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Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (2014), 13 (1): 299-304 Copyright © 2014 by School of Pharmacy

Received: April 2012 Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health Services
Accepted: November 2013

Original Article

Vaginal Versus Sublingual Misoprostol for Labor Induction at

Term and Post Term: a Randomized Prospective Study

Sedigheh Ayatia, Fatemeh Vahidroodsaria*, Farnoosh Farshidib,

Masoud Shahabianc and Monavar Afzal Aghaeed

Women᾽s Health Research Center, Ghaem Hospital, Mashhad University of Medical
Sciences, Mashhad, Iran. bObstetrics Gynecologist, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences,
Mashhad, Iran. cMashhad University of Medical Sciences, Cardio-Vascular Research Center,
Mashhad, Iran. dDepartment of Medicosocial, Biostatics Unit, Mashhad University of Medical
Sciences, Mashhad, Iran.


We want to compare the efficacy and safety of vaginal versus sublingual misoprostol for
cervical ripening and induction of labor. This randomized clinical trial was performed on 140
women with medical or obstetric indications for labor induction. The patients were randomly
divided into two groups: vaginal and sublingual administration of misoprostol. In first group,
25 µg misoprostol was placed in the posterior fornix of the vagina and second group received
25 µg misoprostol sublingually, every 6 hours for 24 h. Maternal and neonatal outcomes were
analyzed. There was no significant difference in the demographic characteristics between two
groups. The main indication for cesarean section in both groups was fetal distress, followed
by absence of active labor progress. Evaluation of cesarean indication was not significantly
different in two groups; including fetal distress, absence of active labor, uterine over activity and
failure to progress. The maternal complication in sublingual group included residual placenta
(2%), tachysystole (2%), vomiting (12%), atoni (3.3%) and abdominal pain (5.5%), although
there was no significant difference between two groups. Sublingual misoprostol is as effective
as vaginal misoprostol for induction of labor at term. However, sublingual misoprostol has the
advantage of easy administration and may be more suitable than vaginal misoprostol.

Keywords: Induction of labor; Misoprostol; Vaginal; Sublingual.

Introduction cervix ripening including mechanical with

osmotic dilators (4) or balloon catheters (5),
Induction of labor is usually performed when and biochemical with prostaglandins (6),
the risks of continuing pregnancy are higher antiprogestins (7), or nitric oxide donors (8).
than the benefits of delivery (1-3). Undoubtedly, Among many proper methods for cervical
uterine cervical tissue ripening or its softening ripening, there is still no agreement on which
has a close relationship with success rate of method is the best for labor induction of cases
delivery. with unripe cervix.
There are several effective methods for Among prostaglandins, Misoprostol (PGE1)
is widely used for «induction of labor» and
* Corresponding author: cervical ripening (9-11). Cervical ripening occurs
E-mail: [email protected] by the activation of prostaglandin E2 receptor.
Ayati S et al. / IJPR (2014), 13 (1): 299-304

The most effective therapy for peptic ulcer is prostaglandin, temperature > 38 °C, previous
still unknown and prompts people to make great cesarean delivery or other uterine surgery,
efforts to find better and more modern natural placenta previa, chorioamnionitis, vaginal
or synthetic agents (12). The prostaglandin E1 bleeding, fetal distress, need to immediate
analogue (Misoprostol), synthetic 15 deoxxy-16 delivery, macrosomy, and polyhydroamnios
hydroxy-16-methyl is administrated for peptic were excluded from the study.
ulcers therapy (9) (suppressed prostaglandin) The women were randomly divided into two
used for cervical ripening and labor induction groups: 50 cases in vaginal misoprostol group
as well. Due to finding the Misoprostol, a (group 1) and 90 cases in sublingual misoprostol
relatively cheap and stable substance at room group (group 2). The sample size was calculated
temperature without need to refrigeration for with NCSS software (Power = 80%, Alpha
storage, like the other prostaglandins, with good = 0.05). The method of randomization was
proven efficacies, recently it is frequently used simple randomization. At first, all conditions
in obstetrics and gynecology for termination of the study were completely explained for
of pregnancy, especially at third trimester the women; if written informed consent was
(13). However, some major complications are obtained, they were entered to the study. This
reported after administration of high doses of study was approved by the Ethics Committee of
misoprostol, likewise uterine hyperstimulation Mashhad University of Medical Sciences.
and rupture (14). Vaginal and sublingual After randomization, for women in group 1,
misoprostol have a rapid onset action, due to 25 µg misoprostol was placed in the posterior
their prolonged activity and bioavailability fornix of the vagina; and women in group 2
(11). A sublingual dose of 50 mg every 4 h in received 25 µg misoprostol sublingually. In each
most of cases, induce vaginal delivery within 24 group, if needed, prescription was repeated up to
hours and compared to an equivalent oral dose, 6 doses every 4 hours and vaginal examination
less oxytocin augmentation is required (15,16). was performed every 4 hours (18); if uterine
However, the previous studies found few contractions did not begin, the patient received
significant differences among the effectiveness another dose. In the presence of spontaneous
of different doses of the Misoprostol, oral, and frequent contractions (duration of at least
vaginal or sublingual (17). So this study is 40-50 seconds every 3 min), the next dose was
performed to compare the efficacy and safety of not administered. If the patient did not enter into
vaginal versus sublingual misoprostol with four active labor (active labor: cervical dilatation of
hours interval for six doses for cervical ripening 3 to 5 cm or more in the presence of uterine
and induction of labor. contractions; latent phase: when the mother
perceives regular contractions and usually ends
Experimental at between 3 and 5 cm of dilatation (19)) 4-h after
the last dose of misoprostol, she was diagnosed
This randomized clinical trial was conducted as failed induction and oxytocin infusion was
on 140 pregnant women who were admitted at used. All data were gathered prospectively and
Department of Obstetrics, Mashhad University recorded. Maternal demographic characteristics
of Medical Sciences during September 2007 to (maternal age, gestational age, parity, mode of
March 2008. delivery, first Bishop Score, neonatal Apgar
Inclusion criteria were gestational age> score) were recorded for two groups and then
37 weeks on the basis of last menstrual period were compared. The indication for induction
(LMP) or ultra-sonography at first trimester, need and important outcomes of labor were recorded
to pregnancy termination due to fetal or maternal for each patient. During intervention, each
indication, Bishop score < 7, gestational diabetes patient was assessed for possible outcomes.
mellitus, singleton pregnancy, reassuring fetal Tachysystole was defined as the presence of at
heart rate tracing, cephalic presentation, low- least five uterine contractions in two consecutive
located placenta, and mild preeclampsia. 10-min periods. Hyperstimulation syndrome
Any cases of hypersensitivity to was defined as tachysystole and/or hypertonus

Vaginal Versus Sublingual Misoprostol for Labor Induction at Term and

Table 1. Demographic characteristics of patients in both groups.

Item Sublingual Group Vaginal Group p-value
Maternal Age( year) 24.65±4.42 24.34±4.05 0.67
Parity 1.53±.86 1.36±.63 0.20
Indication for Induction
Post term 40(%43.5) 21(%42) 0.26
Oligihydraminios 6(%6.5) 5(%10) 0.82
PROM 29(%31.5) 18(%36) 0.15
Mild Preeclampsia 1(%1.1) 1(%2) 0.66
Mild HTN 0(%0) 2 (%4) 0.05
Loss motion 15(%17) 18(%36) 0.34
Gestational Age (weeks) 39.70±1.88 39.80±1.49 0.74
Bishop score 3.47±1.68 2.72±1.32 0.021

on cardiotocography, with fetal heart rate (FHR) termination of pregnancy were selected during
alterations such as bradycardia (FHR < b110 the study procedure, 50 individuals received
bpm), late decelerations, and or loss fetal heart vaginal misoprostol and 90 cases attributed to
rate variability. the sublingual misoprostol group.
There was no significant difference in the
Outcomes assay demographic characteristics between two
The primary outcome measure was the studied groups of women (Table 1). However
frequency of successful induction, defined as the Bishop Score in the sublingual group was
vaginal delivery within 24 h from the start significantly higher than the vaginal group
of induction. Secondary outcomes included (P = 0.021).
the rates of C/S due to fetal distress, time The clinical outcomes of induction in both
from first dose to active labor, induction-to groups are summarized in Table 2. Our findings
delivery interval, duration of labor; number of showed that there weren’t any statistically
misoprostol doses administered, and need for significant differences between the number of
augmentation of labor with oxytocin. Neonatal administered doses of misoprostol every four
outcomes included fetal heart rate (FHR) hours (P > 0.05). Although the frequency of two
variation during labor, intrapartum meconium doses were significantly higher than the other
passage, intrapartum fetal death, and admission group (P = 0.43). About C/S indication, most
to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). of individuals showed absence of active labor
from the sublingual group.
Statistical analysis Table 3 compared the time and outcome
Analysis was performed with SPSS software delivery in vaginal and sublingual misoprostol
(SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL version 11.5), and then group. There weren’t any significant difference
compared with χ² test and Exact Fisher test for in passive and active phase and total time of
comparison of qualitative data. After check of delivery in two groups (P > 0.05). The maternal
normality, Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal- complication presentations included residue
Wallis test were used, if normality not fitted, of placenta, tachysystole, vomiting, atoni and
Independent t-test and ANOVA test used if abdominal pain. Although there weren’t any
normality fitted to data. p-value less 0.05 was significant differences in two studied group
considered statistically significant. (P > 0.05) but abdominal pain and vomiting
were showed more in sublingual group than
Results and Discussion vaginal group. Also, the neonatal complications
including meconial and prolaps weren’t different
A total of 140 women who admitted for between two studied groups (P > 0.05).

Ayati S et al. / IJPR (2014), 13 (1): 299-304

Table 2. Clinical outcomes of induction in both groups.

Item Sublingual Group Vaginal Group p-value
Number of doses
One dose 41(%44.6) 25(%50) 0.22
Two dose 25(%27.2) 17(%34) 0.43
Three dose 12(%13) 3(%6) 0.19
Four dose 8(%8.7) 4(%8) 0.79
Five dose 2(%2.2) 1(%2) 0.94
Six dose` 4(%4.3) 0(%0) 0.13
Mode of delivery
Vaginal 78(%84.8) 45(%90) 0.60
CS 13(%14.1) 5(%10) 0.72
Vaccum 1(%1.1) 0(%0) 1.00
Indication for CS
Fetal distress 4 (%4.3) 2(%4) 0.53
Absence of active labor 6(%6.5) 1(%2) 0.21
Uterine over activity 0(%0) 0(%0) 1.00
Failure to progress 3(%3.3) 2(%4) 0.43

The results of the present study showed that associated with significant differences in the
sublingual misoprostol is effective as vaginal number of women in aspect of clinical outcomes
misoprostol for induction of labor with live term and the maternal and neonatal complication. A
fetuses. randomized controlled trial evaluated the vaginal
Previous studies had already promised and sublingual misoprostol for second trimester
the beneficial effects of pharmacological abortion (22). They showed that a higher
over mechanical cervical ripening (20, 21). effectiveness of sublingual administration, but
Previous studies showed that Misoprostol is an fever was more common in vaginal consumption
effective agent by oral, vaginal and sublingual (22). We didn’t evaluate these two methods in
administration for induction of labor before second trimester, but we found no significant
surgical termination of pregnancy. In our study, difference among the maternal complication
the vaginal and sublingual misoprostol weren’t in studied period. Saxena et al. evaluated the

Table 3. Compare time and outcome in vaginal and sublingual misoprostol in delivery.
Variables Sublingual Group Vaginal Group p-value
Passive phase of Delivery ( Hours) 8.81±6.07 8.58±5.18 0.82
Active phase of Delivery ( Hours) 2.89±1.90 2.87±1.72 0.95
Total time of Delivery ( Hours) 11.62±6.76 11.08±3.41 0.61
Maternal Complication
Residue of Placenta 2(%2.2) 1(%2) 0.87
Tachysystole 2(%2.2) 1(%2) 0.65
Vomiting 11(%12) 5(%10) 0.34
Atoni 3(%3.3) 3(%6) 0.09
Abdominal Pain 5(%5.5) 1(%2) 0.23
Neonatal complication
Meconial 5(%5.5) 3(%6) 1.00
prolaps 1(%1.1) 0(%0) 0.46

Vaginal Versus Sublingual Misoprostol for Labor Induction at Term and

sublingual versus vaginal routes of misoprostol by Medical Faculty of Mashhad University of

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