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Teacher Guide

The core 
principles of 

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry Teacher Guide

Teacher Guide
AS Chemistry
2nd Edition
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© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide



Unit 1 The core principles of chemistry

Chapter 1 Fundamental concepts.................................................................... 2

Chapter 2 Atomic structure and the periodic table.......................................... 4

Chapter 3 Formulae, equations and moles...................................................... 9

Chapter 4 Calculations from chemical equations...........................................14

Chapter 5 Energetics......................................................................................18

Chapter 6 Bonding........................................................................................ 24

Chapter 7 Introduction to organic chemistry................................................ 29

Practice Unit Test 1......................................................................................... 34

Unit 2 Application of core principles of chemistry

Chapter 8 Shapes of molecules and ions, polarity and intermolecular forces 42

Chapter 9 Oxidation and reduction: redox.................................................... 49

Chapter 10 The periodic table: group 2.......................................................... 54

Chapter 11 The periodic table: group 7.......................................................... 60

Chapter 12 Introduction to kinetics................................................................ 66

Chapter 13 Introduction to chemical equilibrium........................................... 70

Chapter 14 Further organic chemistry.............................................................74

Chapter 15 Mass spectra, infrared spectra and the greenhouse effect............. 80

Chapter 16 Green chemistry........................................................................... 84

Practice Unit Test 2......................................................................................... 87

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide iii


This Teacher Guide accompanies the Edexcel AS Chemistry textbook (2nd edition), by George
Facer, published by Philip Allan Updates.

The answers to the end-of-chapter questions are not model answers. They are designed to
help the student understand the answer. The examiner notes after the answer, indicated by
the icon , are additional points to help the student:

n understand what is required

n avoid some common errors

Answers to the chapter summary worksheets (see the textbook CD-ROM) are given at the end of
each chapter of this Teacher Guide.

The answers to the practice unit tests are model answers that include all that examiners look for
when awarding marks, together with some extra explanation. Each marking point is indicated
by a ✔.

Relative atomic mass values are not given in the questions, because the student is expected to
use the periodic table. All Edexcel’s theory exam papers have a periodic table printed on the back
page. The textbook has an identical version inside the back cover.

This guide includes a CD-ROM, designed so that answers to individual questions and the
explanatory comments can be cut and pasted and then issued to students after they have done
their homework.

A-level examiners are instructed not to be too literal in following the mark scheme. The
important point is that what has been written is correct and answers the question. There are
several occasions in this Guide when different wording is used from that in the textbook, but
either is equally acceptable. An example of this is:
n textbook — the bombarding electrons in a mass spectrometer have a high kinetic energy

n answer — the electrons are fast moving

Some answers are expanded to show the logic of the calculation. For instance, the conversion of
23.7 cm3 of solution to dm3 in the answer to Question 9 of the first chapter is set out as
1 dm3
23.7 cm3 × = 0.0237 dm3
1000 cm3

Specific terms used in exam questions

This means that no explanation is required and so none should be given. However, in this
Guide an explanation is often given in order to help the student understand why the answer is

If the name of a substance is asked for, examiners will accept either the name or the formula, but
if both are given, both must be correct. The command word ‘identify’ is often used. The answer
here can be a name or a formula. If the formula is required, only the formula and not the name
will score the mark.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide iv


Molecular formula
The added up formula, such as C2H4Cl2, is what is required. This is normally the answer to
questions involving percentage composition of compounds.

Give the formula (of an organic substance)

An unambiguous formula must be given. Butanoic acid is CH3CH2CH2COOH or C2H5CH2COOH,
not C3H7COOH, which could also be methylpropanoic acid.

Ethanal is CH3CHO, not CH3COH; ethyl ethanoate is CH3COOC2H5 or CH3CO2C2H5, not

CH3OCOC2H5 (ethyl ethanoate or methyl propanoate).

Give the structural formula

The bonding in the functional group containing a π-bond must be clearly shown. For example,
the structural formula of ethene should be written as H 2 C=CH 2 , that of ethanal as
H and that of ethanoic acid as OH


Give the full structural formula (displayed formula)

All the atoms and the bonds between them should be shown. For example, propene is:
The colour before as well as after the test must be given in the answer. For example, bromine water
changes from brown to colourless, not ‘is decolorised’, and acidified potassium dichromate(vi)
goes from orange to green, not ‘goes green’.

Gas evolved is not an observation (it is a deduction). Bubbles of gas or effervescence are

Hydrogen chloride is observed as misty fumes, not as a white smoke.

Preferred colours
Flame tests
Cation Preferred colour Acceptable colours
Lithium Red Carmine, deep red, magenta or crimson
Sodium Yellow (not orange) —
Potassium Lilac Mauve or purple
Calcium Red or brick red Orange-red
Strontium Crimson Red
Barium Pale green Apple green or yellowy-green

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 


Indicators (alkali in the burette, acid in the conical flask)

Indicator Starting colour End-point colour Not
Methyl orange Red Orange or peach Yellow or pink
Phenolphthalein Colourless Pink Red or purple

Indicators (acid in the burette, alkali in the conical flask)

Indicator Starting colour End-point colour Not
Methyl orange Yellow Orange or peach Red or pink
Phenolphthalein Red or purple Colourless Clear

Significant figures
If a question asks for appropriate or a specific number of significant figures, the answer must be
given to the correct number of significant figures.

Never round up to one figure, even if the answer is 5.0. The exception to this is when calculating
the number of atoms or the number of molecules of water of crystallisation in a formula.

In calculations from titration data, always give the answer to three or more significant figures.

Do not eound up to less than three signifcant figures in intermediare steps in a calculation.

Always give a + or a - sign in your answers to ∆H questions and to those on oxidation

You must state:
n the temperature range necessary or whether the substance has to be heated under reflux

n the name of the solvent

n the name of any catalyst required

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide vi

Unit 1

The core
principles of

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide

Unit 1
The core principles of chemistry
1  Fundamental concepts
1 The element in group 5 and period 3 is phosphorus, P.
e Look at the periodic table printed on the last page of an exam paper or at the back of the textbook. The
group number is written at the top of the group and the period number on the left-hand side.

2 The most reactive element in group 2 is radium, Ra.

e Metals become more reactive down a group. The metal at the bottom of group 2 is radium.

3 The only two elements that are liquids are bromine and mercury.
e Some people think that francium is a liquid at room temperature. However, only a few francium atoms
have ever been made and those underwent rapid radioactive decay, so no-one has seen enough of the
element to be sure of its physical state.

4 The ion is 3+, i.e. X3+.

e Electrons are negatively charged, so loss of electrons results in a positively charged ion. A neutral atom
has the same number of positively charged protons as negatively charged electrons. When electrons are
lost, there are more protons than electrons, resulting in a positively charged ion.

5 12 kg = 12 000 g
e There are 1000 g in 1 kg. Remember that the number of grams is always bigger than the number of

6 1.2 × 106 g = 1.2 tonnes

e 1 tonne contains 1000 kg, and each kg weighs 1000 g, so there are 106 (a million) grams in 1 tonne.

1000 mg
7 0.0234 g × = 23.4 mg
e There are 1000 mg in 1 g, so what you have to do in this calculation is to multiply the mass in grams by
the ratio 1000 mg/1 g. Note how the unit g cancels, leaving mg as the final unit.

1000 cm3
8 22.4 dm3 × = 22 400 cm3
1 dm3
e 1 dm3 = 1000 cm3, so the volume in dm3 has to be multiplied by the ratio 1000 cm3/1 dm3.

volume in cm3
9 volume in dm3 =
so 23.7 cm = 0.0237 dm3

1 dm3
This is the same as 23.7 cm3 ×
1000 cm3
e 1000 cm3 = 1 dm3, so the volume in cm3 has to be divided by 1000.
The volume in dm3 is always less than the volume in cm3. This type of conversion is often required in
titration calculations.

10 a 1 mol of CO2 contains 6.02 × 1023 carbon dioxide molecules. Each molecule contains three
atoms, so there are 3 × 6.02 × 1023 = 1.81 × 1024 atoms.

b 1 mol of CaCl 2 contains 1 mol of Ca 2+ ions and 2 mol of Cl – ions. Therefore, there are
2 × 6.02 × 1023 = 1.20 × 1024 Cl– ions in 1 mol of CaCl2.
e The Avogadro constant, NA (6.02 × 1023 mol–1), is the number of molecules or groups of ions in 1 mol of
the substance.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 

The core principles of chemistry  Fundamental concepts

11 a The ratio of N2 to H2 in the equation is 1:3. Therefore, 0.246 mol of H2 react with

1  × 0.246 = 0.0820 mol of N .
e As with the unit conversion questions, what you are really doing is multiplying by a ratio, this time of
moles. Thus to convert mol of H2 to mol of N2, you multiply by the ratio 1 mol N2/3 mol H2 (obtained from
the equation). The unit ‘mol H2’ cancels, leaving ‘mol N2’ as the unit of the answer.
1mol N
0.246 mol H2 × = 0.0820 mol N2
3 mol H
The data were given to three significant figures, so you should give your answer to three significant

b The ratio of ammonia, NH3, to H2 is 2:3. Therefore, 0.246 mol of H2 produces

2 × 0.246 = 0.164 mol of ammonia.
 mol NH3
e As before, the 0.246 mol H2 is multiplied by a ratio, this time by .
3 mol H

12 The ratio of calcium hydroxide to nitric acid in the equation is 1:2. Therefore, 0.0642 mol of
nitric acid react with

0.0642 mol HNO3 ×
1mol Ca OH( )2 = 0.0321 mol Ca(OH)
2 mol HNO3

13 a 1.202 is written to four significant figures.

e The zero in the middle of a number is always counted as a significant figure.

b 3.30 is written to three significant figures.

e The zero at the end of a number in decimals is always counted as a significant figure.

c 0.002220 is written to four significant figures.

e For numbers less than 1, do not count the zero before the decimal point or any that follow immediately
after the decimal point.

d 2.34 × 10 –3 is written to three significant figures.

e The power of 10 in scientific notation is not counted as a significant figure.

14 a 2.3447 expressed to three significant figures is 2.34.

e Do not round from five significant figures to four and then to three significant figures. The fourth figure
is a 4, which is less than 5, so the preceding digit is not altered.

b 0.04375 expressed to three significant figures is 0.0438.

e When the final digit is 5, round the preceding digit up.

c 4.872499 expressed to three significant figures is 4.87.

d 1.524 × 10 –5 expressed to three significant figures is 1.52 × 10 –5.

e Ignore the 10−5 when rounding, but don’t forget to put it into the answer.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 

Unit 14
The core principles of chemistry
Example ?structure and the
2 Atomic
periodic table
1 Relative isotopic mass refers to the relative mass of one atom of an isotope of an element. It
is not an average. The relative atomic mass refers to the natural mixture of all the isotopes
of that element, and so is a weighted average. Thus, the relative isotopic mass of chlorine-35
is the mass of one chlorine-35 atom relative to one-twelfth of the mass of a carbon-12 atom.
The relative atomic mass of chlorine is the average mass of an atom of chlorine (taking into
account the relative abundance of the two isotopes of chlorine) relative to one-twelfth of the
mass of a carbon-12 atom.

2 a Isotopes have the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons. Therefore,
B and D are isotopes of element number 17 (chlorine). B is a 35Cl atom and D is a 37Cl+ ion.
Isotopes can be neutral (atoms) or charged (ions).

b Atoms are neutral if the number of electrons is the same as the number of protons. Thus B and
F are neutral atoms.
e B is a 35Cl atom and F is an 40Ar atom.

c Cations are positively charged ions because they have more protons than electrons. A, C and
D are cations.
e A is K+, C is Mg2+ and D is Cl+.

d Anions are negatively charged ions because they have more electrons than protons. Element
E (Br–) is the only anion.

e For atoms and ions to have the same electronic configuration, they must have the same number
of electrons. Element A (K+) and F (Ar) both have 18 electrons, arranged 2,8,8.

3 There are two reasons. The more important is that most elements consist of a mixture of isotopes
(tin has ten naturally occurring isotopes) and so the average mass is not a whole number. The
second reason is that the relative mass of an isotope is not quite a whole number. For example,
the relative mass of sodium (which has only one isotope, 23Na) is 22.9898. This is because
protons and neutrons do not have a mass of exactly one and when they join to form a nucleus,
some of their mass is changed into energy.

4 Let the % of 65Cu be x. This means that the % of 63Cu is (100 – x).
65x + 63(100 − x)
relative atomic mass = = 63.5
65x + 63(100 − x) = 6350
65x − 63x = 6350 − 6300 = 50
2x = 50
x = 25

The abundances of the two isotopes are 65Cu = 25.0% and 63Cu = 75.0%.
e Note that the answer is given to three significant figures, because the data in the question were given to
three significant figures.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 

The core principles of chemistry  Atomic structure and the periodic table

5 The relative atomic mass is the sum of the % of each isotope multiplied by its mass, all divided
by 100.
(28 × 92.2) + (29 × 4.7) + (30 × 3.1)
relative atomic mass of silicon = = 28.1
e Note that the value given on your calculator is 28.109. However, this must be changed to the one decimal
place required by the question.
Always check that your answer agrees with the value given in the periodic table at the back of the exam
paper, but remember that most values in the table have been rounded up to one decimal place.

6 Look in the periodic table for element number 13. This is aluminium. Aluminium has 13 protons
and 14 neutrons and therefore has a relative mass of 27 (13 + 14). The particle in the question
has three electrons fewer than the number of protons, so it has a charge of 3+. The particle is:

7 a The peaks in a mass spectrum are caused by positive ions. Bromine exists as Br2 molecules
and there are two isotopes of bromine, of relative masses 79 and 81. The peak at m/e 158 is
caused by the (79Br–79Br)+ ion, the one at 160 by the (79Br– 81Br)+ ion and the one at 162 by the
(81Br– 81Br)+ ion.

b The peaks at 158 (due to the ion containing the Br-79 isotope only) and at 162 (due to the ion
containing the Br-81 isotope only) are the same height, so the relative abundance of the two
isotopes must be the same.
e Students studying statistics will know that in a 50:50 mixture of the two isotopes, the chance of a
79Br−79Br molecule is

1 × 1 = 1
It is the same for 81Br−81Br. However, the chance of a 79Br−81Br molecule is
2 × 1 × 1
as there are two ways (head−tail and tail−head) of obtaining this species. Thus, the peak heights are
1 : 1 : 1 or 1:2:1
4  4

c The energy of the bombardment in the mass spectrometer may cause the molecular ion to
dissociate into an atom and a monatomic ion. The equation for the formation of the peak at 79
is either:

(79Br– 81Br)+ → 79Br+ + 81Br•

(79Br–79Br)+ → 79Br+ + 79Br•
e Note that the singly charged molecular ion only forms one positive ion. The other particle is a neutral
free radical.

8 Positive ions are formed when the vaporised atom or molecule is bombarded with fast-moving
electrons. The kinetic energy of these electrons is great enough to cause the removal of
an electron from the outermost orbital of the atom or of one of the bonding electrons in the
e They can also be formed by rapid laser-induced evaporation of a solution of protonated large molecules,
such as pharmaceuticals.

9 The third shell has three types of orbitals, s, p and d. There are one s-orbital, three p-orbitals and
five d-orbitals, making a total of nine orbitals.
e Each orbital can hold two electrons, which is why the third shell can hold 18 electrons.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 

The core principles of chemistry  Atomic structure and the periodic table

10 The lowest energy level is the 4s-orbital, followed in increasing order by the 4p-, 5s-, 4d-, 5p-,
6s- and 5d-orbitals.
e Remember that the d-orbitals fill ‘late’, after the next s-orbital has been filled.

11 Phosphorus: [Ne] 3s2 3p3

Cobalt: [Ar] 4s2 3d7
The answer [Ar] 3d7 4s2 is equally acceptable.

12 Sodium in its ground state is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1. In an excited state, the 3s-electron is promoted to a
higher level such as the 3p level, so one answer is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3p1. Another correct answer is 1s2
2s2 2p6 4s1.

13 The boxes must show electrons with their spins $ or %.

The answer is: 3s 3p

$ % $ $ $

14 Periodicity is the term used to describe a regular pattern of physical or chemical properties. An
example is that the first ionisation energies reach a maximum value at regular intervals (at each
noble gas).

15 Boron has a nuclear charge of +5 and the electronic configuration 2,3. Thus, it has two inner
shielding electrons. Its effective nuclear charge is approximately +3 (+5 – 2). Magnesium has
12 protons in its nucleus and the electronic configuration 2,8,2. Therefore, there are ten inner
shielding electrons, giving it an approximate nuclear charge of +2 (+12 – 10). Bromine has 35
protons and the electronic configuration 2,8,18,7. The nucleus is shielded by 28 inner electrons,
so the approximate effective nuclear charge is +7 (+35 – 28).

Bromine has the largest effective nuclear charge and magnesium the smallest.
e Remember that the effective nuclear charge is approximately equal to the nuclear charge (number of
protons) minus the number of inner (shielding) electrons.
The argument used in this answer ignores the repulsion between electrons in the outer orbit, which
reduces the effective nuclear charge from that calculated.

16 Negative ions are bigger than their parent neutral atoms; positive ions are smaller. Thus the
order of increasing radius is K+ < Cl < Cl–.

17 a K(g) → K+(g) + e–

b Ar(g) → Ar+(g) + e–

c Br(g) → Br+(g) + e–
e Note that all the species on the left are gaseous atoms that lose one electron.

18 F4+(g) → F5+(g) + e–
e The fifth ionisation energy is the energy for the removal of the fifth electron, and not for the removal of
five electrons.

19 a Mg(g) + e– → Mg–(g)

b N(g) + e– → N–(g)
e Note that all the species on the left are gaseous atoms that gain one electron.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 

The core principles of chemistry Atomic structure and the periodic table

1st ionisation energy

Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar

The general trend in the first ionisation energy is upwards as the effective nuclear charge
increases. Moving from sodium to argon, the nuclear charge steadily increases. However, the
number of shielding electrons remains the same because these elements all have ten inner
There is a slight decrease at aluminium because the outer electron is in the 3p-orbital and is,
therefore, at a higher energy level than the 3s-electrons in magnesium. Thus less energy is
required to remove it.
There is another dip at sulfur. This is because the electronic configuration of sulfur is [Ne] 3s2
3px2 3py1 3pz1. The two electrons in the 3px -orbital repel each other, making it slightly easier to
remove one of them.

21 Helium has two electrons that are totally unshielded and so are extremely difficult to remove.
Neon has ten protons in the nucleus and the 2p-electrons are shielded by two inner (1s) electrons;
argon has 18 protons and the 3p-electrons are shielded by ten inner electrons; and lastly krypton
has 36 protons with the 4p-electrons shielded by 28 electrons. So although the nuclear charge
increases, so does the number of shielding electrons. These two effects cancel each other out.
The ionisation energy decreases from neon to krypton because the radii of the outer electron
shells increase, which results in the electrons being held less firmly and, therefore, being easier
to remove.

22 There is a big jump in ionisation energy between the sixth and the seventh values. The seventh
electron is therefore being removed from an inner shell. Therefore, element X has six outer
electrons and is in group 6 of the periodic table.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 

The core principles of chemistry  Atomic structure and the periodic table

Chapter Summary Worksheet (textbook CD-ROM)

1 (i) The answer is C. In a group 4 element, the successive ionisation energies steadily rise from
first to fourth. There is a big jump as an electron is removed from an inner shell/orbit.

(ii) The answer is A. The general trend in a period is an increase, with slight dips at the third and
sixth elements in periods 2 and 3. Answer A fits this pattern.

(iii) The answer is D. There is always a steady decrease in first ionisation energy as a group is

2 The answer is C. The lowest frequency means the smallest energy difference. Energy levels
become closer together as the orbit number increases. Therefore, 3 → 2 is of lower energy than
2 → 1.

3 The answer is C. The third orbit has three types of orbital, s, p and d. There is just one 3s-orbital,
but three 3p- and five 3d-orbitals, making a total of nine different orbitals in the third orbit.
e Remember that each orbital can hold two electrons, so the third orbit can hold 2 × 9 = 18 electrons.

4 The answer is B. All four ions have the electron configuration of neon. Positive ions are smaller
than isoelectronic negative ions and highly charged positive ions are smaller than cations with
lower charge. (The opposite is true for negative ions.) Thus Al3+ is smaller than Na+, which is
smaller than F−; O2− is the largest of the four ions.

5 The answer is B. Electron affinity is the energy change for the addition of an electron to each of
one mole of gaseous atoms or ions. The first electron affinity is the energy charge per mole for
adding one electron to a gaseous atom, here Cl(g), to form a gaseous ion with a single negative

6 The answer is D. Bromine is Br2. There are no lines at 159 and 161, so there cannot be a 80Br
isotope because this would give an ion of mass 159 (79 + 80) and one of mass 161 (80 + 81). The
lines in a mass spectrum are caused by positive ions, so the answer must be (79Br– 81Br)+ because
79 + 81 = 160.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 

Unit 1
The core principles of chemistry
3  Formulae, equations and moles
e Remember:
l Put words into your calculation so that both you and the examiner can follow the calculation through.
Not only will this help you, it will enable the examiner to award ‘consequential’ marks, should you
make an error early in the calculation.
l Check the number of significant figures for each answer. The data are almost always given to three
significant figures, so the answers should also be given to three significant figures.
l Do not confuse decimal places with significant figures. For example, 0.012 is a number to three
decimal places, but to two significant figures. When counting significant figures in numbers less than
1, do not count the zeros before or immediately after the decimal point.
l Putting units into the calculation acts as a check to see if you have used the correct ‘formula’. For
instance, if you thought that moles = mass × molar mass, the units of amount of substance (moles)
would come out as g × g mol−1 or g2 mol−1, which is absurd.
l Always think about the magnitude of your answer and see if it is reasonable. If not, check your
working. When you have finished, redo the calculation on your calculator to check that you have not
made a calculator error.
l If the volume of 1 mol of gas is given in dm3, convert gas volumes from cm3 to dm3. Do this by
dividing the volume in cm3 by 1000. The dm3 volume is smaller than the cm3 volume.

1 The compound contains 72.6% rubidium, so oxygen makes up 27.4%.

Element Divide by r.a.m. Divide by smallest
Rubidium 72.6/85.5 = 0.849 0.849/0.849 = 1
Oxygen 27.4/16.0 = 1.71 1.71/0.849 = 2.01 ≈ 2

The empirical formula of the compound is RbO2.

e This might seem unlikely, but rubidium, like potassium, forms a superoxide of formula RbO2, which
contains the O2− ion.
Make sure that you show all the steps clearly. Marks are awarded for dividing by the relative atomic
mass and then by the smallest number. A common error is to divide by the atomic number instead of
the atomic mass.

2 Element Divide by r.a.m. Divide by smallest

Carbon 17.8/12.0 = 1.48 1.48/0.991 = 1.5
Hydrogen 3.0/1.0 = 3.0 3.0/0.991 = 3.0
Bromine 79.2/79.9 = 0.991 0.991/0.991 = 1.0

The simplest whole number ratio of 1.5:3:1 is obtained by multiplying them all by 2, i.e. 3:6:2.
The empirical formula is C3H6Br2.
e After division by the smallest number, you should round the values to 1 decimal place. If the ratio
is not a whole number ratio, try to obtain integers by multiplying all the numbers by 2. If that fails,
multiply by 3.

3 a Element Divide by r.a.m. Divide by smallest

Carbon 36.4/12.0 = 3.03 3.03/3.03 = 1
Hydrogen 6.1/1.0 = 6.1 6.1/3.03 = 2
Fluorine 57.5/19.0 = 3.03 3.03/3.03 = 1

The empirical formula is CH2F.

b The mass of the empirical formula is (12.0 + 2.0 + 19.0) = 33.0. This is half the molar mass,
so the molecular formula is C2H4F2.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 

The core principles of chemistry  Formulae, equations and moles

e To find the molecular formula, multiply the empirical formula by the ratio of molar mass divided by
empirical mass. In this example it is 66.0/33.0, which equals 2.

4 a Calcium ions are 2+ and chloride ions are 1–, so the formula is CaCl2.

b Silver ions are 1+ and nitrate ions are 1–, so the formula is AgNO3.

c Copper(ii) is Cu2+ and phosphate is PO43–. For a neutral compound you need three copper ions
and two phosphate ions, making charges of +6 and –6. Therefore, the formula is Cu3(PO4)2.

d Aluminium is 3+ and oxide is 2–, so aluminium oxide is Al2O3.

e There are two ways of working out formulae of ionic compounds. One way is to make sure that the total
positive charge equals the total negative charge (see part c). The other way, if the charges are not the
same, is to swap them round. Copper is 2+ and phosphate 3−, so there are three copper ions and two
phosphate ions in the formula.

5 a As there is one manganese ion to each carbonate ion, the charges have the same numerical
value. Carbonate ions are 2–, so the manganese ions in this compound must be 2+.

b The charge on two vanadium ions must equal the charge on three sulfate ions. Each sulfate is
–2, so three sulfate ions have a total charge of –6. This means that two vanadium ions have a
total charge of +6, so each has a charge of +3.

6 a molar mass of Ca(OH)2 = 40.1 + 2 × (16.0 + 1.0) = 74.1 g mol–1

b molar mass of Al2(SO4)3 = (2 × 27.0) + 3 × [32.1 + (4 × 16.0)] = 342.3 g mol–1

c molar mass of FeSO4.7H2O = 55.8 + 32.1 + (4 × 16.0) + 7 × (2.0 + 16.0) = 277.9 g mol–1

e In calculating molar mass, make sure that you use the relative atomic masses (the larger numbers), not
the atomic numbers, from the periodic table. Molar mass has the units of g mol−1. Relative molecular
mass has no units. The numbers are the same.

7 The balanced equations are:

a P4 + 5O2 → P4O10 or 2P2O5
e Phosphorus(v) oxide exists as the dimer P4O10, but 2P2O5 on the right of the equation would be

b 4Al + 3O2 → 2Al2O3

c 2Mg(NO3)2 → 2MgO + 4NO2 + O2

e In part c, balance the oxygen atoms last. Remember that the number of oxygen atoms on the right-hand side
of the equation must be an even number, because Mg(NO3)2 contains an even number of oxygen atoms.

d 2LiOH + H2SO4 → Li2SO4 + 2H2O

e 2Fe3+ + 2I– → 2Fe2+ + I2

e Make sure that this equation balances for charge. Having one Fe3+ ion on the left-hand side and one Fe2+
on the right-hand side balances the number of Fe ions, but the charge on the left would not equal the
charge on the right.
f 2C8H18 + 25O2 → 16CO2 + 18H2O or C8H18 + 12 2 O2 → 8CO2 + 9H2O
e The only source of oxygen on the left-hand side of the equation is O2, so the number of oxygen atoms
on the right-hand side must be an even number. Therefore, there must be an even number of H2O
molecules on the right. This requires two C8H18 molecules on the left.

8 For equations a–c, the simplest way is to realise that the component ions of the compound
combine to give the precipitate. All other ions are spectators.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 10

The core principles of chemistry  Formulae, equations and moles

a The precipitate is Cu(OH)2, so the ionic equation is:

Cu2+(aq) + 2OH–(aq) → Cu(OH)2(s)
e Do not forget state symbols in all ionic equations.

b The precipitate is BaSO4, so the ionic equation is:

Ba2+(aq) + SO42–(aq) → BaSO4(s)

c The precipitate is Ca3(PO4)2, so the ionic equation is:

3Ca2+(aq) + 2PO43–(aq) → Ca3(PO4)2(s)

d Aqueous solutions of strong acids are totally ionised, so when they react as acids, the ionic
equation contains H+(aq). Solids, even if ionic, must be written in full.

The ionic equation is:

2H+(aq) + CaCO3(s) → Ca2+(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)

e Aqueous alkalis are fully ionised, so in neutralisation reactions OH–(aq) ions are in the
equation. The reaction is between H+ and OH– ions and the ionic equation is:
H+(aq) + OH–(aq) → H2O(l)

9 For solids:
moles =
molar mass
1.11 g
a amount of CaCO3 = = 0.0111 mol
[40.1 + 12.0 + (3 × 16.0)]g mol –1
2.22 g
b amount of Ba(OH)2 = = 0.130 mol
[137.3 + 2 × (16.0 + 1.0)]g mol −1
e Make sure that you give your answer to the correct number of significant figures. Here, the data in the
question are given to three significant figures, so the answer is also given to three significant figures.

10 mass = moles × molar mass

a mass of 0.0100 mol H2SO4 = 0.0100 mol × [2.0 + 32.1 + (4 × 16.0)] g mol–1 = 0.981g

b mass of 100 mol Na = 100 mol × 23.0 g mol–1 = 2300 g

mass 4.56 g
11 molar mass of the hydrated salt = = = 246 g mol–1
moles 0.0185 mol
MgSO4 contributes [24.3 + 32.1 + (4 × 16.0)] = 120.4 g mol–1;
therefore, 246 – 120.4 = 125.6 g mol–1 is due to x moles of water:
x(2.0 + 16.0) = 125.6
x= = 6.98

The number of molecules of water of crystallisation must be a whole number, so hydrated

magnesium sulfate contains seven molecules of water of crystallisation.
mass 1.2 g
12 a moles of water = = = 0.0667 mol
molar mass 18.0 g mol −1
number of molecules = 0.0667 mol × 6.02 × 1023 mol–1 = 4.0 × 1022
e Note that the mass data were given to two significant figures.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 11

The core principles of chemistry  Formulae, equations and moles

b molecules of water in 1.2 mol = 1.2 mol × 6.02 × 1023 mol–1 = 7.2 × 1023

e The number of molecules is the number of moles multiplied by Avogadro’s constant, which is
6.02 × 1023 mol−1. Therefore, to calculate the number of molecules, masses have first to be converted
into moles.

13 number of molecules in 0.0100 mol CO2 = 0.0100 × 6.02 × 1023 = 6.02 × 1021

There are two oxygen atoms in each molecule of CO2, so:
number of oxygen atoms in 0.0100 mol CO2 = 2 × 6.02 × 1021 = 1.20 × 1022

mass 10.0 g
14 moles of Ba(OH)2 = = = 0.05838 mol
molar mass (137.3 + 34.0)g mol –1
There are two OH− ions per formula unit of Ba(OH)2, so:
number of hydroxide ions = 2 × 0.05838 × 6.02 × 1023 = 7.03 × 1022
e Remember that the number of atoms, molecules or ions is always a huge number, usually around 1023.
The number of moles is usually less than 1.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 12

The core principles of chemistry  Formulae, equations and moles

Chapter Summary Worksheet (textbook CD-ROM)

1 The answer is B. Aluminium has a valency of three (Al3+) and chlorine has a valency of 1 (Cl−).
Swapping the valencies gives the formula AlCl3.

2 The answer is D. Mr = (1 × Ca) + (2 × O) + (2 × H) = 40.1 + 32.0 + 2.0 = 74.1 ≈ 74 g mol−1.

e You must not use atomic numbers (Ca = 20, O = 8 and H = 1).

3 The answer is D.
Mr = (2 × Na) + (1 × C) + (3 × O) + (10 × H2O) = 46.0 + 12.0 + 48.0 + (10 × 18.0) = 286.0 g mol−1.

4 The answer is B. Phosphorus(v) has a valency of 5 and oxygen a valency of 2. Swapping over the
valencies gives the formula P2O5.
e Phosphorus pentachloride exists as the dimer P4O10 but the formula P2O5 is also acceptable.

5 The answer is C. Equation A balances for atoms (three calcium atoms and two phosphate groups
on each side). It also balances for charge: left-hand side has 6+ and 6− charges, which is neutral,
as is the right-hand side.

Equation B has two lead, four nitrogen and twelve oxygen atoms on each side, so it balances.

Equation C balances for atoms, but not for charge. The charges on the left-hand side are 3+ and
2+ = 5+. On the right-hand side they are 2+ and 4+ = 6+.
e Beware.  This is an example of a negative question — ‘does not balance’. The answer that is chemically
wrong is, therefore, the correct response. You will find several questions of this type in your A-level

6 The answer is A.
moles = concentration × volume in dm3 = 0.10 mol dm−3 × 25/1000 dm3 = 0.0025 mol
e Remember that you have to divide by 1000 to convert a volume in cm3 to one in dm3. The fact that there
are 2NaOH in the equation is irrelevant.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 13

Unit 14
The core principles of chemistry
Example ?
4 Calculations from chemical
e Remember:
l Put words into your calculation so that both you and the examiner can follow the calculation through.
Not only will this help you, it will enable the examiner to award ‘consequential’ marks, should you
make an error early in the calculation.
l Check the number of significant figures for each answer. The data are almost always given to three
significant figures, so the answers should also be given to three significant figures.
l Do not confuse decimal places with significant figures. For example, 0.012 is a number to three
decimal places, but to two significant figures. When counting significant figures in numbers less than
1, do not count the zeros before or immediately after the decimal point.
l Putting units into the calculation acts as a check to see if you have used the correct ‘formula’. For
instance, if you thought that moles = mass × molar mass, the units of amount of substance (moles)
would come out as g × g mol−1 or g2 mol−1, which is absurd.
l Always think about the magnitude of your answer and see if it is reasonable. If not, check your
working. When you have finished, redo the calculation on your calculator to check that you have not
made a calculator error.
l If the volume of 1 mol of gas is given in dm3, convert gas volumes from cm3 to dm3. Do this by
dividing the volume in cm3 by 1000. The dm3 volume is smaller than the cm3 volume.
l Convert solution volumes in cm3 to volumes in dm3 before multiplying by the concentration. The
volume in dm3 equals the volume in cm3 divided by 1000.

1 molar mass of Fe2(SO4)3 = (2 × 55.8) + 3 × [32.1 + (4 × 16.0)] = 399.9 g mol–1

molar mass of Fe(OH)3 = 55.8 + (3 × 17.0) = 106.8 g mol–1

mass 12.7 g
amount of Fe2(SO4)3 (in moles) = = = 0.03176 mol
molar mass 399.9 g mol −1

number of Fe(OH)3 in equation

moles Fe(OH)3 = moles Fe2(SO4)3 ×
number of Fe 2(SO4)3 in equation

= 0.03176 mol × 2 = 0.06352 mol

mass of Fe(OH)3 = moles × molar mass = 0.06352 mol × 106.8 g mol–1 = 6.78 g

e It is a good idea to work out the molar masses of the two substances involved before starting the rest of
the calculation.

2 molar mass of AgNO3 = 107.9 + 14.0 + (3 × 16.0) = 169.9 g mol–1

mass 12.6 g
amount (in moles) of AgNO3 = = = 0.07416 mol
molar mass 169.9 g mol −1
ratio of Cu:AgNO3 = 1:2
so, amount of copper = 2
× 0.07416 = 0.03708 mol

mass of copper needed = moles × molar mass

= 0.03708 mol × 63.5 g mol–1 = 2.35 g
e The answer 2.35 g was obtained keeping all the numbers on the calculator during the calculation. If the
rounded up value of 0.0371 mol is used, the answer 2.36 g is obtained. Either would score full marks.
A common error is to calculate the molar mass of AgNO3 as 2 × 170 g mol−1 because there are 2 moles
of it in the equation. This is wrong. The number of moles of a substance depends only on its mass and
not on the reaction. The stoichiometry comes into play when moles of one substance are converted to
moles of another substance. This type of calculation can be done either by mass ratio or by converting

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 14

The core principles of chemistry  Calculations from chemical equations

to moles, then using the reaction stoichiometry and finally converting back to mass. The second method
fits all types of calculation, so is the better one to use.

3 molar mass of NaNO3 = 23.0 + 14.0 + (3 × 16.0) = 85.0 g mol–1

mass 33.3 g
amount of NaNO3 = = = 0.392 mol
molar mass 85.0 g mol −1
ratio of O2:NaNO3 = 1:2
so, amount of oxygen = 2
× 0.392 = 0.196 mol
volume of oxygen = moles × molar volume
= 0.196 mol × 25.0 dm3 mol–1
= 4.90 dm3
mass 3000 g
4 amount (moles) of hydrogen, H2 = = = 1500 mol
molar mass 2.0 g mol – 1
ratio of NH3:H2 = 2:3
so, theoretical amount (moles) of ammonia produced = 3
× 1500 = 1000 mol
theoretical yield (mass) of NH3 = moles × molar mass
= 1000 mol × 17 g mol–1
= 17 000 g
actual yield of product × 100 2550 g × 100
percentage yield = = = 15.0%
theoretical yield of product 17 000 g
e When calculating the percentage yield, the yields can be expressed in moles or in mass units. Calculating
both yields in moles gives:
550 g
actual amount (moles) of NH3 = = 150 mol
17.0 g mol–1
150 mol × 100
so, percentage yield = = 15.0%
1000 mol
mass of product  × 100
The percentage yield is not .
mass of reactant

5 amount (in moles) = concentration × volume

= 0.0545 mol dm–3 ×  dm3 = 0.00128 mol
e Be careful about units. The concentration is in mol dm−3, but the volume is in cm3. The volume in cm3
must be divided by 1000 to convert it into a volume in dm3.

moles 0.00164 mol

6 volume = = = 0.0155 dm3 = 15.5 cm3
concentration 0.106 mol dm −3
e Volumes of solutions less than 1 dm3 are usually expressed in cm3.

7 amount (moles) of H2C2O4.2H2O = concentration × volume

= 0.0500 mol dm–3 ×
 dm3 = 0.0250 mol
molar mass of H2C2O4.2H2O = 2.0 + (2 × 12.0) + (4 × 16.0) + (2 × 18.0) = 126.0 g mol–1

mass of hydrated ethanedioic acid needed = moles × molar mass

= 0.0250 mol × 126.0 g mol–1 = 3.15 g

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 15

The core principles of chemistry  Calculations from chemical equations

mass 4.50 g
8 a amount (moles) of Fe = = = 0.0806 mol
molar mass 55.8 g mol −1
amount of copper(ii) sulfate = concentration × volume in dm3
= 2.00 mol dm–3 × 0.0500 dm3 = 0.100 mol

As 0.100 is greater than 0.0806, iron is the limiting reagent.

e As the substances react in a 1:1 ratio, the one with fewer moles is the limiting reagent.

b ratio of Cu to Fe in the equation = 1:1

so, amount (moles) of copper = amount of iron = 0.0806 mol
mass of copper = moles × molar mass = 0.0806 mol × 63.5 g mol–1 = 5.12 g

c Copper sulfate is in excess, so the solution will still be blue.

e If copper sulfate had been the limiting reagent, the solution would be colourless at the end of the

9 a 2NaOH + H2SO4 → Na2SO4 + 2H2O

e The stoichiometric ratio is not 1:1, so the amount of sodium sulfate that would be produced from both
sodium hydroxide and sulfuric acid reacting completely has to be calculated. The limiting reagent is the
one that gives the smaller amount of product.

b molar mass of sodium hydroxide = 23.0 + 16.0 + 1.0 = 40.0 g mol–1

mass 21.5 g
amount (moles) of NaOH = = = 0.5375 mol
molar mass 40.0 g mol −1
amount (moles) of Na2SO4 that would be produced if NaOH were the limiting reagent
= 12 × 0.5375 = 0.269 mol
amount (moles) of H2SO4 = concentration × volume in dm3
= 1.00 mol dm–3 × 0.500 dm3 = 0.500 mol
amount (moles) of Na 2SO4 that would be produced if H 2SO4 were the limiting reagent
= 0.500 mol, which is more than 0.269 mol from NaOH

Therefore, sodium hydroxide is the limiting reagent.

c molar mass of Na2SO4 = (2 × 23.0) + 32.1 + (4 × 16.0) = 142.1 g mol–1

mass of sodium sulfate produced = moles × molar mass
= 0.269 mol × 142.1 g mol–1 = 38.2 g

d Sodium hydroxide is the limiting reagent, so there will be an excess of sulfuric acid. Therefore,
red litmus will stay red and blue litmus will turn red.
e Even though there are more moles of sodium hydroxide than sulfuric acid, the sodium hydroxide is
the limiting reagent because 2 moles of it are needed for every mole of sulfuric acid.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 16

The core principles of chemistry  Calculations from chemical equations

Chapter Summary Worksheet (textbook CD-ROM)

1 The answer is D. There are two ways of calculating the answer:
amount (moles) Mg = = 0.25 = moles MgCl2
mass of MgCl2 = 0.25 mol × molar mass = 0.25 × 95.3 = 23.825 g

24.3 g of Mg produces 95.3 g of MgCl2
so 6.075 g produces 95.3 × = 23.825 g of MgCl2
e Option A used some atomic numbers rather than atomic masses. The formula for magnesium chloride is
MgCl2 — option B used MgCl and C used Mg2Cl.

2 The answer is D.
amount (moles) = = 0.0250
molar mass
there are 5 ions per formula, so there are 5 × 0.025 = 0.125 mol of ions
number of ions = 0.125 × 6.02 × 1023 = 7.53 × 1022
e Option A is the number of moles, B is the moles of ions and C is the number of ‘molecules’ or ion groups.

3 The answer is A.
amount (moles) of rubidium =
atomic mass
8.55 g
= = 0.100 mol
85.5 g mol −1
mass of 0.100 mol of RbO2 = 0.100 mol × 117.5 g mol−1 = 11.75 g

so A is the correct answer

4 The answer is B.
amount (moles) of CuO =
molar mass
7.95 g
= = 0.100 mol
79.5 g mol −1
theoretical yield = 0.100 mol × molar mass of hydrated copper sulfate
= 0.1 × 249.6 = 24.96 g
actual yield of product
percentage yield = × 100
theoretical yield of product
23.0 × 100
= = 92.1 = 92% to two significant figures
so B is the correct answer.

5 The answer is B.
amount (moles) of Al =
atomic mass
1.076 g
= = 0.03985 mol
27.0g mol −1
amount (moles) of hydrogen = 2 × 0.03985 = 0.05978 mol
so volume = 0.05978 × 24.0 = 1.43 dm3

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 17

Unit 1
The core principles of chemistry
5  Energetics
1 heat change, Q = mass × specific heat capacity × change in temperature

Q = 50.0 g × 0.450 J g–1 °C–1 × (100 – 21.0)°C = 1778 J = 1.78 kJ

e The specific heat capacity is measured in joules, so the calculation gives a heat change in joules. It is
usual to give the answer in kilojoules, so the value 1778 is divided by 1000. The data were given to three
significant figures, so the answer should also be given to three significant figures.

2 heat change, Q = mass × specific heat capacity × change in temperature

Q = 9.45 × 1000 J = 100 g × 4.18 J g–1 °C–1 × ∆T

9450 J
∆T = = 22.6°C
100 g × 4.18 J g −1 °C −1
final temperature = 18.2°C + 22.6°C = 40.8°C
e Don’t forget to convert the heat energy in kilojoules into joules.

3 a S(s) + O2(g) b C6H12O6(aq) + 6O2(g)


∆H = –297 kJ mol−1
∆H = +2800 kJ mol−1
SO2(g) 6CO2(aq) + 6H2O(l)

4 a C4H10(g) + 6 12 O2(g) → 4CO2(g) + 5H2O(l)

e The equation must only have 1 mol of butane, because enthalpies of combustion are defined per mole
of substance burnt. It is a thermochemical equation, so state symbols must be included. Water is a liquid
at 298 K and 1 atm pressure.

b 4C(s) + 5H2(g) → C4H10(g)

5 –463 kJ mol–1
P(s) + 21–2Cl2(g) PCI5(s)

∆Hr –124 kJ mol–1

PCl3(l) + Cl2(g)

∆Hr + (–124) = – 463

∆Hr = – 463 + 124 = –339 kJ mol–1
e Remember to label the cycle with ∆H values.

6 Enthalpy of formation data are given, so it is correct to use the expression:

∆Hr = Σn∆Hf (products) – Σn∆Hf (reactants)

where n is the number of moles of each substance in the equation.

∆Hr = {(2 × –111) + (3 × –286)} – (– 84.7) = –995 kJ mol–1

e The enthalpy of formation of oxygen gas is zero.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 18

The core principles of chemistry Energetics

7 ∆Hr
C2H4(g) + H2O(l) C2H5OH(l)

∆Hf(C2H4) + ∆Hf(H2O) ∆Hf(C2H5OH)

2C(s) + 3H2(g) + 1–2O2(g)

e Always label a Hess’s law diagram with either ∆H or the values of ∆H.

∆Hf(C2H4) + DHf(H2O) + DHr = DHf(C2H5OH)

+52.3 + (-286) + DHr = -278
DHr = -278 - 52.3 + 286
= -44.3 kJ mol-1
e You can check your answer by using ∆Hr = Σn∆Hf(products) − Σn∆Hf(reactants):
∆Hr = (−278) − (−286 + 52.3) = −44.3 kJ mol−1

8 6C(s) + 6H2(g) + 3O2(g) → C6H12O6(s)

∆Hf (glucose)
6C(s) + 6H2(g) + 3O2(g) C6H12O6(s)

6 × ∆Hc (H2)
6 × ∆Hc (C) ∆Hc (glucose)

6CO2(g) + 6H2O(l)

By Hess’s law:
∆Hf (glucose) = [6 × ∆Hc(C)] + [6 × ∆Hc(H2)] – ∆Hc(glucose)
∆Hf (glucose) = [6 × (–393.5)] + [6 × (–285.8)] – (–2816) = –1260 kJ mol–1
e A Hess’s law diagram has to be drawn because the calculation cannot be carried out using the formula,
∆Hr = ∆H(products) − ∆H(reactants).

9 a H+(aq) + OH–(aq) → H2O(l) or

HNO3(aq) + NaOH(aq) → NaNO3(aq) + H2O(l)
e Nitric acid is a strong acid and is therefore totally ionised. This means that the ionic equation for
neutralisation can be given as the answer.

b 12 H2C2O4(aq) + NaOH(aq) → 12 Na2C2O4(aq) + H2O(l)

e Ethanedioic acid is a weak acid, so an ionic equation should not be written. The definition of enthalpy
of neutralisation is per mole of water produced and not per mole of acid. Thus, 1 H2C2O4 is used in the

10 Strong acids are totally ionised in dilute solution, so whatever the acid, the reaction is always:
H+(aq) + OH–(aq) → H2O(l)
Thus the enthalpy of neutralisation always has approximately the same value.
e In practice, enthalpies of neutralisation of strong acids are not exactly the same because of the different
enthalpies of solution of the salts formed.

11 The C=C and the H–Br bonds are broken (endothermic) and new C–C, C–H and C–Br bonds are
formed (exothermic).

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 19

The core principles of chemistry Energetics

Bonds broken/kJ mol−1 Bonds formed/kJ mol−1

C=C +612 C−C −348
H−Br +366 C−H −413
C−Br −276
Total +978 −1037

∆Hr = +978 -1037 = -59 kJ mol-1

e There is no need to break all the bonds in propene and then make them again. Think about which bonds
break in the reaction and which are made. Bond breaking is always endothermic and bond making
always exothermic.

12 The C=C and the Cl–Cl bonds are broken (endothermic) and C–C and two C–Cl bonds are made

Bonds broken/kJ mol−1 Bonds formed/kJ mol−1

C=C +612 C−C −348
Cl−Cl +242 2 × C−Cl −∆HB × 2

∆Hr = –217.4 = +612 +242 +(–348) + [2 × (–∆HB)]

2 × ∆HB = +612 + 242 – 348 + 217.4 = +723.4 kJ
C–Cl bond enthalpy, ∆HB = 12 × (+723.4) = +362 kJ mol–1
e The C−H bond enthalpy is given in the data in case you want to break all the bonds in the molecule and
then remake all the bonds. In this way of calculating the answer, four C−H bonds would be broken and
then remade.

13 Procedure:
l Weigh out 16 g (0.1 mol) of anhydrous copper sulfate.
l Pour 100 cm3 of distilled water into an expanded polystyrene cup.
l Place the cup firmly in an empty beaker and measure the temperature to 0.2°C every 30 seconds
for 3 minutes.
l On the fourth minute, add the copper sulfate and stir with a glass rod.
l Measure the temperature every 30 seconds until the temperature stops rising and then for
another 3 minutes.
e A good way to write plans is to use bullet points. This stops the answer from becoming a rambling
account from which important points might be omitted.

l Plot the points on a piece of graph paper with the temperature on the y-axis.
l Draw a smooth line using the readings for the first 3 minutes and another line for the last
3 minutes.
l Extrapolate these lines back to the 4-minute point.
l Measure the temperature difference between these two lines at the 4-minute point (the time
when the copper sulfate was added). This is the corrected temperature change, ∆T.

heat change, Q = mass of solution × specific heat capacity of solution × ∆T

e This is often written as mc∆T.

∆H =
moles of copper sulfate taken
∆H is negative if the temperature rises (an exothermic reaction) or positive if the temperature
falls (an endothermic reaction).

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 20

The core principles of chemistry Energetics

It is assumed that:
l no heat is lost to the surroundings
l the density of the solution is 1 g cm–3
l the specific heat capacity of the solution is approximately the same as for water (4.18 J g–1 °C–1)
l there would be no further heat change on diluting the solution

14 ∆H for this reaction cannot be measured directly because too much heat is required to decompose
calcium carbonate. The clue is in the substances that the question allows you to use to plan an
indirect route:
calcium carbonate + acid → calcium chloride + water + carbon dioxide
calcium chloride + water → calcium oxide + acid
CaCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq) → CaCl2(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)    ∆H1
CaCl2(aq) + H2O(l) → CaO(s) + 2HCl(aq)    ∆H2

On adding these two equations, the equation in the question is obtained:

CaCO3(s) → CaO(s) + CO2(g)
so ∆H = ∆H1 + ∆H2

∆H1 is the heat change for the reaction of calcium carbonate with hydrochloric acid; -∆H2 is the
heat change for the reaction of calcium oxide with hydrochloric acid. If ∆H1 and ∆H2 are found
by experiment, ∆H for the reaction can be calculated.

To find ∆H1:
l Weigh out a known amount of calcium carbonate — for example, about 5 g.

l Place 100 cm3 of 2.0 mol dm−3 hydrochloric acid (an excess) in a polystyrene cup supported in

a beaker.
l Measure the temperature of the acid every 30 s for 3 minutes.

l At 3.5 minutes, add the calcium carbonate slowly, making sure that none fizzes over.

l When all the calcium carbonate has been added, measure the temperature every 30 s until the

temperature stops rising and then for a further 3 minutes.

l Plot a graph of temperature against time. Draw straight lines through the points up to 3 minutes

and another line for the last 3 minutes. Extrapolate these lines back to the 3.5-minute point
and measure the difference in temperature of the two points at 3.5 minutes.
−(100 g × 4.18 J g −1 °C −1 × ∆T )
∆H1 =
moles of CaCO3
l Repeat for the reaction between calcium oxide and hydrochloric acid.
−(100 g × 4.18 J g −1 °C −1 × ∆T)
−∆H2 =
moles of CaO
l ∆Hr = ∆H1 + ∆H2
e Beware of signs. Both reactions are exothermic, so their ∆H values are negative. To obtain ∆H2, the
equation for the second reaction has to be reversed.

15 a heat change, Q = mass × specific heat capacity × change in temperature

Q = 80.0 g × 4.18 J g–1 °C–1 × (24.9 – 18.5)°C = 2140 J = 2.14 kJ
amount (moles) of ethanoic acid = concentration × volume
= 1.00 mol dm–3 × 0.0400 dm3 = 0.0400 mol
−Q –2.14 kJ
∆Hneut = = = –53.5 kJ mol–1
moles 0.0400 mol
e Do not forget to convert the volume of acid from cm3 to dm3. The temperature rose, so the reaction is
exothermic and ∆H is negative.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 21

The core principles of chemistry Energetics

b There must be an excess of sodium hydroxide to ensure that all the acid reacts.
16 amount (moles) of magnesium sulfate =
molar mass
6.0 g
= = 0.0498 mol
120.4 g mol −1
heat produced = moles × −∆H = 0.0498 mol × 91 kJ mol-1 = 4.53 kJ = 4530 J
heat = mass × specific heat capacity × ∆T
so ∆T = 
mass × specific heat capacity
4530 J
= = 19.8°C
56 g × 4.08 J g −1 °C −1

17 a ∆T = 40.2 – 18.5 = 21.7°C

heat produced, Q = mc∆T = 175 g × 4.18 J g−1 °C−1 × 21.7°C = 15 870 J = 15.87 kJ
amount (moles) methanol =
molar mass
0.85 g
= = 0.02656 mol
32 g mol −1
∆Hc =
−15.87 kJ
= = −598 kJ mol−1
0.02656 mol
e Remember that the mass required is the mass of water heated, not the mass of methanol burnt. Also the
reaction is exothermic (the temperature increased), so the sign of ∆H is negative. Getting these wrong
are common errors.

b The two main reasons why the value is less exothermic than the data book value are that:
l not all the heat produced is absorbed by the water and some heats the air around the beaker

and the beaker itself

l the reaction produces gaseous water and the data book value is for the production of liquid

water. The change H2O(g) → H2O(l) is exothermic.

Other reasons are that combustion might not have been complete or some methanol might
have evaporated between blowing out the flame and weighing the burner.
18 amount (moles) of propane gas burnt =
molar volume
0.208 dm3
= = 0.00867 mol
24.0 dm3 mol −1
heat change, Q = mass × specific heat capacity × change in temperature
= 100 g × 4.18 J g–1 °C–1 × (61.5 – 19.4)°C = 17 600 J = 17.6 kJ
−17.6 kJ
∆Hc(propane) = = –2.03 × 103 kJ mol–1
0.00867 mol
e Remember:
l to convert the volume of gas from cm3 to dm3
l the temperature rose, so the reaction is exothermic and ∆H is negative
l to give your answer to three significant figures because the data are expressed to three significant
The answer is lower than the book value because of considerable heat losses during the experiment.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 22

The core principles of chemistry Energetics

Chapter Summary Worksheet (textbook CD-ROM)

1 The answer is A.
∆T = 52.4 – 18.3 = 34.1°C
heat produced, Q = mass × specific heat capacity × ∆T
= 25 g × 4.2 J g−1 °C−1 × 34.1°C = 3581 J (to 4 s.f.)

2 The answer is A.
amount (moles) of copper sulfate = concentration × volume in dm3
= 0.500 mol dm−3 × 0.0250 dm3 = 0.0125 mol

3 The answer is B.
∆H =
= = −286 000J mol−1 = −286 kJ mol−1
e There are two points that need careful consideration. First, the data are in joules (J) but the four choices
are in kilojoules (kJ), so the number obtained has to be divided by 1000. The second point is that heat is
produced, so the reaction is exothermic and ∆H is negative, so options A and C are wrong.

4 The answer is C. The data are about enthalpy of formation and reaction, so you can use the
∆Hr = Σn∆Hf(products) − Σn∆Hf(reactants)
= ∆Hf(CO2) + 2 × ∆Hf(H2O) − ∆Hf(CH4)

This rearranges to:

∆Hf(H2O) = 12 {∆Hr + ∆Hf(CH4) − ∆Hf(CO2)} = 12 {−803 + (−75) – (−394)} = −242 kJ mol−1
e Do not forget that there are two water molecules in the equation, so you must have 2 × ∆Hf(H2O). (The n
in the formula means that you have to use the stoichiometric numbers from the equation.)

5 The answer is A. When gaseous water turns to liquid water, heat is produced because the process
is exothermic. Therefore, ∆Hf(H2O)(l) is more exothermic than ∆Hf(H2O)(g), so option A is

6 The answer is B. The definition of any enthalpy of combustion is for 1 mol of the substance being
burnt. Options A and C are incorrect because the equations have 2C4H10 on the left. Option C
is also wrong because combustion must be complete. Option D is incorrect because it is not
combustion. Water is a liquid under standard conditions, so B is the correct answer.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 23

Unit 1
The core principles of chemistry
6  Bonding
1 There are two reasons why magnesium has a higher melting temperature than sodium. First,
each magnesium atom provides two electrons to the metallic bond whereas each sodium atom
supplies one electron. Second, the Mg2+ ion formed is smaller than the Na+ ion. These two
factors result in the forces between the delocalised electrons and the positive ions being stronger
in magnesium than in sodium. Therefore, more energy is required to break up the lattice in
magnesium and melt the solid.
e To obtain full marks you must state something about each substance — this is an important point that
applies to all comparison questions.
Students often fail to make the final point linking the strength of the force to the energy required to

separate the particles.

2 a Mg + 2HCl → MgCl2 + H2
e State symbols should be included if the reaction produces a precipitate. Otherwise, unless they are
specifically asked for, it is not necessary to include them.

The ionic equation is:

Mg(s) + 2H+(aq) → Mg2+(aq) + H2(g)
e An ionic equation should always include state symbols.

b Mg(s) + CuSO4(aq) → MgSO4(aq) + Cu(s)

The ionic equation is:
Mg(s) + Cu2+(aq) → Mg2+(aq) + Cu(s)
e Magnesium is above both hydrogen and copper in the reactivity series so it is oxidised both by
hydrogen ions and by copper ions.

3 a An ionic bond is the electrostatic attraction between a positively charged ion (the cation) and
a negatively charged ion (the anion).
e An ionic bond is the attraction between ions, not the losing and gaining of electrons by the constituent

b Calcium has an electron configuration [Ar] 4s2. Fluorine has the electron configuration [He]
2s2 2p5. Each calcium atom loses two electrons to form a Ca2+ ion that has the electron config-
uration of the noble gas argon. These two electrons are gained by two fluorine atoms and two
F– ions are formed, each with the electron configuration [He] 2s2 2p6, which is that of the
noble gas neon. These ions attract each other, forming the bond.
e You must give the electron configuration before and after the formation of the ions.

c The electron configuration diagram for a calcium ion is:

F Ca F

The electron configuration diagram of a fluoride ion is:

F Ca F

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 24

The core principles of chemistry  Bonding

Note that in calcium fluoride, there are two fluoride ions for each calcium ion. Therefore, the
dot-and-cross diagram for the compound calcium fluoride is:
F Ca F

e The calcium ion has eight electrons in its outer orbit, which is the third shell. These must be shown in the
dot-and-cross diagram.

4 In decreasing order of size of radius: Na > Cl– > Mg > Cl > Na+ > Mg2+
e Atoms get bigger when they gain electrons and form negative ions. The species Cl−, Cl, Na and Mg
have electrons in three shells; the positive ions, Na+ and Mg2+, have electrons in two shells. Therefore
the positive ions are the smallest. Moving across the periodic table, neutral atoms become smaller, so a
magnesium atom is smaller than a sodium atom and a chlorine atom is smaller than a magnesium atom.
Cl− is larger than Cl, and Na is larger than Cl. Na and Cl– are similar in radius, but a sodium atom is slightly
bigger than a chloride ion.

5 In decreasing order of polarising power: Al3+ > Mg2+ > Na+ > K+
e Polarising power depends on the charge on the ion and on its radius. Aluminium, magnesium and
sodium are all in period 3. Of the three ions, aluminium has the highest charge and the smallest radius,
so it is the most polarising. Potassium is in period 4, so it has the largest radius and, as it is only 1+, its
polarising power is the smallest.

6 A covalent bond and a dative covalent bond both consist of a pair of electrons shared by two
atoms. In a covalent bond each atom donates one electron; in a dative covalent bond both
electrons come from the same atom.
e The bond is the attraction between the two atoms caused by the sharing of a pair of electrons.

7 The dot-and-cross diagram for carbon monoxide is:  C O

e The molecule has two covalent bonds, so two pairs (each consisting of a dot and a cross) are drawn
between the two atoms. In addition, a lone pair of electrons from the oxygen atom forms a dative
covalent bond to the carbon, so two more dots are drawn between the atoms to represent this bond. Do
not forget to draw two additional dots on the oxygen and carbon atoms, which represent the lone pairs.
Each covalent bond is represented by a single line between the atoms. A dative covalent bond is
represented by an arrow from the atom supplying the two electrons to the atom that does not provide
any electrons to the bond. In this example, the arrowhead would point towards the carbon atom:
It is usual to show the electrons from one atom as crosses and from the other atom as dots, but all
electrons are the same and so could be shown as all crosses or all dots. Questions of this type normally
ask for only the outer electrons to be drawn. However, if all electrons are required, you must draw the
inner electrons as well.

8 The electron configuration of nitrogen is [He] 2s2 2p3 and of phosphorus is [Ne] 3s2 3p3. Both
elements have five electrons in the valence shell. However, the maximum number of electrons in
the second shell, which is the outer shell of nitrogen, is eight. This means that nitrogen can only
form three covalent bonds. The three unpaired 2p-electrons and three electrons from the other
atoms in the molecule are shared. This fills the 2p-orbital and the second shell. The valence
electrons of phosphorus are in the third shell, which can hold up to 18 electrons. One of the 3s-
electrons is promoted into an empty 3d-orbital and its five unpaired electrons are used to form
five covalent bonds.
e Do not say that nitrogen has no empty orbitals into which it can promote a 2s-electron. It does not have
an empty orbital in the second shell. The empty orbitals in the third shell cannot be used in bonding
because too much energy is required to promote a 2s-electron into a third-shell orbital. In addition to
forming three covalent bonds, nitrogen can also provide two electrons to form a dative covalent bond,
as in the NH4+ ion.

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The core principles of chemistry  Bonding

9 A σ-bond is caused by the head-on overlap of two atomic orbitals. The shared electrons are on
the line between the centres of the two atoms. A π-bond is the result of a sideways overlap of
two p-orbitals (or a p- and a d-orbital), so that the shared electrons are above and below the line
joining the centres of the two atoms.
e A σ-bond can be caused by the overlap of:
l two s-orbitals, as in hydrogen
l one s- and one p-orbital, as in HCl
l two p-orbitals, as in Cl2
A π-bond is always found together with a σ-bond, making a double bond.

10 a The dot-and-cross-diagram for carbon tetrachloride, CCl4, is:


Cl C Cl

e Carbon tetrachloride has four σ-bonds.

b The dot-and-cross-diagram for carbon dioxide, CO2, is:


e Carbon dioxide has one σ- and one π-bond between each oxygen atom and the central carbon atom.
Apart from in carbon monoxide, carbon has four bonds in all of its compounds.

c The dot-and-cross-diagram for the sulfate ion, SO42–, is:



e The sulfur atom has the electron configuration [Ne] 3s2 3p4. It can form six covalent bonds because one
3s- and one 3p-electron are promoted into empty 3d-orbitals. Two of these bonds are π-bonds and four
are σ-bonds.

d The dot-and-cross-diagram for xenon tetrafluoride, XeF4, is:



e The heavier noble gases can form compounds. Xenon has the electron configuration [Kr] 4d10 5s2 5p6.
Electrons can be promoted from its 5p-orbitals into empty 5d-orbitals and bonds can then form. The
energy requirement for this is quite high, so it is only energetically favourable if strong bonds, such as
those with the small element fluorine, are formed.

11 The strongest of these three bonds is C–C; the weakest is C–Br.

e A general rule is that small atoms form strong bonds. Carbon has a smaller atomic radius than chlorine,
which, in turn, is smaller than bromine. Therefore, the carbon–carbon bond is the strongest of the three
and carbon–bromine the weakest.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 26

The core principles of chemistry  Bonding

Chapter Summary Worksheet (textbook CD-ROM)

1 The answer is C. Metals conduct electricity by a flow of electrons that are delocalised. When
molten or dissolved, ionic compounds conduct eletricity by the movement of ions.

2 The answer is A. The strength of a metallic bond depends mainly on the ionic radius and charge.
Solid aluminium has a lattice of Al3+ ions that are more highly charged and are smaller than
Mg2+, K+ or Na+ ions, and there are three more delocalised electrons per ion. These three factors
all make the metallic bond in aluminium the strongest.

3 The answer is A. All metals form positive ions (cations).

e The first ionisation energies of metals are less than those of non-metals. Not all metals react with acids to
give hydrogen (Cu, Ag, Pt do not). Oxides of metals are either basic (MgO) or amphoteric (Al2O3).

4 The answer is B. The sum of the ionic radii in sodium chloride is the radius of Na+ plus the radius
of Cl−. A metallic radius is always slightly bigger than the corresponding ionic radius (the ions
are not touching), so the answer is B not C. Option D is incorrect because, in the same period,
2+ ions are smaller than 1+ ions

5 The answer is D. The magnitude of the lattice energy depends mostly on the charge of the ions
and the sum of their radii. Ca2+ is more highly charged than Na+ or K+. The O2− ion is more
charged than Cl− and is smaller than Cl− and S2−. Therefore, CaO has the highest exothermic
lattice energy.

6 The answer is A. Covalent character is caused by polarisation of the anion. The greater the
degree of covalency, the greater is the difference between the Born–Haber and the theoretical
lattice energies. Small, highly charged ions are the most polarising; large and highly charged
anions are the easiest to polarise. Mg2+ is smaller than Ca2+ and the ion is more highly charged
than Na+ or K+. I− is larger than Cl−, so the I− ion in MgI2 is the most polarised. Therefore,
magnesium iodide has the greatest covalent character.

7 The answer is B. It is impossible to have two σ-bonds between the same two atoms. The sideways
overlap of two p-orbitals results in a π-bond that is part of a double bond, but not all of it.

8 The answer is C. The strength of a covalent bond depends mostly on the small size of the atoms.
(There are exceptions to this. For example, the F–F bond is weaker than the Cl–Cl bond.) The second-
period atoms, nitrogen and oxygen, are smaller than the third-period atoms, phosphorus and sulfur.
The trend across a period is for the atoms to become smaller, so an oxygen atom has a smaller radius
than a nitrogen atom. Therefore, the O–H covalent bond is the strongest of the four.

9 The answer is C. The definition is for the formation of one mole of atoms from the element in its
standard state. Bromine is a liquid at 1 atm pressure and 298 K, so the answer is C.
e Option A represents twice the enthalpy of atomisation.

10 The answer is D. Do not confuse ionisation energy (always loss of an electron) with electron
affinity (always gain of an electron). The second ionisation energy is for the removal of an
electron from each ion of a mole of gaseous 1+ ions forming a mole of 2+ ions.
e Option C is the sum of the first and second ionisation energies. Option B is the second electron affinity
and A is the sum of the first and second electron affinities.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 27

The core principles of chemistry  Bonding

11 The answer is A. This is a difficult question, possibly best attempted by drawing out the structures
of the species. PCl4 + comes from a PCl5 molecule (whch has five covalent σ-bonds) that loses a
Cl− ion. The other species all contain dative bonds. In NH4 +, there is a dative bond between the
lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen of NH3 and an H+. In PCl6 −, it is between a Cl− ion and a
PCl5 molecule. In Al2Cl6 there are two dative bonds, one to each aluminium atom in an AlCl3
molecule from the other AlCl3 molecule.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 28

Unit 1
The core principles of chemistry
7  Introduction to organic chemistry
1 a CH3CH(OH)CH2Br is called 1-bromopropan-2-ol.
b CH2ClCH2COOH is called 3-chloropropanoic acid.
e There are three carbon atoms in the chain, so the stem name is prop-.

c CH2=CHC(CH3)3 is called 3,3-dimethylbut-1-ene.

e There are four carbon atoms in the chain, as can be seen from the skeletal formula: .

2 a The formula of 1,2-dichloro-1,2-difluoroethene is F(Cl)C=C(Cl)F.

b The formula of 1-hydroxybutanone is CH3CH2COCH2OH.
c The formula of 2-amino-3-chloropropanoic acid is CH2ClCH(NH2)COOH.

3 a The functional groups in CH2OHCOCH(NH2)COOH are:

l –OH (alcohol) l C=O (in a ketone)

l –NH2 (amino) l –COOH (carboxylic acid)

b The functional groups in CH2=CHCH(OH)CHO are:

l C=C (alkene) l –OH (alcohol)

l C=O (in an aldehyde)

4 Br H H Br Br H


Br H H H H H

1,1-dibromopropane 1,2-dibromopropane

Br H Br H Br H


H H H H Br H

1,3-dibromopropane 2,2-dibromopropane
e 2,3-dibromopropane is identical to 1,2-dibromopropane.

5 Cl H H H H Cl H H



1-chlorobutane 2-chlorobutane

Cl H H H


H H H H Cl H

1-chloro-2-methylpropane 2-chloro-2-methylpropane

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 29

The core principles of chemistry  Introduction to organic chemistry

e Start by drawing the longest chain  here it is four carbon atoms. Then, add chlorine to different
positions on that chain. Next, branch the chain and see if chlorine could go in different positions.
Putting the chlorine in the top CH3 in place of a hydrogen ion is another way of writing 1-chloro-2-
methylpropane (the molecule is bent through 90°).

6 There are three pentene isomers:




Pent-1-ene (Z)-pent-2-ene (E)-pent-2-ene

cis-pent-2-ene trans-pent-2-ene

and there are three butene isomers:

3-methylbut-1-ene 2-methylbut-1-ene 2-methylbut-2-ene
e A chain of three is impossible, because to achieve this the central carbon atom would have to have five
bonds (one double and three single).

7 The major organic product is hexachloroethane, CCl3CCl3.

8 2C4H10(g) + 13O2(g) → 8CO2(g) + 10H2O(g)

C4H10(g) + 6 12 O2(g) → 4CO2(g) + 5H2O(g)
e Complete combustion of organic compounds produces carbon dioxide and water.

9 (CH3)2C=CHCH3 + HI → (CH3)2CICH2CH3

The gases are mixed at room temperature.

e The major product is 2-iodo-2-methylbutane. Applying Markovnikoff’s rule, hydrogen adds on to the
carbon atom that has more hydrogen atoms already directly attached  in this case, one hydrogen
atom rather than none.

10 The purple colour of the potassium manganate(vii) solution would be replaced by a brown
precipitate. The organic product is butane-2,3-diol, CH3CH(OH)CH(OH)CH3.
e Do not forget to state the original colour as well as the final appearance. The brown precipitate is
manganese(iv) oxide, MnO2.

11 In the reaction between ethene and bromine, bromine attacks the electron-rich π-bond. In
ethane, all the bonds are σ-bonds, so there is no centre of high-electron density. The propagation
step of the photochemical substitution reaction with ethane involves the reaction of a bromine
radical with an ethane molecule. This is a slow reaction. It is energetically unfavourable because
of the relatively weak C–Br bond that is formed.
e The mechanism of the reaction between ethene and bromine is electrophilic addition; between ethane
and bromine it is free-radical substitution.

12 C2H5 H C2H5 H


H H H H n/

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The core principles of chemistry  Introduction to organic chemistry

e The subscript is 2 because the equation for the polymerisation showing one repeat unit is:
C2H5 H

n C2H5CH=CH2 →  C C

H H n
but the equation for the polymerisation showing two repeat units is:
C2H5 H C2H5 H

n C2H5CH=CH2 →  C C C C

H H H H n/

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 31

The core principles of chemistry  Introduction to organic chemistry

Chapter Summary Worksheet (textbook CD-ROM)

1 The answer is B. The compounds are all alkanes because they have the general formula CnH2n+2.
One isomer has a carbon chain of five atoms; another has a chain of four with the fifth carbon
atom on the second carbon in the chain. The third compound has a chain of three carbon atoms
with two CH3 groups on the middle carbon of the chain:

2 The answer is D. Geometric isomerism is only possible if there are two different atoms or groups
on both the carbon atoms of the double bond. Pent-2-ene has a CH3 group and a hydrogen atom
on one carbon of the C=C group and a C2H5 group and a hydrogen atom on the other, so it exists
as two geometric isomers:


Cyclohexene Propene But-1-ene E- and Z-pent-2-ene

e Cyclohexene has one hydrogen atom on each of the carbon atoms in the C=C group. Propene and
but-1-ene have two hydrogen atoms on one of the carbon atoms. Therefore, none can form geometric

3 The answer is C. The isomers are but-1-ene and the two geometric isomers of but-2-ene and


But-1-ene E- and Z-but-2-ene 2-methylpropene

4 The answer is B. Ethane and methylpropane are alkanes and have only σ-bonds. When ethene
polymerises, the double bond breaks, so poly(ethene) does not contain any double bonds.
Cyclohexene has a double bond, which consists of a σ-bond and a π-bond, so B is the correct

5 The answer is D. The general formula for the homologous series of alkanes is C nH2n+2.

6 The answer is B. The important step that determines the rate of reaction is that between the
halogen radical and the alkane.
e Option A is not correct because the reaction is between chlorine radicals and the alkane not chlorine
molecules. Options C and D are incorrect — the Cl–Cl bond is the stronger.

7 The answer is B. The initial attack is by a δ+ Br atom. Therefore, all the possible products must
contain bromine. This means that option B is false and is the correct answer to this negative
e The intermediate carbocation, CH2BrCH2+, can pick up a Br-, H2O (followed by loss of H+) or a Cl-, so all
the other options are true.

8 The answer is A. When the double bond breaks, the two groups add on to the previously double-
bonded carbon atoms. Therefore, option B is incorrect. Potassium ions do not replace H in OH
groups, so options C and D are also incorrect.

9 The answer is C. First, the reaction of alkenes with hydrogen halides is an addition reaction.
Second, the attack is by δ+ hydrogen in HBr. The attacking reagent is an electrophile, so the
reaction is electrophilic addition.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 32

The core principles of chemistry  Introduction to organic chemistry

10 The answer is B. The simplest way of working this out is:

volume of oxygen moles of ox ygen in equation
volume of octane moles of octane in equatioon
25 12.5
= =
2 1
volume of oxygen = 12.5 × volume of octane = 12.5 × 10 = 125 cm3
volume of air needed = 5 × volume of oxygen = 5 × 125 = 625 cm3
e You have to multiply the volume of oxygen by 5 because air is 20% (one-fifth) oxygen.
An alternative way of carrying out the calculation is to work out the moles of octane:
amount (moles) of octane =
molar volume
10 cm3
= = 4.17 × 10−4
24 000 cm3 mol −1
amount (moles) of oxygen = 4.17 × 10−4 × = 0.00521
volume of oxygen = moles × 24 000 = 125 cm3
volume of air = 5 × 125 = 625 cm3

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 33

Unit 1
The core principles of chemistry
Practice Unit Test 1
Section A
1 The answer is D. Average mass refers to the relative atomic mass only. The mass is quoted relative
to 12 the mass of a carbon atom.

2 The answer is A. ‘Parts per million’ is a measure by mass. 1 dm3 of water weighs 1000 g. Here,
this contains 5.4 × 10−6 × 1000 g of Al 3. So there are 5.4 × 103 g = 5.4 mg of Al3+ ions in the

3 The answer is A.
amount (moles) =
molar mass
10 g
= = 0.1 mol
100 g mol −1
concentration =
0.1 mol
= = 0.40 mol dm−3
0.250 dm3

4 The answer is B.
1 dm3 of gas = = 0.0417 mol
butane forms carbon dioxide in a 1:4 molar ratio
so amount (moles) of carbon dioxide produced = 4 × 0.0417 = 0.167 mol
mass = moles × molar mass = 0.167 mol × 44.0 g mol−1 = 7.3 g

5 The answer is A. Atom economy is the number of atoms in the desired product compared with
the number of atoms in the starting materials, expressed as a percentage. In this example it is:

8 × 100 = 53.3%

6 The answer is C.
molar mass of ethanol =46.0 g mol−1; molar mass of ethanoic acid = 60.0 g mol−1
amount (moles) of ethanol =
molar mass
23 g
= = 0.50 mol
46.0 g mol −1
maximum theoretical yield of ethanoic acid = 0.5 mol as the reaction has a 1:1 ratio
maximum theoretical mass of ethanoic acid = moles × molar mass
= 0.5 mol × 60.0 g mol−1 = 30.0 g
actual yield
percentage yield = × 100
maximum theoretical yield
16 g
= × 100 = 53.3%
30.0 g

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The core principles of chemistry  Practice Unit Test 1

e The percentage yield is never equal to the actual mass of product × 100 divided by the mass of reactant.
In this instance, such a calculation would give the answer 69.6%, i.e. option D.

7 The answer is B.
amount (moles) of calcium chloride =
molar mass
111.1 g
= = 1.000 mol
111.1 g mol −1
number of formula units = moles × Avogadro constant
= 1.000 × 6.02 × 1023 = 6.02 × 1023
number of ions = 3 × 6.02 × 1023 = 1.81 × 1024
e Do not forget that calcium chloride has three ions per formula, one Ca2+ and two Cl−.

8 The answer is B.
20 nmol of steroid per dm3 = 2.0 nmol of steroid per 100 cm3 = 2.0 × 10−9 mol per 100 cm3
(1 nmol = 10−9 mol)
number of molecules = moles × Avogadro constant = 2.0 × 10−9 × 6.02 × 1023 = 1.204 × 1015

9 The answer is B.
∆Hr = Σ ∆Hf(products) − Σ ∆Hf(reactants)
= 2 × −395 − (2 × −297 + 0) = −196 kJ mol−1

10 The answer is B. You cannot use ‘products – reactants’ here because you are not given enthalpy
of formation data. The question has to be solved using a Hess’s law cycle (direct ∆H = sum of
indirect ∆H values).
The direct route is: elements → ethane.
The indirect route is: elements (and oxygen) → combustion products → ethane (and oxygen):
1 1
2C(s) + 3H2(g) (+3–O
2 2) C2H6(g) (+3–O
2 2)

2 ∆Hc(C) + 3 ∆Hc(H2) ∆Hc(C2H6)

2CO2(s) + 3H2O(l)

The equation is:

2C(s) + 3H2(g) → C2H6(g)
so, ∆Hf(C2H6)= 2 × ∆Hc(C) + 3 × ∆Hc(H) − ∆Hc(C2H6)
= (2 × −395) + (3 × −286) − (−1560) = −88 kJ mol−1

11 The answer is A. Beware! ∆Hf is for the formation of 1 mol. It is equal to one-half of ∆Hr because
the equation has 2 moles of ammonia, NH3, on the right-hand side. ∆Hr is found from bond
enthalpies. (Remember that bond breaking is endothermic and bond making is exothermic.)
bonds broken = 1 × N≡N and 3 × H–H = +946 + (3 × 436) = +2254 kJ
bonds made = 6 × N–H = 6 × −391 = −2346 kJ
∆Hr = +2254 + (– 2346) = −92 kJ
so ∆Hf = 0.5 × −92 = −46 kJ mol−1

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12 The answer is D. The indirect route is:

2 × equation (i) – equation (ii)
so the enthalpy change = 2 × (−y) – (−z) = z − 2y
e Since the equation relates to the decomposition of NaHCO3, the NaHCO3 is on the left-hand side.
Therefore, equation 1 must be in the direction given in the data. Na2CO3 is on the right-hand side, so you
must reverse equation 2.

13 The answer is C.
∆T = 18.7 − 22.4 = −3.7°C
heat change, Q = mass × specific heat capacity × ∆T
= 100 g × 4.18 J g−1 °C−1 × 3.7 = 1546.6 J = 1550 J (3 s.f.)
e You must use the mass of the water being heated, not the mass of the solute. The latter gives option A as
the answer.

14 The answer is A. A thermometer reading that is always 2° too high gives readings for both the
starting and the final temperatures that are 2° too high. This has no effect on the value of ∆T,
and so none on the accuracy of the experiment.
e The reason that option D is incorrect is that it would result in not all the acid being neutralised, which
would affect the value of ∆H.

15 The answer is D. The reaction is exothermic, so the value of ∆H is negative. Options A and C can,
therefore, be ignored.
amount (moles) of sulfuric acid = concentration × volume in dm3
= 0.500 mol dm−3 × 0.025 dm3 = 0.0125 mol
The data are for the equation:
H2SO4 + 2NaOH → Na2SO4 + 2H2O
−heat produced
so ∆H per mole of H2SO4 reacted =
−1.46 kJ
= = −116.8 kJ
0.0125 mol
The definition of enthalpy of neutralisation is per mole of water produced not per mole of sulfuric
acid reacted, so:
enthalpy of neutralisation = 12 × −116.8 = −58.4 kJ mol−1

16 The answer is C. When determining the significant figures for numbers less than 1, the zero
in front of the decimal point and zeros immediately after the decimal point are not counted,
whereas zeros at the end of the number are counted. Written in scientific notation, the number
is 2.10 × 10−2, which is clearly to three significant figures.

17 The answer is A. Ionisation energy relates to a gaseous atom losing an electron and becoming a
positive ion.

18 The answer is A. Oxygen has the electronic configuration 1s2 2s2 2px2 2py1 2pz1. When an O+ ion
is formed the electron in the highest energy level is lost — one of the 2px electrons.

19 The answer is B. The chain is five carbon atoms long, so the stem name is pent-. The highest
priority atoms attached to the C=C group are the oxygen (atomic number 8) on the left-hand

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The core principles of chemistry  Practice Unit Test 1

carbon and the carbon (atomic number 6) on the right-hand carbon of the double bond. These
are on opposite sides of the double bond and so the prefix E is given to the name.

20 The answer is B. A is wrong as there is always restricted rotation about a carbon dioxide bond.
C and D are wrong as 2-methylbut-2-ene does not have geometric isomers.

21 The answer is C. The peak at 158 is caused by (79X–79X)+ and that at 162 by (81X– 81X)+. Since
there is no peak at 159, there cannot be an 80X isotope (79X– 80X has a mass of 159). This cuts
out options A, B and D. The double intensity of the peak at 160 is caused by the two ways of
combining 79X and 81X — (79X– 81X)+ and (81X–79X)+ (similar to the way that, when tossing two
coins, the chances of the head–tail combination is twice as likely as either head–head or tail–

22 The answer is B. The compound does not decolorise bromine water, so it cannot be an alkene.
Therefore, option B is false and is the correct answer.

23 i The answer is B. There is a big jump after the third ionisation energy when an electron is
removed from an inner shell.

ii The answer is A. The ionisation energies decrease down a group as the atomic radius

iii The answer is C. In a period, there is a general upward trend with a slight dip between the
second and third elements. This is because the electron is being removed from a higher-
energy p-orbital, rather than from an s-orbital, as is the case for the second element.

Section B
24 a i Ionisation is achieved by the bombardment of the gaseous substance with a beam of high-
energy (fast-moving) electrons ✓.

ii The ions formed are then accelerated by an electrical potential ✓.

iii They are then deflected by a magnetic field ✓. (Heavier ions are deflected less.)

(53.94 × 5.94) + (55.93 × 91.78) + (56.94 × 2.28)

b relative atomic mass = ✓ = 55.83 ✓
c Rock dating ✓ — Use a mass spectrometer to measure the relative amounts of a radioactive
isotope and its daughter isotope in the rock sample ✓. Assuming that there is no other source
of the daughter element, the age of the rock can be calculated knowing the half-life of the
radioactive isotope ✓.
Carbon-14 dating of organic materials ✓ — the relative amount of carbon-14 to carbon–12
is measured in a mass spectrometer ✓. If the approximate age is known, then the ratio of 14C
to 12C when the organic material was grown can be estimated. Knowing the half-life ✓ of
carbon-14, the age of the material can be calculated.
Catching drug cheats ✓ — a sample of the urine of an athlete is separated into component
substances and placed in a mass spectrometer. The mass/charge ratio of the molecular ion ✓
is measured and compared with a data base ✓ of known performance-enhancing drugs.

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The core principles of chemistry  Practice Unit Test 1

25 a The first ionisation energy of an element is the energy required to remove one electron ✓ from
each of a mole ✓ of gaseous atoms ✓ of that element.

b i Sodium has a nuclear charge of +11 and the outer electron is shielded by ten inner electrons.
The effective nuclear charge is therefore about +1. In magnesium, the nuclear charge of +12
is also shielded by ten inner electrons, so its effective nuclear charge is about +2 ✓. Also,
the atomic radius of a magnesium atom is less than that of a sodium atom ✓. Together these
factors result in it being harder to remove an electron from a magnesium atom than from a
sodium atom ✓. Therefore, magnesium has a larger first ionisation energy.

ii Aluminium has the electronic configuration [Ne] 3s2 3p1 and that of magnesium is [Ne] 3s2 ✓.
The 3p-electron is at a higher energy level than a 3s-electron and so is slightly easier to
remove. In addition, the 3s-electrons partially shield the 3p-electron ✓.

c Element Divide by r.a.m. ✓ Divide by smallest

Sodium 36.5/23.0 = 1.59 1.59/0.79 = 2.0
Sulfur 25.4/32.1 = 0.79 0.79/0.79 = 1
Oxygen 38.1/16.0 = 2.38 2.38/0.79 = 3.0

The empirical formula is Na2SO3 ✓.

e Make sure that you show all your working. The working for the second step (dividing by the smallest)
is often omitted by candidates.

26 a i Free-radical substitution ✓

ii Electrophilic addition ✓
e The equations are CH3CH3 + Cl2 → CH3CH2Cl + HCl (substitution) and CH2=CH2 + Cl2 → CH2ClCH2Cl

b i A homologous series is a series of compounds that all have the same general formula ✓. Each
one differs from the next by CH2 ✓ and either they have similar chemical properties or they
show a trend in physical properties ✓.

ii CH2=CHCH2CH3 + Br2 → CH2BrCHBrCH2CH3 ✓

e Do not use the ‘added-up’ formulae C4H8 and C4H8Br2 as they are not specific.
iii Step 1 H2C CH CH2 CH3 → H2C CH CH2 CH3 ✓
✓ Br Br −

Step 2 H2C CH CH2 CH3 → H2C CH CH2 CH3

: Br−
Br Br Br

iv 1-bromobutan-2-ol/CH3BrCH(OH)CH2CH3

v The purple ✓ potassium manganate(vii) solution turns to a brown precipitate ✓. The organic
product is CH2OHCH(OH)CH2CH3/butan-1,2-diol ✓.
e Don’t give the name and the formula in case one is wrong. +1 and –1 score 0.

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The core principles of chemistry  Practice Unit Test 1

vi CH3

carbon skeleton ✓
continuation bonds ✓
H H n

27 a The standard enthalpy of formation, ∆Hf °, is the enthalpy change when 1 mol ✓ of a substance
is formed from its elements ✓ in their standard states under standard conditions of 1 atm
pressure and a stated temperature (usually 298 K) ✓.

2C(s) + 2 12 H 2(g) + 12 Cl 2(g) ∆H (C H Cl)

 → C 2H5Cl(g) ✓
f 2 5

–1325 kJ
b i C2H5Cl(g) + 3O2(g) 2CO2(g) + 2H2O(l) + HCl(g)

∆Hf(C2H5Cl) 2 × ∆Hf(CO2) + 2 × ∆Hf(H2O) + ∆Hf(HCl)

1 1
2C(s) + 2–2H2(g) + –2Cl2(g) + 3O2(g) ✓✓
e The formulae in the Hess’s law cycle are awarded 1 mark. Labelling with arrows in the correct directions
gains the second mark. Make sure that you label the Hess’s law diagram either with symbols or ∆H
Note that when chloroalkanes burn, hydrogen chloride gas is one of the products.

ii ∆Hf (C2H5Cl) + (–1325) = [2 × ∆Hf(CO2)] + [2 × ∆Hf (H2O)] + ∆Hf (HCl) ✓

∆Hf (C2H5Cl) = [2 × (–394)] + [2 × (–286)] + (–92.3) + 1325 = –127.3 kJ mol–1 ✓

c i Bonds broken/kJ mol−1 Bonds made/kJ mol−1

C=C +612 C−C −347
H−Cl +432 C−H −467
C−Cl −346
Total +1044 ✓ Total −1160 kJ ✓

∆Hr = +1044 – 1160 = –116 kJ mol–1 ✓

e Remember that bond breaking is always endothermic (+) and bond making is always exothermic (−).
Another way of doing this calculation is to break all the bonds in the reactants. Broken 4 × C–H, 1 × C=C
and 1 × H–Cl; made 5 × C–H, 1 × C–C and 1 × C–Cl.



C2H4 + HCl

∆Hr = –116 kJ mol–1

✓ CH3CH2Cl

e 1 mark is for showing the energy level of products as lower than the energy level of reactants and for
labelling ∆Hr. The hump with activation energy shown gains a second mark.

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iii The bond enthalpies used in the calculation are the average of the enthalpies of the bonds
in a range of different compounds ✓.
e The C−Cl bond enthalpy in C2H5Cl is slightly different from the C−Cl bond enthalpy in CH3Cl.
28 a i Mg

ii I

e For parts (i) and (ii), there is 1 mark for both electronic configurations being correct and 1 mark for both
charges being correct.

b i The difference between the two values in magnesium iodide is 383 kJ. For magnesium
fluoride, it is 44 kJ. The iodide ion has the same charge as the fluoride ion (1−) but it has
a much bigger radius ✓. This means that the anion is much more polarised ✓ by the Mg2+
ion, so magnesium iodide has more covalent character ✓ than magnesium fluoride. This
causes its lattice energy obtained from the Born–Haber cycle to have a higher value than the
theoretical value calculated on the basis of the compound being wholly ionic.
e The marks are for:
l size and charge of anions
l a comparison of polarisation of the anions
l comparison of covalent character
Do not confuse ions with atoms. This is a common error. To score the first mark, you must either state
that the charges on the two anions are the same or give the charge. Do not say that magnesium iodide is
covalent — say that it has ‘some covalent character’.

ii The main factors that determine lattice energy are ionic radius and charge. Calcium and
magnesium ions are both 2+, but calcium ions have a smaller radius ✓ than magnesium ions
and are, therefore, more strongly attracted ✓ to the fluoride ions. This means that the lattice
energy of magnesium fluoride is more exothermic than that of calcium fluoride.

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Unit 2

Application of
core principles
of chemistry

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide

Unit 24
Application of core principles of chemistry
Shapes?of molecules and ions, bond
polarity and intermolecular forces
1 a Iodine is in group 7 and has the electron configuration [Kr] 4d10 5s2 5p5, so there are seven
electrons in its valence (outer) orbit. Three of these electrons are used to form bonds with the
three chlorine atoms. Therefore, there are four unused electrons, i.e. two lone pairs.

b Oxygen is in group 6 and has the electron configuration [He] 2s2 2p4. Two of the six valence
(outer shell) electrons are used in bonding with the two fluorine atoms. Therefore, there are
four unused electrons, i.e. two lone pairs.

c Carbon is in group 4 and has the electron structure [He] 2s2 2p2. There are four valence
electrons that are all used in bonding, since one σ- and one π-bond are formed with each of
the two oxygen atoms. Therefore, there are no lone pairs.
e To work out the number of lone pairs (essential when predicting the shape of a molecule), you must
calculate the number of electrons in the outer orbit of the central atom. These are the valence electrons.
Subtract the number of bonds from the number of valence electrons to find the number of unused
electrons. The number of lone pairs is half the number of unused valence-shell electrons.

2 a P

Phosphorus is in group 5 of the periodic table, so it has five valence electrons. It forms
three covalent bonds in PH3, so it has one lone pair. The electron pairs are arranged tetra-
hedrally around the central atom because all four pairs repel each other to the position of
maximum separation. The three hydrogen atoms take up a pyramidal arrangement around
the phosphorus atom.

b S
Cl Cl

Sulfur is in group 6 of the periodic table, so it has six valence electrons. It forms two covalent
(σ) bonds and so has four (6 – 2) unused electrons. Therefore, there are two bond pairs and
two lone pairs around the sulfur atom. This means that a tetrahedral arrangement of electron
pairs produces the least repulsion between the electron pairs. The two chlorine atoms are
arranged in a bent (v-shaped, non-linear) shape around the sulfur atom.

c O


The phosphorus atom, [Ne] 3s2 3p3, is bonded to one oxygen atom by a double (σ + π) bond and
to the other three oxygen atoms by single bonds. It forms five bonds, so there are no lone pairs.

There are four sets of electrons around the phosphorus atom. These repel each other to a
position of maximum separation. Therefore, the ion has a tetrahedral shape.
e When counting the number of electron pairs around the central atom, count a double (σ + π) bond as
one set. Thus the number of σ-bonds and lone pairs determines the electron arrangement around the
central atom. In this example there are four σ-bonds and no lone pairs, so the electron arrangement is

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 Shapes of molecules and ions, bond polarity and
Application of core principles of chemistry
intermolecular forces

d F
As F

Arsenic is in the same group of the periodic table as phosphorus. Therefore, it has five valence
electrons. One 4s-electron is promoted into an empty 4d-orbital and all five electrons are used
in bonding to the five fluorine atoms. Thus, there are no lone pairs. The five (bonding) pairs
of electrons repel each other and the molecule has the shape of a trigonal bipyramid.
e Practise drawing this awkward shape.

e H C N

Carbon is in group 4 of the periodic table and has four valence electrons. All these electrons
are used in bonding (one σ-bond to the hydrogen atom and one σ- and two π-bonds to the
nitrogen, making a total of four bonds). Therefore, there are no lone pairs on the carbon. The
two sets of electrons repel each other and the molecule is linear.
e For all questions about shapes of molecules or ions you must first work out the number of valence
(outer shell) electrons on the central atom, the number of bonds and hence the number of lone pairs.
This gives you the arrangement of the electron pairs. The lone pairs are ‘invisible’ but repel the bond
pairs and so affect the shape of the molecule or ion.

3 a The bond angle in the PH3 trigonal pyramid is less than 109.5° (the tetrahedral angle). This is
because of the greater repulsion between a lone pair and a bond pair than between two bond
e The bond angle might be expected to be the same as in ammonia (107o), but, for complex reasons, it is
less than this.

b The bond angle in the non-linear SCl2 molecule is considerably less than the tetrahedral angle.
This is because of the strong lone pair–lone pair repulsion. The angle is similar to that in water,
which is 104.5°.

c The bond angle in the tetrahedral PO43– ion is 109.5°.

d F
F 90°

120° As F

The bond angles in the trigonal bipyramidal AsF5 molecule are 120o between the fluorine
atoms and the arsenic atom in the triangular plane, and 90o between the top or bottom
fluorine atom and those in the plane.

e The bond angle in the linear HCN molecule is 180°.

4 a The bond is polar, with the iodine atom being δ+ and the chlorine atoms δ–. This is because
chlorine is more electronegative than iodine and draws the bonding electrons towards itself.
Iodine has two lone pairs of electrons, so the molecule is not trigonal planar and, therefore,
has a dipole moment.

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 Shapes of molecules and ions, bond polarity and
Application of core principles of chemistry
intermolecular forces

b Fluorine is the most electronegative element and so is δ– and the less electronegative oxygen
is δ+.
The shape of this molecule is bent because of the two lone pairs on the oxygen atom. Therefore,
the molecule is polar.
e This is the only bond in which the oxygen atom is δ+ and, therefore, oxygen has a positive oxidation

c Oxygen is more electronegative than carbon, so the C=O bonds are polar with the carbon
atom δ+ and the oxygen atoms δ–. However, as the molecule is linear and so symmetrical, the
polarities cancel out and the molecule is non-polar.

d Carbon and iodine both have electronegativities of 2.5, so the bond is non-polar. The C–H
bond is polar as carbon is more electronegative than hydrogen, which becomes d+. As the
molecule is not symmetrical, it is polar.

5 a The small radius and high electronegativity of the nitrogen atom result in the formation of
hydrogen bonds between ammonia molecules. Instantaneous induced dipole forces (dispersion
forces) are also present.

b Methane is non-polar, so the only intermolecular forces are dispersion forces.

c Oxygen fluoride is very polar, but does not contain hydrogen and so cannot form hydrogen
bonds. Its intermolecular forces are permanent dipole–dipole forces and dispersion forces.
e All molecules have dispersion forces between them. Hydrogen bonds are a special type of permanent
dipole−dipole forces.

6 Both hydrogen fluoride and hydrogen chloride are very polar molecules containing a δ+ hydrogen
atom and a δ– halogen atom. However, a chlorine atom is too big to form a hydrogen bond with a
δ+ hydrogen in another molecule. Only very small atoms, such as fluorine, oxygen and nitrogen,
can form hydrogen bonds with δ+ hydrogen atoms.

7 a Solid chlorine is a simple molecular substance.

b Vanadium is a metallic solid, with a delocalised cloud of electrons between vanadium ions.

c Lithium fluoride is ionic.

d Glucose is a hydrogen-bonded molecular solid. The δ+ hydrogen atoms in the –OH groups
form intermolecular hydrogen bonds with the δ– oxygen atoms in other molecules.

e Silicon tetrachloride is a simple molecular substance.

8 a In graphite, each carbon atom forms three σ-bonds with three other carbon atoms in the same
plane. The fourth 2p-electron is in an orbital above and below the hexagonal plane of the carbon
atoms. These p-orbitals overlap with their neighbours and the electrons become delocalised.
These electrons are mobile and solid graphite conducts electricity by the movement of these
electrons under an applied potential. In diamond, each carbon atom is covalently bonded to
four others in a giant three-dimensional tetrahedral arrangement. All the electrons are fixed
between the atoms and cannot move through the solid. Therefore, diamond does not conduct
e Remember that metals and graphite conduct electricity by a flow of electrons, whereas molten or
dissolved ionic compounds conduct by a flow of ions.

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 Shapes of molecules and ions, bond polarity and
Application of core principles of chemistry
intermolecular forces

b Although all the π-electrons in a fullerene molecule are delocalised, they are not connected to
neighbouring fullerene molecules and so do not conduct electricity. However, C60 polymers do
conduct. When C60 molecules react with potassium metal, the resulting compound conducts
as a solid.

9 The fullerene C60 has the unusual optical property of being transparent to light of low-to-
medium brightness and becoming opaque when the light is intense. It could be used as a coating
for sensitive optical devices, allowing low-intensity light through but preventing intense light
from damaging the optics of the device.
Carbon nanotubes are much stronger than steel. Bundles of these nanotubes are light in weight
and incredibly strong. They conduct electricity as efficiently as does copper. They could,
therefore, be used in electrical apparatus that has to withstand high tensile forces.

10 a Solid silicon forms a giant atomic lattice similar to diamond. To melt it, a huge amount of
energy must be supplied to break the four covalent bonds to each atom. Therefore, the solid has
a very high melting temperature (1410°C). Phosphorus is a simple molecular solid, consisting
of an arrangement of P4 molecules. The forces between these molecules are weak dispersion
forces. Therefore, less energy, and hence a lower temperature, is needed to separate the P4
molecules and melt the solid.
e When answering questions about melting solids, you should first state the type of solid and the forces
that hold the particles together. Then, discuss the relative strength of these forces and relate them to the
energy required to separate the particles and break up the solid (lattice) structure.

b In solid sodium, there is a cloud of delocalised electrons (a ‘sea’ of electrons) amongst a lattice
of sodium ions. These electrons are not fixed in position and, therefore, are able to move under
an applied electric potential. These mobile electrons are the reason why solid sodium conducts
electricity. Solid sodium chloride consists of a lattice of alternate sodium and chloride ions,
which are fixed in position. The ions cannot move when an electric potential is applied, so
solid sodium chloride does not conduct electricity.
e In molten sodium chloride the ions are free to move and conduct electricity.

11 The general trend in boiling temperature from PH3 to BiH3 is upward. The intermolecular forces
involved are permanent dipole–dipole forces and dispersion forces. As the polarity of the bonds
decreases down the group, the permanent dipole–dipole forces decrease slightly. However, as
the number of the electrons in the molecules increases from 18 in PH3 to 86 in BiH3, the strength
of the dispersion forces increases considerably. Therefore, an increasing amount of energy is
required to separate the molecules and boil the substances. Ammonia, NH3, is an anomaly.
The dispersion forces between ammonia molecules are much weaker than in the other group 5
hydrides. However, because the nitrogen atom is so small and considerably δ−, it forms hydrogen
bonds with the δ+ hydrogen atoms in neighbouring molecules. These intermolecular hydrogen
bonds are much stronger than the dispersion forces, which are the dominant forces in the other
hydrides. Therefore, ammonia has an anomalistic high boiling temperature.
e When answering questions about boiling, you should first state the type of force between the particles
in the substances. Discuss the relative strengths of these forces and relate them to the energy required
to separate the molecules.

12 Propanone has 32 electrons per molecule and butane has 34. This means that the dispersion
forces are almost identical. Propanone is very polar because of the large difference in elec-
tronegativity between carbon and oxygen, whereas butane is non-polar. Thus propanone has

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 Shapes of molecules and ions, bond polarity and
Application of core principles of chemistry
intermolecular forces

significant permanent dipole–dipole intermolecular forces as well as dispersion forces, whereas

butane only has dispersion forces. Therefore, more energy is required to separate propanone
molecules than is required to separate butane molecules.

13 Hydrogen bromide is more polar than hydrogen iodide, so it has stronger permanent dipole–
dipole intermolecular forces. However, the dispersion forces are stronger in hydrogen iodide
because it has 54 electrons as opposed to 36 in hydrogen bromide. This increase in the strength
of the dispersion forces more than compensates for the decrease in permanent dipole–dipole
forces and, therefore, hydrogen iodide has a higher boiling temperature.
e Permanent dipole–dipole forces play little part in the value of the boiling temperature. It has been
calculated that the contribution of this force in HCl is about 10% of that of the dispersion force. This is
because the molecules are constantly moving around and rotating, so the δ+ end of one molecule is
rarely next to the d– end of another molecule. They only become important when comparing polar and
non-polar molecules that have a similar number of electrons (see Question 12).

14 The solubility of a covalent molecular substance in water depends mostly on the strength of the
hydrogen bonds that are formed with the water molecules. The nitrogen in ammonia, NH3, is δ−
and has a lone pair of electrons. Therefore, it forms a hydrogen bond with a δ+ hydrogen atom in
a water molecule. The δ+ hydrogen atoms in an ammonia molecule form hydrogen bonds with δ−
oxygen atoms in water molecules. The energy released by the formation of these hydrogen bonds
compensates for breaking the intermolecular hydrogen bonds between ammonia molecules and
those between water molecules.
The δ− chlorine atom in chloromethane is too large to form hydrogen bonds. The hydrogen atoms
in chloromethane are not sufficiently δ+ and are not bonded to an electronegative atom. Thus
chloromethane cannot form hydrogen bonds with water molecules. Therefore, it is insoluble in
e It is a common misconception that polar solvents, such as water, dissolve polar solutes. The dipole–
dipole forces are too weak to compensate for the disruption of the hydrogen bonding between water

15 The energy cycle for an ionic solid dissolving is:

l ionic solid → separate gaseous ions (endothermic and equal to –lattice energy)

l gaseous ions bonding with water molecules → solution (exothermic as with all bond

If these factors balance, the ionic solid dissolves. Magnesium, Mg2+, ions are small and highly
charged, so they bond strongly with the δ− oxygen atoms in water. The Cl− ions bond to the
δ+ hydrogen atoms. Each magnesium ion is bonded to six water molecules. Enough energy is
released in the formation of this hydrated ion, and the hydrated chloride ion, to compensate for
the large lattice energy value.

16 Hydrogen bonding makes a substance water-soluble. Large residues, particularly of benzene

rings, render a substance lipid-soluble.
A molecule of aspirin has one –COOH group and a large residue. The –COOH group forms
hydrogen bonds with water molecules, making it water-soluble and insoluble in lipids. The
benzene ring cannot form hydrogen bonds with water and the ester group does so only weakly,
making it insoluble in water but lipid-soluble. The result of these opposing factors is that aspirin
is slightly soluble in both water and lipids.
Ibuprofen has a –COOH group and a long hydrocarbon tail. This makes it less water-soluble but
significantly more lipid-soluble.

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 Shapes of molecules and ions, bond polarity and
Application of core principles of chemistry
intermolecular forces

Chapter Summary Worksheet (textbook CD-ROM)

1 The answer is C. Sulfur is in group 6, so it has six valence electrons. Two are used in bonding
(one to each hydrogen), so there are two lone pairs. Therefore, there are has two bonding pairs
and two lone pairs. These four electron pairs arrange themselves in a tetrahedron, which means
that the bonding pairs are not linear and the molecule is V-shaped.
e Do not confuse the distribution of electrons — tetrahedral — with the shape of the molecule. It is the
relative position of the atoms that determines the shape.

2 The answer is C. Sulfur forms three double bonds, one with each of the oxygen atoms. Therefore,
all six valence electrons are used in bonding, so there are no lone pairs. The three pairs of
s-bonding electrons repel to a position of maximum separation, which is trigonal planar.

3 The answer is B. Xenon has eight electrons in its outer orbit. Four of these are used in bonding,
one to each fluorine atom. Therefore, there are four electrons remaining, so there are two lone

4 The answer is A. All four compounds have polar bonds, but compounds B, C and D are
symmetrical, so the dipoles cancel and the molecules are non-polar.

5 The answer is D. There are no intermolecular hydrogen bonds because the chlorine atom is
too large to form them. Covalent bonds are strong, but do not occur between the molecules of
hydrogen chloride. Although the H–Cl bond is polar, the permanent dipole–dipole forces are
weaker than the induced (London or dispersion) forces.
e It is a common misconception that permanent dipole forces are stronger than induced (London) forces.

6 The answer is B. Fluorine in hydrogen fluoride, HF, is more δ− than the oxygen in water and it
also has a smaller radius. This means that a single hydrogen bond between the hydrogen atom
in one hydrogen fluoride molecule and the fluorine atom in another is stronger than a single
hydrogen bond between water molecules. However, there are twice as many intermolecular
hydrogen bonds in water.
e Statement D is true but does not answer the question.

7 The answer is A. There are no lone pairs around the hydrogen, so the covalent bond pair and the
hydrogen bond pair are at 180° to each other.
e The angle around the hydrogen-bonded hydrogen atom is always 180°, even in complex molecules such
as DNA and proteins.

8 The answer is C. All the statements are true, but only option C explains why graphite is less
dense than diamond.
e The packing within the plane in graphite is closer than that in diamond, but the layers in graphite are
much further apart than are the bonded atoms in both forms of carbon.

9 The answer is A. Diamond is a giant atomic structure with strong covalent bonds between the
atoms. Silicon carbide is similar in that each silicon atom is bonded to four carbon atoms and
each carbon atom to four silicon atoms. To melt either structure, many strong covalent bonds
have to be broken. This only happens at an extremely high temperature.
e Neither diamond nor silicon carbide forms molecules and neither is ionic, so options B, C and D are

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 47

 Shapes of molecules and ions, bond polarity and
Application of core principles of chemistry
intermolecular forces

10 The answer is C. Statements A, B and C are all true. However, only the lower number of electrons
results in weaker intermolecular forces, which is why C is the correct response.
e Statement D is incorrect because hydrogen chloride is more polar than hydrogen iodide. This is because
chlorine is more electronegative than iodine.

11 The answer is A. Butane, CH3CH2CH2CH3, has fewer electrons and so has weaker induced forces.
Pentane, dimethylpropane and methylbutane (options A, C and D respectively) are isomers and,
therefore, have the same number of electrons. The straight-chain pentane has better packing
and, hence, stronger intermolecular forces than its branched isomers.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 48

Unit 2
Application of core principles of chemistry
9  Oxidation and reduction: redox
1 a Cr2+ to Cr3+ is oxidation because the Cr2+ ion loses an electron to become a Cr3+ ion.

b HI to I2 is oxidation. The I– ion in HI loses an electron to become an I atom, which then joins
with another I atom to form an I2 molecule.

c Sn4+ to Sn2+ is reduction. The Sn4+ ion gains two electrons to become an Sn2+ ion.

d Cl– to Cl2 is oxidation because each Cl– ion loses an electron.

e If a species loses an electron, it becomes more positive or less negative. For example:
Cr2+ → Cr3+ or Cl−→ 12 Cl2
If a species gains electrons, it becomes less positive. For example:
Sn4+ → Sn2+

2 a Cr2+(aq) → Cr3+(aq) + e–

b 2HI(aq)→ I2(s) + 2H+(aq) + 2e– or HI(aq) → 12 I2(s) + H+(aq) + e–

c Sn4+(aq) + 2e– → Sn2+(aq)

d 2Cl–(aq) → Cl2(g) + 2e– or Cl–(aq) → 12 Cl2(g) + e–

e Note that all the equations balance for charge. This is why it helps to put the minus on the symbol for the

3 a IO3–(aq) + 6H+(aq) + 5e– → 12 I2(s) + 3H2O(l) or

2IO3–(aq) + 12H+(aq) + 10e– → I2(s) + 6H2O(l)
The oxidation number of iodine changes from +5 to 0, so there must be five electrons for each
IO3– ion. The change is reduction, so the electrons are on the left-hand side of the equation.
Six hydrogen ions are needed to form three molecules of water with the three oxygen atoms
from the IO3– ion. Note that the overall charge on each side of the equation is zero.

b MnO2(s) + 4H+(aq) + 2e– → Mn2+(aq) + 2H2O(l)

The oxidation number of manganese changes by two from +4 to +2. Therefore, it is reduced.
There must be two electrons on the left-hand side of the equation. Four hydrogen ions are
needed to form two molecules of water with the two oxygen atoms from MnO2. Note that the
overall charge on each side of the equation is +2.

c VO2+(aq) + 2H+(aq) + e– → VO2+(aq) + H2O(l)

The oxidation number of vanadium in VO2+ is +5; (x + 2 × (–2) = +1; x = +5).
In VO2+, it is +4; (x + (–2) = +2; x = +4).
Therefore, vanadium is reduced. The change in oxidation number is –1, so one electron is
needed on the left-hand side of the equation. Two hydrogen ions are required to form one
molecule of water with the oxygen atom removed from the VO2+ ion.

4 a The two half-equations are:

MnO4 –(aq) + 8H+(aq) + 5e– → Mn2+(aq) + 4H2O(l)
2HI(aq) → I2(s) + 2H+(aq) + 2e–

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 49

Application of core principles of chemistry  Oxidation and reduction: redox

The overall equation is found by multiplying the first equation by 2 and the second equation
by 5 and then adding them together:
2MnO4 –(aq) + 6H+(aq) + 10HI(aq) → 2Mn2+(aq) + 5I2(s) + 8H2O(l)
Manganate(vii) ions are reduced to Mn2+ ions, which is a change in oxidation number of five
per manganese. The oxidation number of each iodine atom changes by one, so 5HI are needed
per MnO4 –. Two MnO4 – ions will produce 8H2O, so the equation needs six hydrogen ions to
go with the ten hydrogen atoms from 10HI to form the eight molecules of water. Note that the
overall charge on each side is +4.
e The following equation is also acceptable:
MnO4 –(aq) + 3H+(aq) + 5HI(aq) → Mn2+(aq) + 2  I2(s) + 4H2O(l)

b 2Fe3+(aq) + Sn2+(aq) → 2Fe2+(aq) + Sn4+(aq)

The oxidation number of tin changes by two going from +2 to +4. Therefore, two Fe3+ ions
are needed to balance the change. Note that the equation balances for charge, both sides being

c The two half-equations are:

Cr2O72–(aq) + 14H+(aq) + 6e– → 2Cr 3+(aq) + 7H2O(l)
NO2(g) + H2O(l) → NO3–(aq) + e– + 2H+(aq)
The overall equation is found by multiplying the second equation by 6 and then adding it to
the first equation:
Cr2O72–(aq) + 2H+(aq) + 6NO2(g) → 2Cr 3+(aq) + 6NO3–(aq) + H2O(l)
The dichromate(vi) is in an acid solution to provide H+. Dichromate(vi) ions are reduced to
Cr 3+ ions, a change in oxidation number of three per chromium atom or six per Cr2O72– ion.
The oxidation number of nitrogen changes from +4 in NO2 to +5 in NO3–, so there must be
six NO2 molecules in the equation to balance the change in oxidation numbers. There are
19 oxygen atoms on the left-hand side of the equation, so there must be one water molecule
on the right-hand side and, hence, two hydrogen ions on the left. Note that the overall charge
on each side is zero.

d I2 + 2Na2S2O3 → 2NaI + Na2S4O6

There are four sulfur atoms in Na2S4O6, so 2Na2S2O3 are needed.
e You are told the formulae of all the substances, so this is simply an exercise in balancing. You do not
need to work out any oxidation numbers.
If you succeeded with these four examples, you are a real expert in redox equations. These examples are
considerably harder than those you will meet in the AS exam.

5 a The oxidation number of iodine in I2O7 is +7.

Each oxygen is –2, so the seven oxygen atoms have a total of –14. Thus each of the two iodine
atoms is +7.

b The oxidation number of iodine in IO3– is +5.

The three oxygen atoms each have the oxidation number –2, giving a total of –6. The charge
on the ion is –1, so:
x + 3(–2) = –1
x = +6 – 1 = +5

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 50

Application of core principles of chemistry  Oxidation and reduction: redox

c The oxidation number of iodine in KIO4 is +7.

The oxidation number of potassium is +1; each oxygen is –2, so:
+1 + x + 4(–2) = 0
x = +8 – 1 = +7

d The oxidation number of iodine in Ba(IO2)2 is +3.

The oxidation number of barium is +2, each oxygen is –2, so:
+ 2 + 2x + 4(− 2) = 0
2x = + 8 − 2 = + 6
x = +3

6 a The vanadium in V3+ is in the +3 oxidation state.

b The vanadium in VO2+ is in the +5 state (see the answer to Question 3c).

c The vanadium in VO2+ is in the +4 state (see the answer to Question 3c).

7 a The oxidation number of nitrogen in NO2 is +4.

The oxidation number of each oxygen atom is –2, so two oxygen atoms total –4.
The molecule is neutral, so the oxidation number of nitrogen is +4.

b The oxidation number of nitrogen in NO2– is +3.

The oxidation number of oxygen is –2, so two oxygen atoms total –4. The ion is –1, so:
x − 4 = − 1
x = +3
c The oxidation number of nitrogen in N2O5 is +5.
The oxidation number of each oxygen atom is –2, so five oxygen atoms total –10. The molecule
is neutral, so:
2x − 10 = 0
2x = + 10
x = +5
d The oxidation number of nitrogen in N2H4 is –2.
The oxidation number of each hydrogen atom is +1, so four hydrogen atoms total +4.
Therefore, the oxidation number of each nitrogen atom is –2.

8 a The oxidation number of bromine in KBr is –1.

In KBrO3 the oxidation number of bromine is +5.
+1 + x + 3(–2) = 0
x = +6 – 1 = +5
In Br2 the oxidation number of bromine is zero.

b An oxidising agent is reduced. The oxidation number of bromine changes from +5 in KBrO3
to zero in Br2. The oxidation number has decreased, so the bromine in the KBrO3 has been
reduced. Therefore, KBrO3 is the oxidising agent. It has oxidised the bromine in KBr from the
–1 state to zero.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 51

Application of core principles of chemistry  Oxidation and reduction: redox

9 The oxidation number of the carbon atoms in the C2O42– ion is +3:
2x + 4(–2) = –2
2x = − 2 + 8 = + 6
x = +3
The carbon atom in CO2 is in the +4 state, so each carbon atom changes by +1. The total change
in oxidation number per C2O42– ion is +2.

10 The molecular equation is:

Br2 + 2NaOH → NaBr + NaOBr + H2O
Converting this to ions gives:
Br2(aq) + 2Na+(aq) + 2OH–(aq) → Na+(aq) + Br–(aq) + Na+(aq) + OBr –(aq) + H2O(l)
Cancelling the spectator ions gives the final ionic equation:
Br2(aq) + 2OH–(aq) → Br–(aq) + OBr –(aq) + H2O(l)
e Water and bromine are not ionic, and so must be written as molecules.

11 2Cu+(aq) → Cu2+(aq) + Cu(s)

e There must be two Cu+ ions on the left-hand side of the equation, so that one can be oxidised to Cu2+
and one reduced to Cu.

12 a Chlorine is reduced. The half-equation is:

Cl2(g) + 2e– → 2Cl–(aq)
The bromide ions in NaBr are oxidised. The half-equation is:
2Br–(aq) → Br2(l) + 2e–
The chlorine gains these electrons, so it is the oxidising agent (becoming reduced to Cl–
The bromine has given electrons to the chlorine, so the bromide ions are the reducing agent
(becoming oxidised to Br atoms, which form Br2).
e Remember that, in a redox reaction, oxidising agents are reduced and reducing agents are oxidised.

b The iron(iii) ions are reduced to iron(ii) ions:

2Fe3+(aq) + 2e– → 2Fe2+(aq)
The hydrogensulfite(iv) ions, HSO3–, are oxidised to sulfate(vi) ions, SO42–:
HSO3–(aq) + H2O(l) → 3H+(aq) + SO42–(aq) + 2e–
The Fe3+ ions have been reduced, so they are the oxidising agent.
The HSO3– ions have been oxidised, so they are the reducing agent.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 52

Application of core principles of chemistry  Oxidation and reduction: redox

Chapter Summary Worksheet (textbook CD-ROM)

1 The answer is C. The oxidation number of tin goes from +2 in SnCl2 to +4 in SnCl4, so tin is
oxidised. The oxidation number of iron goes from +3 in FeCl3 to +2 in FeCl2, so iron is reduced.
Oxidation plus reduction equals redox.
e Option A is incorrect because the oxidation number of hydrogen stays at +1 and that of oxygen stays
at −2, so there is no redox reaction. Option B is incorrect because the oxidation state of chromium is +6
in both CrO42− and in C2O72−, so there is no redox reaction. Option D is incorrect because the oxidation
state of copper is +2 in both CuO and CuSO4.

2 The answer is C. Note that this is a negative question — ‘is not disproportionation’. The copper
is reduced from +2 to +1 and oxidised from 0 to +1, but there are two different copper species
on the left-hand side of the equation and only one on the right, so it is not a disproportionation
reaction. In A, the oxygen in H2O2 is in the –1 oxidation state and is simultaneously oxidised to
zero in O2 and reduced to –2 in H2O. In B, the chlorine in Cl2 is oxidised to OCl– (zero → +1)
and reduced to Cl– (zero → –1). In D, the manganese in MnO42– is in the +6 state. It is oxidised
to MnO4 – (+7) and simultaneously reduced to MnO2 (+4).
e The reverse reaction, 2CuCl2-(aq) → CuCl2(aq) + Cu(s) + 2Cl−(aq) is a disproportionation.

3 The answer is B. Sodium tetrathionate, Na2S4O6, is neutral, so the oxidation numbers add up to
zero. Each Na is +1, each oxygen is –2, totalling +2 –12 = −10. There are four sulfur atoms, so
the oxidation number of each must equal 10 divided by 4, i.e. 2.5.

4 The answer is A. The oxidation numbers in potassium superoxide add up to zero and, as it is
a superoxide, the oxidation number of oxygen is not –2. (It is also not –2 in peroxides.) The
oxidation number of potassium is always +1, so the oxidation numbers of the two oxygen atoms
must add up to –1. Therefore, the oxidation number of oxygen in potassium superoxide is – 12 .

5 The answer is A. The oxidation number of manganese changes from +7 to +2, which is a change
of five. Therefore, there must be five electrons in the equation. An alternative way to work this
out is that the half-equation must balance for charge. The charge on the right-hand side is +2,
so that on the left-hand side must also be +2. This is achieved if there are five electrons:
1− + 5− + 8+ = 2+

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 53

Unit 2
Application of core principles of chemistry
10  The periodic table: group 2
1 The first ionisation energy of an element is the energy change when one electron is removed
from each atom of a mole of gaseous atoms of that element to form one mole of gaseous singly
charged positive ions. The equation for the first ionisation of calcium is:
Ca(g) → Ca+(g) + e−
e Since ionisation energies are always endothermic, the definition can be expressed in terms of the energy
required to remove one electron.

2 The nuclear charge increases down the group, but the number of inner shielding electrons
increases by the same amount. However, the atomic radius increases down the group. Thus, the
outer electrons are further from the nucleus and so are held less firmly. This means that less
energy is required to remove a 3s-electron from a magnesium atom than is required to remove
a 2s-electron from a beryllium atom. Less still is needed to remove a 4s-electron from a calcium
atom and so on.
e Do not just say that shielding increases down the group — there is more to shield. The critical point is
that the atomc radius increases. The further an electron is from the nucleus, the easier it is to remove.

3 Calcium has atomic number 20 and the electron configuration 2,8,8,2. Potassium has atomic
number 19 and the electron configuration 2,8,8,1. In calcium, the nuclear charge of 20 is
shielded by 18 inner electrons. In potassium, the nuclear charge of 19 is also shielded by 18
inner electrons. Thus the outer electrons in calcium are less well shielded and are harder to
remove. In addition, a calcium atom has a smaller radius than a potassium atom making it even
harder to remove one of its outer (4s) electrons.
e Remember that, across a period, the atomic radius decreases as the atomic number increases. This is
because of the increasing pull of the nucleus on the shells of electrons.

4 The electron configuration of magnesium is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2. The first ionisation energy is for the
removal of one of the 3s-electrons and the second is for the removal of the other 3s-electron,
but from a positive ion. This makes the second ionisation energy larger than the first. The 3s-
electrons are shielded by the two electrons in the first shell and the eight electrons in the second
shell. The third ionisation involves removing an electron from the 2p-subshell. This electron is
only shielded by the inner two 1s-electrons. Therefore, it experiences a much stronger pull from
the nucleus than the better shielded 3s-electrons. Thus there is a big jump between the second
and third ionisation energies.
e A simpler answer, which would just score the marks, would be to state that the third electron comes
from an inner shell and so is harder to remove. The explanation above shows why it is harder to remove.

5 a 2Mg + O2 → 2MgO or Mg + 2 O2 → MgO

b Ba + 2H2O → Ba(OH)2 + H2

c Mg + Cl2 → MgCl2

d CaO + 2HNO3 → Ca(NO3)2 + H2O

e Remember that the valency of all the group 2 elements is 2, so the formula of a group 2 oxide is MO, of a
hydroxide is M(OH)2, of a chloride is MCl2 and of a nitrate is M(NO3)2, where M stands for a group 2 metal.
The final equation is base + acid → salt + water.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 54

Application of core principles of chemistry  The periodic table: group 2

6 The thermal stability of group 1 nitrates increases down the group. This is because the polarising
power of the cation decreases as the ionic radius increases. The lower the polarising power of
the cation, the less the electron cloud of the anion is distorted. Thus it is harder to cause decom-
e The ease of decomposition depends on the charge density of the cation. Charge density is loosely
defined as the charge on the ion divided by its radius. In this example, all the group 1 cations have a
charge of +1, but their radii increase down the group causing a decrease in charge density. In questions
that ask for a comparison of the ease of decomposition of a group 1 nitrate with that of the nitrate of
the group 2 element in the same period, two factors have to be compared. First, the group 2 cation is 2+
whereas the group 1 cation is 1+. Second, the ionic radius of the group 2 cation is smaller than that of the
group 1 cation. These two factors result in the polarising power of the group 2 cation being greater than
that of the group 1 cation and make the group 2 nitrate easier to decompose. A similar argument is used
to compare the decomposition of carbonates.

7 a amount (moles) of sulfuric acid = concentration × volume in dm3

= 0.0561 mol dm−3 × 0.0250 dm3 = 0.0014025 mol
amount of sodium hydroxide in titre = 2 × 0.0014025 = 0.002805 mol
concentration of sodium hydroxide =
volume in dm3
= = 0.1196 mol dm−3
= 0.120 mol dm−3
e This calculation would probably be structured at AS. Remember to divide the volume in cm3 by 1000
to convert it to a volume in dm3. Rounding to three significant figures at each stage gives the answer
0.119 mol dm−3. This would score full marks, but do not round to two or one significant figure in a
b concentration in g dm−3 = concentration in mol dm−3 × molar mass
= 0.1196 mol dm−3 × 40.0 g mol−1 = 4.78 g dm−3 
e Note that the units cancel to g dm−3. If the concentration rounded to three significant figures had been
used, the answer would be 4.80 g dm–3.

8 molar mass of ethanedioic acid, H2C2O4.2H2O = 126.0 g mol−1

amount (moles) of the acid =
molar mass
3.05 g
= = 0.02421 mol
126.0 g mol −1
concentration =
volume in dm3
0.02421 mol
= = 0.0968 mol dm−3
0.250 dm3

9 amount (moles) of sodium carbonate = concentration × volume in dm3

= 0.0525 mol dm−3 × 0.0250 dm3 = 0.0013125 mol
amount (moles) of hydrochloric acid = 2 × 0.0013125 = 0.002625 mol
volume of acid =
0.002625 mol
= = 0.02625 dm3 = 26.25 cm3
0.100 mol dm −3
e Be careful with units. The volume comes out in dm3 because the concentration is in mol dm−3.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 55

Application of core principles of chemistry  The periodic table: group 2

10 amount (moles) of hydrochloric acid = concentration × volume in dm3

= 0.0050 mol dm−3 × 0.00755 dm3 = 3.775 × 10−5 mol
= amount (moles) of potassium hydroxide
mass of potassium hydroxide in 100 cm3 of washings = moles × molar mass
= 3.775 × 10−5 mol × 56.1 g mol−1
= 0.002118 g
1000 000 × 0.002118
concentration in ppm = = 21 ppm
e In the final step, to obtain an answer in parts per million, the mass of potassium hydroxide must be
multiplied by a million divided by the volume. The answer is rounded to two significant figures, because
some data were given to two significant figures.

11 a Element Divide by r.a.m. Divide by smallest

Barium 81.1/137.3 = 0.591 0.591/0.591 = 1
Oxygen 18.9/16.0 = 1.18 1.18/0.591 = 2

Therefore the empirical formula is BaO2.

b The formula mass of BaO2 is 169.3. This is the same as the molar mass, so the molecular
formula is also BaO2.

12 a When strontium nitrate is heated it first melts. On further heating a brown gas is seen bubbling
off from the molten compound.
e Oxygen is produced but cannot be seen. Its presence can be detected by the relighting of a glowing
splint. The brown gas is nitrogen dioxide.

b 2Sr(NO3)2(s) → 2SrO(s) + 4NO2(g) + O2(g)

Sr(NO3)2(s) → SrO(s) + 2NO2(g) + 12 O2(g)
e It is not essential to use state symbols because the question did not ask for them. However, they are
useful as they identify the gases evolved. This is needed in part c.

c molar mass of strontium nitrate, Sr(NO3)2 = 211.6 g mol−1

amount (moles) of strontium nitrate =
molar mass
2.12 g
= = 0.01002 mol
211.6 g mol −1
there are 2.5 moles of gas per mole of strontium nitrate
moles of gas = 2.5 × 0.01002 = 0.02504 mol
volume = moles × molar volume
= 0.0250 mol × 24.0 dm3 mol−1 = 0.601 dm3 = 601 cm3

13 Both magnesium and calcium ions are 2+. However, a magnesium ion has a smaller radius than
a calcium ion. This means that a magnesium ion polarises a carbonate ion more than a calcium
ion does. Therefore, magnesium carbonate is easier to decompose than calcium carbonate and
does so at a lower temperature.
e It is important to write something about both the charges and radii of the two cations. Make sure that
you do not use the word ‘atom’ when you mean ‘ion’. This is a common error.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 56

Application of core principles of chemistry  The periodic table: group 2

14 amount (moles) of nitric acid, HNO3 = concentration × volume

= 0.100 mol dm–3 × 0.0176 dm3
= 1.76 × 10 –3 mol
ratio of Ba(OH)2:HNO3 in the equation = 1:2
so, amount of Ba(OH)2 = 2 × 1.76 × 10 –3 mol = 8.80 × 10 –4 mol
moles 8.80 × 10−4 mol
concentration of Ba(OH)2 = = = 0.0352 mol dm–3
volume 0.0250 dm3
e Always start the calculation from the substance about which you have two pieces of data — in this case,
the volume and concentration of the acid.

15 amount (moles) of H3PO4 = concentration × volume

= 0.100 mol dm–3 × 0.0250 dm3 = 0.00250 mol
ratio of NaOH:H3PO4 = 3:1
so, amount of NaOH = 3 × 0.00250 mol = 0.00750 mol
volume of NaOH solution =
0.00750 mol
= = 0.0371 dm3 = 37.1 cm3
0.202 mol dm −3

16 a amount (moles) of HCl in titration = concentration × volume

= 0.110 mol dm–3 × 0.02335 dm3
= 0.00257 mol
b ratio NaOH:HCl = 1:1
so, amount (moles) of NaOH in 25.0 cm3 of diluted solution = amount (moles) HCl
= 0.00257 mol

c amount (moles) of NaOH in 250 cm3 of diluted solution = 10 × 0.00257 mol = 0.0257 mol

= amount (moles) of NaOH in excess

d amount (moles) of NaOH originally taken = concentration × volume

= 1.00 mol dm–3 × 0.0500 dm3
= 0.0500 mol

e amount (moles) of NaOH reacted with ibuprofen tablets

= amount taken – amount in excess
= 0.0500 mol – 0.0257 mol = 0.0243 mol

f Ibuprofen and NaOH react in a 1:1 ratio. So, amount of ibuprofen in 25 tablets = amount of
NaOH reacted = 0.0243 mol
g amount (moles) of ibuprofen in 1 tablet =  mol = 9.72 × 10 –4 mol
molar mass of ibuprofen, C12H17COOH = [(12 × 12.0) + 17.0 + 12.0 + (2 × 16.0) + 1.0)]
= 206.0 g mol–1
mass of ibuprofen in 1 tablet = moles × molar mass
= 9.72 × 10 –4 mol × 206.0 g mol–1
= 0.200 g = 200 mg
e This question is about a back titration. If such a question is asked at AS, it will be structured in a similar
way to this one. However, you must have a clear idea of the different experimental stages:
l adding excess sodium hydroxide
l after the reaction, making the solution up to 250 cm3
l titrating portions of this diluted solution, containing excess sodium hydroxide, with standard acid

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 57

Application of core principles of chemistry  The periodic table: group 2

Chapter Summary Worksheet (textbook CD-ROM)

1 The answer is A. The most polarising cation is the one with the highest charge and the smallest
radius. All these group 2 cations are 2+ and the ionic radius increases down the group. Therefore,
Mg2+ is the most polarising.
e In questions about trends in a group, the answer will always be about the top or the bottom member
— option A or D.

2 The answer is A. The more the anion is polarised, the greater is the covalent character of the
compound. The Mg2+ ion is the most polarising, so MgCl2 has the most covalent character.

3 The answer is D. All four metals have the same number of delocalised electrons, so the relative
strengths of the metallic bonds depend mainly on the metallic radius. The metallic radius of
magnesium is the smallest, so it has the strongest metallic bond. The metallic radius of barium is
the largest, so it has the weakest metallic bond and, therefore, the lowest melting temperature.
e The type of packing also affects the melting temperature. However, this is less important than the
charge and the metallic radius, and it is ignored at A-level.

4 The answer is A. Solubility is a balance between lattice energy and the sum of the hydration
energies of the ions. Both the lattice energy and the hydration energy of the cations decrease
down the group. However, because the hydroxide ion is of a similar size to the cations, the lattice
energy decreases more and this causes the enthalpy of solution to be more exothermic (or less
endothermic). Therefore, the hydroxides of the lower members of the group are more soluble.
e The lattice energy depends on the sum of the ionic radii. Therefore, it alters markedly when the cation
and the anion are of similar size (e.g. with hydroxides). Thus solubility increases down the group. If the
anion is much bigger than the cation (e.g. with sulfates), the decrease in the lattice energy is much less
and solubility decreases down the group.

5 The answer is A. Only the nitrate of the most strongly polarising group 1 cation decomposes
on heating to form the metal oxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxygen. Nitrates with less polarising
cations decompose to the nitrite and oxygen. All the group 1 cations are 1+. Of these, lithium
has the smallest ionic radius and so is the most strongly polarising. Therefore, on heating,
lithium nitrate decomposes giving off brown fumes of nitrogen dioxide. When nitrates of the
less polarising cations are heated, they do not produce brown fumes.
e The equations are:
2LiNO3 → Li2O + 2NO2 + 1 O2 and KNO3 → KNO2 + 1 O2

6 The answer is D. The nitrate of the most polarising group 2 cation decomposes the most easily;
that of the least polarising cation is the hardest to decompose and requires a higher temperature.
Barium, Ba2+, is the least polarising of the group 2 cations, so barium nitrate takes the longest
time to produce brown fumes of nitrogen dioxide.
e Notice that the correct answers to these six multiple-choice questions about trends in a group are either
the top element in the group or the bottom one — option A or D.

7 The answer is C. Methyl orange is yellow in alkaline solution, red in acid solution and a mixture
of red and yellow — orange — when in neutral solution. In this example, the alkali is in the
conical flask. Therefore, the colour at the start of the titration is yellow and becomes orange at
the end point.
e If the indicator turns red, the end point has been overshot, which is why option D is incorrect. If the
alkali were in the burette and acid in the conical flask, the correct answer would be B.

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Application of core principles of chemistry  The periodic table: group 2

8 The answer is B. The initial titre has an accuracy of ±0.05 cm3. The final reading is also accurate
to ±0.05 cm3, making the total potential error ±0.10 cm3.
0.10 × 100
This makes the maximum percentage error = 1.25%

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 59

Unit 2
Application of core principles of chemistry
11  The periodic table: group 7
1 a Cl2(g) + 2OH−(aq) → Cl−(aq) + ClO−(aq) + H2O(l)

b It is a disproportionation reaction. The chlorine, oxidation number zero, is oxidised to +1 in

ClO – and simultaneously reduced to –1 in Cl–.
e This is a reaction that must be known. The reaction is with alkali, so the K+ ions are spectator ions.
Oxygen is more electronegative than chlorine, so the chlorine is in a positive oxidation state in the ClO−

2 2H2SO4 + CaCl2 → 2HCl + Ca(HSO4)2

e The equation forming the sulfate rather than the hydrogensulfate is also acceptable:
H2SO4 + CaCl2 → 2HCl + CaSO4

An observation is that steamy fumes are given off.

e Do not state as an observation that hydrogen chloride is given off — you can’t tell by looking that the
fumes are hydrogen chloride — or that the fumes are white. The latter indicates confusion with the
result of adding ammonia to the steamy fumes. The reaction is similar to that of concentrated sulfuric
acid with a group 1 chloride, such as sodium chloride.

3 Steamy fumes mixed with a brown gas would be seen. Three gases are produced:
l hydrogen bromide — the steamy fumes

l bromine — the brown gas

l sulfur dioxide — colourless, so is not observed

e This answer is the same as that for the reaction of concentrated sulfuric acid on sodium bromide.

4 Bromine is a brown gas or fuming brown liquid. It turns a solution of potassium iodide red-
e Bromine also turns damp starch-iodide paper dark blue. Remember that the test paper must be damp.
A mark is often lost because this is omitted.

5 a Gaseous hydrogen bromide is covalently bonded.

b Covalent hydrogen bromide reacts with water to produce ions:

HBr(g) + H2O(l) → H3O+(aq) + Br–(aq)
These ions are hydrated and the energy released on hydration is greater than that required to
break the H–Br covalent bond. Thus the reaction is energetically favourable and so hydrogen
bromide dissolves in water. The solution is acidic because H3O+ ions are produced.

c 2HBr + Na2CO3 → 2NaBr + H2O + CO2

e Acids liberate carbon dioxide when added to carbonates.

6 a The oxidation number of iodine in KIO3 is +5.

+1 + x + 3(–2) = 0
x = +6 –1 = +5
The oxidation number of iodine in KI is –1.
+1 + x = 0
x = –1

The oxidation number of iodine in I2 is zero.

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Application of core principles of chemistry  The periodic table: group 7

b The iodide ions in KI are oxidised from –1 to zero. Therefore, potassium iodide is the reducing
e Remember that in a redox reaction, a reducing agent becomes oxidised.

c Add a solution of starch, which will turn dark blue-black in the presence of iodine.

7 The first electron affinity requires an electron to be brought towards the positive nucleus of a
neutral atom and into the outer orbit. This is an exothermic process. More energy is released
the nearer an electron approaches the nucleus. Bromine has a smaller atomic radius than iodine,
so the electron gets closer to the bromine nucleus than it does to the iodine nucleus. Therefore,
more energy is released and the electron affinity is higher.
e The sign in thermochemistry gives the direction of the heat change. A more negative value means a
bigger heat change.

8 One method is to dissolve the solid, add aqueous silver nitrate and observe the precipitate.
Then add dilute ammonia. If the precipitate does not dissolve in dilute ammonia, concentrated
ammonia is then added. Possible observations are:
l a white precipitate that is soluble in dilute ammonia. This indicates calcium chloride.

l a cream precipitate that does not dissolve in dilute ammonia but is soluble in concentrated

ammonia. This indicates calcium bromide.

l a pale yellow precipitate that does not dissolve in either dilute or concentrated ammonia. This

indicates calcium iodide.

A second method is to add concentrated sulfuric acid to the solid. Possible observations are:
l copious steamy fumes. This indicates calcium chloride.

l steamy fumes mixed with a brown gas. This indicates calcium bromide.

l clouds of violet vapour and a gas that smells of rotten eggs. A yellow deposit is left. This

indicates calcium iodide.

e In each case, a hydrogen halide is first produced. Hydrogen chloride is such a weak reducing agent that it
does not reduce the sulfuric acid. Hydrogen bromide is a stronger reducing agent and is partially oxidised
to brown bromine vapour. Hydrogen iodide is a very strong reducing agent and is totally oxidised to
iodine by the sulfuric acid, which is itself reduced to a mixture of yellow sulfur and hydrogen sulfide.

9 a I2(s) + 2e− → 2I−(aq)

e As the iodine is reduced, the electrons are on the left-hand side of the equation. The oxidation number
of each iodine atom is decreased by one. Therefore, two electrons are needed on the left-hand side of
the equation.

b 12 Cl2 + H2O → ClO – + 2H+ + e–

e As the chlorine is reduced, the electrons are on the right-hand side of the equation. The oxidation
number of a chlorine atom is increased by one. Therefore, one electron is needed on the right-hand side
of the equation.

c ClO – + 2H2O → ClO3– + 4H+ + 4e–

e The oxidation number of chlorine changes from +1 to +5. Therefore, four electrons are needed on the
right-hand side of the equation.

d ClO – + 2H+ + 2e– → Cl– + H2O

e The oxidation number of chlorine changes from +1 to −1. Therefore, two electrons are needed on the
left-hand side of the equation.

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Application of core principles of chemistry  The periodic table: group 7

e 3ClO – + 2H2O + 4H+ + 4e– → ClO3– + 4H+ + 4e– + 2Cl– + 2H2O

Cancelling electrons, H+ and H2O gives:
3ClO – → ClO3– + 2Cl–
e The equation was obtained by multiplying the answer to part d by two and then adding this equation to
the answer to part c. In this way, the electrons cancel.
Remember that reduction half-equations always have electrons on the left-hand side; oxidation half-
equations always have electrons on the right-hand side.

10 Chlorine is the stronger oxidising agent. It oxidises a solution of potassium bromide to bromine.
The solution changes from colourless to brown. Iodine does not oxidise potassium bromide to
bromine. Therefore, on mixing the two solutions, there is no colour change.

11 a Element Divide by r.a.m. Divide by smallest

Lithium 7.75/6.9 = 1.12 1.12/1.11 = 1.0
Chlorine 39.25/35.5 = 1.11 1.11/1.11 = 1
Oxygen 53.0/16.0 = 3.31 3.31/1.11 = 3.0

The empirical formula is LiClO3.

b The molecular formula is also LiClO3. The equation is:

2LiClO3 → 2LiCl + 3O2
volume 1.77 dm3
amount (moles) of oxygen = = = 0.0738 mol
molar volume 24 dm3
number of LiClO3 in equation
moles of LiClO3 = moles of O2 ×
number of O2 in equation
so, amount (moles) of LiClO3 = 0.0738 × = 0.0492 mol
molar mass of LiClO3 = 6.9 + 35.5 + (3 × 16.0) = 90.4 g mol–1

mass of LiClO3 = moles × molar mass = 0.0492 mol × 90.4 g mol–1 = 4.45 g (or 4.44 g if the
numbers were not rounded during any stage of the calculation)
e Remember that it is essential that the units of volume and molar volume are the same, i.e. either dm3
or cm3.

12 a amount (moles) of thiosulfate = concentration × volume in dm3

= 0.133 mol dm−3 × 0.02645 dm3 = 0.003518 mol

b amount of iodine reacted with sodium thiosulfate = 1 × 0.003518 = 0.001759 mol

amount (moles) Fe3+ in 25 cm3 of solution = 2 × 0.001759 = 0.003518 mol

c amount (moles) Fe3+ in 250 cm3 of solution = 10 × 0.003518 = 0.03518 mol

d mass of iron in sample = moles × molar mass = 0.03518 mol × 55.8 g mol−1 = 1.963 g

1.963 g × 100
e percentage of iron in compound X = = 11.6%
16.95 g
e Always give intermediate answers to one more significant figure than the number of significant figures
(usually three) justified in your answer.

13 The flame test shows that Z is a barium compound. This was confirmed by the formation of a
white precipitate when dilute sulfuric acid was added:
Ba2+(aq) + SO42−(aq) → BaSO4(s)

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Application of core principles of chemistry  The periodic table: group 7

The second test on the solution shows that Z contains iodide ions:
I−(aq) + Ag+(aq) → AgI(s)
Silver iodide is a pale yellow solid that is insoluble in both dilute and concentrated ammonia.
Therefore, the solid Z is barium iodide, BaI2.
e In justifying your answer you must make sure that you use all the pieces of experimental evidence given
in the question.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 63

Application of core principles of chemistry  The periodic table: group 7

Chapter Summary Worksheet (textbook CD-ROM)

1 The answer is D. Hydrogen fluoride is a gas. It reacts with the base ammonia to form a smoke of
solid ammonium fluoride in a similar way to the other hydrogen halides.
HF(g) + NH3(g) → NH4F(s)
e Hydrogen fluoride is a weaker acid than hydrogen chloride because the H–F bond is stronger than the
H–Cl bond. It is the most difficult hydrogen halide to oxidise and does not react with concentrated
sulfuric acid. None of the hydrogen halides disproportionates in water, although the elements chlorine
and bromine do.

2 The answer is C. The chlorine in OCl− is reduced from oxidation number +1 to zero and the
chlorine in Cl− oxidised from oxidation number −1 to zero. The chlorine on the left-hand side of
this equation is in two different species, so the reaction cannot be disproportionation.
e Option D is incorrect because the definition of synthesis is ‘making a compound from simpler species’.
The term has been expanded to cover a series of reactions that make a desired product, for example in
photosynthesis. Neither applies to the reaction in this question.

3 The answer is B. The oxidation numbers in a neutral compound add up to zero. The oxidation
number of sodium is always +1 and that of oxygen is −2 (except in oxygen fluoride, peroxides
and superoxides):
so, (2 × +1) + (6 × −2) = −10
The oxidation number of the four sulfur atoms must add up to +10, so the oxidation number of
sulfur in Na2S4O6 is + 10 = +2.5.
4 The answer is B. Beware — this is a negative question. Option B is false (and therefore the
correct answer) because the electronegativities decrease down the group, so the electronega-
tivity difference between the hydrogen and the halogen is less in HI than in HBr.
e It is worth checking the other responses, unless you are totally sure that you have selected the correct
answer. This is particularly important in negative questions such as this. Statement A is true because the
oxidising power decreases from fluorine to astatine. Statement C is true because the reducing power of
the anions increases down the group (as the oxidising power of the elements decreases). Statement D is
also true — silver chloride is soluble in dilute ammonia, so it also dissolves in concentrated ammonia.

5 The answer is B. Iodine is present at the start and, when the colour has faded to pale straw, starch
is added and an intense blue colour is produced. Sodium thiosulfate is then added dropwise
until the blue colour disappears.
e The starch must not be added too early otherwise a solid black complex is formed irreversibly with the

6 The answer is C. Do not confuse steamy fumes of the hydrogen halides (HF, HCl, HBr and HI)
with the white smoke that is produced when a gaseous hydrogen halide is mixed with ammonia
gas. Thus the answer is not option A. Concentrated sulfuric acid reacts with ionic bromides, such
as silver bromide, to give steamy fumes of hydrogen bromide (together with some red–brown
bromine gas and colourless sulfur dioxide).
e The substances given in option B would produce bromine, which is a red–brown volatile liquid. Those in
option D would react to form a colourless solution.

7 The answer is D. It is the halogens (apart from fluorine), not the hydrogen halides that react with
alkali in disproportionation reactions:
X2 + 2OH− → X− + OX− + H2O
Thus statement D is false and is the correct answer to this negative question.

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Application of core principles of chemistry  The periodic table: group 7

e Hydrogen bromide is oxidised by chlorine dissolved in water to give a brown solution of bromine.
It reacts with silver ions to give a cream precipitate of silver bromide. Its intermolecular (dispersion/
London/van der Waals) forces are stronger than those of hydrogen chloride, so it has a higher boiling
point. Therefore, options A, B and C are all true statements.

8 The answer is A. It is essential that all the oxidising agent reacts, so excess potassium iodide
is added to a measured volume of the solution of the oxidising agent. Option C is ambiguous.
Which reaction?

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Unit 2
Application of core principles of chemistry
12  Introduction to kinetics
1 The main points of the collision theory are that:
l the molecules must collide

e The rate depends on the frequency of collisions.

l for the collision to result in reaction, the energy of the colliding molecules must be equal to or
greater than a specific value — the activation energy
e Only a few collisions result in reaction. An increase in temperature causes an increase in this proportion.
Reactions with high activation energy are slow at room temperature. They may even be too slow to be
observed. The reactants are then said to be kinetically stable.
l the molecules must collide with the correct relative orientation

2 a The rate of an exothermic reaction is increased by an increase in temperature.

b The rate of an endothermic reaction is also increased by an increase in temperature.

e Raising the temperature increases the rate of all reactions. For reversible reactions, the rate in the
endothermic direction is increased more than the rate in the exothermic direction.

Fraction of molecules with energy E



Kinetic energy, E

A decrease in temperature decreases the average kinetic energy of the molecules. Therefore,
the area under the curve to the right of the activation energy is smaller for the Tc curve than for
the Th curve. This means that a smaller proportion of collisions have the necessary activation
energy to result in reaction, so the reaction rate is slower. There is also a slight reduction in the
frequency of collision, but this effect is swamped by the reduction in the proportion of successful
e The crucial points are that:
l the molecules have less energy
l fewer colliding molecules have energy ≥ activation energy (area under the curve to the right of the
activation energy value)
l a smaller proportion of the collisions result in reaction
l the rate is slower

4 a Halving the volume results in the molecules being much closer together, so the frequency of
collision increases. This results in a faster reaction, i.e. an increased reaction rate.

b The addition of more hydrogen increases the rate because the probability of a hydrogen
molecule colliding with an iodine molecule is increased. It is the increase in the frequency of
H2–I2 collisions that results in an increase in the rate.

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Application of core principles of chemistry  Introduction to kinetics

e Do not talk about more collisions, but about the increase in the frequency of collision or more collisions
per unit time.

5 a Euncat Transition state






b A heterogeneous catalyst is in a different phase from the reactants; a homogeneous catalyst is

in the same phase as the reactants.

c Platinum is a solid and hydrogen peroxide is in solution. They are in different phases, so
platinum is a heterogeneous catalyst in this reaction.
e Mixtures of solids can be in separate phases (e.g. salt and sand). Miscible liquids (ethanol and water)
form a single phase; immiscible liquids (petrol and water) are in two phases. Gaseous mixtures are
always in a single phase.

d Gas syringe


Hydrogen peroxide Water

+ catalyst

Measurements taken:
l mass of platinum and mass of an equal number of moles of manganese(iv) oxide

l in each case, time taken to produce a given volume of oxygen, e.g. 40 cm3

rate of reaction is proportional to

rate with platinum time for manganese(IV) oxide

rate with manganese(IV) ox ide time for platinum
6 a amount (moles) of magnesium =
molar mass
0.06 g
= = 0.0025 mol
24.3 g mol −1
amount (moles) of acid = concentration × volume in dm3
= 1.00 mol dm−3 × 0.025 dm3 = 0.025 mol

b amount of acid reacted = 2 × moles magnesium = 2 × 0.0025 = 0.005 mol

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Application of core principles of chemistry  Introduction to kinetics

change × 100
c percentage of acid reacted =
0.005 × 100
= = 20%
d i There is a large change in the amount of acid (and hence, because the volume remains
constant, a large percentage change in concentration). This causes the rate to alter consider-
ably during the time of the measurement, which means that in this instance the assumption
that rate is proportional to 1/t is not very accurate.

ii Take a larger volume of acid (50 cm3 would mean a 10% change in concentration of the acid
during the reaction).
Increase the initial concentration of the acid (a 2.0 mol dm−3 solution would mean a 10%
change in concentration).
Either of these changes would make the assumption that rate is proportional to 1/t fair,
because the rate would not change by more than 10% during the course of the experiment.
e The reaction is exothermic, so the temperature rises as the magnesium reacts. This alters the reaction
rate. Increasing the volume of acid to 50 cm3 would halve the temperature rise and so reduce the error
caused by the exothermic nature of the reaction. Doubling the concentration would have no effect on
the temperature rise.

7 a
Fraction of molecules with energy E

Ecat Euncat
Kinetic energy, E

The catalyst causes the reaction to go via a different route that has lower activation energy.
The area under the curve to the right of Ecat is greater than that to the right of Euncat. This
means that a greater proportion of the colliding molecules have at least this smaller amount
of energy. Therefore, more of the collisions result in reaction, so the rate increases.
e The Maxwell−Boltzmann distribution used to explain catalysis has one curve and two activation
energies. To describe the effect of temperature, there are two curves and one activation energy.

b The platinum catalyst used in catalytic converters contains active sites where the catalysed
reactions take place. The lead in this type of petrol would irreversibly bind to these sites, thus
‘poisoning’ the catalyst.

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Application of core principles of chemistry  Introduction to kinetics

Chapter Summary Worksheet (textbook CD-ROM)

1 The answer is B. Remember that this is a negative question. A rise in temperature always
increases the rate of reaction, so option A is a true statement and is not the correct answer.
Neither reactant is a gas, so an alteration in pressure does not alter the rate. Therefore, statement
B is false and is the correct answer. Addition of a catalyst and an increase in concentration both
cause an increase in reaction rate, so statements C and D are also true and cannot, therefore, be
correct answers in the context of this negative (‘would not alter’) question.

2 The answer is C. Pressure has no effect on the rate because the reactant calcium hydrogen­
carbonate is in solution. This eliminates options A and B. Lowering the concentration and
lowering the temperature both result in a decreased reaction rate, so C is the correct response.

3 The answer is B. A shorter time requires a faster rate. Smaller lumps of solid have a larger surface
area resulting in an increase in rate. This highlights options B and C as potential answers. Option
B is the correct response because the acid is more concentrated and the temperature higher
than in option C. Each of these factors causes an increase in reaction rate and, hence, a shorter
reaction time.

4 The answer is D. This is another negative question. Adding argon at constant volume will not
alter the chances of a sulfur dioxide molecule colliding with an oxygen molecule and so will
have no effect on the rate. Response D is false and so is the correct answer to this negative
e Decreasing the volume causes the frequency of collision to increase and increase the reaction rate.
Option A is a true statement. Increasing the temperature results in more colliding molecules having
energy ≥ Ea. These molecules are more likely to react on collision, thus increasing the rate. A catalyst
provides an alternative path with a lower activation energy. This results in more successful collisions,
thus increasing the rate.

5 The answer is B. The faster the reaction, the lower is the activation energy.
e Statement C is not true. Many exothermic reactions (e.g. that between hydrogen and oxygen) are so
slow that they do not occur at room temperature — the reactants are kinetically stable. Statement D is
not true. A catalyst lowers the activation energy by providng an alternative route. It has no effect on the
kinetic energy of the molecules. Only an increase in temperature causes an increase in kinetic energy.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 69

Unit 2
Application of core principles of chemistry
13 Introduction to chemical equilibrium
1 a When the system has reached dynamic equilibrium, the rate of the forward reaction producing
sulfur trioxide is exactly the same as the rate of the back reaction of sulfur trioxide decomposing
into sulfur dioxide and oxygen. The term ‘equilibrium’ means that there is no change in the
concentrations of any of the three substances over time. The term ‘dynamic’ means that both
the forward and the back reactions are taking place at the same rate.

b The state of dynamic equilibrium is reached when the rate of dissolving solid sodium chloride
is equal to the rate at which sodium and chloride ions join to form solid sodium chloride. Once
equilibrium has been established, the concentration of dissolved salt does not change.
e The dynamic nature of this process is why the many tiny crystals gradually turn into a smaller number
of slightly larger crystals on standing. Heating speeds up the process. Some precipitates consist of such
tiny crystals that they pass through a filter paper. They can be filtered effectively if the suspension is
allowed to stand or is heated.

2 At the start there is no ammonia. The amount of the ammonia rises as the amounts of hydrogen
and nitrogen fall. When the system reaches equilibrium, there is no further change in the
amounts of any of the substances.

2.4 H2

0.8 N2
0.4 NH3

Equilibrium Time
e The amounts of hydrogen and nitrogen decrease by 20%. Therefore, at equilibrium there will be 0.8 mol
of N2 and 2.4 mol of H2 (0.8 × 3). 2 mol of NH3 are formed from 1 mol of N2, so 0.4 mol (2 × 0.2) of ammonia
will be present at equilibrium.

3 To produce nickel metal from the complex, the position of the equilibrium has to be driven
to the left. The reaction as written is exothermic, so the reverse (right-to-left) direction is
endothermic. In order to drive the equilibrium in the endothermic direction, the temperature
must be increased.
e Remember that an increase in temperature drives a reversible reaction in the endo­thermic direction,
and a decrease in temperature drives it in the exothermic direction. You should make it very clear in
your answer that the reverse direction is endothermic. Avoid phrases such as ‘an increase in temperature
favours the endothermic direction’. An increase in temperature ‘favours’ (increases the rate of) both the
forward and the reverse reaction. However, it increases the rate of the endothermic reaction more than
that of the exothermic reaction, which is why the position shifts in the endothermic direction.

4 This esterification reaction is neither exothermic nor endothermic, so a change of temperature

has no effect on the equilibrium position.
e An increase in temperature speeds up the rate at which equilibrium is reached. This is why this reaction
is always heated.

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Application of core principles of chemistry  Introduction to chemical equilibrium

5 A decrease in temperature increases the solubility of the carbon dioxide. Therefore, lowering the
temperature drives the position of equilibrium to the right. This is because the forward reaction
is exothermic.
e It may be easier to consider the effect of increasing temperature. This makes the carbon dioxide less
soluble, so the position shifts to the left. The right-to-left direction is endothermic, so ∆H for the reaction
as written is negative (exothermic).

6 Manufacturing processes require a high equilibrium yield that is obtained quickly at low cost.
The reaction is endothermic, so increasing the temperature would increase the yield. However,
too high a temperature results in added expense because of heat loss and the corrosive effect
of high-temperature steam. The extra cost of a temperature higher than 750°C would not be
recovered by the slightly higher yield and faster rate. A catalyst is used so that equilibrium is
reached rapidly at an economic temperature, i.e. the yield per hour of product is high enough to
make the process economically viable.
e In this example, rate and yield are both improved by an increase in temperature. No compromise
temperature (rate versus yield) is needed.

7 This reaction is exothermic. However, it is very slow at ordinary temperatures. Increasing

temperature would increase the reaction rate but reduce the yield at equilibrium. The
compromise conditions are to use a catalyst, which makes the reaction fast enough at a moderate
temperature (420°C) but does not reduce the yield too much. A lower temperature would result
in the catalyst being ineffective because the rate would be too slow; a higher temperature would
mean a faster rate, but a lower equilibrium yield. This would cause pollution problems with
unreacted sulfur dioxide being released into the atmosphere, as well as being an uneconomic
use of sulfur.
e The Haber process and this reaction in the manufacture of sulfuric acid are both examples of the use of a
compromise temperature. This is necessary because the processes are exothermic:
l low temperature — good yield, poor rate
l high temperature — good rate, low yield
l compromise temperature — reasonable rate, reasonable yield

8 An increase in pressure drives the position of equilibrium to the side of the equation that has
fewer gas molecules or moles.

a There are three gas molecules on the right and two on the left. An increase in pressure drives
the equilibrium to the left.

b There are two gas molecules on the right and one on the left. An increase in pressure drives
the position of equilibrium to the left, reducing the yield of hydrogen.
e The C does not count as it is a solid and not a gas.

c There are nine gas molecules on the left and ten on the right. An increase in pressure drives
the position of equilibrium to the left.

d There are one-and-a-half moles of gas on the left and one on the right. An increase in pressure
drives the equilibrium to the right.
e A good answer to this type of question will:
l state the theory
l count the moles or molecules of gas on each side (or state which is the endothermic direction for
questions about an increase in temperature)
l state the direction in which the position of equilibrium moves

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Application of core principles of chemistry  Introduction to chemical equilibrium

9 a On heating a mixture at equilibrium, the position of equilibrium shifts in the endothermic

direction. In this example, the position shifts to the left. Therefore, the direction from right
to left is endothermic and the reaction as written is exothermic. ∆H for the reaction of iodine
monochloride with chlorine is negative.

b An increase in pressure drives the equilibrium to the side with fewer gas molecules. In this
example, the left-hand sde has one gas molecule and the right-hand side has none, so the
position of equilibrium is driven to the right. This results in a higher percentage of iodine
trichloride in the equilibrium mixture.
e Make sure that you answer the question. In this case it asks for the change in the equilibrium mixture not
the change in the equilibrium position.

c The red–brown iodine monochloride would melt. The colour of the equilibrium mixture would
become increasingly red–brown and less orange as the position of equilbrium shifts in the
endothermic direction (to the left).

10 Adding concentrated hydrochloric acid greatly increases the concentration of chloride ions.
Therefore, the position of equilibrium moves to the right, resulting in more lead chloride
dissolving as it forms PbCl42– ions.
e This is an example of the application of Le Chatelier’s principle. As the concentration of one of the
reactants is increased, the equilibrium shifts to remove the extra reactant added. Similarly, if one of the
products of a reversible reaction is removed (e.g. by precipitation or neutralisation), the equilibrium
shifts to the right to produce more product.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 72

Application of core principles of chemistry  Introduction to chemical equilibrium

Chapter Summary Worksheet (textbook CD-ROM)

1 The answer is A. When an equilibrium mixture is heated, the position of equilibrium moves
in the endothermic direction. In this example, this is from left to right. Therefore, the colour
changes from pink (the hydrated ion) to blue (the chloro complex ion).

2 The answer is D. There are four gas molecules on each side of the equation, so a change in
pressure has no effect on the equilibrium position. Therefore, options A and B are incorrect. The
reaction is exothermic, so the temperature has to be lowered to drive the position of equilibrium
in the endothermic direction. This means that option D is the correct answer.

3 The answer is A. The Pb2+ ions react with the CrO4 − ions to form a precipitate of lead chromate(vi).
The removal of the CrO4 − ions causes the equilibrium position to shift to the right. This produces
more CrO4 − ions which react with more Pb2+ ions. This continues until all the Pb2+ ions are
precipitated as yellow lead chromate(vi).
e D is wrong because there are enough CrO42– ions in the equilibrium mixture to form a precipitate with
lead ions. Lead chromate(vi), PbCrO4, is yellow not orange, so option B is incorrect.

4 The answer is C. An increase in temperature causes the equilibrium position to shift to the left
(the endothermic direction). Therefore, less ammonia is present in the equilibrium mixture.
However, equilibrium is reached faster, so less ammonia is made more quickly, i.e. option C.
e An increase in temperature increases the rate of both the exothermic and endothermic reactions, so
option A is incorrect. Catalysts (apart from enzymes) work better at higher temperatures, so option B is
also incorrect. Note that an increase in temperature increases the rate of the reaction in the endothermic
direction more than it increases the rate in the exothermic direction. This is one explanation of why the
equilibrium position shifts in the endothermic direction when the temperature is increased.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 73

Unit 2
Application of core principles of chemistry
14  Further organic chemistry
1 a The electronegativity of carbon is 2.5. Chlorine is the most electronegative of the three
halogens, with an electronegativity of 3.0. Therefore, the C–Cl bond is the most polar. All
the molecules are asymmetrical, but as the C–Cl bond is the most polar, chloromethane is the
most polar molecule.
e Electronegativity values would be given in an exam.

b Fluorine is the most electronegative element, so the C–F bond is more polar than the C–O
bond or the O–H bond. Therefore, fluoromethane is more polar than methanol.

2 Solubility of an organic compound in water depends upon its ability to form hydrogen bonds with
water molecules. Fluoromethane does not have any δ+ hydrogen atoms, whereas the hydrogen
of the –OH group in methanol is very δ+. Both molecules have small δ– atoms, but the lack of δ+
hydrogen in fluoromethane means that it is insoluble.
e An incorrect rule is that polar molecules dissolve in polar solvents such as water. The solute has to
disrupt hydrogen bonds between water molecules, so equally strong (or stronger) solute−solvent
interactions must be present. Thus, organic molecules that can hydrogen bond with water — rather
than polar molecules such as CH3F — will dissolve in water, as long as they do not have a long
hydrophobic chain.

3 Ethanol and methanol form intermolecular hydrogen bonds of almost identical strength. In
addition, both substances have instantaneous induced dipole–induced dipole (dispersion) forces
between their molecules. These forces are stronger in ethanol than in methanol because ethanol
has more electrons per molecule. The combined intermolecular forces are stronger in ethanol
and so more energy is required to separate its molecules. Therefore, ethanol has a higher boiling
temperature than methanol.
e Boiling simple covalent molecules is nothing to do with covalent bond strength because no covalent
bonds are broken. All substances have dispersion forces between their molecules.

4 1-bromo-2-methylpropane, CH3CH(CH)3CH2Br, forms:

a 2-methylpropan-1-ol, CH3CH(CH3)CH2OH, with aqueous potassium hydroxide

b methylpropene, (CH3)2C=CH2, with ethanolic alkali

c 1-amino-2-methylpropane, CH3CH(CH3)CH2NH2, with concentrated ammonia

5 The hydrolysis requires the carbon–halogen bond to be broken as the nucleophilic OH – ion
attacks the carbon atom. The carbon–iodine bond is weaker than the carbon–chlorine bond, so
it breaks more easily. Therefore, hydrolysis of 2-iodopropane has a lower activation energy and
so occurs at a faster rate.
e The C−I bond is weaker than C−Cl because the atomic radius of iodine is larger than that of chlorine.
Remember: weak bond = small activation energy = fast rate.

6 One common halogenated polymer is poly(chloroethene) or PVC. It has many uses, including
window frames, drain pipes and guttering, and electrical insulation of wires. Like most man-
made polymers it is non-biodegradable. Therefore, it can accumulate in landfill sites and, if
discarded, can cause permanent litter.

Another example is PTFE, which is used as a coating on non-stick cooking utensils. It produces
toxic fumes when disposed of by incineration.

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Application of core principles of chemistry  Further organic chemistry

e Its stability to rainwater (even acid rain) and bacterial action are important properties of PVC. This is why,
unlike wooden frames, UPVC window frames do not need the protection of regular painting.
The lack of biodegradability is not caused by the strength of the bonds in the polymer. Natural
polymers, such as proteins and carbohydrates, contain very strong bonds, but enzymes have evolved
that catalyse their hydrolysis.

7 a CH 3CH(CH 3)CH 2CH 2OH, CH 3CH 2CH(CH 3)CH 2OH and (CH 3)3CH 2OH are examples of
branched-chain primary alcohols. Their skeletal formulae are:

b CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2OH is an example of an unbranched primary alcohol.

c CH3CH2CH2CH(OH)CH3, CH3CH2CH(OH)CH2CH3 and (CH3)2CHCH(OH)CH3 are examples

of secondary alcohols. Their skeletal formulae are:


d (CH3)2C(OH)CH2CH3 is an example of a tertiary alcohol.

e Primary alcohols contain the CH2OH group, secondary alcohols the CH(OH) group and tertiary alcohols
have no hydrogen atoms on the carbon of the C–OH group.

8 Shake a sample of each with bromine water. Hexene will decolorise it from brown to colourless,
whereas hexanol and hexanoic acid will have no effect.
Add phosphorus pentachloride to samples of the remaining two liquids. Both will give steamy
fumes. Next, add a solution of sodium hydrogencarbonate to samples of these two liquids. Only
the hexanoic acid will give off bubbles of gas that turn limewater cloudy. Alternatively both
liquids can be tested with damp blue litmus paper. Hexanol will have no effect but hexanoic acid
will turn it red.
Remember that phosphorus pentachloride gives steamy fumes of hydrogen chloride with any
compound containing an −OH group — it is not specific to alcohols.

9 When heated under reflux with dilute sulfuric acid and potassium dichromate(vi), the organic
substance remaining is:

a the carboxylic acid CH3CH(CH3)COOH (from the primary alcohol)

b the unchanged tertiary alcohol C2H5C(OH)(CH3)2

c the ketone CH3CH2COCH2CH3 (from the secondary alcohol)

e In reactions a and c, the solution changes from orange (Cr2O72− ions) to green (Cr3+ ions). In b, it remains

10 CH3 CH3 CH3
− −
HO: C Br → HO C Br → HO C + Br

✓ C2H5 ✓ C2H5 ✓ C2H5

e Marks for a mechanism such as this are for:

l a curly arrow from the oxygen of OH− towards the carbon (on the opposite side to the bromine atom)
l a curly arrow from the σ-C–Br bond to the bromine atom
l the negatively charged transition state showing partial bonds between the oxygen of the OH group
and the carbon atom and between the carbon and bromine atoms

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Application of core principles of chemistry  Further organic chemistry

An alternative mechanism is:


C → C ++ + Br−
C → C + Br
H5C2 Br ✓
H5C2 Br ✓ C2H5 ✓
C2H5 ✓
then C++ : OH −− →
→ C
then C : OH C
C2H5 ✓ H5C2 OH
C2H5 ✓
e The marks are for:
l a curly arrow from the σ-C–Br bond to the bromine atom
l the intermediate carbocation
l a curly arrow from the oxygen of the OH− ion towards the positively charged carbon in the
Either mechanism would score full marks.

11 −

N C: C Cl → N C C Cl → N C C + Cl −

✓ CH3 ✓ CH3 ✓ CH3 ✓

e Marks for a mechanism such as this are for:
l a curly arrow from the carbon atom of the CN − ion towards the carbon (on the opposite side to the
chlorine atom)
l a curly arrow from the σ-C–Cl bond to the chlorine atom
l the negatively charged transition state showing partial bonds between the carbon of the CN group
and the central carbon atom and between the central carbon and chlorine atoms
An alternative mechanism is:

C → C+

H3C Cl ✓ CH3 ✓

then C+ :C N− → C

H3C C N−
CH3 ✓
e The marks are for:
l a curly arrow from the σ-C–Cl bond to the chlorine atom
l the intermediate carbocation
l a curly arrow from the carbon of the CN− ion towards the positively charged carbon in the
You are not expected to know this mechanism, but you should be able to work it out from your
knowledge of the mechanism of the reaction of a halogenoalkane with hydroxide ions. Either
mechanism would score full marks.

12 2-iodopentane has a long hydrocarbon chain, which makes it almost insoluble in water.
Therefore, there will be little contact between it and the OH− ions from the aqueous sodium
hydroxide. The organic substance is more soluble in aqueous ethanol and can, therefore, come
into contact with the hydroxide ions.

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Application of core principles of chemistry  Further organic chemistry

13 The chloroalkane also contains hydrogen. The percentage of hydrogen is:

100 – (37.2 + 55.0) = 7.8%
Element Divide by r.a.m. Divide by smallest
Carbon 37.2/12.0 = 3.1 3.1/1.55 = 2.0
Chlorine 55.0/35.5 = 1.55 1.55/1.55 = 1.0
Hydrogen 7.8/1.0 = 7.8 7.8/1.55 = 5.0

The empirical formula is C2H5Cl.

14 a Element Divide by r.a.m. Divide by smallest

Carbon 50/12.0 = 4.17 4.17/2.78 = 1.5
Hydrogen 5.6/1.0 = 5.6 5.6/2.78 = 2.0
Oxygen 44.4/16.0 = 2.78 2.78/2.78 = 1.0

The empirical formula is C3H4O2.

e The ratio calculated is 1.5:2:1, which is a whole number ratio of 3:4:2.

b The compound turns bromine water colourless, so it must contain a C=C bond. It is a carboxylic
acid and, therefore, contains the –COOH group. The simplest structural formula is:



Propenoic acid

15 a Element Divide by r.a.m. Divide by smallest

Carbon 53.3/12.0 = 4.44 4.44/2.23 = 1.99
Hydrogen 11.1/1.0 = 11.1 11.1/2.23 = 4.98
Oxygen 35.6/16.0 = 2.23 2.23/2.23 = 1

The empirical formula of X is C2H5O.

e The error leading to 4.98 is caused by rounding up. The empirical formula C199H498O100 is ridiculous.

b empirical mass = (2 × 12) + 5 + 16 = 45

molar mass 90
= =2
empirical mass 45
molecular formula mass = 2 × empirical formula mass
molecular formula of X = C4H10O2

9.0 g
c amount (moles) of X taken = = 0.10 mol
90 g mol –1
volume 4.8 dm3
amount (moles) of HCl gas produced = = = 0.20 mol
molar volume 24 dm3 mol −1
ratio of HCl:X = 2:1
Therefore, there are two –OH groups per molecule of X. Thus, one structure for X is
CH 2 OHCH 2 CH 2 CH 2 OH. Others are CH 2 OHCH(OH)CH 2 CH 3, CH 2 OHCH 2 CH(OH)CH 3,
CH2OHCH2CH2CH2OH + 2PCl5 → CH2ClCH2CH2CH2Cl + 2POCl3 + 2HCl
e Substance X cannot be a carboxylic acid, as one −COOH group would give rise to only 1 mole of HCl.

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Application of core principles of chemistry  Further organic chemistry

16 In the equation, there is a 1:1 ratio of ethanol to ethanal.

C2H5O + [O] → CH3CHO + H2O
mass 5.67 g
amount (moles) of ethanol = = = 0.123 mol
molar mass 46 g mol −1
theoretical yield of ethanal = 0.123 mol = 0.123 mol × 44 g mol–1 = 5.41 g
actual yield 4.88 g
percentage yield = × 100 = × 100 = 90.2%
theoretical yield 5.41 g
e The calculation can be done by mass ratios or by first calculating the moles of ethanal. The percentage
yield of ethanal is given by:
actual moles of ethanal
100 ×
theoretical moless of ethanal
mass of product
The percentage yield is not 100 × , which is a common error.
mass of reactant

mass 78.5 g
17 amount (moles) of 2-chloropropane = = = 1.00 mol
molar mass 78.5 g mol −1
amount of propene produced = 30% of 1.00 mol = 0.30 mol
amount of 2-iodopropane produced = 90% of 0.30 mol = 0.27 mol
mass of 2-iodopropane produced = mol × molar mass
= 0.27 mol × 170 g mol–1 = 46 g

18 molar mass of glyceryl tristearate = (57 × 12) + (110 × 1) + (6 × 16) = 890 g mol–1

100 g
amount (moles) = = 0.112 mol
890 g mol −1
theoretical amount (moles) of sodium stearate (soap) = 3 × 0.112 mol = 0.336 mol
e 1 mol of the fat produces 3 mol of soap.

molar mass of sodium stearate = (18 × 12) + 35 + (2 × 16) + 23 = 306 g mol–1

theoretical mass of sodium stearate produced = 0.336 mol × 306 g mol–1 = 103 g
actual yield 87.1 g
percentage yield = = × 100 = 84.6%
theoretical yield 103 g
e In an exam, you would be given the molar mass of glyceryl tristearate.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 78

Application of core principles of chemistry  Further organic chemistry

Chapter Summary Worksheet (textbook CD-ROM)

1 The answer is C. A nucleophile is either a negative ion or an atom in a molecule that has a lone
pair of electrons that can be used to form a dative bond. H3O+ is a positive ion and is, therefore,
an electrophile. So option C is false and is the correct answer to this negative question.
e There is a lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen of the NH2 group of CH3NH2 and on the oxygen of
water. The iodide ion, I− , is a negative ion with four lone pairs of electrons. These three substances are

2 The answer is B. The reaction is:

CH3CHClCH3 + OH− → CH3CH(OH)CH3 + Cl −
This is a substitution reaction. The attacking reagent is an OH− ion. This is a nucleophile, so the
reaction is nucleophilic substitution.

3 The answer is A. The overall reaction is:

CH4 + Br2 → CH3Br + HBr
This is a substitution reaction. Ultraviolet light is needed to split bromine molecules into bromine
radicals, so the mechanism is free radical.

4 The answer is D. The reaction is:

C2H5OH + [O] → CH3CHO + H2O
or if heated under reflux:
C2H5OH + 2[O] → CH3COOH + H2O

Both are oxidation reactions.

5 The answer is C. The reaction is:

There is only one product, so this is an addition reaction. The propene is attacked by the δ+
hydrogen in HBr. This accepts a pair of electrons from the π-bond in propene and is, therefore,
an electrophile. The reaction is electrophilic addition.

6 The answer is C. Acidified potassium dichromate is an oxidising agent and will oxidise primary
and secondary alcohols (and aldehydes), but not tertiary alcohols (or ketones). Ethanol (option
A) is a primary alcohol. Butan-2-ol (option B) and hexan-2-ol (option D) are secondary alcohols
and so are oxidised. 2-methylpropan-2-ol, CH3C(OH)(CH3)2, is a tertiary alcohol and so will not
reduce dichromate(vi) ions to green Cr3+ ions.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 79

Unit 24
Application of core principles of chemistry
Example ?spectra, infrared spectra
15 Mass
and the greenhouse effect
1 a Positive ions are produced in a mass spectrometer by bombardment of gaseous atoms or
molecules with fast-moving (high-energy) electrons:
X(g) + e- → X+(g) + 2e-
e The positive ion often breaks into two fragments, one charged and one neutral:
X+(g) → Y(g) + Z+(g)
The X+ ion is called the molecular ion. The m/e value of the Z+ ion is less than that of the molecular ion by
the mass of the neutral particle Y.

b The ions are accelerated towards the negative terminal of a cathode and pass through a hole
in the cathode.

c The ions are deflected by a magnetic field perpendicular to the direction in which they are
moving. Lighter ions are deflected more than heavier ions.

2 The peak at 74 is due to the molecular ion. The peak at 29 could be due to either C2H5+ or
CHO+. The C2H5+ ion cannot be formed from either X or Y; CHO+ could be formed from either.
However, the peak at 31 is due to a CH2OH+ ion, which can only come from Y. Substance X
would produce peaks at 15, due to CH3+, and at 59, due to CH(OH)CHO+. The absence of these
two peaks confirms that the unknown substance is Y.
e You must answer the question fully by explaining all the peaks present and giving reasons why the other
two peaks are absent.

3 The mass spectrum of molecular bromine is represented below:

155 160 165


There are two ways of obtaining a mass of 160: 79Br– 81Br and 81Br–79Br. Therefore, the peak at
m/e = 160 is twice the height of that at 158, caused by (79Br–79Br)+, and that at 162, caused by
(81Br– 81Br)+.
e The 1:2:1 ratio is similar to that obtained when tossing two coins at once. The chances of two heads, a
head and a tail and two tails are in the ratio 1:2:1.

There are also two peaks at m/e = 79 and 81, caused by 79Br+ and 81Br+, formed from the decom-
position of a molecular ion, but none at m/e = 80 as there is no 80Br isotope.

4 a The peak at m/e = 29 is due to the CHO+ ion.

e It cannot be due to C2H5+.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 80

Application of core principles of chemistry  Mass spectra, infrared spectra and the greenhouse effect

b The equation for the formation of this ion is:

CH3CHO+ → CH3• + CHO+
e Remember that the molecular ion decomposes into at least two fragments, one which is positively
charged and one which is a neutral free radical.

5 The molar mass of propanone, CH3COCH3, is 58 g mol–1. The peak at m/e = 58 is caused by the
molecular ion (CH3COCH3)+, which is formed by the process:
CH3COCH3 + e– → (CH3COCH3)+ + 2e–

The peak at m/e = 43 is 15 units less than the molecular-ion peak. It is caused by the ion
(CH3CO)+ formed by the loss of CH3 from the molecular ion:
(CH3COCH3)+ → (CH3CO)+ + CH3•

The peak at m/e = 15 is due to a CH3+ ion, also formed by fragmentation of the molecular ion:
(CH3COCH3)+ → CH3CO• + CH3+
e A common error is to omit the positive charge on the ions whose m/e values are detected.

6 The energy of 1 photon is given by:

E = hv = 6.63 × 10 –34 J s × 5.7 × 1014 s–1 = 3.78 × 10 –19 J
energy per mole of photons = Avogadro constant × energy of 1 photon
= 6.02 × 1023 mol–1 × 3.78 × 10 –19 J = 228 000 J mol–1
= 228 kJ mol–1
e The unit of frequency is Hz, which is measured by the number of peaks per second. Therefore, the unit is
also s–1.
bond energy in kJ mol −1
7 Energy needed to break one Cl–Cl bond =
Avogadro constant
242 kJ mol −1
= = 4.02 × 10−22 kJ = 4.02 × 10−19 J
6.02 × 1023 mol −1
= energy of 1 photon = hv
energy of 1 photon
frequency, v =
Planck’s constant
4.02 × 10−19 J
= = 6.06 × 1014 s−1
6.63 × 10−34 J s
e The units of frequency are either s−1 or Hz, the values being the same in either unit. The answer to this
question could be written as 6.06 × 1014 Hz or 6.06 × 108 MHz

8 Polar molecules absorb energy in the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is
because oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen and because the water molecule is not
linear that a water molecule is polar. The light coming from the Sun contains higher frequencies
than the infrared radiated by the Earth back towards space. The water vapour absorbs some of
this infrared radiation, trapping energy in the atmosphere and so keeping the Earth warm.
e Polar water molecules also absorb in the microwave region, which is why aqueous liquids heat up in a
microwave oven.

9 a Anthropogenic means caused directly or indirectly by mankind. Human beings have no input
into a natural cause. A forest fire caused by lightning is a natural source of carbon dioxide;
mining and burning coal is an anthropogenic cause of carbon dioxide.

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Application of core principles of chemistry  Mass spectra, infrared spectra and the greenhouse effect

b The two main anthropogenic sources of oxides of nitrogen are burning fuel at a high
temperature in car and aeroplane engines and in the decay of nitrogen-containing chemical
fertilisers — for example, ammonium nitrate. A natural source is the combination of nitrogen
and oxygen in the air during a thunderstorm or bacterial decay of organic matter in the soil.

10 Spectrum A: the peak at wavenumber 1715 cm–1 is caused by a C=O bond and the peak at
1421 cm–1 by a C–C bond.
Spectrum B: the peak at wavenumber 1716 cm–1 is caused by a C=O bond and the peak at
1416 cm–1 by a C–C bond, but the peak at 2986 cm–1 is caused by an O–H bond.
Both propanal and propanoic acid have C=O and C–C bonds, but only propanoic acid has an
O–H bond. Thus, spectrum B is that of propanoic acid and spectrum A that of propanal.
e The broadness of the peak around 3000 cm–1 is caused by the intermolecular hydrogen bonding of the
–OH group on one molecule with the C=O group on another.

11 The C–H bonds in the alkyl groups (–CH3 and –CH2–) give a peak at around 2900 cm−1, the C=O
bond in the ester gives a peak at around 1740 cm−1 and the C–C bond in the C2H5 group gives a
peak at about 1430 cm−1.

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Application of core principles of chemistry  Mass spectra, infrared spectra and the greenhouse effect

Chapter Summary Worksheet (textbook CD-ROM)

1 The answer is B. The fragment at m/e = 29 could be caused by either a CHO+ ion or a C2H5+ ion,
so look for a molecule that does not have either of these groups.
e Note that all four molecules have the same molecular formula — they are isomers.

2 The answer is C. Look for a molecule that does not have any polar bonds. The Cl2 molecule
consists of two hydrogen atoms, which have the same electronegativity, so the bond is not

3 The answer is B. The four molecules are isomers of molar mass 88.0 g mol−1. Therefore, each has
a molecular ion peak at m/e = 88. The peak at 45 is due to a COOH+ ion, so the substance could
be either B or C. The peak at 29 is due to a C2H5+ ion, which shows that the compound must be
option B. The infrared data are inconclusive. The peak at 3010 cm−1 could be due to a C–H bond
in an alkene or to a hydrogen-bonded O–H in a carboxylic acid. The peak at 1715 cm−1 could be
due to the C=O in a carboxylic acid, so it only rules out option A.
e If the peak at 3010 cm−1 were broad, it would be due to the O–H bond in a carboxylic acid and not to a
C–H bond in an alkene.

4 The answer is D. This question is straightforward factual recall. As a rough guide, the more
complex the molecule, the more ways it has of absorbing infrared radiation and so the higher is
its global warming potential.

5 The answer is D. There is much more water vapour than there are other greenhouse gases in the
air and in clouds. Water vapour is by far the greatest contributor to (natural) global warming.
e Anthropogenic carbon dioxide contributes less than 1% to the greenhouse effect.

6 The answer is B. Visible light is at a higher frequency and, therefore, a shorter wavelength than
the infrared radiation emitted by the Earth.
e To be infrared active, a molecule must have at least one polar bond. If the dipoles cancel out, making
the molecule non-polar, it would still be infrared active due to asymmetrical stretching. The symmetrical
stretching in non-polar carbon dioxide is not infrared active because it does not result in a change in
dipole moment. Ozone is not linear because the central oxygen atom has a lone pair of electrons.

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 83

Unit 2
Application of core principles of chemistry
16  Green chemistry
1 Advantages of hydrogen as a fuel for motor vehicles include:
l It does not cause pollution at the point of use when used to power a fuel cell. (If burnt in a

traditional piston engine, nitrogen oxides are produced by the combination of the nitrogen
and oxygen in air at the high temperature of the engine.)
l Its energy per gram is high. However, this is only an advantage if weight is crucial — for

example, in a space rocket.

Disadvantages include:
l It cannot be stored as a liquid unless the temperature is kept below −240°C.

l Gaseous hydrogen must be stored in heavy high-pressure tanks.

l Refuelling with either cold liquid hydrogen or gaseous high-pressure hydrogen is dangerous.

e Do not say that hydrogen fuel is carbon neutral. The hydrogen has to be manufactured. The two
possibilities for manufacture are from methane and steam, which has a high carbon footprint, and by
the electrolysis of water. The generation of electricity also has a high carbon footprint.

2 Bioethanol is made from sugar or grain. The processes of growing these crops and transporting
them to factories are fuel intensive. Fermentation is exothermic, but the distillation required to
obtain ethanol from the dilute solution uses a considerable amount of energy.

3 Transesterification is the conversion of one ester into another, by reacting it with either a
carboxylic acid or an alcohol. An example is biodiesel, which is made by reacting vegetable
oil (an ester of propane-1,2,3-triol and long-chain acids) with methanol in the presence of an
alkaline catalyst. The products are the methyl esters of the acids and propane-1,2,3-triol.

4 The advantage of using algae as a source of biodiesel is that algae are potentially efficient
in using the energy from sunlight to produce organic oils. It is also a useful way of utilising
wastewater and does not need good agricultural land. The disadvantage is that the method has
not yet been developed into a commercially viable process.

5 One reason why wind power is not carbon zero (carbon neutral) is that the manufacture and
erection of the aero-generator — either on land farms and especially in offshore wind farms
— release a great deal of carbon dioxide from the various processes involved. Another reason is
that there must be back-up power stations burning fossil fuels for when the wind does not blow
strongly enough to generate sufficient electricity.

6 Very much less electrical energy is used making aluminium from recycled cans than when
manufacturing it from bauxite. Bauxite is a non-renewable resource, so recycling cans reduces
the amount of the mineral that is used and preserves it for future generations.

7 The atom economy is the percentage of the atoms in the reactants that are converted into the
desired product.

8 Plastics made from fossil fuels are not natural products, so enzymes have not evolved that can
break them down. This means that they are not biodegradable. The energy from sunlight may
cause the polymer to decompose, but this is a photochemical, rather than a biological, process.

9 Burning organic substances that contain chlorine can produce harmful products such as
hydrogen chloride and chlorinated dioxins.

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Application of core principles of chemistry  Green chemistry

10 If something is biodegradable, it is broken down by bacteria into simpler molecules. A biodispers-

ible plastic contains a filler such as starch. Enzymes break down this filler. The plastic becomes
a powder, which occupies less space in a landfill site.

11 A free radical is a species, usually neutral, that has an unpaired electron. Examples are a chlorine
atom, Cl•, and a methyl radical, CH3•.

12 A (chemical) chain reaction is one in which a radical reacts with a molecule to produce a different
radical and a product molecule. The new radical then takes part in a further reaction producing
another radical and so on, until a chain-breaking process stops the reaction.
e In nuclear physics a chain reaction is one in which a product of the first nuclear reaction causes a second
nuclear reaction to take place. The fission of 238U produces several neutrons, each of which is capable of
causing further fission.

13 Under normal atmospheric conditions, the C–H bond in HCFCs is oxidised. Therefore, the
chemical does not diffuse into the stratosphere where it would cause ozone depletion. CFCs do
not contain any C–H bonds and are not oxidised easily. They diffuse into the stratosphere, where
they are decomposed by ultraviolet radiation to produce chlorine radicals that initiate a chain
reaction which removes ozone.

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Application of core principles of chemistry  Green chemistry

Chapter Summary Worksheet (textbook CD-ROM)

1 The answer is D. The only carbon footprint associated with hydroelectricity is that due to the
construction of the dam and the generating plant, and the building of the power-transmission
e Biofuels require the use of traditional fuels by the farmer growing the crop and in the processing
factories where the crop is turned into biofuel. Hydrogen is made either from methane (releasing carbon
dioxide) or by the electrolysis of water (using fossil fuels to generate the electricity).

2 The answer is A. To be able to store enough hydrogen in the car it has to be either liquefied
or compressed under extremely high pressure. It cannot be liquefied at temperatures above
e Being flammable is an essential property of a fuel. The energy density of hydrogen per kg is higher than
that of other fuels.

3 The answer is A. For hydrocarbon fuels, the amount of carbon dioxide produced for a given
amount of energy released decreases as the hydrogen-to-carbon ratio increases. The ratio for
methane is 4:1, for butane is 2.5:1 (10:4) and for octane is 2.25:1 (9:4). Thus methane produces
the least amount of carbon dioxide per kilojoule of energy released. Coal contains almost no
hydrogen and so produces the most carbon dioxide per kJ.

4 The answer is C. Oils are esters and do not ferment to ethanol. Therefore, option C is false and
is the correct answer to this negative question.
e Bioethanol is made by converting carbohydrates such as starch or sugar into glucose, which is then
fermented to ethanol and carbon dioxide. Therefore, options A, B and D are all true.

5 The answer is D. Algae can be used to make vegetable oils, not sugars. Hence, they are used in
biodiesel production.
e The final step in DMF production is the conversion of fructose to DMF. It is insoluble in water and has a
high energy density, so statements A, B and C are all true.

6 The answer is A. There are 11 reactant atoms on the left-hand side of the equation and only 2
atoms of iron (the desired product) on the right.
atom economy = × 100 = 18%
7 The answer is D. Poly(propene) is a non-natural substance made from propene, which is derived
from crude oil.
e Silk and cellulose are natural polymers (silk is a polyamide and cellulose is a polysaccharide). Biopol is a
polyester made from a natural organic chemical, so bacteria have evolved that break the polymer down.

8 The answer is A. Ultraviolet radiation splits oxygen molecules into oxygen radicals. When an
oxygen radical reacts with another oxygen molecule, ozone is formed. The other chemicals in
the list destroy ozone.

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Unit 2
Application of core principles of chemistry
Practice Unit Test 2
Section A
1 The answer is A. Beryllium has only two valence electrons. These are used in bonding, so there are
no lone pairs. The two bonding pairs repel to maximum separation — a linear arrangement.

2 The answer is C. Phosphorus has five valence electrons. Three of these are used in bonding,
leaving one lone pair. The three bonding pairs and the one lone pair of electrons repel and the
atoms take up a pyramidal position with the lone pair above the pyramid.
e Boron has three valence electrons, so there are no lone pairs in BF3, which is therefore planar. Chlorine
has seven valence electrons, so there are three bond and two lone pairs in ClF3 and thus it is not
pyramidal. All six valence electrons of sulfur are used in SO3, which is planar.

3 The answer is A. All four species contain polar bonds. Apart from HCN, they are symmetrical
and their dipoles cancel. The hydrogen of HCN is δ+ and the nitrogen is δ−, so the molecule is
polar (has a dipole moment).

4 The answer is D. The conditions for hydrogen bonding are a δ+ hydrogen atom covalently bonded
to a δ− fluorine, oxygen or nitrogen atom. Only the amine, CH3CH2NH2, fulfils these criteria.
e Propanone and methoxymethane both have a δ− oxygen atom but neither has a hydrogen atom joined
to the oxygen. Fluoroethane has a very δ− fluorine atom but, again, no hydrogen atom joined to it.

5 The answer is C. For molecules with a similar number of electrons, the intermolecular forces in
decreasing strength are:
hydrogen bonds > induced dipole > permanent dipole
Hydrogen bonding (A) is impossible because there is neither a suitable δ− atom nor a δ+ hydrogen
atom. Covalent bonds (D) are even stronger but are within the molecule (intramolecular) —
they are not intermolecular forces. Permanent dipole forces (B) are usually weaker than induced
dipole forces and in this example the bonds in C2H5I are only very slightly polar.

6 The answer is B. Solubility of a molecular substance in water is determined mainly by the

possibility of forming hydrogen bonds with the water. Of the four choices, only the two alcohols
can do this. Methanol has a much shorter hydrophobic chain than pentanol and so is more

7 The answer is B. The oxidation number of chromium atoms in K2Cr2O7 is +6 and in Cr2(SO4)3 it
is +3. Therefore, the oxidation number goes down by 3.

8 The answer is D. Equation A has two chlorine atoms on the right-hand side and only one on the
left. Equation B does not balance for charge (left-hand side is +5; right-hand side is +6). Equation
C has the electron on the wrong side (oxidation is loss of electrons, not gain).

9 The answer is B. The only group 1 nitrate that decomposes to produce nitrogen dioxide (brown
fumes) is lithium nitrate. Group 2 nitrates decompose to give the metal oxide, oxygen and
nitrogen dioxide. Sodium nitrate is the only one that does not give brown fumes of nitrogen
dioxide, so is the correct response to this negative question.
e Sodium nitrate decomposes into sodium nitrite, NaNO2, and oxygen.

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Application of core principles of chemistry  Practice Unit Test 2

10 The answer is C. Potassium produces a lilac flame.

11 The answer is B.
amount (moles) of NaOH =
molar mass
1.2 g
= = 0.030 mol
40.0 g mol −1
concentration =
volume in dm3
0.030 mol
= = 0.60 mol dm−3
0.050 dm3

12 The answer is D. When calculating the mean, you must choose consistent titres. In this example,
26.65 cm3 and 26.45 cm3 are consistent and their mean is 26.55 cm3.
e 27.00 cm3 is different by more than 0.20 cm3 from the other titres, so it is not a consistent titre.

13 The answer is A.
amount (moles) of hydrochloric acid = concentration × volume in dm3
= 0.0500 mol dm−3 × 0.02375 dm3 = 0.001188 mol
ratio of Ba(OH)2:HCl = 1:2
so moles of Ba(OH)2 = 12 × 0.001188 = 5.94 × 10−4 mol
concentration =
volume in dm3
5.94 × 10−4 mol
= = 0.02375 mol dm−3
0.02500 dm3
e The answer 0.02375 is obtained by no rounding up intermediate values during the calculation. This is the
correct procedure. Rounding gives 0.02376.

14 The answer is C. Iron(iii) ions oxidise iodide ions to iodine.

e Although equation A balances, chlorine is such a powerful oxidising agent that it oxidises iron to iron(iii)
chloride, FeCl3. The reaction in choice B works the other way round because chlorine is a better oxidising
agent than bromine. Option D is wrong for a number of reasons, including that, in this incorrect
equation, chlorine is reducing the Fe3+ ions.

15 The answer is D. The strength of the hydrogen–halogen bond is the critical factor. The larger the
halogen atom, the weaker the bond and the stronger is the acid. Hydrogen iodide, which has the
weakest bond, is the strongest acid.
e In questions about trends in a group of the periodic table, the answer is always the element at either
the top or the bottom of the group. If you do not know the answer, choose either the top or the bottom
option — you have a 50% chance of getting it right.

16 The answer is A. Statement A is false. Hydrogen chloride and gaseous ammonia react to form a
white smoke, not steamy fumes. Gaseous hydrogen chloride itself appears as steamy fumes.
e The other three statements are all true. Chlorine disproportionates with hot aqueous NaOH to form NaCl
(−1 oxidation state) and NaClO3 (+5 oxidation state).
The equation is: 3Cl2 + 6NaOH → 5NaCl + NaClO3 + 3H2O.
Silver chloride is decomposed by light to metallic silver and chlorine. The blue complex with starch is
used as the indicator in iodine titrations.

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Application of core principles of chemistry  Practice Unit Test 2

17 i The answer is B. An increase in pressure and an increase in temperature would both increase
the rate.

ii The answer is A. An increase in pressure drives the equilibrium to the right (the side with
fewer gas molecules). A decrease in temperature drives the equilibrium to the right because
the reaction left to right is exothermic.

18 The answer is C. Compound X has no effect on acidified potassium dichromate(vi), so it cannot

be a primary or secondary alcohol. This rules out options B and D. It does not decolorise bromine
water so it does not contain a C=C group, which also eliminates compound B. All four compounds
react with sodium. It does not fizz with sodium hydrogencarbonate, so it is not an acid and is,
therefore, not option A. It must be the tertiary alcohol in option C.

19 The answer is A. The only difference between these molecules is the halogen. Fluorine is the
most electronegative so is more δ− than the other halogens in these compounds. This makes the
C–F bond, and hence the molecule, more polar.
e Note the comment after Question 15 about periodic table trends.

20 The answer is D. The critical point is not the polarity of the carbon–halogen bond but its strength.
Iodine has the largest radius of the four halogens, so it has the weakest carbon–halogen bond.
Therefore, the hydrolysis of CH3CH2I is the easiest and fastest.
e Note the comment after Question 15 about periodic table trends.

21 The answer is D. Sulfuric acid is reduced by iodide, which is the strongest reducing agent of the
four options. The iodide ions are oxidised to iodine, so there would be no hydrogen iodide to
react with the alcohol.
e Note the comment after Question 15 about periodic table trends.

22 The answer is B. A nucleophile contains a lone pair of electrons that are used to form a covalent
bond. Nucleophiles are negative ions, or molecules that contain a covalently bonded oxygen or
nitrogen atom. Radicals are not nucleophiles, so option B is the correct answer to this negative

23 The answer is C. The CN− ion is a nucleophile and is substituted for the chlorine in the molecule.
Reaction A is free-radical substitution. Reaction B is electrophilic addition and D is oxidation.

24 The answer is D. This type of arrow (full-headed) represents the movement of a pair of electrons.
In this mechanism, the pair of electrons goes towards an atom (e.g. carbon) forming a new
covalent bond, not an ionic bond.

25 The answer is B.
amount (moles) of 2-chlorobutane =
molar mass
12.3 g
= = 0.133 mol
92.5 g mol −1
theoretical yield of butan-2-ol = 0.133 mol
= 0.133 mol × 74.0 g mol−1 = 9.84 g
7.54 g × 100
percentage yield = = 76.6%
9.84 g

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Application of core principles of chemistry  Practice Unit Test 2

e The percentage yield is never ‘mass of product × 100/mass of reactant’. You have to work out the
theoretical yield and then calculate the actual yield as a percentage of the theoretical yield.

26 The answer is A. The i.r. peak at 1720 cm–1 indicates a C=O group (option A or B). Alcohols (and
acids) react with sodium, so it cannot be option C or D. It has a peak in its mass spectrum at m/e
= 29, which means that it has either a CHO or a C2H5 group (options A or C). The only molecule
that fits all the data is the one in A.

27 The answer is A. Biodiesel is often mixed with petrodiesel, but does not have to be. McDonald’s
uses pure biodiesel made from its own old frying oil to power its lorries. Statements B, C and D
are true. Algae can produce oils that can be converted to biodiesel using methanol in a transes-
terification reaction.

28 The answer is D. Ultraviolet light causes ozone to decompose into O2 and an oxygen radical.
Nitric oxides and CFCs are destroyers of ozone. HCFCs, however, are oxidised in the lower
atmosphere and do not reach the stratosphere. Therefore, they do not destroy the ozone layer.

Section B
29 a Although the nuclear charge increases, the number of shielding electrons increases by the
same amount ✓. The atomic radii increase down the group, making it easier to remove an outer
electron ✓.
e Do not give ‘the amount of shielding increases’ as the only reason — the amount to shield (the nuclear
charge) also increases.

b i Ca + 2H2O → Ca(OH)2 + H2 ✓

ii CaO + H2O → Ca(OH)2 ✓

iii 2Ca(NO3)2 → 2CaO + 4NO2 + O2 ✓
Ca(NO3)2 → CaO + 2NO2 + 12 O2 ✓

30 a A nucleophile is a species with a lone pair of electrons that it uses to form a covalent bond ✓. It
is usually a negative ion or a molecule with a covalently bonded oxygen or nitrogen atom.

b H H H H H H

N C: C l → N C C l → N C C + l−

✓ H ✓ H ✓ H

(An SN1 mechanism would be accepted)

e The marks are for:
l a curly arrow starting from the carbon of the CN− ion and going towards the carbon in CH3I
l a curly arrow from the C–I σ-bond to the iodine atom of CH3I
l the transition state, which must be negatively charged and have partial bonds between the carbon of
CN and the carbon of CH3I and between the carbon of CH3I and iodine

c The C–I bond in 2-iodopropane is weaker than the C–Br bond in 2-bromopropane ✓, so the
activation energy is lower ✓ and the reaction is faster.

d An increase in temperature cause the molecules to have greater kinetic energy and, hence,
to move faster. This results in an increase in the frequency ✓ of collisions and also means
that more molecules have energy greater than or equal to the activation energy, Ea ✓. The

© Philip Allan Updates Edexcel  AS Chemistry  Teacher Guide 90

Application of core principles of chemistry  Practice Unit Test 2

effect of this is to increase the proportion of molecules that react on collision ✓ and, therefore,
to increase the rate. The energy factor has a much greater effect than the increase in the
frequency of collision ✓ .
e Do not say that:
l there are more collisions — it is their frequency (number per second) that alters
l there will be more successful collisions — ‘more of the collisions are successful’ or ‘a greater
proportion of the collisions are successful’ will score the mark

31 a i H

C or (CH3)2CHNH2

+ –
H3N Cl

ii CH3CH=CH2 ✓

b The reagents are (red) phosphorus and iodine ✓.

The condition is that the reagents must be damp ✓.

c H H CH3



32 a i I− → 12 I2 + e− or 2I− → I2 + 2e−
e This is an oxidation (OIL) reaction, so the electron in this half-equation is on the right-hand side and the
reactant, iodide ion, is on the left.

ii IO3− + 6H+ + 5e− → 12 I2 + 3H2O

e This is a reduction (RIG) reaction, so the electron in this half-equation is on the left-hand side, as is the
iodate(v) ion.

iii IO3− + 6H+ + 5I− → 3I2 + 3H2O

e ‘In acid solution’ means that there have to be hydrogen ions on the left-hand side of the equation.
This final equation is obtained by multiplying the equation in (i) by 5 and adding the result to the
equation in (ii). The number of electrons on each side is then the same and, therefore, they cancel.

b P


Phosphorus is in group 5 and has five valence electrons. Three of these are used in bonding
with the iodine atoms, so there is one lone pair ✓. The three bond pairs and the lone pair
repel each other to a position of maximum separation ✓, which is a pyramidal arrangement of

c The P–I bonds are polar, with the phosphorus atom δ+ and the more electronegative iodine
atoms δ− ✓. The dipoles of the three bonds do not cancel ✓, so the molecule is polar.
e In this instance the dipoles do not cancel. However, if the dipoles do cancel, you must be careful to
always use the word ‘dipole’ — never say ‘the charges cancel’.
If you did not realise that the phosphorus atom in PI3 has a lone pair of electrons and, hence, state
(wrongly) that the molecule is planar, you could score the marks in part (c) by saying that the dipoles
cancel and that the planar molecule is not polar. This is an example of consequential marking.

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Application of core principles of chemistry  Practice Unit Test 2

d A molecule of phosphorus triiodide, PI3, contains 174 electrons (the sum of the atomic numbers
of one atom of phosphorus and three atoms of iodine); a molecule of phosphorus trichloride,
PCl3, contains 66 electrons ✓. This means that the induced dipole (London/dispersion/van der
Waals) forces between phosphorus trichloride molecules are weaker ✓ than those between
phosphorus triiodide molecules, so less energy is required to separate them. Therefore,
phosphorus trichloride has the lower melting temperature.
e The first mark could be obtained by saying that phosphorus triiodide has more electrons than
phosphorus trichloride (or that phosphorus trichloride has fewer electrone than phosphorus triiodide).
Do not say that the strength of the intermolecular forces is connected with either the size of the
molecules, the mass of the molecules, or the strength of the permanent dipole forces. Any comparison
of covalent bond strength will fail to score because covalent bonds are not broken on melting.

Section C
33 a i C4H9OH + 6O2 → 4CO2 + 5H2O ✓
e State symbols are not required as they were neither asked for nor is it a thermochemical question.

ii molar mass of butan-2-ol = 74.0 g mol−1 ✓

volume of 1 mol =
74.0 g
= = 92.5 cm3 ✓
0.80 g cm −3
1 mol releases 2650 kJ of heat energy
2650 kJ
so, energy density = = 28.6 kJ cm−3 ✓
92.5 cm3

iii 1 mol of 2-butanol produces 4 × 44.0 = 176.0 g of carbon dioxide and 2650 kJ of energy
176.0 g × 1000 kJ
carbon footprint per 1000 kJ = = 66.4 g ✓ of carbon dioxide
2650 kJ
This is almost the same as the carbon footprint of petrol.

iv The peak at m/e = 59 is 15 less than the value for the molecular ion peak and is caused by
the loss of CH3. The peak is due to either the +CH2CH(OH)CH3 ion or the CH3CH2CH(OH)+
ion ✓.
The peak at m/e = 45 is 29 less than the value of the molecular ion peak and is caused by the
loss of C2H5. This peak is due to the +CH(OH)CH3 ion ✓.
Peak A is at about 3350 cm−1 and is due to the hydrogen-bonded O–H bond stretch ✓.
Peak B is at about 2900 cm−1 and is due to the alkane C–H bond stretch ✓.
e When identifying peaks in mass spectra remember to include the charge. When identifying peaks in
infrared spectra remember to include the wavenumber.

v Butan-2-ol is a secondary alcohol whereas 2-methylpropan-2-ol is a tertiary alcohol. Butan-

2-ol will reduce acidified potassium dichromate solution from orange to green ✓, whereas
2-methylpropan-2-ol will not and the solution will stay orange ✓.
e Remember to state the observations with both organic substances.

vi H3C CH2 C CH3

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Application of core principles of chemistry  Practice Unit Test 2

e The formula CH3CH2COCH3 does not show the double bond in the C=O group and so would not score
the mark.

b i Hydrogen will evaporate and an explosive mixture of hydrogen and air ✓ will build up in
the enclosed space of the garage.

ii The hydrogen has to be manufactured ✓.

This can be achieved by reacting methane with steam:
CH4 + 2H2O → CO2 + 4H2
This produces carbon dioxide ✓ and requires the combustion of more methane to provide
the heat energy for this endothermic reaction.
It can be manufactured by the electrolysis of water. Until most electricity is made from
nuclear power or renewable resources, the generation of electricity involves burning fossil
fuels and, therefore, produces carbon dioxide ✓ .

iii A homogeneous catalyst is in the same phase as the reactants (all in the gas phase or all
dissolved in the same solvent). A heterogeneous catalyst is in a different phase from the
reactants ✓.



Ea Ecat

Reactants Reactants

Products Products

Extent of reaction Extent of reaction

e The marks are for:
l labelled axes with levels marked reactants and products ✓ (the energy level of the products must be
below that of the reactants) at the same energy level in both diagrams ✓
l activation energies labelled, with Ea greater than Ecat ✓
l in the catalyst diagram, an intermediate drawn and labelled ✓
Note that it is acceptable for the two profiles to be drawn on the same set of axes.

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