Sales of Goods Act

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Sales of Goods Act, 1930

• The law relating to sale and purchase of goods, prior to 1930
were dealt by the Indian Contract Act, 1872.
• In 1930, Sections 76 to 123 of the Contract Act was repealed and
a separate Act known as the Sale of Goods Act, 1930 was passed.
• The Act came into force on 1 July, 1930
• It extends to the whole of India, except Jammu & Kashmir.
• This act covers only moveable property only

• A contract of sale of goods is a contract whereby the seller
transfers or agrees to transfer the property in goods to the
buyer for a price.
• Contract of sale is made when there is an offer to buy or sell
goods for a price and the acceptance of such offer is also there.
• It can be made in writing or by word of mouth, or partly in
writing and partly by mouth.
• The term contract of sale is a generic term, which includes:
(a) Sale and
(b) Agreement to sell

 Where under a contract of sale, the property
(ownership) in the goods is transferred from the
seller to the buyer, it is called a sale.
 Thus, sale takes place when there is a transfer of
ownership in goods from the seller to the buyer.
 A sale is an executed contract
Agreement to sell
 Agreement to sell means a contract of sale under
which the transfer of property in goods is to take
place at a future date or subject to some
conditions thereafter to be fulfilled
Sale Agreement to Sell

 A sale is an executed contract • It is an executory contract

 Since the ownership has passed • In case of breach, the seller can
to the buyer, the seller can sue only sue for damages, unless the
the buyer for the price of the price was payable at a stated
goods, if the latter makes a date.
default in payment
 In case of loss of goods, the loss • The loss in this case shall be borne
will fall on the buyer, even by the seller, even though the
though the goods are in the goods are in the possession of the
possession of the seller. It is buyer
because the risk is associated
with ownership
 In case the buyer pays the price • In this case, the buyer cannot
and the seller thereafter claim the goods, but only a
becomes insolvent, the buyer rateable dividend for the money
can claim the goods from the paid
official receiver or assignee as
the case may be
• Bilateral Contract
• Money Consideration
• Goods
• Transfer of Property
• Essential Elements of a Contract

1. There must be at least two parties: a sale has to be
bilateral because the property in goods has to pass
from one person to another. The seller and the buyer
must be different persons.

2. Transfer or agreement to transfer the ownership of

goods: In a contract of sale, it is the ownership that is
transferred (in the case of sale), or agreed to be
transferred (in the case of agreement to sell), as against
transfer of mere possession.
3. The subject matter of the contract must necessarily be
goods: the sale of immovable property is not covered
under Sale of Goods Act.

4. Price is the consideration of the contract of sale: the

consideration in a contract of sale has necessarily to be
‘money’, (i.e. the legal tender money). If for instance,
goods are offered as the consideration for goods, it will
not amount to sale. It will be called a barter. Where
goods are sold for a definite sum and the price is paid
partly in terms of valued up of goods and partly in cash,
that is sale. These are known as part-exchange
contracts. To sum-up: the Act applies only when the
buyer pays by cash (or by cheque, credit card, etc).
Payment by installments: in the case of sale of goods,
the parties may agree that the price will be payable by
5. All other essentials of a valid contract as per the
Indian Contract Act, 1872 must be present: the parties
to the contract must be competent of contract, the
consent of the parties must be free, the object of the
contract must be lawful and so on.
Goods & their classification
• ‘Goods’ means every kind of movable property, other
than actionable claims and money; and includes
stocks and shares, growing crops, grass and things
attached to or forming part of the land which are
agreed to be severed before sale or under the
contract of sale.

• Trademarks, patents, copyright, goodwill, water, gas,

electricity are all goods.

• In general, it is only the movables that form goods.

• The term goods excludes money
• Money itself cannot be subject of a sale
• The actionable claims are things which a person
cannot make use of, but which can be claimed by
him by means of a legal action
• Actionable Claim example: A borrows Rs. 5000/-
from B at 12% per annum interest on 1st April, 2006
and promises to pay back the amount with interest
on 1st July, 2006. Till 1st July, 2006, the debt is an
accruing debt and is an actionable claim.
Classification of goods
Goods may be classified as:
1. Existing
2. Future
3. Contingent

Existing goods are those which are owned or possessed

by the seller at the time of the contract. Instances of
goods possessed but not owned by the seller are sales
by agents.
Existing goods may be either:
a) Specific or ascertained
b) Generic and unascertained

Specific goods means goods identified and agreed

upon at the time a contract of sale is made

Ascertained goods, though normally used as synonym

for specific goods may be intended to include goods
which have become ascertained subsequently to the
formation of the contract
Generic or unascertained goods are goods indicated by
description and not specifically identified

Example: Anthony, who owns a TV showroom, has

20 TV sets and agrees to sell any one of them to
Bharti. The contract is for unascertained goods, since
which particular TV set shall become the subject
matter of sale is not individualised at the time of the
contract of sale.
Future goods means goods to be manufactured or
produced or acquired by the seller after making the
contract of sale

Example: farmer agrees to sell future crop of a

particular agricultural field in the next season. This is
an agreement to sell future goods
Contingent goods are the goods the acquisition of
which by the seller depends upon a contingency which
may or may not happen. Contingent goods is a part of
future goods

Example: Alka agrees to sell to Vivek a certain

painting only if Chetan, its present owner sells it to
her. This painting is classified as contingent goods
Effect of perishing of goods
• Section 7 and 8 deal with the effect of perishing of goods on
the rights and obligations of the parties to a contract of sale.

• Under these sections the word perishing means not only

physical destruction of the goods but it also covers:

– Damage to goods so that the goods have ceased to exist in

the commercial sense, ie, their merchantable character as
such has been lost, eg, where cement is spoiled by water
and becomes almost stone or where sugar becomes
sharbat and thus are unsaleable as cement or sugar
– Loss of goods by theft
– Where the goods have been lawfully requisitioned by the
• It may also be mentioned that it is only the perishing of
specific and ascertained goods that affects a contract of sale
• Where unascertained goods form the subject matter of a
contract of sale, their perishing does not affect the contract
and the seller is bound to supply the goods from wherever he
likes, otherwise be liable for breach of contract
Where A agrees to sell 10 dozen of eggs to B out of 100
dozens lying in his shop and the eggs are completely
destroyed due to any circumstance, the contract does not
become void. A must supply 10 dozen of eggs after
purchasing them from the market or pay damages for the
1. Perishing of specific goods at or before making of the contract
(Sec 7)
(i) In case of the perishing of the ‘whole’ of goods: Where
specific goods form the subject-matter of a contract of
sale (both actual sale and agreement to sell), and they ,
without the knowledge of the seller , perish at or before
the time of the contract , the agreement is void .This
provision is based either on the ground of mutual
mistake as to a matter of fact essential to the agreement ,
or on the ground of impossibility of performance, both of
which render an agreement void.

ILLUSTRATION. (a) A sold to B a specific cargo of goods

supposed to be on its way from England to Bombay. It
turned out, however , that before the day of the bargain,
the ship conveying the cargo had been cast away and the
goods were lost. Neither party was aware of the fact. The
agreement was held to be void.
(ii) In case of perishing of only ‘a part’ of the goods: where in a
contract for the sale of specific goods, only part of the goods
are destroyed or damaged, the effect of perishing will depend
upon whether the contract is entire or divisible.

• If it is entire (i.e. indivisible) and part only of the goods has

perished, the contract is void. If the contract is divisible, it will
not be void and the part available in good condition must be
accepted by the buyer.
2. Perishing of specific goods before sale but after agreement
to sell (sec.8).

Where there is an agreement to sell specific goods, and

subsequently the goods , without any fault on the part of the
seller or buyer, perish before the risk passes to the buyer, the
agreement is thereby avoided, i.e., the contract of sale
becomes void, and both parties are excused from
performance of the contract.

(a) A buyer took a horse on a trial for 8 days on condition that if

found suitable for his purpose the bargain would become
absolute. The horse died on the 3rd day without any fault of
either party. Held, contract, which was in the from of an
agreement to sell, becomes void and the seller should bear
the loss.

(b) A, had contracted to erect machinery on M’s premises, the

price to be paid on completion. During the course of the work,
there was a fire which completely destroyed premises and the
machinery. It was held that both parties were excused from
further performance and A was not entitled to any payment
as the price was payable on the completion of entire work.
Conditions & Warranties (Sec. 11-17)
• In a contract of sale, parties make certain stipulations, i.e., agree to
certain terms regarding the quality of the goods, the price and the
mode of its payment, the delivery of goods and its time and place
• All stipulations cannot be treated on the same footing
• Some may be intended by the parties to be of a fundamental
nature, eg. Quality of the goods to be supplied, the breach of which
therefore will be regarded as a breach of the contract
• Some may be intended by the parties to be binding, but of a
subsidiary or inferior character, eg., time of payment, so that a
breach of these terms will not put an end to the contract but will
make the party committing the breach liable to damages
• The former stipulations are called ‘conditions’ and the latter
Stipulations as to time
Stipulations as to time in a contract of sale fall under the following
two heads:
1. Stipulation relating to time of delivery of goods
2. Stipulation relating to time of payment of the price

As regards the time fixed for the delivery of goods, time is usually
held to be the essence of the contract’. Thus if time is fixed for
delivery of the goods and the seller makes a delay, the contract is
voidable at the option of the buyer. In case of late delivery,
therefore, the buyer may refuse to accept the delivery and may put
an end to the contract.
As regards the time fixed for the payment of the price, the general
rule is that ‘time is not deemed to be the essence of the contract’,
unless a different intention appears from the terms of the contract
(sec. 11). Thus even if the price is not paid as agreed, the seller
cannot avoid the contract on that account. He has to deliver the
goods if the buyer tenders the price within reasonable time before
resale of the goods. The seller may, however, claim compensation
for the loss occasioned to him by the buyer’s failure to pay on the
appointed day.
• Sec. 12(2) defines a ‘condition’ as, ‘a stipulation essential to the
main purpose of the contract, the breach of which gives rise to a
right to treat the contract as repudiated’ (denied),
• Sec 12(3) defines a ‘warranty’ as, ‘stipulation collateral to the main
purpose of the contract, the breach of which gives rise to claim for
damages but not to a right to reject the goods and treat the
contract as repudiated’ .
• The effect of a breach of a ‘condition’ is to give the aggrieved party
a right to treat the contract repudiated, i.e., if price has been paid,
the buyer can claim the refund of price plus damages for breach
• In case of breach of ‘warranty’, only damages can be claimed, i.e.,
the buyer must accept the goods and claim damages for the breach
of warranty
• Whether a stipulation in a contract of sale is a ‘condition’ or a
‘warranty’ depends in each case on the construction of the contract
• A stipulation may be a condition though called a warranty in a
contract [sec. 12(4)]
Example: 1
Kaushal asks a dealer to supply him a shirt which would not shrink
after use and wash. The dealer supplies a shirt which shrinks after use
and wash. Kaushal can reject the shirt or keep the shirt and claim
damages. Here the stipulation to supply a shirt which would not shrink
after use and wash is a condition.

Now if Kaushal buys a particular shirt which is warranted by the dealer

to be one which would not shrink after use and wash and the shirt
does shrink after use and wash, Kaushal’s only remedy is to claim
Example: 2
A man buys a particular horse which is warranted quiet to ride and
drive. If the horse turns out to be vicious, the buyer’s only remedy is to
claim damages. But if instead of buying a particular horse, a man asks a
dealer to supply him with a quiet horse and the dealer supplies him
with a vicious one, the stipulation is a condition, and the buyer can
return the horse and can also claim damages for breach of contract

The illustrations are a clear proof of the fact that an exactly similar
term may be a condition in one contract and a warranty in another
depending upon the construction of the contract as a whole
Condition & Warranty Distinguished
1. As to value:
A condition is a stipulation which is essential to the main
purpose of the contract, whereas a warranty is a stipulation
which is collateral to the main purpose of the contract.

2. As to breach:
The breach of a condition gives the aggrieved party the
right to repudiate the contract and also to claim damages.

3. As to treatment:
A breach of condition may be treated as a breach of
warranty. But a breach of warranty cannot be treated as a
breach of condition.
Caveat Emptor
• Let the “buyer be aware”
• A warning that notifies a buyer that the goods he or
she is buying are "as is," or subject to all defects.
• When a sale is subject to this warning the purchaser
assumes the risk that the product might be either
defective or unsuitable to his or her needs.
This rule is not designed to shield sellers who engage
in Fraud or bad faith dealing by making false or
misleading representations about the quality or
condition of a particular product.
• It merely summarizes the concept that a purchaser m
ust examine, judge, and test the product
considered for purchase himself or herself.
Duties of the buyer
• Duty to accept the goods and pay for them in exchange
of possession.
• Duty to apply for delivery of goods.
• Duty to demand delivery at a reasonable hour.
• Duty to accept installment delivery and pay for it.
• Duty to take risk of deterioration in the course of
• Duty to intimate the seller where he rejects the goods.
• Duty to take delivery.
• Duty to pay the price.
• 29 Duty to pay damages for non-acceptance.
Unpaid Seller
The seller of goods is deemed to be an "unpaid" seller –
• when the whole of the price has not been paid or
tendered; or
• when a bill of exchange or other negotiable
instruments has been received as conditional payment
• the conditions has not been fulfilled by reason of the
dis honour of the instrument or otherwise. [Sec 45(1)]

Rights of Unpaid Seller
• Notwithstanding that the property in the goods
may have passed to the buyer, the unpaid seller,
has, by implication of law-
a) a lien on the goods for price while he is in
possession of them;
b) in case of insolvency of the buyer a right of
stopping the goods in transit; and
c) a right of resale. [Sec 45(1)]

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