Jurnal Teknologi: An Innovative Vertical Axis Current Turbine Design For Low Current Speed

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An Innovative Vertical Axis Current Turbine Design for Low Current Speed
Fatemeh Behrouzia, Adi Maimunb*, Mehdi Nakisaa, Mohamad Hanafia, Jaswara
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
bMarine Technology Centre, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM, Johor, Malaysia

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Article history Abstract

Received :2 December 2013 This article presents the new innovative concept for optimal design of Vertical Axis Current Turbines
Received in revised form : (VACT) applicable in low current speed which is being increasingly used to harness kinetic energy of
16 December 2013 water and convert it into other useful forms of energy as a clean and renewable energy. Widespread
Accepted :21 December 2013 commercial acceptability of these turbo machines depends upon their efficiency. This largely depends
upon the geometric features of the hydro turbines such as operation of designed system, joints, number
Graphical abstract and shape of blades and etc. The concept of VACT was proposed to provide a solution for the case of low
current force inflow to vertical axis turbines. VACT has four suitable blades with flexible hinge joint to
guide the water in come to reduce the drag force, light shaft and arms with stiff metal to make rigid and
strong structure. The current study discusses the components of VAC turbine, rigidity of structure,
performance, executive concept, efficiency, material, gearbox, environmental impacts and prevention of
water corrosion. The new proposed innovative concept of VACT has flexible hinge connection for
changing the blades directions automatically to reduce hydrodynamic drag and increase the hydrodynamic
pressure to rotate the main shaft and enhance the efficiency as well. Main shaft connected to epicyclical
gearbox to provide the higher torque for maximum electric power generation.

Keywords: Innovative concept; vertical axis current turbines; renewable energy; low current speed

Innovative concept of vertical axis © 2014 Penerbit UTM Press. All rights reserved.
current turbine for low current

1.0 INTRODUCTION The amount of electricity that can be generated from current water
energy source is dependent on the volume and velocity of the
In general, current turbines are categorized into two major types: water resource. It can be installed in a flow with water velocity
horizontal axis type (HACT) and vertical axis type (VACT) ranging from 0.5m/s and above (Tanbhir et al. 2011). There are
machines (Duvoy et al. 2012, Khan et al. 2009 and Hydrovolts many concepts for harnessing this energy, but turbine has being
2006). Particularly, the VACT is divided into three basic types: the most common and proven one. Similar to wind energy
Savonius type, Darrieus eggbeater type, and Darrieus straight converters, the total available power (Watt) captured by
type. Figures 1 - 3 show the schematics of the HACT and the hydrokinetic turbine is dependent on the density, cross-sectional
VACT. (Sornes 2010 and Sornes et al. 2012) area, velocity cubed and turbine coefficient as shown in Equation
The growth of climate change and electrical demand as well 1.
as rising diesel fuel prices are the key subjects encouraging the The advantage is that the water is approximately 800 times
use of renewable technologies. Utilization of electrical energy denser than air (Maniaci and YeLi 2011). This simply implies that
plays an important role in economic growth and improvement of the amount of energy generated by a hydrokinetic turbine is much
people's living standards. An ideal energy source should be greater than that produced by a wind turbine of equal diameter
renewable and should have minimal effect on environment under equal velocity of wind and water.
[Güney and Kaygusuz 2010). It has been proved that one-third of
the world's population does not have access to electricity, but does Pa=0.5 ×A×ρ×V^3×Cp (1)
have access to moving water (Bertsch 2009). Majority of rural
residents are very poor, with low living standards, limited Where A is the turbine area (m2), ρ the water density
education and little access to information. Despite the efforts in (1000kg/m3), V the water current velocity (m/s) and Cp the
remote area electrification, progress and success rates remain low. turbine power coefficient or efficiency which is 16/27=0.592
Poor planning, lack of research and negligence are some of the (theoretical maximum power available)
factors contributing to the delay of rural electrification
deployment (Anyi et al. 2010).

66:2 (2014) 177–182 | www.jurnalteknologi.utm.my | eISSN 2180–3722 |

178 Adi Maimun et al. / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 66:2 (2014), 177–182

2.0 HIGHLIGHTS OF VERTICAL AXIS CURRENT friendly purpose (Clarke et al. 2009) and gear less turbine for cost
TURBINES minimization purpose (Drouen et al. 2007).
While more focus has been given to the operation and
There is no consensus yet on whether horizontal-axis or vertical maintenance issue of vertical and horizontal axis current
axis will be the best option for using current water energy.

Figure 1 Water stream turbine configurations: (a) horizontal axis and vertical axis turbines placed on sea bed and (b) supported by a float.

Figure 2 Water stream turbine configurations: H-Darrieus

(i) In-plane axis (ii) Squirrel cage Darrieus (iii) H-Darrieus

(iv) Darrieus (v) Gorlov (vi) Savonius

Figure 3 Vertical axis turbines

From time to time, researchers also proposed different turbines, it is important to consider the challenges associated with
designs of vertical-axis and horizontal-axis current turbines which increasing the efficiency and electric power generation using
address different issues. For examples, the various designs better design of blade’s shape to reduce the negative drag force.
include: introducing duct for flow acceleration purpose (Shives Some more, there is restriction on the current speed in rivers and
and Crawford 2010), contra rotating turbine for maintenance water currents to make more rotational speed in shaft. These
179 Adi Maimun et al. / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 66:2 (2014), 177–182

works will become more challenging and costly when it comes to and two bearings to rotate freely. The shaft and arms are showed
get the electric power from current turbines. To date, less focus in Figure 5.
has been given to these challenges either in industry or academia.

Self-Rotating blades of vertical axis current turbine (SR-VACT)

consists of blades with Hinge connections, Auxiliary and main
shaft, fixed framing, gearbox and generator.

3.1 Blades

Blades are the most significant part of the rotor. The designing of
the blade is crucial as the performance of the turbine depends
upon it and among all the parts of the turbine, blades are highly
exposed to water. In this section the blade position and
Figure 5 Schematic representations of shaft and arms in SVACT
configuration for self-movement around its axis is discussed.
The original design of the vertical axis current turbine
consists of three fixed blades as commonly practiced for wind 3.3 Gearbox
turbines. Three-bladed turbine is believed to be an optimum
configuration in terms of stability and performance (Danish The rotor transfers kinetic energy of the incoming flow to produce
2013). However, the blade number can be varied from two to ten, electric power using a generator. The turbines haft rotates at a
depending on the needs. lower speed depending upon the available water velocity and a
The hydrodynamic drag will have negative effect on gearbox is normally needed to speed up the rotation to intensify
rotational speed acceleration of main shaft due to reduce the the electricity generation. The speed of induced flow is variable
positive force. In this innovative patent, the blades have self- depending on the time period and gearboxes are therefore
movement around their shaft using Hinge connections, separately. provided for the both sides of generator (Ainsworth and Thake
While the current inflow to vertical axis turbine, make the 2006 and Mbabazi et al. 2005).
pressure and push the face blade to rotate the main shaft. On the The gearboxes and generator form one collective unit in SR-
other hand the current make the drag in back side of blade in VACT. The rotation is speeded up to a desire speed using gearbox
opposite of arm’s end. which in turn drives the generator. The power train including
Finally, the rotational speed will be decreased due to gearbox and generator is enclosed in a nacelle. The proposed
negative drag and resistance force applied by current on the back gearbox is a step-up epicyclical gearbox. This gearbox obtains the
surface of blades. For reducing the drag, it should be change the rotation from rotors through parallel shafts.
direction of blades and rotational shit the blade using hinge The increased speed results in a higher efficiency of
connections as shows in Figure 4. The rotational speed will be electricity generation. Figure 6 and 7 are showed the step-up
increased along of reduction the drag force and hydrodynamic epicyclical gearbox and electricity generator package with
blade’s shape faced to current. executive dimensions, respectively.
This new innovative patent has significant effect in low
current force area because the electricity is generated using total
pressure force to rotate the shaft in low current speeds.

Figure 6 Scheme of epicyclical gearbox

Figure 4 Self-rotating blade with hinge connections

3.2 Shaft and Arms

The main (centre) shaft connects the rotor to the gearbox in order
to transfer the rotational force to generator. The shaft of vertical
axis current turbine comprises of main rod connected to four arms
180 Adi Maimun et al. / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 66:2 (2014), 177–182

The material which was earlier used for current turbines was
stainless steel as it does not really corrode, rust or stain with water
as compared to the ordinary steel. However, stainless steel is not
fully stain proof most not ably under low oxygen, high salinity or
poor circulation environment. This kind of environment is
common under water surface where the turbine is being set up.
The main advantage of using stainless steel is it has antibacterial
The introduction of new alloys like high strength low alloy
steel (HSLA) (Davis 2010) solved the problem of corrosion to a
great extent. A type of HSLA uses Ni, Cu and Si as the alloying
elements for making the main frames, main foundation, blades,
arms and shaft and parts of turbine as the corrosion resistance it is
Figure 7 Electricity generator package included gearbox and bearings two to three times greater than that of carbon steel in the splash
zone of underwater structures. Hence, SR-VACT is made up of
HSLA. If a large SR-VACT is used, the composite material may
3.4 Generator be useful as proposed for Sea Gen.
In the case of SR-VACT where the number of welds
Generator converts kinetic energy of currents in to electrical increases, there is a need to protect the parts from being corroded
energy. The use of both synchronous and induction generator is at such places. A metallurgical evaluation shows that a high
equally popular. SeaGen, SeaFlow and Kinetic hydropower strain, work hardening austenitic stainless steel produces superior
system current turbines used induction generator while Encurrent resistance erosion. Cavitation occurs at various degrees in all type
turbine and Cycloidal turbine used synchronous generator. of fluid handling equipment. In SR-VACT, the rate of cavitation
Kobold and Gorlov turbines used both induction and synchronous is higher as it has more space for bubble formation which causes
generator. A review on the usage of generators for different cavitation. Cavitation causes surface penetration of up to 10mm
turbines is discussed in (Chen et al. 2012). The selection of per year to critical components like turbine blades (Liu and Veitch
generator from all the kinds depends upon the requirement of the 2012). The severe cavitation can be avoided by the use of high
site and the capacity of the power harnessed. Under induction carbon and cobalt base alloys. However, these types of alloys are
generator the use of doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) is more cracks sensitive. In case of SR-VACT, It is not
widespread. recommended to use these alloys.
The reason can be attributed to the capability of DFIG to
operate during severe grid faults, maintenance of constant output
during fluctuating tidal flow, optimum power factor and 4.0 PERFORMANCE AND EFFICIENCY
extraction of power from both stator and rotor winding (Kyaw et
al. 2011). However, the use of slip rings and gears are the cons of Design techniques of vertical axis current turbine prediction of
(DFIG) (Jadhav and Roy 2013). hydrodynamic performance of the current turbines are discussed
The use of synchronous generator is more focused towards in the academic researcher’s meetings is crucial to their design
the sites with low water current velocity. The features like full optimization.
speed range, possibility to avoid gearbox, brushless, no use of Different parameters such as power and torque coefficients
power inverter and complete control on reactive and active power and hydrodynamic loads need to be determined and flow field
makes PMSG a suitable choice for water current turbine. Besides, around the rotor has to be visualized in order to carry out the
PMSG is comparatively expensive requires rare-earth magnets, performance analysis. Over the last two decades, there has been
full scale power converter and multi-pole generators which adds significant development of analytical, computational and
up in the cost. Furthermore, to covert the multi-frequency power experimental techniques for fluid flow analysis around a vertical
generated by PMSG, power electronic units are required. The axis current turbine in particular.
chances of failure of power electronic unit are 12.96% Efficiency is one of the most important parameters to analyse
(failure/turbine/year) while the chances of failure of a gearbox are the performance of a current turbine design. Efficiency of a
5.6% (Lawson 2013). Hence for VACT, DFIG is proposed. current turbine is expressed usually in terms of flow energy
utilization factor and coefficient of power (Cp). Recently exergy
3.5 Material of Blades, Shaft and Rods efficiency (or 2nd law efficiency) has also been employed to
analyze the performance of VACT.
The material used for current turbines must be capable of working Figure 8 shows the computational domain in Ansys-ICEM-
under the conditions of high pressure, abrasion caused by the sand CFD to simulate the four fixed blade vertical axis current turbine
carried by the flow, PH levels and salinity that can cause which will be improved for low current speed to increase the
corrosion. Hence, appropriate material is required to handle such performance of turbine.
conditions and micro-biological attachments which cause sheer
stress. Cavitation is the formation and immediate implosions of
bubbles formed in liquid, i.e. small liquid free zones as
consequences of forces acting upon the liquid.
The bubbles formed due to such changes bursts and cause
cavities on the surface of turbines. Hence, it is important to
prevent the turbine from cavitation (Kumar and Saini 2010). The
requirement of various parts and the suitable material for them is
discussed in this section.
Figure 8 Computational model of fixed blade VACT
181 Adi Maimun et al. / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 66:2 (2014), 177–182

Table 1 shows the momentum coefficient (C m), pressure Thus, with the fabrication of SR-VACT, the other aspects
coefficient (Cp) and estimation power respect to Tip Speed Ratio including actual efficiency and rotation per minute (rpm) will
(TSR) of CFD simulation results for four fixed blades VACT of become calculative. Hence, with the exact figures of these fields,
small model in 0.56 m/s current speed. The simulation results SR-VACT will help to judge about the idea of energy produced
show that the power generated by fixed blades of VACT is 188.88 by it. From the above concept and study, it is obvious that the
watt when the design is operating at 0.56m/s current speed. advantages of SR-VACT are leading its loopholes.
Defects such as high cost in remote control and corrosive
Table 1 Estimation Power Result bearing and movement parts may be decreased through a number
of trials and errors to apply the corrosion inhibiters such as grease,
TSR Cm Cp Pt (watt) epoxy resin, polyurethane and acrylic resin. These may be are
0.3 0.923016 0.276905 164.4872 searchable topic of future studies since the self-movement vertical
axis turbines has a bright prospect in harnessing more power as
0.35 0.825549 0.288942 171.6377
long as the defects are resolved.
0.45 0.679476 0.305764 181.6303
0.55 0.578124 0.317968 188.8797
0.65 0.462873 0.300867 178.7216
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