E&M Preliminaries Quick Math Review For Part 1

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E&M Preliminaries

Quick Math Review for Part 1

1. Vectors and Scalars

 Scalars have only

 In this first topic the following are scalars:

Charge, q or Q ( )

Potential V ( ) and Potential Difference ∆V ( )

Potential Energy U ( )

 Vectors have both and

 In this first topic the following are vectors:

Force, F ( )

Electric field strength, E ( )

2. Resolving Vectors

Class Question 1: What is the resultant Electric Field strength, E for the diagram shown? In what
direction does it act?

Class Question 2: What is the resultant Electric Field strength, E for the diagram shown? In what
direction does it act?

Before you start, can you see the role of symmetry?

3. Differentiation
Differentiation used a lot. (Please remind self how to do it).
Very common formula (we will soon learn)

Class Question 3: If the potential, V is given by the formula V = 3r2 , write an expression for the
Electric field strength, E?

Class Question 4: If the potential, V is given by the formula V = 14/r2 , write an expression for the
Electric field strength, E?

Class Question 5: If the potential, V is given by the formula V = (3r 2 + 4)2 , write an expression for
the Electric field strength, E?

4. Integration

Integration used a lot. Even more than differentiation. (Please remind self how to do it).
dV b
Class Question 6: Show that if E then Vb Va Edr when r can vary between a
dr a
and b.

dV 3 3
Class Question 7: Show that if E and we know that E 6r 3
then Vb Va
dr b2 a2
when r can vary between a and b.

Note: Integration also implies dividing into small quantities and summing.
So, for example,
A rod has charge Q. If take a small piece of a rod it has charge dq. We can relate Q and dq by:

5. Powers, Brackets and Binomial Expansion

5a. Working with powers and brackets

When factoring something out of a bracket, do so with the power of the bracket.

Class Question 8a: Factor a out of the bracket. ( a b) 2

Class Question 8b: Factor 3 out of the bracket. (3 x) 2

3 3 3
Class Question 8c: Factor b out of the bracket. (b x)

5b. Binomial Expansion

If we have an expression (1 + b)n and b <<1, then

Note: We can only do this if:

Class Question 8d: Find an approximation for the expression if x <<1. (1 x)3

2 4
Class Question 8e: Find an approximation for the expression if b <<1. (1 b )

5c. Combining Powers, Brackets and Binomial Expansion

Class Question 8f: Find another approximation for the expression ( a b) 2 if a >> b.

3 3
2 2 2 2 2 2
Class Question 8g: Show that when r >> a, (r a ) (r a ) 3a 2 r

We are ready to tackle the Part 1 of E&M!!!

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