Optical Time Domain Reflectometer Simulator

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Optical Time Domain Reflectometer Simulator

The OTDR Simulator is a aid to learning how OTDRs work without incurring the
expense of owning a real OTDR and tons of cable. The Simulator runs on a PC but
works just like a real OTDR. It is the actual operating software from a PC-based OTDR
that comes with numerous traces that illustrate how the OTDR works and traces of real
cable plants to analyze. The traces are raw data that is analyzed in the PC so the
simulator works just like a real OTDR.

OTDR manufacturers provide basic information on using their instruments, but rarely
provide an adequate variety of traces to learn from and often do not dwell on
measurement uncertainty or common problems like gainers and ghosts. This is where
you need the OTDR Simulator. It will help you learn how to set up the OTDR properly
and analyze traces correctly.
One of the biggest problems in learning about OTDRs is understanding all the options in
setting test parameters. Range, wavelength, pulse width, averages, etc. all need to be
understood so the operator knows what effect they have on the trace and how to
choose the proper setup for a given test situation. Learning how to interpret traces also
requires having access to large numbers of cables, including some very long ones.
That's not easy in a lab and impossible at home.

With the OTDR simulator, you can learn how to use an OTDR on a PC. The simulator
includes software that emulates an OTDR and two sets of traces to analyze.

Included are two types of traces:

1) Parameter setup traces: 26 traces taken of the same cable plant, with each of the
OTDR parameters changed to allow you to see the effects of changing these
parameters, as shown in the pulse width comparison below. Traces highlight changes in
parameters such as: wavelength, range, pulse width, fiber index of refraction, number of
averages, and more.
2) Real fibers: Over 40 traces of real cable plants and 5 traces of FTTH PON couplers
for you to analyze. Few classrooms can offer this many different traces to analyze - and
not many have a 180 km cable run with an obvious gainer section or traces of PON
couplers available!

Works Just Like An OTDR, Only Better

The OTDR simulator is the same software used with the PC-based OTDR sold by
Advanced Fiber Solutions, but runs without the OTDR hardware. You can, however, buy
the OTDR separately and use it with the same software. This instrument uses hardware
to acquire the data but analyzes it in the PC, so our simulator can do everything the
OTDR can do to analyze traces, including fiber loss by 2 point or LSA, connector/splice
loss by 2 points or LSA and back reflection. You can zoom in on features, set markers,
and compare traces.
You can load up to 6 traces and compare them on the same display. Below we show
two traces compared, the same cable plant shot at 1300 and 850 nm test wavelengths.
You can see the effect wavelength on attenuation.

Comparing Traces

Modifying OTDR Setup Parameters For Best Test Results

Two traces showing the effects of averaging the signal.

PC Requirements:

PC running Windows XP, Windows 7 or Windows 10 (with directions)

Mac running Windows emulator (Boot Camp, Parallels Desktop, etc.)

Download the PC Simulator (Zip file, 9.5 MB)

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