Sektor Dan Sub Sektor Perusahaan Di BEI

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Publikasi > Fact Book
Diolah oleh: Ermad MJ, SE, M.Si

1 Primary Sectors (Extractive) = Sektor Primer (Ekstraktif)

1 Agriculture = Pertanian
11 Crops = Tanaman
12 Plantations = Perkebunan
13 Animal Husbandry = Peternakan
14 Fishery = Perikanan
15 Forestry = Kehutanan
19 Others = Lain-lain

2 Mining = Pertambangan
21 Coal Mining = Pertambangan Batu Bara
22 Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Production = Produksi Minyak Mentah dan Gas Bumi
23 Metal And Mineral Mining = Pertambangan Logam dan Mineral
24 Land or Stone Quarrying = Penambangan Tanah atau Batu
29 Others = Lain-lain

2 Secondary Sectors (Industry and Manufacturing) = Sektor Sekunder (Industri dan Manufaktur)
3 Basic Industry and Chemical = Industri Dasar dan Kimia
31 Cement = Semen
32 Ceramics, Glass, Porcelain = Keramik, Kaca, Porcelain
33 Metal And Allied Products = Produk Logam dan Sekutu
34 Plastics and Packaging = Plastik dan Kemasan
35 Animal Feed = Pakan Ternak
36 Wood Industries = Industri Kayu
37 Pulp and Paper = Bubur/Ampas dan Kayu
38 Others = Lain-lain

4 Miscellaneous Industry = Aneka Industri

41 Machinery and Heavy Equipment = Mesin dan Alat Berat
42 Automotive and Components = Otomotif dan Komponen
43 Textile and Garment = Tekstil dan Pakaian
44 Footwear = Alas Kaki
45 Cable = Kabel
46 Electronics = Elektronik
49 Others = Lain-lain
5 Consumer Goods Industry = Industri Barang Konsumsi
51 Food And Beverages = Makanan dan Minuman
52 Tobacco Manufacturers = Produsen Tembakau
53 Pharmaceuticals = Obat-obatan
54 Cosmetics and Household = Kosmetik dan Rumah Tangga
55 Houseware = Peralatan Rumah Tangga
59 Others = Lain-lain

3 Tertiary Sectors (Service) = Sektor Tersier (Layanan)

6 Property, Real Estate and Building Construction = Properti, Real Estate dan Konstruksi Bangunan
61 Property and Real Estate = Properti dan Real Estate
62 Building Construction = Konstruksi Bangunan
69 Others = Lain-lain

7 Infrastructure, Utilities and Transportation = Infrastruktur, Utilitas dan Transportasi

71 Energy = Energi
72 Toll Road, Airport, Harbor and Allied Products = Jalan Tol, Bandara, Pelabuhan, dan Produk Sekutu
73 Telecommunication = Telekomunukasi
74 Transportation = Transportasi
75 Non-building Construction = Konstruksi dan Bangunan
79 Others = Lain-lain

8 Finance = Keuangan
81 Bank = Bank
82 Financial Institution = Lembaga Keuangan
83 Securities Company = Perusahaan Efek
84 Insurance = Asuransi
85 Investment Fund or Mutual Fund = Reksa Dana atau Reksadana
89 Others = Lain-lain

9 Trade, Services and Investment = Perdagangan, Jasa, dan Investasi

91 Wholesale (Durable and Non-Durable Goods) = Grosir (Barang Tahan Lama dan Tak Bernoda)
93 Retail Trade = Perdagangan Enceran
94 Tourism, Restaurant and Hotel = Pariwisata, Restoran dan Hotel
95 Advertising, Printing and Media = Periklanan, Percetakan, dan Media
96 Healthcare = Kesehatan
97 Computer and Services = Komputer dan Jasa
98 Investment Company = Perusahaan Investasi
99 Others = Lain-lain

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