Minimally Evasive Surgery
Minimally Evasive Surgery
Minimally Evasive Surgery
2. Capacitive coupling
a. Results when energy bleeds from a port sleeve or laparoscope into adjacent (but
not touching) bowel
b. Is always recognized at the time of surgery
c. Can result in malfunction of the electrocardiogram monitor
d. Can result in inaccurate image transmission to the digital monitor
3. Which of the following are true regarding safety of laparoscopic surgery in pregnancy?
a. The patient should be position in the left lateral position.
b. Open abdominal access (Hasson) is recommended versus direct puncture
laparoscopy (Veress neelde).
c. The surgery should be performed during the second trimester if possible.
d. All of the above.
4. Systemic effects of CO2 from pneumoperitoneum can cause all of the ollowing EXCEPT
a. Hypercarbia
b. Increased myocardial oxygen demand
c. Alterations in preload
d. Increased after load
answer b
7. A patient undergoing laparoscopic colon resection is noted to have decreased urine output
during the last hour of the case. A bolus is given at the end of the case. One hour later,
there is still very poor urine output. The appropriate treatment is
a. Repeat bolus
b. Intravenous (IV) urosemide
c. Check urine electrolytes
d. None of the above
8. The benefits of laparoscopic surgery are except
a. Cosmetic
b. Speedier recovery/shorter hospital stay
c. Fewer preoperative complications
d. Fewer postoperative complications
e. none of the above
9. The advantages of single port access surgery are except
a. Cosmetic
b. Less pain
c. Quicker recovery
d. Lower Cost
e. none of the above
10. The symptoms of minimally invasive hemorrhoids are
a. Pain
b. Itching
c. Bleeding
d. Protrusion
e. All of the above
11. Non-surgical treatment of hemorrhoids include except
a) Avoid constipation
b) Use creams/ointments
c) Prepare suppositories
d) Use sitz baths
e) Strictly do no modify diet.
12. Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids include except
a. Rubber band ligation
b. Stapled hemorrhoidectomy
c. Hemorrhoidectomy
d. Unstapled hemorrhoidectomy
13. True or false
a) The use of laparoscopy for malignant disease of the colon is being evaluated under a
prospective, randomized protocol to assess the true incidence of trocar site malignant
b) The most important operative point in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy is lateral retraction
of the infundibulum and cephalic retraction of the fundus to “open up” the triangle of
Calot to provide optimal visualization and minimize bile duct injury.
c) Endoluminal balloons are used during endoscopic procedures to dilate strictures.
d) Single-Site Robotic Surgery has added benefit of being virtually scarless but has low
patient satisfaction.
e) Greater than 90% of cholecystectomies are done laparoscopically.
a) Laparoscopic Appendectomy
b) Inguinal Hernia Repair
c) Splenectomy
d) Fundoplication
e) Diagnostic laparoscopy
f) Lap inguinal hernia repair
g) Lap Nissen fundoplication
h) Lap emergency surgery