Blast Induced Damage and Its Impact On Structural Stability of Underground Excavations

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Original scientific paper


Torbica Slavko1, Lapčević Veljko1

Received: October 29, 2016 Accepted: December 1, 2016

Abstract: Analysis of rock wedge stability plays important role in tunneling and
hard rock mining. Today there are many procedures for prediction of wedge
formation and their stability. These procedures consider preexisting joints in rock
mass, and there is no procedure that considers blast-induced cracks and their
impact on structural stability of excavations. Using main principles of new rock
blasting theory it is possible to assess length and density of radial cracks around
blastholes. Herein, one simple excavation situation in hard rock is presented, where
only two joint sets were present. This made it impossible for rock wedges to form.
After blast-induced crack with limited persistence was added to analysis as result
unstable rock wedge was formed. In addition to presented problem it is suggested
how mechanical properties of blast-induced cracks could be estimated using
Barton-Bandis failure criterion. As final result it was clear that without blast-
induced cracks no wedge stability analysis is complete.
Keywords: Tunneling in hard rock, rock blasting, key block theory, rock wedges

Apstrakt: Analiza stabilnosti stenskih klinova igra važnu ulogu u rudarstvu i izradi
podzemnih prostorija. Ova metodologija je danas široko primenjivana, ali svi
postojeći modeli u obzir uzimaju samo postojeće pukotine u stenskom masivu. Ni
jedna od procedura ne uzima u obzir pukotine nastale miniranjem. Na osnovu
principa nove teorije miniranja moguće je prognozirati dužinu i gustinu radijalnih
pukotina koje nastaju miniranjem. Ovaj rad predstavlja pojednostavljenu sistuaciju
otkopavanja u stenskom masivu u kome su prisutna samo dva pukotinska sistema.
U ovim uslovima formiranje stenskih klinova je nemoguće. Kada su u analizu uzete
i pukotine koje nastaju miniranjem dolazi do formiranja nestabilnog klina koji
narušava stabilnost same podzemne prostorije. Kao dodatak prezentovanom
problemu predstavljena je procedura za procenu mehaničkih osobina pukotina
nastalih miniranjem koristeći se Barton-Bandisovim kriterijumom loma. Kao
razultat jasno je istaknuto da analiza formiranja i stabilnosti stenskih klinova
prilikom izrade podzemnih prostorija nije potpuna ukoliko se u obzir ne uzmu i
pukotine nastale miniranjem.
Ključne reči: Izrada podzemnih prostorija, miniranje, teorija ključnog bloka,
stenski klinovi

University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mining and Geology, Đušina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
emails: [email protected], [email protected]
34 Torbica S., Lapčević V.


Since it was introduced by Goodman and Shi (1985) key block theory found wide
application in analysis of underground and surface excavations. Theory describes
formation of rock wedges by joint intersection and gives prediction of their stability.
Also, this made new approach for support design. Up to date this research made
foundation for new researches in this field. Sofianos (1986), Crawford (1983) analyzed
the influence of the stress field on the stability of the rock wedges. Discrete fracture
network approach was used to analyze rock wedge formation in Éléonore mine in Canada
(Grenon, 2016). Elmouttie (2010) develops the algorithm that is capable of handling
curved, finite persistence joints for detection of the polyhedral rock blocks. Those
procedures analyze rock wedge formation from preexisting joints in rock mass. Since
excavations in hard rock are mostly done using explosives, surrounding rock mass is
subjected to loading from explosive charges. Explosive load induces new cracks in rock
mass around excavation. Depending on quality of blasting process, induced cracks may
reach length of almost 3m. These blast-induced cracks may intersect with preexisting
joint in rock mass and form unstable rock wedges, or may “cut” already formed wedges
and make them unstable. Malmgrena (2006) analyzed the impact of blast induced
vibrations on the stability of the shotcrete supported rock wedges. However, there is no
procedure that describes impact of blast-induced cracks on formation and stability of
rock wedges in underground excavations. Herein, focus is on explaining how blast-
induced cracks may impact stability of underground excavations, and the fact that
without blast-induced crack consideration no rock wedges analysis is complete.


According to the rock blasting theory, Torbica and Lapcevic (2014a), it is possible to
calculate radii of zones with different density of radial cracks around the blasthole. This
theory explains fracturing mechanism of rock under explosive load. Here main part of
that theory is presented since it is basis of this paper.
Detonation of an explosive charge in rock results in dynamic loading of the walls of the
borehole and generation of a stress wave that transmits energy through the surrounding
medium. Pressure wave extends from borehole walls circularly around the borehole
(Figure 1). At the distance rcn from the borehole compressive stress of the rock in the
radial direction is:
 rc  Ph  (1)
- radial compressive stress
- borehole pressure
- borehole radius
- crack zone radius
Blast-induced damage and its impact… 35

On the other hand:

 rc  M  er (2)
(1   )
M  E (3)
(1   )  (1  2 )
(1   )
k (4)
(1   )  (1  2 )
 rc  E  k  er (5)

- pressure wave modulus

- radial strain
- Young`s modulus of rock
- Poisson’s ratio

 rc
er  (6)
Ph  rh
er  (7)
E  k  rcn

Figure 1 Schematic illustration of rock blasting model

36 Torbica S., Lapčević V.

At the distance , before the pressure wave gets to it, the perimeter of the closed
circular ring zone of rock mass is:
Or  2  rcn (8)
When the pressure wave reaches the closed circular ring zone of rock mass, it is moved
to a new position with a radius ∆ , and with the perimeter:
O(rcn rcn )  2  (rcn  rcn ) (9)
O(rcn rcn )  2  (rcn  er  rcn ) (10)
Once the closed circular ring zone of rock mass is subjected to tension with a lateral
O(rcn rcn )  Orcn
el   er (11)
For the formation of the radial tension cracks it is required tensile strain:
et  (12)
e - tensile strain
- tensile strength
E - Young`s modulus of rock

In addition, the number (n) of radial tensile cracks formed at a distance will be:
n l (13)
Therefore, it is:
Ph  rh
n (14)
k   t  rcn
Ph  rh
rcn  (15)
k t  n

Practical application of this theory was demonstrated by Torbica and Lapcevic (2014b,
2015) for estimation of blasted rock fragmentation and for the assessment of the blast
damages zones around underground excavations.
Blast-induced damage and its impact… 37



Existing procedures for assessment of structural stability of underground excavations

consider only preexisting joint sets in rock mass. However, blasting in hard rock induces
new cracks in surrounding rock mass. Being able to estimate length and density of blast-
induced cracks around blastholes it is possible estimate their impact on structural
stability of excavations. To illustrate how blasting impacts structural stability, following
example is used.

Excavation is done (by blasting) in limestone (compressive strength σc=70MPa, tensile

strength σt=7MPa, Poisson’s ratio ν=0.3) rock mass where two joint sets are present, as
shown in Figure 2. Blasting is done using boreholes with radius rh =0.051m, and
expected borehole pressure is Ph=1.6 GPa. All boreholes are charged with same amount
of explosive, even contour ones. In this case, the highest damage in surrounding rock
mass is expected. For this situation, it is possible to calculate radial cracks length using
equation 15, as shown in Table 1. Excavation orientation is in North-South direction. In
Figure 3 blast-induced cracks length and density around blasthole is shown.

Figure 2 Preexisting joint sets in rock mass

Table 1 Zone radius with crack density

Zone name r2 r4 r8 r16 r32

n 2 4 8 16 32
(m) 4.32 2.16 1.08 0.54 0.27
38 Torbica S., Lapčević V.

Figure 3 Blast-induced cracks length and density around blasthole

Main point of this paper is to explain that blast-induced cracks may intersect with
preexisting joints in rock mass and form rock wedges with possibility of kinematic
failure. Also, if there are three or more joint sets in rock mass, blast-induced cracks may
“cut” already formed rock wedges and make new wedges that may fail. In order to make
this example simple and more illustrative situation described in Figure 2 is analyzed.

At this point it is obvious that there is no possibility for rock wedge formation, as
minimum of three joint sets are needed for this. Now, if third joint set is added, which is
a blast-induced, situation changes. To keep it simple as possible we will analyze only
one blast-induced crack that is assumed to be horizontal and has length same as zone r4
in Table 1. For wedge formation analysis we are using software Unwedge (Rocsciene
Inc.). Before we analyze wedge formation we need to define input data. In Table 2 joint
sets properties are shown. To quantify strength properties of blast-induced cracks we are
using Barton-Bandis failure criterion Barton and Bandis (1990). Barton-Bandis failure
criterion has three key parameters JRC, JCS and phir. As explained in section 2 blast-
induced cracks are formed due tensile failure, therefore it is to be expected that these
cracks are very rough. Therefore, JRC of blast-induced cracks should have highest
possible JRC value which is 20. JCS and phir describe compressive strength and friction
angle of joints and have same values as main rock. It is important to mention that tensile
strength of blast-induced cracks is zero. Figure 4 shows new situation where blast-
induced cracks are included in analysis.
Blast-induced damage and its impact… 39

Table 2 Analysis input data

Failure Maximum Phi C Sigt JCS phir
Joint set Description Direction JRC
criterion persistence (˚) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (˚)
JS 1 Preexisting Unlimited 60/230 35 0 0 - - -
JS 2 Preexisting Unlimited 60/320 35 0 0 - - -
JS 3 Blast ind. 2.16 m 0/090 - - - 70 20 35

Figure 4 Preexisting and blast-induced joints orientation

In Figure 5 it is illustrated how unstable rock wedge formed from intersection of
preexisting joints in rock mass with blast-induced tension crack. Figure 6 shows rock
wedge in detail with sliding direction. In this case wedge is formed in excavation side
wall. Wedge is sliding on JS1 and JS2, since blast-induced crack doesn’t have tensile
strength, and has factor of safety FS=0.723, weighs 0.0135 MN. As it could be seen
analysis showed that there is possibility of formation of unstable wedges in excavation

Figure 5 Unstable rock wedge formed in blasting process

40 Torbica S., Lapčević V.

Figure 6 Rock wedge formed from preexisting and blast-induced joints

Existing wedge analysis procedures do not consider blast-induced cracks. Following this
logic, in case of existence of only two joint sets, one can easily be misled into false
conclusion which is that no rock wedges could be formed in that case. Here, it is showed
and emphasize that blast-induced cracks may impact structural stability of underground
excavations and should be considered in analysis. Without this rock wedge analysis is


As stated, there is no procedure that analyses impact of blast-induced cracks on structural

stability of underground excavations. Herein, main part of new blasting theory is
presented, where it is explained how blast-induced cracks are formed, and how to
estimate their length and density around blasthole. This principle is used to illustrate
impact of blast-induced cracks on structural stability of underground excavations.
Situation where excavation is done in rock mass where only two joint sets are present is
analyzed. With only two joint sets it is impossible that rock wedges are formed. When
third joint set, that is blast-induced, was added to analysis unstable rock wedge was
Blast-induced damage and its impact… 41

formed. It should be mentioned that in this paper only one possibility of wedge formation
is analyzed to keep it as simple as possible. Since stability analysis needs strength
properties of joints, Barton-Bandis failure criterion is used to quantify blast-induced
cracks. It turned out that wedge was formed in excavation side wall and was sliding on
preexisting joints in rock mass with tension crack on top of it. Since blast-induced crack
has no tensile strength it made it possible for wedge to slide on other two joints. In some
cases where rock mass has three or more joint sets improper blasting may cause that
existing rock wedges are “cut” and may fall.


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42 Torbica S., Lapčević V.

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