En NetApp FAS8000 Series

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NetApp FAS8000 Series

Respond more quickly to changing IT needs with unified
scale-out storage and industry-leading data management

The Challenge the FAS8000 series unifies your SAN

Enabling the data-driven business and NAS storage infrastructure. With
Support More Workloads As the role of technology has expanded proven data management capabilities,
Run SAN and NAS workloads to cover key business operations as well the FAS8000 has the flexibility to keep
simultaneously with the industry’s as back-office functions, IT leaders have up with changing business needs while
only unified scale-out storage. had to rethink the way they architect delivering on core IT requirements.
storage. Traditional requirements such
Consolidate Infrastructure The FAS8000 features a multiprocessor
as storage uptime, scalability, and cost
Expanded scaling up to 103PB Intel® chip set and leverages high-­
efficiency are still critical, but so are
and include existing storage with performance memory modules, NVRAM
factors such as cloud integration, unified
FlexArray. to accelerate and optimize writes, and
support for SAN and NAS, and simplified
an I/O-tuned PCIe gen3 architecture
Accelerate I/O-Intensive Apps data mining for competitive advantage.
that maximizes application throughput.
Reduce latency and speed oper- Many enterprises struggle, held back Building on a decade of multicore
ations with even more flash: by structural limitations in legacy storage ­optimization, Data ONTAP drives the
1.7PB hybrid flash or go all-flash and data architectures. Traditional latest cores and increased core counts
and scale to 4.6PB of flash. ­storage arrays might deliver on basic to keep up with continuous growth
needs, but are incapable of meeting in storage demands. The result is a
Maximize Uptime
advanced service requirements and flexible, efficient I/O design capable
Experience >99.999% availability
new IT models such as cloud. of supporting large numbers of high-
plus nondisruptive operations
speed network connections and
that eliminate planned downtime. The Solution ­massive capacity scaling.
Realize Superior Value Accelerate business operations
with unified scale-out storage FAS8000 scale-out storage systems
Deliver up to 2x the price/
The demands of a data-driven business offer exceptional flexibility and expand-
performance of the previous
require a fundamentally new approach to ability. Integrated unified target adapter
storage with an integrated combination of (UTA2) ports support 16Gb Fibre Channel,
Optimized for the Hybrid Cloud high-performance hardware and adaptive, 10GbE, or FCoE, so your storage is
Easily implement a service- scalable storage software that not only ready on day one for whatever choices
oriented IT architecture that supports existing workloads, but also the future holds. For performance-
spans on-premises and off-site adapts and scales quickly to address new intensive environments where maximum
resources. applications and evolving IT models. scale and I/O throughput are necessary
to drive business-critical applications,
FAS8000 enterprise storage systems NetApp offers the FAS8080 EX. You
are engineered specifically to address can find out more in the FAS8080
these needs. Powered by NetApp® Data EX datasheet.
ONTAP® and optimized for scale-out,
Figure 1) NetApp FAS8000 controllers.

Get more from existing storage Unlock the full power of flash OnCommand software-defined storage
investments Flash-accelerated FAS8000 storage products provide flexibility, scalability,
Simplify your IT operations and deliver systems deliver twice the performance simplified provisioning, and data pro-
more value from existing storage with of our previous generation storage, tection to meet business needs today
the only unified storage virtualization boosting throughput, lowering latency, and the changing needs of the future.
solution. FlexArray virtualization and meeting stringent service levels Achieve unparalleled availability
­software extends the capabilities of with predictable high performance. and nondisruptive operations
the FAS8000 to include EMC, Hitachi, Data ONTAP on the FAS8000 simplifies FAS8000 enterprise storage is engineered
HP, and NetApp E-Series arrays, con- flash management, resulting in more to meet the most demanding availability
solidating management of your existing powerful hybrid storage. requirements. All models are designed
storage to simplify operations, while
In hybrid FAS8000 configurations, flash to deliver 99.999% availability or greater
increasing efficiency and providing
functions as a self-managing virtual through a comprehensive approach
superior functionality.
storage tier with up to 144TB of flash that ­combines highly reliable hardware,
This creates a single storage manage- per HA pair and 1.7PB per cluster. Hot innovative software, and sophisticated
ment architecture that supports both data is automatically promoted to flash service analytics.
SAN and NAS while simplifying in real time, so you get the full benefit Software and firmware updates,
­management and cloud integration. of flash performance. ­hardware repair and replacement,
Scale and adapt to meet For those applications that require the load balancing, and tech refresh happen
changing needs without planned downtime. NetApp
ultimate in high performance and low
Your business is constantly changing. latency, the FAS8000 is also available in Integrated Data Protection technologies
Your storage infrastructure should adapt prepackaged all-flash configurations. See protect your data, accelerate recovery,
and scale right along with it. With FAS8000 the All-Flash FAS datasheet for details. and integrate with leading backup
unified scale-out storage, you can opti- applications for easier management.
mize and accelerate your storage envi- Enable innovation and
ronment as needed. All FAS8000 storage empower users Advanced service analytics software
is designed to scale as performance In a data-driven business, performance prevents issues from becoming out-
and capacity requirements change. and capacity alone are not enough. ages. Risk signatures are constantly
You can scale up—by adding capacity, You need the ability to leverage data monitored, and your administrators
adding flash acceleration, and upgrading for competitive advantage and to and/or NetApp service staff are alerted
controllers—and scale out. A single assign resources dynamically for to proactively address issues that might
cluster can grow up to 24 nodes and more effective operations. affect operations.
103PB of capacity with ease. NetApp MetroCluster™ expands data
The NetApp OnCommand® storage
Because you can nondisruptively add management software portfolio is protection to eliminate risk of data
or replace storage systems and compo- ­composed of a range of products for loss by synchronously mirroring data
nents—as well as mix and match different use with the NetApp FAS8000, including between locations for continuous avail-
FAS models—scaling occurs without device-level management, automation, ability of information. A MetroCluster
maintenance windows or the challenge integration, and enterprise storage storage array can exist in a single data
of coordinating downtime across teams. resource management. NetApp center or in two different data centers
Figure 2) FAS8080 EX controllers.

that are located across a campus, across A FAS8000 tightly integrated with the Get More Business Value with Services
a metropolitan area, or in different cities industry standard OpenStack cloud Whether you are planning your next-
altogether. MetroCluster provides data infrastructure enables an organization generation environment, need specialized
protection combined with continuous to build a private cloud that delivers a know-how for a major deployment, or
data availability. This means that no leading service-oriented IT architecture want to get the most from your current
matter what happens, your data can be and meets the demanding needs of storage, NetApp and our certified
protected from loss and is continuously enterprise applications. ­partners can help.
available to meet the most business-
critical needs. For organizations that need an enterprise- We collaborate with you to enhance your
class hybrid cloud with predictable per- IT capabilities through a full portfolio of
Build the right long-term platform formance and availability, the FAS8000 services that covers your IT lifecycle with:
When it comes to long-term storage can be used in a NetApp Private Storage
infrastructure investments, total cost (NPS) for Cloud solution. With NPS • Strategy services—to align IT with
of ownership and the ability to accom- for Cloud you can directly connect to your business goals
modate new IT initiatives are critical. ­multiple clouds using a private, high- • Design services—to architect your
FAS8000 enterprise storage systems bandwidth, low-latency connection. best storage environment
unlock the power of your data and Connect to industry-leading clouds • Deploy and transition services—
your people. such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), to implement validated architectures
Microsoft® Azure, or SoftLayer and and prepare your storage environment
In addition to a significant price/­ switch between them at any time, all • Operations services—to deliver
performance benefit—up to two times while maintaining complete control of continuous operations while driving
that of the previous generation—the your data on your dedicated, private operational excellence and efficiency
FAS8000 platform delivers industry- FAS8000. You will get the elasticity
leading storage efficiency technologies In addition, NetApp provides in-depth
of the public cloud and protect your
such as deduplication, compression, knowledge transfer and education
data with NetApp technologies that
thin provisioning, and space-efficient services that give you access to
you understand and trust.
Snapshot™ copies. This reduces your our global technical resources and
cost per effective gigabyte of storage. For maximum flexibility, Cloud ONTAP intellectual property.
provides superior data portability at the
Optimize hybrid cloud deployment Learn more at netapp.com/services.
best ROI. Cloud ONTAP is a software-
Organizations today are focusing on defined storage version of Data ONTAP
service-oriented IT architectures where that runs in AWS and provides the About NetApp
cloud IT models are leveraged to enhance ­storage efficiency, availability, and Leading organizations worldwide
return on investment and assets. The ­scalability of Data ONTAP. It allows count on NetApp for software, systems
FAS8000 is optimized for private and quick and easy movement of data and services to manage and store their
hybrid cloud with secure multi-tenancy, between your on-premises FAS8000 data. Customers value our teamwork,
QoS, nondisruptive operations, and and AWS environments with NetApp expertise and passion for helping them
easily defined tiers of service. SnapMirror ® data replication software. succeed now and into the future.

FAS8000 Technical Specifications
FAS8080 EX FAS8060 FAS8040 FAS8020
NAS scale-out 1–24 nodes (12 HA pairs)
Maximum drives 17,280 14,400 8,640 5,760
Maximum raw capacity: hybrid1 103PB 86PB 51PB 34PB
1728TB flash 864TB flash 576TB flash 288TB flash
Maximum raw capacity: all-flash FAS 4.6PB 4.6PB 4.6PB 4.6PB
Maximum memory 3072GB 1536GB 768GB 576GB
SAN scale-out 1– 8 nodes (4 HA pairs)
Maximum drives 5,760 4,800 2,880 1,920
Maximum raw capacity: hybrid1 34PB 28PB 17PB 11.5PB
576TB flash 288TB flash 192TB flash 96TB flash
Maximum raw capacity: all-flash FAS 1.5PB 1.5PB 1.5PB 1.5PB
Maximum memory 1024GB 512GB 256GB 192GB
Cluster interconnect 2, 4, or 6 10GbE 2 or 4 10GbE 2 or 4 10GbE 2 10GbE

Per HA Pair Specifications (Active-Active Dual Controller)

FAS8080 EX FAS8060 FAS8040 FAS8020
Maximum drives 1,440 1,200 720 480
Maximum raw capacity: hybrid1 8640TB 7200TB 4320TB 2880TB
144TB flash 72TB flash 48TB flash 24TB flash
Maximum raw capacity: all-flash FAS 384TB 384TB 384TB 384TB
Maximum Flash Cache™ 24TB 8TB 4TB 3TB
Maximum Flash Pool™ 144TB 72TB 48TB 24TB
Controller form factor 12U (2 enclosures) 6U 6U 3U
ECC memory 256GB 128GB 64GB 48GB
PCIe expansion slots 24 8 8 4
Onboard I/O: UTA 2 (16Gb FC/FCoE/10GbE) 8 8 8 4
Onboard I/O: GbE 8 8 8 4
Onboard I/O: 10GbE 8 8 8 4
Onboard I/O: 6Gb SAS 8 8 8 4
OS version Data ONTAP 8.2.2 and later Data ONTAP 8.2.1 and later
Shelves and media See the Shelves and Media page2 on NetApp.com for the most current information
Storage protocols supported FC, FCoE, iSCSI, NFS, pNFS, CIFS/SMB, HTTP, FTP
Host/client operating systems supported Windows® 2000, Windows Server® 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows XP, Linux®,
Sun Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, Mac® OS, VMware®, ESX®
1. Hybrid configurations combine HDDs with flash using Flash Cache and/or Flash Pool. You can also create storage configurations that include separate HDD and SDD aggregates. The size limit of the SSD aggregates
is the same as the all-flash maximum.
2. netapp.com/us/products/storage-systems/disk-shelves-and-storage-media/index.aspx

NetApp FAS8000 Series Software

Features and software included Efficiency: FlexVol®, deduplication, compression, and thin provisioning
with Data ONTAP Availability: MetroCluster and multipath I/O
Data protection: RAID-DP® and Snapshot
Performance: Storage QoS
Management: OnCommand® Workflow Automation, System Manager, and Unified Manager

Extended value software (optional) • FlexArray storage virtualization software

• OnCommand Balance
• Storage protocols (purchase each storage protocol you require)
A Premium Bundle is available for purchase with FAS8000 systems that includes:
• SnapRestore®: Restore entire Snapshot copies in seconds
• SnapMirror: Simple, flexible disaster recovery
• FlexClone®: Instant virtual copies of files, LUNs, and volumes
• SnapManager® software: Backup/recovery for enterprise applications
• SnapVault: Disk-based backup
See NetApp.com for information on additional software available from NetApp.

© 2014 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. No portions of this document may
be reproduced without prior written consent of NetApp, Inc. Specifications
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are subject to change without notice. NetApp, the NetApp logo, Data ONTAP,
Flash Cache, Flash Pool, FlexClone, FlexVol, MetroCluster, OnCommand,
RAID-DP, SnapManager, SnapMirror, SnapRestore, Snapshot, and
SnapVault are trademarks or registered trademarks of NetApp, Inc.
in the United States and/or other countries. Mac is a registered
trademarks of Apple Inc. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Server are
registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. ESX and VMware are
registered trademarks of VMware, Inc. Linux is a registered trademark
of Linus Torvalds. Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation.
All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective holders and should be treated as such. DS-3546-0914

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