Rolling Friction
Rolling Friction
Rolling Friction
In mechanics, friction plays a major role both in the laboratory and industrial worlds.
Friction is the resistance to the sliding, rolling, or flowing motion of an object due to its
contact with another object. Rolling friction is caused primarily by the interference of
small indentations formed as one surface rolls over another. This is the idea behind the
frictional forces involved with wheels, cylinders, and spheres. In the ideal case of the
wheel, we must first look at the forces acting on the wheel. In pure rolling motion friction
is required to start, stop, change the motion of a wheel. Below we can see the frictional
force necessary to begin motion, and get the wheel moving at a velocity v. In pure rolling
motion, friction causes the wheel to catch and stops the sliding and slipping motion; for
example when a car spins its tires, slipping is taking place, thus the frictional force works
to stop the spinning out and causes the tires to catch and begin pure rolling motion.
The frictional force, f, the force required to slow the wheel produces a torque which tends
to decrease the angular velocity, w. (The normal and gravitational forces produce no
effect because their line of action is through the center of rotation.) However, the surface
could not possibly have such an effect on the wheel once the wheel has achieved pure
rolling motion and constant angular and linear velocity. Zero friction occurs only for
horizontal motion at constant velocity, but it is non-zero for any case in which
acceleration is occurring parallel to the direction of motion of the center of mass, as when
the object is rolling-without-slipping up or down a sloped surface. If we consider the
rotation as being about the center of mass of the object, then the frictional force must be
in a direction to provide the torque necessary to decrease or increase the angular velocity,
depending on whether the object is accelerating or decelerating, respectively. Note that
the friction can be in the direction of motion (rolling downhill) or opposite to it (rolling
uphill). In pure rolling motion there is no sliding or slipping, thus the contact points have
no relative motion (no relative velocity). This results in a frictional force of zero.
Therefore, the wheel will roll forward with constant velocity, v = Rw, where R is the
radius of the wheel.
In the actual case of the rolling wheel, the free-body diagram is much different. Both the
wheel and the surface will undergo deformations due to their particular elastic
characteristics. At the contact points, the wheel flattens out while a small trench is
formed in the surface. The normal force is now distributed over the actual contact area
rather than the point just below the center of the wheel.
Furthermore, the wheel takes on a sort of plowing motion resulting in increased
deformation at the front of the wheel, while the rear of the wheel undergoes little
deformation which results in the majority of the normal force being located at the front.
When the wheel and the surface deform there is a minute amount of slipping, but the
majority of the force is due to static friction. The overall rolling friction results in a force
at the center of the wheel and is parallel to the surface of contact, and is represented by
the equation:
This resultant frictional force is still rearward acting (tending to contribute to the angular
velocity), but the new distribution of the normal forces creates a net torque negating the
rotational contribution of the friction and causing an overall deceleration of the wheel’s
forward velocity. Also, the major source of energy losses during rolling motion is
primarily due to the deformation that occurs when the two surfaces are compressed and
relaxed. This continual process generates heat in both the wheel and the surface.
QUESTION: frictional force acts to oppose one surface from sliding relative to the other
with which it is in contact
Then when car is in motion going forwards( say wheels rotate clockwise ) frictional force
is in direction of car & when brackes are applied, wheels still rotate clockwise (for
sometime )but frictional force acts opposite to direction of motion of car. Why so?
Also how we can justify direction of frictional force when car negotiating a curved road?
and for each type there is a static friction and a dynamic friction.
A block is lying on a surface. In order to set it in sliding motion, you need to apply a
force to overcome the static sliding friction. Once it is moving, you need to keep applying
a (somewhat reduced) force to keep it from stopping, since now dynamic sliding friction
opposes its motion.
Now consider a wheel resting on a surface. You again need to apply a certain force to set
it in rolling motion, initially a high force to overcome static rolling friction, then a
somewhat reduced force to overcome the dynamic rolling friction that opposes its
When it is moving at a constant speed, there is a dynamic rolling friction that is directed
opposite to the direction of motion. The motor needs to counter that force to keep the
speed constant.
In normal driving the wheels do not slide, they stick to the road at the point of contact. So
in the category of sliding friction we only consider static friction. When the car
accelerates, the wheels transmit a backwards force to the street. This force is below the
threshold for maximum static sliding friction, so the wheels stick to the street. Now
because of static sliding friction, the same force is exerted by the street onto the car
(directed forwards), so it accelerates.
In addition to that, the rolling friction mentioned above is of course also present.
When the car brakes (normally), the momentum of the car must be reduced, so a
backwards force needs to be transmitted to the car. This is achieved by the wheels
exerting a forward force on the street which lies below the threshold of maximum static
sliding friction. The wheels keep sticking to the road because of this friction.
If the driver brakes very hard (or accelerates extremely) it can occur that the maximum
static friction is surpassed and the wheels lose their grip and begin sliding (or spinning).
In this case the dynamic sliding friction (which is less than the maximum static friction)
takes over.
When navigating a curved road (without tyres screeching) the friction force is also
always directed against the direction of the force applied, since the friction mode is static
sliding friction here, too.
You see with static friction (a "frozen" motion mode) the friction is against the direction
of force applied and with dynamic friction the friction is against the direction of motion.
I hope I could help you with my answer. If something is still unclear, just ask me a
follow-up question.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
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Hello asp,
The wheel does not stick to the road like it is glued to it. The contact point changes
continuously while the wheel turns: the rolling mode of motion is mobilized. But the
sliding mode is static in the sense that the wheel does not slide at the point of contact,
unless you "burn rubber" by accelerating or braking very hard.
The so called Coulomb condition for static friction states that the force parallel to the
surface (Ft) cannot exceed the friction coefficient (m) times the force perpendicular to the
surface (Fn), e.g. the weight of the car.
Ft < m * Fn
If the tangential force exceeds this condition, then the contact begins to slide.
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Rolling friction
Rolling friction occurs between a rolling object and the surface it is rolling on. Rolling
friction effect is lower than sliding friction, but is still significant in vehicle performance.
Rolling friction is the friction that occurs between two surfaces when an object such as a
wheel or a tire rolls.
Rolling friction has much less effect than sliding friction, but that depends to a very large
extent on the nature of the materials involved and their condition. For instance, steel
wheels on a steel rail produce very much less rolling friction than under-inflated rubber
tires on a loose gravel surface. The rolling friction from that combination of surfaces will
slow a vehicle down faster than fully inflated tires on a smooth road.
The forces that cause a vehicle to slow down when the brakes are applies are a
combination of sliding and rolling friction, even though most of the slowing effect is
from the sliding friction. Nevertheless, tires made from materials with high rolling
friction characteristics slow the vehicle during normal driving and reduce fuel economy,
tires made from materials with low rolling friction improve fuel economy – for instance
tires with high sulfur content tend to have lower rolling friction.
Anyway, here goes the exercise translated from Portuguese to English:
" A solid ball with 240g of mass rolls without slipping on a horizontal surface, with a
constant speed of translation of the center-of-mass. The coefficients of static and kinetic
friction between the ball and the surface are, respectively, 0.32 and 0.21. Taking as
positive the direction of the speed of translation of the ball, what is the friction force
between the ball and the surface, in Newtons? "
My teacher is still saying the correct answer is zero. I argued with him by e-mail,
anonymous, and he just ignored my arguments and said to go talk with him personally. I
know he just want to humiliate me, so I want to be sure of what I am saying. He asked me
jesting, in the last email, if I knew what is ABS in cars or if I knew that in snow one shall
use second gear, never first. I don't know what is his point, what it has to do with this
case, I think he just don't want do admit he is wrong.
In the meantime, rolling without slipping, is a very particular case that I am not sure I
understand, so I am not completly sure about this. Anyway, either kinetic or static there
must be a Friction! That's my point, what I have been arguing.
When doing the exercise I supposed there was another force not mentioned... and
calculated the Friction with: Friction = Normal * Uk.
I just could not conceive the friction didn't exist, given the conditions.
Well, what do you say?
Your teacher is of course correct within the limits of a sliding friction discussion.
Consider first static friction. Since the table is horizontal there is no component of force
tangent to the surface, hence even if the coefficient of static friction were zero there
would be no sliding. Therefore the static friction force is zero. Now consider kinetic
friction. Look at the relative velocity between the surface of the ball and the horizontal
surface. Near the point of contact the velocity is wholly normal to the plane. Even if the
coefficient of kinetic friction were zero there would be no sliding. Therefore the kinetic
friction force is zero.
We found the ball in a rolling state so we do not have to explain how it came to be
rolling. The startup transient probably involved some sliding friction forces. Also at the
next level of detail we would have to consider the fact that balls and tables in reality are
somewhat deformed by their contact so that a rolling ball would eventually stop due to
energy loss from this constant deformation process. The force arising from this
phenomena is called rolling friction.
Where did you get this absurd notion that your teacher is your enemy? At best he is your
true friend, guiding you to better understanding. At worst he is less well educated than he
should be and possibly less intelligent than you are. In that case he may be defensive
when challenged but is still trying his best to help.
With most vehicles, you want the rolling friction to be at a minimum. But you also
want to be able to effectively start and stop without slipping, as well as to prevent
skidding when going around a corner. For example, train wheels have very low rolling
friction, but they also have very poor traction when starting or stopping.
Treads are added to automobile tires to provide them with good traction. Although
rubber provides relatively good static and kinetic friction, automobile tires have treads
to further increase their traction and to account for different weather and driving
conditions. The edges of the treads add to the coefficient of friction when stopping or
Tire treads give more traction, plus help move water outward in wet conditions
Zigzag shape
Most of the treads on an automobile tire are somewhat zigzagged. This increases the
traction in starting and stopping the car, plus this type of tread also helps to prevent the
car from skidding sideways when it goes around a curve.
When a tire becomes worn and the edges of the treads become rounded, there can be
considerably less traction. The danger then is that the car may go into a skid when
going around a corner or may not be able to stop in a sufficient distance in an
Tires on race cars usually have at the most 1/8 inch of tread. The treads aren't really
used for traction as in a passenger car. Instead they help dissipate heat, which is the
major reason for tire failure, particularly at the high speeds attained in the race. Some
tires may get so hot that the rubber blisters and the tire blows out.
The aerodynamics of the race cars push them downward the faster the car goes, adding
to the traction.
Controlled slide
Treads aren't really needed in race car driving since the cars tend to skid somewhat
when going around a curve. This is a controlled slide, as opposed to an out-of-control
skid in a passenger car. Also, race cars don't get involved in the stop and go traffic of a
passenger car, so they don't need the treads for starting and stopping.
Instead of standard tires, race cars use rubber that is soft and almost sticky to the road.
This is a form of molecular friction, and it is related to the surface area on the road.
When a race car slides, it is more controlled with this type of tire than with a tire with
treads, which may skid suddenly. The warmer the tire gets, the better its traction. This
is provided the tire doesn't get so hot that it blisters.
Although race car tires have only 1/8 inch tread at most, drag-strip tires have no tread
at all. They don't need it, since there is no sideward sliding and the race is not long
enough to cause the tires to overheat. But they do get plenty hot, as the car spins its
wheels. The type of tire used in drag racing is often called a "slick" because of no
Some race car tires are called "slicks" because they have no treads
No good in rain
The big disadvantage of having minimal or no treads in race car tires is if there is rain,
the tires slip so much that it can be dangerous for the drivers and their cars. The
adhesiveness of the rubber is lost when there is a layer of water between the tire and
the pavement. Most automobile races are called off or delayed if there is rain.
In conclusion
Treads are added to tires to improve their traction friction. This makes them more
effective in starting and stopped, as well as to help prevent skids when going around a
corner. Special tread combinations also provide better traction in various weather
conditions. Race car tires use the stickiness of soft rubber for their traction. This is
good for controlled slides but not good for wet surfaces.