Act 2 of 1994

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Public Services – New Recruitment Policy and Guidelines – Orders

– Issued.

G.O.Ms.No.94 Dated:28-03-2003,
Read the following:-
1. Act 2/1994, Dt.15.1.1994.
2. G.O.Ms.No.211, Fin. (PCIII) Dept., Dt.22.4.1994.
3. G.O.Ms.No.152, Fin. & Plg. (FW.OP.I) Dept., Dt.14.6.1995
4. G.O.Ms.No.275, Fin. (SMPC) Dept., Dt.14.12.1995.
5. U.O.Note No.2268-C/23/Fin SMPC/96 Dt.6.3.1996
6. G.O.Ms.No.436, G.A. (Ser.D) Dept., Dt.15.10.1996
7. G.O.Ms.No.58, Fin (SMPC) Dept., Dt.28.3.2001
8. G.O.Ms.No.526, Fin.(SMPC) Dept., Dt.28.9.2001
9. W.P.No.2904 of 2002
10. WP MP No.3459 of 2002 in WP No.2868 of 2002.
11.G.O.Ms.No.24, Fin (SMPC) Dept., Dt.9.1.2002.

1. Act 2 of 1994, first read above, laid down the norms and
procedures for regulation of appointments to public services and
rationalization of staffing patterns and pay structures. This Act
prohibited Government Departments, Corporations, Universities and
Local bodies etc., from making unauthorized appointments through the
backdoor of NMRs, daily wages or appointments on consolidated pay.
However, the Act 2 of 1994 did not put any ban on recruitment into
public services. The Government of Andhra Pradesh issued orders in
the reference second read above on the procedure to be followed in
scrutinizing the requests for direct recruitment and forward all
requests to the recruiting agencies through the Finance Department.
The Finance Department scrutinizes all requests for fresh recruitment
on a case-by-case basis, including the need and justification, the
possibility of redeployment of surplus staff and the likely financial
burden and places the proposal before the cabinet for obtaining final
orders. Once the competent authority has taken a final decision, the
Finance Department issues the necessary requisition to the concerned
recruiting agency like Andhra Pradesh Public service Commission or
District Selection Committee, to make the recruitment to the extent

2. Certain Writ Petitions were filed in the High Court of

Andhra Pradesh and during the course of hearings in Writ Petitions
ninth and tenth read above, the Hon’ble High Court of Andhra Pradesh
observed that the Government of Andhra Pradesh should make public
their recruitment policy. Accordingly, taking note of these
observations, the Government of Andhra Pradesh, after careful
examination, hereby declares its policy on recruitment to public

Core-functional category Posts only to be made Permanent:

3. Every department of the Government is created with the objective

of providing certain public infrastructure and services to the citizens.
For example, the Roads & Buildings Department is created to
construct and maintain roads and bridges. The Agriculture

Department is created to provide technical advice and agricultural

inputs to the farming community. They also perform certain
regulatory, developmental, promotional and administrative functions
to fulfill their departmental objectives. The core functions of the
department are performed through gazetted and non-gazetted
employees that have the professional qualifications in the field of
engineering or agriculture and related subjects. They are provided
administrative support through non-gazetted ministerial staff such as
Superintendents, Senior Assistants, Stenographers, and Junior
Assistants. Other functionaries like Attenders, Watchmen and Drivers
etc., are provided as Class IV support staff.

4. The Government takes up several developmental

programmes, projects and schemes that are funded for a few years
and discontinued thereafter, either on completion or drying up of
funding. Temporary posts are created for implementing such
schemes/projects. In the reference third read above, Government had
instituted Implementation Committees for all departments to examine
the desirability of making temporary posts permanent or continuing
them as temporary or discontinuing them altogether. Unfortunately,
these Implementation Committees have not been meeting regularly
nor have they developed norms for taking suitable decisions. And the
result has been that a very large number of temporary posts have
continued as temporary for years together.

5. Explanation (i) under Rule 4 (b) of the A.P.State and

Subordinate Service Rules, issued vide GO sixth read above, enlarged
the definition of Substantive posts to include all temporary posts
which have continued in existence for a period of five years or more.
As a result of the increase in the number of substantive posts, the
quota of posts for which direct recruitment has to be made has gone
up substantially. This decision has led to the anomaly of permanent
direct recruitment against temporary posts that are continued from
time to time. This decision has also had an adverse financial impact
on account of creation of permanent financial liabilities such as
pensions and other retirement payments.

6. Following the enactment of Act 2 of 1994, the State Government

appointed a Staff Review Committee, in the reference second read
above, to fix rational staffing patterns with reference to workload, and
identify schemes, programs, administrative units etc., that have
become obsolete or redundant but were continued merely for the sake
of keeping the staff and paying them salaries. The affected
Departments as well as Staff Unions have expressed their opposition
to the SRC recommendations. The Government has yet to take a final
view on the report.

7. Government has reviewed the situation and decided that, in

future, Government shall treat only a certain number of posts under
gazetted and non-gazetted posts under the Service Rules of concerned
departments, and Group.I and II posts under Andhra Pradesh State
and Subordinate Service Rules, as core functional posts. In order to
identify the core functions of each department, the Implementation
Committees shall be immediately re-activated. These Implementation
Committees shall take into account the Performance and Process
Indicators, the Staff and Cost efficiency norms, the use of Information
Technology and other modern management practices such as
contracting professionals on fixed tenures or outsourcing
administrative and logistical support services to service providers etc.,

to arrive at the number of core functional posts for each department.

Government will separately lay down norms and guidelines on core
and non-core functions, in consultation with Finance Department and
the Centre for Good Governance, for the Implementation Committees
to follow.

8. Based on the identification of core functions of each

department, the Implementation Committees will recommend the
number of core functional posts in Gazetted, Technical, and Group.I &
II categories that are required to be made permanent. Further, since
in most departments, a large number of permanent posts already exist
in non-core functional categories, it is hereby ordered that the
existing permanent posts in all categories, including non-core
categories, shall also be treated on par with core functional posts and
continued on permanent basis. However, in future no new posts in the
non-core functional categories shall be made permanent.

9. Pending implementation of the decision in the preceding

paragraphs to fix the cadre strength of permanent posts, the
Government further orders that, in supercession of orders on sixth
read above, henceforth, direct recruitment shall be restricted only in
the case of vacancies arising against existing permanent posts in all
the departments. The number of direct recruit vacancies in the
permanent posts shall be computed only after first adjusting the
existing direct recruits presently working against temporary posts.
Consequential vacancies in the core-functional temporary posts in
Gazetted, Technical, Group.I and II categories may be filled up only
through contract appointments on fixed-tenure basis, not exceeding
three years. Further direct recruitment or contractual appointments in
Group.III and IV and Class IV posts shall be deferred till the
adjustment of all already available direct recruits against future
permanent vacancies.

Contractual Appointments for Core-functional Temporary Posts:

10. With effect from 1st April, 2003, all departments shall
maintain separate rosters for permanent and temporary posts of all
Core-functional categories in order to identify direct recruitment and
promotion vacancies. These rosters shall also indicate the vacancies
reserved for various categories such as scheduled castes, scheduled
tribes etc., While promotion quota of core functional temporary posts
may be filled up through temporary promotions from the feeder
categories, no direct recruitment quota of temporary posts shall be
filled up through any adhoc promotions.

Further, the direct recruitment vacancies for core-functional

temporary posts shall be computed only after adjusting the regular
direct recruits already in service. Consequent recruitment vacancies
of core-functional temporary posts may be filled up through
contractual appointments on a fixed tenure basis.

11. The tenure of each contractual appointment shall not be

more than the period for which the posts has been created or three
years, whichever is less. If the original contractual appointment is for
a period less than three years, this may be extended from time to time
but shall necessarily be terminated at the end of the three years. No
further extension shall be admissible under any circumstances.
However, the individuals concerned may be permitted to appear on
par with other candidates for any fresh contractual appointments. The

procedure for, and terms and conditions, of contractual appointment

are prescribed in the Annex 1 to this order.

Emoluments for contract appointments to be related to Market rates:

12. It is common knowledge that in Andhra Pradesh, as also in the

country, senior Government/public sector officers are paid far less than their
counterparts in private/corporate sectors. But the position is quite the
opposite at the time of initial recruitment in Group I Gazetted categories for
candidates with similarly professional and technical qualifications. Similarly,
in non-gazetted technical, Groups II, III & IV and Class IV jobs, the
Government/public sector employees are paid more than their counterparts
in the private/corporate sectors. The Government employees also enjoy the
benefit of security of tenure. Further, while the administrative and logistical
support staff is relatively small in private/corporate sectors, their numbers
are very large in government/public sector, thereby putting a huge financial
burden on the public exchequer. While the pay scales fixed by the
government may have to be continued for the permanent posts, there is a
need to review the policy of fixing emoluments for contractual appointments
against core-functional temporary posts to bring them in line with market

13. In order to attract the best candidates with appropriate

professional and technical qualifications for senior core functionaries of
temporary nature, the Government hereby orders that emoluments
should be fixed on par with market rates on a consolidated pay basis.
Each department will constitute a committee under the Chairmanship
of the Administrative Secretary with representatives of General
Administration and Finance departments for fixing emoluments for
different categories of temporary gazetted posts to be filled up by
contractual appointees. The guidelines for fixing the emoluments are
given in the Annex 1 to this order. For all groups of non-gazetted
posts, the General Administration Department, in consultation with
Finance Department, shall fix emoluments from time to time in relation
to market rates, to be offered for temporary contractual appointments.

Outsourcing of Support Services:

14. There are two types of outsourcing of support services. The

first one is outsourcing of functionaries, and the second one is
outsourcing of functions. In the first case, a department may enter
into a contract with an agency to provide the services of a certain
number of technical support functionaries, e.g., Computer
professionals or Surveyors or Draughtsmen for a specific period. The
agency selects and employ the functionaries as per the requirements
of the job and places their services at the disposal of the Department
for a fixed amount. However, the functionaries continue to be the
employees of the service agency during and after their assignment
with the Department. In the second case, the Department may
outsource the function, e.g., catering, housekeeping, security etc. to a
service provider agency for a fixed period of time for a mutually
negotiated amount. Accordingly, the service provider agency will
engage a certain number of personnel and deploy equipment to meet
the specific standards prescribed for that function in the contract. In
this case also, the functionaries continue to be the employees of the
service provider agency during, and even after, their assignment with
the Department.

15. Government has permitted several departments to outsouce

functions or functionaries for support services in the last few years.
Experience has shown that the Departments have received good

quality services at very reasonable rates compared to performance of

similar functions through government’s own staff. Competition among
services providers ensures good quality and the Departments have the
flexibility to source personnel according to their emerging needs.
Since the remuneration is market-based, it turns out to be very cost
effective, particularly because there is no permanent liability of
retirement benefits. However, the government is equally committed
to its assurance that existing employees shall not be retrenched. On
the other hand, the government will make efforts to gainfully use their
services through redeployment. However, future direct recruitment in
these non-core functional categories of posts shall be restricted to
permanent posts only, and the requirement of temporary personnel
for non-core functions shall be outsourced.

16. Government has reviewed the position and hereby orders

that regular direct recruitment in Group.III, IV and Class IV categories
against existing temporary vacancies shall be discontinued forthwith.
The Implementation Committees shall make recommendations on the
need and justification for continuation or otherwise of the temporary
vacancies as well as filled-up posts in the non-core functional
categories, on the basis of criteria already mentioned in respect of
permanent posts. However, in future, no further direct recruitment
shall take place for such non-core functions or posts. The
Implementation Committees will recommend the mode of outsourcing
for various categories of such posts, which may be filled up as per
norms and procedures prescribed in the Annex 2 to this order.

Procedure for Creation and Filling up of posts:

17. Government order seventh read above laid down the

procedure for continuation of temporary posts, and their conversion
into permanent posts. Government order eighth read above lays down
the procedures for the creation and upgradation of posts.

However, in fact, these procedures are not effectively being followed,

particularly in respect of scrutiny of proposals for continuation of
temporary posts or their conversion into permanent posts. As ordered
in the previous paragraphs, the Implementation Committees shall be
re-activated to ensure that work norms and management innovations
are employed to get best value for money in the magnitude and mode
of deployment of manpower in government.

18. Government orders fourth and sixth read above lay down
the procedure to be followed for forwarding the requisitions to the
recruiting agencies to initiate the recruitment process. A question has
arisen whether the role of Finance Department is limited to examine
the request of the Administrative Department from the perspective of
redeployment of surplus staff only or does it encompass larger issues
of the need and justification for proposed recruitment, and its financial
impact on the budget. Government has carefully examined this issue
and hereby clarifies that a mere availability of vacancies cannot be
treated as adequate justification for a department to go ahead and
initiate direct recruitment. Each Department has to justify the need
for filling up of vacancies and get a formal approval from the
competent authority. In the absence of effective functioning of the
Implementation Committees, Finance Department has undertaken the
scrutiny of recruitment proposals on a case-by-case basis, particularly
in view of the financial implications of such recruitment proposals,
often unbudgeted, which is in accordance with their mandate as per

the Rules of Business. The Government proposes to continue this


19. Accordingly, in partial modification of Government orders

eight and ninth read above, Government hereby orders that every
department shall place their proposals for the continuation of
temporary posts, and/or conversion of temporary posts into
permanent posts, before the Implementation Committee every year.
The Implementation Committees shall make their recommendations to
the government in accordance with the guidelines prescribed in this
order. Thereafter, each department shall calculate their likely direct
recruitment vacancies in permanent or temporary categories for the
next one-year, and obtain approval of government, in consultation
with Finance Department as per Rules of Business, for filling them up
as per the prescribed mode of recruitment i.e., regular recruitment or
contract appointment or outsourcing as the case may be. Thereafter,
the Finance Department will forward the requisition to the concerned
recruitment agencies for regular recruitment or contract appointment,
as the case may be, or authorize the concerned department to
outsource the support services in accordance with guidelines in Annex
2 to this order.

20. This Order shall come into force with immediate effect and
shall apply to all government departments, public undertakings,
autonomous institutions, local bodies, and all such institutions as
receive grants-in-aid for salaries from the State Government.
Necessary amendments shall be made in the Andhra Pradesh State
and Subordinate Services Rules 1996 and other relevant rules.

21. All Special Chief Secretaries/Principal Secretaries/Secretaries,

Heads of Departments and Collectors shall bring this order to the
notice of all concerned institutions for information and strict


All Special Chief Secretaries to Government.
All Principal Secretaries to Government.
All Secretaries to Government.
All Heads of Departments.
All Collectors.

// Forwarded By Order //


Annex -1

(Refer to G.O.Ms.No.94, General Administration

(Ser.A) Department, Dated 28.3.2003.)

Guidelines for Contractual Appointments

1. In terms of the Recruitment Policy enunciated by the State

Government, the following further guidelines are hereby prescribed for
Contractual Appointments.

2. Separate Rosters: Contractual appointments shall be made

only in the case of direct recruitment quota under various categories of
Temporary Posts only. The Heads of Departments and other
administrative units/institutions under them shall maintain separate
rosters for permanent and temporary posts with effect from April 1,
2003. The present common roster shall be split and the regularly
recruited persons shall be first adjusted against the direct recruitment
quota of permanent posts' roster. The remaining direct recruits shall
be shown against the direct recruitment quota under temporary posts'
roster. As and when fresh direct recruitment vacancies arise in the
permanent posts' roster, the direct recruits from the temporary posts'
roster shall be adjusted in them, and the consequential vacancies in
the temporary posts' roster shall be filled up through contractual
appointments in accordance with these guidelines. No regular direct
recruitment or contractual appointments shall be made against any
promotion quota posts and vice versa.

3. Reservations: Reservations for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled

Tribes, Backward Classes, Women, Physically Handicapped etc. shall
apply for the vacancies to be filled up through contractual
appointments on par with regular recruitment.

4. Recruitment Agency: The recruitment agencies responsible for

regular recruitment shall also be responsible for contractual
appointments duly following prescribed procedures, which may be
suitably modified by them to meet the urgency of short-term
contractual appointments. However, the recruiting agency shall follow
the usual procedure of open advertisement and merit-based selection.

5. Conditions of Appointment: The appointment of a person on

contract basis shall be made under Rule 9 of Andhra Pradesh State and
Subordinate Services Rules, 1996. A person appointed under sub-rule
(a) of Rule 9 of AP S & SS Rules, 1996 shall not be regarded as a
member of the service in which the post to which he/she is appointed,
is included, and shall not be entitled by reason only of such
appointment, to any preferential right to any other appointment in that
or any other service. The Department or the person appointed may
revoke the contractual appointment, or discontinue the contract by
giving one month's notice in writing on either side. Further, it should
be made explicit in the contract that, without further action,
discussion, notice or reference, this contract would automatically cease
to operate on lapse of the contract period, and both parties will be
discharged of their respective obligations and liabilities without any
formal or informal communication.

6. Tenure: Contractual appointments shall be made for a tenure

not exceeding two years or the balance period for which the relevant
post has been created, whichever is less. In the event of the

continuation of the temporary post, the contractual appointment may

be extended by the Appointing Authority, from time to time, subject to
the condition that the work of the individual has been found to be
satisfactory, subject further to the condition that the total tenure of
any contractual appointment, including extension, if any, shall not
exceed three years. At the end of the contract period not exceeding
three years, the contractual appointment shall terminate
automatically. Under no circumstances shall the individual be given
any further extension /re-appointment etc. beyond a period of three
years. If the concerned Department desires to continue the temporary
post for more time, and wishes to get it filled up, it shall follow the
procedure prescribed in this Government Order as in the case of any
fresh creation and filling up of a post. However, the contractual
appointees may be considered on par with other candidates for any
fresh contractual appointment against the same temporary post or any
other contractual appointment/regular recruitment, if eligible

7. Eligibility Criteria: Educational and other professional

qualifications for a contractual appointment shall not be less than
those prescribed for the regular recruitment. However, keeping in
view the specialized nature of temporary assignments, and the ample
availability of professionally qualified manpower in the market, the
concerned Department/institution may lay down higher
educational/professional qualifications for the contractual
appointments. Similarly, the Departments/Institutions may prescribe
minimum relevant experience norms to attract better and more
experienced candidates who can start contributing to the assignment
immediately, without the need for any initial training/orientation.

8. Emoluments: The emoluments for contractual appointments

shall be based on current market rates for similar level of candidates
with educational and professional qualifications in private sector.
Every department shall constitute a Committee under the
chairmanship of the concerned Secretary to Government, with the
concerned Head of the Department, a representative of Finance
department, and two or three experts from public and private sectors,
to assess the market rates and the corresponding emoluments to be
offered for contractual appointment. The competent authority in
government, in consultation with Finance Department, shall approve
the emoluments on the basis of the recommendations of the
committee. The contractual appointees will be given only Consolidated
Pay, and will not be entitled to any other allowances or benefits such
as Dearness Allowance, HRA, LTC, Medical Treatment/Reimbursement,
Pension etc. However, they would be entitled to usual TA/DA etc. on
par with regular employees of equivalent status for official travel. The
expenditure on consolidated pay, and travel, shall be debited to the
relevant sub detailed heads under head '010- Salaries'. All
Departments shall submit all number statements for contractual
appointments on the same lines as they do for regular employees to
ensure that adequate budget provision is made to meet this cost.

9. Leave: Persons appointed on contract basis will be entitled to

casual leave on par with regular employees in the Department.
However, they shall not be entitled to any other kind of leave such as
Earned Leave, Half Pay Leave, Medical Leave etc.

10. Headquarters & Transfers: A person appointed on contract

shall report at the place of his/her posting at his/her own cost, which

will be treated as his/her headquarters. It shall be mandatory for the

person to reside at his/her official headquarters. His/her working
hours shall be the same as regular employees. Ordinarily, contractual
appointees will not be transferred to other posts or stations. However,
the Department reserves the right to transfer contractual appointees
to other posts of equal status or another station due to exigencies of
work, or the performance of the individual, subject to payment of
usual Transfer TA on par with regular employees of equivalent status.

11. Disciplinary Control: Subject to the overall right of the

Department to terminate the contract on giving one month’s notice, or
pay in lieu thereof, a person appointed on contract basis shall be
subject to disciplinary control in accordance with the provisions of AP
CCA Rules.

12. Terms of Contract Agreement: All persons appointed on

contract basis shall execute on agreement on a non-judicial stamp
paper of Rs.110, with two witnesses, and submit the same to the
Appointing Authority concerned at the time of reporting for duty,
agreeing to the terms and conditions of the contract. The Finance
Department shall standardize the format of the agreement in
consultation with Law Department and all departments shall adopt the
same for all contractual appointments.


Annex 2
(Refer G.O.Ms.No. 94, General Administration(Ser.A)
Department. Dated 28-03-2003)

Guidelines for Outsourcing of Support Services

1. With reference to the order cited above, the Government hereby

prescribes further guidelines regarding outsourcing of support services.

2. Posts to be linked to mode of outsourcing: Ideally,

outsourcing of functions should provide all support services. However,
it is likely that in some cases, the nature and complexity of work may
require continuation of the same individual as in the case of a
Computer Operator or a Draughtsman, to provide effective and
efficient service. However, even in such cases it may be possible to
outsource the function to an IT service provider or an engineering or
town planning firm to provide computing or engineering drawing
services. In most other cases, such as vehicle driving, office staff
support (Stenos, Attenders etc.), housekeeping and sanitation,
maintenance of building/equipment, operating lifts/photocopying
machines/office equipment, catering and running canteens, care-
taking and security etc., the responsibility to provide the support
services can be fixed on the service provider agency. In such cases,
while there would be a need to insist on the number of persons at
various levels to be deployed by the service provider, there may be no
need to insist on the continuation of the same individuals. This
personnel management decision may be left to the service provider
agency as long as it ensures good quality service. Accordingly, the
Implementing Committees shall recommend the types and number of
support service functions that can be outsourced to service provider
agencies on outright basis. Similarly, the Implementation Committees
shall make recommendations about the number of non-core functional
posts that need to be continued but for which no recruitment will be
done, but outsourcing functionaries from service provider agencies
would fill them up. The concerned departments will then obtain the
approval of government, in consultation with Finance Department,
regarding the number of non-core posts in Group III, IV and Class IV
categories that the government would no longer need to make fresh
recruitment in future.

3. Redeployment before Outsourcing of Services: On the basis

of the government approval on the number of non-core functional
posts earmarked for outsourcing, every Head of the Department shall
first assess the availability of existing permanent and temporary staff
in the department and work out their redeployment to meet their
needs. This exercise of redeployment should be very rigorous and
must ensure equitable workload for all categories of staff across the
whole department. The Heads of Departments would be free to
suggest transfer of vacant posts across local cadres to ensure
equitable workload in different offices. They may also suggest transfer
of individuals along with their posts provided such transfers are within
the local cadre norms of the Presidential Order on Six-Point Formula.

4. Absorption of Surplus Staff: In the Government Order twelfth

cited in the main G.O., the government has decentralized the process
of absorption of surplus manpower to the district level. Every Head of
the Department shall consult the concerned District Collectors about
the availability of surplus manpower in the districts and take suitable

candidates from the District Collectors for their needs. On completion

of this redeployment and absorption exercise, each Head of the
Department may work out his net requirement of additional staff,
along with its financial implications, and submit his proposals for
permission to outsource services.

5. Uniformity of work norms and rates of payment: The

concerned Administrative Department in the secretariat shall evaluate
the proposal in consultation with the Finance Department, on the basis
of work norms and rates of payment suggested by the Department to
ensure uniformity across departments, availability of surplus staff at
State and District levels, and financial provisions in the Budget to meet
the additional costs. Once the formal approval of the competent
authority in the government has been obtained, the Finance
Department shall issue necessary permission to the Head of the
Department for outsourcing services to the extent approved.

6. Agreement for Outsourcing of Services: The Head of the

Department or the head of the Administrative Unit, as the case may
be, shall be competent to enter into a written agreement with a
registered service provider agency, which holds a valid licence under
the Contract Labour Act issued by the competent authority, to provide
the contract labour and has sufficient experience to render the
relevant services. The authority competent to enter into outsourcing
contract shall follow the open and transparent tender procedure
prescribed for selecting the service provider agency. The department
shall also keep at least two more service providers in reserve, on the
same terms and conditions, to step in at short notice if the selected
service provider defaults in providing satisfactory service, and the
contract has to be terminated. No outsourcing contract shall be for a
period of more than one year. Subject to the need and justification,
and satisfaction of the competent authority, such contracts may be
extended on mutually agreed terms for one year at a time, subject to
the condition that the total period of the contract shall not exceed
three years. At the end of three years, or if there is no mutual
agreement on the terms of extension, the Department shall
necessarily go through the whole process of calling fresh tenders,
giving equal opportunity to other service provider agencies.

7. Terms and conditions of outsourcing contract: The contract

shall specify the nature and quality standards of the service required
from the agency, and the number of persons in various categories with
their respective qualifications and experience, the equipment and
other consumables to be supplied by the agency, the time period of
the contract, the rates of payment prescribed for various functions and
functionaries and the penalties for various types of likely defaults in
satisfactory rendering of the services. The concerned
departments/heads of administrative units shall ensure that the
prescribed equipment, consumables and number of persons with
proper qualifications and training are deployed by the service provider
at all times in accordance with the outsourcing contract. The
departments shall also reserve the right to demand change of
equipment/personnel if their services are not found to be satisfactory,
in addition to levying penalties as per the terms and conditions of the
contract. If the service continues to be unsatisfactory, the
Department/competent authority shall exercise its right to not only
recover damages but also to terminate the contract and replace the
service provider with an agency kept in the reserve.

8. Accounting of Expenditure: The expenditure on outsourcing of

functions shall be debited to sub-detailed heads ‘330 - Payment for
professional and Special Services’ and for outsourcing of functionaries
shall be debited to sub-detailed head ‘375 - Remuneration towards
contracting out services’. Usual treasury control shall apply and
therefore, all departments shall ensure that adequate provisions are
made in their budgets to meet the costs. Further the concerned
treasury officers shall not pass any bills if they are not verified to be
under proper and currently valid government sanction. Since the
personnel working under outsourcing arrangements are not directly
engaged by government, there shall be no need to prepare number
statements as in the case of regular government employees.


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