Annulment Complaint SAMPLE
Annulment Complaint SAMPLE
Annulment Complaint SAMPLE
PLAINTIFF, by counsel, unto this Honorable Court, most respectfully
9. That after the birth of their child, the plaintiff decided to work
abroad so as to give their family specially his child a better life;
12. That defendant also squandered the money allotted for the
tuition fees of their children, the reason why their children lost interests in
their studies and stopped studying;
14. That when plaintiff went home again for a vacation sometime in
2012, he took his eldest son from the defendant and his son willingly went
with the plaintiff as his son was having difficulties with his relationship with
his mother;
15. That defendant even had the temerity to report the plaintiff to
the DSWD but when plaintiff narrated the situation to the DSWD, the latter
gave the custody of the children to the plaintiff but when the plaintiff went
back abroad to work again thereat, defendant took the children with her;
17. That the above has caused the plaintiff trauma and a feeling of
uselessness. His life with defendant was characterized by fear and always
mindful that defendant indeed does not consider herself obligated to him as
a wife and as a mother to their children;
18. That the parties did not acquire any common property during
PTR No.000000
Roll of Attorneys No.
MCLE Compliance No.
3. That the allegations in the said complaint are true and correct
of my own knowledge and authentic records;