Unit 1: Sport and Fitness
Unit 1: Sport and Fitness
Unit 1: Sport and Fitness
8. compliment /ˈkɒmplɪmənt/ (v) to tell sb that you like or admire sth khen ngợi (syn) praise She complimented him on his
they have done, their appearance, (opp) criticise excellent German.
9. continent / ˈkɒntɪnənt / (n) one of the large land masses of the lục địa Asia is the largest continent in the
earth such as Europe, Asia or Africa world
10. defeat / dɪˈfiːt / (n) failure to win or to be successful đánh bại (opp) victory The party faces defeat in the
11. differentiate / ˌdɪfəˈrenʃieɪt / to recognize or show that two things phân biệt (syn) distinguish It's difficult to differentiate between
(v) are not the same the two varieties.
Reading 2: Reading Explorer 3 Nguyen Phuong Hanh, M.A.
12. discrimination / dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃn / the practice of treating sb or a sự phân biệt (syn) discerment Vietnamses women have faced
(n) particular group in society less fairly with gender discrimination for
than others centuries
13. elite / eɪˈliːt / (adj) belonging to a group of people in a xuất sắc, ưu tú (syn) excellent, He is studying in an elite military
society, etc. who are powerful and outstanding academy
have a lot of influence, because they
are rich, intelligent, etc
14. enhance / ɪnˈhæns / (v) to increase or further improve the nâng cao, đề (syn) improve, gain This is an opportunity to enhance
good quality, value or status of sb/sth cao the reputation of the company.
15. establish / ɪˈstæblɪʃ / (v) to start or create an organization, a thành lập, thiết (syn) found, set up The committee was established in
system, etc. that is meant to last for a lập 1912.
long time
16. fatigue / fəˈtiːɡ / (n) a feeling of being extremely tired, sự kiệt sức, mệt (syn) exhaustion, I was dropping with fatigue and
usually because of hard work or mỏi tiredness could not keep my eyes open.
17. fiber / ˈfaɪbə(r) / (n) one of the many thin threads that sợi cơ, thớ She loved him with every fibre of
form body tissue , such as muscle, her being.
and natural materials, such as wood
and cotton
18. generate / ˈdʒenəreɪt / (v) to produce or create sth tạo ra (syn) produce, We need someone to generate
make new ideas.
19. genetics / dʒəˈnetɪks / (n) the scientific study of the ways in di truyền học New discoveries in genetics help
which different characteristics are us understand more about our
passed from each generation of body.
living things to the next
20. handle / ˈhændl / (v) to deal with a situation, a person, an giải quyết, xử lý (syn) deal with, She's very good at handling her
area of work or a strong emotion cope with patients.
21. immigrant / ˈɪmɪɡrənt / (n) a person who has come to live người nhập cư There is an increasing number of
permanently in a country that is not illegal immigrants to America.
their own
22. inhabitant / ɪnˈhæbɪtənt / a person or an animal that lives in người cư trú (syn) resident There are no inhabitants in this
(n) a particular place building
23. Muslim / ˈmʊzlɪm / (n) a person whose religion is Islam người Hồi giáo A friend of mine is a Muslim
24. originate / əˈrɪdʒɪneɪt / (v) to happen or appear for the first xuất hiện, xuất The disease is thought to have
time in a particular place or phát originated in the tropics.
Reading 2: Reading Explorer 3 Nguyen Phuong Hanh, M.A.
25. participate / pɑːrˈtɪsɪpeɪt / to take part in or become involved in tham gia (syn) take part in, We encourage students to
(v) an activity join in participate fully in the running of
the college.
26. passion / ˈpæʃn / (n) a very strong feeling of love, đam mê (syn) rage Music is a passion with him.
hatred, anger, enthusiasm, etc
27. professional / prəˈfeʃənl / showing that sb is well trained chuyên nghiệp (syn) competent Many of the performers were
(adj) and extremely skilled (opp) amateur very professional.
28. promote / prəˈməʊt / (v) to help sth to happen or develop xúc tiến, đẩy (syn) encourage The government has released
mạnh (opp) demote some new policies to promote
economic growth
29. psychological / ˌsaɪkəˈlɒdʒɪkl connected with a person's mind thuộc tâm lý Her symptoms are more
/ (adj) and the way in which it works psychological than physical. (=
imaginary rather than real)
30. recruit / rɪˈkruːt / (v) to find new people to join a tuyển dụng They recruited several new
company, an organization, the members to the club.
armed forces, etc
31. reflex / ˈriːfleks / (n) an action or a movement of your phản xạ Almost as a reflex action , I
body that happens naturally in grab my pen as the phone rings.
response to sth and that you
cannot control; sth that you do
without thinking
32. responsible / rɪˈspɒnsəbl / having the job or duty of doing sth có/chịu trách Mike is responsible for
(adj) or taking care of sb/sth, so that nhiệm designing the entire project.
you may be blamed if sth goes
33. simplicity / sɪmˈplɪsəti / the quality of being easy to sự đơn giản For the sake of simplicity , let's
(n) understand or use divide the discussion into two
34. ultimately / ˈʌltɪmətli / in the end; finally cuối cùng (syn) finally Ultimately, you'll have to make the
(adv) (opp) at the decision yourself.
beginning, initially
35. unify / ˈjuːnɪfaɪ / (v) to join people, things, parts of a thống nhất, hợp (opp) separate The new leader hopes to unify
country, etc. together so that they nhất the country.
form a single unit
36. unique / juˈniːk / (adj) very special or unusual độc đáo, độc He has a unique talent
Reading 2: Reading Explorer 3 Nguyen Phuong Hanh, M.A.
37. universal / ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsl / done by or involving all the people phổ thông, phổ Such problems are a universal
(adj) in the world or in a particular quát feature of old age.
38. urbanized / ˈɜːbənaɪzd / ( of an area, a country, etc. ) được đô thị hóa My hometown has been urbanized
(adj) having a lot of towns, streets, with many high buildings and
factories, etc. rather than industrial areas
39. victory / ˈvɪktəri / (n) success in a game, an election, a chiến thắng She is confident of victory in
war, etc Saturday's final.
40. wealth / welθ / (n) the state of being rich sự giàu có (syn) richness Good education often depends
on wealth.