UNIT IV-Memory: 4.1 Background

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UNIT IV- Memory

4.1 Background

 Obviously memory accesses and memory management are a very important part of
modern computer operation. Every instruction has to be fetched from memory before
it can be executed, and most instructions involve retrieving data from memory or
storing data in memory or both.
 The advent of multi-tasking OS compounds the complexity of memory management,
because as processes are swapped in and out of the CPU, so must their code and data
be swapped in and out of memory, all at high speeds and without interfering with any
other processes.
 Shared memory, virtual memory, the classification of memory as read-only versus
read-write, and concepts like copy-on-write forking all further complicate the issue.

4.1.1 Basic Hardware

 It should be noted that from the memory chips point of view, all memory accesses are
equivalent. The memory hardware doesn't know what a particular part of memory is
being used for, nor does it care. This is almost true of the OS as well, although not
 The CPU can only access its registers and main memory. It cannot, for example, make
direct access to the hard drive, so any data stored there must first be transferred into
the main memory chips before the CPU can work with it.
 Memory accesses to registers are very fast, generally one clock tick, and a CPU may
be able to execute more than one machine instruction per clock tick.
 Memory accesses to main memory are comparatively slow, and may take a number of
clock ticks to complete. This would require intolerable waiting by the CPU if it were
not for an intermediary fast memory cache built into most modern CPUs. The basic
idea of the cache is to transfer chunks of memory at a time from the main memory to
the cache, and then to access individual memory locations one at a time from the
 User processes must be restricted so that they only access memory locations that
"belong" to that particular process. This is usually implemented using a base register
and a limit register for each process, as shown in Figures 4.1 and 4.2
below. Every memory access made by a user process is checked against these two
registers, and if a memory access is attempted outside the valid range, then a fatal
error is generated. The OS obviously has access to all existing memory locations, as
this is necessary to swap users' code and data in and out of memory. It should also be
obvious that changing the contents of the base and limit registers is a privileged
activity, allowed only to the OS kernel.

Figure 4.1 - A base and a limit register define a logical address space

Figure 8.2 - Hardware address protection with base and limit registers
4.1.2 Address Binding

 User programs typically refer to memory addresses with symbolic names such as "i",
"count", and "average Temperature". These symbolic names must be mapped
or bound to physical memory addresses, which typically occurs in several stages:
 Compile Time - If it is known at compile time where a program will reside in
physical memory, then absolute code can be generated by the compiler, containing
actual physical addresses. However if the load address changes at some later time,
then the program will have to be recompiled. DOS .COM programs use compile time
 Load Time - If the location at which a program will be loaded is not known at
compile time, then the compiler must generate relocatable code, which references
addresses relative to the start of the program. If that starting address changes, then the
program must be reloaded but not recompiled.
 Execution Time - If a program can be moved around in memory during the course of
its execution, then binding must be delayed until execution time. This requires special
hardware, and is the method implemented by most modern OS.
 Figure 4.3 shows the various stages of the binding processes and the units involved in
each stage:

Figure 4.3 - Multistep processing of a user program

4.1.3 Logical Versus Physical Address Space

 The address generated by the CPU is a logical address, whereas the address actually
seen by the memory hardware is a physical address.
 Addresses bound at compile time or load time have identical logical and physical
 Addresses created at execution time, however, have different logical and physical

 In this case the logical address is also known as a virtual address, and the two
terms are used interchangeably by our text.
 The set of all logical addresses used by a program composes the logical
address space, and the set of all corresponding physical addresses composes
the physical address space.

 The run time mapping of logical to physical addresses is handled by the memory-
management unit, MMU.

 The MMU can take on many forms. One of the simplest is a modification of
the base-register scheme described earlier.
 The base register is now termed a relocation register, whose value is added to
every memory request at the hardware level.

 Note that user programs never see physical addresses. User programs work entirely in
logical address space, and any memory references or manipulations are done using
purely logical addresses. Only when the address gets sent to the physical memory
chips is the physical memory address generated.

Figure 4.4 - Dynamic relocation using a relocation register

4.1.4 Dynamic Loading

 Rather than loading an entire program into memory at once, dynamic loading loads up
each routine as it is called. The advantage is that unused routines need never be
loaded; reducing total memory usage and generating faster program start-up times.
The downside is the added complexity and overhead of checking to see if a routine is
loaded every time it is called and then loading it up if it is not already loaded.

4.1.5 Dynamic Linking and Shared Libraries

 With static linking library modules get fully included in executable modules, wasting
both disk space and main memory usage, because every program that included a
certain routine from the library would have to have their own copy of that routine
linked into their executable code.
 With dynamic linking, however, only a stub is linked into the executable module,
containing references to the actual library module linked in at run time.

 This method saves disk space, because the library routines do not need to be
fully included in the executable modules, only the stubs.
 We will also learn that if the code section of the library routines is re-entrant,
( meaning it does not modify the code while it runs, making it safe to re-enter
it ), then main memory can be saved by loading only one copy of dynamically
linked routines into memory and sharing the code amongst all processes that
are concurrently using it. ( Each process would have their own copy of
the data section of the routines, but that may be small relative to the code
segments. ) Obviously the OS must manage shared routines in memory.
 An added benefit of dynamically linked libraries ( DLLs, also known
as shared libraries or shared objects on UNIX systems ) involves easy
upgrades and updates. When a program uses a routine from a standard library
and the routine changes, then the program must be re-built ( re-linked ) in
order to incorporate the changes. However if DLLs are used, then as long as
the stub doesn't change, the program can be updated merely by loading new
versions of the DLLs onto the system. Version information is maintained in
both the program and the DLLs, so that a program can specify a particular
version of the DLL if necessary.
 In practice, the first time a program calls a DLL routine, the stub will
recognize the fact and will replace itself with the actual routine from the DLL
library. Further calls to the same routine will access the routine directly and
not incur the overhead of the stub access.

4.2 Swapping

 A process must be loaded into memory in order to execute.

 If there is not enough memory available to keep all running processes in memory at
the same time, then some processes who are not currently using the CPU may have
their memory swapped out to a fast local disk called the backing store.

4.2.1 Standard Swapping

 If compile-time or load-time address binding is used, then processes must be swapped

back into the same memory location from which they were swapped out. If execution
time binding is used, then the processes can be swapped back into any available
 Swapping is a very slow process compared to other operations. For example, if a user
process occupied 10 MB and the transfer rate for the backing store were 40 MB per
second, then it would take 1/4 second ( 250 milliseconds ) just to do the data transfer.
Adding in a latency lag of 8 milliseconds and ignoring head seek time for the
moment, and further recognizing that swapping involves moving old data out as well
as new data in, the overall transfer time required for this swap is 512 milliseconds, or
over half a second. For efficient processor scheduling the CPU time slice should be
significantly longer than this lost transfer time.
 To reduce swapping transfer overhead, it is desired to transfer as little information as
possible, which requires that the system know how much memory a process is using,
as opposed to how much it might use. Programmers can help with this by freeing up
dynamic memory that they are no longer using.
 It is important to swap processes out of memory only when they are idle, or more to
the point, only when there are no pending I/O operations. ( Otherwise the pending I/O
operation could write into the wrong process's memory space. ) The solution is to
either swap only totally idle processes, or do I/O operations only into and out of OS
buffers, which are then transferred to or from process's main memory as a second
 Most modern OS no longer use swapping, because it is too slow and there are faster
alternatives available. ( e.g. Paging. ) However some UNIX systems will still invoke
swapping if the system gets extremely full, and then discontinue swapping when the
load reduces again. Windows 3.1 would use a modified version of swapping that was
somewhat controlled by the user, swapping process's out if necessary and then only
swapping them back in when the user focused on that particular window.

Figure 4.5 - Swapping of two processes using a disk as a backing store

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