Simple Tenses

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1. WORKSHEET : Present Simple (positive – negative) 3
2. WORKSHEET : Present Simple (positive) Multiple Choice 5
3. WORKSHEET : Present Simple (negative) Multiple Choice 7
4. WORKSHEET : Present Simple (Yes/No Question) Multiple Choice 9
5. WORKSHEET : Present Simple (Wh- Question) Multiple Choice 11
6. WORKSHEET : Present Simple Mixed Exercises I 13
7. WORKSHEET : Present Simple Mixed Exercises II 15
8. WORKSHEET : Present Simple Mixed Exercises III 21
9. WORKSHEET : Present Continuous (positive – negative) 25
10. WORKSHEET : Present Continuous (positive) Multiple Choice 27
11. WORKSHEET : Present Continuous (negative) Multiple Choice 29
12. WORKSHEET : Present Continuous (Yes/No Question) Multiple Choice 31
13. WORKSHEET : Present Continuous (Wh- Question) Multiple Choice 33
14. WORKSHEET : Present Continuous Mixed Exercises I 35
15. WORKSHEET : Present Continuous Mixed Exercises II 37
16. WORKSHEET : Present Continuous Mixed Exercises III 41
17. WORKSHEET : Present Continuous & Present Simple Mixed Exercise 45
18. WORKSHEET : Present Simple & Present Continuous Mixed Exercises I 47
19. WORKSHEET : Present Simple & Present Continuous Mixed Exercises II 50
20. WORKSHEET : Past Simple (regular verbs) 54
21. WORKSHEET : Past Simple (positive) Multiple Choice I 55
22. WORKSHEET : Past Simple (negative) Multiple Choice II 57
23. WORKSHEET : Past Simple (Yes/No Question) Multiple Choice I 59
24. WORKSHEET : Past Simple (Yes/No Question) Multiple Choice II 61
25. WORKSHEET : Past Form of Verb To Be 63
26. WORKSHEET : Past Simple Mixed Exercise I 65
27. WORKSHEET : Past Simple Mixed Exercise II 68
28. WORKSHEET : Past Simple Mixed Exercises III 72
29. WORKSHEET : Past Continuous Mixed Exercise I 76
30. WORKSHEET : Past Continuous Mixed Exercise II 78
31. WORKSHEET : Past Continuous Mixed Exercise III 81
32. WORKSHEET : Past Continuous Mixed Exercise IV 83
33. WORKSHEET : Past Simple & Past Continuous Mixed Exercise I 85
34. WORKSHEET : Past Simple & Past Continuous Mixed Exercise II 88
35. WORKSHEET : Future Tense (Will) I 94
36. WORKSHEET : Future Tense (Will) II 96
37. WORKSHEET : Future Tense (Be Going To) I 109
38. WORKSHEET : Future Tense (Be Going To) II 111
39. WORKSHEET : Future Tense Mixed Exercises (Will & To Be Going To) I 124
40. WORKSHEET : Future Tense Mixed Exercises (Will & To Be Going To) II 128
41. WORKSHEET : Future Continuous I 132
42. WORKSHEET : Future Continuous II 134
43. WORKSHEET : Future Continuous III 137
44. WORKSHEET : Future Continuous Mixed Exercise 139
45. WORKSHEET : Simple Tenses All Mixed Exercise I 141
46. WORKSHEET : Simple Tenses All Mixed Exercise II 143
47. ANSWER KEY 145

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Present Simple (positive – negative)
Level: Basic (A1)

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parenthesis.

1) Steve ______lives_____ (live) in Australia.

2) Fred ______goes________ (go) to school.
3) My dad __________________ (not work) on Saturdays.
4) I __________________ (get up) at 8 o’clock.
5) He __________________ (do) his homework.
6) She __________________ (drink) milk.
7) Anita __________________ (brush) her teeth.
8) He __________________ (have) lunch.
9) I __________________ (not like) chocolate.
10) Frank __________________ (watch) TV.
11) He __________________ (study) Math.
12) They __________________ (not make) their beds.
13) Paul __________________ (teach) French.
14) It __________________ (swim) in the sea.
15) Peter __________________ (wash) his face.
16) Sam and Clara __________________ (not play) football.
17) Linda __________________ (not ride) a bike.
18) He __________________ (drive) a car.
19) Andy __________________ (read) a book.
20) My brother __________________ (not use) my computer.
21) Rebecca __________________ (listen) to music.
22) My mother __________________ (clean) the house.
23) Brian __________________ (feed) the dog.
24) George __________________ (not draw) a picture.

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25) Meg __________________ (meet) her friends.
26) I __________________ (love) my cat.
27) The baby __________________ (cry) in the bedroom.
28) They __________________ (not feel) sad.
29) Tom __________________ (catch) the ball.
30) Garfield __________________ (sleep) early.
31) My dad __________________ (cook) the meal.
32) Betty __________________ (not have) breakfast.
33) You __________________ (dance) well.
34) We __________________ (not eat) chicken.
35) My grandmother __________________ (cut) the grass.
36) The kids __________________ (paint) the wall.
37) A kangaroo __________________ (jump) high.
38) Martha __________________ (sing) a song.
39) She __________________ (play) the piano.
40) Gloria and Henry __________________ (make) a snowman.
41) A turtle __________________ (not run) fast.
42) John __________________ (visit) his parents.
43) I __________________ (walk) slowly.
44) They __________________ (not speak) German.
45) Mr. Smith __________________ (send) e-mails.
46) Alice __________________ (not spend) money.
47) He __________________ (look) happy.
48) The dog __________________ (bark) at nights.
49) Chris __________________ (go) to bed late.
50) We __________________ (travel) by bus.

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Present Simple (positive) Multiple Choice
Level: Basic (A1)
Choose the correct option.

1) She ---- to the cinema every Saturday.

a) speak
A) go b) speakes
B) goes c) speakies
C) gos d) speaks
D) goies
6) The train ---- at King Street station at 8
2) I usually ---- badminton. am every day.

A) plays a) arrivs
B) playes b) arrives
C) play c) arrive
D) plaies d) arrivies

3) He ---- in Australia with his family. 7) David and Susan never ---- their
a) lives
b) live a) studies
c) livies b) study
d) livs c) studys
d) studyes
4) We ---- to different countries every
summer. 8) Alice ---- her hair after having a shower.

a) travel a) brush
b) travels b) brushs
c) travells c) brushes
d) traveles d) brushies

5) Rebecca ---- four languages fluently.

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9) Emily sometimes ---- rudely to her 13) My uncles ……. their mother every
friends. Christmas.

a) behaves a) visit
b) behave b) visits
c) behavs c) visites
d) behavies d) visities

10) Tom ---- his room on Sundays. 14) Their teacher ……. French and
a) clean
b) cleanes a) teach
c) cleanies b) teachs
d) cleans c) teaches
d) teachies
11) The postman ……. the letters early in
the morning. 15) Linda rarely ……. delicious food for
her husband.
a) deliver
b) delivers a) cook
c) deliveries b) cookies
d) deliveres c) cookes
d) cooks
12) They ……. chocolate. It makes them

a) likes
b) liks
c) like
d) likies

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Present Simple (negative) Multiple Choice
Level: Basic (A1)

Choose the correct option.

1) Ronald and his father ---- horror d) don’t wakes up

movies. 5) The boys ---- to rock music.

a) don’t watch a) doesn’t listen

b) doesn’t watch b) doesn’t listens
c) don’t watches c) don’t listens
d) doesn’t watches d) don’t listen

2) Alicia ---- as a nurse in our hospital. 6) Jessica ---- uniform at her school.

a) don’t works a) don’t wears

b) doesn’t works b) don’t wear
c) doesn’t work c) doesn’t wear
d) don’t work d) doesn’t wears

3) The children ---- short stories every 7) It ---- heavily in New Zeeland in
night. summer.

a) doesn’t read a) doesn’t rain

b) doesn’t reads b) doesn’t rains
c) don’t reads c) don’t rain
d) don’t read d) don’t rains

4) Laura and her sisters ---- early at the


a) doesn’t wake up
b) don’t wake up
c) doesn’t wakes up

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8) My grandmother ---- shopping every 12) Water ---- at 10 degrees.
a) don’t freeze
a) doesn’t does b) doesn’t freezes
b) doesn’t do c) don’t freezes
c) don’t do d) doesn’t freeze
d) don’t does

9) Our neighbors ---- their dishes 13) Lisa ---- listening to loud music at
regularly. home.

a) don’t wash a) doesn’t enjoys

b) doesn’t washes b) doesn’t enjoy
c) don’t washes c) don’t enjoy
d) doesn’t wash d) don’t enjoys

10) Kate ---- coffee without sugar. 14) Fred ---- early on Saturdays.

a) doesn’t drinks a) don’t sleep

b) don’t drink b) don’t sleeps
c) don’t drinks c) doesn’t sleep
d) doesn’t drink d) doesn’t sleeps

11) Water ---- at 90 degrees. 15) My friends ---- a horse every week.

a) don’t boil a) don’t ride

b) don’t boils b) don’t rides
c) doesn’t boil c) doesn’t rides
d) doesn’t boils d) doesn’t ride

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Present Simple (Yes/No Question) Multiple Choice
Level: Basic (A1)
Choose the correct option and give a short answer.

1) ---- you ---- fantastic books? 4) ---- her aunt ---- the ironing in the
a) Do / reads
b) Does / read a) Do / do
c) Do / read b) Do / does
d) Do / reads c) Does / does
d) Does / do
Answer: _____________________ ( + )
Answer: _____________________ (+)
2) ---- Mike and Jacob ---- their
homework after school? 5) ---- the climbers ---- three times a
a) Do / do
b) Does / do a) Does / exercise
c) Do / does b) Do/ exercise
d) Does / does c) Does / exercises
d) Do / exercises
Answer: _____________________ ( - )
Answer: _____________________ (-)
3) ---- Sally and her brother ---- lunch
every afternoon? 6) ---- Ann’s mother ---- the table every
a) Do / have
b) Do / has a) Does / set
c) Does / have b) Does / sets
d) Does / has c) Do / sets
d) Do / set
Answer: _____________________ (+)
Answer: _____________________ (+)

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7) ---- Maggie’s brothers usually ---- the
dog for a walk?

a) Does / takes
b) Does / take
c) Do / take
d) Do / takes

Answer: _____________________ (-)

8) ---- they ---- the guitar once a week?

a) Do / practices
b) Does / practice
c) Do / practice
d) Does / practices

Answer: _____________________ (+)

9) ---- the dentist ---- his patients at the


a) Do / examine
b) Do / examines
c) Does / examines
d) Does / examine

Answer: _____________________ (+)

10) ---- Philip often ---- fast food?

a) Does/eats
b) Does/eat
c) Do/eats
d) Do/eat
Answer: _____________________ (-)

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Present Simple (Wh- Question) Multiple Choice
Level: Basic (A1)

Choose the correct option.

1) A: ---- / ---- Jeremy ---- to his office 4) A: ---- / ---- Sophie and Frank’s
every morning? daughter ---- to the gym?
B: He goes to work by bike. B: She goes to the gym once a week.

a) What time / does / go a) How often / does / goes

b) How / does / go b) When / do / go
c) Where / do / goes c) What time / do / goes
d) When / do / go d) How often / does / go

2) A: ---- / ---- Samuel and his friends 5) A: ---- / ---- you usually ---- home on
usually ---- after school? the weekdays?
B: They practice the violin. B: I usually arrive home at 8 PM on
the weekdays.
a) What / does / do
b) How / do / do a) What time / do / arrives
c) What / do / do b) Where / does / arrive
d) Where / do / does c) What time / do / arrive
d) When / does / arrive

3) A: ---- / ---- she usually ---- with her 6) A: ---- / ---- it ---- to go to Toronto from
best friend? Montreal by car?
B:She meets with her best friend at B: It takes five hours to go to Toronto
the shopping center. from Montreal by car.

a) Where / does / meet a) How long / does / take

b) Who / does / meet b) What time / does / take
c) Where / does / meets c) How / does / takes
d) How / do / meets d) How often / does / take

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7) A: ---- / ---- Nathalie ---- dance 9) A: ---- / ---- you always ---- the weekly
classes? meeting?
B: She goes to dance classes twice a B: We always have the weekly
week. meeting in the meeting hall.

a) When / does / attend a) Where / do / has

b) How often / does / attend b) What time / do / have
c) What / do / attends c) How / does / have
d) Where / does / attend d) Where / do / have

8) A: ---- / ---- Flora’s mother ---- the 10) A: ---- / ---- Grace’s classes ---- on
flowers? Mondays?
B: Flora’s mother waters the flowers in B: Her lessons start at 8:45 am on
the afternoon. Mondays.

a) How / do / water a) When / does / start

b) What time / does / waters b) What time / do / start
c) When / does / water c) Where / do / starts
d) How often / do / waters d) What time / does / start

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Present Simple Mixed Exercises I
Level: Basic (A1)

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parenthesis.

1) My friend’s cousin _______goes_____ (go) shopping with her mother every day.
2) ______ Jasmine ________ (have) any brothers or sisters?
3) Leo ________________ (study) Greek every weekend.
4) How many languages ______ Katherine’s father ___________ (speak) fluently?
5) My sister ________________ (eat) banana every afternoon.
6) What _______________ Mrs. Parker _______________ to her students at
school? (teach)
7) Alice ________________ (not watch) cartoons.
8) _______________ Marta often _______________ her grandparents? (call)
9) His dog ________________ (love) swimming with him.
10) Sandra ________________ (not work) in a bank.
11) I rarely ________________ (forget) to do my homework.
12) Where ________ Mark’s parents ________ (live)?
13) My daughter sometimes ______________ (visit) her grandparents on Sundays.
14) You always ________________ (watch) TV after dinner.
15) When ___________ Edward and Olivia _______________ their homework? (do)
16) Every Tuesday, Pamela ________________ (drive) her kids to swimming
17) Uncle Frank ________ (like) playing football but he ________________ (not
like) playing tennis.
18) I __________ (sit) next to my best friend in the classroom.
19) ______ you _______ (go) to bed late on holidays?
20) ______ she ________ (bake) a delicious apple pie?
21) The children ________________ (not go) fishing on Wednesdays, they _______
(ride) a bike.
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22) _______ your aunt’s babies _____________ a bottle of milk every day? (drink)
23) An elephant ______________ (eat) around 150 kg of vegetation daily.
24) Julia never ________________ (prepare) breakfast in the morning.
25) ______ the woman _______________ stamps? (collect)
26) Hector ________________ (not smoke), so he leads a healthy life.
27) How often _________ you _________ your mother with the housework? (help)
28) Students ________________ (not use) their dictionaries in the exam.
29) ________ Sam _________ orange juice? (drink)
30) Alexander often ________________ (borrow) books from the library.
31) How many sons ____________ Isabelle and Paula ____________ ? (have)
32) I ________________ (send) a letter to my pen friend once a month.
33) Who _______ they ____________ swimming with? (go)
34) Oliver _______________ his room every day. (not tidy)
35) _______ your favorite writer ____________ (publish) a new novel every year?
36) _______ Angela _______________ (make) her bed every morning?
37) Carol ________________ (not read) a magazine very often.
38) They sometimes ________________ (talk) loudly in the class.
39) Allen _____________ (like) adventure movies.
40) Kevin _______________ (have) a shower every day.
41) Tom always _______________ (try) to catch Jerry.
42) ____________ Patrick’s sister _______________ the floor regularly? (vacuum)
43) The girls _______________ (not live) in a small house with their friends.
44) Mark and Bill _______________ (earn) a lot of money every year.
45) Barbara _______________ (eat) hamburger twice a month.
46) It _______________ (not take) twenty minutes to go there by car.
47) The teacher _______________ (meet) with her old students once a month.
48) Carol _______________ (not write) with her right hand.
49) My cousin’s friend __________________ (not have) any daughters.
50) _______________ British people _______________ tea at five o’clock every
day? (drink)

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Present Simple Mixed Exercises II
Level: Basic (A1)

Put the words into correct order.

1) photos / she / wonderful / takes.


2) at night / I / a / don’t / bike / ride.


3) weekend / you / pizza / do /eat / every / ?


4) sings / after / Nancy / in a band / school.


5) usually / in / the bus / misses / the / Samuel / morning.


6) a / own / in / Yolanda / New York / and / little / Thomas / shop.


7) me / knits / to / nice / my grandmother / for / scarves.


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8) a week / yoga / Jennifer / three times / does.


9) chess / does / regularly / play / teacher / Paul’s / ?


10) helps / always / brother / to do / her / Belinda / homework / his.


11) moves / year / he / a / different / every / country / to.


12) £750 / Joseph / each / pay / his wife / month / and / the bills / for.


13) with / you / often / meet / your / how / do /colleagues / ?


14) book / many / include / how / chapters / does / this / ?


15) Saturdays / set / Roger / doesn’t / his / on / alarm.


16) year / learns / language / every / different / a / Selena.


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17) changes / house / Angelina / every / decoration / of / the / year / her.


18) him / wife / watch / Justin’s / matches / doesn’t / football / with.


19) always / advice / Brad / follows / parents’ / his.


20) summer / usually / does / he / holiday / spend / where / his / ?


21) 8 am / post office / at / morning / nearest / opens / the / every.


22) day / minutes / walks / Ashley / forty / every .


23) competition / Michael Phelps / wins / every .


24) teaches / day / a / subject / each / Kate / different .


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25) shoes / I / buy / don’t / expensive / often .


26) birthdays / rarely / his / remembers / friends’ / Jack.


27) to / serves / that / customers / waiter / his / happily .


28) exams / usually / Judy / her / passes .


29) his / never / Henry / with / agrees / friends.


30) produces / Kim / ideas / always / new .


31) a month / Miranda / five hundred pounds / earns .


32) I /too much / shoes / cannot/ cost / these / buy / them.


33) watches / Brian / favourite / regularly / tv serial / his .


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34) Physics / not / Clark / study / does.


35) very / neighbor / visit / old / I / our / visit.


36) drinks / but / she / beer / not / Linda / does / champagne / drink.


37) pancakes / mornings / eats / the / she / in / usually.


38) and / not / bread / family / do / eat / every day / her / Olivia .


39) father / to / times / flies / my / a month / London / three.


40) computer / Mike / and / gets / plays / mother / every day / his / angry.


41) always / presents / to / she / special / friends / days / on / gives / her.


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42) cats / morning / milk / Tania’s / every / drink .


43) new / sister / carefully / my / car / her / drives .


44) fruit / not / Mel / eat / often / does.


45) Betty’s / baby / nights / and / cries / Jose / at / always .


46) summer / hour / I / day / in / an / swim / every.


47) fresh / weekend / Rose / every / vegetables / buys.


48) me / a day / Barbara / times / me / calls / two.


49) father / Tony / fishing / with / likes / his .


50) at / Japanese / school / not / kids / learn / the / do .


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Present Simple Mixed Exercises III
Level: Basic (A1)

Make the sentences (negative / positive / question) according to the symbols in


1) Robin has dinner at 8 o’clock with his wife and children.

_Robin doesn’t have dinner at 8 o’clock with his wife and children.____ (-)

2) Tina does shopping every weekend.

_Does Tina do shopping every weekend? ___________ (?)

3) I don’t often go to the circus with my friends.

_________________________________________________ (+)

4) Edward makes tasteless cakes.

_________________________________________________ (-)

5) Lucy knows how to skate.

_________________________________________________ (?)

6) Pollyanna always thinks positive.

_________________________________________________ (?)

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7) Does Ralph take his umbrella with him every day?

_________________________________________________ (+)

8) Maggie sees her doctor every two months.

_________________________________________________ (-)

9) Olivia doesn’t always arrive work late.

_________________________________________________ (+)

10) Jane drives carefully.

_________________________________________________ (?)

11) Sophia often tells lies to her parents.

_________________________________________________ (-)

12) Susan’s father doesn’t work in a factory.

_________________________________________________ (+)

13) Jeff always asks interesting questions to his teachers.

_________________________________________________ (-)

14) You don’t need sugar to make a chocolate cake.

_________________________________________________ (?)

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15) Cara feels anxious before the exams.

_________________________________________________ (-)

16) Morgan doesn’t leave home at 7 am every day.

_________________________________________________ (+)

17) I always keep my friends’ secrets.

_________________________________________________ (-)

18) James seems unhappy all the time.

_________________________________________________ (?)

19) Does Nicolas play hide and seek with his little brother?

_________________________________________________ (+)

20) Alex runs 10 kilometers every night.

_________________________________________________ (-)

21) Donald doesn’t believe in miracles.

_________________________________________________ (+)

22) A lot of earthquakes happen in Japan every year.

_________________________________________________ (-)

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23) Edgar writes poems in his free time.

_________________________________________________ (?)

24) My mother loses her temper quickly.

_________________________________________________ (-)

25) Alice doesn’t change her mind every day.

_________________________________________________ (+)

26) Does Celine listen to her teachers carefully?

_________________________________________________ (+)

27) They build new skyscrapers every month.

_________________________________________________ (?)

28) Their manager explains his new project every week.

_________________________________________________ (-)

29) Charles always supports his team enthusiastically.

_________________________________________________ (-)

30) Mel eats cereals every morning to lose weight.

_________________________________________________ (?)

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Present Continuous (positive – negative)
Level: Basic (A1)

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parenthesis.

1) Miranda ___is doing_______ (do) her homework.

2) George _____________________ (go) to school.
3) The birds _____________________ (fly).
4) We _____________________ (make) a cake.
5) I _____________________ (take) a shower.
6) He _____________________ (not drink) orange juice.
7) Ann _____________________ (use) my computer.
8) They _____________________ (text) a message.
9) She _____________________ (tell) a story.
10) My brother _____________________ (work) in his room.
11) John _____________________ (not eat) an apple.
12) I _____________________ (call) my friend.
13) He _____________________ (try) to open the door.
14) The students _____________________ (ask) questions.
15) She _____________________ (help) her mother.
16) Belinda _____________________ (brush) her hair.
17) We _____________________ (not have) lunch.
18) Barney _____________________ (watch) TV in the living room.
19) Joseph _____________________ (study) his lessons.
20) I _____________________ (feed) my cat.
21) Carla and Susan _____________________ (listen) to music.
22) My brother _____________________ (drive) a bus.
23) They _____________________ (run).
24) Linda and Mary _____________________ (play) tennis.

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25) I _____________________ (not go) to the party.

26) The baby _____________________ (not walk).

27) Mike _____________________ (paint) the kitchen.
28) The parrot _____________________ (speak).
29) They _____________________ (sing) together.
30) He _____________________ (send) a message.
31) Tim _____________________ (not read) a newspaper.
32) She _____________________ (eat) an ice cream.
33) The man _____________________ (cry).
34) Rita _____________________ (sleep) on the sofa.
35) Margaret _____________________ (not cook) in the kitchen.
36) We _____________________ (ride) a horse.
37) I _____________________ (swim) in the pool.
38) William _____________________ (have) breakfast.
39) They _____________________ (not travel) by car.
40) Harry _____________________ (write) a letter.
41) Jenny _____________________ (watch) a football match.
42) He _____________________ (play) the drums.
43) It _____________________ (not rain).
44) My grandfather _____________________ (wash) his car.
45) The students _____________________ (talk) in the class.
46) Rebecca _____________________ (not clean) her room.
47) Jane _____________________ (climb) a tree.
48) They _____________________ (fight).
49) She _____________________ (throw) a ball.
50) My grandmother _____________________ (water) the flowers.

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Present Continuous (positive) Multiple Choice

Choose the correct option.

1) James ---- to become a lawyer. 5) Jim’s mother ---- her keys in her
bedroom right now.
a) are studying
b) is studing a) is look for
c) is studying b) looking for
d) are study c) are looking for
d) is looking for
2) Fiona ---- a book called “Unless.”
6) Laura ---- for the bus at the station.
a) is read
b) is reading a) waiting
c) are reading b) are waiting
d) are read c) is waiting
d) is wait
3) Sharon ---- to her best friend at the
moment. 7) Look! That monkey ---- a tree.

a) is phoning a) is climbing
b) is phoneing b) climbing
c) phoning c) is climb
d) are phoning d) are climbing

4) Toby and Peter ---- their car in the 8) You ---- always ---- rudely to your
garage now. brother.

a) are repair a) are behaveing

b) are repairing b) are behaving
c) is repairing c) behaving
d) repairing d) is behaving

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9) Steve ---- to Beijing with his girlfriend
next week. 13) My husband and I ---- our house this
a) is flying
b) is fling a) am renovating
c) flying b) are renovating
d) is fly c) are renovateing
d) am renovateing
10) The teacher ---- her students’ exams at
the moment. 14) Hugo ---- to Moscow tomorrow night.

a) is check a) is leaveing
b) are checking b) leaving
c) checking c) is leaving
d) is checking d) is leave

11) We ---- to a famous festival tonight. 15) Jennifer and Richard ---- married next
a) are go
b) going a) are getting
c) are going b) are geting
d) is going c) getting
d) is getting
12) Arnold ---- to Florida at present.

a) is driveing
b) is driving
c) driving
d) is drive

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Present Continuous (negative) Multiple Choice
Level: Basic (A1)

1) The guests ---- loudly because the baby - 5) Beck’s cat ---- milk now.
--- in the room.
a) not drinking
a) aren’t talking / isn’t sleeping b) isn’t drink
b) are talking / is sleeping c) isn’t drinking
c) aren’t talking / is sleeping d) drinking
d) aren’t talk / is sleep

2) Kim ---- a good time because she is ill. 6) Tom ---- Jerry at the moment.

a) isn’t having a) isn’t chasing

b) isn’t haveing b) isn’t chaseing
c) isn’t have c) not chasing
d) not having d) not chaseing

3) My brother and I ---- to spend my holiday 7) Her father ---- a bedtime story to her
in Australia. tonight because he is tired.

a) am not planning a) isn’t teling

b) are not planning b) isn’t telling
c) are not planing c) not telling
d) not planning d) isn’t tell

4) He ---- his dog for a walk because he has 8) Sam ---- to his mother, he ---- the guitar
an exam tomorrow. at present.

a) isn’t takeing a) isn’t help / is playing

b) isn’t take b) isn’t helping / playing
c) not taking c) not help / is playing
d) isn’t taking d) isn’t helping / is playing

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
9) Ben’s twin daughters ---- right now. 13) Rebecca and Alice ---- an exam, they ---
lunch now.
a) isn’t crying
b) aren’t crying a) aren’t prepareing / are having
c) not crying b) are prepare / are having
d) aren’t cry c) aren’t preparing / are haveing
d) aren’t preparing / are having
10) Clara ---- TV, she ---- the dishes.
14) She ---- the table, she ---- right now.
a) isn’t watching / washing
b) is watching / isn’t wash a) isn’t setting / is cooking
c) isn’t watching / is washing b) isn’t seting / is cooking
d) not watching / is wash c) not setting / is cooking
d) isn’t setting / cooking
11) I ---- to Rio this weekend.

a) am not travelling 15) Belinda ---- a rest now, she ---- volleyball
b) am not traveling with her friends.
c) travelling
d) not travelling a) isn’t having / is playing
b) is having / isn’t play
12) Lucas ---- on his new project nowadays. c) isn’t having / is playing
d) is having / playing
a) isn’t work
b) isn’t working
c) not working
d) aren’t working

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Present Continuous (Yes/No Question) Multiple Choice
Level: Easy (A1)

Choose the correct option.

1) ---- your daughter ---- right now?

4) ---- their mother ---- the floor?
a) Are / sleeping
b) Is / sleep a) Are / mopping
c) Are / sleep b) Is / moping
d) Is / sleeping c) Is / mopping
d) Are / moping
Answer: ______________________ (+)
Answer: ______________________ (+)
2) ---- we ---- tonight?
5) ---- the gardeners ---- the lawn at the
a) Are / go out moment?
b) Are / going out
c) Is / go out a) Is / mowing
d) Is / going out b) Are / mowing
c) Is / mow
Answer: ______________________ (-) d) Are / mow

3) ---- Patrick ---- on his bed at present? Answer: ______________________ (+)

a) Is / lying 6) ---- Michael ---- his dog now?

b) Are / lying
c) Is / lie a) Is / feed
d) Are / lie b) Is / feedding
c) Are / feeding
Answer: ______________________ (-) d) Is / feeding

Answer: ______________________ (-)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
7) ---- Fred’s brothers ---- his room? 9) ---- the kids ---- a snowman in the
garden now?
a) Is / tidying
b) Is / tiding a) Are / makeing
c) Are / tidying b) Are / making
d) Are / tiding c) Is / making
d) Is / makeing
Answer: ______________________ (-)
Answer: ______________________ (-)
8) ---- the secretary ---- a letter in her office
right now? 10) ---- the doctor ---- the old lady at the
a) Is / typing
b) Is / typeing a) Is / examineing
c) Are / typing b) Is / examining
d) Are / typing c) Are / examining
d) Is / examine
Answer: ______________________ (+)
Answer: ______________________ (+)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Present Continuous (Wh- Question) Multiple Choice
Level: Basic (A1)

Choose the correct question and give a short answer.

1) A:---- / ---- Rita ---- ? 4) A:---- / ---- Ann’s aunt ---- in the kitchen?
B: _________________________ B:_________________________
(a comic book) (cherry pie)

a) When / is / reading a) Where / is / making

b) Why / is / read b) What / is / makeing
c) What / is / reading c) How / is / making
d) What time / are / reading d) What / is / making

2) A: ---- / ---- Katherine and her husband - 5) A:---- / ---- Jack ---- with his friends?
---- to Africa with? B: _________________________ (in
B: _________________________ the afternoon)
(with their children)
a) Where / is / meeting
a) Who / are / travel b) When / is / meeting
b) Who / are / travelling c) When / is / meet
c) Where / are / travelling d) Why / is / meeting
d) When / is / travelling
6) A:---- / ---- the dogs ---- right now?
3) A: ---- / ---- Lena’s son .---- ? B: _________________________ (on
B:_________________________ the armchair)
(watch a comic)
a) Where / are / sleep
a) Why / is / laughing b) When / are / sleeping
b) Why / are / laughing c) Where / are / sleeping
c) When / is / laugh d) How many / are / sleep
d) What / is / laughing

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
7) A: ---- / ---- your sister ---- ? 9) A: ---- / ---- the kids ---- at the moment?
B:_________________________ B: _________________________
(a birthday card) (on the beach)

a) When / is / writing a) Where / are / walking

b) Where / are / writing b) When / are / walk
c) What / is / writeing c) How / are / walking
d) What / is / writing d) What time / is / walking

8) A:---- / ---- Emma’s daughters ---- their 10) A:---- / ---- Raul’s dog ----?
homework? B: _________________________
B:_________________________ (it is hungry)
(in the library)
a) Why / is / bark
a) Where / is / doing b) When / are / barking
b) When / are / doing c) How / is / barking
c) Where / are / doing d) Why / is / barking
d) When / is / do

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Present Continuous Mixed Exercises I
Level: Basic (A1)

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parenthesis.

1) Meg ___is resting____ (rest) in her bedroom at the moment.

2) Allen ________________ (not talk) on the phone now.
3) The students ________________ (help) their teacher.
4) What _________Sarah _____________ now? (drink)
5) She _____________the phone, she _____________ a bath. (not answer/take)
6) ________ Usain Bolt _________. fast right now? (run)
7) Susan’s grandmother ________________ (knit) a jumper as a birthday
present to her.
8) ______ you and your friend ________ at the party right now? (have fun)
9) Chris ________________ (not do) his homework now.
10) Oliver ________________ (try) to open the door.
11) Where __________ your parents _____________ today? (stay)
12) The students ________________ (eat) their packed lunch in the class now.
13) Judy’s children __________________ (not chat) with their friends in the café.
14) _________ we _________ to the cinema tonight? (go)
15) Jeremy ________________ (study) Chinese this summer.
16) The cats and the dogs ________________ (fight) next to the tree at the
17) What time ___________ Mary and her friends _____________? (meet)
18) William ________________ (repair) his father’s car.
19) ___________ Carmen _____________ her sister right now? (look after)
20) Lisa’s sister ________________ (not vacuum) the floor at present.
21) I ________________ (swim) slowly right now.
22) The tourists ________________ (take) photos of the church.
23) What ___________ we ___________ on TV tonight? (watch)
Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
24) The men ________________ (not run) in the forest right now.
25) _______ Meg and Paul ________ together now? (dance)
26) It ________________ and my parents ________________ their tea right
now. (rain/drink)
27) Wilma ________________ (bake) cookies in the kitchen at the moment.
28) My granny ________________ (water) the plants in the garden now.
29) __________ you __________ for your Biology exam tonight? (revise)
30) George and his father ________________ (fly) a kite now.
31) ______ they ________Easter tonight? (celebrate)
32) Richard and Lee ________________ (not walk) on the street right now.
33) We ________________ (eat) a turkey in the dining room at present.
34) _______ Betty’s brother _________ for the bus? (wait)
35) The old women ________________ (try) to carry those heavy boxes.
36) David ________________ (not play) the drums now.
37) Patrick’s cousins ________________ (ice skate) at the moment.
38) _______ Helen’s little cousin ____________ at the amusement park? (swing)
39) My sister ________________ (teach) Chemistry this term.
40) The little boy ________________.. (sit) on the bench over there.
41) Listen! Somebody ________________ (sing) your favourite song.
42) How __________ Tom and his brother _____________ to school today? (go)
43) ________ Sam ________ a bike with his friends now? (ride)
44) Emily ________________ (not come) with us tonight because she has a
45) Our professor ________________ (write) an essay in her room right now.
46) ______ they ______________ at Mila? (laugh)
47) Alen’s lazy students ______________ (not do) their homework at the
48) Elaine ________________ (not dance) at the party.
49) ___________ the water _____________ in the kitchen now? (boil)
50) ________ Jude and Carol ____________ a picture in the living room? (draw)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Present Continuous Mixed Exercises II
Level: Basic (A2)

Put the words into correct order.

1) at the moment / making / Tommy / a / is / cake / not


2) the station / look! / is / the train / leaving


3) aunt / is / now / your / crying / why / ?


4) using / at the moment / my / you / are / phone / ?


5) Emma / telling / to / is / jokes / grandfather / her


6) now / on / is / Alice / working / her / not / project


7) neighbors / right / calling / our / the firefighter / now / are


Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
8) problem / solve / trying / Kristen / is / to / the


9) new teacher / asking / questions / to / many / the students / their / are / ?


10) room / helping / are / brother / you / tidy / to / your / his / ?


11) football / playing / my / at the moment / not / cousins / are


12) slowly / turtle / look! / walking / Jamie’s / is


13) girlfriend / texting / to / Jeff / is / his / a message / ?


14) on the grass / now / cats / sitting / the / are


15) following / detective / secretly / the / is / thief / the


Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
16) a newspaper / right / Martin / reading / his / now / not / is / room / in


17) presents / Rachel / opening / her / is


18) the garden / a ball / Liz / throwing / in / to / Megan / is


19) now / budgie / flying / your / is / ?


20) boss / sending / an e-mail / to / Betty / her / is


21) night / she / staying / tomorrow / us / not / with / is


22) the new subject / right now / explaining / her / the teacher / students / to / is / ?


23) crumbs / slowly / are / the ants / carrying / bread


Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
24) eating / at the moment / Robin’s / is / dog / big bone / a


25) nice picture / my / a / drawing / little son / friend / with / his / is


26) having / now / breakfast / not / Sandra / in the kitchen / her family / and / are


27) yoga class / Viola / evening / going / is / this / ?


28) Thursday / having / they / next / a picnic / are / ?


29) at present / the students / the hall / are / in / competing


30) meeting / tonight / best friend / Rebecca / her / is


Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Present Continuous Mixed Exercises III
Level: Basic (A1)

Make the sentences (negative / positive / question) according to the symbols in


1) The students are having their lunch at the dining hall.

_The students aren’t having their lunch at the dining hall__________ (-)

2) Viola isn’t doing her English homework now.

_____________________________________________________ (+)

3) John is going to the sports center tonight.

_____________________________________________________ (?)

4) Timothy is visiting the new museum tomorrow.

_____________________________________________________ (-)

5) The sun isn’t shining now.

_____________________________________________________ (?)

6) Is Jason coming to John’s birthday party?

_____________________________________________________ (+)

7) The thief is stealing the woman’s bag.

_____________________________________________________ (?)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
8) Is the kangaroo jumping over the fence?

_____________________________________________________ (-)

9) Anthony isn’t blowing the candles on his birthday cake.

_____________________________________________________ (+)

10) The girls are jumping rope in the school garden at the moment.

_____________________________________________________ (?)

11) The teachers are singing with their students at the party.

_____________________________________________________ (-)

12) Judy isn’t drinking apple juice right now.

_____________________________________________________ (+)

13) Bob and Mary are exchanging their presents.

_____________________________________________________ (?)

14) Are the children making bubbles right now?

_____________________________________________________ (-)

15) Andrew isn’t giving a bunch of flowers to his wife.

_____________________________________________________ (+)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
16) Melissa’s father is sleeping on the sofa at the moment.

_____________________________________________________ (?)

17) The waiter isn’t serving to the customers tonight.

_____________________________________________________ (+)

18) Tilda is lying on her bed now.

_____________________________________________________ (-)

19) I am studying hard for my math exam nowadays.

_____________________________________________________ (-)

20) Is she giving a party this Wednesday?

_____________________________________________________ (+)

21) Marissa is running because she is late for work.

_____________________________________________________ (-)

22) Brenda is swimming with the dolphins in the pool now.

_____________________________________________________ (?)

23) Sue isn’t sunbathing right now.

_____________________________________________________ (+)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
24) Carol and I are cycling to the market at present.

_____________________________________________________ (-)

25) Hugh isn’t driving his car carefully.

_____________________________________________________ (+)

26) Thomas and Joseph are doing grammar exercises together.

_____________________________________________________ (?)

27) Sally is brushing her teeth in the bathroom now.

_____________________________________________________ (-)

28) Is Olga listening to music in her bedroom right now?

_____________________________________________________ (+)

29) His cat is standing in front of that dog.

_____________________________________________________ (?)

30) Uncle Dave is repairing our car at the moment.

_____________________________________________________ (-)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Present Continuous & Present Simple Mixed Exercise
Level: Basic(A1)

Choose the correct option.

1) What about having a picnic? The sun

----. 6) Caroline ---- pizza but she ----
a) shines
b) is shining a) is liking / isn’t liking
b) likes / doesn’t like
2) Be quiet! Janet’s baby ---- in her
bedroom. 7) Jason ---- 20 kilometers every day.

a) is sleeping a) cycles
b) sleeps b) is cycling

3) She always ---- green tea in the 8) Lucas and Lucy usually ---- the bus to
morning. school but today they ---- , because it
is sunny.
a) drinks
b) is drinking a) take / are walking
b) are taking / walk
4) Every Saturday Lorenzo ---- his kids
to their piano lesson. 9) This summer I ---- Chinese.

a) is driving a) study
b) drives b) am studying

5) It ---- don’t forget to take your scarf 10) A: ---- you ---- with us tonight?
and gloves. B: Unfortunately. I must study for the
a) is snowing
b) snows a) Do / come
b) Are / coming

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
16) She can’t answer the phone. She ----
11) I ---- swimming is not a good idea in the kitchen right now.
because it is cold today.
a) is washing
a) think b) washes
b) am thinking
17) How often ---- you and your brother ---
12) Fiona ---- waking up early on - out?
Sundays, so please don’t make any a) do / eat
noise. b) are / eating

a) is hating 18) James normally ---- to bed at 12 PM

b) hates on Saturdays.

13) Sam ---- his Spanish day by day. a) is going

b) goes
a) is improving
b) improves 19) My mother ---- as a doctor. She ---- a
patient now.
14) Jeremy always ---- to San Francisco
by plane but today he ---- by his a) is working / examines
friend’s car. b) works / is examining

a) is travelling 20) Look! My granny ---- the flowers in the

b) travels garden.

15) A: What’s the matter? Why --- you ---? a) is watering

B: I hurt my leg. b) waters

a) do / cry
b) are / crying

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Present Simple & Present Continuous Mixed Exercises I
Level: Basic (A2)

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parenthesis.

1) Sophie isn’t in her bedroom right now. She __is watching TV____ with her
friends in the living room. (watch TV)

2) I normally ________________ at home but today ________________ at the

school canteen. (have lunch/have lunch)

3) Nancy rarely ________________ her Physics homework with her brother

because she is good at Physics. (do)

4) Joseph ________________ three languages, but now he ________________

French. (speak/speak)

5) Mario ________________ because he ________________ for his final exams

nowadays. (look tired/study)

6) I ________________ happy today because it is my mother’s birthday. (feel)

7) Eric often ________________ an apple after lunch. (eat)

8) Mark ________________ romantic movies, he ________________ they aren’t

interesting. (not like/think)

9) What time ________________ your first lesson ________________ on

Mondays? (start)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
10) She usually ________________ to work but today ________________ by taxi
because she is late. (walk/go)

11) What __________ you ______________ at present? You ________________

worried. (think/look)

12) His sister ________________ some water because she is thirsty. (drink)

13) Ron ________________ to buy that watch, because ________________ enough

money. (not want/not have)

14) They always ________________ uniforms but this week ________________

casual dresses. (wear/wear)

15) The students ________________ what their teacher ________________ right

now. (not understand/explain)

16) Sandra ________________ as an academician at a university. (work)

17) Sandra ________________ on an academic project currently. (work)

18) What ________________ your mother ________________? It

________________ so nice. (cook/smell)

19) My uncle ________________ in Poland. I ________________ to him once a

month. (live/write)

20) Mr. Pinter never ________________ his money on unnecessary things, he

________________ to save it. (spend/prefer)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
21) It is 10 am, why __________ Rita still _____________? _______________ she
_________________ to work today? (sleep/not go)

22) Maggie ________________ her hands, because they are dirty. (wash)

23) Why ____________ you ______________ barefoot? The floor is wet. (walk)

24) It ________________ very often in this country. (not snow)

25) I ________________ the writer of that book. (not remember)

26) Miriam never ________________ her books at home. She is a responsible

student. (forget)

27) My father often ________________ for a run after breakfast but he

________________ at present because he is ill. (go out/take a rest)

28) Quiet please! Your sister ________________ an exam. (prepare)

29) ___________________ Andrew _____________________ football matches

regularly? (watch)

30) Gloria normally ________________ glasses but she ________________ at the

moment. (wear/not wear)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Present Simple & Present Continuous Mixed Exercises II
Level: Basic (A1)

Find the mistakes if there is any and rewrite the sentences.

1) Water freezes at zero degrees Celsius under normal conditions.


2) Look! Andy skips a rope outside.


3) The janitor sweeps the steps at the moment.


4) She is wanting a new car.


5) Angela is not playing in the yard right now.


6) Steve isn’t liking sugar in his coffee.


7) Chris is eating cookies every afternoon.


Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
8) Look! The man paints the fence.


9) Listen! I think they argue.


10) They don’t tidy their room right now, they play football.


11) We are don’t play tennis outside today. Because it is rainy.


12) Ryan studies German these days.


13) We are not want to miss the plane.


14) I look for a new computer. My computer doesn’t working.


15) Jason always uses dictionary to learn new words.


16) Jane and her mother are not at home. They do the shopping.

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
17) A: Why do you laugh?
B: Because I am reading a funny story.


18) A: Are you agreeing with me?

B: No, I am thinking you are wrong.


19) A: What is Harry doing?

B: He makes his bed.


20) Are you waking up early every day?


21) I am sometimes listening to rock music, but now I listen to pop music.


22) Jesse and Owen aren’t believing in miracles.

23) Sonia does Pilates twice a week.


24) What does Tyler plan to do tonight?

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
25) A: Can Laura cook?
B: She learns. Her mother teaching her.


26) How often are you visiting your old classmates?


27) Be careful! It is dark and you drive too fast.


28) Barbara and Dave are riding a horse at the moment.


29) Can you listen to your father? He talks to you.


30) Anne is doing her homework. Can you switch off the TV?


Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Past Simple (regular verbs)
Level: Basic (A2)
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parenthesis.

1) My sister ______worked_________ (work) hard yesterday.

2) The girl _______________________ (brush) her teeth.
3) We _______________________ (watch) a nice movie last night.
4) He _______________________ (study) for his exam yesterday.
5) My cousin _______________________ (not cry).
6) Jack _______________________ (wash) his car two days ago.
7) My friend _______________________ (use) my pen.
8) I _______________________ (not call) you yesterday morning.
9) The teacher _______________________ (help) her students.
10) She _______________________ (walk) to her school.
11) He _______________________ (not correct) my mistakes.
12) Jessie _______________________ (explain) her plans an hour ago.
13) Clare _______________________ (earn) a lot of money last summer.
14) Lucy and Ben _______________________ (marry) two years ago.
15) We _______________________ (empty) the bin.
16) I _______________________ (reply) to your e-mail a week ago.
17) The children _______________________ (not obey) the rules.
18) It _______________________ (snow) a lot last night.
19) The little girl _______________________ (ask) many questions to her brother.
20) The race _______________________ (start) five minutes ago.
21) He _______________________ (not wait) his girlfriend.
22) Betty _______________________ (not listen) to music.
23) The doctor _______________________ (examine) my sister three days ago.
24) The postman _______________________ (deliver) your letter.
25) They _______________________ (play) volleyball yesterday afternoon.
26) I _______________________ (not check) my answers.
27) She _______________________ (complete) her project last week.
28) Greg _______________________ (not accept) their offer.
29) We _______________________ (attend) a birthday party yesterday.
30) Kim _______________________ (answer) my questions.
Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Past Simple (positive) Multiple Choice I
Level: Basic (A2)

Choose the correct option.

1) I ---- colorful pencils last week.

5) James ---- tired after the competition.
a) buyed
b) bought a) feeled
c) baught b) feelt
d) did buy c) did feel
d) felt
2) He ---- six cups of coffee yesterday.
6) They ---- to his hometown two months
a) drank ago.
b) drunk
c) did drink a) flied
d) drinked b) flyed
c) flew
3) My cat ---- in the bedroom last night. d) flewed

a) sleeped 7) We ---- 7 kilometers yesterday

b) sleept morning.
c) slept
d) did sleep a) ran
b) run
4) The boy ---- his girlfriend many c) did run
flowers. d) runned

a) did give
b) gave
c) gaved
d) gived

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
8) My little brother ---- his bedroom’s 12) His aunt ---- $150 to him.
a) lent
a) breaked b) lended
b) did break c) did lend
c) broked d) lented
d) broke
9) Jeremy ---- the office early yesterday.
13) Eva ---- her clothes in her suitcase last
a) leaved summer.
b) left
c) lefted a) keeped
d) did leave b) kept
c) keept
10) My best friend ---- a secret to me. d) did keep

a) telled 14) Mrs. Perry ---- her favourite scarf three

b) teled days ago.
c) told
d) did tell a) lose
b) did lose
11) She ---- eleven books last month. c) losed
d) lost
a) readed
b) rode 15) I ---- to bring my costume to the party.
c) read
d) did tell a) forgetted
b) forgot
c) did forget
d) forgeted

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Past Simple (negative) Multiple Choice II
Level: Basic(A2)

Choose the correct option.

1) I ---- early last weekend. 5) Teresa ---- her essay on time.

a) wasn’t wake up a) wasn’t wrote

b) didn’t wake up b) didn’t wrote
c) didn’t woke up c) wasn’t write
d) wasn’t woke up d) didn’t write

2) Nancy ---- for being late. 6) Eliza ---- anything yesterday.

a) didn’t apologised a) didn’t ate

b) wasn’t apologised b) wasn’t eat
c) didn’t apologise c) wasn’t ate
d) wasn’t apologise d) didn’t eat

3) Tyler ---- his rude behaviour. 7) The student ---- the question.

a) didn’t change a) didn’t understood

b) wasn’t change b) wasn’t understood
c) didn’t changed c) didn’t understand
d) wasn’t changed d) wasn’t understand

4) William ---- anything about the 8) My daughter ---- her room last night.
surprise to me.
a) didn’t tidy
a) didn’t said b) wasn’t tidy
b) wasn’t said c) wasn’t tidied
c) wasn’t say d) didn’t tidied
d) didn’t say

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
9) The passenger ---- his seatbelt during 13) Charlie ---- an argument with his boss
the trip. in the meeting.

a) wasn’t travel a) wasn’t have

b) didn’t travel b) didn’t have
c) didn’t travelled c) didn’t had
d) wasn’t travelled d) wasn’t had

10) The mechanic ---- my car last week. 14) We ---- any fish in the sea.

a) didn’t mend a) didn’t see

b) didn’t mended b)didn’t saw
c) wasn’t mend c) wasn’t see
d) wasn’t mended d) wasn’t saw

11) I ---- Kristen yesterday night. 15) Liam __________________ his

umbrella with him yesterday morning.
a) wasn’t notice
b. didn’t noticed a) wasn’t take
c) wasn’t noticed b) wasn’t took
d) didn’t notice c) didn’t take
d) didn’t took
12) His mother ---- Joseph for his mistake.

a) didn’t punished
b) wasn’t punished
c) didn’t punish
d) wasn’t punish

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Past Simple (Yes/No Question) Multiple Choice I
Level: Easy (A1)

Choose the correct option and give a short answer.

1) ---- the students ---- in the exam? 4) ---- the secretary ---- a letter to the
customer yesterday morning?
a) was / cheat
b) did / cheat a) did / typed
c) did / cheated b) was / typed
d) was / cheated c) was / type
d) did / type
Answer: ___No, they did not.____ (-)
Answer: ____________________ (-)
2) ---- you ---- those delicious cookies?
5) ---- your sister ---- an engineer at the
a) did / taste age of 26?
b) did / tasted
c) was / tasted a) did / become
d) was / taste b) did / became
c) was / become
Answer: ____________________ (+) d) was / became

3) ---- she ---- The National Gallery last Answer: ____________________ (+)
6) ---- Martin ---- to the airport carefully?
a) was / visit
b) was / visited a) was/drive
c) did / visit b) was/drove
d) did / visited c) did/drive
d) did/drove
Answer: ____________________ (-)

Answer: ____________________ (-)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
7) ---- she ---- the swimming race last 9) ---- Anna ---- you to her sister’s
year? birthday party?

a) did/won a) did / invite

b) did/win b) did / invited
c) was/win c) was / invite

d) was/won d) was / invited

Answer: ____________________ (+) Answer: ____________________ (-)

8) ---- Kate ---- the housework with her 10) ---- David ---- to the hospital two

mother yesterday? weeks ago?

a) did/did a) Was / go

b) did /do b) Did / went

c) was/did c) Was / went

d) was/do d) did / go

Answer: ____________________ (+) Answer: ____________________ (+)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Past Simple (Yes/No Question) Multiple Choice II
Level: Basic(A2)

1) A: ---- / ---- Carol ---- home yesterday? 5) A: ---- / ---- you ---- your sandwich?
B: She arrived home at nine p.m. B: Because I didn’t like it.

a) How / did / arrived a) Why / didn’t / eat

b) What time / did / arrived b) When / didn’t / ate
c) When / did / arrive c) Why / didn’t / ate
d) What / was / arrive d) How / didn’t eat

2) A: ---- questions ---- you ---- in the test? 6) A: ---- jacket ---- Elisa ----?
B: I answered fifteen questions. B: She borrowed her sister’s jacket.

a) What / did / answer a) Who / did / borrow

b) How many / did / answered b) Whose / did / borrowed
c) How much / were / answer c) Whose / did / borrow
d) How many / did / answer d) Why / did / borrowed

3) A: ---- / ---- they ---- after lunch? 7) A: ---- / ---- Pam ---- here last week?
B: They listened to music. B: He came by taxi.

a) Where / were / do a) Why / did / come

b) What / did / do b) How / did / come
c) What / do / did c) Where / did / came
d) How / were / do d) How / did / came

4) A: ---- / ---- you ---- to last night? 8) A: ---- / ---- she ---- yesterday?
B: I wrote to my pen friend. B: She stayed in a tent.

a) Who / did / write a) Where / did / stayed

b) Where / did / write b) When / did / stayed
c) When / were / write c) When / did / stay
d) Whom / did / written d) Where / did / stay
Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
9) A: ---- / ---- your mother ---- her job?
B: She started in 1997.

a) Who / did / start

b) What time / did / start
c) How / did / started
d) When / did / start

10) A: ---- / ---- they ---- last weekend?

B: They went to the cinema.

a) What / did / do
b) Where / did / went
c) What / did / did
d) When / did / went

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Past Form of Verb To Be
Level: Basic (A2)

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verb (to be).

1) It _____was_______ windy yesterday afternoon. (be)

2) I ________________ 15 years old two years ago. (not be)
3) Pablo ________________ sick yesterday. (be)
4) They ________________ at the university in 2012. (be)
5) Toby ________________ late for work last Monday. (be)
6) The students ________________ at the theatre last week. (be)
7) Last Monday we ________________ in Chicago. (not be)
8) Where ________________ Dave last night? (be)
9) I ________________ skinny when I ________________ ten. (be / be)
10) Max ________________ very tired after the run. (be)
11) The students ________________at the zoo last Tuesday. (be)
12) ________________ Angela hungry after the match? (be)
13) Carol and I ________________ best friends when we ________________
young. (be / be)
14) The banks ________________ open last weekend. (not be)
15) They ________________ in the countryside last Friday. (be)
16) ________________ she in Maribor in 2013? (be)
17) Helen ________________ very good at Science. (be)
18) ________________ Sam at gym last night? (be)
19) All the teachers ________________ very busy. (be)
20) Lucy _______________ on the train two hours ago. (be)
21) My sister and I _______________ on a trip last month. (be)
22) The kids _______________ at their grandparents’ house yesterday. (not be)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
23) Andrew _______________ alone at home last night. (be)
24) There _______________ four people in the classroom. (be)
25) _______________ there a concert here last Sunday? (be)
26) Marilyn’s grades _______________ very high when she _______________ a
student. (be / be)
27) He _______________ a careful driver. (not be)
28) _______________ you in New York in 1998? (be)
29) The weather _______________ cold, we couldn’t go out. (be)
30) When Steven _______________ young, he _______________ very
handsome. (be / be)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Past Simple Mixed Exercise I
Level: Basic (A2)

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parenthesis.

1) Jack _________________ the lottery last year. (win)

2) She _________________ $ 250 for her new dress. (pay)

3) Gerard _______________ to Cambridge ten days ago for a language course.


4) There_________________ a small cat in front of the supermarket. (be)

5) My favorite football player _________________ his leg in his last match. (break)

6) Liam’s mother _________________ him some advice. (give)

7) Sandra ___________________ the teacher’s question. (not hear)

8) Greg ________________ very angry with his girlfriend. (be)

9) Mr. and Mrs. Byrne ________________ their kids to their piano lesson last

weekend. (drive)

10) The teachers _________________ the new manager yesterday. (meet)

11) Chris ___________________ all the questions in the last exam. (not answer)

12) ______________ you _______________ a book last night? (read)

13) David _________________ his wife’s birthday. (forget)

14) ______________ Gabriel _______________ champagne last night? (drink)

15) I _________________ some problems with my family. (have)

16) Emily and Elisa _________________ to their friend’s birthday party, they

_________________ to their cousin’s wedding. (not go / go)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
17) We _________________ in London last week, we _________________ in

Oxford. (not be / be)

18) _______________ you ______________ The Jay Leno Show last week?


19) My daughter _________________ walking last summer. (learn)

20) The little boy _________________ his favorite toy under his bed. (find)

21) Paul _________________ his old car and _________________ a new red car.

(sell / buy)

22) Sheila ____________________ any questions to the teacher during the exam.

(not ask)

23) Our teacher _________________ very happy with our exam results. (be)

24) We _________________ Madame Tussauds three weeks ago. (visit)

25) The tennis match _________________ an hour ago. (finish)

26) _______________ you _______________ Jennifer yesterday at school? (see)

27) The maid ___________________ the windows yesterday morning. (not clean)

28) Last night Bruno _________________ three hamburgers with his friends. (eat)

29) Claire _________________ her books to her room ten minutes ago. (carry)

30) _________________ you late for school yesterday morning? (be)

31) I ____________________ to join the meeting because I was ill. (not want)

32) _______________your son _______________ for his Biology exam? (study)

33) The earthquake _________________ many buildings in 1999. (destroy)

34) The competitors _________________40 kilometers during the race. (run)

35) Alexandra _________________ late last night and she _______________ the

bus. (sleep / miss)

36) What _________________ you _________________ Matthew about me? (tell)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
37) How _________________ Anne _________________ after the show

yesterday? (feel)

38) Julia _________________ a beautiful pink dress on her last birthday. (wear)

39) Our classmate _________________ a nice song to us last Monday. (sing)

40) My friend _________________ his pencil case at school. (lose)

41) _______________ Jenny ________________ you last night? (call)

42) He ___________________ last weekend because it was holiday. (not work)

43) She _________________ a doctor five years ago. (be)

44) Jasmine __________________ the alarm yesterday night. (not set)

45) Fred __________________ his shoes to go running. (change)

46) The film _________________ interesting, the students _________________ it.

(not be / not like)

47) Her mother _________________ her how to swim last summer. (teach)

48) _________________ you _________________ that strange noise? (hear)

49) _________________ his mother an actress when she _________________ 25

years old? (be / be)

50) The dentist _________________ to his office five minutes ago. (come)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Past Simple Mixed Exercise II
Level: Basic (A2)

Make the sentences (negative / positive / question) according to the symbols in


1. Our neighbors bought a new house two days ago.

_Our neighbors didn’t buy a new house two days ago.__ (-)

2. Sam forgot to do his homework yesterday.

_________________________________________ (?)

3. Paul and Andrew travelled to Vancouver last month.

_________________________________________ (-)

4. Kate didn’t understand her teacher’s explanation.

_________________________________________ (+)

5. Did the students ask many questions to their teacher?

_________________________________________ (+)

6. Bill finished his homework an hour ago.

_________________________________________ (-)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
7. Mike wrote birthday cards to his friends.

_________________________________________ (?)

8. Did Alice’s sister win the first prize yesterday?

_________________________________________ (+)

9. I didn’t see an interesting film last Saturday.

_________________________________________ (+)

10. My little son didn’t ride his new bike in the park.

_________________________________________ (+)

11. Nora decided to quit her job two months ago.

_________________________________________ (-)

12. Lucy arrived at the shopping center with her friends ten minutes ago.

_________________________________________ (-)

13. The students played hopscotch yesterday morning.

_________________________________________ (?)

14. Katherine didn’t make a delicious sandwich.

_________________________________________ (+)

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15. I booked a table in a restaurant for us.

_________________________________________ (-)

16. Did they build a new bridge near your house?

_________________________________________ (+)

17. She changed her clothes to go to the party.

_________________________________________ (?)

18. My father didn’t grow tomatoes in our garden last summer.

_________________________________________ (+)

19. The thief stole my new laptop two days ago.

_________________________________________ (-)

20. Did Samantha feed her fish last night?

_________________________________________ (+)

21. Patrick felt desperate to pass his exam.

_________________________________________ (?)

22. Lorenzo answered all the questions correctly.

_________________________________________ (-)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
23. Sue whispered something to her best friend.

_________________________________________ (?)

24. The policeman didn’t catch the criminal last Monday.

_________________________________________ (+)

25. My sister designed a nice dress for me.

_________________________________________ (-)

26. My father snored loudly last night.

_________________________________________ (-)

27. Did Lola’s brother hide her cell phone?

_________________________________________ (+)

28. Sonia found her mother’s old letters yesterday.

_________________________________________ (-)

29. Did you receive a letter from your pen friend last month?

_________________________________________ (-)

30. Chris went to the sports center yesterday.

_________________________________________ (?)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Past Simple Mixed Exercises III
Level: Basic (A2)

Put the words into correct order.

1. holiday / spent / summer / they / last / their / Italy / in .


2. yesterday / delicious / Dan / ate / cookies / evening .


3. last / didn’t / Christmas / it / snow .


4. in / studied / Paula / holiday / German / his / summer .


5. people / rescued / the / six / firefighter .


6. an / Henry / had / wife / accident / and / yesterday / his .


7. in / were / Ottawa / month / we / last .


Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
8. pages / Ben / many / read / how / last / did / night ?


9. wear / what / at / Anne / did / party / yesterday / the ?


10. the / vacuum / didn’t / floor / the maid .


11. grandfather / in / my / died / 1998 .


12. her / meeting / tell / did / anything / she / about ?


13. his / last / Greg / grandparents / visited / weekend.


14. angry / the teacher / with / was / Jenny / very.


15. me / call / night / you / last / did / why ?


Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
16. cousin / did / buy / what / your / to / you ?


17. because / homework / didn’t / he / do / his / was / hospital / at / he .


18. museum / nice / Jake / in / took / the / photos .


19. the / forgot / bag / Alfred / bus / his / on .


20. delivered / letter / postman / yesterday / the / your .


21. didn’t / mother / meal / Mike’s / cook / last / the / night .


22. friends / watch / did / with / Fred / documentary / his ?


23. Paul’s / afternoon / looked after / Friday / Lora / baby / last.


Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
24. customer / sent / his / Nick / email / to / an .


25. friend / throw / Mike / ball / did / the / his / to ?


26. school / Kate / ago / years / started / four .


27. food / did / eat / the baby / her ?


28. wife / showed / to / I / old / my / photos / my .


29. hot / Saturday / the / last / was / weather .


30. home / they / last / at / were / night ?


Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Past Continuous Mixed Exercise I
Level: Basic (A2)

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parenthesis.

1. Carla ____was sleeping______ this time yesterday. (sleep)

2. When I came home, my parents ____________________ dinner. (have)
3. Nicholas ____________________ when you called him. (cook)
4. The students ____________________ a picnic this time yesterday. (have)
5. They ____________________ tennis from 3 to 5 yesterday. (play)
6. Rose ____________________ her room with her mother when the guests
arrived. (clean)
7. I ____________________ my homework when I heard a strange noise. (do)
8. My father ____________________ a rest last night. (have)
9. Jennifer ____________________ her bike when she fell down. (ride)
10. When Nicole phoned, I ____________________ a shower. (have)
11. Olivia’s father ____________________ a newspaper before breakfast
yesterday. (not read)
12. Emma and Teresa ____________________ to music this time yesterday. (not
13. ________________ they _______________ for the bus when you saw them?
14. The gardener ____________________ the fence between 2 and 4 yesterday.
15. The kids ____________________ while their mother
____________________ the meal. (swim / prepare)
16. Our dog ____________________ when we woke up suddenly. (bark)
17. Last night at 8 PM I ____________________ a cake. (not make)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
18. What __________________ Tom and Paul _________________ at home
yesterday? (do)
19. The baby ____________________ when her mother was outside. (cry)
20. Betty ____________________ fast when she broke her leg. (run)
21. The tourists ____________________ photos at the museum when the
security warned them. (take)
22. It ____________________ when I got up this morning. (not rain)
23. While Nancy ____________________ a tree her brother
____________________. (climb / cycle)
24. What _____________ you ________________ yesterday at 9 am? (eat)
25. I ____________________ my purse when my mother found it in the living
room. (look for)
26. My sister cut her finger while she ____________________ the tomatoes.
27. My daughter ____________________ the dishwasher yesterday at 7 PM.
28. ______________ you _______________ in California four years ago? (study)
29. Lucy and Celine ____________________ TV with their roommates this time
yesterday. (watch)
30. Margarita ____________________ her brother with his project, she
____________________ on the phone. (not help / talk)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Past Continuous Mixed Exercise II
Level: Basic (A2)

Make sentence using the given prompts with “the Past Continuous Tense”.

1. Sue / write a letter / last night.

___Sue was writing a letter last night.__________________

2. Fiona and Jeremy / do their homework / between 6 and 9 PM .


3. Alice and Rebecca / drink coffee / yesterday at 7 PM .


4. Daniel / drive to his office / this time yesterday .


5. The cat / not lie on the sofa .


6. The little girl / count the apples .


7. Timothy / hide behind the tree .


Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
8. Barbara / watch a comic / with her family .


9. The painter / not paint the walls .


10. you / work all night / yesterday ?


11. Naomi’s mother / brush her hair .


12. Natalie / not wash the clothes .


13. The students / play hide and seek / this time yesterday ?


14. The teacher / check the students’ homework .


15. I / teach Portuguese / five years ago .


Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
16. They / not build a new house / last summer .


17. The sun / shine / yesterday morning .


18. What / they / talk about ?


19. Jane / walk with her little daughter / last night .


20. Andy / celebrate his birthday / last week this time .


Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Past Continuous Mixed Exercise III
Level: Basic (A2)

Answer the questions according to the verbs given in the parenthesis.

1. What was she doing this time yesterday?

_________________________________________________ (make coffee)

2. What were they doing between 1 and 3 PM?

______________________________________________ (dance at the party)

3. What was Sandra doing yesterday afternoon?

_________________________________________________ (buy clothes)

4. What was Tom doing yesterday before sleeping?

_________________________________________________ (read a book)

5. What were Oliver and David doing last night?

_________________________________________________ (play football)

6. What was your mother doing from 4 to 6 yesterday?

_________________________________________________ (cook the meal)

7. What were you doing last night at 10 PM?

______________________________________________ (study for the exam)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
8. What was the boss doing?

_________________________________________________ (give directions)

9. What was the waiter doing?

_________________________________________________ (serve the food)

10. What was your father doing last night this time?

_________________________________________________ (watch football)

11. What was your aunt doing last week this time?

______________________________________________ (drive to the church)

12. What were the maids doing yesterday?

_______________________________________________ (vacuum the floor)

13. What were the students doing?

_________________________________________________ (answer the


14. What was the baby doing last night?

_________________________________________________ (cry in her


15. What were you doing last Friday this time?

_____________________________________________ (run with my mother)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Past Continuous Mixed Exercise IV
Level: Basic (A2)

Fill in the blanks and give a short answer according to the symbol in the

1. ______________ Jasmine ______________ for her friends at home? (wait)

__________________________________ (+)

2. _____________ they ________________ in the classroom? (talk)

__________________________________ (-)

3. ___________ Laura _____________ to Monaco last week this time? (travel)

__________________________________ (-)

4. ___________ Andrew and his brother ___________ on the grass when you
saw them? (sit)

__________________________________ (+)

5. ___________ Jennifer ___________ in her bedroom? (sing)

__________________________________ (+)

6. ___________ your mother ___________ the house? (clean)

__________________________________ (-)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
7. ___________ Sheila ____________ flowers yesterday morning? (pick up)

__________________________________ (+)

8. ___________ you ____________ to go to Scotland last month? (plan)

__________________________________ (-)

9. ___________ your uncle ___________ in Netherlands two years ago? (work)

__________________________________ (-)

10. ___________ Brian ___________ lunch this time yesterday? (have)

__________________________________ (+)

11. ___________ her cousins __________ a picture? (draw)

__________________________________ (+)

12. ___________ the students ___________ on the test? (cheat)

__________________________________ (-)

13. ___________ Sally ___________ the shopping with her friend between 4 and
5 PM? (do)
__________________________________ (+)

14. ____________ you ____________ last week this time? (ski)

__________________________________ (+)

15. ___________ Melinda ___________ invitations when you saw her? (write)

__________________________________ (-)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Past Simple & Past Continuous Mixed Exercise I
Level: Basic (A2)

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parenthesis.

1. Linda _________was preparing______ the dinner when her son

________came___________ to the kitchen. (prepare / come)
2. While Sophie _________________________ her homework, the bell
_________________________. (do / ring)
3. While Dave _________________________, he
_________________________ a tree. (skate / hit)
4. While they _________________________ in the yard, the storm
_________________________ suddenly. (sit / begin)
5. They _________________________ a treasure while they
_________________________ the forrest. (find /dig)
6. While his mother _________________________, the baby
_________________________ . (shout / cry)
7. The people _________________________ when the policeman
_________________________ them. (escape / catch)
8. What ______________ they ______________ when you
____________________ them? (do / see)
9. The old man _________________________ his wrist while he
_________________________ the car. (injure / fix)
10. While Ellen _________________________, her sister
_________________________ a story. (sleep / read)
11. Last night I _________________________ my friends and then we
_________________________ to the cinema together. (meet / go)
12. Her friends _________________________ a party when Mary
_________________________ there. (have / arrive)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
13. While Kate and Tim _________________________ to music, the electricity
_________________________ suddenly. (listen / go off)
14. When we _________________________ an accident, we
_________________________ to Cambridge. (see / travel)
15. I _________________________ slowly when it
_________________________ to rain heavily. (walk / start)
16. When he _________________________ the old woman, he
_________________________ fast. (hit / drive)
17. Alice _________________________ for the bus when I
_________________________ her in the street yesterday. (wait / see)
18. When James _________________________ twenty years old, he
_________________________ at Cambridge. (be / study)
19. Yesterday morning I _________________________,
________________________ my face, _________________________ and
_________________________. (get up / wash / have breakfast / go out)
20. While Kim _________________________ after the bus she
_________________________ her books. (run / drop)
21. When Mike ________________________, it _________________________.
(get off / rain)
22. They _________________________ coffee when the boss
_________________________ at the office. (drink / arrive)
23. Kim _________________________ some research when I
_________________________ him. (do / call)
24. While Jenny _________________________, a shark
_________________________ her. (swim / attack)
25. The earthquake _________________________ while we
_________________________ a picnic. (happen / have)
26. It _________________________ a windy day. Clara
_________________________ her book in her room and her mother
_________________________ a cup of tea for her. (be / read / prepare)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
27. Jane _________________________ a plate while she
_________________________ the washing up. (break / do)
28. He _________________________ his homework then he
______________________ out with his friends to play basketball. (finish / go)
29. Their mother _________________________ while William and Mary
_________________________ beach volleyball. (sunbath / play)
30. When I _________________________ with that strange man I
_________________________. (come across / cycle)
31. Julie’s cousin _________________________ to the airport when Julie
_________________________ him. (go / call)
32. While they _________________________ a movie the screen
_________________________ blank. (watch / go)
33. I _________________________ our passports while my mother
_________________________ our suitcases. (look for / pack)
34. An old man _________________________ closer to ask something while I
_________________________. (get / shop)
35. _______________ the students __________________ quietly when the
teacher ______________________? (sit / come in)
36. While Titanic _________________________, the musicians
_________________________ their violins recklessly. (sink / play)
37. When Sam _________________________ his tooth he
_________________________ nuts. (break / eat)
38. They _________________________ on the net when their mother
_________________________ them to study their lessons. (surf / tell)
39. I _________________________ Lisa while she
_________________________ lemonade with her classmates. (see / drink)
40. ___________________ the kids __________________ when you
_________________________ their room? (laugh / enter)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Past Simple & Past Continuous Mixed Exercise II
Level: Basic (A2)

Make sentences using “when” and “while”.

1. I / do my homework / Janet / come in

__Janet came in_____ while _____I was doing my homework___.

__I was doing my homework______ when ___Janet came in_____.

2. he / pick apples from the tree / the gardener / notice Tom

When ________________________________________________________.

While ________________________________________________________.

3. I / see the burglar / I / walk in the garden

When ________________________________________________________.

_________________________ while _______________________________.

4. The kids / hide under the table / their mother / find them

When ________________________________________________________.

_________________________ while _______________________________.

5. He / fall off the ladder / Pablo / paint the wall

While ________________________________________________________.

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
_________________________ when _______________________________.

6. I / have a rest / the phone / ring

_________________________ while _______________________________.

__________________________ when ______________________________.

7. She / look out of the window / her father / mow the grass.

While ________________________________________________________.

___________________________ while _____________________________.

8. Emily / swing / she / fall down

When ________________________________________________________.

While ________________________________________________________.

9. Ben / fall asleep / he / study

While ________________________________________________________.

When ________________________________________________________.

10. I / make many new friends / I / work at school

___________________________ while _____________________________.

While ________________________________________________________.

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11. The storm / begin / we / drive home

___________________________ when _____________________________.

_________________________ while _______________________________.

12. I / receive your message / I / read a magazine

While ________________________________________________________.

When ________________________________________________________.

13. Susie / water the flowers / her sister / call her

___________________________ when _____________________________.

When ________________________________________________________.

14. The secretary / arrive at the office / we / work

When ________________________________________________________.

While ________________________________________________________.

15. Henry / look over his essay / he / find a mistake

___________________________ while _____________________________.

_________________________ when _______________________________.

16. I / see a lizard in my room / I / talk on the phone

While ________________________________________________________.

_________________________ when _______________________________.

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17. I / hear Emma and Watson / they / talk about me

__________________________ while ______________________________.

While _________________________________________________________.

18. The baby / sleep / our neighbor / begin to play the guitar

__________________________ while ______________________________.

When ________________________________________________________.

19. Adam / swim / he have a cramp in his leg

While ________________________________________________________.

When ________________________________________________________.

20. We / walk / near the dog’s hut / it / start to bark

___________________________ while _____________________________.

_________________________ when _______________________________.

21. Anna / meet her husband / she / study at the university

While ________________________________________________________.

_________________________ when _______________________________.

22. Helen / cross the road / she / see her old friend


While _________________________________________________________.
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23. They / have dinner / somebody / knock the door

___________________________ when _____________________________.

_________________________ while _______________________________.

24. The fire / start / the children / sleep

While ________________________________________________________.

_________________________ when _______________________________.

25. Tina / enter the classroom / the teacher / introduce the new subject

___________________________ while _____________________________.

_________________________ when _______________________________.

26. My father / shave / my little brother / turn off the lights

When ________________________________________________________.

While ________________________________________________________.

27. They / reach the top of the mountain / it / snow

___________________________ when _____________________________.

While ________________________________________________________.

28. Georgia / find her father’s old diary / she / clean the attic

While ________________________________________________________.

_________________________ when _______________________________.

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
29. I / get dressed / the school bus / come

___________________________ when _____________________________.

_________________________ while _______________________________.

30. Mary / leave home / her mother / watch TV

While ________________________________________________________.

When ________________________________________________________.

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Future Tense (Will) I
Level: Basic (A2)

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parenthesis.

1. Henry _______will be_________ in Berlin soon. (be)

2. My daughter _________________________ fifth grade next year. (be)

3. ____________________ you ____________________ our bill? (pay)

4. Viola’s mother _________________________ angry with her. (not be)

5. John _________________________ for you in front of the restaurant. (wait)

6. I promise I _____________________ my best to pass my final exams. (do)

7. Sophie and Nicole _________________________ late tomorrow. (come)

8. The students _________________________ volleyball with their teacher.


9. I _________________________ the air conditioner, it’s so hot. (turn on)

10. ____________________ you ____________________ to the museum

tomorrow? (go)

11. Maybe the manager _________________________ our meeting today.


12. If Bella does that again I ______________________ to her manager. (talk)

13. I hope Mr. Wilder _________________________ our new Math teacher. (be)

14. Maria _________________________ her decision soon. (announce)

15. I think Tina’s birthday party _________________________ at 8.30 PM

tonight. (start)

16. ____________________ it __________________ next Saturday? (snow)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
17. Fred thinks he ______________________in his Physics exam. (fail)

18. Barbara _________________________ her clothes for tonight’s activity.


19. Carla _________________________ some painkillers. (take)

20. This trip _________________________ more than 100 dollars. (cost)

21. ___________________ your dad _________________ on Sunday? (work)

22. I think I ______________________ that movie with you tonight. (not watch)

23. I hope David _______________________ the race today. (win)

24. Perhaps they _________________________ our order by tomorrow. (deliver)

25. We _________________ possibly _________________ Central Park today.


26. I hope Debbie and you _______________________ any problems. (not have)

27. Erin _______________________ me to finish my project tonight. (help)

28. Caroline _________________________ better if she doesn’t follow her

doctor’s advice. (not get)

29. I don’t think we _______________________ a picnic next Saturday. (have)

30. I’m so tired. ___________________ you ___________________ me with the

housework today? (help)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Future Tense (Will) II
Level: Basic (A2)

Make the sentences (negative / positive / question) according to the symbols in

parenthesis and give a short answer.

1. Gerard / get / us / a drink

(+) __Gerard will get us a drink.___________________

(-) __Gerard won’t get us a drink.________________

(?) __Will Gerard get us a drink?______________

Answer: __Yes, he will.________________________ (+)

2. Mrs. Jones / call / you / tomorrow

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

3. Real Madrid / lose the match / tonight

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
4. Jason and his wife / travel around the world / this summer

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

5. Peter and Emily / get married / next month

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

6. Her best friend / be / 24 / next Wednesday

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

7. The guests / arrive / at about 5 PM

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
8. Chris / be / a doctor / in the future

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

9. Our meeting / take place / at 7 PM

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

10. Josh / write a letter / to Sarah

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

11. Gemma / buy a new car / next month

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
12. Nick / get up / at 7 AM / tomorrow

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

13. Amber / have a baby / next September

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

14. Nicholas / be rich / soon

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

15. They / study / Chemistry / tonight

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
16. Paul / walk to school / with Rebecca

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

17. Karl / feel better / tomorrow

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

18. Richard and Olivia / take the bus

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

19. Mila / study with her brother

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
20. Teresa / buy / new speakers / tomorrow

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

21. The little boy / draw a picture / by himself

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

22. Lily / show us the way

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

23. Cobie / drive to the hospital

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
24. Mr. Grace / give a break / soon

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

25. Eva and her sister / take the dog for a walk

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

26. Mrs. Collins / make the guest list

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

27. Jamie’s daughters / do the housework today

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
28. They / ask Maggie / the way home

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

29. Billy’s father / lend some money / to him

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

30. Linda / make cookies / with Mia

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

31. Alice / go on a diet / next Monday

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
32. Her mother / go to the supermarket / to buy some milk

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

33. The mechanic / fix / Ben’s car

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

34. Imelda’s parents / have dinner / in the garden

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

35. The gardener / water the flowers

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

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36. Anthony / be on vacation / tomorrow

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

37. Ray / fax the documents / as soon as possible

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

38. Andy / cause trouble

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

39. Matthew / drive us / to the town

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

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40. Dennis / be famous / soon

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

41. The train / leave on time

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

42. Michael and Ryan / go out / this evening

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

43. Kerry / have a rest / tonight

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
44. She / have to pay / 25 dollars / for her dress

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

45. Brenda / call her best friend / tonight

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

46. Angela and Laura / meet at the station

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

47. The first lesson / start at 9 AM / next week

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

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48. Melanie / be able to / solve this problem

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

49. The post office / close / at 5 PM / today

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

50. Sally / stay in her parents’ house

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Future Tense (Be Going To) I
Level: Basic (A2)

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parenthesis.

1. They ___are going to have___ a geography exam at 10 AM tomorrow. (have)

2. Janet _____________________ to London with her colleagues next Friday.
3. Adriana _____________________ her vacation in Maldives. (spend)
4. Be careful! You _____________________ the vase. (drop)
5. Eddie saved 250 dollars last month. He _____________________ a new cell
phone for his sister. (buy)
6. ____________ you __________________ your project till next Thursday?
7. We decorated the room and bought a delicious birthday cake. We
_____________________ a surprise birthday party for Simon. (have)
8. Next Saturday we _____________________ to a basketball match with our
family. (go)
9. My mother _____________________ her doctor at 11 am next Tuesday.
10. Look at those angry boys! They _____________________. (fight)
11. Roman _____________________ with us, because he broke his leg
yesterday. (not play)
12. You _____________________ free time between 2 and 3 PM according to the
schedule. (have)
13. Richard has two tickets for his favorite singer’s concert. He
_____________________ there with his girlfriend tonight. (be)
14. Tomorrow is my daughter’s birthday. She _____________________ ten. (be)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
15. According to my plans, I _____________________ France with my husband
next winter. (visit)
16. Martin _____________________ breakfast for his family tomorrow morning.
17. James _____________________ his baby tonight. (feed)
18. Eric _____________________ us tomorrow because he has an important
meeting. (not join)
19. Amy and Jill ______________________ much money on accommodation.
They _____________________ in a tent. (not spend / stay)
20. ______________ Charlotte’s son ____________________ university next
year? (begin)
21. What time ________________ we __________________ Sophie? At 4 or 5
PM? (meet)
22. Lindsay and her parents _____________________ to a new house next
month. (move)
23. According to the weather forecast it _____________________ next Tuesday.
(not snow)
24. Rachel _____________________ the meal tonight because she is tired. (not
25. We _____________________ a school trip next Friday. Our teachers
organized it last month. (have)
26. Steve looks exhausted. I am afraid he _____________________. (faint)
27. I brought my books with me because I _____________________ all night
long. (study)
28. She _____________________ early tomorrow. She has an important meeting
with his boss. (get up)
29. Patrick _____________________ his homework because tomorrow is
holiday. (not do)
30. I called Oliver yesterday. He _____________________ us, too. (join)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Future Tense (Be Going To)
Level: Basic (A2)

Make the sentences (negative / positive / question) according to the symbols in

parenthesis and give a short answer.

1. Joel / translate the book / next spring

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

2. That movie / win / many awards

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

3. Ewan / cook a meal / tonight

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
4. Bruno and Sean / visit Vienna and Budapest / next month

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

5. Roy / cut some paper in the shape of a heart / with those scissors

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

6. Gary’s father / change the broken bulb

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

7. Jeff / pick Jane up / tonight

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
8. Norman / unpack his suitcase / tomorrow morning

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

9. Ted / draw a house / with his sister’s pencils

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

10. Jennifer and Thomas / go camping / next Saturday

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

11. Gina / see the doctor / next Friday

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
12. They / attend a conference / at 12 AM tomorrow

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

13. Lea / take her nephew to the zoo

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

14. Vera / relax at home / tonight

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

15. Julie / make some changes in her life

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
16. Pam / quit her job / next month

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

17. Miley / stay in Kenya for three weeks

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

18. Lily and Anna / buy tickets / next weekend

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

19. Max / drive us to the airport / tomorrow afternoon

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
20. Marcus / wait his aunt / at the meeting point

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

21. Nancy / send a postcard / to Sandra

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

22. Samantha / receive a lot of gifts / on her birthday

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

23. Dough / sell his old clothes

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
24. Gloria and Donna / do their homework / together

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

25. Our plane to Ljubljana / land / at 11 PM

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

26. Sue / need some extra money

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

27. The students / discuss the subject / later

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
28. Sarah / read a book / before sleeping

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

29. Matt / tell everything to Robert / tonight

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

30. Pete and William / sing at the concert / together

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

31. Bonnie’s parents / visit her grandparents / in France

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
32. Julia / play bowling / with her friends / next week

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

33. Allen / give Eva some flowers

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

34. Emilia / write a short story

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

35. Bob / start school / next year

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
36. Jena and her friends / ride a bike / tomorrow

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

37. Richard / iron his clothes

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

38. Nick / celebrate his birthday / tomorrow night

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

39. Mark / tell a story / to his daughter

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
40. They / invite Danny / tonight

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

41. Orlando / sell his car / next week

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

42. Mike / wear his new jacket / tonight

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

43. Michelle / share her room with her cousin

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
44. Mira / take part in the contest / next Sunday

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

45. We / take the bus to the school / tomorrow morning

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

46. Ellen / renovate her house / next month

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

47. Mandy and James / do bungee jumping / next summer

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
48. Tim and his wife / eat out / tonight

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

49. Clark / walk to the bus stop / alone

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (-)

50. Justin / look for a job / next year

(+) ________________________________________

(-) ________________________________________

(?) ________________________________________

Answer: ____________________________________ (+)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Future Tense Mixed Exercises I (Will vs To Be Going To)
Level: Basic (A2)

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parenthesis.

1. A: Why are you carrying those heavy books to your room Kellan?

1. B: I ____ am going to do___ a research for my final project. (do)

2. A: It’s really cold.

B: Don’t worry. I ____will give__________ you my scarf. (give)

3. They ______________________ Taylor at 3 PM tomorrow. (meet)

4. Peter _____________ probably _______________ next year. (graduate)

5. Waiter: What would you like sir?

Pierce: I ______________________ a pizza, please. (have)

6. We ______________________ to our team’s basketball match next Friday.

We bought the tickets two weeks ago. (go)

7. I don’t think Cedric ______________________ in the exam. (fail)

8. Wait a minute! I ______________________ you some orange juice. (get)

9. Watch out! You ______________________ into the hole. (fall)

10. A: I can’t hear the music well.

B: I ______________________ the volume up for you. (turn)

11. Hilary and Andrea are so excited about their trip to Italy. They

______________________ Rome, Venice and Trieste. (visit)

12. A: Sarah, your phone is ringing.

B: OK, mom. I ______________________ it now. (answer)

13. I think he ______________________ the elections next month. (not win)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
14. A: Where are you going Olga?

B: I ______________________ some fresh fruit and vegetables. (buy)

15. A: What is Alicia’s plan for next Saturday?

B: She ______________________ a dance class with her friends. (attend)

16. Joey is buying some eggs, milk and flour. She ______________________ a

cake tonight. (make)

17. Hurry up, Vanessa or we ______________________ late for the film. (be)

18. A: It is getting dark and I am still here.

B: No problem, I ______________________ you to your home. (drive)

19. A: The kids are hungry.

B: OK, I ______________________ a sandwich for them. (make)

20. I’m sure Abbie’s parents ______________________ her go to that party

alone. (not let)

21. My mother has already decided. She ______________________a new cell

phone. (buy)

22. A: Would you prefer lemonade or orange juice?

B: I ______________________ a glass of lemonade, please. (have)

23. A: Why is Nathan wearing smart clothes?

B: He ______________________ sales manager today. (meet)

24. A: Is Cary coming with us tonight?

B: Wait a minute. I ______________________ and ask him. (call)

25. Look at that blind man! The black car ______________________ him. (crash)

26. “You ______________________ rich soon” the fortune teller said to Steve.


Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
27. A: Who wants to come to the amusement park with us tonight?

B: That sounds exciting! I ______________________ with you. (come)

28. I guess Martin ______________________ at the theater tomorrow. (get


29. According to the timetable, we ______________________ any Music classes

this week. (not have)

30. Fiona ______________________ at the park with her cousins at 4 PM

tomorrow. (be)

31. Jeffrey _________________ probably __________________ late because it

is hard to find any means of transportation after 11 PM. (arrive)

32. A: Why is she in a hurry?

B: Because she ______________________ her classmates at 6 PM.

33. Do you think Sam ______________________ his promise? (keep)

34. Alfred is driving extremely fast. He ______________________ an accident.


35. Don’t worry, Emma ______________________ your room for you. (tidy)

36. I booked a table at a restaurant yesterday. Danny and I

______________________ dinner together tonight. (have)

37. Josh ______________________ me as soon as he arrives Thailand. (call)

38. A: There is no sugar left.

B: I know, I ______________________ some tomorrow morning. (buy)

39. When you arrive at Edinburgh, call Tim. He ______________________ you

many touristic places. (show)

40. Three months later Kevin and Sandra ______________________ a baby.


Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
41. My son took his crayons with him. He ______________________ some

pictures. (paint)

42. Next Sunday is Bill’s birthday. He ______________________ 38. (be)

43. Look at the sky, Andy. It ______________________ a nice day. (not be)

44. I think John’s mother ______________________ her present. (not like)

45. A: I forgot my pencil case at home.

B: Don’t worry, I ______________________ you my pencils. (lend)

46. A: Tomorrow is Neil’s first day at university.

B: Really? What __________________ he ___________________ (study)?

47. We ______________________ a movie night next Thursday. Everything is

planned. (have)

48. It is getting hot. I ______________________ my jacket off. (take)

49. A: I don’t have enough money for dinner.

B: It’s ok, I ______________________ for you. (pay)

50. A: Where is the screwdriver Tom?

B: My father took it. He ______________________ the door. (fix)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Future Tense Mixed Exercises (Will & To Be Going To) II
Level: Basic (A2)

Write an answer using the given prompts with the correct tense.

1. A: Mom, there is no flour in the cupboard.

B: Really? I / go and buy some then.

B: _I will go and buy some then._________________________________

2. A: What is your plan after you graduate from university?

B: I / work in a law office.

B: ________________________________________________

3. Don’t be late or the teacher / punish you.


4. It is already 10 PM. We / miss our flight.


5. Be careful! Robert / hit you!


Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
6. I’m sure you / like Leo’s idea.


7. A: I would love a cup of hot chocolate.

B: OK. I / make some in a minute.


8. A: What is Daniel studying?

B: Architecture. He / be an interior architect.


9. I think / you and Christian / enjoy the day.


10. A: Has Harrison decided where to move?

B: Yes, he / move to the countryside.


11. A: Is Meryl happy in her new school?

B: No, she / change it.


Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
12. What do you think your Chemistry exam result / be?


13. Helen bought a big canvas yesterday. She / paint a new picture?


14. I borrowed many books from the school library. I / study all night.


15. It is getting cold. I / turn the heating on.


16. Kate and Julia / go swimming / at 12 AM tomorrow.


17. A: I cannot solve this problem on my own.

B: Don’t worry. I / help you.


18. Diana / probably accept the job offer.


Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
19. A: Are Judy and you busy this evening?
B: Yes, we / join the festival together.


20. I promise / I / forward Matt’s mail to you when I get it.


21. Robin and I / go on a vacation next Friday


22. I hope / Kevin and Ellen / get along well


23. Ralph / hang a picture on the wall / with this hammer.


24. I am sure / Sophia / be a successful engineer.


25. A: Why do you need to borrow my laptop?

B: Because mine is broken and I / edit my essay tonight.


Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Future Continuous I
Level: Basic (A2)

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parenthesis.

1. This time tomorrow, Joan ________will be moving________ to her new

house. (move)
2. Doris _______________________ with her sister tomorrow morning. (play)
3. Susan _______________________ her room from 4 to 6 PM tomorrow.
4. I _______________________ for Liam when he arrives at the station. (wait)
5. When the teacher comes, the students _______________________ quietly at
their desks. (sit)
6. This time next week we _______________________ Christmas in our
grandparents’ house. (celebrate)
7. Philip _______________________ at his new company next month this time.
8. Shirley _______________________ dinner with her colleagues at 9 PM next
Friday. (have)
9. When George reaches London, it ________________ probably
_____________________. (rain)
10. The alarm clock _______________________ at 8 AM tomorrow morning. (not
11. I don’t know what my daughters _______________________ when I arrive
home. (do)
12. Don’t call me between 7 and 8 PM, I _______________________. (sleep)
13. Sally _______________________ when you arrive there. (not cook)
14. This time next week, Tommy _______________________ the silence on the
beach. (enjoy)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
15. What __________________ Samuel ____________________ in five years’
time? (do)
16. Jeff and Morgan _______________________ English fluently in ten months.
17. Peter _______________________ school this time next month. (leave)
18. I _______________________ all day tomorrow. (hike)
19. Matthew _______________________ Cambridge this time next year. (attend)
20. I am sure, Ted _______________________ when the boss arrives.
21. Ian _______________________ Claudia this time tomorrow night. (meet)
22. Florence _______________________ the same things next summer. (not do)
23. What classes __________________ Mary _____________________ next
semester? (take)
24. At 5 PM tomorrow, my mother _______________________ because we
_______________________. (not cook / eat out)
25. Nicholas _______________________ the guitar this time next weekend.
26. I am sure you will recognize Joe because he _______________________ a
red jacket. (wear)
27. I _______________________ to Hawaii with Donald this time tomorrow night.
28. Alec _______________________ for his uncle at the airport in twenty
minutes. (wait)
29. Right now, Harvey is doing his homework. Tomorrow at this time, he
_______________________ his homework, he _______________________
his favorite series. (not do / watch)
30. James and Ben are very successful. I am sure they
_______________________ in a band in a year. (play)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Future Continuous II
Level: Basic (A2)
Write sentences (positive and negative) using the given prompts with the
Future Continuous Tense.

1. Angelica / type an important email / this time tomorrow.

___________________________________________ (+)
___________________________________________ (-)

2. Ben and Hugo / study together / from 1 to 3 PM.

___________________________________________ (+)
___________________________________________ (-)

3. The painter / paint the walls / this time next week.

___________________________________________ (+)
___________________________________________ (-)

4. Rebecca and Alice / dance / all night long.

___________________________________________ (+)
___________________________________________ (-)

5. They / travel to Cuba / next month.

___________________________________________ (+)
___________________________________________ (-)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
6. Michelle’s babies / sleep / between 2 and 4 PM.

___________________________________________ (+)
___________________________________________ (-)

7. Glenda / do the shopping / all day tomorrow.

___________________________________________ (+)
___________________________________________ (-)

8. Sally / stay at a hotel / this time next Saturday.

___________________________________________ (+)
___________________________________________ (-)

9. The teacher / check the exams / at 8 PM tonight.

___________________________________________ (+)
___________________________________________ (-)

10. They / build a new shopping center / this time next year

___________________________________________ (+)
___________________________________________ (-)

11. The actor / read his new scenario / tonight

___________________________________________ (+)
___________________________________________ (-)

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12. They / talk about their new product / this time next Monday

___________________________________________ (+)
___________________________________________ (-)

13. Sharon and Tom / celebrate their fifth anniversary / next weekend

___________________________________________ (+)
___________________________________________ (-)

14. Bill / drive to his office / this time tomorrow morning

___________________________________________ (+)
___________________________________________ (-)

15. Peter and I / have lunch / between 12 AM to 1 PM tomorrow

___________________________________________ (+)
___________________________________________ (-)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Future Continuous III
Level: Basic (A2)

Answer the questions with the verbs given in the parenthesis.

1. What will Ann be doing this time tomorrow?

_____Ann will be exercising at the gym this time tomorrow._____

(exercise at the gym)

2. What will Tina and her boyfriend be doing at 8 PM tomorrow?

____________________________________________________ (dance at
the costume party)

3. What will James be doing next Sunday at this time?

____________________________________________________ (drive his

kids to the summer camp)

4. What will Jennifer be doing at 5 PM tomorrow?

____________________________________________________ (buy a dress

for her friend’s wedding)

5. What will the police be doing at midnight?

____________________________________________________ (investigate
the murder)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
6. What will Timothy be doing this time tomorrow?

____________________________________________________ (interview
with the competitors)

7. What will Federer and Nadal be doing next weekend?

____________________________________________________ (compete
for the first prize)

8. What will you be doing at 9 AM tomorrow morning?

____________________________________________________ (visit my old


9. What will Brad be doing all day tomorrow?

____________________________________________________ (decorate
his new house)

10. What will the plumber be doing between 11 and 12 AM?

____________________________________________________ (fix the

kitchen sink)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Future Continuous Mixed Exercise
Level: Basic (A2)

Complete the sentences with the Future Continuous Tense and give a short

1. ____________ Gloria ___________________ for you in the restaurant? (wait)

__________________________________ (+)

2. ____________ Adam and Jim ___________________ by plane at 9 AM

tomorrow morning? (travel)

__________________________________ (-)

3. ____________ Steve’s son ___________________ at the contest when he

arrives? (sing)

__________________________________ (+)

4. ____________ Kathleen and her husband ___________________ their next

trip this time tomorrow? (plan)

__________________________________ (-)

5. ____________ Judy’s friends ___________________ when she arrives

home? (hide)

__________________________________ (+)

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6. ____________ you ___________________ Susie’s talk show together
tomorrow evening? (watch)

__________________________________ (-)

7. ____________ Edward ___________________ between 8 and 10 PM

tonight? (sleep)

__________________________________ (+)

8. ____________ we ___________________ along the seashore this time

tomorrow morning? (jog)

__________________________________ (-)

9. ____________ they ___________________ their victory at 11 PM tonight?


__________________________________ (+)

10. ____________ Jude and Patricia ___________________ their neighbor’s

dog between 7 and 10 PM tomorrow night? (look after)

__________________________________ (-)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Simple Tenses All Mixed Exercise I
Level: Basic (A2)

Circle the correct option.

1. Judith goes / is going to school by bike every day.

2. I am normally doing / normally do the housework on Fridays, but today I go

out / am going out with my classmates.

3. Carmen and Toni have / had an accident last week.

4. Marlene was waiting / waited for her sister when she arrived.

5. Right now, Kathy reads / is reading the newspaper but usually she doesn’t

read / isn’t reading in the mornings.

6. I think we are going to finish / will finish our job until 7 PM.

7. Laura and Benedict were / are going to be happy last weekend.

8. Colin is never forgetting / never forgets his daughter’s birthday.

9. Lena doesn’t like / isn’t liking playing football.

10. Fred and Jude are leaving / left their office very late yesterday.

11. Emily and Ray bought / buy their tickets last Monday. They go / are going

to go to the theatre tonight.

12. I was serving / will be serving the guests this time tomorrow night.

13. Bing doesn’t feel / isn’t feeling good today.

14. While I was buying / bought new clothes in a shop I was noticing / noticed

a strange woman.

15. Next summer Victor and his parents are going to be / were in Nice.

16. I accepted / accept the offer. I will work / am going to work as a nurse.

17. Selena improves / is improving her German day by day.

18. The gardener watered / is watering the grass at present.

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
19. Rachel was watching / watched TV when she suddenly was hearing /

heard a scream.

20. The students don’t understand / didn’t understand the subject yesterday.

21. A: What is your plan for next Friday?

B: I will spend / am going to spend time with Liv.

22. Megan visited / visits her old friends three times last month.

23. When their father arrives home Betty and Viola will be playing / were

playing computer games.

24. Look! The fireman rescues / is rescuing the little cat from that tree.

25. I am not remembering / don’t remember Ethan’s birthday.

26. My brother will be flying / will fly to Austria this time next Tuesday.

27. George will develop / developed a new vaccine in 1989.

28. Maggie is tidying / tidies her room once a week.

29. When you called / was calling Lois he slept / was sleeping.

30. Ellen is washing / washed her face right now.

31. Simone will probably be / is probably here in ten minutes.

32. Vera was losing / lost her favorite toy two hours ago.

33. Janet changes / is changing her car every other year.

34. I don’t think Hugh’s mother will punish / is going to punish him.

35. Edmond invites / invited twenty people to his birthday party last night.

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
Simple Tenses All Mixed Exercise II
Level: Basic (A2)

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in the parenthesis.

1. I ____________________ Loretta while I ____________________ the street.

(see / cross)

2. How many languages _______________ Tilda _______________? (speak)

3. Marcia _________________ you when the meeting ends. (call)

4. Octavia ____________________ fast when the police

____________________ her. (not drive / stop)

5. Brenda never ____________________ with Dean. (agree)

6. It ____________________ at the moment. (not rain)

7. How often _________________ Barry _________________ parties? (attend)

8. What _________________ Charles ____________________ tomorrow at 10

AM? (do)

9. Who do you think ____________________ the tournament? Donald or

Joseph? (win)

10. Peggy ____________________ to buy new shoes nowadays. (want)

11. _________________ Linda ____________________ your computer when

you ____________________ to your room? (use / come in)

12. Jeremy ____________________ to work as a manager five years ago. (start)

13. Watch out! That fierce dog ____________________ you. (bite)

14. I promise I ____________________ anything to Ryan. (not tell)

15. Ben ____________________ coffee with his best friend in the living room at

the moment. (drink)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
16. How ________________ Vanessa ____________________ here yesterday

morning? (come)

17. What ______________ Ruth __________________ in the kitchen? It smells

nice. (bake)

18. How many books ________________ Sandy ____________________ in a

month? (read)

19. Hurry up Lee, or we ____________________ late for the appointment. (be)

20. This time yesterday Adam ____________________ the Mount Everest with

his friends. (climb)

21. Rita ____________________ her grandson to the museum this time

tomorrow. (take)

22. Dorothy ____________________ her patients right now. (not examine)

23. We ____________________ at the airport at 8 PM according to the schedule.


24. Andrew ______________ often ____________________ her mother to do

the housework. (not help)

25. Dave ____________________ 56 years old 5 years ago, now he

_________________ 61. (be / be)

26. What _______________ Zac and Jason _________________ when the

electricity ____________________? (do / go off)

27. Perhaps the postman ____________________ Tyler’s letter tomorrow

morning. (deliver)

28. Claire and I ____________________ a room in a hotel last week. We

____________________ our next weekend there. (book / spend)

29. Thira usually ____________________ her suitcase with her sister when they

go on a vacation. (share)

30. Naomi ____________________ this time tomorrow. (sleep)

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.

1. lives 18. drives 35. cuts

2. goes 19. reads 36. paint
3. doesn’t work 20. doesn’t use 37. jumps
4. get up 21. listens 38. sings
5. does 22. cleans 39. plays
6. drinks 23. feeds 40. make
7. brushes 24. doesn’t draw 41. doesn’t run
8. has 25. meets 42. visits
9. don’t like 26. love 43. walk
10. watches 27. cries 44. don’t speak
11. studies 28. don’t feel 45. sends
12. don’t make 29. catches 46. doesn’t spend
13. teaches 30. sleeps 47. looks
14. swims 31. cooks 48. barks
15. washes 32. doesn’t have 49. goes
16. don’t play 33. dance 50. travel
17. doesn’t ride 34. don’t eat


1. b) 1. a) 1. c) / Answer: Yes, I do.

2. c) 2. c) 2. a) / Answer: No, they
3. a) 3. d) don’t.
4. a) 4. b) 3. a) / Answer: Yes, they
5. d) 5. d) do.
6. b) 6. c) 4. d) / Answer: Yes, she
7. b) 7. a) does.
8. c) 8. b) 5. b) / Answer: No, they
9. a) 9. a) don’t.
10. d) 10. d) 6. a) / Answer: Yes, she
11. b) 11. c) does.
12. c) 12. d) 7. c) / Answer: No, they
13. a) 13. b) don’t.
14. b) 14. c) 8. c)/ Answer: Yes, they
15. d) 15. a) do.
9. d) / Answer: Yes, he
10. b) / Answer: No, he

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.

1. b)
2. c)
3. a)
4. d)
5. c)
6. a)
7. b)
8. c)
9. d)
10. b)

WORKSHEET 6 17. Likes / doesn’t like 34. Doesn’t tidy

1. Goes 18. Sit 35. Does / publish
2. Does / have 19. Do / go 36. Does / make
3. Studies 20. Does / bake 37. Doesn’t read
4. Does / speak 21. Don’t go / ride 38. Talk
5. Eats 22. Do / drink 39. Likes
6. Does / teach 23. Eats 40. Has
7. Doesn’t watch 24. Prepares 41. Tries
8. Does / call 25. Does / collect 42. Does / vacuum
9. Loves 26. Doesn’t smoke 43. Don’t live
10. Doesn’t work 27. Do / help 44. Earn
11. Forget 28. Don’t use 45. Eats
12. Do / live 29. Does / drink 46. Doesn’t take
13. Visits 30. Borrows 47. Meets
14. Watch 31. Do / have 48. Doesn’t write
15. Do / do 32. Send 49. Doesn’t have
16. Drives 33. Do / go 50. Do / drink

1. She takes wonderful photos. 7. My grandmother knits nice scarves for
2. I don’t ride a bike at night. me.
3. Do you eat pizza every weekend? 8. Jennifer does yoga three times a
4. Nancy sings in a band after school. week.
5. Samuel usually misses the bus in the 9. Does Paul’s teacher regularly play
morning. chess?
6. Yolanda and Thomas own a little shop 10. Belinda always helps her brother to do
in New York. his homework.

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
11. He moves to a different country every 30. Kim always produces new ideas.
year. 31. Miranda earns five hundred pounds a
12. Joseph and his wife pay £750 for the month.
bills each month. 32. These shoes cost too much, I cannot
13. How often do you meet with your buy them.
colleagues? 33. Brian watches his favorite TV serial
14. How many chapters does this book regularly.
include? 34. Clark does not study Physics.
15. Roger doesn’t set his alarm on 35. We often visit our old neighbor.
Saturdays. 36. Linda drinks champagne but she does
16. Selena learns a different language not drink beer.
every year. 37. She usually eats pancakes in the
17. Angelina changes the decoration of mornings.
her house every year. 38. Olivia and her family do not eat bread
18. Justin’s wife doesn’t watch football every day.
matches with him. 39. My father flies to London three times a
19. Brad always follows his parents’ month.
advice. 40. Mike plays computer every day and his
20. Where does he usually spend his mother gets angry.
summer holiday? 41. She always gives presents to her
21. The nearest post office opens at 8 am friends on special days.
every morning. 42. Tania’s cats drink milk every morning.
22. Ashley walks forty minutes every day. 43. My sister drives her new car carefully.
23. Michael Phelps wins every 44. Mel does not often eat fruit.
competition. 45. Betty’s baby always cries at nights.
24. Kate teaches a different subject each 46. I swim an hour every day in summer.
day. 47. Rose buys fresh vegetables every
25. I don’t often buy expensive shoes. weekend.
26. Jack rarely remembers his friends’ 48. Barbara calls me two times a day.
birthdays. 49. Tony likes fishing with his father.
27. That waiter serves to his customers 50. The kids do not learn Japanese at
happily. school.
28. Judy usually passes her exams.
29. Henry never agrees with his friends.

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.

1. Robin doesn’t have dinner at 8 o’clock with his wife and children.
2. Does Tina do shopping every weekend?
3. I often go to the circus with my friends.
4. Edward doesn’t make tasteless cakes.
5. Does Lucy know how to skate?
6. Does Pollyanna always think positive?
7. Ralph takes his umbrella with him every day.
8. Maggie doesn’t see her doctor every two months.
9. Olivia always arrives work late.
10. Does Jane drive carefully?
11. Sophia doesn’t often tell lies to her parents.
12. Susan’s father works in a factory.
13. Jeff doesn’t always ask interesting questions to his teachers.
14. Do you need sugar to make a chocolate cake? / (Don’t you need...)
15. Cara doesn’t feel anxious before the exams.
16. Morgan leaves home at 7 am every day.
17. I don’t always keep my friends’ secrets.
18. Does James seem unhappy all the time?
19. Nicolas plays hide and seek with his little brother.
20. Alex doesn’t run 10 kilometers every night.
21. Donald believes in miracles.
22. A lot of earthquakes don’t happen in Japan every year.
23. Does Edgar write poems in his free time?
24. My mother doesn’t lose her temper quickly.
25. Alice changes her mind every day.
26. Celine listens to her teachers carefully.
27. Do they build new skyscrapers every month?
28. Their manager doesn’t explain his new project every week.
29. Charles doesn’t always support his team enthusiastically.
30. Does Mel eat cereals every morning to lose weight?

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.

1) is doing 18) is watching 35) is not cooking

2) is going 19) is studying 36) are riding
3) are flying 20) am feeding 37) am swimming
4) are making 21) are listening 38) is having
5) am taking 22) is driving 39) are not travelling
6) is not drinking 23) are running 40) is writing
7) is using 24) are playing 41) is watching
8) are texting 25) am not going 42) is playing
9) is telling 26) is not walking 43) is not raining
10) is working 27) is painting 44) is washing
11) is not eating 28) is speaking 45) are talking
12) am calling 29) are singing 46) is not cleaning
13) is trying 30) is sending 47) is climbing
14) are asking 31) is not reading 48) are fighting
15) is helping 32) is eating 49) is throwing
16) is brushing 33) is crying 50) is watering
17) are not having 34) is sleeping


1. c 1. c 1. d / Yes, she is.
2. b 2. a 2. b / No, we aren’t.
3. a 3. b 3. a / No, he isn’t.
4. b 4. d 4. c / Yes, she is.
5. d 5. c 5. b / Yes, they are.
6. c 6. a 6. d / No, he isn’t.
7. a 7. b 7. c / No, they aren’t.
8. b 8. d 8. a / Yes, she is.
9. a 9. b 9. b / No, they aren’t.,
10. d 10. c 10. b / Yes , he/she is.
11. c 11. a
12. b 12. b
13. c 13. d
14. c 14. a
15. a 15. c

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
1. c / She / Rita is reading a comic book.
2. b / They are travelling with their children.
3. d / He is watching a comic.
4. d / She is making a cherry pie.
5. b / He is meeting with his friends in the afternoon.
6. c / They are sleeping on the armchair.
7. d / She is writing a birthday card.
8. c / They are doing their homework in the library.
9. a / They are walking on the beach.
10. d / Because it is hungry.

WORKSHEET 14 17. are / meeting 35. are trying

1. is resting 18. is fixing 36. isn’t playing
2. isn’t talking 19. is / looking after 37. are ice skating
3. are helping 20. isn’t vacuuming 38. is / swinging
4. is / drinking 21. am swimming 39. is teaching
5. isn’t sleeping/is 22. are taking 40. is sitting
taking 23. are / watching 41. is singing
6. is / running 24. aren’t running 42. are / going
7. is knitting 25. are / dancing 43. is / riding
8. are / having 26. is raining/ is drinking 44. isn’t coming
9. isn’t doing 27. is baking 45. is writing
10. is trying 28. is watering 46. are / laughing
11. are / staying 29. are / revising 47. aren’t doing
12. are eating 30. are flying 48. isn’t dancing
13. aren’t chatting 31. are / celebrating 49. is / boiling
14. are / going 32. aren’t walking 50. are / drawing
15. is studying 33. are eating
16. are fighting 34. is / waiting

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
1. Tommy isn’t making a cake at the moment.
2. Look! The train is leaving the station.
3. Why is your aunt crying now?
4. Are you using my phone at the moment?
5. Emma is telling jokes to her grandfather.
6. Alice isn’t working on her project now.
7. Our neighbors are calling the firefighter right now.
8. Kristen is trying to solve the problem.
9. Are the students asking many questions to their new teacher?
10. Are you helping your brother to tidy his room?
11. My cousins aren’t playing football at the moment.
12. Look! Jamie’s turtle is walking slowly.
13. Is Jeff texting a message to his girlfriend?
14. The cats are sitting on the grass now.
15. The detective is (secretly) following the thief (secretly).
16. Martin is not reading a newspaper in his room right now.
17. Rachel is opening her gifts.
18. Liz is throwing a ball to Megan in the garden.
19. Is your budgie flying now?
20. Betty is sending an email to her boss.
21. She is not staying with us tomorrow night.
22. Is the teacher explaining the new subject to her students right now?
23. The ants are carrying some bread crumbs slowly.
24. Robin’s dog is eating a big bone at the moment.
25. My little son is drawing a nice picture with his friend.
26. Sandra and her family are not having breakfast in the kitchen now.
27. Is Viola going to yoga class this evening?
28. Are they having a picnic next Thursday?
29. The students are competing in the hall at present.
30. Rebecca is meeting her best friend tonight.

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
1. The students aren’t having their lunch at the dining hall.
2. Viola is doing her English homework now.
3. Is John going to the sports center tonight?
4. Timothy isn’t visiting the new museum tomorrow.
5. Is the sun shining now?
6. Jason is coming to John’s birthday party.
7. Is the thief stealing the woman’s bag?
8. The kangaroo isn’t jumping over the fence.
9. Anthony is blowing the candles on his birthday cake.
10. Are the girls jumping rope in the school garden at the moment?
11. The teachers aren’t singing with their students at the party.
12. Judy is drinking apple juice right now.
13. Are Bob and Mary exchanging their presents?
14. The children are making the bubbles right now.
15. Andrew is giving a bunch of flowers to his wife.
16. Is Melissa’s father sleeping on the sofa at the moment?
17. The waiter is serving to the customers tonight.
18. Tilda isn’t lying on her bed now.
19. I am not studying hard for my Math exam nowadays.
20. She is giving a party this Wednesday.
21. Marissa isn’t running because she is late for work.
22. Is Brenda swimming with the dolphins in the pool now?
23. Sue is sunbathing right now.
24. Carol and I are not cycling to the market at present.
25. Hugh is driving his car carefully.
26. Are Thomas and Joseph doing grammar exercises together?
27. Sally isn’t brushing her teeth in the bathroom now.
28. Olga is listening to music in her bedroom right now.
29. Is his cat standing in front of that dog?
30. Uncle Dave isn’t fixing our car at the moment.

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
WORKSHEET 17 WORKSHEET 18 19. lives / write
1. b 1. is watching TV 20. spends / prefers
2. a 2. have lunch / am having 21. is / sleeping / isn’t /
3. a lunch going
4. b 3. does 22. is washing
5. a 4. speaks / is speaking 23. are / walking
6. b 5. looks tired / is studying 24. doesn’t snow
7. a 6. am feeling 25. don’t remember
8. a 7. eats 26. forgets
9. b 8. doesn’t like / thinks 27. goes out / taking a rest
10. b 9. does / start 28. is preparing
11. b 10. walks / is going 29. does / watch
12. b 11. look / are / thinking 30. wears / isn’t wearing
13. a 12. is drinking
14. b 13. doesn’t watch / doesn’t
15. b have
16. a 14. wear / are wearing
17. a 15. don’t understand / is
18. b explaining
19. b 16. works
20. a 17. is working
18. is / cooking/ smells


1. Correct
2. Look! Andy is skipping a rope outside.
3. The janitor is sweeping the steps at the moment.
4. She wants a new car.
5. Correct
6. Steve likes sugar in his coffee.
7. Chris eats cookies every afternoon.
8. Look! The man is painting the fence.
9. Listen! I think they are arguing.
10. They are not tidying their room right now, they are playing football.
11. We are not playing tennis outside today, because it is rainy.
12. Ryan is studying German these days.
13. We don’t want to miss the plane.

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
14. I am looking for a new computer. My computer doesn’t work.
15. Correct.
16. Jane and her mother are not at home. They are doing the shopping.
17. Why are you laughing?
18. Do you agree with me? / No, I think you are wrong.
19. He is making his bed.
20. Do you wake up early every day?
21. I sometimes listen to rock music but now I am listening to pop music.
22. Jesse and Owen don’t believe in miracles.
23. Correct.
24. What is Tyler planning to do tonight?
25. She is learning .Her mother is teaching her.
26. How often do you visit your old classmates?
27. Be careful! It’s dark and you are driving too fast.
28. Correct.
29. He is talking to you.
30. Correct.

WORKSHEET 20 22. Didn’t listen 12. a

1. Worked 23. Examined 13. b
2. Brushed 24. Delivered 14. d
3. Watched 25. Played 15. b
4. Studied 26. Didn’t check
5. Didn’t cry 27. Completed WORKSHEET 22
6. Washed 28. Didn’t accept 1. b
7. Used 29. Attended 2. c
8. Didn’t call 30. Answered 3. a
9. Helped 4. d
10. Walked WORKSHEET 21 5. d
11. Didn’t correct 1. b 6. d
12. Explained 2. a 7. c
13. Earned 3. c 8. a
14. Married 4. b 9. b
15. Emptied 5. d 10. a
16. Replied 6. c 11. d
17. Didn’t obey 7. a 12. c
18. Snowed 8. d 13. b
19. Asked 9. b 14. a
20. Started 10. c 15. c
21. Didn’t wait 11. c

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
WORKSHEET 23 14. weren’t 21. sold / bought
1. b / No, they didn’t. 15. were 22. didn’t ask
2. a / Yes, I did. 16. Was 23. was
3. c / No, she didn’t. 17. was 24. visited
4. d/No, she / he 18. Was 25. finished
didn’t. 19. were 26. did / see
5. a / Yes ,she did. 20. was 27. didn’t clean
6. c / No, he didn’t 21. were 28. ate
7. b / Yes ,she did. 22. were 29. carried
8. b / Yes, she did. 23. was 30. were
9. a / No, she didn’t. 24. were 31. didn’t want
10. d / Yes, he did. 25. Was 32. did / study
26. were / was 33. destroyed
27. wasn’t 34. ran
WORKSHEET 24 28. Were 35. slept / missed

1. c 29. was 36. did / tell

2. d 30. was / was 37. did / feel

3. b 38. wore

4. a 39. sang

5. a WORKSHEET 26 40. lost

6. c 1. won 41. did / call

7. b 2. paid 42. didn’t work

8. d 3. flew 43. was

9. d 4. was 44. didn’t set

10. a 5. broke 45. changed

6. gave 46. wasn’t / didn’t like

WORKSHEET 25 7. didn’t hear 47. taught

8. was 48. did / hear
1. was
9. drove 49. was / was
2. wasn’t
10. met 50. came
3. was
4. were 11. didn’t answer

5. was 12. did / read

6. were 13. forgot

7. weren’t 14. did / drink

8. was 15. had

9. was / was 16. didn’t go / went

10. was 17. weren’t / were

11. were 18. did / watch

12. Was 19. learnt

13. Were / were 20. found

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.

1. Our neighbors didn’t buy a new house two days ago.

2. Did Sam forget to do his homework yesterday?
3. Paul and Andrew didn’t travel to Vancouver last month.
4. Kate understood her teacher’s explanation.
5. The students asked many questions to their teacher.
6. Bill didn’t finish his homework an hour ago.
7. Did Mike write birthday cards to his friends?
8. Alice’s sister won the first prize yesterday.
9. I saw an interesting film last Saturday.
10. My little son rode his new bike in the park.
11. Nora didn’t decide to quit her job two months ago.
12. Lucy didn’t arrive at the shopping center with her friends ten minutes ago.
13. Did the students play hopscotch yesterday morning?
14. Katherine made a delicious sandwich.
15. I didn’t book a table in a restaurant for us.
16. They built a new bridge near your house.
17. Did she change her clothes to go to the party?
18. My father grew tomatoes in our garden last summer.
19. The thief didn’t steal my new laptop two days ago.
20. Samantha fed her fish last night.
21. Did Patrick feel desperate to pass his exam?
22. Lorenzo didn’t answer all the questions correctly.
23. Did Sue whisper something to her best friend?
24. The policeman caught the criminal last night.
25. My sister didn’t design a nice dress for me.
26. My father didn’t snore loudly last night.
27. Lola’s brother hid her cell phone.
28. Sonia didn’t find her mother’s old letters yesterday.
29. You didn’t receive a letter from your pen friend last month.
30. Did Chris go to the sports center yesterday?

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.

1. They spent their holiday in Italy last summer.

2. Dan ate delicious cookies yesterday evening.
3. It didn’t snow last Christmas.
4. Paula studied German in his summer holiday.
5. The firefighter rescued six people.
6. Henry and his wife had an accident yesterday.
7. We were in Ottawa last month.
8. How many pages did Ben read last night?
9. What did Anne wear at the party yesterday?
10. The maid didn’t vacuum the floor.
11. My grandfather died in 1998.
12. Did she tell anything about her meeting?
13. Greg visited his grandparents last weekend.
14. The teacher was very angry with Jenny.
15. Why did you call me last night?
16. What did you buy to your cousin?
17. He didn’t do his homework because he was at hospital.
18. Jake took nice photos in the museum.
19. Alfred forgot his bag on the bus.
20. The postman delivered your letter yesterday.
21. Mike’s mother didn’t cook the meal last night.
22. Did Fred watch documentary with his friends?
23. Lora looked after Paul’s baby last Friday afternoon.
24. Nick sent an email to his customer.
25. Did Mike throw the ball to his friend?
26. Kate started school four years ago.
27. Did the baby eat her food?
28. I showed my old photos to my wife.
29. The weather was hot last Saturday.
30. Were they at home last night?

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.

1. was sleeping 12. weren’t listening 22. wasn’t raining

2. were having 13. were / waiting 23. was climbing / was
3. was cooking 14. was painting cycling
4. were having 15. were swimming / 24. were / eating
5. were playing was preparing 25. was looking for
6. was cleaning 16. was barking 26. was slicing
7. was doing 17. wasn’t making 27. was loading
8. was having 18. were / doing 28. were / studying
9. was riding 19. was crying 29. were watching
10. was having 20. was running 30. wasn’t helping / was
11. wasn’t reading 21. were taking talking


1. Sue was writing a letter last night.

2. Fiona and Jeremy were doing their homework between 6 and 9 PM.
3. Alice and Rebecca were drinking coffee.
4. Daniel was driving to his office this time yesterday.
5. The cat wasn’t lying on the sofa.
6. The little girl was counting the apples.
7. Timothy was hiding behind the tree.
8. Barbara was watching a comic with her family.
9. The painter wasn’t painting the walls.
10. Were you working all night yesterday?
11. Naomi’s mother was brushing her hair.
12. Natalie wasn’t washing the clothes.
13. Were the students playing hide and seek this time yesterday?
14. The teacher was checking the students’ homework.
15. I was teaching Portuguese 5 years ago.
16. They weren’t building a new house last summer.
17. The sun was shining yesterday morning.
18. What were they talking about?
19. Jane was walking with her little daughter last night.
20. Andy was celebrating his birthday last week this time.


1. She was making coffee this time 8. She / he was giving directions.
yesterday. 9. He was serving the food.
2. They were dancing at the party. 10. He was watching football match.
3. Sandra was buying clothes. 11. She was driving to the church.
4. Tom was reading a book before 12. They were vacuuming the floor.
sleeping. 13. They were answering the questions.
5. They were playing football last night. 14. She was crying in her bedroom.
6. She was cooking the meal. 15. I was running with my mother.
7. I was studying for the exam.

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.

1. was / waiting / Yes, she was. 13. were listening / went off
2. were / talking / No, they weren’t. 14. saw / were travelling
3. was / travelling / No, she wasn’t. 15. was walking / started
4. were / sitting / Yes, they were. 16. hit / was driving
5. was / singing / Yes, she was. 17. was waiting / saw
6. was / cleaning / No, she wasn’t. 18. was / was study
7. was / picking up / Yes, she was. 19. got up / washed / had breakfast /
8. were / planning / No, we weren’t. went out
9. was / working / No, he wasn’t. 20. was running / dropped
10. was / having / Yes, he was. 21. got off / was raining
11. were / drawing / Yes, they were. 22. were drinking / arrived
12. were / cheating / No, they weren’t. 23. was doing / called
13. was / doing / Yes, she was. 24. was swimming / attacked
14. were / skiing / Yes, I was. 25. happened / were having
15. was / writing / No, she wasn’t. 26. was / was reading / was preparing
27. broke / was doing
28. finished / went
WORKSHEET 33 29. was sunbathing / were playing
30. came across / was cycling
1. was preparing / came 31. was going / called
2. was doing / rang 32. were watching / went
3. was skating / hit 33. was looking for / was packing
4. were sitting / began 34. got / was shopping
5. found / were digging 35. were / sitting / came in
6. was shouting / was crying 36. was sinking / were playing
7. were escaping / caught 37. broke / was eating
8. were / doing / saw 38. were surfing / told
9. injured / was fixing 39. saw / was drinking
10. was sleeping / was reading 40. were / laughing / entered
11. met / went
12. were having / arrived


1. Janet came in while I was doing my homework.

I was doing my homework when Janet came in.

2. When the gardener noticed Tom, he was picking apples from the tree.
While he was picking apples from the tree, the gardener noticed Tom.

3. When I saw the burglar, I was walking in the garden.

I saw the burglar while I was walking in the garden.

4. When their mother found them, the kids were hiding under the table.
Their mother found them while the kids were hiding under the table.

5. While Pablo was painting the wall, he fell off the ladder.
Pablo was painting the wall when he fell off the ladder.

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
6. The phone rang while I was having a rest.
I was having a rest when the phone rang.

7. While she was looking out of the window, her father was mowing the grass.
While her father was mowing the grass, she was looking out of the window.
She was looking out of the window while her father was mowing the grass.
Her father was mowing the grass while she was looking out of the window.

8. When she fell down, Emily was swinging.

While Emily was swinging, she fell down.

9. While he was studying, Ben fell asleep.

When he fell asleep, he was studying.

10. I made many new friends while I was working at school.

While I was working at school, I made many new friends.

11. We were driving home when the storm began.

The storm began while we were driving home.

12. While I was reading a magazine, I received your message.

When I received your message, I was reading a magazine.

13. Susie was watering the flowers when her sister called her.
When her sister called her, Susie was watering the flowers.

14. When the secretary arrived at the office, we were working.

While we were working, the secretary arrived at the office.

15. Henry found a mistake while he was looking over his essay.
Henry was looking over his essay when he found a mistake.

16. While I was talking on the phone, I saw a lizard in my room.

I was talking on the phone when I saw a lizard in my room.

17. I heard Emma and Watson while they were talking about me.
While they were talking about me, I heard Emma and Watson.

18. Our neighbor began to play the guitar while the baby was sleeping.
When our neighbor began to play the guitar, the baby was sleeping.

19. While Adam was swimming, he had a cramp in his leg.

When he had a cramp in his leg, Adam was swimming.

20. It started to bark while we were walking near the dog’s hut.
We were walking near the dog’s hut when it started to bark.

21. While she was studying at the university, Anna met her husband.
She was studying at the university when Anna met her husband.

22. When she saw her old friend, Helen was crossing the road.

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
While Helen was crossing the road, she saw her old friend.

23. They were having dinner when somebody knocked the door.
Somebody knocked the door while they were having dinner.

24. While the children were sleeping, the fire started.

The children were sleeping when the fire started.

25. Tina entered the classroom while the teacher was introducing the new subject.
The teacher was introducing the new subject when Tina entered the classroom.

26. When my little brother turned off the lights, my father was shaving off.
While my father was shaving off, my little brother turned off the lights.

27. It was snowing when they reached the top of the mountain.
While it was snowing, they reached the top of the mountain.

28. While she was cleaning the attic, Georgia found her father’s old diary.
She was cleaning the attic when Georgia found her father’s old diary.

29. I was getting dressed when the school bus came.

The school bus came while I was getting dressed.

30. While her mother was watching TV, Mary left home.
When Mary left home, her mother was watching TV.

WORKSHEET 35 10. will / go 21. will / work

11. will attend 22. won’t watch
1. will be 12. will talk 23. will win
2. will be 13. will be 24. will deliver
3. will / pay 14. will announce 25. will / visit
4. will not be 15. will start 26. will not have
5. will wait 16. will / snow 27. will help
6. will do 17. will fail 28. will not get
7. will come 18. will change 29. will have
8. will play 19. will take 30. will / help
9. will turn on 20. will cost


1. (+) Gerard will get us a drink.

(-) Gerard will not get us a drink. 3. (+) Real Madrid will lose the match.
(?) Will Gerard get us a drink? (-) Real Madrid will not lose the match.
Answer: Yes, he will. (?) Will Real Madrid lose the match?
Answer: No, it will not.
2. (+) Mrs. Jones will call you tomorrow.
(-) Mrs. Jones will not call you tomorrow. 4. (+) Jason and his wife will travel around
(?) Will Mrs. Jones call you tomorrow? the world.
Answer: No, she will not. (-) Jason and his wife will not travel
around the world.

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
(?) Will Jason and his wife travel around
the world?
Answer: Yes, they will. 13. (+) Amber will have a baby next
5. (+) Peter and Emily will get married next September.
month. (-) Amber will not have a baby next
(-) Peter and Emily will not get married September.
next month. (?) Will Amber have a baby next
(?) Will Peter and Emily get married next September?
month? Answer: Yes, she will.
Answer: Yes, they will.
14. (+) Nicholas will be rich soon.
6. (+) Her best friend will be 24 next (-) Nicholas will not be rich soon.
Wednesday. (?) Will Nicholas be rich soon?
(-) Her best friend will not be 24 next Answer: Yes, he will.
(?) Will her best friend be 24 next 15. (+) They will study Chemistry tonight.
Wednesday? (-) They will not study Chemistry tonight.
Answer: No, she / he will not. (?) Will they study Chemistry tonight?
Answer: No, they will not.
7. (+) The guests will arrive at about 5 PM.
(-) The guests will not arrive at about 5 16. (+) Paul will walk to school with Rebecca.
PM. (-) Paul will not walk to school with
(?) Will the guests arrive at about 5 PM? Rebecca.
Answer: No, they will not. (?) Will Paul walk to school with
8. (+) Chris will be a doctor in the future. Answer: Yes, he will.
(-) Chris will not be doctor in the future.
(?) Will Chris be a doctor in the future? 17. (+) Karl will be better tomorrow.
Answer: Yes, he will. (-) Karl will not be better tomorrow.
(?) Will Karl be better tomorrow?
9. (+) Our meeting will take place at 7 PM. Answer: No, she will not.
(-) Our meeting will not take place at 7
PM. 18. (+) Richard and Olivia will take the bus.
(?) Will our meeting take place at 7 PM? (-) Richard and Olivia will not take the
Answer: No, it will not. bus.
(?) Will Richard and Olivia take the bus?
10. (+) Josh will write a letter to Sarah. Answer: Yes, they will.
(-) Josh will not write a letter to Sarah.
(?) Will Josh write a letter to Sarah? 19. (+) Mila will study with her brother.
Answer: No, he will not. (-) Mila will not study with her brother.
(?) Will Mila study with her brother?
11. (+) Gemma will buy a new car next month. Answer: Yes, she will.
(-) Gemma will not buy a new car next
month. 20. (+) Teresa will buy new speakers
(?) Will Gemma buy a new car next tomorrow.
month? (-) Teresa will not buy new speakers
Answer: Yes, she will. tomorrow.
(?) Will Teresa buy new speakers
12. (+) Nick will get up at 7 AM tomorrow. tomorrow?
(-) Nick will not get up at 7 AM tomorrow. Answer: No, she will not.
(?) Will Nick get up at 7 AM tomorrow?
Answer: No, he will not.
Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
29. (+) Billy’s father will lend some money to
21. (+) The little boy will draw a picture by him.
himself. (-) Billy’s father will not lend some money
(-) The little boy will not draw a picture by to him.
himself. (?) Will Billy’s father lend some money to
(?) Will the little boy draw a picture by him?
himself? Answer: No, he will not.
Answer: Yes, he will.
30. (+) Linda will make cookies with Mia.
22. (+) Lily will show us the way. (-) Linda will not make cookies with Mia.
(-) Lily will not show us the way. (?) Will Linda make cookies with Mia?
(?) Will Lily show us the way? Answer: Yes, she will.
Answer: Yes, she will.
31. (+) Alice will go on a diet next Monday.
23. (+) Cobie will drive to the hospital. (-) Alice will not go on a diet next
(-) Cobie will not drive to the hospital. Monday.
(?) Will Cobie drive to the hospital? (?) Will Alice go on a diet next Monday?
Answer: No, he will not. Answer: No, she will not.

24. (+) Mr. Grace will give a break soon. 32. (+) Her mother will go to the supermarket
(-) Mr. Grace will not give a break soon. to buy some milk.
(?) Will Mr. Grace give a break soon? (-) Her mother will not go to the
Answer: No, he will not. supermarket to buy some milk.
(?) Will her mother go to the supermarket
25. (+) Eva and her sister will take the dog for to buy some milk?
a walk. Answer: Yes, she will.
(-) Eva and her sister will not take the dog
for a walk. 33. (+) The mechanic will fix Ben’s car.
(?) Will they take the dog for a walk? (-) The mechanic will not fix Ben’s car.
Answer: Yes, they will. (?) Will the mechanic fix Ben’s car?
Answer: Yes, he will.
26. (+) Mrs. Collins will make the guest list.
(-) Mrs. Collins will not make the guest list. 34. (+) Imelda’s parents will have dinner in the
(?) Will she make the guest list? garden.
Answer: Yes, she will. (-) Imelda’s parents will not have dinner in
the garden.
27. (+) Jamie’s daughters will do the (?) Will they have dinner in the garden?
housework today. Answer: No, they will not.
(-) Jamie’s daughters will not do the
housework today. 35. (+) The gardener will water the flowers.
(?) Will they do the housework today? (-) The gardener will not water the flowers.
Answer: No, they will not. (?) Will the gardener water the flowers?
Answer: Yes, he will.
28. (+) They will ask Maggie the way home.
(-) They will not ask Maggie the way 36. (+) Anthony will be on vacation tomorrow.
home. (-) Anthony will not be on vacation
(?) Will they ask Maggie the way home? tomorrow.
Answer: Yes, they will. (?) Will he be on vacation tomorrow?
Answer: No, he will not.

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
37. (+) Ray will fax the documents as soon as 45. (+) Brenda will call her best friend tonight.
possible. (-) Brenda will not call her best friend
(-) Ray will not fax the documents as soon tonight.
as possible. (?) Will she call her best friend tonight?
(?) Will Ray fax the documents as soon as Answer: Yes, she will.
Answer: Yes, he will. 46. (+) Angela and Laura will meet at the
38. (+) Andy will cause trouble. (-) Angela and Laura will not meet at the
(-) Andy will not cause trouble. station.
(?) Will Andy cause trouble? (?) Will they meet at the station?
Answer: No, he will not. Answer: No, they will not.

39. (+) Matthew will drive us to the town. 47. (+) The first lesson will start at 9 AM next
(-) Matthew will not drive us to the town. week.
(?) Will Matthew drive us to the town? (-) The first lesson will not start at 9 AM
Answer: Yes, he will. next week.
(?) Will the first lesson start at 9 AM next
40. (+) Dennis will be famous soon. week?
(-) Dennis will not be famous soon. Answer: Yes, it will.
(?) Will Dennis be famous soon?
Answer: No, he will not. 48. (+) Melanie will be able to solve this
41. (+) The train will leave on time. (-) Melanie will not be able to solve this
(-) The train will not leave on time. problem.
(?) Will the train leave on time? (?) Will Melanie be able to solve this
Answer: Yes, it will. problem?
Answer: No, she will not.
42. (+) Michael and Ryan will go out this
evening. 49. (+) The post office will close at 5 PM
(-) Michael and Ryan will not go out this today.
evening. (-) The post office will not close at 5 PM
(?) Will they go out this evening? today.
Answer: No, they will not. (?) Will it close at 5 PM today?
Answer: Yes, it will.
43. (+) Kerry will have a rest tonight.
(-) Kelly will not have a rest tonight. 50. (+) Sally will stay in her parents’ house.
(?) Will Kelly have a rest tonight? (-) Sally will not stay in her parents’
Answer: Yes, she will. house.
(?) Will Sally stay in her parent’s house?
44. (+) She will have to pay 25 dollars for her Answer: No, she will not.
(-) She will not have to pay 25 dollars for
her dress.
(?) Will she have to pay 25 dollars for her
Answer: No, she will not.

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.

1. are going to have 12. are going to have 22. are going to move
2. is going to fly 13. is going to be 23. isn’t going to snow
3. is going to spend 14. is going to be 24. isn’t going to cook
4. are going to drop 15. am going to visit 25. are going to have
5. is going to buy 16. is going to prepare 26. is going to faint
6. are / going to finish 17. is going to feed 27. am going to study
7. are going to have 18. isn’t going to join 28. is going to get up
8. are going to go 19. aren’t going to spend / 29. isn’t going to do
9. is going to visit are going to stay 30. is going to join
10. are going to fight 20. is / going to begin
11. isn’t going to play 21. are / going to meet


1. (+) Joel is going to translate the book next 6. (+) Gary’s father is going to change the
spring. broken bulb.
(-) Joel isn’t going to translate the book next (-) Gary’s father isn’t going to change the
spring. broken bulb.
(?) Is Joel going to translate the book next (?) Is he going to change the broken bulb?
spring? Answer: Yes, he is.
Answer: Yes, he is.
7. (+) Jeff is going to pick Jane up tonight.
2. (+) That movie is going to win many awards. (-) Jeff isn’t going to pick Jane up tonight.
(-) That movie isn’t going to win many
(?) Is he going to pick Jane up tonight?
Answer: No, he isn’t.
(?) Is that movie going to win many awards?
Answer: Yes, it is.
8. (+) Norman is going to unpack his suitcase
tomorrow morning.
3. (+) Ewan is going to cook a meal tonight.
(-) Ewan isn’t going to cook a meal tonight. (-) Norman isn’t going to unpack his suitcase
(?) Is Ewan going to cook a meal tonight? tomorrow morning.
Answer: No, he isn’t. (?) Is he going to unpack his suitcase
tomorrow morning?
4. (+) Bruno and Sean are going to visit Vienna Answer: Yes, he is.
and Budapest next month.
(-) Bruno and Sean aren’t going to visit 9. (+) Ted is going to draw a house with his
Vienna and Budapest next month. sister’s pencils.
(?) Are they going to visit Vienna and (-) Ted isn’t going to draw a house with his
Budapest next month? sister’s pencils.
Answer: Yes, they are. (?) Is Ted going to draw a house with his
sister’s pencils?
5. (+) Roy is going to cut some paper in the Answer: No, he isn’t.
shape of a heart with those scissors.
(-) Roy isn’t going to cut some paper in the 10. (+) Jennifer and Thomas are going to go
shape of a heart with those scissors. camping next Saturday.
(?) Is Roy going to cut some paper in the (-) Jennifer and Thomas aren’t going to go
shape of a heart with those scissors?
camping next Saturday.
Answer: No, he isn’t.
(?) Are they going to go camping next
Answer: Yes, they are.

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
11. (+) Gina is going to see the doctor next (?) Are Lily and Anna going to buy tickets
Friday. next weekend?
(-) Gina isn’t going to see the doctor next Answer: Yes, they are.
(?) Is Gina going to see the doctor next 19. (+) Max is going to drive us to the airport
Friday? tomorrow afternoon.
Answer: No, she isn’t. (-) Max isn’t going to drive us to the airport
tomorrow afternoon.
12. (+) They are going to attend a conference at (?) Is he going to drive us to the airport
12 AM tomorrow.
tomorrow afternoon?
(-) They aren’t going to attend a conference
Answer: No, he isn’t.
at 12 AM tomorrow.
(?) Are they going to attend a conference at
20. (+) Marcus is going to wait his aunt at the
12 AM tomorrow?
meeting point.
Answer: Yes, they are.
(-) Marcus isn’t going to wait his aunt at the
13. (+) Lea is going to take her nephew to the meeting point.
zoo. (?) Is he going to wait his aunt at the meeting
(-) Lea isn’t going to take her nephew to the point?
zoo. Answer: Yes, he is.
(?) Is Lea going to take her nephew to the
zoo? 21. (+) Nancy is going to send a postcard to
Answer: No, she isn’t. Sandra.
(-) Nancy isn’t going to send a postcard to
14. (+) Vera is going to relax at home tonight. Sandra.
(-) Vera isn’t going to relax at home tonight. (?) Is Nancy going to send a postcard to
(?) Is Vera going to relax at home tonight? Sandra?
Answer: Yes, she is. Answer: No, she isn’t.

15. (+) Julie is going to make some changes in 22. (+) Samantha is going to receive a lot of gifts
her life. on her birthday.
(-) Julie isn’t going to make some changes in (-) Samantha isn’t going to receive a lot of
her life.
gifts on her birthday.
(?) Is Julie going to make some changes in
(?) Is she going to receive a lot of gifts on her
her life?
Answer: No, she isn’t.
Answer: Yes, she is.
16. (+) Pam is going to quit her job next month.
(-) Pam isn’t going to quit her job next month. 23. (+) Dough is going to sell his old clothes.
(?) Is Pam going to quit her job next month? (-) Dough isn’t going to sell his old clothes.
Answer: Yes, she is. (?) Is Dough going to sell his old clothes?
Answer: No, he isn’t.
17. (+) Miley is going to stay in Kenya for three
(-) Miley isn’t going to stay Kenya for three
(?) Is Miley going to stay in Kenya for three
weeks? 24. (+) Gloria and Donna are going to do their
Answer: No, she isn’t. homework together.
(-) Gloria and Donna aren’t going to do their
18. (+) Lily and Anna are going to buy tickets homework together.
next weekend. (?) Are they going to do their homework
(-) Lily and Anna aren’t going to buy tickets together?
next weekend. Answer: Yes, they are.

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
(?) Are they going to visit her grandparents in
25. (+) Our plane to Ljubljana is going to land at France?
11 PM. Answer: No, they aren’t.
(-) Our plane to Ljubljana isn’t going to land
at 11 PM. 32. (+) Julia is going to play bowling with her
(?) Is our plane to Ljubljana going to land at friends next week.
11 PM? (-) Julia isn’t going to play bowling with her
Answer: No, it isn’t. friends next week.
(?) Is Julia going to play bowling with her
26. (+) Sue is going to need some extra money. friends next week?
(-) Sue isn’t going to need some extra Answer: Yes, she is.
(?) Is she going to need some extra money? 33. (+) Allen is going to give Eva some flowers.
Answer: Yes, she is. (-) Allen isn’t going to give Eva some flowers.
(?) Is Allen going to give Eva some flowers?
27. (+) The students are going to discuss the Answer: No, he isn’t.
subject later.
(-) The students aren’t going to discuss the 34. (+) Emilia is going to write a short story.
subject later. (-) Emilia isn’t going to write a short story.
(?) Are they going to discuss the subject (?) Is she going to write a short story?
later? Answer: Yes, she is.
Answer: No, they aren’t.
35. (+) Bob is going to start school next year.
28. (+) Sarah is going to read a book before (-) Bob isn’t going to start school next year.
sleeping. (?) Is he going to start school next year?
(-) Sarah isn’t going to read a book before Answer: No, he isn’t.
(?) Is Sarah going to read a book before 36. (+) Jena and her friends are going to ride a
sleeping? bike tomorrow.
Answer: Yes, she is. (-) They aren’t going to ride a bike tomorrow.
(?) Are they going to ride a bike tomorrow?
29. (+) Matt is going to tell everything to Robert Answer: Yes, they are.
(-) Matt isn’t going to tell everything to Robert 37. (+) Richard is going to iron his clothes.
tonight. (-) Richard isn’t going to iron his clothes.
(?) Is Matt going to tell everything to Robert (?) Is Richard going to iron his clothes?
tonight? Answer: No, he isn’t.
Answer: No, he isn’t.
38. (+) Nick is going to celebrate his birthday
30. (+) Pete and William are going to sing at the tomorrow night.
concert together. (-) Nick isn’t going to celebrate his birthday
(-) They aren’t going to sing at the concert tomorrow night.
(?) Is he going to celebrate his birthday
tomorrow night?
(?) Are they going to sing at the concert
Answer: Yes, he is.
Answer: Yes, they are.
39. (+) Mark is going to tell a story to his
31. (+) Bonnie’s parents are going to visit her (-) Mark isn’t going to tell a story to his
grandparents in France daughter.
(-) Bonnie’s parents aren’t going to visit her (?) Is Mark going to tell a story to his
grandparents in France. daughter?
Answer: No, he isn’t.

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
(?) Are we going to take the bus to the school
40. (+) They are going to invite Danny tonight. tomorrow morning?
(-) They aren’t going to invite Danny tonight. Answer: No, we aren’t.
(?) Are they going to invite Danny tonight?
Answer: Yes, they are. 46. (+) Ellen is going to renovate her house next
41. (+) Orlando is going to sell his car next week. (-) Ellen isn’t going to renovate her house
(-) Orlando isn’t going to sell his car next next month.
week. (?) Is she going to renovate her house next
(?) Is he going to sell his car next week? month?
Answer: No, he isn’t. Answer: Yes, she is.

42. (+) Mike is going to wear his new jacket 47. (+) Mandy and James are going to do
tonight. bungee jumping next summer.
(-) Mike isn’t going to wear his new jacket (-) Mandy and James aren’t going to do
tonight. bungee jumping next summer.
(?) Is Mike going to wear his new jacket (?) Are Mandy and James going to do
tonight? bungee jumping next summer?
Answer: Yes, he is. Answer: No, they aren’t.

43. (+) Michelle is going to share her room with 48. (+) Tim and his wife are going to eat out
her cousin. tonight.
(-) Michelle isn’t going to share her room with (-) Tim and his wife aren’t going to eat out
her cousin. tonight.
(?) Is she going to share her room with her (?) Are Tim and his wife going to eat out
cousin? tonight?
Answer: No, she isn’t. Answer: Yes, they are.

44. (+) Mira is going to take part in the contest 49. (+) Clark is going to walk to the bus stop
next Sunday. alone.
(-) Mira isn’t going to take part in the contest (-) Clark isn’t going to walk to the bus stop
next Sunday. alone.
(?) Is Mira going to take part in the contest (?) Is Clark going to walk to the bus stop
next Sunday? alone?
Answer: Yes, she is. Answer: No, he isn’t.

45. (+) We are going to take the bus to the 50. (+) Justin is going to look for a job next year.
school tomorrow morning. (-) Justin isn’t going to look for a job next
(-) We aren’t going to take the bus to the year.
school tomorrow morning. (?) Is Justin going to look for a job next year?
Answer: Yes, he is.

2. am going to do 12. are going to visit 21. will not let
3. will give 13. will answer 22. is going to buy
4. are going to meet 14. will not win 23. will have
5. will / graduate 15. am going to buy 24. is going to meet
6. will have 16. is going to attend 25. will call
7. are going to go 17. is going to make 26. is going to crash
8. will fail
18. will be 27. will be
9. will get
19. will drive 28. will come
10. are going to fall
11. will turn 20. will make 29. will get bored

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30. aren’t going to have 38. is going to call 46. will lend
31. is going to be 39. am going to buy 47. is going to study
32. will / arrive 40. will show 48. are going to have
33. is going to meet 41. are going to have 49. will take
34. will keep 42. is going to paint 50. will pay
35. is going to have 43. is going to be 51. is going to fix
36. will tidy 44. isn’t going to be
37. are going to have 45. will not like


1. I will go and buy then. 25. Because mine is broken and I am

2. I am going to work in a law office. going to edit my essay tonight.
3. Don’t be late or the teacher will punish
4. It’s already 10 PM. We are going to miss WORKSHEET 41
our flight.
5. Be careful! Robert is going to hit you. 1. will be moving
6. I’m sure you will like Leo’s idea. 2. will be playing
7. OK. I will make some in a minute. 3. will be cleaning
8. Architecture. He is going to be an interior 4. will be waiting
architect. 5. will be sitting
9. I think you and Christian will enjoy the 6. will be celebrating
day. 7. will be working
10. Yes, he is going to move to the 8. will be having
countryside. 9. will / be raining
11. No, she is going to change it. 10. will not be ringing
12. What do you think your chemistry exam 11. will be doing
result will be? 12. will be sleeping
13. Is she going to paint a new picture? 13. will not be cooking
14. I am going to study all night. 14. will be enjoying
15. I will turn the heating on. 15. will / be doing
16. They are going to go swimming. 16. will be speaking
17. Don’t worry! I will help you 17. will be leaving
18. will be hiking
18. Diana will probably accept the job
19. will be attending
20. will be complaining
19. Yes, we are going to join the festival 21. will be meeting
together. 22. will not be doing
20. I promise I will forward Matt’s mail to 23. will / be taking
you when I get it. 24. will not be cooking / will be eating
21. Robin and I are going to go on a 25. will be practicing
vacation next Friday. 26. will be wearing
22. I hope they will get along well. 27. will be flying
23. Ralph is going to hang a picture on 28. will be waiting
29. will not be doing / will be watching
the wall with this hammer.
30. will be playing
24. I am sure Sophia will be a successful

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1. (+) Angelica will be typing an important e-mail this time tomorrow.

(-) Angelica will not be typing an important e-mail this time tomorrow.

2. (+) Ben and Hugo will be studying together from 1 to 3 PM.

(-) Ben and Hugo will not be studying together from 1 to 3 PM.

3. (+) The painter will be painting the walls this time next week.
(-) The painter will not be painting the walls this time next week.

4. (+) Rebecca and Alice will be dancing all night long.

(-) Rebecca and Alice will not be dancing all night long.

5. (+) They will be travelling to Cuba next month.

(-) They will not be travelling to Cuba next month.

6. (+) Michelle’s babies will be sleeping between 2 and 4 PM.

(-) Michelle’s babies will not be sleeping between 2 and 4 PM.

7. (+) Glenda will be doing the shopping all day tomorrow.

(-) Glenda will not be doing the shopping all day tomorrow.

8. (+) Sally will be staying at a hotel this time next Saturday.

(-) Sally will not be staying at a hotel this time next Saturday.

9. (+) The teacher will be checking the exams at 8 PM tonight.

(-) The teacher will not be checking the exams at 8 PM tonight.

10. (+) They will be building a new shopping center this time next year.
(-) They will not be building a new shopping center this time next year.

11. (+) The actor will be reading his new scenario tonight.
(-) The actor will not be reading his new scenario tonight.

12. (+) They will be talking about their new product this time next Monday.
(-) They will not be talking about their new product this time next Monday.

13. (+) Sharon and Tom will be celebrating their fifth anniversary next weekend.
(-) Sharon and Tom will not be celebrating their fifth anniversary next weekend.

14. (+) Bill will be driving to his office this time tomorrow morning.
(-) Bill will not be driving to his office this time tomorrow morning.

15. (+) Peter and I will be having lunch from 12 AM to 1 PM tomorrow.

(-) Peter and I will not be having lunch from 12 AM to 1 PM tomorrow.

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2. normally do / am going
1. She will be exercising at out 1. saw / was crossing
the gym. 3. had 2. does / speak
2. They will be dancing at 4. was waiting 3. will call (is going to call)
the costume party. 5. is reading / doesn’t read 4. wasn’t driving / stopped
3. He will be driving his kids 6. will finish 5. agrees
to the summer camp. 7. were 6. is not raining
4. She will be buying a 8. never forgets 7. does / attend
dress for her friend’s 9. doesn’t like 8. will / be doing (is /going
wedding. 10. left to do – will / do – is /
5. The police will be 11. bought / are going to go doing)
investigating the murder. 12. will be serving
9. will win
6. Timothy will be 13. doesn’t feel
10. wants
interviewing with the 14. was buying / noticed
11. was / using / came in
competitors. 15. are going to be
12. started
7. Federer and Nadal will be 16. accepted / am going to
13. is going to bite
competing for the first work
17. is improving 14. will not tell
prize. 15. is drinking
8. I will be visiting my old 18. is watering
19. was watching / heard 16. did / come
20. didn’t understand 17. is / baking
9. Brad will be decorating
21. am going to spend 18. does / read
his house all day
22. visited 19. will be (are going to be )
23. will be playing 20. was climbing
10. The plumber will be fixing
the kitchen sink. 24. is rescuing 21. will be taking
25. don’t remember 22. isn’t examining
26. will be flying 23. are going to land
WORKSHEET 44 27. developed 24. doesn’t / help
28. tidies 25. was / is
1. Will / be waiting / Yes, 29. called / was sleeping 26. were / doing / went off
she will. 30. is washing 27. will deliver
2. Will / be travelling / No, 31. will probably be 28. booked / are going to
they will not. 32. lost spend
3. Will / be singing / Yes, he 33. changes 29. shares
will. 34. will punish
30. will be sleeping
4. Will / be planning / No, 35. invited
they will not.
5. Will / be hiding / Yes, they
6. Will / be watching / No,
we will not.
7. Will / be sleeping / Yes,
he will.
8. Will / be jogging / No, we
will not.
9. Will / be celebrating / Yes,
they will.
10. Will / be looking after /
No, they will not.

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