Dsmts 0102.5 Nicraly

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Material Product Data Sheet

Nickel Chromium Aluminum Yttrium (NiCrAlY)

Thermal Spray Powders
Thermal Spray Powder Products: Quick Facts
Amdry™ 962, Amdry 9621, Amdry 9624,
Classification MCrAlY, nickel-based
Amdry 9625, Amdry 963, Amdry 964
Chemistry NiCrAlY

1 Introduction Manufacture Gas atomization

NiCrAlY alloys are a family of thermal spray coating materials Morphology Spheroidal
that are known for their excellent resistance to oxidation Purpose Oxidation and hot corrosion resistance
and hot corrosion. Coatings of these materials are used as Service Temperature
bond coats for ceramic top coats or by themselves to APS ≤ 980 °C (1800 °F)
­resist corrosion at temperatures up to 980 °C (1800 °F) if HVOF or ChamPro ≤ 1050 °C (1920 °F)
­applied using atmospheric plasma spray (APS), or up Process Atmospheric plasma spray, HVOF or
to 1050 °C (1920 °F) if applied using HVOF or ChamPro™ ChamPro™
controlled atmosphere plasma spray (LPPS™, LVPS™
or VPS).

The chromium and aluminum in these coatings provide

­protection through the formation of an oxide scale. The addi-
tion of yttrium acts to improve the adhesion of this oxide
­layer. This dense, well-adherent scale is critical for the pro-
longed life of high temperature ceramic coating systems
such as thermal barrier coatings and ceramic abradable sys-
tems. The alumina acts as an oxygen diffusion barrier that
helps to minimize bond coat oxidation.

The chromium oxide scale is beneficial to combat hot

­corrosion and sulfidation. In these applications, higher chro-
mium to aluminum ratios are typically better for chromium
oxide scale formation.

1.1 Typical Uses and Applications SEM photomicrograph of Amdry 962 showing the powder exterior
nn Bond coat for thermal barrier and ceramic abradable ­morphology typical of these gas atomized products.
nn Coatings applied to iron, nickel or cobalt substrates to
minimize oxidation and extend life at higher temperatures
nn Resist oxidation and hot corrosion on aerospace and in-
dustrial gat turbine components, such as airfoils, turbine
buckets, blades and shrouds.
nn Restore mis-machined and worn parts that see high tem-
peratures in an oxidizing atmosphere.
nn Protect heat-treating fixtures
nn Protect exhaust manifolds and ducts

DSMTS-0102.5 – NiCrAlY Powders

© 2017 Oerlikon Metco 1
2 Material Information

2.1 Chemical Composition

Product Weight Percent (nominal)

Ni Cr Al Y
Amdry 962 Bal. 21.0 – 23.0 9.0 – 11.0 0.8 – 1.2
Amdry 9621 Bal. 21.0 – 23.0 9.0 – 11.0 0.8 – 1.2
Amdry 9624 Bal. 21.0 – 23.0 9.0 – 11.0 0.8 – 1.2
Amdry 9625 Bal. 21.0 – 23.0 9.0 – 11.0 0.8 – 1.2
Amdry 963 Bal. 24.0 – 25.0 5.0 – 7.0 0.3 – 0.5
Amdry 964 Bal. 30.0 – 32.0 10.0 – 12.5 0.4 – 0.9

2.2 Particle Size Distribution

Product Nominal Size Distribution (µm)

Amdry 962 –106 +53
Amdry 9621 –90 +45
Amdry 9624 –37 +11
Amdry 9625 –74 +45
Amdry 963 –90 +45
Amdry 964 –106 +37

Particle size distribution: Analysis by sieve per ASTM B214 for all upper limits; values of 38 µm and lower based on laser scattering per ASTM C 1070 (­Microtrac). Other
size distributions are available on request, including HVOF ­sizing for increased surface roughness in bond coat applications.

2.3 Key Selection Criteria ­ pplications requiring high-temperature oxidation

nn The key differences between these materials are the resistance.
­particle size distributions and the percentages of key nn Amdry 963 has lower aluminum and higher chromium
­elements in the alloys. Choose the material best suited for content that may be better suited to service environments
the spray process to be used (please refer to Section 2.5) where hot corrosion or sulfidation is an issue.
and the service environment. nn Amdry 964 has higher chromium and aluminum content
nn In many cases, the requirement to meet a specific in the nickel matrix and may see longer service life, de-
­customer/OEM specification will dictate which material pending on the environment and/or the composition of
should be used (see Section 2.6). the substrate. HVOF cuts are available on a custom-order
nn Amdry 962 and the Amdry 962x family of materials have basis.
a general-purpose chemistry that is used for many

DSMTS-0102.5 – NiCrAlY Powders

© 2017 Oerlikon Metco 2
2.4 Related Products nn Other proprietary MCrAlY materials supplied by Oerlikon
nn Oerlikon Metco also offers a number of NiCoCrAlY and Metco are customer-specific and supplied to OEM-­
CoNiCrAlY products. The benefit of these materials qualified users. Please refer to datasheet DSMTS-0094).
are chemistries that produce coatings with a balanced nn For qualifying volumes, Oerlikon Metco is capable of
combination of high temperature oxidation resistance ­developing and producing unique customized MCrAlY
and hot corrosion resistance (see datasheets chemistries and particle size distributions to meet specific
­DSMTS-0092 and DSMTS-0093). requirements. Please contact your Oerlikon Metco
nn For bond coat and salvage and repair applications at ­Account Representative for further information.
­service temperatures below 980 °C (1800 °F) an MCrAlY nn Oerlikon Metco offers a substantial portfolio of thermal
material may not be required and a nickel aluminum, barrier ceramic products that meet various requirements
nickel chromium aluminum or nickel chromium material and customer specifications for which these NiCrAlY
should be considered. For information on these products, ­materials are often used as a bond coat. Please refer to
please see datasheets DSMTS-0029 (Ni 20Al), datasheets DSMTS-0001 (HOSP™ 8 % YSZ),
­DSMTS-0043 (Ni 5Al), DSMTS-0091 (NiCrAl) and ­DSMTS-0037(MgO-ZrO), DSMTS-0038 (CeO-ZrO) and
­DSMTS-0109 (Ni 20Cr). DSMTS-0047 (agglomerated and sintered 8 % YSZ).
nn Alternative choices for lower temperature salvage nn These NiCrAlY materials are also used as bond coats
­applications may be materials similar to Hastelloy, Inconel with Oerlikon Metco’s high temperature, ceramic
or Tribaloy. Coatings of these materials are typically ­harder ­abradable materials (see datasheet DSMTS-0014).
and more wear resistant than MCrAlY materials. See data-
sheets DSMTS-0079 (Tribaloy type), DSMTS-0085
(Inconel type) and DSMTS-0086 (Hastelloy type).

2.5 Recommended Spray Process and Spray Guns

Product Atmospheric Plasma Spray HVOF ChamPro™ (LVPS™, LPPS™, VPS)

Amdry 962
Amdry 9621
Amdry 9624
Amdry 9625
Amdry 963
Amdry 964 a

a An HVOF cut of Amdry 964 is available on a custom order basis

DSMTS-0102.5 – NiCrAlY Powders

© 2017 Oerlikon Metco 3
2.6 Customer Specifications

Product Customer Specifications

Amdry 962 CFM International CP 6023
Chromalloy BZ 003 Type 53
GE B50A892
GE B50TF162
GE B50TF192, Class A
GKN Aerospace PM 819-44
MTU MTS 1333
Snecma DMR 33.090
Turbomeca LA 657 Ed. 1, PD 2, Ind. 0
Amdry 9621 GE B50AG16, Class A, except Section 4
Amdry 9625 Honeywell EMS 57737, Type II
Honeywell M3960
Amdry 963 Rolls-Royce Corporation EMS 56719
Rolls-Royce Corporation PMI 1351
Rolls-Royce plc RRMS 40050
Amdry 964 Chromalloy BZ 003 Type 40
Honeywell 91547-52564 (Bond Coat)
Honeywell EMS 52439, Class E
Honeywell EMS 57737, Type 1
Light Helicopter LHM 3315

3 Coating Information

3.1 Key Thermal Spray Coating Information A benefit of NiCrAlY coatings is their high percentage of alu-
Please consult Oerlikon Metco Coatings Solutions Centers minum content compared to that of the substrate material.
(CSC) when coating and application development support is Too high a concentration of aluminum in superalloy sub-
required for NiCrAlY coatings. CSC has experience in strates results in brittle phases and reduced mechanical
­optimizing spray parameters for specific customer needs. strength. Since coatings are not structural by nature, they
Types of support that CSC can provide include information can have high levels of aluminum to promote Thermally
on higher surface profile coatings, low oxide coatings, high Grown Oxide (TGO) development and maintenance of an
density coatings, heat-treatment recommendations, material aluminum reservoir in service.
coverage, material deposition, and thickness limits.
3.3 Coating Parameters
3.2 Post-Coating Heat Treatment Please contact your Oerlikon Metco Account Representative
Post-coat heat treatment of NiCrAlY coatings allows the for parameter availability. For specific coating application
coating to densify as well diffuse into the substrate, ­requirements, the services of Oerlikon Metco’s Coating
­enhancing bond strength. Post-coat heat treatment also ­Solution Centers are available.
­results in precipitation of intermetallic phases of Beta Ni-Al
that act as reservoirs for the formation of dense, protective Recommended Spray Guns
alumina scales. Atmospheric HVOF ChamPro
The heat treatment procedure for a NiCrAlY coating depends Metco 9MB series DiamondJet series Metco O3CP
on the substrate chosen and the OEM specification. If no
Metco F4 series WokaStar series
heat treatment specification is defined, a diffusion heat treat-
ment in a controlled atmosphere of 2 – 4 hours at 1080 – TriplexPro series WokaJet series
1200 °C (1975 – 2200 °F) can be used as a start-ing point. SimplexPro series

DSMTS-0102.5 – NiCrAlY Powders

© 2017 Oerlikon Metco 4
4 Commercial Information

4.1 Ordering Information and Availability

Product Order No. Package Size Availability Distribution

Amdry 962 1001052 5 lb (approx. 2.25 kg) Stock Global
Amdry 9621 1019247 5 lb (approx. 2.25 kg) Stock Global
Amdry 9624 1032598 5 lb (approx. 2.25 kg) Special Order Global
Amdry 9625 1001053 5 lb (approx. 2.25 kg) Stock Global
Amdry 963 1001054 5 lb (approx. 2.25 kg) Stock Global
Amdry 964 1001055 5 lb (approx. 2.25 kg) Stock Global

­4.2 Handling Recommendations 4.3 Safety Recommendations

nn Store in the original container in a dry location. See the SDS (Safety Data Sheet) for the product of interest
nn Tumble contents prior to use to prevent segregation. localized for the country where the material will be used.
nn Open containers should be stored in a drying oven to SDS are available from the Oerlikon web site at
prevent moisture pickup. www.oerlikon.com/metco (Resources – Safety Data Sheets).

Product SDS Index No.

Amdry 962 50-424
Amdry 9621 50-424
Amdry 9624 50-424
Amdry 9625 50-424
Amdry 963 50-794
Amdry 964 50-795

Information is subject to change without prior notice.

DSMTS-0102.5 – NiCrAlY Powders www.oerlikon.com/metco

© 2017 Oerlikon Metco [email protected]

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