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TENDER - Manimalayar-Corrected On 26-7-17

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Name of work: GI Sheet Roofing and Truss Works over the Head Office Building
of Manimalayar Rubbers (P) Ltd, Vadavathoor, Kottayam.

DATE OF ISSUE : 26/07/2017

CLOSING DATE : 14/08/2017



No. : …………….
Date : 26/07/2017.
Closing Date : 14/08/2017.
Name of Work: GI Sheet Roofing and Truss Works over the Head Office Building
of Manimalayar Rubbers (P) Ltd, Vadavathoor, Kottayam.

2. All tenders shall be in the "Form of Tender" which, together with contract documents
consisting of Plans, Detailed Specifications and Schedule of Quantities of the various
items and Conditions of Contract, all of which will be deemed to form part of each
Tender forms, can be obtained from the office of the undersigned on payment of a sum
of Rs.100/- per set, on all working days from 9 am to 3 pm in cash/ DD up to 11/08/2017
or can be downloaded from the website of the Rubber Board(ww.rubberboard.org.in).

3. Probable Amount of Contract is ₹ 23,26,000/-

4. Earnest Money Deposit of ₹ 50000/- payable by DD in favour of the Managing

Director, Manimalayar Rubbers (P) Ltd or through RTGS/NEFT in the following
A/c No. – 0315083000000328
IFSC - SIBL0000315

5. Bidders who have downloaded the bid documents from the website must remit the cost
of tender documents (₹ 100/-) by cash or demand draft as noted above along with the
tender, failing which the tenders are liable to be rejected.

6. The site for the work at Manimalayar Rubber (P) Ltd, Vadavathoor will be opened for
inspection between 10.00 hrs and 16.00 hrs on all working days of the company.

7. All Tenders shall be valid for acceptance for three months after the date of opening of
the tenders.

8. All tenders must reach the office of the undersigned before 14.00 hrs on the closing
date noted above. Tenders received after the said time on the closing date will not be
considered under any circumstances. The Technical bid will be opened at 14.30 hrs on
the same day in the office of the undersigned in the presence of those representatives of
the tenderers who choose to be present. Financial bid of technically qualified bidders will
be opened on the same day at 16.00 hrs. The Company shall also have unqualified and
unrestricted right to reject all or any tenders and to accept any of them in whole or in

Managing Director,
Manimalayar Rubbers (P ) Ltd., Vadavathoor P.O, Kottayam.

Issued to: Shri/Messrs.....................................




Name of Work : GI Sheet Roofing and Truss Works over the Head Office Building
of Manimalayar Rubbers (P) Ltd, Vadavathoor, Kottayam.

The Managing Director

Manimalayar Rubbers (P) Ltd.,
Vadavathoor P.O, Kottayam.


I/We do hereby tender to execute the work mentioned above and more particularly
described in the accompanying Plans, Detailed Specifications and Schedule of Quantities
within the time and at the rates specified in the accompanying schedule of quantities in
accordance in all respects with the said Plans, Detailed Specifications and Schedule of
Quantities. It is hereby confirmed that the terms and conditions in your Notice Inviting
Tenders, Instructions to Tenderers, Conditions of Contract and Site information have
been read and understood by me/us and shall be deemed to form part of this Tender. It is
also confirmed that the rates quoted by me/us are all inclusive covering, in addition to all
the operations contemplated in the Plans, Detailed Specifications and Schedule of
Quantities, all incidental work necessary for such operations and covering also the costs
and expenses in respect of all goods, materials, labour and other services required for
completion thereof and covering also all taxes, duties and other levies whatsover. It is
also understood by me/us and it is agreed that you do not accept any responsibility for the
correctness or completeness of the Plans, Detailed Specifications or Schedule of
Quantities, and that these are liable to alteration by omissions, deductions or additions at
your discretion.

2. One signed copy each of the Detailed Specifications and Schedule of Quantities,
Plans, Instructions to Tenderers, Conditions of Contract and Site information are
attached hereto in token of my/our acceptance of all the terms and conditions therein

3. The following item/sub-items of the contract work are proposed to be given on sub-
contract to................................. ................................................................ and this
tender and the amount thereof offered by me/us is inclusive of all amounts payable by
me/us to such sub contractor.
1. ..............................................................

2. .........................................................

4.An Earnest Money Deposit of Rs..............(..............................................................)
is remitted in cash / by Demand Draft No...........................dt..........drawn on
5. Additional information which is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and
belief are given below:

a) Status and brief history of the firm/Company if the Tenderer is a firm/Company.


b) Details of licences for Civil work, quarrying of raw materials and for other purposes
specified below required for the proper execution of the contract work.

c) Full details of previous experience of the tenderer in similar work:


Date of submission:..........................

Date of tender :..........................


Name and designation/authority ...............................

of person signing on behalfof ................................
tenderer. ...............................

Status (whether individual, firm

or Company) of tenderer ................................

Place of residence or address ...............................

of main/registered office ...............................


Name of Work: GI Sheet Roofing and Truss Works over the Head Office Building
of Manimalayar Rubbers (P) Ltd, Vadavathoor, Kottayam.


1. Words and expressions used herein and defined in the Conditions of the Contract shall
have the meanings assigned to them under such definitions.

2. Full details of the items and sub items of the contract work are given in the Plans,
Detailed Specifications and Schedule of Quantities. Tenders must conform in all respects
to these. A copy each of the said plans and the Detailed Specifications and Schedule of
Quantities duly signed by the tenderer must accompany each tender.

3. Only persons/organisations who are reputed and experienced in similar works shall be
entitled to tender for the contract work.
The tenderer shall furnish the following particulars about themselves.

(a) Current incometax, salestax and agricultural income tax clearance certificates,

(b) A list of major civil/structural engineering works executed by them and the value of
the contract.

(c) Testimonials certified by the major clients,

(d) Copies of work completion certificates issued by past clients giving particulars like
the nature of work, value of work and period of completion,

(e) Complete list of tools/machinery/equipment owned by the tenderer for executing the
(f) List of technical staff in their employment and their qualifications, and

(g) Records showing the soundness of the financial position of the tenderer.

4. All tenders will be deemed to be subject to these Instructions and to the Conditions of
Contract, and a copy each of these instructions and Conditions of Contract duly
completed and signed by the tenderer must accompany each tender. Each tender must
also be accompanied by certificates of clearance of income tax, sales tax and agricultural
income tax issued by competent authorities.

5. A tender submitted by a company must be signed by its Managing Director/Statutory

Manager or by a person duly authorized in that behalf by a valid power of attorney. A
tender submitted by a firm must be signed by its Managing Partner or by a person duly
authorized by the firm in that behalf by a valid power of attorney. In the case of a tender
signed by a person empowered by a Power of Attorney as aforesaid, the original or a
notarially certified copy of the Power of Attorney must accompany the tender.

6. All tenders must clearly state the rate at which the tenderer is willing to undertake the
contract work. Rates must be quoted in Indian currency and in words as well as in
figures. In the event of any discrepancy, the rates shown in words shall be deemed to be
the rates quoted by the tenderer. Rates quoted shall be all inclusive as stated in
Conditions of Contract.


The tender must be submitted in one sealed main envelope clearly marked with the name
of work. They should be accompanied by a covering letter in which the bidder should
give all information as called for and any other matter which they would like to be
considered along with the tender. Price bid and technical bid shall be submitted in two
separate covers duly sealed each one and written on top with price bid and technical bid
respectively. This should be strictly followed. Both sealed envelopes i.e. price bid and
technical bid shall be further put in single large duly sealed cover should mention tender
number and description of work.

A. COVER NO.1 : TECHNICAL BID shall contain

I. Demand Draft for EMD
II. Demand draft for Tender fee if applicable.
III. Attested copy of document showing Registration under Income Tax (PAN),
GST etc.
IV. Attested copy of company registration or Partnership deed.
V. Attested copy of Power of Attorney, if any for signing the bid documents.
VI. Attested copy of latest Solvency Certificate issued by Nationalized
bank/scheduled bank.
VII. Attested copy of work experience Certificates for similar nature & magnitude
of work executed as per qualification criteria.
VIII. List of works in progress.
IX. Details of equipment, tools & plants immediately available with the Bidder for
use in this work
X. Details of Technical personnel.
XI. Annexure I &II fully filled.

(i). Earnest money deposit ( EMD)
a. Bidders are requested to pay EMD by demand draft on any
Nationalised/Schedule Bank or by RTGS/NEFT. Payment of EMD in
form of Cheque shall not be accepted.
b. The EMD shall be submitted along with submission of Technical bid only.
In no case it shall be submitted with sealed cover of Price bid.
c. Tenders not accompanied by EMD shall be rejected as non – responsive.
d. If during the tender validity period, i.e 90 days from the opening of
technical bid, the Bidder withdraws his tender then the EMD shall be
forfeited and the Bidder may be disqualified from tendering for further
(ii). The Bidders requested to pay the tender fee amount by a separate demand draft if

(iii) Each tender should be accompanied by a Solvency Certificate from a nationalized/
Scheduled Bank regarding the Bidder’s financial stability to the extent of 20% of the
estimated cost of the work tendered.
(iv). Work Experience : Contractors fulfilling the following prequalification requirements
shall be eligible to apply:-
a) Only the bids received from contractors who satisfy the following criteria of having
executed similar works mainly involving Steel Structural and Roofing works during
last 5 years for Central or State Govt. organization/Dept. or for any PSB / PSU / PSE /
Reputed Private Organizations shall be considered -
A. One similar project work mainly involving Steel Structural and Roofing works for a
project value not less than ₹ 18.00 Lakhs
B. Two similar project works mainly involving Steel Structural and Roofing works for a
project value not less than ₹ 12.00 Lakhs
C. Three similar project works mainly involving Steel Structural and Roofing works for
a project value not less than ₹ 6.00 Lakhs

b) Annual turnover of the bidder during the last 03 years ending March 31, 2017 shall
be at least ₹ 48.00 Lakh.
These details should be submitted in the format given in Annexure I & II
(v). Details of other works tendered & on hand on date of submission of this tender.
(vi). Details of equipments, machineries, plant & tools , tackles immediately available
with the Bidder for use of this work
(vii).The copy of GST registration number shall be furnished.
The sealed cover shall be clearly marked “Price Bid” and shall contain tender
documents with price quoted in word and figure duly filled in Schedule with
signature, Name and Address of tender/Company.

All the two covers mentioned above enclosed in a single large cover duly sealed
should be addressed to the owner namely:

Managing Director, Manimalayar Rubbers (P) Ltd., Vadavathoor PO, Kottayam.

8. All tenders must be submitted either in person or mailed by post, duly registered in
sufficient time so as to reach the office of the Managing Director, Manimalayar Rubbers
(P) Ld, Vadavathoor by 14.00 hours on the closing date specified in the notice inviting
tender. Tenders received after the said time on the closing date will not be considered
under any circumstances.

9. All tenders received before 14.00.hrs on the closing date and in conformity with the
Notice Inviting Tenders and these instructions will be publicly opened at 14.30 hrs on the
same day. Financial bid will be opened on the same day at 16.00hrs.The total amount
quoted in all opened tenders will be read out.

10. Tenders which do not conform in all respects to the Plans, Detailed Specifications
and Schedule of Quantities and to the Notice Inviting Tenders and these instructions and
the Conditions of Contract are liable to be rejected. The Owner shall also have

unqualified and unrestricted right to reject any or all tenders or to accept any of them in
whole or in part. The Owner does not undertake to accept the lowest or any particular
tender. The Owner will have no obligation to inform unsuccessful tenderers.

11. Before tendering, the tenderer shall visit the site and also carefully examine the Plans,
Detailed specifications, Schedule of Quantities, Instructions to Tenderers and the
Conditions of Contract and all other relevant documents and if there should be or appear
to be any ambiguity or discrepancy between any of these or between figured and
measured dimensions, he should immediately refer the matter to the Owner and obtain the
necessary clarifications thereon.

12. Tenderer shall ascertain and satisfy himself about the location, size and condition of
the areas of land available for his use as working areas, and all other information which
may affect his tender.

13. The Owner will not be responsible or pay for expenses or losses which may be
incurred by any tenderer in connection with visits to and examination of the site or in the
preparation or submission of the tender.

14. Tenderer (whether or not he submits a tender) shall treat the details of all documents
and all informations obtained in connection with the contract work and the tender thereof
as private and confidential.

15. Each tender shall be accompanied by an Earnest Money Deposit of Rs. 50000/-
(Rupees fifty thousand only) by DD drawn in favour of The Managing Director,
Manimalayar Rubbers (P) Ltd., and payable at Kottayam or by RTGS/NEFT. Tenders
not accompanied by such Earnest Money Deposit are liable to be rejected. All tenders
shall be valid for acceptance for three months from the date of opening of tenders and in
the event of any tenderer withdrawing his tender or modifying it before the expiry of such
period, the Owner will have the right, in its discretion and without prejudice to its other
rights and remedies, to forfeit to itself, the said earnest money deposit. The Owner shall,
within one month of acceptance of a tender, return the earnest money deposits of the
unsucessfull tenderers, but without interest. The earnest money deposit of the Contractor
shall be treated as security in accordance with the Conditions of Contract.

16. No materials will be supplied by the Owner for the work. It will be the contractor's
responsibility to ensure that all materials including steel and cement brought to the site
are of acceptable quality and the required quantity as certified by the Owner. The
materials so brought to the site and so certified will only be used in the work and such
material or part thereof should not be taken out of the site without the written consent of
the Owner.

17. The Contractor shall, if so required by the Owner, within two weeks of acceptance of
the Contractor's tender or within such further time as may be agreed to by the Owner,
execute a formal agreement with the Owner for proper and timely completion of the
contract work in accordance with the Contractor's tender, these instructions, the Notice
Inviting Tenders and Conditions of Contract, with such modifications, if any, as may be
mutually agreed upon.

18. Any further information regarding the Contract Work or matters related thereto can
be obtained from the office of the Managing Director, Manimalayar Rubbers (P) Ltd,
Vadavathoor P.O, Kottayam, Kerala during office hours on all working days.


Name of Work: GI Sheet Roofing and Truss Works over the Head Office Building
of Manimalayar Rubbers (P) Ltd, Vadavathoor, Kottayam.



Unless the context otherwise requires:

The `Owner' shall mean "Manimalayar Rubbers (P) Ltd.", a Company constituted
under the Rubber Act, 1947 of India, having its headquarters at Kottayam in the
State of Kerala shall be represented by the Chairman or any Officer so authorized
by the Chairman on his behalf.

Engineer-in-charge shall mean the officer/ representative of the owner so communicated

to the contractor.

`The Contract' shall mean the Contract resulting from the acceptance by the Owner of a
tender submitted pursuant to the Notice Inviting Tenders dated 26/07/2017 issued by the
Managing Director, Manimalayar Rubbers (P) Ltd. for the work of construction.

`The Contract Work' shall mean the above mentioned work in respect of which tenders
are invited by the Notice Inviting Tenders dated 26/07/2017 issued by the Owner.

`Tenderer' shall mean the person or organization submitting a tender in response to the
Notice Inviting Tenders dated 26/07/2017 issued by the Owner for the above mentioned

`Contractor' shall mean the Tenderer whose tender is accepted by the Owner.

`The Contract Amount' shall mean the total amount for which the Contractor has
tendered to execute the contract work.


2.1 The rates tendered for each item and sub-item of the Contract work shall be all
inclusive covering, in addition to all the operations contemplated in the Plans, Detailed
Specifications and Schedule of Quantities issued by the Owner in respect of the Contract
Work, all incidental work necessary for such operations and covering also costs and
expenses in respect of all goods, materials, labour and other services required for
completion thereof.
2.2 The rates tendered as aforesaid shall be firm and without escalation on any account.

2.3 The rates tendered as aforesaid shall be inclusive of all taxes, duties and other levies
whatsoever including but not restricted to all income tax and sales tax, all such taxes,
duties and other levies being the sole liability of the Contractor.

2.4 The contractor should make his own arrangements for the supply of power and
water if required.


3.1 The Contractor shall commence execution of the Contract Work at the Site within
two weeks of the date of communication of acceptance by the Owner of the Contractor's

3.2 Each item and sub-item of the Contract Work shall be completed to the satisfaction
of the Owner within the time specified in the tender of the Contractor and the entire
Contract Work shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Owner within four months
from the date specified in the immediately preceding paragraph for commencement of the
Contract Work at the Site.

3.3 The time specified in the immediately preceeding paragraph for commencement and
completion of the contract/work and each item and sub-item thereof shall be strictly
observed by the Contractor and shall be the essence of the Contract. The Contractor
shall throughout proceed with the contract work with all due diligence and in the event of
delay in commencing or completing the Contract Work or any item or sub-item thereof
beyond the dates specified in that regard aforesaid, the Contractor shall be liable to pay as
compensation one percent of the contract amount or such smaller sum as the Owner may
in their absolute discretion decide for every day of such delay. However such amount
shall not be more than ten percent of the contract amount. The decision of the Owner in
this regard shall be final and binding on the Contractor.

3.4 If the Contractor shall desire an extension of time for commencement or completion
of the Contract Work or any item or sub-item thereof owing to reasons beyond the
Contractor's control, the Contractor shall forthwith apply in writing to the Owner. If the
Owner is satisfied that such request is genuine and reasonable, it may, in its absolute
discretion suitably extend the time in writing. Without such written authority of the
Owner, the Contractor shall not be exempt from the compensation leviable under the
immediately preceding paragraph for delay in commencement or completion of the
Contract Work or any item or sub-item thereof.

3.5 Notwithstanding anything herein contained, in the event of any delay in the
commencement or completion of the contract work or any item or sub item thereof on
account of delay on the part of the Owner to make or cause to be made any arrangements
or to do or cause to be done anything which is a necessary pre-requisite for the
commencement or completion of the contract or the said item or sub-item thereof the
time shall be extended suitably in writing to the extent necessary as decided by the
Owner, provided however that the Contractor shall not have any claim to any payment or
compensation whatsoever on that account.


4.1 The authorized representative of the Owner shall take measurements of all the items
of work done by the Contractor during the previous month in the presence of the
Contractor or his authorized representative. The measurements so taken shall be entered

in a standard Measurement Book by the authorized representative of the Owner and got
countersigned by the Contractor as token of acceptance. The Owner shall have the right
to cross-check such measurements after giving intimation to the Contractor and make
alterations in the measurements, if any, noticed during such cross checking. Such
alterations shall be countersigned by the Contractor. In the event of the Contractor or his
authorized representative failing to attend at the site during such cross checking or failing
to countersign such alterations made in the measurement book within a week of such
measurements, the measurements so altered shall be final and binding on the Contractor
who shall have no right to dispute the same. The Contractor shall within ten days of such
measurements submit to the Owner a bill in duplicate showing full details of the work
done from the commencement of the work up to the end of the previous month and the
work done during the previous month with all details of materials supplied by the Owner.

4.2 Out of the estimated amount payable to the Contractor under the Contract in respect
of work done during the previous month disclosed in the monthly measurement list as
countersigned under the immediately preceding paragraph.
a) The Contractor shall be entitled to receive within twenty days after submission of bill
an amount equal to 90% (ninety per-percent) of such estimated amount less the income
tax, workers' welfare fund and other statutory deductions, if any, thereon at source. All
such intermediate payments shall be regarded as payments on account to be adjusted
against the final bill for the entire Contract Work.
b) To allow a guarantee fund being formed on the part of the Board a deduction of 5%
of all payments to the contractor will be made at the time of each payment. But the
amount of retention money so held plus the security deposit of 5% of the PAC shall
not at any time exceed 7.5% of the contract amount.
c) In the case of materials procured by the contractor for the purpose of the contract
work, no advance will be released.
4.3 The Contractor shall promptly from time to time give sufficient written notice to the
Owner to measure any work which is going to be covered up or otherwise going to be
placed beyond the reach of measurement in order that the correct measurement thereof
may be caused to be taken before the work is so covered up. The Contractor shall not,
except after such measurement and on the written authority of the Owner, so cover up
the work, otherwise, at the option of the Owner, the same shall be uncovered at the
Contractor's cost and expenses.
4.4 On completion of the entire Contract Work, the Contractor shall be furnished with a
certificate of such completion by the Owner but no such certificate shall be given nor
shall the Contract Work be considered to be completed until the Contractor shall have
removed from the site all temporary sheds or structures, if any, all scaffolding, surplus
materials and rubbish and cleaned off the dirt from all works, doors, windows, walls,
floors or other parts of the buildings, structures and premises, not until the Contract
Work shall have been caused to be finally measured by the Owner and the consolidated
measurement list verified, finalized and accepted by the Owner as herein provided. If
the Contractor fails to remove such temporary sheds and structures,scaffolding, surplus
materials and rubbish and to clean off the dirt as aforesaid within a reasonable time of
the work being otherwise completed, the Owner may get this done at the cost and
expense of the Contractor, in which event all rights and claims of the Contractor in
respect of all such sheds, structures, scaffolding and surplus materials shall stand forfeited
in favour of the Owner.

4.5 The Contractor shall, within a month after issue of the certificate of completion of the
Contract Work as aforesaid make out and submit to the Owner, a detailed final bill for
the entire work done by the Contractor based on the consolidated measurement list
certified, finalized and accepted by the Owner as aforesaid. Such final bills shall show the
total amount due to the Contractor in respect of the Contract Work less the amounts
retained by the Owner under paragraph 4.2 (a) above for payment to the Income Tax
Department and other statutory deductions made upon, all amounts already received by
the Contractor and the balance due to the Contractor. Such final bill shall be verified and,
if found correct, countersigned by the Owner. If, on verification, such final bill is found
incorrect in any respect, the Owner shall return the same to the Contractor for necessary
corrections and on receipt of a correct final bill, the same shall be countersigned as
aforesaid. The balance amount due to the Contractor shown in the final bill,
countersigned as aforesaid, less any further amounts that may have to be retained by the
Owner for payment to the Income Tax Department under the Income Tax Act, 1961 and
other statutory deductions shall be retained by the Owner as security to cover the
Contractor's warranty and indemnity obligations under the Contract, but if such amount is
in excess of 5% (five percent) of the total value of the contract disclosed in the final bill
as countersigned, such excess shall be paid to the Contractor within thirty days of the
final bill being countersigned as aforesaid.

4.6 The Contractor shall execute the whole and every part of the Contract Work in the
most substantial and workmanlike manner,both as regards materials and otherwise, in
every respect in strict accordance with the Plans, Detailed Specifications and Schedule of
Quantities. The Contractor shall also conform exactly, fully and faithfully to the
approved drawings and designs and instructions, if any, issued by the Owner and/or the
Consultant. Notwithstanding anything herein contained, no items or sub-items of the
Contract Work shall be paid for unless executed in a sound and thorough manner and
fully in accordance with the Plans, Detailed Specifications and Schedule of Quantities,
and in the event of any such item or sub-items as is not in accordance with such Plans,
Specifications and Schedule of Quantities being passed and paid for inadvertently, it shall
nevertheless be competent for the Owner to strike the same out of the account and to
recover the payment made therefore at any future time by adjustment or otherwise.

4.7 Notwithstanding anything herein contained the Owner shall have the right to require
the Contractor, to alter, remove, reconstruct, or re-erect any part of the Contract Work
which, in the opinion of the Owner (such opinion being final) does not conform in all
respects to the Plans, Detailed Specifications and Schedule of Quantities or is bad,
unsound or is of imperfect or unskilled workmanship or materials. Such right of the
Owner may be exercised at any stage, whether before or after issue of the Certificate of
Completion or payment. The Contractor shall promptly on being required to do so, carry
out such alteration, removal, reconstruction or re-erection and the Contractor shall not be
entitled to any compensation whatsoever therefor.

4.8 Measurement in respect of the Contract Work or any item or sub-item thereof shall
be strictly in accordance with the applicable provisions in the Standard Data Book of the
Public Works Department of the Government as amended or substituted from time to
time which provisions shall be binding on the Owner and the Contractor.


5.1 The Owner shall have power, to make any alteration in, omissions from, additions
to, or substitutions for the original Plans, Detailed Specifications and Schedule of
Quantities and Drawings, designs and instructions issued, that may appear to be
necessary or advisable during the progress of the Contract Work and the Contractor shall
be bound to carry out the work as so directed and such alterations, omissions, additions
or substitutions shall not invalidate this Contract or entitle the Contractor to any
compensation whatsoever. Any altered, additional or substituted work which the
Contractor may be instructed to do in the manner above specified as part of the Contract
Work shall be carried out by the Contractor on the same conditions in all respects on
which he agreed to do the Contract Work originally and at the same rates as are specified
in the Contractor's tender. If however, the altered, additional or substituted work includes
any class of work for which no rate was quoted in the Contractor's tender, the Contractor
shall carry out the same at the KPWD schedule of rates as on the date of tender or in
cases where such rates are not available at the rates mutually agreed upon between the
owner and the contractor, within where such works are based on the KPWD rates the
contractors percentage will be applicable. In the event of any such alteration, addition or
substitution being required to be made, the time for completion of the Contract Work
shall be extended suitably to the extent necessary as decided by the Owner.

5.2 If at any time after the commencement of the Contract Work, the Owner for any
reason whatsoever does not require any unexecuted part of the Contract Work to be
carried out, the Owner shall intimate the Contractor, accordingly in writing. The
Contractor, shall have no claim to any payment or compensation whatsoever on that


6.1 The Contract Work shall at all times and stages be open to the inspection and
supervision of the Owner.

6.2 Either the Contractor or the authorized representative of the Contractor shall be
present at the site at all reasonable times while the Contract Work is in progress to ensure
the proper and timely progress of the Contract Work and shall also be present when
notified in writing by the Owner to facilitate inspection.

6.3 All orders and instructions given to the Contractor or to the Contractor's authorized
representative by the Owner or their authorised representatives, at the time of inspection
or otherwise, and confirmed in writing shall be fully adhered to and given effect to by the

6.4 The Contracor shall furnish free of charge all labour, tools and materials required for
insepction and measurement of the Contract Work from time to time by the Owner in
default whereof the costs and expenses in such inspection or measurement shall be to the
account of the Contractor.

6.5 Subject to the other provisions of the Contract, the Owner shall from time to time
make available to the Contractor such portion or portions of site as may be required to

enable the Contractor to commence, continue and complete the Contract Work and each
item and sub-item thereof within the time stipulated therefore in the Contract. In the
event of any delay in this respect on the part of the Owner, the Contractor will be entitled
for a corresponding extension of time for commencement/completion of the Contract
Work or the concerned item or sub item, thereof.

6.6 All fossils, coins, articles of value or antiquity and structures and other remains or
things of geological or archeological interest discovered on the site of the works shall as
between the Owner and the Contractor be deemed to be the absolute property of the
Owner and the Contractor shall take reasonable precautions to prevent his workmen or
any other persons from removing or damaging any such article or thing and shall
immediately upon discovery thereof and before removal acquaint the Owner's
representative of such discovery and carry out at the expense of the Contractor, the
Owner's orders as to the disposal of the same.


7.1 Employment of all workmen, staff and officers either directly or indirectly, for
execution of the contract work and all payments by way of remuneration or otherwise
and provision of amenities to them shall be the absolute responsibility of the Contractor.
The Owner shall have no responsibility whatsoever for employment of or payment to any
such persons or for providing them with any amenities. However, in the event of the
Owner having to incur any expenditure on this account or having to provide any
amenities, the Contractor shall forthwith on demand reimburse to the Owner all such
expenditure or the value of all such amenities, failing which the Owner shall be entitled to
recover the same from the Contractor by adjustment towards amounts payable to the
Contractor or otherwise.

7.2 The Contractor shall pay to all labour and staff employed, whether directly or
indirectly and whether at time rates or piece rates, the prescribed minimum wages or the
wages prescribed by the Public Works Department for the district in which the Contract
Work is done, whichever is higher.

7.3 The Contractor shall, in respect of all labour employed whether directly or indirectly,
in connection with the Contract Work comply with or cause to be complied with "The
Public Works Department Contractor's Labour Regulations", " The Public Works
Department Safety Code" and "The Model Rules for the protection of health and sanitary
arrangements for workers employed by the Public Works Department or its Contractors".
The aforesaid Regulations, Code and Rules as amended from time to time shall be
deemed to form part of the Contract and any breach thereof shall be deemed to be a
breach of the Contract.
7.4 The Contractor shall remove from the Contract Work any person who may be
objected to by the Owner for any reason whatsoever.


8.1 The Contractor shall, at his own cost and expenses, obtain all plant, machinery,
tools and implements, and all materials and things whatsoever including water and
electricity required for the proper and timely execution of the Contract Work and shall be

responsible for the transport of the same to and from the site. The Contractor shall also
provide at the Contractor's own cost and expenses all necessary fencing and lights and
take all precautions required to avoid accidents. The Contractor shall at his own cost and
expenses (including payments of any royalties or fees) obtain all required licenses,
permissions and other authorities if any. If the Owner is obliged to pay such royalty or
fees or to meet any such costs or expenses, the same shall, forthwith on demand be
reimbursed to the Owner by the Contractor, failing which the Owner may recover the
same in any manner including by deductions from amounts due to the Contractor. The
Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Owner and all its officers and
employees from and against all claims from any person in respect of injuries or damages
sustained owing to the Contractor's neglect to take sufficient precautions as aforesaid or
to obtain the required licenses, permissions and authorities as aforesaid.

8.2 The Contractor may stock all such materials and things as are required for the proper
and timely execution of the Contract Work at the site in properly erected structures
where necessary. The Owner does not, however, assume any responsibility for the safe
keeping of any such things. All risks in respect of all materials and things so stocked by
the Contractor or used by the Contractor in execution of the Contract Work shall be that
of the Contractor until the contract work is completed as herein provided and handed
over to the Owner and all insurance in respect of such materials and things shall be on the
Contractor's account.

8.3 The Contractor shall on demand forthwith remove from the site all materials and
things which in the opinion of the Owner is unsound or of bad or inferior quality or not
fully in accordance with the Detailed Specifications and Schedule of Quantities and shall
immediately provide suitable replacements therefore.


Neither the Contract nor any part thereof shall be assigned by the Contractor. Nor shall
the Contract or any part thereof be got done by the Contractor under sub-contract except
with the prior written permission of the Owner. Permission of the Owner as aforesaid will
not however, be withheld in respect of the electrification and water supply work under
the Contract.


10.1 The Contractor hereby warranties that the Contract Work and each item and sub
item thereof shall be of sound and thorough construction of the highest standard and does
hereby agree to indemnify and keep indemnified the Owner from and against all loss or
damage that may be caused to the Owner on account of a breach of the Contractor's

10.2 The Contractor shall ensure that all relevant laws and regulations are strictly
complied with by the Contractor, sub contractors, if any, and their respective agents and
employees and shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Owner and its officers, agents
and employees from and against all claims and proceedings in respect of any non-
compliance with any such laws or regulations. The Contractor shall also indemnify and
keep indemnified the Owner and its officers, agents and employees from and against all

claims and proceedings arising out of anything done or omitted to be done by the
Contractor, or sub-contractor, their respective agents or employees, in relation to the

10.3 The Earnest Money Deposit of the Contractor together with the amounts retained
by the Owner under paragraph 4.2 (b) above, shall be treated as security for the proper
and timely completion of the contract work and each item and sub-item thereof and
thereafter the said earnest money deposit together with the amount retained by the Owner
under paragraph 4.5 above shall be treated as security to cover the Contractor's Warranty
and indemnity obligation under the contract.

10.4 Any damages payable under the Contract by the Contractor shall be recoverable by
the Owner by appropriation from such amounts or otherwise and in the event of such
appropriation the Contractor shall forthwith replace the amount so appropriated, in
default whereof the Contractor shall be treated as in breach of the Contract.

10.5 The Earnest Money Deposit of the Contractor and the amount retained by the
Owner as security as aforesaid, or such part thereof as may then remain outstanding, shall
be repaid to the Contractor, but without interest, after the expiry of one year from the
date of issue of the certificate of completion by the Owner as herein provided.

10.6 The Contractor shall at his own cost and expense, before commencing with the
Contract Work, take out the necessary insurance policy or policies to fully cover any
damage, loss or injury that may be caused to any persons (including employees of the
Owner) in connection with the execution of the Contract Work. Such insurance shall be
kept alive until the Contract Work is satisfactorily completed in accordance with the
Contract, and the policy or policies of insurance as well as the relevant receipts
evidencing payment by the Contractor of the premium or premia in respect thereof shall
be produced for inspection on demand made from time to time by the Owner. The
Contractor shall also, if so required by the Owner during the life of the Contract, enhance
the insured sum under such policy or policies.


11.1 Notwithstanding anything herein contained, if the Contractor commits any breach
of any of its obligations under the Contract, the Owner shall give notice in writing to the
Contractor and in case the Contractor fails, within seven days of receipt thereof to rectify
the same or to satisfy the Owner that effective steps have been taken to rectify the same,
the Owner may without further obligation and without prejudice to any of its other rights
and remedies, forthwith terminate the Contract and its further operation wholly or in

11.2 Notwithstanding anything herein contained, the Owner shall also have the right, to
terminate the Contract and its further operation wholly or in part by giving the
Contractor one month's notice in writing.

11.3 In the event of the Contract being terminated under either of the conditions of the
immediately preceding paragraphs, all items and sub-items of the Contract Work already
executed including materials used therein shall be deemed to have become the absolute

property of the Owner and Owner shall be at liberty to cause the remaining part of the
Contract Work to be completed by retendering the same or otherwise as the Owner may,
in its absolute discretion, decide and the Contractor shall, if the Contract is terminated
under paragraph 11.1 above, be liable to the Owner in respect of all additional cost and
expenses that may have to be incurred by the Owner for so completing the Contract
Work or part thereof, in addition to the Contractor's liability to compensate the Owner
for delay under clause 3.3 herein.

11.4 In the event of the contract being terminated in any of the circumstances mentioned
above, or in the event of any part of the Contract being given up, the Contractor shall be
entitled to recover or be paid only for the items or sub-items of the Contract Work
actually executed under the Contract fully in accordance with the plans, Detailed
Specifications and Schedule of Quantities, as certified by the Owner. The provisions of
clause 4 herein regarding certification of completion of the Contract Work shall apply to
certification under this clause for work actually executed in so far as they are applicable.
Further, in such event, the Contractor shall have no claim whatsoever to any
compensation for any loss sustained by the Contractor by reasons of having purchased or
procured any materials or entered into any agreements or made any advances on account
of or with a view to the execution of the Contract Work or the performance of the

11.5 Termination of the Contract shall not prejudice or affect the rights of the Contractor
or the Owner under the Contract which may have accrued prior to such termination.

11.6 Neither the Owner, nor the Contractor shall be considered in default in the
performance of their obligation under the Contract so long as such performance is
prevented or delayed on account of reasons beyond their control.

12. Except as is herein expressly provided, the Contract may not be released,
discharged, abandoned, changed, renewed, extended or modified in any manner
except by agreement of the Contractor and the Owner in writing.


Interpretations/clarifications regarding the terms, conditions and any other matter relating
to this contract shall be referred by either party of the contract to the Chairman, Rubber
Board, whose decisions shall be final and binding on the Owner and the Contractor.


The courts within the District of Kottayam in the state of Kerala will have jurisdiction
over any dispute or claim arising out of or relating to the contract.


Any written notice or request with reference to the Contract shall be by letter or telegram
directed by one party to the other at the respective addresses given below or at such
other addresses as such party shall have specified in writing.


Important Note:

1. Abbreviations used

M/m - Metre MM/mm - milli metre

M2 - Square metre T - Metric tonne
M - Cubic metre KG - Kilogram

2. For schedule A items quote on percentage basis. Item rate may be quoted for
schedule B items. Tender excess is not applicable for schedule B items.
3. This Schedule is prepared as per DSR 2016 with cost index for Kottayam District

4. The quantities shown are only approximate and are subject to deletion of variations
(Plus or minus) as required at the time of execution of work and decided by the Owner.
16. Materials supplied by the owner – Nil.

The Managing Director,

Manimalayar Rubbers (P)
Vadavathoor P.O,

1. The special conditions enumerated here are in addition to the general condition of
contract, latest publication of Kerala PW.D specifications and relevant Indian standards.

2. Contractor shall be required to lay out the work and provide at his own cost materials
and labour for the same and shall be entirely responsible for the perfect laying out,
correctness of level, dimensions, alignments etc. If at any time any error shall appear to
any part of the work, the contractor shall at his own cost, rectify such errors to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge.

3. Before the work commences, the contractor must submit to the Engineer one sample of
all materials for approval.

4. Unless otherwise stated, the specifications for the various items of work shall strictly
conform to the latest publications of KPWD specifications for works and relevant Indian
standards. In case the KPWD specification for any items of work is not applicable then
specification to be followed will be laid down by the Managing Director on the basis of
ISI code of practice or other accepted standards.

5 . All concrete work should conform to ISI code of practice for plain and reinforced
concrete. Placing of concrete shall always be done on the presence of the Engineer-in-
charge. No concreting shall commence before inspection and approved by Engineer-in-
a) Periodical tests will have to be carried out by the contractor at his own cost in order
to maintain uniform quality of work.
b) The design mix shall have to be brought by the contractor duly designed by a
recognized laboratory at his own cost.

6. All reinforcing bars shall be tested steel, free from dust, paint, grease, oil flocking rust
and other destroyers of bond and must conform ISI specifications.

7. All the formwork shall have to be got approved by the Engineer-in-charge before their
use and must be so designed and constructed the leakage of mortar does not occur.

8. The contractor shall make arrangements at his own cost for dewatering of foundation
excavation during the construction stage if any.

9. Any approaches to which the tenderer may consider necessary for the execution of the
work, the contractor will have to be made and maintained at his own cost and no extra
payment or compensation there of shall be payable to him on this account.

10. Mode of measurements for various items of work shall be as specified in the latest
KPWD specifications or as per Indian Standards.
11. Materials to be considered for releasing material advance - Nil

12. Theoretical unit weight per meter length will be considered for measurement of
reinforcement bars.
13 All concrete shall be machine mixed and vibrated unless specially permitted by the

14. Considering the financial availability, owner may delete any of the work tendered and
the contractor will not have any additional claim on account of this.



Sl. No. Details To be furnished by the Contractor

1 Name & Address of the applicant / firm

2 PAN No. and GST No.

3 Type of Organization & year of


4 Correspondence address with contact

persons name, telephone number, mobile
number etc.

5 Turnover of the company. Please provide FY 2014-15:-

the details for the last 3 years.
( If required details in separate sheet may FY 2015-16:-
be enclosed)
FY 2016-17:-
(Contractors to attach relevant proofs)
6 Number of works executed involving
Supply, Fabrication & erection of steel
structure during the last 5 years for any
Central or State Govt. organization /
Departments or for any PSBs / PSUs /
PSEs / Private Organizations of repute.
(Contractors to mention works / projects
to fulfill the minimum project values
stipulated in the tender bid towards the
pre-qualification criterion. If required
details in separate sheet may be enclosed)

(Contractors to attach relevant proofs in

support of their executed works)

7 Whether Annexure-II is filled up with Yes/No

full particulars
8 Other information that the applicant
might like to give in support of the

Signature of Tenderer


List of works executed during last 5 years for any Central or State Govt. Organization / Departments or for any PSB / PSU / PSE / Reputed
Private Organizations: -

One similar project work mainly involving Steel Structural and Roofing works for a project value not less than ₹ 18.00 Lakhs
Two similar project works mainly involving Steel Structural and Roofing works for a project value not less than ₹ 12.00 Lakhs
Three similar project works mainly involving Steel Structural and Roofing works for a project value not less than ₹ 6.00 Lakhs

** Relevant supporting documents to be enclosed in support of the above submissions.

If required, details in separate sheet may be enclosed.

Signature of Tenderer




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