Gapayao vs. Fulo

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Farm workers generally fall under the definition of seasonal

G.R. No. 193493 June 13, 2013 employees. We have consistently held that seasonal employees may be
considered as regular employees. Regular seasonal employees are those
FACTS: called to work from time to time. The nature of their relationship with the
Jaime Fulo died of acute renal failure secondary to 1st degree burn 70% employer is such that during the off-season, they are temporarily laid off; but
secondary electrocution while doing repairs at the residence and business re-employed during the summer season or when their services may be
establishment of petitioner at Sorsogon. Allegedly moved by his Christian needed. They are in regular employment because of the nature of their job,
faith, petitioner extended some financial assistance to private respondent. and not because of the length of time they have worked.
The latter executed an Affidavit of Desistance stating that she was not holding
them liable for the death of her late husband, Jaime Fulo, and was thereby The rule, however, is not absolute. For regular employees to be considered
waiving her right and desisting from filing any criminal or civil action against as such, the primary standard used is the reasonable connection between the
petitioner. Both parties executed a compromise agreement, whereby 40,000 particular activity they perform and the usual trade or business of the
pesos was given to the surviving spouse. Thereafter, private respondent filed employer.
a claim for social security benefits with the SSS. However, it was discovered
that the deceased was not a registered member of the SSS. Private The test is whether the former is usually necessary or desirable in the usual
respondent insisted that her late husband had been employed by petitioner business or trade of the employer. The connection can be determined by
from January 1983 up to his untimely death on November 4, 1997. considering the nature of the work performed and its relation t the scheme
of the particular business in its entirety. Also if the employee has been
Consequently, SSS demanded that petitioner remit the social security performing the job for at least one year, even if the performance is not
contributions of the deceased. Petitioner denied that the deceased was hs continuous or merely intermittent, the law deems that repeated and
employee, SSS required private respondent to present evidence to refute continuing need for its performance as sufficient evidence of the necessity if
petitioners allegations. Instead of presenting evidence, respondent filed a not indispensability of that activity to the business. Hence, the employment
petition before the SSC. In her petition, she sough social security coverage is also considered regular, but only wit respect to such activity and while such
and payment of contributions in order to avail herself of the benefits accruing activity exists.
from the death of her husband.
A reading of the records reveals that the deceased was indeed a farm worker
Petitioner claims that the deceased was not a former employee, but was an who was in the regular employ of petitioner. From year to year, starting
independent contractor whose tasks were not subject to petitioners control January 1983 up until his death, the deceased has been working on
and supervision. Hence, petitioner was under no obligation to report the petitioners land by harvesting abaca and coconut, processing copra, and
formers demise to the SSS. SSS filed a petition- in- intervention before the clearing weeds. His employment was continuous in the sence that it was done
SSC. SSC rendered a resolution finding Jaime Fulo to be employed by for more than one harvesting season. Moreover, no amount of reasoning
respondent Gapayao and hereby ordering them to pay the unpaid SSS could detract from the fact that these tasks were necessary in the usual
contributions on behalf of deceased Jaime Fulo. SSS was also directed by the business of petitioner.
SSC to pay Rosario Fulo the death benefit. Petitioner appealed to the CA who
ruled in favor of private respondent and affirmed the previous decision. As found by the SSC, the deceased was a construction worker in the building
and helper in the bakery, grocery, hardware, and piggery- all owned by
ISSUE: Whether there exists between the deceased Jaime Fulo and petitioner petitioner. This fact only proves that even during the off season, the deceased
an employer-employee relationship that would merit an award of benefits in was still in the employ of petitioner.
favor of private respondent under social security laws?
Petitioners further alleged that he was merely a pakyaw worker, but even so,
they may still be considered as employees as long as the employers exercise
control over them. The power of the employer to control the work of the
employee is considered that most significant determinant of the existence of
an employer-employee relationship. This is the so-called control test. It is not
essential that the employer actually supervise the performance of duties by
the employee. It is enough that the former has a right to wield the power.

We agree with the CA that petitioner wielded control over the deceased in
the discharge of his functions. Being the owner of the farm, petitioner
necessarily had the right to review the quality of work produced by his
laborers. It matters not whether the deceased conducted his work inside
petitioners farm or not because petitioner retained the right to control him
in his work, and in fact exercised it through his farm manager Amado Gacelo.
The latte himself testified that petitioner had hired the deceased as one of
the pakyaw workers whose salaries were derived from the gross proceeds of
the harvest.

Petitioner entered into the agreement with full knowledge that he was
described as the employer of the deceased. This knowledge cannot simply be
denied by a statement that petitioner was merely forced into such an

The right of an employee to be covered by the Social Security Act is premised

on the existence of an employer-employee relationship. PETITION DENIED.

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