Determination of Optimal Flotation Conditions of Low-Grade Graphite Ore

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E 3S Web of Conferences 8 , 01002 (2016) DOI: 10.

1051/ e3sconf /2016 08 01002


Determination of optimal flotation conditions of low-grade

graphite ore
1,a 1
Özcan Öney , and Selçuk Samanli
Usak University, Department of Mining Engineering, 64200 Usak, Turkey

Abstract. In this study, the enrichment of the Kütahya Altıntas graphite ore by flotation was
carried out. Flotation parameters such as particle size, pH, type and dosage of collector, and
frother dosage, dosage of depressant, as well as solid ratio were investigated. As a result,
a clean graphite concentrate of 77.80% total carbon content was obtained with 46.68% total
carbon recovery.

1 Introduction
Graphite is a crystalline, polymorphic form of elementary carbon [1]. Graphite is lustrous black
carbon mineral which is relatively soft and greasy with a hardness of 0.5–1.0 on Moh’s scale [2, 3].
Depending upon the mode of occurrence and origin, graphite is graded in to three forms: flake-found
in metamorphosed rocks as vein deposit, crystalline (lumpy)-found as fissure filled veins, crypto
crystalline (amorphous) form in metamorphosed coal beds [4, 5]. Graphite generally occurs as a result
of metamorphism of organic matter in sediments. Flake graphite is assumed to be derived from fine-
grained sediments rich in the organic matter. As metamorphic grade increases, carbonaceous material
converts to amorphous graphite [3, 6]. Flake graphite is classified based on the size of the crystal
flakes and graded according to their graphitic carbon content and particle size. Microcrystalline
graphite is commercially called amorphous graphite [6].
Graphite, due to its various physical and chemical characteristics, has a unique role in different
industries [7]. Graphite is used mainly for foundry facings, refractories, lubricants, pencils, batteries,
brake linings, bearings, conductive coatings and crucibles [8, 9]. The specific properties of graphite
result in its increasing importance in the refractory industry [1, 10].

2 Background
To obtain good quality of graphite concentrate, beneficiation is essential in order to obtain optimal
prices for the finished product. Froth flotation is commonly used for the concentration of low grade
graphite ore [7]. Graphite can be easily enriched by flotation because of its high natural
hydrophobicity [8, 11, 12, 13].

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E 3S Web of Conferences 8 , 01002 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/ e3sconf /2016 08 01002
In graphite flotation, hydrocarbons like kerosene, fuel oil, paraffin and diesel oil or ionic collectors
like potassium amyl xanthate, dithiophosphate are generally used as collectors. Pine oil and methyl
isobutyl carbinol are used as frothers and sodium silicate, quebracho and starch are used to depress
gangue minerals. Optimum pH in graphite flotation is between 8 and 9 [8, 11].The polyethylene oxide
type frothers such as polyoxyproplene glycol butyl ether were also studied as a replacement for MIBC
in graphite flotation [6, 14]. Flotation is carried out in different stages ranging from two to several,
depending on the liberation characteristics of the ore to be treated [2].

3 Materials and methods

3.1 Material
Low grade run-of-mine graphite ore was received from the Kütahya Altıntaş area in Turkey. The ore
was crushed in stages and mixed thoroughly. The graphite ore was subjected to x-ray diffraction
studies for the mineralogical phase analysis to identify non-graphite minerals. The diffractogram is
shown in Fig. 1.

Figure 1. X-ray diffractogram of graphite ore.

The qualitative mineralogical analysis shows that raw graphite consist of muscovite [KAl2
(AlSi3O10 (OH)2], magnesium calcite [(Mg0.03 Ca0.97) (CO3)], quartz [SiO2], dolomite [CaMg (CO3)2]
and graphite. According to the results, raw graphite contains 17.56 % of total carbon.

3.2 Flotation methodology

The aim of the experiments was to obtain high carbon content of froth products. Firstly, various
experiments were performed to determine the most proper rougher flotation conditions. The examined
parameters for rougher flotation stage were as follows: optimal particle size, effect of pH, collector
type, frother type, solid-liquid ratio and effect of depressant. Then, cleaning and scavenging tests were
carried out.
The reagents used in the experiments were collectors, frothers, depressants. Collectors used in the
experiments were diesel oil, kerosene and n-dodecane. 4 metyl-2 pentanol, 2ethyl-1 hexanol, tri

E 3S Web of Conferences 8 , 01002 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/ e3sconf /2016 08 01002
(propylene glycol) butyl ether and pine oil were used as frothers and sodium silicate was used as
a depressant.

3.3 Experimental methods

Flotation experiments were carried out in a 1 dm3 Denver laboratory type flotation machine. In the
flotation tests, the impeller speed of flotation machine was kept constant at 1400 rpm for both
conditioning and flotation. The tests were done gradually as rough and single cleanings. The pulp was
mixed for three minutes prior to addition of collector and after an additional mixing of three minutes,
the frother was added. Following a three-minute mixing period, air was introduced into the cell and
the froth products were collected for five minutes.

4 Materials and methods

4.1 Optimal flotation parameters for rougher concentrate

4.1.1 Effect of optimum particle size fraction

For examining the effect of size fraction for flotation and to determine the optimum size range, the
flotation experiments were carried out for the size fractions of -0.300, -0.212, -0.150 and -0.106. The
highest total carbon content and total carbon recovery of the concentrate was obtained for -0.106 mm
sample as 60.52% and 54.80% respectively (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Effect of particle size (diesel oil: 600 g/t, MBIC: 125 g/t, solid ratio: 10%).
As a result the 0.106 mm size fraction was used for further experiment steps. The particle size
distribution of the crushed and ground graphite ore is shown in Fig. 3. The calculated d80 of this
graphite sample was found to be 78 μm.

E 3S Web of Conferences 8 , 01002 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/ e3sconf /2016 08 01002

Figure 3. Particle size distribution of graphite sample (d80 = 78 μm).

4.1.2 Effect of pH
The flotation trials were conducted at neutral and alkaline (8-11) pH ranges. Na2CO3 was used to
adjust the pH. The results are shown in Fig. 4. It is clear from Fig. 4 that, while the total carbon
content was increasing slightly, the recovery of rougher graphite concentrate showed decreasing trend
from pH value of 8 to 11. Hence, the further test were conducted at the natural pH value was equal
to 8.

Figure 4. Effect of pH (diesel oil 600 g/t, MBIC: 125 g/t, solid ratio 10%).

4.1.3 Effect of depressant dosage

To determine the effect of depressant dosage, several flotation tests were performed with different
dosages of sodium silicate varying from 500 g/t to 2500 g/t. The results obtained are shown in Fig. 5.
With increased depressant dosage, the total carbon content remained constant or slightly increased.
Total carbon recovery also remained constant or slightly decreased. It was decided to use sodium
silicate at 1000 g/t dosage. After this dosage, there was no significant change for total carbon content
and the total carbon recovery of the rougher concentrate.

E 3S Web of Conferences 8 , 01002 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/ e3sconf /2016 08 01002

Figure 5. Effect of depressant dosage (diesel oil 600 g/t, MBIC: 125 g/t, solid ratio 10%, Na2SiO3 1000 g/t).

4.1.4 Effect of frother type and dosage

Initially, a few flotation tests were conducted to study the effect of frother type and dosage on the
rougher graphite concentrate. Four different types of frother were used in the experiments. The results
shown in Fig. 6.

Figure 6. Effect of frother type (diesel oil 600 g/t, solid ratio 10%, pH natural (8), Na2SiO3 1000 g/t).
The total carbon content of the rougher concentrate decreased continuously with increasing of
frother dosage. It was observed that MIBC was the most effective frother. Hence, the next set of trials
were performed using various dosages of MIBC (Fig. 7).

E 3S Web of Conferences 8 , 01002 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/ e3sconf /2016 08 01002
Taking into account the both total carbon content and total carbon recovery of the rougher
concentrate, the proper dosage of MIBC was 175 g/ton.

Figure 7. Effect of MIBC dosage (diesel oil 600 g/t, solid ratio 10%, pH= 8, Na2SiO3 1000 g/t).

4.1.5 Effect of collector type and dosage

To determine the effect of collector type and dosage on graphite flotation, diesel oil, kerosene and n-
dodecane were tested. The results are shown in Fig. 8.

Figure 8. Effect of collector type (type (frother 175g/t, solid ratio 10%, pH = 8, Na2SiO3 1000 g/t).
In terms of the total carbon content and total carbon recovery of the rougher concentrate, the best
results were obtained with diesel oil. At the dosage of 600 g/t diesel oil, the rougher concentrate with
61.68% total carbon content was obtained with 60.47% total carbon recovery. Diesel oil was selected

E 3S Web of Conferences 8 , 01002 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/ e3sconf /2016 08 01002
as the collector for determining the other steps and the optimal dosage of 800 g/t diesel oil was
thought to be appropriate.

4.1.6 Effect of solid ratio

Several experiments were performed to determine the optimal solid rate (Fig. 9.). The total carbon
content of 60.60% was obtained with the total carbon recovery of 64.73% at solid ratio of 8%. It can
be seen that the solid ratio was determined as 12% (Fig. 9).

Figure 9. Effect of solid-liquid ratio ((MIBC 175g/t, diesel oil 800 g/t, solid ratio 10%, pH = 8, Na2SiO3
1000 g/t).

4.2 Improvement in concentrate grade by cleaning flotation

The flotation tests were carried out using optimum flotation reagents and conditions for rougher
flotation followed by cleaner and scavenger flotation. A schematic flowsheet of graphite flotation is
shown in Fig. 11. Reagent types and their dosage for each flotation stage are also illustrated in Fig. 10.
The graphite concentrate containing 77.80% total carbon can be obtained with the recovery of

5 Conclusions
The optimum particle size was determined as 0.106 mm. While the total carbon content increased
slightly, the recovery of rougher graphite concentrate showed a decreasing trend from pH 8 to 11.
Hence, the natural pH 8 was kept fixed in the tests. Kerosene, n-dodecane and diesel oil were tested as
collectors and among them diesel oil was found to be the most effective. Four different types of
frother were examined and the best results were obtained with MIBC. The dosage of sodium silicate
had a small influence on the total carbon content and the total carbon recovery of the rougher graphite
It was found that rougher, cleaner and scavenger flotation stages should be applied to obtain the
high content and recovery of carbon. A clean graphite concentrate of 77.80 % total carbon content was
obtained with 46.68% total carbon recovery.

E 3S Web of Conferences 8 , 01002 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/ e3sconf /2016 08 01002

R.O.M. Graphite
Diesel oil (800 g/t)
MIBC (175 g/t)
Grinding (d80= 78 μm)
Sodium silicate (1000 g/t)

20.19 Rougher Flotation

58.95 79.81
Rougher concentrate Primary tailing

Diesel oil (150 g/t)

MIBC (50 g/t) Diesel oil (300 g/t)
Sodium silicate (150 g/t) Cleaner flotation Scavenger flotation MIBC (100 g/t)
Sodium silicate (500 g/t)

Final concentrate Middling I Middling II Tailing

10.54 9.65 9.85 69.96

46.68 21.07 12.51 19.74
77.8 38.36 22.31 4.95

Recovery (%)
Total C (%)

Figure 10. Schematic flowsheet of graphite flotation.

This work was supported by Research Fund of Usak University, Usak/Turkey. Project Number:

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