Real Time Web Applications
Real Time Web Applications
Master's thesis
Kristian Johannessen
Kristian Johannessen
Master’s thesis
University of Oslo
Department of Informatics /
Abstract ___________________________________________________ i
Contents ___________________________________________________ ii
List of figures _______________________________________________ vi
List of examples _____________________________________________ vii
List of tables _______________________________________________ viii
Preface ___________________________________________________ ix
Acknowledgements ____________________________________________ x
1 Introduction ______________________________________________ 1
1.1 Problem statement ______________________________________ 2
1.2 Related work __________________________________________ 2
1.3 Terminology ___________________________________________ 3
1.4 List of acronyms ________________________________________ 4
1.5 Code base _____________________________________________ 5
1.6 Outline ______________________________________________ 5
Background _________________________________________________ 7
2 The World Wide Web________________________________________ 9
2.1 HTTP/1.0 _____________________________________________ 9
2.2 HTTP/1.1 ____________________________________________ 10
2.3 HTTP/2.0 ___________________________________________ 11
3 Real time _______________________________________________ 12
3.1 The Real time Web with HTTP _____________________________ 12
3.2 WebSockets __________________________________________ 17
3.3 Drawbacks of HTTP techniques _____________________________ 18
3.4 HTTP was never designed for real time ________________________ 21
3.5 WebSockets is still young _________________________________ 23
3.6 The use of real time _____________________________________ 24
3.7 Conclusion ___________________________________________ 25
4 Frameworks for real time apps ________________________________ 27
4.1 SignalR _____________________________________________ 27
4.2 Socket.IO ____________________________________________ 27
4.3 Atmosphere __________________________________________ 27
4.4 Sails.js ______________________________________________ 28
4.5 Play! Framework _______________________________________ 28
4.6 SockJS ______________________________________________ 28
4.7 Meteor ______________________________________________ 28
4.8 Lightstreamer _________________________________________ 29
4.9 Planet Framework ______________________________________ 29
4.10 XSockets.NET _______________________________________ 29
5 Server software ___________________________________________ 30
5.1 ASP.NET ____________________________________________ 30
5.2 Java _______________________________________________ 30
5.3 JavaScript ___________________________________________ 31
5.4 Writing your own in C# or Java _____________________________ 31
Project part 1: Hands on development ______________________________ 33
6 Methodology ____________________________________________ 35
6.1 Selection criteria _______________________________________ 35
6.2 Description of test application ______________________________ 36
6.3 Discussion of use cases ___________________________________ 36
6.4 Evaluation ___________________________________________ 37
6.5 Limitations ___________________________________________ 39
6.6 Other choices _________________________________________ 39
6.7 Selected frameworks ____________________________________ 40
7 Results ________________________________________________ 44
7.1 Socket.IO ____________________________________________ 44
7.2 Lightstreamer _________________________________________ 48
7.3 Play! Framework _______________________________________ 54
7.4 SignalR _____________________________________________ 60
7.5 Meteor ______________________________________________ 64
Project part 2: Load testing______________________________________ 71
8 Methodology ____________________________________________ 73
8.1 Test scenario _________________________________________ 73
8.2 Test data ____________________________________________ 74
8.3 Test setup ___________________________________________ 75
8.4 Choice of setup ________________________________________ 76
8.5 Number of runs ________________________________________ 77
8.6 Displaying data ________________________________________ 77
8.7 Configurations ________________________________________ 78
8.8 Monitoring network traffic ________________________________ 79
8.9 Monitoring of processor __________________________________ 79
8.10 Monitoring of memory usage _____________________________ 79
8.11 Different servers and platforms _____________________________ 79
8.12 Use case of test setup __________________________________ 80
8.13 Limitations _________________________________________ 80
8.14 Testing idle connections’ resource usage _____________________ 82
8.15 Message exchange with Lightstreamer ________________________ 82
8.16 Raw data ___________________________________________ 82
9 Results ________________________________________________ 83
9.1 Messages sent from clients ________________________________ 83
9.2 Messages received by server _______________________________ 85
9.3 Messages sent from server ________________________________ 86
9.4 Average latency ________________________________________ 87
9.5 Median processor usage __________________________________ 91
9.6 Maximum memory usage _________________________________ 91
9.7 Bytes sent/received _____________________________________ 92
9.8 Idle clients with WebSockets _______________________________ 93
10 Analysis ______________________________________________ 94
10.1 Message frequency _____________________________________ 94
10.2 Average latency ______________________________________ 99
10.3 Machine resources ___________________________________ 102
10.4 Network performance of frameworks _______________________ 104
10.5 Transports effect on network traffic ________________________ 104
10.6 Idle clients with WebSockets ____________________________ 106
Conclusion ________________________________________________ 109
11 Frameworks _____________________________________________ 111
12 WebSockets versus HTTP __________________________________114
13 Further work __________________________________________ 116
13.1 Scalability __________________________________________ 116
13.2 Separate message directions ______________________________ 116
13.3 Cluster of Node servers__________________________________ 116
13.4 Atmosphere __________________________________________ 117
13.5 HTTP/2.0 ___________________________________________ 117
Sources __________________________________________________ 119
Appendix _________________________________________________ 133
Appendix A: E-mail communication with Weswit______________________ 135
Appendix B: All standard charts _________________________________ 140
List of figures
Figure 2-1: Several request to get the whole page. __________________________________ 10
Figure 2-2: Several responses pushed to a client after a single request. ____________________11
Figure 3-1: Screenshot of real time updates in Facebook. _____________________________ 12
Figure 3-2: Polling. _______________________________________________________ 13
Figure 3-3: Polling with piggybacking. _________________________________________ 14
Figure 3-4: Long-polling. __________________________________________________ 14
Figure 3-5: A client using the forever frame technique receives script-tags from the server. _____ 15
Figure 3-6: Server-Sent Events resembles long-polling. _____________________________ 16
Figure 3-7: WebSocket handshake as seen in Google Chrome. _________________________ 17
Figure 3-8: Frames can pass both way through one connection. ________________________ 18
Figure 3-9: Short poll interval gets new data fast, but demands server resources.____________ 19
Figure 3-10: Long interval makes the client miss a lot of updates in most cases. _____________ 19
Figure 3-11: Long-polling has no benefit over polling at high update-rates. ________________ 20
Figure 3-12: Intervening proxy buffering response-stream from server. __________________ 21
Figure 3-13: Two TCP connections simulating bi-directional communication. ______________ 22
Figure 3-14: No need for exchanging messages leaves idle connections. ___________________ 24
Figure 3-15: Hopefully, this scenario will be a thing of the past in a not too distant future. ______ 25
Figure 7-1: The contents of Lightstreamer’s "demos" folder (for JavaScript client). ___________ 49
Figure 7-2: How the various adapters can interact through a shared service layer. __________ 50
Figure 7-3: Compilation error with Play. ________________________________________ 55
Figure 7-4: Socket helper class hierarchy. _______________________________________ 58
Figure 7-5: Hard to keep track of stability of features in Meteor's documentation. ___________ 65
Figure 8-1: Message flow in a test run. _________________________________________ 73
Figure 9-1: Messages sent from clients using WebSockets. ____________________________ 83
Figure 9-2: Messages sent from clients using polling. _______________________________ 84
Figure 9-3: Messages sent from clients using HTTP-streaming. ________________________ 84
Figure 9-4: Messages sent from clients and received by server using long-polling. ___________ 85
Figure 9-5: Messages sent from clients and received by server with Lightstreamer WebSockets. __ 85
Figure 9-6: Messages sent by server (divided by 60), corresponds with messages received. _____ 86
Figure 9-7: Average latency using WebSockets. ___________________________________ 87
Figure 9-8: Average latency of SignalR with Server-Sent Events and WebSockets. ___________ 88
Figure 9-9: Average latency with HTTP-streaming. ________________________________ 89
Figure 9-10: Average latency with long-polling. ___________________________________ 89
Figure 9-11: Average latency with polling. _______________________________________ 90
Figure 9-12: Average latency with Lightstreamer using WebSockets and polling over WebSockets. 90
Figure 9-13: Median processor usage - all frameworks and transports. ___________________ 91
Figure 9-14: Maximum memory consumption - all frameworks and transports. _____________ 92
Figure 9-15: Bytes sent/received (captured) - all frameworks and transports. ______________ 92
Figure 9-16: Bytes sent/received (calculated) - all frameworks and transports. _____________ 93
Figure 10-1: Average latency as bar chart. _______________________________________ 101
Figure 10-2: Piechart that shows relationship between messages to and from the server.______ 105
Figure 10-3: Theoretical development of memory usage of idle WebSockets clients with Play. __ 107
List of examples
Example 5-1: Using OWIN to make a server. _____________________________________ 31
Example 7-1: Serialization of objects happens behind the scenes. _______________________ 45
Example 7-2: Simple response and message broadcast with Socket.IO. ___________________ 46
Example 7-3: Separate logic within callbacks to separate module. ______________________ 46
Example 7-4: Testing events with Socket.IO. _____________________________________ 47
Example 7-5: Tight coupling to the DOM. _______________________________________ 51
Example 7-6: Serialization of data bound for clients. ________________________________ 51
Example 7-7: The flow of a message from it is received to a broadcast is sent. ______________ 52
Example 7-8: Play’s WebSocket class provide an "in" and an "out" channel when it's ready. _____ 56
Example 7-9: The Comet class provides an event for disconnection handling. _______________ 56
Example 7-10: A lot of work to serialize complex objects to JSON with Jackson. _____________ 57
Example 7-11: Anonymous callbacks in JavaScript and Java. __________________________ 59
Example 7-12: Code to determine WebSockets support based on browser type. ______________ 59
Example 7-13: SignalR's RPC model makes it simple and understandable. _________________ 62
Example 7-14: Clients can specify functions for the server to invoke. _____________________ 62
Example 7-15: Unit test code for a SignalR Hub method. _____________________________ 63
Example 7-16: Meteor wraps your client side files automatically in a scope. ________________ 66
Example 7-17: Meteor method used for request/response functionality. ___________________ 67
Example 7-18: Using "unit-testling" to inject mocks. ________________________________ 68
Example 7-19: Making a Meteor file testable as a Node module. ________________________ 68
Example 10-1: Code executed by an ExecutorService that triggers synchronized code. _________ 96
List of tables
Table 9-1: Memory usage with 1000 and 4500 idle WebSockets connections. _______________ 93
Table 10-1: Messages sent by clients. ___________________________________________ 95
Table 10-2: Messages received by server. ________________________________________ 97
Table 10-3: Messages sent from server. _________________________________________ 98
Table 10-4: Average latency in milliseconds. _____________________________________ 99
Table 10-5: Resource usage of all frameworks and transports. ________________________ 103
Table 10-6: Both captured and calculated network traffic. ___________________________ 104
Table 11-1: Each framework's overall score for each usability criteria. ___________________ 112
Table 11-2: Each framework's score for the different performance aspects. ________________ 113
This thesis is part of my Master's degree in Informatics: Programming and
Networks at the Department of Informatics, University of Oslo. At the University, I
have received guidance from the research group "Object-orientation, modeling, and
languages" (OMS).
I approached the Norwegian company BEKK Consulting with the topic of this thesis,
and they let me write about it on a contract with them. The main part of the work has
been overseen by one of their senior developers.
All opinions made in the thesis reflect the author’s opinions only. They are not
representative for those of the University of Oslo nor BEKK Consulting.
I have received some help from the Italian company Weswit regarding server
configuration for a framework called “Lightstreamer”. They also provided a free
license for the product. Otherwise, they have not affected my work or influenced my
First of all I want to thank my supervisor at BEKK, Torstein Nicolaysen. I also like to
thank my supervisor at the University of Oslo, Dag Langmyhr. Both have provided
support and valuable insight throughout the process.
I also want to thank Weswit for the help with licensing as well as server configuration.
Finally, a great thanks to Team Rubberduck. Without your support, this work would
have been much more lonely. You guys are the best!
1 Introduction
In a real time web application, clients (browsers) receive updates from a server as
soon as they occur. Google Docs is a typical example of a real time web application.
Here, users can edit a document at the same time and simultaneously see what the
others do in real time.
The concept of real time web has existed for quite some time. But over the last few
years it has begun to gain popularity. With the introduction of WebSockets, we have
gotten a new protocol designed entirely for this purpose. I will give an introduction to
the motivations behind this protocol and the concept of real time in the background
Real time features in web applications have become more common. Several
frameworks have surfaced to aid the development of such features. This thesis will
look at some of these frameworks. I have developed an application with real time
features to test the usability of five frameworks. With usability I mean from a
programmer’s perspective.
Getting some hands on experience with different frameworks also helped determine
if they are needed at all. A real time feature can range from a simple task to a
dominating aspect of a web application. This thesis discusses if you need a framework
no matter the task.
This thesis will also look at various performance aspects. First of all the performance
of different frameworks using different methods for real time communication. But I
will also look at how these methods compare to each other. This is the most
interesting aspect in my opinion, as it can give insight into the importance of the
WebSocket protocol.
It is a clear separation of themes in this thesis. On one hand you have the usability
aspects of various frameworks. On the other you have the performance of these and
of methods for real time. To handle this, the project work is separated into two parts.
The first part covers the development aspect, while the other handles performance.
Both parts are summarized in a common conclusion part. This allows me to make a
total evaluation of the frameworks. It also allows me to see trends in the transport
mechanisms' performance with the different frameworks.
1.1 Problem statement
The problem statements in this thesis are as follows:
I: How are the frameworks that are featured in this thesis with respect to
III: Are there any real time web applications that may benefit from not
using the aid a framework provides?
If the functionality you need is simple, does your project benefit from an extra
dependency? Or can you make it yourself without much extra work? Sometimes you
would like as few dependencies as possible. But if it takes up a lot of time to do
something yourself, a framework may be a better solution.
IV: Does WebSockets outperform the old, established HTTP methods for
real time in terms of network usage, message latency and use of machine
The answer to this is coupled with the previous question. If WebSockets is just as
good as HTTP performancewise, it will not be the foundation for the next generation
of HTTP. However, if it is better, can it change the way browsers communicate with
servers in more aspects than real time?
There are some more thorough comparisons, but these focus on only two
frameworks. Some focus on usability [3], [4], while others offer a comparison of
performance [5]. I do not find all of these reliable, though. Some comparisons are
publications on a certain framework’s homepage, comparing their own product to
someone else's [6], [7].
When it comes to comparing the different transport mechanisms for real time, most
are older papers. A paper by Bozdag et al. [8] is an example of such. It compares
AJAX approaches to real time (WebSockets didn't exist when it was written). It
concludes that HTTP-streaming gives the best data coherence. In addition, it points
to some performance challenges with this approach. The paper also mentions a lot of
related work. All these papers are, of course, even older, so WebSockets is not
featured in either of them.
Jõhvik [9] wrote a bachelor’s thesis in 2011 that seems to be based on the work of
Bozdag et al1. At this time, WebSockets did exist, but he dismissed using it "due to
browser incompatibility" [9]. His conclusion contradicts the one from the paper he
builds on, stating that long-polling was best with his setup.
Few research articles feature a comparison of WebSockets and HTTP methods for
real time. A study conducted by Darshan et al. supports this claim [10]. Their work
remains the only research article I have found that does anything that resembles my
work. They focus on network traffic, and conclude that WebSockets uses 50% less
than HTTP-streaming. Furthermore, it concludes that WebSockets clients are a lot
more efficient than HTTP clients. Their study shows that a WebSockets client can
send up to 215% more data using the same bandwidth as a HTTP client.
This thesis focus a lot on frameworks. The load tests in the second part of the project
use the context of each framework to compare transport techniques. As far as I can
tell, no other study has done this. All tend use one manual implementation for each
1.3 Terminology
This section describes certain terms and phrases used throughout the thesis.
I use the terms "library" and "framework" to describe what I am testing in this thesis.
A library is a much smaller entity than a framework [11]. For the sake of consistency,
I use framework as a general term. When referring to a library in specific, I use that
The term “app” in the context of this thesis, refers to a real time web application. Not
a mobile app.
1 The first source of the thesis is Bozdag et al. and Jõhvik’s approach is very similar.
The term "transports" refer to various mechanisms for real time communication.
These include WebSockets, Server-Sent Events, HTTP-streaming, long-polling and
A server can refer to either a physical machine or a piece of software. In this thesis, it
means the latter.
"WebSockets" appears as a plural word in this thesis, but it is not treated that way. It
refers to the WebSocket protocol, and is treated just like the term "HTTP". Thus
formulations like "WebSockets is..." and "HTTP is..." appear in this thesis.
Automated tests are mentioned several times in this thesis. Such tests involve several
types of tests, but unit testing, integration testing and functional testing are most
relevant to this thesis. Unit testing refers to testing a single unit [12], or class in an
object oriented language. Integration tests puts several units together [12]. In this
thesis, I use the term about testing the data access layer of applications 2. Functional
tests, test behavior of an application as a whole [12]. In this thesis, this kind of testing
is done using browsers.
I use “Play” as a short term for Play! Framework throughout this thesis.
2The data access layer in an application refers to all code that access an external storage unit, often a
MVP: Model View Presenter.
MVVM: Model View ViewModel.
RPC: Remote Procedure Call.
QoS: Quality of Service.
SOA: Service Oriented Architecture.
WS-polling: WebSocket-polling.
XML: Extensible Markup Language.
1.6 Outline
This thesis is made up by six main parts, most with chapters. The parts mean to make
the context of each chapter more clear to the reader. All pages within a part, has the
part name as top text.
I give a brief overview of the parts and chapters below. Bold text indicates a part,
while underlined text indicate a chapter. Chapters are also accompanied by a chapter
Chapter 1: Introduction: The introduction gives an overview of the thesis, its problem
statements and terminology as well as related work.
Background: This part contains chapters that describe relevant topics for the
Chapter 2: The World Wide Web: A short chapter that introduce the reader to some
changes the World Wide Web has seen throughout its lifespan.
Chapter 3: Real time: This chapter explains what real time is and how to achieve it
with HTTP and WebSockets. It also discusses drawbacks and benefits of both.
Chapter 4: Frameworks for real time apps: This chapter provides a short introduction
to a number of frameworks that exist for real time web applications.
Chapter 5: Server software: This chapter gives a short description of various server
software that can be used to host the different frameworks.
Project part 1: Hands on development: This part describes the work done
regarding usability of five selected frameworks. It represents the first of the two parts
of my project work.
Chapter 6: Methodology: This chapter describes the methodology of the first part of
my project work.
Chapter 7: Results: This chapter describes my experiences with each of the selected
Project part 2: Load testing: This part describes the work done regarding the
load testing of the frameworks.
Chapter 8: Methodology: This chapter describes the methodology of the second part
of my project work.
Chapter 9: Results: This chapter presents the results from the load tests.
Chapter 10: Analysis: In this chapter, I discuss the validity of the results in this part. I
also provide an interpretation of what they mean.
Conclusion: This part contains summaries of each of the project parts. It also
contains the conclusions to each of the problem statements.
Chapter 11: Frameworks: This chapter covers the three first problem statements as
well as a summary of all framework-related work.
Chapter 12: WebSockets versus HTTP: This chapter covers the last two problem
statements. It also summarizes the work related to comparing WebSockets to HTTP
Chapter 13: Further work: This chapter provides suggestions to projects that can be
based on this thesis.
The improvements to the Web have changed the way we use it. Visiting a web page
before meant reading a page of text that maybe had some pictures on it. Today, CSS
has given web pages a more vivid look with various styling options. AJAX has made
them more dynamic. Finally, with HTML5, more revolutionary changes are yet to
Along with HTML5 comes a new protocol for the Web: WebSockets. Its purpose is to
improve a certain kind of web applications, namely real time applications. A real time
application is when clients receive updates from the server as they occur (for more
information see chapter 3). Real time web applications have been around for some
time, but before they relied on the aging HTTP 1.1 protocol.
2.1 HTTP/1.0
Version 1.0 of HTTP was created in 1996–the World Wide Web's childhood [15].
Besides text, web pages maybe had a few embedded objects at that time3. But as the
Internet grew, it soon became clear that the user experience had to be improved.
At this time, CSS too was in its childhood [16]. It caught people's attention and more
and more browsers started to support it. Embedding a style sheet in a HTML-file
adds another object that the client has to download. This is no problem today, but
with the HTTP 1.0 protocol it required quite a lot of unnecessary work for both the
client and server.
3 Embedded objects consisted mostly of images, but also some early forms of style sheets.
Downloading one element in a HTML-file, or even the HTML-file itself from the
server, required one TCP request (Figure 2-1). The server then replied and closed the
connection. Throughout the duration of the request, the client waited [17]. Getting a
HTML-file with a style sheet and three images then required five consecutive requests
in total.
2.2 HTTP/1.1
After just three years, HTTP/1.1 was released as a standard [18]. It introduced several
improvements. One of these was persistent connections. This allowed several request
to be made at the same time [19]. It was a dramatic change at the time, as it allowed
clients to get several objects concurrently.
Another radical improvement was the ability for a browser to cache parts of an object.
This allowed an interrupted download to be resumed later by the help of the cached
data. Web applications were also given the possibility of sending chunked data [18],
letting servers start sending a response without knowing how long it was. In theory, it
could be infinite, as we shall see in section 3.1.3.
The authors of the protocol showed great foresight when they made sure that future
protocols could be backwards compatible with HTTP/1.1. The upgrade request-
header [17] makes it possible for a client to request the use of another protocol. The
server can then chose to upgrade, but it is not required.
Updating from version 1.0 to 1.1 may not seem like a giant leap, but it actually was.
Looking at the lengths of the different protocol specifications is an indication of how
much more detailed the 1.1 protocol is4.
4 The HTTP/1.0 protocol is 17902 words while the 1.1 version is 57915 words.
2.3 HTTP/2.0
During the work period of this thesis, a working draft for the 2.0 version of HTTP
surfaced. It started out as an initiate from Google called SPDY [20] in 2012. This was
then used as the basis for the HTTP/2.0 specification in November that year [21]. The
draft has had steady development throughout 2013, and it is planned to be delivered
as a proposed standard November 2014 [22].
There are several motivations for a new version of HTTP. Modern web pages contain
many elements embedded in its HTML. Today a client parses the HTML and makes
requests to get elements as it reads them. HTTP/2.0 allows multiple requests and
responses to be sent concurrently on a single connection. The draft referrers to this
concept as a stream [21]. With this concept, a server can provide all embedded
objects in an HTML page as several responses to a single request (Figure 2-2).
Another vital improvement proposed with HTTP/2.0 is header compression. The goal
of this feature is the same as the stream concept. With more concurrency and
compression, networks will experience less load. Download times will also be faster,
improving the user experience.
Improvements to security are also among the goals of the draft. There are some
indications pointing towards a web where unencrypted traffic will no longer exist
[23]. It will be exiting to follow the development of the draft.
3 Real time
Real time web applications are not a new phenomenon. Recently, the concept of real
time has gotten a lot of attention. There are varying degrees of real time content
provided by such an application. At the lower end of the scale, there are for example
online comment sections that update whenever someone posts a comment. An
example of an application with more real time content is Facebook. It displays
notifications and your friends’ activities to you as soon as it happens (Figure 3-1).
“As soon as it happens” is exactly what real time is: providing updates for the clients
immediately, without the need for refreshing the page on the client side. And as the
examples above show, the real time aspect of an application can be either a small
feature, or the core concept of the application.
3.1.1 Polling
As the first attempt of providing real time updates from a server, polling is a simple
approach. It works by having the client make normal HTTP-requests, but at a set
interval [24]. The server then instantly sends back a response, either containing new
data or just an empty response if there was nothing to retrieve (Figure 3-2). Polling
has obvious flaws, like how to set the interval to prevent empty responses while not
flooding the server. Therefore, other mechanisms are far more widespread.
There is a way to improve a little upon polling: piggybacking [25]. Polling the server
at regular intervals is usually done in parallel to other HTTP-requests initiated by
client actions. These actions, also get responses back from the server. Piggybacking
takes advantage of this by sending updated data back via these responses. In that
way, the client may get new data between the polling interval (Figure 3-3).
3.1.2 Long-polling
Long-polling is related to polling. It basically works the same way, but with one
rather important difference. By utilizing the keep-alive header in HTTP 1.1, the
connection to the server is kept open after the client has made a request [25] (Figure
3-4). This allows the server wait before responding. It cannot do this forever, so
eventually it times out. The client then makes a new request [8].
3.1.3 HTTP-streaming
HTTP-streaming is an old technique introduced by Netscape as early as 1992 [8], well
before even HTTP 1.0 became standard. Two forms of streaming exist; page
streaming and service streaming. Both have the server streaming content in a long-
lived TCP-connection. Accomplishing this requires the server to never send the
instruction to close the connection. Instead, it remains open throughout the entire
course of a client’s session.
Figure 3-5: A client using the forever frame technique receives script-tags from the server.
3.1.4 Comet
Long-polling and HTTP-streaming are often referred to as Comet or Comet
Programming [27]. Comet is an umbrella term that captures different ways to have
the server as the initiating part in client/server communication. A rather significant
effort has been made to create an official standard for Comet [28], but it has yet to
become approved by the IETF. With the introduction of WebSockets, it may never be.
Still, the client always has to connect first–“subscribe” to the channel. Then the server
can send events whenever new data is available. It can keep the connection open
forever in theory. However, both the client or any intervening proxies can close it.
One can also configure it to close after a given amount of time. The time the client
should wait to reconnect is also configurable [30]. Server-Sent Events behavior can
thus be quite close to long-polling (Figure 3-6).
Unlike long-polling, developers using Server-Sent Events have access to a simple API
[31]. The API gives access to the EventSource interface, which provides
straightforward JavaScript code. It allows the server to trigger events in the browser,
which updates the content on the client. With the possibility of setting an ID on each
message sent, the client can easily reconnect and continue where it left off. The server
just need to look up its ID. This makes Server-Sent Events very robust.
3.2 WebSockets
We have seen that HTTP/1.1, that came only three years after its predecessor, was a
significant step ahead. This protocol had backwards compatibility in mind (see
section 2.2 about upgrade request-header), but just now a new version is in the
The WebSocket protocol uses the same ports as HTTP and HTTPS (80 and 443,
respectively). This allows the initial handshake to be done via traditional HTTP
(Figure 3-7). The client states that it wants to use WebSockets, and the server sends a
response if it supports it. This ensures backwards compatibility with browsers that
don't support WebSockets. Developers can use this to make their applications use
HTTP methods instead.
Sending messages back and forth once the connection is up, is a lot more efficient
than what HTTP can provide. Data in request/response headers in HTTP may
accumulate to hundreds of bytes [24], while WebSockets sends messages in frames
with only two bytes overhead [34]. Frames can be sent both ways at the same time
eliminating the need for more than one connection (Figure 3-8).
Figure 3-8: Frames can pass both way through one connection.
It provides an easy way to send messages using the send function. Besides, it has an
attribute for keeping track of buffered data on the client. This makes the API rather
powerful in spite of being simple. Its simplicity is in accordance with the intention of
the protocol:
Thinking real time, one might want to say that the client should make a new request
each time it receives the response of the last. This would create a lot of stress for the
server. Dealing with this would require some serious load balancing technology,
leading to a expensive solution. A short interval would also increase the number of
empty responses if new updates arrive in an inconsistent interval at the server (Figure
Figure 3-9: Short poll interval gets new data fast, but demands server resources.
With a longer interval (Figure 3-10), the longer it takes before new data arrives at the
client, thus making the application less real time. Even with piggybacking, one cannot
achieve anything close to real time with a longer interval unless the server receives
new data at a regular, known interval. As long as this interval isn’t too short, polling
may be a good choice. A weather application for instance, might get new updates
every hour. Clients can use this knowledge to poll the server accordingly.
Figure 3-10: Long interval makes the client miss a lot of updates in most cases.
Each time the client tries to initiate long-polling, there is always some data waiting
for it and the server responds at once [24]. This effect makes long-polling work just as
regular polling at a short interval. Comparing Figure 3-9 to Figure 3-11, one can see
that long-polling does not outperform polling as long as the server-side updates are
5 Since this was written, NBIM has gotten new homepages. The counter is no longer there.
6 After the client has connected, it doesn’t need to ask for data. The server streams data as it arrives.
A forever frame allows the server to push updates to the client wrapped up in script-
tags. Client-side there has to be some mechanism to make the received scripts do
something useful. Receiving new data in an ever-growing DOM-element, also creates
some challenges related to memory management. If you don't clear the frame at
regular intervals, you will have a memory leak in your application. Using XHR-
streaming, you avoid this issue. But you still have to handle a persistent HTTP-
Having an open connection that sends a lot of data, gives rise to another problem:
proxy-servers and firewalls [24]. The nature of the HTTP-protocol may cause these to
buffer the response, thus creating a lot of latency for the client (Figure 3-12). To avoid
this, many Comet-based streaming solutions fall back to long-polling if the server or
the clients detect buffering.
With forever frames the developers need to write some extra code to handle the
incoming scripts. The EventSource interface gives developers a more powerful
toolbox for handling incoming events (see section 3.1.5). Utilizing pure eventhandlers
also ensures that there is no need for cleaning up after the incoming data. But, in the
end, Server-Sent Events is still HTTP. And as we shall see, the HTTP protocol has
issues of its own.
3.4.1 Overhead
In section 3.2.1, I mentioned that headers in HTTP requests/responses can
accumulate to hundreds of bytes [24]. Peter Lubbers and Frank Greco made a simple
application for comparing polling to WebSockets [36]. To shed some light on the
issue with headers, I will borrow some data from their tests. Their simple stock-ticker
application polls a server every second to get new data. The counterpart uses
WebSockets to get the same information.
In this particular case, the header-data for the polling application accumulates to a
total of 871 bytes per request. With just a few clients this is not a lot. But when you
have hundreds of thousands of clients, the network throughput increases
exponentially. A use case with 100 000 users polling every second means that the
server's network has to deal with 665 megabits per second of throughput7. Having the
same amount of messages in WebSockets creates only a fraction of that. With 2 bytes
of excess data in each frame, it accumulates to a mere 1.5 megabits per second 8.
3.4.2 Unidirectional
HTTP was finished in the 90s and it is still going strong. It is rather impressive, but it
is not unnatural that something that old will struggle with new trends. WebSockets is
a protocol designed only for the purpose of bi-directional communication [32]–HTTP
is not. In fact, no matter how you look at it, or how you try to hack, HTTP remains
As a result, real time applications with HTTP have to use several TCP-connections
(Figure 3-13). Even with Server-Sent Events, one will need one connection to push
the events to the client and at least one for the client to send messages to the server.
With HTTP 1.0 some browsers used several TCP-connections to get more concurrent
loading of web pages [19]. Now the same work-around is used to achieve simulated
bi-directional communication. And as with last time this was the case, we need an
improvement, namely WebSockets.
7 87 100 000 bytes * 8 = 696 800 000 bits / 10242 = 665 Mbits
8 200 000 bytes * 8 = 1 600 000 bits / 10242 = 1.526 Mbits
To deal with this, applications have to fall back to other, supported techniques. In
turn, this leads to more code. Luckily, frameworks like SignalR [38] and Socket.IO
[39] (see chapter 4) abstract this away for developers. However, sometimes you want
more control over the software you create than a framework supplies. And even with
frameworks, you might end up having to do some workarounds for certain clients,
where the fallbacks provided by the framework don’t suffice.
In the first case, using WebSockets may provide more pain than gain. Updates in a
comment section do not need to be instant. Having the client poll the server will not
change the user's perception of the application. Chatting is a different matter.
Especially in a chat room, where several people talk to each other at once. This makes
real time crucial to the user’s perception of the application. In turn, this makes it
worth the extra effort of providing fallbacks for the browsers that don’t support
There is no doubt that real time content is useful in many aspects, and that in others
it is even crucial. An auction site with time based auctions is dependent on delivering
the latest bids to all users. Forcing their clients to refresh a web page manually to see
the latest bids, would render it completely useless. On the other side of the scale we
find web sites that utilize real time to provide their users with a greater sense of
convenience. Getting your friends’ status updates immediately can hardly be seen as
crucial, but it does enhance the user’s perception of the experience.
Another interesting development is the increasing use of real time content provided
by web sites that are more static. Most of this has to do with integrating social content
like live comment-sections, trending articles and such. Again this is purely to make
the content seem more dynamic and make the experience better for the users.
Looking at pure web page usage of real time, it is, with some exceptions, about the
user’s experience. But if we expand our perspective a little, it soon becomes clear how
much of an impact real time might have on our lives in the future. Live video
streaming is a common feature. But the technology is still in its youth, with buffering
issues and broadband capacities as bottlenecks (Figure 3-15). As the technological
aspects evolve, I believe we will see a lot more usage of live video streaming across the
web. Presumably, WebSockets, with its ability to stream binary data [24], will play a
central part in future improvements to video streams.
Figure 3-15: Hopefully, this scenario will be a thing of the past in a not too distant future.
3.7 Conclusion
We have seen that WebSockets is superior to HTTP when it comes to bi-directional
communication. Sometimes, it is not necessary with a bi-directional channel to
achieve real time content. In some cases, HTTP-streaming techniques may be better
than WebSockets. This is the case if most of the communication is from server to
client, and the amount of header-data in the HTTP protocol is no cause for problems.
If proxies may cause issues you can use long-polling instead.
Looking at these aspects leads me to say that HTTP methods may still be a better
choice than WebSockets for some real time purposes. But ignoring backwards
compatibility, there is no getting away from the fact that WebSockets is superior to
HTTP for real time applications. After all, that was why WebSockets was created in
the first place. Still, HTTP, with Server-Sent Events in particular, remains a strong
alternative if you only need real time push. I believe that the other techniques will be
outdated in a couple of years. WebSockets will replace them with some use of Server-
Sent Events applications as well.
I believe that in the future, when WebSockets has been around for a long while, most
applications will prefer it. Furthermore, my opinion is that any future versions of
HTTP will not incorporate WebSockets. The two will remain what they are: two
separate things.
Social networks like Facebook, collaboration tools like Google Docs and other real
time use cases are already widespread, and that will most likely not change any time
soon. Real time is here to stay, which is good since it provides vast, and yet unseen,
4.1 SignalR
SignalR is a library for the ASP.NET framework that strives to make it easy for
developers to add real time functionality to applications [38]. It has clients for both
web applications, Windows Phone, ordinary Windows Store apps, other Windows
applications and even Android an iPhone apps10.
The library provides two separate levels of abstraction for real time: Hubs and
Persistent Connections. Persistent Connections are the most low level, extending the
WebSocket API with a few events for reconnection and a few other things [41]. Hubs
introduces even more abstraction on top of Persistent Connections. These utilize a
RPC11 API that allows for simple real time programming.
4.2 Socket.IO
Socket.IO is a library for Node (see section 5.3 for information on Node) that “aims to
make real time apps possible in every browser and mobile” [39]. Since it runs on
Node, it only uses JavaScript as a language. Available clients are browsers, either
mobile or desktop. It also has a client library for Node (meaning that both the client
and the server can use Node).
4.3 Atmosphere
The Atmosphere framework is built for Java servers [42]. It uses a JavaScript client
that supports all major browsers [43]. It provides an API that is more low level than
the Hubs API of SignalR, but a little higher than the Persistent Connections of the
same library.
On the client, Atmosphere provides something that looks very much like the
WebSocket API, only with a few other events.
4.4 Sails.js
Sails.js is a MVC framework for Node [44]. It has full real time capabilities through
the use of Socket.IO. The way this is accomplished, is rather interesting. Through
what the developers call “transport agnostic routing” [45], controllers are allowed to
automatically handle Socket.IO messages. Traditionally, this is something that is
handled by separate code as with for instance SignalR in an ASP.NET MVC
Play is real time enabled, meaning that it has constructs to help developers make real
time functionality. These constructs are a lot closer to bare metal than what is
provided by pure real time libraries and frameworks.
4.6 SockJS
SockJS is a JavaScript library for web browsers that gives developers an object that
resembles the WebSocket interface. This object can be used to connect to a server.
Server-side, there is a Node implementation as well servers for Erlang and Python
[48]. Other servers are under development.
4.7 Meteor
Many different types of web application frameworks exists, but none of these are
similar to Meteor. It promises to simplify the process of making web applications
drastically [49].
Real time is the heart of Meteor, and it uses SockJS to enable this. All code with
Meteor is written in JavaScript, but interesting enough, it is not a Node framework
(even though it runs within a Node container behind the scenes [50]).
12An Actor is a construct used to form hierarchies of entities that handle concurrency through
messaging [144].
4.8 Lightstreamer
Weswit is the Italian company [51] behind the oldest real time framework I’ve been
able to find (released in 2000 [52]). Lightstreamer is the name of the framework, and
from the looks of it, it is also the most comprehensive in what it offers of different
The Lightstreamer server itself is written in Java, but through the use of an adapter
based model, you can make server-side code with JavaScript, C# or Java. There is
also a long list of client-side APIs including a JavaScript client for web browsers [53].
4.10 XSockets.NET
XSockets.NET is an event driven library for .NET [55] that adopts a model that
somewhat resembles that of Socket.IO on the client. Server-side it uses an approach
that looks like the controllers of ASP.NET MVC.
The library supports WebSockets and has fallbacks in order to support all major
13An IDE is best explained as an advanced text editor designed for writing code. It usually offers
various support mechanisms like code completion, refactoring, debugging and keyword highlighting.
5 Server software
All web applications have to be hosted on a server with the help of some sort of
software. Various server software exist for different languages. In this chapter, I give
a short description of some that are relevant for the thesis.
Most applications for ASP.NET use IIS as an application server. The current version
of IIS is IIS8 which was released alongside Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012
[56]. With it came support for the WebSockets protocol [57]. IIS is free as it is a part
of the Windows operating system14. It is a Windows feature that has to be activated.
For development, it isn’t always necessary to deploy an application to IIS. Along with
the ASP.NET framework and Visual Studio, developers get access to IIS Express. As
with all products in Microsoft’s Express series15, it is a lightweight version of the
original. It provides what you normally need while developing, but its performance is
not enough for production.
5.2 Java
Java applications can run on a number of different servers on any operating system.
The most common Java servers are Jetty, JBoss and Tomcat [58].
Jetty is an open source server hosted by the Eclipse foundation [59]. It is considered
to be very lightweight, but it has support for a wide variety of features.
JBoss is a product suite that includes several server types. The JBoss application
server and Netty are probably the most known. Play uses the latter as its application
Tomcat is an open source server from Apache [60] made for Java applications.
Another server from Apache, the Apache Web Server, is used by the Planet
Framework as preferred deployment server [61].
org.jboss package.
5.3 JavaScript
Node is a new and exciting piece of technology that, for the first time, allows for
server side JavaScript. It is based on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript runtime, and one of its
primary goals is to help build fast, scalable network applications [62]. A web server is
a fast, scalable network application. In other words, Node itself isn’t a web server, but
it provides simple mechanisms for writing one [63].
This isn’t completely bare metal, but it is fairly close. Within the “using” clause there
is some sort of loop that listens to requests. Another class can handle these incoming
requests, thus giving you a web server.
Project part 1:
Hands on development
Project part 1: Hands on development
6 Methodology
This part will focus on the first three problem statements (see section 1.1). I selected
and compared five different frameworks for real time web application development,
based on usability. This part covers the results of this comparison. The focus is from a
programmer’s perspective. A simple web application was therefore implemented with
each framework. Section 6.2 describes the application.
The selection of frameworks made in this part, is the foundation for the second part.
There, each will be compared based on performance (read more in the second part of
the project from page 71).
6.1.3 Presentation
The home page or GitHub repository of the framework should look presentable and
give at least basic documentation and/or tutorials. Any piece of technology is hard to
use if you cannot find out how to use it. Lack of proper documentation makes a
considerable negative impression.
6.1.4 Maturity
Real time applications has been around for many years [65], but most of the
frameworks for real time web applications are a lot younger. Maturity should still be
given consideration, but if a frameworks offers something unique and potentially
revolutionary, it may still be selected even if it is immature.
Project part 1: Hands on development
Users must receive real time updates regarding all global events.
Global events are defined as all actions except from logging in and registering a
new user.
Users must be able to register an account and log in.
Users must be able to add and remove items.
Users can only remove an item added by themselves.
An item does at least have the following properties: name, minimum price, info
about who added it and who has the leading bid.
Users must be able to place bids on all items, including their own.
If the framework does not specify a specific template language or other means of
creating a user interface, the application will utilize a common user interface
implemented with Knockout [66] 17.
MySql will be utilized as database unless implementing it requires substantial
workarounds, that may cause the framework to misbehave.
All applications should have tests covering the most critical aspects of the
program logic.
As the purpose of the application is to demonstrate real time features only, there are
certain elements that a normal web application like this would have had. This
includes session management, security (passwords are plain text in my app) and
elements related to the auction, like timers and bid history.
Project part 1: Hands on development
6.4 Evaluation
Evaluating each framework was done during and after the development of the test
application described earlier. The evaluation was from a programmer’s perspective,
shedding light on how the framework is to work with rather than how it performs. In
order to get a complete picture, this process followed a preset list of criteria described
below. For consistency, the criteria are used as subheadings for each framework in
the results chapter (chapter 7). The term “user” in the following subsections refers to
a programmer.
6.4.1 Documentation
It is probably the most visited page in a programmer’s browser history while he/she
is working with a new piece of technology. How the documentation is written and
structured can make a lot of difference when it comes to a user’s experience. The code
can be simple enough, but that means nothing if many frustrating hours are wasted
looking for reference in the documentation.
Tutorials and examples are one of the most effective means to help a user get started
with an unfamiliar technology. The presence of such was therefore considered very
positive. Other than that, the documentation was evaluated based on structure,
simplicity and content.
6.4.2 Simplicity
A real time web application framework should act as a communication layer in a web
application. Other functionality such as session management, database operations
and authentication, are normally already present server-side in a web application. I
evaluated whether a framework offers too much functionality or not.
Keeping track of connected clients can easily lead to errors, and if you do it in an
inefficient way, it can also cause performance issues. Each framework was evaluated
based on how it handles this problem. The more abstraction the better.
Abstracting this away from the user is usually a good thing, but it depends on how the
clients are offered back to the user. If it requires complicated code just to send a
message, the client handling can be as foolproof as it wants–it does not make the
overall experience better. I therefore also looked at what constructs each framework
offers for sending messages to clients.
Project part 1: Hands on development
6.4.3 Maintainability
Being able to write maintainable code has become alpha omega in modern system
development. Any framework that introduces unnecessary complexity and
dependencies between entities, makes maintainability difficult. In some cases, there
may be possible to write maintainable code even if it is very dependent upon other
entities. Such scenarios may render unit testing impossible, but with proper tools,
one can test entities using integration testing instead. Normally, you would prefer to
have both unit- and integration tests as well as other forms of testing (for instance
functional). I measured maintainability based on how the natural structure of the
application is with each framework and how that impacts testability.
It should be possible to choose a “lower lever” transport18. For most use cases, this is
not a demand, but considering the work I did in the second part of the project, it was
important to me.
6.4.5 Maturity
A lot of real time frameworks are a work in progress and have not yet reached a stable
version. Such frameworks often change drastically, causing users to change their
applications completely to keep up. Hence, these frameworks are not suited for
production code.
Another way of measuring maturity can be to look at projects that use a framework. If
nobody is using it, there is often a reason. Furthermore, one can look at the amount
of bugs and errors that appear during development. Errors directly related to the
framework’s core, are often a sign of immature code. This is also often a sign of
unmaintained code, which many would say is even worse than immaturity.
Coding environment: What IDEs a framework allows you to work with can
make a difference for some. Especially regarding support for debugging and
code analysis. I believe that these things matters less if a framework is a
suitable tool for a job.
Project part 1: Hands on development
6.5 Limitations
There are some limitations regarding what kinds of frameworks that are suitable for
this thesis.
Project part 1: Hands on development
6.7.1 Socket.IO
Node is rapidly gaining popularity. Using JavaScript on the server is an exciting
thought, and the notion is changing the way developers think of the language.
Because of this, it was only natural to choose at least one Node based framework.
Several libraries and frameworks exist for real time with Node (see chapter 4). Of
these, Socket.IO stands out from the crowd. It seems to have the largest community,
and it gets a lot of attention.
Socket.IO has its own homepage that has some documentation. It is not a lot, but
everything is presented in an orderly fashion. The project uses GitHub for further
documentation and wikis. The library is very lightweight, which explains why there
isn't a lot of documentation.
The library offers some fallbacks to ensure compatibility with all browsers.
WebSockets is the preferred transport. If it is not supported, Socket.IO will fall back
to one of the following transports [68]:
Adobe Flash Socket, which uses Flash to establish a TCP connection between
server and client.
Ajax long-polling.
Ajax multipart streaming (Http-streaming).
Forever frame.
JSONP Polling. Polling with JSONP allows for cross-domain requests.
Currently, the library is in version 0.9, but a 1.0 release is around the corner.
Nonetheless, it is considered stable and is used by several projects19.
19Examples of use: Trello, an online cooperation and project planning tool [145]. Sails.js, a web
application framework with real time in its core (see section 4.4).
Project part 1: Hands on development
6.7.2 Lightstreamer
Lightstreamer is completely different from all the other frameworks I have found. It
is a commercial product from a rather large, European company with customers
Being operational since 2000, it is the oldest framework in this thesis by far. The
more modern frameworks have different approaches to real time than Lightstreamer.
Seeing how these new ideas play out against many years of experience, will be
Weswit is the name of the company behind Lightstreamer, which is their only
product. This means that all the customers they list, are using Lightstreamer. With
names like NASA and Sky on the list [69], it is obviously a trusted and presumably a
mature product.
The framework seems thoroughly documented. Separated documents for each API as
well as some general concepts, leaves a good impression.
Polling with WebSockets can also be selected.
Not many web application frameworks I have seen promotes real time features like
Play does. Hence, it stands out from the crowd in this matter. The framework has
become more popular recently, and some serious actors are using it in production20.
As a developer, you get two helper classes for real time functionality. One for
WebSockets [70] and one for Comet (Http-streaming, [71]).
A clear answer to the initial question will be if the development process with these
helpers, turns out to be cumbersome. Then, bare metal will most likely be even
Project part 1: Hands on development
6.7.4 SignalR
SignalR is one of the few libraries made specifically for ASP.NET. Additionally, it is
amongst the libraries that have gotten the most attention in recent time.
Two developers on the ASP.NET team started the work on SignalR in 2011 21. The fact
that Microsoft supports the project is thus no surprise.
SignalR builds on concepts that are familiar to .NET developers, like the use of IOC
containers [72] and Nuget [73].
The library uses an interesting form of abstraction in its programming model. The
use of Hubs and RPC will be very interesting to get a closer look at.
WebSockets is the preferred transport. If it is not supported, SignalR will fall back
gracefully to one of these transports:
Server-Sent Events.
Forever frame.
I also have to mention another reason for choosing SignalR. My first experience with
real time technologies was through a project with SignalR in 2012. It really sparked
my interest. Without this experience, I would probably have written my master thesis
about some other topic.
6.7.5 Meteor
Meteor is not a completed framework. Nor is it close to completion. Nonetheless, I
have chosen to test it due to a number of reasons.
First of all, it is radically different from any other similar framework. It uses
JavaScript both on the client and server, which is possible through the use of Node. It
is not a Node framework, though.
Meteor tries to share most of its code between the server and the client, blurring the
line between them. I intend to find out if this is an application model that is better
than the traditional.
Another interesting feature of Meteor is how real time is closely integrated with its
core. Actually, a lot of features seems tightly coupled to the core as of now. MongoDB
is the only supported database, even though support for others is planned [74]. I
implemented the test application using MongoDB. There is an unofficial add-on that
allows you to use MySql [75], but I did not utilize this.
Project part 1: Hands on development
Meteor uses SockJS [50] under the hood to perform its real time updates. SockJS had
support for WebSockets, but Meteor first received support for it a couple of days
before I started my work with the framework [77].
If WebSockets is not supported, SockJS falls back gracefully to one of the following
transports [78]:
22 Forking a project means that you use that project as a base for your own. See for more information.
Project part 1: Hands on development
7 Results
This chapter gives an in-depth description of my experiences with each of the
frameworks. Each section starts with an introduction describing some specific
choices made for the given framework. For instance what server was used or whether
it used some uncommon approaches. The subsections of each describe details from
the development process based on the criteria described in section 6.4.
7.1 Socket.IO
Socket.IO is a library for Node that use an event based approach to real time. As most
examples with Socket.IO show it in conjunction with Express, I used this in my test
application. Express is a web application framework [79]. The only aspects of the
application that use Express is the server itself, including serving static files. The
Socket.IO application makes use of the common user interface described in section
7.1.1 Documentation
With Node already installed, downloading and installing Socket.IO into a project is
simple. One simple command is all you need: “npm install”. While it goes
without saying that you need to have Node installed, I think there should have been a
link in the documentation to where you can get it nonetheless.
Documentation is not something Socket.IO has a lot of. Considering the size of the
library, this is not surprising. What it has, covers everything in enough detail.
Frequent use of examples, makes it easy to read and understand.
The structure isn't perfect. Some pieces reside in the readme on GitHub [80], while
you find other pieces in the wiki [81]. There are some logic behind this, with the API
documentation in the readme, and other aspects in the Wiki, but there is no obvious
flow when browsing it.
As of writing, the current version of Socket.IO is 0.9. The documentation states that it
is for the "upcoming" 1.0 release. For the entire duration of the work with this thesis,
this has been the case, but the version has yet to be released. I have run into no
problems regarding this, which leads me to believe that most of the API is set already.
All the examples are very small, which is good for readability. I missed some larger
examples, though. Something with more than one HTML-file and a little more
complex functionality, would have been beneficial.
Project part 1: Hands on development
7.1.2 Simplicity
In the spirit of Node23, Socket.IO is lightweight. Classical web application elements
include authorization and session management. Both of these can be tricky to handle
with real time frameworks, but Socket.IO provides some simple mechanisms [81]. It
is actually oblivious to sessions, leaving it up to the server library you use to handle
this [82].
Some frameworks and libraries offer a lot of configuration. Usually this is a good
thing, but sometimes it is easy to get lost in translation. Socket.IO has many options
that you can tweak, but it is far from needed [81]. You manage settings using code
instead of one or more files. I prefer the latter, but since the language is JavaScript,
one can simply store configuration data in a JSON file and parse it at run-time.
A common use case for a web page is to have several, separated real time features.
IGN.com24 has functionality to show current readers of articles, as well as real time
comment sections. Socket.IO allows developers to register different channels, or
"rooms". This makes implementation of such functionality simple.
Sending data back and forth is a dream with Socket.IO. Behind the scenes, it uses
JSON. As a result, you can send a normal object and receive it in the callback on the
other end (Example 7-1).
23According to Node’s homepage [62], its event-driven model makes it lightweight and efficient.
24See (American IGN). is an entertainment website with focus
on video games, movies, music and TV series.
Project part 1: Hands on development
Another nice feature is that you don't need to relate to the concept of a client. Instead,
you deal with either one or multiple sockets (Example 7-2).
Because of this simple abstraction, sending a message never requires more than a
single line of code. Socket.IO also provides constructs for sending messages to a
specific client. To do this you need the id of the particular client's socket. Associating
this with for instance a username, has to be handled manually.
7.1.3 Maintainability
Socket.IO follows the programming principles of Node and provides an event based
model. While all code written for Node can be testable, testing events is a little tricky.
The event driven architecture conceals all logic regarding sending and receiving
messages within callbacks. Luckily, there are ways to work around this.
One option is to separate all code within the callback to its own module (Example
7-3). Then you can write tests for this module in separation, as it does not know that
it is an event that calls it.
Project part 1: Hands on development
Another option is to put the callbacks themselves in a separate module. This makes
the code a little less readable in my opinion, which is why I went with the first
To test that specific callbacks execute as expected, one has to use either integration or
functional testing. As Socket.IO provides a client library for Node, this is simple to
achieve without too much complications (Example 7-4). This method can also be
used for unit testing purposes by injecting mocks and stubs into the module with the
Socket.IO logic. In its essence, it will still be an integration test since you have to start
the server, but at least you get to test modules in isolation.
Modules can be challenging to keep small. Large modules, just as large classes in
object oriented languages, are harder to maintain. This also applies to the routing of
events with Socket.IO. Even if you keep the code within each event's callback short, it
can quickly become a mess if you have many events. Using the namespace construct
can help provide a stronger separation of concerns in such cases. However, this also
introduces extra overhead, which leads to the fact that there is no perfect solution to
this problem.
Project part 1: Hands on development
7.1.5 Maturity
The GitHub page claims that Socket.IO version 1.0 is the "upcoming" release, which
has been the case for over a year. Commits to the repository has been varying and it
had a long dead period. This dead period seems to coincide with another project from
the same people: Engine.IO (see commit pages for Engine.IO and Socket.IO on
GitHub [85], [86]).
That there are no more commits to a project is a classic sign of a "dead" project. With
the activity on Engine.IO and recent activity on the Socket.IO project, I do not think
this is the case for Socket.IO. Nonetheless, little activity does not mean that the
product is immature. In this case it is completely opposite, as Socket.IO is stable and
well suited for production environments. Since the documentation for the 1.0 release
is already out, one can trust that no major changes will come soon.
There is the question of Node itself, though. It too hasn't reached version 1.0, and the
community surrounding it isn't the largest. As a result, the community surrounding
Socket.IO is even smaller. Many questions on Stack Overflow25 is about Socket.IO
however, a clear indication that it is widespread. The tendency with Node is that the
community is growing, and more and more developers see it as a technology for the
future–an opinion I share.
7.2 Lightstreamer
Lightstreamer is a commercial product from an Italian company named Weswit. For
the work in this part I used the free version they offer [87].
In a real life scenario, the Lightstreamer server would only handle real time aspects.
My application uses it as a web server as well. It also has database communication. As
this is not the intended use of the Lightstreamer server, I have not written about this
in the following sections. The Lightstreamer application does not make use of the
common user interface described in section 6.6.1.
7.2.1 Documentation
Getting started with Lightstreamer is a simple and well documented process [53]. The
rest of Lightstreamer is also extremely well documented. It is, by far, the most
comprehensive documentation of all the frameworks in this thesis. With such a large
scale, it is clear that Lightstreamer is a framework rather than a library like
25 Stack Overflow is a question and answer website for programmers. See
Project part 1: Hands on development
With a lot of documentation comes a great responsibility to organize it. Weswit does
this well. Each of the many APIs has its own document, while a common document
covers all general concepts. These concepts should maybe have been given more
room in the documentation. The documentation only offers a single page to one of the
most central aspects of the framework: the different subscription modes26. I didn't get
a good sense of what the difference between these was before I found a forum post
that explained it [88].
Another shortcoming is the almost complete lack of tutorials–only one exist [89].
That would have been okay if the samples were well documented and well written,
but this isn't so. Many samples accompany the framework (Figure 7-1), and these
illustrate different uses. Understanding them at a conceptual level is easy enough, but
when you start digging into the code, trouble starts.
Figure 7-1: The contents of Lightstreamer’s "demos" folder (for JavaScript client).
The samples are "documented" through comments in the code, and these are not
abundant. Furthermore, the code is rather messy and hard to follow. I had a hard
time figuring out what parts was related to Lightstreamer and what regarded the user
interface. As a result, I spent many hours debugging both the client- and server-side
code in order to understand what was going on.
Project part 1: Hands on development
Lightstreamer’s server comes with a large configuration file where you can tweak its
performance to fit your needs. There isn't too many options, but the file is easy to get
lost in. This is because Weswit chose to write all documentation regarding the various
options within the file itself as comments. As a result, it is a lot larger than what it
could have been. Some XML elements are also hard to spot because they are
commented out.
7.2.2 Simplicity
Compared to the other frameworks in this thesis, Lightstreamer is huge. It even feels
larger than Play and Meteor (see sections 7.3 and 7.5), which both are full featured
web application frameworks. Socket.IO provides real time features alongside a web
application, running on the same server. This is not the intended use of
Lightstreamer. It is meant to be a stand-alone server rather than a layer in an
application stack.
Other parts of the application (other servers) interact with Lightstreamer through an
adapter infrastructure. There can be any number of data adapters and one so-called
metadata adapter. Data adapters handle subscriptions and sending updates. The
metadata adapter handles incoming messages from the clients, session management,
authorization and QoS [90]. This is a nice separation of concerns, but it also
introduces some complexity. There has to be some form of connection between the
adapters, meaning that they either have to depend on each other, or have some
common dependency. (Figure 7-2).
Figure 7-2: How the various adapters can interact through a shared service layer.
Project part 1: Hands on development
Clients subscribe to different items rather than listening to certain events. To me, this
feels a little old fashioned, as it creates a very tight coupling between the DOM and
the items. The items, which "live" on the server, need to have fields that corresponds
to the fields in the DOM on the client (Example 7-5).
One can work around this by using a "message" DOM element with only one field. If
this field receives updates in JSON format, you can mimic an event driven
architecture. There are several drawbacks to this technique. Serialization and event
routing have to be handled manually. The first is somewhat manual no matter
(Example 7-6), but converting to JSON adds another layer of complexity. It also
makes you unable to benefit from the different subscription modes.
Lightstreamer is not intended to be used in this way, and doing it may influence
performance. You will be better off using the subscription modes. These are actually
powerful, allowing for updates of single fields, deleting and adding items. However, it
is a lot more complex than the more "modern" approach given by for instance
Socket.IO and SignalR (see sections 7.1 and 7.4).
Project part 1: Hands on development
The tight coupling to the DOM makes using popular MV*27 frameworks like Angular
[93] or Knockout [66] little useful. As a result, it may be hard to integrate
Lightstreamer into an existing application where such frameworks are present. With
a new application, Lightstreamer can fall through because of this in my opinion.
Either that, or the application has to have a clear separation between the
Lightstreamer-parts and the rest.
As I mentioned earlier in this section, there has to be some connection between the
metadata adapter and the data adapters. Directing an incoming message to its
destination is something you have to handle yourself. The same goes for concurrency.
The following example shows the flow in my simple test application from an
incoming message is received, to a broadcast is sent (Example 7-7).
Lightstreamer is broadcast by default. Given its old age, it is not unnatural that the
main use case is push. In fact, it performs best if it can function purely as a publisher
of events. It would be even better if some other entity than the clients functions as
producers of events. This would let the Lightstreamer server do only push, which is
what it seems to be most suited for.
Project part 1: Hands on development
A clear indication of this is the fact that the default update mechanism is broadcast.
To send to individual clients, even back to the caller, you have to have a separate
subscription for each client. Request/response features are, in other words, not
Lightstreamer’s strong suit.
7.2.3 Maintainability
Despite the complexity, there is nothing stopping you from writing maintainable
code. Both data- and metadata adapters are based on interfaces, so you can mock
them in tests. If an application manipulates the data injected to the adapters by the
Lightstreamer server, this is also testable. Since the server uses method injection for
this, it is just a matter of creating some test data and inject it in the test.
Client-side on the other hand, is an whole other story. When testing this code, the
first thing you'll want to do is to mock out dependencies to Lightstreamer. But before
that, you need to understand how this code works. With only a minified version of the
code available, this is easier said than done. What Lightstreamer does client side is
somewhat advanced, so mocking its behavior isn't the easiest of tasks.
Still, as long as you keep a firm line regarding separation of concerns, on both server
and client, you should be able to write maintainable code. After all, Lightstreamer's
intended use is to be a separate server in your application stack. Keeping this in
mind, you would want to keep this part as lightweight as possible. Other aspects, like
database handling and such, should be left out of the Lightstreamer server. But even
with all of these precautions in place, the real time specific code of Lightstreamer will
be more comprehensive than most other real time frameworks.
7.2.5 Maturity
With 14 years of experience, it is safe to say that Lightstreamer is a mature product.
In a way, it has become too mature. 14 years ago the focus of real time applications
was pure push. This is still what Lightstreamer does best, as the mechanisms for
receiving input from clients are somewhat complicated.
Project part 1: Hands on development
Lightstreamer uses a completely different approach for real time than any of the
competition. The push orientation is probably due to its old age. But the use of a
separate server for all real time functionality is not a bad thing. Depending on the
needs of an application, this technique may be the better no matter what framework
or library you are using. With Node based solutions for example, the most likely
approach is this, since very few applications use only Node as server technology.
Weswit is actually one of the pioneers for real time technologies [95]. Their main
problem now is to keep up with modern day trends. The competition comes from
lightweight libraries rather than large scale frameworks. In my opinion, they would
benefit a lot from making a "light" version of Lightstreamer that introduces a higher
level of abstraction. Using for instance an event driven model, this would result in a
simple library. Decoupling it from the Lightstreamer server may also be beneficial.
This would make it more attractive for Java developers that want some simple real
time features in their application.
Nonetheless, the company has a large customer base, and they have received a lot of
appraisal [96]. Changing something that many people use and love, isn't always a
smart thing. The expression "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" exists for a reason. What I
think they should do, is keep everything they got, but also offer what I suggested
7.3.1 Documentation
Obtaining Play is a simple and well documented process [97]. Following installation,
the documentation provides a step-by-step guide to get you familiarized with Play.
There are also two tutorials: one simple and one more comprehensive [98]. These are
mostly easy to follow, but I ran into some issues with links to certain files that didn't
exist anymore.
As Play lets you write code in either Java or Scala [98], [99], it is a good thing that the
documentation is separated accordingly. The exception is the getting started part, but
this covers no code. Splitting this as well would have been a duplication rather than a
separation. With the separation, developers can focus on the language they want and
have no knowledge of the other.
Project part 1: Hands on development
The framework builds on many other technologies from third parties. Play's
documentation does a good job of pointing the reader to resources regarding these
technologies. It also explains them, but not in too much detail.
Using examples, the documentation is easy to read and learn from. Learning by doing
is, in my opinion, the best way. With Play, there was little need for diving into the
source code of the samples it offers. I just followed the examples.
7.3.2 Simplicity
Play is a MVC framework. Hence it resembles most other frameworks in this genre.
Still, it has some interesting features that separates it from others:
A route configuration file that gives you IntelliSense28 in the editor. It gets
compiled at run-time, providing you with feedback just as with code files. You
have to manually list all routes. Compared to the route configuration of
ASP.NET MVC, where routes follow a pattern, this is a little elaborate.
Hot code push allows you to run the server once. Each time you change a file,
the code recompiles and your page refreshes.
The template language for HTML is Scala. It resembles the template language
of other frameworks like Razor for ASP.NET. Compilation errors from all
template files, are also shown as with other files (Figure 7-3)
Play lets you use Akka Actors to handle concurrency. Actors is an old,
mathematical concept [100], but it has become increasingly popular recently.
As with the rest of Play, you are not forced to use it.
Project part 1: Hands on development
The real time features of Play are close to bare metal, but it provides some nice
abstractions. There are two utility classes, one for WebSockets and one for Comet
(HTTP-Streaming with forever frame). The “WebSocket” class gives you two
channels: in and out. As WebSockets is bidirectional, this is reasonable (Example
Example 7-8: Play’s WebSocket class provide an "in" and an "out" channel when it's ready.
With the in-channel you get access to the "onclose" and "onmessage" events of the
WebSocket API. "Onopen" is handled by the "main" WebSocket class (the onReady
event in Example 7-8). The out-channel handles sending of messages only.
Since HTTP-streaming is from server to client only, the Comet class has no in-
channel. A separate route has to be set up to handle incoming messages. Using a
POST route is the most applicable. Outgoing messages use a similar out-channel as
the WebSocket class provide. One handy thing the Comet class provides is a callback
for disconnects (Example 7-9). With this, along with the out-channel and incoming
POST requests, you have a similar API for Comet as for WebSockets.
Example 7-9: The Comet class provides an event for disconnection handling.
On the client you stand without support. To access WebSockets, the standard
WebSockets API is used. Comet depends on the presence of an iframe on the client in
order to receive messages. The utility class on the server wraps outgoing data into a
function within a HTML script-tag. You specify the name of the function, but it has to
be globally available or provided an absolute path29.
Project part 1: Hands on development
Both of the utility classes allow for sending either strings or Jackson JsonNodes 30.
JSON is the natural choice since it allows for easy access on the client. Play even has a
helper to extract a request body as a JsonNode, which fits well into the real time stack
of the framework [98]. There are some drawbacks, as serializing more complex
objects yields more overhead (Example 7-10) Many nested arrays and objects, result
in many loop constructs. Overall, this can lower the performance of the application.
Example 7-10: A lot of work to serialize complex objects to JSON with Jackson.
Besides the manual fallback handling and serialization, you also have to keep
track of clients yourself. A hashmap is probably the best solution for this, as it
gives good performance for looking up single clients.
No matter what you use, you need a reliable source of an unique ID for each
client. Luckily, Play gives you a connection ID that can be used for this purpose.
This ID becomes the key in the hashmap. The value in the hashmap has to be
some kind of entity that contains the mechanism for sending messages. I solved
this by separating all common methods into an abstract super class. Then I made
wrappers for the WebSocket out-channel and the Comet class that inherited from
this super class (Figure 7-4). With these two transports only, this is a simple
solution. If I had introduced long-polling as well, it would probably have been a
little more complicated.
Project part 1: Hands on development
Using a framework with a bare metal client implementation gave some interesting
insight into the cost of extra dependencies in a project. I looked at the client-files
containing only code regarding communication. In addition, I looked at how many
bytes was added to the file “viewModels.js” compared to the size it had in the
“TestApplications /AuctionHouseUI” folder on GitHub [13]. This showed that Play’s
client side communication code adds up to 4898 bytes.
SignalR’s client code is 29598 bytes, but since this depends on JQuery, you get
another 92639 bytes, adding up to 122237 bytes. Socket.IO’s client code has no other
dependencies and adds up to 32384 bytes.
7.3.3 Maintainability
Writing clean and maintainable code with Play is mostly the same as for any other
good framework. There are some small issues, though.
The utility classes for WebSockets and Comet are both based on events. They use
Java's counterpart of JavaScript’s anonymous callbacks (Example 7-11). This leads to
the same issue as the anonymous callbacks of Socket.IO's events. With Socket.IO I
proposed a number of solutions (see section 7.1.3). These can also be used for Play.
Another aspect where this problem surfaces, is when working with Actors. You can
build huge hierarchies of Actors that work together. Testing this is not straight
forward, but again, the above solution is a simple workaround.
Project part 1: Hands on development
All applications should have tests that work from end to end. An event based
architecture makes this even more important. Play offers some utilities to help with
this issue. You can make a fake server and use Selenium to do functional tests against
Play also supplies a simple way to use an in-memory database to test your models. A
traditional Java web application using for example Spring MVC would have a
separate data access layer. Play encourages the use of Ebean [101], which puts data
access into the models themselves. Testing is similar, as a normal process with Spring
MVC is to set up an in-memory database just as with Play. This process in Spring
require a lot of configuration, while Play gives you a single method to call [102]. Play
also offers methods to help you test controllers, templates and even the routes,
meaning that the hole stack is testable.
Project part 1: Hands on development
7.3.5 Maturity
The framework was introduced in 2009, but Play as it is today came out in 2012 as
version 2.0 [103]. With it, the core had a major overhauling. Scala support came
through an external module in the 1.x versions. The 2.0 version integrated Scala with
the core, providing full support for the language.
One might say that the framework matured a lot with this change in the core. It made
it easier to provide full support for both Java and Scala as well as providing more
consistency in the way you build an application. But, this also means that the core is
quite new and unproven. Furthermore, Scala is a relatively new language and it isn’t
used that much. The TIOBE Programming Community Index, places Scala as number
48 in April 2014 [104].
Nonetheless, Play keeps gaining popularity, and it can be considered a stable piece of
software. This is my opinion, but there were some issues. Outdated versions of third
party software and broken links on the homepage were the most prominent.
There is no arguing that Play follows modern trends. With support for CoffeeScript,
LESS and other popular languages and tools, it offers a lot of freedom. It may not
support the same stability as for instance ASP.NET or Spring, but it strives to make
development clean and simple.
7.4 SignalR
SignalR is a library for real time with ASP.NET. A common environment would
feature SignalR in a web application hosted on IIS. But this part of the thesis does not
require high performance of the server the application runs on. Hence, I chose to use
IIS Express 7.5. An ASP.NET MVC 4 application wraps the SignalR components. The
application uses the common user interface described in section 6.6.1.
SignalR offers two levels of abstraction: Persistent Connections and Hubs. As Hubs
are most high level, and what most people are likely to use, I focused on this aspect
only in the test application.
7.4.1 Documentation
SignalR's documentation has a very comprehensive introduction part. It talks you
through all from what it is to making your first application. As with most other .NET
applications, you use Visual Studio as IDE and Nuget as package manager. The
documentation does a good job describing how to use these with SignalR.
During early development, the only documentation was on GitHub [105]. Even so,
there was still a lot of documentation and many, simple examples. There are still
some topics that are covered only on GitHub, but most of the documentation now
resides in one place [38].
Project part 1: Hands on development
The new documentation has a lot of tutorials and examples. It is way more
comprehensive than what it was on GitHub. Just as Play’s documentation does,
SignalR's documentation lets you browse previous versions, though not with the
same granularity31. The content itself is also separated into logical bulks with lots of
examples. A nice feature is that all class names appear as links to the class
SignalR is the only framework that covers IOC in its documentation. This is probably
because it is the only framework that has its own dependency resolver. It is therefore
only natural to tell you how to use this or swap it for something else. Still, the term
"IOC" isn't even mentioned in most of the other frameworks' documentations.
There are some things I missed in the documentation. Hubs are thoroughly
documented, but Persistent Connections are not covered in detail. The GitHub pages
covers this, so it may be in the making for the new pages. Furthermore, I missed
some documentation regarding testing hubs. Finding information about this required
me to search elsewhere [106].
7.4.2 Simplicity
The developers made SignalR to be compatible with ASP.NET web applications.
Whether you use ASP.NET MVC, WebForms or Self Hosting, using SignalR is the
same experience. It is compatible with mechanisms for authentication, IOC and
sessions provided by ASP.NET. A developer only has to find out how to match those
things with SignalR. This is an easy task as there are many examples for almost
SignalR comes in two different forms: Hubs and Persistent Connections. Persistent
Connections are a lower level of abstraction than Hubs. It resembles the WebSockets
API, but with some extra methods for handling sending messages, broadcasting
messages, reconnecting, groups, etc. A benefit of using this API is that you can access
the real time part of an application from several places. This allows for instance a
controller action method to broadcast data to clients.
The Hub API strives to be very simple, providing a RPC model which makes the code
simple and understandable. A Hub exposes all its public methods to the client and
they can be "called" directly (Example 7-13).
31 There is one documentation for the 1.x versions and another for 2.x. Play has more separation, with
documentation for both 2.0, 2.1.1 and 2.2.0 for example.
32 Class references in C# are similar to Javadocs for Java.
Project part 1: Hands on development
C#'s convention is to have method names with a capital cased first letter, while
JavaScript has small cased first letter. As a result, the name of the method or function
you "call", doesn't match the actual name33. It takes a little while to get used to, but in
the end it makes sense to follow conventions.
Hubs manage clients through an abstraction that is the most straightforward and
easy to understand I've seen. You have two main choices on how to get data from the
server to the clients. One is by returning from a method. This sends the returned data
back to the caller, just like a response to a request. On the client, the returned data is
sent to the "done" callback of a promise, just like a jQuery AJAX-call. Clients can also
specify functions that are callable from the server in the same RPC style as clients call
server methods (Example 7-14). Furthermore, the "Clients" object also has constructs
to access the Caller of a method and to access groups. Groups are similar to
Socket.IO's namespaces (see section 7.1.3).
Example 7-14: Clients can specify functions for the server to invoke.
33Following conventions you would ”call” a function called “someFunc” from the client. The server
has named this “SomeFunc” in order to follow C#’s naming convention.
Project part 1: Hands on development
Each method handles serialization behind the scenes using JSON. This means that
you can send objects back and forth. You can also annotate properties to shorten
property names (to reduce bandwidth usage). To get this back in readable form on
the client, you have to write some manual code [107].
The serialization even handles date objects. I ran into a problem with this, as Date-
objects deserialized as UTC time rather than GMT + 1. Problems with dates therefore
persists, even though it seems like SignalR has solved it at first glance.
7.4.3 Maintainability
SignalR is just a real time layer within a web application, just as Socket.IO. This
means that the only entities you have to test in addition, are the Hubs or the
Persistent Connection classes. While I will focus on the Hubs, most of the principles I
will discuss applies to Persistent Connections as well.
The Hub class, which is the abstract class all Hubs inherit from, is made with
testability in mind. Testing a Hub class directly, is not feasible. This is because you
have to mock the "Clients" object as this has dependencies you don't want in your
test. Such a scenario is not uncommon when writing tests. What you do, is write a
class that derives from the Hub you want to test and make mocks within it [106].
Setting up tests like this allows you to verify all logic within a hub. (Example 7-15).
The site I found information about this also claims that you can test that the Hub
sends out correct values. I was not successful in doing this. This is not critical, as such
functionality is more usually tested through functional tests.
7.4.5 Maturity
The development has gone on for a couple of years, but the library didn't reach 1.0
until early 2013 [109]. One of the benefits of being a Microsoft supported project, is
that it has a strong team working with it. As a results, a 2.0 release surfaced within a
year of 1.0 and both 1.x.x and 2.x.x versions receive updates frequently.
Project part 1: Hands on development
Another sign that Microsoft provides heavy support for SignalR is that it has become
an integrated part of the ASP.NET framework. Newer versions of Visual Studio has
project templates for it. The IDE itself actually uses SignalR for hot code push
functionality [110]. Furthermore, a lot of attention goes into promoting the library at
conferences. All this shows that Microsoft has confidence in the technology.
After the 1.0 release, I find it unlikely that the code platform and structure of SignalR
will undergo any drastic changes. There may be additions, but overall, the current
form of the library is very stable.
One sad thing about SignalR is that you must use IIS8 to harness its full potential.
IIS8 is the only IIS version with support for WebSockets [57].
7.5 Meteor
Meteor is a web application framework with real time in focus. As of writing it has
official versions for Linux and Mac. The unofficial Windows version is a little behind
the official. During my work, this was not the case, and both were version 0.6.3.
Meteor did not have support for MySql at this time, so I used the supported
MongoDB instead. This means that I was not able to use the common functional test
case described in section 6.6.3. Meteor also have integrated support for a client-side
template language. The common user interface described in section 6.6.1 was thus
not used.
7.5.1 Documentation
Even if Meteor is available for Mac and Linux only, the documentation mentions the
unofficial Windows version. It is a little hidden, since you have to go via the
"supported platforms" site [111]. The fact that Meteor only supports UNIX based
operating systems may seem a little weird. But it is only natural, since Node didn't
support Windows in the beginning [112]. In addition, maintaining only one type of
operating system is easier, and makes the development process go faster.
The framework is a work in progress, and parts of it is changing all the time. This
goes for the documentation as well, but I have the impression that updating it isn't
the most prioritized task. Nonetheless, the constant changes makes it a little hard to
follow sometimes. "Does this apply to my version?" was an often asked question. I
knew that I would run into this problem when I chose Meteor, but it could have been
more clear about what's set in stone and what’s not. Node is also a work in progress,
but their documentation does a thorough job at showing the status of different
aspects. Meteor has some red text here and there, a feature that doesn't do the job as
well as Node does (Figure 7-5).
Project part 1: Hands on development
Meteor's documentation features many examples, but also quite a lot of text. This
would be fine if it weren't for the design of the documentation page. All white and
black makes things blend together, making it a little hard to read. Other than that it is
well structured, showing a dynamic menu to the left that shows you where you are at
a given time. Sometimes, this functionality breaks. But since you can navigate by
clicking on any element in the menu, this isn't too much of an inconvenience.
Overall, the documentation is impressively detailed for something that isn't complete.
Maintaining it requires a lot of work besides driving the project itself forward. There
are also a few, simple samples and a few videos that show certain aspects of Meteor.
The samples are well enough, but I found the videos hard to follow. They show a lot of
code in a short amount of time, which isn’t good for learning purposes. It leaves me to
believe that they are more for promotional purposes. You can see one of the videos on
Meteor’s homepages [113].
7.5.2 Simplicity
Simplifying developing web applications is the motivation behind Meteor. Right now,
it is not simple. But I can see that if the smart package system [50] works well, it will
make it possible to write a lot of functionality fast. The concept is that you can build
applications from a collection of packages. Then you write some code to wire it all up.
This makes certain pieces of Meteor applications highly reusable.
Project part 1: Hands on development
With such a high level of abstraction, it feels like there is a lot of magic going on.
Sometimes this is a little confusing. More than once I had to look twice at my code in
my browser’s debugger to make sure that it was what I wrote. Meteor handles
bundling and wrapping of your code before it serves the client. This means that your
code is always wrapped into a scope for you (Example 7-16). I must say that I prefer
to handle this myself, as I think that it makes the code more readable and better
Example 7-16: Meteor wraps your client side files automatically in a scope.
Meteor encourages the declaration of global level34 functions and variables. By doing
so, it isn't always clear what the effects will be. In the above example, the function,
"addItem", ends up in the global scope. If this code was for a package, it would be
global to the package only [50]. Most front-end developers would have second
thoughts on this practice. General JavaScript development discourages the use of
global variables.
Another thing that is a little tricky, because of Meteor's "magic", is structuring files
with respect to dependencies. Files are served to the client in a specific order, based
on how deep they are in the file structure and alphabetical. As a result, you
sometimes have to make an extra folder just to ensure that one file loads before
another. Meteor suggest using packages as a solution for this. I believe that this may
solve the issue. Since support for making your own packages was limited when I
tested Meteor, I was unable to test this.
34If you declare a variable without the keyword “var” in front of it in JavaScript, you declare it globally,
even from within a scope. Outside a scope, it is global even with “var” in front [149].
Project part 1: Hands on development
Many of Meteor's features are revolutionary, but they also feel a little weird. For
instance, publishing a record in the database, makes it available to all clients. The
result is that any change to this data is broadcasted to all clients. As real time goes,
this connection to a data set is unlike anything else. It somewhat resembles
Lightstreamer’s items (see section 7.2.2), but these items are not necessarily
connected to a database.
Another typical real time feature is the ability to send a simple message from server
to client or vice versa. With Meteor it is not possible to do so without involving a data
set. In the test application, I implemented request/response functionality through
Meteor methods (Example 7-17). For messaging from one client to another, this does
not work.
Having direct access to the database from both client and server is something that, as
far as I know, no one has done before. It lets you write database queries on the client.
Security is an obvious issue here, and Meteor has introduced a package for
authentication. It is also encouraged to keep sensitive code on the server.
All in all Meteor offers many new features to web application development. It will be
interesting to follow the project in the future. I think it can get a lot of users, but I
don't see large corporations throwing out the more traditional frameworks to use
Meteor instead.
7.5.3 Maintainability
As of now there is no official testing framework for Meteor. I find it a little worrying
that the roadmap lists this as "In 1.0 if time permits" [74]. Testing is essential to keep
maintainable code, and should be a part of any framework from the beginning.
Especially with a framework with as many tight couplings as Meteor, where almost
everything work together.
Project part 1: Hands on development
Still, there are ways to test an entire Meteor application. As of now, they feel a little
unnatural, like you’re hacking the framework to get it working. My approach was
using Node with Mocha as test runner. Then I used a module called “unit-testling”
[114] that allows you to inject mocks into another module (Example 7-18).
Meteor files are not Node modules. With some files, this was not an issue. But testing
files with global functions was another issue. To make these tests work, I had to add
some test specific code into the files I wanted to test with this method (Example
Testing Meteor is something that will benefit from integration testing of some form.
Laika is a testing framework for Meteor that does just this [115]. Unfortunately, I was
unable to get this working on Windows, but it looks promising. Laika proves that it is
possible to write tests for Meteor in a simple manner. Whenever an official testing
framework surfaces, it will probably resemble Laika in a lot of ways.
Project part 1: Hands on development
As Meteor shares a lot of code between the server and the client, a new problem
occurs. Should you test the code on the server, the client or both? And how do you
test code that triggers a database update on the server from the client? There are
many unanswered questions with Meteor as of now. I believe that the answers will
come soon and that they will be satisfactory. Many developers have fate in the
project35, something they wouldn't if it didn't look promising.
7.5.5 Maturity
The development of the project has been steady since 2011. Recently, it has started to
receive a lot of appraisal from developers, thus boosting the community. In 2012 it
received a substantial financial contribution [117]. This assures that the team can
work on Meteor full time rather than besides other work.
Currently, Meteor is far from ready to be used in production code. Drastic changes to
the API may still occur, and there are no guarantees offered by the documentation
regarding any aspect of the framework. This means that the current state of the
project is only suitable for case studies and hobby projects. With so many
innovations, the framework will also need time to prove itself after it reaches a stable
version. Having database access from the clients is the aspect that really needs to
prove itself. If it turns out to be secure, and if they can support all major databases, it
will no doubt change the way we think of front-end forever.
35A quick Google search reveals a lot of articles and blogs about Meteor. This indicates that Meteor has
the attention of many people in the web development community.
Project part 2:
Load testing
Project part 2: Load testing
8 Methodology
This part will focus on the last two problem statements (see section 1.1). That means
it will be about performance. Both for the individual frameworks and the different
transport mechanisms. I will strive to find out what frameworks has the best
performance. The question of WebSockets versus HTTP will also get a lot of focus.
Project part 2: Load testing
Along with the "initTest" message, the master client sends information about:
What test to run. The "echo" option starts a test where each message received
by the server, is sent back to the caller. The “broadcast” options starts a test
where each message received by the server, is sent to all clients. I ended up just
using the “broadcast” option.
How many clients are connected. Instead of letting the server count this, I find
it easier to just tell it.
The spacing of the x-axis in the graphs generated by the test. Numbers on the
axis represent time intervals in seconds. For instance, the value “0”, represents
the interval from zero to one second if spacing is set to one. I ended up
running short tests, so this value was set to one for all tests.
The start time as recorded client side. To eliminate time differences, the server
records the start time as well. Calculations for client data use the first, while
server data uses the latter.
All messages from the "complete" message and onwards handle exchange of data. At
the end of a test, clients has access to an object with the complete dataset of the test.
This allows me to separate calculations and displaying of the results from the tests
In the previous part of this thesis (see page 33), all communication involved a
database. For the load tests, this is not the case. There was no database involved in
these tests.
Messages received by the server are registered immediately after receiving a message.
The registration of messages sent from the server, happens as close to the send event
itself as possible.
The other telemetry measured automatically by the tests is latency data. Each client
needs to calculate the latency of its own messages. To achieve this, a message gets an
unique ID. This ID is a string built after the following format:
“c:<clientID>m:<number of messages sent by this client>”. For example: the 37th
message of client number 13 has the ID “c:13m:37”.
Project part 2: Load testing
A client registers that it has received a message only once, and calculates the latency
using the timestamp for when it was sent. There is one drawback to this technique: I
have no guarantee that a framework sends a message to the caller first when it
broadcasts. This introduces some insecurity in the values, but not much. The extra
latency will never exceed the time it takes to send a message to all clients.
I have not found any tool that can handle testing real time applications in the manner
I want. The first alternative was therefore not suitable for this thesis.
Most load test setups I have seen use some sort of desktop or console application to
emulate clients. Some examples of this are Crank [118], Apache JMeter [119] and
Gatling [120]. This test however, has many aspects that I have yet to see in any other
I tested five different frameworks. All used WebSockets, but I also tested the different
fallback transports. Each framework expects messages in a different format, and they
all have different ways of connecting a client to the server. Achieving this with console
applications would need a lot of overhead to support it all. WebSockets would need
different code than HTTP as it is a separate protocol. Furthermore, I would have to
manually construct each message to fit the format of a given framework.
A better solution is to make use of the JavaScript clients each framework provides.
Using headless browsers, I could still use a console application. But rather than
acting as clients, this application would just launch a given number of headless
browsers. Sadly, few viable headless browsers exist for my purpose.
Project part 2: Load testing
Phantom is the most widespread, but the current version (1.9) does not support the
newest version of WebSockets [121]. Phantom uses Google WebKit. Slimer is the
Gecko (Mozilla) counterpart. This does support WebSockets, but it is an immature
piece of technology. Also, it is not completely headless yet [122]. I also considered
HtmlUnit [123], but its WebSockets support seems somewhat outdated. The
changelog shows that it got support for it in 2012, but it is not mentioned since [124].
The final option is to use real browsers and have multiple clients in each open
window. This also allows for use of the JavaScript clients each framework provides.
But it is a solution that demands more resources of the client machine. In the end, it
will not be possible to have as many clients with this solution as with the others.
I used 60 clients running in 30 browser instances. Message frequency was set to two
messages per second per client. Message method was set to “broadcast”, resulting in a
message frequency from the server to the clients of 7200 messages per second. The
load this produced is not substantial, but it was enough to generate differences
between both frameworks and transports.
The clients were hosted on my own Asus K55V laptop. It has the following specs:
To host the servers, I used a desktop computer from HP with the following specs:
During each run, the two computers was connected to each other using an Ethernet
cable. The server process was terminated and restarted before all test runs.
Project part 2: Load testing
One of the major benefits of using browsers is that it allows for a lot of shared code on
the client. Eight JavaScript files make up the client-side code. Of these, seven are
shared between every framework. The file “Socket.js” handles communication with
the server and had to be rewritten for each framework. There is a total of 50 tests for
the three main files that handle the tests. This ensures that the client works as
The other JavaScript files handle things like setting up a global namespace and input
events. I could easily verify manually that these aspects were handled correctly. For
this reason I did not write unit tests for these files.
Each of the frameworks needed different servers, but I wanted them to follow a strict
implementation. There are two main entities for registering data: the "loadhub"37 and
the "monitor". 19 and 16 tests respectively ensures that these entities perform to
specification. In addition, most frameworks needed some extra code to wrap these
entities together with sending messages. Play and Lightstreamer, for instance, needed
to serialize data to JSON. They share the class “” for this purpose
(also unit tested).
While the Web API provides charts for each run, it is the average values of several
runs I need. To help with this, I designed a "Chart Merger" application [13]. This
contains a series of (unit tested) functions to extract the average values of different
types of tests. It then presents this in Highcharts graphs. The Chart Merger also
handled the data I gathered manually. All graphs presented in chapter 9 and 10 was
generated using the Chart Merger.
37 I implemented the setup with SignalR first. I therefore chose to use its terminology.
Project part 2: Load testing
Some of the graphs are made from special combinations of the raw data. An example
of such a graph is one with data from multiple transports using a single framework.
All raw data files in the folder “Loadtests/Results/Custom” [13], except one, are files
that generate graphs like this. To for example display a graph from a file with data
from SignalR using both WebSockets and Server-Sent Events, you need to input
“SignalR SSE” in the “Add custom frameworks” text-field. Other framework names
can be written here using a comma-separated list. These have to correspond with
names in the selected JSON file (for browser data).
One exception is the file containing data to display data for messages sent by the
server in the graph representing both messages received by the server and messages
sent by clients. I did this in section 9.3. To reproduce this graph a single line of code
in the Chart Merger application has to be altered. On line 108 in “merger.js”, you
have to add a string in the array to match the series-name: “Messages sent from
server / 60”. I named this custom series this since it represents the number of
messages sent from the server divided by 60.
A final note on graph generation is that the first graph you see, in the Chart Merger,
has the title “Messages sent from clients and received by server pr. second”. However,
in this document you will see only a few graphs with this title. I have not changed any
code to change the title of the other graphs. Instead, a simple image editor was used
to tailor the headings to fit my needs.
8.7 Configurations
With SignalR, IIS benefits from a few configurations. I followed the steps given by the
wiki of SignalR's GitHub page [126].
Lightstreamer required some more work before it was ready for testing. First of all,
the free version limits the number of updates to only one per second [87]. Hence, I
had to upgrade. Weswit proved very helpful, giving me free access to the most
expensive version, the Vivace edition[87].
My initial results showed that Lightstreamer was behind the other frameworks, so I
turned to Weswit for help. Appendix A shows the whole e-mail correspondence
regarding server configuration. One of the critical things I learned from them is that
the JVM needs to warm up before load tests. As a result, tests done with Play and
Lightstreamer ran for 30 seconds before I started recording data. A test of four
minutes showed that the data values stabilized around this mark. Hence, there was
no need for a longer run.
Weswit also helped with a few settings needed for the Lightstreamer server. Not all of
these setting made a difference for me, so I didn’t use all they suggested. The only
tweak I made was setting the attribute “max_delay_millis” to 0.
Project part 2: Load testing
During each test, I captured packages using the following filter: “((ip.dst == and ip.src == or (ip.dst == and ip.src == and (websocket or http or tcp)”. This means that I wanted to see
packages either going from the client machine to the server or the other way.
Furthermore, I only wanted WebSockets, HTTP and TCP traffic.
38If one program is running, it is the only program using the processor. Thus it uses 100% of the
processor’s time.
Project part 2: Load testing
I chose a coarse grained method for monitoring resource usage of the different
frameworks. Therefore, the results for processor- and memory usage shows more
than just the frameworks' usage. A substantial part will belong to the server in some
This method allows me to see what the different servers require of the machines they
run on. In my opinion, this data is more relevant than what the frameworks
themselves use. The server is a part of the total package, and I believe that it is
interesting to see how these perform compared with each other.
No matter what method I used to measure machine resources, I still got an overview
of how each transport performed. This comparison couldn’t have been done across
multiple frameworks anyways. For instance, it would be wrong to say that long-
polling is better than WebSockets based on Socket.IO with long-polling and SockJS
with WebSockets. This is because the two libraries have different implementations.
8.13 Limitations
This section describes various limitations I ran into using the chosen test setup.
8.13.1 Meteor
Meteor has the real time component tightly embedded in its core. This made it
impossible to use more than one client pr. browser without fiddling around with
Meteor’s source code. As this easily could have broken certain aspects of the
framework, I decided to test Meteor’s real time component alone. SockJS therefore
replaces Meteor in this part of the thesis.
Nonetheless, most modern browsers have increased this limit to somewhere between
four and eight [133]. Consequences of this are that I cannot have more than two or
three clients per browser, and I cannot have a high message frequency. If I do, I risk
reaching the maximum number of connections, thus introducing extra latency.
Project part 2: Load testing
Another repercussion is that the number of clients will be limited by the client
machine. An idle browser takes up about 100 megabytes of RAM on my machine.
Considering that each browser will store some data as well, this number grew close to
200 megabytes. My machine was pushed to the limit with 30 browsers running.
To present some more believable results, I have done a calculation of the theoretical
throughput of each test type. The basis for each calculation is a capture with one
client sending ten broadcast messages over two seconds. For these tests, I started the
capture before I navigated to the test page, thus ensuring that all packets were
There are obviously sources of error with this approach as well. Some of the
frameworks may compress data more or send multiple messages in one package
during higher loads. Therefore, I must stress that the results from my calculations do
not take this into consideration. The actual performance of each framework may be
better than what the calculations indicate.
A benefit of doing this is that it allowed me to show results for transports that are not
supported by the frameworks in Firefox. This applies to HTTP-streaming with
SignalR and Server-Sent Events with SockJS. Keep in mind that there may be some
differences between how browsers handle different transport mechanisms. Still, it
gives an indication.
Project part 2: Load testing
I performed two tests with each framework to look into this. One connected 1000
clients evenly spread across 10 browsers to the server. The other connected 4500
clients. This used 25 browsers with 180 clients in each. 4500 clients may seem like an
odd number, but there are some reasons for it. I ran some tests, to see how many
clients I could connect in a single browser. This was stable up to around 200 using
Socket.IO. After this, some connections were refused. With a safety margin of 20, I
ended up with 180 clients pr. browser.
My computer was able to handle about 30 instances of Firefox. Since these test
would use three times as many clients per browser (60 in the other load tests), I
wanted to add a safety margin here as well. To be safe, I landed on 25 browsers.
Another reason for this decision is that I have more than one client in each browser.
That means that most of the fields in the message gets updated for every new
message that arrives. Therefore, the gain of having the ability to update single fields
becomes almost neglectable.
Project part 2: Load testing
9 Results
This chapter describes the results of the load tests. Each graph shows the average
values of the ten test runs for each framework/transport combination. For the results
regarding messages, I only show a selection of graphs. The graphs I show, highlight
some general trends in the results as well as anomalies I experienced. All standard
graphs39 generated by the raw data can be viewed in Appendix B. An analysis of the
results is given in the next chapter.
The bar charts presented in this thesis have some values that may appear to be 0.
This is not the case. That there is no bar means that the particular framework does
not offer the particular transport.
Chapter 10 gives further insight into the data presented in the graphs below. There I
use tables to show the highest and lowest recorded values as well as the average.
39 A standard graph is a graph generated from the raw data in the folder “Loadtests/Results/High
40 All data past the value “14” on the x-axis is after 15 seconds since 14 represents the interval from 14
to 15 seconds.
Project part 2: Load testing
Some tests had a lot more overtime than just one second. The graph below (Figure
9-2) shows results from runs using polling. As you can see, the results from Socket.IO
stand out from the rest with as much as ten seconds overtime. This behavior was
consistent through all the test runs. The Lightstreamer results were also consistent.
The results from HTTP-streaming show a lot of overtime for Lightstreamer (Figure
9-3). This reflects only one run that lasted seven seconds too long. None of the other
runs replicated this effect, but they still ran one or two seconds past the 15 expected
Project part 2: Load testing
Figure 9-4: Messages sent from clients and received by server using long-polling.
Again, there are some anomalies. Figure 9-5 shows the WebSockets results for
Lightstreamer. There are some deviations between messages sent and messages
received. The difference is not significant, but it is enough to show that something is
off. I will discuss possible reasons for such variations in the Analysis chapter.
Figure 9-5: Messages sent from clients and received by server with Lightstreamer WebSockets.
Project part 2: Load testing
While most of the variations are small, polling is the largest source of anomalies. The
clearest example of this is Lightstreamer (Figure 9-5). It seems like the server worked
in intervals, with peaks of more than 130 and bottoms of 105 received messages.
These are variations of up to 12,5%41, which is quite significant.
Figure 9-6: Messages sent by server (divided by 60), corresponds with messages received.
41 I expected 120 messages, but 130 is 15 more while 105 is 15 less. A variation of 15 / 120 = 12,5%.
Project part 2: Load testing
I did not warm up the servers for SignalR, Socket.IO and SockJS before any of the
test runs. Looking at the results in this section, it seems that they may have benefitted
from this after all. The most accurate results are therefore the ones recorded from five
seconds and onwards.
9.4.1 WebSockets
Both the Play- and SockJS implementations rely on some manual client handling.
Broadcasting messages with these frameworks relies on a loop construct. The other
three have internal mechanisms that handle this. Figure 9-7 shows a clear divide
between the Play and SockJS and the other three. Of the best three, Socket.IO had the
best performance as it stabilized around five milliseconds. Lightstreamer and SignalR
follow each other closely, but did not stabilize in the same manner. On average, they
had a latency of a little less than 20 milliseconds, with some peaks going above 25.
Project part 2: Load testing
Figure 9-8: Average latency of SignalR with Server-Sent Events and WebSockets.
9.4.3 Http-streaming
In section 9.1, I mentioned that only one run with Lightstreamer had seven seconds
of overtime. The graph shown in Figure 9-9 reflects this fact, as the latency increases
a lot towards the end. As the other runs never passed two seconds of overtime, the
data from 18 to 21 seconds should be disregarded. Prior to the 18 second mark,
Lightstreamer performs well with HTTP-streaming. The latency is higher than
WebSockets, but not as much as one might expect. SockJS displays the same
42 With Firefox this is the case. SockJS has support for Server-Sent Events with Opera [48].
Project part 2: Load testing
9.4.4 Long-Polling
As with WebSockets, Socket.IO outperforms the other frameworks with long-polling.
However, as the graph shows (Figure 9-10), SignalR's latency decreases throughout
the duration of the test. As discussed in the introduction to this section, I did not
warm up the server for SignalR. The other transports with SignalR showed a
stabilization after five seconds. With long-polling, this is not the case, even though it
seems to be stabilizing a little around the ten seconds mark.
Project part 2: Load testing
9.4.5 Polling
Once again, polling is the greatest source of deviating results. As the graph (Figure
9-11) shows, Lightstreamer has a dramatic increase in latency towards the end, even
with WS-polling. Socket.IO also has a peak with twice as much latency as the rest of
the test. In the stable part of the graph, we see that Socket.IO does not handle polling
Polling using WebSockets is more efficient than using HTTP by about 100
milliseconds. This is not surprising, but I still don't see the use case for this
technique. As a browser has to support WebSockets to use it, it should be compared
to streaming using WebSockets. Figure (Figure 9-12) compares the two, and it is
obvious that WebSockets perform best when streaming data. Polling over
WebSockets degrades performance more than three times on average.
Figure 9-12: Average latency with Lightstreamer using WebSockets and polling over WebSockets.
Project part 2: Load testing
There is one source of error in the results. I measured the memory consumption at
the end of the test. While I did not see any drops during the tests, there was some
drops that occurred just after the test finished. Some of the raw data stands out from
the rest because of this.
Project part 2: Load testing
The next graph is the data I calculated. (Figure 9-16). It shows that SignalR sends
more data than any of the other frameworks. It also gives a clear indication that the
streaming techniques use a lot less network traffic than polling and long-polling.
There is one result that stands out from the general trend. Server-Sent Events with
SockJS uses more than twice that of WebSockets and HTTP-streaming.
Project part 2: Load testing
I was not able to get any results with 4500 clients using Lightstreamer. At around
2500 clients, the browsers used so much memory that my computer crashed.
Project part 2: Load testing
10 Analysis
In this chapter, I discuss the results of the tests. I will try to provide plausible
explanations to the anomalies in the results. The meaning of the results will also be
discussed. Explanations are the result of my own experiences and opinions.
Looking at any graph about message frequency, one can see some minor drops. These
are most likely the result of either concurrency issues or timing. Thread proofing any
application is not an easy task, even for experienced developers. It is likely that my
code has one or more weak spots in this matter. This may have caused some
messages to be skipped by the logging mechanism, resulting in a minor drop in the
Time issues can have surfaced even though I used a separate start time for clients and
the server (as described in section 8.1). The clients start time was set before the call to
the "initTest" procedure. With SignalR, I observed that this took some time to
respond, which explains the one second overtime each test with this framework had.
The other frameworks also had some occurrences of this, resulting in an average
result with one second overtime.
Project part 2: Load testing
The table below (Table 10-1) shows data for messages sent by the clients. Most cases
show an average number that is smaller than the expected 120. All these are the result
of tests that went into overtime.
Long WS-
Framework Polling Streaming Sent WebSockets
polling polling
High: 120 120 120
SignalR Low: - 2 - 18 2 -
Average: 113 112 112
High: 120 120 120
Socket.IO Low: 2 4 - - 120 -
Average: 72 113 120
High: 120 120 120
SockJS Low: - 120 4 - 4 -
Average: 120 107 114
High: 120
Play Low: - - - - 120 -
Average: 120
High: 120 120 120 120
Lightstreamer Low: 2 - 2 - 44 1
Average: 111 88 114 109
Table 10-1: Messages sent by clients.
While Socket.IO had 120 as highest number for polling, its average is a lot lower. As
you see from Figure 9-2, it was far beneath the expected frequency throughout the
test. A probable explanation to this behavior is a combination of two things. First,
that the server took a long time to respond to a poll request. The captured network
traffic indicate that several messages often was bundled into a single response. This
operation requires time on Node's singe thread, and may have blocked other
incoming requests for a short period of time. As a result, the clients may have reached
six outgoing requests which is Firefox's maximum [133]. Together, these phenomena
result in a queue of request forming at both the clients and the server. Then, ten
seconds of overtime isn't too improbable.
The client’s single threaded nature, can cause some issues. If the server has a peak in
messages sent, which some results show, the client suddenly receives a lot more
work. This can push subsequent “send”-calls far down the call stack, resulting in a
frequency drop.
Explaining what happens towards the end of each run with Lightstreamer is rather
hard. All runs show unstable frequencies. The tests I ran with all frameworks to see
the resource usage with many idle clients using WebSockets may have revealed a
possible reason. With Lightstreamer, I was not able to connect more than about 2500
clients before the browsers used all my computer’s memory. None of the other
frameworks displayed this behavior. This may indicate that there is a memory leak in
the Lightstreamer client library. If this is the case, it can impact the clients abilities.
But, as I have no clear indications towards this, it remains pure speculation.
Project part 2: Load testing
Project part 2: Load testing
The next table (Table 10-2) shows data for messages received by the server. There are
some single runs with intervals with more than 120 messages received for some
frameworks and transports. SignalR had this behavior for both Server-Sent Events
and WebSockets. Both cases had this as the number for the interval from one to two
seconds. Both followed a first second with close to 110 received messages. In section
9.4, I mentioned that SignalR could have benefitted from a warm up of the server.
This behavior seems to support this.
Long WS-
Framework Polling Streaming Sent WebSockets
polling polling
High: 120 127 127
SignalR Low: - 4 - 2 2 -
Average: 113 112 112
High: 110 120 120
Socket.IO Low: 1 2 - - 120 -
Average: 72 113 120
High: 120 133 120
SockJS Low: - 120 4 - 27 -
Average: 120 107 113
High: 120
Play Low: - - - - 120 -
Average: 120
High: 269 130 120 122
Lightstreamer Low: 0 - 4 - 2 2
Average: 111 88 117 100
Table 10-2: Messages received by server.
With HTTP-streaming, we see some high peaks occurring more than once. Looking at
the network captures for these cases, it appears that some responses to incoming
POSTs were sent rather late. It is not possible to tell for sure, since the capture says
nothing about what browser a request and response belonged to. Nor does it say what
specific request a response belongs to. If some responses were slow, it may have
caused the clients to reach the connection limit.
Project part 2: Load testing
The final table regarding message frequency (Table 10-3), shows messages sent from
the server. This data is proportional to messages received, and indicate that each
server managed to send messages out at the same pace as it received them. The most
obvious anomaly is also seen in the previous table.
Long WS-
Framework Polling Streaming Sent WebSockets
polling polling
High: 7320 7620 7620
SignalR Low: - 60 - 120 360 -
Average: 6746 6741 6777
High: 6540 7200 7200
Socket.IO Low: 120 120 - - 7200 -
Average: 4350 6785 7200
High: 7200 7560 7200
SockJS Low: - 7200 240 - 1620 -
Average: 7200 6411 6823
High: 7200
Play Low: - - - - 7200 -
Average: 7200
High: 15060 7920 7200 7320
Lightstreamer Low: 0 - 120 - 120 120
Average: 111 5262 7013 6001
Table 10-3: Messages sent from server.
Network captures from these runs show that it is not because of a registration error.
In the intervals in question, there actually are no messages going out from the server.
At the same time, only a few POST requests are sent as well. Since there is no drop in
send frequency, it seems that the send timestamp has been set correctly. The only
explanation then is that something happened with the “send” routine of
Lightstreamer’s client library. This may have resulted in a delay for most of the POST
Project part 2: Load testing
The table and graph presented in this section used the average values from the fifth
second to the 14th–a ten second span43. There are two main reasons for this: Some
frameworks had anomalies in the first couple of seconds, indicating that they could
have benefitted from a warm up period. Others had anomalies towards the end with a
lot of overtime. The most representative results are in the interval that the table is
based on.
10.2.1 Frameworks
The relationship between the frameworks is consistent for almost all the results
(Table 10-4). Socket.IO and polling is the only combination that deviates. Otherwise,
each framework's "rank" using WebSockets remains the same across all transports:
1st: Socket.IO.
2nd: Lightstreamer.
3rd: SignalR.
4th: SockJS.
5th: Play.
Long WS-
Framework Polling Streaming Sent WebSockets
polling polling
High: 155,4 27,1 23,6
SignalR Low: - 113,7 - 14,1 14,2 -
Average: 134,8 18,1 18,4
High: 666,8 58,1 7,4
Socket.IO Low: 553,5 48,8 - - 5,3 -
Average: 605,6 52,6 6,0
High: 223,3 172,9 63,1
SockJS Low: - 215,3 86,5 - 59,2 -
Average: 198,6 120,0 61,2
High: 85,4
Play Low: - - - - 69,9 -
Average: 75,9
High: 247,9 49,5 29,0 79,5
Lightstreamer Low: 98,1 - 22,8 - 12,9 44,4
Average: 161,7 33,1 17,8 61,8
Table 10-4: Average latency in milliseconds.
43 This represents the interval from 5 seconds up t0, but not including 15 seconds.
Project part 2: Load testing
Even though Socket.IO ran 10 seconds too long using polling, it is a little strange that
the latency is so much more than long-polling. Lightstreamer's latency increases by a
factor of 4,89 from streaming to polling44. Moving from long-polling to polling shows
a factor of 11,5145 for Socket.IO. Inspecting the network traffic reveals a probable
cause. Both frameworks bundle several messages into single responses. But the
captures for Lightstreamer has almost double the amount of packages. This indicates
that Socket.IO bundles more messages into single responses than what Lightstreamer
does. Doing this costs time, resulting in the higher latency.
Socket.IO in general performs better than Lightstreamer and SignalR in the tests.
With a higher load this would probably not be the case. A single threaded server will
most likely not be able to handle the same amount of load as one with many threads.
On the other hand, one can run several Node instances for the same resource cost as a
single IIS or Lightstreamer server. This case is outside the scope of this thesis.
Both Play and SockJS are more manual approaches. SockJS handles many real time
features, but broadcasting is not something it supports out of the box. These
frameworks relied on a loop to send messages to all clients, a solution that is
obviously not optimal. As a result, they are far behind the others. An observation that
is very clear if you compare SockJS to Socket.IO. Both run on Node, but Socket.IO is
a lot faster. Even Socket.IO’s long-polling beats SockJS's WebSockets.
Across all frameworks, WebSockets is the transport that performs best. The only
exception is Server-Sent Events that perform just as well46. HTTP-streaming isn't far
behind, but here it’s a clear increase in latency. Long-polling and polling are, without
doubt, a lot slower than any streaming technique–WebSockets or not.
just as good.
Project part 2: Load testing
Riley-Land claims that the results are "in the same order of magnitude" [136]. His
results show that WebSockets are 31%47 faster. I disagree a little with his conclusion
as I consider 31% a clear difference. However, with the substantial load in his tests, I
can see that the difference in latency per message is quite small. Another blog post
[138] showed complete opposite results–showing that Server-Sent Events were
better. This used a proxy with beta stage support for WebSockets, so I don't count
these results as reliable.
47WebSockets averaged 374,64 milliseconds. Server Sent Events averaged 490,44 milliseconds. 374,64
+ 31% = 490,44.
Project part 2: Load testing
Server-Sent Events and WebSockets are both HTML5 APIs. A question that came to
my mind is: Do we need both?. Server-Sent Events is simpler to implement than
WebSockets. It has a more powerful API and server side it uses normal HTTP. With
that in mind, I also support this opinion. But with a framework such as SignalR, this
argument is invalid, since it handles the transport of messages for you. Still, for pure
push applications, I can see the benefit of using Server-Sent Events.
The use of WebSockets to do polling is not meant for a push dominated application. I
don’t see why it is part of the Lightstreamer stack, since the connections are kept
open just as with streaming. The only difference is that the client has to send a poll
message over the WebSocket connection to get data. The result is that the
performance drops and streaming over HTTP becomes a better alternative.
Table 10-5 gives an overview of resource usage data collected from the graphs in
Figure 9-13 and Figure 9-14. There are some interesting aspects in these results.
SockJS uses more processor than Socket.IO with WebSockets, but less with long-
polling. Except for this, the general trend is the same as for latency: the "rank" with
WebSockets remains for the other transports.
SockJS uses a library for its WebSockets support: Faye [139], whereas the rest is built
from scratch. But since long-polling uses less than HTTP-streaming as well, I do not
think this is the reason. It may be part of it. How Node handles HTTP-streaming may
also be the cause. But since Socket.IO didn’t support HTTP-streaming, there is no
way to know for sure.
Project part 2: Load testing
Long WS-
Framework Polling Streaming Sent WebSockets
polling polling
Processor: 58,7% 37,6% 37,9%
SignalR - - -
Memory: 171 KB 165 KB 144 KB
Processor: 8,2% 14,8% 14,3%
Socket.IO - - -
Memory: 32 KB 32 KB 35 KB
Processor: 10,7 % 21,9% 17,1%
SockJS - - -
Memory: 32 KB 31 KB 32 KB
Processor: 32,1%
Play - - - - -
Memory: 137 KB
Processor: 26,2% 21,6% 47,8%
Lightstreamer 888 - -
Memory: 107 KB 110 KB 209 KB
Table 10-5: Resource usage of all frameworks and transports.
Another thing that stands out is that Play uses more resources than Lightstreamer. As
Play is the most bare implementation, I did not expect this. Obviously, the
Lightstreamer server has a more lightweight implementation than the server Play
It is a trend in the data that the use of machine resources increases as the transport
moves farther from WebSockets48. Except from polling with Lightstreamer it’s
nothing dramatic. But there are some exceptions. Some transports even use a little
less of either processor or memory than WebSockets. This difference, is so small that
it can be counted as equal. This means that for example Server-Sent Events use just
as much processor as WebSockets.
WS-polling use twice the amount of resources as streaming with WebSockets with
Lightstreamer, which is a little strange. That it uses more processing power isn't too
unlikely, but the extra memory is. It uses the same amount of open connections as
streaming with WebSockets. Handling polling may require some sort of mechanism
that streaming doesn't need. This can explain the extra memory usage. But it does not
explain why polling over HTTP takes up more than four times as much as over
Despite the presence of a garbage collector, memory leaks can occur in Java
programs [140]. With an immature framework, I could have believed this to be the
cause. But with a 14 year old framework, it is hard to believe. No other combination of
transport and framework shows the same increase in resource usage as with
Lightstreamer. In my opinion, this makes a memory leak plausible.
48 As you move through Server-Sent Events, HTTP-streaming, long-polling and polling you get farther
from WebSockets.
Project part 2: Load testing
Unfortunately, the polling results of Socket.IO cannot be deemed accurate. The server
used less resources, but as the test took ten seconds longer, the results cannot be
compared to Lightstreamer, which is the only other framework with support for
polling in Firefox.
Long WS-
Polling Streaming Sent WebSockets
polling polling
Calculated: 220M 95M 94M 65M
SignalR - -
Captured: 49M - 45M 45M
Calculated: 105M 104M 27M
Socket.IO - - -
Captured: 31M 30M 30M
Calculated: 125M 29M 70M 27M
SockJS - -
Captured: 27M 27M - 31M
Calculated: 36M 28M
Play - - - -
Captured: - 26M
Calculated: 188M 42M 29M 68M
Lightstreamer - -
Captured: 65M 32M 29M 36M
Table 10-6: Both captured and calculated network traffic.
As long-polling and polling don't have an open connection throughout the test, the
captures of these two transports should be correct. The case with SignalR shows that
these cannot be trusted either. Still, the difference between the calculations and the
captured results are substantial for most transports. WebSockets actually turned out
to be closest to the theoretical throughput.
Using a short run with only one client as basis for calculating, introduces possible
differences with a full run. I have already described behavior where several messages
have been put into single responses (see section 10.1). This is a common way of
saving network usage, and it is likely that all frameworks do this across all transports.
Project part 2: Load testing
So the calculated data does not take message compression into consideration. Nor
does it consider any altered behavior in cursor messages such as SignalR sends. But
the data is an accurate representation of the theoretical throughput. The only
presumption is that communication remains the same. Keeping this in mind,
comparing frameworks and transports on this basis is a valid method in my opinion.
29066 bytes was captured with Server-Sent Events. More than twice the amount of
bytes as for WebSockets. But the calculations show 93,57 million bytes, only 1,4 times
as much. This makes it seem that the overhead has decreased.
If we look at the behavior of the two cases, the capture and the full test, the reason
becomes clear. The small test used for the capture sent the same amount of messages
as it received back at the clients. In the full test, as you can see from Figure 10-2, this
is not the case at all. Here, each message sent to the server results in a broadcast to all
Messages to server
Messages from server
Figure 10-2: Piechart that shows relationship between messages to and from the server.
Since messages going from the server use an already open connection, there is no
header data. Only the messages from the clients has this. With non-streaming
techniques, receiving from the server involves a GET or POST request first. Then you
get the extra overhead also for the messages going from the server.
Project part 2: Load testing
This does not implicate that pure push HTTP-technologies match WebSockets's byte
usage. Every framework "spends" more bytes sending a message over a streaming
connection than over WebSockets. Most of the frameworks show that HTTP-
streaming or Server-Sent Events use around 30-50% more on average. SockJS is an
exception to this. Here HTTP-streaming use the same as WebSockets. As the
WebSockets part of SockJS use another library, it is not possible to tell if this is
The graph in Figure 10-3 shows how the memory usage will develop if it increases
with a factor of 1,88 while clients increase with a factor of 4,5. When it closes on two
million clients, it approaches a memory usage of 2,9 gigabytes49. Two million
concurrent clients is a lot for most web pages. But, if a static web page has this many
idle clients at once, it will not affect the server at all if it uses traditional HTTP. If it
uses WebSockets to serve content to all clients, the idle connections take up 2,9
unnecessary gigabytes of memory.
Project part 2: Load testing
Memory usage in kilobytes
1000 4500 20250 91125 410063 1845284
Number of clients
Figure 10-3: Theoretical development of memory usage of idle WebSockets clients with Play.
This thesis has established the fact that WebSockets is faster than request/response
based HTTP. But seeing the extra memory usage, the tradeoff is not large enough.
Furthermore, my tests focused on real time use cases. For a web page without real
time content, the differences in latency would be minimal.
Another benefit of WebSockets we have seen is that it has less overhead. Using the
protocol as basis for a new standard for all client/server communication, much of this
benefit disappears. WebSockets does not have headers in the same sense as HTTP. To
implement a similar request/response pattern as HTTP with WebSockets, this would
have to be added to the protocol.
These are the main reasons why WebSockets is a separate protocol designed for real
time only. The background gave a brief overview of the upcoming HTTP/2.0
specification (see section 2.3). While this specification proposes changes to HTTP,
including push behavior [21], it does not mention WebSockets.
In my opinion, all web pages should use bundling and minification of CSS and
JavaScript. This means that all the code is compressed into two single files: one for
CSS and one for JavaScript. As a result, a browser can get a whole web page using a
minimum of three requests. Any images, videos, etc. will increase this number. Doing
this allows for better utilization of HTTP. This makes the benefits of WebSockets
decrease even more for static web.
Project part 2: Load testing
While WebSockets may never become the basis for a new generation of HTTP, the
results from the idle connections experiment has a side effect. Idle WebSockets
connection take up resources. Some real time applications may not need to send
updates to the clients all the time. With a set, rather large, interval that developers
know, polling might actually be a better choice. No resources will be wasted serving
idle connections, and users get their data when they need it.
At such low loads, the extra network traffic becomes insignificant. An application
with an interval so large that polling becomes better than WebSockets is not a
common case. To keep the benefit, messages going from the client to the server
should be in the same order of magnitude. Introducing broadcasting quickly makes
WebSockets a better choice with respect to network traffic.
11 Frameworks
This chapter covers the problem statements regarding the different frameworks. The
problem statements are reproduced in the paragraphs below. Before drawing up the
final conclusion for each, I will summarize experiences made during the project.
I: How are the frameworks that are featured in this thesis with respect to
Socket.IO is built according to the mantra of Node [62]. It is a lightweight library for
real time. The communication interface uses events, which are easy to relate to and
work with in JavaScript. Writing automated tests for event driven applications can be
tricky. This is no issue with Socket.IO as it provides a client library for Node that you
can use for integration tests. There are also ways of writing unit tests.
The RPC model of the .NET library SignalR is clever and intriguing. Calling a function
from the server and vice versa, is even simpler to relate to than events. Some
frameworks that has "magic" going on behind the scenes like SignalR, can get
confusing. With SignalR, this is not the case, especially because of the thorough
documentation. Plenty of tutorials makes getting started with SignalR a breeze. And if
you are an experienced .NET developer, you should have no trouble using it.
Table 11-1 shows a score representation of each usability aspect for all frameworks. I
have set the score on a scale from one to ten, based on the results described in
chapter 7. One small note is that while Lightstreamer is the oldest framework by far,
it has a maturity score of only 8. This reflects that I think it has become too mature.
Framework Documentation Simplicity Maintainability Maturity
Socket.IO 7 10 9 10 8
Lightstreamer 8 6 9 10 8
Play 9 5 8 10 7
SignalR 9 10 9 10 9
Meteor 6 7 5 10 3
Table 11-1: Each framework's overall score for each usability criteria.
SignalR and Socket.IO stand out as the most enjoyable frameworks to work with.
They both provide a simple, yet powerful programming model. Fallbacks to older
transports, as well as serialization of data, happens behind the scenes no matter
which you use. As I find SignalR’s documentation to be a little better than
Socket.IO’s, SignalR is the most usable framework in my opinion. It is also a little
more mature.
When it came to network performance, Socket.IO, once again, was on the top.
However, it does not support HTTP-streaming as fallback. As a result, all frameworks
first fallback50 is better than Socket.IO's.
SignalR is behind all the others when it comes to network usage, which is due to how
it handles messages. Other data than just the message payload, like cursors, is sent
with each message.
Table 11-2 shows a similar score representation as Table 11-1 for the different
performance aspects. I have left message frequency out as there were some anomalies
in this category. These anomalies were probably because of my test setup or
implementation. As all the frameworks have different transports, WebSockets
performance was the main basis of the scores.
50The ”first” fallback is the first transport a framework will try to fall back to if WebSockets is not
Based on the tests performed in this thesis, Socket.IO has the best performance
regardless of platform. Lightstreamer is not far behind and it is the best Java-based
framework. It is also better than SignalR, the only C# framework featured in this
thesis. SignalR ran on IIS8 for all the tests. Using OWIN to host the server might
increase performance with respect to memory consumption and processor usage.
III: Are there any real time web applications that may benefit from not
using the aid a framework provides?
Play gave me insight into how it is to implement real time almost without support.
This was a far more complicated process than with most of the other frameworks.
Lightstreamer was actually not far behind the complexity of the Play application. But
when you look at the whole picture, Lightstreamer offers a lot more than Play. Play
has no client handling, no serialization, no reconnect mechanism and no fallbacks out
of the box. My application only offered two fallbacks. Introducing more, would
introduce more complexity.
However, there is another aspect to consider when it comes to building real time
applications. File sizes may be important to certain types of scenarios. For instance if
you are developing for mobile devices or if the application will be deployed in a low
bandwidth environment. As the client side code with Play is without any library
dependencies, it is a lot smaller in size than with any of the other frameworks.
This leads me to the conclusion that you want to use a framework if the size of client
files offered by it is acceptable. Even if fallbacks are not required, it is harder to build
real time functionality manually. A framework also provides more flexibility. If
fallbacks become a requirement after all, it is already there.
IV: Does WebSockets outperform the old, established HTTP methods for
real time in terms of network usage, message latency and use of machine
My tests had a strong focus on server to client communication. The other way around,
HTTP relies on normal requests. Long-polling and polling are a lot slower than
WebSockets. Therefore, I have reason to believe that WebSockets is far better for
applications with a higher percentage of client to server communication.
This also applies to network traffic. HTTP-streaming and Server-Sent Events almost
keep up with WebSockets in push focused applications. The more client to server
communication you get, the bigger the benefit of WebSockets.
For real time applications with high message frequency, WebSockets require less
memory and processor than HTTP. As the frequency decreases, the more memory the
server wastes serving idle connections. With a large enough interval between updates,
that the developers know up front, polling can be a good choice. There are not too
many use cases that are like this, however.
Based on the observations I have made, WebSockets is better than HTTP in every
aspect for real time applications. But for pure push applications, I will not say that
WebSockets outperforms HTTP, even though it is better. With respect to client to
server communication, there is no doubt that WebSockets is faster and use less
resources. Some rare cases with a large push interval and little client to server
communication, can cause polling to be a better choice than WebSockets.
HTTP/2.0 incorporates an idea from real time, with the ability to push data to clients.
But the protocol remains unidirectional. If developers take care to bundle and minify
CSS and JavaScript, the loading of web pages will become faster with HTTP/2.0.
Meteor uses real time for every aspect of client/server communication, but it serves
files via normal HTTP. Still, it seems that the developers believe in WebSockets for all
communication in their applications. With real time so central, I think that Meteor is
most suitable for applications with many real time components.
HTTP/2.0 surfaced during the initial research for this thesis. At the time, I saw
benefits of using WebSockets instead of HTTP for some aspects. But with the current
draft of HTTP/2.0, I cannot see a future where WebSockets become an all purpose
protocol. It was built as a protocol for real time, and that is what it should remain in
my opinion.
13 Further work
This thesis has a lot of potential for further work. In this chapter, I describe possible
projects that can build upon the work I have done.
13.1 Scalability
My work focused on usability as well as performance. In retrospect, it would be
interesting to focus on performance alone. The tests I performed show clear trends
between frameworks and transports. But important aspects, such as scaling, are not
To be able to handle this, one have to change the approach. Using real browsers is not
an alternative. The preferable client is a headless browser with full support for
WebSockets. In a not too distant future, both Slimer and Phantom should be
applicable. If not, the use of console applications is almost just as good. Both will
allow for more clients on a single machine. Even more if you use more machines.
If I were to do this project, I would have changed the way I collected some of the data.
This thesis used message frequency to see if and when messages were lost. For a
larger test, one should only measure the “if”-part. In other words, the server would
just count the number of messages, not divide them into time intervals.
An interesting case would be to run tests with many more clients than I had, that
focus on just one message direction at a time. One test for server to client and one for
client to server. The first will compare WebSockets to HTTP-streaming and Server-
Sent Events. From client to server you need to compare WebSockets to either POST
or GET requests.
A project of this nature should not focus on different frameworks. To make it as even
as possible, one should keep to one platform.
The ideal setup would have the same amount of Node servers as the other
frameworks have available threads. All Node servers should run on the same
machine. Further testing can involve the use of different load balancers for the Node
SignalR does not depend on IIS. It can use OWIN for self hosting [141]. This should
make the server a lot more nimble. Testing this versus both Lightstreamer and a
Node cluster could make this project even more interesting.
Depending on the time at hand, the work you can do with this is enormous. Further
expansion can use a more advanced setup. You can introduce several servers for
Lightstreamer and SignalR, running on several machines. The same machines can
host one Node cluster each.
This would require many clients to be able to get viable data. Maybe as many as
100000 or more. Hence, you will need access to a great number of machines. The way
you collect data will also have to be changed to fit the setup. A simple solution is to
have the servers send a set number of messages as fast as possible, and then measure
the time. You can also turn this around and have the clients send messages to the
13.4 Atmosphere
Over the last year and a half, Atmosphere has gained popularity. Lightstreamer was
my Java alternative for real time. This framework has a different approach than
Atmosphere. Atmosphere builds on the same concepts as Socket.IO and SignalR.
Using those three frameworks as basis for a project, one could get a true showdown of
platforms; Java, Node and ASP.NET/C#. One can use several approaches, but I think
there should be a strong focus on performance. During my work, I learned a lot about
the usability of the frameworks during the performance tests. A project with a load
test of these three frameworks would require development with each. Experiences
from this work can then be shared in the same manner as in part one of my project
(see from page 33).
13.5 HTTP/2.0
"Can HTTP/2.0 improve existing HTTP methods for real time?" This would be an
interesting problem statement for a project based on this thesis. Doing the same,
small scale tests, one can compare my data to data recorded for HTTP/2.o. To get a
better picture, one can perform more large scale tests focusing on push.
A technique like long-polling should be able to benefit a lot from the push mechanism
in HTTP/2.0. Maybe it can be used almost like Server-Sent Events? If that is the case,
one should see how it performs. A result showing that long-polling over HTTP/2.0
perform just as well as Server-Sent Events, would be intriguing.
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Appendix A: E-mail
communication with Weswit
The following is the e-mail communication between myself and Weswit regarding
settings for the Lightstreamer Server.
Hello Kristian,
While I start looking at your project, could you please send me the server
configuration file?
Also, can you tell me the specs of the hardware running the tests?
Simone Fabiano
Software Engineer
HI Kristian,
Just thought I should let you know that running the test over a longer timeperiod
gave very improved results. After about 20 seconds, the latency stabilizes in the range
of 15-25 ms. This is about the same performance as SignalR.
Hi Kristian,
I've run your tests with a few tweaks using two laptops attached to our local LAN via
cable. I tested Socket.IO and Lightstreamer to have a reference on such different
I didn't use your chart server because I didn't have the chance to setup IIS on my
machine, so I added a simple average calculation directly on the client code. Also I
didn't limit the number of updates (I set it to 1000) and I made my code calculate the
average latency every 100 updates (after 100 updates it resets itself). Then I gathered
the average from each browser for the updates 301 to 400 and I came up with
basically the same value for both Lightstreamer (136.586ms) and Socket.IO
I changed VM configuration to use the G1 garbage collector and set a max pause of
5ms (don't do this unless you're using at least Java 7 as with previous VM the G1 gave
some weird results). To do that edit the LS.bat file from the bin/windows folder of the
lightstreamer installation and add -XX:+UseG1GC -
XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=5 to the JAVA_OPTS variable.
I disabled the delta delivery of Lightstreamer: using json updates this feature is
completely useless. In the conf/lightstreamer_conf.xml file search for the
delta_delivery option and set it N (<delta_delivery>N</delta_delivery>)
I disabled the log. Not sure if this had any impact at all but I decided to simplify the
As I already told you I got the values after a few minutes in order to properly warm up
the JVM
At that point I was thinking about upgrading the Java JSON parser version (there is a
newer one, 2.2.3) but I preferred to skip that step.
Limiting the test to 60 connections prevent the test to actually verify the scalability of
the various servers. (obviously I'm pretty confident in the Lightreamer scalability but
this is a general observation)
Using browsers to run load tests is probably not the right choice as you're adding a lot
of overhead to each client. We usually prefer to use java clients when we have to run
our load tests. (currently our own java library does not support websockets, and I'm
not sure about java clients, anyway I wrote a very simple java client for a test
once. It's not general purpose but it can easily be adapted I suppose. I also suppose
you've not enough time for this :-) anyway see )
My final note is about the messages you use to calculate the latency: I see that each
client calculates the latency only considering the messages sent by itself. This may
theoretically give you mixed results based on how a server implements its logic:
imagine what happens if a server always send a message back to the client that
originated it first and only after starts to send the same updates to all the other
clients. (Noite that I didn't change that for my calculations)
Simone Fabiano
Software Engineer
Weswit ::
Lightstreamer ::
Skype: w.simone.fabiano
Lightstreamer, selected Cool Vendor by Gartner, is the most advanced server for real-time bi-directional data
delivery over the Web. More Than Just WebSockets...
I just tried to do a couple of long running test (4 minutes) with the tweaks you
suggested. It does not seem to improve the results I got yesterday when I ran my tests
longer (but with no other tweaks except from the max_delay_millis setting set to 0).
There are minimums as low as 9ms and peaks as high as 30ms, but the average is a
little under 20 (which is around the same as SignalR).
So, maybe the tweaks have no effect on my system (since it doesn't have a lot of
performance), or the low load makes it take no effect. Anyways, I will bring your
results into my discussion regarding the results. This discussion will also cover the
observations you made about the tests (I have thought of the same things).
I can give some insight into why my tests are as they are:
60 connections was not the plan initially, but limitations with using browsers made
that the maximum (uses almost 7 GB of my 8GB of RAM with 30 browsers). My
initial idea was to use a headless browser, but I cannot use Phantom. It does not
support WebSockets and it would probably have the same behavior as Chrome. With
Chrome, most servers refuse any connections after 6 (HTTP), even from different
browsers. There is Slimer, which is Gecko based, but this is not fully headless and not
mature enough for me to find it reliable. Therefore I landed on Firefox driven by
Selenium - not optimal, but it gives some results at least.
Another reason to use browsers, is that I get a common testbed for all frameworks
and all transports. I am not only comparing the performance of the different
frameworks you see. The more interesting question in my thesis is whether or not
WebSockets outperforms HTTP for various uses (real-time and "traditional"
request/response sites like for instance Wikipedia). I'm basically trying to see if
WebSockets can be the basis for the next generation of HTTP (sort of). Using Java
clients for this purpose (or other languages) seemed to force me to use different
implementations of the clients for both framework AND transport. With browsers,
there are just one file different on the client for each framework.
Still, in retrospect, I probably would have done it with Java clients (or something
else) if I could have done my work all over again. This load testing is just the second
half om my thesis, the other was a more subjective look at how the frameworks were
to work with. If I could go back, I probably would have focused solely on load testing.
Regarding the average calculation: Yes, I am aware of that the method has its flaws,
but it felt like the best solution. It measures how long it takes for a client to get a
response to its own message. If some servers send back to the originating client first
and others last (isn't the first alternative most logical?), that is a possible source of
error that will be discussed in my thesis.
Thanks a lot for your help! I've learned a lot from this - especially regarding JVM
warmup :)
Kristian Johannessen
Server-Sent Events
Server-Sent Events
Server-Sent Events
Average latency
Server-Sent Events