Motions Forces and Time - Newtons Laws of Motion

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Newton's Laws of Motion Quiz Date:

1. What will happen if you're in a car, and the 6. Which of the following is an opinion about
driver slams on the brake? friction?
a. You will stop moving. a. It occurs any time two objects are in contact
b. You will continue moving forward. b. It always acts in the opposite direction as motion
c. You will gradually slow down. c. It slows objects down too much
d. You will speed up. d. It prevents objects on earth from staying in motion
2. According to Newton's first law, an object in
motion will stay in motion unless: 7. If an unbalanced force acts on an object, what
a. An opposing force acts on it. will happen?
b. It's in outer space. a. It will not move at all
c. It stops. b. It will accelerate in the same direction as the force
d. It remains at rest. c. It will accelerate in the opposite direction to the force
d. It will accelerate at an angle of 90 degrees to the
3. What might happen if you were in a braking car,
and you weren't wearing your seat belt?
8. Ordinarily, gravity and the normal force
a. You'd fly backward through the rear window.
b. You'd be pressed backward into your seat. counterbalance each other. In other words:
c. You'd fly forward through the windshield. a. They reinforce each other
d. You'd move sideways through the passenger door. b. They have no effect on one another
c. They act on you at all times
4. What causes a ball rolling across a rug to slow
d. They cancel each other out
to a stop?
9. What is net force?
a. The rug doesn't have enough force to hold the ball
b. Friction resists the ball's forward motion a. A force associated with the Internet
c. The rug doesn't have enough momentum to keep b. The combined forces acting on a particular object
the ball moving c. The same thing as inertia
d. The ball isn't moving fast enough d. The same thing as gravity

5. What part(s) of a moving car experience the 10. According to Newton's third
most friction? Choose the best answer. law, what happens when you
a. b. push against a wall?

a. The wall pushes back at you half as hard as you

push against it
c. d. b. The wall doesn't resist at all
c. The wall pushes back at you with the same amount
of force
d. The wall pushes back at you twice as hard as you
push against it

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