PTE Academic Is A Computer
PTE Academic Is A Computer
PTE Academic Is A Computer
Pearson Test of English allows flexible dates for test booking and gets the result out in less than a week.
Given Below is the list of PTE test centres in Melbourne and their addresses
Pearson Professional Centers is most famous among Pearson test takers and it is the first PTE test centre in Melbourne. Its
convenient sitting arrangement is the foremost reason for why this centre is the top pick for exam givers.
RMIT Training is a part of RMIT university and it is also recognised as official PTE test center as it is very much similar to
Pearson official PTE test centre. The sitting arrangement is planned in such a way that there is minimum possibility of
getting distracted by surroundings.
PLT at Cliftons is also a widely known test center for PTE exam. The sitting plan is designed in straight lines on right and
left sides.
60 Margaret St,
Sydney NSW 2000
Melbourne Polytechnic offers diploma & certificated, higher degrees, short courses and traineeships to national and
international students. Preston test centre is specifically built for Pearson exam and it has 9 test stations equipped with new
computers and headphones & microphones. You can call on for any of your concerns regarding test booking.
Phone: +61392691200
Navitas English Test Centre (NETC) is partnered with several testing organisations to provide services for internationally
recognised examinations at their test centres in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Darwin.
NETC also offer tests in Adelaide in association with Eynesbury, a Navitas college.
Navitas English Test Centre is partnered with IDP-IELTS Australia, Cambridge English Language Assessment, Cambridge
Boxhill Language Assessment and Pearson VUE.
NETC moves on 26 September 2016 to a brand new location at Ground floor, 255 Elizabeth St.
Central Queensland University is best known for offering distance and education flexible learning. It is also known as most
engaged university, committed to social innovation, research engagement and student support services.
Griffith University was founded in 1971 and named after Sir Samuel Walker Griffith. The university has 5 campuses and
giving education to over 44000 students. Griffith University offers undergraduate, postgraduate and research degrees in
different specializations.
The USQ is a regional University located in Toowoomba, Queensland and has over 3 campuses. The university offers
various courses in law, health, science, business, engineering, education and arts.
Educational Enterprises pty Ltd is a Government body that offers courses in different subjects.
North Metropolitan TAFE is known for providing training courses and has over 29000 students pursuing different courses in
the institution.
30 Aberdeen St,
Northbridge WA 6003 Perth
On the day of your test, you should bring your passport issued by Government, having your name with which you are
registered, your photo, date of birth and your signature.
Arrive 30 minutes before the scheduled time of your exam. In case you enter more than 15 minutes late to the examination
centre, you won’t be allowed to sit in the exam.