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Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Lectures: 4 Hrs/week Theory: 100 Marks


To understand the basic building blocks of programming languages.

To learn and understand various programming paradigms.

Unit I

Introduction: Role of programming languages, need to study programming languages,

characteristics of a good programming languages, Introduction to various programming
paradigms: Procedural, object-oriented, logic and functional programming.

Data Types: properties of structured and non-structured data types and Objects,
variables, constants, Derived and abstract data types, declaration, type checking. Binding
and binding times, type conversion, scalar data type, composite data types,
Implementation and Storage representation of data types and control flow statement.

Unit II

Procedures: Procedure call and return, recursive subprogram, Different parameter

passing methods, Lifetime of variables, Scope rules: Static and Dynamic scope,
Referencing environment: activation records (Local, Non local and Global), Storage
management (static and Dynamic), Exceptions and exception handling

Unit III

Procedural Programming: Design Principles, Control flow: statement-oriented and

block-oriented structure programming, Execution steps, desirable and undesirable
characteristics of procedural programming.

Procedural Programming with Pascal: Program structure, Lexical elements, Data

Types, Operators and punctuators, variable and type declarations, I/O, type conversion,
control structures: conditional and iterative, arrays, procedures and functions, local and
global variables, nested procedures and scope rules, pointers, parameter passing, User
defined data types, comparative study of C and PASCAL

Unit IV
Object Oriented Programming: Design Principles: Objects, classes, Messages and
methods, Implementation of Object-oriented Programming, Object oriented
programming with Java: Program structure, Object and class declarations, constructors,
inheritance, polymorphism, access specification, interfaces, packages, exception
handling, Java I/O, Java applications and applets, introduction to Java threads and
multithreads, Comparative study of C++ and Java.

Introduction to .NET Technology and C#: Brief introduction to Microsoft .NET – The
Microsoft .NET platform, .NET framework, advantages, introduction to C#, type system,
classes, method, Properties, Arrays, Interfaces, Delegates and event handlers, Assemblies
and Modules, late binding, creating and executing code at Run Time

Unit V

Logic Programming: Logic programming language model, logical statements,

resolution, unification, search structures: backward and forward, Applications of logic

Logic Programming with Prolog: Program structure, logical variable, syntax structure,
Control structure, resolution and unification, depth-first search, backtracking, cut
operator, recursive rules, Prolog facilities and deficiencies

Unit VI

Functional Programming: Introduction to functional programming, Lambda calculus:

Ambiguity, free and bound identifiers, reductions, typed lambda calculus, application of
functional programming

Functional Programming with LISP: Elements of functional Programming, Function

declaration, Expression evaluation, type checking

Introduction to Concurrent Programming

Text Books:

Roosta S., "Foundations of Programming Languages", Thomson Brookes/Cole, ISBN

981 – 243 – 141 – 1

Sethi R., "Programming Languages concepts & constructs", 2nd Edition, Pearson
Education, ISBN 81 – 7808 – 104 – 0

Reference Books:

Sebesta R., "Concepts Of Programming Languages", 4th Edition, Pearson Education,

ISBN – 81-7808-161-X
Ghezzi C., Milano P., Jazayeri M., "Programming Languages Concepts", 3rd Edition,
John Wiley and Sons Pvt. Ltd (WSE), ISBN – 0195113063

Balagurusamy E., "Programing with C#", Tata McGraw-Hill, 2002, ISBN 0 – 07 –

047339 – 0

Bhave M. Patekar S., "Programming in Turbo PASCAL", Tata-McGraw Hill, 0 – 07 –

462100 – 9

Eckel B., "Thinking in Java", 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 81 – 297 – 0524 – 9

Winston P., Klaus B., Horn P., "LISP", 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 81 – 7808 –155 –


Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 3 Hrs/Week Theory: 100 Marks


To learn and understand fundamentals of computer network

To learn and understand network architectures, protocols and applications

Unit I

Introduction: Review of Applications of Computer Networks, Network hardware and

software, Reference Models: OSI and TCP/IP, Example Networks: Internet, X.25, Frame
Relay, ATM, Ethernet, Wireless LANs, Network standardization, Switching, Buffering
and Multicasting

Unit II

Data Link Layer: Design issues: Services, Framing, Error and flow control, Stop-and-
Wait protocol, Sliding Window protocol, Go-Back-N ARQ, Selective Repeat ARQ,
HDLC, Data link layer in Internet and ATM

Point-to-Point-Access (PPP): Frame format, Transition states, PPP Stack: LCP, NCP

Network Hardware Components: Connectors, Transceivers and Media Converters,

Repeaters, NICs, Bridges and Switches

Unit III
Medium Access Control sub-layer: Channel allocation: Static and Dynamic allocation,
Multiple Access Protocols: ALOHA, CSMA, Collusion-free and limited-contention
protocols, WDMA, Wireless LAN Protocols, Ethernet: Cabling, encoding, MAC sub-
layer protocol, Switched, fast and Gigabit Ethernet, Logical link control, Wireless LANs
and Digital Cellular Radio, Broadband Wireless, Virtual LANs, Bluetooth, Virtual
Circuit Switching: Frame Relay and ATM

Unit IV

Network Layer: Design Issues, Packet switching, Connectionless and Connection-

oriented Services, Virtual Circuit and Datagram Subnets, Routing Algorithms,
Internetworking, Firewalls

Congestion Control and QOS: General Principals, Congestion prevention policies,

Load shading, Jitter Control, Quality of Service, Internetworking

Network layer Protocols: ARP, IP protocol, IP Addresses, IPV6, ICMP, Unicast

Routing Algorithms: RIP, OSPF, BGP, Multicast Routing: IGMP, Mobile IP

Unit V

Transport Layer: Services and service primitives, Sockets and Socket programming,
Elements of Transport protocol: Addressing, Connection establishment and release, flow
control and buffering, Multiplexing, Crash recovery, Simple Transport Protocol, UDP:
Introduction, RPC, TCP: Introduction, Model, protocol, header, connection establishment
and release, connection management, Transmission policy, congestion control, timer
management, Introduction to wireless TCP and UDP, Performance issues

Unit VI

Application Layer: Domain Name System (DNS) and DNS servers, Electronic Mail:
Architecture and services, Message Formats, MIME, message transfer, SMTP, Mail
Gateways, Relays, Configuring Mail Servers, File Transfer Protocol, General Model,
commands, TFTP

World Wide Web: Introduction, Architectural overview, static and dynamic web pages,
WWW pages and Browsing, HTTP, LDAP, Browser Architecture, Caching in Web
Browser remote login, Wireless Web

Text Books:

Tanenbaum A., "Computer Networks", 4th Edition, PHI, ISBN 81 – 203 – 2175 – 8

Fourauzan B., "Data Communications and Networking", 3rd edition, Tata McGraw-Hill
Publications, 2004, ISBN 0 – 07 – 058408 – 7
Reference Books:

Keshav S., "An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking", Perason Education,

ISBN 981 – 235 – 986 – 9

Comer D., "Computer Networks and Internet", 2ND Edition, Pearson Education, ISBN 81
– 7808 – 086 – 9

Gallo M., Hancock W., "Computer Communications and Networking Technologies",

Thomson Brooks/Cole, ISBN 981 – 240 – 354 – X


Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:

Lecturers: 3 Hrs/Week Theory: 100 Marks


To learn and understand fundamentals of Information Systems

To learn and understand architecture, methodology and applications of MIS

Unit I

Foundations of Information Systems and Management: Why Information systems?

Components and resources of information systems, Information system activities, Types
of information systems: Operations support systems and Management support systems

Management Information Systems: Definition, role and impact of MIS, Introduction to

Management, Approaches to Management, Functions of the managers: Management
effectiveness, planning, organizing, staffing, coordinating and directing, MIS as a support
to the management and a tool for management Process, Organization structure and
theory: Organization structure, behavior, organization as a system, MIS: Organization

Strategic Management of Business: Concept of Corporate Planning, Essentiality of

strategic planning, development of business strategies, types of strategies, MIS for
Business Planning

Infrastructure management: Selection, maintenance of hardware, communication

equipments and software as per MIS needs of the organization. Ensure uptime of
hardware resources, database management and end user training

Unit II

Applications of MIS
Manufacturing Sector: Introduction, Personal Management, Marketing Management,
Accounting and Finance Management, Production Management, Materials Management
and Marketing Management, MIS Applications in Banking and Insurance Sector

Service Sector: Introduction, MIS applications in service industry

Cross-Functional Enterprise Systems: Introduction, Collaboration systems in

Manufacturing, Enterprise application Integration, Transaction Processing systems

Implementation Challenges: Integration, implementing IT, End user Resistance and

Involvement, Change Management

Unit III

Enterprise Management Systems(EMS): Introduction, Enterprise Resource Planning

(ERP) systems: Basic features, benefits, selection, implementation, EMS and MIS

Business Process Re-engineering (BPR): Introduction, Business process, Process and

Value stream model of the organization, MIS and BPR

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO): What is BPO? Voice BPO i.e. Call center, non-
voice BPO, Scope of BPO, challenges in BPO management

Unit IV

Customer Relationship Management(CRM): Introduction, What is CRM? Three

phases of CRM, Benefits, challenges and trends in CRM

Supply Chain Management(SCM): What is SCM? Role of SCM, Benefits, challenges

and trends in SCM

Electronic Commerce Systems(eCommerce): Introduction, scope, B2C, B2B and C2C,

Essential e-Commerce processes, Electronic Payment Processes, e-Commerce

Unit V

Decision Support Systems (DSS): Concept and philosophy, Using Decision Support
systems: What-if analysis, sensitivity analysis, Goal-seeking analysis, Optimization
analysis, Introduction to Data Warehouse: Architecture, Organization and Management
of Data Warehouse, Implementation, Data Mining for Decision support, Executive
Information systems, Enterprise Information portal and knowledge management systems,
Introduction to Artificial Intelligent Systems, Knowledge Based Expert systems, GIS

Unit VI
Security and Ethical Challenges: Introduction, Ethical responsibility of Business
Professionals, Computer Crime, Hacking, Cyber Theft, Software Piracy, Privacy issues,
Health issues

Security Management: Introduction, Tools, Encryption, Firewalls, e-Mail monitoring,

biometric security, disaster recovery, fault-tolerant systems, system controls and audits,
Contingency management and solutions

Global Management of Information Technology: Cultural, political and Geo-economic

challenges, global business/it strategies, applications, platforms and Data access issues

Note:- Lecturers by experts from industry may also be arranged.

Text Books:

O’Brien J., "Management Information Systems: Managing Information Technology in

the Business Enterprise", 6th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited,
2004, ISBN 0 – 07 – 058739 – 6

Jawadekar W., "Management Information Systems", 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill

Publishing Company Limited, 2002, ISBN 0 – 07 – 044575 – 3

Reference Books:

Post G., Anderson D., "Management Information Systems", 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw-
Hill Publications, ISBN 0 – 07 – 049940 – 3

Gupta U., "Management Information Systems: A Managerial Perspective", Galgotia,

ISBN 81 – 7515 – 085 – 8


Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Lectures: 3 Hrs/Week Theory: 100 Marks


• To understand the concepts and components of Systems Programming

• To Learn and understand the fundamentals of Compilers
• To Learn and understand the fundamentals of Operating systems

Unit I
Introduction: Components of System Software, Language Processing Activities,
Fundamentals of Language Processing, Development tools

Assemblers: Structure of an assembler, Design of Two pass assembler, Single Pass

Assembler, Cross Assembler

Macro Processors: Macro Definition and call, Macro expansion, Nested Macro Calls,
Advanced Macro Facilities, Design of a macro-processor, Case study of MASM

Unit II

Linkers and Loaders: Loader Schemes: Compile and go, General Loader Scheme,
Absolute loaders, subroutine linkages, relocating loaders, direct linking loader, dynamic
linking loader, overlay structure, Design of an Absolute loader, Case study of MS-DOS
Linker and Debug

Dynamic Linking: Dynamic Link Libraries-their need, conventional dynamic linking

libraries, the class library, dynamic linking, DLL's, use of call back functions, Dynamic
linking with and without import

Unit III

Compilers and Interpreters: Overview of Compilation process, Concepts of Pass,

Phases, front-end and back-end, Concepts of Bootstrap compiler, cross compiler,
incremental compiler and compiler- compiler (Only definitions), Interpreters, comparison
of Compilers and Interpreters

Lexical Analysis and Parsing: Why and what is lexical analysis, design issues,
Introduction to parsing, concept of top-down recursive-descendent parsers

Unit IV

Operating Systems: Introduction, Evolution of OS, Functions of an OS, Batch

Processing Systems, Multi-programming Systems, Time sharing systems, Multitasking
systems, Real Time Operating Systems, OS Structure, System Calls, Process, Process
Control and Process Scheduling (Job Scheduling, scheduling criteria, scheduling

Unit V
Memory management: Contiguous and non-contiguous, Swapping, Paging,
Segmentation and demand Paging, Virtual Memory, Management of Virtual memory:
allocation, fetch and replacement

Unit VI

I/O Management: I/O programming, I/O organization, I/O scheduling algorithms, I/O

File Management: Concept, Access methods, Directory Structure, Protection, File

System implementation, Directory Implementation, Allocation methods, Free Space
management, efficiency and performance


1. Dhamdhere D., "Systems Programming and Operating Systems", 2nd Edition, Tata
McGraw Hill, 1999, ISBN 0 – 07 – 463579 – 4

2. Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne, "Operating System Concepts", 6th Edition, John

Wiley and Sons, ISBN 9812 – 53 – 055 – X

Reference Books

1. Stallings W., "Operating Systems", 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, 81 – 7808 – 503 – 8
2. Beck L., “System Software: An Introduction to Systems Programming", 3rd
Edition, Pearson Education, 1997, ISBN 0-201-43581-0

3. Aho A., Sethi R., Ullman J., “Compilers”, Pearson Education, 81 – 7808 – 046 –
4. Petzold C., “Programming Windows”, 5th Edition, Microsoft Press, 81–7853–
007– 4

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Lectures: 3 Hrs/week Theory: 100 Marks


T To learn and understand the Concepts of Software Engineering

T To apply the principles of Software Engineering for software development

Unit I

Introduction To Software Engineering: Software, Software Myths, Process

Framework, CMMI, Process Patterns, Process Assessment, Personal and Team
Process Models, Process Models: Waterfall Model, Incremental Models,
Evolutionary Models, Introduction to specialized Process Models, The Unified

Unit II

Software Engineering Practice: The Essence of Practice, Core Principles,

Communication Practices, Planning Practices, Modeling Practices: Analysis and Design
Modeling, Construction Practice: Coding and Testing Principals, Deployment

System Engineering: Computer-Based Systems, Hierarchy: System Modeling and

Simulation, Business Process Engineering, Product Engineering, System Modeling:
Hatley-Pirbhai Modeling and Modeling using UML

Unit III
Requirements Engineering

Requirements Engineering Tasks, Initiating the process, Eliciting Requirements,

Developing Use-Cases, Building The Analysis Model: Requirements Analysis, Data
Modeling Concepts, Object-Oriented Analysis, Scenario-Based Analysis, Flow-Oriented
Modeling, Class-Based Modeling, Creating a Behavioral Model

Unit IV (

Design Engineering

Design Process and design quality, Design Concepts, The Design Model, Introduction to
Pattern-Based Software Design

Architectural Design: Software Architecture, Data Design and Architectural Design

User Interface Design: Rules, User Interface Analysis and Steps in Interface Design,
Design Evaluation

Unit V

Testing Strategies And Tactics: A Strategic approach to Software Testing, Strategic

Issues, Testing Strategy for Conventional Software and Object-Oriented Software,
Validation Testing, System Testing, Validation and Verification

Testing Tactics: Black Box and White Box Testing, Basis Path Testing, Control
Structure Testing, Object-Oriented Software Testing Methods

Unit VI

Product Metrics: Software Quality, Framework for Product Metrics, Metrics for
Analysis Model, Design Model, Metrics for Source Code, Metrics for Testing and

Note:- Lecturers by experts from industry may also be arranged.

Text Books:
1. Pressman R., “Software Engineering, A Practitioners Approach”, 6th Edition, Tata
McGraw Hill Publication, 2004, ISBN 007 – 124083 – 7

Reference Books:

1. Mall R., “Fundamentals of Software Engineering”, Second Edition, Prentice Hall

India, 2004, ISBN 81-203-2445-5

2. Vliet H., “Software Engineering Princilpes and Practices”, Second Edition, John Wiley
and Sons, ISBN 9971-51-357-9

3. Ghezzi C., Jazayeri M., Mandrioli D., “Fundamentals of Software Engineering”,

Second Edition, Prentice Hall India, 2003, ISBN 81-203-2242-6

4. Behfarooz A., Hudson F., “Software Engineering Fundamentals”, Oxford University

Press, 2002, ISBN 0-19-510539-7


Group A

JAVA (at least 6 assignments)

1) Assignment(s) to understand object oriented features in Java such as classes,

objects and methods Vectors, strings, Inheritance, access specifiers, Interfaces and
Exception Handling

2) Write a simple Applet to illustrate event handling with interactive radio buttons to
control font style of a text field. Also provide a text box wherein the user may enter font

3) Multi-threading (Displaying an animated clock showing day, date and time using

4) Write a program to retrieve data from some database table(s) using JDBC

5) Write a simple Echo server using Sockets

Group B: (at least 6 assignments)

1) Design suitable data structures and develop a subset of an assembler for 8 or 16 bit
microprocessor. Subset should consist of a few instructions from each category and few
assembler directives

2) Design suitable data structures and develop a subset of a macro assembler for 8 or
16 bit microprocessor. Facilities such as Nested Macro, Labels within Macro, Macro
Parameters, Conditional Macro Expansion, Macro Operators (%, &, < …> etc) to be
supported. Use Turbo Librarian to build and use your library code modules

3) Write a program to demonstrate DOS Memory Management Mechanism

4) Write a Dynamic Link Library and Test it

5) Design and Implement any simple application using Word/Excel Macros.

6) Using Windows API, develop any simple application such as Getting and setting
Windows Information, System Colors, Running a Program/File, Shutting down Windows

Group C (At Least 5)


• Assignment based on LISP functions

• Line editor using LISP


1. Write a program to demonstrate the creation and use of Custom attributes and other
features of C#.

2. Write a program to demonstrate the use of delegates, callbacks, and synchronous and
asynchronous method invocation.
3. Create a screen saver application using GDI+ in C#.

4. Write a program Using a File System Watcher Component in a Windows Form with C#
Demonstrates how the File System Watcher Class monitors the file system and raises
events whenever a specified Directory or file within a specified Directory changes.


T Instructor should frame assignments based on the assignments as given above.

Students should submit Term Work in the form of a journal that should include at least 16
assignments. Each assignment should consist of paper design, write-up, algorithm,
program listing with proper documentation and printout of the output.

T Practical Examination will be based on the assignments from Group A & B only and
questions will be asked to judge understanding of assignments performed at the time of

Reference Books:

1. Eckel B., “Thinking in Java”, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 81 – 297 – 0524 – 9
2. Winston P., Klaus B., Horn P., “LISP”, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 81 – 7808
–155 – 5
3. Balagurusamy E., “Programing with C#”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2002, ISBN 0 – 07
– 047339 – 0

4. Schneider D., “An Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic 6.0”, Prentice
Hall, 1999, ISBN 0-13-936428-5

5. Petzold C., “Programming Windows”, 5th Edition, Microsoft Press, 81–7853– 007– 4


Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme:

Theory: 2 Hr/Week Term Work: 25 Marks

Practical: 4 Hrs./Week Oral: 50 Marks

Instructor should conduct classroom lectures and demonstrations to cover following


• HTML and XHTML: Introduction, Basic Syntax, HTML Document structure,

HTML Tags, Text formatting, Graphic Objects, Lists, Tables, Frames, Forms, Style
Sheets, Prominent features of HTML Editor such as MS Front Page
• XML: Introduction, Syntax, XML Document structure, Document Type
Definitions (DTDs), XML Schema, CSS and XSLT
• Introduction to client-side scripts using VBScript/JavaScript
• Active Server Pages (ASP) and PHP: Introduction, General syntax, Primitives,
Operations, Expressions, Control statements, Arrays, Functions, Form Handling, Session
Tracking, Cookies, Database Connectivity and Access
• Case Study of a Campus Network, design details, trouble shooting
• Demonstration of a protocol analyzer tool
• Network Configuration and Administration in Linux, Novel Netware and

Suggested List of Assignments

1. Study of existing LAN and understand the design and various components. Set up a
small network of 3 to 4 computers and Hub/Switch as directed by the instructor. Use Lan
Card, UTP Cables and Connectors. Install LAN Cards and Crimp the connectors. Assign
unique IP addresses and share C drive on each machine. Test the network by using PING
command. Use protocol analyzer Software. Repeat the assignment by installing two LAN
Cards in one of the machines. Repeat the same assignment by adding a router. Configure
the router and use RIP.

2. Study any protocol analyzer software (eg. LanExplorer) to learn and use its
important features, Study of network monitoring software like ETHREAL software.
Assignment to examine TCP/IP and non-TCP/IP protocols (IPX/SPX) and capture them
using protocol analyzer Software

3. Assignment to learn and understand Windows 2003 server and its associated
domain operations, to configure RAS and DHCP, to add users and computers to a domain
4. Assignment to learn and understand Linux and/or Novel Netware Network
configurations and commands

5. Installation and configuration of IIS /PWS/Apache server. Study and use various
facilities/commands and features

6. Write a program in C/C++ to implement an ECHO server, using Socket

programming with both TCP and UDP protocols

7. Implement a “Quote of the Day” Server using VB and WinSock Control. Also
develop a client application where the user will select TCP or UDP Option, Provide the
name of the Server and the Port Number. When the user clicks a button “Get the Quote”,
the client will receive the quote from the server.

8. Write an “Internet Update” program using Internet Transfer Control provided in

Visual Basic that will update the files on a local machine for which newer versions of
these files are available on the server. Provide facility for the user to determine which
files to be updated and which are not.

9. Develop a simple application to using MAPI and TAPI

10. Design a HTML page for taking sales order of various items of some company. The
page should display Company name with its logo. The buyer will provide his/her name,
address, and desired quantity against each item shown along with unit price in a table and
select desired payment mode by selecting appropriate option button labeled “Visa”,
“Master Card” etc. The form will also have two command buttons – “OK” and “Cancel”
for the user to select

11. Write a PHP Script that computes total cost of the ordered items from assignment
10, after adding sales tax. The script will show exactly what items have been ordered.

12. Create a DTD for a catalog of cars, where each car has the child elements and two or
three child elements have their own child elements, each of these elements are required
and has the possible values Yes or No. Create an XML document with instances of the
car elements defined in the DTD and process this document using the DTD and produce a
display of raw XML document. Create an XML schema and CSS style sheet for the
above-mentioned XML document. Create an XSLT style sheet for one car element of the
XML document and use it to create a display of that element.

13. Write an application that should read a SQL query from the user based on some
database in say MySQL, call a PHP script to process the query and display the results.

14. Develop a simple Web based application. Use client-side and server-side scripting

Mini Project
Students should work in a group to develop an Interactive Database-driven Web based
application using ASP, VB and Backend Database and use Software Engineering
Principals to develop the project and should deliver necessary documents such as SRS,
Design details, User Interface, neatly documented code etc.


T Instructor should frame assignments based on the assignments list as given above.
Students should submit Term Work in the form of a journal that should include at least 15
assignments and a mini project. Each assignment should consist of laboratory work such
as design, write-up, algorithm, program listing with proper documentation and printout of
the output if any.

T Oral Examination will be based on the term work and questions will be asked to
judge understanding of assignments performed

Reference Books:

1. Musciano C., Kennedy B., “HTML and XHTML”, Fifth Edition, O’Reilly / SPD
Publication, ISBN 81-7366-514-1
2. Mansfield K., Antonakos J., “An Introduction to Computer Networking”, Perason
Education, 2002, ISBN 81 – 7808 – 828 – 2
3. McKinnon A., McKinnon L., “XML”, Vikas Publishing House, 2004, ISBN 981
– 254 – 299 – X
4. Morrison M., Morrison J., “Database-Driven Web Sites”, Thomson Learning
(Vikas Publishing House), 2001, ISBN 981 – 240 – 216 – 0
5. Sebesta R., “ Programming in World Wide Web”, Second Edition, Pearson
Education, 2002, ISBN 81 – 297 – 0439 – 0


Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme:

Practical: 2 Hrs / week Term Work: 50 Marks

Suggested list of Assignments

Group A VC++

Instructor should frame assignments on following topics

1. WIN – 32 API programming using SDK

2. Programming Using MFC
3. Application Wizard, Class Wizard
4. Creating SDI, MDI, Dialog Based Application
5. User Interface Object
6. Database Programming
7. Using Windows Help Workshop

Instructor should frame at least four assignments based on the following sample

1. Create a simple “Hello World” application using windows SDK programming

2. Create a simple “Hello World” application using various GUI components.
3. Create a windows application (WinDir application / Drive tree application) using

different GUI components and document view architecture.

4. Create a simple Paintbrush application using various GDI components.

5. Create a windows application (Word application/Notepad application) using different
GUI components using MDI architecture.
6. Create a Help file for an Application using Help Workshop

Group B

Software Engineering

Instructor should frame at least three assignments related to Software Engineering using
any professional or freeware/shareware tools like Borland ALM Suite/Rational Suite/
Umbrello/Magic Draw/Gaphor/Poscidon etc. Assignments may be framed using tools
• Rational Requisites PRO (Requirement Analysis)
• Rational Purify (coding)
• Rational Robot (Testing)
• Rational Rose/MS Visio/ArgoUML (Building Analysis Models)
• Rational Rose (Architectural Design, Metrics Analysis)
• GNATS/Bugzilla (Bug Tracking Tools)
• Macromedia Authorware/Motif Common Desktop Environment (User Interface
• Assignments based on Tiny Tools available on

Students are encouraged to use open source tools

Group C (At least Three)

1. To develop an ActiveX DLL using Visual Basic

2. Create ActiveX Document DLL using Visual Basic and register it.
3. Create an Excel spreadsheet application with OLE automation using VB.

4. Implement an Alarm ActiveX control with its members like Start time, Count down,
Stop time.

Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)

Students should work in a group to study a few Free and Open Source Software.
Students should study FOSS such as Bind, Mailman, Samba, Sendmail, Mozilla,
OpenOffice, Wine, Python, Zope, Plone, KDE etc. Students should make use of the Free
Software for General Purpose (FSGP) – Software Library at www.imtech.res.in/fsgp/


Instructor should frame at least 10 assignments based on above topics and prepare
guidelines for the study and write-up for the FOSS. Students will submit term work in the
form of a Journal that should include at least 10 assignments and a report on study of

Reference books:

1. Prosise J., “Programming Windows with MFC”, Second Edition, Microsoft Press,
1999, ISBN 81- 7853 –012 - 0
2. Sanghavi H., “Programming with Visual C++”, First edition, Vikas Publishing House,
2002, ISBN 81-259-1076-X

3. Kruglinski D., Shepherd, Wingo, “Programming Microsoft Visual C++”, Fifth edition,
Microsoft press, ISBN – 81 – 7853 – 005 - 8

4. Deitel, Deitel, Nieto, Strassberger, “Getting Started with Microsoft Visual C++ 6 with
an Introduction to MFC (with compiler)”, Prentice Hall, 2000, ISBN 0-13-013249-7

5. Barker T., “Writing Software Documentation – A Task-oriented Approach”, Second

Edition, Pearson Education, 81 – 297 – 0660 – 1

6. Jelen B., Syrstad T., “VBA and Macros for Microsoft Excel”, Techmedia, 2004, ISBN

7. Roman S., “Writing Word Macros”, Second Edition, O’Reilly/SPD Publication, ISBN


Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Practical: 2 Hrs Term Work: 50 Marks

Each student will select a topic in the area of Computer Engineering and Technology
preferably keeping track with recent technological trends and development. The topic
must be selected in consultation with the institute guide.

Each student will make a seminar presentation in the term making use of audio/visual aids
for a duration of 20-25 minutes and submit the seminar report in the form of bound
journal (two copies) duly signed by the guide and Head of department. Attendance at
seminars for all students is compulsory.

A panel of staff members from the institute will assess the seminar internally during the

Format of the Seminar Report

T Title Page with Title of the topic, Name of the candidate with Exam Seat Number,
Roll Number, Name of the Guide, Name of the Department, Institution and Year
Seminar Approval Sheet

T Abstract

T Table of Contents, List of Figures, List of Tables and Nomenclature

T Introduction with section describing organization of the report

T Literature Survey

T Details of Analytical and/or experimental work, if any

T Discussions and Conclusions

T Acknowledgement

Guidelines for setting question paper at TE (Computer Engineering) 2003 course to be

effected from the academic year 2005 – 2006

1) Since the syllabi of all the subjects in this curriculum is unitized in SIX units, equal
weight age shall be given to all the units with respect to number of questions and allotted

2) Each paper shall consists of TWO sections viz. Section A and B. Units I through III
shall be under Section A and Units IV through VI shall be under section B.

3) Every unit shall carry TWO questions with internal choice/option offered to the
candidate as follows

Section A

Unit – I Q. 1 OR Q. 2 MARKS 17

Unit – II Q. 3 OR Q. 4 MARKS 17

Unit – III Q. 5 OR Q. 6 MARKS 16

Section B

Unit – IV Q. 7 OR Q. 8 MARKS 17

Unit – V Q. 9 OR Q. 10 MARKS 17

Unit – VI Q. 11 OR Q. 12 MARKS 16

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