 dimensional
Minkowski spacetime, and a superstring theory in a 5 dimensional AdS space,
having one additional dimension to the Minkowski one, and with the 5 dimensions
of the AdS space supplemented by 5 extra dimensions defined by a five-sphere,
making up the 10 dimensions of superstrings mentioned earlier. The interest in this
work is that it deals with a connection between string theory (involving gravity) and
35, as shown later in Chapter 3 of Vol. II. In 4 dimensions, their degrees of freedom are, of course,
See, e.g., Amati et al. [3, 4] and ’t Hooft [219].
See, e.g., Strominger and Fava [208] and Horowitz et al. [123].
AdS space and CFT symmetry may be introduced as follows. AdS space, in D dimensions,
may be defined in terms of coordinates z D .z 0 ; z 1 ; : : : ; z D1 ; z D / satisfying a quadratic equation
PD1 k 2 0 2 D 2 2
kD1 .z / .z / .z / D R , P for a given constant R 2 , embedded in a .DC1/ dimensional
space with interval squared ds 2 D jD1 dz j 2 dz 0 2 dz D 2 . On the other hand a DSphere
is defined in terms of coordinates y1 ; : : : ; y DC1 satisfying a quadratic equation jD1 .y j /2 D 2
for a given constant . The conformal group, as applied in 4 dimensional Minkowski spacetime, is
defined by a scale transformation x ! x , and a so-called special (conformal) transformation
x 0 x
0 2
D 2 C a ;
x x
for a constant 4-vector a , in addition to the Poincaré ones.
Maldacena [146]. See also Witten [245], Gubser et al. [109], and Aharoni et al. [2].
1 Introduction 31
supersymmetric gauge theories. This brings us into contact with the holographic
principle, in analogy to holography in capturing 3 dimensional images of objects
on a 2 dimensional (holographic) plate,112 showing that an equivalence relation
exists between the 3 and the 2 dimensional set-ups. The 4 dimensional quantum
field theory is like a hologram capturing information about the higher dimensional
quantum gravity theory. In this case the SU(N) theory provides a holographic
description of gravitational field. This is in analogy to black hole entropy with
its encoded information being proportional to the area rather than to the volume
of the region enclosed by the horizon. Perhaps holography is a basic property of
string theory and one expects that much has to be done before developing a realistic
quantum gravity, and in turn provide a background independent formulation for
string theory. The holographic principle was first proposed by ’t Hooft.113
We close this chapter by commenting on two symmetries which seem to be
observed in Nature, that is of the CPT symmetry and of the Spin & Statistics
connection and of their relevance to our own existence. We will see how these
symmetries arise from quantum field theory in Sect. 4.10 and Sect. 4.5, respectively.
CPT taken in any order, seems to be an observed symmetry in Nature, where C
stands for charge conjugation with which particles are replaced by their antiparticles
and vice versa, P represents space reflection, while T denotes time reversal.
Local Lorentz invariant quantum field theories preserve (Sect. 4.10) the CPT
symmetry. Experimentally, symmetry violations are well known to occur when
one restricts to one or to the product of two transformations in CPT in dealing
with some fundamental processes. For example the violation of parity was already
established in 1957114 as well as the violation of charge symmetry.115 Later, in
1964 CP violation, and hence also of T, was observed in neutral Kaon decays.116
The CP transformation and C, provide the fundamental relations between matter
and anti-matter. The question then arises as to why we observe, apart in accelerator
experiments, only one form (matter) than the other form in the visible universe –
a key criterion for our own existence. If an equal amount of matter and anti-matter
was produced at some stage then why, our visible universe is matter dominated.
Sakharov in 1967 [177] proposed that a key reason for this is CP violation. In
more details to explain this asymmetry, he proposed that (1) baryon number is not
conserved. (This is supported by recent grand unified field theories,) (2) CP and C
are violated, (3) the universe has gone through a phase of extremely rapid expansion
to avoid the pairing of matter and anti-matter. The violation of such symmetries, at
Recall that the two dimensional holographic plate which registers the interference of reflected
light off an object and an unperturbed Laser beam stores information of the shape of the three
dimensional object. As one shines a Laser beam on it an image of the three dimensional object
’t Hooft [220], see also especially Thorn [223], as well as the analysis with further interpretations
by Susskind [212]. See also Bousso [27].
Wu et al. [246], Garwin et al. [91], and Friedman and Telegdi [86].
Garwin et al. [91].
Christenson et al. [32].
32 1 Introduction
For a pedagogical treatment of the problem of “stability of matter” and related intricacies, see
Manoukian [151], Chapter 14.
Lieb and Thirring [144] and Thirring [222].
Dyson [61], Lieb [143], and Manoukian and Muthaporn [156].
Lieb and Thirring [144] and Thirring [222].
In the Preface of Tomonaga’s book on spin [226], one reads: “The existence of spin, and the
statistics associated with it, is the most subtle and ingenious design of Nature – without it the
whole universe would collapse”.
See Ehrenfest [62].
References 33
a rigorous treatment123 shows that the extension of matter radially grows not any
slower than N 1=3 for large N. No wonder why matter occupies so large a volume.
The importance of the “Spin & Statistics” connection and the role it plays in our
world cannot be overemphasized. Needless to say, no quantum field theory treatment
is complete without the CPT Theorem and the Spin & Statistics Connection.
The present volume deals with the foundations of quantum field theory and with
the intricacies of abelian and non-abelian gauge theories. Volume II deals with
quantum gravity, supersymmetry, and string theory.
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Recommended Reading
1. Becker, K, Becker, M., & Schwarz, J. H. (2006). String theory and M-theory: A modern
introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2. Davies, P. (Ed.). (1989). The new physics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
3. DeWitt, B. (2014). The global approach to quantum field theory. Oxford: Oxford University
4. Manoukian, E. B. (1983). Renormalization. New York/London/Paris: Academic Press.
5. Manoukian, E. B. (2006). Quantum theory: A wide spectrum. Dordrecht: Springer.
6. Manoukian, E. B. (2016). Quantum field theory II: Introductions to quantum gravity, super-
symmetry, and string theory. Dordrecht: Springer.
7. Martin, P. C., & Glashow, S. L. (2008). Julian Schwinger 1918–1994”: A Bio-graphical
memoir. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, Copyright 2008.
8. Oriti, D. (Ed.), (2009). Approaches to quantum gravity. Cambridge: Cambridge University
9. Schweber, S. S. (2008). Quantum field theory: From QED to the standard model In M. Jo
Nye (Ed.), The Cambridge history of science. The modern physical and mathematical sciences
(Vol. 5, pp. 375–393). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
References 43
This preliminary chapter deals with basic tools needed for dealing with quantum
field theory. It begins with Wigner’s theory of symmetry transformations by showing
how symmetry is implemented in the quantum world via unitary or anti-unitary
operators. This subject matter will be also important in deriving commutation
(anti-commutation) rules between symmetry generators such as in developing the
Poincaré algebra of spacetime transformations including those in supersymmetric
field theories which also involve fermion-boson exchanges. Some properties of
the Dirac equation and related aspects are summarized in Appendix I, at the end
of the book, for the convenience of the reader. Various representations of the
gamma matrices are spelled out, however, in the present chapter which turn out
to be important in modern field theory, and the concept of a Majorana spinor is
also introduced. Special emphasis is put in the remaining sections on functional
differentiations and functional integrations involving Grassmann variables as well.
Functional Fourier transforms are introduced which clearly show the intimate
connection that there exists between the functional differential formalism pioneered
by Julian Schwinger and the functional integral formalism pioneered by Richard
Feynman. The last section on delta functionals, makes this connection even more
transparent and shows the simplicity of the functional formalism in general, whether
it is in differential or integral forms. It is, however, relatively easier to functionally
differentiate than to deal with continual functional integrals. Both formalisms are
used in this book for greater flexibility and for a better understanding of quantum
field theory.
See, e.g., his book Wigner [3]. See also Wigner [4].
For intricacies of Wigner’s Symmetry Transformations in quantum mechanics, see, e.g.,
Manoukian [1], pp. 55–65.
More generally one may also have initially a mixture described by a density operator.
One should also consider unit rays in this discussion and in the subsequent definitions but we will
not go into these points here.
2.1 Wigner’s Symmetry Transformations in the Quantum World 47
hU j U i D h j i ; (2.1.4)
hU j U i D h j i D h j i ; (2.1.5)
Continuous transformations, for which one may also consider infinitesimal ones
close to the identity operation, such as space or time translations and rotations, are
implemented by unitary operators since the identity operator I itself is trivially a
unitary one. An infinitesimal change of a parameter •, under consideration, is
implemented by a given operator G, referred to as the generator of symmetry
transformation, and the corresponding unitary operator, for such an infinitesimal
transformation, would take the form
U D I C i •G: (2.1.8)
48 2 Preliminaries
.• G/ D • G: (2.1.9)
For example, for an infinitesimal space translation •x, via the momentum operator
P associated with the system in consideration, the corresponding unitary operator
is given by
Ujspace D I C i •x P: (2.1.10)
For infinitesimal time translation •, via the Hamiltonian H of the system, one has
Ujtime D I i •H: (2.1.11)
Ujrotation D I C i • n J: (2.1.12)
where a summation over repeated indices is assumed, and " ij k is totally anti-
symmetric, with "123 D C1. We may then rewrite (2.1.12) as
Ujrotation D I C •! ij J ij : (2.1.14)
The generators H, P, and J of the transformations are self-adjoint.
In a relativistic setting, in which this book is based, these spacetime transfor-
mations may be combined by introducing, in the process, additional operators to
this set of operators, denoted by J 0i , i D 1; 2; 3, which impart a frame with
an infinitesimal velocity change •v. The unitary operator corresponding to these
infinitesimal spacetime transformations then takes the elegant form
U D 1 C i •b P C •! J ; •! D •! ; ; D 0; 1; 2; 3;
One may conveniently, in general, absorb • in G.
2.1 Wigner’s Symmetry Transformations in the Quantum World 49
with6 P 0 D H,
First we have to learn how the labels attached to an event in different, so-
called, inertial frames are related. This will be taken up in the next section. The
transformation rules relating this different labeling, are referred to as Lorentz
transformations in Minkowski spacetime. On the other hand, the genertors P ; J
satisfy basic commutations relations and form an algebra in the sense that the
commutator of two generators is equal to a linear combination of the generators in
question. The underlying algebra is called the Poincaré algebra and will be studied
in Sect. 4.2.
In incorporating supersymmetry into physics, with an inherited symmetry exist-
ing between fermions and bosons, one introduces a generator7 of fermionic type,
that is, it carries a spinor index, referred to as a supercharge operator, and the
Poncaré algebra is extended to a larger one including anti-commutation relations
as well. This algebra is referred to as Super-Poincaré algebra.8
Typical discrete transformations, are provided by space P or time T reflections
(parity and time reversal) or charge conjugation C, for which a particle is replaced
by its antiparticle. A key criterion for finding out if T, for example, should be
unitary or anti-unitary is to eliminate the choice which would lead to the inconsistent
result that a Hamiltonian is unbounded from below. This is inferred as follows.
Under an infinitesimal time translation •, via the Hamiltonian H of the system
under consideration, followed by a time-reversal applied to it is equivalent to a time
reversal followed by a time translation, i.e., we have the equality
Œ1 i •H T D T Œ1 C i •.H C '/; (2.1.17)
With the Minkowski metric adopted in this book Œ D diagŒ1; 1; 1; 1, bi D bi ; b0 D b0 .
One may also introduce more than one such operator.
This will be studied in the accompanying book Manoukian [2]: Quantum Field Theory II:
Introductions to Quantum Gravity, Supersymmetry, and string Theory. Minkowski spacetime is,
in turn, extended to what has been called superspace.
50 2 Preliminaries
x 0 D x ; (2.2.1)
The reader may wish to consult Manoukian [1], pp. 55–65, 112–115, where additional details,
and proofs, are spelled out in quantum theory.
2.2 Minkowski Spacetime: Common Arena of Elementary Particles 51
@x 0
D ; (2.2.2)
and hence from the chain rule
@ D @ 0 ; @ : (2.2.3)
Quite generally, we have the Lorentz invariant property
x 0 D x b : (2.2.7)
Consistency of such a transformation requires that its structure remains the same
under subsequent transformations leading to group properties spelled out below. For
a subsequent transformation x 0 ! x 00 , we may use (2.2.7) to write
x 00 D 0 x 0 b 0 ; (2.2.8)
x 00 D 0 x 0 b C b 0 : (2.2.9)
will be read as x0 in a coordinate system obtained from the first by a c.c.w rotation
by an angle about a unit vector n,
x 0 i D R ij x j ; R ij R i k D • j k ; i; j; k D 1; 2; 3; (2.2.10)
with a summation over repeated indices understood. Here R i k are the matrix
elements of the rotation matrix with
R i k D •i k " ij k nj sin C •i k ni nk /.cos 1 ; (2.2.11)
x./ D n x./; x.0/ D x: (2.2.12)
The general structure of the matrices , involving such rotations and so-
called Lorentz boosts is given by
ˇ k ˇj
i j D ij D R ij C .% 1/ R i k ; (2.2.13)
0 0 D 0 0 D % 1 ˇ 2 ; (2.2.14)
0 i D 0 i D % ˇ i ; (2.2.15)
i 0 D i 0 D % R ij ˇ j ; (2.2.16)
•x D x x 0 D •b •! x ; (2.2.17)
2.2 Minkowski Spacetime: Common Arena of Elementary Particles 53
D • C •! ; •! D •! ; (2.2.18)
and i; j D 1; 2; 3; ; D 0; 1; 2; 3.
When the parameters •b, •, •ˇ are led continuously to go to zero, the induced
transformations in the underlying vector space of particle states go over to the
identity. The latter being unitary, we may refer to Wigner’s Theorem (Sect. 2.1)
to infer that an induced transformation is represented by a unitary rather than by
an anti-unitary operator. Such transformations, in turn, generate an algebra of the
corresponding generators referred to as the Poincaré algebra. The corresponding
analysis will be carried out in Sect. 4.2.
Before closing this section, we note that the general structure in (2.2.5), rewritten
in matrix form reads
> D ; (2.2.23)
and since det D 1, we may infer that for the transformations in (2.2.1) det D
C1. It is not 1 as this transformation includes neither time nor space reflections.
From this and (2.2.2) we learn that the Jacobian of the transformation x 0 ! x is
given by det D 1, establishing the Lorentz invariance of the volume element in
Minkowski spacetime:
This together with the definition of a Lorentz scalar ˚.x/ by the condition
˚ 0 .x 0 / D ˚.x/; (2.2.25)
such as the action integral, and lead to the development of Lorentz invariant theories.
54 2 Preliminaries
The Dirac formalism for the description of the relativistic electron in a quantum
setting via the Dirac equation . @ =i C m/ D 0, is summarized in Appendix I
at the end of the book. The Dirac representation of the gamma matrices, in
particular, are defined by
I 0 0 0I
0D ; D ; 5 i 0 1 2 3 D ; (2.3.1)
0 I 0 I 0
where for simplicity we have used the same notation for the resulting matrices.
Note that coincides with the one in the Dirac representation. The chiral
representation is important in dealing with massless particles and in the study of
supersymmetry. While the unitary matrix
1 I 2
G D G 1 D G D p ; (2.3.4)
2 2 I
in which =i D =i , making the Dirac operator @ =i C m real. This
representation is particularly convenient in analyzing general results in field theory
such as the Spin & Statistics Connection .
If satisfies the Dirac equation in an external electromagnetic field e A .x/
of charge e then C D C , where D 0 , and C is the charge
2 0
conjugation matrix defined by C D i , satisfies the Dirac equation with
e A .x/ replaced by e A .x/ i.e., with the sign of the charge e reversed. (See
Eq. (I.3) in Appendix I at the end of the book).
In the Dirac and
chiral representations
the charge conjugation matrix are given by . 2 /> D 2
0 i 2 i 2 0
CDirac D ; Cchiral D : (2.3.7)
i 2 0 0 i 2
Once a charge matrix C has been defined, one may define a Majorana spinor
, not to be confused with the Majorana representation of the gamma matrices, by
the condition D C , that is
DC ; D > C 1 D .C /> : (2.3.10)
From these definitions, one may infer the general structure of a Majorana spinor,
for example, in the chiral representation, to be of the form:
0 1 0 1
1 4
B 2 C B C
@ 3 A D @ 3 A : (2.3.11)
4 4
56 2 Preliminaries
i : : : ik D .1/ıj i1 : : :b
j : : : ik ; (2.4.1)
@j 1
where ıj denotes the position of j from the left 1, in the product i1 : : : ik , and
j is omitted on the right-hand side of the equation as indicated by the “hat” sign on
it. One may also define a right-hand derivative, taking a derivative from the right,
with a corresponding rule.
In particular note that,
i j D •i k j •j k i ; (2.4.2)
; k D •j k : (2.4.3)
One may define the differential operator d D kD1 dk @=@k satisfying the rule
On the other hand by using the rule in (2.4.2) in applying the differential operator
d gives
To extend the above rules for differentiations with respect to complex variables,
one may proceed as follows. Given two real Grassmann variables R ; I satisfying
fR ; I g D 0, one may define a complex Grassmann variable D R C i I . Using
the notation for the complex conjugate of , the following anti-commutation
rules emerge
f ; g D 0; f ; g D 0; f ; g D 0: (2.4.7)
2.4 Differentiation and Integration with Respect to Grassmann Variables 57
D i I R ; (2.4.8)
showing that complex conjugation of the product of two real Grassmann variables
reverses their order. This in turn implies that for complex (or real) Grassmann
variables 1 ; : : : ; n .
One may also define two sets of derivatives with respect to variables i ; i , as
before, and note that
( )
@ @ @ @
; D 0; ; D 0: (2.4.11)
@i @j @i @j
being a Grassmann variable itself. That is di •.i ˇ i / commutes with Grassmann
Before introducing integrations over complex Grassmann variables, consider
making a change of integration variables
i D Cij j ; (2.4.19)
in an integral, where a summation over j understood, and the Cij are c-numbers,
i; j D 1; : : : ; n. We are thus led to consider, in general, the integral
d1 : : : dn 1 : : : n D d1 : : : d n J C 1i1 i1 : : : C n i n i n ; (2.4.20)
where " i1 ::: in is the Levi-Civita symbol totally anti-symmetric with " 1::: n D C1.
Using the definition of a determinant of the matrix Œ Cij
we immediately obtain
J D 1=det C; (2.4.23)
d d D 1: (2.4.27)
where the Aij are c-numbers. The commutativity of i Ai1 1 , for example, with all
the Grassmann variables, and so on, allows us to rewrite the integral I as (since
.1 /2 D 0; : : : ; .n /2 D 0)
ID d1 1 A1j1 j1 d1 dn n Anjn jn dn
D d1 j1 dn j n A1j1 Anjn
D d1 1 dn n "j1 :::j n A1j1 Anjn ; (2.4.30)
60 2 Preliminaries
where we have used (2.4.21). From (2.4.28) and the definition of a determi-
nant (2.4.22), the following expression for the integral emerges
d1 d1 d dn
n exp Œ i i Aij j D det A: (2.4.31)
i i
For det A ¤ 0, the above integral may be used to give another useful integral. To
this end, we note the following. We may call the variables i in (2.4.31) anything
we like and use any notation for them. In the language of calculus they are dummy
variables. We may go even further by noting that we are free to make completely
different change of variables for the j and the former variables. Taking these two
points into account, we make the substitutions j ! j .A1 /j and i ! i
.A1 / i to obtain directly from (2.4.31)
d1 d1 d dn
n expŒ i .i Aij j C i i C i i / D .det A/ exp Œ i i A1
ij j :
i i
This integral is to be compared with the corresponding one for integrations over
commuting complex variables
dz1 dz1 dzn dz n 1
expŒ i . zi Aij z j C zi Ki C Ki z i / D exp i Ki A1
ij Kj :
2=i 2=i det A
The study of Fourier transform theory of Grassmann variables rests on the following
two integrals. The first one is
d1 d 1 : : : dn dn exp i Œ . ˛/ C . ˛/
one is
d1 d1 : : : dn dn .1 /1 .1 /"1 : : : .n /n .n /"n .1 ˛1 /
where the j ; "j are either 0 or 1, and a factor such as .0/0 , (e.g., when ˛j D
0; "j D 0), is to be replaced by 1 on the right-hand side of the equation.
The second one seems more difficult to verify but easily follows by first writing
Therefore it remains to face the following integral which works out as follows:
d .ı 0 ı1 /. ˛/. ˛/ d .ı"0 C ı"1 /
D d .ı 0 ı1 /. ˛/ d . ˛/.ı"0 C ı"1 /
D d .ı 0 C ˛ ı1 / d .ı"0 C ˛ ı"1 / D .˛/ .˛/" ; (2.5.5)
which leads from (2.5.4) to the expression on the right-hand side of (2.5.2). Now we
are ready to introduce Fourier transforms involving Grassmann variables.
Given a function FŒ; which is a linear combination of terms as
Œ.1 /1 .1 /"1 : : : .n /n .n /"n , we define its Fourier transform: .; / ! .; /
Q ; D d1 d1 d dn
FŒ ::: n FŒ ; exp Œ i . C / : (2.5.6)
i i
To find the inverse Fourier transform: .; / ! .; /, we multiply the above
integral by
which commutes with everything, and integrate using (2.5.1) and then (2.5.2). The
right-hand becomes10
d1 d1 : : : dn dn FŒ ; d1 d1 : : : dn dn exp i Œ . ˛/ C . ˛/
D d1 d1 : : : dn dn FŒ ; .1 ˛1 /. 1 ˛ 1 / : : : .n ˛ n /.n ˛ n / D FŒ ˛; ˛ :
By equating this expression with the resulting one on the left-hand side of the
equation in question, the following expression emerges for the inverse Fourier
Q ; exp Œ i. C / ;
FŒ ; D i d1 d1 : : : i dn dn FŒ (2.5.8)
Note that the factors .j ˛j /. j ˛ j / commute with everything.
2.6 Functional Differentiation and Integration; Functional Fourier Transforms 63
@ @ @ @
j D •j i ; D •j i ; j D 0; D 0; (2.6.1)
@i @i j @i @i j
j k m s D ıj i k m s j k m ıs i ; (2.6.2)
• •
b .x 0 / D ıba ı.x 0 x/; .x 0 / D ıba ı.x 0 x/; (2.6.3)
•a .x/ •a .x/ b
b .x 0 / c .y 0 / d .y 00 / e .x 00 / D ıba ı.x 0 x/ c .y 0 / d .y 00 / e .x 00 /
•a .x/
b .x 0 / c .y 0 / d .y 00 / ıea ı.x 00 x/; (2.6.4)
involving Dirac deltas instead of just Kronecker deltas. One uses the notation
•=•a .x/ etc, for the functional derivatives , i.e., for derivatives with respect to
These functions a .x/; a .x/ together with the functional derivatives with
respect to them satisfy the anti-commutation rules:
We interchangeably use the notations ı.x x 0 / and ı .D / .x x 0 / where D is the dimensionality
of spacetime.
64 2 Preliminaries
• 0 0 •
; b .x / D ıba ı.x x/; ; .x / D ıba ı.x 0 x/:
•a .x/ •a .x/ b
• •
; .x 0 / D 0; ; b .x 0 / D 0: (2.6.8)
•a .x/ b •a .x/
a .x/; a .x/ commute with Abc .x 0 ; x 00 /. Note that the above two functionals being
even in anti-commuting functions commute with everything.
Typical functional derivatives of such functionals are
exp Œ i . C / D i a .x/ exp Œ i . C /; (2.6.11)
•a .x/
exp Œ i . C / D C i a .x/ exp Œ i . C /; (2.6.12)
•a .x/
note the minus sign on the right-hand side of the first equation,
• XZ
exp Œ i A D i .dx 0 /Aab .x; x 0 /b .x 0 / exp Œ i A ; (2.6.13)
•a .x/ b
• XZ
exp Œ i A D i .dx 0 /c .x 0 /Aca .x 0 ; x/ exp Œ i A ; (2.6.14)
•a .x/ c
• •
exp Œ i A D i A.x; y/ac exp Œ i A C exp Œi A
•c .y/ •a .x/
! !
00 00 00 0 0 0
.dx /d .x /Adc .x ; y/ .dx /Aab .x; x /b .x / ; (2.6.15)
d b
• • • •
exp Œ i A D exp Œ i A : (2.6.16)
•a .x/ •b .x 0 / •b .x 0 / •a .x/
2.6 Functional Differentiation and Integration; Functional Fourier Transforms 65
We may Q take over the integral in (2.4.32) in a continuum limit, and use the
notation x a .da .x/ da .x/=i/ .D D/, which is even in anti-commuting
variables, to obtain for a matrix M = ŒMab .x; x 0 / :
1 1
expŒ i M D .det M/ .D D/ expŒ i . M C C /; (2.6.18)
Here one may use a matrix notation for Mab .x; x 0 / h x j Mab j x 0 i, h x j Iab j x 0 i
D ıab ı.x x 0 /, and note that
h x j Mab j x 0 i.dx 0 /h x 0 j Mbc j x 00 i D ıac ı.x x 00 /: (2.6.20)
To see how these integrals work, consider, for example, the Dirac operator in the
presence of an external electromagnetic field A .x/ (see Eq. (I.2) in Appendix I at
the end of the book)
h @ i
M D e A C m M.e/; (2.6.21)
h @ i
h x j M.e/ j x 0 i D e A .x/ C m ı.x x 0 /; (2.6.22)
corresponding to the interaction of an electron with an external electromagnetic
potential. The following notation is often used for the matrix
M.0/ D 1
C m SC : (2.6.23)
66 2 Preliminaries
Subject to an appropriate boundary condition, we will learn in Sect. 3.1 how to invert
the matrix SC , thus defining the matrix SC . We may conveniently write M.e/ D
.SC e A/, and note that
det M.e/ D exp Œ Tr ln M.e/ D exp Œ Tr ln .SC e A/ : (2.6.24)
In particular,
det M.e/
D exp Œ Tr ln .I e SC A/ ; (2.6.25)
det M.0/
and the expression in the exponential, on the right-hand side may be formally
expanded as follows
X .e/n Z
Tr ln .I e SC A/ D .dx1 / : : : .dx n /A 1 .x1 / : : : A n .x n /
h i
Tr SC .x1 ; x 2 / 2 SC .x 2 ; x3 / 3 : : : SC .x n ; x1 / 1 ; .dx/ dx 0 dx1 dx 2 dx 3 ;
where the trace operation is over the gamma matrices. Such expressions will be
studied in detail later and applications will be given.
A 1
Using the notation M.e/ Œ SC , for the matrix depending on the elec-
tromagnetic potential, and taking into account the expression in (2.6.19), we may
equivalently rewrite (2.6.18) as
ZŒ ;
exp Œ i SC
D ; (2.6.27)
ZŒ 0; 0
Z h @ i
ZŒ ; D D D exp i eA C m C C :
giving the Fourier transform from .; / to .; / variables We will recognize
the expression in the exponential in (2.6.29), multiplying the i factor, as the
Dirac Lagrangian in the presence of an external electromagnetic field, with .; /
in (2.6.28) representing external sources coupled to the Dirac field. ZŒ ; =ZŒ 0; 0
2.6 Functional Differentiation and Integration; Functional Fourier Transforms 67
may be then analyzed depending on how complicated the external field is. This will
be dealt with in the next chapter.
By using the notation x d .x/ d.x/=.2=i/ .D D/, for complex
functions .x/; .x/, of a real variable, the integral (2.4.33) in the continuum limit
may be written for a matrix M
expŒ i K M 1 K D .D D/ expŒ i . M C K C K /:
det M
On the other-hand for a real function .x/ of aQreal variable,
p the integral
in (2.4.34) in the continuum limit, with the notation x d.x/= 2=i .D/,
takes the form
hi i Z h 1 i
1 1
p exp K M K D .D/ exp i M C K : (2.6.31)
det M 2 2
Q is then given by
and the inverse Functional Fourier transform of FŒ;
FŒ ; D Q D/
Q ; expŒ i . C /; (2.6.33)
using the notation i da .x/ da .x// Q D/.
D .D Q
For complex fields, the Functional Fourier transform reads (see (2.5.9), (2.5.10))
Q ; K D
FŒK Q ; expŒ i . K C K /;
.D D/ FŒ (2.6.34)
See Problem 2.8.
68 2 Preliminaries
where x .d .x/ d.x//=.2=i/ = .D D/, and for the inverse Fourier trans-
form one has
Q DK/ Q K ; K expŒ i .K C K/; (2.6.35)
where now x .dK .x/ dK.x/.=.2 i/ = .DK Q DK/.
For real fields, the Functional Fourier transform reads (see (2.5.11), (2.5.12))
Q K D .D/ FŒ exp Œ iK;
FŒ (2.6.36)
Q p
where Q
x d.x/= .2=i/ = .D/, and the Fourier transform of FŒ K is given
FŒ D Q FŒ K exp Œ i K;
.DK/ (2.6.37)
Q p
where dK.x/= .2 i/ Q
= .DK/.
and use the fact that xf .x/ D 0 implies that f .x/ is a delta function ı.x/, up to
a multiplicative constant, to infer that the expression between the round brackets
in (2.7.5) is equal to ı.K/, up to a proportionality constant, since it is valid for all
x, i.e.,
hi i
exp KM 1K D C exp. i G ı.K/; (2.7.7)
where C is a K-independent multiplicative factor, and G is defined in (2.7.1).
Equivalence of the above formulation with the Functional Fourier transform
method developed in the previous section may be established by writing
YZ 1
ı.K/ D exp Œ i K.x/.x/; (2.7.8)
x 1 2
Obviously (2.7.9) coincides with that given in (2.6.31) since the .2/ factors
in (2.7.9) cancel out anyway in determining exp Œ i K M 1K=2/. The interest in the
expression in (2.7.7) is that one may also apply to it an arbitrary functional FŒı=ıK
which, as we will see later, essentially provides the solution of field theory.
70 2 Preliminaries
For complex functions K.x/; K .x/ of a real variable x, the same analysis as
above involving both functions, with
• •
G D .dx 0 /.dx 00 / .i/ M.x 0 ; x 00 / .i/ ; (2.7.11)
•K.x/ •K .x/
expŒ i K M 1 K D C exp i G ı.K ; K/; (2.7.12)
up to a (K ; K)-independent
Q multiplicative factor C, and ı.K ; K/ may be taken as
the product x ı.KR .x// ı.KI .x// or equivalently as
Y Z d .x/ d.x/
ı.K ; K/ D 2
exp i K .x/.x/ C .x/K.x/ : (2.7.13)
i .2/
Show that G 0 . a C 1/ G 1 D 0 a2 C 1.
Recommended Reading 71
Recommended Reading
not necessarily hold quantum mechanically and lead to modifications of the theory
in the quantum world. The breakdown of such conservation laws lead to calculable
anomalies and are treated in Sect. 3.9 and 3.10, and we provide as well of a concrete
physical example where such an anomaly is actually verified experimentally.
In this section, we investigate the very significance of a quantum field for the
very simple system described by the Dirac equation in (I.1). To this end, one may
consider the matrix element of the Dirac field .x/, treated as a quantum field,
between the no-particle state (vacuum) and a single particle state of a particle of
momentum-spin (p; ) as follows h vac j .x/ j p i.
The particle may have been produced by some external emission source, and a
much more transparent treatment for understanding the meaning of such a matrix
element is to introduce a source term .x/ on the right-hand side of the Dirac
equation to reflect this fact:
Cm .x/ D .x/: (3.1.1)
The presence of the external source .x/ makes the physical interpretation of
the problem at hand clearer, as it plays the role of an emitter and detector of
particles. The source is assumed to be of compact support in time, i.e., it vanishes
except within a given interval or given sets of intervals in time. Physically it means
outside the interval(s) the source ceases to operate, i.e., it is switched off, and is set
equal to zero.1 The explicit structure of .x/ is unimportant. It does not appear in
the expressions of transition amplitudes of quantum particles. The introduction of
such sources facilitate tremendously the computation of transition amplitudes, and
hence their inclusion in the analysis of the underlying physical problems is of quite
practical value. .x/, by definition of an external source, is not a quantum field. It
is not, however, a classical one either as such, but a Grassmann variable. This latter
point does not concern us yet at this stage and we will come back to it later.
Let j 0 i designates the vacuum state before the source .x 0 / is switched
on. After the source is eventually switched off, the latter may have created some
particles. This means that if j 0C i designates the vacuum state after the source is
switched-off, then quantum mechanics says that h 0C j 0 i is not necessarily one
or just a phase factor as the system may be in some other state involving some
It is important to emphasize, that the source need not vanish abruptly at any point and may be
taken to be continuous at a point where it vanishes (see Problem 3.1).
3.1 Dirac Quantum Field, Propagator and Energy-Momentum. . . 75
particles. This amplitude corresponds to the case where we begin with the vacuum
before the source .x 0 / is switched on, and end up with the vacuum after the source
is switched off. Here we have conveniently used the argument x 0 for the source.
We consider the matrix element h0C j .x/ j 0 i, and solve (3.1.1) for the latter.
We will then investigate the meaning of this matrix element later.
By carrying out a 4D Fourier transform of (3.1.1) and inverting, in the process,
the matrix . @=i C m/, we obtain for the matrix element in question
h 0C j .x/ j 0 i .dp/ i p .xx 0 / . p C m/
D .dx 0 / e .x 0 /; (3.1.2)
h 0C j 0 i .2/4 . p 2 C m2 /
x1 0 x 0 x2 0
Fig. 3.1 x1 0 ; x2 0 are, respectively, two arbitrary points before the source is switched on and after
it is switched off at which h 0C j .x/ j 0 i is examined
76 3 Quantum Field Theory Methods of Spin 1=2
p 0−plane
x0 < x 0
x0 > x 0
Fig. 3.2 Figure showing the direction of the contour that is to be taken in the complex p0 plane
when applying the residue theorem, taken c.w. below the horizontal axis for x0 > x0 0 , and c.c.w.
above it for x0 < x0 0 , generating, in turn, two semi-circles of infinite radii, one below and one
above the horizontal axis, respectively
. p2 C m2 / ! Œ p 0 .E i
/Œ p 0 C .E i
/ D . p2 C m2 i
/: (3.1.5)
We close the p 0 contour c.w. from below the horizontal axis, for which Im p 0 <
0, ensuring that the infinite semi-circle part of the contour in the lower plane gives
no contribution. The latter is as a consequence of the fact that expŒ.Im p 0 /T ! 0
for .Im p 0 /T ! 1, T > 0, and, in the process pick up the pole p 0 D C E, by
the application of the Cauchy Theorem. We note that for any real number a > 0,
is equivalent to
in complex integration for
! C 0. An application of the
residue theorem gives
h 0C j .x/ j 0 i 0 d3 p 0
D i .dx / e i p .xx / . p C m/ .x 0 /; (3.1.6)
h 0C j 0 i .2/3 2p 0
where x0 > x 0 0 , and now p 0 D C p2 C m2 . Here we recall the source .x 0 /
acts as an emitter.
On the other hand for x0 D x1 0 in Fig. 3.1, i.e., x0 x 0 0 T 0 < 0, meaning
that the source is switched on after the time x 0 in question, energy is absorbed by
the source, now acting as a detector, with energy loss from point x1 . That is, in this
case, we have to pick up the pole at p 0 D E. We may then close the p 0 contour
c.c.w. from above the horizontal axis in the complex p0 plane by noting, in the
process, that expŒ.Im p 0 /T 0 ! 0, for Im p 0 ! C 1, T 0 < 0, to obtain by the
residue theorem
h 0C j .x/ j 0 i 0 d3 p 0
D i .dx / ei p .xx / . p C m/ .x 0 /; (3.1.7)
h 0C j 0 i .2/3 2p 0
3.1 Dirac Quantum Field, Propagator and Energy-Momentum. . . 77
where x0 < x 0 0 , p0 D C p2 C m2 (not minus), and we made a change of
variables of integration p ! p to finally write down the above integral.
Accordingly, and quite generally, from (3.1.5), (3.1.6), (3.1.7) one may rewrite
the expression in (3.1.2) in a unified manner as
h 0C j .x/ j 0 i
D .dx 0 / SC .x x 0 / .x 0 /; (3.1.8)
h 0C j 0 i
responsible for the transfer of energy (and momentum) as discussed above. The i
term, with
! C 0, in the denominator, dictated by the physics of the situation,
specifies the (Schwinger-Feynman) boundary pcondition for the proper integration in
the complex p 0 plane. Also with p 0 D C p2 C m2 ,
0 d3 p 0
SC .x x / D i e i p .xx / . p C m/; for x 0 > x 0 0 ; (3.1.10)
.2/3 2p 0
0 d3 p 0
SC .x x / D i 3 0
e i p .xx / . p C m/; for x 0 < x 0 0 ; (3.1.11)
.2/ 2p
Cm SC .x x 0 / D ı .4 / .x x 0 /; (3.1.12)
The field equation for .x/ .x/ 0 , in the presence of the external source,
is given by
.x/ C m D .x/: (3.1.14)
if x 0 > x 0 0 , i.e., if the source .x 0 / is switched off before the time x 0 .
Thus the Schwinger-Feynman boundary condition, based on physical grounds,
amounts in replacing the mass m by m i
in the denominator in defining the
propagator. Needless to say for m D 0 the i
should survive.
We note that due to the equality
d3 p 0 p
.dp/ ı. p2 C m2 / ™. p 0 / D 0
dp ı. p 0 p2 C m2 /; (3.1.18)
where ™. p 0 / D 1 for p 0 > 0, ™. p 0 / D 0 for p 0 < 0, and due to the fact that a
Lorentz transformation does not change the sign of p 0 , we may infer the Lorentz
invariance of the measure on the right-hand side of (3.1.18) as well.
We are now ready to investigate, in the next section, the role of .x/ as a
quantum field and the particle content of the theory.
For the interpretation of the role played by the quantum field .x/ for the simple
system described by the Dirac equation, we consider the expression for the matrix
element h 0C j .x/ j 0 i=h 0C j 0 i in (3.1.6), that is for x 0 > x 0 0 in reference
to Fig. 3.1, where the source acts as an emitter.
With the functional time dependence of .x 0 / being of compact support in time
explicitly absorbed in .x 0 /, we may carry out the x 0 -integral in (3.1.6) over all x 0
to obtain
h 0C j .x/ j 0 i d3 p
D e ip x . p C m/ i . p/; (3.2.1)
h0C j 0 i .2/3 2p 0
. p/ D .dx 0 / e ip x .x 0 /: (3.2.2)
3.2 The Dirac Quantum Field Concept, Particle Content, and C, P, T. . . 79
Using the expression for the projection operator in Eq. (I.21) in Appendix I over
spin states, we rewrite (3.2.1) as
h 0C j .x/ j 0 i m d3 p ip x
D e u.p; / h p j 0 i: (3.2.3)
h 0C j 0 i
p 0 .2/3
h p j 0 i Œ i u.p; / . p/ ; (3.2.4)
h 0C j .x/ j p i
D e ip x u.p; /: (3.2.7)
h 0C j 0 i
Particle states and the Poincaré Algebra will be considered in Sect. 4.2.
80 3 Quantum Field Theory Methods of Spin 1=2
with the latter representing an amplitude that the source , as a detector, absorbs a
particle, and finally obtain
h p j .x/ j 0 i
D e ip x u.p; /: (3.2.9)
h 0C j 0 i
Thus we reach the inevitable conclusion that .x/ has created a particle since we
began with the vacuum and ended up having a particle detected by the source.
It remains to consider the situation for h 0C j .x/ j 0 i with x 0 < x 0 0 relative
to .x 0 /, and h 0C j .x/ j 0 i with x 0 > x 0 0 , relative to .x0 /. This will be
done in the next section.
In the remaining part of this section and in view of applications in the following
sections, we consider the Dirac equation in an external electromagnetic field A in
the presence of an external source . This is given by
e A .x/ Cm .x/ D .x/; (3.2.10)
with e denoting the charge. We define it to carry its own sign, i.e., e D jej for an
In analogy to (3.1.12), we introduce the propagator SC A
.x; x 0 /, now in the
presence of an external electromagnetic field, satisfying
e A .x/ C m S AC .x; x 0 / D ı .4 / .x x 0 /: (3.2.11)
This is easily verified by applying the uperator . @=i C m/ to (3.2.12), use (3.1.12)
and finally integrate over a delta function to see that (3.2.11) is indeed satisfied.
The expression for h 0C j .x/ j 0 iA =h 0C j 0 iA , now in the presence of the
external electromagnetic field A .x/, follows from (3.2.10) and takes the form
h 0C j .x/ j 0 iA
h .x/iA D .dx 0 / SC
.x; x 0 / .x 0 /: (3.2.13)
h 0C j 0 iA
x 0
x 0
Fig. 3.3 .x 0 / is so chosen that x 0 0 lies sufficiently in the remote past and x 0 lies sufficiently
forward in the future, with A .x 00 / being effective only in the region x 0 0 < x 00 0 < x 0
The condition of a weak external field will be relaxed in Sect. 3.6 Appendix IV and
an all order treatment will be given.
We may carry out the integrations in (3.2.13), (3.2.14) to obtain3
m d3 p m d3 p 0 ip 0x
h .x/iA ' 0 .2/3 p 0 0 .2/3
e u.p 0 ; 0 /h p 0 0 j p iA Œ i u.p; /. p/ ;
h p0 i
hp 0 0 j p iA D .2/3 ı 0 ı 3 .p 0 p/ C i e u.p 0 ; 0 / A . p 0 p/ u.p; / ;
which coincides with (3.2.5) for e D 0. In the process of deriving (3.2.15), (3.2.16),
we have, by using (3.1.10), (I.21), conveniently rewritten the first term SC .x x 0 /
on the right-hand side of (3.2.14) as
0 m d3 p m d3 p 0 i. p 0 xp x 0 /
SC .x x / D i e
p 0 .2/3 p 0 0 .2/3
u.p 0 ; 0 / Œ .2/3 ı 0 ı 3 .p 0 p/ u.p; /; (3.2.17)
See Problem 3.3.
82 3 Quantum Field Theory Methods of Spin 1=2
We note that (3.2.16) is also valid for a time-independent external field A .x/ as
long as x 0 ; x 0 0 are taken large in a limiting sense. In this case A . p 0 p/
in (3.2.16) will be proportional to ı. p 0 0 p 0 /.
In the causal arrangement discussed above, the quantum field .x/, in a source
free region, destructs the particle after it has scattered off the external field A ,
with the transition amplitude for the process corresponding to p ! p 0 0 , say,
for p ¤ p 0 , given from (3.2.16) to be
The external electromagnetic field A .x/ may in turn create particles. This will
be taken up in Sect. 3.8.
The structure given in (3.2.16) is interesting as, in particular, it provides us with
the value of the magnetic moment of the charged particle (electron). To this end,
we may use the equation . p C m/u.p; / D 0 (see (I.10)), to write u.p; / D
. p=m / u.p; /, multiply the latter from the left by to derive the identity
p Œ ;
u.p; / D u.p; / p u.p; /; (3.2.20)
m 2m
and similarly
p 0 Œ ;
u.p 0 ; 0 / D u.p 0 ; 0 / C u.p 0 ; 0 / p 0 : (3.2.21)
m 2m
By multiplying (3.2.20) from the left by u.p 0 ; 0 / and (3.2.21) from the right by
u.p; /, and adding the resulting two equations lead to the following decomposition,
referred to as the Gordon decomposition,
i e ij k
" Q i Aj .Q/ Qj A i .Q/ u.p 0 ; 0 / S k u.p; / ; i; j; k D 1; 2; 3;
with a sum over repeated indices understood, where S k D i " s `k Œ s ; ` =8 is the
spin matrix in (I.15), and in writing (3.2.23), we have used, in the process, the
i ij k
B k .Q/ D " Q i Aj .Q/ Qj A i .Q/ (3.2.25)
and we may rewrite (3.2.23) as
Œ u.p 0 ; 0 / u.p; / B.Q/; D S; (3.2.26)
where is the magnetic dipole moment of the charged particle (electron) with
the g-factor equal to 2. The modification of this value due to so-called radiative
corrections in QED will be considered later in Sect. 5.11.2.
In the remaining part of this section, we investigate the transformation rules of the
Dirac quantum field under charge conjugation .C/, parity transformation .P/, and
time reversal .T/.
In the presence of an external electromagnetic field, the Dirac equation reads
from (3.2.10), with D 0,
e A .x/ Cm .x/ D 0; (3.2.27)
> C
while from Eq. (I.3), C satisfies the same equation with sign of the
charge e reversed, i.e.,
h i
@ C
C eA .x/ Cm .x/ D 0; (3.2.28)
84 3 Quantum Field Theory Methods of Spin 1=2
C .x/ C1 D C .x/; (3.2.29)
up to a phase factor.
On the other hand, according to Eq. (I.18), 0 .x 0 /, with x D .x 0 ; x/,
satisfies the same Dirac equation . @ =i C m/ .x/ D 0, i.e.,
C m 0 .x 0 / D 0; x 0 D .x 0 ; x/: (3.2.30)
Hence we may infer that the parity transformation of the Dirac quantum field may
be defined by
up to a phase factor.
For time reversal, we note that by setting x 00 D .x 0 ; x/, that we may rewrite the
Dirac equation . @ =i C m/ .x/ D 0 as
h 0 @0 00 @ i
C C m .x/ D 0: (3.2.32)
i i
Œ 5 C ; 0 D 0; Œ 5 C ; 2 D 0; f 5 C ; 1 g D 0; f 5 C ; 3 g D 0;
as is easily verified, we may rewrite (3.2.32) as
h 2@ 2 0@ 0 1@ 1 3@ 3 i
C C m 5C .x 00 / D 0: (3.2.34)
i i i i
Finally we make use of the property of T, as an anti-unitary operator, that it complex
conjugates, and note that, e.g., in the Dirac representation, . 2 / D 2 , and
0 ; 1 ; 3 are real, to obtain upon multiplying (3.2.34) from the left by T1 , and
from the right by T, the equation
C m T1 5 C .x 00 /T D 0; (3.2.35)
3.3 Re-Discovering the Positron and Eventual Discovery of Anti-Matter 85
which by comparing it with the Dirac equation, gives the following transformation
rule for time reversal of the Dirac quantum field
up to a phase factor.
We have seen in Sect. 3.2, (3.2.1),(3.2.6), that the vacuum expectation value of
the Dirac quantum field .x/, in the presence of an external source .x/, i.e.,
satisfying (3.1.1), is given by
h 0C j .x/ j 0 i 0 d3 p 0
D i .dx / 3 0
eip .xx / . p C m/ .x 0 /
h 0C j 0 i .2/ 2p
m d3 p h 0C j .x/ j pi
D hp j 0 i; (3.3.1)
p 0 .2/3 h 0C j 0 i
when the source .x 0 / is in operation, i.e., non-zero, and then switched off
sometime before the time x 0 , i.e., x 0 > x 0 0 in reference to Fig. 3.1, for all x 0 0
contributing to the above integral. Here h p j 0 i denotes an amplitude p that
the source emits a particle of momentum-spin (p; ), energy p 0 D C p2 C m2
(see (3.2.4) and later on in this section),
h 0C j .x/ j pi p
D eip x u.p; /; p0 D C p2 C m2; (3.3.2)
h 0C j 0 i
leading to the inevitable conclusion that .x/ annihilates such a particle to end up
with the vacuum. The so-called wave-function of the particle is given by (3.3.2).
Similarly, when the source .x 0 / is switched on after the time x 0 , i.e., x 0 0 > x 0
(see (3.1.16), (3.2.8), (3.2.9)),
h 0C j .x/ j 0 i d3 p 0
D i .dx 0 / .x 0 / . p C m/ eip .x x/
h 0C j 0 i .2/3 2p 0
m d3 p h p j .x/ j 0 i
D 0 3
h 0C j pi ; (3.3.3)
p .2/ h 0C j 0 i
86 3 Quantum Field Theory Methods of Spin 1=2
h p j .x/ j 0 i p
D e i p x u.p; /; p0 D C p2 C m2; (3.3.4)
h 0C j 0 i
h 0C j p i D Œ i . p/ u.p; / ; (3.3.5)
Upon comparing this equation with (3.3.1), (3.3.2), for the same causal arrange-
ment where now the source .x 0 / is also switched off before the time x 0 , we may
infer that .x/ annihilates a particle with wave-function
h 0C j .x/ j pi p
D eipx v.p; /; p0 D C p2 C m2 ; (3.3.7)
h 0C j 0 i
created, may, for example, be scattered. Before doing this, we rewrite (3.3.6) as
h 0C j .x/ j 0 i m d3 p m d3 p 0
h 0C j 0 i 0
p 0 .2/3 p 0 0 .2/3
h 0C j .x/ j p 0 0 i
h p 0 0j p ih p j 0 i: (3.3.9)
h 0C j 0 i
This simply amounts in the modification of the matrix element of .x/ between the
vacuum states, in the absence of the probe from
h 0C j .x/ j 0 i
D .dx 0 / .x 0 / SC .x 0 ; x/; (3.3.11)
h 0C j 0 i
SC .x 0 ; x/ C m D ı .4 / .x 0 x/; (3.3.12)
h 0C j .x/ j 0 iıA
' .dx 0 / .x 0 /
h 0C j 0 iıA
h Z i
SC .x 0 x/ C e .dx 00 / SC .x 0 x 00 / ıA .x 00 / SC .x 00 x/ ; (3.3.13)
h p 0 0 j p iıA D .2/3 ı 0 ı 3 .p 0 p/ i e v.p; / ı A . p 0 p/ v.p 0 ; 0 / :
See Problem 3.5.
88 3 Quantum Field Theory Methods of Spin 1=2
Upon comparing this equation with (3.2.16), and taking into account (3.3.6),
(3.3.7), (3.3.8), we may infer that .x/ annihilates a particle of mass m and charge
e, i.e., of pcharge Cjej. For such a particle of momentum p, its energy is given
by p 0 D C p 2 C m 2 , and its wave-function is given in (3.3.7). Also h p j 0 i;
as defined in (3.3.8), represents the amplitude that the source .x/ creates such a
particle. This is the anti-electron, the positron.
As mentioned in the Introductory Chapter of the book, prior to its experimental
discovery of the positron, it was referred to as the donkey electron by George
Gamow because it would move in the opposite direction to that of an electron in
an applied field.
It is important to note that v.p; /, corresponding to the positron in its initial
state, is to the left of , and v.p 0 ; 0 /, corresponding to the its final state, is on
its right-hand side.
Under space reflection, we have from below Eq. (I.18), that
and hence the electron and positron have opposite intrinsic parities.
Finally we note that for the source switched on after x 0 , i.e., x 0 0 > x 0 ,
h 0C j .x/ j 0 i d3 p 0
D i .dx 0 / eip .xx / . p C m/ .x 0 /;
h 0C j 0 i .2/3 2p 0
m d3 p
D 0 .2/3
Œ i v.p; / .p/ e ip x v.p; /; (3.3.16)
h p j .x/ j 0 i p
D e ip x v.p; /; p0 D C p2 C m2 ; (3.3.17)
h 0C j 0 i
denotes an amplitude that the source .x/ absorbs a positron with momentum-spin
(p; ) and hence it plays the role of a detector.
3.3 Re-Discovering the Positron and Eventual Discovery of Anti-Matter 89
Clearly to distinguish between the electron and positron we may rewrite the states
as j p; "i, with " D
for the electron/positron, respectively, with the conventions
h p 0 0 ; " 0 j p ; "i D .2/3 ı 0 ı" 0 " ı 3 .p 0 p/; (3.3.19)
h 0C j .x/ j p ; i
D e ip x u.p; /; (3.3.20)
h 0C j 0 i
h p ; C j .x/ j 0 i
D e ip x v.p; /; (3.3.21)
h 0C j 0 i
h p ; j .x/ j 0 i
D e ip x u.p; /; (3.3.22)
h 0C j 0 i
h 0C j .x/ j p ; Ci
D eip x v.p; /; (3.3.23)
h 0C j 0 i
When it is evident we suppress the parameter " in amplitudes.
90 3 Quantum Field Theory Methods of Spin 1=2
. i/ h 0C j 0 i D h 0C j .x/ j 0 i; (3.3.26)
( η1 ) (η 2 )
1 x0
Fig. 3.4 A causal arrangement with the source 2 switched on after the source 1 is switched off
3.3 Re-Discovering the Positron and Eventual Discovery of Anti-Matter 91
with a causal arrangement such that 2 .x/ is switched on after 1 .x/ is switched
off. We will learn in Sect. 3.5, in the study of the Spin & Statistics Connection for
the Dirac field, that .x/, .x/ are Grassmann variables.
Thus we may write
iW21 D i .dx1 /.dx2 /2 .x2 /SC .x2 x1 /1 .x1 /
C i .dx1 /.dx2 /1 .x1 /SC .x1 x2 /2 .x2 /: (3.3.31)
d3 p
d!p D : (3.3.34)
2p 0 .2/3
92 3 Quantum Field Theory Methods of Spin 1=2
Don’t let the notation in (3.3.33) scare you. It is for bookkeeping purposes, and
it provides a simple worry free formalism for getting correct numerical factors such
as .2/3 and so on.
Let r D .p; ;
, corresponding to all possible values that the variables
take in a convenient discrete values notation. This allows us to rewrite i W21 as a
formal sum
i W21 D Œ i r 2 i r 1 : (3.3.35)
where the ni D 0 or 1.
Physically, we note that h 0C j 0 i corresponds to processes where arbitrary
number of particles are emitted and re-absorbed through the time of operation of
.; /, with no particles (antiparticles) present after the sources cease to operate,
and before they begin to operate. Accordingly, in scattering theory, we define
amplitudes for emission of a given particle (antiparticle) by a given source, that
escapes this parent source as a free particle, by dividing the corresponding above
expression by h 0C j 0 i. Thus one eliminates particles absorbed and then
re-absorbed that do not participate in dynamical scattering process of interest.
Similarly, the amplitude of absorption of a given particle (antiparticle), way after the
particle (antiparticle) emerges, say, from a scattering process, is defined by dividing
the corresponding above expression by h 0C j 0 i. Accordingly, we introduce the
amplitudes of either absorption or emission of a particle (antiparticle) by a given
3.4 Coulomb Scattering of Relativistic Electrons 93
source as follows:
2m d!p Œ i . p/ u.p; / D h 0C j p ; i; (3.3.39)
2m d!p Œ i v.p; / .p/ D h 0C j p ; Ci; (3.3.40)
2m d!p Œ i u.p; / . p/ D h p ; j 0 i; (3.3.41)
2m d!p Œ i .p/ v.p; / D h p ; C j 0 i; (3.3.42)
A .Q/ D .dx/ e i Q x A .x/: (3.4.2)
1 1
D ; p p 0 D jpj jp 0 j cos : (3.4.4)
jp p j 2
4jpj sin2 2
Using the formal Fermi rule Œ2 ı. p 0 p 0 0 /2 ! Œ2 ı. p 0 p 0 0 / dx 0 , we
find for the transition probability for the process in question from (3.4.1), per unit
time, the expression
m d3 p m d3 p 0 Œ 2 ı. p 0 0 p0 / Z 2 e4
j u.p 0 ; 0 / 0 u.p; / j2 : (3.4.5)
p 0 .2/3 p 0 0 .2/3 16jpj4 sin4 2
Averaging over the initial electron spin projections =2 D ˙1=2, and summing
over the final ones, we obtain for the last term in the above equation, for p 0 D p 0 0 ,6
1 X 1
j u.p 0 ; 0 / 0 u.p; / j2 D Tr Œ . p C m/ 0 . p 0 C m/ 0
2 0
D 2 . p 0 /2 cos 2 C m 2 sin2 ; (3.4.6)
m 2 2
where in writing the first equality, we have used Eq. (I.21) for the projection
operation, and in the second equality we have used the properties of the gamma
matrices (see Appendix I).
Since the initial velocity of the electron may be written as v D p=p0 , the incident
flux is given by .d3 p=.2/3 /.jpj=p 0/ in a unit of volume. Using the relations
d3 p 0 D d˝jp 0 j2 djp 0 j; ı. p 0 0 p0 / D ı.jp 0 jjp j/; jp 0 j2 D . p 0 0 /2 m2 ;
jp 0 j
See Problem 3.7.
3.4 Coulomb Scattering of Relativistic Electrons 95
˛ D ; (3.4.10)
defines the fine-structure constant. The expression in (3.4.9) is known as the Mott
differential cross section. It may be equivalently rewritten as
d ˇˇ Z 2 ˛2 h
2 2
ˇ D 1 ˇ sin ; (3.4.11)
d˝ Mott 4 p 2 ˇ 2 sin4 2 2
m mˇ
p0 D p ; jp j D p : (3.4.12)
1 ˇ2 1 ˇ2
as expected.
96 3 Quantum Field Theory Methods of Spin 1=2
Every student who has ever heard of spin 1/2 is aware that the corresponding field
theory should be quantized with anti-commutations relations. This is a special case
of the Spin & Statistics Connection which is the subject matter of Sect. 4.5. As
we will see, this property of Spin 1/2 is already inherited in the Dirac equation
itself, and establishing the underlying statistics of the Dirac quantum field is
straightforward and follows by a simple application of the main result obtained in
Sect. 4.5, and it is conveniently treated here at this stage. We work in the Majorana
representation of the gamma matrices (see (2.3.5), (2.3.6)).
One of the most important facts of the Majorana representation is that . =i/ =
. =i/, i.e., the matrices =i are real. (See Sect. 2.3).
and write the Dirac quantum field in terms of a real and imaginary parts as
1 1 2
a D p a Ci a ; a D 1; 2; 3; 4: (3.5.2)
a D p .1a C i 2a /; a D 1; 2; 3; 4; (3.5.4)
> D 11 12 13 14 21 22 23 24 : (3.5.5)
and note the complex conjugate property of just stated. This is a first order
equation. In this reformulation, the following replacements are then made
a Œ 0 ab b ! A Œ 0 AB B ; (3.5.7)
a Œ 0 ab b ! A Œ 0 AB B ; (3.5.8)
a; b D 1; 2; 3; 4; A; B D 1; : : : ; 8.
We note that the matrices, Q i 0 , and 0 satisfy the following key
properties (the i factor in Q is chosen for convenience)
Note the signs on the right-hand sides of these equations. The underlying statistics
would be different if the signs of the last two equalities were reversed. According
to the underlying theory of the Spin & Statistics Connection (Sect. 4.5), these
inherited signs in the Dirac equation imply that the field components A satisfy
the following anti-commutation relations for x 0 0 D x 0 :
0 d3 p ip.xx 0 / sin p 0 .x 0 x 0 0 /
.x x / D e ; (3.5.13)
.2/3 p0
As a preparation for the main study of this section, re-consider the Dirac equation
in the presence of an external source .x/
Cm .x/ D .x/: (3.6.1)
As we have seen in Sect. 3.1, (3.1.8), the matrix element h 0C j .x/ j 0 i, is given
h 0C j .x/ j 0 i D .dx 0 / SC .x x 0 /.x 0 / h 0C j 0 i; (3.6.2)
. i/ h 0C j 0 i D h 0C j .x/ j 0 i; (3.6.3)
The purpose of this section is to derive the expression for h 0C j 0 iA , for this
system. As will be seen throughout this book, the vacuum persistence amplitude
h 0C j 0 iA , contains much useful information and gives rise to the actual solution
of an underlying quantum field theoretical problem.
There are several reasons why we consider this system at this stage. It provides a
simple interacting system involving fermions. Also it provides an excellent training
for the direct application of the rules of the Quantum Dynamical Principle developed
in Sect. 4.6, and to appreciate its power in applications and witness the simplicity
of its underlying rules before getting involved in its intricate details. Before spelling
out these rules, as we apply them to the system described by (3.6.6), we introduce
the electromagnetic current of the system.
To the above end, we write the equations for , and , in terms of components,
as follows
.@ /a i . /a e A C i m a D i a ; (3.6.7)
.@ /a i . /a e A C i m a D i a : (3.6.8)
where j .x/ defines the electromagnetic and is conserved in the absence of the
external source. In writing (3.6.9), we have used the Grassmann variable property
of , , that the latter anti-commute with the Dirac field and its adjoint (Sect. 3.5).
The commutator in the definition of the current is of significance, as under
charge conjugation (see Sect. 3.2), it changes sign, as an electromagnetic current
should. Recall that under charge conjugation, the Dirac quantum field transforms as
(see (3.2.29))
> >
! C ; ! C; a . /a $ . /a a: (3.6.10)
where C is the charge conjugation matrix, defined in (I.3), satisfying (2.3.8), (2.3.9).
under charge conjugation. It is common in the literature to write the current naïvely
as e with the understanding that it should be defined as a commutator as
given above in (3.6.9) to ensure the correct transformation given in (3.6.11).
We now spell out some basic facts that we will learn in applying the Quantum
Dynamical Principle (Sect. 4.6) to the system described by (3.6.6):
Lessons from the Quantum Dynamical Principle:
. i/ h 0C j 0 i D h 0C j .x/ j 0 i; (3.6.12)
.i/ h 0C j 0 i D h 0C j .x/ j 0 i; (3.6.13)
e h 0C j 0 i D i .dx/ h 0C j j .x/ j 0 i A .x/; (3.6.14)
• •
. i/ .i/ 0
h 0C j 0 i D h 0C j .x/ .x 0 / C j 0 i; (3.6.15)
•.x/ •.x /
and ™.x 0 / D 1 for x 0 > 0, ™.x 0 / D 0 for x 0 < 0. Note the minus sign
between the two terms on the right-hand side of the equation that arises due to
the Fermi character of the Dirac field (Sect. 3.5). The anti-commutativity of Fermi
fields within a time-ordered product is directly inferred from the Grassmann variable
character of the sources and the functional derivative operations with respect to them
in (3.6.15).
Using (3.6.12), and recalling (3.2.13), we may write
. i/ h 0C j 0 i D h 0C j .x/ j 0 i D .dx 0 / SC
.x; x 0 / .x 0 /h 0C j 0 i;
where we have omitted the “subscript” A in h 0C j .:/ j 0 iA for simplicity of the
notation, and (see (3.2.11))
e A .x/ C m SC
.x; x 0 / D ı .4/ .x x 0 /: (3.6.18)
where .x/ (similarly ) within this time-ordered product satisfies the Dirac
equation (3.6.6) in the external electromagnetic field, in the absence of external
source and, as already indicated in (3.6.20), h 0C j 0 i.e/ denotes the vacuum
persistence amplitude in the absence of (i.e., for D 0; D 0).
We already know from the anti-commutation relation of the Dirac field and
its adjoint in (3.5.12), singularities may develop in defining an expression like
Œ a .x/; . /a .x 0 / at coincident points x D x 0 . Accordingly, one may formally
define the current7 as a limit of
! 0
j .x;
/ D a xC . /a x . /a x xC ;
2 2 2 2 a 2
Obviously the right-hand side of (3.6.22) reduces to the commutator in (3.6.9) in the
just mentioned limit. By initially choosing the arguments of .x/; .x 0 / in (3.6.22)
at non-coincident points, however, one destroys gauge invariance as we now discuss.
This, in turn, will allow one to define a gauge invariant current at the outset.
To ensure the generation of a gauge invariant electromagnetic current, we
proceed as follows. Under a gauge transformation of the electromagnetic potential,
A ! A C @ .x/, where .x/ is arbitrary, the field equation (3.6.6)
remains invariant provided the spinor .x/ transforms simultaneously as .x/ !
exp i Œe.x/ .x/, and, in turn, a .x/ b .x 0 / transforms as
0 0
a .x/ b .x / ! a .x/ b .x / exp ie .x/ .x 0 / : (3.6.23)
Accordingly, one may define the electromagnetic current as the limit of8
j .x/ D j .x;
/ exp i e d A ./ ;
! 0; (3.6.24)
In order to distinguish between an external, i.e., c-number, current and a quantum current, as given
in (3.6.22), we use the notation with small j for the latter, and capital J for the former in this
See Problem 3.10 where the line integral over is carried out showing its dependence on
, and
for more details see also Appendix IV at the end of the book.
102 3 Quantum Field Theory Methods of Spin 1=2
where x˙ D x ˙
=2, and is gauge invariant at the outset. This method is known as
Schwinger’s point splitting method. The exponential of the line-integral involving
the vector potential is referred to as the Schwinger line-integral.
The point of interest is the matrix element of the current between the vacuum
states in (3.6.14). From (3.6.21), (3.6.23) we may, in a limiting sense, write
Z xC
h 0C j j .x/ j 0 i.e/
D i e Tr Av Œ SC .x ; x C / exp i e
d A ./ ;
h 0C j 0 i.e/ x
where Av stands for an average over
0 > 0 and
0 < 0, with
in a space-like
direction. Here Tr denotes a trace over the spinor indices of gamma matrices.
To emphasize the dependence of SC A
.x; x 0 / on the combination eA , it is
convenient to use the notation SC .x; x I eA/ for the former. With the boundary
condition, h 0C j 0 i.e/ D 1; for e D 0, we may use (3.6.14) to integrate over e
to obtain
L1 2 .Q ; Q/ D 4
Tr 1 SC . p / 2 SC . p C /
.2/ 2 2
1 2 1 @ @ @ 1 @ 1
CQ Q Tr Œ SC . p/ C Tr Œ SC . p/ ;
24 @p1 @p 2 @p 2 @p 2
Z 1 !
e2 1 .dp/ 1 h Q2 i
˘.Q / D C 6 dz z.1 z/ ln 1 C 2 z.1 z/ :
12 2 i 2 Œ p 2 C m 2 2 2 0 m
This expression will be used in Sect. 5.10.2 in studying the photon propagator.
The presence of the last two terms in (3.6.29) ensure the gauge invariance of
the formulation and leads necessarily to a transverse expression for ˘ .Q/, in
response to a gauge transformation A .Q/ ! A .Q/ C Q .Q/ in (3.6.28),
In the next section, we also provide another expression for h 0C j 0 i.e/ , for
special external electromagnetic potentials A , which turns out to be useful for
applications as to the one given in Sect. 3.8 in pair production by a constant electric
An expression for h 0C j 0 i.e/ is readily obtained for the Dirac equation in the
presence of a classical constant F Field, or effectively constant over sufficiently
extended regions of spacetime. An interesting application of this is that the quantum
nature of the fermion field adopted here leads to a modification of the Maxwell
Lagrangian density giving rise to an effective one involving higher powers of the
Faraday tensor F and of its dual to be defined shortly. This will be the subject
matter of this section. Another interesting application is that it provides an explicit
expression for the decay of the system initially in the vacuum state leading to eC e
pair creation by a constant electric field. This will be developed in the next section.
104 3 Quantum Field Theory Methods of Spin 1=2
1 @
Œ ˘ C m SC
D 1; A
SC D ; ˘ D p eA ; p D :
˘ C m i
•h 0C j 0 i.e/ D Tr Œ • .˘ / SC
h 0C j 0 i.e/ : (3.7.4)
where Tr stands for a trace over spinor indices as well as spacetime coordinates.
From (3.7.3), the propagator may be re-expressed as
Z 1
SC D . ˘ C m/ D . ˘ C m/ ds exp Œ s.m2 . ˘ /2 / :
m2 . ˘ /2 0
Here it turns out more convenient to use this representation than the one with
i s.m2 i
/ in the exponential. We use the fact that the trace of an odd number
of gamma matrices is zero. Also for a matrix M, • eM ¤ •M eM , in general,
but Tr Œ • eM D Tr Œ •M eM .9 Finally note that for a matrix A: Tr Œ • eA D
2 2
Tr Œ .•A A C A •A/ eA D 2 Tr Œ •A A eA . Thus we may write
h i
Tr • .˘ /. ˘ C m/ exp Œ s.m2 . ˘ /2 /
1 h
D Tr • .˘ /2 exp s.m2 . ˘ /2 / ; (3.7.6)
See Appendix B of this chapter.
3.7 h 0C j 0 i.e/ in the Presence of a Constant F Field and Effective Action 105
The formalism will be gauge invariant if the results obtained are expressed in
terms of F and possibly in terms of its dual
F : (3.7.9)
Here it is important to recall the expressions for the two invariants, as the scalar and
the pseudo-scalar, respectively, of the Maxwell field,
1 1 1
F F D . E2 B2 /; F F D E B: (3.7.10)
4 2 4
The subsequent analysis simplifies quite a bit if we first work in a frame, where E
and B are parallel. In this case the second expression above would read j E j j B j.
The general case may be then readily inferred.
To the above end, we consider a vector potential in the form
Œ ; Œ ˘ ; ˘
m2 . ˘ /2 D m2 C .˘ /2 ; Œ ˘ ; ˘ D i eF :
2 2
On the other hand, with
F30 D F03 D F 03 D E; F 12 D B D F 21 ;
106 3 Quantum Field Theory Methods of Spin 1=2
h p 2 2 2 2 i h p 3 2 2 2 i
˘ ˘ D . p12 C x1 e B C . p 0 /2 C x 0 C eE ; (3.7.15)
eB eE
with hx j pi D exp Œ i xp , and noting that the expressions within the square brackets
multplying s in the exponential in (3.7.18) are independent of p 2 ; p 3 ; p 02 ; p 30 , we
may use the Fourier normalization condition h p 2 ; p 3 j p 20 ; p 03 i D .2/2 ı. p 2
p 20 / ı. p 3 p 30 /, we may integrate over p 2 ; p 3 ; p 02 ; p 30 to obtain for (3.7.18)
jeEjjeB j dp0 dp1
G.s I eE; eB/ D 2
.2/ 2 2
D ˇ h iˇ E
ˇ ˇ
p0 ; p1 ˇ exp s . p1 /2 C .x1 /2 e2 B 2 . p0 /2 C .x0 /2 e2 E2 ˇ p0 ; p1
For a reason that will become clear shortly we normalize h 0C j 0 i.e/ for
e D 0, in this section, by the phase factor
ˇ hZ 1 i hZ 1 i
h 0C j 0 i.e/ ˇeD0 D exp i .dx/ F F D exp i .dx/ E2 B2 ;
4 2
x2 x4 2x 6
x cot x D 1 ; (3.7.24)
3 45 945
y2 y4 2y 6
y coth y D 1 C C ; (3.7.25)
3 45 945
lead to the expansion
x 2 y 2 .x 2 y 2 /2 C 7x 2 y 2
.x cot x/ .y coth y/ D 1 C : (3.7.26)
3 45
For the subsequent analysis, we rewrite (3.7.22) by adding and subtracting the
second order contribution .se/2 .E2 B2 /=3 within its square brackets, giving
Z Z Z 1
•h 0C j 0 i.e/ .E 2 B 2 / 1 ds sm2
D i .dx/ C i .dx/ e
h 0C j 0 i.e/ 2 8 2 0 s3
h .s e/2 .E 2 B 2 / i
sjeEj cot sjeEj sjeB j coth sjeB j C ; (3.7.27)
where is the divergent constant
Z 1
e2 ds sm2
D e : (3.7.28)
12 2 !0 s
Using the boundary condition in (3.7.23), the functional integral of (3.7.27) gives
h Z Z Z 1
.E 2 B 2 / i 1 ds sm2
h 0C j 0 i.e/ D exp i .1 C / .dx/ exp i .dx/ e
2 8 2 0 s3
n .s e/2 .E 2 B 2 / o
sjeEj cot sjeEj sjeB j coth sjeB j C 1 ;
where the expression between the curly brackets goes to zero for e ! 0.
The expression in the first exponential above multiplied by i is nothing but the
Maxwell action scaled by the factor 1 C , which amounts in redefining .1 C
/A .x/A .x/ ! A .x/A .x/ provided one also redefines, .1 C /1 e2 ! e2 since
everything else in h 0C j 0 i.e/ depends on the product e A, with this product
remaining invariant, i.e., e A ! e A. One may use different notations for these two
re-scaled quantities if one wishes. Needless to say, this process of re-parametrization
is a reconciliation with the initial definition of the Maxwell Lagrangian density. It is
3.8 Pair Creation by a Constant Electric Field 109
necessary even if were finite. Accordingly, the following final expression emerges
h 0C j 0 i.e/ D e i W ; (3.7.30)
Z Z Z 1
.E 2 B 2 / 1 ds s m 2
W .e/ D .dx/ .dx/ e
2 8 2 0 s3
n .s e/2 .E 2 B 2 / o
sjeEj cot sjeEj sjeB j coth sjeB j C 1 : (3.7.31)
In this section, we consider the real part of W .e/ . The imaginary part and its
physical consequences are considered in the next section. As seen from (3.7.31), the
real part of W .e/ gives rise to a modification of the Maxwell Lagrangian density
which, to lowest order, is given by
Z 1
e4 Œ .E 2 B 2 /2 C 7.EB/2 2
L4 D s ds es m : (3.7.32)
8 2 45 0
2 ˛2 e2
L4 D Œ .E2 B2 /2 C 7.E B/2 ; ˛ D ; (3.7.33)
45 m4 4
expressed in terms of the invariants in (3.7.10). The new modified Lagrangian
density is known as the Euler-Heisenberg effective Lagrangian (Euler-Heisenberg,
1936), and much additional detailed work on this was also carried out by Schwinger
[7]. The technique used in this section based on a parametric representation of a
Green function is referred to as the Schwinger parametric representation.
We may define the decay rate of the vacuum, that is the probability of decay
of the vacuum per unit time by
ImW .e/
D 2 (3.8.2)
due to the intervening F field. A decay of the vacuum, means that the system,
initially in the vacuum state, emerges eventually to some other state, and is
accompanied by particle production. Here T, in a limiting sense T ! 1, denotes
the time of operation of the electric field. Since this is a charge conserving process,
eC e pairs may be created by the electric field. More precisely, we determine the
decay rate per unit volume =V, where V, in a limiting sense V ! 1, denotes
the volume of space where the electric field operates. Accordingly, the physical
quantity of interest is
ImW .e/
D 2 (3.8.3)
with corresponding anticipated small measure of the probability, per unit volume,
per unit time, for pair production. R
Since Re i W .e/ D Im W .e/ , (3.7.31) leads to ( .dx/ D V T)
ImW .e/ 1 n Z 1 ds 2
2 D Re i es m
VT 4 2 0 s3
h .s e/2 .E 2 B 2 / io
sjeEj cot sjeEj sjeB j coth sjeB j C 1 : (3.8.4)
2 ImW .e/ 1 n Z 1 ds
.s eE/2 o
D Re i e sjeEj cot sjeEj C 1 :
VT 4 2 0 s3 3
There are several ways of evaluating the integral. One way is given in Prob-
lem 3.12. An easier way is to note that cot.sjeEj/ has singularities at s D n=jeEj
coming from the zeros of the sine function. At all other points the integral is real
and hence do not contribute after applying the Re .i/ operation. Note that s D 0
is not a singularity of the integrand, as is easily verified by considering the s ! 0
limit of the integrand, hence n D 1; 2; : : : . Near a singularity s ' n=jeE j, the
integrand multiplying the exp.s m2 / factor behaves like
.seE/2 e2 E 2 1
sjeEj cot sjeEj C 1 ' 2 2 n :
s 3 n s jeEj
3.9 Fermions and Anomalies in Field Theory: Abelian Case 111
The replacement m2 ! m2 i
, is equivalent to rewriting s i
instead of s,
since m2 as well as s are non-negative. Setting s i
D u and using the fact that
n o
1 n
Re i Dı u ; (3.8.7)
u n
C i
leads to a decay rate per unit time, per unit volume, corresponding to a measure of
pair production in (3.8.5), given by10
2 Im W ˛ E 2 X exp Œ n m2 =jeEj
D : (3.8.8)
VT 2 n D 1 n2
A classical symmetry does not necessarily hold true quantum mechanically. This is
well illustrated by considering the divergence of the so-called axial vector current
defined by j5 .x/ D 12 Œ a .x/; . 5 /a .x/. This symmetry breaking is due to
the fact that the fermions give rise to closed loops, represented by the trace of
products of Dirac propagators, referred to as radiative corrections, which are absent
We will learn, in particular, that for a massless fermion that although classically
the current j5 .x/ is conserved, i.e., @ j5 .x/ D 0, quantum mechanically it is not
@ j5 .x/ ¤ 0, and the right-hand of the latter equation is referred to as an anomaly.
What is most interesting is that although the current j5 .x/ leads to divergent
integrals, its derivatives gives rise to a finite expression for anomaly. Moreover, we
will see that the presence of the anomaly, a purely quantum mechanical effect, may
be tested experimentally. We first derive the explicit expression of the just mentioned
anomaly and then show how the anomaly is tested experimentally.
For an equivalent contour-integration derivation in the s-complex plane of this result see
Problem 3.12.
112 3 Quantum Field Theory Methods of Spin 1=2
where we have used the relation f 5 ; g D 0. That is, the equation does not
remain invariant for m ¤ 0.
In connection to the above observation, consider the divergence of the axial
vector current. To this end, multiply the Dirac equation for from the left by
5 and the Dirac equation for (see, e.g., (3.6.8) for D 0) from the right also
by 5 . The resulting equations may be conveniently written as
5 @ .x/ D i e 5 A .x/ C m 5 .x/ ; (3.9.2)
@ .x/ 5 D i .x/ e 5 A .x/ m 5 ; (3.9.3)
1 1
j 5 .x/ D Œ a .x/; .
/a .x/ ; j 5 .x/ D Œ a .x/; .
5 .x//a :
2 2
For m D 0 the above, formally, leads to a seemingly conservation law @ j5 .x/ D
0. We will see that due to the singularity of the current j5 .x/, defined at coincident
spacetime points of the fields, its divergence is modified giving rise to an anomaly
and, for m D 0, it reads
e2 ˛ˇ
@ j 5 .x/ D " F F˛ˇ : (3.9.4)
16 2
The singularity of the axial vector current arises due to the quantum nature of the
fermion field. To show this, we use Schwinger’s point splitting method to generate
a gauge invariant expression for j 5 .x/.11
To the above end, consider the derivative of the product (x ˙ D x ˙
h Z xC i
P 5 .x;
/ D .x
a C / ; . 5
/ a .x / exp ie d A ./ ; (3.9.5)
2 x
See (3.6.24) as well as Appendix IV at the end of the book which will be quite useful to follow
the present section.
3.9 Fermions and Anomalies in Field Theory: Abelian Case 113
A x C A x D
@ A .x/ C O.
3 /: (3.9.7)
For the matrix element of the divergence of the axial current between the vacuum
states we may then write for m D 0, as a limit
h 0C j @ j 5 .x/ j 0 i.e/
D e Av
F C O.
3 /
h 0C j 0 i
Z xC
.x ; x C / 5 exp Œ i e d A ./ ; (3.9.10)
! 0.
To the above end, we may infer from (3.2.12) in a power series in eA
.x ; x C / 5 D Tr Œ SC .x x C / 5 C
C .e/N1 .dx 2 / : : : .dx N /A 2 .x2 / : : : A N .xN /
N 2
Since Tr Œ SC
.x ; x C / 5 D Tr Œ 5 SC
.x ; x C /, we may equivalently
rewrite (3.9.11) as
Tr Œ 5 SC
.x ; x C / D Tr Œ 5 SC .x x C / C
C .e/N1 .dx 2 / : : : .dx N /A 2 .x2 / : : : A N .xN /
N 2
Tr Œ 5 SC .x x 2 / 2 SC .x 2 x 3 / 3 : : : N SC .x N x C / :
Tr Œ . : / D Tr Œ .:/> D Tr Œ C 1 .:/> C ;
where C is the charge conjugation matrix (see (I.3)), and the key property 5
D C 1 . 5 /> C , as well as the basic properties
to rewrite (3.9.11) as the average of the resulting expression for it, just introduced,
and of the one in (3.9.12):
h i 1 h i
Tr SC .x ; x C / 5 D Tr 5 Œ SC .xxC / C SC .x C x /
C .e/N1 .dx 2 / : : : .dx N /A 2 .x 2 / : : : A N .xN /
N 2
1h i
F 5 2 N x ; x 2 ; : : : ; x N ; x C C .1/N 1 F 5 2 N x C ; x 2 ; : : : ; x N ; x ;
F 5 2 N x; x2 ; : : : ; xN ; y
D Tr Œ 5 SC .x x 2 / 2 SC .x 2 x 3 / N SC .x N y/ : (3.9.15)
.dp/ 1
i P0 Q i
=2 P0
e e C.1/N1 eip
ei Q i
.2/ 2
Q 2 2
5 Q2 N Q2
Tr SC . p C / SC . p / : : : SC . p Q 3 : : :Q N / ;
2 2 2
properly symmetrized. In reference to (3.9.10), the rest of the analysis rests on the
P0 P0
e i Q i
C .1/N1 eip
ei Q i
@ ip
i P0 Q i
=2 P0
D i Œe e .1/N1 eip
ei Q i
=2 ; (3.9.17)
representation given in (II.27) in Appendix II at the end of the book, we may write
h Z
Q Q i 1
4 i " Q p
Tr S. p C / S. p / D
dx ;
2 2 0 Œ. p 2 .1
2x//2 C Q2 x.1 x/2
where we have used the anti-symmetry of " . If it weren’t for the derivative
@=@p in (3.9.19), the p-integral will diverge. By the application of the derivative
just mentioned, however, renders the integral finite and by shifting the integration
of variable p to p C Q.1 2x/=2 (see Appendix II, (II.14) at the end of the book),
the x - integrand in (3.9.20) then reduces to
4 i " Q 16 i " Q p p
: (3.9.21)
Œ p 2 C Q2 x.1 x/2 Œ p 2 C Q2 x.1 x/3
which is (3.9.4) in the vector space of fermions and anti-fermions. The non-zero
expression on the right-hand side of the above equation is referred to as an anomaly.
It corresponds to the so-called abelian case where the gauge transformation of the
Dirac field, as discussed below (3.6.22), is implemented by a phase transformation
γ μγ 5 γ μγ 5
S p − Q2 S p + Q2 S p − Q2 S p + Q2
γσ γν γν γσ
S p + Q2 S p − Q2
Fig. 3.5 The integrand in (3.9.18)/(3.9.25) contributing to the anomaly may be represented by the
above triangles with vertices as shown connected by massless fermion propagators
S. p/ D S. p/ S. p/; (3.9.26)
Since now the matrix, a =2 in each of the two terms in the integrand in (3.9.25)
appears once, while the charge matrix Q appears twice, the anomaly associated
with the divergence of the isotopic axial current @ j5a becomes simply replaced
e2 h a i 2
2 a3 e
" F F Tr Q D ı " F F : (3.9.28)
16 2 2 32 2
Hence only the third component develops an anomaly, which is what is needed to
investigate the 0 ! decay. It also multiplies the earlier anomalous factor by
1=2. For a D 3, the anomaly may be rewritten as .e2 =8 2 /" @ A @ A .
Consider a state j k1 e1 ; k2 e2 i with two photons of momenta k1 ; k2 and
polarization vectors12 e1 ; e2 . Working to lowest order in the electromagnetic
charge13 for the process in question, we may write
and the matrix element of the anomaly hk1 e1 ; k2 e2 j @ j5 3 .x/ j vaci becomes
h k1 e1 ; k2 e2 j @ j5 3 .x/ j vaci D k1 e k2 e " ei.k1 Ck2 /x ; (3.9.30)
4 2
where the 8 2 factor has been replaced by 4 2 in the above coefficient because of
the indistinguishability of the two photons thus introducing a multiplicative factor
of 2.
Using the fact that the quantum field @ J 53 is a pseudo-scalar field like the
neutral pion field 3 itself, the field @ j53 may be considered a source term to the
pion field, i.e.,14
h k1 e1 ; k2 e2 j . C m2 / 3 .x/ j vaci D hk1 e1 ; k2 e2 j @ j53 .x/ j vaci;
Polarization vectors for photons will be considered in Sect. 5.2. The underlying details are not
needed here.
This allows us to identify F ; F as free quantum fields in the anomaly in (3.9.28)
Upon Fourier transform (x ! p) of this equation, the latter reduces formally to what one refers
to as the PCAC relation for p2 0, where PCAC stands for partially conserved axial current.
3.9 Fermions and Anomalies in Field Theory: Abelian Case 119
Z 0
.dq/ ei p .xx /
4C .x x 0 / D ;
! C0: (3.9.33)
.2/4 p 2 C m2 i
With the necessary causal arrangement that the pion exists prior to its decay into two
photons, i.e., by taking x 0 < x 0 0 and applying (3.1.9)/(3.1.11), with . p C m/
in them simply replaced by one, and the expression in (3.9.32) becomes
i d3 p
h k1 e1 ; k2 e2 j 3 .x/ j vaci D .dx 0 /
f .2/3 2p 0
eip .xx / hk1 e1 ; k2 e2j @ j53 .x 0 / j vaci: (3.9.34)
The neutral pion, prior to its decay into the two photons, was created by the pion
field via the equation:
d3 p
3 .x/ j vaci D jp i eip x ; (3.9.36)
.2/3 2p 0
The reader should recognize, at this stage, that this is just the Klein-Gordon equation with a
source term. See, e.g., Manoukian [6], p. 937.
120 3 Quantum Field Theory Methods of Spin 1=2
We generalize the equation of anomaly derived in the last section to the so-called
non-abelian case to be defined shortly. Non-abelian gauge fields will be introduced
and discussed in detail in Sect. 6.1 and in other sections following it. Here we
introduce only the very basics to see how the equation of anomaly just mentioned is
generalized to the non-abelian case.18 As before, the result embodied in this section
shows that a classical symmetry does not necessarily hold in the quantum world.
We consider several Dirac fields D . 1 .x/; : : : ; n .x//, satisfying Dirac
g A .x/ C m .x/ D 0; (3.10.1)
The value of this constant may be inferred from the decay rate 0 ! [4].
There are good anomalies and bad anomalies. An example of a bad anomaly is one which would
destroy renormalizability. For example this would happen in non-abelian gauge theories if quarks,
in general, come in other than three colors (see Sects. 6.4 and 6.15).
Some readers may wish to read Sect. 6.1 simultaneously with the present one. In the present
section we supply, however, enough details for the reader to be able to follow it.
3.10 Fermions and Anomalies in Field Theory: Non-Abelian Case 121
and infer from (3.10.1), that the latter remains invariant, if the so-called gauge field
A .x/ transforms simultaneously as19
A .x/ ! U.x/A .x/U 1 .x/ C U.x/@ U 1 .x/: (3.10.3)
The gauge field A .x/ being an n n matrix, may be expanded in terms of a basis
set of matrices, assumed to have the following properties
where the fabc are called the structure constants of the group of transformations,
and are totally anti-symmetric in their indices. If the structure constants are zero
the group of transformations is referred to as abelian, otherwise it is called non-
abelian. Non-abelian gauge groups will be studied in detail in Chap. 6. In order not
to confuse the indices just introduced with spinor indices we suppress the latter ones
in this section.
We may pose to consider a concrete case. For example, the group SU(3), consists
of 3 3 unitary matrices of determinant one. Here U in SU.3/ stands for unitary,
n D 3 for the size of the matrices, and S for special, i.e., of determinant one.
In quantum chromodynamics, corresponds to a quark field with three different
colors specified by fields 1 ; 2 ; 3 . The Dirac field will also carry another index
to specify the different flavors of quarks which we will also suppress here. The
mass m will carry a flavor index. The index a introduced above in Aa .x/ would
take 8 values corresponding to eight gluons.
The matrices U.x/ will be expressed as
Due to the nature of the SU.3/ matrices, for example, the so-called generators
ta of transformations, are not only Hermitian but also traceless since det U.x/ D
expŒi g #a .x/ Tr ta .
The matrix elements of the massless free Dirac propagator, i.e., for g D 0, in the
momentum representation, are simply given by
S. p/ D : (3.10.6)
p2 i
Note that @ .UU 1 / D 0 implies that U.@ U 1 / D .@ U/ U 1 .
122 3 Quantum Field Theory Methods of Spin 1=2
As in the abelian case, one naïvely obtains the conservation of the axial vector
current j5 .x/ D Œ .x/; . 5 /.x/ =2 from (3.10.1) for m D 0.
Consider the expression .x ˙ D x ˙
P5 .x;
/ D .x C /; 1 C i g d A ./ . 5 /.x / ; (3.10.7)
2 x
@ P5 .x;
/ D i g Œ .xC /; K .x;
/ . 5 /.x / ; (3.10.12)
K .x;
/ D
@ A .x/ ig
A .x/A .x/ A .x/A .x/ C
@ A .x/:
Therefore upon introducing the matrix field
From (3.10.4), G .x/ may be also expanded in terms of the matrices ta ,
See also (3.9.8), (3.9.9).
3.10 Fermions and Anomalies in Field Theory: Non-Abelian Case 123
The matrix element between the vacuum states of the divergence of the axial
vector current then takes, in a limiting sense, the form
" "
g Tr.ta ta2 / 2
@ Aa2 .x/ D g Tr.ta ta2 / .@ Aa2 .x/ @ Aa2 .x//:
8 16 2
124 3 Quantum Field Theory Methods of Spin 1=2
2 3 .dp/ @ 5 Q2 2 Q2
K .Q2 ; Q3 /D Tr S C p C S C p
.2/4 @p 2 2
3 Q2
SC p Q3 :
kD ŒQ2 .1 2x 2 / C 2 Q3 .1 x1 /; (3.10.23)
M.Q2 ; Q3 ; x1 ; x 2 / D Q22 x 2 .1 x 2 / C Q23 x1 .1 x1 / C 2 Q2 Q3 x 2 .1 x1 /:
" 2 3
K 2 3 .Q2 ; Q3 / D : (3.10.25)
16 2
By carrying the differentiation with respect to p in (3.10.21), we generate a diagram involving
four connected fermion propagators referred to as a square diagram contributing to the anomaly as
opposed to the triangle diagram contribution to the anomaly in (3.10.19) involving three fermion
propagators. See also (3.10.25) which, however has exactly the same factor " 2 3 =.16 2 /, with
2 D ; 3 D , as the one in (3.10.19).
Appendix A: Evaluation of L1 2 125
From (3.10.17), (3.10.19), (3.10.20), (3.10.25), and the expression for G
in (3.10.14), we have
The integral L1 2 .Q; Q/ is defined in (3.6.29). Clearly, L1 2 .Q ; Q/ is zero
for Q D 0. Also we will show that
as required by gauge invariance under the transformation Aj .Qj / ! Aj .Qj / C
.Qj / Qj j in (3.6.28). To this end, using the notation SC . p/ D p C m, and the
1 1
identity Q D ŒSC . p Q=2/ SC . p C Q=2/, we note
that when (3.6.29) is
multiplied by Q 2 we obtain for the integrand Tr 1 Œ : , where
Q Q @ 1 @ 3
Œ : D Œ SC p C SC p C Q SC . p/ C Q SC . p/
2 2 @p 24 @p
2 Q @ 5
D O SC . p/; (A-3.2)
5Š 2 @p
126 3 Quantum Field Theory Methods of Spin 1=2
and note that .Q@=@p/SC . p/ D SC . p/ Q SC . p/. We have used the useful
Z 1
ex 1 D d e x x;
Z 1 Z 5 Z 4 Z 3 Z 2
x2 x3 x4
ex 1 x D d5 d4 d3 d2 d1 e1 x x5 ; (A-3.3)
2Š 3Š 4Š 0 0 0 0 0
to infer that
Q @ Q @ @ 1 @ 3
exp. / exp. / C Q C Q
2 @p 2 @p @p 24 @p
Z 1 Z 5 Z 4 Z 3 Z 2
Q @ Q @ 5
D 2 d5 d4 d3 d2 d1 cosh 1 : (A-3.4)
0 0 0 0 0 2 @p 2 @p
We may thus invoke Gauss’ Theorem to infer that the remainder in (A-3.2)
integrates out to zero. A similar analysis applies for the case when the integral is
multiplied by Q1 thus establishing (A-3.1). This allows us to write
i e2 L1 2 .Q ; Q/ D 1 2 Q2 Q1 Q2 ˘.Q2 /: (A-3.5)
The i factor is chosen for convenience. Also 1 2 Q2 Q1 Q2 ˘.Q2 / is the
lowest order contribution to the so-called vacuum polarization tensor, with L
given (3.6.29). To evaluate ˘.Q2 /, we contract the indices 1 and 2 in (A-3.5).
In particular, (3.6.29), leads us to evaluate the following integral
h Z Q Q i
3.2/ Q ˘.Q / D i e .dp/ Tr SC p
4 2 2 2
S C p C
2 2
1 @ 2 @
C Q Tr SC . p/ Tr SC . p/ SC . p/ : (A-3.6)
24 @p @p
For the first term in the integral in (A-3.6), we may use the Feynman parameter
representation of the product of two denominators defined in (II.27) to write it, after
carrying out the trace, up to the i e2 factor, as
Z Z 1
8p 2 C 2Q2 16m2
I.Q2 / D .dp/ dz 2 : (A-3.8)
0 Œ p C Q2 .1 2z/ C Q2 z.1 z/ C m2 2
We may refer to the integral (II.23) and make a contraction over and there, to
obtain, in reference to the term with p2 in the numerator in the integrand in (A-3.8)
the following integral
.dp/ p2
Œ. p k/2 C M 2 .k2 /2
3 i 2 2
2 .dp/ .dp/
k C k M 2 .k2 / 2 2 2 2
C ; (A-3.9)
2 Œ p C M .k / Œ p C M 2 .k2 /
k D .1 2z/; M 2 .k2 / D Q2 z.1 z/ C m2 : (A-3.10)
We here define the degree of divergence of a 4D-integral as the power of p in the
numerator minus the power of p in the denominator in the integrand plus four. Thus
the degree of divergence of the integral in (A-3.8) restricted to the .2Q2 16m2 /
term divided by the denominator is zero. This allows us (see Appendix II) to shift
the integration variable p, restricted to this term, to p Q.1 2z/=2. Accordingly,
we may use (A-3.9), (A-3.10), to rewrite (A-3.8) as
Z 1
3 Q2
I.Q2 / D 8 i 2 dz .1 2z/2 C
2 4 0
Z Z 1
Œ 2Q2 8m2 4Q2 .1 2z/2 C 8Q2 z.1 z/
.dp/ dz
0 Œ p 2 C Q2 z.1 z/ C m2 2
Z Z 1
8 .dp/ dz 2 : (A-3.11)
0 Œ p C Q z.1 z/ C m2
Z 1
z Q2 .1 2z/
dz 2 ; (A-3.12)
0 Œ p C Q2 z.1 z/ C m2 2
128 3 Quantum Field Theory Methods of Spin 1=2
to combine its second part with the second integral in (A-3.11) to obtain
Z Z 1
z dz
I.Q2 / D i 2 Q2 C 8 Q2 .dp/
2 C Q2 z.1 z/ C m2 2
0 Œ p
Z Z 1 Z
dz .dp/
8 m2 .dp/ 2 C Q2 z.1 z/ C m2 2
8 2 C m2
: (A-3.13)
0 Œ p Œ p
Integrating by parts one more time over z, using the integral (II.8), and writing
m2 D .m2 C Q2 z.1 z/ Q2 z.1 z//, we obtain
7 .8p 2 16m2 /
I.Q2 / D i 2 Q2 C .dp/
3 Œ p 2 C m2 2
Z Z 1
.dp/ .3z2 2z3 /Q2 .1 2z/
C 4 Q2 C 4 i 2 Q2 dz : (A-3.14)
Œ p C m2 2
0 Q2 z.1 z/ C m2
Here we recognize the Q2 -independent part as I.0/ corresponding to the third term
in (A-3.6). The last integral in (A-3.14) may be integrated by parts over z to finally
obtain from (A-3.6), (A-3.7), (A-3.8),
Z 1 !
e2 1 .dp/ 1 h Q2 i
˘.Q / D C 6 dz z.1 z/ ln 1 C 2 z.1 z/ ;
12 2 i 2 Œ p 2 C m2 2 2 0 m
involving the logarithmically divergent integral .dp/=Œ p2 C m2 2 =.i 2 /. We will
have ample opportunities later on to interpret this constant (see Sect. 5.10.2). The
additive factor 1=2 to it depends on the rooting of the momentum Q in the
definition of the integral in (A-3.6).
to obtain
Z 1
eN eM D 1 C d e N .N M/ e M ; (B-3.2)
Z 1
e e
D d e N .N M/ e M eM : (B-3.3)
D Tr Œ •M eM : (B-3.6)
3.7 By averaging over the initial spins and summing over the final ones,
derive (3.4.6) for p 0 D p 0 0 .
3.8 Derive the anti-commutation relation in (3.5.12)/(3.5.13) for the Dirac quantum
field valid for all times. Hint: Note that the Dirac field at any time may be expressed
in terms of the time equal to zero, via the equation
ZX Z h
m d3 p 0
.x/ D d3 x 0 ei.xx / p u.p; / u .p; /
p 0 .2/3
0/ p
C ei.xx v.p; / v .p; / .x 0 /;
x 0 D .0; x 0 /. On the Rother hand, the orthogonal projections in (I.21), (I.22) allow
one to write .x/ D d3 y K.x; y/ .y/; y D .0; y/,
m d3 p h i.xy/p 0 i.xy/p 0
K.x; y/ D e P C . p/ e P . p/ ;
p0 .2/3
R R xC.
3.10 Consider the integral I D Œ.dQ/=.2/4 A .Q/ x.
=2/ d eiQ . Setting
D x C .
=2/, with as an integration variable, express the integral as
a power series in
. This is a typical integral which occurs in Schwinger’s point
splitting method.22
:B i E
3.11 Show that 4 Œ ; F D
, where F D @ A @ A .
i E B
3.12 Derive the expression in (3.8.8) for the Schwinger effect by working in the
complex s-plane, and elaborate on the importance of the term .sjeEj/2 =3 in (3.8.5).
3.13 Prove the identity in (3.9.25) with the propagator S. p/ D 1=. p C m/.
3.14 Derive the transformation rule for G in (3.10.27) for non-abelian gauge
3.15 Show that
exp Œ iF.z/ SC .z x/ C ı .4/ .z x/ .@=@x /F.x/
D SC .z x/ exp Œ iF.x/ ;
1. Adler, S. L. (1969). Axial-vector vertex in Spinor electrodynamics. Physical Review, 177, 2426–
2. Adler, S. L., & Bardeen, W. (1969). Absence of higher-order corrections in the anomalous axial-
vector divergence equation. Nuovo Cimento A, 182, 1517–1536.
3. Bell, J. S., & Jackiw, R. (1969). A PCAC Puzzle: 0 ! in the -Model. Nuovo Cimento
A, 60, 47–61.
4. Beringer, J., et al. (2012). Particle data group. Physical Review D, 86, 010001.
5. Jackiw, R., & Johnson, K. (1969). Anomalies of the axial-vector current. Physical Review, 182,
6. Manoukian, E. B. (2006). Quantum theory: A wide spectrum. Dordrecht: Springer.
7. Schwinger, J. (1951). On Gauge invariance and vacuum polarization. Physical Review, 82, 664–
8. Schwinger, J. (1959). Field theory commutators. Physical Review Letters, 3, 296–297.
9. Schwinger, J. (1962). Exterior algebra and the action principle I. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 48, 603–611.
See Appendix IV at the end of the book.
This result will be important in the analysis of Problem 5.20 in Chap. 5.
132 3 Quantum Field Theory Methods of Spin 1=2
Recommended Reading
f a .x/; b .x 0 /g D 0 for the Dirac field components (Sect. 3.5) for any two space-like
separated points x, x 0 .
The significant physical role that a quantum field .x/ acquires and the particle
content of a theory emerges from the examination of the commutation relations
of the field with the energy-momentum operator components P (Sect. 4.1) corre-
sponding to the underlying physical system.
The field concept, its significance and the meaning of wavefunction renormaliza-
tions are introduced in Sect. 4.1. The underlying algebra satisfied by the generators
of the inhomogeneous Lorentz transformations (Poincaré algebgra) is worked out
in Sect. 4.2. The action principle of quantum fields, together with its related
consequences, is the subject matter of Sect. 4.3. The principle of stationary action
encapsulates the dynamics of a system as the system develops between two space-
like surfaces. The principle of stationary action, together with generators emerging
from variations of these space-like boundary surfaces, summarize basic properties of
an underlying theory. The mere fact that generators are to be introduced to generate
field variations lead automatically to field equations – the so-called Euler-Lagrange
equations. These field equations emerging from the theory, involve dynamical
variables, as functions of time (and space), and describe the time evolution of theory.
Section 4.4 deals with Lorentz invariance and the energy-momentum tensor, as well
as the angular momentum density, providing, in particular, of a local description
of the energy-momentum distribution of matter in space. The celebrated Spin
and Statistics connection is studied in Sect. 4.5. The quantum dynamical principle
(QDP) of quantum field theory is treated in Sect. 4.6 from which physical processes
may be investigated.
A functional Fourier transform of expressions directly obtained from the QDP
leads directly to the equivalent path integral formalism which is applied to gauge
theories in subsequent chapters. The basic fields one encounters in field theory
are covered in Sect. 4.7, with further applications of the QDP, involving some
of these fields, in Sect. 4.8. Some intricacies with Lagrangians are spelled out in
Sect. 4.9. Section 4.10 deals with the celebrated CPT Theorem, where, in particular,
we will see that particle/antiparticle detectors and antiparticle/particle emitters are
interchanged in a CPT “transformed” world.
One of the major difficulties in quantum field theory, is that not all components
of the underlying theories are necessarily dynamically independent. This requires
special attention to be given to them in carrying out a dynamical description of
the theories. All of our present fundamental field theories are gauge theories, and
involve such fields.
In remaining chapters we establish the connection between the fundamental the-
ory developed here and the various interactions observed in nature. As emphasized
in the introductory chapter to the book, a major theme of modern quantum field
theory is to provide a unified description of nature. This calls for a look at the
various approaches and contributions to the subject that appeared in the literature
4.1 The Field Concept, Particle Aspect and Wavefunction Renormalization 135
since the pioneering work of Dirac in the mid twenties, and several of them are
treated in coming chapters and the accompanying book by the author.1
The significant role that a quantum field .x/ plays emerges from the examination
of its commutation with the energy-momentum operator P , corresponding to
the underlying physical system, and by considering, in particular, the vacuum
state j vaci assumed to be an eigenstate of P of zero energy and momentum
P jvaci D 0. As will be seen in the next section, the different components P
commute. The latter components consist of generators of spacetime translations,
and they imply that
.x/ D ei x P .0/ ei x P : (4.1.1)
p . p/ D . p/ P P . p/: (4.1.4)
h p 0 ; j . p/ P D . p 0 C p / h p 0 ; j . p/: (4.1.5)
Quantum Field Theory II: Introductions to Quantum Gravity, Supersymmetry, and String Theory,
(2016), Springer.
136 4 Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
where . p/ is a projection operator, which together with (4.1.1) and the condition
hvacj P D 0, allow one to write
hvacj .x/ D .dp/ ei xp hvacj .0/. p/: (4.1.7)
Upon setting
hvacj .0/ j p; i D Z U.p; /; (4.1.10)
up to a phase factor multiplying the real coefficient Z, and where U.p; / is the
wavefunction of the particle in question, in particular, in the momentum description,
we obtain
d3 p p
hvac j .x/ D ei xp Z U.p; /hp; j C .dp/ ei xp hvac j .0/0 . p/;
2p 0 .2/3
4.1 The Field Concept, Particle Aspect and Wavefunction Renormalization 137
hvacj .x/ j p; i D Z U.p; / ei xp : (4.1.12)
and where U.p; / eipx denotes the wavefunction of the particle in question, and
0 . p/ is a projection operator on the remaining spectrum of the energy-momentum
of the system under study.
In the presence of multi-particle states, described by the second p integral
in (4.1.11), quantum mechanics implies the presence of a coefficient Z in the
expansion (4.1.11), to describe a particle just described, with Z as the probability of
the creation of the particle in question by the field .x/ out of the vacuum.
Situations may arise that a single isolated particle cannot be described, or that
the underlying theory predicts only composite particles, in which cases the first
term in (4.1.11) will be altogether absent. On the other hand, when dealing with a
scalar particle .x/ for which no symmetry arguments may be applied to dismiss
its vacuum expectation value hvac j .0/ j vaci, then an additional term of the
form hvac j .0/ j vacihvac j will appear on the right-hand of (4.1.11). Such a non-
vanishing vacuum expectation value of a scalar field is what happens in describing
the Higgs mechanism.
In studying a physical process and confronting theory with experiments, one
may ask the question: given that a certain particle was observed, that is, this event
happened with probability one, then what is the probability that it has emerged,
say, with a specific momentum and a given spin projection?. In the language of
probability theory, the underlying probability in such a question is referred to as a
conditional probability:
given that something happened, i.e., with probability
one, then what is the probability that the system
under consideration has some given characteristics?
In technical terms, this amounts to divide the field .x/ by Z, leading to the
definition of the field
ren .x/ D .x/= Z; (4.1.13)
thus isolating the particle in question with probability one, i.e., with certainty,
bringing the observed particle in evidence.
The process just described is called a wavefunction renormalization, which is
done independently of any perturbation theory, and Z is referred to as a wavefunction
renormalization constant. The scaled field ren .x/ is the so-called renormalized field.
Let us go one step further to see how a wavefunction renormalization is carried
out when one actually computes transition amplitudes. We will even generalize
the above further, by bringing the treatment closer to an experimental set-up,
where one would ask the question as to what is the amplitude that the particle is
actually observed, i.e., detected?. The analysis, in turn, shows the role played by a
field in computing transition amplitudes. As we are already familiar with the spin
138 4 Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
1/2 propagator derived in Sect. 3.1, we consider for definiteness the field .x/ to
correspond to a Dirac field .x/ in a general interacting field theory.
To the above end, let O.x1 ; : : : ; xn / j vaci denote the product of n arbitrary
operators of spacetime arguments x1 ; : : : ; xn acting on the vacuum state j vaci, and
consider the vacuum-expectation of the time-ordered product:
hvacj .x/O.x1 ; : : : ; xn / C
j vaci; (4.1.14)
in which the operators are arranged from right to left in order of increasing time
argument with a minus sign inserted for each permutation of Fermi-Dirac fields
(Sect. 3.5). Here .x/ is the quantum field in question under investigation. We
emphasize that this matrix element is computed in a theory involving no external
sources coupled to the fields such as ; given in Chap. 3.
Now we multiply the above vacuum expectation value by a Fermi source .x/
(Sect. 3.1) from the left and integrate over x to obtain
.dx/ .x/hvacj .x/O.x1 ; : : : ; xn / C
j vaci: (4.1.15)
By doing this, we will concentrate on the particle in question associated with the
field .x/. A similar process may be carried out for the particles associated with the
other fields in the time-ordered product by multiplying (4.1.14) by corresponding
source functions. We recall that the field .x/, in particular, is expected to satisfy a
non-linear equation. Let SC .x x 0 / denote the free spin 1/2 propagator derived in
Sect. 3.1. We use the property
.dx 0 / SC .x x 0 / SC
.x 0 x 00 / D ı .4/ .x x 00 /; (4.1.16)
where SC .x 0 x 00 / is the inverse of the propagator. Consider the source .x/ to
be switched on, i.e., operate, at large positive x 0 values, thus one may “follow” the
particle for a sufficient long time to be able to measure its energy, momentum and
other attributes. For all x 0 > x 0 0 , at which times the source .x/ operates, it is easily
derived that
Z Z X 3
d p m i x 0p
.dx/ .x/SC .x x 0 / D e Œ i . p/u.p; / u.p; /;
.2/3 p 0
by using, in the process, the relations in (3.1.10) and (I.21). From (4.1.16), (4.1.17),
and the identity
@ 0
SC .x 0 x 00 / D C m ı .4/ .x 0 x 00 /; (4.1.18)
4.2 PoincarKe Algebra and Particle States 139
One may readily continue this process as applied to the other fields in the time
ordered product in (4.1.14) by multiplying the latter by corresponding sources and
noting that for sources switched on and operating at large positive times, one is
dealing with particles outgoing from a process, while sources operating only at large
negative times, one is dealing with ingoing particles in a process. The keen reader
will realize that we have essentially obtained a formalism for computing transition
amplitudes in field theory. This will be taken up later, dealing with the vacuum-to-
vacuum transition amplitudes for various interactions, and specific applications will
be carried out.
The expression in (4.1.19) brings us into contact with a formalism, referred to as
the LSZ formalism,2 except that we have now an additional piece of physics dealing
with the detection (emission) of particles expressed by the first line in (4.1.19)
depending on the source function . p/. From (3.2.8), we recognize the term
Œi . p/ u.p; / as an amplitude for detection, i.e., of the actual observation of the
particle in question. Having scaled the field in (4.1.13) to define the renormalized
p ren .x/, we now have to define the renormalized source function ren .x/ D
Z .x/ as well for the physical interpretation of the latter corresponding to an
amplitude of particle detection. When one adds source terms to a Lagrangian
density such as .x/ .x/, corresponding, in particular, to the field .x/, one has
the invariance property .x/ .x/ D ren .x/ ren .x/.
Introduction of sources coupled to the fields facilitates tremendously doing field
theory. In practice, the transition amplitudes for particles (anti-particles) ingoing
and outgoing in a process is obtained from the coefficient of the source terms in
expressions like in (4.1.19) (see, e.g., Sects. 5.8 and 5.9).
See Lehmann et al. [2].
140 4 Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
represented pictorially by
2 2
emphasizing the reversal of the transformations in the third and the fourth segments
of the path. The matrix elements of are explicitly given in (2.2.13), (2.2.14),
(2.2.15), (2.2.16), (2.2.11), and for infinitesimal ones in (2.2.19), (2.2.20), (2.2.21)
and (2.2.22).
The infinitesimal coordinate changes •x associated with such transformations
may be spelled out as
•x D x x 0 D •b •! x ; •! D •! ; (4.2.2)
where D C •! .
From the group properties below (2.2.9) in Sect. 2.2, (4.2.1) readily leads to
•! D •! 2 •!1 •! 2 •! 1 ; (4.2.3)
•b D •! 2 •b 1 •! 1 •b 2 : (4.2.4)
The unitary operator corresponding, for example, to .; b/, for infinitesimal
transformations, has the structure
U D 1 C i G; G D •b P C •! J ; (4.2.5)
with P , J denoting the energy-momentum and angular momentum operators,
respectively, generating spacetime translations and homogeneous Lorentz transfor-
mations. The latter, corresponding to J , consist of Lorentz boosts and spacial
Referring to the closed path in (4.2.1), one has
which leads to
G D Œ G1 ; G2 ; (4.2.7)
4.2 PoincarKe Algebra and Particle States 141
Œ P ; P D 0 (4.2.8)
Œ P ; J D i P P ; (4.2.9)
Œ J ; J D i J J C J J ; (4.2.10)
P J ; (4.2.11)
referred to as the Pauli-Lubanski (pseudo-) vector and whose physical significance
will become clear shortly, are invariants of the corresponding group. That is, they
commute with the PoincarKe generators P , J . Hence particle states may be
labeled by their eigenvalues. Here
is totally anti-symmetric specified by
Œ W ; P D 0 (4.2.12)
ŒW ;W D i
P W ; (4.2.13)
Œ W ; J D i . W W /; (4.2.14)
W P D 0; W W 0: (4.2.15)
W 0 D P J; W D P 0 J P N; Nk D J0 k : (4.2.16)
P P P 2 D m2 0; (4.2.17)
142 4 Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
with sgn P 0 > 0 corresponding to positive energy, for massive (m ¤ 0), i.e.,
P time-like, and massless (m D 0), i.e., P light-like, particles. P D 0
corresponds to the vacuum state. Consider first massive particles.
I m ¤ 0:
Since W W is an invariant, it may be computed in any Lorentz frame. For a
massive particle, we may consider its rest frame for which P D .m; 0; 0; 0; 0/.
From (4.2.16), then
W W D m2 J2 : (4.2.18)
In the rest frame of such a particle, (4.2.10) leads to the usual commutation
relations of angular momentum components
Œ J i ; J j D i
ij k J k ; (4.2.19)
W W D m2 j. j C 1/; (4.2.20)
P h p j D p h p j; (4.2.21)
where particle labels denoting other degrees of freedom are initially suppressed. In
particular, in the rest frame of the particle, we have from (4.2.9)
ŒP 0 ; J i h p j D 0: (4.2.22)
We will apply the operators P and W 0 to the state in (4.2.23). To this end, note
that the vector operator
D n V./; V.0/ D P: (4.2.26)
Hence from (2.2.10), (2.2.11) and (2.2.12),
V i D R ij P j ; (4.2.27)
with [R ij ] denoting the rotation matrix spelled out in (2.2.11), and the unit vector
n is defined in (4.2.24).
On the other hand, defining
we obtain
dY d2 Y
D 3 Y 0 0 Y 3 ; D 3 Y 3 0 Y 0 : (4.2.29)
d˛ d˛ 2
The solution of (4.2.29) is elementary and is given by
Y a D P a; for a D 1; 2: (4.2.31)
See Problem 4.1.
144 4 Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
n = (sin φ , − cos φ , 0)
θ p = |p|(sin θ cos φ , sin θ sin φ , cos θ )
φ 2
Fig. 4.1 Rotation of a vector initially along the 3-axis c.w. by an angle about the unit vector n
lying in the 1–2 plane
Here we note that a rotation of vector p, initially along the 3-axis, by an angle ,
about the unit vector n in (4.2.24), gives the vector in (4.2.33) (Fig. 4.1).
A similar analysis4 shows that W 0 applied to the state in (4.2.23) gives
h 0 j exp Œ i ˛ J 03 exp Œ i n J W 0
D m sinh ˛ h 0 j exp Œ i ˛ J 03 exp Œ i n J : (4.2.34)
0 D h p0 0 j P P j p i D .p 0 p/h p 0 0 j p i;
0 D h p 0 0 j W 0 W 0 j p i D m . 0 sinh ˛ 0 sinh ˛/h p 0 0 j p i:
From (4.2.24), sinh ˛ D jpj=m, hence the first equality in (4.2.35) shows that
sinh ˛ D sinh ˛0 . The two equalities in (4.2.35) together then imply that hp0 0 j p i
is proportional to ı 3 .p p 0 / ı 0 . Apart from the labels m and j, i.e., of , due
to the invariance of P P and W W , and other labels, we will not dwell upon
such additional labels here.
Using the Lorentz invariance of the measure5 d3 p=.2/3 2p0 , we may set
I m D 0:
Consider an eigenvalue problem as in (4.2.21). In the massless case, we may
initially consider the three momentum of the particle to be along the 3-axis. In such
a frame, we may write the energy-momentum of the particle as k D .!; 0; 0; !/.
See Problem 4.2.
See (3.1.18).
4.2 PoincarKe Algebra and Particle States 145
ŒP ; J 12 h k j D 0; W 0 h k j D ! J 3h k j; W 3 h k j D ! J 3 h k j; (4.2.37)
W 1 h k j D ! T 1 h k j; W 2h k j D ! T 2h k j (4.2.38)
where .J 12 D J 3 /
T 1 D J1 C N 2; T 2 D J 2 N1; N k D J 0 k; (4.2.39)
Œ T 1 ; T 2 D 0; Œ T 1; J 3 D i T 2; Œ T 2; J 3 D i T1: (4.2.40)
W P D 0; W W D 0; P P D 0; p 0 > 0; (4.2.41)
W D P : (4.2.42)
See Problem 4.3.
146 4 Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
h p j P D p h p j; (4.2.44)
the Euler-Lagrange equations. Equally important, is that the concept of the action
and of a Lagrangian density arise as a consequence of studying variations of
transformation functions describing the evolution of a dynamical system in time,
and hence are of physical interest. The principle also provides the way of expressing
various generators in terms of the variables underlying the Lagrangian density and
deals with conservation laws as well. Dynamics, beyond the field equations, such
as providing a method for obtaining expressions for transition amplitudes, is the
subject of Sect. 4.6 under the heading of the Quantum Dynamical Principle. The
celebrated Spin and Statistics Connection is treated in Sect. 4.5.
A state defined on a space-like surface will be denoted by h j, and labels
needed to specify such a state will, in general, be suppressed. Since there is always
a coordinate system for which such a space-like surface is the space itself, at a given
time, i.e., represented by a surface x 0 D t fixed, we may equally consider a state
denoted by h t j . We are interested in changes that may occur in transformation
functions h t2 jt1 i corresponding, in general, to different values of quantum numbers
associated with an evolving system at the different times t1 and t2 , under some
basic transformations.
Under an infinitesimal transformation via a unitary operator U D 1Ci G, where
G defines the generator for such a transformation, an operator O changes to O 0 D
U O U and with the change defined by
•O D O O 0 ; (4.3.1)
we have
•O D Œ O; G : (4.3.2)
Hence for a wavefunction , equivalence of the “primed” and “unprimed”
depictions, implies that •h jO j i D h jO j i h 0 jO 0 j 0 i D 0, and
with j 0 i D U j i gives j i j 0 i D •j i D i G j i. The invariance
0 0
P h j
of the scalar product iPD h j UU i D h j i, and the resolution of
the identity 1 D j aiha jD U j aiha j U , for bases vectors j ai, imply that
•ha jD ha j ha j U is given by
•h a j D i h a jG: (4.3.3)
(ii) A second type corresponds to variations of just the boundaries, i.e., of the
surfaces x 0 D t1 and x 0 D t2 in response to a given transformation, taking
into account of the induced variations that arise on the underlying dynamical
variables themselves from such a transformation on the boundaries. For such
induced variations on the fields, we will simply use the notation •.x/ to
distinguish them from ones one may, a priori impose on them.
The first type of variations and its consequence are considered in Sects. 4.3.1,
4.3.2, and 4.3.3, while the second type is considered in Sect. 4.3.4.
In reference to the first type of variation with time fixed, we denote the changes
of the dynamical variables by • a .x/. The operators a .x/ are identified as
the canonical conjugate momenta of the fields a .x/ and are to be determined.
Following Schwinger, the variations • a .x/ are taken as numericals. Non-numerical
changes will be discussed later. The adjoints of the fields, as obtained from the fields
themselves, will be suppressed for simplicity.
For the time derivative of (4.3.4), evaluated at any given time t: t1 t t2 , we
Z h i
G.t/ D d3 x P a .x/ • a .x/ C a .x/ • P a .x/ : (4.3.5)
4.3 Principle of Stationary Action of Quantum Field Theory: The Rationale Of 149
Accordingly, upon solving for d3 x P a .x/• a .x/ from the above equation, we may
rewrite dG.t/=dt as
G.t/ D d3 x • a .x/P a .x/ H .x/ ; (4.3.7)
At this stage the concept of a Lagrangian density arises. Upon identifying the
Lagrangian density L .x/ as follows
we obtain
G.t/ D d3 x • L .x/: (4.3.10)
.dx/ D dx 0 dx1 dx 2 dx 3 , where we have used the notation • to remind us that we are
considering variations of the dynamical variables only for fixed times t1 , t2 . • L .x/
in (4.3.12) means variations at any given t in t1 t t2 , that is including on the
space-like surfaces x 0 D t1 , x 0 D t2 .
150 4 Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
thus separating the two contributions mentioned above, and the variations within the
boundaries x 0 D t1 x 0 D t2 , do not contribute, i.e., for arbitrary • a .x/
These are the celebrated Euler-Lagrange Equations. On the other hand (4.3.13) also
gives from (4.3.12)
Z x0 D t2
Œ G.t2 / G.t1 / D .dx/ @ F a .x/ • a .x/ : (4.3.15)
x0 D t1
The indices a may stand for different types of fields and for any vector and/or spinor
indices they may carry. The Lagrangian density is assumed to be written as the sum
of products of the fields and their first derivatives.
To determine F a .x/ and F a .x/, we proceed as follows. The variation of the
action •AŒa , with fixed space-like surfaces x 0 D t1 , x 0 D t2 , in response to the
variation of the Lagrangian density •L .x/ is given by by
Z x 0 D t2
•AŒ a D .dx/ •L .x/; (4.3.21)
x 0 D t1
• L .x/ D L Œ a .x/; @ a .x/ L Œ a .x/ • a .x/; @ a .x/ • a .x/ ;
arising solely from arbitrary variations • a .x/ that one may a priori impose on the
fields a .x/, where recall that the notation • a .x/, with a bar under •, is used
to distinguish these variations from ones that are induced on the fields by other
given transformations such as by the rotation of a coordinate system or by a Lorentz
According to the Spin & Statistics Connection, investigated in Sect. 4.5, once
the nature of a field has been established as being a Bose-Einstein or a Fermi-
Dirac one, we consider infinitesimal numerical, now, c-number or Grassmann,
variations • a .x/, respectively, as the case may be, such that a variation commutes
with all the fields and their derivatives, if the corresponding field a is a Bose-
Einstein one, or anti-commutes with all the Fermi-Dirac fields and their derivatives,
and also commutes with all the Bose-Einstein fields and their derivatives, if the
corresponding field a is a Fermi-Dirac one.
Field Equations
For infinitesimal • b .x/, typical terms in (4.3.22) may have the structures
a1 .x/ @ a2 .x/ : : : • a .x/ : : : D . "/
n a1 .x/ @ a2 .x/ : : : • a .x/;
@ b1 .x/ b2 .x/ : : : @ • b .x/ : : : D . "/
m @ b1 .x/ b2 .x/ : : : @ • b .x/;
Here r stands for “from the right”. The partial derivatives in this equation are defined
by @b .x/=@a .x/ D •ba , @.@ b .x//=@.@ a .x// D • •ba , and so on, as opposed
to functional derivatives which also involve Dirac delta functions (see below).
One may rewrite • L .x/ in (4.3.13)/(4.3.22) as
@L .x/ @L .x/ @L .x/
• L .x/ D @ • a .x/ C @ • a .x/ :
@ a .x/ @.@ a .x// r @.@ a .x// r
@L .x/ @L .x/
@ D 0: (4.3.30)
@ a .x/ @.@ a .x// r
4.3 Principle of Stationary Action of Quantum Field Theory: The Rationale Of 153
Using the Bose character of a Lagrangian density, we may replace the partial
differentiations in (4.3.30) from the right by ones from the left since this means
simply to multiply the whole equation, in the just mentioned equation, by 1 for
a Fermi field. Accordingly the field equations (Euler-Lagrange Equations) may be
rewritten as
@L .x/ @L .x/
@ D 0; (4.3.31)
@ a .x/ @.@ a .x//
with the partial derivatives taken from the left, which is the conventional definition.
The Gauss’s Theorem, of course, gives from (4.3.29)
Z h ˇ
•AŒ a D d3 x 0 a .x/• a .x/ˇ .t2 ! t1 / D Œ G.t2 / G.t1 / : (4.3.32)
x 0 D t2
A far simpler way of obtaining (4.3.31) is to take the functional derivative of the
action AŒ b , with respect to a .x/ , with AŒ a as a functional of b , in the
following manner.
To the above end, the functional derivative of b .x 0 / with respect to a .x/ is
defined by
• b .x 0 /
D •b a •.4/ .x 0 x/: (4.3.33)
• a .x/
b .x 0 / @ 0 c .x 0 / D •b a .@ 0 c .x 0 // " b .x 0 / •c a @ 0 •.4/ .x 0 x/;
• a .x/
where " D 1, if at least one the fields a , b is a Bose-Einstein one, and
" D C 1, if they are both Fermi-Dirac ones.
The Euler-Lagrange equations in (4.3.31) may be then simply replaced by the
functional differentiation of the action AŒ b with respect to a .x/ expressed as
• •
AŒ b D .dx 0 / L Œ b .x 0 /; @ 0 b .x 0 / D 0; (4.3.36)
• a .x/ • a .x/
154 4 Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
using the simple rules in (4.3.33), (4.3.34) and (4.3.35) and the usual rule of
commutativity or anti-commutativity with the fields as the case may be of the nature
of the fields a .x/ in question applied. The integration in (4.3.36) is taken over all
of spacetime in order not to introduce a surface integral since the latter is already
accounted for by the integral in (4.3.29). Equation (4.3.36) treats the fields b .x 0 /
and their derivatives @ 0 b .x 0 / on an equal footing.
Box 4.1: Key points in the stationary action principle for fixed boundaries
3. It is important to realize that all the results derived were obtained by a priori
numerical variations of the fields obeying their respective statistics as established
by the Spin & Statistics Connection in Sect. 4.5. Quantum variations applied
a priori to a Lagrangian are certainly generalizations and as such they often
involve additional assumptions and consequences not always of practical value,
and further generalizations lead, for example, to generalized statistics such as
with " D 1 if at least one of the fields a .x/, b .x 0 / is a Bose-Einstein one, and
" D C 1 if both are Fermi-Dirac ones. We may thus rewrite (4.3.38) as
i • a .x/ D d3 x0 a .x/ b .x 0 / C " b .x 0 / a .x/ • b .x 0 /; x0 0 D x 0; (4.3.40)
f a .x/; b .x 0 /g D i •a b •3 .x x 0 /; (4.3.41)
Œ a .x/; b .x 0 / D i •a b •3 .x x 0 /; (4.3.42)
where note the minus sign multiplying ", in this expression. Using the Fermi or
Bose character of the fields, we may use (4.3.41) or (4.3.42) to infer from (4.3.44)
Œ c .x/; G.x 0 / D i Mc b .x/ b .x/ C .1 "/c .x/ ; (4.3.45)
and hence the relation • c .x/ D .1=i/Œ c .x/; G.x 0 / , induces a quantum variation
to the field c .x/ given by
• c .x/ D Mc b .x/ b .x/ C .1 "/c .x/; (4.3.46)
may be expressed as
• Ac .x/ D Ac .x/ A 0c .x/ D g •#a .x/ fabc Ab .x/ @ #c .x/; (4.3.48)
4.3 Principle of Stationary Action of Quantum Field Theory: The Rationale Of 157
where A .x/ D tc Ac .x/, which is precisely of the form in (4.3.46), involving now
a Lorentz index .
or as
Z t2
•B h t2 j t1 i D i h t2 j dt H.t/ •t j t1 i; (4.3.53)
t1 dt
where the subscript B is to remind us that only the boundary surfaces are being
varied. In terms of the Hamiltonian density,
Z x 0 D t2
•B h t2 j t1 i D i h t2 j .dx/ @ 0 •x 0 H .x/ j t1 i: (4.3.54)
x0 D t1
We also recall that a canonical conjugate momentum a .x/ is the zeroth component
of the field a .x/ as we have seen in (4.3.18), (4.3.27), (4.3.28). Accord-
ingly, (4.3.55) may be rewritten as
Z x 0 D t2
•B h t2 j t1 i D i h t2 j .dx/ @0 •x 0 L .x/ C a 0 .x/ •a .x/ j t1 i: (4.3.57)
x 0 D t1
This is the content of Noether’s Theorem . Of course the volume integral of j 0 .x/
simply gives the expression for Q in (4.3.59).
Finally, we note from (4.3.15), (4.3.28), (4.3.29), where • a .x/ corresponds to, a
priori, imposed arbitrary infinitesimal transformation, together with the expression
for the generator in (4.3.60) that the generator which induces transformation of the
fields for x ! x •x as well as other transformations, such as involved with
4.4 Inhomogeneous Lorentz Transformations and Energy-Momentum Tensor 159
•! a S .x/ a j1 i: (4.4.4)
which as a consequence of the symmetry in the last two terms in .; / is like
adding zero to the left-hand side. This suggests to set
i a
˝ .x/ D .S .x//a C a .S .x//a C a .S .x//a ; (4.4.6)
160 4 Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
which is antisymmetric in the indices .; / since S D S . On the other hand,
one may write
•! D Œ @ •x @ •x ; (4.4.7)
and hence
@ •! ˝ D @ Œ @ •x @ •x ˝ : (4.4.8)
@ Œ@ •x ˝ D @ ! ˝ D @ ! ˝ : (4.4.9)
The first term on the right-hand of the last equality is zero since ˝ is
antisymmetric in .; /, while @ @ is symmetric. Hence from (4.4.9), (4.4.10),
we may rewrite (4.4.8) as
•! •b •!
@ •! ˝ D @ ˝ C @ ˝ x @ ˝ :
2 2 2
The first term on the right-hand side is 1=2 of the left-hand side, and hence using,
in the process, the anti-symmetry property of •! , we get
@ •! ˝ D @ •b @ ˝ C Œ x @ ˝ x @ ˝ :
Finally note that
•x L .x/ a •x @ a .x/ D •x L .x/ a @ a .x/ : (4.4.13)
Hence from (4.4.5)/(4.4.6), (4.4.12), (4.4.13) and (4.4.1), we may rewrite (4.4.4)
in the form
Z 2
•h 2 j 1 i D h 2 j .dx/ @ j .x/ j 1 i; (4.4.14)
4.4 Inhomogeneous Lorentz Transformations and Energy-Momentum Tensor 161
j .x/ D •b T .x/ C x T .x/ x T .x/ ; (4.4.15)
T .x/ D L .x/ a @ a .x/ @ ˝ .x/: (4.4.16)
The first term on the right-hand side between the round brackets is referred to as
the canonical energy-momentum tensor.
We may set
to re-express j .x/ as
j .x/ D •b T .x/ C M .x/: (4.4.18)
Invoking invariance under inhomogeneous Lorentz transformations, and consid-
ering the hypersurface 2 deviating infinitesimally from the hypersurface 1 , about
a point x, gives, in a limiting sense, the local conservation law
@ j .x/ D 0: (4.4.19)
@ T .x/ D 0; (4.4.20)
@ M .x/ D 0: (4.4.21)
On the other hand, applying @ directly to (4.4.17) and using (4.4.20) give
J D d M .x/: (4.4.24)
G D •b P C J ; (4.4.27)
expressed in terms of the variables of the Lagrangian density with infinitesimal
variations •b , •! .
For applications to the Maxwell field and the Dirac field, see Problems 4.6, 4.7
and 4.8. See also Problem 4.9.
The unique and important role that the Spin and Statistics Connection plays not
only in physics but in all of the sciences, in general, and in the stability of matter
and hence in our own existence, cannot be overemphasized. The Periodic Table of
Elements in chemistry is based on the Pauli Exclusion Principle as a special case.
Without it matter would be simply unstable and collapse.7
The Spin & Statistics Connection arises naturally and self consistently by the
analysis of the action integral.
Suppose we are given a Lagrangian density having the structure
L .x/ D a .x/ Qa b @ b .x/ @ a .x/ Qa b b .x/ C F Œ .x/ ; (4.5.1)
where the field .x/ D . a .x// is real, L is of first order in the derivative of the
field and of first degree, i.e., linear in @ as shown, Q is a numerical matrix,
and F Œ .x/ depends on .x/. Hermiticity of L , as the latter is related to the
Hamiltonian, implies that
.Q / D Q : (4.5.2)
See also the introductory chapter to the book.
4.5 Spin and Statistics Connection 163
A complex field may be re-expressed as a real field with double the number
of components consisting of its real and imaginary parts. For example, a four-
component Dirac field may be re-expressed as a real one having eight components
as we have seen in (3.5.3), Sect. 3.5. By appropriately choosing the fields in the
theory to have even more components, such a first order Lagrangian density may, in
general, be constructed. For the Dirac field, the structure given in (4.5.1) is obvious.
The situation involved with other fields will be treated later. Further generalizations
of (4.5.1) will be also discussed at the end of this section dealing with constraints.
Any square matrix C may be written as the sum of a symmetric and an anti-
symmetric matrices S and A, i.e., C D S C A, with
and S> D S, A> D A. For a matrix C such that C D C, we also have
S D S, A D A.
Accordingly, we consider two systems for which
paying special attention to the order in which a variation • a .x/ appears relative to
the fields b .x/. As in (4.3.26), one has
Z 1
1 t2
•AŒ D .dx/ @ Œ a .x/ Qa b • b .x/ • a .x/ Qa b b .x/ C
2 t1 2
Z t2 1 Z t2
.dx/ Œ • a .x/ Qa b @ b .x/ @ a .x/ Qa b • b .x/ C .dx/ •F Œ.x/ ;
t1 2 t1
164 4 Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
with the order in which the variations • .x/ appear kept intact. Note that the
integrand of the first term is the integral of a total differential.
We set
Qa b D " Q b a ; (4.5.8)
with " D ˙1 corresponding to the two cases in (4.5.4). By using a property of the
Dirac delta function, the second integral on the right-hand side of (4.5.7) may, up to
the addition of a term proportional to the first integral, be expressed as
Z Z h i
1 t2 t2
.dx/ .dx0 / Qa b • a .x/ b .x0 /" b .x0 / • a .x/ @ 0 •.4/ .x0 x/: (4.5.9)
2 t1 t1
From this we learn that a c-number variation • a .x/ commuting with the fields
b .x/ is possible only for " D 1, i.e., for .Q /> D Q , while a variation
• a .x/ as a c-number Grassmann variable anti-commuting with the fields b .x/ is
possible only for " D C1, i.e., for .Q /> D Q . Otherwise the expression within
the square brackets in the integrand in (4.5.9) would be zero and no equations of
motion for the fields involving their derivatives will result.
Therefore we may write,
a1 : : : an • a : : : D ."/n • a a1 : : : an : : : ; (4.5.13)
up to numerical matrices, and where on the left-hand side of this equation we have
the product of n field components appearing to the left • a . Accordingly, we will
get the same expression for • F Œ .x/ as prescribed above, if we set up the rule
• F Œ .x/ D • a .x/ F Œ .x/ ; (4.5.14)
@ a .x/
4.5 Spin and Statistics Connection 165
with the partial derivative operating from the left and anti-commuting with the field
components for the case .Q /> D Q , and commuting for .Q /> D Q . The
partial derivative is simply defined by @ b .x/=@ a .x/ D •b a as opposed to a
functional derivative which also involves a Dirac delta function.
The principle of stationary action for arbitrary variations • a .x/ then gives the
field equations
Qa b @ b .x/ C F Œ .x/ D 0: (4.5.15)
@a .x/
• b .x 0 ; x/
G.x 0 / D d3 x a .x 0 ; x/ Q 0a b ; (4.5.17)
and G.t1 /, G.t2 / correspond to the variations • c .x/ of the field components on the
space-like boundary surfaces x 0 D t1 , x 0 D t2 , respectively, i.e., for fixed times.
As in Sect. 4.3.1, and as we will see at this section, G.x 0 / defines the generator for
such a transformation, at a given time x 0 , and accounts now for a change • c .x/=2
via a unitary operator U D 1 C i G, and U c .x/U D c .x/ • c .x/=2 leads to
• c .x/ 1
D Œ c .x/; G : (4.5.18)
2 i
From (4.5.10), (4.5.11) and (4.5.17), the above gives, at any given times x 0 D
x ,
Z • .x 0 /
• c .x/ 1
D Q 0a b d3 x 0 c .x/ a .x 0 / C " a .x 0 /c .x/
: (4.5.19)
2 i 2
One may, for example, consider the case where F Œ .x/ in (4.5.1) is of the form
F Œ .x/ D a Mab b ; (4.5.22)
where M is a Hermitian numerical matrix.
166 4 Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
4.5.1 Summary
Given a Lagrangian density as in (4.5.1), the statistics obeyed by the field in question
depends on the anti-hermitian matrix Q satisfying one of the conditions spelled out
in (4.5.4). In particular, we learn that a variation • a .x/ commuting with the fields
b .x/ is possible only for " D 1, i.e., for .Q /> D Q , while a variation
• a .x/ as a Grassmann variable anti-commuting with the fields b .x/ is possible
only for " D C1, i.e., for .Q /> D Q . In the first case the theory is quantized
via commutators derived in (4.5.20), while for the second case it is quantized via
anti-commutators derived in (4.5.21). The field equations are given in (4.5.15), and
the properties displayed in (4.5.23), (4.5.24) should be noted.
The method of investigation of the Spin and Statistics connection developed in
this section is referred to as Schwinger’s Constructive Approach.8
The above results have already been applied to the Dirac quantum field in
Sect. 3.5, and special cases are discussed below. Applications to other fields are
given in the next section. We first consider the Hamiltonian
Schwinger [11–15], See also Manoukian [6], pp. 953–964.
4.5 Spin and Statistics Connection 167
The expression for the variation induced on the fields • a .x/, under a time
displacement x 0 ! x 0 •x 0 D x 0 0 , as opposed to the ones • a .x/ that one may,
a priori, impose on them as done above, follows from the consideration
With H as the generator for time displacement via the unitary operator:
.1 i •x 0 H/, one has the induced variation • a .x/ D i Œ H; a .x/ •x 0 , or
i • H D ŒH; G ; (4.5.33)
4.5.3 Constraints
Finally we note that for higher spins because of constraints, such as ones arising
from gauge constraints, Lagrangian densities of the form in (4.5.1) may arise, where
the matrix Q may become dependent on the space derivative @ of arbitrary orders
and so does F , which would involve arbitrary orders of the space derivatives of the
fields. That is, they become replaced by Q .@/, F Œ.x/; @.x/ and are even in @:
Q .@/ D Q .@/ and the same for F . In particular, this means that @ operates
equally to the left or right. In such cases the relations in (4.5.20), (4.5.21), with
x0 D x 0 0 , become simply replaced by
and the field equations are readily handled as will be seen later.
The Quantum Dynamical Principle (QDP) gives rise to a powerful and elegant
formalism for studying dynamics in field theory and for carrying out all sorts of
computations. It is particularly easy to apply and provides, in a compact way,
a method for considering variations of so-called transformation functions, such
as transition amplitudes, with respect to parameters that may appear in a theory
as coupling parameters, as well as of variations with respect to external sources
coupled to the underlying fields.
In the above sense, out of the QDP a functional differential formalism emerges
for quantum field theory, where the dynamics is investigated and physical aspects
of the theory are extracted simply by functional differentiations of some given
generating functionals. In turn, it provides tremendous physical insight and an easy
way for studying basic processes in a theory as particles/anti-particles move from
emission to detection regions in a way similar to experimental situations.
By a functional Fourier transform (§ 2.6), the QDP also gives rise to its path
integral counterpart, appropriately referred to as the path integral formalism,
where continual integrations are to be carried out instead of differentiations of the
differential QDP formalism, as will be seen in Chaps. 5 and 6.
The purpose of this section is to derive the QDP from first principles. Applica-
tions of this will be given in various stages, and some applications were already
carried out in Sect. 3.3 and in Sect. 3.6. The reader will conveniently find a direct
summary suitable for practical applications of the QDP at the end of this section.
Suppose one has a Hamiltonian H.t; / depending on some parameters, denoted
collectively by , such as coupling parameters and external sources that we wish
to vary. The Hamiltonian may have an explicit time dependence assumed to come
from such parameters. That is, the explicit time dependence is of numerical nature
unaffected by transformations applied to operators in the underlying vector space in
which H.t; / operates. We may, in turn, introduce the Hamiltonian H.t; 0/, and
corresponding time development unitary operators U .t; /, U .t; 0/, associated
with the two Hamiltonians, satisfying
d d
i U .t; / D U .t; / H.t; /; i U .t; 0/ D U .t; 0/ H.t; 0/: (4.6.1)
dt dt
The Hamiltonian H.t; 0/ may also depend on some other parameters that we do not
wish to vary. H.t; 0/, in general denotes the renormalized free Hamiltonian, that is
the free Hamiltonian expressed in terms of physically measurable quantities.
4.6 Quantum Dynamical Principle (QDP) of Field Theory 169
h a ; j D h a; D 0 j U .; 0/ U.; /; (4.6.2)
i h a ; I t j D h a ; I t j H.t; /; (4.6.4)
and has the remarkable property that for t D , it simply becomes
h a ; I t j ˇ D h a; D 0 j U .; 0/ U.; / U .; / D h a; D 0 I j :
In practice, one may choose ! ˙1, with the states h a ˙ 1; I t j describing
scattering states. The reason why they are referred to as scattering states is that
from (4.6.5),
h a ; j D h a; D 0 j V.; /: (4.6.8)
i V .t; / D U .t; /ŒH.t; / H.t; 0/U.t; 0/; (4.6.9)
with ŒH.t; /H.t; 0/ denoting the part of the Hamiltonian depending on coupling
parameters and external sources that we wish to vary, which, as mentioned above,
170 4 Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
dh i
i V.2 ; /V .; /V.; 0 /V .1 ; 0 /
h i
D V.2 ; / U .; / H.; / H.; 0 / U.; 0 / V .1 ; 0 /: (4.6.10)
relating the Schrödinger to the Heisenberg pictures, where now .t/, .t/, may
depend on . The parameters and the numerical t- dependence in H.:; :; ; t/ are
not affected by the transformation. Accordingly, (4.6.13) may be rewritten as
Z 2
•h b 2 ; j a 1 ; i D i h b 2 ; j d •H.; / j a; 1 ; i; (4.6.16)
provided it is understood that in the variation •H.; /, with respect to any of the
components of , the fields ./, ./ are kept fixed as dictated by the expression
in the integrand in (4.6.13) and by the steps going from (4.6.13), (4.6.14), (4.6.15)
and (4.6.16).
To simplify the notation we will use the notation h b t j for the - dependent
states h b t; j as no confusion may arise.
Equation (4.6.16) is the celebrated Schwinger Dynamical Principle also known
as the Quantum Dynamical Principle, for parameters and external source variations,
expressed in terms of the Hamiltonian and of the - dependent interacting states
h b j; j a i. The interesting thing to note is that although these states depend on ,
in the variation of h b 2 j a 1 i, with respect to , the entire variation on the right-
hand side of (4.6.16) is applied directly to the Hamiltonian (with the fields ./,
./ kept fixed). This is thanks to the key identity derived in (4.6.10).
We also consider variations of the matrix elements of an arbitrary function of the
variables indicated
V.2 ; / B.; / V .1 ; /
D V.2 ; / V .; / U .; 0/ B.; ; ; / U.; 0/ V.; / V .1 ; /; (4.6.18)
where •B.; / is defined the same way as •H.; /, i.e., by varying and keeping
the fields .t/, .t/ fixed.
Using the definition of the time-ordered product
•H. 0 ; /B.; / C
D •H. 0 ; /B.; / . 0 / C B.; /•H. 0 ; / . 0 /;
and taking the matrix element of (4.6.19) between the states ha; D 0 j, j b; D 0i,
as before, the following equation emerges
•h b 2 j B.; / j a 1 i
Z 2
D i h b 2 j d 0 •H. 0 ; / B.; / C j a 1 i C h b 2 j •B.; / j a 1 i:
with a summation over the fields in the first term on the right-hand side
understood. The canonical conjugate momenta .x/ of the fields are defined
L ..t/; .t/;
P ; t/ L ..t/; .t/
P •.t/;
P ; t/ D d3 x .x/•.t/:
P (4.6.23)
where the first term on the left-hand side comes from the variation of L , with
respect to .t/,
P as given in (4.6.23), and hence
•L j D •H j: (4.6.25)
Here it is important to note that •L j denotes variation with respect to keeping
.t/, .t/
P fixed, while •H j denotes variation with respect to keeping .t/, .t/
Consider the following two types of dependent fields:
1. Fields for which their canonical conjugate momenta vanish and for which the
Euler-Lagrange equations give rise to constraints for them allowing one to
eliminate them in favor of the independent fields .x/ and the corresponding
4.6 Quantum Dynamical Principle (QDP) of Field Theory 173
L..t/; .t/;
P %.t/; ; t/ D L ..t/; .t/;
P ; t/: (4.6.26)
R 0
The variation of the action dt L.t; / with respect to , with .t/, .t/
P kept
fixed, comes from the explicit dependence of L.t; / on , and may also come from
the dependence of % on , as arising from the corresponding constraint equations.
The fields % satisfy Euler-Lagrange equation obtained by carrying out functional
derivatives of the action
Z x00 D 0
E% .x/ .dx0 / L .x0 ; / D 0; (4.6.27)
•%.x/ x00 D
Z 0 Z 0
dt •L.t; /j D dt •L .t; /j; (4.6.30)
where •L.t; /j stands for variations with respect to , with .t/, .t/ P as well as
the dependent fields %.t/ all kept fixed.
In particular, upon taking the limits 1 ! 1; 2 ! C1, and using the
notations ja i for ja 1 i; hbCj for h b 2 j, in these limits, (4.6.16), (4.6.25), (4.6.28),
(4.6.30), lead to
•h bC j a i D i h bC j .dx/ •L .x; / j a i: (4.6.31)
The variations in •L .x; / in (4.6.31), with respect to , are from (4.6.28) carried
out by keeping the independent fields .x/ and the dependent fields %.x/ as well as
the derivatives @ .x/, r%.x/ all kept fixed.
Equation (4.6.31) is another version of the Schwinger Dynamical Principle, also
known as the Quantum Dynamical Principle (QDP), for parameters and external
source variations, expressed in terms of the Lagrangian density L .x; / and the
-dependent interacting states hbC j, j a i.
The expression for the QDP in (4.6.31) takes on a particular simple and a very
useful form by choosing H.t; 0/ H0 to be the free time-independent Hamiltonian,
and j a; D 0i, j b; D 0i its ground (vacuum) state: H 0 j 0i D 0. This gives for
the variation of the vacuum-to-vacuum transition amplitude
•h 0C j 0 i D i h 0C j .dx/ •L .x; / j 0 i: (4.6.32)
One should note that other standard notations for the vacuum-to-vacuum tran-
sition amplitude h 0C j 0 i one may encounter are h 0 out j 0 ini, h vac.out/ j
vac.in/i. As we have already seen in Sect. 3.6, h 0C j 0 i is not necessarily just a
phase factor.
The very compact equation in (4.6.32) provides a wealth of information in
quantum field theory and is of central importance in applications as we have
witnessed in Sect. 3.3 and in Sect. 3.6, and as will be seen again and again in later
sections and subsequent chapters.
4.6 Quantum Dynamical Principle (QDP) of Field Theory 175
where L0 .x/, LI .x/ may denote the free and interacting parts, K.x/ is an external
(c-number) source, and a coupling parameter. Hence
h bC j a i D i h bC j .dx/ LI .x/ j a i; (4.6.34)
K.x 0 / D •.4/ .x 0 x/: (4.6.36)
4.6.1 Summary
The scalar field is just a field which remains invariant under Lorentz transformations: 0 .x 0 / D
.x/. Details on basic fields are given in the next section.
176 4 Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
where the variation •L .x; / is carried out on the explicit dependence of L .x; /
on , that is all the fields and their derivatives in it are kept fixed.
We may also be given a function F..x/; .x/; %.x/; / of the independent
fields .x/, their canonical conjugate momenta .x/, and, as denoted, perhaps of
dependent fields %.x/ and of . Suppose through constraint equations as obtained,
for example, from the Euler-Lagrange equations, the dependent fields may be
expressed in terms of ; , and at most of their spatial derivatives, and may be
of (the components) of . Let the resulting expression for F be denoted simply
by B.x; /. Then the variation of h 0C j B.x; / j 0 i with respect to any of the
components of is given by
•h 0C j B.x; / j 0 i D ih 0Cj .dx 0 / •L .x 0 ; /B.x; / Cj 0 i C h 0C j •B.x; / j 0 i:
where the variation •B.x; / is carried out with ; , together with their spatial
derivatives if any, kept fixed. Also . : /C , as usual, denotes time-ordering. The
second term will give a contribution only if B.x; / depends explicitly on . In such
cases the variation of the above matrix element will pick up a contribution coming
from the second term on theright-hand side in addition to the first integral involving
the time ordered products •L .x 0 ; /B.x; / C . This causes some complications
in the quantization of non-abelian gauge theories, and some abelian ones as well,
but is easily handled by the application of (4.6.38), and is the origin of the so-
called Faddeev-Popov factor, and its generalizations. These intricate details will
be worked out later for such theories. An elementary application of this is given
in Sect. 4.8 as well as other applications are given in coming chapters.10 The path
integral formalism will be also considered.
This section deals with the basic quantum fields one often encounters in quantum
field theory/high-energy physics. The fields in question are of spin 0, 1, 3/2 and 2, for
massive and massless particles. The relevant technical details are relegated to their
corresponding subsections that follow. The technical details concerning spin 1/2,
the Dirac field, however, are spelled out in Chap. 3, while that of the massless spin
1, the photon, are the subject matter of Chap. 5. Needless to say, the corresponding
subsections to follow of all these fields, form an integral part of this section and
There is a long history with the quantum dynamical principle, see, Schwinger [10, 12, 14, 15],
Lam [1], and Manoukian [3, 4].
4.7 A Panorama of Fields 177
should be read simultaneously with the text material. We now proceed to summarize
some of the salient features of all these fields.
Spin 0:
The Lagrangian density of a Hermitian scalar field ' with corresponding field
equation are
1 m2 2
L .x/ D @ '.x/@ '.x/ ' .x/ W . C m2 / '.x/ D 0; (4.7.1)
2 2
while the propagator is given by
Z 0
.dp/ eip .xx /
i hvac j '.x/'.x 0 / C j vaci D
C .x x 0 / D ; (4.7.2)
.2/4 p2 C m2 i
and satisfies
Z 0
.dp/ eip .xx /
i hvac j '.x/ ' .x 0 / C j vaci D
C .x x 0 / D :
.2/4 p 2 C m2 i
Spin 1/2:
The Lagrangian density and the field equations are
L .x/ D .x/ @ .x/ .@ /.x/ .x/ m .x/ .x/; (4.7.11)
@ @
C m .x/ D 0; .x/ C m D 0; (4.7.12)
i i
while the local anti-commutativity relation is
0 @ 1
f a .x/; b .x /g D Cm
.x x 0 /; (4.7.13)
i ab i
@ @
0 .4/ 0 0
C m SC .x x / D ı .x x /; SC .x x/ C m D ı .4/ .x 0 x/:
i i
In the presence of external sources ; : L .x/ ! L .x/ C .x/ .x/ C .x/.x/,
the vacuum-to-vacuum transition amplitude is given by
h Z i
h 0C j 0C i D exp i .dx/.dx 0 / .x/ SC .x x 0 / .x 0 / : (4.7.16)
Spin 1:
˘ m ¤ 0:
For a Hermitian massive vector field V the Lagrangian density may be defined
1 m2
L .x/ D F .x/F .x/ V .x/ V .x/; F .x/ D @ V .x/ @ V .x/;
4 2
4.7 A Panorama of Fields 179
@ F C m2 V D 0; ) @ V D 0; . C m2 / V D 0; (4.7.18)
Œ V .x/; V .x 0 / D i
.x x 0 /; (4.7.19)
. C m2 / C @ @ 4 C .x x 0 / D ı ı .4/ .x x 0 /: (4.7.21)
˘ m D 0:
For a massless (Hermitian) vector field in the presence of an external source K ,
the Lagrangian density in covariant gauges may be taken as
L D F F @ V C 2 C K V ; F D @ V @ V ; (4.7.23)
4 2
and is a field, referred to an auxiliary field, which may be eliminated and specifies
the gauge. The field equations are:
@ V D ; @ F D K C .1 /@ ; D @ K ; (4.7.24)
.dp/ h p p i eip .xx /
D .x x / D .1 / 2 ; (4.7.26)
.2/4 p p2 i
and is the covariant photon propagator for K D 0. Also the gauges defined by
D 1; D 0; D 3, are, respectively, referred to as the Feynman gauge, the
Landau gauge and the Yennie-Fried gauge.
In the so-called Coulomb gauge: @i V i .x/ D 0 as applied to the lagrangian
L D F F C K V ; (4.7.27)
the field equations are:
@ F D j 2 @j @ K ; (4.7.28)
hi Z i
h 0C j 0 i D exp .dx/.dx 0 /K .x/DC .x x 0 /K .x 0 / ; (4.7.29)
0 .dQ/ iQ .xx 0 /
DC .x x /D e DC .Q/; (4.7.30)
.2 /4
1 Qi Qj 1
D00 ; D0Ci .Q/ D 0;
C .Q/ D ; DC .Q/ D ı ij (4.7.31)
Q2 Q 2 Q2 i
defines the propagator in the Coulomb gauge for K D 0. For a conserved external
current source @ K D 0,
hi Z i
h 0C j 0 i D exp .dx/.dx 0 /K .x/DC .x x 0 /K .x 0 / ; (4.7.32)
Z 0
0 .dp/ eip .xx /
DC .x x / D : (4.7.33)
.2/4 p2 i
Spin 3=2:
˘ m ¤ 0:
The Lagrangian density of a massive spin 3/2 field, also referred to as the Rarita-
! !
Schwinger field,11 may be taken as . @ @ , @ D @ @ /
1 ! ! ! !
L D @ @ C @ C . @ /
h i
m C ; (4.7.34)
Schwinger [18, p. 191] and Rarita and Schwinger [8].
4.7 A Panorama of Fields 181
with a carrying both a spinor index and a Lorentz one. The field equations are
given by
h @ @ @ @ i
C m C C C m .x/ D 0;
i i i i
or equivalently
Cm .x/ D 0; .x/ D 0; ) @ .x/ D 0; (4.7.36)
and with local anti-commutation relation
0 1 @
f a .x/; b .x /g D
.x x 0 /; (4.7.37)
i i
@ @ @ @ 1 @ @ @
D C m C C C m
C ;
i i m2 3 im i im
and satisfies
h @ @ @ @ i
C m C C C m
C bc .x x 0 /
i i i i ab
D ıac ı ı .4/ .x x 0 /:
In the presence of external sources K ; K , with L .x/ ! L .x/CK .x/ .x/
C .x/K .x/,
h 0C j 0 i D exp i .dx/.dx 0 /K a .x/
C ab .x x 0 / Kb .x 0 / : (4.7.43)
182 4 Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
˘ m D 0:
The Lagrangian density for m D 0, in the presence of external sources, may be
taken as . @ @ , r i @i , D @ @ /12
1 ! ! ! !
L D @ @ C @ C . @ / CK C K :
r 0
i i
D i K 0; (4.7.45)
0 1 @ 0 1 h@ i r ii 0
D K C K i; (4.7.46)
2 r2 i 2r 2 i i
@ ij j h @i r ii 0
D ˛ K 2
C K 0; (4.7.47)
i 2r i i
1 i k @ i @ k ` k `j @ ` @ j
˛ ij D ı 2 ı 2 : (4.7.48)
2 r r
The vacuum-to-vacuum transition amplitude becomes
h 0C j 0 i D exp i .dx/.dx 0 /K a .x/DC ab .x x 0 /Kb .x 0 /; (4.7.49)
.dp/ ip .xx 0 /
DC ab .x x 0 / D
e DC ab . p/; (4.7.50)
. p/ ij 1 i k p i p k ` p k `j p` p j
DC ij . p/ D 2 ˛ . p/ D 2 ı 2 ı 2 ;
p i
p i
p 2 p
1 i k p i p k ` k `j p ` p j 1
˛ ij . p/ D ı 2 ı 2 ; DC 0 0 . p/ D 2 . p/;
2 p p 2p
1 i 1 i
DC 0 i . p/ D 2
p C p i 0 ; DC i 0 . p/ D 2
p C p i 0;
2p 2p
defines the propagator for K D 0; K D 0.
The massless Rarita-Schwinger field treatment is based on Manoukian [7].
4.7 A Panorama of Fields 183
Spin 2:
˘ m ¤ 0:
The Lagrangian density of a massive Hermitian spin 2 field may be taken as
L D @ U @ U C @ U @ U @ U @ U
1 m2
C @ U @ U U U U U ; (4.7.54)
2 2
where U D U , U U , and leads to the field equations
. C m2 /U˛ˇ C @˛ @ U ˇ C @ˇ @ U ˛ @˛ @ˇ U
˛ˇ . C m2 /U C @ @ U D 0: (4.7.55)
L D @ U @ U C @ U @ U @ U @ U
C @ U @ U C T U : (4.7.59)
A covariant gauge treatment of massless spin 2 dealing with the graviton will be
carried out in Sect. 2.3.1 of Volume II. On the other hand, in a Coulomb-like gauge
@i U i D 0, where U D U , U U , the propagator is given by
I 0 .dp/ ip .xx 0 / I
DC .x x / D e DC . p/; (4.7.60)
184 4 Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
ij I k` .p/ p ip j
ij I k`
DC . p/ D ij .p/ D ı ij 2 ;
; (4.7.61)
p2 i
1 ik
ij I k` .p/ D .p/ j ` .p/ C i ` .p/ j k .p/ ij .p/ k ` .p/ ; (4.7.62)
ij I 00 1 00 I 00 1 p2
DC . p/ D ij .p/; DC . p/ D ; (4.7.63)
2 p2 2 p2 p2
0iI0k 1 00 I 0 i 0 i Ij k
DC . p/ D i k .p/; DC . p/ D 0; DC . p/ D 0: (4.7.64)
2 p2
hiZ i
h 0C j 0 i D exp .dx/.dx 0 /T .x/DC .x x 0 /T .x 0 / : (4.7.65)
4.7.2 Spin 0
A scalar field '.x/ remains invariant under a Lorentz transformation, and hence, in
particular, under an infinitesimal one
Or finally as
i x @ x @
•'.x/ D •! ; (4.7.70)
2 i
4.7 A Panorama of Fields 185
where x @ x @ =i corresponds to the orbital angular momentum, and a spin
The field equation, in the presence of an external source K.x/, is defined by
which may obtained from the Lagrangian density for a Hermitian scalar field '.x/,
1 1
L .x/ D @ '.x/ @ '.x/ m2 '.x/2 C K.x/'.x/: (4.7.72)
2 2
4 2
The latter is defined as the vacuum expectation value of a time ordered product as
i h 0C j '.x/'.x 0 / C j 0 iˇ
D 4C .x x 0 /: (4.7.78)
KD0;K D0
P 0 / D i ı 3 .x x 0 /;
Œ '.x/; '.x x 0 D x 0 0: (4.7.79)
To discuss the spin and statistics connection, consider a first order formulation,
with Lagrangian density
1 1 1 m2 2
L D F @ ' ' @ F @ ' F @ F '/ C F F ' ;
4 4 2 2
186 4 Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
which leads to
.Q / D Q ; D ; (4.7.86)
establishing the Bose character of the field.13 Here matrix multiplication is defined,
e.g, as D a a b b . The field equation and the equal-time commutation
relation that follow from this formalism are (see Sect. 4.5)
ˇ C m D 0; ı.x 0 x 0 0 / Œ a .x/; b .x 0 / Q0b c D i ıac ı .4/ .x x 0 /;
See (4.5.2), (4.5.20), (4.5.22), and (4.5.23).
4.7 A Panorama of Fields 187
and, in turn, lead to the field equation (for K D 0), and the equal-time commutation
relation given in (4.7.71) and (4.7.79), respectively. In addition it gives rise to the
local commutativity relation
By an analysis very similar to the one carried out for the Dirac field leading
to (3.5.12), we also have the general commutation relation
. C m2 / .x x 0 / D 0; (4.7.93)
188 4 Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
1 m2
L D @ ' @ ' C @ ' @ ' ' ' C ' ' C K ' C ' K;
2 2
h Z i
h 0C j 0 i D exp i .dx/.dx 0 /K .x/4C .x x 0 /K.x 0 / ; (4.7.98)
and for K D 0; K D 0,
i h 0C j '.x/' .x 0 / C j 0 i D 4C .x x 0 /; (4.7.99)
4.7.3 Spin 1
. C m2 /V D 0; @ V D 0 (4.7.101)
We consider the case m ¤ 0. The massless case, is the subject matter of Chap. 5,
dealing with the photon. We will see that the above two equations describe a massive
spin 1 particle.
The above equations, for a Hermitian vector field, may be obtained from the
Lagrangian density
1 m2
L D F F V V ; F D @ V @ V ; (4.7.102)
4 2
leading to
@ F C m2 V D 0: (4.7.103)
Upon taking the partial drivative @ of the above equation, using the anti-symmetry
of F , and dividing, in the process, by m2 , lead to the two equations in (4.7.101).
4.7 A Panorama of Fields 189
1 m2
L D F F V V C K V ; (4.7.104)
4 2
the field equations
. C m2 / C @ @ V D K ; (4.7.105)
lead, in turn, to
h 0C j V .x/ j 0 i D .dx 0 /4 C .x x 0 /K .x 0 /h 0C j 0 i (4.7.106)
.i/ h 0C j 0 i D .dx 0 /4 C .x x 0 /K .x 0 /h 0C j 0 i: (4.7.107)
•K .x/
hiZ i
h 0C j 0 i D exp .dx/.dx 0 /K .x/4 C .x x 0 /K .x/ ;
where the propagator 4 C .x x 0 / is given by
eik.xx / k k
4 C .x x 0 / D C 2 : (4.7.109)
.2/4 k2 C m2 i
V0 D @ k F k0 : (4.7.110)
D D F D F ; (4.7.111)
@.@ V /
V0 D @k k ; (4.7.112)
with k D F k0 denoting the canonical conjugate momenta of V k , and
ı.x 0 x 0 / Œ V .x/; F .x 0 / D i 0 0 ı .4/ .x x 0 /; (4.7.118)
Œ V .x/; V .x 0 / D i
.x x 0 /: (4.7.119)
1 ij k
Œ S k a b D " Œ Sij a b ; (4.7.123)
Œ S2 a c D Œ Sk a b Œ Sk b c D 2 ı a c ; (4.7.124)
establishing the spin s D 1 character of the vector field, with components satisfying
the well known commutations relations,
Œ S i ; Sj D i " ij k S k : (4.7.125)
4.7 A Panorama of Fields 191
It is interesting to note that the rotation matrix in Sect. 2.2 for the c.w. rotation of a
3-vector by an angle about a unit vector n may be rewritten as
R D expŒ i n S : (4.7.127)
Polarization vectors may be defined for a massive vector particle e ; D
1; 0; 1, satisfying
e e 0 D ı0 ; p e D 0; p 2 D m2 ; (4.7.128)
having expressions
1 p
e C D .0; eC /; e D .0; e /; e0 D jpj; p 0 ; (4.7.130)
im jpj
e ˙ D e
; e0 D e0: (4.7.131)
A first order description of the vector field is given by the Lagrangian density
1 ! 1 ! 1 m2
L D F @ V C V @ F C F F V V : (4.7.132)
4 4 4 2
p p p F 01 F 02 F 03 p F 12 F 13 F 23
. a / D m V 1; m V 2; m V 3; p ; p ; p ; m V 0; p ; p ; p :
m m m m m m
In particular, the term involving the time derivative in (4.7.132) is given by
0 1
0 I
1 a 0 ! b 0
.Q /a b @ 0 ; Q 0 D @ I 0 A ; (4.7.134)
0 0
See also Problem 4.10.
192 4 Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
where the propagator 4 C .x x 0 / is given in (4.7.109).
The first equation in (4.7.137) together with the constraint on its right-hand side,
may be obtained from the single equation15
h @ @ @ @ i
C m C C C m .x/ D K .x/;
i i i i
This is not the only equation which leads to the equations in (4.7.137). For example,
expressions within brackets in (4.7.139) replaced by .@=i C m/ .1=3/ @ =i C
@ =i C .1=3/ @=i C m , also leads to the equations in question. This merely
gives rise to adding a non-propagating term to the propagator in (4.7.144), i.e., a non-singular
contribution on the mass shell p2 D m2 , see Problem 4.11.
4.7 A Panorama of Fields 193
for K D 0. For greater generality and for easily deriving the expression for the
propagator, we have introduced a source term K in the above equation.
Upon comparison of the two equation obtained by multiplying the above
equation by and @ , respectively, one obtains for m ¤ 0
1 @
D 2 K; (4.7.140)
3m im
@ @ @ K
@ D 2 K C : (4.7.141)
3m im m
By substituting, in turn, these two equations in (4.7.139), gives
@ 1h @ @ 2 @ @ i
Cm D K C C C 2 K :
i 3 im im m i i
h 1 p p 2 i
. p/ D . p C m/ C C C 2 p p
3 m m m
p p
1 p p
D . p C m/ C C C . p C m/
C :
m2 3 m m
The field equations in (4.7.142) may be obtained from the Lagrangian density
1 ! ! ! !
L D @ @ C @ C . @ /
h i
m C C K C K ; (4.7.146)
where D 0 as usual.
From the QDP, h 0C j a .x/ j 0 i D i •=•K a .x/ h 0C j 0 i, we may
integrate (4.7.143) to obtain
h 0C j 0 i D exp i .dx/.dx 0 /K a .x/
C ab .x x 0 / Kb .x 0 / : (4.7.147)
194 4 Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
For K D 0; K D 0, the field equation (4.7.142), together with the conditions
in (4.7.140), (4.7.141) lead to a constraint on the components of i as well (see
Problems 4.12 and 4.13), given by
h @i r i
C m i i
.x/ D 0; (4.7.148)
i i
involving no time derivatives. This constraint may be taken into account in setting
up the equal-time anti-commutator of the spatial components i .x/ by defining
1 i j @j @i 2 @i @j
ˇ ij D ı ij C i C j C 2 ; (4.7.149)
3 im im m i i
satisfying the constraint equation
h@ i r i
C m i ˇ ij D 0: (4.7.150)
i i
The term involving the time derivative in (4.7.146) is given by
ˇ 1 ij !
L ˇtime der: D i
ı C i j @ 0 j
: (4.7.151)
But not all the components of i are independent due to the constraint in (4.7.148).
Thus we may introduce a field with components j .x/, and set
h@ i r i
.x/ D ˇ ij j .x/; C m i i
.x/ D 0; (4.7.152)
i i
from which (4.7.151) becomes
ˇ 1 !
L ˇtime der: D i
ı ij C i j ˇ j k @ 0 k .x/; i
D .ˇ ij j .x// ;
and we may vary the components of k .x/ independently.
We now use the identity
ij h 1 j k @k @j 2 @ j @ k i
ı C i j ı jk C Cj k C 2
3 im im m i i
h @i r i 1 2 k
D ıi k Ci m k @ ; (4.7.154)
i i 3m 3 m2
together with the constraint (4.7.148) as applied to
h @i i
i r
C m D 0; (4.7.155)
i i
4.7 A Panorama of Fields 195
to infer from (4.7.153), that the canonical conjugate momentum of jc .x/ is simply
j j
i c . Thus the equal-time anti-commutation relations of kc and of i b is simply
given by
D i ıcb ı kj ı 3 .x x 0 /;
f kc .x/; i b .x /g (4.7.156)
D ˇa b ı 3 .x x 0 /; x0 D x 00
j ij
f a .x/;
b .x /g
j 0
f a .x/;
b .x /g D .ˇ ij 0 /a b ı 3 .x x 0 /; x 0 D x 0 0; (4.7.157)
generalizing that of the Dirac theory in (3.5.11) by taking into account of the con-
straint in (4.7.152). Since 0 D 0 i i this gives rise to the anti-commutations
relations of all the components .
Accordingly, as for the Dirac theory in (3.5.12), we have, from (4.7.154),
(4.7.155), (4.7.157), (4.7.145), the following general anti-commutation relations16
0 1 @
f a .x/; b .x /g D
.x x 0 /; (4.7.158)
i ab i
@ @ @ @ 1 @ @ @
D C m C C C m
C :
i i m2 3 im i im
p p X
C D e e D e e ; (4.7.161)
D1;0;1 D1;0;1
Note that from (4.7.149)
h 1 i j @j @i 2 @ i @ j i
ˇ ij D 0 ı ij C C i j C 2
3 im im m i i
i j
@ @ 1 @ i @j
D 0 ı ij 2 C iC 0 jC :
m 3 im im
196 4 Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
p X p
C D e e C . p C m/ ; (4.7.162)
m m2
. p C m/ D 5 . p C m/ 5 ; (4.7.163)
. p C m/ X
D u.; p/ u.; p/; (4.7.164)
establishing the spin 3/2 character of the field. A similar analysis may be carried out
for P , with the Dirac spinors replaced by the v ones.
For a massless field .m D 0/, the Lagrangian density (4.7.146) becomes17
1 ! ! ! !
L D @ @ C @ C . @ / CK C K :
The massless Rarita-Schwinger field treatment is based on Manoukian [7].
4.7 A Panorama of Fields 197
@i a .x/
D 0: (4.7.174)
ij j 1 i r @i
D ˛ ab U b b ; (4.7.175)
2 r2 ab
@ i @ j 1 i r @ i j r @ j
˛ ij D ı ij 2 C ; (4.7.176)
r 2 r2 r2
1 @i@s @`@j
D ı i s 2 ` s ı `j 2 ; (4.7.177)
2 r r
@ i ˛ ij D 0; @j ˛ ij D 0; i ˛ ij D 0; ˛ ij j D 0; ˛ ij ˛ j k D ˛ i k : (4.7.178)
Also i defined in (4.7.175), satisfies the constraint in (4.7.174). One may now
vary U j ; ; 0 , and as seen below, this will lead not only to field equations but to
additional (derived) constraints.
To the above end, it is most convenient to express the field in the form
h 1 i r i i
D ı 0 0
C ı i ˛ ij U j @ ; (4.7.179)
2 r2
h j
0 1 i r @ i i
D 0 C U ˛
i : (4.7.180)
r 0
i i
D i K0 ; (4.7.181)
0 1 @ 0 1 h@ i r ii 0
D K C Ki ; (4.7.182)
2r 2 i 2r 2 i i
198 4 Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
@ ij j h@ i r ii 0
D ˛ K C K0 : (4.7.183)
i 2r 2 i i
Thus we derive, in particular, the constraints i i D 0, D 0, for K D 0.
Upon taking the matrix elements h 0C j : j 0 i of the expressions
in (4.7.182), (4.7.183), and using the fact that
h 0C j a .x/ j 0 i D .i/ h 0C j 0 i;
•K a .x/
where the propagator DC ab .x x 0 / is given by
.dp/ ip .xx 0 /
DC ab .x x 0 / D e DC ab . p/; (4.7.185)
with . p D p , p D i pi /
. p/ ij 1 ik p i p k ` p k `j p ` p j
DC ij . p/ D ˛ . p/ D ı 2 ı 2 ;
p2 i
p2 i
p 2 p
1 ij p i p k ` k `j p ` p j
˛ ij . p/ D ı 2 ı 2 ; (4.7.187)
2 p p
DC 0 0 . p/ D . p/; (4.7.188)
2p 2
1 i
DC 0 i . p/ D 2
p C p i 0; (4.7.189)
1 i
DC i 0 . p/ D p C p i 0: (4.7.190)
2p 2
1 ij @ i @ k ` k `j @ ` @ j 3
f i
.x/; j
.x 0 /g D ı 2 ı 2 ı .x x 0 /; x 0 D x 0 0 :
2 r r
Consider the numerator of the propagator DC ij . p/ in (4.7.186), and set
p i p k ` p k `j p ` p j
ıi k ı 2 D PC ij . p/; p 0 D jp j: (4.7.192)
p2 2 p
4.7.5 Spin 2
We will show that this system describes a massive spin 2 particle. The above
equations may be derived from the single equation
. C m2 / U˛ˇ C @˛ @ U ˇ C @ˇ @ U ˛ @˛ @ˇ U
˛ˇ . C m2 / U C @ @ U D T˛ˇ ; (4.7.195)
1 h1 ˛ 1 2 @ @ i
@ ˛ U˛ˇ D
˛ ˇ C
˛ ˇ @ @
ˇ @ˇ T ;
m2 2 3 3 m2
2 h1 ˛ @˛ @ˇ ˛ˇ i
UD T ˛ C T ; (4.7.197)
3 m2 2 m2
h1 1 1 i
. C m2 / U˛ˇ D ˛ ˇ C ˛ ˇ ˛ˇ T ; (4.7.198)
2 2 3
200 4 Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
L D @ U @ U C @ U @ U @ U @ U
1 m2
C @ U @ U U U U U C T U : (4.7.200)
2 2
Upon writing the vacuum expectation values of (4.7.198) in the form
h 0C j U .x/ j 0 i D .dx 0 / C
.x x 0 / T .x 0 /h 0C j 0 i; (4.7.201)
the propagator C .x x 0 / is readily extracted to be
I .dp/ ip .xx 0 / I
C .x x 0 / D e C . p/; (4.7.202)
I . p/ . p/ C 12 . p/ . p/ 13 . p/ . p/
C . p/ D ;
p 2 C m2 i
p p
. p/ D C 2 ; (4.7.204)
and the vacuum-to-vacuum transition amplitude takes the usual form
hiZ i
h 0C j 0 i D exp .dx/.dx 0 /T ˛ˇ .x/C˛ˇI .x x 0 /T .x 0 / : (4.7.205)
Consider the numerator of the propagator C˛ˇI . p/ in (4.7.203)/(4.7.205),
and set
1 ˛ 1 1
P ˛ˇI . p/ D . p/ˇ . p/ C ˛ . p/ˇ . p/ ˛ˇ . p/ . p/;
2 2 3
for a particle on the mass shell p0 D p2 C m2 . Using the completeness relation
in (4.7.129), the above expression may be rewritten as
Xh 1 ˇ ˇ
1 ˛ ˇ i
P ˛ˇI D e ˛ e e 0 e 0 C e ˛ e e 0 e 0 e e e 0 e 0 :
2 3
; 0
4.7 A Panorama of Fields 201
Finally the conditions e ˙ D e
; e 0 D e 0 given in (4.7.131), give rise to
the decomposition
P ˛ˇI D u˛ˇ ./ u ./; D 2; 1; 0; 1; 2; (4.7.208)
u˛ˇ .2/ D e C
e C; u˛ˇ .2/ D e
˛ ˇ
e ; (4.7.209)
1 1
ˇ ˇ ˇ
u˛ˇ .1/ D p e ˛0 e C C e ˛C e 0 ; u˛ˇ .1/ D p e ˛0 e ˇ
C e ˛ e 0 ;
2 2
˛ˇ 2 ˛ ˇ 1 ˛ ˇ 1 ˛ ˇ
u .0/ D e e p eC e p e e C; (4.7.211)
3 0 0 6 6
1 1
L D @ U @ U C @ U @ U @ U @ U C @ U @ U C T U :
2 2
For T D 0, the Lagrangian density is, up to a total derivative, invariant under the
gauge transformation
U ! U C @ C @ ; (4.7.213)
for arbitrary . A covariant gauge treatment of the massless spin 2 dealing with
the graviton will be carried out in Sect. 2.3.1 of Volume II. On the other hand, in a
Coulomb-like gauge we impose the constraint
@ i U i D 0; D 0; 1; 2; 3: (4.7.214)
The analysis becomes simplified by expressing the field in the following manner
U D i j U ij 0 i C i 0 U 0 i C 0 0 U 00 ; (4.7.215)
and set
1 ik j`
U ij D C i ` j k /H k ` ; U 0 i D ij ' j ; (4.7.216)
202 4 Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
1 ik j `
ij k ` D C i ` j k ij k` ; (4.7.218)
to the following equations
1 00
Ui i D T ; (4.7.219)
1 h 00 i
U 00 D T C ij j
T ; (4.7.220)
2 r2 r2
U 0 i D 2 ik T 0k ; (4.7.221)
U ij D ij k` T k` C ij 2 T 00 : (4.7.222)
2 r
the propagator DC .x x 0 / is readily extracted to be
I .dp/ ip .xx 0 / I
DC .x x 0 / D e DC . p/; (4.7.224)
C . p/ is symmetric in .; /, and .; /, as well as in the interchange
.; / $ .; /, and
ij I k` .p/ p ip j
ij Ik `
D C . p/ D ;
! 0; ij
.p/ D ı ij
; (4.7.225)
p2 i
ij Ik` .p/ D .p/ j ` .p/ C i ` .p/ j k .p/ ij .p/ k ` .p/ ; (4.7.226)
4.7 A Panorama of Fields 203
ij I00 1 00I00 1 p2
D C . p/ D ij .p/; DC . p/ D ; (4.7.227)
2 p2 2 p2 p2
0i I 0k 1 00 I 0 i 0 i Ij k
DC . p/ D i k .p/; DC . p/ D 0; DC . p/ D 0: (4.7.228)
2 p2
with the last relation defining a completeness relation in 3D, we may rewrite
1 X i k j `
ij I k ` .p/ D e e e 0 e0 C ei e` i j k `
j k
e 0 e0 e e e0 e0 : (4.7.231)
2 0 ;
describing the two helicity states of a massless spin 2 particle. The latter is identified
with the graviton.
For a conserved source @ T .x/ D 0, i.e., in the momentum description
p0 T 0 . p/ D p i T i . p/; (4.7.233)
1 h ij ij I k` k` 0i I 0k 00 I 00 ij I 00
T D C T C 4 T0 i D C T0 k C T00 D C T00 C 2 Tij D C T00 :
ij k ` 1 1
ij I k` k`
T ij D C T k` D T ij T D T T T T 2
p2 i
2 p i
p 2 1
C T i i T 00 T 00 T 00 C T 00 2
T 00 C 2 T 0 i T 0 i ; (4.7.235)
2p p2
204 4 Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
i k 0 k
4 T0 i D0Ci I 0 k T0 k D 4 T 0 i T
p2 1
D 2 T 0 k T 0 k 2 T 00 2 T 00 C 2 T 00 T 00 2 ; (4.7.236)
p p
00 I 00 p 2 00
T00 DC T00 D T 00 T ; (4.7.237)
ij ij i i 00 00 p
00 00 1
T00 D 2 T 00 00
2 Tij DC T D T T C T T T T :
2p2 p2 p2
1 m2 2
L .x; / D @ .x/ @ .x/ .x/ C 4 .x/ C K.x/ .x/; (4.8.1)
2 2 4
LI .x; / D .x/: (4.8.2)
Clearly, the canonical conjugate momentum .x/ of the field .x/ is given by
@0 .x/, and the field equation is obtained by taking the functional derivative of the
action with respect to .x/, as given in (4.3.36), and using the simple rules (4.3.33),
(4.3.34) and (4.3.35),
to , gives
@ 1
h 0C j 0 i D i h 0C j .dx/ 4 .x/ j 0 i: (4.8.4)
@ 4
Upon setting
b I .x; / D i •
L ; (4.8.7)
4 •K.x/
we may use (4.8.4) and (4.8.5) to integrate the former equation over from 0 to a
specific value of to obtain
b I .x; / h 0C j 0 iD0 ;
h 0C j 0 i D exp i .dx/ L (4.8.8)
L .x; / D L0 .V .x// C L0 . .x/; .x// .x/ .x/V .x/V .x/
C K .x/V .x/ C .x/ .x/ C .x/.x/; (4.8.9)
where L0 .V .x// is the Lagrangian density of a neutral vector field V .x/ of mass
1 m2
L0 .V .x// D @ V @ V @ V @ V V V ; (4.8.10)
4 2
(see (4.7.17)), and L0 . .x/; .x// is the Lagrangian density of the Dirac field
in (4.7.11). Also K .x/, .x/, .x/ are external sources coupled to the correspond-
ing fields, with the latter two as Grassmann variables.
206 4 Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
The interaction Lagrangian density of the coupling of the vector and the Dirac
field is given by
LI .x; / D .x/ .x/V .x/V .x/; (4.8.11)
@L .x; /
k .x/ D D .@0 V k @k V 0 /: (4.8.13)
@.@0 V k /
where we recall that the Grassmann variables , anti-commute with the Dirac
fields. Accordingly, by repeated application of (4.6.38), dealing with independent
fields, gives
• • • •
.i/ .i/ .i/ .i/ k h 0C j 0 i
•.x/ •.x/ •Kk .x/ •K .x/
D h 0C j .x/ .x/V k .x/Vk .x/ j 0 i; (4.8.21)
for k D 1; 2; 3, as a limiting case of a time ordered product whose nature again will
be elaborated upon in the next section.
On the other hand, an application of (4.6.38) for the dependent field V 0 .x/ gives
• • •
.i/ 0
.i/ 0 h 0C j 0 i D .i/ h 0C jV0 .x/ j 0 i
•K0 .x / •K .x/ •K0 .x 0 /
D h 0C j V 0 .x 0 /V0 .x/ C j 0 i C . i/ h 0C j V0 .x/ j 0 i;
•K0 .x 0 /
where .•=•K0 .x 0 //V0 .x/ is to be obtained from the constraint equation (4.8.16) by
keeping the fields .x/, .x/, and @k k .x/ fixed. To this end, we introduce the
following simplifying notations:
.i/ b
V ; (4.8.23)
•K .x/
• •
.i/ .i/ b
S.x/: (4.8.24)
•.x/ •.x/
• 1
h 0C j V0 .x/ j 0 i D h 0C j 0 i •.4/ .x x 0 /: (4.8.25)
•K0 .x 0 / m2 C b
208 4 Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
b I .x; / D b
L V .x/b
S.x/b V .x/; (4.8.27)
and use (4.8.21) and (4.8.26) to rewrite (4.8.17) as
Z hZ
@ @ @ b
h 0C j 0 i D i h 0C j .dx/ LI .x/ j 0 i D i .dx/ L I .x; /
@ @ @
Z Z b i
i S.x/
.dx/ .dx 0 / •.4/ .x 0 x/ •.4/ .x x 0 / h 0C j 0 i:
2 Œ m2 C b
1 Z Z
F S.x/ D exp .dx / .dx/ •.4/ .x 0 x/•.4/ .xx 0 / ln 1C 2 b
S.x/ ; (4.8.30)
2 m
S.x/ is defined in (4.8.24), and we have used the elementary integral
Z h
a d0 ai
D ln 1 C : (4.8.31)
0 Œb C a 0 b
The expression h 0C j 0 iD0 is the product of the corresponding one for the Dirac
field as was already derived in (3.3.28), and given (4.7.16), and of the corresponding
one for the vector field given in (4.7.22).
Upon comparison of the solution in (4.8.29) for the second example with the one
in (4.8.8) for the first example, we learn the following. The integral .dx/L b I .x; /
4.9 Time-Ordered Products, How to Write Down Lagrangians and Setting Up. . . 209
for the second example is modified due to the F factor in (4.8.30), and this is as a
consequence of the presence of the dependent field V 0 .x/. This means, in particular,
that the action integral gets modified. Such a property is shared by non-abelian
gauge theories in most gauges. We note that the double integral in (4.8.30) produces
a •.4/ .0/ factor due to the product of delta functions at coincident spacetime points.
Finally, we note that the presence of a dependent field is not necessary, in every
case, for the presence of a modifying factor F as encountered above beyond the
term exp.i .dx/ L b I .x; //. For example, if we replace the interaction Lagrangian
density in (4.8.11), say, by . /ab Œ a .x/; b .x/V =2, which is linear in the
vector field V , no such a modification arises (see Problem 4.16).
This section deals with general aspects of the structure of Lagrangian densities in
quantum field theory and on the way one may then proceed to set up the solution of
an underlying theory. The way of actually constructing such Lagrangian densities
to describe the fundamental interactions of nature will be carried out in remaining
chapters. Before doing so, we recapitulate some aspects of time-ordered products.
To this end, recall that one may add coupling terms, to a given Lagrangian density
L .x/, consisting of the interaction of the underlying fields in a theory, say, of a
scalar field .x/ and Dirac fields .x/, .x/ with external sources
.i/ h 0C j 0 i D h 0C j .x/ j 0 i; (4.9.2)
.Ci/ h 0C j 0 i D h 0C j .x/ j 0 i; (4.9.3)
.i/ h 0C j 0 i D h 0C j.x/ j 0 i: (4.9.4)
Hence from
• • 0
.Ci/ .i/ h 0C j 0 i D h 0C j a .x / b .x/ C j 0 i; (4.9.6)
•a .x 0 // •b .x/
• • 0
.i/ .Ci/ 0
h 0C j 0 i D h 0C j b .x/ a .x / C
j 0 i; (4.9.7)
•b .x/ •a .x /
we have the rule that within a time-ordered product, the Dirac quantum fields anti-
commute, i.e.,
a .x / b .x/ C D b .x/ a .x / C
: (4.9.8)
The general rule is that within a time-ordered product, as far as their commu-
tativity is concerned, two fields may be commuted if at least one of them is a
Bose-Einstein field or may be anti-commuted if they are both Fermi-Dirac fields.
In particular, the following time-ordered products take the form
b .x/ a .x / C
D b .x/ a .x /.x 0 x 0 0 / a .x
/ b .x/.x
x 0 /;
.x/.x 0 / C
D .x/.x 0 /.x 0 x 0 0 / C .x 0 /.x/.x 0 0 x 0 /:
one would finally recover a gauge and Lorentz invariant theoretical framework
for the computation of physical results. Accordingly, it is misleading to state
that a non-covariant gauge destroys the Lorentz invariance of a theory. In the
same manner, when one chooses a specific gauge, such as a covariant gauge,
the Lagrangian density becomes restricted to such a gauge and hence gauge
invariance is destroyed at the Lagrangian level, but the theory dealing with
physical processes is nevertheless gauge invariant. Symmetries relevant to the
underlying theory may also be implemented, as we will see, for example, when
supersymmetric field theories will be developed later. Symmetry breaking will
be also discussed.
2. Even in Fermi-Dirac Fields. The Bose-Einstein character of the Lagrangian
density implies that it must be even in the Fermi-Dirac fields constructed in such
a manner so that this aspect is maintained.
3. Limits of Time-Ordered Products. We have seen in the previous section that the
matrix element h 0C jLI .x/ j 0 i is generated by functional differentiations with
external sources and leads an expression for LI .x/ always as a limit of time-
ordered products. That is, the QDP self consistently requires that Lagrangian
densities be defined as the limits of time-ordered products. We have also seen
in (4.9.8), (4.9.9) and (4.9.10) that within a time-ordered product the fields
obey commutativity or anti-commutativity properties as spelled out in the just
mentioned equations. In reference to (4.9.11), for example, we consider the
average of the limits x ! x 0 C 0, x ! x 0 0, with initial spacelike
separation .x x 0 /2 > 0, and similarly for the scalar field in (4.9.12). This,
in particular, means that in writing down a Lagrangian density one is to take
the anti-symmetric average of the product of two Fermi-Dirac fields and the
symmetric average of the product of two Bose-Einstein fields. Hence, one makes
the following replacement for the product of two Dirac fields
1 1
a .x/ b .x/ ! a .x/ b .x/ b .x/ a .x/ D Œ a .x/; b .x/ ;
2 2
and for the interaction Lagrangian density part, for example, in QED,
eo a .x/. /ab b .x/ A .x/ ! f j .x/; A .x/g; (4.9.14)
where the electromagnetic current, having a Bose-Einstein character, is given by
j .x/ D eo Œ a .x/; b .x/ ; (4.9.15)
2 ab
and eo is the (unrenormalized) charge. We have already seen the definition
of the electromagnetic current defined as in (4.9.15) consistent with charge
conjugation transformation in (3.6.9) in Sect. 3.6. It is important to note, as
already emphasized in Sect. 3.6, that the functional derivative •=• c .x 0 /, for
212 4 Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
• 1 .4/
a .x/ b .x/ b .x/ a .x/ D •ac b .x/ • .x x 0 /; (4.9.16)
• c .x
0/ 2
otherwise one would get zero as a trivial result. The above analysis leads us to
emphasize the following:
“Students often wonder why one can commute (anti-commute) field compo-
nents in the interaction Lagrangian density for a theory dealing with operators.
With the interaction Lagrangian density defined as a limit of a time-ordered
product this becomes evident”.
4. Renormalizability. The Lagrangian density is so chosen so the theory becomes
Setting Up the Solution of Field Theory:
The importance of deriving an expression for the vacuum-to-vacuum transition
amplitude h 0C j 0 i in field theory stems from the fact that one may carry out
a unitarity expansion for the latter in terms of multi-particle states from which
transition amplitudes for the underlying physical processes of a theory may be
readily extracted.18 At this stage the reader is urged to review the two examples
provided in the last section on the application of the QDP before considering the
general strategy for setting up the solution for h 0C j 0 i given below.
Let .x/ denote collectively the independent fields in a theory with canonical
conjugate momenta denoted collectively by .x/, and let %.x/ denote collec-
tively the dependent fields, i.e., with vanishing canonical conjugate momenta. The
Lagrangian density will be expressed as
LI .x; 0/ D 0; (4.9.18)
and K.x/, S.x/ denote external sources coupled to these fields, respectively. The
dependence of L .x; / on the adjoints of the fields is suppressed for simplicity of
the notation.
A key equation for obtaining an expression for h 0C j 0 i is (see (4.6.37))
@ @
h 0C j 0 i D i h 0C j .dx/ LI .x; / j 0 i: (4.9.19)
@ @
See, e.g., (5.8.20), (5.8.21), (5.9.16), (5.9.17), (5.9.18), (5.9.19), (5.9.20) and (5.9.21).
4.10 CPT 213
h 0C j LI .x; / j 0 i D b I .x; / C F
L b .x; / h 0C j 0 i;
@ @
where L b I .x; / denotes LI .x; /, with the fields (.x/, %.x/), simply replaced
by .˙i/ times (.•=•K.x//, .•=•S.x//), as the cases may be, (see, e.g., (4.9.2),
(4.9.3) and (4.9.4)), and Fb .x; / is an operation expressed in terms of these
functional derivatives and may depend on .
Upon integrating (4.9.20) over , the following expression for h 0C j 0 i D
h 0C j 0 i emerges
h 0C j 0 i D exp i .dx/ Lb I .x; / C b .x; 0 / h0C j 0 iD0 :
d0 F
b I .x; /, and hence also the action,
Here we see that, in general, the interaction term L
get modified due to the presence of the second term in the exponent. The amplitude
h 0C j 0 iD0 has usually a simple structure. The full amplitude h 0C j 0 i is
then obtained merely by functional differentiations of h 0C j 0 iD0 .
Applications of the above formula were given in the last section and other
applications will be given in coming chapters.
4.10 CPT
equal, and no experiment seems to contradict this. Clearly, the product CPT, as a
net transformation, amounts to replacing every particle by its anti-particle, while
reversing their spin projections, and interchanging the initial and final states. Recall
also, due to the anti-unitary property of time reversal operation (Sect. 2.1), the CPT
transformation is implemented by an anti-unitary operator.
It should be noted that establishing the CPT invariance of the action corre-
sponding to a local Lagrangian density is only part of the analysis of the CPT
Theorem, one also has to show how the interchange of the initial and the final
states arises with the simultaneous replacements of particles by their antiparticles
and vice versa. In this respect, we will see that in the present analysis, detectors
of particles/antiparticles and emitters of antiparticles/particles are interchanged in a
CPT “transformed” world. The latter property will automatically take care of the
arbitrary the number of particles may be going in and those that may come out of a
scattering process in a direct and simple manner.
Let us first consider how basic fields transform under the above transformation.
To this end, note, in particular, that from (3.2.29), (3.2.31), (3.2.36), that for a Dirac
C .x/ C1 D C .x/; P .x/ P1 D 0 .x 0 /; T .x/ T1 D 5 C .x 00 /;
.x/ 1 D 5 0 .x/; .x/ 1 D >
.x/ 0 5 ;
'.x/ 1 D ' .x/; ' .x/ 1 D '.x/; (4.10.3)
V .x/ 1 D V .x/; V .x/ 1 D V .x/: (4.10.4)
Opposite phases of the scalar and vector fields are taken since @ '.x/ should
transform as a vector field.
Given a local Lagrangian density Lagrangian density L .x/, R it is not sufficient
to establish the symmetry of the action integral A D .dx/ L .x/ under a
CPT transformation. One also has to describe how incoming states and outgoing
states, for arbitrary processes, are interchanged and what happens to the spins of
participating particles. The latter is best described by coupling the underlying fields
to corresponding external sources to be able to identify all the particles that may be
ingoing or outgoing in any process in a straightforward manner. As we will see, the
latter avoids of introducing many-particle states for all possible processes that may
4.10 CPT 215
take, and, in turn, leads to examine as to what effectively happens to the external
source functions in a CPT “transformed” world.
To the above end, we consider a total action integral
Atot D .dx/ L .x/ C LS .x/ ; (4.10.5)
where L .x/ a local Lagrangian density, and without loss of generality, restricting
the analysis to the fields in (4.10.2), (4.10.3) and (4.10.4), with the labeling of
different species suppressed,
where K .x/; K .x/, K.x/; K .x/, .x/; .x/ denote external sources with the
latter two being Grassmann variables.
In the appendix to this chapter it is shown
.dx/ L. x/ D .dx/ L .x/; (4.10.7)
.dx/ Œ .x/ .x/ C .x/ .x/ 1
D .dx/ Œ .x/ 5 .x/ .x/ 5 .x/; (4.10.8)
.dx/ Œ' .x/ K.x/ C K .x/'.x/ 1
D .dx/ Œ ' .x/ K.x/ C K .x/'.x/: (4.10.9)
.dx/ ŒV .x/ K .x/ C K .x/V .x/ 1
D .dx/ ŒV .x/ K .x/ K .x/V .x/: (4.10.10)
Therefore, only the external sources change which, after all, are responsible of
emitting and detecting all the particles in any given process. That is, CPT is a
symmetry of the action of the local Lagrangian density L .x/ in quantum field
216 4 Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
A D .dx/ L .x/; (4.10.11)
signalling the fact of changes have occurred with the ingoing and outgoing parti-
cles/antiparticles. More precisely, the second substitution in (4.10.12), for example,
implies that
and so on, where we have used the definition of v.p; / in (I.17). Referring
to (3.3.39), (3.3.42), we may infer that an outgoing particle of spin has been
replaced by an ingoing antiparticle of spin . Upon introducing polarization
vectors, as discussed in (4.7.130), (4.7.230), satisfying the properties in (4.7.131),
for massive and massless vector bosons, we may then prepare Table 4.1 which
shows the expected changes that occur with ingoing and outgoing states in the CPT
“transformed” world.
The CPT-symmetric nature of the action of local field theory and the fate of
the particles in a CPT “transformed” world in any given process, as described in
Table 4.1, is the content of the celebrated CPT Theorem.
1. It should be emphasized that the theoretical analysis of the nature of particles
ingoing and outgoing in a physical process, as done above, under the CPT
transformation, and not just of establishing the transformation property of the
action of the local Lagrangian density in (4.10.11) in the absence of external
fields, and a general linear combination of, say, two Dirac fields
1 1 ::: k 1 2
M Œ a .x/; b .x/; (A-4.2)
2 ab
where Mab1 k is of the general form, or a linear combination of such tensors as,
: : : k , 1 : : : k 5 . Partial derivatives will be considered in studying the
Upon defining
::: k 1 1 2
Mab1 Œ a .x/; b .x/ D ˝ 1 ::: k .x/; (A-4.6)
we may infer from (A-4.4) and (A-4.5) that
1 ˇ 1
f˝ 1 ::: k .x/; 1 ::: k .x/g 1 ˇ D f˝ 1 ::: k .x/; 1 ::: k .x/g :
2 x!x 2
This establishes (4.10.7) since a Lagrangian density, must contain an even number
of Lorentz indices and all products in it are symmetrized with respect to Bose-
Einstein factors and anti-symmetrized with respect to Fermi-Dirac fields, and due to
the Hermiticity of the Lagrangian density, and finally followed by a change of the
variable of integration x ! x.
Appendix A: Basic Equalities Involving the CPT Operator 219
4.1 Use (4.2.23), (4.2.24), (4.2.25), (4.2.26), (4.2.27), (4.2.28), (4.2.29), (4.2.30)
and (4.2.31), with the definition of the unit vector, n as given in (4.2.24) and
the explicit expression of the rotation matrix Œ R ij in (2.2.11) with D to
derive (4.2.32).
4.2 Show that
where note that the argument of A0˛ on the left-hand-side is x 0 and not x, and the
spin structure is given by
ˇ 1
S ˛
D ˛ ˇ ˛ ˇ :
See also (4.4.2).
220 4 Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
4.8 Find the expressions of the components T 00 .x/ T 0k .x/ of the energy-
momentum tensor of the Dirac quantum field in Problem 4.7 involving no time
4.9 Derive the following fundamental equal-time commutation relation of the com-
ponent T 00 of the energy-momentum
tensor for the Dirac theory in Problems 4.7
and 4.8: Œ T 00 .x/; T 00 .x 0 / D i T 0k .x/ C T 0k .x 0 / @k ı 3 .x x0 /. This was derived
by Schwinger [16, 17]. Commutations relations of all the components of the energy-
momentum tensor in the full QED theory, taking into account of the gauge problem,
are derived in Manoukian [5].
4.10 Given three 3-vectors eC ; e ; p=jpj, satisfying
p pi pi i j
e˙ e
D 0; e˙ e˙ D 1;
e˙ D 0; ı ij D C e i
C e C C e e ;
jpj jpj jpj
with the last relation providing a completeness relation in 3D space, verify explicitly
the four dimensional completeness relation (4.7.129) in Minkowski spacetime.
4.11 Show that the equation
h @ 1 @ @ 1 @ i
Cm C C C m .x/ D K
i 3 i i 3 i
also leads to the equations in (4.7.137), (4.7.138) for K D 0, and that it merely
adds the non-propagating term .2=3 m2 /Œ p p C . p m/ to
the propagator . p/=Œ p 2 C m2 i
. This is the equation used, for example, by
Takahashi [19].
4.12 Derive the constraint on the spatial components i
.x/ of the m ¤ 0 Rarita-
Schwinger field in (4.7.148).
4.13 Derive the basic Eq. (4.7.150) needed for the m ¤ 0 Rarita-Schwinger field
components to satisfy the constraint in (4.7.148).
4.14 Establish the spin 3/2 nature of the m D 0 Rarita-Schwinger field
in (4.7.193).
4.15 The propagator for a massive neutral vector field was derived in (4.7.106),
(4.7.107), (4.7.108) and (4.7.109), and may be obtained by functional differentiation
• • ˇ
.i/ .i/ .i/ 0
h 0 C j 0 i ˇ D
C .x x 0 /;
•K .x/ •K .x / K D0
V .x/V .x 0 / C 0 iˇ satisfies
K D0
ˇ 1 0 .4/
i h 0C j V .x/V .x 0 / C 0 iˇ D
C .x x 0 / ı 0 ı .x x 0 /:
K D0 m2
That is, (i time-ordered-product) of the vector fields not only does not represent
the propagator of the vector field, but is also not covariant.
4.16 Show that if the interaction Lagrangian density in (4.8.11) is replaced, say, by
LI .x/ D . /ab Œ a .x/; a .x/ V .x/=2, which is linear in V .x/, then there is
no modifying factor as in (4.8.29) in the action integral.
1. Lam, C. S. (1965). Feynman rules and Feynman integrals for systems with higher-spin fields.
Nuovo Cimento, 38, 1755–1765.
2. Lehmann, H., Symanzik, K., & Zimmermann, W. (1955). The formulation of quantized field
theories. Nuovo Cimento, XI, 205–222.
3. Manoukian, E. B. (1985). Quantum action principle and path integrals for long-range
interactions. Nuovo Cimento, 90A, 295–307.
4. Manoukian, E. B. (1986). Action principle and quantization of Gauge fields. Physical Review
D, 34, 3739–3749.
5. Manoukian, E. B. (1987). On the relativistic invariance of QED in the Coulomb Gauge and
field transformations. Journal of Physics G, 13, 1013–1021.
6. Manoukian, E. B. (2006). Quantum theory: A wide spectrum. Dordrecht: Springer.
7. Manoukian, E. B. (2016). Rarita-Schwinger massless field in covariant and Coulomb-like
gauges. Modern Physics Letters A, 31, 1650047, (1–8).
8. Rarita, W., & Schwinger, J. (1941). On a theory of particles with half-integral spin. Physical
Review, 60, 61.
9. Sakharov, A. D. (1967). Violation of CP invariance, C asymmetry, and Baryon asymmetry of
the Universe. Soviet Physics JETP Letters, 5, 24–27.
10. Schwinger, J. (1951a). On the Green’s functions of quantized fields. I. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences USA, 37, 452–455.
11. Schwinger, J. (1951b). The theory of quantized fields. I. Physical Review, 82, 914–927.
12. Schwinger, J. (1953). The theory of quantized fields. II, III. Physical Review, 91, 713–728,
13. Schwinger, J. (1958). Addendum to spin, statistics and the CPT theorem. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences USA, 44, 617–619.
14. Schwinger, J. (1960). Unitary transformations and the action principle. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences USA, 46, 883–897.
15. Schwinger, J. (1962). Exterior algebra and the action principle I. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences USA, 48, 603–611.
16. Schwinger, J. (1963a). Commutation relations and consevation laws. Physical Review, 130,
17. Schwinger, J. (1963b). Energy-momentum density in field theory. Physical Review, 130,
18. Schwinger, J. (1970). Particles, sources, and fields (Vol. I). Reading: Addison-Wesley.
19. Takahashi, Y. (1969). An introduction to field quantization. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
222 4 Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
Recommended Reading
1. Manoukian, E. B. (1986). Action principle and quantization of Gauge fields. Physical Review
D, 34, 3739–3749.
2. Manoukian, E. B. (2006). Quantum theory: A wide spectrum. Dordrecht: Springer.
3. Manoukian, E. B. (2016). Rarita-Schwinger massless field in covariant and Coulomb-like
gauges. Modern Physics Letters A, 31, 1650047, (1–8).
4. Schwinger, J. (1970). Particles, sources, and fields (Vol. I). Reading: Addison-Wesley.
5. Weinberg, S. (1995). The quantum theory of fields. I: Foundations. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Chapter 5
Abelian Gauge Theories
is simply the identity and hence the underlying group of transformations is abelian
denoted by U.1/. The transformation rule in (5.1) of a charged field, considered as
a complex entity with a real and imaginary part, is simply interpreted as a rotation
by an angle .x/, locally, in a two dimensional (2D) space, referred to as charge
The covariant gauge description of QED as well as of the Coulomb one are
both developed. Gauge transformations are worked out in the full theory not only
between covariant gauges but also with the Coulomb one. Explicit expressions of
generating functionals of QED are derived in the differential form, as follows from
the quantum dynamical principle, as well as in the path integral form. A relatively
simple demonstration of the renormalizability of QED is given, as well as of the
renormalization group method is developed for investigating the effective charge.
A renormalization group analysis is carried out for investigating the magnitude of
the effective fine-structure at the energy corresponding to the mass of the neutral
vector boson Z 0 , based on all of the well known charged leptons and quarks of
A geometrical description is set up for the development of abelian and non-abelian gauge theories
in a unified manner in Sect. 6.1 and may be beneficial to the reader.
specific masses which would contribute to this end. This has become an important
reference point for the electromagnetic coupling in present high-energy physics.
The Lamb shift and the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron, which have
much stimulated the development of quantum field theory in the early days, are
both derived. We also include several applications to scattering processes as well
as of the study of polarization correlations in scattering processes that have become
quite interesting in recent years. The theory of spontaneous symmetry breaking is
also worked out in a celebrated version of scalar boson electrodynamics and its
remarkable consequences are spelled out. Several studies were already carried out
in Chap. 3 which are certainly relevant to the present chapter, such as of the gauge
invariant treatment of diagrams with closed fermion loops, fermion anomalies in
field theory, as well as other applications.2
Referring to Sect. 4.7.3, let us recapitulate, in a slightly different way, the spin 1
character of a vector field. Under an infinitesimal rotation c.c.w of a coordinate
system, in 3D Euclidean space, by an infinitesimal angle •# about a unit vector N,
a three-vector x, now denoted by x 0 in the new coordinate system, is given by
x0 D x •# .N x/ D x C •# .x N/; (5.1.1)
x D ı ij C•# " ij k N k xj ; •! ij D •# " ij k N k D •! j i ; (5.1.2)
where " ij k is totally anti-symmetric with "123 D C1, from which the matrix
elements of the rotation matrix for such an infinitesimal rotation are given by3
R ij D ı ij C •# " ij k N k : (5.1.3)
It is worth knowing that the name “photon” was coined by Lewis [43].
See also Eq. (2.2.11).
5.1 Spin One and the General Vector Field 225
1 ki `j
Œ S k` ij D ı ı `i kj ; i; j; k; ` D 1; 2; 3: (5.1.7)
1 k`q k` ij
Œ S q ij D " ŒS ; (5.1.8)
and rewrite (5.1.6) as
A 0 i .x 0 / D ı ij C i •# ŒS ij N Aj .x/: (5.1.9)
X 0 0j
Œ S2 ij D Œ Sq i i Œ Sq i D 2 ı ij D s.s C 1/ ı ij ; (5.1.10)
establishing the spin s D 1 character of the vector field, with the spin components
satisfying the well known commutations relations
0 0
Œ S q ; S q D i " qq k S k : (5.1.11)
As a direct generalization of (5.1.5), (5.1.6) and (5.1.7), a vector field A˛ .x/ has
the following transformation under a Lorentz transformation: x ! x •x D x 0 ,
•x D •! x ,
A0˛ .x 0 / D ı ˛ ˇ C •! ˛ ˇ Aˇ .x/ (5.1.12)
D ı ˛ ˇ C •! S /˛ ˇ Aˇ .x/; •! D •! ; (5.1.13)
for a covariant description,4 where we note that the argument of A ˛0 on the left-hand
side is again x 0 and not x,
ˇ 1
S ˛ D ˛ ˇ ˛ ˇ : (5.1.14)
See (4.7.120), (4.7.121), (2.2.17), (2.2.18), (2.2.19), (2.2.20), (2.2.21) and (2.2.22).
226 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
The polarization vectors e1 ; e2 of a photon are mutually orthogonal and are, in turn,
orthogonal to its momentum vector k. With the vector k chosen along the z-axis,
we may then introduce three unit vectors
nD D .0; 0; 1/; e1 D .1; 0; 0/; e2 D .0; 1; 0/; (5.2.1)
with the latter two providing a real representation of the polarization vectors,
e i e ; ; 0 D 1; 2; i; j D 1; 2; 3;
n e D 0; e e0 D ı;0 ; ı ij D ni nj C
where specifies the two polarization vectors, and the index i specifies the ith
component of the vectors. The equality, involving ı ij , is a completeness relation in
three dimensions for expanding a vector in terms of the three unit vectors n; e1 ; e2 .
One may also introduce a complex representation of the polarization vectors,
such as, .e˙ e˙ 1 /
1 1
eC D p .1; i; 0/; e D p .1; i; 0/; e e0 ; D ı;0 ; ; 0 D ˙ 1:
2 2
The completeness relation now simply reads
X j
ı ij D ni nj C ei e D ni nj C e ; (5.2.4)
D˙ 1 D˙ 1
To achieve this, we rotate the initial coordinate system in which the vector k
is initially along the z-axis, c.c.w. by an angle about the unit vector N D
.sin ; cos ; 0/ as shown in (Fig. 5.1), by using the explicit structure of the
5.2 Polarization States of Photons 227
e1 D .cos 2 cos C sin2 ; sin cos .cos 1/; cos sin /;
e2 D .sin cos .cos 1/; sin2 cos C cos 2 ; sin sin /:
; 0 D 1; 2:
e e0 D ı0 ; k e D 0; ı ij D ni nj C e i e ; (5.2.9)
eC D p . cos cos C i sin ; sin cos i cos ; sin / ei ;
e D p .cos cos C i sin ; sin cos i cos ; sin / ei ;
A reader who is not familiar with this expression may find a derivation of it in Manoukian [56],
p. 84. See also (2.2.11).
228 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
X j
ı ij D ni nj C ei e D ni nj C e ; (5.2.12)
D˙ 1 D˙ 1
for example working with a complex representation. The last orthogonality relation
implies that
k k C k k X
D C e e
: (5.2.19)
D˙ 1
We follow Schwinger’s elegant construction [70].
5.3 Covariant Formulation of the Propagator 229
where is an arbitrary real parameter and .x/ is a real scalar field. The gauge
constraint in (5.3.1) may be derived from the following Lagrangian density
L D F F C J A @ A C 2 (5.3.2)
4 2
Since the gauge constraint is now a derived one, one may vary all the components of the vector
field independently.
230 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
Taking Fourier transforms of (5.3.6), and using (5.3.5), the following expression
h 0C jA .x/ j 0 i
D .dx 0 /D .x x 0 /J .x 0 /; (5.3.8)
h 0C j 0 i
.dk/ h k k i eik.xx /
D .x x / D .1 / 2 ; (5.3.9)
.2 /4 k k2 i
i h 0C j 0 i D h 0C jA .x/ j 0 i; (5.3.10)
•J .x/
and the gauge parameter in (5.3.9) cancels out on the right-hand side of the
It is important to note that for a conserved external current @ J .x/ D 0,
hi Z i
h 0C j 0 iˇ@J D0 D exp .dx/.dx 0 /J .x/DC .x x 0 /J .x 0 / ; (5.3.13)
For J D 0.
5.4 Casimir Effect 231
Upon taking the functional derivative of (5.3.12), with respect to the external
current J ˛ , we obtain, in the process, for x 0 0 > x 0 ,
i hvacjF ˛ˇ .x 0 / F .x/jvaci
D @0˛ .@ ˇ @ ˇ / @0ˇ .@ ˛ @ ˛ / DC .x; x 0 /; (5.4.2)
Schwinger [72] and Manoukian [50].
232 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
where we have finally set J D 0, and, in the absence of the external current, we
have replaced j0˙ i by jvaci. Here DC .x; x 0 / satisfies the equation
in (5.4.3), where
This leads to
1 Z
2 X d2 K exp Œ i K .xT x0T /
D< 0
C .x; x / Di
R nD1 .2/2 2E n .K; R/
n.z d/ n.z 0 d/
sin sin exp i E n .K; R/jx 0 x 0 0 j ; (5.4.7)
n2 2
En .K; R/ D K2 C 2 : (5.4.8)
D< 0 0 0
C .x; x / stands for DC .x; x / for x < x
5.4 Casimir Effect 233
Similarly, we may consider the case x 0 0 < x 0 , and upon taking the average of
both cases, the following expression emerges
1 Z
1 2 X d2 K exp Œ i K .xT x0T / 2 n2 2
hvacj fET .x/; ET .x 0 /gjvaci D K C 2
2 R nD1 .2/2 2E n .K; R/ R2
n.z d/ n.z 0 d/
sin sin exp i E n .K; R/jx 0 x 0 0 j : (5.4.9)
n.z d/ n.z 0 d/
cos cos exp i E n .K; R/jx 0 x 0 0 j : (5.4.11)
We may repeat a similar analysis for the magnetic field with corresponding
boundary conditions: B 3 .x 0 ; xT ; z/jz D ˙ a=2; ˙L D 0. The total vacuum energy of
the system may be then defined by ( x 0 x 0 0 T, L ! 1)
Z 1 Z
1 1 1
ED dTı.T/ d3 x hvacj fE.x 0 ; x/; E.x 00 ; x/gC fB.x 0 ; x/; B.x 00 ; x/gjvaci;
1 2 2 2
where the magnetic field contribution is identical to the electric one.
Upon using the elementary integrals
2 R
nz 2 R
dz sin2 D 1 D dz cos2 ; (5.4.13)
R 0 R R 0 R
R 1 .2/2 nD1 R R
where A D d2 xT , is the area of any of the plates, and the sum is over R D La=2
twice, and R D a once.
234 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
to obtain
@R d2 2 n h i n T i
1 @E 1 X 1 X
D dT ı.T/ exp ;
A @a 4 R 1 nD1
@a dT 2 R2 R
Z 1 h i n T i
i X 1 X @R=@a d3
D dT ı.T/ 3
exp ; (5.4.17)
2 R 1 nD1
R dT R
whose interpretation will soon follow. Upon carrying the elementary summations
over n and R, with the latter summation over R as described below (5.4.14), the
above equation becomes
Z 1
1 @E 1 d3
D dT ı.T/ F.a; T; L/; (5.4.18)
A @a 4a 1 dT 3
h 2i 2ia 1 i
F.a; T; L/ D : (5.4.19)
1 eiT=a L a=2 1 eiT=.La=2/
The expansion
2i 2 x x3
D i C C ; (5.4.20)
1 eix x 6 360
gives .L ! 1/
h 2 a T 3 T 3 2a aT i
F.a; T; L/ D C C : (5.4.21)
T 6a 360 a3 T 6L2
5.5 Emission and Detection of Photons 235
1 @E 2 „ c
D ; (5.4.22)
A @a 240 a 4
where note that the reality of J .x/ implies that J .k/ D J .k/.
See, e.g. Kenneth et al. [36] and Milton et al. [64].
See, e.g., Elizalde et al. [20] and Elizalde [19].
See Vol. II: Quantum Field Theory II: Introductions to Quantum Gravity, Supersymmetry, and
String Theory, (2016), Springer.
236 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
This gives
d3 k
jh 0C j 0 ij2 D exp 3 0
.J .k/ e / .J .k/ e
/ 1; k0 D Cjkj;
.2 / 2k
where we have used the completeness relation, expressed
P in terms of the Minkowski
metric, in (5.2.19): D .k k C k k /=kk C D˙ 1 e e , with, e.g., complex
representation of polarizations vectors, and used the conservation laws: J .k/k D
0, k J .k/ D 0. This gives the consistent probabilistic result that the vacuum
persistence probability does not exceed one.
We use the convenient notation for bookkeeping purposes14
d3 k
iJ .k/ e D i Jk ; (5.5.4)
.2 /3 2k0
and don’t let the notation scare you. We may then repeat the analysis given
through Eqs. (3.3.28), (3.3.29), (3.3.30), (3.3.31), (3.3.32), (3.3.33), (3.3.34),
(3.3.35) and (3.3.36), now applied to photons, and using the expressions in
Eqs. (5.5.1), (5.5.3), (5.5.4), to infer from Eqs. (3.3.37) and (3.3.38), that the
probability that an external source J emits N photons, Nk of which have each
momentum k, and polasrization e , and so on, is given by
Nk1 1 Nk2 2
X jJk1 1 j2 jJk2 2 j2
Prob Œ N D jh 0C j 0 ij2 :
Nk1 1 Š Nk2 2 Š
N D .Nk1 1 CNk2 2 C /
Now we use the multinomial expansion15
This was conveniently introduced by Schwinger [70].
See, e.g., Manoukian [57].
5.5 Emission and Detection of Photons 237
using the reality condition of the current. For an application of the above expression
in deriving the general classic radiation theory see Manoukian [58].
We may infer from Eqs. (3.3.39) and (3.3.41), that the amplitude of a current
source, as a detector, to absorb a photon with momentum k and polarization e ,
and the amplitude of a current source, as an emitter, to emit a photon with the same
attributes which escapes this parent source, to be used in scattering theory, are given,
See, e.g., op. cit.
238 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
respectively, by
d3 k
h 0C jki D i J .k/ e : (5.5.12)
.2 /3 2k0
d3 k
h k j 0 i D i J .k/ e ;; (5.5.13)
.2 /3 2k0
where we have omitted photons which are emitted and reabsorbed by the same
source as they do not participate in a scattering process, by dividing by the
corresponding vacuum-to-vacuum amplitudes h 0C j 0 i.17
1 "
L D Fij F ij F0 i F 0 i C J A : (5.6.1)
4 2
We take advantage of our analysis in Sect. 5.5, and reduce the problem to the one
carried out in that section. To this end, we consider the following scalings:
p 1
x0 D " x 0 ; x D x; @ 0 D p @ 0; r D r ; (5.6.2)
1 1=4
A0 .x/ D A0 .x/; A.x/ D A.x/; (5.6.3)
1=4 "3=4 "1=4
"1=4 0 1
J 0 .x/ D J .x/; J.x/ D J.x/: (5.6.4)
1=4 3=4 "1=4
See discussion above Eq. (3.3.39).
Note that the scaling factors are not "2 , 1=2 , respectively, as one may naïvely expect. The
reason is that functional differentiation of the action, with respect to the vector potential, involving
the quadratic terms " F0 i F0 i , Fij Fij =, generate the linear terms corresponding to the electric and
magnetic fields components which are just needed in deriving Maxwell’s equations.
5.6 Photons in a Medium 239
h 0C jA .x/ j 0 i
D J .x/: (5.6.7)
h 0C j 0 i
DC .x x 0 / D ı .4/ .x x 0 /; (5.6.8)
we have
h 0C jA .x/ j 0 i
D .dx 0 / DC .x x 0 / J .x 0 /; (5.6.9)
h 0C j 0 i
hiZ i
h 0C j 0 i D exp .dx / .dx 0 /J .x/ DC .x x 0 / J .x 0 / ; (5.6.11)
for a conserved current @ J .x/ D 0 (see (5.6.6)). From (5.6.2) and (5.6.4), the
above equation becomes
h i 1=2 Z 1 0 i
0 0 0 0 0
h 0C j 0 i D exp .dx/ .dx / J.x/J.x / J .x/J .x / D C .x x / ;
2 "1=2 "
Z p
ik0 .x 0 x 0 0 /= "
.dk/ 0 e
DC .x x 0 / D eik.xx / : (5.6.13)
.2 /4 k2 i
Consider a charged particle, of charge e, moving along the z-axis with constant
speed v. Then
and, on account the property of a cosine function, the latter does not vanish only for
v > 1= ". For a large number of charged particles this number need not be small.
5.7 Quantum Electrodynamics, Covariant Gauges: Setting Up the Solution 241
We apply the functional differential formalism (Sects. 4.6 and 4.8), via the quantum
dynamical principle (QDP), to derive an explicit expression of the full QED
vacuum-to-vacuum transition amplitide h 0C j 0 i in covariant gauges (Sect. 5.3).
By carrying the relevant functional differentiations coupled to a functional Fourier
transform (Sect. 2.6), the path integral form of h 0C j 0 i is also derived. The
corresponding expressions in the Coulomb gauge will be derived in Sect. 5.14.
Gauge transformations of h 0C j 0 i between covariant gauges as well as between
covariant gauges and the Coulomb one will be derived in Sect. 5.15.
1 1 @ @
L D F F C m0
4 2 i i
C e0 Œ ; A C C C A J @ A C 2 ; (5.7.1)
2 2
For these additional details, see, e.g., Manoukian and Charuchittapan [59].
See, e.g., Fazio et al. [24], Pinsky et al. [66], and McNulty et al. [62].
242 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
where the field leads to a constraint on the vector potential A . That is, the
underlying constraint is derived from the Lagrangian density. As we will also see ,
in turn, may be eliminated in favor of @ A . We have written the parameters e0 ; m0 ,
with a subscript 0, to signal the facts that these are not the parameters directly
measured, as discussed in the Introduction of the book. The electromagnetic current
j D e0 Œ ; =2, has been also written as a commutator, consistent with charge
conjugation as discussed in Sect. 3.6 (see (3.6.9)).
The field equations together with the constraint are
@ F D J C j C @ ; (5.7.2)
h @ i
e 0 A C m0 D ; (5.7.3)
h @ i
C e0 A C m0 D ; (5.7.4)
@ A D : (5.7.5)
h 0C j.A .x 0 / .x//C j 0 i D .i/ h 0C j .x/ j 0 i; (5.7.9)
•J .x 0 /
with the time ordered product in the limit x 0 $ x understood as an average of the
product of the two fields, as discussed in Sect. 4.9.
The vector potential A has been eliminated in favor of the “classical field”,
represented by, .i/•=•J in (5.7.8). Thus introducing the “classical field”
.i/ b
A .x/; (5.7.10)
•J .x/
5.7 Quantum Electrodynamics, Covariant Gauges: Setting Up the Solution 243
Similarly we have
h 0C j a .x/ j 0 i D .dx 0 / SC c a .x 0 ; x I e0b
A/ c .x 0 /h 0C j 0 i: (5.7.14)
Recall from Sect. 3.9, that within a time ordered product the Dirac fields anti-commute.
244 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
The path integral version of (5.7.20) is derived in the next subsection.
5.7 Quantum Electrodynamics, Covariant Gauges: Setting Up the Solution 245
and where the Trace operation in (5.7.27) is over gamma matrix indices, and now
h 0C j 0 i0 is given by
hiZ i
h 0C j 0 i0 D exp .dx/ .dx 0 / J .x/D .x x 0 /J .x 0 / ; (5.7.29)
.dk/ h k k i e i k.xx /
D .x x 0 / D .1 / : (5.7.30)
.2/4 k2 k2 i
The expressions in (5.7.20) and (5.7.27) are appropriately referred to as generating functionals.
As we have no occasion to deal with subtleties in defining larger vector spaces to accommodate
covariant gauges, we will not go into such technicalities here.
246 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
there, for general e0 . In Problem 5.6, it is shown that the constraint equation (5.7.7)
is automatically satisfied, as expected and as it should.
Finally, we note that (5.7.27) may be also simply rewritten as
hZ i
h 0C j 0 i D exp i .dx/.dx 0 / .x/ SC .x; x 0 I e0b
A/ .x 0 / h 0C j 0 i ;
where h 0C j 0 i represents the full QED theory with no external electron lines,
and involves all the closed Fermion loops, with or without external photon lines, to
all orders of the theory.
Before closing this section, we note that the analysis carried out through (3.6.7),
(3.6.8) and (3.6.9), as applied to (5.7.3)/(5.7.4), shows that
h i 1
@ j .x/ D i e0 .x/.x/ .x/ .x/ ; j .x/ D e0 Œ ; : (5.7.32)
That is, in the absence of external Fermi sources, the current j .x/ is conserved.
In the next section, we examine the explicit expression for h 0C j 0 i in (5.7.27),
in some detail in view of applications in QED.
where it is understood that .Da/ involves a product over the indices of a as well.
By formally integrating by parts .f D @ a @ a /, we obtain
1 1 i
.dx/ a Œ C @ @ @ @ a
Z h 1 i
D .dx/ f .x/ f .x/ @ a .x/ @ a .x/ : (5.7.39)
4 2
At this stage, we may introduce a scalar field ' and, up to an overall unimportant
multiplicative factor, write
h 1 i Z h i
expi @ a @ a D .D'/ ı.@ a '/ exp i ' @ a C ' 2 :
2 2
! ; ! ; A ! a ; (5.7.42)
and with the auxiliary field ! ', where we recall that ; are Grassmann
variables, i.e., are anti-commuting.
This equation is quite interesting as it explicitly shows the gauge constraint via
the delta functional ı.@ a '/. Needless to say, it is far easier to apply the
differential formalism, given in (5.7.20), involving functional differentiations, than
carrying out the functional integrations in (5.7.41), say, in a power series in e0 .
248 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
h 0C j 0 i
eiW D exp i a0 C a1 e0 C a2 e20 C a3 e30 C : : : ; (5.8.1)
h 0C j 0 ijJ ;; D 0
A.x3 / SC .x3 x 0 / C :
5.8 Low Order Contributions to lnh 0C j 0 i 249
as given through (3.6.26), (3.6.27), (3.6.28) and (3.6.29), and worked out in a gauge
invariant manner, with (see Eqs. (3.6.30), (3.6.31) and (3.6.32))
D .dx/ .dx 0 / .x/ SC .xx 0 / .x 0 / C .dx/.dx 0 / J .x/ D .xx 0 /J .x 0 /;
D .dy/.dy 0 /.dx1 /.dz/ .y/ SC .y x1 / SC .x1 y 0 / .y 0 / D .x1 z/ J .z/;
h i
D .dx/.dx 0 /.dx1 /.dx2 / .x/ SC .x x1 / 1 SC .x1 x 2 / 2 SC .x 2 x 0 / .x 0 /
Note that Rthe first order
contribution involves the expression: Tr Œ SC .0/ D
Tr Œ .dp/=.2/4 p =. p2 C m20 / D 0, as it has an odd integrand in p.
250 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
Z )
h i
1 2
.i/D1 2.x1 x 2 /C .dz1 /.dz2 /D1 1 .x1 z1 /J .z1 /D 2 2 .x2 z2 /J .z2 /
( Z
1 h i
C .dy1 /.dy2 /.dx1 /.dx2 /.dy 01 /.dy 02 / .y1 / SC .y1 x1 / 1 SC .x1 y 01 / .y 01 /
) ( Z
h i i
2 0 0
D1 2 .x1 x2 / .y 2 / SC .y 2 x 2 / SC .x 2 y 2 / .y 2 / C .dx1 /.dx2 /
.dz1 /.dz 2 / K 1 2 .x1 ; x 2 / D1 1 .x1 z1 / J 1 .z1 / D 2 2 .x 2 z 2 / J 2 .z 2 / ;
D .dy1 /.dy 01 /.dx1 /.dx2 /.dx3 / .y1 /SC .y1 x1 / 1 SC .x1 x2 / 2 SC .x2 x3 /
ih Z
3 SC .x3 y 01 / .y 01 / .i/ .dz/ D1 2 .x1 x2 /D 3 3 .x3 z/J 3 .z/
C D1 3 .x1 x3 /D 2 2 .x2 z/J 2 .z/ C D 2 3 .x2 x3 /D1 1 .x1 z/J 1 .z/ C
Z )
1 2 3
.dz1 /.dz 2 /.dz 3 /D11 .x1 z1 /J .z1 /D 2 2 .x2 z2 /J .z2 /D 3 3 .x3 z3 /J .z3 /
C .dy1 /.dy 01 /.dy 2 /.dy 02 /.dx1 /.dx 2 /.dx3 /
h i
.y1 /SC .y1 x1 / 1 SC .x1 y 01 /.y 01 /
h i
.y 2 /SC .y 2 x2 / 2 SC .x2 x3 / 3 SC .x3 y 02 /.y 02 /
Z )
.dz/ D1 2 .x1 x2 /D 3 3 .x3 z/J 3 .z/CD1 3 .x1 x3 /D 2 2 .x 2 z/J 2 .z/
( Z
i h i
C .dy/.dy 0 /.dx1 /.dx 2 /.dx3 /K 1 2 .x1 ; x2 / .y/SC .yx3 / 3 SC .x3 y 0 /.y 0 /
Z )
h i
2 1
.dz/ D1 3 .x1 x3 /D 2 2 .x2 z/J .z/ C D 2 3 .x2 x3 /D1 1 .x1 z/J .z/ ;
5.8 Low Order Contributions to lnh 0C j 0 i 251
.dk/ h k k i eik.xx /
D .xx / D .1 / 2 : (5.8.13)
.2 /4 k k2 i
Remember that there are only connected parts in Eqs.(5.8.10) and (5.8.11). For
example, there is no D1 2 .x1 x 2 / within the very last square brackets on the last
line of (5.8.11) which will otherwise leave Œ .y/ SC .yx3 / 3 SC .x 3 y 0 / .y 0 /
disconnected from the other part multiplying this factor.
To extract transition amplitudes for physical processes from the above expres-
sions, we here recall the amplitudes of emission and detection by the external
sources (acting as emitters or detectors) of the particles involved:
m d3 p
h p ; j 0 i D Œ i u.p; / . p/ ; (5.8.14)
p 0 .2/3
m d3 p
h p ; C j 0 i D Œ i .p/ v.p; / ; (5.8.15)
p 0 .2/3
m d3 p
h 0C j p ; i D Œ i . p/ u.p; / ; (5.8.16)
p 0 .2/3
m d3 p
h 0C j p ; Ci D Œ i v.p; / .p/ ; (5.8.17)
p 0 .2/3
d3 k
h k j 0 i D i J .k/ e .k/ ; (5.8.18)
.2 /3 2k0
d3 k
h 0C jk i D i e .k/ J .k/ : (5.8.19)
.2 /3 2k0
This ingenious method which allows one to quickly extract transition amplitudes
with correct multiplicative numerical factors is due to Schwinger, and no guessing
is required as to what correct multiplicative factors should be in the formalism.
Before closing this section, we note that the interactions in processes are
mediated by the propagators. In the momentum description, the photon propagator
of momentum Q develops a singularity at Q2 D 0, i.e., for Q as a light-like
vector, corresponding to the masslessness-shell constraint of a real, i.e., detectable,
photon. In general, we may have cases for which Q2 ¤ 0 corresponding to
a space-like or a time-like Q. In the latter two cases, the four momentum of
the photon is said to be off the masslessness-shell condition Q2 D 0, and the
photon thus cannot be detected by a detector. It is then referred to as a virtual
particle since the photon does not have the appropriate relation between energy and
momentum to be detectable. Let us investigate the meaning of this last inequality.
For Q space-like, i.e., for Q2 > 0, for example, we have Q2 > .Q0 /2 , which
means the photon lacks the appropriate energy, in comparison to its momentum,
to be detectable. On the other hand, for Q2 < 0 i.e., for Q2 < .Q0 /2 , the
photon has a surplus of energy over its momentum to be detectable. To see how
actually such a virtual photon arises, with a space-like or time-like momentum, in
5.9 Basic Processes 253
Fig. 5.3 (a) Consider the diagram describing the scattering process of an electron, experiencing a
change of its three-momentum, via the exchange of a (virtual) photon with the remaining part of
the diagram (denoted by the shaded area). Conservation of momentum implies that the momentum
of the virtual photon is space-like. (b) Consider an electron and a positron annihilating, e.g. in the
c.m., into a (virtual) photon. The momentum of the virtual photon is time-like. (c) Consider the
scattering of an electron and a photon to a (virtual) electron. The momentum p of the virtual
electron is off the mass-shell satisfying the relation p2 < m2 . (d) Consider an electron becoming
virtual in the scattering of the electron with the emission of a photon. The momentum p of the
virtual electron is off the mass shell satisfying the relation p2 > m2 . The photon is denoted by
a wavy line, while the electron (positron) by a solid one. A virtual particle which has too much
energy or not enough energy to be on the mass shell, as the case may be, may, respectively, give
off energy to another particle or absorb energy from another one and may eventually emerge as a
real particle in an underlying Feynman diagram description of fundamental processes
the light of these observations, consider the diagrams depicting some processes in
Fig. 5.3.25
Now let us proceed, move to the next section, and see how things work out,
compute transition amplitudes by applying the above equations, and witness the
wealth of information stored in them.
These processes are assumed to involve no external sources or external potentials.
254 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
per unit area, denoted by F, that particle m1 crosses at the position of particle of
mass m2 , represented by in Fig. 5.4, as if the latter particle is absent, and hence
no interaction is involved.
The probability per unit area per unit time F, defined above, is called the incident
flux. Most importantly, the ratio defined above leads, upon integration, to a Lorentz
invariant expression for the cross section, and thus may be computed in any inertial
frame. By definition, the unit of cross section is that of an area and, intuitively, the
cross section provides an effective area for the process to occur. The differential
cross section d is then simply defined by the above mentioned ratio, i.e., by
Probjunit time per incident flux F: d D Probjunit time =F.
The probability of finding, the particle of mass m1 , of speed v, within a cube of
cross sectional area A and width vT, during a time T, is given by A v T=V, where
V denotes the volume of the 3D space in which the scattering process occurs. Thus
the probability that this particle crosses a unit area per unit time, at the position
of particle m2 , as if the latter is absent (see Fig. 5.4), is given by
v 1 jp1 TF j
D F: (5.9.1)
V V p01
For the initial particle of mass m2 at rest, we note that the above expression
allows us to write
The transition probability per unit time of a given process that emerges from the
theory for the scattering, say, of two particles into an arbitrary number of particles,
is given by an expression of the form26
ˇ 0 0 0 0 ˇ
ˇhp ; p ; : : : jp1 1 ; p 2 2 iˇ2
1 1 2 2 unit time
D .˘j d!j0 / jM j2 .2/4 ı .4/ p j0 p1 p2 V d!1 d!2 ; (5.9.4)
where jM j2 is an invariant quantity, the symbol stands for any label needed to
specify a particle, in addition to its momentum, and V denotes the volume of the
3D space in which the scattering process occurs, as before. With the momenta of the
initial particles prepared to have sharp values, box normalization implies to replace
each of d3 p1 =.2/3 , d3 p 2 =.2/3 , corresponding to the initial particles, by 1=V.
The differential cross section then takes the form
.2/4 ı .4/ 0
j p j p1 p2
d D .˘j d!j0 / jM j2 ; (5.9.6)
4 p 10 p 02 VF
and is independent of V.
To obtain an expression of the differential cross section in the center-of-
momentum (CM) frame, it is convenient to introduce the invariant variable s D
. p1 C p2 /2 . Then some algebra gives
q q
. p1 p2 /2 m21 m22 D s2 2 .m21 C m22 / s C .m21 m22 /2 : (5.9.8)
In the center-of-momentum (CM) frame, p1 C p2 D 0 and p1 0 C p2 0 D s,
which by evaluating the expression on the left-hand side of (5.9.8), in the CM frame,
The momentum conserving delta function occurs as follows. Invoking translational invari-
ance, and the Hermiticity of the total momentum P which may equally operate to right
or left in hp 01 10 ; p 02 20 ; : : : jPjp1 1 ; p2 2 i, leading to the two equal expressions: . p1 C
p2 /hp 01 10 ; p 20 20 ; : : : jp1 1 ; p2 2 i D . p 01 C : ::/hp 01 10 ; p 20 20 ; : : : jp11 ; p2 2 i. Hence upon subtract-
ing one expression from the other, we obtain p1 Cp2 . p 01 C: : :/ hp 10 10 ; p 20 20 ; : : : jp1 1 ; p2 2 i D
0. On the other the relation x f .x/ D 0 implies that f .x/ is proportional to ı.x/.
256 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
allows us to write
jp1 CM j D p s2 2 .m21 C m22 / s C .m21 m22 /2 : (5.9.9)
2 s
p ı.jp 0 j jp 01 CM j/
ı. p 10 0 C p 20 0 s / D 0 1p ; (5.9.12)
jp 1 CM j s=. p 10 0 p 02 0 /
to integrate over jp 01 j. Finally, note that d˝ CM D sin d d, where is the
angle between p1 CM and p 01 CM , and jp 01 CM j, jp1 CM j, may be replaced by the
expressions on the right-hand sides of (5.9.9), and (5.9.10). Thus in the CM frame,
we have the following expression for the differential cross section
d 1 jM j2 jp 01 CM j
D : (5.9.13)
d˝CM 64 2 s jp1 CM j
5.9 Basic Processes 257
s D . p1 C p 2 /2 D . p 10 C p 20 /2 ; t D . p1 p 01 /2 D . p 20 p 2 /2 ;
2 2
u D . p1 p 20 /2 D . p 10 p 2 /2 ; s C t C u D m21 C m22 C m 0 1 C m 0 2 :
d ˇˇ 1 1
ˇ D jM j2 : (5.9.15)
d t CM 64 s jp1 CM j2
For the convenience of the reader we here recall the transition made between box
normalization and that of the infinite extension as arising from the Fourier transform,
in the complex form, and that of the Fourier integral, used often in scattering theory:
5.9.1 e e ! e e , eC e ! eC e
We may write the source as .x/ D 1 .x/ C 2 .x/, where 1 .x/ is switched
on and then off in the remote past after the electrons are emitted, while 2 .x/
is switched on in the distant future and then switched off after the outgoing
electrons are detected (absorbed), with the interaction taking place later in time
than the emissions and earlier than detections. Thus for the first scattering process
in question, only the term involving the part 1 .x/ of .x/, and the part 2 .z/ of
.z/ will contribute.28
For all y 0 > x 0 , we have (see (4.1.17))
Z Z X 3
d k m i kx
.dy/ 2 .y/SC .y x/ D 3 k0
e Œ i 2 . p/ u.k; / u.k; /;
This expression involves also the process eC eC ! eC eC .
For the process eC eC ! eC eC , only the term involving the pair 2 .x/ and 1 .x/ will
5.9 Basic Processes 259
./Œ i 2 .k 02 / u.k02 ; 20 / Œ i 2 .k 01 / u.k01 ; 10 / Œi u.k2 ; 2 / 1 .k2 / Œ i u.k1 ; 1 / 1 .k1 /
u.k02 ; 20 / 1 u.k2 ; 2 / D1 2 .k2 k 02 / u.k01 ; 10 / 2 u.k1 ; 1 /;
where the overall () sign arises because we have (anti-)commuted 2 .k 01 / and
1 .k2 /.
Now suppose that the momenta and spins of the initial electrons are prepared to
be .p1 ; 1 /; .p2 ; 2 /. We encounter the two possibilities: (k1 D p1 ; k2 D p2 ) or
(k1 D p2 ; k2 D p1 ) (and similarly for the corresponding spins). Clearly, since one
has the integrations over .k02 ; k01 /, and sums over . 01 ; 02 /, we are free to carry out
the relabelings .p 01 ; 01 / , .p 02 ; 02 /, we have the complete symmetric relation29
without change of the overall sign in (5.9.19) by simultaneously commuting
1 .k1 /; 1 .k2 / and .k 01 /; .k 02 /. This leads simply to multiplying the expression
in (5.9.19) by a factor of 2.
We have to be also careful when considering the outgoing momenta.30 If the
momenta and spins of the outgoing (two identical particles) electrons are .p 02 ; 02 /,
.p 01 ; 01 / with p 01 ¤ p 02 , then the integral, say over k01 will “meet” both
values .p 02 ; p 01 /.
Similarly in the case for the integral over k02 , the product Œ i 2 . p 20 / u.p 02 ; 02 /
Œ i 2 . p 01 / u.p 01 ; 01 / will occur twice with .p 02 ; 02 / $ .p 01 ; 01 /.
Accordingly, for the process, in question, with the momenta of the electrons
taking values within infinitesimal intervals around the just specified non-coincident
values, and for the values taken by their respective spins, we obtain
Also note that D .k2 k 02 / D D .k1 k 01 /, and the symmetry of D in .; /.
On the other hand, if you fix the final momenta and spins first, then the argument is reversed.
260 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
Here we recall that we have two identical particles (electrons) in the final state,
and that the minus sign between the two terms within the square brackets, in
the last line, arises because we have (anti-)commuted Œ i 2 . p 10 / u.p 01 ; 01 / and
Œ i 2 . p 02 / u.p 02 ; 02 / , in the process of derivation, and thus it emerges as a
consequence of the anti-commutativity of the Grassmann sources. The Fermi-Dirac
statistics is automatically recovered (Fig. 5.6).
Upon comparing the above expression in (5.9.20) with the term in a unitarity sum
(with connected terms in scattering) (see also (5.8.20)):
we may infer from (5.9.20), that the amplitude of scattering in question is given by
q q p p
h p 10 01 ; p 20 02 jp1 1 ;p 2 2 i D i e2 2md! 01 2md! 02 2md! 1 2md! 1
h i
.2/4 ı .4/ . p 20 C p 10 p1 p2 / (5.9.22)
h i h
D u.p 02 ; 02 / 2 u.p 2 ; 2 / D 2 1 . p 2 p 02 / u.p 01 ; 10 / 1 u.p1 ; 1 /
u.p 01 ; 01 / 2 u.p 2 ; 2 / D 2 1 . p 2 p 01 / u.p 02 ; 02 / 1 u.p1 ; 1 / ;
(a) (b)
p2 p1 p1 p2 p2 p1 p1 p2
p2 p1 p2 p1 p2 p1 p2 p1
p p
h p2 2 ; p1 1 j 0 iDŒ i u.p2 ; 2 / 1 . p2 / 2m d! 2 Œ i u.p1 ; 1 / 1 . p1 / 2md!1 ;
q q
h 0C jp 20 20 ; p 01 01 iDŒ i 2 . p 20 /u.p 02 ; 02 / 2md! 02 Œ i 2 . p 10 / u.p 01 ; 01 / 2m d! 01 ;
and the latter two equations denote, respectively, the amplitudes of emissions and
detection of these particles. (See (5.8.14) and (5.8.16)).
From the Dirac equations
we obtain
d3 p 02 d3 p 01 X ˇh iˇ2
4 1 ˇ ˇ
Probjunit time D e4 16 m ˇ : ˇ
.2/3 2p 0 02 .2/3 2p 0 01 4 spins
d3 p 2 d3 p1
.2/4 V ı .4/ . p 20 C p 10 p1 p 2 /: (5.9.28)
.2/3 2p 2 .2/3 2p01
where the 1=4 factor arises because one is averaging over the initial spins of the
ingoing electrons.
For sharp initial momenta p1 ; p 2 , box normalization versus continuum
P via Fourier series
R (in complex form) versus Fourier transform:
.1=V/ p . : / , .1=.2/3 / d3 p. : /, allows us to replace .d3 p1 =.2/3 / .d3 p2 =
.2/3 / by 1=V 2 . If F denotes the incident flux, then according to (5.9.2)
and (5.9.3),
ˇ p
p01 p 02 V F ˇ D . p1 p 2 /2 m4 : (5.9.29)
R This property is usually attributed to Fermi, and follows from the formal equality ı .4/ . p/jpD0 D
.dx/=.2/4 D VT=.2/4 .
262 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
The cross section for the process for unpolarized electrons, is then given,
from (5.9.6) and (5.9.7), by the Lorentz invariant expression
Z X ˇh iˇ2 ı .4/ . p 0 C p 0 p p /
e4 d3 p 02 d3 p 01 4 1 ˇ ˇ 1 2
D 0 0
16 m ˇ ˇ p2 1
4 2 2p 0 2 2p 0 1 4 spins 2
4 . p1 p 2 / m 4
RThe Lorentz invariance of this expression is evident since d3 p=2p0 Œ D
.dp/ ™. p0/ ı. p2 C m2 /Œ .
In reference to (5.9.7), jM j2 , and its average jM j2 , may be written as
ˇh iˇ2 1 X ˇh iˇ2
ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ
jM j2 D e4 16 m4 ˇ : ˇ ; jM j2 D e4 16m4 ˇ : ˇ ; (5.9.31)
4 spins
After some algebra, the summation over spins leads to (see Problem 5.8) . p1 p 2 D
p1 p 2 /
1 X ˇˇh iˇˇ2 8 . p1 p 2 /2 C . p1 p 02 /2 C 2m2 . p1 p 10 C m2 /
ˇ : ˇ D
4 spins .2m/4 . p 2 p 02 /4
m C . p1 p 2 /2 C m2 . p1 p 2 C p1 p 01 C p1 p 20 /
. p 2 p 02 /2 . p 2 p 01 /2
. p1 p 2 /2 C . p1 p 01 /2 C 2m2 . p1 p 20 C m2 /
C :
. p 2 p 01 /4
In the CM frame,
p1 D p 2 ; p 01 D p 02 ; p1 0 D p 2 0 D p 01 0 D p 01 0 ; (5.9.33)
p1 p 01 D 2 ˇ 2 m2 cos D 2 1/ m2 cos ; 2D : (5.9.34)
.1 ˇ 2 /
d ˛2 1 h 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 i
2 2
D 2 2 2 .2 1/ 2
C ;
d˝CM m . 1/2 sin 4 4 sin 4
where ˛ D e2 =.4/ is the fine-structure constant.
5.9 Basic Processes 263
At high energies 2 1, the differential cross section takes the simple form
d ˛2 4 2
' 1 : (5.9.36)
d˝CM 4m2 2 sin2
where the factor 2 arises because of the symmetry that arises between the indices
1 , 2 of the sources that occurs in (5.9.16) upon writing D 1 C 2 . Here we
note that for x 0 < x 0 0 , with x 0 arbitrarily large32
m d3 p ip x 0 X
.dx/ 1 .x/ SC .x x 0 / D i 0 3
e 1 .p/v.p; / v.p; /;
p .2/
Using the Grassmann character of the sources, we obtain for the amplitude in
A D i e2 Œ v.q; / v.q 0 ; 0 / D .q q 0 / Œ u.p 01 ; 10 / u.p1 ; 1 /
Œ u.p1 0 ; 10 / v.q; 0 / D .q C p1 / Œ v.q; / u.p1 ; 1 /
2m d!.p 01 / 2m d!.q 0 / 2m d!.p1 / 2m d!.q/ .2/4 ı .4/ . p 10 C q 0 p1 q/:
Upon comparison of this amplitude of Bhabha scattering, with the Møller one
in (5.9.22)/(5.9.23), we may infer that the latter amplitude is related to the former
Note the sign change in the exponent of the following two equations.
264 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
d ˛2 4 2
' 2 2 2
1 cos4 : (5.9.42)
d˝CM 4m sin 2
which is given by the second term within the curly brackets in the first term of a2
in (5.8.10), multiplied by i e2 as given in the exponent in (5.8.1).
To describe these processes, we write D 1 C 2 , J D J1 C J2 , where 1 , J1
are switched on and then off in the remote past after the electron and the photon are
emitted, while 2 , J2 , are switched on in the distant future and then switched off
after the outgoing electron and photon are detected (absorbed), with the interaction
taking place later in time than the emissions and earlier than detections. Clearly, the
first process, is described by the explicit expression
i e2 .dx/ .dx 0 / .dx1 / .dx 2 / .dz1 / .dz 2 /
2 .x/ SC .x x1 / 1 SC .x1 x 2 / 2 SC .x 2 x 0 / 1 .x 0 /
D11 .x1 z1 / J21 .z1 / D 2 2 .x 2 z 2 / J1 2 .z 2 /
C D1 1 .x1 z1 / J 1 .z1 / D 2 2 .x 2 z 2 / J 2 2 .z 2 / : (5.9.44)
5.9 Basic Processes 265
Here z10 < x10 , z2 0 > x20 , with z1 0 , z2 0 arbitrarily large, hence invoking, in
the process, gauge invariance with respect external photon lines, we may make the
d3 k
.dz1 / D1 1 .x1 z1 /J11 .z1 / ! i 0 3
e i kx 1 e1 e J1 .k/ ;
2k .2/
Z Z (5.9.45)
2 d3 k X
i kx 2
.dz 2 / D 2 2 .x 2 z 2 / J2 .z 2 / ! i e J 2 .k/ e e 2 :
2k 0 .2/3
For the initial electron and photon with respective momenta p, k, and final
momenta with p 0 , k 0 , with the latter two taking values within infinitesimal intervals
around the just specified values, the above equation gives the amplitude (Fig. 5.7)
s s
d3 p 0 d3 k 0 1 1
A D iM p .2/4 ı .4/ . p 0 C k 0 p k/;
.2/3 2p 0 0 2k 0 0 3
.2/ V 4 p 0 k 0
h . p C k/ C m . p k 0 / C m i
M D e2 2m u.p 0 ; 0 / e00 2 2
e C e 0 2 2
e00 u.p; /;
. p C k/ C m .p k / C m
where we recall that i e J1 .k/ d3 k=.2 /3 2k0 is the amplitude that the
(emitter) source J1 emits a photon of momentum k and polarization specified by
the parameter , and similarly, for the amplitude of detection of a photon (see (5.5.4)
and (5.5.5)) for a real polarization vector.
p k p
p+k + p−k
p k p
Fig. 5.7 Compton scattering showing only the momenta of the particles involved. The photon is
shown as a wavy line
266 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
We consider the initial electron at rest. Then upon squaring the momentum
conserving equation p 0 C k 0 D p k, using in the process p 0 0 C k 0 0 D m C k 0 ,
and setting k k 0 D k 0 k 0 0 cos , we obtain the well known expression relating the
photon energy before and after the collision
k00 1
D : (5.9.49)
k0 1C k0
.1 cos /
We consider an experiment where the electron spins are not observed. Accord-
ingly averaging over the initial spin of the electron and summing over the final spin,
we obtain
1X k 00 k0
jM j2 D e4 0 C 0 0 C 2 Œ 2 .e e00 /2 1 : (5.9.50)
2 spins k k
The p 0 integral, upon taking the absolute value squared of (5.9.47), is readily
obtained by using in the rest frame of the electron
d3 p 0 .4/ 0
ı . p C k p k/ D .dp 0 /™. p 0 0 /ı. p 0 2 C m2 /ı .4/ . p 0 C k 0 p k/
2p0 0
D ™.mCk 0 k 0 0 /ı . p C k k 0 /2 Cm2 D .mCk0 k 0 0 /ı 2kk 0 2m.k0 k 00 / ;
and the k0 -integration may be now easily carried out. This leads for the differential
cross section for polarized photons, in the rest frame of the electron (TF frame), the
d ˛ 2 k 0 0 2 k 0 0 k0 0 2
D C C 2 Œ 2 .e e 0/ 1 : (5.9.52)
d˝TF 4 m2 k 0 k0 k00
d ˛ 2 k 0 0 2 k 0 0 k0 2
D C sin : (5.9.53)
d˝TF 2 m2 k 0 k0 k00
In the low energy limit k0 ! 0, we see from (5.9.49) that k 0 0 =k 0 ! 1, and the
above equation leads, upon integration over ˝TF , to the following cross section
8 2
D r ; (5.9.54)
3 0
z −k
spins of the electron and positron, we have in the CM frame corresponding to such
a process, with
.j / .j /
where e2 is obtained from e1 by the substitutions
j ! j C =2; j D 1; 2; (5.9.61)
and hence
1 C 4ˇ 2 .1 ˇ 2 / cos2 1
P 1 ; D ; (5.9.65)
2 Œ 1 C 2 ˇ 2 .1 ˇ 2 /
1 C 4ˇ 2 .1 ˇ 2 / cos2 2
P ; 2 D : (5.9.66)
2 Œ 1 C 2 ˇ 2 .1 ˇ 2 /
5.9 Basic Processes 269
The fact that the spin of one of the photons depends on the measurement of the spin
of the other photon is expressed by the basic relation
P 1 ; 2 ¤ P 1 ; P ; 2 : (5.9.67)
1 1
PŒ 1 ; 2 D sin2 .1 2 /; PŒ 1 ; D PŒ ; 2 D : (5.9.68)
2 2
5.9.3 e ! e
Q2 Q2
Q D k k 0 D p 0 p; pQ D ; kQ D ;
2 2
Q2 Q2 Q2
kk 0 D m2 ; pp 0 D M 2 ; (5.9.69)
2 2 2
neglecting the mass of the electron, i.e., for Q2
m2 . We will also use the rather
standard notations for the ingoing and outgoing electron energies:
k 0 E; k 0 0 E 0: (5.9.70)
This subsection is based on Manoukian and Yongram [61]. For the significance of these
polarizations correlations in their role in support of the monumental quantum theory against so-
called hidden variables theories, see, e.g., the just mentioned paper, Manoukian [56], Bell [5], and
Bell and Aspect [6]. For a detailed review, with applications to QED, the electroweak theory and
strings, see Yongram and Manoukian [83]. We have observed the speed dependence of polarization
correlations in actual quantum field theory calculations early (2003) (see [82])
See also Problem 5.9.
270 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
e k
From our earlier treatments in the last two subsections, the expression of the
differential cross section is, by now standard, and in the rest frame of the muon, is
given by
d3 k 0 d3 p 0 .2/4 ı .4/ . p C Q p 0 /
d D jM j2 ; (5.9.71)
.2/3 2E 0 .2/3 2p 0 0 4 ME
where jM j2 D .e4 =Q 4 /.1=2/.1=2/Œ : 1 Œ : 2 , and in an arbitrary frame
Œ : 1 D 4 m2 Tr u.k 0 ; 0 / u.k; / u.k; / u.k 0 ; 0 /
D 4 k 0 k C k 0 k kk 0 m2 ; (5.9.72)
Œ : 2 D 4 M2 Tr u.p 0 ; 0 / u.p; / u.p; / u.p 0 ; 0 /
D 4 p p C p 0 p pp 0 M 2 :
In particular in the rest frame of muon (p 0 D M), we may use (5.9.69), to obtain
h Q2 Q2 Q2 i
Œ : 1 Œ : 2 D 64 M 2 E E 0 1 C ; (5.9.74)
4EE 0 2M 2 4EE 0
where we have neglected the mass m of the electron in comparison to the mass M
of the muon inside the square brackets. We note that
Q2 D 2 pQ D 2 M .E E 0 /; Q2 D 4 EE 0 sin2 ; (5.9.75)
# Q2 # Q2
sin2 D ; cos 2 D1 : (5.9.76)
2 4EE 0 2 4 EE 0
5.10 Modified Propagators 271
E #
DD 1C2 sin2 ; (5.9.79)
M 2
and we have used the relation E 0 D .E Q2 =2M/, and the second equality
in (5.9.75) to solve for E 0 .
Finally, we note that d3 k 0 D E 02 dE 0 d˝, by neglecting the mass m of the
electron, to integrate over E 0 by using, in the process, the constraint set by the
delta function ı.E 0 E=D/ obtained above. All told, using, in particular (5.9.74)
and (5.9.76), we obtain
d ˛2 E0 h # Q2 #i
D cos 2 C sin2 : (5.9.80)
d˝ 4E 2 sin4 #
E 2 2M 2 2
For a simple structure we have .dx/ .x/ SC .x x 0 / .x 0 /.dx 0 / D SC , in matrix
multiplication form.
272 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
where eS. p/ is the modified fermion propagator due to the interaction, and is
given by
h Z i
e .dk/
S. p/ D SC . p/ 1 i e2 S C . p k/
D .k/S C . p/ : (5.10.3)
It is more convenient to obtain the equation for the inverse eS1 of the modified
e1 e
propagator .S S D 1/. To second order, it satisfies the equation
e .dk/
S1 . p/ D SC
. p/ C i e2 SC . p k/ D .k/: (5.10.4)
We will investigate this equation and its physical interpretation in the first subsection
Now we also consider terms depending on the bilinear form J : : : J which,
again, naturally leads to the modified photon propagator, due to the interaction, from
its “bare” counterpart D . To this end, again using a matrix multiplication notation
in spacetime, this is given from (5.8.8) and (5.8.10), to be
i 1
J D1 2 C i e2 D1 K D 2 J 2 ; (5.10.5)
where K is defined in (5.8.6) and (5.8.7). In the momentum description, the above
equation reads
i .dk/ e .k/ J .k/;
J .k/ D (5.10.6)
2 .2/4
where L .k; k/ was explicitly computed in Appendix A of Chap. 3, and
from (3.6.30), (3.6.31) and (3.6.32), it is given by
Using the transversality condition of L .k; k/ in k , i.e., k L .k; k/ D
0; k L .k; k/ D 0, we have
To determine the modified electron propagator e S. p/, due to the interaction, and
provide its physical interpretation, we evaluate the self energy-part ˙. p/, given by
the integral (Fig. 5.10)
.dk/ . p k/ C m
˙. p/ D i e2 D .k/; (5.10.10)
.2/4 . p k/2 C m2
Here we have introduced a small fictitious mass ! 0 for the photon to avoid
divergences at low energies – the so called infrared divergence. Also note that due
to the interaction, as we will see below, the actual mass m of the electron is such
that m ¤ m0 , m0 D mŒ1CO.e2 /. Thus it is convenient to introduce the fee electron
propagator S. p/, depending on the physical mass, and set in the sequel
S1 . p/ D p C m; 1
SC . p/ D p C m0 : (5.10.12)
S−1 (p) = γ p + m0 −
Fig. 5.10 The inverse of the modified electron propagator, due to the interaction, to second order.
The corresponding mathematical expression will be denoted by e S1 . p/ D SC 1
. p/ ˙. p/. Note
the minus sign between the latter two terms
274 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
The factor Œ . p k/2 C m2 in the third term cancels out with the denominator and
leads to an odd integral in k, and hence the integral of the third term gives zero. We
may now break the integral in question into three parts: ˙. p/ D ˙1 . p/ C ˙2 . p/ C
˙3 . p/, where
.dk/ 1
˙1 . p/ D i e2 . C 1/. p C m/ 2m ;
.2/4 Œ . p k/2 C m2 .k2 C 2 /
.dk/ k
˙2 . p/ D i e2 .2/ ; (5.10.15)
.2/ Œ . p k/ C m2 .k2 C 2 /
4 2
2 2 2 .dk/ k
˙3 . p/ D i e .1 /Œ p C m :
.2/4 k2 Œ. p k/2 C m2 .k2 C 2 /
inverse electron
propagator e S1 has the general structure A C B. p C m/
CO . p C m/ where, A and B are constants. It diverges logarithmically
at high energies, referred to as an ultraviolet divergence. Clearly from the
dimensionality of e S1 , only the
constants A and B may have such a divergence.
Any correction of the form O . p C m/2 involves one additional power of k
in the integrand of ˙. p/ and hence necessarily is ultraviolet finite by simple
power counting of powers of k in its denominator and numerator. The main term
A C B. p C m/ is the key term for examining the ultraviolet divergence of e S1 .
Using the Feynman parameter representations to combine the denominators in
these integrals as given in (II.27), (II.35), in Appendix II at the end of the book, and
the momentum integrations given in (II.15), (II.16), (II.24), we obtain near the mass
shell p2 ' m2 (see Problem 5.13)
4 h i
˙1 . p/ ' . p C m/ .1 C / Cuv C 2.3 C / 4 Cir 2 m Cuv C 2 ;
4 5 1
˙2 . p/ ' C . p C m/ Cuv C m Cuv C ; (5.10.18)
˛ 2 2
˙3 . p/ ' .1 /. p C m/ 1 2 Cir ; (5.10.19)
5.10 Modified Propagators 275
up to ultraviolet finite terms O . p C m/2 , where we have used the identity
Here (uv) and (ir) stand for ultraviolet and infrared, respectively. The above
Eqs. (5.10.17), (5.10.18) and (5.10.19) are given up to ultraviolet finite terms which
approach zero near the mass shell. From (5.10.17), (5.10.18), (5.10.19), (5.10.20),
(5.10.21) and (5.10.22), the inverse electron propagator, to second order, then has
the following behavior near the mass shell
. p C m0 C ım/
S1 . p/ ' C O . p C m/2 ; (5.10.23)
3˛ 3
ım D m Cuv C ; (5.10.24)
4 2
1 ˛ h 9i
D1C Cuv 2.3 / Cir C C : (5.10.25)
Z2 4 2
and ım is called the self-mass of the electron. Thus the electron’s mass is
necessarily given by
m D m0 C ım; (5.10.26)
See Appendix III, at the end of the book, for dimensional regularization.
276 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
1 2 "=2 "
Cuv D : (5.10.28)
"=2 m2 2
Here the limit of the ultraviolet cut-off 2 ! 1, has been replaced by the limit of
the parameter " ! C 0, where we note that
" 2
D E C O."/: (5.10.29)
2 "
with E D 0:5772157 : : : denoting Euler’s constant.
The renormalization constant Z 2 being the residue of the modified propagator,
is gauge dependent and is, respectively, ultraviolet finite and infrared finite, in the
following stated gauges
1 ˛ h9 i
D 1C 6 Cir ; D 0; (5.10.30)
Z2 4 2
1 ˛ h 15 i
D 1C 3 Cuv C ; D 3; (5.10.31)
Z2 4 2
referred to as the Landau gauge and the Yennie-Fried gauge, respectively. In the
Feynman gauge D 1, it is ultraviolet cut-off and infrared cut-off dependent
1 ˛ h 11 i
D 1C Cuv 4 Cir C ; D 1: (5.10.32)
Z2 4 2
What the theory is telling us is that if jp; i denotes an electron state with
momentum p, and spin , normalized as
p 0 .3/ 0
hp 0 0 jp i D .2/3 ı .p p/ ı 0 ; (5.10.33)
hp j .x/jvaci D Z 2 u.p; / eip x ; (5.10.34)
5.10 Modified Propagators 277
This will be compared with the full theory later on in Sect. 5.15 (see (5.15.30)).
Formally, Z 2 represents the probability that the (fermion) field creates a particle
out of the vacuum. The electron field, however, is a gauge dependent object and
one must be careful in such an interpretation here. The second point concerning
Z 2 is, in general, its infrared cut-off dependence. This is due to the fact that an
electron, being a charged particle, and the fact that the photon is massless, it cannot
be rigorously defined, in isolation, without the presence of an arbitrary number of
photons of arbitrarily small (soft) energies accompanying it, while Z 2 above is
introduced in terms of an electron without such a cloud of soft photons. Finally, we
note that this constant was introduced by going on the mass shell of the electron.
This corresponds to defining scattering states of an electron as observed in emission
and detection regions. This necessitates to scale the electron propagator by 1=Z 2 ,
and introduce, in turn, the renormalized electron propagator via the identification
e 1 e
Sren . p/ D S. p/; (5.10.37)
ren . p/ D . p C m/ C O . p C m/
near the mass shell: (5.10.38)
See also Sect. 4.1 for details on the concept of wavefunction renormalization.
278 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
In reference to (5.10.34), the above condition defines a boundary condition for the
renormalized propagator near the mass shell, for a proper description of electron
in scattering states, up to the presence of soft photons accompanying it. The ever
presence of such soft photons will be discussed later in Sect. 5.12.
Now we come to the concept of mass renormalization. Using the ultraviolet cut-
off dependence of Cuv in (5.10.27), we may, from (5.10.24), write
3 ˛ h 2 1 i
ım D m ln 2 C : (5.10.39)
4 m 2
From (5.10.26), this suggests to define an effective mass which depends on an
energy scale by
2 3 ˛ h 2 1 i
m. / D m 1 ln 2 C ; (5.10.40)
4 m 2
with the so-called bare mass given by m0 D lim 2 !2 m. 2 /. The latter limit, for
2 ! 1, corresponds to going all the way to the very core of the electron for
which, presumably, no justification can be given with our present physical theories.
Through the process of renormalization, the parameter m0 has been eliminated
in favor of the physically observed mass m, as it should be done for a sensible
description of the theory.
Equation (5.10.40) is still remarkable in the sense that even at high energies but
much smaller than m expŒ.2=3˛/1=4, so that .3 ˛=4/ ln. 2 =m2 /C1=2 1,
m. 2 /, in the just mentioned equation, is not drastically different from the renormal-
ized ( physically observed) mass m measured at large distances in the lab.38 At
small distances, at the Planck length, for example, gravitation is expected to play
an essential role in formulating quantum dynamical theories. Extrapolating to such
distances, presumably, requires detailed generalizations in our physical theories.
The modified photon propagator, from (5.10.8), (5.10.9) and (3.6.30), may be
written as (Fig. 5.11)
This is due to the logarithmic nature on the cut-off dependence in QED. On the other hand, for
the mass of the Higgs Boson, in the electroweak theory, one has a quadratic dependence on the
cut-off , and its unrenormalized and renormalized masses are drastically different.
5.10 Modified Propagators 279
p − 2k
= Dμν (k) 1 γ γν −
Dμν (k) −−
p + 2k
Fig. 5.11 The modified photon propagator, due to the interaction, to second order, up to terms
obtained from the expression of a gauge invariant current. The corresponding mathematical
e .k/ D D .k/ .1=k2 / ˘ .k/.1=k2 /
expression will be denoted by D
Z 1
2 e2 1 h k2 i
˘.k / D Cuv C 6 dz z.1 z/ ln 1 C z.1 z/ ; (5.10.43)
12 2 2 0 m2
where Cuv is given in (5.10.27). ˘ .k/ is referred to as the vacuum polarization
tensor. Note the transversality of the latter: k ˘ .k/ D 0, k ˘ .k/ D 0 which,
as mentioned in Sect. 3.6, is attributed to gauge invariance. Also note that
e2 1 ˛ h 2 1 i
˘.0/ D Cuv C D ln 2 ; (5.10.44)
12 2 2 3 m 2
Z 1 h i
2˛ k2
˘.k2 / ˘.0/ D dz z.1 z/ ln 1 C 2 z.1 z/ ˛ c .k2 /; (5.10.45)
0 m
and the longitudinal part of the propagator (coefficient of ) does not change with
the interaction. Later, we will show that the latter condition is true in the full theory
as well.
Near the mass shell k2 ' 0,
h i
e .k/ D k k 1 Z3 C O.k2 / C k k ;
D (5.10.48)
k 2 k 2 k4
˛ h 1i ˛ h 2 1 i
Z3 D 1 Cuv C D1 ln 2 ; (5.10.49)
3 2 3 m 2
is gauge invariant, and is defined with an ultraviolet cut-off , while with
dimensional regularization,39 it is given by
˛ 1 2 "=2 " 1
Z3 D 1 C : (5.10.50)
3 "=2 m2 2 2
Again from our study of the field concept, Z3 is interpreted as the probability
that the electromagnetic field creates a photon out of the vacuum. A clear picture
of the meaning of the renormalization constant Z3 further arises from a so-called
spectral decomposition of the photon propagator, which has also a counterpart in
the full theory, and is obtained as follows.
To the above end, note that in reference to the integral in (5.10.45), we may
generate the following chain of equalities
Z 1 h i Z 1 Z 1 h i
k2 @ k2
dz z.1 z/ ln 1 C 2 z.1 z/ D dz z.1 z/ d2 2 ln 1 C 2 z.1 z/ ;
0 m 0 m2 @
Z 1 Z 1
d2 ™.2 m2 /
D k2 dz z 2 .1 z/2
0 0 C k2 z.1 z/
2 2
Z 1 Z 1 Z 1 2
d ı.M 2 z.1 z/ 2 / ™.M 2 z.1 z/ m2 /
D k2 dz z 2 .1 z/2 dM 2 ;
0 .2m/2 0 2 k2 C M 2
where the last equality is easily verified by integrating over M 2 and using, in the
process, the delta function constraint. The lower limit .2m/2 of the M 2 -integral
In the next chapter, the gluon propagator, the counterpart of the photon propagator in QCD, will
be directly analyzed with dimensional regularization.
5.10 Modified Propagators 281
follows from the step function constraint and the fact that the roots of the equation
M 2 z.1 z/ m2 D 0 are
1 p 1 p
z1 D .1 1 4m2 =M 2 /; z2 D .1 C 1 4m2 =M 2 /;
2 2
requiring that M 2 4m2 . Upon integrating over 2 , we obtain for the above
Z 1 Z
2 dM 2 1 z2
k 2 k2 C M 2
dz z.1 z/
.2m/ 2 M z1
Z r
k2 1
dM 2 1 2m2 4m2
D 2 2 2
1C 2 1 2: (5.10.52)
6 .2m/2 M k CM M M
All told, we have from (5.10.45), (5.10.47), (5.10.49) the following expression
e .k/ emerges40
for D
k k k k
e .k/ D D
D eC .k/ C ; (5.10.53)
k 2 k4
Z 1
eC .k/ D .M 2 /
D dM 2 2 ; (5.10.54)
0 k C M2 i
˛ 2 2m2 4m2
2 2 2 1
.M / D Z3 ı.M / C ™ M .2m/ 1 C 1 ;
3 M2 M2 M2
The presence of i
in .k2 C M 2 i
/ in the denominator is understood.
A process involving no energy transfer.
282 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
thus leading to the Coulomb potential, at large distances jxj ! 1, with modified
renormalized charges,
q2 p
U.jxj/ ! ren ; qren D q Z3 : (5.10.58)
We will see later that the bare charge e0 is renormalized in this way as well, and
other renormalization constants such as Z2 , and a corresponding one for the vertex,
do not contribute to charge renormalization. That is,
e0 Z3 D e; ˛ 0 Z3 D ˛; (5.10.59)
The first relation defines the renormalized photon propagator whose transverse part
behaves as the free propagator near the mass shell, corresponding to scattering
5.11 Vertex Part 283
which increases as 2 increases, i.e., it increases as the distance between the charge
decreases. This is physically expected, as from the diagram above, for example,
one may infer that the creation of an electron-positron pair leads to screening of
a charge when one is far away from the charge in question, and vice versa as one
approaches the charge as discussed in the introductory chapter of the book. The
bare fine-structure constant is then formally given by ˛0 D lim 2 !1 ˛. 2 /, which
corresponds to moving all the way to the core of the electron through the cloud of the
pairs of particles. The divergence encountered in this limit is of no surprise as our
theories are not justified to describe nature at absolute zero distances. One, however,
may re-express the theory in terms of physically observed quantities instead of
limiting experimentally unattainable quantities. The good news about QED, and all
renormalizable theories, is that when all unrenormalized quantities are eliminated
in favor of renormalized ones, the theories become ultraviolet finite defined in terms
of realistic physical quantities as the actual value of the fine-structure constant and
the actual mass of the electron.
In (5.10.58)/(5.10.59) we have seen that the Coulomb potential is simply
modified, at large distances by simply renormalizing the charges. On the other hand,
for small distances mjxj 1=2, the Coulomb potential is also modified, and as
given in Problem 5.14, to
e q2 2˛ h 1 5i
U.x/ ! Z3 C ln E ; (5.10.66)
4jxj 3 mjxj 6
Fig. 5.12 The set of all diagrams (A)–(E), up to third order, which may be connected to other
diagrams by two electron lines and one photon line. This set of diagrams are all generated, with
exact numerical factors, from the terms a1 , a3 in (5.8.9), (5.8.11) involving the combination of
sources : : : J
Diagram (C)–(E) are obtained from our investigation of the self energy parts of
the electron and photon and are thus generated from the insertions of the latter in
external electron and photon lines, respectively and will be treated in Sect. 5.11.2.
The diagram in (A) is generated from a1 , while the diagram in (B) is generated
from the second term, within the first pair of curly brackets of a3 , leading, together,
to the combination
.dp 0 / .dp/ .dQ/
i e0 4 4 4
. p 0 /SC . p 0 / . p 0 ; p/SC . p/. p/
.2/ .2/ .2/
D .Q/J .Q/.2/4 ı .4/ . p 0 p Q/; (5.11.1)
where note that the overall coefficient multiplying the integral is the bare charge e0 ,
. p 0 ; p/ D C . p 0 ; p/; (5.11.2)
to second order, and here we have used the renormalized charge to this lowest order.
The diagram in Fig. 5.13 shows the rooting of the momenta taken to run through
. p0 ; p/, and the direction of the external momenta.
To investigate the ultraviolet divergence of this integral, it is sufficient to
consider the external electron lines on the mass shell. We also consider initially the
expression up to the linear term in Q. The resulting expression will be also useful
in applications that will follow. The numerator coming from the part of the
photon propagator (see (5.10.11)), with the understanding that it is to be sandwiched
between u.p0 ; 0 / and u.p; /, is
N D 2 k k C 4 m k C 4. p C p 0 / k 4 . p 0 C p/ k C 4 pp 0 :
5.11 Vertex Part 285
On the other hand for the resulting expression of the numerator N , we have
Z x
dz N D .k2 C m2 x 2 /x C mx 2 .1 x/Œ ; Q C m2 x.x 2 C 4x 4/ :
Integrating over k and x, give for the =.k2 C 2 / part of the photon
propagator contribution to (5.11.3)
˛ h 11 i 1
Cuv 4Cir C C Œ ; Q : (5.11.8)
4 2 2m
For the .1 /k k =k2 .k2 C 2 / term (see (5.10.11)) in the photon propagator,
note that the corresponding integrand in the vertex part (5.11.3) is simply
k k
. 1/ S. p 0 k/ S. p k/
k2 .k2 C 2 /
1 h i h i
D . 1/ 1 S 1 . p 0 / S. p 0 k/ 1 S. p k/ S 1 . p/ :
k2 .k2 C 2 /
286 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
When the latter is sandwiched between u.p 0 ; 0 /; u.p; /, it leads to an additional
contribution (see (5.10.22), (5.10.27), and Problem 5.12)
.dk/ 1 2
i e2 .1 /
.2/ k .k C / k C 2
4 2 2 2 2
˛ 2 ˛ h i
D .1 / ln 2 D .1 / Cuv C 2 Cir C 1 ; (5.11.10)
4 4
with an ultraviolet cut-off 2 , and an infrared cut-off 2 . All told, the leading
contribution in Q to . p 0 ; p/, on the mass shell, is given by
1 ˛
. p 0 ; p/ D C Œ ; Q ; Q D p 0 p; (5.11.11)
Z1 8 m
1 ˛ h 9i
D 1C Cuv 2.3 / Cir C C : (5.11.12)
Z1 4 2
Z Z #
d3 k dk0 1 ik.xx 0 /
e : (5.11.15)
jkj<K .2/ .2/ k2 C 2 i
The first expression within the square brackets is what we have been using thus
far. The second term, when substituted in the integral equation of the vertex part, in
5.11 Vertex Part 287
addition to the first one, allows one to eliminate the fictitious photon mass cut-off
in favor of the infrared cut-off K, via the equation
Z 1 2
x dx 1 m 5
Cir D
2 D ln D ln C : (5.11.16)
0 x2 C .1 x/ 2 m2 2K 6
S 1 . p/ D SC
. p/ ˙. p/; (5.11.17)
and the latter equality holds true to second order. Accordingly, if the mass term
m0 in the lagrangian density is simply rewritten as m C ım , and
we use the propagator S. p/, depending on the physical mass m, as we should,
as the zeroth order and treat ım in a perturbation expansion, thus generating
another, though simple, vertex part, then we may simply replace ˙. p/ in our earlier
expressions, wherever they appear, in a1 ; a2 ; a3 , in h 0C j 0 i, by ˙. p/ C ım, and
SC . p/ by S. p/. Thus the totality of all diagrams in Fig. 5.12, with two external
electron line and one photon line, up to the order considered, are generated by the
corresponding terms in a1 , a3 , including now the perturbation term ım , and
288 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
where note that the overall charge multiplying the expression for ˝ is e0 .
The coupling terms of the fields to their external sources in the Lagrangian
density may be rewritten as
p p
ren D = Z 2; ren D Z 2 ; (5.11.24)
p p
ren D = Z 2; ren D Z 2 ; (5.11.25)
Aren D A = Z 3 ; Jren D Z 3 J; (5.11.26)
and the external sources, now associated with renormalized states, i.e., states
described by spinors u; u, v; v, expressed in terms of the physical mass and satisfy
the earlier normalizations conditions, and with the photons described by appropriate
polarization vectors as before.
The external sources now become expressed in terms of renormalized
sourcespand hence ˝ . p 0 ; p/ becomes replaced by .Z 2 Z 3 Z 2 /1=2 ˝ . p 0 ; p/
.Z 2 Z3 /1 ˝ . p 0 ; p/, which will be used below in (5.11.27).
The identity k D . p 0 C m/ . p C m/, implies the vanishing of the latter
expression when sandwiched between the spinors u.p 0 ; 0 / and u.p; /. When this
is applied to the last term within the square brackets in (5.11.22), this term simply
1 i h
u.p 0 ; 0 / ˝ren
. p 0 ; p/ u.p; / D
p u.p 0 ; 0 / ˝ . p 0 ; p/ u.p; /
.Z 2 Z 3
h 1 i
D e0 p u.p 0 ; 0 /
Z 2 Z3
1 1
12 1 C 1 . 1 Z 3 / C O.Q2 / CO.Q / u.p; /;
Z2 Z1
for Q ' 0.
Now we may take the limit Q ! 0, to infer that the right-hand side of the
above equation becomes
h 1 i
u.p; 0 / u.p; / e0
h 1 ih 1 1 i
1C 1 12 1 C 1 .1 Z 3 /
Z2 Z2 Z1
D Z3 e0 u.p; 0 / u.p; /; (5.11.28)
where we have deliberately written Z 21 D 1 C.Z 21 1/ in the external electron
lines renormalization constant, multiplied this factor with the expression within the
square brackets following it, working to second order, thus simply adding the second
order term .Z 21 1/ inside the square brackets, and finally used the fact that
Z 1 D Z 2.
Thus ˝ , due to the external lines renormalization, is consequently renormal-
ized as ˝ren D .Z 2 Z 3 Z 2 /1=2 ˝ , satisfying the boundary condition
u.p 0 ; 0 / ˝ren
. p 0 ; p/ u.p; /ˇ D e u.p; 0 / u.p; /; (5.11.29)
defining the renormalized charge, i.e., the experimentally observed charge given by
e D Z3 e0 ; (5.11.30)
and the wavefunction renormalization constant Z 2 of the electron, and that of the
vertex function Z 1 do not contribute to it, as a consequence of their equality - a
result which also holds true to all orders, as we will see later.
The zero momentum transfer of the electron provides information only on the
charge of the electron. To see any structure and obtain additional information on the
electron, a non-zero momentum Q transfer is necessary.
290 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
We have seen earlier in (3.2.22), that the matrix element corresponding to the
scattering amplitude of a Dirac particle off an external electromagnetic field Aext .x/
has the following form
See (3.2.22), (3.2.23), (3.2.24), (3.2.25) and (3.2.26).
Schwinger [68].
When the electron is treated non-relativistically, this correction
has been also
carefully computed
(see Manoukian [56], p. 453 for a textbook treatment) to be: 1C .˛=2/ , where D .16=9/
2 ln.3=2/ ' 0:97, and compares well with the QED result.
5.12 Radiative Correction to Coulomb Scattering and Soft Photon Contribution 291
In this case, we note that the expression in (5.11.6) in the denominator becomes
replaced by
2 p 0p D Q2 2m2 ; Qp D ; (5.12.2)
and, in particular, that
1 .dk/ Q2 1
D Cir C Cir : (5.12.3)
i 2 AB C 3 m2 2
e u.p 0 ; 0 / ˝ren
. p 0 ; p/ u.p; /
" ! #
0 0 ˛ Q2 h 1 2 3 1 i ˛
D e u.p ; / 1 ln 2 C Œ ; Q u.p; /;
3 m2 2 m 8 5 8m
where, in the process, we have, from (5.10.62) and (5.10.63), used the fact that
d˘ren .Q/=dQ2 jQ 2 D 0 D .˛=15 m2 / in (5.11.22) and (5.11.27), after sandwiching
˝ren . p 0 ; p/ between u.p 0 ; 0 /, u.p; /.
Accordingly, for the scattering of an electron off a Coulomb potential
Ze2 Ze2
eA .x/ D ;0 ; eA .Q/ D Œ2ı.Q0 / 0 ; (5.12.5)
4jxj jQj2
we have from (5.12.4) and this equation, that the transition probability per unit time,
normalized in a unit volume, is given by .Q D p 0 p/
ProbŒ p; ! p 0 ; 0 ˇunit time
m d p m 2 ı.Q /Z e ˇˇ
3 0 0 2 4 ˇ2
D 0 0 3 0 4
u.p 0 ; 0 / ˝ren
. p 0 ; p/ u.p; /ˇ ; (5.12.6)
p .2/ p jQj
for jQj2 =m2 1. Upon averaging over the initial spin of the electron and summing
over its final spin, it easily follows,45 that the differential cross section for Coulomb
See also (3.4.5), (3.4.6), (3.4.7), (3.4.8) and (3.4.9).
292 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
d d ˇˇ h 2 ˛ jQj2 1 2 1 i jQj2
D ˇ 1 ln 2 ; 1; (5.12.7)
d˝ d˝ 0 3 m2 2 m 5 m2
where d=d˝j0 is the differential cross section for Coulomb scattering without
radiative corrections (see (3.4.9), (3.4.10), (3.4.11), (3.4.12) and (3.4.13)).
At this point, it is wise to use the transformation rule in (5.11.16), to eliminate
the fictitious photon mass in favor of the infrared cut-off and rewrite the differential
cross section as
d d ˇˇ h 2 ˛ jQj2 m 5 1 i jQj2
D ˇ 1 ln C ; 1; (5.12.8)
d˝ d˝ 0 3 m2 2K 6 5 m2
involving a rigorously zero mass photon. This expression still depends on the
unwanted infrared cut-off K. A charged particle, however, is accompanied by very
soft photons, i.e., of arbitrary small energies and, due to the resolution involved in
any experimental set up, such very soft photons cannot be experimentally detected.
Thus to the lowest order considered above, we consider the emission of a very soft
photon in the Coulomb scattering problem of Sect. 3.4. The experimental resolution
will be defined by setting an upper bound for the energy of such a very soft by
The diagrams in Fig. 5.14 show the emission of a photon of momentum k from
external electron lines in Coulomb scattering, involving no radiative corrections.
The corresponding matrix element for the scattering process is given by
h . p k/ C m . p 0 C k/ C m 0 i
A0 . p p 0 k/ e u.p 0 ; 0 / 0 2 2
C e u.p; /;
. p k/ C m . p 0 C k/2 C m2
which for a very soft photon, we may set k to be zero in the numerator, p 0 0 '
p0 , and the matrix element above, upon using the Dirac equations for the spinors,
reduces to
h p 0 p i
A0 . p p 0 / e u.p 0 ; 0 / 0 e u.p; /: (5.12.10)
p 0k pk
k k
p p p p
× + ×
γ Aext (p p k) γ Aext (p p k)
Fig. 5.14 The emission of a photon of momentum k, respectively, by the ingoing and outgoing
electron in Coulomb scattering not involving radiative corrections
5.13 Lamb Shift 293
Qi D p 0i p i . Using the completeness relation and the angular average given below,
X k i kj D k i kj E 4 ij
ei e D ij 2
; 2
D ; (5.12.12)
k k 3
we obtain
d ˇˇ d ˇˇ 2 ˛ Q2
ˇ D ˇ ln ; 1: (5.12.13)
d˝ SB d˝ 0 3 m2 K m2
Therefore, for the inclusive process, for the scattering amplitude, with radiative
corrections, and including the emission of a very soft photon, which would escape
its detection, is, from (5.12.8) and (5.12.13), given by
d ˇˇ d ˇˇ h 2 ˛ jQj2 m 5 1
ˇ D ˇ 1 ln C ln ; (5.12.14)
d˝ incl d˝ 0 3 m2 2K 6 5 K
d ˇˇ d ˇˇ h 2 ˛ jQj2 m 5 1 i jQj2
ˇ D ˇ 1 ln C ; 1; (5.12.15)
d˝ incl d˝ 0 3 m2 2
6 5 m2
and the infrared cut-off K cancels out eliminating the so-called infrared divergence.
This cancelation occurs to all orders when emissions of soft photons are appropri-
ately taken into consideration.46
Two experiments which have much stimulated the development of quantum field
theory in the earlier days, were the observation of anomalous magnetic moment of
the electron,47 which was already derived in Sect. 5.11.2, and of the Lamb shift.48
See, e.g., Yennie and Suura [81]. See also Manoukian [52].
Kusch and Foley [39], cf., Foley and Kusch [25].
See Lamb and Retherford [40] for the early experiment.
294 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
The Lamb shift in consideration here, is the splitting between the 2 S1=2 and the
2 P1=2 levels of the hydrogen atom and is due to the interaction of the atomic
electron with radiation, that is, with the photon.49 These levels are degenerate
according to the Dirac theory.50
We provide a derivation of the Lamb shift which is physically easy to grasp,
and parallels methods often used in formulating the eigenvalue problem in quantum
mechanics courses and the reader will, hopefully, be able to easily follow. The basic
idea is that with an infrared cut-off m˛ 2 K m, as discussed in Sect. 5.11, we
may use the expression of the vertex correction given in that section, by restricting
the spatial photon momentum k as follows jkj > K, and apply straightforward first
order perturbation theory with the latter as a perturbation to the Dirac theory. On
the other for jkj < K, one is necessarily involved with a low energy non-relativistic
regime, and a straightforward, though modified perturbative treatment in this region,
may be developed and readily carried out. In this latter, case, special care needs to be
taken as the analysis leads to a logarithmic expression in the fine-structure constant,
and the Coulomb potential has to be treated exactly, while radiative corrections may
be treated perturbatively. If we denote the contributions of the Lamb shift by •E >
and •E < , corresponding to both regions : jkj > K, jkj < K respectively, then
the total shift is given by •E D •E > C •E < , and the infrared cut-off K cancels
out between the two expressions.51 This leads to a residual logarithmic dependence
on the fine structure constant squared. Here we should remember that the infrared
problem, in the radiative corrections to Coulomb scattering, arises from low energy
photons, and in the atom, the energy of a photon is of the order of the difference
between the energy levels of the Hydrogen atom, that is, of the order m˛ 2 .
• Derivation and Evaluation of •E > :
Our starting point is the bound state problem of the Dirac equation in the presence
of a Coulomb potential given by
e 0 A 0 .x/ C m n .x/ D 0; (5.13.1)
iEn x 0 ˛
n .x/ D n .x/ e ; eA0 .x/ D ; (5.13.2)
Sometimes I have the feeling that there are as many derivations of the Lamb shift as there are
field theory practitioners.
A careful derivation of the Lamb shift was particularly carried out by Erickson and Yennie [22],
see also Fox and Yennie [26]. There are also other careful derivations in the literature- too many to
mention. A highly sophisticated and a very careful derivation, spelling out the finest of details, is
also given by Schwinger [71].
For a treatment and a pedagogical presentation of the Lamb shift with the electron treated non-
relativistically, see Manoukian [56], pp. 391–403, which is in the spirit of Bethe’s [8] classic
5.13 Lamb Shift 295
'D 1 C O.˛ 2 / p ; (5.13.4)
in the hydrogen atom, where eA0 m ˛ 2 , E n D mŒ1 C O.˛ 2 /. The normalization
R 3
R 3 d x n .x/ n .x/ D 1, dictates to set D .1 p2 =8 m2 / with
d x .x/.x/ D 1. That is, we may write
0 1 s 0 1
p2 n
.1 / n
B 8m2 C p0 C m B C
n D@ A' @ A; (5.13.5)
p 2p0 p
n p0 Cm
with the latter expression properly normalized. We recall that the fine-structure of
the hydrogen atom, as a perturbation, is of the order of ˛ 4 and non-relativistic
wave-functions corresponding to n above are sufficient to derive it. The Lamb
shift is even of smaller magnitude, hence we may still consider non-relativistic
The relativistic corrections arising from (5.13.3), necessitates combining
spin and orbital momentum in an atom, thus introducing the total angular
momentum by J D L C S. For the Lamb shift in consideration, j D 1=2
and we need to consider the two values ` D 0; 1.52 This leads to the
construction of wavefunctions for the treatment of relativistic corrections,
which for the problem in consideration, with quantum number n D 2, we
X X 1=2
1 ' 2;`;C p
2;` D ; N0 D 2; N1 D jam j C jbm j ;
N` ' 2;`;
mD0;1 mD0;C1
' 2;0;˙ .r; ˝/ D R20 .r/ Y0;0 .˝/; (5.13.7)
Note that mj D m` C ms , and for ms D C1=2 W mj D C1=2, mj D 1=2, and we have,
respectively, m` D 0; 1. Similarly, for ms D 1=2 W we have m` D C1; 0.
For details on constructions of wavefunctions corresponding to the addition of spin and orbital
angular momentum see, e.g., Manoukian [56], pp. 383, 384, 407.
296 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
' 2;1;C .r; ˝/ D R21 .r/ am Y1;m .˝/ ; (5.13.8)
' 2;1; .r; ˝/ D R21 .r/ bm Y1;m .˝/ ; (5.13.9)
. pCm/u.p; / D 0; normalized as u .p; /u.p; 0 / D ı 0 ; (5.13.11)
and the solutions 'n;`; .p/ vanish rapidly for jpj
m˛, which are both important
conditions for the applicability of the explicit expression of the perturbation to be
just discussed.
In the presence of a perturbation •U.x/,
where we have, in the process, took the adjoint of (5.13.3), and used the fact that
. i / 0 D 0 i , i 0 D 0 i to cancel out the first term on the left-hand
side of (5.3.13) with the first term on its right-hand side after multiplying the latter
equation by n .x/ and integrating with respect to x by parts.
5.13 Lamb Shift 297
In the presence of radiative corrections, the interaction of the electron with the
external attractive Coulomb potential is provided by the replacement of e 0 A 0 .Q/,
in the momentum description, to the leading order, by the explicit expression
(see (5.12.4))
˛ Q2 m 5 3 1 i ˛
0 1 ln C C Œ 0
; i
Q i eA0 .Q/;
3 m2 2K 6 8 5 8 m
as a modification of the coefficient of 0 , where K is an infrared cut off discussed
in Sect. 5.11. In the atom, jQj, is of the order of the energy difference m ˛ 2
between its levels, hence, in particular, Q2 =m2 1, justifying the fact that only the
order Q2 =m2 is retained in (5.13.15). Also note that n;` .p/ in (5.13.10) satisfies
approximately the free, i.e. on mass shell, Dirac equation.
In the coordinate description, then . r i @ i /
h ˛ m 5 3 1 r 2 ˛ r i ˛
•U.x/ D ln C 2 : (5.13.16)
3 2K 6 8 5 m 4 m i jxj
Using the relation r 2 .1=jxj/ D 4 ı .3/ .x/, the first term contribution to •E >
in (5.13.14), and
using the notation discussed
in the introductory paragraphs of this
section, gives j'n` .0/j2 D .m˛/3 ı` 0 =n3
4 ˛ m 5 3 1 ˛
• .1/E > D ln C j' 2` .0/j 2
3 2K 6 8 5 m2
˛ .˛/4 m 5 3 1
D m ln C ı` 0 ; (5.13.17)
6 2K 6 8 5
where we have used
ı` 0
j'n` .0/j2 D .m˛/3 :
For the second term, the relevant matrix element reduces to the evaluation
0 0 1 1
Z 0 p 2;`
˛2 p 1
d3 x 2;` 2;` @ A @ A
4 m 2m jxj p
p 0 2m 2;`
Z ( )
˛2 1 1 1
D d x i j 2;` @i @j 2;` 2;` @j @i 2;` C 2;` .@i /@j 2;`
8 m2 jxj jxj jxj
Z ( )
˛2 1
D d3 x 4 2;` ı .3/ .x/ 2;` C 2 i "ij k 2;` k @i @j 2;` ; (5.13.18)
8 m 2 jxj
298 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
where in the first equality we have integrated by parts, and in the second equality we
have used the identity: i j D ıij C i "ij k k . As before, the first term contributes for
` D 0 only. On the other hand, the second term is zero for ` D 0.54 For ` D 1, the
second term, within the curly brackets, may be written as 4 2;` S L=jxj3 2` ,55
defining a spin-orbit coupling, whose expectation value is simply 4 h1=jxj3 i D
4 .m ˛/3 =24, where we have used the fact that h1=jxj3 i D .m ˛/3 =3n3 , with n D
2, for the hydrogen atom. All told, we have
˛.˛/4 ˛.˛/4
• .2/E > D m ı` 0 m ı `1 : (5.13.19)
16 48
Equations (5.13.17) and (5.13.19) then give
˛.˛/4 h 1 m 5 3 1 1 i ˛.˛/4
•E > D m ln C C ı` 0 m ı` 1 : (5.13.20)
2 3 2K 6 8 5 8 48
1 2 ˛
HD p eARAD C H 0;RAD ; (5.13.21)
2m jxj
where H 0;RAD is the free Hamiltonian of the radiation field whose detailed
structure, as we will see below, is not needed. The Hamiltonian may be rewritten
in a more convenient form as
H D H C C H 0;RAD C HI ; (5.13.22)
p2 ˛
HC D ; (5.13.23)
2m jxj
A careful demonstration that this term is zero for ` D 0, .L2 D 0/, can be found on pp. 381–382
in Manoukian [56] in the analysis of the atomic fine-structure.
2 2 2
may use the identity S L D J L S =2, and the fact that j.j C 1/ `.` C
Here one
1/ 3=4 =2 D 1 for j D 1=2; ` D 1.
5.13 Lamb Shift 299
e e2 2
HI D ARAD p C p ARAD C A : (5.13.24)
2m 2m RAD
We treat H I as a perturbation to the Coulomb Hamiltonian. As we will see below,
the Coulomb potential has to be treated exactly.
To zeroth order, that is for no electron-photon interaction, let jvaci, jk; i denote,
respectively, the vacuum
state and the single photon state of momentum k and (real)
polarization e .k/, k e .k/ D 0 . Then, in particular,
The above expressions allow us to evaluate hvacjA2RAD .x/ through the following
chain of equalities
where we have used the completeness relation for free photons consisting of
projection on the vacuum state, plus one photon contribution, plus two photons
contribution, and so on, given by
Z X !
d3 k
jvacihvacj C jk ihk j C D 1: (5.13.29)
.2 /3 2 jkj
where the E n denote the hydrogen atom energy levels with corresponding eigen-
vectors j' n i.
In the presence of the perturbation, described by H I , the bound-state eigenvalue
equation reads
en j n i:
H j n i D E (5.13.32)
Upon multiplying the latter equation by h ' n j hvacj h'n0 j, and using (5.13.30), give
h ' 0n jH I j n i
E n D ;
E n D e
E n E n: (5.13.33)
h ' 0n j n i
Let us first consider the contribution of e2 A2RAD =2m in H I to the latter equation. To
this end, we have from (5.13.28)
h 'n0 jA2RAD .x/jn i h'n0 jn i d3 k
h 'n0 jn i h'n0 jn i .2 /3 2 jkj
d3 k
D ; (5.13.34)
.2 /3 2 jkj
which is independent of the quantum number n; ` and hence is common to all levels
and does not contribute in computing to the energy differences.56
On the other hand for the first term in (5.13.24), we first multiply (5.13.32) by the
single photon state h k; j, generating a state corresponding to H C only, given by
h kjn i D h kjH I j n i: (5.13.35)
.E n H C jkj/
From (5.13.28), the matrix element of ARAD between the vacuum states as
well as between the vacuum states and multiphoton states are zero, and hence the
contribution of the first term in (5.13.24), (5.13.25), (5.13.26), (5.13.27), (5.13.28),
Although this common constant is infinite, it may be defined with a cut-off.
5.13 Lamb Shift 301
(5.13.29), (5.13.30), (5.13.31), (5.13.32) and (5.13.33) is, from (5.13.35), given by
e 4 e2 d3 k
h'n0 jp ARAD .x/ C ARAD .x/ p jn i D
2m m2 .2 /3 2 jkj
D ˇ 1 ˇ E
ˇ ˇ
' n ˇp e .k/ eikx eikx e .k/ pˇ' n ; (5.13.36)
.En H C jkj/
where we have used the fact that k e .k/ D 0, and replaced the denominator
in (5.13.33) by one, and E 0n by En , to the leading order, and obviously replaced
h'n0 j by h'n j. Using the fact that eik:x is a translation operator of p to p k we
1 1
eikx eikx D .pk/2
.En HC jkj/ .En UC jkj/
D .pk/2 p2
; (5.13.37)
.En 2m HC C 2m jkj/
The expression in (5.13.38) is not the final one for •E < . The reason is that in the
absence of the Coulomb interaction, such a term is not involved with the electron
in the atom, i.e., the electron in the Coulomb potential. Accordingly, we have to
subtract the corresponding conribution, with the substitutions H C ! p2 =2m, En !
p2 =2m, in the denominator in (5.13.38), from its original expression as it appears in
the latter equation. This leads to the replacement57
.pk/2 p2
.En 2m
HC C 2m
1 1
.pk/2 p2
2 p2
: (5.13.39)
.En 2m HC C 2m jkj/ . .pk/
2m C 2m jkj/
This simply gives rise to a mass renormalization, see Manoukian [56], pp. 401–43. Also note that
the matrix element h'n jŒ : j'n i, in (5.13.38) for H C En ! 0, simply factors out as h'n j'n i Œ : D
Œ : , giving an expression independent of the Coulomb functions and its related quantum numbers.
302 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
This dictates, in turn, to modify the expression in (5.13.38) to the following one
Z X 3
˛ d k 1
h' n jp e .k/ h i
4 2 m2 jkj p
. m / k jkj 1 C jkj
.H C En / h i e .k/ p j' n i: (5.13.40)
E n HC C . mp / k jkj 1 C 2m
In the atom, jpj is of the order m˛, while jkj is of the order m˛ 2 , which is of the
order of the difference between the energy levels of the hydrogen atom. Taking this
into account and finally recalling that •E < is to be defined with an upper cut-off
jkj < K, we have
Z X d3 k D ˇˇ ˇ E
˛ 1 ˇ
•E < D 'n ˇp e .k/.HC En / h i e .k/ pˇ'n :
4 2 m2 jkj<K jkj 2
H C En C jkj
We note that .HC En / is of an order comparable to jkj and should be kept in the
denominator. As a matter of fact, the latter provides a lower bound cut-off in the
infrared region jkj ! 0.
Upon using the completeness relation and the following angular integration,
X j ki kj ki kj 8 ij
ei .k/ e .k/ D ı ij 2
; d˝ ı ij 2 D ı ; (5.13.42)
k k 3
we get
ˇ E
< 2 ˛ D ˇˇ K ˇ
•E D ' n ˇŒp; H C ln pˇ' n ; (5.13.43)
3m2 jHC En j
D ˇ
where we have replaced p.H C En / by Œ p; H C since ' n ˇ.H C En / D 0, and
noted that .H C En / is of the order m˛ 2 . The right-hand side of the above equation
involves the Coulomb Hamiltonian H C , the hydrogenic atomic functions ' n , and
the eigenvalues En , which are all known.
The expression in (5.13.43) may be rewritten, with n D 2, as
" ˇ E D ˇ #
< 2˛ D ˇˇ Ry ˇ ˇ
ˇ E K
•E D 2; `ˇŒp; HC ln pˇ2; ` C 2; `ˇŒp; HC p ˇ2; ` ln ;
3m2 jHC En j Ry
5.13 Lamb Shift 303
where Ry stands for the Rydberg energy equal to m˛ 2 =2, and note that
D ˇ ˇ E m3 4
ˇ ˇ
2; `ˇŒ p; HC p ˇ2; ` D 2 ˛j' 2 .0/j2 D ˛ ı`;0 ; (5.13.45)
as is readily shown.
The following expression, involving the above mentioned known quantities, has
been evaluated numerically by several authors58
D ˇ ˇ E
ˇ Ry ˇ
2; `ˇŒp; HC ln jHC En j pˇ2; `
D ˇ ˇ E D 2:81 ı`;0 C 0:03 ı`;1 : (5.13.46)
ˇ ˇ
2; 0ˇŒ p; HC p ˇ2; 0
˛m 4 2K
•E< D .˛/ 2:81 C ln ln.˛ 2 / ı`;0 C 0:03 ı`;1 : (5.13.47)
6 m
•E2;0 •E2;1
D 1052:1 MHz; (5.13.49)
and is in good agreement with the experimental value59 which is about 1057.85
MHz. There are other small corrections which contribute to the Lamb shift, such
as contributions coming, for example, from the proton recoil as well as from the
finite structure of the proton, and one has to dwell on some phenomenological
aspects (see also Problem 5.16).
See, in particular, Bethe et al. [9] and Schwartz and Tiemann [67].
See, e.g., Kinoshita and Yennie [37], p. 7.
304 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
In the present section, the vacuum-to-vacuum transition amplitude in the full QED
is derived in the Coulomb gauge, in the differential form, by the application of the
quantum dynamical principle. The path integral expression then also readily follows
from the differential formalism. Gauge transformations of the vacuum-to-vacuum
transition amplitude between the Coulomb and covariant gauges is given in the next
for which only physical transverse degrees of freedom of the photon are quantized.
One may apply the Coulomb gauge directly to the Maxwell Lagrangian density,
by solving one of the components of A in terms of the (derivatives) of the other
components, and then varying the other two independent components. We may, for
example, solve for A3 as follows
A3 D @1
3 @ A ;
a a
L D F F C A J : (5.14.4)
We note that (5.14.5) also holds true if we replace a by 3, since this simply gives the
empty statement @ F 3 D @ F 3 . Accordingly, we may rewrite (5.14.5) as
@ F j D @1
3 @ @ F
j 3
C J3 Jj; .j D 1; 2; 3/: (5.14.7)
5.14 Coulomb Gauge Formulation 305
equation, and using @ @ F D 0, we may, in turn,
By applying @ to the above
1 j 3 3
solve for @3 @ @ F C J :
3 @ F
C J 3 D 2 @ J : (5.14.9)
Upon substituting this equality in (5.14.8) gives
@ j @
@ F D j 2 J : (5.14.10)
r 2 A0 D J 0 ; (5.14.11)
@i @ j j
Ai D ı ij J: (5.14.12)
These two equations lead further to the equation for the matrix element of the
vector potential
h 0C jA .x/ j 0 i h @ @ @ @ i i @ @ i i i 1
D C 2
2 J .x/;
h 0C j 0 i r r r . i
h 0C jA .x/ j 0 i
D .dy/DC .x y/J .y/; (5.14.14)
h 0C j 0 i
with DC .x y/, specifying the photon propagator in the Coulomb gauge, given by
.dQ/ iQ .xx 0 /
DC .x x 0 / D e DC .Q/; (5.14.15)
.2 /4
1 Q i Qj 1
D00 D0Ci .Q/ D 0:
C .Q/ D 2
; D C .Q/ D ı ij ; (5.14.16)
Q Q 2 Q2 i
It is important to realize that the component A0 is not a dynamical variable, i.e., its equation
does not involve its time derivative, as is derived directly from the Lagrangian and need not, a
priori assumed.
306 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
h 0C jA .x/ j 0 i D .i/ h 0C j 0 i;
•J .x/
1 1 @ @
L D F F C m0
4 2 i i
C e0 Œ ; A C C C A J ; (5.14.18)
from which the following field equations emerge
1 j
@ F D j @ @ .J C j / .J C j /; (5.14.19)
h @ i
e 0 A C m0 D ; (5.14.20)
h @ i
C e0 A C m0 D ; (5.14.21)
a D F a 0 @1 a 30
3 @ F : (5.14.24)
D F 0 i @ i @1 30
3 F ; D 0; 1; 2; 3: (5.14.25)
r 2 @1
3 F
D @ @ F 0 D @ C .J 0 C j 0 /; (5.14.26)
where, with D 0, we have used (5.14.19) in writing the last equality. This equation
allows us to solve for F 0 from (5.14.25)
@i 0
F 0 D i 2
J C j 0 C @a a ; (5.14.27)
expressed in terms of canonical conjugate momenta, their space derivatives, the
current j 0 and the component of the external source J 0 . Note that F ij may be
expressed in terms of the independent fields A1 ; A2 . For an application of this useful
expression see Problem 5.17.
Equal-time commutation rules of the field components, may be derived as
follows. We recall that
0 D 0; 3 D 0; a D @31 @ a @ 0 A3 @ 0 A a ; a D 1; 2;
and hence
Note that the canonical conjugate momentum of Aa is not @0 Aa , for a D 1; 2.
308 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
This section is based on Manoukian [48]. For the relativistic invariance of QED in the Coulomb
gauge, see Manoukian [51]. For the gauge invariance of transition amplitudes, see Manoukian [53].
Recall the notation ˘ ı.J / ˘ ˘x ı.J .x//.
5.14 Coulomb Gauge Formulation 309
up to the proportionality constant ˘x d.x/,64 and where in the step before the
last one, we have made a change of variables a i ! a i C @ i =r 2 .
b D 1 .dx/ b
A F .x/ b
F .x/; where b A .x/ i ;
4 •J .x/
b ; J .x/ D @ b
ŒiA F .x/; b ; J .x/ D 0;
@ Œ i A (5.14.34)
b ; J .x/ D @ b
ŒiA F .x/; b;ŒiA
iA b ; J .x/ D 0: (5.14.35)
Now we use the convenient notation h 0C j 0 ie0 D0; for the right-hand side
of (5.14.17). In reference to (5.14.10), we have
@ b
F .x/h 0C j 0 ie0 D 0; D J T h 0C j 0 ie0 D 0; : (5.14.36)
b J .x/ exp Œ i A
exp Œ i A b h 0C j 0 ie0 D 0; D 0;
JT .x/ exp Œ i A b h 0C j 0 ie0 D0; D 0; (5.14.38)
for all x. Using the property that from xf .x/ D 0, one may infer that f .x/ D
Const. ı.x/, (5.14.38) then leads to
b ˘ ı.J /;
h 0C j 0 ie0 D 0; D exp Œ i A
Don’t let such an infinite proportionality constant scare you. We always divide by proportionality
constants in h 0C j 0 i when determining Green functions.
310 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
The full QED h 0C j 0 i, in the Coulomb gauge, then follows from (5.14.23)
to be
h 0C j 0 i D .D D/ .Da/ ı.@k a / exp Œ i .dx/Lc .x/;
! ; ! ; A ! a ;
where we recall that ; are Grassmann variables, i.e., are anti-commuting (see
also (5.7.41) for the covariant gauges).
This equation is quite interesting as it explicitly shows the gauge constraint via
the delta functional ı.@k a k /.
Note that the expression for h 0C j 0 i in (5.14.23), is a functional of the sources
J ; ; , while the coefficient of
exp i .dx/ .x/.x/ C .x/.x/ C J .x/a .x/ ;
in the functional integrand in (5.14.41) is a functional of .a ; ; /. Thus the path
integral defines a functional Fourier transform of variables .J ; ; / to .a ; ; /.
Let us recall the expression for the vacuum-to-vacuum transition amplitude, or the
generating functional, of QED in covariant gauges (see (5.7.20)/(5.7.21)), denoted
here conveniently by FŒ; ; J; :
h Z • • • i
FŒ; ; J ; D exp e0 .dx/
•.x/ •.x/ •J .x/
hi Z i
exp .dx/ .dx 0 / J .x/ D .x x 0 I / J .x 0 / (5.15.1)
h Z i
exp i .dx/ .dx 0 / .x/ SC .x x 0 / .x 0 / ; (5.15.2)
5.15 Gauge Transformations of the Full Theory 311
.dk/ h k k i ei k.xx /
D .x x 0 I / D .1 / ; (5.15.3)
.2 /4 k2 k2 i
where note that the exponential first factor involving the functional derivatives
above, acts simply as a translation operator:
• •
J ! J C e0 ;
• •
on any functional of J , via the functional derivative •=•J . This basic property
will be used throughout this section.
Note that throughout SC is expressed in terms of the bare mass m0 , i.e. SC . p/ D
1=. p C m0 / in the momentum description.
On the other hand, from the last section, the corresponding expression in
the Coulomb gauge, and with corresponding sources . ; ; K /, is given
from (5.14.23) by
h Z • • • i
FC Œ ; ; K D exp e0 .dx/
•.x/ •.x/ •K .x/
hiZ i
exp .dx/ .dx 0 / K .x/ DC .x x 0 / K .x 0 / (5.15.4)
h Z i
exp i .dx/ .dx 0 / .x/ SC .x x 0 / .x 0 / ; (5.15.5)
0 .dk/ 0
DC .x x /D D .k/ ei k.xx / ;
.2 /4 C
h ki kj i 1 1
; D 0C0 .k/ D 2 ; D iC0 .k/ D 0 D D 0Ci .k/:
D C .k/ D ij 2
k k2 i
Note the identity relating the free photon propagator in these gauges65
@ i @j ˛ˇ
˛ i 2 @˛ ˇ j 2 @ˇ D .x x 0 I / D DC .x x 0 /: (5.15.7)
r r
Also note the following invariance property of the expression
• • •
; (5.15.8)
•.x/ •.x/ •J .x/
See Problem 5.19.
312 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
Z h i
0 • •
W D .dx/ .x/ exp i e0 c
i•J .x/ i•.x/
Z h i
• •
C .dx/ exp i e0 c .x/
.i/•.x/ i•J .x/
Z h i •
C .dx/ c @ K .x/ ; (5.15.11)
i•J .x/
c D j : (5.15.12)
To derive this, we begin with the right-hand side of (5.15.10). In a matrix
notation, first note that
hi i
eiW exp i SC exp J D ./ J
h i h i
• •
D exp i C exp i e0 c SC C exp i e0 c
i•J i•J
exp J C c @ K D ./ J C ˇ c @ˇ K ˇ : (5.15.13)
for an arbitrary numerical .x/, established in Problem 5.20, and making the
i D i e0 c .•=i •J /;
@ @ @ @ˇ ˇ
D ./ ˇ D Dˇ ./ˇD0 ; @˛ @˛ ; (5.15.18)
314 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
D ./ˇD0 D L ;
An almost identical analysis as above, establishes the rule relating the gauge
transformations of the full theory from covariant ones, specified by , to Landau’s.
This reads:
h 0 iˇ
FŒ; ; J ; D 0 D eiW FŒ; ; K ; ˇ
; (5.15.20)
D 0; D 0;K D 0
FC Œ 0; 0; 0 D FŒ 0; 0; 0; D FŒ 0; 0; 0; 0 : (5.15.23)
In the absence of external Fermi sources only, as shown in Problem 5.21, we also
h i i
FŒ 0; 0; J ; D 0 D exp @ J / G @ J FŒ0; 0; J ; ; (5.15.24)
Z 0
.dk/ ei k.xx / 2
G.x x 0 / D ; (5.15.25)
.2/4 k2 .k2 C 2 / k2 C 2
5.15 Gauge Transformations of the Full Theory 315
where we have defined G.x x 0 / with infrared and ultraviolet cut-offs (see
also (5.10.11) and (5.10.27)).66
The relation of the exact electron propagator in covariant gauges, specified by the
parameter , to the exact one in the Landau gauge, in the presence of the external
current J , is readily worked out and, as shown in Problem 5.22, is given by
S.x; y I J /ˇ D exp i e20 Œ G.0/ G.x y/
h Z
exp i e0 .dz/J .z/ @z G.z x/ G.z y/ S.x; y I J /ˇD0 :
˛0 2
i e20 Œ G.0/ G.x y/ ! ln 2 ; (5.15.28)
and near the mass shell of the electron propagators, we then have for the wavefunc-
tion renormalization constants in question
ˇ 2 ˛0 =4 ˇ
ˇ ˇ
Z 2ˇ D Z 2ˇ : (5.15.29)
2 D0
Let us evaluate this to lowest order and compare it with our earlier result. To lowest
order, this gives
ˇ ˇ ˛ 2
ˇ ˇ
Z 2ˇ D Z 2ˇ C ln 2 ; (5.15.30)
D0 4
which coincides with our earlier low order result in (5.10.36) expressed there for
1=Z 2 .
This section on gauge transformations, is based on Manoukian and Siranan [60],
which includes extensive references on the gauge problem. It also includes detailed
treatments of the so-called axial gauge n A D 0, where n is a fixed vector, as
well as the Fock-Schwinger gauge x A D 0, in the full theory.67
This is the Fourier transform of the longitudinal part of the free photon propagator D , in the
momentum description, with cut-offs, written as k k 2 =Œk2 .k2 C 2 /.k2 C 2 /.
For the gauge invariance of transition amplitudes see Manoukian [53].
316 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
Before closing this section, we also provide the following useful and easily
derived68 identity of the generating functional in covariant gauges, specified by the
parameter . It reads in matrix form
i i
F %; %; e
J ; D exp Œ i @ ' e
J exp ' ' F ; ; J ; ; (5.15.31)
e @
% D ei e0 ' ; % D ei e0 ' ; J D J '; (5.15.32)
where '.x/ is a real numerical dimensionless function. We will make use of this
identity in the next section.
where we have set D 0; D 0. Also note that under a variation •' of '
S.x; y/ D i e0 .dz/ ı .4/ .z x/ ı .4/ .z y/ e
S.x; y/ •'.z/: (5.16.2)
The derivation follows very closely to the ones in Problems 5.21 and 5.22.
5.16 Vertex Function and Ward-Takahashi Identity; Full Propagators 317
Similarly69 we have
hA .x/i D hA .x/iˇ'D0 C @ '.x/; •hA .x/i D @ •'.x/: (5.16.3)
which will be justified in Sect. 5.16.2, and coincides with to zeroth order. Hence
from the chain rule, we obtain
S.x; y/ D .dz/ e
S.x; y/ •hA .z/i
•hA .z/i
D e0 .dx 0 / .dy 0 / .dz/ e S.x; x 0 / .x 0 ; y 0 I z/ e
S.y 0 ; y/ @z •'.z/
D e0 .dx 0 / .dy 0 / .dz/ e
S.x; x 0 / @z .x 0 ; y 0 I z/ e
S.y 0 ; y/ •'.z/: (5.16.5)
Upon comparing this equation with that in (5.16.2), and multiplying, in the process,
both equations from the right and the left by the inverse of the propagator e S, we
.x; y I z/ D i ı .4/ .z x/ ı .4/ .z y/ e
S .x y/; (5.16.6)
where all the external sources as well as ' have been set equal to zero.
Introducing the Fourier transform
.dp/ .dk/ i . pCk/x ipy i kz
.x; y I z/ D e e e . p C k; p/; (5.16.7)
.2/4 .2/4
k . p C k; p/ D e
S1 . p C k/ e
S1 . p/; (5.16.8)
Recall that hA .x/i .i/ • F=•J .x/ =F.
Takahashi [78]. The identity in differential form, that is for zero momentum transfer of the vertex
function, is due to Ward [79]. Takahashi generalized it to non-zero momentum transfer.
318 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
@ e1
. p; p/ D S . p/; (5.16.9)
@ 1 1 1
u.p; / e
S . p/ u.p; / D ; u.p; / . p; p/u.p; / D :
@p Z2 Z1
These give the equality of the two renormalization constants
Z1 D Z 2: (5.16.11)
We have seen earlier in Sect. 5.11, that to lowest order, these two renormalization
constants are equal. This is now seen to be true to all orders, and is a consequence
of the Ward Identity. Due to this equality, charge renormalization occurs via the
wavefunction renormalization constant Z 3 of the photon only. This universality
property will be discussed in the next section.
In Sect. 5.16.2, the equations satisfied by the electron propagator and the vertex
function are derived. Here the definition of the vertex function through (5.16.4)
will be used. We have found it convenient to carry out a similar analysis for the
vacuum polarization and the photon propagator, right in this section, in the following
two subsections. In Sect. 5.16.3, the photon spectral decomposition of the photon
propagator is carried out, generalizing the low order one in (5.10.55). The equation
satisfied by the vacuum polarization is derived in Sect. 5.16.4.
Upon taking the matrix element of the electron field between the vacuum states, we
h @ 1 • i
e0 C m 0 h 0C j .x/ j 0 i D .x/h 0C j 0 i: (5.16.12)
i i •J .x/
5.16 Vertex Function and Ward-Takahashi Identity; Full Propagators 319
Upon multiplying the latter from the right by Se1 .y; x 0 /, and integrating over y,
h @
S1 .x; x 0 / D e0 hA .x/i C m0 ı .4/ .x x 0 /
1 •
C e0
.dy/ e S.x; y/ e S1 .y; x 0 /; (5.16.16)
i •J .x/
has been used. Using the definition of the exact photon propagator
• e .x; z/;
hA .z/i D D (5.16.17)
•J .x/
which will be treated in the next section, and the chain rule
• e1 e .x; z/ • e
S .y; x 0 / D .dz/D S1 .y; x 0 /; (5.16.18)
•J .x/ •hA .z/i
This provides an iterative equation in terms of the exact electron and photon
propagators, starting with
h @
S1 .x; x 0 / D e0 hA .x/i C m0 ı .4/ .x x 0 /
C i e20 .dy/.dz/ e e .x; z/ C :
S.x; y/ ı .4/ .y z/ ı .4/ .y x 0 /D
It is easily verified that this coincides with the lowest order expression in (5.10.4),
J ! 0; hA .x/i ! 0; e0 ! e;
S.x; y/ ! SC .xy/; e ! D ;
S1 . p/ D p C m0 ˙. p/; (5.16.21)
.dk/ e e .k/:
˙. p/ D i e20 S. p C k/ . p C k; p/ D (5.16.22)
• e
S1 .x; y/ D e0 .x; y I z/: (5.16.23)
•hA .z/i
Z e y 0/
•S.y; •
C .dy/.dy 0 / ˙.x; y/: (5.16.25)
•hA .z/i •S.y; y 0 /
5.16 Vertex Function and Ward-Takahashi Identity; Full Propagators 321
From the definition of the exact photon propagator in (5.16.17), the first term
necessarily includes an odd number (three) of external photon lines, for J D
0; hA i D 0. Hence from Furry’s Theorem,71 the first term in the above equation is
zero in the absence of external sources. At this stage, we introduce the e eC kernel
K defined by
˙.x; x 0 / D e20 K.x; x 0 I y 0 ; y/: (5.16.26)
S.y; y 0 /
The factor e20 is introduced to keep track of the order when carrying out a perturba-
tion analysis. Upon taking the function derivative, via .•=•hA .z0 /i/, of (5.16.19),
i.e., of
h @
S1 .x; x 0 / D e0 hA .x/i C m0 ı .4/ .x x 0 / ˙.x; x 0 /; (5.16.27)
and using (5.16.23) and (5.16.25), we obtain, after dividing the resulting expression
by . e0 /
See Appendix IV, below (IV.19), at the end of the book.
322 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
p Q p Q
p Q p Q
Q = Q − ie20 K Q
p p
Fig. 5.15 The integral equation for the vertex function. Note the momentum flow into the e eC -
p p p p p p
Fig. 5.16 The kernel K cannot be composed of two parts connected by a single photon line as
shown in part (a). It cannot also be composed of two parts connected by one electron-positron pair
as shown in part (b). The diagram in part (c), as well as those connected by an even number of
photon lines, cannot contribute to the integral equation of the vertex function as they will give rise
to subgraphs involving an odd number of external photon lines to the vertex in Fig. 5.15 which
vanish by Furry’s theorem
p+Q p +Q p+Q p +Q
p+Q p +Q e0 e0 e0
e20 = +
p e0 e0 e0
p p p p
Fig. 5.17 The e eC - kernel times e20 :e20 K expanded in terms of the exact propagators and the
exact vertex function, referred to as a skeleton expansion. The arrows show the direction of
momentum flow, and recall that the external electron-positron lines are removed in the definition
of K
Finally we note from (5.16.24) and (5.16.6), we may also represent the integral
equation for e
S1 diagrammatically as in Fig. 5.18 (for J ! 0)72 :
Functional methods in deriving equations for propagators and vertex functions were particularly
used over the years by Schwinger and by his former students, notably by K. Johnson (see, e.g.,
[34]), and by many others.
5.16 Vertex Function and Ward-Takahashi Identity; Full Propagators 323
S−1(p) = γ p + m0 −
p k
P 5.18 Integral
P equation of the inverse of the exact electron propagator S . p/ D p C m0
. p/, where . p/ is defined in (5.16.22)
• ˇˇ
1 • j
D F ˇ : (5.16.31)
F j D1 •.xj / •.xj / D0;D0;J D0;
In particular, this means that the current-current correlation function satisfies the
ˇ ˇ
ˇ ˇ
h j .x/j .y/ iˇ D h j .x/j .y/ iˇ : (5.16.32)
C Coulomb C GaugeŒ
The details of the derivation of the spectral representation may be omitted in a first reading.
The spectral representation of a propagator, in general, is usually attributed to Källen [35] and
Lehmann [42], and is referred to as a Källen-Lehmann representation.
h : i D h 0C j : j 0 i=h 0C j 0 i, with now all the external sources set equal to zero.
324 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
That is, h j .x/j .y/ i is both covariant and gauge invariant.
Consider the vacuum expectation value of the product of two currents j .x/j .x0 /,
written in terms of a completeness expansion
X 0
h vacj j .x/j .x 0 /jvaci D eip n .xx / h vacj j .0/jnihnj j .0/jvaci
.dQ/ iQ .xx 0 /
D e ™.Q0 /˙ .Q/; (5.16.33)
˙ .Q/ D .2/3 ı .4/ .Q pn /h vacj j .0/jnihnj j .0/jvaci
h i
D Q Q Q2 H.Q2 /; (5.16.34)
where we have used the transversality of the vector field A : @i Ai .x/ D 0, and
.2/3 X .4/
.Q/ D ı .Q pn /h vacjA.0/jniC hnjA.0/jvaciC 0: (5.16.36)
2 n
The important point to note here is that the matrix element h A.x/ A.x 0 /iC , is
computed in a positive definite metric space.
To discuss the physical content of this equation, we write
d3 Q 0
1D jnihnj D jQ ihQ j C jnihnj; (5.16.37)
2 jQj.2/3
n n
5.16 Vertex Function and Ward-Takahashi Identity; Full Propagators 325
where the first term on the extreme right-hand side of the equation stands for a
single photon contribution, and the parameter here, specifies the polarization of a
to relate .Q/ to H.Q2 / in (5.16.34). The above field equation leads from
(5.16.35) to
See (5.16.36).
326 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
where in the first equality in (5.16.46), we have used the fact that .Q2 /2 ı.Q2 / D 0.
Thus .Q2 / 0 is a scalar and gauge invariant.
We may rewrite (5.16.33) as
Z 1 Z
0 2 2 .dQ/
hvacj j .x/j .x /jvaciC D dM H.M /
0 .2/3
ih 0
ı.M C Q / Q Q Q2 eiQ .xx / ™.Q0 /:
2 2
h vacj j .x/j .x 0 / jvaciC
.dQ/ h i eiQ .xx 0 /
D i dM 2 H.M 2 / Q Q Q 2
: (5.16.50)
0 .2/4 Q2 C M 2 i
Note that .Q2 C M 2 i
/ in the denominator, means that Q2 and M 2 may be interchanged,
in a function of Q2 or M 2 multiplying 1=.Q2 C M 2 i
/, when applying the residue theorem
for x0 7 x 0 0 . Also note that the integrands in (5.16.50), (5.16.51) are even function in the variable
Q . See also Brown [14], pp. 461–463.
5.16 Vertex Function and Ward-Takahashi Identity; Full Propagators 327
From (5.16.35) and (5.16.47), we may similarly write the corresponding expres-
sion for the field components Ai :
.dQ/ ij Qi Qj iQ .xx 0 /
h vacj Ai .x/Aj .x 0 / jvaciC D i 2 e
C .2/4 Q
Z 1
.M 2 /
dM 2 2 : (5.16.51)
0 Q C M 2 i
@i@ j 1 0
0 2 2 d3 Q eiQ .xx /
h A .x/A .x /iC D ı 2
i j ij
dM .M / p ;
r 0 .2/3 2 Q2 C M 2
Q0 D Q2 C M 2 . Hence
i ij @i @ j 1
d3 Q iQ .xx 0 /
h Ai .x/AP j .x 0 /iC D ı 2 dM 2 .M 2 / e : (5.16.53)
2 r 0 .2/3
At this stage, we note that the free photon propagator, in the Coulomb gauge,
may be written as (see (5.14.13)) .c D i @i =r 2 /
h @ @ i 1
D C .x y/ D C 2
c @
c ı .4/ .x y/; (5.16.57)
r . i
h @ @ @ i @ i @ i @ i i 1
h 0C jA .x/ j 0 iC D C
r2 r2 r2 i
J .x/h 0C j 0 iC C h 0C j j .x/ j 0 iC : (5.16.58)
The matrix element of the vector potential between the vacuum state, in the
presence of external sources, which will eventually be set equal to zero, then follows
to be
Z h i
h 0C jA .x/ j 0 iC D .dy/ D C .x y/ J .y/h0C j 0 iC C h 0C j j .y/ j 0 iC :
We recall the equation giving the equation for @ j .x/ in (5.14.22), expressed in
terms of the expectation values between the vacuum state, in the presence of external
Fermi sources:
h 0C j@ j .x/ j 0 iC D i e0 h0C j .x/.x/ .x/ .x/ j 0 iC : (5.16.60)
• • ˇ
e0 .i/ .i/ h 0 C j@ j .x/ j 0 i C ˇ
•.x 0 / •.x 0 / D 0; D 0
h i
D i e20 ı .4/ .x x 0 /h 0C j 0
b .x / a .x/ C 0
a .x / b .x/ j 0 iC ab D 0:
On the other hand, in the absence of external Fermi sources, we may use the
conservation of the current @ j D 0, to rewrite (5.16.59) as
h 0C jA .x/ j 0 iC D .dy/ DC .x y/J .y/h 0C j 0 iC
C ı @ c h 0C j j .x/ j 0 iC : (5.16.63)
. i
Therefore by taking the functional differentiation of this equation, with respect to,
•=•J .y/, and setting J D 0, and then using (5.16.62), we finally obtain for the
full photon propagator in the Coulomb gauge the expression
D 0 0
C .x x / D DC .x x /
C ı ˛ @ c˛ ı ˇ @ cˇ i h j ˛ .x/j ˇ .x 0 / iC :
. i
/ . i
/ C
h @ @ i
ı ˛ @ c˛ ı ˇ @ cˇ @˛ @ˇ ˛ˇ D ./ C 2
@ c @ c ;
i .dQ/ h i 0
hvacj j .x/j .x 0 / jvaci D Q Q Q 2
eiQ .xx /
C .2/4
Z 1
M 2 .M 2 /
dM 2 2 C 2 ; (5.16.66)
0 Q .Q M i
we obtain
Z 1
e .x x 0 / D C @ @ @ c @ c
D dM 2
r2 ./ 0
h i Z
.dQ/ iQ .xx 0 / M 2 .M 2 /
Z3 ı.M 2 / C .M 2 / ı .4/ .x x 0 / e ;
.2/4 .Q2 C M 2 i
330 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
where we have
conveniently multiplied ı .4/ .x x 0 /, within the curly brackets, by
1 D 0 dM 2 Z 3 ı.M 2 / C .M 2 / (see (5.16.56)), or .c D i @i =r 2 /
h @ @ i
D .x x 0
/ D
C @
c @
c h.x x 0 /; (5.16.68)
.dQ/ iQ .xx 0 / 1 .M 2 /
h.x x 0 / D 4
e dM 2 2 ; (5.16.69)
.2/ 0 .Q C M 2 i
where we have used the definition .M 2 / D Z3 ı.M 2 /C.M 2 / and M 2 ı.M 2 / D 0.
The free photon propagator in a covariant gauge, specified by a parameter ,
may be simply written from (5.3.9), as
h @ @ i 1
D .x y/ D .1 / ı .4/ .x y/: (5.16.70)
. i
The matrix elements of the vector potential between the vacuum states, in
covariant gauges, then follows from (5.7.2)/(5.7.6), to be
Z h i
h 0C jA .x/ j 0 i D .dy/ D .x y/ J .y/h0C j 0 i Ch 0C j j .y/ j 0 i :
carrying out the functional
differentiations of this equation with respect to
.i/ •=•.x 0 / .i/ •=•.x 0 / , the above equation leads for J ! 0 to
h 0C j A .x/j .x 0 / j 0 i D h 0C j j .x/j .x 0 / j 0 i:
C . i
/ C
Hence by taking the functional differentiation of (5.16.71), with respect to, •=•J .y/,
and setting J D 0, and then using (5.16.72), we finally obtain for the full photon
propagator in covariant gauges
1 1
e .x x 0 / D D .x x 0 / C
D i h j .x/j .x 0 / i:
. i
/ . i
/ C
where h.x x 0 / is defined in (5.16.69). Note that the longitudinal part of the
propagator does not change with the interaction.
In reference to (5.16.69), we may set
Z Z 1
0 .dk/ iQ .xx 0 / d.Q2 / d.Q2 / .M 2 /
h.x x / D e ; D dM 2 :
.2 /4 Q2 Q2 0 .Q2 C M 2 i
Equation (5.16.56) then leads to the following formal boundary conditions for
Q2 ! 1 W
d.Q2 / ! 1; ˛ dren .Q2 / d.Q2 / ! ˛ 0 : (5.16.76)
leading to a potential
e x 0 j/ D q2 d3 Q iQ.xx 0 / e 0
U.jx e D 0 .Q/jQ0 D0
h Z 1 i
q2 2 2 M jxx0 j
D Z 3 C dM .M / e ; (5.16.79)
4jx x 0 j 0
A process involving no energy transfer.
332 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
q2ren p
e x 0 j/ !
U.jx ; qren D q Z 3 ; (5.16.80)
4jx x0 j
with modified renormalized charges. That the charge is renormalized via the photon
renormalization constant Z 3 only and not by the renormalization constants Z 2 , and
Z1 , as well, is a consequence of the Ward identity, established in Sect. 5.16, implying
that Z1 D Z 2 . This point will be further discussed in the next section.
An integral equation of the photon polarization tensor, to supplement those of
the electron and vertex functions derived in the previous subsection, is derived in
the following one.
From (5.16.73) and (5.16.75), we may solve for the vacuum expectation value of
the time-ordered product of two currents as follows
˝ ˛ Z .dQ/ Z 1
.M 2 /
i j .x/j .0/ D 4
e iQ x
. 2
Q /Q 2
dM 2 2 :
C .2/ 0 Q C M2 i
2 2 .dQ/
™.x / j .0/j .x/i D 2 dM .M / ı.Q2 C M 2 /.Q0 /
0 .2/4
. Q2 Q Q / Q2 ei Qx ™.x 0 /;
Invoking hermiticity of the current operators and the normalization of the vacuum
state, Eq. (5.16.83) above, upon taking its complex conjugate, becomes
Z 1 Z
˝ ˛ .dQ/
™.x 0 / j .x/j .0/ D 2 dM 2 .M 2 / ı.Q2 C M 2 /.Q0 /
0 .2/4
. Q2 Q Q /Q2 / eiQ x ™.x 0 /:
Finally adding (5.16.82) and (5.16.84), and using the relation ™.x 0 / C ™.x 0 / D
1, gives for the vacuum expectation of the unordered product of two currents the
Z 1 Z
˝ ˛ .dQ/
j .x/j .0/ D 2 dM 2 .M 2 / 4
ı.Q2 C M 2 / ™.Q0 /
0 .2/
. Q2 Q Q / Q2 eiQ x : (5.16.85)
A Fourier transform, with k0 > 0, then leads to the following useful expression
˝ ˛
.dx/ ei ky j .x/j .0/ D 2 .k2 / k2 . k2 k k /; (5.16.86)
where the part of the spectral function ı.M 2 / of .M 2 / does not contribute as
it is multiplied by M 2 in (5.16.85), (5.16.86) with M 2 D Q2 , M 2 D k2 ,
respectively (see (5.16.42) and (5.16.56)).79
This equation will be used to study the fundamental process eC e ! hadrons
in Sect. 6.4 in quantum chromodynamics.
To derive an integral equation for the photon polarization tensor, note that
from (5.16.71), we may, by functional differentiation of hA .x/i with respect
to J .x 0 / and using the chain rule, write
e .x; x 0 / D D .x; x 0 / C • e .z; x 0 /:
D .dy/.dz/ D .x; y/ h j .y/i D
•hA .z/i
See also the QED lowest contribution to .M 2 / in (5.10.55).
334 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
and we set the external sources equal to zero. This suggests to define the polarization
˘ .y; z/ D h j .y/i: (5.16.88)
•hA .z/i
and from (5.16.4) and (5.16.88), we obtain, in the absence of external sources,
˘ .x y/ D i e20 .dx 0 /.dy 0 / Tr e
S.x x 0 / .x 0 ; y 0 I y/ e
S.y 0 x/ :
The minus sign is introduced to be consistent with the notation of the lowest order.
5.17 The Full Renormalized Theory 335
1 Q Q
e .Q/ D Q Q
D C : (5.16.96)
Q2 .Q2 C Q2 ˘.Q2 / Q4
One may also equivalently subtract a Taylor expansion in Q, of the integrand in (5.16.93), in the
process, in finally evaluating ˘ .Q/.
See also Sect. 4.1.
336 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
This is what quantum theory says, irrespective of perturbation theory,83 since the
fields may create other particles as well out
pof thep vacuum, which necessitates the
presence of the normalization coefficients Z 3 ; Z 2 in a probabilistic context.
One may, in turn, introduce the renormalized fields
p p p
ren D = Z 2; ren D = Z 2; Aren D A = Z3 ; (5.17.4)
Let us see how the basic components of the theory respond to the scalings of the
propagators and and vertex function defined in (5.17.1).
From Fig. 5.17 given earlier in Sect. 5.16.2, and Fig. 5.19, we note that for the
e eC - kernel K, the combination 2
p e40 K may be2 expressed in terms of renormalized
quantitites multiplied by .1= Z 2 / D .1=Z 2 / . That is,
e20 K D e2 Kren ; (5.17.7)
.Z 2 /2
where e2 Kren may be expressed in terms of the full renormalized electron and
p propagators, the renormalized vertex and the renormalized charge e D
Z3 e0 .
See also the Introductory chapter of the book and Sect. 4.1.
5.17 The Full Renormalized Theory 337
p+Q p +Q p+Q p +Q
e0 √Z 2 √Z 2 e0
p+Q p +Q Z1−1 √
e0 Z −1 Z1−1
√1 Z3 √ Z 3
Z3 √
e20 = √
+ √ Z 3 Z3
p e0 Z1−1 Z1−1 Z1−1
p √ √
e0 Z 2 Z 2 e0
p p p p
as follows from (5.16.30), where we have used the Ward identity relation Z1 D Z 2 .
From (5.16.21)/(5.16.22), an integral equation for the inverse of the renormalized
electron propagator may be also written. For studying its renormalizability, however,
one may use the Ward-Takahashi identity in (5.16.8) to write
S1 0 0 0 ˇ
ren . p / D . p p/ ren . p ; p/ p!m ; (5.17.9)
since eS1 . p/j p!m D 0, where, in particular, j p!m attached to ren . p 0 ; p/
means that p2 is set equal to m2 in it, and that p on its extreme right-hand side
is replaced by m.
Finally we note that for the vacuum polarization tensor, we may, from (5.16.93)
and (5.17.6), represent it symbolically as
˘ D i e20 Tr Œe
Se Se
S C i e20 Tr ŒK e Se
S e
S ; (5.17.10)
Π μν = − i e20 + i e20 K
The present section deals with the finiteness of renormalized theory order by order
in perturbation theory by a direct graphical analysis. A different approach will be
taken when dealing with non-abelian gauge fields.
5.18 Finiteness of the Renormalized Theory; Renormalized Vertex Function. . . 339
1/ Z 2 1/ Z 2 1/ Z3 1/ Z 2
√ √ √ √
Z2 Z2 Z3 Z2
√ √ √ √
Z2 Z2 Z3 Z2
e0 Z −1 e0 Z −1
√ Z3 √ Z2
Z3 Z2
√ √
1/ Z3 1/ Z2
√ √ 1/Z1
√ Z3 √ Z2 e0
Z3 Z2 √ √
−1 −1 Z2 Z2
√ e0 Z√ √ e0 Z1√ √ √
Z 2 √Z3 √
Z2 Z2 Z Z3 Z2
√ √ √ 2 √ Z3
Z2 Z2 Z2 Z3
Fig. 5.21 These are the types of vertex connections that may occur. Expressing the propagators,
the vertex function and the charge by their renormalized counterparts, simply lead to the
replacement of the sources by their renormalized scaled counterparts as defined below (5.17.11),
and the particle aspect of the theory, discussed above, becomes evident. The sources are denoted by
the half circles corresponding to electron/positron and photon emitters and detectors. By removing
the renormalized sources and the renormalized external propagators attached to them, in the
manner that was done in Sect. 5.9, as discussed above, the amplitudes A emerge expressed in
terms of the full renormalized components of the theory
We establish the finiteness of the renormalized QED theory (Fig. 5.21) by a direct
simple way. We then consider some applications of so-called renormalization group
methods as applied to it in the next section.
To lowest order, we have encountered ultraviolet divergences in the theory when
dealing with the electron and photon self energies, as well as the vertex function.
These are shown in the figure below. With this in mind, we define the degree of
divergence of a graph as:
the number of integration variables plus the highest power of momenta in the numerator
minus the highest power of momenta in the denominator.
Due to the transversality property, in the external photon lines, of the light-light
scattering graph, a result that follows by carefully invoking gauge invariance,84 its
naïve degree of divergence of 0 is reduced to 4, and hence is finite (Fig. 5.22).
See Appendix IV at the end of the book.
340 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
Fig. 5.22 The naïve degrees of divergence of the above graphs are, respectively, C1; 2; 0; 0.
Due to the factor p in the electron propagator, where p is the momentum of the electron on
the external lines, the degree of divergence of the graph in (a) is reduced to 0. On the other
hand, due to the very welcome two powers of momenta of the external lines of the photon, in the
polarization tensor in (b), as follows by gauge invariance, its degree of divergence is also reduced
to 0 (see Appendix IV, (IV.27) at the end of the book). Again due to gauge invariance, the degree
of divergence of the light-light scattering graph in (d) is reduced to 4, and hence is finite (see
Appendix IV, (IV.26) at the end of the book)
(a) (b)
The remarkable property of this theory that the degree of divergence of a connected
and proper graph with a fixed number of external lines does not change with the
order of perturbation theory, that is with the increase of the number of internal lines,
becomes evident when d.g/ is expressed in terms of the number of external lines
5.18 Finiteness of the Renormalized Theory; Renormalized Vertex Function. . . 341
(a) (b)
Fig. 5.24 (a) Here `integ D 4 3, `inte D 6, ` D 2. (b) In this case, `integ D 4 7, `e D 14,
int int
` D 6. The degree of divergence of the graphs are d.g/ D 2, and are equal, as expected, and this
is effectively reduced to zero after subtracting two powers of momenta needed in the definition of
the polarization tensor as discussed before
of a graph (e.g., Fig. 5.24). It is easily verified that this is simply given by
3 ext
d.g/ D 4 ` `ext
; (5.18.3)
2 e
To establish the finiteness of the renormalized theory to any order in the
renormalized charge, we may proceed by induction.
To the above end, we have seen in Sects. 5.10 and 5.11, that to lowest order,
the renormalized electron and photon propagators as well as the renormalized
vertex functions are finite. Now we assume, as an in induction hypothesis, that
in perturbation theory, the renormalized propagators and the renormalized vertex
function are finite to all orders .n2/ in e. This will readily allow us to study
the finiteness of e2 Kren , and any connected and proper graph G , with four more
external lines, to a given order n.
To the above end, we note, in reference to Figs. 5.19 and 5.21, e2 Kren , and a
connected and proper graph G , with at least four external lines, may be expanded in
terms of the full renormalized propagators and the renormalized full vertex function,
and have strictly negative degrees of divergence. The only divergence that may
occur are from subgraphs within them which are self-energy insertions and vertex
corrections. These, however, have been rendered finite, by the renormalization
procedure, to any order .n 2/, and has reduced their effective degrees of
divergence to strictly negative values, according to the induction hypothesis. Also
recall that a subgraph with only three external photon lines within them vanishes
by Furry’s theorem, that the effective degree of divergence of light-light scattering
is equal to 4, and finally note that all other subgraphs with four or more external
lines within them have strictly negative degrees of divergence. Hence e2 Kren and
G , with at least four external lines, have all their subintegrations, as well as their
342 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
overall integrations finite. That is, to any given order85 n in e, e2 Kren , G are finite.
Thus it remains to establish the finiteness of the propagators and the vertex function
to order n as well. This is carried out in the following two subsections.86
ˇ.n/ ˇ ˇ.n2/
ren . p C Q; p/ˇ D e2 e . p; p/ˇˇ
e . p C Q; p/ ˇ
ˇ : (5.18.7)
In the induction hypothesis, we have assumed that the renormalized vertex and the
renormalized electron and photon propagators are finite, and all subgraphs in them,
are finite for all orders .n 2/. In this subsection, we will see that this is true for
the renormalized vertex and renormalized electron propagator to order n as well. In
the next subsection we also establish this for the renormalized photon propagator.
In Fig. 5.15 of Sect. 5.16.2, a graphical representation of the vertex function was
given, and in Fig. 5.16, some graphs not contributing to the e eC -kernel K, in the
expression for the vertex function was also shown. A graphical representation of
e . p 0 ; p/ˇ.n2/ is then given by Kren , ren
, Sren as shown in Fig. 5.25, which may
This is the content of a power counting theorem, due to Weinberg [80], which states that a graph
is finite if all of its corresponding subintegrations, including the overall integration, are finite. For
a pedagogical treatment of this technical problem see the author’s book on renormalization [45].
Finiteness is understood to refer to ultraviolet finiteness. The infrared problem is treated by the
inclusion of soft photons in computing transition amplitudes. In the study of propagators and the
vertex function, a non-zero photon mass is included in the analysis, as done earlier to the lowest
order, to avoid infrared divergences in intermediate steps.
5.18 Finiteness of the Renormalized Theory; Renormalized Vertex Function. . . 343
p Q
p Q (n−2)
Λ μ (p + Q, p) =− i Kren Q
From (5.16.96), the full photon propagator, in covariant gauges, may be written as
e .Q/ D Q Q d.Q / C Q Q :
D (5.18.8)
Q 2 Q 2 Q4
We set
d.Q2 / D ; ˘.Q2 / ˛ 0 .Q2 /: (5.18.9)
1 C ˛ 0 .Q2 /
Light-light scattering subgraphs, as noted before, are convergent.
Finiteness of renormalized QED by induction was carefully treated in Bjorken and Drell [11],
which was also applied to the renormalized photon propagator by a very elaborate method. We
have preferred to treat the photon propagator by a method developed in a remarkable paper by
Baker and Lee [4].
344 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
By definition,
Z3 D ; (5.18.10)
1 C ˛ 0 .0/
d1 .Q2 / D 1 C ˛ 0 .0/ C ˛ 0 .Q2 / .0/ D 1 C ˛ c .Q2 / ; (5.18.11)
c .Q2 / D .Q2 / .0/ ; ˛ c .0/ D 0; ˛ D Z 3 ˛ 0; (5.18.12)
and the latter relation for the fine-structure constant was defined earlier.
Using the renormalized version of the photon propagator
Q Q dren .Q2 / 1 Q Q
D .Q/ D
C ; (5.18.13)
Q2 Q2 Z3 Q4
Q Q ˛ @ @
.Q2 / D ;˛ .Q/; ;˛ ˛ .Q/ .Q/: (5.18.17)
6 Q2 @Q˛ @Q˛
5.18 Finiteness of the Renormalized Theory; Renormalized Vertex Function. . . 345
π μν =− 4 π i + 4π α i Kren
Fig. 5.26 Graphical skeleton expansion representation of .Q/, where note that on account of
the scaling factor as given in (5.17.1), and (5.17.7) for e20 K D e2 Kren =.Z 2 /2 , it is expressed in
terms of the renormalized components of the theory. Accordingly, all the propagators, the vertex
function, as well as the fine-structure constant, denote renormalized components
Note that up to order n, ˛ c is expanded in terms of the renormalized
propagators and the renormalized vertex, up to order n 2 in e.
To discuss the finiteness of the latter, we differentiate in (5.18.16),
with respect to Q, and thus differentiate all the (renormalized) components in it
with respect to this variable Q˛ , wherever it appears in them. To this end, the
renormalized vertex function may be written symbolically and conveniently as
ren D Z1 ie2 Kren e
Sren e
Sren ren ; (5.18.19)
e e
D Z1 ie2 ren Sren Sren Kren : (5.18.20)
Multiplying this by ren e
Sren e
Sren gives
e e e
ren Sren Sren C ie2 ren Sren e
Sren Kren eSren e
Sren ren ;˛
e e
D ie2 ren Sren Sren Kren e
Sren e
Sren ;˛ ren
: (5.18.22)
Thus the two terms within the round brackets on the left-hand side of (5.18.22) may
be combined to obtain the useful identity
Z1 eSren e
Sren ren ;˛ D ie2 ren eSren e
Sren Kren eSren e
Sren ;˛ ren
D i e2 ren e Sren Kren e
Sren e Sren e
Sren ;˛ ren e e
i e2 ren Sren Sren Kren ;˛ e
Sren e
Sren ren :
346 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
[π μν ] = − 4 π i − 4π i α Kren
Fig. 5.27 Graphical skeleton expansion representation of .Q/;˛ expressed in terms of renor-
malized components. The prime 0 denotes differentiation with respect to the momentum Q˛ in
.Q/. The prime 0 in the first graph on the right-hand
side stands for the differentiation of the
two renormalized electron propagators e Srene
Sren ;˛
e e
e e
D ren
Sren Sren ;˛ ren i e2 ren Sren Sren Kren ;˛ e
Sren e
Sren ren : (5.18.25)
From (5.16.93) and (5.19.9), one may also express symbolically in the
convenient form
D 4 i Z1 e
Sren e
Sren ren ; (5.18.26)
@ Q Q @ Qˇ @
Q2 D 0; Q2 D ; (5.18.28)
@Q 2 Q 2 @Q 2 2 @Qˇ
as obtained, in the process, from the chain rule, gives from (5.18.17)
@ Q Q ˇ @ ˛ Q2
Q2 .Q 2
/ D Q ;˛ .Q/ D a finite expression;
@Q 2 12Q 2 @Qˇ m2
5.19 Effective Charge and the Renormalization Group 347
˛ ˛.0/: (5.19.3)
dren Q2 ; 2 ; ˛. 2 / D ; (5.19.5)
1 C ˛. 2 / Œ.Q2 / . 2 /
dren .Q2 ; 0; ˛.0// dren .Q2 ; ˛/: (5.19.6)
Note from (5.18.14), that to order n, dren depends on .˛ c / to order < n and on the nth order
as well, and the latter has been also established to be finite.
348 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
˛.12 / dren .Q2 ; 12 ; ˛.12 // D ˛. 22 / dren .Q2 ; 22 ; ˛. 22 //: (5.19.7)
Because of this basic property, such a procedure in renormalization theory has been
referred to as “renormalization group” which is an unfortunate name as it doesn’t
really have to do with a group.90
The effective coupling ˛. 2 / may be obtained from (5.19.5) by choosing Q2 D
to give
˘.Q2 / D ˛ .Q2 /
h 1 i 2˛ Z 1 h Q2 i
D 1 dz z.1 z/ ln 1 C 2 z.1 z/ ; (5.19.10)
Z3 0 m
1 ˛ h 2 1 i
D1C ln 2 : (5.19.11)
Z3 3 m 2
The renormalization group was introduced by Stueckelberg and Peterman [74], who also coined
the name “renormalization group”. This was followed by other important work by Gell-Mann and
Low [27], Ovsyannikov [65], Bogoliubov and Shirkov [12] and by many others.
See, e.g., Beringer et al. [7], Mele [63], and Erler [23].
I remember when I was a graduate student, I used to wonder, together with my fellow students,
as to why nature chooses the value 1=137 rather than some other value. Now with the rapid
development of quantum field theory, together with higher energy experiments, we understand
this value to be a reflection of the energies “at which we were then”. Effectively, this coupling
changes as we move to higher energies attaining different numerical values as will be investigated
in the next subsection. Although understanding why Nature chooses the low energy numerical
value 1=137 is still important, it does not seem to be as mysterious now as it was then.
5.19 Effective Charge and the Renormalization Group 349
m d 2˛
ˇ.˛/ Z3 D ; (5.19.12)
Z 3 dm 3
d d 4 ˛ m2
m ˘.Q2 / D m ˛ .Q2 / ; Q2
m2 ; (5.19.13)
dm dm Q2
˛ h Q2 5i
˛ c .Q2 / D ˛ Œ.Q2 / .0/ ln 2 2
c .Q /;
˛ as Q2
m2 :
3 m 3
where “as” in as
c stands for asymptotic.
Now consider the full theory. We differentiate the equation
dren .Q2 / D 1 C ˛ c .Q2 / D Z 3 1 C ˛ 0 .Q2 / : (5.19.15)
with respect to the mass m of the electron by keeping the unrenormalized fine-
structure constant ˛ 0 and the ultraviolet cut-off 2 fixed with the latter arbitrarily
large.93 To this end we set94
1 d d
m Z 3 D ˇ.˛/; m .Q2 / D S : (5.19.16)
Z 3 dm dm
With ˛ 0 ; 2 fixed, the parameters that vary in .Q2 / on the extreme right-hand
side of (5.19.15) with m are then ˛, and m0 . This leads to
m Z 3 Œ1 C ˛ 0 .Q2 / D ˇ.˛/ dren
.Q2 / C ˛ S : (5.19.17)
On the other hand, the parameters that vary in the first expression in (5.19.15) are ˛
and m itself. That is,
d 1 2 h @ m d @ i
m dren .Q / D m C ˛ ˛ d1 .Q2 /
dm @m ˛ dm @˛ ren
h @ @ i 1 2
D m C ˛ ˇ.˛/ d .Q /: (5.19.18)
@m @˛ ren
In carrying the differentiation of this equation with respect to m, we follow the elegant approach,
and to some extent the notation, of Adler [1].
Since .Q 2 / depends on the mass m through m0 , we may write: m.d=dm/ .Q 2 / D
.m=m0 / .dm0 =dm/ m0 .@ .Q 2 /=@m0 /.
350 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
2 2
We will solve (5.19.20) for d as ren .Q =m ; ˛/ with the boundary condition
5 2
q.˛/ D ˛ ˛ C : (5.19.22)
In reference to (5.19.20), we may use the chain rule, to replace the differentiation
with respect to ˛ by differentiation with respect to q.˛/, in the following manner
@ @ 1 @ 1 @
D q 0 .˛/ ; or ˛ ˇ.˛/ D ˛ ˇ.˛/ q 0 .˛/ : (5.19.23)
@˛ @q.˛/ 2 @˛ 2 @q.˛/
where the factor 1=2 is introduced for convenience. This suggests to introduce the
.q.˛// D ˛ ˇ.˛/ q 0 .˛/; (5.19.24)
Such a scaling equation is referred to as a Callan-Symanzik scaling equation [15, 75–77].
This is fully justified by the application of a theorem due to Weinberg [80] when it is applied to
the renormalized theory order by order [45], and essentially reduces to a dimensional analysis. The
m2 =Q 2 factor is already seen in (5.19.13) to lowest order.
5.19 Effective Charge and the Renormalization Group 351
known as the Gell-Mann and low function. Equation (5.19.20) may be now
rewritten as
h @ @ i
.q.˛// ˛ d as
ren D 0; D ln.Q2 =m2 /; (5.19.25)
@ @q.˛/
which, in particular, explains the choice of the factor 1=2 in (5.19.23). Finally, we
introduce the variable
Z q.˛/
dz @ @
y D ; D .q.˛// ; (5.19.26)
c .z/ @y @q.˛/
We will obtain two useful expressions from this equation. The solution of the
differential equation is elementary and is given by
h Z
2 2 Q2 q.˛/
dz i
˛ ren .Q =m ; ˛/
d as D FŒ C y D F ln 2 C ; (5.19.28)
m c .z/
˛ d as
ren .1; ˛/ D q.˛/; (5.19.29)
hZ q.˛/
dz i
F D q.˛/: (5.19.30)
c .z/
where we have used (5.19.30). Expanding the exponential factor in (5.19.31), gives
1 n
2 2
X d n ˇˇ
˛ ren .Q =m ; ˛/
d as D .z/ zˇ ; (5.19.32)
nŠ dz z D q.˛/
352 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
2 ˛ 1 ˛2 121 ˛ 3
ˇ.˛/ D C 2
C ; (5.19.34)
3 2 144 3
h1 z 1 z2 18 101 z 3 i
.z/ D z C C .3/ C ; (5.19.35)
3 4 2 8 3 36 3
With y defined in (5.19.26), the solution of the above equation is given by98
Q2 Z ˛ d as 2 2
ren .Q =m ;˛/ dz
ln D ; (5.19.39)
m2 q.˛/ .z/
de Rafaël and Rosner [18] and Baker and Johnson [3]. See also Gorishnii et al. [30]. Note that
we use Adler’s ˇ.˛/ function notation which is ˇ.˛/=˛ of de Rafaël’s and Rosner’s.
98 eŒ C y D . C y/ C G
The solution may be also written as: y C G eŒ C y D C GŒ C y
where G eŒ C y . C y/ D GŒ C y. Hence (5.19.38) is the general solution of (5.19.37).
5.19 Effective Charge and the Renormalization Group 353
Finally from the boundary condition on dren .Q2 / ! Z3 for Q2 ! 1, as inferred
from (5.16.76), we also have from (5.19.20),
h @ @ i
m C ˇ.˛/ ˛ 1 Z 3 D 0: (5.19.40)
@m @˛
A very attractive feature of the expansion in (5.19.33), which may provide a hint
to determine the value of the fine-structure constant ˛, if the latter is a zero of
the beta function: ˇ.˛/ D 0,99 i.e., formally from (5.19.24), .q.˛// D 0, then
2 2
from the just mentioned expansion we may infer that ˛ d as ren .Q =m ; ˛/ D q.˛/ D
˛ 0 . Such a solution would mean that 1=Z 3 is also finite. This solution, in turn,
implies that the interval of integration in (5.19.39) degenerates to a point at which
.˛ 0 / vanishes. Not considering all possibilities, another situation that may arise
is in which the integral in (5.19.39) would not diverge until ˛ d as ren .Q / ! 1 as
Q ! 1 and 1=Z 3 , as well as ˛ 0 , would be infinite. The fine-structure constant
would then, of course, be undetermined. Finally, one may also consider the situation,
where ˛d as ren .Q / ! ˛ 0 , with the latter finite, and the Gell-Mann and Low function
.z/ develops a zero at such a point for consistency with (5.19.39). In this case ˛
would be undetermined, and the series would sum up to a non-trivial function of
ln.Q 2 =m2 / which approaches ˛ 0 as Q 2 ! 1. A key property of QED is that the
slope of ˇ.˛/ is positive near the origin, unlike non-abelian gauge theory ones,
such as QCD, in which it is negative leading to a decrease of the effective charge
with increase of energy, instead of increasing as in QED, a concept which is referred
to as asymptotic freedom . This will be investigated in the next chapter.100
Unfortunately, the Gell-Mann and Low function of QED may not have a non-
trivial zero,101 and one would then expect that e0 , which is formally defined as the
physically unattainable charge “measured” right at the core of an electron, to be
infinite. The divergence encountered in this limit is of no surprise as our theories are
not justified to describe nature at absolute zero distances. It is rather surprising that
some practitioners, let alone the others, still find it surprising that one may encounter
such an infinity when our theories are extended all the way with no limit. On the
other hand, to see how robust QED is, note from (5.19.33), (5.19.22), (5.19.35), or
1 as
directly from (5.19.14), (5.19.15), that to lowest order in ˛, .dren / .Q 2 =m2 ; ˛/ D
1 .˛=3/ln.Q =m /, leading to an unphysical pole at Q D m2 exp.3 =˛/,
2 2 2
referred as a Landau ghost. This seems to validate QED down to small distances
corresponding to enormous energies < m e645 . Of course this is an estimate
obtained by truncating an infinite series. But even with such a naïve estimate, this
indicates, nevertheless, that QED may be valid even to corresponding experimen-
tally unattainable small distances. At such distances, gravitation, in any case, may
See Adler [1], and, e.g., Manoukian [44].
One may similarly carry out an analysis of the wavefunction renormalization constant Z 2 and
of the unrenormalized mass m0 (see, e.g., [1]).
See, e.g., Krasnikov [38].
354 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
We may take the contributions of the quark loops, with quarks corresponding to
the three colors, as well as of the charged lepton loops, of the three generations, with
charges and approximate masses given in Table 5.1 which contribute for Q2 D MZ 2 :
Table 5.1 Scaled charges and approximate masses (in GeV) of the quarks of masses MZ 2 and
the charged leptons
Particle u d s c b e
e 2=3 1=3 1=3 2=3 1=3 1 1 1
Mass 0:0024 0:0049 0:095 1:275 4:2 0.00051 0.1057 1.7768
5.20 Scalar Boson Electrodynamics, Effective Action and Spontaneous. . . 355
where e denotes the (scaled) charge, and note that the mass of the top quark
Mz D 91:188 GeV, and decouples from the analysis.102 We may then write the
contributions of the above quarks and leptons to the fine-structure constant at Q2 D
MZ 2 , with a factor 3 for the three quark colors, as
1 1 1 n X h M 2 5 i X h M 2 5 io
2 Z 2 Z
D 3 e ln C e i ln ;
˛.MZ 2 / ˛ 3 i;quarks i m2i 3 i;leptons
m 2
i 3
When the symmetry of the action is not shared by the vacuum, the symmetry is
said to be spontaneously broken. An interesting consequence of this is that for
a spontaneously broken continuous symmetry, the theory involves massless spin
zero boson(s), referred as Goldstone bosons. As we will see in a spontaneously
broken symmetry, the vacuum is degenerate. Considering a continuous global
transformation, we investigate in Sect. 5.20.2 to see how these Goldstone bosons
arise. In gauge theories, abelian or non-abelian, with a priori massless vector
bosons, we have invariance under local transformations, and the broken symmetry
is local, with underlying gauge transformations existing, in particular, between
charged scalar fields and the vector bosons. In these cases, the Goldstone bosons
combine with the massless vector bosons resulting in a theory in which the vector
bosons become massive borrowing the zeroth component of their helicities from
the Goldstone bosons themselves, and the latter now become unobservable. This
is worked out in a variation of scalar boson electrodynamics. The underlying
mechanism for this transmutation is referred to as the Higgs mechanism. In the
final theory, the number of degrees of freedom, associated with the fields, are the
same as the original version. The importance of this result in the renormalization
program, should be emphasized and the underlying idea is quite simple. We recall
that the propagator of a massless vector boson is given by
Q Q 1
D .Q/ D ; (5.20.1)
Q2 Q2 i
This is a consequence of the decoupling theorem and one carries out the analysis as if heavy
masses in comparison to the energy of concern are not part of the dynamics. For intricacies,
conditions and a proof of the decoupling theorem, see Manoukian [46, 47, 49] and other references
See below (6.16.22) for experimental value.
356 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
up to gauge terms, while for a massive one with mass M, we have from (4.7.20)
Q Q 1
C .Q/ D C 2
: (5.20.2)
M Q C M2 i
The massless propagator gives rise to damping 1=Q2 at high energies and is a
very welcome property in establishing renormalizability of a theory. The massive
one goes to a constant at high energies and renders the renormalizability of a theory
obscure. On the other hand, if the theory is gauge invariant, one may hope to infer
renormalizability of the theory from its massless vector boson counterpart. This has
been a key result in the success of present non-abelian gauge theories with massive
vector bosons.
In the following subsection, we consider a change of scalar field variables of
integrations in a path integral of a generating functional, needed to establish the so-
called Goldstone Theorem. Spontaneous symmetry breaking in the abelian case is
treated in the following subsection with the generation of a massive vector boson.
Spontaneous symmetry breaking in non-abelian gauge theories is considered in the
next chapter.
Suppose we are given a Lagrangian density L , which among other fields, depends
on n real scalar fields 1 .x/; : : : ; n .x/, n > 1, and is invariant under the
i .x/ ! ı ij C i ı" .t/ij j .x/ D e
j .x/; .t/ij D .t/ji ; (5.20.3)
L1 ! L1 C i ı
J i .t/ij j D L (5.20.5)
in (5.20.3):
• h 0C j j .x/ j 0 i
h 0C j 0 i D eiWŒ J ; WD h j .x/i: (5.20.6)
•J j .x/ h 0C j 0 i
referred to as an effective action, as it coincides with the classical action .dx/ Lc .x/
written, in particular, in terms of hi, when radiative corrections are neglected.
From the chain rule
Z 0
•WŒ J 0 •WŒ J •J .x /
D .dx / ; (5.20.12)
•h i .x/i •J j .x 0 / •h i .x/i
358 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
• Œhi
D J i .x/; (5.20.13)
•h i .x/i
We note that
i k .4/ •J i .x/
0 •J i .x/ •h j .y/i •J i .x/
ı ı .x; x / D D .dy/ D .dy/
j k .y; x0 /;
•J k .x 0 / •h j .y/i •J k .x 0 / •h j .y/i
where the
j k .y; x 0 / denote propagators (correlations functions) of the fields i ,
and the above equation leads to
•J i .x/
ij .x; y/: (5.20.16)
•h j .y/i
•2 Œhi
ij .x; y/: (5.20.17)
•h i .x/i•h j .y/i
where Veff is referred to as the effective potential, and (5.20.14) takes the form104
@ Veff ij j
t c D 0; (5.20.19)
Note that functional derivatives have now become simply partial derivatives.
5.20 Scalar Boson Electrodynamics, Effective Action and Spontaneous. . . 359
where due to translational invariance, the matrix elements h i .x/i become simply
expressions independent of x, which we have conveniently denoted by ci . Upon
taking another derivative of (5.20.19), with respect to ck , we obtain
@ 2 Veff ij j ˇˇ
t c ˇ D 0; (5.20.20)
@ck @ci c Dc
@ Veff ˇˇ
ˇ D 0; i D 1; : : : ; n; (5.20.21)
@ ci c Dc
and the c are at the minimum of the effective potential. On the other hand
1 e1
ij .x y/ D ˝
ij .0/; (5.20.22)
where the
e1 .0/ denote the inverse of the propagator functions in the momentum
description at zero momentum.
From (5.20.17), (5.20.18), (5.20.22), we may then simply replace (5.20.20) by
ij j
k i .0/ t c D 0: (5.20.23)
Accordingly, for non-vanishing tij c , for some i, corresponding to spontaneous
symmetry breaking, the
e1 .0/ vanish, indicating the presence of zero mass
particles in the theory, referred to as Goldstone bosons. This is the content of the
celebrated Goldstone Theorem.105
It is interesting to see how the symmetry of the Lagrangian density L is
broken by the vacuum. To this end, from Wigner’s symmetry transformations
(see Sect. 2.1), the continuous transformation in (5.20.3) is implemented, in the
vector space in which the field operators act, via a unitary operator, which for
infinitesimal transformations would read as U D I i ı" G, where G is the
generator of transformation - an operator. Then in matrix form we have the relation:
U 1 U D .I C i ı" t/ which from (5.20.3) yields the relation
Œ G; D t ; (5.20.24)
where we recall that t is a (numerical) matrix. Upon taking the vacuum expectation
value of the above, we obtain
Goldstone [28] and Goldstone et al. [29].
360 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
First note that the coefficient of 2 in the Lagrangian density in (5.20.26), is a “C”
rather than a “”, and this is what we need for spontaneous symmetry breaking,
i.e., for the field ˚ to develop a non vanishing expectation value in the vacuum.106
Also to avoid problems with unboundedness of the corresponding Hamiltonian p from
below, is taken to be positive definite. Upon writing ˚ D .1 C i 2 /= 2, the
above Lagrangian density becomes
1 1
L D @ 1 @ 1 @ 2 @ 2 V; (5.20.28)
2 2
where now
2 2 2
VD 1 C 22 C 12 C 22 : (5.20.29)
2 4
One may rotate the system to bring h2 i 2c to zero, and h1 i 1c to some
value v, which is determined by minimizing the potential. By neglecting radiative
corrections, for simplicity, we have107
@V 2
D 2 1c C 1c 1c C 22c D 0; v 2 D 2 : (5.20.30)
Upon writing 1 D '1 C v, 2 D ' 2 , with h' i i D 0, the quadratic part of the
Lagrangian density in (5.20.28) is easily worked out to be
1 1 .2v 2 / 2
Lquad D @ '1 @ '1 @ ' 2 @ ' 2 '1 C 0:' 22 ; (5.20.31)
2 2 2
with ' 2 representing the Goldstone boson, involving no mass.
We will neglect radiative corrections in the subsequent analysis. Although we are not consid-
ering radiative corrections here, the .˚ ˚/2 term in the Lagrangian density is important for
renormalizability of the theory.
Note that if the coefficient of 2 is of opposite sign to the one in (5.20.26), one obtains v D 0.
5.20 Scalar Boson Electrodynamics, Effective Action and Spontaneous. . . 361
Now we consider scalar boson electrodynamics with the sign of the coefficient
of the parameter 2 is as given in (5.20.26). We now have a local broken symmetry,
and, as we will see below, the long range force, associated with the gauge field,
becomes screened in which the Goldstone boson combines with the gauge field to
create a massive one. To this end, the Lagrangian density in question is given by108
L D F F @ C i eA ˚ @ i eA ˚ V; (5.20.32)
the quadratic part of the above Lagrangian density is easily worked out to be
1 e2 v 2 1 .2v 2 / 2
Lquad D G G V V @ '1 @ '1 '1 ; (5.20.34)
4 2 2 2
and the Goldstone boson combined with the gauge field generating a massive vector
boson. The resulting theory describes a massive neutral scalar particle and a massive
vector boson. The scalar field 1 .x/ with non-vanishing vacuum expectation value
v is usually referred to as a Higgs field, and the resulting massive neutral spin zero
particle as a Higgs boson. Finally the mechanism for the generation of the massive
particles, as just described, is referred as the Higgs mechanism.109 Also note that the
spin zero massive neutral particle is described by the field '1 , i.e., after the vacuum
expectation value of 1 has been subtracted out from the latter.
It is remarkable, that even if 2 D 0, radiative corrections lead to spontaneous
symmetry breaking generating again a theory with one massive neutral scalar
particle and a massive vector boson.110
5.1 Derive the general expressions of the polarization vectors in (5.2.7), (5.2.8),
(5.2.9), (5.2.10), (5.2.11), (5.2.12) and (5.2.13).
5.2 Verify directly from (5.3.8) and (5.3.5) that @ h 0C jA .x/ j 0 i D
h 0C j.x/ j 0 i, consistent with the gauge condition (5.3.1).
5.3 Derive the key identity (5.4.15) in the Casimir Effect problem.
Since we are not considering renormalizability aspects here, we use the notation for e.
Englert and Brout [21] and Higgs [31–33]. See also Anderson [2].
For the relevant details see Coleman and Weinberg [17].
362 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
R1 D .0; 0; a=2/; R2 D .0; 0; a=2/; and J .k/ e p f .jkj/:
and verify that this equality also follows upon the application of the expression for
h 0C j 0 i in (5.7.27).
5.7 Derive the explicit expressions for a0 ; a1 ; a2 ; a3 in the expansion of
h 0C j 0 i in terms of connected parts with external lines as given, respectively
in (5.8.8), (5.8.9), (5.8.10), (5.8.11).
5.8 Show that the summation over spins of the expression in (5.9.31) is given
by (5.9.32).
This was introduced by Bialinicki-Birula and Bialinicka-Birula [10].
5.20 Scalar Boson Electrodynamics, Effective Action and Spontaneous. . . 363
z χ2 −p z χ2 −p
n2 n2
p −p p −p
y y
χ1 χ1
n1 n1
p p
x x
5.15 Show that u.p 0 ; 0 / ˘ .k/ .1=k2 /u.p; / D u.p 0 ; 0 / u.p; / ˘.k2 / ,
which ! u.p 0 ; 0 / u.p; / .1 Z3 /, for k2 ! 0, where ˘ .k/ is given
in (5.10.42).
5.16 Suppose that the charge distribution of the proton is given by .x/ D
.1=8 3 / ejxj= , where 1= 2 D 0:81M 2p , where Mp is the mass of the proton.
Estimate the energy shift in a hydrogen ` D 0 – energy level due to this distribution.
Work in units with the Coulomb potential given by ˛=jxj.
5.17 Express the matrix element h 0C j F k .x/A .y/ j 0 i as functional deriva-
tives acting on h 0C j 0 i in the Coulomb gauge.
5.18 Derive the equal-time commutation relations of the field components Ai .x/ in
the Coulomb gauge, using the equality in (5.14.24).
5.19 Establish the identity in (5.15.7).
5.20 Derive the identity in (5.15.16), written here in a convenient matrix multipli-
cation form:
• •
exp i e0 @ exp i SC D exp i ei e0 SC eie0 :
• •
5.21 Show that in the absence of the external Fermi sources, the generating
functionals in the Landau gauge, and in arbitrary covariant gauges, specified by
the parameter , are simply related by (5.15.24).
5.22 Show that the exact electron propagator, in an arbitrary covariant gauge,
specified by the parameter , is related to the one in the Landau gauge, in the
presence of a non-zero external current J , is as given in (5.15.26).
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Recommended Reading
1. DeWitt, B. (2014). The global approach to quantum field theory. Oxford: Oxford University
2. Kinoshita, T. (Ed.) (1990). “Quantum electrodynamics”: Advanced series on directions in high
energy physics (Vol. 7). Singapore: World Scientific.
3. Manoukian, E. B. (1983). Renormalization. New York/London/Paris: Academic.
4. Manoukian, E. B. (1986). Action principle and quantization of gauge fields. Physical Review,
D34, 3739–3749.
368 5 Abelian Gauge Theories
The present chapter1 deals with the intricacies of non-abelian gauge field theories.
We consider the extension of local gauge transformations of QED, with the gauge
group U.1/ of phase transformations, to SU.N/ groups. We recall that the group
SU.N/ means the group of symmetry transformations consisting of N N unitary
matrices that are “special” in that they have determinant one. Unlike QED, SU.N/
involves .N 2 1/ non-commuting generators, and hence field theories involving
SU.N/ groups are referred to as non-abelian gauge field theories, with QED being
an abelian one. Local gauge invariance imposed on a theory, under such an SU.N/
group, leads to the introduction of .N 2 1/ interacting vector fields in a theory,
referred to as Yang-Mills fields, which mediate interactions between particles
carrying specific quantum numbers associated with the group. This happens in a
similar way as in QED, where local gauge invariance leads to the introduction of
the photon into a theory involving charged particles, and mediates the interaction
between charged particles. A photon, however, is electrically neutral and does not
have a direct self interaction. The vector particles of an SU.N/ group, however, do
carry specific quantum numbers, such as charge, color, . . . , and do respond directly
to each other, i.e., they interact. We will see in Sect. 6.1, how such local symmetry
groups of transformations are generated by insisting that one has the freedom in
carrying transformations, depending explicitly on the spacetime point, at which a
transformation is being carried out. These local gauge symmetry groups do not
only assign specific quantum numbers to the particles in consideration but also give
rise to the underlying dynamical theory of these particles, by being guided, in its
development, by the QED theory.
The quantization of Yang-Mills field theories in the presence of matter is treated
in Sects. 6.2 and 6.3. The first non-abelian gauge theory we consider is that
of quantum chromodynamics as the modern theory of strong interaction and is
It is a good idea to review the content of the introductory chapter of the book, especially of those
aspects dealt with in this chapter.
developed in Sects. 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 6.10, 6.11, 6.12, and 6.13. It is based
on the color group SU.3/C , often denoted simply by SU.3/, involving quarks,
coming in three colors, and 8 (massless) vector particles (the gluons). We will learn
that there are many reasons why quarks should carry such a quantum number, and
why three of them (Sect. 6.4). The renormalization group, which shows how the
theory responds to scale transformations, in turn, leads to the description of the high-
energy behavior of the theory simply in terms of an effective coupling which, thanks
to the non-abelian gauge character of the theory, becomes weaker, with the increase
of energy, and eventually becomes zero, a phenomenon referred to as asymptotic
freedom. This is the subject of Sects. 6.6 and 6.7. We will see how the non-abelian
gauge character of the theory with interacting gluons is responsible for this very
welcome behavior of the theory at high energies. The smallness of the effective
coupling constant at high energies allows one to carry out perturbation expansions in
such a coupling at high energies such as in describing e eC annhilation (Sect. 6.8).
Asymptotic freedom is a key result in explaining several experiments such as the
deep inelastic experiment (Sects. 6.9, 6.10, and 6.11) where a virtual photon imparts
high energies to a proton, showing that a proton is considered to be consisting
of weakly interacting quarks, quark-antiquark pairs and gluons, collectively called
partons, within the extension of the proton. Some interesting aspects of quark and
gluon splittings, as well as the formations of QCD jets, in e eC annhilation, are
investigated as well (Sect. 6.10). Most commonly two jets are observed in opposite
directions to a quark-antiquark produced in the CM frame of the annhilating e eC
pair. Low energy (soft) gluons radiated by a parent quark (antiquark), give rise
to an enhanced probability, due to an inherited infrared divergence as in QED
(Sect. 5.12), when they are emitted in the same direction (collinear) as the parent
quark (antiquark). Such a result, based on the observation of the 2 back-to-back
jets events, not only gives a strong support of the existence of quarks but due to
the orientations of the axis of the back-to-back jets imply the spin 1/2 character of
quarks. As a consequence of asymptotic freedom, occasionally, i.e., with a smaller
probability, due to the vanishing of the effective coupling at high energies, a high
energy (hard) non-collinear gluon may be emitted as well leading to a three jets
events and so on. As quarks are not observed, it is expected that the effective
coupling between them becomes large (infrared slavery) when they separate beyond
1 fm, the approximate extension of a proton, and are thus confined within the proton.
When a coupling becomes large, one has the tendency to carry out perturbation
theory in the inverse of the coupling. Lattice gauge theory, where spacetime is
considered to have a lattice structure, is quite suitable to do this and, in turn,
allows one to investigate the nature of quark confinement. This underlying theory is
developed in Sects. 6.12 and 6.13.
The electroweak theory, as a unification of the electromagnetic and weak
interactions, based on the product group SU.2/U.1/ of leptons and the underlying
vector bosons is treated in Sect. 6.14. Special attention is given to an experimental
determination of sin2 W , where W provides a measure of the mixing occurring
between the electromagnetic and weak couplings. This section includes the study of
the theory of spontaneous symmetry breaking, where masses are generated for some
6.1 Concept of Gauge Fields and Internal Degrees of Freedom: From. . . 371
of the particles via the Higgs mechanism. Here by spontaneous symmetry breaking
it is meant that a symmetry of the Hamiltonian is not obeyed by the vacuum. The
problem of masses of neutrinos and the theory of “neutrino oscillations”, very much
relevant to neutrino masses and mass differences, are also presented. Quarks are
incorporated into the theory in Sect. 6.15. Special attention is also given to the
important aspect of the absence of anomalies in the standard model of elementary
particles which is based on the product group SU.3/SU.2/U.1/, as investigated
in Sect. 6.15, and is a key result for its renormalizability.
The standard model of elementary particles, based on the product of the above
three groups, just mentioned, involves three different couplings, one for each group.
The embedding of this product group into a larger group, such as SU.5/, leads to
a unification of these couplings into a theory with a single coupling at some high
energies, and the quantization of the electromagnetic fractional charges of quarks in
units of e=3 emerges naturally. The underlying theory of this simplest grand unified
theory is developed in Sect. 6.16 and its limitations are discussed.
Quantum Field Theory II: Introductions to Quantum Gravity, Supersymmetry, and String Theory,
Springer (2016).
372 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
χ (x)
χ2 (x) χ (x)
ϑ (x) χ 1 (x) = χ 1 (x) cos ϑ (x) − χ 2(x) sin ϑ (x)
χ 2 (x) = χ 1 (x) sin ϑ (x) + χ 2(x) cos ϑ (x)
χ1 (x)
Fig. 6.1 Phase transformation of a charged field in charge space with the field, at a spacetime
point x, represented in terms of its real and imaginary parts
λ +dλ
Minkowski Spacetime
Such a structure is called the connection and arises naturally in the following way.
The change of the field .x.// as it moves along the curve may be represented
from (6.1.3) by
Now dei .x/ at point x ./, must vanish for dx ! 0, and it may be expanded in
terms of the basis vectors ej , i.e.,
The totality of the expansion coefficients fi j .x/g is referred to as the connection
telling us how “fast” the coordinates get “rotated”, locally, as we move from a
spacetime point x to an infinitesimally close one. The i factor in (6.1.5) is chosen
for convenience.
From (6.1.4)), (6.1.5), we obtain
d.x/ D ıi j @ i i j .x/ i .x/ej .x/dx : (6.1.6)
Hence d.x/, as the field itself, may be expanded in terms of the basis vectors
ei .x/ in the local coordinate system of internal space. And we learn that the partial
derivative @ has been replaced by a new structure r in the general case, referred
to as the gauge-covariant derivative, which in matrix form, may be written as
.r /.x/ would transform the same way as .x/ ! .V/.x/, i.e.,
provided transforms as
h @ i 1
.x/ ! V.x/ .x/ V .x/; (6.1.10)
where note that @ V.x/ V 1 .x/ D V.x/ @ V 1 .x/.
By carrying, in general, different generalized “rotations” at different spacetime
points, the field .x/ is experiencing a myriad of different twisting and providing a
complicated induced structure of the space associated with the integral degrees of
freedom (charge, isospin, color,. . . ) and which manifest their existence. In turn, one
may hold a structure “responsible” for such twisting of the field, in charge space,
by introducing the concept of curvature, locally defined at each spacetime point,
as a measure of the strength on such twisting. This gives rise to a geometrical
way of introducing fields that interact with charges and other physical entities
corresponding to other internal degrees of freedom.
The concept of curvature may be introduced in the following way. We first define
the gauge-covariant derivative of .x/ along a Lorentz vector V
Consider now the transfer of .x/ along a closed path in Minkowski spacetime
defined by the parallelogram shown below along the Lorentz vectors •1 v1 ,
•2 v2 , •1 v1 , •2 v2 , with v1 , v2 two different Lorentz vectors to form a
parallelogram, with infinitesimal •1 , •2 (Fig. 6.3).
At the point 2, we may write
.x2 / D I .x1 / C •1 v1 r1 I .x1 / C : : :
D .1 C •1 v1 r1 C /I .x1 /; (6.1.12)
ϑ3 3
− ξ 1v 1
4 ξ2 v2
− ξ2
1 v2
− − ξ2 v 2
ξ1 v ξ1 v
1 1 3 2
ξ1v 1
2 ξ 2v 2 1
Minkowski Spacetime
Fig. 6.3 Diagrams corresponding to the transfer of .x/ along a closed path in Minkowski
spacetime defined by the parallelogram as described in the text
6.1 Concept of Gauge Fields and Internal Degrees of Freedom: From. . . 375
where I .x1 / denotes the initial state, and r1 stands for r with x D x1 . Let F .x1 /
denote the final state, then
From which the following expression emerges for the change in twisting by going
around the closed path
F .x1 / I .x1 / D •1 •2 v1 v2 Œr ;r I .x1 /; (6.1.14)
responsible for the alteration of the state of I .x/ by going around a closed path.
Note that the differential operators @ , @ cancel out in the final expression for
the commutator Œr ;r . R .x/ in (6.1.15)) is written in matrix form. Its matrix
elements are given by
R i j .x/ D @ j i .x/ @ j i .x/ C k i .x/ j k .x/ k i .x/j k .x/ :
Here i; j; k D 1; : : : ; N, where N corresponds to the number of the components of
the field .x/, while ; D 0; 1; 2; 3 correspond to spacetime indices.
From (6.1.10) and the definition in (6.1.15)), R , as a matrix, has the following
gauge transformation rule
R .x/ ! V.x/ R .x/ V 1 .x/; Tr R .x/R .x/ ! Tr R .x/R .x/; (6.1.17)
with the second rule implying an important invariance property, where Tr.:/ .:/i i .
The operator in (6.1.8), corresponding to the transformation rule given in (6.1.2),
gives rise to a representation of a continuous group whose elements are labeled by
a set of smooth parameters referred to as a Lie group. The group multiplication is
defined by
In particular for any two components ta , tb of t, and a real number , this group
property implies that
1 1 1
eA eB D eACBCC ; C D ŒA; B C ŒA; ŒA; B C ŒB; ŒB; A C : : : ; (6.1.20)
2 12 12
to infer from (6.1.19) that
exp .i/2 Œta ; tb C O. 3 / C : : : D exp.i #c tc /; (6.1.21)
leading to #c D 2 fabc C : : : for a given pair .a, b/, with a choice of real numericals
fabc , and for ! 0, the following commutation relation emerges
Œ ta ; tb D i fabc tc ; (6.1.22)
Œ ta ; Œ tb ; tc C Œ tb ; Œ tc ; ta C Œ tc ; Œ ta ; tb D 0; (6.1.25)
For simplicity of the notation, we use the same symbol for a representation matrix, in general, as
the abstract group element and no confusion should arise.
6.1 Concept of Gauge Fields and Internal Degrees of Freedom: From. . . 377
These matrices provide a representation of the Lie algebra called the adjoint
representation and is generated by the structure constants themselves.
An algebra for which all the generators commute is called an abelian algebra and
otherwise it is called non-abelian.
A gauge vector field A .x/, referred to as a Yang-Mills field with corresponding
field strength G .x/, may be materialized and defined in terms of the connection
in (6.1.7) and the curvature in (6.1.15), respectively, by introducing, in the process,
a coupling parameter go
A .x/ D .x/; r D @ i go A .x/; (6.1.28)
G D R .x/ D @ A .x/@ A .x/ igo ŒA ; A : (6.1.29)
From the second term on the right-hand side of (6.1.33), we make use of the matrix
nature of A .x/ to write
A .x/ D Ac .x/ tc ; Ac .x/ ! Ac .x/ C @ •c .x/ go fcab •a .x/Ab .x/:
Here we see that in addition to a rather familiar change @ •c .x/, internal degrees
of freedom are associated with Aa .x/ as well. It also transforms according to the
adjoint representation.
The field strength G may be then rewritten as
One may set up a so-called kinetic energy term for the set gauge vector fields,
and, due to the invariance property on the right-hand side of (6.1.31), we are bound
to consider an expression like
1 1
Tr G .x/G .x/ D Tr.ta tb / Ga .x/Gb .x/; (6.1.37)
2 2
up to a normalization factor, involving a direct interaction between the gauge vector
For the group U.1/ corresponding to phase transformations, describing, in
particular, electrodynamics for which the field strength G reduces to the field
strength tensor F , the coupling go is identified with the electronic charge eo , and
one is dealing with an abelian gauge group, with properties
subsection 6.1.1. For the SU.3/ color group of quantum chromodynamics, the
quarks come in N D 3 different colors, and the theory involves N 2 1 D 8 gluons.
For the group SU.2/, the lowest representation is given by a doublet with
generators represented, as discussed at the end of this section by the three (N 2 1 D
22 1 D 3) Pauli matrices, as 2 2 Hermitian traceless matrices, divided by 2,
1 .x/
.x/ D ; t D ; Œ ta ; tb D i
abc tc ; D .1 ; 2 ; 3 /; (6.1.40)
2 .x/ 2
abc is totally anti-symmetric with
123 D C1. Here we have only one
diagonal matrix, that is the group is of rank one, it is given by t3 D diagŒ1=2; 1=2,
and a corresponding particle state may be labeled by its eigenvalues ˙1=2. The
adjoint representation is provided by the generators Ta , with matrix elements
(see (6.1.27)) .Tb /a c D i
abc , i.e.,
0 1 0 1 0 1
00 0 0 0 i 0 i 0
T1 D @ 0 0 i A ; T2 D @ 0 0 0 A ; T3 D @ i 0 0 A ; (6.1.41)
0 i 0 i 0 0 0 0 0
ŒTa ; Tb D i
a b c Tc : (6.1.42)
f123 D 1; f147 D f156 D f246 D f257 D f345 D f367 D ;
f458 D f678 D : (6.1.47)
Due to the Hermitian property of the matrices ta D a =2, with the a =2 defined
in (6.1.46), the complex conjugates are given by ta D ta> , and the complex conju-
gate of the unitary matrix .exp.igo a ta // becomes simply .exp.igo a .ta /> //.
Also as there is no matrix S such that S a S1 D > a ; a D 1; : : : ; 8, we have
two inequivalent representations. This is easily seen by noting that > 8 D 8 , and
the existence of such a matrix S would imply that 8 and 8 have the same
eigenvalues thus leading to a contradiction. This new transformation is defined for
the complex conjugate of the fields. One then introduces the complex conjugate
transformation as
Œta1 ; tb2 0 D 0; Œ ta1 ; tb1 D ifa1b c tc1 ; Œ ta2 0 ; tb2 0 D ifa20 b 0 c 0 tc2 0 : (6.1.49)
The latter equivalent representation is then said to be the direct sum of the two
(or more) representations, with generators fta1 g, fta2 0 g which would act, in turn, in
different vector spaces. Otherwise a representation is said to be irreducible.
thus generating N 2N matrices each with a single element 1 and zeros everywhere
else, including zeros for their diagonal elements. From these we will introduce
below properly normalized Hermitian matrices. We now generate N 1 diagonal
Hermitian traceless matrices as follows.
382 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
where the number 1 appears k number of times for each k. Clearly, for k D N 1
there are no zeros after the element k D N C1. We note that
Lj L k / Lj for j < k; Tr.L i Lj / D •ij i; j; k D 1; : : : ; .N 1/: (6.1.52)
From (6.1.50), we introduce the following two sets of N.N 1/=2 Hermitian
traceless matrices
1 1
D1 .a; b/ D .E.a; b/ C E.b; a//; D 2 .a; b/ D .E.a; b/ E.b; a//;
2 2i
1 a < b N, which we may denote by LN ; : : : ; L.N 2 1/ , thus completing the
set of generators.
It is easy to verify that the generators L1 ; : : : ; L.N 2 1/ satisfy the normalization
condition in (6.1.24). The number .N1/ of diagonal matrices is called the rank of
the group.
SU.2/ is of rank 1, that is, it has one diagonal matrix and L1 given above
coincides with the Pauli matrix 3 =2. Also L 2 ; L3 coincide with 1 =2; 2 =2.
SU.3/ is of rank 2, and L1 , L 2 coincide with t3 D 3 =2, t8 D 8 =2, where
the Gell-Mann matrices a are defined in (6.1.46), and L3 ; : : : ; L8 coincide with the
remaining Gell-Mann matrices divided by two.
The gauge fields in non-abelian gauge theories Aa , unlike the gauge field in abelian
gauge theories, the photon which has no charge, necessarily involves a direct self-
interaction due to a “charge” it carries, and the simplest Lagrangian density for the
gauge fields which is invariant under non-abelian gauge transformations reflects this
fact.4 A simple Lagrangian density for the gauge fields is given by
L .x/ D Ga .x/ G
a .x/; (6.2.1)
A review of the content of Sect. 6.1 will be beneficial for the reader.
6.2 Quantization of Non-Abelian Gauge Fields in the Coulomb Gauge 383
described in terms of the fields strengths Ga .x/ in (6.1.36), involving two
derivatives of the fields, as a direct generalization of the corresponding one in
electrodynamics, but also involves the interaction of the gauge field. The field
strength is given in detail in terms of the gauge fields by the relation in (6.1.36)
where fabc are totally anti-symmetric structure constants of the underlying group of
transformations, with generators ta satisfying (see (6.1.22), (6.1.24))
Œta ; tb D ifabc tc ; Tr.ta tb / D ıab : (6.2.3)
The non-abelian symmetry gauge transformations are implemented by operators
V.x/ D expŒ i go a .x/ ta , and upon setting Aa ta D A , Ga ta D G , we have
the following gauge transformation rules (see (6.1.30), (6.1.31)), for these fields
h i i
A .x/ ! V.x/ A .x/ C @ V 1 .x/; (6.2.4)
G .x/ ! V.x/G .x/V 1 .x/; Tr Œ G .x/G .x/ ! Tr Œ G .x/G .x/:
with matrix elements just defined here, we have the basic relations
as shown in Problems 6.2, 6.3, with the latter equality generalizing the equation
@ @ F D 0 in the abelian case, to the non-abelian one.
To develop the field theory dynamics, we couple the gauge fields Aa to external
sources Ka thus introducing the Lagrangian density
L D Ga G
a C Ka Aa : (6.2.8)
Now we must pick up a gauge to describe the dynamics. In the present section we
work in the Coulomb gauge. Covariant gauges will be considered in the following
section. The Coulomb gauge is defined by (i D 1; 2; 3)
@ i A ai .x/ D 0; (6.2.9)
384 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
which allows us to solve, say, A3a in terms of the other fields and their space
A3a D @1
3 @ A a ; D 1; 2; (6.2.10)
and due to the dependence of A3a on the other fields, the variation of the fields takes
the form5
•A a i D ıi ıi 3 @1
3 @
•A a ; (6.2.11)
By applying the operator rda to this equation, and using the second equation
in (6.2.7), we obtain
rdaj @ j @1 3 3
3 rac Gc C Ka D rda Ka ; rdaj @ j ıda r 2 C go fdca Acj @j :
This suggests to introduce the Green function Dab , to solve for @1 3
3 .rac Gc C Ka /
in (6.2.14), satisfying the equation
ıda r 2 C go fdca Acj .x/@j Dab .x; x 0 / D ı .4/ .x; x 0 / ıdb : (6.2.16)
Thus from (6.2.15), (6.2.16), we may rewrite our field equation (6.2.14) finally
rab Gb D ıac ı j @ j Dab rbc Kc : (6.2.17)
a D Ga 0 @1 30
3 @ Ga ; a0 D 0: (6.2.18)
Compare this with the Coulomb gauge problem in QED in Sect. 5.14.
Note that since this equation involves no time derivative, Dab .x; x 0 / involves a ı.x 0 ; x 0 0 / factor.
6.2 Quantization of Non-Abelian Gauge Fields in the Coulomb Gauge 385
Therefore A0a is a dependent field. Also the first expression a gives zero if is
replaced by 3 (a3 D 0), as it should for a dependent field. Accordingly we may
combine these components and write
as is easily verified.
As we will see below, the expression for Ga is necessary for finding the solution
of the non-abelian gauge theory. To this end, we apply the operator rba to the
above equation to obtain
From Eq. (6.2.16) of the Green function Dab , we may then solve for j @1 j 30
3 @ Ga
in (6.2.21), to finally obtain from (6.2.19)
Ga 0 D a j @ j Dab rbc c C K 0b ; (6.2.22)
• •
Ga 0 .x/ D ı 0 j @ j Dac .x; x 0 /; G ka l .x/ D 0: (6.2.23)
•Kc .x 0 / •Kc .x 0 /
@ 1 1
L D fabc G k0
a Ab Ac D fabc G a Ab k Ac 0 a Ab k Acl :
fabc G kl (6.2.24)
@go 2 2
386 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
Now we use the basic functional differentiation rule, developed in Sect. 4.6, with
a summary provided at the end of that section, that for an operator O.x/
• ˝ ˇ ˇ ˛
.i/ h 0C jO.x/ j 0 i D 0C ˇ Aa .x 0 /O.x/ C ˇ 0
•Ka .x 0 /
˝ ˇ • ˇ ˛
i 0C ˇ O.x/ ˇ 0 ; (6.2.25)
•Ka .x 0 /
where .: : :/C , denotes the time-ordered product, and the functional derivative of
O.x/, in the second term on the right-hand side, is taken, as in (6.2.23), by keeping
the (independent) fields and their canonical momenta fixed. Here recall that A3a is
expressed in terms of the independent fields and hence it is automatically kept fixed,
and it involves no time derivatives.
Upon setting i•=•Ka b Aa , an immediate application of (6.2.25), (6.2.23),
leads to the following two key equations:
h 0C j Ac 0 Ab k G ka 0 /C j 0 i D b
Ac 0 h 0C j Ab k G ka 0 /C j 0 i
C i h 0 C j Ab k G k 0 /C j 0 i
•Kc0 a
Ac 0b G ka 0 h 0C j 0 i i b
Ab k b Ab k @ k b
Dac .x; x/h 0C j 0 i; (6.2.26)
h 0C jG ak l Ab k Ac l j 0 i D b
G ka lb
Ab kb
Acl h 0C j 0 i: (6.2.27)
@ h @ i
h 0C j L .x/ j 0 i D b .x/ ifabcb
L Ab k @ k b
Dca .x; x/ h 0C j 0 i:
@go @go
where we have used the anti-symmetry of fabc to rewrite the second expression
within the square brackets. On the other hand, the quantum dynamical principle
@ @
h 0C j 0 i D i .dx/h 0C j L .x/ j 0 i; (6.2.29)
@go @go
where . f b
Ak /da D fdcab
Ack , the notation
Tr Œ E D .dx/Eaa .x; x/; (6.2.32)
to rewrite the second term within the square brackets in (6.2.30), integrated over x,
Tr . f b
Ak /@k 2 : (6.2.33)
Œr C go . f b
Al /@l
b I D go fabc @b
L Aa b
Aa @b Ab b
Ac o fabc b
Ab b
Ac fade b
Ae ; (6.2.36)
2 4
and from (5.14.16), (5.15.17),
hi Z i
h 0C j 0 i0 D exp .dx/.dx 0 /Ka .x/Dab
.x x 0 /Kb .x 0 / ; (6.2.37)
D ıab D
1 Qi Qj 1
D ; DijC .Q/ D ıij 2 ; D0Ci .Q/ D 0; (6.2.38)
Q2 Q Q2 i
1 1 @ @
L D Ga G
a C Mo
4 2 i i
C go Œ ; A C C C Aa Ka ; (6.2.39)
where Mo is a mass matrix for the Fermion field. Such generalizations will be
considered as we go along in coming sections.9
The path integral expression for h 0C j 0 i, in the Coulomb gauge in (6.2.35) for
non-abelian gauge fields, as a functional Fourier transform Ka ! Aa , with the
latter now a classical field, may be then inferred from (5.14.41), in the absence of
Faddeev and Popov [37]. It is interesting to note that the Faddeev-Popov factor also appears in the
functional differential equation satisfied by h 0C j 0 i, see Manoukian [86].
See, for example, (6.1.43).
This section is based on Manoukian [84].
BRS stands for Becchi, Rouet and Stora: [15].
6.3 Functional Fourier Transform and Transition to Covariant Gauges; BRS. . . 389
Wcl .x/ D G .x/Ga .x/; G
a D @ Aa @ Aa C go fabc Ab Ac : (6.3.3)
4 a
now defined in terms of classical fields. We here see both the Coulomb gauge
constraint via the delta functional ˘ax ı.@k Aka .x// explicitly, as well as a Faddeev-
Popov determinant in the Coulomb gauge displayed in the functional integrand
in (6.3.1). The expression for h 0C j 0 i in (6.2.35), (6.2.36), (6.2.37) is a
functional of Ka , and we here recognize the path-integralRexpression in (6.3.1) as
a functional Fourier integral with the coefficient of expŒ i .dx/Kb .x/Ab .x/ as a
functional of Aa .
To find the corresponding expression to the one in (6.3.1) in other
gauges we proceed
as follows. To this end, let us concentrate on the factor
˘ax ı @k Aka .x/ MC ŒA , in the path integrand in (6.3.1), which originated from
working in the Coulomb gauge. Consider all possible gauge transformations on
the field Aa .x/ ! .Aa .x//. / , via the group g of transformations: V.x/ D
expŒ i go a .x/ta for all . a .x/; a/, with a .x/ real. In turn consider the sum of
all these gauge transformations as applied to a given function f .Aa .x//, which we
may express as
f .Aa .x//. / : (6.3.4)
all . b .x/;b/
Taking a product over all spacetime points x, and all the values taken by the group
indices a, we have
˘ax f .Aa .x// ! ˘x dg.x/ ˘ax f .Aa .x//.g/ ;
. /
all . b .x/;b/
where the expression on the right-hand side stands for the formal mathematical
expression for the left-hand side.
Note that in the determinant @k Akc D .@k Akc / C Akc @k .
390 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
Since the left-hand sides includes all possible transsformation defined by the group
g for all . b .x/; b/, a further gauge transformation .Aa .x//.g/ ! ..Aa .x//.g/ /.g /
necessarily leaves the sum (integral) invariant as it is already included in the sum.
That is, Bf ŒA is gauge invariant, which we record here as
Bf Œ.A /.g / D Bf ŒA : (6.3.7)
Since the expression on the left-hand side of the integral is the same as the one
in the integrand corresponding to the identity transformation, i.e., for .x/ ! 0,
it suffices to consider the integral for in this limit. From Problem 6.1, for
infinitesimal , we have
Aa ! Aa C rab b ; rab D ıab @ C go facb Ac ; (6.3.9)
hence for @k .Aka / D 0, on account of the delta function ı.@k Aka .x// on the left-hand
side of the integral in (6.3.8) for all group indices a, and all spacetime points x,
we may write
On account of the multiplicative factor ˘ax ı.@k Aka .x// in (6.3.8), we may write
from (6.3.6) and (6.3.11),
h i 1
˘ax ı.@k Aka .x// det @k .ıab @k C go facb Akc / D ˘ax ı.@k Aka .x// ; (6.3.12)
f .Aa .x// D ı.@k Aka .x//; (6.3.13)
where the 'a .x/ are some arbitrary functions, and is an arbitrary parameter. Then
almost an identical analysis leading to (6.3.12), gives
h i
˘ax ı @ Aa .x/ 'a .x/ det @ .ıab @ C go facb Ac /
D ˘ax ı @ Aa .x/ 'a .x/ ; (6.3.15)
where BQf ŒA is gauge invariant, defined by the general expression in (6.3.6) with
f now replaced by fQ . In particular we note the trivial identity
˘x dg.x/ ˘ax ı @ .Aa .x//.g/ 'a .x/ D 1: (6.3.16)
Upon multiplying the integrand in the path integral in (6.3.1) by the above
expression, i.e., by one, the path integral, by using in the process (6.3.12), may
be rewritten as
h 0C j 0 iC D ˘ax DAa .x/ ˘x dg.x/ ˘ax ı @ .Aa .x//.g/ 'a .x/
ı @k Aka .x/ exp Œ i .dx/Wcl .x/ exp Œ i .dx/Kb .x/Ab .x/ :
Using the invariance of the measure ˘ax DAak .x/ under gauge transforma-
tions, we carry out an inverse gauge transformation of the field variables:
392 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
1 /
Aa .x/ ! .Aa .x//.g to obtain for the above path integral
h 0C j 0 iC D ˘ax DAa .x/ ı @ Aa .x/ 'a .x/
h i Z
det @ .ıab @ C go facb Ac / exp Œ i .dx/Wcl .x/ H ŒK; A; (6.3.18)
1 .g1 /
H ŒK; A D ˘x dg.x/ ˘ ax ı @k .A k
Bf ŒA a
exp Œ i .dx/Kb .x/ .Ab .x//.g / ; (6.3.19)
and we have used the gauge invariance of Wcl .x/, Bf ŒA , BQf ŒA , and finally
used (6.3.15).
In the absence of the external sources Kb .x/, H Œ0; A is simply one. We may
conveniently rewrite the expression in (6.3.18) simply as
h Z
h 0C j 0 iC D H K; i ˘ax DAa .x/ı @ Aa .x/ 'a .x/
h i Z Z ˇ
det @ .ıab @ C go facb Ac / exp Œ i .dx/Wcl .x/ exp Œ i .dx/Jb .x/ Ab .x/ ˇ :
In particular for N Œwa .x/ D w2a .x/, (6.3.20) becomes (see Problem 6.4)
h Z
h 0C j 0 iC D H K; i ˘ax DAa .x/
h i Z Z ˇ
e ˇ
det @ .ıab @ C go facb Ac / exp Œ i .dx/W cl .x/ exp Œ i .dx/Jb .x/ Ab .x/ ˇ ;
Z h 1 i Z
D .dx/Aa .x/ ./ 1 @ @ Aa .x/ C .dx/LI cl .x/;
go g2
LI cl .x/ D fabc @ Aa @ Aa Ab Ac o fabc Ab Ac fade Ad Ae : (6.3.25)
2 4
and (6.3.22) relates the theory formulated in the Coulomb gauge with those in
covariant gauges specified by the parameter , and is discussed further in the next
It is evident from the free part in the Lagrangian density in (6.3.24) that the
gauge field free propagator in the momentum description, in the covariant gauges,
is given by
h Q Q i 1
Dab .Q/ D ıab .1 / 2 2
; Q Q Dab .Q/ D ıab :
Q .Q i
generating a spin 0 field in the theory obeying Fermi-Dirac statistics. Because of this
unusual property of a spin 0 field, it is referred to as a ghost. The mere fact that they
emerge here is that they cancel out those contributions in the theory which would,
otherwise, destroy gauge invariance. That is, in the present quantization procedure,
394 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
because of these ghost fields a gauge invariant theory results.12 As a matter of fact
we will explicitly see in studying the gluon propagator in the next section how these
ghost fields are responsible for restoring gauge invariance of the propagator. The
ghost fields are not observable.
Now we are ready to write down the explicit effective Lagrangian density of the
theory and work in covariant gauges, with the bare propagator of the gluon field
given in (6.3.27):
1 1
Leff .x/ D G .x/Ga .x/ @ Aa @ Aa C ! a .x/@ rab !b .x/; (6.3.30)
4 a 2
where rab is defined in (6.3.9). The vacuum-to-vacuum transition amplitude, as the
generating functional, depending on the external source Jb , in covariant gauges,
specified by the parameter , is from (6.3.26), (6.3.29), (6.3.30), written in a
convenient form, is given by
h 0C j 0 i D ˘ DA D! D! exp i .dx/ Leff .x/ C Jb .x/ Ab .x/ :
It is worth recording how the ghost contribution ! a .x/@ rab !b .x/ arises in the
Lagrangian density in (6.3.30). It is obtained in the following manner, by varying,
in the process, the gauge constraint functional Fa D @ Aa 'a , in (6.3.14), in
response to a gauge transformation as given in (6.3.9), leading to
• •
Fa ! @ .Aa C rab b 'a / ! ! a Fa !b D ! a
Œ@ .rac c / !b ;
•b •b
with the right-hand side coinciding with the ghost contribution. The transformation
law from the Coulomb to covariant gauges of the theory is discussed further in the
following subsection. The final subsection deals with the renormalizability of the
This also means that one may choose a specific gauge to make the ghost fields disappear. But
there is no need to go into it here. Feynman, in his monumental work on the quantization problem
of the gravitational field in 1963 [40], realized the presence of such ghost fields in his non-abelian
gauge theory.
6.3 Functional Fourier Transform and Transition to Covariant Gauges; BRS. . . 395
The transformation law from the Coulomb gauge to the covariant is expressed by
the relation
h • i ˇ
FC Œ K D H K; i FŒ J; ˇ : (6.3.33)
•J JD0
Due to the particular covariant gauge chosen in the theory, described by the
expression in (6.3.31) specified by a parameter , the effective Lagrangian density
Leff given in (6.3.30) is not gauge invariant. There exists, however, residual
396 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
Qa rab !b ; L a fabc ! b !c ; (6.3.40)
where it may be verified that the coefficients of the latter two external sources are
invariant under the BRS transformations (6.3.37), (6.3.38), i.e.,
•.rab b / D 0; •. fabc ! b !c / D 0: (6.3.41)
The total Lagrangian density of the theory involving external sources may be
now written as
Ltot D Leff C Ja Aa C a !a C ! a a C Qa rab !b L a fabc ! b !c ;
where the sources a , a , Qa are Grassmann-like sources. Thus under the BSR
transformations in (6.3.37), (6.3.38), (6.3.39), we have
h go 1 i
• Ltot D Ja rab !b .x/ C a fabc !b .x/ !c .x/ C a @ Aa •: (6.3.43)
Hence upon making infinitesimal changes of the functional integration variables in
the generating functional
h 0C j 0 i D ˘ DA D! D! exp i .dx/Ltot .x/ exp i WŒJ; ; ; Q; LI go ; ;
BRS stands for Becchi, Rouet and Stora: [15].
6.3 Functional Fourier Transform and Transition to Covariant Gauges; BRS. . . 397
@ W D a : (6.3.47)
Hence upon taking the functional derivatives: •=•a .x 0 /@ .•=•Jb .y// of (6.3.45),
Upon using (6.3.47), then setting a D 0, Qa D 0, and using the definition of
the ˇ field, here in a convenient notation, Dab .x y/ D
of the vector
•=•Ja .x/ •=•Jb .y/ W J D 0 , we obtain
@x @y D ab .x y/ D ıab ı .4/ .x y/: (6.3.49)
This identity is referred to as a Slavnov-Taylor identity: Slavnov [110] and Taylor [117].
This transversality property is explicitly established and worked out, e.g., to lowest order, with
dimensional regularization, in (6.6.17), in the presence of matter in (6.6.18).
398 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
counting, in particular, shows that the ultraviolet divergences of the theory are only
of logarithmic types.16
We introduce a Legendre transform as in (5.20.11), and recast the entire theory
in terms of the effective action defined by
˝ŒA; !; !; Q; LI go ; D WŒJ; ; ; Q; LI go ; .dx/ Ja Aa C a !a C ! a a ;
which takes into account all radiative corrections, generating full propagators and
Green functions of the theory. We note that
•˝ •˝ •˝ •˝
D Ja .x/; D a .x/; D a .x/ D @ ;
•Aa .x/ •!a .x/ • ! a .x/ •Qa .x/
where in writing the last equality we have used (6.3.47), which gives the clas-
sical field equation for !a .x/ corresponding to (6.3.46). Accordingly, we may
rewrite (6.3.45) as
Z h i
•˝ •˝ •˝ •˝ 1 •˝
.dx/ C C @ @ Aa .x/ D 0:
•Aa .x/ •Qa .x/ •!a .x/ •La .x/ •Qa .x/
The first and the last terms within the square brackets may be combined, upon partial
integration, giving rise to the integral corresponding to those two terms
•˝ h •˝ 1 i
.dx/ @ @ Aa .x/ : (6.3.54)
•Qa .x/ •Aa .x/
This suggests to define an effective action by removing the gauge fixing term
from ˝ as follows
ŒA; !; !; Q; LI go ; D ˝ŒA; !; !; Q; LI go ; C .dx/ @ Aa @ Aa :
See also below at the end of this subsection.
6.3 Functional Fourier Transform and Transition to Covariant Gauges; BRS. . . 399
We define the following renormalized (scaled) fields and parameters through the
p q q
Aa D Z3 Aren a ; !a D ZQ 3 !ren a ; ! a D ZQ 3 ! ren a ;
p q
La D Z3 Lren a ; Qa D ZQ 3 Qren a ; go D Z gren ; D Z3 ren ; (6.3.57)
1 1
@ Aa @ Aa D @ Aren a @ Aren a : (6.3.58)
2 2ren
ŒA; !; !; Q; LI go ;
p q q q p
Œ Z3 Aren ; ZQ 3 ! ren ; ZQ 3 ; !ren ; ZQ 3 Qren ; Z3 Lren I Z gren ; Z3 ren ; (6.3.59)
• •
@ D 0: (6.3.62)
•Qren a .x/ •! ren a .x/
D 0: (6.3.64)
400 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
Working with the renormalized (scaled) fields and parameters, we carry out a
loop expansion of (in powers of „) expressed as
D .N/ : (6.3.65)
.n/ .Nn/ D 0: (6.3.67)
To zeroth order, .0/ is given in (6.3.66) and is obviously finite since it involves no
loop integrations. As an induction hypothesis, working with the renormalized fields
and parameters, then suppose that all the infinities in (6.3.67) up to the loop order
.N 1/ have been cancelled out by appropriate choices of renormalization constants
up to that order, and (6.3.67) holds true with the .n/ , for n D 1; : : : ; .N 1/, in
it replaced by their finite parts. Hence the infinities
ˇ in (6.3.67) can come only from
the n D N; n D 0 terms. We denote by ˇ the divergent part of .N/ , i.e.,
ˇ div
.N/ .N/ˇ denotes its finite part, where we note, by the induction hypothesis,
that divergences in subdiagrams of .N/ are removed up to .N 1/ loops. If
ˇ ˇ
.N/ ˇ
.N/ ˇ .0/
• .N/ ˇdiv • .N/ ˇdiv
C D 0; @ D 0;
div div •Qren a •! ren a
then (6.3.67) will be satisfied by the finite parts of all the .n/ , for n D 1; : : : ; N,
and all the infinities are cancelled out to the order of N loops as well.
From (6.3.63), the first equation above may be conveniently rewritten as
O .N/ ˇ D 0; (6.3.69)
6.3 Functional Fourier Transform and Transition to Covariant Gauges; BRS. . . 401
p p ˇ p ˇ q q ˇ q ˇ ˇ ˇ
• Z3 D Z3 ˇN Z3 ˇN1 ; • ZQ 3 D ZQ 3 ˇN ZQ 3 ˇN1 ; •Z D Z ˇNZ ˇN1 :
From the chain rule
p • p h •Aren a • •Lren a • i
• Z3 p D • Z3 p C p
• Z3 • Z3 •Aren a • Z3 •Lren a
p h
• Z3 • • i
D p Aren a C Lren a ; (6.3.72)
Z3 •Aren a •L ren a
p p
p process, that Aren a D Aa = Z 3 , Lren a D La = Z 3 . By
where we have used, in the
a similar application to ZQ 3 and Z, the following expression emerges for the N
loops contribution:
p h
• • i
•IŒAren ; ! ren ; ! ren ; Qren ; Lren I gren .N/ D • Z 3 Aren a C Lren a
•Aren a •Lren a
q h
• • • i @
C • ZQ 3 ! ren a C !ren a C Qren a C •Z gren
•! ren a •!ren a •Qren a @gren
IŒAren ; ! ren ; !ren ; Qren ; Lren I gren ; (6.3.73)
This operator was conveniently used, for example, in Lee [77] and Itzykson and Zuber [67],
where it is understood that not only one sums over the repeated index in (6.3.70), but also one
integrates over the coincident arguments x of the functional differentiation variables in it.
402 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
p p
where • Z 3 , • ZQ 3 , •Z are given in (6.3.71)) involving each N loops. Accord- p
p p p
ingly, we have replaced • Z 3 = Z 3 by • Z 3 , and have done similarly for ZQ 3
and Z, where recall that these renormalization constants are all equal to one for zero
By commuting the operator Œ@ .•=•Qren a / •=.•! ren a / with the operator f : g
above in (6.3.73), and applying it directly to IŒAren ; ! ren ; !ren ; Qren ; Lren I gren , we
verify that the second equation in (6.3.68) is automatically satisfied on account of the
combination of the structure .Qren aC! ren a @ / appearing in I as given in (6.3.66). ˇ
On the other hand it is straightforward, though quite tedious, to verify that .N/ ˇ
identified with the above expression, i.e.,
.N/ ˇ D •IŒAren ; ! ren ; ! ren ; Qren ; LI gren .N/ ; (6.3.74)
For additional details and other aspects, such as the inclusion of matter fields, see Lee [77],
Itzykson and Zuber [67], Weinberg [121], and Joglekar and Lee [68].
6.4 Quantum Chromodynamics 403
= + + + + •••
= + •••
= + •••
Fig. 6.4 The Yang-Mills vectors, the ghosts and the spinors self energy parts. A curly line denotes
a Yang-Mills field, a dashed line denotes a ghost and a solid line denotes a spinor
= + + + + •••
= + + •••
= + + •••
= + + + + + •••
Fig. 6.5 One loop contributions to vertex parts with three and four vector particles external lines,
as well as with two spinor-one vector, and two ghost-one vector external lines
Classic references for the quark description of hadrons are: Gell-Mann [52], Zweig [125], Gell-
Mann [53], and for introducing color: Fritzsch and Gell-Mann [48], Fritzsch et al. [49], see also
Han and Nambu [63] and Greenberg [58].
404 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
explain the results of several experiments such as the deep inelastic scattering (DIS)
experiments20 which confirm that a nucleon contains point-like constituents and are
identified with quarks.
In the rest of this section we discuss some of the salient features of QCD and
provide a general view of some topics which will be treated in some detail in several
sections to follow.
A typical way to probe the internal structure of the proton is through electron-
proton scattering. The composite nature of the proton, as having an underlying
structure, becomes evident when one compares the differential cross sections for
elastic electron-proton scattering with the proton described as having a finite
extension to the one described as a point-like particle. The corresponding differential
cross sections, with a single virtual photon exchange between the electron and
proton, are given respectively, by (Fig. 6.6)
" Q2 ! #
˛2 E0 G2E C G2M Q2 2
d 4Mp2 2# 2#
D cos C G sin ; (6.4.1)
d˝ 4E2 sin4 #
E 1C Q2 2 2Mp2 M 2
d .point) ˛2 E0 # Q2 2#
D cos2 C sin ; (6.4.2)
d˝ 4E2 sin4 #
E 2 2Mp2 2
where E; E0 denote the energies of the electron before and after scattering, respec-
tively, and # denotes the scattering angle: kk0 D jkjjk0 j cos #. The first expression
above is referred to as the Rosenbluth formula and is derived in Problem 6.6 in
the target frame. The second one is obtained directly from the one carried out
for electron-muon elastic scattering in Sect. 5.9.3 (see (5.9.80)) by changing the
mass of the muon to the proton mass Mp . In both expressions (6.4.1), (6.4.2),
the mass of the electron is neglected in comparison to the mass of the proton.
Here GE .Q2 /, GM .Q2 / are the electric and magnetic form factors of the proton
normalized as GE .0/ D 1, GM .0/ D 1 C , where D 1:79 is its anomalous
magnetic moment. The obvious difference between the corresponding cross sections
for large momentum transfer Q2 , for which the form factors GE .Q2 /, GM .Q2 /
Panofski [95], Bloom et al. [23], and Friedman and Kendall [47].
6.4 Quantum Chromodynamics 405
vanish rapidly,21 establishes the finite extension of the proton when compared with
experiment.22 A recent value for the root-mean-square charge radius of the proton
is ' :88 1013 cm.23
The proton is described as composite of three quarks: u; u; d. The three standard
generations of quarks are given by
making up six flavors all in all, with masses satisfying: mu < md < ms < mc <
mb < mt .24
The quarks also, necessarily, carry a quantum number called color.25 There are
several reasons for this. For example the baryon resonance
CC , of spin 3/ 2 and
charge C2jej, is described by the triplet of quarks .u u u/, all with spin aligned in
the ground state, and is thus given by a symmetric wavefunction in contradiction
with the Spin & Statistics theorem. On the other hand, if the quarks carry an
additional quantum number, one may form anti-symmetric linear combinations
of the product wavefunctions of .u a u b u c / which certainly saves the day. Also
the cross section of the process eC e ! hadrons, with a single photon exchange
between the .eC ; e / - pair and the product, where the virtual photon creates quarks-
antiquarks pairs, as charged particles, with the three possible colors of SU(3),
relative to the cross section for the process eC e ! C , as we will see in
Sect. 6.5, is simply derived to be (see also Problem 6.7)
.eC e ! hadrons/ X nf
R.s/ D C C
D 3 .e2i =e2 /; : (6.4.3)
.e e ! / iD1
with single photon exchange as shown in part (a) in Fig. 6.7, by neglecting radiative
corrections as well as neglecting the mass of the electron and the masses of the
quarks contributing to the sum. Here s denotes the CM energy squared, and nf
denotes the number of flavors to be retained in the sum with corresponding quarks
having masses squared much less than s, for justifying the neglect of their masses,
and the ei denote their charges. The critical factor 3 accounts for the three SU(3)
See, e.g., Lepage and Brodsky [79, 80].
For some recent experiments on these form factors see Puckett et al. [102], Punjabi et al. [103],
and Andivahis et al. [9]. In earlier years a dipole fit was made for these form factors: GE .Q2 / D
O.1=Q4 /, GM .Q2 / D O.1=Q4 /.
Mohr et al. [93].
See, for example, Beringer et al. [17] and the tabulated estimated values.
Fritzsch and Gell-Mann [48] and Fritzsch et al. [49], see also Han and Nambu [63] and Greenberg
406 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
(a) (b)
s = −Q2
Q, Q2 < 0 Q, Q2 > 0
γ∗ γ∗ e−
e+ k
e− k
(c) d (d)
u d
G u
u u
d s e− e+
γ∗ d
e− e−
Fig. 6.7 (a) The process eC e ! “anything”. (b) The deep inelastic scattering process e p !
e “anything”. (c) Quantum field theory at work: From valence quarks .u; u; d/ of the proton to
partons consisting in addition all possible quark-antiquark pairs and gluons as constituents of a
proton. (d) Production of two narrow jets of hadrons in eC e - annihilation, in the CM frame, with
jets axis angular distribution consistent with the distribution .1 C cos2 #/, corresponding to two
outgoing spin 1/2 particles, confirming the spin 1/2 character of the initial quark and the antiquark
(This will be investigated in Sect. 6.10.2)
colors. For example, in an earlier experiment26 R.s/ D 3:55 for s D 10:52 GeV.
For such an energy, we may include the 5 quarks u; d; s; c; b since mb < 5:0 GeV,
in the sum above obtaining
h4 1 1 4 1i 11
R.s/ D 3 C C C C D ; (6.4.4)
9 9 9 9 9 3
which compares well with the experimental result. Without the three factor, the
result will be quite contradictory. We will also see in Sect. 6.15.2 that the assignment
of three colors for quarks is essential for the internal consistency of the standard
model, as it leads to the elimination of anomalies which is important for the
renormalizability of the model.
The concept of color turns up to be of great importance. QCD is a theory
invariant under transformations in color space, by the group generators of SU(3),27
i.e., hadrons are necessarily colorless. Thus there is a built in constraint in the
theory that single quark states, carrying a color index, are not invariant under such
transformations and quarks are thus confined within the hadrons.
Ammar et al. [8].
See Sect. 6.1 for such transformations (rotations).
6.4 Quantum Chromodynamics 407
d2 ˛ 2 cos2 #=2
D Œ 2 W1 .; Q2 / tan2 #=2 C W2 .; Q2 / ; (6.4.5)
dE0 d˝ 4 E2 sin4 #=2
involving a single photon exchange, evaluated in the fixed target frame. Here
k k 0 D jkjjk 0 j cos #, and W1 ; W2 are referred to as structure functions of the
proton, have dimensionality mass1 , and are functions of two invariant variables
.Q2 ; / which in the rest frame of the proton are given by: Q2 D .k k 0 /2 D
4EE0 sin2 .#=2/ > 0, D PQ=Mp D E E0 > 0. Such processes are shown in
part (b) of Fig. 6.7, giving rise to a general hadronic final state. Because of the rapid
vanishing property of the electric and magnetic form factors with Q2 as discussed
below (6.4.2), it was expected that these structure functions will behave in a similar
fashion at large momentum transfer squared Q2 . Early experiments,29 mentioned
before, have shown that for constant x D Q2 =.2Mp / < 1, the dimensionless
functions Mp W1 .Q2 ; /, and W2 .Q2 ; / remain approximately constant, indepen-
dently of Q2 instead.30 This is reminiscent of scattering by point-like particles,
and thus provided evidence of point-like constituents of the proton. This led to
the development of the so-called parton model31 in which these point-like particles
within the proton are free and the virtual photon interacts with each of its charged
constituents independently,32 instead of interacting with the proton as a whole. That
is, it assumes that the deep inelastic scattering cross section may be calculated from
incoherent sums of elastic scattering processes of the electron with the constituents
of the proton (Sect. 6.10).
Experimentally,33 there are scaling violations of logarithmic type in Q2 , at
present attainable high energies, and are accounted for through QCD radiative
corrections. The parton model together with the scaling violation observed provides
a picture of the proton as consisting of point-like particles which are nearly free
inside the proton and have some interaction between them, at least at present high
energies. Such an interaction between quarks supports the idea of the existence of
other constituents within the proton which we call gluons mediating the interaction
A typical resonance is the
C particle of mass 1.232 GeV, consisting of a proton p and a 0
Panofski [95], Bloom et al. [23], and Friedman and Kendall [47].
This was predicted by Bjorken [18]. A strict Q2 - independence of Mp W1 .Q2 ; /; W2 .Q2 ; /,
for constant x is referred to as Bjorken scaling.
Feynman [41, 42] and Bjorken and Pachos [22].
For an analogy to this, see part (b) of Fig. 1.7 in the introductory chapter to the book.
See, e.g., Eidelman et al. [35] and Beringer et al. [17].
408 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
between the quarks in analogy to QED and bind the quarks through them to
form hadrons. But unlike QED, the resulting theory would necessarily be a non-
abelian gauge theory one to ensure its asymptotic freedom nature consistent
with experiments. Such interactions, in turn, introduce the concept of partons as
constituents of a proton in a very general way, as shown in part (c) in the Fig. 6.7,
where in addition to the three quarks u u d, referred to as valence quarks, the
proton may contain other quark-antiquark pairs and gluons. All these constituents
are referred to as partons.34 Later we will see that about half of the momentum of
the proton is carried by the gluons.
The virtual photon impinging on the proton in the deep inelastic scattering
process shown in part (b) of Fig. 6.7, is, by definition, not on the mass shell thus it
acquires a longitudinal polarization in addition to the transverse ones. Thus one may
define two cross sections T , L associated with the transverse and longitudinal
polarizations, respectively. A measurement of the ratio R D L =T provides
overwhelming evidence of the spin 1/2 structure of the quarks (Sect. 6.9) rather than
that of spin 0.35
Before going into technical aspects of QCD and develop the underlying dynam-
ics, we would like to comment on an intriguing observation related to quarks. In
our presentation of the annihilation process eC e ! qNq in (6.4.3), in the CM,
one may naively expect that the q, qN , produced, travel back to back and finally hit
detectors and are observed. But this is not what happens. As soon as the products q
and qN move apart by a separation distance of the order of 1 fm, color confinement
prevents them to move further apart, and the increase36 in potential energy with
separation distance breaks the pair by creating two q; qN pairs instead, with one
pair moving essentially in the direction of the parent q and the other essentially
in the direction of the parent qN . Such a proliferation may continue generating more
such pairs moving almost in the same directions as the parents q, and qN . As the
transverse momenta are limited such break ups into pairs transversally are expected
to be limited.37 An emerging quark (antiquark) may, in turn, emit low energy
(soft) gluons with an enhanced probability, due to an inherited infrared divergence
as in QED (Sect. 5.12), to be emitted in the same direction as the parent quark
(antiquark). Colored particles join together into color-singlets, and two narrow jets
of such hadrons, are finally produced of well collimated hadrons, moving essentially
in the same direction as, and as if sprayed by, the parents q, and qN , instead of
Feynman [41, 42].
Riordan et al. [105], Abe et al. [1], and Airapetian et al. [3].
See Sect. 6.13.
As a consequence of asymptotic freedom, a large momentum transfer to a constituent particle
through the exchange of a high energy gluon is suppressed by the smallness of the effective
coupling parameter. Also due the infrared-divergence problem, as in QED, the total rate for
emitting a collinear gluon, due to its masslessness, by a quark is enhanced (see, e.g., the end
of Sect. 6.10).
6.4 Quantum Chromodynamics 409
having a final state of hadrons distributed isotropically (see part (d) of Fig. 6.7).38
This has not only provided further overwhelming evidence of the existence of
quarks dynamically, but due to the fact that the jet axis angular distribution is
consistent with the distribution .1 C cos2 #/, corresponding to two outgoing spin
1/ 2 particles,39 confirmed their spin 1/2 character as well. This is investigated in
Sect. 6.10.2. As a consequence of asymptotic freedom, occasionally, i.e., with a
smaller probability, due to the vanishing of the effective coupling at high energies,
a high energy (hard) gluon may be emitted as well leading to a three jet event and
so on.
To develop the dynamics of QCD, we spell out the form of its Lagrangian density,
as directly obtained from (6.2.39), to be40
X nf @
L D Ga G
a j go A C moj j ; (6.4.6)
4 jD1
where nf denotes the number of flavors, A D Aa ta , and for the SU(N) gauge
symmetry group, the generators of the group fta ; a D 1; : : : ; N 21g are represented
by N N matrices (see Sect. 6.1 for details),
c D @ Ac @ Ac C go fabc Aa Ab : (6.4.8)
Now we are ready to write down the explicit effective Lagrangian density of the
theory and work in covariant gauges, specified by a gauge parameter , with the
bare propagator of the gluon field given in (6.3.27) with D 1, for example,
representing the Feynman gauge. This effective Lagrangian density which takes
into account the ghost fields as generated from the Faddeev-Popov determinant,
is from (6.4.6) and (6.3.30) given by
Leff D L @ Aa @ Aa @ ! a rab !b : (6.4.9)
with the last term obtained by partial integration, where rab is defined in (6.2.6).
The formation of jets was suggested by Bjorken and Brodsky in [19]. For an early experiment
confirming this see Hanson et al. [64].
See Problem 6.7.
It is understood that @ is to be replaced by . @ @ /=2 in (6.4.6), see (6.2.39). We have also
set the external sources equal to zero in (6.4.6).
410 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
From (6.4.6) and (6.4.9), the interaction part of the effective Lagrangian density
go g2
LI eff D fabc @ Aa @ Aa Ab Ac o fabc Ab Ac fade Ad Ae
2 4
C go Œ j ; A j go facb @ ! a Ac !b : (6.4.10)
In high-energy QCD analysis, at an energy specified, say, by an energy scale
parameter , one may set all the masses mq of all those quarks, antiquarks q, qN ,
for which, mq << equal to zero. On other hand, the propagator of a quark q with
sufficiently heavy mass mq , behaves like . p C mq /=. p2 C m2q / D O.1=mq /. The
latter is an elementary example of the decoupling41 of particles with heavy masses
and if mq >> one carries out the analysis as if they are not part of the dynamics
and neglect their contributions. As a working hypothesis, in high-energy QCD, one
may then restrict the theory only to those quark flavors with masses mq << ,
and set these masses equal to zero in comparison to the energy scale in question,
as a leading contribution. The number of relevant flavors nf is thus determined
accordingly. For example in the application of eC e annihilation in (6.4.4), we have
neglected the contribution of the top quark whose mass is much larger than the
specified energy, and nf D 5.
In Sect. 6.5, eC e annihilation is studied in view of applications of the theory
with QCD radiative corrections in Sect. 6.8. Renormalized propagators and vertex
functions are determined in Sect. 6.6, and the expression of the renormalized quark-
gluon coupling is derived in Sect. 6.7.
The renormalization group is the subject matter of Sects. 6.8. DIS is considered
in general in Sect. 6.9, with application to the parton model in Sect. 6.10, and with
QCD corrections in Sect. 6.11. As the effective coupling is expected to become large
at low energies, a perturbative treatment of it at low energies is not very promising
in investigating the fundamental problem of quark confinement from this approach.
An alternative approach to quark confinement is through the Wilson loop and lattice
gauge theory, and is the subject matter of Sect. 6.12 and 6.13.
The effective interaction of the effective Lagrangian density defined in (6.4.10)
generates the (bare) vertices in Fig. 6.8.
For intricacies, conditions and a proof of the decoupling theorem, see Manoukian [82, 83, 85]
and other references therein.
6.5 eC e Annihilation 411
(a) (b) aα
aμ k1
gota γμ igo f abc (k1 − k2 )γ ηαβ
+ (k2 − k3 )α ηβ γ + (k3 − k1 )β ηγα
(c) aα (d) a
b kμ
−g2o f abe f cde ηαγ ηβ δ − ηαδ ηβ γ igo f acb kμ
+ f ace f dbe ηαδ ηγβ − ηαβ ηγδ
+ f ade f bce ηαβ ηδ γ − ηαγ ηδ β
Fig. 6.8 The bare QCD vertices: (a) fermion-gluon vertex, (b) three-gluon vertex, (c) four-gluon
vertex, (d) gluon-ghost vertex. The solid lines denote fermions, the curly, spring-like ones, denote
the gluons, while the dashed ones denote the ghosts
6.5 eC e Annihilation
s D . p1 C p2 /2 (see Sect. 5.9). The various factors in this equation are spelled out,
in turn, in the following equalities given below
h iˇ
m2 Tr v. p1 1 / u. p 2 2 / v. p1 1 / u. p 2 2 / ˇ
where .M 2 / is the photon spectral function (see (5.16.42), (5.16.56)) for M 2 > 0.
with m set equal to zero, the following expression emerges for the cross section
4 ˛2
.eC e ! C / D ; (6.5.7)
˛ ! 3 e2i =4, where ei is the charge of a given quark, with three different colors,
and sum over flavors, i D 1; : : : ; nf to obtain by using, in the process, (6.5.6) with
.s/ ! qNq .s/,
ˇ .eC e ! qNq / X nf
R.s/ˇqNq D C C
D 3 .e2i =e2 /: (6.5.9)
.e e ! / iD1
This is the expression for the parton model for the hadronic process. The energy s
signifies how many flavors one may include in the sum. The higher the energies, the
more flavors may be included. QCD corrections to R.s/ above may be determined
after we investigate the nature of the effective coupling and the associated renormal-
ization group as applied to the theory. This is done in Sect. 6.8. An assessment of
the expression in (6.5.9) was done in (6.4.4).
In this section we evaluate the self energies and vertex functions needed for
determining the renormalized quark-gluon coupling to lowest order. The integrals
given in Box 6.1 with dimensional regularization, the details of which are given
Appendix III at the end of the book, are quite useful and straightforward to use in
evaluating self energies.
Box 6.1: Integrals needed to evaluate the self-energies required for determining the renormalized
quark-gluon coupling to the leading order. Details on the integrals are given in Appendix III
Z ˇ
.dk/ 1 ˇ
ˇ D i F.2D =Q2 ; "/
.2/ .Q k/ k Reg
4 2 2
Z ˇ
.dk/ k ˇ Q
ˇ Di F.2D =Q2 ; "/
.2/4 .Q k/2 k2 Reg 2
Z ˇ
.dk/ k k ˇ i
ˇ D Œ Q2 C .4 "/Q Q F.2D =Q2 ; "/
.2/4 .Q k/2 k2 Reg 4.3 "/
1 2 "=2 2 .1 " / . " /
2 2
F.2D =Q2 ; "/ D D
.4/D=2 Q2 .2 "/
414 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
The self energy of the ghost, being of order g2o and having two external ghost
lines, does not contribute in determining the lowest contribution the renormalized
quark-gluon coupling, but only contributes to higher orders. Also the tadpole
obtained from the four-gluon vertex by joining two of its lines is zero in the
dimensional regularization scheme
: 1
(2π )4 (Q−k)2
= 0,
Q Q Reg
as obtained directly from the third integral from the table above by contracting over
the and indices. We also need the following formulas involving the SU.N/
generators and color factors42 :
1 1
Tr Œta tb D TR ıab ; Œta ta ij D CF ıij ; Œtb ta tb D ta Œtb tb CA D ta ;
2 2N
facd fbcd D CA ıab ; i fabc tb tc D CA ta ; (6.6.2)
N2 1
TR D 1=2; CF D ; CA D N: (6.6.3)
The self energies and vertex functions needed for determining the renormalized
fermion-gluon coupling to lowest order are given below. We work in the Feynman
gauge. All computations are carried out with massless quarks which will be justified
below Eq. (6.7.15) in the next section by choosing a renormalization scale
much larger than the neglected masses of these quarks in defining renormalization
All the self energies below are obtained directly from the integrals in Box 6.1.
Corresponding integrals for determining the vertex parts will be given later.
The inverse of the fermion propagator is obtained from that of the electron in
Sect. 5.10.1 by replacing e by g, for a massless particle, and multiplying the self
energy part by .ta ta /ij :
Z ˇ
.dk/ . p k/ ˇˇ
Sij1 . p/ 2
D ıij p C ig .ta ta /ij ˇ ; (6.6.4)
.2/4 . p k/2 k2 Reg
Here F stands for fundamental, while A stands for adjoint.
6.6 Self-Energies and Vertex Functions in QCD 415
Z ˇ
.1/ 2 .dk/ Tr Œ .Q k/ . k/ ˇˇ
˘ab .Q/ D ig ıii Tr Œta tb ˇ ; (6.6.8)
.2/4 .Q k/2 k2 Reg
k Q−k Q−k
taγ μ tb γ ν i fcda i fcdb
ta γ μ ta γ μ
p p aμ bν aμ bν
p−k Q Q Q Q
k k
p2 p2
Q−k γα
tb γ σ tb
i fdca i fcdb p2 −k k−p2
aμ bν aμ k aμ
Q Q ta γ μ i fbca
p1 −k p1 −k
k p1 tcγσ p1 tcγ
Fig. 6.10 Self energies and vertex functions needed for determining the renormalized quark-
gluon coupling to lowest order. The tadpole contribution to the gluon self-energy vanishes with
dimensional regularization as shown above. These are expressed here in the Feynman gauge
To simplify the notation we simply write F. p2 ; "/ for F.2D =p2 ; "/ given in Box. 6.1.
416 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
which give
.1/ .2 "/
˘ab .Q/ D g2 nf ıab Œ Q2 Q Q F.Q2 ; "/: (6.6.10)
.3 "/
where the 1=2 overall factor arises from having two identical bosons in a closed
.2/ 1 1
˘ab .Q/ D g2 CA ıab Œ.19 6"/ Q2 .22 7"/Q Q F.Q2 ; "/:
2 2.3 "/
The third part involves the ghost particle, and is given by
Z ˇ
.3/ 2 .dk/ .i.Q k/ /.ik / ˇˇ
˘ab .Q/ D ig fdca fcdb ˇ ; (6.6.15)
.2/4 k2 .Q k/2 Reg
.3/ 1
˘ab .Q/ D g2 CA ıab Œ Q2 C .2 "/Q Q F.Q2 ; "/: (6.6.16)
4.3 "/
Box 6.2: Integrals needed to evaluate the vertex parts required for the determination of the
renormalized quark-gluon coupling to the leading order. Details on the integrals are given in
Problems 6.8, 6.9, with " > 0 and ı > 0, corresponding, respectively, to ultraviolet and infrared
cutoffs, and appropriate mass scales D , D 0
Z ˇ
.dk/ 1 1 2 0 ı 2 ı .1 ı
ˇ i 2 2 2
ˇ D D
.2/4 . p1 k/2 . p2 k/2 k2 Reg .4/D 0 =2 Q 2 Q2 .1 C ı/
Z ˇ
i . p1 C p2 / 1 D 0 22 ı ı 1 ı .1 C ı
k ˇ 2 2 2
ˇ D
.2/4 . p1 k/2 . p2 k/2 k2 Reg .4/D 0 =2 Q2 Q2 .2 C ı/
Z ˇ
2 " " 2 1 " 1
.dk/ k k ˇ i D 2 2 2 i
ˇ D C 0
.2/4 . p1 k/2 . p2 k/2 k2 Reg .4/D=2 Q2 2 .3 "/ .4/D =2 Q2
2 0 ı ı
2 1 C 2ı
2 2 2C 2
1 . p1 p1 C p2 p2 / C . p1 p2 C p1 p2 /
Q2 2 .3 C ı/ .3 C ı/
and most importantly, we note that the contribution of the ghost, coming from the
third part, has restored the transversality of the gluon propagator, consistent with
gauge invariance, when added to the second part.
In order to evaluate the vertex functions in Fig. 6.10, we need the integrals in
Box 6.2, worked out in Problems 6.8, 6.9. Here p21 D 0 D p22 .
Here we encounter infrared divergences, which are rigorously taken care of by
continuing the dimensionality of spacetime from 4 to 4 C ı with ı > 0 in integrals
involving these divergences, and by introducing, in the process, a mass scale D 0
to define the corresponding integrals, as done in ultraviolet regularization.44
.1/ .2/
aij . p1 ; p2 / D Œta ij C aij . p1 ; p2 / C aij . p1 ; p2 /; (6.6.19)
Dimensional regularization as a way for handling infrared divergences is not new, see, e.g., Field
418 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
where hIR .2D 0 =Q2 ; ı/ is a function of the infrared regularization parameters, and
is independent of the ultraviolet ones. Its infrared singular structure is spelled out in
Problem 6.10. Its explicit expression will not be needed in the sequel. The second
part is defined by
Z ˇ
.2/ .dk/ i V˛ˇ .k p2 ; p1 k; Q/ ˛ . k/ ˇ ˇˇ
aij . p1 ; p2 / D ig2 Œ fbca tb tc ij ˇ :
.2/4 . p1 k/2 . p2 k/2 k2 Reg
Again the ultraviolet relevant part is the quadratic part in k in the numerator in the
integrand, i.e.,
which leads for aij . p1 ; p2 / the expression
g2 2D "=2 2" 2 .1 2" g2 .2/ 2D 0
Œi fbca tb tc ij 2 .3 "/C h ; ı ;
.4/D=2 Q2 .3 "/ .4/2 IR Q2
where hIR .2D 0 =Q2 ; ı/ is a function of the infrared regularization parameters, and
independent of the ultraviolet ones. Its infrared singular structure is spelled out in
6.7 Renormalization Constants, Effective Coupling, Asymptotic Freedom, and. . . 419
where hIR .2D 0 =Q2 ; ı/ is a function of the infrared regularization parameters, and
is independent of the ultraviolet ones. Its infrared singular structure is spelled out
in Problem 6.10. The explicit expression of hIR .2D 0 =Q2 ; ı/, however, will not be
needed again.
" 1 2D "=2 " 2 1 2"
2 .4/D=2 p2 2 .2 "/
1 h 2 2 2 i
D E ln C ln C c 1 ; for " ! 0; (6.7.1)
.4/2 " 42D p2
where a0 ; a1 are constants, and a0 Ca1 D c1 Cln.4/. Hence a given choice for the
value of a0 determines the constant a1 . Note that the coefficient of 1=Z2 in (6.7.2),
is independent of the ultraviolet regularization parameters. A given choice for the
value of the constant a0 defines a renormalization scheme.
420 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
a0 D E C ln.4/;
as suggested from the expression on the right-hand side of (6.7.1), and is referred
to as the modified minimal subtraction scheme .MS/, which we adopt here.45 The
wavefunction renormalization constant Z2 of a fermion may be then written in this
renormalization scheme, to second order, as
1 g2 h2 2 i N2 1
D1C CF E ln ; CF D : (6.7.4)
Z2 .4/2 " 42D 2N
1 g2 2 5 h 2 2 i
D 1C n f CA E ln ; CA D N: (6.7.8)
Z3 .4/2 3 3 " 42D
1h g2
2 g2 2D 0 i
aij D Œ ta ij 1C t t
b b C CA ln C a 3 C h IR . ; ı/ ;
Z1 .4/2 Q2 .4/2 Q2
1 g2 h2 2 i
D1C Œ CF C CA E ln ; (6.7.10)
Z1 .4/2 " 42D
Higher order loops contributions depend on the subtraction scheme adopted.
6.7 Renormalization Constants, Effective Coupling, Asymptotic Freedom, and. . . 421
N2 1
tb tb D CF I; CF D ; CA D N; (6.7.11)
where hIR .2D 0 =Q2 ; ı/ is a function of the infrared regularization parameters, and
independent of the ultraviolet ones. Its infrared singular structure is spelled out
in Problem 6.10. That the vertex function is infrared divergent and requires an
infrared cut-off should not be surprising from our earlier QED treatment. The
explicit expression of hIR .2D 0 =Q2 ; ı/ will not be needed.
p p p
Therefore with D Z 2 ren , D Z 2 ren , A D Z3 Aren , D ren =Z1 ,
the renormalized quark-gluon coupling is given by
2 Z3 Z2
gs . / D go ; ˛ s .2 / D g2s .2 /=4; ˛ o s D g2o =4; (6.7.12)
2 i
2 ˛ s .2 / h 11 N 2nf ih 2
˛s . / D ˛ os 1 C E ln : (6.7.13)
4 3 3 " 42D
Upon setting
11N 2n 33 2n
f f
ˇ0 D ; ˇ0 D for SU(3) ; (6.7.14)
12 12
Since the left-hand side of this equation is independent of 2 , this means that for all
2 such that nf of the quark flavors have masses squared << 2 ,46 the combination
on the right-hand side of the above equation, with each of the two terms depending
on the 2 ’s, is an invariant, which we denote by ln.2 /. In particular, the latter
depends on nf . This gives
˛ s .2 / D : (6.7.16)
ˇ 0 ln.2 =2 /
In general .33 2nf / > 0, and hence ˇ 0 is strictly positive. As 2 increases, the
effective coupling ˛ s .2 / becomes weaker and eventually vanishes. This property
of non-abelian gauge theories is referred to as asymptotic freedom. This QCD mass
scale , is obtained experimentally as will be discussed below. The above equation
This justifies the neglect of the masses of the nf flavors in comparison to 2 .
422 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
also gives
2 ˛ s .2 / D ˇ 0 ˛ 2s .2 /; (6.7.17)
and the minus sign on the right-hand side of the equation is the origin of asymptotic
freedom. This is unlike the situation in QED, where (5.10.65) gives, for the effective
fine-structure constant, the relation 2 .d=d 2 / ˛. 2 / D C ˛ 2 =3 C . Higher
order loops contribution to the right-hand side of (6.7.17), may be also evaluated.
For example next to the leading term on the right-hand side of (6.7.17), due to two
loops, is given by ˇ1 ˛s3 .2 /,47 where ˇ1 D .153 19nf /=.24 2 /, and depends
on nf .
When 2 corresponds to an energy associated with a given process, ˛ s .2 /
provides an effective coupling for the theory and denotes the strength of the strong
interaction at that energy. This effective coupling must be small enough to carry out
reliable perturbative computations and the choice of the value of is important.
It is a function of the number of flavors nf retained in the theory. The effective
coupling ˛ s .2 / for 2 D MZ2 , corresponding to the mass MZ ' 91 GeV, of the
Z 0 vector boson, is experimentally of the order48 0.12. The mass MZ provides a
typical standard renormalization scale. The coupling parameter ˛ s is determined
at some momentum transfer from various experiments such as from DIS ones,
where violation of Bjorken scaling is sensitive to the value of ˛ s (as well as
from other experiments such as eC e -annihilation). Multi-loop analysis49 of the
renormalization group is then carried out to evolve such values of ˛ s to the energy
scale MZ . Such analyses, in turn, require corresponding values for to be used
consistently when solving the renormalization group equation involving the beta
If, Q2 corresponds to a typical momentum squared associated with a given pro-
cess, then from the invariance property established in (6.7.15), we may use (6.7.16)
to express the effective coupling ˛ s .Q2 /, also referred to as running coupling, in
terms of the renormalized coupling ˛ s .2 / as follows
˛ s .2 / 1
˛ s .Q2 / D 2 2 2
D : (6.7.18)
1 C ˇ 0 ˛ s . / ln.Q = / ˇ 0 ln.Q2 =2 /
Jones [69] and Caswell [29].
Typically, recommendations for the value of are: 205–221 MeV, 286–306 MeV, 329–
349 MeV, for nf D 5; 4; 3, respectively. For the underlying phenomenology, as well as the
determination of ˛ s .M 2Z / from experiments, see Beringer et al. [17].
When considering more than one loop contribution to the beta function, the renormalization
scheme becomes important. The modified minimal subtraction method .MS/ mentioned above, is
the most widely used in this case.
6.8 Renormalization Group and QCD Corrections to eC e Annihilation 423
Unlike QED, the vector particle, the gluon, has a direct self-interaction. Therefore
it is natural to investigate the contribution of the gluon self-interaction to ˇ 0
in (6.7.14) for the SU.3/ symmetry group. To isolate this contribution, let us
scale the three-gluon vertex V1 2 3 contribution to it by a parameter, say ,
which we can later set equal to one. This vertex function appears in the gluon self-
energy part ˘ab in (6.6.11). We have seen in (6.6.17), that the self-energy part
˘ab , involving the ghost field in (6.6.15), must be added to it to ensure gauge
.2/ .3/
invariance. Thus we must scale the expression for .˘ab C ˘ab / in (6.6.17) by
. The three-gluon vertex V1 2 3 also appears in the fermion-gluon vertex part
aij in (6.6.22). Thus we must also scale its expression given in (6.6.24) by as
well. An elementary algebra gives
1 ˇ
ˇ0 D 14 CA 3 CA 2 nf ˇ ; CA D 3: (6.7.19)
12 D1
The gluon self-interaction is thus responsible for making ˇ0 strictly positive and
responsible for asymptotic freedom. It is interesting to note that for nf D 6, the
gluon-self interaction contribution to ˇ0 is precisely twice as big as the remainder
in magnitude.
This is, in general, referred to as dimensional transmutation.
An expression which has a non-zero dimensionality is readily taken care of by a scaling
424 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
2 G.Q2 ; ˛os / D 0: (6.8.1)
Q2 1
Gren ln 2 ; ˛s D G.Q2 ; ˛os /; (6.8.2)
Z.2 ; ˛ s /
2 ˛ s D ˇ.˛ s /; (6.8.3)
1 d
2 Z.2 ; ˛ s / D .˛ s /: (6.8.4)
Z.2 ; ˛ s/ d2
Upon substituting (6.8.2), in (6.8.1), using (6.8.3), and the fact that
d @ @
2 D 2 2 C ˇ.˛ s / ; (6.8.5)
d2 @ @˛ s
Q2 h Z ˛s dz .z/ i 2
Gren ln 2 ; ˛s D exp eren ln Q ; ˛s ;
G (6.8.7)
c ˇ.z/ 2
where we have used the chain rule @=@˛ s D .@y=@˛ s /.@=@y/. The solution
of (6.8.10) is of the form
2 h Z ˛s dz Q2 i
eren ln Q ; ˛s D
G C ln 2 ; (6.8.11)
c 0 ˇ.z/
where we have used the definition of the variable y in (6.8.9). From (6.8.8), this
Q2 h Z ˛s dz .z/ i h Z ˛s dz Q2 i
Gren ln 2 ; ˛s D exp C ln 2 : (6.8.12)
c ˇ.z/ c 0 ˇ.z/
On the other hand, from (6.8.3), we may introduce the effective coupling measured
at Q2 : ˛.Q2 /, where recall that ˛ s ˛ s .2 /, and write
Q2 Z ˛s .Q 2 / dz
ln 2 D ; (6.8.13)
˛s ˇ.z/
Q2 h Z ˛s dz .z/ i h Z ˛s .Q 2 / dz i
Gren ln 2 ; ˛s D exp C0 ; (6.8.14)
c ˇ.z/ c0 ˇ.z/
obtained by combining ln.Q2 =2 / with the first integral within the square brackets
in Œ : in (6.8.12). Comparing the above equation with the one in (6.8.12), leads
us to the inescapable conclusion that
hZ ˛ s .Q2 /
dz i hZ ˛s .Q 2 / dz .z/ i
C 0 D exp Gren 0; ˛s .Q2 / : (6.8.15)
c0 ˇ.z/ c ˇ.z/
Upon substituting this back in (6.8.14), gives the following remarkable solution of
the renormalization group equation in (6.8.6)
Q2 h Z ˛s .Q 2 / dz .z/ i
Gren ln 2 ; ˛s D exp Gren 0; ˛s .Q2 / : (6.8.16)
˛s ˇ.z/
The fact that the effective coupling ˛ s .Q2 / becomes weaker at high energies
allows one to use perturbation theory in this coupling. The moral in this is that
the high energy behavior of the theory, described by Q2 becoming large, has now
shifted from the dependence of the theory on the momentum Q to a dependence on
the effective coupling instead which becomes small in the high energy limit. This, as
we have seen in the previous section, is due to the non-abelian character of the gauge
field and its inherited remarkable property one refers to as asymptotic freedom.
426 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
Z 1
M 2 .M 2 /
d.Q2 / D 1 dM 2 2 : (6.8.20)
0 Q C M2 i
dren .Q2 / D d.Q2 /: (6.8.21)
Z 3. /
Sice .M 2 / has an overall factor ˛ (the fine-structure constant), and is small, one
may write
Z 1
D1C dM 2 .M 2 /; (6.8.22)
Z 3. / 0
and we have
2 2
M 2 .M 2 /
dren .Q / D 1 C dM .M / 1 dM 2
0 0 Q2 C M 2 i
Z 1 Z 1
M 2 .M 2 /
D1C dM 2 .M 2 / dM 2 ; (6.8.23)
0 0 Q2 C M 2 i
See also Sect. 6.5.
6.8 Renormalization Group and QCD Corrections to eC e Annihilation 427
leading to
Z 1
.M 2 /
dren .Q2 / D 1 C Q2 dM 2 ; (6.8.24)
0 Q2 C M2 i
which is different from the expression of d.Q2 / in (6.8.20). When we take their
imaginary parts, however, they coincide, as seen from (6.8.24) and (6.8.20),
d @ d˛ @ d˛ s @
2 D 2 2 C 2 2 C 2 2 ; (6.8.28)
d2 @ d @˛ d @˛ s
d˛ s @
2 2
˛ G ln s=2 ; ˛ s D ˛ ˇ.˛ s / G ln s=2 ; ˛ s C O.˛ 2 /;
d @˛ s @˛ s
Note that since Q is time-like, i.e., Q2 < 0, means that Q2 > 0.
428 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
from which one may carry out standard perturbation theory in ˛ s and then replace
it by ˛ s .2 /.
From the relation in (6.8.25), (6.5.9), for single photon exchange, with s denoting
the CM energy squared, and with
Fig. 6.11 Photon self energy parts giving rise to the leading QCD contribution to eC e
The value of this constant may be inferred from a computation carried out many years ago by
Jost and Luttinger [70] in QED, see also Bjorken and Drell [21, p.344], Appelquist and Georgi
[11], Zee [124] as well as Baikov et al. [13].
6.9 Deep Inelastic Scattering: Differential Cross Section and Structure Functions 429
The progress that has been made over the years in physics through scattering
experiments has been quite significant. The emergence of the endless variety of
particles by accelerators, the extraction of information on their interactions and
the determination of the structure of matter are a few of the examples concerned
with the analysis of scattering processes. Remarkable experimental and theoretical
studies of resolving the structure of nucleons through the scattering of electrons
and neutrinos off them have been, in particular, carried out. And, in the process,
dynamical evidence for the existence of point-like55 constituents was established.
To probe and unravel the structure of a proton, for example, by e p collision, via
the exchange of a photon of spacelike momentum squared Q 2 , imparted to the
proton, the latter should be large enough.56
Here we are interested in the above inelastic e p scattering beyond the reso-
nance region,57 in the neighborhood of a couple of GeVs, at which experimentally
the reaction changes “character” and the scattering process may be appropriately
represented by e p ! e C “anything”, where “anything” refers to any particles
that may be created in the process with a final large invariant mass Mn , referred
to as deep inelastic scattering, a process in which the proton loses its identity. The
interest in such a process involving the proton (or a neutron) is to choose Q2 .> 0/
sufficiently large to unravel its underlying structure, as mentioned above, confirm its
“quark description” with quarks as point-like constituents, and establish consistency
of asymptotic freedom with experiments, with quarks inside the proton being nearly
free at small distances. The process may be represented diagrammatically as shown
in Fig. 6.12, where a one photon exchange is considered as a leading contribution to
the process in question.
In the target frame, in which the ingoing proton is at rest, the momentum
transferred squared Q2 > 0 is given by Q2 D 2EE 0 .1 cos #/ D 4EE 0 sin2 #=2,
γ∗ Q, Q2 > 0
Point-like at least at the energies in which such experiments were carried out.
To obtain an order of magnitude of such a momentum squared needed, wep note that since the
size pof the proton is of the order of 1 fm .1013 cm/, we ought to have h= Q 2 < 1 fm, i.e.,
2= Q 2 < 1 fm 5=GeV or 1:6 GeV2 < Q 2 or even larger.
A typical resonance is the
C of mass 1.232 GeV, consisting of a proton p and a 0 meson.
430 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
where # is the angle through which the electron is scattered: k k 0 D jkjjk0 j cos #.
If P, as indicated in the diagram, denotes the (four) momentum of the proton, the
variable of the structure functions in (6.4.5), written in an invariant manner, is
defined by
D ; Q D k k 0; (6.9.1)
where Mp M is the mass of the proton. We note that if Pn denotes the total
momentum of all the particles created in the process corresponding to “anything”
above, with an invariant mass squared Mn2 D .P C Q/2 , then PQ D .Q2 C Mn2
M 2 /=2. In the rest frame of the proton, we then have
The expression for the differential cross section of the process is readily obtained.
By averaging the initial spins of the electron and proton, and summing over the spin
of the emerging electron, the differential cross section may be then simply written,
in proton rest frame, as
where E; E 0 are the initial and final energies of the electron, respectively, and Pn
is the total momentum of the particles in state jni,
1X 1 X
.2/4 ı 4 .P C Q Pn /hP; j j .0/jn; Pn ihn; Pnj j .0/jP; i
2 2 n;P
1 1
D .dy/ei Q y hP; j j .y=2/j .y=2/jP; i W .; Q2 /;
2 2
6.9 Deep Inelastic Scattering: Differential Cross Section and Structure Functions 431
averaging over the spin of the proton, where .dy/ corresponds to an integration
over spacetime, and the multiplicative factor 1=2 above is chosen for conve-
To find the general expression for W , we note that the corresponding relevant
process for it is given in Fig. 6.13, involving a virtual photon (Q2 ¤ 0/. Here
we have at our disposal two vectors Q; P. Also current conservation @ j D 0,
implies that Q W D 0, Q W D 0. Hence W has the general structure
W D . /W1 .; Q2 / C 2 .P /.P /W2 .; Q2 /:
Q2 M Q2 Q2
W1 ; W2 are referred to as structure functions of the proton, and have dimensionality
mass1 . They are functions of two invariant variables. It is more convenient to
write the structure functions as functions of the invariant variable Q2 and the
dimensionless one
x D : (6.9.8)
Upon neglecting the mass of the electron in comparison to that of the proton, the
differential cross section for the process in question, is, from (6.9.3), (6.9.4), (6.9.5),
(6.9.6), (6.9.7), then given by
d2 ˛ 2 cos2 #=2
D Œ 2 W1 .x; Q2 / tan2 #=2 C W2 .x; Q2 / : (6.9.9)
dE d˝ 0
4 E2 sin4 #=2
The above equality implies that x 1. For elastic scattering x D 1. Since > 0,
we then have, in general,
0 x 1: (6.9.11)
432 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
p p
1 D .0; 1; 0; 0/;
2 D .0; 0; 1; 0/;
0 D . Q2 C 2 ; 0; 0; /= Q2 :
A transversely polarized photon, leads to a cross section T
, D W1 ,
for D 1; 2. Hence W1 0. On the other hand, a longitudinal polarization,59 leads
to a cross section (see Problems 6.12)
Q2 C 2
0 W
0 D Œ W2 W1 0: (6.9.13)
4 M 2 x2
0 2 x M W1 1C W2 : (6.9.14)
4 M 2 x2
0 2 x F1 .x; Q2 / 1C F2 .x; Q2 /: (6.9.16)
See, e.g., Eidelman et al. [35].
Longitudinal refers to the fact that the 3-vector of the polarization vector is parallel to Q.
6.9 Deep Inelastic Scattering: Differential Cross Section and Structure Functions 433
For future reference, we also define the ratio of these structure functions
FL .x; Q2 /
R.x; Q2 / D : (6.9.19)
FT .x; Q2 /
D .2M/
.2W /
; (6.9.20)
4 .Q2 =2x/
F2 .x; Q2 / Q2 Q2
D 2
T C L ; F1 .x; Q2 / D T; (6.9.21)
x 4 ˛ x 8 2 ˛ x
The longitudinal polarization state arises as a consequence of the fact that for a virtual photon
Q2 ¤ 0, and the photon ceases to be massless.
434 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
See, e.g., Eidelman et al. [35].
6.10 Deep Inelastic Scattering, The Parton Model, Parton Splitting; QCD Jets 435
p parton
ξP ei
parton Q
γ∗ e−
e k
Fig. 6.14 Elastic scattering of the electron, via a one photon exchange, with a parton of charge
ei carrying a fraction P of the momentum of the proton. The gluon, of course, has no
electromagnetic charge
follows. Let ei denote the charge of an i th parton (Fig. 6.14)).62 The structure tensor
Wi contribution due to the i th parton is then simply given by (see Problem 6.13)
e2i =e2 d3 p 0 .4/
Wi D ı .P C Q p 0 / Œ 2 2 P P C .P Q C P Q / PQ :
M 2 p 0 0
Now we use the integral
d3 p 0 .4/ 1
ı .P C Q p 0 / D ı. x/; (6.10.2)
2p00 2 jPQj
established in Problem 6.14, where x is defined in (6.9.8). Using the facts that
QP=jQPj D 1, D x, according the delta function ı. x/ constraint, the
definition of the variable x, and conveniently grouping the various terms in (6.10.1),
gives for the latter
e2i =e2
Wi .; Q2 / D ı. x/
2M Q2
e2i =e2 1
C x ı. x/ 2 P P ; (6.10.3)
M Q2 Q2
where is defined in (6.9.1). We may infer that x denotes the fraction of momentum
carried by a quark (antiquark). Let fi ./ denote the number densities of partons of
type i having momenta in the range .; C d/P. Then the structure tensor W
Since gluons, as neutral partons, do not carry electromagnetic charge, they will have no role in
this analysis. We will say more about this at the end of the section and elaborate on how they are
taken into account in a proper QCD treatment which is the subject of the following section.
436 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
XZ 1
Q Q 1 X 2 2
dfi ./Wi .; Q2 / D .e =e / fi .x/
i 0 Q2 2M i i
PQ Q 1 X 2 2
C P P .e =e / x fi .x/: (6.10.4)
M2 Q2 Q2 i i
This equality is referred to as the Callan-Gross relation [28].
See, e.g., Bodek et al. [24].
The presence of such spin 0 bosons, if any, in addition to spin 1/2 ones, is possibly not of
These quarks are referred to as valence quarks and the remaining as sea quarks, and antiquarks.
6.10 Deep Inelastic Scattering, The Parton Model, Parton Splitting; QCD Jets 437
R1 P R1
0 dx i x fi .x/ 0:54, and 0 dx F2 .x/ 0:18 obtained by integrating over deep
inelastic scattering experimental data.67 They provide evidence of fractional charges
of the quarks. Similar results hold for the deep inelastic scattering associated with
the e n system (see Problem 6.16).
In the development of the parton model above, gluons, as neutral partons, did
not play any role as they have no electromagnetic charge. Hence it is expected
that the sum of the fractions of the proton’s momentum, carried by the quarks
and antiquarks, do not add up to match the momentum of the proton. The
R1 P
experimental order of magnitude rough estimate 0 dx i x fi .x/ 0:54 indicates
that approximately the other half of the momentum of the proton is carried by neutral
partons - the gluons. Hence such a result is hardly surprising. In the next section,
dealing with QCD corrections, gluons are naturally taken into account as a result of
their emissions by quarks and from the underlying QCD interactions.
Experimentally, Bjorken scaling is violated by logarithmic terms in the momen-
tum transfer squared Q2 , for high values attainable in present experiments, and are
accounted for in a QCD treatment of the problem as investigated in the next section.
In preparation for the analysis to be carried out in the next section, which takes into
account QCD corrections to the naïve parton model, in deep inelastic scattering,
at large Q2 , we investigate the nature of a quark emitting a gluon, as well as a
gluon splitting, derive the probabilities of such events and see how these modify the
corresponding parton distributions with a variation in Q2 .
To the above end, we recall the first expression
F2 .x; Q2 / Q2
D ; (6.10.8)
x 4 2 ˛ x
in (6.9.21) in deep inelastic scattering, where is the cross section for the scattering
of a virtual photon off the proton: . p ! “anything"/. A quark with fractional
momentum of that of the proton, upon the emission of a gluon, say, acquires a
momentum with a fractional longitudinal momentum z of the parent quark, thus
having a final fractional longitudinal momentum z x of that of the proton. For
the naïve parton model, we may write
1 1
Q2 h 4 2 ˛ z i
fi .x/ D d fi ./ dz ı.z x/ ı.z 1/ ; (6.10.9)
0 0 4 2 ˛ z Q2
Halzen and Martin [61, p.203]. See also Field and Feynman [45] for similar data.
438 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
easily verified upon integrations. For the emission of a gluon by a quark, the
distribution function will change fi .x/ ! fi .x; Q2 /, and from the above expressions
given in (6.10.8), (6.10.9), we may write
1 1
Q2 h 4 2 ˛ z e2 i
fi .x; Q2 / D d fi ./ dz ı.z x/ ı.z 1/ C 2
O i .z; Q 2
/ ;
0 0 4 2 ˛ z Q2 ei
γ∗ : 1 = ei g u(p , σ )γ μ −(pγ (p−Q)
−Q) ν
2 γ tc u(p, σ ) μ eν ,
G −γ (p+Q) μ
p : 2 = ei g u(p , σ )γ ν tc (p+Q)2
γ u(p, σ ) μ eν ,
G :
The masses of all the partons are set equal to zero. On the other hand, the photon
being virtual means that it is not on the mass shell and Q2 ¤ 0, in general. Actually
we are interested in the large Q2 behavior. Upon using the identity TrŒtc tc D 4, for
the SU.3/ group, and averaging over spins, polarizations, and the three colors of
the latter group, give for the average jM j2 of jM j2 , where M D 2mi .M1 C M2 /,
See (6.9.12).
6.10 Deep Inelastic Scattering, The Parton Model, Parton Splitting; QCD Jets 439
where mi is the mass of the quark. The definition of the parameter z as the
fractional longitudinal momentum of the daughter quark relative to the parent
quark momentum, and the definition of the invariant sO, given above, lead from
the equalities sO C Q2 D 2pQ, z D Q2 =2pQ (see (6.9.8)), to the relations
Q2 sO .1 z/
zD ; D 1 z; sO D Q2 : (6.10.13)
sO C Q2 sO C Q2 z
Since uO D .Os C Ot C Q2 /, we may use the relations just given above, to rewrite the
expression in the square brackets in (6.10.12) as
1 C z2 1
Q2 z2 2 z2
Œ: D O
t C C : (6.10.14)
z Q 4 .1 z/ 1 z Ot Q2 .1 z/
dO i 1
D jM j2 ; (6.10.15)
dOt 64 sO p2CM
.Os C Q2 /2 Q4 Q2
sO p 2CM D D 2; Ot D .cos 1/; (6.10.16)
4 4z 2z
The integral involves an infrared divergence coming from its lower end of inte-
gration, corresponding to emission of a collinear gluon, which in here may be
rigorously defined by introducing an infrared cut-off. As we are interested in the
variation of the distribution function in (6.10.10) with Q2 , we do not have to carry
out this procedure here. Accordingly, we may write
4 2 ˛ z e2i ˛ s 4 h 1 C z2 ih 2
O i D ln.Q / C ; (6.10.18)
Q2 e2 2 3 1 z
440 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
Also to the same leading order above, we have to take into account the radiative
(self-energy and vertex) corrections, where the quark reabsorbs the gluon and the
quark remains a quark, it does not split into quark plus a gluon. This contribution
may be represented by an expression A ı.z 1/ where A is a constant, which
modifies the expression
within the square brackets in (6.10.19) to Œ.1 C z2 /=.1
z/C C Aı.z 1/ . Conservation of probability then leads from (6.10.10) to
˛ s 4 h 1 C z2 i
dz ı.z 1/ C C Aı.z 1/ lnQ2 D 1; (6.10.21)
0 2 3 .1 z/C
giving A D 3=2, with Q2 expressed relative to any scale. Thus we introduce the
so-called splitting factor of a quark into a quark and a gluon, where the emerging
quark has a fractional longitudinal momentum in the range .z; z C dz/ relative to
the momentum of the parent quark:
4 h .1 C z2 / 3 i
Pq!qG .z/ D C ı.z 1/ : (6.10.22)
3 .1 z/C 2
The same analysis gives PqN !NqG .z/ D Pq!qG .z/, and a similar analysis leads
to the splitting factors Pq!Gq .z/ D PqN !GNq .z/, where now the gluon carries a
fractional longitudinal momentum z of the momentum of the quark (antiquark),
and is recorded in (6.10.41).
Now we come to the interesting case of the splitting of a gluon. To the same
order, the gluon may split to a quark antiquark pair, or split into two gluons, denoted
by PG!qNq .z/ D PG!Nqq .z/, and PG!GG .z/. We evidently have the constraint
z p2
p aμ p p1 a α p
1−z 1−z cγ
6.10 Deep Inelastic Scattering, The Parton Model, Parton Splitting; QCD Jets 441
Z 1 Z 1 h i
dz z ı.z 1/ D 1; dz z nf PG!qNq .z/ C nf PG!Nqq .z/ C PG!GG .z/ D 0;
0 0
As in (6.10.16), (6.10.17) a singularity arises in the zero mass limit for collinear
momenta of the gluons with the parent one. The momenta are taken as
k2 k2
p D .k; 0; 0; k/; p2 D zk C ? ; k? ; zk ; p1 D .1 z/k ? ; k? ; .1 z/k ;
2zk 2zk
where note that p02 D z2 k2 C k2? ' zkCk2? =2zk, and p01 follows by conservation
of energy. Also p22 D O.k4? /, that is the corresponding gluon is nearly on the mass
shell, while
p21 ' ; (6.10.26)
where CA is the group factor equal to 3 for the SU.3/ group given in (6.6.2), (6.6.3).
We consider, in turn, the cross section of a process : AG ! BG, via the exchange
of a gluon, with the momentum of the incoming gluon given by p in (6.10.25). The
flux factor of the process as given in (5.9.7), (5.9.8) becomes
1 1 .1 z/
4 ppA 4 k p0A .1 pzA =p0A / 4 .1 z/k p0A .1 pzA =p0A /
.1 z/ .1 z/
' ' ; (6.10.28)
4 p01 p0A .1 0
pA =pA /
4p1 pA
442 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
where note that p1 ' .1 z/k; 0; 0; .1 z/k D .1 z/p. By using
d3 p2 k dz dk2?
' ; (6.10.29)
.2/3 2p02 .2/3 2 z k
and the expression for the inverse of the squared of the gluon momentum squared
p21 as obtained from (6.10.26)
1 z2
D ; (6.10.30)
p41 k4?
Z Z i
k dk2? g2 k2? h z 1z
GA ! GB D dz 12 C C Cz.1 z/
0 .2/3 2 z k z.1 z/ 1 z z
Œ.1 z/ GA ! B ; (6.10.31)
where GA ! B denotes the cross section with an incoming real transverse gluon
having a longitudinal momentum .1 z/k, where the factor .1 z/ multiplies
the cross section just mentioned occurring on the right-hand side of (6.10.31) as a
consequence of the numerator in the last equality in (6.10.28). The above equation
simplifies to
dk2? ˛ s
GA ! GB D dz 2 2
PG!GG .z/ GA ! B ; (6.10.32)
0 k?
displaying the mass zero singularity occurring in the integration over transverse
momentum for a gluon with almost collinear momentum with the parent gluon, and
6.10 Deep Inelastic Scattering, The Parton Model, Parton Splitting; QCD Jets 443
.˛ s D g2 =4/
h z 1z i
PG!GG .z/ D 6 C C z.1 z/ ; (6.10.33)
.1 z/C z
where we have used the distributional definition of the term 1=.1 z/ as given
in (6.10.20). We have to add a term Cı.z1/ to the above expression corresponding
to the emission of a soft gluon. The constant C is determined from the constraint
equation (6.10.23). Before determining the constant C, it is straightforward to work
out, by an almost identical treatment as the one just given, and obtain the splitting
factor of a gluon to a quark-antiquark pair :
1 2
PG!qNq .z/ D Œ z C .1 z/2 : (6.10.34)
In view of determining the constant C, note that
Z 1
dz z Œz 2 C .1 z/2 D ; (6.10.35)
0 3
Z 1 h i
z 1z 11
dz z C C z.1 z/ D ; (6.10.36)
0 .1 z/C z 12
from which (6.10.23) gives C D .11=12 nf =18/. Note the following equalities
hold between the splitting factors:
The last equality follows from that in (6.10.34) since the latter is invariant under
the exchange z $ .1 z/. In Pa!bc .z/, parton b has a fractional momentum z
relative to that of parton a. Accordingly, note that Pq!qG .z/ ¤ Pq!Gq .z/.
The splitting factors are then explicitly given by
4 h 1 C z2 3 i
Pq!qG .z/ D PqN !NqG .z/ D C ı.z 1/ ; (6.10.40)
3 .1 z/C 2
4 1 C .1 z/ 2i
Pq!Gq .z/ D PqN !GNq .z/ D ; (6.10.41)
3 z
PG!qNq .z/ D PG!Nqq .z/ D Œz 2 C .1 z/2 ; (6.10.42)
444 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
h z 1z 11 n i
PG!GG .z/ D 6 C C z.1 z/ C ı.z 1/ :
.1 z/C z 12 18
As before, nf denotes the number of quark flavors, and 1=.1 z/C is defined
in (6.10.20).
A unified notation generalizing the one in (6.10.32) may be given as follows:
dk2? ˛ s
aA ! bB D dz 2 2
Pa!bc .z/ c A ! B : (6.10.44)
0 k?
See, e.g., Hanson et al. [64] for experimental observations of two jet events, and Brandelik et al.
[25], Berger et al. [16], and Bartel et al. [14] for three jet events.
For specific illustrations of this, cf., Field and Feynman [46], Hoyer et al. [66], and Ali et al. [4].
Such a gluon is referred to as a hard non-collinear gluon.
6.10 Deep Inelastic Scattering, The Parton Model, Parton Splitting; QCD Jets 445
Fig. 6.15 (a) Diagrams corresponding to the process e eC ! q qN , including radiative correc-
tions, to lowest order, via the exchange of a photon. (b) Diagrams corresponding to the process
e eC ! q qN G, to the leading order, via the exchange of a photon
involving the antiquark qN . From (6.10.44), and the expression for the splitting of a
quark to a quark and a gluon in (6.10.40) for z < 1, we may write for k2? ¤ 0,
d2 ˛ s 4 1 C z2 1
.e eC ! q qN G/ D 2 .e eC ! q qN /; (6.10.45)
dz dk? 2 3 1 z k2?
where the overall factor 2 is due to the equivalence of the two diagrams in part (b)
in Fig. 6.15 with q $ qN , and from (6.5.9)/6.5.7),
4 ˛ 2 X 2 2
.e eC ! q qN / D .ef =e / 0 ; E2 D .Q0 /2 : (6.10.46)
E2 f
In particular, note that the expression for the cross section in (6.10.45) will
become arbitrarily large for k2? ' 0, and all 0 .1 z/ 1, i.e., whether the
gluon is soft or hard, with the gluon moving in the same direction (collinear gluon)
as the parent quark (antiquark). On the other hand, as the value of k2? deviates
from a non-zero value, defined by the condition, say, k2? =S & ı 2 , where ı is a
small parameter: 0 < ı 1, as a measure of departure from a collinear behavior
of a radiated gluon, and S is some scale, the cross section will take large values
for a very soft gluon .1 z/ ' 0. Such a soft gluon will not be observable if
its energy is beyond the experimental resolution, i.e., say, for .1 z/ <
, for a
small parameter: 0 <
1. In both cases where k2? ' 0, 0 .1 z/ 1,
or k2? =S & ı 2 , .1 z/ <
, one will be dealing with a 2-jet event where either
a gluon is moving together with a quark (antiquark) and both in almost opposite
direction to the antiquark (quark), or the quark and antiquark are moving in almost
opposite directions, and in addition a non-collinear soft gluon is radiated of energy
too low to be detected, respectively. In the CM of the e eC system, the momenta
446 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
of the external particles, in reference to part (b) of Fig. 6.15, may be represented as
The above in turn, leads to define a 3-jet event, for k2? =S ı 2 , .1 z/
, i.e.,
z 1
, with the radiated gluon being necessarily hard, and non-collinear.
To the leading order, one may define the total cross section by
The expression for a 2-jet event may be the obtained by subtracting the 3-jet
event contribution from the total cross section in (6.10.48). Since the integral of the
expression in (6.10.45), over z and k? 2
is singular for z ! 1, k2? ! 0, its leading
behavior for the 3-jet event, will come from values of z . 1
, and of k2? =S & ı 2 ,
corresponding to points very close to these singular points, and for which (6.10.45)
is valid. Using the elementary integrals
Z Z 1 C z2 h3 i
dk2? .1
D ln ı 2 ; dz D C 2 ln
C O.
ı2 k2? 0 1z 2
4˛ s
3jets D 0 Œ.3 C 4 ln
/ ln ı C O.1/; (6.10.50)
Actually the expression within the curly brackets in the above equation is
independent of the angle the jet axis makes with the one made by the annihilating
e eC pair in the CM,72 hence directly from Problem 6.7 we may write the expres-
sion for differential cross section corresponding to the cross section in (6.10.51) as
d2jets .1 C cos2 #/ X 2 2 n 4˛ s
D ˛2 3 .e =e / 1 3 C 4 ln
ln ı C O.1/ :
d˝ 4E2 f
In deep inelastic scattering, one is, in particular, working at large momentum transfer
squared Q2 to the proton. At such a given momentum transfer squared, a quark
may emit a gluon, as discussed at the end of the last section, and, in turn, a gluon
may emit other gluons or a quark-antiquark pair. Accordingly a parton density
distribution of finding a parton with fractional momentum in a range .x; x C dx/
will change, and will depend on Q2 , which we denote by fi .x; Q2 /, with i standing
for quarks .q/, antiquarks .Nq/, or gluons (G). Secondly, the coupling parameter
will not be simply ˛ s but becomes ˛ s .Q2 /, that is, it will also depend on Q2 .
Examples of the splitting of partons into other partons are shown in Fig. 6.16.
Upon the increase of the momentum transfer Q2 to Q2 C •Q2 , a parton, say of
type a, of longitudinal fractional momentum of the proton in .; C d/ may emit
partons b and c : a ! b c, where parton b, say, may have a longitudinal fractional
momentum of that of the proton in a range .x; xCdx/. We denote by z the fractional
longitudinal momentum carried by daughter parton b relative to that of the parent
See part (d) of Fig. 6.7 in Sect. 6.4.
The explicit 2-jet structure in (6.10.51) was first obtained in Sterman and Weinberg [111]. See
also Stevenson [112].
448 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
Fig. 6.16 Splitting of partons into other partons. The corresponding measures of probabilities of
splittings at each point of splitting, as sub-processes, are each of the order ˛ s
Q2 x
z D D ; z D x: (6.11.1)
2 PQ
factor, and for various a; b; and c partons, they were investigated in the last section
and are spelled out in (6.10.40), (6.10.41), (6.10.42), (6.10.43).
The above allows us to write down a completeness probabilistic equation for the
change in the parton distribution fb .x; Q2 /, of parton of type b, with infinitesimal
increase •lnQ2 as follows: (see also (6.10.19), (6.10.44))
Z 1 Z 1 X
˛ s .Q2 /
•fb .x; Q2 / D dz d ı.x z/ fa .; Q2 / Pa!bc .z/ •ln.Q2 /:
2 0 0 a;c
Here it is worth recalling that in the parton model, a parton in the proton has a reduced momentum
x, compared to that of the proton, given by x D Q2 =.2 PQ/.
6.11 Deep Inelastic Scattering: QCD Corrections 449
Needless to say, a similar equation may be then written down for an antiquark qN .
Eqn. (6.11.3), may be also rewritten in a more familiar form as
d ˛ s .Q2 / 1 d
Q2 fq .x; Q 2
/ D
dQ2 2 x
h x x i
fq .; Q2 /Pq!qG C fG .; Q2 /PG!qNq ; (6.11.4)
where, in the process of writing the above equation, we have used the fact that
.x=/ D z 1 implies that x . 1/.
It remains to adjoin to the equation of the quark distribution function in (6.11.3),
an equation for the gluon distribution function fG .x; Q2 /. It is simply given by a
completeness probabilistic equation to be
Z Z 1
d ˛ s .Q2 / 1
Q2 fG .x; Q 2
/ D d dz ı.x z/
dQ2 2 0 0
hX X i
fq .;Q2 /Pq!Gq .z/ C fqN .; Q2 /PqN !GNq .z/ C fG .; Q2 /PG!GG .z/ :
q qN
In PG!GG .z/, one of the emerging gluons has a momentum reduced by a fraction
z relative to the parent gluon.75
The evolution equations (6.11.3), (6.11.4), (6.11.5) in Q2 , are often referred to as Altarelli-Parisi
equations [5].
450 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
The splitting factors Pq!qG .z/, PG!qNq .z/, Pq!Gq .z/, PG!GG .z/, are spelled
at the end of the last section. They describe the breaking of partons into other
partons. What we will need, however, are their moments 0 dz z n1 Pa!bc .z/.
The evolution equations may be solved for the moments corresponding to an i th
parton distribution functions defined by
Z 1
M ni .Q2 / D dx x n1 fi .x; Q2 /: (6.11.6)
d ˛ s .Q2 /
Q2 2
M nq .Q2 / D Œ M nq .Q2 / AnqG C M nG .Q2 / AnqNq ; (6.11.8)
dQ 2
d ˛ s .Q2 /
Q2 M n
.Q 2
/ D Œ M nqN .Q2 / AnqN G C M nG .Q2 / AnqN q ; (6.11.9)
dQ2 qN 2
d ˛ s .Q2 / h
X n 2 X n i
Q2 M n
.Q 2
/ D M .Q / C M n
qN .Q 2
/ A C M n
.Q 2
/ A GG ;
dQ2 G 2 q Gq G
q qN
where we have simply noted that 0 dx x n1 ı.x z/ D n1 z n1 , and where we
have used 76 Pq!qG .z/ D PqN !NqG .z/, implying that AnqG D AnqN G , also Pq!Gq .z/ D
PqN !GNq .z/, implying that AnGq D AnGNq , and finally PG!qNq .z/ D PG!Nqq .z/,
implying that AnqN q D AnqNq .
The moments of the splitting factors in (6.11.7) are readily obtained by explicitly
integrating the splitting factors in (6.10.40), (6.10.41), (6.10.42), (6.10.43), multi-
plied by z n1 as defined in (6.11.7), over z . They are given by
4h X 1i
1 1
AnqG D AnqN G D 2 ; (6.11.11)
3 n.n C 1/ 2 j D2
4 n2 C n C 2
AnGq D AnGNq D ; (6.11.12)
3 n.n2 1/
See (6.10.37), (6.10.38), (6.10.39), (6.10.40), (6.10.41), (6.10.42), and (6.10.43).
6.11 Deep Inelastic Scattering: QCD Corrections 451
1 n2 C n C 2
AnqNq D AnqN q D ; (6.11.13)
2 n.n C 1/.n C 2/
h 2 2 1 nf X n
AnGG D 3 C 2 ; (6.11.14)
.n C 1/.n C 2/ n.n 1/ 6 9 j D2
16 16 1 nf
A2qG D A2qN G D ; A2Gq D A2GNq D ; A2qNq D A2qN q D ; A2GG D ;
9 9 6 3
and for n D 3; 4; : : : < 1, #4n D jD4 .1=j/,
26 8 n 25 8 25
#4 < AnqG D AnqN G #4n < ; (6.11.16)
9 3 9 3 9
7 7
0 < AnGq DAnGNq ; 0 < AnqNq D AnqN q ; (6.11.17)
9 60
11 nf 21 nf
6 #4n < AnGG 6 #4n ; (6.11.18)
2 3 5 3
d ˛ s .Q2 / d 1
Q2 D ; ˛ s .Q2 / D ; (6.11.20)
dQ2 2 d ˇ 0 ln.Q2 =2 /
where Q2o denotes some fixed reference point, Q2 > Q2o , and where ˇ 0 is defined
in (6.7.14).
452 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
We may then rewrite the evolution equations (6.11.8), (6.11.9), (6.11.10) in the
following convenients forms77
d n 2
M .Q / D M nq .Q2 / AnqG C M nG .Q2 / AnqNq ; (6.11.21)
d q
d n 2
M .Q / D M nqN .Q2 / AnqN G C M nG .Q2 / AnqN q ; (6.11.22)
d qN
d n 2 hX X i
M G .Q / D M nq .Q2 / C M nqN .Q2 / AnGq C M nG .Q2 / AnGG : (6.11.23)
d q qN
Note the strict negativity of AnqG D AnqN G , and of AnGG , for all n D 2; 3; : : : < 1,
as shown in (6.11.15), (6.11.16), (6.11.17), and (6.11.18).
A particular simple equation results for the difference ŒM nq .Q2 / M nqN .Q2 /,
which follows from (6.11.21), (6.11.22) to be given by78
ŒM nq .Q2 / M nqN .Q2 / D ŒM nq .Q2 / M nqN .Q2 /AnqG ; (6.11.24)
whose solution is given by
h ln.Q2 =2 / i b1 AnqG
ŒM nq .Q2 / M nqN .Q2 / D ŒM nq .Q2o / M nqN .Q2o / 0
: (6.11.25)
ln.Q2o =2 /
The strict negativity condition of the anomalous dimensions AnqG , established above
(see (6.11.15), (6.11.16)), implies that
for n 2. In particular, from (6.11.6), this means that for n D 2, the total fraction
of momentum carried by the quarks and antiquarks, are asymptotically equal.
On the other hand, we may consider the combination79
hX X i
M nq .Q2 / C M nqN .Q2 / M n.S/ .Q2 /: (6.11.27)
q qN
The equalities of some of the moments of the splitting factors in (6.11.11), (6.11.12), (6.11.13)
should be noted.
This equation is referred to as the non-singlet equation.
S here stands for singlet.
6.11 Deep Inelastic Scattering: QCD Corrections 453
d n.S/ 2
M .Q / D M n.S/ .Q2 / AnqG C 2 nf M nG .Q2 / AnqNq ; (6.11.28)
d n 2
M .Q / D M n.S/ .Q2 / AnGq C M nG .Q2 / AnGG ; (6.11.29)
d G
where the factor nf in the second term, on the right-hand side of (6.11.28) arises
because we are summing over quarks in (6.11.27) corresponding to nf flavors.
These equations may be represented in an elegant matrix form as
d M n.S/ .Q2 / AnqG 2 nf AnqNq M n.S/ .Q2 /
D : (6.11.30)
d M nG .Q2 / AnGq AnGG M nG .Q2 /
1 .n An / Bn
M Dp ;
n n /Bn
n A n / B n
1 1 Bn Bn
M Dp ; (6.11.33)
n n /Bn
n An / .n An /
n D An C Dn ˙ .An C Dn /2 4 .An Dn Bn Cn /
D An C Dn ˙ .An Dn /2 C 4 Bn Cn : (6.11.34)
454 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
16 nf
2 D 0;
2 D ; i.e., C
2 2 > 0; (6.11.35)
9 3
2 A2 / D nf =3; .C
2 A2 / D 16=9; B2 D nf =3; (6.11.36)
n n > 0; .˙
n An / ¤ 0; Bn > 0; for n D 2; 3; : : : < 1; (6.11.37)
A strictly negative upper bound for C
n , and a lower bound for n are also given in
Problem 6.19.
6.11 Deep Inelastic Scattering: QCD Corrections 455
Œ : 1 D .
n An /M
.Q2o /CBn M nG .Q2o /; (6.11.43)
Œ : 2 D C .C
n An /M
.Q2o /Bn M nG .Q2o /; (6.11.44)
n An /
Œ : 3 D C Œ : 1 ; (6.11.45)
n An /
Œ : 4 D C Œ : 2 : (6.11.46)
M nG .Q2 / ! 0; Q2 ! 1: (6.11.48)
P 2
This does not mean that the underlying densities : q Œ fq .x; Q / C
fqN .x; Q2 / ; fG .x; Q2 /, vanish for large momentum transfer squared, but that they
become mainly concentrated near x D 0, such that when multiplied by x n1 , for
n 3, they give very small contributions to the corresponding moments in the sense
of distributions. Such a behavior of these densities having large contributions near
x D 0, at high momentum transfer squared Q2 , is well supported experimentally.
It signals the fact that correspondingly a large number of partons may acquire only
infinitesimally small fractions of the momentum of the proton to sum up to one, at
high momentum transfer squared Q2 .
We note that (6.11.25) is also valid for n D 1, for which A1qG D A1qN G D 0
(see (6.11.11)). From the definition of the moments in (6.11.6), this then gives
Z 1 Z 1
dx Œ fq .x; Q2 / fqN .x; Q2 / D dx Œ fq .x; Q2o / fqN .x; Q2o / : (6.11.49)
0 0
That is, the net number of quarks-antiquarks, of any given flavor, is conserved. In
addition to the three basic quarks in a proton, there may be an arbitrary number
of quark-antiquark of various flavors, within the proton, as the momentum transfer
squared Q2 is increased. We may also sum over all quarks and antiquarks to obtain
456 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
16 2.S/ 2 nf
M .Q / MG2 .Q2 / ! 0; Q2 ! 1; (6.11.53)
9 3
which together (6.11.26), (6.11.27), lead finally from (6.11.52) to
Z 1 X 3 nf
dx x fq .x; Q2 / ! ; (6.11.54)
0 q
32 C 6 nf
Z 1 X 3 nf
dx x fqN .x; Q2 / ! ; (6.11.55)
0 32 C 6 nf
Z 1
dx x fG .x; Q2 / ! ; (6.11.56)
0 32 C 6 nf
simply exchanging particle with antiparticle q.x/ $ q.x/, where we have used the
identity 2 . 2 /> D I.
The need of considering only a classical such field will become clear below as we will be working
with functional derivatives with respect to external sources or equivalently in the path integral
This was suggested in a remarkable paper by Brown and Weisberger [26]. For details of the
Foldy-Wouthuysen-Tani transformation see Bjorken and Drell [20, pp. 46–52] and Manoukian
[87, pp. 944–947].
C D CD , 0 are given, respectively, in (I.16), (I.8) in the Dirac representation in Appendix I at
the end of the book.
458 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
Z x0 0 0
S.x; y/ D i expŒCi g d A0 .; x/ ı .3/ .x y/ eiM.x y / .x 0 y 0 /;
y0 C
Z x0
expŒCi g d A0 .; x/
y0 C
X Z x0 Z n Z 2
D .Ci g/n d n d n1 : : : d1 Œ A0 . n ; x/ : : : A0 .1 ; x/ : (6.12.7)
n0 y0 y0 y0
We recall that in a time-ordered product, one orders the product with the term at the
latest time first, from the left. Also note that x0 n n1 : : : 1 y0 .
Note that although components of the fields Ac0 .; x/, as classical fields in the path
integral expression or as functional derivatives, commute for different values of ,
the time ordering “C” in (6.12.6), is necessary due to the non-commutativity of the
group matrices t c .
Differentiation with respect to x 0 gives (see Problem 6.20)
Z x0
@0 expŒ C i g d A0 .; x/
y0 C
Z x0
D i g A0 .x 0 ;x/ expŒ C i g d A0 .; x/ ; x 0 > y 0; (6.12.8)
y0 C
6.12 From the Schwinger Line-Integral to the Wilson Loop and How the latter. . . 459
Z x0 0 0
S.x; y/ D i expŒCi g d A 0 .; x/ ı .3/ .x y/ eiM.x y / ™.x 0 y 0 /;
y0 C
Z x0 h Z x0 i>
exp Œ i g dA 0 .; x/ D exp Œi g dA 0 .; x/ ; (6.12.10)
y0 C y0
h Z x0 i Z x0
exp Œ i g dA0 .; x/ D exp Œi g dA0 .; x/ ; (6.12.11)
y0 C y0
Z x0
expŒi g d A0 .; x/
X Z x0 Z n Z 2
D .i g/n d n d n1 : : : d1 Œ A0 .1 ; x/ : : : A0 .n ; x/ : (6.12.12)
n0 y0 y0 y0
Box 6.3: We have introduced a unified notation for ordering and anti-ordering along a line .0; R/
in the same way as done for the time variable. Here
A .t; x/ A .t; a/; V.t; a/ D expŒ i c .t; a/ tc ; x D .a; 0; 0/
h˙ .T; aI 0; a/ expŒ ˙ i g d A0 .; a/ ; T >0
0 ˙
h˙ .t; RI t; 0/ expŒ ˙ i g d A1 .t; / ; R>0
0 ˙
hC .t; aI 0; a/ D igA0 .t; a/hC .t; aI 0; a/; (6.12.14)
dV.t; a/ 1
V .t; a/ .@ 0 V.t; a//V 1 .t; a/ D V.t; a/@ 0 V 1 .t; a/; (6.12.15)
we have
d h d i
QC .t/ D V.t; a/ C V.t; a/ ig A0 .t; a/ V 1 .t; a/V.t; a/ h.t; aI 0; a/
dt dt
h @ 0 i 1
D ig V.t; a/ A0 .t; a/ V .t; a/ QC .t/ igAV0 .t; a/ QC .t/;
QC .T/ D exp i g d AV0 .t; a/ QC .0/ hV .t; aI 0; a/ V.0; a/; (6.12.17)
0 C
thus defining hV .t; aI 0; a/. Upon multiplying the above equation from the right by
V 1 .0; a/ and using the definition of QC .T/ in (6.12.13), the first transformation
rule in Box 6.3 follows. The proof of the other three transformations are very similar
(see Problem 6.21).
6.12 From the Schwinger Line-Integral to the Wilson Loop and How the latter. . . 461
where the kernel C.0; R/ will be specified below consistent with gauge invariance.
Consider the amplitude
G.T 0; T RI 0 R; 0 0/ D h T j 0 i (6.12.20)
D hvacj q.T; 0/D Œ C .T; R/ DC qC .T; R/ qB .0; R/ Œ C.0; R/ BA q A .0; 0/ jvaci:
The basic idea is to ensure that this provides a gauge invariant expression.
From the explicit expressions of the amplitudes for T > 0 obtained, respectively,
from the propagators84 in (6.12.6) and (6.12.9)
hvacjqC .T; R/ qB .0; R/jvacinorm ! ŒhC .T; RI 0; R/CB ; (6.12.22)
hvacjq D .T; 0/ q A .0; 0/jvacinorm ! Œh .T; 0I 0; 0/AD ; (6.12.23)
Œ C.0; R/ BA D Œ hC .0; RI 00/ BA; Œ C .T; R/ DC D Œ h .T; RI T0/ DC ;
G.T 0; T RI 0 0; 0 R/
! Œ h .T; 0I 00/ AD Œ h .T; RI T0/ DC Œ hC .T; RI 0; R/ CB Œ hC .0; RI 00/ BA
Tr exp i g dx A .x/ ; (6.12.25)
Recall that the propagator for a fermion field is defined by S.x; x0 / D ihvacj .x/ .x0 / jvaci,
0 00
for x > x , and for a properly normalized vacuum state, see, e.g., (3.6.21).
These expressions will be applied in a discrete formulation of spacetime.
462 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
WŒC; A D Tr exp i g dx A .x/ ; (6.12.26)
is the celebrated Wilson loop and is automatically gauge invariant since the initial
and end points of the path C coincide (a closed loop) due to the nature of the
trace operation. We see how the Wilson loop emerges from Schwinger line-integrals
associated with the quark and antiquark propagators and by finally invoking gauge
invariance, giving rise to four Schwinger line-integrals going around in a closed
loop. The “C” operation, now, simply orders the group matrices ta around the
loop. The closed loop, described by the curve C, is shown in Fig. 6.17.
We were in the course of defining the transformation function h T j 0 i, where
the states j 0 i, j T i are defined in (6.12.18), (6.12.19), corresponding to an
antiquark set at .0; 0; 0/ and a quark set at .R; 0; 0/. We recall that fields may
create various particles out of the vacuum in addition, in general, to creating the
particle corresponding to it. Thus the state h T j, for example, in addition to a
quark and an antiquark, held at R and 0, respectively, at time T, may also involve
other complicated configurations. With this in mind, we may insert a completeness
relation in the definition of the above Green function in (6.12.20), to write
h T j 0 i D eiEn T h 0 jnihnj 0i: (6.12.27)
To extract the total energy of the “heavy” quark-antiquark pair,86 as just described
above, we may make the replacement T ! i T, and subsequently let T ! 1,
isolating the contribution of the lowest-energy intermediate state. In this limit, we
obtain from (6.12.27)
h T j 0 i ! eE.R/T ; T ! 1; h 0 j 0 i D 1; (6.12.28)
Recall that the masses were taken to be large, and hence the kinetic energy p2 =2M of each
particles goes to zero, as obtained from the limit of the relativistic energy, and only the mass M
survives in the latter.
6.13 Lattices and Quark Confinement 463
where E.R/ provides the leading contribution to the sum over the intermediate
states having the expected expression
and the result follows from the unitarity of the matrices. Since in the final analysis
to follow, the problem is formulated in terms of pure gauge fields, the additive 2M
term in (6.12.29), remnant of the Fermi fields, may be omitted subsequently, and one
may introduce a corresponding normalization factor in the definition of the vacuum
To extract the potential in question, we are led to consider the expression
I ˇ
1 ˇ ı
Tr exp i g dx A0 .x/ h 0C j 0 iJ ˇ ; A0 .:/ tc .i/ ;
h 0C j 0 iJ C C JD0 ıJc .:/
In the limit M ! 1 closed fermion loops vanish.
464 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
role of a cut-off. We will see that the lattice description gives a rise to a method for
studying the strong coupling limit of QCD. The investigation of the strong coupling
is relevant physically as it is expected that the effective coupling of QCD becomes
strong at distances large enough for the confinement of quarks within hadrons. Thus
this method provides a self-consistent method for the investigation of the problem
of quark confinement. From the extrapolation between this strong coupling limit
and the weak coupling one, emerging from the asymptotic free theory description,
one may be optimistic that one is dealing with the same theory observed at different
energy scales with a corresponding effective coupling.
To construct a lattice, with lattice spacing a, pick a point x in 4D Euclidean
space and draw a line of length a in a given direction and another one in its opposite
direction. Repeat this in the remaining mutually perpendicular directions. The end
points of every such lines will then provide a starting point, as x was, for repeating
the same procedure in a self evident way. This is shown in parts (a) and (b) of
Fig. 6.18. The points of intersections of the lines generated are referred to as lattice
sites. A line connecting two lattice sites is called a link. A 2D dimensional square
of area a2 bounded by four links is referred to as a plaquette as shown in parts (b)
and (c) of Fig. 6.18. No additional details on lattice description will be needed in the
We introduce an appropriate gauge invariant action integral, in Euclidean space,
for the gauge field in lattice theory. To this end, we define four ordered Schwinger
line-integrals U.`i / along the links `1 ; `2 ; `3 ; `4 , in given fixed directions of
vector components specified by the indices, , and made evident by the definition
of the links:
U.`i / D expŒ i a g A.`i / C ; (6.13.1)
where the A.`i / are integrals defined below. We suppress the other two variables
along directions perpendicular to the directions specified by the indices and .
(b) (c)
(a) μ
−a 3
−a x +a 4 2
+a A Link 1
−a A Plaquette
A Plaquette
Lattice Site
Fig. 6.18 Construction of a lattice, with part (b) showing part of a 3 D version of a lattice
6.13 Lattices and Quark Confinement 465
Z xCa
@A .x; y/ a2 @A .x; y/
A.`3 / D dx A .x; y C a/ ! a A .x; y/ a2 ;
x @y 2 @x
Z yCa
a2 @A .x; y/
A.`4 / D dy A .x; y/ ! a A .x; y/ ; (6.13.5)
y 2 @y
and define
1 X
Sp D ˇ 1 Re.Wp / ; SEuc D Sp ; (6.13.8)
N p
where the latter sum is over lattice points, and where ˇ is a parameter to be specified
below, we obtain for a ! 0
Sp ! ˇ a4 Tr ŒG2 ; (6.13.9)
where we have used the fact that TrŒ tc D 0, Tr I D N for the SU.N/ group, and
recall that TrŒ tc td D ıcd =2. Hence upon approximating the sum over all plaquettes
466 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
a4 p with a spacetime integral in Euclidean space, we see that for a ! 0,
g2 1
SEuc ! ˇ .dx/Euc Tr ŒG .x/G .x/; (6.13.10)
2N 2
where the 1=2 factor in the integral arises because of the symmetry under the
interchange of and . Thus SEuc in (6.13.8) defines an appropriate expression
for the action integral in lattice theory, with
ˇ D 2N=g2 : (6.13.11)
With the strategy of obtaining a gauge invariant procedure for evaluating the
expression in (6.12.32), involving the Wilson loop, integrations over the vector fields
are replaced by integrations over Schwinger line-integral associated with all the
links in the lattice, involving the vector field. That is, we introduce a measure of
integration defined as a product involving all the links in the lattice normalized to
dŒ U D ˘`i dU.`i /; dŒ U D 1; (6.13.12)
and develop integration theory over such links by a gauge invariant procedure. This
is done in a straightforward manner as follows. Consider the integral
dŒ U U.`j /: (6.13.13)
This is clearly not gauge invariant unless it is identically equal to zero. According to
Box 6.3, U.`j / has a well defined gauge transformation, and hence gauge invariance
alone implies that the above integral must be zero. On the hand, consider the integral
dŒ U Œ U.`i / AB Œ U .`j /CD : (6.13.14)
According to the previous integral, this is zero unless `i and `j denote the same
link. Thus the above integral must be proportional to ı`i `j . The above integral, in
turn, is gauge invariant for B D C or for D D A. For B D C, summed over,
Œ U.`i / AB Œ U .`i / BD D ıAD . Accordingly the above integral must be proportional
to ıBC ıAD ı`i `j . Since the trace of the identity matrix is equal to N, for the SU.N/
group, the above integral is equal to ıBC ıAD ı`i `j =N. Summarizing then, we have the
following elementary integration rules for integrations over the links in the lattice
dŒ U D 1; dŒ U U.`i / D 0; dŒ U Œ U.`i / AB Œ U .`j / CD D ıBC ıAD ı`i `j :
6.13 Lattices and Quark Confinement 467
These are the only three integrations rules we will need in the sequel. In particular,
we learn:
(i) The integral over every link vanishes.
(ii) For every integral involving a link factor U.`j /, we need a compensating factor
U .`j / to obtain a non-zero value for the integral.
(iii) The integral involving the pairing of two such factors, for each link, gives rise
to a factor of 1=N.
Thus we are led to consider the integral
h WŒ C; A i D dŒ U WŒ C; A exp Œ SEuc ; ZD dŒ U exp Œ SEuc ;
where WŒ C; A is defined in Fig. 6.17, and the factor 1=N is a conventional factor,
whose significance will emerge naturallyPbelow.
Clearly the constant factor exp Œ p ˇ in exp Œ SEuc , with SEuc defined
in (6.13.8), will cancel out in the numerator and the denominator in (6.13.16).
Hence we may replace exp Œ SEuc by ˘p exp Œ .ˇ=2N/.Wp C Wp1 / in the latter
equation, where we have used the fact that Re Œ Wp D .Wp CWp1 /=2, and note that
the plaquette is traversed in Wp1 in opposite direction to that of Wp , ˇN D 2N=g2 .
In the strong coupling limit
h 1
i 1
exp Wp C W ! 1 C .Wp C Wp1 /: (6.13.17)
g2 p
The area of each plaquette, being equal to a2 , the Wilson loop going around the
sides of a rectangle of area R T, together with the elementary integration rules in
(i) - (iii), spelled out above, dictate that we must have L M plaquettes filling the
area enclosed by the Wilson rectangle, where L D R=a, M D T=a. We may break
the Wilson loop into the product of ordered Schwinger line-integrals going around
c.c.w., and every link, specified by U.`i / in the Wilson loop, will then have exactly
a partner U.`i / , coming from one of the sides of a plaquette touching the contour
of the Wilson loop at the link `i in question, as shown in part (a) of Fig. 6.19. Hence
to the leading order in the strong coupling, only the product of L M plaquettes,
arranged as shown in part (a) in Fig. 6.19, will contribution to (6.13.8).
Since we have precisely the product of L M plaquettes, we may infer
from (6.13.17), that h WŒ C; A i in (6.13.16), involves a factor .1=g2/LM . Also at
each link, due to the pairings U.`i / U .`i / for each link, as given by the rule of
integration (ii) earlier, we get a factor .1=N/.2LMCLCM/ , where .2LM C L C M/
denotes the number of links in the two dimensional rectangle of L M plaquettes
within the Wilson loop (see Fig. 6.19). Due to the fact that the group generators are
N N matrices, and hence the trace of the identity matrix, obtained by contracting
the Kronecker delta indices in rule (ii) of integration above, is equal to N, i.e.,
468 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
Number of plaquettes = LM
(3 × 4 = 12)
Number of sites = (L + 1)(M + 1)
(4 × 5 = 20)
Number of links = (2LM + L + M )
(24 + 3 + 4 = 31)
Number of plaquettes =
Number of links − Number of sites + 1
Fig. 6.19 Part (a) shows the pairings U.`i /, U .`i / that occur for each link by an example. Part
(b) facilitates counting the number of links and sites encountered in the problem by an example.
The area of the Wilson rectangle, in this presentation, is actually equal to R T, with R units
horizontally and T units vertically, L D R=a, M D T=a
equivalently there are N “colors”, per quark, associated with each lattice site, we
also get a factor N for each site, i.e., a factor N .LC1/.MC1/ . That is in the strong
coupling limit, on account of Z ! 1, (6.13.16) becomes
V.R/ D KR; KD ln.Ng2 /; N D 3 for the SU.3/ group; (6.13.19)
giving a linearly rising potential in the separation distance R between the pair. It
takes an unlimited energy to separate the pair by an unlimited distance. K is referred
to as the string tension. This is in analogy to the situation where the two particles
are joined by a string, with K D V.R/=R denoting the fixed energy per unit length
of the string, which is its tension. A rough estimate of K may be obtained by taking
V to be of the order of the rest energy of a proton 1 GeV, and R to be its size
1 fm 5=GeV, giving K 0:2 GeV2 .
With the inverse of the lattice spacing 1=a formally playing the role of an
ultraviolet cut-off, one may use (6.7.17) for the beta function, to relate the coupling,
in the weak coupling case, to the lattice spacing:
dg2.a/ ˇ0 4
a D g .a/; (6.13.20)
da 2
6.14 The Electroweak Theory I 469
aD exp Œ 2=ˇ 0 g2 ; (6.13.21)
In the present section, we develop the celebrated electroweak theory, starting from
the early classic Fermi theory of weak interactions. The electroweak theory is based
on the product symmetry groups SU.2/ U.1/ which is spontaneously broken to
See, e.g., Kogut [72], Kogut et al. [73], and Creutz [32].
See, e.g., Guth [60] and Lautrup and Nauenberg [76].
470 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
the U.1/ group. We then discuss how a key parameter “sin2 W ” in the electroweak
theory, where W is referred to as the Weinberg angle or the weak-mixing angle,
is experimentally determined. In the classic electroweak theory the neutrino masses
are set equal to zero. Because of this, we elaborate on how the masses of neutrinos
may be generated, and develop as well a straightforward theoretical description
of “neutrino oscillations” experiments which have become quite popular in recent
years providing a clear indication of neutrino mass differences.
The pioneering work on the weak interaction theory goes back to Fermi [38, 39] in
an attempt to describe ˇ decay: n ! p C e C Q e , incorporating Pauli’s postulated
particle earlier in (1930), which Pauli90 called neutron, while Fermi referred to it
later as the neutrino. Now this particle is referred to as the anti-neutrino due to the
fact that different lepton numbers are assigned to the neutrino and anti-neutrino,
consistent with other reactions, and due the opposite helicities carried by them. The
energy of the electron produced in the reaction, from a decaying neutron at rest,
varied significantly experimentally up to the maximum energy Ee D .Mn2 Mp2 C
m2e /=2Mn , where the latter expression corresponds to the (hypothetical) reaction
involving no (anti-) neutrino, and it was accordingly expected that the neutrino is
extremely light. Thus Pauli considered it as small but actually non-zero.91
Fermi described weak interactions, by taking the interaction Hamiltonian density
to involve the product of four fermions at a point92 having the structure HI
GF Œ. 1 Oi 2 /. 3 Oi 4 / C h:c: where the Oi are, in general, expressed in terms
of gamma matrices, and GF is the Fermi coupling consistently given by GF D
1:166 105 =GeV2 . The latter constant has dimensionality of Œmass2 . Thus on
dimensional grounds, a typical cross section for the scattering of four fermions will
have the behavior .GF /2 E2 , where E is the energy associated with the process,
while a formal partial wave analysis gives . 1=E2 . This unitarity bound would
then be violated for E & .GF /1=2 300 GeV. On the other hand consider some
low orders radiative contributions to the scattering of four fermions in part (a) of
Fig. 6.20.
By assigning a dimension E1 to every fermion propagator, and a dimension E4
to every loop integration, in part (a) of Fig. 6.20, we see that even when there are no
derivative couplings, the degree of divergences of the diagrams, including radiative
See Pauli [96] for the historical account. The experimental discovery of the neutrino was made
by Reines and Cowan [104].
In this respect, see also Perrin [97] and Fermi [38, 39].
A quick review of the part relevant to the weak interaction in the introductory chapter in the book
is recommended.
6.14 The Electroweak Theory I 471
+ + +
+ + +
Fig. 6.20 (a) The degrees of divergence increase with order of perturbation theory in this four
fermion scattering with a four-fermi-interaction at a point without a bound. (b) Unless the
longitudinal part of the propagator of the massive vector boson (represented by a wavy line) hitting
a vertex vanishes, the same behavior occurs as in (a). The longitudinal part will not contribute if
the vector boson is coupled to a conserved current
It behaves like k k =k2 M 2 for k2 ! 1.
472 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
generalization, where the vector bosons of the theory are a priori massless so that
problems arising from longitudinal components of massive ones are avoided, is to
be expected.
The idea of weak and electromagnetic unification was first advanced by
Schwinger [109] involving vector bosons, and that vacuum expectation values of
scalar fields could provide a way of breaking symmetries and generate masses for
fermions.94 In 1961, Glashow95 proposed an SU.2/ U.1/ gauge symmetry for
such a model. To deal with the problem of the masses of the vector bosons, Weinberg
[120] and independently Salam [107] proposed a renormalizable theory in which the
vector bosons are taken to be massless in the action integral, and acquire masses,
by spontaneous symmetry breaking, via the so-called Higgs mechanism, where the
Higgs boson field has a non-vanishing vacuum expectation value. The associated
photon field, however, remains massless, as it should, and the SU.2/ U.1/
gauge symmetry is spontaneously broken to the U(1) gauge symmetry of phase
transformations of QED. This theory is popularly known as the Weinberg-Salam
electroweak theory. The meaning of all this seemingly complicated “language”, but
hopefully and eventually comprehensible for the reader, will be spelled out, together
with some of the extensions of this theory, in the remaining sections of this chapter.
With the discovery of violation of parity96 and the observation in the 1950s
that neutrinos are left-handed (and hence the anti-neutrinos are right-handed),97
the leptonic current corresponding to the outgoing electron and the anti-neutrino
in ˇ decay was taken as J D e .1 5 /. To explain some processes which
were observed not to happen,98 such as ! e C , and describe other
processes, which happened, such as ! e C C , Q it was inferred that there
is a different99 neutrino associated with e , , and different quantum labelings
(lepton numbers) (Table 6.1) were assigned to the pairs .e ; e /, . ; /, with
electronic lepton-number : Le D C1, and muonic lepton-number : L D C1, “1”
for their respective anti-particles. Separate conservation laws of electronic-type
leptons and muonic-type leptons were then assumed. This, for example, explained
why processes such as Q C p ! eC C n were not observed, while processes such
as Q C p ! C C n did happen. Landau [74], Lee and Yang [78], Salam [106],
and Wu et al. [122] assumed that the neutrino is massless. The left-handedness of
the neutrino was concluded in an experiment by Goldhaber et al. in 1958 [57]. By
the late fifties, Feynman and Gell-Mann [43] and Sudarshan and Marshak [113]
suggested that all the particles massive and massless are to be taken to be left-handed
Martin and Glashow [88], p.16. That such a unification may lead to a renormalizable theory was
expressed by Glashow in his Ph.D. thesis in 1958 as a graduate student of Schwinger.
Glashow [55].
For the experiment, see Wu et al. [122].
The experiment was carried by Goldhaber et al. in 1958 [57].
An upper bound for the branching ratio for the decay rates is . ! e C /= . !
all/ < 2:4 1012 , at 90% confidence level (see [17]).
The observation that there are different types of neutrinos was made by Danby et al. [33].
6.14 The Electroweak Theory I 473
from which the decay process may extracted, and the Fermi constant may be
determined experimentally.100
After the discovery of parity violation, as discussed above, the charge exchanging
interaction between leptons and hadrons, prior to the birth of the electroweak theory,
was taken to have the structure
p GF e .1 5 /e C .1 5 / J h C h:c:; (6.14.2)
involving left-handed leptons (and right-handed for their anti-particles), where J h
is a hadronic current to be specified later, with an inherit universality of the processes
involving the pairs .e ; e / and . ; / with equal strength, as shown by the
common coupling constant GF . Upon including the pair . ; /, using the anti-
commutativity of 5 with the gamma matrices, and using the notation
`1 D ; `2 D ; `3 D ; (6.14.3)
e L
The decay rate of the muon is investigated in Problem 6.24.
474 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
where L stands for left-handed, we may write the charge leptonic-current as101
X 1 i
J D `i T `i ; T˙ D T1 ˙ i T2; Ti D ; (6.14.4)
with the i denoting the Pauli matrices,102 taking into account of the fact that the
neutrinos have no charges. Invoking different lepton-number conservation, and due
to the very structure of the charge current in (6.14.4), these left handed lepton pairs
are considered, in a simplest possible way, as doublets of an SU.2/ group, referred
to as weak iso-doublets, with the latter group often denoted by SU.2/L to remind
us that these lepton doublets are left-handed. In setting up the original electroweak
theory, the neutrinos were assumed to be massless, as we do here,103 thus parity
violation allows only one helicity for them and the underlying theory would not
involve right-handed neutrinos. Accordingly, the right-handed leptons e
R , R , and
R , respectively, would not have right-handed neutrinos to be paired with and they
are considered as singlets under the group. It is convenient to denote the charged
right-handed leptons by ri ; i D 1; 2; 3. The transformation rules for a (left-handed)
iso-doublet `, is given by
` ! ei #T `; TD ; (6.14.5)
and, of course, the right-handed ones do not respond to the transformations, i.e., r !
r. The weak isospin quantum number of the doublets is given by IL D 1=2, with
the third components of weak isospin for the upper and lower entries given by I3 D
˙1=2, respectively. On the other hand, IR D 0. In terms of the electromagnetic
charge Q and the third components of the weak isospin I3 , we have the following
equation for the left-handed (L) and right-handed (R) leptons:
L W Q D I3 ; R W Q D I3 1 .I3 D 0/: (6.14.6)
This set of equations “cries out loud” to introduce a new quantum number, which
we denote by Y, and rewrite the above equations simply as (Table 6.2)
Q D I3 C Y; L W Y D 1; R W Y D 2: (6.14.7)
In this section, we avoid using the standard notation D =2 to avoid confusion with the
notation used for the tau particle.
In Sect. 6.1, we have seen that the Pauli matrices (divided by two) are generators of SU.2/
The problem of the neutrino masses, together with the fact they are small, is addressed in
Sect. 6.14.3 of the present section.
6.14 The Electroweak Theory I 475
Table 6.2 Electroweak quantum numbers of the leptons in the Standard Model. The anti-particles
have the same I but upposite Q, I3 (for Q ¤ 0; I3 ¤ 0), and Y D 2.Q I3 /
Particle I I3 Q Y
.` L ; `
L / 1=2 .C1=2; 1=2/ .0; 1/ 1
R 0 0 1 2
This new quantum number is called weak hypercharge. In turn, this suggests to
introduce the new symmetry group U.1/Y to account for this quantum number.
The combined symmetry group generated thus far is then SU.2/L U.1/Y , with Y
corresponding to the weak hypercharge. Since the weak hypercharge of the right-
handed leptons ri is twice as that of the left-handed ones `i , we have the following
transformation rules corresponding to the U.1/Y group as phase transformations
1X i 1 1 X
L1 D G G i F F `i D `i C ri D 0 ri C h:c: ;
4 i 4 2 i
@ g0 @
D D C B g T W ; D 0 D C g 0 B ; F D @ B @ B ;
i 2 i
necessarily involving two coupling parameters .g; g 0 / for the product of two
Recall that the structure constants of SU.2/ are
abc .
476 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
To extract the physics from the Lagrangian density, we use, in the process, the
1 1
T W D p T W C T C W C T3 W3 ; W D p W1 C i W2 ;
2 2
W D p W1 i W2 ; D L
R: (6.14.13)
By expressing the two fields B , W3 , in terms of two other fields, together with
the definitions that follow
where T ˙ are defined in (6.14.4), the Lagrangian density (6.14.9) that describes the
interaction of the leptons with the vector bosons may be written as
1 X g0 i
L10 D `i g T W B `i g 0 ri ri B C h:c:
2 i 2
D g sin W ei ei A C
g sin W ei ˛e ˇe 5 /ei C ˛ i 1 5 /i Z
g h i
C p eiL iL W C iL eiL W : (6.14.16)
The first term in the summand on the right-hand side of the above equation,
describes the interaction of a neutral vector field A with the right-handed as well
as the left-handed components of the electron, muon and the tau particles, and does
not interact with the neutrinos. Accordingly, the latter field denotes the photon field,
provided it does not acquire mass by symmetry breaking, which will be investigated
next, and the combination g sin W necessarily denotes the electron charge e. This
together with the expressions of the parameters ˛e ; ˇe ; ˛ in (6.14.16) are given by
e D g sin W D g 0 cos W ; .3 tan W cot W /;
˛e D (6.14.17)
1 1
ˇe D ˛ ; ˛ D .tan W C cot W / D : (6.14.18)
4 4 sin W cos W
Note that L=R D. L=R / .
6.14 The Electroweak Theory I 477
D L R C R L; (6.14.19)
L`˚ D i eiR C h:c: : (6.14.21)
ei L
From the doublet transformation rules, under SU.2/L U.1/Y , we must have
! ei'.x/n =2 ; (6.14.22)
0 0
!e iˇ.x/=2
: (6.14.23)
0 0
m2 1
V.˚˚/ D ˚ ˚ C .˚ ˚/2 ; m2 > 0; > 0: (6.14.24)
2 4
It is precisely because of this that the pure neutral leptonic current, for example, involving the
electron, as discussed in Sect. 6.14.2, facilitates one to determine sin2 W experimentally.
See (6.14.7), (6.14.8).
478 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
and subtract it from the Lagrangian density. The negative sign of the first term is
important for spontaneous symmetry breaking and generation of masses of particles.
Working in the tree approximation (i.e., with no radiative corrections), the stationary
point of the potential is given by
v2 v m2
hvacj˚ jvacihvacj˚jvaci ; and p D : (6.14.25)
2 2
As a matter of fact, we can always108 find a real field '.x/, a unit vector n, and
a real field ˇ.x/, such that the transformations in (6.14.22), (6.14.23) reduce the
doublet in (6.14.20) to the form
! ; (6.14.26)
0 Q 0
where Q 0 is a Hermitian field, referred to as the Higgs boson field, and the vacuum
expectation values of Q 0 , and Q C are given by
˝ ˇ ˇ E v ˝ ˇ ˇ ˛
vacˇQ 0 ˇvac D p ; and vacˇQ C ˇvac D 0; (6.14.27)
Since a priori no right-handed neutrinos were included in the theory, the neutrinos
do not acquire a mass.
The interaction of the vector bosons with the Higgs field arises through the
standard expression
ˇ @ g 0 ˇˇ2
Lvec:bosons;ˆ D ˇ gW T C B ˚ ˇ : (6.14.29)
i 2
See Problem 6.22.
Here we have used the facts that eR=L eR=L D 0, as a consequence of the facts that f 5 ; 0 g D
0, and . 5 /2 D I.
6.14 The Electroweak Theory I 479
From the latter term in the Lagrangian density (in the unitary gauge), the following
expression emerges for the mass terms of the vector bosons
ˇ @ g0 0 ˇ2
ˇ ˇ
ˇ gW T C B v ˇ
i 2 p
v 2 g2 1 2
D W W C .g C g 0 2 /Z Z : (6.14.30)
2 2 4
The acquired masses of the vector bosons are then given by .g2 Cg 0 2 D g2 sec2 W /
v v
MW D jgj; MZ D jg sec W j; M D 0; (6.14.31)
2 2
where we note that W is a complex field, while Z is a real one, which explains
the presence of the overall 1=2 factors in the above equations. As the photon field
A does not appear on the extreme right-hand side of (6.14.30), the photon remains
The numerical value of the vacuum expectation value of the Higgs boson field
v= 2 may be readily estimated as follows. By using the fact the propagator of the
now massive vector boson W propagator 4C .q2 / approaches110: ˛ˇ =MW 2
at low
2 2
energies jq j << MW , we may infer from the last expression on the right-hand side
of (6.14.16), that the exchange of W vector boson at low energy between, eL and
L type leptons, may be described by the effective Lagrangian density
g 2 1 h 5 ih
15 i
Le;eff D p 2
e e C h:c: : (6.14.32)
2 MW 2 2
g2 p
D 2 GF : (6.14.33)
4M W
From this equation and the first equality in (6.14.31), we obtain the following key
estimate in the electroweak theory
vD p ' 246 GeV: (6.14.34)
2 GF
See (4.7.20).
Note that each .1 5 / in (6.14.32) is divided by a factor of 2 which accounts for the factor
Eq. (6.14.31) and the first equality in (6.14.17), give the following masses for the
vector bosons
v ˇˇ e ˇˇ ˇ e ˇ
ˇ ˇ
MW D ˇ ˇ; MZ D v ˇ ˇ: (6.14.35)
2 sin W sin 2W
This provides the following estimates for the masses of the vector bosons
in (6.14.35): MW ' 77:4 GeV, MZ ' 88:3 GeV. On the other hand, taking
the value of the effective fine-structure to be ˛ ' 1=128, as determined 113
at energies of the order 91 GeV, as discussed earlier below Eq. (5.19.9) and
investigated theoretically in Sect. 5.19.2, gives for the masses estimates of the
order 80:1 GeV; 91:4 GeV, respectively, which are comparable to experimental
An expression for the Higgs boson mass may be obtained from the p potential
˝ ˇ(6.14.24)
˛ by working in the unitary gauge. Upon writing ˚ . C v/= 2, with
vacˇjvac D 0, we then have
ˇ ˇˇ 1
V.˚ ˚/ˇ D . C v/2 2 C 2v v 2 ˇ D v 2 2 ; (6.14.37)
mass 16 mass 4
from which we may extract the mass of the Higgs boson to be
MH D v ; (6.14.38)
where is undetermined.115
In setting up the electroweak theory, we recall that it was originally assumed
that the neutrinos were massless, left-handed, and we have seen that the absence
of right-handed components in the theory precludes the neutrinos from acquiring
a mass. The problem of neutrino masses and their small values is investigated
in Sect. 6.14.3. This is followed by Sect. 6.14.4 dealing with neutrino oscillations
which is relevant to the masses of neutrinos. First, however, we consider an
experimental determination of sin2 W .
Vilain et al. [119].
See, e.g., Mele [89], Erler [36], and Beringer et al. [17].
See, e.g., Eidelman et al. [35].
If one is to rely on the validity of perturbation, and restricts
.0; 1/, then formally for '
1=2, for example, (6.14.34)/(6.14.38) give the value MH ' 123 GeV. The coupling is, however,
constrained by renormalization restrictions.
6.14 The Electroweak Theory I 481
The interaction Lagrangian density for the description of purely leptonic neutral
current, i.e., via the exchange of only the Z vector boson, processes involving the
following neutrinos-electron scattering : C e ! C e , Q C e ! Q C e ,
e C e ! e C e , Q e C e ! Q e C e , may be extracted from (6.14.16) to be
e e
D g sin W e ˛e ˇe 5 /e C ˛ 1 5 / C ˛ e 1 5 /e Z :
which leads to
e e
D MZ . 2GF / 1=2 5
e .gV gA /e C L L C eL eL Z :
For low energy scattering of the above scattering processes in question, we may
replace the Z propagator by ˛ˇ =MZ2 , and the W propagator by ˛ˇ =MZ2 . Thus the
following effective interaction Lagrangian density emerges for corresponding to the
exchange of the vector bosons Z and W :
ˇ p
e e
ˇ D 2 GF e .gV gA 5 /e L L C eL eL ; (6.14.45)
ˇ p
.W/ ˇ
Le e ˇ D 2 2 GF eL eL eL eL ; (6.14.46)
482 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
where in writing the last equation, we have used the classic Fierz identity (see, e.g.,
Appendix A of Chapter 8 in Vol. II), and the anti-commutativity of the fermion
fields, to write (see Problem 6.23)
eL eL eL eL D eL eL eL eL : (6.14.47)
Therefore the total effective interaction Lagrangian density for the processes
mentioned in the beginning of this subsection is given by
eff D 2 GF e .gV gA 5 /e L L
p h i
C 2 GF e ŒgV C 1 ŒgA C 1 5 e eL eL ; (6.14.48)
Vilain et al. [119].
These are obtained in the same way, e.g, as the differential cross section in Sect. 5.9.3. See
’t Hooft [116].
The value of gA is consistent with the theoretical value of 1= 2.
See, e.g., Davis et al. [34], Hirata et al. [65], Fukuda et al. [50], Ambrosio et al. [7],
Athanassopoulos et al. [12], and Cleveland et al. [31]. The latter, in particular, is consistent with
neutrino oscillations experiments which have been acknowledged by the 2015 Nobel Prize.
See, e.g., Minkowski [90], Gell-Mann et al. [54], Yanagida [123], and Mohapatra and
Senjanović [92].
6.14 The Electroweak Theory I 483
5 1
5 0 1˙5 1 ˙ 5 > >
L=R D 0 D . / D D ;
2 2 2 2
L L D 0; R R D 0: (6.14.51)
From the properties of the charge conjugation matrix, and the definition of charge
conjugate spinor fields, we also have, in particular,
1R 2L D. 2L / . 1R / : (6.14.52)
Lmass D mD NR L C L NR MR NR NR /C C .NR /C NR ; (6.14.53)
where we will eventually take the mass parameters to satisfy the constraint MR
mD . The reason for the 1=2 factor in the second term is to avoid double counting,
since we may, e.g., rewrite NRC NR D .NR /> C 1 NR and the same field NR
appears twice which should be taken into account in the application of the Euler-
Lagrange equation. The first term in (6.14.53) is referred to as a Dirac mass
term, and is assumed to have been generated, via spontaneous symmetry breaking,
Remember : C D C > D C , .C /2 D I, ŒC ; 5 D 0.
484 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
where we have suitably grouped together terms in the first expression f : g. The
above may be rewritten in simple matrix form as
L 0 mD L
Lmass D C C h:c: (6.14.55)
q q
1 1
m1 D 4m2D C MR2 MR ; m2 D 4m2D C MR2 C MR ; (6.14.57)
2 2
the following transformation emerges
> m1 0 0 mD
V V D : (6.14.58)
0 m2 mD MR
Using the basic properties in (6.14.51), and defining the Majorana fields i D i L C
.i L /C , i D 1; 2, the following mass-Lagrangian density emerges
Lmass D m1 1 1 C m2 2 2 : (6.14.61)
Thus, we have obtained two massive Majorana fields, and for MR
mD , we have
from (6.14.57), one of mass m1 ' m2D =MR which would be small for sufficiently
large MR , and one with corresponding large mass m2 ' MR .122 Note that cos # '
1; sin # ' 0. The 2 does not participate in the dynamics, it is referred to as a
“sterile” particle and decouples from the theory.
It is interesting that one may achieve small neutrino masses by the “seesaw
mechanism”. The analysis involving more than one generation of neutrino follows
the same pattern as above.
There are by now several experiments123 which provide clear evidence of neutrino
oscillations,124 implying that transitions occur between different neutrino flavors,
and that a given neutrino flavor may disappear, in a neutrino beam, and another
neutrino flavor appears in an oscillatory manner depending on the distances traveled
by the neutrinos. This is understood to be caused, in general, by nonzero neutrino
masses and by so-called neutrino mixing. By neutrino mixing it is meant that the
neutrino fields may be expressed as linear combinations of neutrinos, which we
denote by .1 ; 2 ; : : :/, with specific masses .m1 ; m2 ; : : :/.
The underlying aspect of the above physical phenomenon is that the transition
probability between, say, two neutrino flavors .x / ; .y / : Prob Œ .x / ! .y / , is of
an oscillatory nature, depending on the distance traveled by the .x / neutrino, and
a value of one taken by this probability, at a given distance, for example, specifies
the “disappearance” of the .x / neutrino.125 Considering ultra-relativistic massive
neutrinos, that is, with masses negligible in comparison to their momenta, we will
see, by a simple derivation that for transitions involving two kinds of neutrinos,
the amplitude of oscillations of the just mentioned probability is determined by the
MR is often taken as large as 1015 GeV according to a scale set up by GUT.
See, e.g., Anselmann et al. [10], Cleveland et al. [31], Fukuda et al. [50, 51], Hampel et al. [62],
and Altmann et al. [6]. It is rather interesting to point out that the theory of neutrino oscillations
was written up in this book much earlier than the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics was announced.
Pontecorvo [99, 100] and Maki et al. [81]. See also Pontecorvo [101] and Gribov and Pontecorvo
That is, reduction in beam intensity of .x / neutrinos, and hence a reduction of neutrinos, in
general, will be observed if one is “looking” only for this flavor.
486 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
mixing of the neutrinos, while its oscillatory nature depends on the distance traveled
by the .x / neutrino and its energy.
In a theoretical description of a neutrino oscillating experiment, we have causally,
an emission source of an ultra-relativistic neutrino flavor, followed by its propaga-
tion, described by the propagator taking into account of neutrino flavor mixing, and
finally a detection source of a given flavor type : emitter propagation detection.
Before discussing the above process, let us quickly review the way one may
describe the combined process of emission, propagation and detection of a single
ultra-relativistic massive spin 1/2 particle of mass m. We know from § 3.3.1, that
given two sources > .x/, < .x 0 / with x 0 > x 0 0 for all x 0 ; x 0 0 , for which, the
respective sources do not vanish, this amplitude is given by
Z hZ
.dp/ ip .xx 0 / . p C m/ i < 0
i W12 D i .dx/.dx 0 / > .x/ e .x /
.2/4 p 2 C m2 i
Z hZ i
d3 p ip .xx 0 /
D .dx/.dx 0 / .i/ > .x/ e . p C m/ .i/ < .x 0 /;
2p0 .2/3
p0 D p2 C m2 . For an ultra-relativistic particle,
p m2
p0 D p2 C m2 ' j p j C ; (6.14.63)
2j p j
p C 0 p 0 C m
' N C 0 ; N D p=j p j: (6.14.64)
Here given that a particle was emitted by an emitter (source < ) and detected by
2 0 00
a detector (source > ), then ei.m =2jp j/.x x / denotes the amplitude that the
6.14 The Electroweak Theory I 487
particle has moved from the emitter to the detector with probability one, indicating
the stability of the particle.
Now consider two spinor fields 1 ; 2 with corresponding masses m1 ; m2
respectively, with Lagrangian density
L D L0 C 1 1 C 1 1 C 2 2 C 2 2 ; (6.14.68)
where L0 are their free Lagrangian densities, and 1 ; 2 are external sources.
In experiments, involving neutrino oscillations, involving, for example, the
transition ! e the latter are considered to correspond to states as linear
combinations of states of definite masses m1 ; m2 . Accordingly, if we let the sources
of emission of be denoted by ./ , and that of the detection of e by .e/ ,
then these sources may be defined as linear combinations of the ones in (6.14.68)
corresponding to definite mass states, i.e., with normalized coefficients
Also by readily extracting the coefficient of Œ > <
.e/ ./ in
2 0 x 0 0 / 2 0 x 0 0 /
Œ >
1 e
i.m1 =2j p j/.x
1< C Œ >
2 e
i.m2 =2j p j/.x
2< ; / (6.14.70)
m2 2 0 m1 2 0
A. ! e / D sin cos expŒi .x x 0 0 / expŒi .x x 0 0 / :
2j p j 2j p j
Upon taking the absolute value squared of the above gives the probability
m2 m2 L
Prob Œ ! e D sin2 .2/ sin2 1 2
; (6.14.73)
4 E
488 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
where we have taken E ' j p j, and, due to the fact that the ultra-relativistic particle
travels near with the speed of light
t ' 1, identified .x 0 x 0 0 / ' L , with
L denoting the distance traveled by the ultra-relativistic neutrino.126 It is customary
to define the oscillation length
.4E /
L D ; (6.14.74)
.m22 m21 /
We note that the oscillations of the probability are governed by the distance L
traveled by the ultra-relativistic muon neutrino and its energy E , while the
amplitude sin2 .2/ of the oscillations is governed by the neutrino mixing. It is
important to note that the probability of no transition : Prob Œ ! , for example,
referred to as the survival probability of the neutrino , as obtained directly from
the coefficient of Œ > <
./ ./ in (6.14.70), with emission and detection sources
causally arranged, is given by
Prob Œ ! D 1 sin2 .2/ sin2 ; (6.14.76)
This section deals with the incorporation of quarks in the electroweak theory,
generating what has been called the standard model based on the product symmetry
groups SU.3/SU.2/U.1/. The electroweak theory as well as the standard model
Needless to say, in a relativistic setting, one should not confuse distance traveled with length
measurement, in general, with the latter, for example, involved in coincident time measurements
of the end points, say, of a moving ruler.
6.15 Electroweak Theory II: Incorporation of Quarks; Anomalies and. . . 489
involve axial vector currents and the problem of anomalies studied in Sects. 3.9 and
3.10 arises and their absence is critical for the renormalizability of the standard
model. Based on the work in Sects. 3.9 and 3.10, we show that there are actually no
anomalies in the standard model.
with left-handed quarks placed in weak iso-doublets, while the right-handed ones in
weak iso-singlets. Also .d0 ; s0 ; b0 / are, on general grounds, linear combinations127
(allowing necessarily cross generations transitions), of the form
0 1 0 10 1
d0 Vud Vus Vub d
@ s 0 A D @ Vcd Vcs Vcb A @ s A ; (6.15.2)
b0 Vtd Vts Vtb b
Table 6.3 Electroweak quantum numbers of the quarks in the Standard Model: q> D u; c; t;
q< D d; s; b. The antiquarks have the same I, but opposite Q; I3 (for I3 ¤ 0), and Y D 2.QI3 /.
Each of the quarks comes in three different colors
Particle I I3 Q Y
.q> L ; q<L / 1=2 .C1=2; 1=2/ .C2=3; 1=3/ 1=3
.q>R ; q<R / 0 .0; 0/ .C2=3; 1=3/ .C4=3; 2=3/
Cabibbo [27], Glashow et al. [56], and Kobayashi and Maskawa [71].
490 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
2 X 1 X
J em D q> q> q< q< : (6.15.4)
3 q 3 q
> <
parametrized by three mixing angles 12 ; 13 ; 23 , and a phase ı,128 where sij D
sin ij ; cij D cos ij . Experimentally, approximate values of the magnitudes of the
matrix elements are129
ˇ 0:974 0:225 0:004
VCKM ˇ jVab j
D 0:225 0:973 0:041 ; (6.15.6)
0:009 0:040 0:999
This phase is responsible for flavor changing CP-violating processes in the standard model.
Beringer et al. [17].
6.15 Electroweak Theory II: Incorporation of Quarks; Anomalies and. . . 491
Qi > 0 p
ij Qj < R C h:c:; (6.15.8)
Qi < L
. C v/= 2
D Q> L M1 Q> R Q< L M2 Q< R C h:c:; (6.15.9)
where m.1/ ; m.2/ are diagonal and real with non-negative entries. Accordingly, by
setting U1 Q> L D Q 0> L , V1 Q> R D Q 0> R , U2 Q< L D Q 0< L , V2 Q< R D Q <
R , we
D Q 0> L C Q 0> R m.1/ .Q >
0 0
L C Q > R/
Q 0< L C Q 0< R m.2/ Q 0< L C Q 0< R ; (6.15.11)
where due to the facts that m.1/ ; m.2/ are diagonal, we have used the properties
R=L R=L D 0, for a spinor . With . Q 0> L C Q 0> R / interpreted as a column
matrix with three elements, the latter may be identified with the quarks u; c; t.
Similarly, d; s; b are identified with . Q 0< L C Q 0< R /.
We first consider the standard model with massless particles. Gauge invariance
is a key criterion for the renormalizability of the theory. In particular, gauge
492 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
invariance requires that currents coupled to gauge fields must be conserved and
hence implying the absence of anomalies of the type encountered in Sect. 3.10. The
renormalizability of Yang-Mills field theories was considered in Sect. 6.3.3. Once
we include fermions, anomalies associated with the divergence of currents may
appear of the type investigated in Sect. 3.10. We will see that there are no such
anomalies in the standard model.
To the above end, we first recall that the weak hypercharges assigned to the left-
and right-handed fermions involved in the theory are as given Table 6.4 below as
obtained from Tables 6.2 and 6.3.
We refer to the diagrams in Fig. 6.21 below, to investigate the nature of the
anomalies that one may encounter in the theory, in general.
Here we recall that in the electroweak theory, the SU.2/ gauge bosons couple
only to the left-handed currents and the U(1) gauge boson couples to the left- and
right-handed currents but with different U(1) charges. On the other hand in the
color SU.3/ theory, the gluons couple to the left- and right-handed fermions in
the same way.
For further analysis, recall the following properties: f ; 5 g D 0, S. p/ D
p=p2 , fS. p/; 5 g D 0, . 5 /2 D 1, TrŒ 5 D 0, TrŒ 1 D 4. With the group
structure SU.3/ SU.2/L U.1/Y , with the standard model in mind, we define the
following set of matrices:
n o
fa g t1 ; t2 ; t3 ; 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; I ; (6.15.12)
where the identity I corresponds to the generator Y, and the ai ; bi are some
numerical constants. Recall that the generators of SU.3/, and of SU.2/ in Fig. 6.21
are given, respectively, by ta D a =2, with the a denoting the Gell-Mann matrices
in (6.1.46), and a D a =2. The a matrices commute with the gamma ones. In
reference to the above figure, diagram (b) is obtained from diagram (a) by carrying
out the elementary substitutions
h i
Tr 1 5 1 fb ; c gS 2 S 3 S )
h i
Tr 1 5 .a1 C b1 5 /a fb ; c gS 2 .a2 C b2 5 /S 3 .a3 C b3 5 /S :
Tr Œfc ; b g ) 4 Œa1 .a2 a3 C b2 b3 / C b1 .a2 b3 C a3 b2 / Tr Œa fc ; b g:
where we have used, in the process, that 1 5 .a1 C b1 5 / D .a1 b1 5 / 1 5 .
Table 6.4 Weak hypercharge and charge classifications of the left-handed and right-handed
Fermi particles in the first generation in the standard model. The corresponding quantum numbers
of the other generations are identical. We use the definition Y D 2.Q I3 /
Particles L eL uL dL eR uR dR
Y 1 1 1=3 1=3 2 4=3 2=3
Q 0 1 2=3 1=3 1 2=3 1=3
6.15 Electroweak Theory II: Incorporation of Quarks; Anomalies and. . . 493
γ μ1 γ 5 1
γ μ1 γ 5(a1 +b1γ 5)Γa
Fig. 6.21 (a) Vertices in the triangle associated with the anomaly that may be extracted from the
investigations in Sect. 3.10. (b) The vertices that may appear in the standard model, where the
matrices a are defined below.
Y, for the weak hypercharges, may be also written in matrix form. Using the
basic properties, TrŒta D 0, TrŒa D 0, we have
Tr Œ ta fb ; c g D Tr Œta Tr Œ fb ; c g D 0;
Tr Œ a ftb ; tc g D Tr Œa Tr Œ ftb ; tc g D 0;
Tr Œ a ; fb ; c g D ıbc Tr Œa D 0: (6.15.15)
and we immediately infer the absence of anomalies for vertices corresponding to
• SU.3/ SU.2/ SU.2/,
• SU.2/ SU.3/ SU.3/,
• SU.2/ SU.2/ SU.2/,
• Two U.1/s.
• SU.3/ SU.3/ SU.3/, a1 D 0; b1 D 1; a2 D a3 D 1, b2 D b3 D 0, imply
from (6.15.14) the absence of an anomaly, where we have also used the fact
that . 5 /2 D I. Refer to Fig. 6.21b.
• One U.1/ : For b1 D y" ; a1 D y""; " D
1; a2 D a3 D 1; b2 D b3 D 1:
where the coefficients y" will be specified below by using Table 6.4, and " D
correspond to left-handed and right-handed particles, respectively. First note that
h i
Œa1 .a2 a3 C b2 b3 / C b1 .a2 b3 C a3 b2 / D y" ".1 C 1/ C .1 1/ D 2 y" ." 1/;
494 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
and hence only " D 1 might contribute. From Table 6.4, we have y1 D
1; 1, and three times for the 3 colors of quarks: y1 D 1=3; 1=3. Hence the
anomaly is proportional to
X h 1 1 i
4 y1 4 1 1 C 3 C D 0: (6.15.17)
3 3
The reader should realize how critical it is that the quarks come in 3 colors for
P The above is also true for b2 D b3 D 0, as well for
the absence of the anomaly.
b2 D 1; b3 D 0, since yC1 yC1 is zero as well.
• U.1/U.1/U.1/. With the weak isospin written in a matrix form, the anomaly
is proportional to
1 3 h 4 3 2 3 i
Tr Œ YL3 Tr Œ YR3 D 2.1/3 C 3 2 1.2/3 C 3 C3 D 0;
3 3 3
and we note again that they vanish only if the quarks come in three colors.
This provides further evidence of three color charges needed for quarks for
consistency of the theory.
Therefore the standard model is anomaly-free, and lies on the fact that the theory
involves several fermions whose separate contributions to the anomalies cancel out,
and that quarks and leptons appear in Nature in equal numbers organize themselves
into successive generations.
Gauge invariance of transition probabilities implies that one may work with
the gauge fields in any gauge one pleases. To prove the renormalizability of
spontaneously broken electroweak theory, where the vector particles, in particular,
become massive, this gauge freedom may be invoked to choose a gauge where the
propagator of a massive vector particle of mass M, may be expressed as
k k k2 .1= 1/ 1
C .k; I M/ D 2 ; (6.15.19)
k .k2 = C M 2 / .k2 C M 2 /
A theory based on the product of the three symmetry groups SU.3/ SU.2/ U.1/
necessarily involves three different couplings, with SU.3/ corresponding to the
color group of quarks, and SU.2/ U.1/ corresponding to the electroweak theory.
We may consider a larger group, such as SU.5/ which contains the product of
the above three group just mentioned, and would necessarily involve one single
coupling. The covariant derivative would then, in general, take the form
X 1
r D @ i gunif Va Ta ; Tr ŒTa Tb D ıab : (6.16.1)
Here we recall that SU.5/ stands for all 5 5 unitary matrices of determinant one.
Thus it involves 52 1 D 24 generators and 24 gauge fields (see Sect. 6.1). We will
explicitly obtain the generators corresponding to the fundamental representation and
see, in the process, how the product group, given above, is contained in the SU.5/
group. The only quarks and leptons that arise in this unifying scheme are those of
the electroweak theory.
Eleven of the twenty four generators denoted by T1 ; : : : ; T11 for the lowest
dimensional representation of SU.5/ are given at the end of this section, cor-
responding simply to SU.3/, SU.2/ transformations, consisting of 8 plus 3
generators, respectively.
To construct the remaining generators, one may proceed as follows. It is easy to
find the lowest five dimensional (the fundamental) representation represented by
0 1
B a2 C
D B a3 C : (6.16.2)
B 4C
@a A
Now consider, in turn, infinitesimal SU.3/; SU.2/ transformations via the opera-
U D1Ci ı
a Ta C i ı"a Ta ; (6.16.3)
aD1 aD9;10;11
applied to the above column vector. From the expression of the infinitesimal
transformation, we note that, .a1 ; a2 ; a3 / form an SU.3/ triplet, while it is
unaffected by the SU.2/ transformation, and are thus singlets under the latter group.
Referring to quarks from the first generation, we see from Table 6.3 in the last
section that the right-handed quarks uR ; dR form the SU.2/ singlets. On the other
hand, .a4 ; a5 /, are unaffected by the SU.3/ are thus singlets under this group, but
496 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
form a doublet under SU.2/. From Table 6.2 in Sect. 6.14, one may be tempted
to choose the SU.2/ doublet to be .eL ; eL /. Since the generators for SU.N/,
have to be traceless, the eigenvalues of the charge operator Q add up to zero. This
will the case if .a1 ; a2 ; a3 / are chosen to be the right-handed d quarks fields, of
different colors, of charges 1=3, and, in turn, the SU.2/ doublet is taken to be the
following as charge conjugate of fields .eL /C ; .e L /C , where we recall that the
charge conjugate of a left-handed field is right-handed.130 This incidently shows the
consistency of the fractional charge 1=3 assigned to the (colored) d quarks.131
It is important to realize that a left handed state may be equivalently described in
terms of its right-handed charge conjugate state. That is, we may write
2 3
0 1 Q Y=2
d1 6 1=3 1=3 7
B d C 6 7
B 2 C 6 7
B C 6 1=3 1=3 7
D B d3 C ; 6 7; (6.16.4)
B C 6 1=3 1=3 7
@ .eL /C A 6 7
4 1 1=2 5
.eL /C R 0 1=2
denoted by Œ5, in a group theoretical notation. The minus sign multiplying .eL /C
above arises in the following manner. In order to assign the correct weak isospin
quantum numbers to .eL /C and .e /C , a rotation of 180o was made as follows :
2 =2 .eL /C .eL /C
ei D :
.eL /C .eL /C
The 15 left-handed fermions, per generation, with the first generation consisting
of the fermions:
.d1 ; d2 ; d3 ; e ; e; u1 ; u2 ; u3 ; u1 ; u2 ; u3 ; d1 ; d2 ; d3 ; eC /L ;
See below Eq. (6.14.50).
Assignment of fractional charges to the quarks consistently as encountered here, lead eventually
to such equalities as of the magnitudes of the charge of the electron and that of the proton.
Conjugate representations are discussed in Sect. 6.1.
6.16 Grand Unification 497
The normalization factor is obtained from Tr Œ .T12 /2 D 1=2. This leads to the
expression for T12 matrix given at the end of the section.
Therefore, the remaining generators are of the form
1 0 .U i /
TiC12 D ; i D 1; : : : ; 12; (6.16.5)
2 .U i / 0
where the matrices .U i /32 may be readily defined with each having only one of
their elements taking the value 1 or i, with the remaining elements equal to zero,
as follows, going for example c.w. :
001 00 i 000 000
U1 D ; U2 D ; U3 D ; U4 D ;
000 000 001 00 i
5 000 6 000 11 010 12 0 i 0
U D ; U D ; ::: ; U D ; U D ;
010 0 i 0 000 000
r D @ i gunif Va Ta ; (6.16.7)
8 r
X 5 X
r D @ i gs Aa Ta C i g B T12 i g Wi T8Ci ; (6.16.8)
3 iD1;2;3
5 02 2
g 2s .M 2 / D g .M / D g 2 .M 2 /; (6.16.9)
at a unifying SU.5/ energy scale M which will be determined. This will be investi-
gated below. Before doing this, we note that the SU.5/ symmetry group introduces
twelve additional vector bosons, which consist of 6 vector bosons, P denoted by,
X1 ; X2 ; X3 Y1 ; Y2 ; Y3 , and their 6 anti-particles, via the term 24
aD13 a Ta in the
498 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
at an energy scale M of the order of, say, of the mass of the X vector boson.
For energies much less than MX , specified by a parameter , we may use the
renormalization group equations, which relate the magnitudes of the couplings2
g2s ; g2 ; g 0 2 at different energy scales, to continue to lower energy scales available at
present experiments. For the SU.N/ gauge group, we have from (6.7.17), (6.7.14),
X Yi 2
1 2 2
1 2 2 2 1 2
D ng 2 C 1 C3 2 C C D ng :
2 2 6 3 3 3
We may infer from Sect. 5.19.1 in QED, which is simply based on the U.1/ group,
d 1 1 X 2
2 2 2
D Qi ; (6.16.14)
d ˛ QED . / 3
Table 6.5 Weak hypercharge and charge classifications of all the left-handed quarks and Leptons
in the first generation. The corresponding quantum numbers of the other generations are identical
Particles e eC u uC d dC
Y=2 1=2 1=2 1 1=6 2=3 1=6 1=3
Q 0 1 1 2=3 2=3 1=3 1=3
6.16 Grand Unification 499
to lowest order in the charges, where the Qi (in units of jej) are now the charges of
quarks, taking into account color multiplicity, and of the charges of the charged
leptons, and also the contributions of the underlying number of generations P is2
understood to be taken. For the present
P U.1/ Y group, we have to replace i Qi
in (6.16.14) by the expression .1=2/ i .Yi =2/2 , with an overall 1=2 factor because
the expression in (6.16.13) takes into account the anti-particles as well.
The renormalization group equations then become133 dealing with the incorpo-
ration of supersymmetry in the standard model.
d 1 1 g2s
2 DC .33 4 ng /; .˛ s D for SU.3//; (6.16.15)
d2 ˛ s .2 / 12 4
d 1 1 g2
2 DC .22 4 ng /; .˛ D for SU.2//; (6.16.16)
d2 ˛.2 / 12 4
d 1 1 .20 ng/ g02
2 2 0 2
D ; .˛ 0 D for U.1//; (6.16.17)
d ˛ . / 12 3 4
where in writing the right-hand sides of (6.16.15), (6.16.16), we have used the
expression for ˇ 0 in (6.16.14), with N D 3; N D 2, respectively.
In particular, these equations lead to
d 1 1 11
2 D ; (6.16.18)
d2 ˛ s .2 / ˛.2 / 12
d 1 3 1 22
2 2 D : (6.16.19)
d ˛.2 / 5 ˛ 0 .2 / 12
Upon subtracting Eq. (6.16.19) from twice of Eq. (6.16.18), integrating with
respect to 2 from M 2Z , corresponding to the mass MZ of the Z vector boson
as a reference point, to M, the unifying energy specified by a mass parameter M,
and finally using the unifying boundary conditions (6.16.9), we simply obtain
2 3 3
C D 0: (6.16.20)
˛s .M 2Z / ˛.M 2Z / 5 ˛ 0 .M 2Z /
From the first two defining equations in (6.14.17) we may also write
1 cos2 W 1 sin2 W
D ; D : (6.16.21)
˛0 ˛ em ˛ ˛ em
In the beta functions, on the right-hand sides of (6.16.16), (6.16.17), we have neglected tiny
contributions due to the Higgs boson field. These will be spelled out in Sect. 3.13 of Volume II.
500 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
˛ 1 .M 2Z / ˛s1 .M 2Z /
D ; (6.16.25)
.3=5/˛ 01 .M 2Z / ˛ 1 .M 2Z /
which taking into account the experimental values quoted above, gives
exp '
0:74. On the other hand upon integrating (6.16.15), (6.16.16), (6.16.17) from
Beringer et al. [17].
Peskin [98].
6.16 Grand Unification 501
ˇs ˇ 11=12
theor D 0
D D 0:5; (6.16.26)
ˇ .3=5/ˇ 22=12
M 2 MX2 , g2unif , respectively, one obtains the rough expression for the proton
lifetime p M 4 =g4unif M 5p . A more precise calculation gives136 p!eC 0
10x years, 28:5 x 31:5 which is too low in comparison to the experimental
lower bound > 2 1033 years at 90% confidence limit.137 Increasing the scale
of unification138 increases the theoretical estimate of the proton lifetime as it is
proportional to M 4 . Consistency with such a large experimental lower bound
for the proton decay is certainly a basic problem in developing grand unified
Although this unifying theory, predicts, for example, the key estimate for the
value of sin2 W .MZ2 / close enough to the experimental value, a discrepancy
between theory and experiment that arises means that the strict equality of the
fundamental constants as given in (6.16.9), does not hold rigorously. This situation
is much improved in a supersymmetric setting.
See Langacker [75].
See Miura [91] and Olive et al. [94].
In a supersymmetric extension M 1016 GeV, see § 2.13 in Volume II.
502 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
The fundamental energy scale that arises in the standard model from the vacuum
expectation value of the Higgs boson sets the scale for the masses in the theory,
such as for the masses of the vector bosons.139 The enormous mass difference
between the electroweak scale 102 GeV and all the way up to the grand unified
scale 1015 GeV, referred to as the hierarchy problem, should be of concern, as it
is such an enormous shift in energy scale providing no hint as to what happens
to the physics in between. The radiative corrections to the mass squared of the
Higgs boson, as a scalar particle, are quadratically divergent,140 and hence with
a cut-off of the order of the grand unified scale, or of the Planck energy scale
1019 GeV, at which gravity is expected to be significant, it is necessary that the
bare mass squared of the Higgs boson be correspondingly large to cancel such a
quadratic dependence on the enormous cut-off to finally obtain a finite physical
mass141 for the Higgs boson of the order of the low electroweak energy scale, in
comparison, and is highly unnatural.142 This unnatural cancelation of enormously
large numbers has been termed a facet of the hierarchy problem. Supersymmetry
is of significance in dealing with the hierarchy problem, as in supersymmetric
field theories, in general, cancelations of such large quadratic corrections, a priori,
occur between graphs involving particles and their supersymmetric counterparts in
a supersymmetric version of a non-supersymmetric field theory, up to possibly of
divergences of logarithmic type which are tolerable, thus protecting a scalar particle
from acquiring a large bare mass.
Finally, we note that in the above unifying theory, the quarks and leptons are
those of the electroweak theory involving no right-handed neutrinos to generate
masses to the presently known neutrinos by the “seesaw mechanism” as discussed
in Sect. 6.14.3. The larger group SO.10/, which has been also much studied over
years as a grand unified theory, accommodates a right-handed neutrino and the
“seesaw mechanism” may be then applied. Several other grand unified theories have
been also proposed in recent years and we refer the reader to the vast literature
on the subject.143 The remarkable simplicity of the SU.5/ grand unifying scheme
should be noted, and that it provides the very first steps for the development of
more complicated grand unifying schemes that may meet the challenge set up by
We recall how accurate were the masses of the massive vector bosons obtained theoretically
directly at the tree level via the vacuum expectation value of the Higgs field given through
Eq. (6.14.34) which, in turn, is expressed simply in terms of the Fermi coupling.
Veltman [118].
Aad et al. [2] and Chatrchyan et al. [30].
As mentioned above, the question, in turn, arises as to what amounts for such an enormous
difference between the energy scale of grand unification and the energy scale that characterizes the
standard model.
See, e.g., Beringer et al. [17] and references therein.
6.16 Grand Unification 503
0 1
r 2=3 0 0
1 3 B 0 2=3 0 0 C
T12 D @ 0 0 2=3 A;
2 5 1 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
1 0 0 0
1B 0 0 0
C 1B 0 0 0
T13 D @ 1 0 A ; T14 D @ i 0 A;
2 0 0 1 2 0 0 i
0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
1 0 0 0
1B 0 0 0
C 1B 0 0 0
T15 D @ 0 1 A; T16 D @ 0 i A;
2 0 0 0 2 000
0 0 1
0 0 0 i
0 0 0
1 0 0 0
1B 0 0 1
C 1B 0 0 i
T17 D @ 0 0 A ; T18 D @ 0 0 A;
2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 i 0
0 0 1
1 0 0 i
1B 0 0 0
C 1B 0 0 0
T19 D @ 0 0 A; T20 D @ 0 0 A;
2 0 0 0 2 000
1 0 0
0 i 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 i 0
1B 0 0 0
C 1B 0 0 0
T21 D @ 0 0 A ; T22 D @ 0 0 A;
2 1 0 0 2 i 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 0
504 6 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
0 0 0
1 0 0 0
1B 0 1 0
C 1B 0 i 0
T23 D @ 0 0 A ; T24 D @ 0 0 A;
2 0 1 0 2 0 i 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 0
6.1 Find the infinitesimal gauge transformation of the non-abelian gauge fields Aa
via the unitary operators V.x/ D expŒi go c .x/tc .
6.2 Show that Œr ; r cb D go fcab Ga , where .r /ac D ıac @ C go fabc Ab .
6.3 Show that rab rbc Gc D 0.
6.4 Show that
i h • • i ˇˇ
exp .dx/ ˘ax ı @ Aa .x/ 'a .x/ ˇ
2 •'c .x/ •'c .x/ 'D0
D exp .dx/@ Aa .x/ @ Aa .x/ ;
i.2D 0 /ı=2 1 1ı=2 2 2ı .1 2ı
dD k 1
(i) D :
.2/D 0 . p1 k/2 . p2 k/2 k2 .4/D 0 =2 Q2 .1 C ı/
Problems 505
i.2D 0 /ı=2 1 1ı=2
dD k k
(ii) D
.2/D 0 . p1 k/2 . p2 k/2 k2 .4/D 0 =2 Q2
2 1 ı2 .1 C 2ı
p1 C p2 :
.2 C ı/
6.10 Derive the explicit general structure of the infrared regularized function
.1/ .2/
hIR .2D 0 =Q2 ; ı/ in (6.6.25), hIR .2D 0 =Q2 ; ı/ in (6.6.21), hIR .2D 0 =Q2 ; ı/ in (6.6.24).
6.11 Derive the equality in (6.9.6).
6.12 Prove the expressions in (6.9.13), (6.9.14), (6.9.16).
6.13 Show that the structure tensor Wi contribution due to the i th parton may be
written as in (6.10.1).
R 3 0 2
6.14 Show that 2d pp0 0 ı .4/ .P C Q p 0 / D 2 jPQj ı C 2QPQ , where p 0 2 D
p2 D 2 M 2 .
6.15 Show that if quarks (anti-quarks) are of spin 0, then W1 D 0. This leads to
the results that F T D 0, for the transverse structure function in (6.9.17)/(6.10.5),
and R ! 1, defined in (6.9.19).
6.16 Show that if one takes into account only the three basic quarks (u; d; d),
associated with the neutron, into consideration, and assumes that they occur
with the same frequency, then this leads to the relation 0 dx F2en .x/ D
R1 P
.2=9/ 0 dx i x fi .x/, consistent with approximate experimental values
Z 1 Z 1 X
dx F2en .x/ 0:12; dx x fi .x/ 0:54:
0 0 i
6.18 Establish the relation: Q2 d=.dQ2/ D Œ˛s .Q2 /=.2 / d=.d/ in (6.11.20).
6.19 (i) Verify equation (6.11.32) which diagonalizes the 2 2 matrix on the
left-hand side of (6.11.32). For all n D 3; 4; : : : < 1,
(ii) Show that C C
n < n < 0, for the eigenvalues.
(iii) Derive the inequality:
p 11 nf 1
50 q
2 Œ 6#4n < < C
< C .98=135/ nf :
2 3 n
2 9
A D p Œu .k2 / .1 5 /u . p/ Œue .k/ .1 5 /ve .k1 /:
By neglecting the masses of the electron and neutrinos in comparison to the mass
M of the muon, and working in the rest frame of the muon, show that its decay
rate is given by D G2F M 5 =192 3 .
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Recommended Reading
1. Beringer, J. et al. (2012). Particle data group. Physical Review D, 86, 010001.
2. DeWitt, B. (2014). The global approach to quantum field theory. Oxford: Oxford University
3. Manoukian, E. B. (1981). Generalized decoupling theorem in quantum field theory. Journal of
Mathematics and Physics, 22, 2258–2262.
4. Manoukian, E. B. (1984). Proof of the decoupling theorem in Minkowski space. Journal of
Mathematics and Physics, 25, 1519–1523.
5. Manoukian, E. B. (1986a). Generalized conditions for the decoupling theorem of quantum field
theory in Minkowski space with particles of vanishingly small masses. Journal of Mathematics
and Physics, 27, 1879–1882.
6. Manoukian, E. B. (1986b). Action principle and quantization of gauge fields. Physical Review,
D34, 3739–3749.
7. Manoukian, E. B. (1987). Functional differential equations for gauge theories. Physical Review,
D35, 2047–2048.
8. Olive, K. A. et al. (2014). Particle Data Group. Chinese Physics C, 38, 090001.
9. Ross, G. G. (1985). Grand Unified Theories. Reading: Benjamin/Cummings Publishing.
10. Weinberg. S. (1996). The Quantum Theory of Fields. II: Modern Applications. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
11. Yongram, N., Manoukian, E. B., & Siranan, S. (2006). Polarization correlations in muon pair
production in the electroweak model. Modern Physics Letters A, 21, 979–984.
General Appendices
Appendix I
The Dirac Formalism
For the convenience of the reader we gather here some important equations dealing
with the Dirac formalism for the description of spin 1/ 2 particles. For derivations
and detailed presentation, we refer the reader to Chapter 16 of Manoukian [6].
The Dirac equation is given by
Cm D 0; f ; g D 2 ; Œ D diagŒ1; 1; 1; 1 D Œ :
In the presence of an external electromagnetic field, the Dirac equation reads
h i
eA .x/ Cm .x/ D 0; (I.2)
from which one obtains the equation . D 0/
h i
@ C C >
C eA .x/ Cm .x/ D 0; .x/ D C .x/; C D i 2 0;
thus introducing, in turn, the charge conjugation matrix C , and the charge conjugate
spinor C .
Under a homogeneous Lorentz transformation which may include a 3D rotation
(see (2.2.1), (2.2.3), (2.2.6))
x 0 D x ; @ D @ 0 ; @ 0 D @ : (I.4)
K 0 K D 0; D K 1 K: (I.6)
Œ S ; D i ; with solution S D Œ ; : (I.7)
Some of the properties of the gamma matrices, based on their anti-commutations
relations in (I.1) are given in Box I.1.
Box I.1: Some properties of the gamma matrices
D I C Œ ; ; Tr Œ D 0;
0 2 2
D I; i D I; i D 1; 2; 3:
D 4 I;
D 2 ;
D 4 ;
D 2 ;
h h ii
; ; D 4 ;
Tr Œ D 4 ;
Tr ˛ ˇ D 4 ˛ˇ ˛ ˇ C ˛ ˇ ;
Tr 5 ˛ ˇ D 4 i "˛ˇ ;
involving two normalized two component spinors satisfying 0 D ı 0 , which,
for an arbitrary unit vector N D .cos sin ; sin sin ; cos /, may be taken as
0 i=2 1 0 i=2 1
e cos 2 e sin 2
CN D @ A ; N D @ A; (I.13)
i=2 i=2
e sin 2 e cos 2
up to a phase factor for the latter. Hence under space reflection, u.p; / !
0 u.p; / D C u.p; /, v.p; / ! 0 v.p; / D v.p; /, having
opposite (intrinsic) parities.
We have the following normalization conditions
N D p=jpj; (I.23)
I The Dirac Formalism 519
in (I.13),
s 0 1
p0CmB C
u.p; ˙/ D @ A: (I.24)
˙ p 0jpj
Cm ˙
where ˙ with ˙ means spin projection in the same direction as of the momentum,
while ˙ with
means in the opposite directions. With an appropriately chosen
phases, the latter are related by a parity transformation: 0 u.p; C1/ !
u.Cp; C1/, 0 u.Cp; 1/ ! u.p; 1/, with spin and momentum in opposite
directions to spin and momentum in the same direction, and vice versa. Accordingly,
if parity is not conserved, nature picks up only one of the helicities.
The interest in the equations in (I.25) is that .I C 5 /=2 projects out a state
corresponding to a right-handed particle, with spin along its momentum, while
.I 5 /=2 projects out a left-handed one, with spin in opposite direction to
its momentum. The corresponding particles are referred to, respectively, as right-
handed and left-handed. The situation may be demonstrated as shown in Fig. I.1
p p
Right-Handed Left-Handed
Fig. I.1 Diagrams defining the handedness of a particle, where p is its 3-momentum
For the relevant details, see Manoukian [6], p. 912.
520 I The Dirac Formalism
The eigenvectors u.p; ˙1/ then satisfy the simultaneous eigenvalue equations:
Note that 5 does not commute with 0 . p C m/ for m ¤ 0.
Appendix II
Doing Integrals in Field Theory
and hence
Z 1 Z Z 1 1 1 n2 n2 X
2 2
dk dk : : : dkn1 e i s k D
0 1
; k2 D .ki /2 .k0 /2 ; s > 0:
1 1 1 i s iD1
In the remaining part of this appendix, we work only with n D 4, i.e., in 4-
dimensional spacetime. We also suppress the i
factor in (II.3).
If we integrate the expression in (II.3) over k, we encounter a singularity in the
s-integral at s D 0 . We may, however, differentiate (II.3) twice with respect to M 2
to obtain
Z 1
1 i
D ds s2 exp is.k2 C M 2 / ; (II.7)
.k2 C M 2 /3 2 0
i 2 i 2
A D ; B D : (II.12)
12M 2 96M 2
II Doing Integrals in Field Theory 523
which obviously exist for n > m > 0, where .z/ is the gamma function.
Now we consider more complicated integrals involving an additional (external)
momentum. For convenience, we enumerate the type of integrals considered.
1 1
I. p 2 / D .dk/ 2 2 2 2
2 D 0; (II.14)
Œ.k p/ C M . p / Œk C M 2 . p 2 /2
where in the latter equation, we have used the property that an integral which is
odd in k is zero. Another integral, where the shift of the integration variable in
the first term is obviously permissible is
k k k k p p
.dk/ 2 2 2 3
2 2 2 3
2 D0:
Œ .k p/ C M . p / Œk C M .p / Œ k C M 2 . p 2 / 3
524 II Doing Integrals in Field Theory
and determine C. p 2 / and D. p 2 /. To this end, note that the integral is zero for
p D 0 since the resulting integrand is an odd function of k. Secondly, note
that the degree of divergence of the integral restricted to the first term involving
k k k is positive and hence we cannot simply make a shift of the integration
variable k to k C p in evaluating this term. What we do instead is take the
derivative of the integral with respect to p as shown below.
The derivative of the first term in the integrand, for example, is
@M 2 . p 2 / k k k k k k k
.3/ 2p C C 6 :
@p Œ .k p/2 C M 2 . p 2 / 4 Œ .k p/2 C M 2 . p 2 / 4
The first term leads to an integral of degree of divergence 1, and the second to a
degree of divergence 0. Hence we can make a shift of the integration variable p to
p C k here. Continuing in this manner and using any of the integrations obtained
before (II.18), we obtain for the derivative of the integral on the left-hand side
of (II.18) explicitly
5 i 2 i 2 @M 2 . p 2 /
. C C / 2 2 2
p p p
24 2.M . p // @p
i 2
C . p p C p p C p p /: (II.20)
2M 2 . p 2 /
This is to be compared with the derivative of the expression in (II.19) with respect
to k ,
@C. p 2 /
. p C p C p / C C. p 2 / . C C /
@D. p 2 /
C p p p C D. p 2 / . p p C p p C p p /; (II.21)
II Doing Integrals in Field Theory 525
5 i 2 i 2
C. p 2 / D ; D. p 2 / D ; (II.22)
24 2M 2 . p 2 /
5 i 2 i 2 2
D k k k : (II.23)
6 6
Here we have used p as the integration variable for a direct application of this in
Appendix A of Chap. 3. The following integral is also quite useful
Z !
k p i 2
.dk/ D p : (II.24)
Œ .k p/2 C M 2 . p 2 / 2 Œ k2 C M 2 . p 2 / 2 2
The reader is strongly encouraged to go through the above details and realize the
simplicity in evaluating these integrals by the method just developed.
Integrands appearing in (II.8) . . . (II.24) arise when one combines the product of
two (or more) factors such as
1 1
; (II.25)
.k p/ C M k C m2
2 2 2
into one factor in the following manner. To this end, for two c-numbers A; B,
consider the integral
Z 1
d 1 1 1
dx D : (II.26)
0 dx Œ Ax C B.1 x/ A B
By carrying out the differentiation with respect to x and by dividing the resulting
integral by .B A/ gives the useful formula
Z 1
1 1
D dx : (II.27)
AB 0 Œ Ax C B.1 x/ 2
Let us apply the method developed earlier first to evaluate this integral by differen-
tiating it with respect to p . This gives
@ p k
I. p 2 / D 2 .dk/ D i 2 p ;
@p Œ .k p/2 C m2 2 Œ .k p/2 C m2 2
i 2 2
I. p 2 / D p ; (II.30)
where we have used the fact that the degree of divergence of the integral in (II.29)
restricted to the first term is zero to make a shift of the integration variable in
the first, and then used (II.24), to finally obtain I. p 2 /. Now follow the explicit
evaluation of (II.28).
Let us use (II.27). This leads from the latter to the evaluation of the integral
Z 1 Z
2 p 2 2 kp
I. p / D dx .dk/
0 Œ .k px/2 C p 2 x.1 x/ C m2 2
Z Z 1
i 2 2 2 .2x 1/ dx
D p Cp .dk/ 2 C k2 x.1 x/ C m2 2
; (II.31)
2 0 Œ k
where in obtaining the latter equality, we have, in the process, used (II.24). By noting
that p 2 .1 2x/ dx D d . p 2 x.1 x//, we may carry out the integration over x
in (II.31) by parts, and then carry out the resulting integral over k using (II.8). The
integral on the right-hand side of (II.31), as the coefficient of p 2 , then becomes
Z 1
2 x.1 x/p 2 .1 2x/
i dx
0 Œ m2 C p 2 x.1 x/
Z 1
d h p2 i
D i 2 dx x.1 x/ ln 1 C 2 x.1 x/
0 dx m
Z 1 h i
D C i 2 dx .1 2x/ ln 1 C 2 x.1 x/ : (II.32)
0 m
The last integral is zero since the change of variable x ! 1 x gives minus the
same integral. That is, the integral on the right-hand side of (II.31) is zero and we
obtain the result given in (II.30).
II Doing Integrals in Field Theory 527
and we leave it as an exercise for the reader to verify it by both methods given above.
A useful formula that follows from (II.27) is obtained by differentiating the latter
with respect to A. This gives
Z 1
1 1
D 2 x dx : (II.34)
A2 B 0 Œ Ax C B.1 x/ 3
More generally,
Z 1 Z
1 x
D 2 dx dz : (II.35)
AB C 0 0 Œ A.1 x/ C Bz C C.x z/ 3
The latter may be generalized for the product of N, not necessarily identical,
factors, and more conveniently written, as follows
Z 1 Z Z
1 x1 xN2
D .N 1/Š dx1 dx 2 dxN1
A1 A2 AN 0 0 0
; (II.36)
Œ A1 xN1 C A2 .xN2 xN1 / C C AN .1 x1 / N
Z 1 X
D i ds expŒi s.k2 C M 2 i
/; k2 D ki2 .k0 /2 :
.k C M 2 i
0 iD1
. 1/ number of times, we obtain
Z 1
1 .i/
2 2
D ds s1 expŒi s.k2 C M 2 i
/: (III.2)
.k C M i
/ ./ 0
we obtain
dn k 1 i 1 . n2 / n
D ; > :
.2/n .k2 C M 2 i
/ .4/ 2 .M 2 i
/ 2 ./
n n
valid for > .n=2/ C 1.
One then defines integrals by an analytic extension of spacetime dimension to D
as follows
dD k 1 i 1 . D2 /
D ; (III.7)
.2/D .k2 C M 2 i
/ .4/ 2 .M 2 i
/ 2 ./
dDk k2 iD .M 2 i
/ . D2 /
D :
.2/D .k2 C M 2 i
/ .4/ 2 .M 2 i
/ 2 .2 D 2/ ./
Dimensional regularization consists of choosing
we obtain
dD k 1 i 1 "=2 . 2" / 2 .1 2" /
D : (III.13)
.2/D .k p/2 k2 .4/ 2 p 2
.2 "/
III Analytic Continuation in Spacetime Dimension and Dimensional Regularization 531
Here we have also used the property that the integral of an odd function of k is zero.
Another useful integral is obtained again by shifting the variable k: k ! k C p x, by
using in the process (II.8) and noting that in D dimensions D D to obtain
dD k k k 1 i 1 "=2 . 2" / 2 .1 2" /
.2/D .k p/2 k2 4.3 "/ .4/ D2 p 2 .2 "/
We note that the integrals (III.13), (III.14), (III.15), using the definition
in (III.18), all involve the following factor, when expanded in powers of ",
1 2 "=2 " 1 h2 i
2 2
D E `n. p = / C `n.4/ C O."/ ;
2 p2 2 16 2 " D
532 III Analytic Continuation in Spacetime Dimension and Dimensional Regularization
up to overall multiplicative finite constant terms coming from the other gamma
functions occurring in their factors, for " ! 0. The parameter " has now replaced
the ultraviolet cut-off.
It is also worth knowing that the following two integrals obtained by the same
method as above, and by power counting, are ultraviolet finite (UV finite):
dD k 1
D UV finite; (III.20)
.2/D . p1 k/2 . p 2 k/2 k2
dD k k
D UV finite; (III.21)
.2/ . p1 k/ . p 2 k/2 k2
D 2
while with Q D p 2 p1 ¤ 0,
dD k k k i 1 "=2 . 2" / 2 .1 2" /
D C UV finite:
.2/D . p1 k/2 . p 2 k/2 k2 .4/ D2 Q2 .3/ .3 "/
In D D 4" dimensions, the gamma matrices are defined to satisfy the following
Box III.1: Some properties of the gamma matrices in D D 4 " dimensions
multiplying the Schwinger line-integral in (IV.2) for a coupling e. From the integral
equation for S.x ; xC I eA/ SC
.x ; xC /, in (3.2.12), we may carry out an expansion
in powers of the external potential A as
We may rewrite the TrŒ. : / term within the multiple integral in (IV.5) as
Tr Œ . : /> TrŒ C 1 . : /> C , where C is the charge conjugation matrix in (I.3),
satisfying, in particular,
Eqs. (IV.6), (IV.8) allow us to write (IV.5) as the average of the just mentioned
two equivalent expressions. That is
1 h i
Tr Œ S.x ; x C I eA/ A .x/ D A1 .x/ Tr 1 Œ SC .x x C /SC.x C x /
C .e/N1 .dx 2 / : : : .dx N / A1 .x/A 2 .x 2 / AN .x N /
Œ F 1 2 N .x ; x 2 ; : : : ; x N ; x C / C .1/N FN 1 2 N .x C ; x 2 ; ; x N ; x / ;
IV Schwinger’s Point Splitting Method of Currents: Arbitrary Orders 535
1 N1 ip
i P0 Q i
=2 P0
e Œe e C .1/N eip
ei Q i
=2 A1 .Q1 / AN .QN /
Q1 2 Q1 Q1
Tr 1 SC . p / SC . p Q2 / : : : N SC . p Q2 : : :QN / :
2 2 2
Now we consider the contribution of the gauge compensating factor, i.e., of the
Schwinger line-integral in (IV.2), for a given coupling e. Since we will eventually
take the limits of
going to zero, we may carry out an expansion as follows
Z xC
exp Œ i e d A ./ D 1 C I 1 C I 2 C I 3 C : (IV.13)
3 Z
ie 1 .dQ1 / .dQ2 / .dQ3 / i .Q1 CQ 2 CQ 3 /x
I3 D 8 e A1 .Q1 / A 2 .Q2 /
2 3Š .2/4 .2/4 .2/4
A 3 .Q 3 /Œ 1 C
3 : (IV.16)
536 IV Schwinger’s Point Splitting Method of Currents: Arbitrary Orders
We will show that all the terms represented by : : : in (IV.14), (IV.15), (IV.16), as
well as I4 ; I5 ; : : : in (IV.13), will not contribute in the limiting procedure.
We multiply (IV.12) by the expression Œ1 C I1 C I2 C I3 C : : : in (IV.13),
extract the .N 1/th order terms in e of the product, integrate over e as indicated
in (IV.2), and P integrate over x as well. P0
Here we note the basic property of the
factor Œeip
e i Qi
=2 C .1/N eip
e i Qi
=2 =2 in (IV.12), in reference to (IV.13),
(IV.14), (IV.15), (IV.16):
i P0 Q i
=2 P0
1 : : :
e e C .1/Nk eip
ei Q i
@ @ 1
P0 P0
D i ::: i eip
e i Q i
=2 C .1/N eip
ei Q i
=2 : (IV.17)
@p1 @p k 2
We may then integrate by parts over p to apply these derivatives with respect
to the pj , replacing the
j in (IV.14), (IV.15), (IV.16), as indicated above, to the
Tr Œ : factor in (IV.12), and take the limit
! 0. The process is straightforward,
and we obtain for the Nth- order term in e for i W in (IV.2)
ˇ Z
ˇ .e/N .dQ1 / .dQN / i .Q1 C C QN /x
i Wˇ D .dx/ 4
::: e
.N/ N .2/ .2/4
A1 .Q1 / A N .QN / L1 ::: N .Q1 ; : : : ; QN /; (IV.18)
L1 ::: N .Q1 ; : : : ; QN / D 1 C .1/N ˘ 1 ::: N . p I Q1 ; : : : ; QN /;
2 .2/4
and may involve even more derivatives with respect to p. By Gauss’ Theorem, such
integrals would vanish for n 1 C k 4, since S.p/ D O.1 /. Accordingly, for
k D 1, only, I1 ; I2 ; I3 may contribute, and for k D 2, only I1 ; I2 may contribute,
and finally for k D 3 only I1 may contribute. Hence we may infer that only ˘ 1 2 ,
and ˘ 1 2 3 4 would involve an addition to the expressions in (IV.2) coming from
gauge compensating terms. Needless to say ˘ 1 2 3 is zero, corresponding to N D
Accordingly for N D 6; 8; : : : ,
˘ 1 ::: N . p I Q1 ; : : : ; QN /
Q1 2 Q1 Q1
D Tr 1 SC . p / SC . p Q2 / : : : N SC .p Q2 QN / sym ;
2 2 2
˘ 1 2 3 4 . pI Q1 ; : : : ; Q4 / D
Q1 2 Q1 Q1
Tr 1 SC . p / SC . p Q2 / : : : 4 SC . p Q2 Q3 Q4 /
2 2 2
Q1 2 Q1 Q1
C Tr 1 SC . p / SC . p Q2 / 3 SC . p Q2 Q3
@p 4 2 2 2
1 @ @
Q1 2 Q1
C Tr 1 SC . p / SC . p Q2 /
2 Š @p 3 @p 4 2 2
1 @ @ @
C Tr 1 SC . p/ : (IV.23)
3Š @p 2 @p 3 @p 4
See, e.g., (IV.14), (IV.15), (IV.16).
538 IV Schwinger’s Point Splitting Method of Currents: Arbitrary Orders
1 1 1 1
D C Q : (IV.24)
. p Q/ C m p C m . p Q/ C m p C m
Clearly, the second term introduces one more power of the momentum p in the
denominator, and hence invoking Gauss’ Theorem, we may infer that we may set
the Q momenta in the second and third terms on the right-hand side of (IV.23)
equal to zero. On the other hand symmetrizing the second term on the right-hand
side of (IV.23) over 2 ; 3 , after setting the Q momenta equal to zero, it takes the
simple form
1 @
1 @
Tr 1 SC .p/ 2 SC . p/ 3 SC . p/ C Tr 1 SC . p/ 3 SC . p/ 2 SC . p/
2 @p 4 2 @p 4
1 @ @
Tr 1 SC . p/ 2 SC . p/ ; (IV.25)
2 @p 3 @p 4
which exactly cancels the third term on the right-hand side of (IV.23) (after setting
the Q’s equal to zero). Hence (IV.23) finally reduces to
˘ 1 2 3 4 . p I Q1 ; : : : ; Q4 /
Q1 2 Q1 Q1
D Tr 1 SC . p / SC . p Q2 / : : : 4 SC . p Q2 Q3 Q4 / sym
2 2 2
1 @ @ @
C Tr 1 SC . p/ : (IV.26)
3 @p 2 @p 3 @p 4
Q1 2 Q1
˘ 1 2 . p I Q1 ; Q1 / D Tr 1 SC . p / SC . p C /
2 2
1 @ @ @ @
C Q11 Q1 2 Tr Œ 1 SC . p/ C Tr Œ 1 SC . p/ : (IV.27)
24 @p 1 @p 2 @p 2 @p 2
Thus we have obtained all the terms in (IV.18), (IV.19), for the Nth order
contribution to i W in (IV.2). After integrating (IV.18) over x, the following
expression emerges for i W
See, e.g., K. Johnson (1965). Brandeis University Summer Institute in Theoretical Physics. In
Lectures on particles and fields. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.
Appendix V
Renormalization and the Underlying
f d f f
Fig. V.1 A graph is introduced in part (a). The dashed lines stand for external lines that have
been removed defining an amputated graph. Vertices at f and d represent external vertices for the
graph, while the remaining ones represent internal vertices. A subgraph is introduced in part (b)
with four external lines that have been removed. In this case f and b represent external vertices of
the subgraph, while a represents an internal vertex. A subdiagram is introduced in part (c) where
one of the lines joining the vertices at a and b has been cut with the resulting two external lines
removed. The vertices at a, b and f represent external vertices for the subdiagram in part (c)
n X
Qij ` D kij ` C qij ` ; kij ` D asij ` ks ; qij ` D brij ` qr ; Qij ` D Qj i ` :
sD1 rD1
At each external vertex j of G,
Qij ` D qG
j ; and by momentum conservation j D 0;
qG (V.2)
i` j
where the sum is over all i corresponding to all the vertices with lines ` joining
them to the external vertex j . For an internal vertex, the right-hand side of the
above first equality is set equal to zero.
A line joining a vertex i to a vertex j in G, will be represented by
Cij ` .Qij ` ; ij ` / D fij ` .Qij ` ; ij ` /ŒQ2ij ` C 2ij ` 1 ; (V.3)
involving a familiar multiplicative factor fij ` .Qij ` ; ij ` / when one is dealing with
particles of non-zero spin. Let j be fixed, and consider the set fi.j/ g1 i rj of
V Renormalization and the Underlying Subtractions 543
vertices attached by lines to the vertex j in G, and consider the set L G .j /
of all lines joining the vertices i.j/ to the vertex j . Moreover, let fQij ` g1 ` sij
be the set of momenta carried by these lines. Then we assign to the veretx j a
polynomial Pj D Pj .Qij1 ; : : : ; Qrj j srj j /. The unrenormalized Feynman integrand
associated with the proper and connected graph G, up to an overall multiplicative
constants (involving couplings, etc.), is of the form
ij `;i<j Pj
Cij ` : (V.4)
where ui ; uj are four vectors, and the second equality above means that the external
variables of the lines joining a vertex i to the vertex j are all chosen to be equal.
In particular, we also note that (V.2), (V.5) imply that
kij ` D 0; G
kij ` D 0; (V.6)
i` ij`
1 1
q D q211 C q212 C q213 ; q; i.e. q21 ` D q; ` D 1; 2; 3:
or u2 u1 D
3 3
At vertex 1 , we also have: k211 C k212 C k213 D 0. Let k211 D k1 , k212 D k2 , then
k213 D k1 k2 . Therefore a canonical choice of variables are
1 1 1
Q211 D k1 C q; Q212 D k2 C q; Q213 D k1 k2 C q: } (V.8)
3 3 3
Canonical variables were introduced by Zimmermann [9].
544 V Renormalization and the Underlying Subtractions
(a) 1
(b) 1
2 q2 q1 1 3 q3
q1 1 2 2
Fig. V.2 (a) A graph with external vertices at 1 and 2, and external momenta q1 q, q2 q.
(b) A graph with external vertices at 1 and 3 and an internal vertex at 2
Example V.2 Consider the graph in Fig. V.2b with q1 q, q3 q. At the
vertices, 1 , 2 , 3 , we have, respectively, with 2 an internal vertex
Example V.3 Consider the graph G in Fig. V.3 below, with q1 D q, q4 D q. Let
k12 D 3 .k1 C 3 k2 /=8, k34 D 3 .3 k1 C k2 /=8. Following the procedure in the
above two examples gives rise to the following canonical decompositions:
3 9 1 3 9 1 3 3
Q12 D k1 C k2 C q; Q13 D k1 k2 C q; Q32 D k1 k2 ;
8 8 2 8 8 2 4 4
9 3 1 9 3 1
Q34 D k1 k2 C q; Q24 D k1 C k2 C q: }
8 8 2 8 8 2
V Renormalization and the Underlying Subtractions 545
g g
But for k G D 0, Qij ` D qG
ij ` D k ij ` .0; q / C q ij ` .0; q / and
g 0 0
g G
qij ` D g
Qij ` D q j .0; qG /; g
ij ` D 0;
qG ij ` D ui uj ;
i` i` i`
X g
g g=g 0 g
q j .kg ; qg / D q j k ij ` C q ij ` ; (V.23)
Example V.4 Consider the graph G and the two subdiagrams g1 and g2 in Fig. V.3.
From (V.15), (V.16), (V.17), at the vertices 2 and of 3 of subdiagram g1 , respectively,
g g g 3 9 1
q 21 D q 421 C q 321 D Q42 C Q32 D w4 w2 C w3 w2 D k1 k2 q;
8 8 2
g g g 3 9 1
q 31 D q 431 C q 231 D Q43 C Q23 D w4 w3 C w2 w3 D C k1 C k2 q:
8 8 2
These lead to .q 41 D q/
g 1 3 1 g 1 3 1 g 1 3
q 341 D k1 k2 C q; q 241 D k1 C k2 C q; q 321 D k1 k2 :
8 8 2 8 8 2 4 4
1 2 3 4 1 3 2 3 4
G g2 g1
Fig. V.3 A graph G with external vertices at 1 and 4, showing only two of its proper subdiagrams
g1 and g2 having each three external vertices. The dashed lines are just to remind us of the external
lines that have been removed.
V Renormalization and the Underlying Subtractions 547
g g
Similarly for the subdiagram g2 we have q12 D q; q22 D .9=8/ k1 C .3=8/ k2 C
.q=2/; q 3 D .9=8/ k1 .3=8/ k2 C .q=2/
g 3 1 g 3 1 1 g 3 1 1
q 322 D k1 C k2 ; q 132 D k1 k2 C q; q 122 D k1 C k2 C q;
4 4 8 8 2 8 8 2
g g g
k 322 D k2 ; k 132 D k2 ; k 122 D k2 : } (V.29)
(i) If g
D, then g is a proper, but not necessarily connected, subdiagram of G
with d.g/ 0. If d.G/ 0, then one of the elements of D may be G itself.
(ii) If g1 ; g2
D, then either g1
¤ g2 or g2 ¤ g1 . If g1 ¤ g2 , then the ordering
of the Taylor operations in (V.32) is as : : : .Tg2 / : : : .Tg1 / : : : .
Note that the Taylor operations are applied directly to the integrand I G in the
momentum representation, and no questions of divergences arise in (V.32). The
sets D are called renormalization sets.
We see that an important task is to find the renormalization sets D associated
with a graph G. For example, for the graph G in Fig. V.3, the normalization
sets, say for simplicity for scalar field self-coupling in 6 dimensional spacetime,
are: fGg; fG; g1 g; fG; g2 g; fg1 g; fg2 g. Note that the subdiagram obtained from the
graph G by cutting (i.e, removing) line 23 has a degree of divergence -2 in 6
dimensions. Note also that fg1 ; g2 g is not a D set, since neither g1 ¤ g2 nor
g2 ¤ g 1 . The renormalized integrand then becomes
h i
1 C .T G / C .T G /.T g1 / C .T G /.T g2 / C .T g1 / C .T g2 / I G
h i
D .1 T G / 1 C .T g1 / C .T g2 / I G ;
See also Zeidler [8, p. 972] and Figueroa and Gracia-Bondia [1].
V Renormalization and the Underlying Subtractions 549
(masses, couplings,. . . ) are taken from experiments. For the equivalence of the
subtraction scheme and the counter-term formalism, see Manoukian [2, 3]. This
establishes the criterion of renormalizabilty and is expressed as follows. One, a
prioi, may generalize the original Lagrangian density by adding to it new terms.
If the counter-terms needed to make the (modified) theory finite and consistent,
have the same structures as of terms in the (modified) Lagrangian density and
are finite in number, then the (modified) theory is called renormalizable. In the
latter case only a finite number of parameters are taken from experiments. For
example in QED, the counter-terms have exactly the same structures of terms in
the Dirac-Maxwell Lagrangian density and the values of the two parameters the
(renormalized) mass and (renormalized) charge of the electron are taken from
experiments. If the number of counter-terms needed are infinite in number, then
one may need to fix an infinite number of parameters and the theory loses its
predictive power.
(5) Asymptotic behavior of the renormalized theory, such as at high-energy, or for
small masses, or for large masses, and other variations, as well as of the proof
of the decoupling theorem consistently used in QCD, see Manoukian [3].
(6) Regarding the author’s work in the completion of the renormalization program
stemming that of Salam’s, Streater [7] writes: “It is the end of a long chapter
in the history of physics”. He also states: “Physicists found Salam’s [method]
easier than the BPH one”.
(7) When you write down a local Lagrangian density, the parameters (couplings,
masses,. . . ) are introduced at infinite energies (specified by large ultraviolet cut-
offs) and are unattainable. Renormalization theory eliminates these parameters
in favor of physically measurable parameters.
Recommended Reading
1. Figueroa, H., & Gracia-Bondia, J. M. (2004). The uses of Connes and Kreimer’s algebraic
formulation of renormalization. International Journal of Modern Physics, A19, 2739–2754.
2. Manoukian, E. B. (1979). Subtractions vs Counterterms. Nuovo Cimento, 53A, 345–358.
3. Manoukian, E. B. (1983a). Renormalization. New York/London/Paris: Academic Press.
4. Manoukian, E. B. (1983b). Elementary proof of
! C0 limit of Renormalized Feynman
amplitudes. Journal of Physics: Mathematical and General, 16, 4131–4133.
5. Manoukian, E. B. (1984b). Elementary proof of
! C0 limit of Renormalized Feynman
amplitudes. II: Theories involving zero mass particles. Journal of Physics: Mathematical and
General, 17, 1931–1935.
6. Manoukian, E. B. (2006). Quantum theory: A wide spectrum. Dordrecht: Springer.
7. Streater, R. F. (1985). Review of Renormalization by E. B. Manoukian. Bulletin of London
Mathematical Society, 17, pp. 509–510.
8. Zeidler, E. (2009). Quantum field theory II: Quantum electrodynamics. Berlin: Springer.
pp. 972–975.
9. Zimmermann, W. (1969). Convergence of Bogoliubov’s method of renormalization in momen-
tum space. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 15, 208–234.
Solutions to the Problems
Chapter 2
p p
2.1. Note that cos 2 D 1= jaj2 C 1, sin 2 D jaj= a2 C 1, where we have used
f 0 ; g D 0, . a/ 2 D jaj2 . Also note that .jaj a/
h a i
G 0 G1 D 0 cos 2 sin 2
0 1 0
G a G D a cos 2 C a sin 2 :
Hence G 0 . a C 1/ G1 D 0 a cos 2 .sin 2=jaj/ C .cos 2 C
a sin 2 .
The statement of the problem then follows from the expressions of cos 2
and sin 2 given above. p p
2.2. Let a D p=m, cos D . p0 C m/=2p p
0 , sin D jpj= 2p0 . p0 C m/ in
Problem 2.1. Then G H G1 D m 0 R p2 =m2 C 1 D 0 p2 C m2 .
2.3. TheR integral in question is given by: dj .j ˇj /.˛ 0 C c1 j / which reduces
to dj j .˛ 0 C c1 ˇj / D ˛R 0 C c1 ˇj D f .ˇj /, where
R c1 is a c number.
2.4. The integral is given by d .˛ 0 C c1 / D d c1 D c1 , since c1 is a c
number. On the other
R Rhand, .@=@/.˛
0 C c1 / D c1 .@=@/ D c1 .
2.5. (i) dR R D 1 D dR R . The latter, in turn, is equal to R .dR / D
.dR / R . That is, .dR / D dR , and similarly .dI / D dI . From
the definition d D .dR C i dI / we obtain .d/ D . dR .i/.1/dI /,
from which the condition .d/ D d follows. (ii) Using the latter
result, we have d D . d / D d . Recall that complex
conjugation reverses the order in a product.
The result then follows from the integrals d D 1, d D 1. Note that
every factor like j .j ˛j /, .j ˛ j /j , .j ˛j /.j ˛ j / commutes with
everything for any j. R
2.7. Œ•=•a .x/ exp Œ i A D i exp Œ i A .dx 0 / Aab .x; x 0 /b .x 0 /. A further
application of Œ •=•c .y/ to the latter gives: exp Œ i A
h Z Z i
00 00 00
.i/.i/ .dx /d .x /Adc .x ; y/ .dy/Aad .x; y/d .y/ C i Aac .x; y/ ;
which coincides with (2.6.15), where we note that exp Œ i A commutes with
2.8. Using the identities in (2.6.11), (2.6.12), we may write to the leading order
h Z
• • i
ZŒ; D 1 C i e .dx/.i/ A .x/.i/
•.x/ •.x/
Z h @ i
D D exp i C m C C :
But the functional integral is from (2.6.27) is equal to C expŒi SC , where the
multiplicative factor C is independent of .; / and, of course, independent
of e as well. Hence from (2.6.15), we have
h Z
• • i
ZŒ; D C 1 C i e .dx/.i/ A .x/.i/ expŒ i SC
•.x/ •.x/
h Z Z
D C 1 e .dx/TrŒ A .x/SC .x; x/ C i e .dx/.dx 0 /.dy/
.x/ SC .x; x 0 / A .x 0 /SC .x 0 ; y/ .y/ expŒ i SC :
where SC .x; x 0 / D . @ =i C m/ ı .4/ .x x 0 /. SC is worked out in Sect. 3.1
with an appropriate boundary condition.
Chapter 3
3.1. At t D a, the second expression is .1=2/exp.1/ D 0, and f .t/ is
continuous at this point and vanishes. The continuity at t D 0 is obvious
too. For t ! a from below, write t D a
! C0. Then the third
1 .1=2/ exp 2.a=
/ 1 ! 1 for
! C0, and f .t/ is continuous at
t D a as well and is equal to 1.
f (t)
−a a
.dp/ p C m ip.x0 x/ @
e C m D ı .4/ .x0 x/;
.2/4 p2 C m2 i
3.3. For a weak external electromagnetic potential we have seen in (3.2.14) that
SC .x; x 0 / ' SC .x x 0 / C e .dx 00 / SC .x x 00 / A .x 00 /SC
.x 00 ; x 0 /:
Using the expression for SC .x x 0 / in (3.1.10) for x0 > x 00 , and the Fourier
transform of the field A .x/ in (3.2.18), we obtain for the e-dependent part
of h .x/iA in (3.2.13)
d3 p0 d3 p 0 0
e2 .i/2 3 0 0 3 0
. p0 C m/ . p C m/A . p0 p/eip x eip x ;
.2/ 2p .2/ 2p
the result stated for h 0C j .x/ j 0 iıA =h0C j 0 iıA in (3.3.14) follows,
by multiplying SC A
.x 0 ; x/ by .x 0 /, and integrating over x 0 as indicated
in (3.3.13).
Solutions to the Problems 555
3.6. This is simply obtained by taking the absolute value squared of (3.3.41), and
restrict the p-integration as indicated in the region specified by
, picking
up the spin , and dividing by the normalization factor N.
3.7. By using the projection given in (I.21), we have
1 X ˇˇ ˇ2 1
u.p 0 ; 0 / 0 u.p; / ˇ D Tr . p 0 C m/ 0 . p C m/ 0
2 0 8m2
1 ˚ 0
D p p Tr Œ 0 0 C m2 Tr Œ 0 0 ;
where we have used the fact that the trace of an odd number of gamma
matrices is zero. Finally using the identities
Tr Œ 0 0 D 4 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 ; Tr Œ 0 0 D 4;
Using the anti-commutation relation f a .y/; b .y 0 /g D ıab ı 3 .y y 0 /, for
y 0 D y 0 0 .D 0/, in (3.5.11), we note that due to the last identity in the above
set of equations that the cross term in f a .x/; b .x 0 /g, for arbitrary x; x 0 ,
vanishes and we obtain from the remaining identities above
0 @ d3 p h ip .xx 0 / ip .xx 0 /
f a .x/; b .x /g D Cm e e :
i ab .2/3 2p 0
3.10. The integral may be expressed in terms of the sine function, or equivalently
Z Z C1
" .dQ/
ID A .Q/ e iQ x
d ei .
2 .2/4 1
Z h
.dQ/ 1
Q 2 1
Q 4 i
A .Q/ 1 C eiQ x ;
.2/4 3Š 2 5Š 2
i i i
Œ ; F D 2 Œ 0 ; i F 0 i C Œ i ; j Fij ;
4 4 4
to the stated result, consistent with (3.7.13) for E; B along the third axis.
3.12. The formal substitution s ! i s amounts in replacing (3.8.5) by
2 ImW .e/ 1 1
ds ism2 h .seE/2 i
D 2 Re i e sjeEj coth sjeEj 1 :
VT 4 0 s3 3
The expression within the square brackets is real. Accordingly, we may make
the replacement ReŒ i eism D sin.sm2 /, leading to an integrand which is an
even function of s. Thus the above integral may be rewritten as
Z 1 h i
2 ImW .e/ 1 ds 2
D 2 3
sin.sm / sjeEj coth sjeEj 1 ;
VT 8 1 s 3
Z 1
1 ds ism2 h .seE/2 i
D Im e sjeEj coth sjeEj 1 :
8 2 1 s
3 3
It is precisely because of the .seE/2 =3, term within the square brackets that
the point s D 0 is not a pole of the integrand. By closing the integral from
below as shown in the c.w. direction in the complex s-plane, we enclose
all the poles in==jeEj; n D 1; 2; : : :, and note that i i .Ims/ m2 D
m2 .Ims/, thus em .Ims/ ! 0 for .Ims/ ! 1.
× − iπ /|eE|
×−2iπ /|eE|
Solutions to the Problems 557
For s '
with n D 1; 2; : : :, the integrand approaches:
eism = s2 s C jeEj
, and the residue theorem gives
X1 1
˛ E 2 X e n m =jeEj
2 ImW .e/ 1 jeEj2 n m2 =jeEj
D Im .2i/ e D ;
VT 8 2 nD1
n2 2 2 nD1 n2
1 1
.. p C •p/ C m/ . p C m/
1 h i 1
D p C m . p C •p/ C m
.. p C •p/ C m/ . p C m/
1 1
D . •p/ ;
.. p C •p/ C m/ . p C m/
h i
@ A0 @ A0 D U.@ A @ A /U 1 U@ U 1; UA U 1
h i ih i
C U@ U 1; UA U 1 U@ U 1; U@ U 1 ;
h i
i g Œ A0 ; A0 D i g UŒ A ; A U 1 U@ U 1; UA U 1
h i ih i
C U@ U 1; UA U 1 C U@ U 1; U@ U 1 :
1 @
exp Œ iF.z/ SC .z x/ C ı .4/ .z x/ F.x/
h @ i
D exp Œ iF.x/ ı .z x/
C @ F.x/ Cm
h @ i
D ı .4/ .z x/ C m exp Œ iF.x/ D SC 1
.z x/ exp Œ iF.x/ ;
which is the statement in the problem.
Chapter 4
4.1. Using the facts that h 0 j P D 0, and h 0 j P 0 D m h 0 j, we may infer
from (4.2.23)–(4.2.31) that
With n given in (4.2.24), we may refer to (2.2.11) to infer that R33 D cos ,
R23 D sin sin , R13 D cos sin , and use the fact that sinh ˛ D
jp j=m, to conclude that the state in (4.2.23) becomes multiplied by p by
the action of P, where p is given in (4.2.33). On the other p hand, Y 0 D
0 3
P cosh ˛ C P sinh ˛, as given in (4.2.30), and m cosh ˛ D jp j2 C m2 ,
which verifies (4.2.32) for the application of P 0 as well.
4.2. From (4.2.14) we note that W 0 commutes with J. On the other hand,
consider the expression: K.˛/ D exp Œ i˛ J03 W 0 exp Œ i˛ J03 , with B.C.
K.0/ D W 0 . We explicitly have K 0 .0/ D W 3 , K 00 .˛/ D K.˛/, with the
latter two equalities following from (4.2.14), from which we obtain K.˛/ D
W 3 sinh ˛ C W 0 cosh ˛. This leads to the statement of the problem by finally
noting that h 0jW 0 D 0, h 0jW 3 D mh 0; j.
4.3. If W D 0, then we may write W D 0 P , and there is nothing to
prove. Accordingly suppose that W ¤ 0, that is, jW 0 j D jWj > 0. From
the orthogonality of the two vectors: P 0 W 0 D jPj jWj cos or jW 0 jjP 0 j D
jPj jWj j cos j from which j cos j D 1. That is, W D P. On the other
hand, the relation W 0 P 0 D W P D jPj2 also implies that we also have
W 0 D P 0 , since P 0 D jPj > 0, which completes the proof.
Solutions to the Problems 559
i ˛ ˇ
˝ D F .S /˛ Aˇ C F ˛ .S /˛ ˇ Aˇ C F ˛ .S /˛ ˇ Aˇ D F A:
T D ..1=4/ F ˛ˇ F˛ˇ F ˛ @ A˛ / F @ A
D .1=4/ F ˛ˇ F˛ˇ C F ˛ F ˛ ;
which is obviously symmetric and gauge invariant, i.e., under the transfor-
mation A˛ ! A˛ C @˛ , for the latter. Using the elementary identity
@ F˛ˇ D @˛ F ˇ @ˇ F ˛ , and the asymmetry of F ˛ˇ the conservation law
follows @ T D 12 F ˛ˇ @ F˛ˇ C F ˛ @ F ˛ D 0. T is traceless.
4.7. @L =@.@ / r D i . Recall from (I.7) that S D .i=4/Œ ; . Hence
from the definition of ˝ in (4.4.6), taking into account the adjoint field
1 1
˝ C .˝ / D f ; S g C f ; S g C f ; S g
2 4
D :
1 i ! !
T D i @ C i @ C @ @
2 4
1 ! !
D @ C @ ;
which is obviously symmetric.
560 Solutions to the Problems
1 !0 1 0 !k !
T 00 D
@ ; T0 k D @ C k @0 :
2i 4i
The Dirac equations give @0 D 0 . r Ci m , @0 D r i m 0 .
The right-hand sides of these two equations together with the identity
k j D .1=2/Œ k ; j kj , lead to the following expressions
1 ! 1 1 !k
T 00 D mC r ; T0 k D @j
Œ j ; k C
@ :
2i 8i 2i
4.9. This commutation relation follows by the application of the general equal
commutation rule of the commutator of bilinear forms:
h i
Œ a .x/; b .x/; Œ c .x 0 /; d .x 0 /
D 2 ıbc ı 3 .x x0 / Œ
a .x/; d .x
/ 2 ıad ı 3 .x x0 / Œ 0
c .x /; b .x/: . /
ıad ı 3 .x x0 / 0
c .x / b .x/ C ıbc ı 3 .x x0 / 0
a .x/ d .x /;
0 0 0 0
a .x/ d .x / b .x/ c .x / D d .x / c .x / a .x/ b .x/
ıbc ı 3 .x x0 / d .x
a .x/ C ıad ı 3 .x x0 / 0
b .x/ c .x /;
using, in the process, the 3D completeness relation for the last relation.
Solutions to the Problems 561
which when are substituted back in the initial equation in the problem give
@ h 1 @ @ 2 @ @ i
Cm D C C C 2 K
i 3 im im m i i
2 @ h @
@ @
C m C m K :
3 m2 i i i i
Upon multiplying this equation by @=iCm , the statement in the problem
then follows from an analysis similar to the one leading to (4.7.143), and by
note that the first term in the above equation multiplied by @=i C
m is nothing but K , where is given in (4.7.145) in the momentum
description, while the coefficient of .Cm2 / of the second term is the non-
propagating, non-singular term, mentioned in the statement of the problem.
The equations in (4.7.137), (4.7.138) are also satisfied for K D 0.
4.12. Consider the equation for 0 in (4.7.137) . @=i C m/ 0 D 0 for K D 0.
It may be rewritten as
0@0 0 r @i i r
0D C Cm D 0 C C m 0 i i
i i i i
where we have used, in turn, the constraint in (4.7.137) and (4.7.138) to
eliminate 0 . The constraint equation in (4.7.148) follows upon multiplying
the above equation by 0 .
4.13. The following two equalities are explicitly verified
@j r j @j
i ˇ ij DC C2 ;
im 3im im
@ i ij @j 1 r j @j r @j r2 j @j
ˇ D C C2 C2 :
i i 3 i im i im 3m im
The equation in question follows directly from combining these two
4.14. By working in the chiral representation of the gamma matrices, given
in (2.3.3), u.˙1/ may be taken (see (I.25)) and conveniently normalized, as
p C p 0 X
u.C1/ D jpj ; u.1/ D jpj ; u./u./ D p;
562 Solutions to the Problems
1 X i k `
e e u.C/u.C/ C u./u./ k e ` 0 e 0 :
PC ij D ./
2 0
By considering,
p for example, the vector
p p to be along the 3-axis, and eC D
.1; i; 0/= 2, e D .1; i; 0/= 2, the following are easily established
e 0 e0 D ı j 1 1 C ı j 2 2 ;
X j
e 0 e0 u.C/ D 2 e j u./;
X p
u.C/ e i e D 2 e i u./;
and with an almost identical analysis carried out for the u./u./ in (*)
completes the verification of (4.7.193).
4.15. In the presence of the external source, (4.7.103), for D 0 becomes replaced
by @ k F k 0 C m2 V 0 D K 0 , and with F k 0 D k , denoting the canonical
conjugate momenta of the components V k , the dependent field V 0 satisfies
the equation
1 0
V0 D K C @ k k /:
• 1 0 .4/ 0
V 0 .x 0 / D ı .x x/; or equivalently
•K .x/ m2
• 1 0 .4/ 0
V .x 0 / D ı 0 ı .x x/:
•K .x/ m2
• •
.i/ .i/ 0
h 0C j 0 i D h 0C j V .x/V .x 0 / C 0 i
•K .x/ •K .x /
i h 0C j V .x 0 / j 0 i
•K .x/
D h 0C j V .x/V .x 0 / C j 0 i 2 ı 0 0 ı .4/ .x 0 x/h0C j 0 i;
Solutions to the Problems 563
from which the statement in the problem follows upon multiplying by i, and
is a consequence of the presence of a dependent field.
4.16. Although V0 .x/ is a dependent field we note that
• • •
.i/ .i/ .i/ h 0C j 0 i
•K .x/ •.x/ •.x/
D .i/ h 0C j .x/ .x/ C j 0 i
•K .x/
D h 0C j .x/ .x/V .x/ C j 0 i D h 0C j LI .x/ j 0D i
where the functional derivative •=•K 0 .x/ does not generate an additional
term as in (4.6.38) because .x/ .x/ in the first equality consists only of
independent fields.
Chapter 5
5.1. The solution immediately follows by writing down the rotation matrix
ŒR i k explicitly and the polarization vectors as 3 1 (column) matrices. The
expression for ŒR i k follows from (5.2.6) to be
0 1
cos2 cos C sin2 sin cos .cos 1/ cos sin
ŒR i k D @ sin cos .cos 1/ sin2 cos C cos2 sin sin A :
cos sin sin sin cos
5.2. @ .dx 0 /D .x x 0 / J .x 0 / D .dx 0 /DC .x x 0 /@0 J .x 0 / D .x/:
5.3. Going through these various steps, we have: En .K; R/ exp Œ iEn .K; R/T
d2 n 1 @ h n2 2 io
En .K; R/ exp Œi En .K; R/T D 2 i 2 2
exp i K2 C 2 T :
dT T @K R
1 ˇˇ i j k j n1 R1 i j k j n2 R2 ˇ2
fka .n1 ; n2 / D ˇe e C ei j k j n1 R2 ei j k j n2 R1 ˇ :
564 Solutions to the Problems
independently of f .j k j/ where
Z Z ˇ ˇ2
ˇ ˇ
CD d˝1 d˝2 ˇ ei j k j n1 R1 ei j k j n2 R2 C ei j k j n1 R2 ei j k j n2 R1 ˇ :
@ 1 1 h 1 1 i
D ; ıe0 ! 0
@e0 A e0 B ıe0 A .e0 C ıe0 / B A e0 B
1 h A e0 B A .e0 C ıe0 / B i 1
A .e0 C ıe0 / B ıe0 A e0 B
1 1
! B ;
A e0 B A e0 B
and the result follows by matrix multiplication with matrix elements indices
specified by spacetime variables.
5.6. From (5.7.3) and (5.7.4), we have
@ h 0C j j j 0 i D i e0 h 0C j j 0 i h 0C j j 0 i ;
upon taking matrix element between vacuum states. The first result then
follows from the explicit equations for h 0C j .x/ j 0 i in (5.7.13),
h 0C j .x/ j 0i in (5.7.14), and (5.7.7). Now write h 0C j 0 i D
FŒ•=•J h 0C j 0 i0 in (5.7.27). Then
@ h 0C jA .x/ j 0 i D FŒ•=•J .dx 0 /DC .x x 0 /@0 J .x 0 /h 0C j 0 i0 :
Upon using the identity: FŒ•=•J J .x/ D J .x/C•FŒT=•T .x/ ˇT D•=•J , the
SC .y; y I e0 T/ D SC .xx /ie0 .dy/ SC .yy1 / T .y1 / SC .y1 y 0 /C ;
0 0
Solutions to the Problems 565
Clearly the second and the fourth terms within the round brackets give rise to
disconnected parts and are to be omitted. Finally, A1 B 2 leads to
h i
Œ S 3 S K 1 2 D1 3 D 2 2 J 2 C D 2 3 D1 1 J 1 ;
retaining only connected parts.
566 Solutions to the Problems
5.8. This involves four terms. The term obtained by multiplying the first term
in (5.9.23) by its complex conjugate is given by
Œu.p 02 ; 02 / u.p 2 ; 2 /u.p 01 ; 01 / u.p1 ; 1 /
. p 2 p 20 /4
u.p1 ; 1 / u.p 01 ; 01 /u.p 2 ; 2 / u.p 02 ; 02 /
1 1
D Tr Œ . p 01 C m/ . p1 C m/
.2m/4 . p 2 p 20 /4
Tr Œ . p 20 C m/ . p 2 C m/ ;
where we have used the relation ua .p; /ub .p; / D . p C m/ab =2m.
Application of the properties of the gamma matrices readily gives the first
term in (5.9.32). It is easy to see that the two cross terms are identical, and
direct applications of the method just given for the first term leads to the other
5.9. The four-spinors of the ingoing electrons are given by
0 1 0 1
s 1 s 0
p0 Cm B 0 C
B C ; u.p 2 ; / D p 0Cm B C
B 1 C ;
u.p1 ; C/ D
2m @ 1 A 2m @ 0 A
i i
0 1
where D ˇ=. C 1/ D ˇ=.1 C 1 ˇ 2 /. The four spinors of the outgoing
electrons may be written as
s ! s !
p0 C m 1 p0 Cm 2
u.p 01 ; 01 / D p 01 ; u.p 02 ; 02 / D p 01 ;
2m p 0 Cm 1
2m p 0 Cm 2
Z 1 Z 1 h i
2 2 x dx 2 2
D i D 2 dx 1 ;
0 2 C .m2 2 / x m 2 0 2 C .m2 2 /x
using the integral (II.8). The stated result then follows upon carrying out the
elementary x-integral, and then considering the limit 2 ! 1.
5.12. Using the integral
x dx 1
2 a 1 x a=2
D ln x axCa C p arctan p ;
x 2 ax C a 2 2 a .a=2/2 a .a=2/2
for a > 0, we obtain with a D 2 =m2 ! 0, Cir D .1=2/ ln 2 =m2
C.=2m/Œ.=2/CO.=m/. On the other hand 2 @Cir =@2 D Cir CDir .
Z Z Z 1
.dk/ dx
I D .dk/ ;
Œ . p k/ C m2 Œ k2 C 2
0 F.k2 ; x/
where F.k2 ; x/ D k2 C . p 2 C m2 /x.1 x/ C m2 x 2 C 2 .1 x/ , after
having made a shift of the (integration) variable k ! kCpx. Upon integration
over x by parts, and using the elementary integral (II.8), we obtain I D
568 Solutions to the Problems
In the first integral I 2 , we may set . p 2 C m2 / D 0, in the denominator,
obtaining, I 2 D Œ. p 2 C m2 /=m2 Œ Cir 2 , for 2 =m2 ! 0, where Cir
is given in (5.10.22). The second integral may be written, up to first order in
. p 2 C m2 /, as
Z 1 Z 1
.2/ x 2 .1 x/.2 m2 x 2 / dx x .2 m2 x 2 / dx
I 2 D . p 2 C m2 / C :
0 Œ m2 x 2 C 2 .1 x/ 2 0 Œ m2 x 2 C 2 .1 x/
where we have used, in the process, the value of the second integral Dir in
Problem 5.12, to set the second term to zero. The above integral, multiplied by
2 , vanishes
like O.=m/. Accordingly, I 2 D 2 C Œ . p 2 C m2 /=m2 Œ 3
2 Cir . Hence I 2 D 2 C Œ . p 2 C m2 /=m2 Œ Cir 2 C 3 2 Cir ,
Z h i
.dk/ 2
p C m 2
D i Cuv C2 2 Cir 1 CO . pCm/ ;
Œ . p k/2 C m2 Œ k2 C 2 m
where we have used the identity in Problem 5.10. The statement of the
problem follows upon multiplying this integral by ie2 Œ. C 1/. p C m/
2m=.2/4 .
5.14. From (5.10.57), the modified
Coulomb potential,
to second order may be
0 2 0
written as U .x/ D q Z3 C .˛=3/
U .x/ =.4jxj/, where
Z Z r
dM 2 M jxj 1
dM 2 2 m2 4 m2
U .x/ D 2
e C 2
1C 1 1 eM jxj :
.2m/2 M .2m/2 M M2 M2
See, e.g., I. S. Gradshteyn and I. M. Ryzhik (2000). Tables of Integrals, Series and Products (6th
ed.). San Diego/San Francisco: Academic Press. pp. 875–877.
Solutions to the Problems 569
Z 1 1
I1 D 2 dt D 2 Ei.2mjxj/ ' 2 E C 2 ln C O.mjxj/;
2mjxj t 2mjxj
5.15. From (5.10.42), u.p 0 ; / ˘ .k/ .1=k2 /u.p; / is equal to
u.p 0 ; / u.p; / ˘.k2 / u.p 0 ; /. p 0 p/u.p; / :
8 ˛4 m 2 2
•E D m :
A0 .y/h 0C j F k 0 .x/ j 0 i D h 0C j F k 0 .x/A0 .y/ j 0 iCi ı .4/ .xy/h 0C j 0 i;
C r2
h @k i
h 0C j F k .x/ A .y/ C j 0 i D bF k .x/ b
A .y/ i 2 ı .4/ .x y/ h 0C j 0 i:
5.18. We note from the just mentioned equation that
a D @ 1 a 0 3 0 a
3 @ @ A @ A ; a D 1; 2;
@ a a D @ 1 0 a 3 3 1 0 2 3
3 @ .@ a @ A @ @ a A / D @ 3 @ r A :
Recall: .jx x0 j/1 D .1=r> / nD0 .r< =r> /n Pn .cos /, in a standard notation, P 0 .cos / D
1; P1 .cos / D cos , 1 d cos Pn .cos / Pn 0 .cos / D 2 ın n 0 =.2n C 1/.
Solutions to the Problems 571
The expression A 3 D .@ a =@3 /Aa then leads to the equal time commutation
relations in question.
5.19. The Fourier transform of the left-hand side of the identity reads ˛ˇ
.˛j kj kˇ =k2 / .ˇj kj k˛ =k2 / C .k˛ kˇ =k2 / =k2 , and coincides with DC .k/
(see (5.14.13).
5.20. Denote the left-hand side by K. This gives
• • • h i
.i/ K D exp i e0 @ SC .x :/ .:/ exp i SC
•.x/ • •
h • i
D SC .x :/ .:/ C i e0 @ .:/ K;
which upon multiplying by SC .z x/ and integrating over x, gives
Z h
1 • • i
.dx/ SC .z x/.i/ K D .z/ C i e0 @z .z/ K
•.x/ •.z/
exp Œ i e0 .z/ Œ SC .z x/ C ı .4/ .z x/ e0 @ .x/
D SC .z x/ exp Œ i e0 .x/ ;
(see Problem 3.15). Hence upon multiplying the former equation by:
exp Œ i e0 .y/ SC .y z/, and integrating over z , we obtain
.i/ KD .dz/ exp Œ i e0 .y/ SC .y z/ exp Œ i e0 .z/ .z/ K:
Functionally integrating over .y/ leads to the right-hand side of the equation
stated in the problem, and incidentally satisfies the appropriate boundary
condition for e0 ! 0.
572 Solutions to the Problems
5.21. Upon setting e0 •=•.z/ •=•.z/ D fO .z/, with ! , ! ,
J ! K , we have from (5.15.1),
@ @ • i ˇ
exp .dx/ J .x/ FŒ ; ; K
; ˇ
•K .x/ K D0
hi i
D exp .fO C J /D ./.fO C J / exp .@ J / G .@ J /
2 2
h @ i
˛ ˛
exp ifO @ 2
J exp i SC ;
where G is defined in (5.15.25). From Problem 5.20, we also have, with
h @ i
˛ ˛
D e0 J ;
h @ i
˛ ˛
exp ifO @ J exp i SC D expŒ i ei SC ei :
Since we eventually have to set the external Fermi sources to zero, we may
make a change of these source variables,
! ei ; ! ei ;
• • ˇ
.i/ .i/ FŒ ; ; J ; D 0 ˇ
•.x/ •.y/ D 0; D 0
• • ˇ
D .i/ .i/ O FŒ ; ; K ; ˇˇ
exp Œ Q ; ./
•.x/ •.y/ D 0; D 0; K D 0
h • • i Z h i •
O D e0 aQ y
C .dx 0 / aQ 0 @ 0 J .x 0 / :
•K .y/
•K .x/
•K .x 0 /
• • hi i
exp Œ i .J / .i/ .i/ exp .fO C J /D .fO C J /
•.x/ •.y/ 2
exp ifO @ exp i SC ˇ ;
D 0; D 0; K D 0
Z h i
.z I x; y/ D .dz 0 / G.z z 0 / e0 ı .4/ .z 0 x/ ı .4/ .z 0 y/ @ J .z 0 / ;
.J / D J .:/ @P . : I x; y/ C g. : I x; y/ G.: :/ g. : I x; y/;
g.z I x; y/ D e0 ı .4/ .z x/ ı .4/ .z y/ @z J .z/:
where G.z z 0 /
is defined in (5.15.25)
an ultraviolet
cut-off. From
Problem 5.20: exp ifO @ exp i SC D exp i.ei / SC .ei / .
Hence upon defining sources
T D ei ; T D ei ;
using the chain rule: .•=•/ D ei .•=•T/, and simply evaluating the
functional .J / above, we obtain
• • ˇ
.i/ .i/ .i/ FŒ ; ; J ; D 0 ˇ
•.x/ •.y/ D 0; D 0;
2 • • ˇ
D ei$ ŒJ ei e0 G.0/G.xy/ .i/ .i/ .i/ FŒT; T; J ; ˇ ; ./
•T .x/ •T.y/ TD0;TD0;
$ ŒJ D .@ J / G .@ J / e0 .dz/J .z/@z Œ G.z x/G.z y/ :
Using the identity fcda faeb fcea fadb D fcba fade D fcab fade , the result follows
upon factoring out go fcab , and using the definition of Ga .
6.3. From the commutation relation in (6.2.7), established in the previous prob-
lem, we have
where in going from the first line to the second we have used the anti-
symmetry of fabc . In the last equality we have used the fact that Gc D Gc ,
and relabeled $ , thus establishing the equality.
6.4. By an integral representation of the delta functional, up to an unimportant
multiplicative constant, the left-hand side becomes
˘bx Db .x/ exp i Œ .dx/ a .x/@ Aa C a .x/a .x/ D ˘bx Db .x/
i i
exp Œ .dx/a .x/a .x/ exp Œ .dx/@ Aa .x/ @ Aa .x/;
2 2
upon completing the squares in the exponential, and shifting the variable a .
The result follows after integration over the latter variable.
. /
6.5. From Problem 6.1: Aa ' Aa C.ıab @ C go facb Ac /b . The constraint :
. /k
@k Aa D 0 gives a ' .@k =@2 /Aka C O.A2 /. When the latter is
. /
substituted back in the expression for Aa , we obtain
' Œ.@ k @k /=@2 Aa C O.A2 /:
6.6. This expression is obtained from the corresponding differential cross section
for e ! e in Sect. 5.9.3, by replacing the expression
1 X
M2 Tr u.p 0 ; 0 / u.p; / u.p; / u.p 0 ; 0 / in it by
. p 0 =M/. p 0 0 =M/ spins
1 X
M2 Tr h p 0 ; 0 j j .0/jp; ih p j j .0/jp 0 ; 0 i ; where
. p 0 =Mp /. p 0 0 =Mp / p spins
h Œ ; ˛ i
h p 0 ; 0 j j .0/jp i D u.p 0 ; 0 / F1 .Q2 / C Q˛ F2 .Q2 / u.p; /;
4 Mp
Solutions to the Problems 575
Œ k 0 k C k 0 k kk 0 Œ p 0 p C p 0 p pp 0
D 2 Œk p0 0 kp C k p0 kp 0 / .1 C cos2 #/;
in the CM frame, where k p=jk pj D cos #. That is, # is the angle made by
the momentum of an emerging quark q relative to that of the electron. Hence
d=d˝ / 3 e4 .e2f =e2 /.1 C cos2 #/;
where ef is the charge of the quark of a given flavor, and the factor 3 is
P three different colors. The cross section then works out to be /
for the
3 e4 f .e2f =e2 /.16 /=3. Upon comparison of this expression with the cross
section for eC e ! C , with masses set equal to zero in (6.5.7), we
d .1 C cos2 #/ X 2 2 p
D ˛2 3 .ef =e /; s D CM energy:
d˝ 4s f
6.8. (i) By using a Feynman parameter representation and shifting the variable of
integration k, the integrand becomes replaced by:
Z 1 Z x
2 dx dz 1=Œk2 C Q2 .1 x/z3 ;
0 0
576 Solutions to the Problems
i 1 .1ı=2/ 1 ı Z 1 Z x
2 .1Cı=2/
2 dx .1 x/ dz z .1Cı=2/ :
.4/D 0 =2 Q2 .3/ 0 0
Finally carrying out the z-integral, followed by the use of the integral (III.12),
involving gamma functions, the stated result follows.
(ii) As in part (i), except the xz integrands become simply multiplied by
Œ p1 .1 x/ C p2 z , after the shift of the integration variables k and setting,
in the process, an odd integral in k equal to zero. Finally the xz – integrals
are readily carried out as above leading to the stated result.
6.9. By using the Feynman parameter representation in Problem 6.8 above, and
shifting the k-integration variable again, the denominator of the integrand
becomes simply
k k C . p1 .1 x/ C p2 z/. p1 .1 x/ C p 2 z/;
after setting an odd integral in k equal to zero. The integral involving the k k
part may be ultraviolet-regularized using the integral in (III.8), while the
integral involving . p1 .1 x/ C p2 z/. p1 .1 x/ C p2 z/ may be infrared-
regularized as in Problem 6.8. Finally, the .x; z/ – integrations yield the stated
result in a straightforward manner as in Problem 6.8.
6.10. It is sufficient to spell out, the general infra-red singular structure of the
function hIR .2D 0 =Q2 ; ı/. To this end, we refer to the right-hand sides of the
integrals in Box 6.2 of the regularized integrals in Sect. 6.6. If an integral
depends on p1 , then multiplying it, by p1 gives zero, and if multiplied
by either, p2 , or Q , give a factor Q which cancels out the factor 1=Q2
multiplying .2D 0 =Q2 /ı=2 . Similar statements follow if the integral depends
on p2 . On the other hand, if we multiply the first integral by either p1 p2 or Q2 ,
these terms cancel out again the 1=Q2 factor just mentioned. That is, in all the
terms contributing to the fermion-gluon vertex, the 1=Q2 factor multiplying
.2D 0 =Q2 /ı=2 is canceled out in the infra-red regularized part. The most infra-
red singular part in evaluating the vertex function comes from the first integral
ı=2 2
in the Table now involving the factor 2D 0 =Q2 ı=2 . Therefore the
infra-red singular structure of hIR .2D 0 =Q2 ; ı/ is given by a linear combina-
tion of the following terms : 1=ı 2 ; 1=ı; .1=ı/ ln.Q2 =2D 0 /; ln2 .Q2 =2D 0 /:
Solutions to the Problems 577
.2/4 ı 4 . p C Q Pn /h P; j j .0/jnPn ihnPn j j .0/jP; i
D .dy/ ei. pn PQ/y h P; j j .0/jnPn ihnPnj j .0/jP; i
D .dy/ eiQ y h P; j j .y=2/j .y=2/jP; i
and a similar expression for the other factor, and we finally summed over
(n; Pn ).
6.12. Since P i D 0, Qi D Q3 ı i3 , we explicitly have W11 D W22 D W1 . Hence for
a transversal photon
D W1 0;
for D 1; 2. On the other hand,
0 W
0 , involves the following three
The result in question then follows upon taking 2QP outside the argument
of ı.2PQ C Q2 /.
6.15. The vertex function V for a spin 0 boson going from momentum p to
p 0 after interacting with the virtual photon must be of the form p C p 0 ,
with equal coefficients due to gauge invariance: Q . p C p 0 / D 0, where
Q D p 0 p. On the other hand, from the definition of Q, we may rewrite
. p C p 0 / D 2. p C Q =2/:
Also pQ D Q2 =2, i.e., Q =2 D p Q Q =Q2 . Thus the vertex function for
the spin 0 boson, consistent with gauge invariance, is simply proportional to
. p pQ Q =Q2 /. This in turn gives rise to a structure function contribution
proportional to
. p pQ Q =Q2 /. p p Q Q =Q2 /;
P 2
where we have used the fact that i ei D .4=9/ C .1=9/ C .1=9/ D 2=3.
Upon integration over x, this gives the relation stated in the problem.
6.17. For AnqG , we note that n 3 implies that n.n C 1/ 3 4 D 12, and hence
0 < 1=n.n C 1/ 1=12. Also, we may write
n X
1=j D 1=2 C 1=3 C 1=j:
jD2 jD4
The inequality for AnqG , then follows. The lower bound is easy to obtain,
just omit the positive part. The same reasoning leads to the inequalities
in (6.11.18) for AnGG , and AnGq , AnqNq in (6.11.17), where note, for example,
that AnGq in (6.11.12) may be rewritten as: .4=3/Œ 1=.n1/ C 2=n.n2 1/ .
6.18. Let t D ln.Q2 =2 /, then D .1=b0 / ln ln.Q2 =2 /=ln.Q2o =2 / , or
D .1=b0 / ln.t=to /. This gives .d=dt/ D .1=b0 t/ D ˛s .Q2 /=.2 /, where
Solutions to the Problems 579
we have used the relation ˛s .Q2 / D 1=.ˇ0 t/, to lowest order. From the chain
rule d=dt D .d=dt/.d=d/, the relation follows.
6.19. (i) This directly follows by noting that .An Dn Bn Cn / D C
n n , and that
An C Dn D n C n , upon carrying out the multiplication of the three matri-
ces on the left-hand side of (6.11.32). (ii) From (6.11.17), 0 < 8nf AnqNq AnGq
4 Bn Cn .98=135/nf . Thus C 2
n n D .An Dn / C 4Bn Cn
is real and positive. Also from (6.11.16), (6.11.18) we establish the positivity
of .An Dn / .AnqG AnGG / :
59 nf 10 49 nf 10
C C #4n < .An Dn / < C C #4n :
45 3 3 18 3 3
Hence using the fact that for any two positive numbers a; b : a2 C b2
.a C b/, we obtain from (6.11.34), (6.11.16)
An C Dn C .An Dn / C .98=135/nf ;
q 1
50 q
D 2 An C .98=135/nf < C .98=135/nf < 0;
2 2 9
with the upper bound, as shown, is strictly negative for unusually
p large
nf < 43. On the other hand .An Dn / > 4Bn Cn , and .An CDn / > 2.An CDn /
with the latter being negative. Hence
n D .1=2/ŒAn C Dn .An Dn /2 C 4Bn Cn
p p
> . 2=2/ Œ2Dn > 2 Œ .11=2/ C .nf =3/ C 6 #4n ;
Z x0 Z x0 Z 2
D 1 C .ig/ d1 A0 .1 ; x/ C .ig/2 d 2 d1 A0 .2 ; x/A0 .1 ; x/ C ;
y0 y0 x0 0
R x0
and @ 0 . : /C D igA0 .x 0 ; x/ Œ1 C .ig/ y 0 d1 A0 .1 ; x/ C .
6.21. For T > 0, consider the following expression, as a function of t 0 :
that this equation has always a solution for all real a and b, by appropriate
choices of n1 ; n2 ; n3 , and '. This makes the resulting upper entry equal to
zero in vacuum expectation value. Any phase that may arise from the second
row of the transformation above may be removed by the appropriate choice
of the transformation in (6.14.23), giving finally a real non-negative field for
the lower entry in vacuum expectation value. Thus such transformations give
rise to a field as given on the right-hand side of (6.14.26), with its components
satisfying Eq. (6.14.27).
6.23. Using the anti-commutativity of the fermion fields, we have
ŒNeL L ŒŒN L eL D .1=4/Nea eD N c B Œ .1 5 /aB Œ .1 5 /cD :
Solutions to the Problems 581
1 1
. /ab . /cd D ıad ıcb . /ad . /cb . 5 /ad . 5 /cb C . 5 /ad . 5 /cb ;
2 2
1X ˇ
.2M /.2me /.2me /.2m / jA j2 ˇ D 64 GF 2 . p k /.k1 k2 /;
2 spins me ;me ;m !0
Accordingly, using the fact that d3 k=jkj D Ee dEe d˝, and noting by
conservation of energy and momentum that the maximum value of the energy
Ee attained by the electron corresponds to the neutrinos moving in the same
direction leading to Ee jmax D M =2, we readily obtain, upon carrying the
k-integration, the decay rate stated in the problem.
For many details on Fierz identity and some of its generalizations, see Appendix A to Chapter 2
in Volume II.
Majorana spinor, 55
definition of, 55 Schwinger Dynamical Principle, 171, 174
metric Schwinger effect, 73, 111
Minkowski, 50 Schwinger line-integral, 102, 116, 458, 464,
minimal subtraction scheme .MS/, 420 534
Minkowski metric, 50 Schwinger parametric representation, 109
Minkowski spacetime, 51 Schwinger’s constructive approach, 166
modified minimal subtraction scheme (MS), Schwinger’s point splitting method, 73, 102,
420 131, 533
moments of splitting factors, 450 Schwinger-Feynman boundary condition, 77,
Mott differential cross section, 95 78
self-mass of the electron, 275
sites, lattice, 464
Noether’s Theorem, 158 skeleton expansion, 322
soft bremsstahlung, 293
solution of QED in Coulomb gauge, 307
particle concept in quantum field theory solution of QED in covariant formulation, 244,
how it emerges, 134 245
parton model, 14, 407 spin 1/2 character of quarks, 436
586 Index
Spin & Statistics Connection, 32, 55, 162, 166 vacuum polarization tensor, 103, 279
splitting factor, quark, 440 valence quarks, 408
splitting factors of partons, 443, 448 vertices, QCD, 410, 411
spontaneous symmetry breaking, 357, 359, virtual particles, 252
360, 371, 478 volume element in Minkowski spacetime,
structure functions, 407, 431 invariance of, 53
substitution law, 264
Super-Poincaré algebra, 49 Ward Identity, 318
survival probability of neutrino, 488 Ward-Takahashi Identity, 317
wavefunction renormalization, 134, 137
meaning of, 137
time anti-ordering, 459
and conditional probability, 137
time-ordering, 459
and quantum mechanics, 137
transition amplitudes in quantum field theory,
Wigner’s Theorem of symmetry
transformations, 47
tree diagram, 273
Wilson loop, 462