Wind Power Systems Formal Course Outline

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University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

This proposal is for: [X] A new course Proposed effective date: Spring 2006
[ ] A revised course Proposed effective date:

1. College/School: Engineering Department: Nuclear, Plasma and

Radiological Engineering

2. Rubric and course Number: NPRE 478 Title: Wind Power Systems

a. If revision involves change of number or title, give number and title of existing course:

b. In this course replaces existing course (which should be dropped), indicate number and
title: NPRE 498WP, Wind Power Systems, Special Topics.

c. If course is to be cross-listed, indicate department(s) and course numbers):

To be submitted for review for possible cross listing to: Aerospace Engineering.
d. If cross-listed, indicate controlling department responsible for scheduling and staffing:
Nuclear, Plasma and Radiological Engineering

3. Catalog description: (Include special requirements, such as field trips, special equipment, etc.)

This course is presented as a cross disciplinary fundamental coverage of wind power systems,
providing an insight into the energy and power content of the wind, operating principles, theory of wind
machines, Betz’s equation, site selection, components of wind machines, and wind turbine design. The topics
covered include properties of the wind, USA and global wind energy resources and status, wind energy
converter concepts, wind generators history, historical wind generator machines, system design, control of
wind turbines, and the aerodynamic and mechanical design of modern wind turbines. Issues of structural
towers, fatigue failure, annual power production, economics and finance, and environmental considerations,
licensing policy and legal issues are treated. The elastic interaction of the blades with the wind flow around
them using the methods of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is addressed. The types of electrical
generators used, energy storage options, electrical grid coupling and power transmission considerations will
be covered. Alternative wind energy systems including offshore wind farms, small wind generators, and
hydrogen production from wind electricity will be considered. A field trip to a wind farm will be

4. Prerequisites:

Adequate mathematical background: Differential Equations (Math 285 or equivalent), Junior-

Senior or graduate standing, and computer programming experience (CS 101 or equivalent), or
consent of instructor.

5. Credit: SEMESTER HOURS: 3 UNITS: ¾-1

Summer credit. SEMESTER HOURS: 3 UNITS: ¾-1
5. Credit (continued)

a. Restrictions on credit:

1. May this course be repeated in separate semesters? No If so, when appropriate, please complete
the following:
May be repeated to a maximum of hours or units.

2. May students register in this course more than once in the same term? (This is called
“duplicate registration.” No If so, for how many total hours and/or units?

Hours Units

3. Other restrictions on credit? If so, specific. (Example: “Students may not receive credit for both
(this course) and _______.”)

b. For a graduate course permitting variable credit, e.g. ½ or 1 unit, specify the additional work required for
the higher credit.

Graduate students enrolled in this course for 1 unit will be required to complete more advanced
assignments and/or carry out an individual study project documented by a term paper or report, to earn the
extra ¼ unit of credit.

c. For 300-level courses only 1 unit is normally considered the equivalent of 4 semester hours of
undergraduate credit. If for example, 1 unit is to be equivalent to 3 semester hours in this course, explain
why the graduate credit is not ¾ unit.

6. For revised courses, summarize the nature of the changes and the reason for them.

7. Purpose of the course:

a. Prerequisite for:

b. Required in the following curricula for majors:

c. Required in the following areas: Any.

d. Meets the general education requirements (for 100- through 300- level courses);
7. Purpose of the course: (continued)

For 300- and 400- level courses, describe the following:

1. Course Objective.
2. How the course relates to the overall pattern of courses in your department and/or other
courses in the area of specialization.
3. Justify a new course in terms of deletion of other courses, new subject matter, and
evidence of course need, e. g. enrollment in special topics offering, enrollment increase,
expand staff, etc.
4. Justify why this course should award graduate credit in terms of level of content,
previous knowledge required, relevance to current research, methodology, etc. (See
Graduate College statement of criteria for judging graduate courses.)

1. This course provides motivation and sets directions for further study and research for
many undergraduate and graduate students in different fields of engineering, by emphasizing the
cross disciplinary nature of Wind Power Systems. As an emerging new technology, a wind
turbine with propeller blades is currently the favored engine for wind power generation. It
converts the mechanical fluid energy of the wind into electrical energy. The electricity generated
by a wind turbine farm can then be harvested, stored in the form of hydrogen or sent directly
through pipelines or transmission lines to the power consumption sites. Modern windmills are
large sophisticated engineered structures requiring the interaction of engineers from the fields of
structural engineering, fluid dynamics, control systems, power conversion, power transmission,
and in the future, hydrogen energy and superconductivity.
The course is a contribution to the College of Engineering Dean’s initiative on the
establishment of an Energy Systems Institute bringing together the different areas of expertise at
the College of Engineering level.

2. The course is a response to a College of Engineering Faculty meeting where

recommendations were advanced about enlarging the scope of the Department of Nuclear, Plasma,
and Radiological Engineering into the broader energy field. It is a response to a mandate by the
College of Engineering towards the development of an energy systems studies and research
option. It complements another course developed on Fuel Cells and hydrogen systems
technology. This builds upon existing expertise in the teaching of methodologies in the field of
Computational Fluid Dynamics covered as part of a course on the Safety Analysis of Nuclear
Reactor Systems (NPRE 457 / CSE 462) and on the use of the Monte Carlo Direct Simulation
method for Fluid Dynamics as part of a Monte Carlo Simulations course (NPRE 490M), both
taught by the instructor.

3. Wind power is recently blooming all over the world, particularly in the European
Community, as an answer to the problems of fossil fuels depletion, greenhouse gases emissions,
global warming considerations and adherence to the Kyoto Treaty. Advanced engineering,
science and technology are propelling the expansion of wind energy. Germany, Spain and
Denmark have the largest installed base of global wind generators with nearly 60 percent of the
total worldwide wind power capacity of 47 gigawatts electrical (GWe) in 2005. In the USA wind
power is advancing, supported by the national energy policy encouraging the development of
renewable energy resources. Educating our national as well as international students in this
nascent field places the College of Engineering and the University of Illinois at the leading edge of
the development of a technology technology both in terms of teaching and research.

4. This course is advanced material for both majors and non-majors, and is thought
suitable for graduate credit. Students continuing for graduate research in the fields of Mechanical,
Electrical, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Aeronautical and Astronomical Engineering as
well as General Engineering would identify research topics in their respective fields from the
intended broad coverage in this course. Business, Economics, Physics, Architecture, Agricultural
Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Law School majors would also benefit in their future
research from the topics covered in this course.

8. Overlap with other courses. Identify and justify duplication or overlap of content with other
courses, either in your department or other departments. If overlap with a course in another
department has been identified, please attach letters from that department’s representative
indicating appropriateness of overlap.

Some three hours of background will be developed in Computational Fluid Dynamics

with the NPRE 457 / CSE 462 (Safety Analysis of Nuclear Reactor Systems), where the coverage
is related to the fluid dynamics of nuclear reactors under accident conditions with the overlap
quickly dissipating when specialization to wind turbines propellers will be considered.
Simulations of fluid systems using the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo technique, will also overlap
within 2 hours with the NPRE 498MC course on “Monte Carlo Simulations” A more specialized
course AE481: Wind Power Technology, requiring fluids, electrical and mechanics courses as
prerequisites is listed by Aerospace Engineering, but is no longer being taught due to the
retirement of the instructor. The course has been submitted for possible cross listing with
Aerospace Engineering. Specialization to wind energy systems will minimize other overlaps with
more advanced specialized courses in controls, structural design, aeorodynamics, power systems,
etc. that the students will be steered toward taking, to gain an expanded and thorough knowledge
in these areas according to their specialization and interest in pursuing graduate studies and

9. If the course will serve students in other departments, summarize discussions with other

The course is a contribution to the College of Engineering Dean’s initiative on the

establishment of an Energy Systems Institute bringing together the different areas of expertise at
the College of Engineering level.
The course is a response to a College of Engineering Faculty meeting where suggestions
about enlarging the scope of the Department of Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering
into the broader energy field.
The course outline will be submitted for review for possible cross listing to:
Aerospace Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Computational Science
and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, General Engineering, Industrial Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering.
Discussion about the advisability of development and of possible cross listing
with General Engineering was discussed with Prof. Enrique Reis, and with Aerospace

10. For both new and revised courses, list the principal topics covered in this course, including minor
headings as well. The topics outline should be specific enough to make the contents of the course clear to
an outsider. Include examination and total the number of contact hours. If available, attach the complete
topics outline from the syllabus for the course.)

Topic (Hours)

1. Introduction, global wind power status, USA wind energy resources. (1 hour)
2. Wind generators history, historical wind machines. (1 hour)
3. Properties of the wind, energy and power content of the wind. (2 hours)
4. Theory of wind machines, Betz’s equation (3 hours)
5. Components of wind machines. Wind energy converters concepts. (2 hours)
6. Modern wind generators. Small wind generators (1 hour)
7. Control of wind turbines. Stall, pitch and variable speed wind turbine controls. (4 hours)
8. Structural towers design and construction. Fatigue failure. (4 hours)
9. Siting: Wind farms siting. Wind velocity distribution. Atmospheric boundary layer and
turbulence. Terrain Influence. (2 hours)
10. Environmental considerations. (2 hours)
11. Economics, licensing legal and policy aspects. (3 hours)
12. Computational Fluid Dynamics of wind turbine systems. Discretization of the fluid
flow equations for a wind propeller and their numerical solution. (3 hours)
13. Direct Monte Carlo Simulation of fluid flow. (3 hours)
14. Mechanical and Structural aspects: Structural aspects of aerodynamic and inertial loads.
Fatigue loading. (3 hours)
15. Electrical aspects: Electrical energy generators and connected converters. Standalone
wind generators and grid connections. (3 hours)
16. Energy storage, hydrogen production and transmission. Superconductor transmission
lines. (2 hours)
17. Safety features and risk assessment of wind installations (1 hour)
18. Offshore wind farm installations. (1 hour)
19. Alternative wind turbines designs for small and large scale applications. (1 hour)
20. Field trip to visit an existing wind farm in Illinois, e. g. Paw Paw wind farm, will be
organized (Weekend, one day)
21. Two midterms and a final (3 hours)

Total hours (45 hours)

11. Basic texts: Complete list of texts (give author, title, year of publication): If a long
bibliography of articles or chapters from books is to be used, attach the complete list and
indicate required and recommended articles.
(All sources are recommended only)

Recommended texts:

1. M. Ragheb, Lecture Notes on: “Wind Power Systems,” Univ. of Illinois at

Urbana-Champaign, 2005.
2. Thomas Ackerman, Ed. “ Wind Power in Power Systems,” John Wiley and Sons,
3. John F. Walker and Nicholas Jenkins, “Wind Energy Technology,” John Wiley
and Sons, 1997.

Web Links:

World Wind Energy Association:

American Wind Energy Association:
Danish Wing Energy Association:
British Wind Energy Association:
European Wind Energy Association:
The Canadian Wind Energy Association:
The Australian Wind Energy Association:
The Irish Wind Energy Association:
General Electric Wind Energy:
US Department of Energy Wind and Hydropower Program:
Finnish Wind Power Association:
Minnessota Wind Energy Information Index Page:
Centre for Renewable Energy Sources, Greece:
Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands:
German Wind Energy Institute:
National Wind Technology Center, USA:
Risø National Laboratory, Denmark:
The European Renewable Energy Centres Agency, Brussels:

12. Additional comments:

Teaching will be web based. Lecture notes will be posted by the instructor on
the web. Textbooks are recommended.
Interested instructors from other departments will be invited to co teach the
course as a nucleus for a future seminar and a wind energy program within the
proposed College of Engineering Energy Systems Institute. Prof. Cliff Singer kindly
agreed to cover the topic of Economics of Wind Systems, and Prof. James Stubbins the
topic of Fatigue Failure of Components.
Tests and grades:
Two midterms and one final exam: 60 percent
Homeworks, quizzes, term paper or project: 40 percent
To obtain a full 1 unit credit, graduate students are expected to
present a term paper or a project for a ¼ unit on an advanced
topic related to the course.
(Signatures required unless otherwise specified)

Request prepared by: M. Ragheb, 223 NEL, (217)333-6569 Date: 8/16/2005

_______________________________ ________
(Print or type. Signature not required)

Faculty member who

Will teach the course: M. Ragheb and other interested Faculty. Date: 8/16/2005
________________________________ ________
(Print or type. Signature not required)

Department approval Date:

________________________________ _________
(Head of Department)

School Approval Date:

(if applicable) ________________________________ _________
(Director of School)

Department Approval Date:

________________________________ _________
(Head of Department)

Undergraduate College Date:

approval ________________________________ _________
(Dean of College)

Graduate College Date:

approval ________________________________ _________
((if applicable) (Dean of Graduate College)

Approved by the Date:

Chancellor ________________________________ _________
(Assistant Vice Chancellor for
Academic Affairs)

IMPORTANT: If a course is to be CROSS-LISTED, the written approval (or signatures thereof) of

all concerned departments, schools, and colleges must be obtained.

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